Scenarios of school holidays on February 23. Song "Stove, who goes"

Scenarios of school holidays on February 23. Song
Scenarios of school holidays on February 23. Song "Stove, who goes"

Defender of the Fatherland Day at school

Unofficially Day February 23 was the holiday of all men from Mala to Great. And fine! One is a reason to give, surprise, to show attention, feel the joy of what I did someone's pleasant, others - to experience pride, from the consciousness of your belief to the male fraternity, to feel its importance, its purpose on this earth ...

Festive order

Defender of the Fatherland Day can be started with the announcement of a festive comic order. The order of the order is made on a special sheet. The class is given by the team: "Satir-but!" Or "I ask to the appreciation of the order", etc.

Approximate order of the order:

Order №001005

on the personal composition of the platoon 7 "a" class

§ 1. In the commemoration of the Day of Defender of the Fatherland, express to violent applause our admiration for the male composition of the class.

§ 2. Mark a triple "Hurray" to achieve our boys in school and sports.

§ 3. Announce gratitude to boys for reliability, solidarity, readiness to always come to the rescue.

§ 4. Defend the male half-class musical gift.

§ 5. Conduct the competition "Tagged shooter".

Commander-in-Chief of the platoon 7 "a" class

Class teacher name

"First of all - airplanes ..."

Boys (1-6 class) You can donate souvenir airplanes, on the wings of which there will be autographs of girls, or very short wishes, or one wish and autographs. After that, you can arrange such competitions:

At the time of flight - who, who longer the airplane will last in the air;

To the accuracy of getting into a given goal, for example, a sweet table (here sweets for all, but the first will take those whose aircraft "fly"),

On the best navigator - with closed eyes, holding a plane in hand, on the command of the lead you need to go through the route to the "goals". Play couples: one commands, the other goes, then change roles.

According to the results of the competition, boys receive prizes lottery tickets-tolets: for the first place - 3 tickets, for the second - 2 tickets, for the third - the fifth places - 1 ticket. Then a win-win lottery is carried out. You can do without material prizes, for example, scroll "Hurray!" In honor of the winners, as many times as they have tokens, or exchange with the winners of the handshake, stroke the head, go shopping "Mo-lo-decen!" IT. d.

Accurate shooter

For this competition requires a target. You can use the finished disk or draw the target on the board.

Each boy has several (three or five) attempts from a certain distance to get into the target arrow (ball, wand, suction cup, etc.). Depending on the number of points scored, the boys are awarded prizes. You can use the collection of a prefabricated gift, that is, the boys themselves "buy" festive sets in a prizes specially organized for them. The store has goods and price tags, for example: handle - 3 points, chewing - 2 points, caramel - 1 point, notebook - 4 points, notepad - 5 points, calendar - 6 points, juice - 7 points, key chain - 8 points, pack Cookies - 9 points, chocolate - 10 points, etc.

Password "Victory" (game-relay)

The organizers of the game are the older guys - create a creative center for the development and organization. This is the game headquarters. The maintenance of the work of the headquarters includes: Development of rules, preparation of issues and tasks of the game, design and equipment of game stages, preparation of the dispatching point.

The display of the following content is postponed in the dispatch;

In the course of the game, dispatchers fill empty cells with letters: "P", "O", "B", "E", "D", "A".

The color of the letter depends on the form of a token, which brings a connected: square tokens - the letter is red, triangular - blue, round - green.

In addition, it is necessary to prepare: route sheets for each command and for connected commands; tokens of different shapes (round, square, triangular); Account sheets.

Among the organizers of the game you need to distribute the roles:

Designers (design of game stages, dispatching point, route sheets);

Instructors (preparation of equipment game stages: signs, cards, posters, etc.; On duty at the stage, instructing individual commands in the course of the game);

Dispatchers (coordination of the movement of commands along the route, fixing the course of the game, summing up the game, instruct individual commands in the course of the game);

Consultants (assistance in the development of issues and tasks: consultation on the content of the game, in literature, etc.). Consultants can be adults;

Awarding groups (preparation of elements of awarding: pennants - winning links, incentive diplomas - active participants, memorable badges - especially distinguished guys);

The organizers of the starting and final line (preparing the venue, development of the opening ritual, the rehearsal of the song about the bottom of the Victory, the announcement of the rules of the game, demonstration of awards, familiarization with the rules of awarding awards, etc.);

Honorary jury (participation in the work on stages and presenting awards at the final line).

The game participates teams of 8-10 people. Each class can form multiple commands. The age of the participants is 12-14 years old. Head the team commander and connected.

Time is 1.5 hours.

Start. The game begins with the general collection of participants and the construction. The rules of the game are announced, instructors, dispatchers, members of the honorary jury, are demonstrated.

After that, the commanders of the teams receive route sheets, designed in such a way that at the same time the participating teams are at different stages of the game. According to the results of their stay at the stage of the connected team, it takes a tortone to the dispatching point, indicating that the team coped with questions and tasks of the stage. The form of a token means a conditional signal for the dispatching: the square is very good, the triangle is good, the circle is weak. The team receives a square token in the case of 80-100% of the correct answers, a triangular token for 60-75% of the correct answers, round - for 40-55% of the correct answers. Upon completion of the tasks, we recommend that the excrelated judgments are recommended: "Thank you", "the survey is complete," "Thank you for participating, get a token."

Giving aware, the connected cohesive his team, focusing on the rating sheet (the connected does not participate in the execution of tasks in the stage).

Sample questions and tasks at stages:

First stage: "Artists about war." The whole team or two of its representative is involved. On the board - numbered reproductions of paintings, on the table - cards with numbers. Representatives of teams take two cards and determine the picture under each number (artist, name).

For example: Yu. M. Nonununters "Rest after the fight", Kukryniks "End", V. N. Kostytsky "Retzing", Poster I. M. Tidze "Motherland-Mother calls!", A. A. Deineka "Defense of Sevastopol" , P. A. Krivonovo "Defenders of the Brest Fortress".

Second phase: "Heroes city." All players are involved.

Teams are offered photos of memorable places of cities - heroes (photos numbered). Participants with lots define the number of photographs for which it is necessary to determine the name of the city. An additional task is to recall the date of assignment of the title of "Hero City".

For example: Moscow, Brest - May 8, 1965, Leningrad - January 26, 1945, Volgograd - 1943, Odessa - 1942, Sevastopol - May 1944, Novorossiysk, Kerch - September 14, 1973, Tula - December 7, 1976, Minsk - June 26, 1974, Kiev- 1961 Murmansk, Smolensk - May 1985

Third stage: "Writers about the war." All players are involved.

Participants are offered two sets of cards: "Authors" and "Works". "The authors" lie with the back of the "works" - facial. All team members take the authors card at random. Task - find a work (me) of this author. Time - 4-5 minutes.

Work: "The Fate of Man", "Live and Dead", "Lists does not mean", "live to dawn", "Son Regiment", "Vasily Terkin", "Volokolamskoye Highway", "Tale of a real man", "Seventeen moments Spring.

Fourth stage: "Songs about the war." The whole team is involved. Music quiz using records. The following questions are used in the quiz content:

Find out a song on accession.

Name the name of the artist.

In which movie sounded a song?

Fifth stage: "Heroes and Feats." At this stage, each team participant takes a card with a fragment from the literary work. Cards are numbered. The participant reads the text to himself, and then loud calls the card number and the answer is the name of that text. If the answer is not true, you can ask the help of the team, but, of course, this is taken into account when summing up.

Approximate fragments of texts:

"A fragment of the zenith projectile fell into a gas tank of the plane, and he caught fire. Then the pilot sent a burning car on the tank column and tanks. .. " (Nikolay Gastello.)

"In the village of Petrishchev, the Nazis grabbed Komsomolka-Partizank and subjected to her torture, demanding information about the partisans. But an eighteen-year-old girl, yesterday's schoolgirl, silent. She did not even call her real name. The fascist executioners executed her. "(Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya.)

"At dawn on February 23, 1943, the division went to the attack, but was stopped by machine-gun fire of enemy jot. Fighters threatened death. Having consumed the cartridges, he rushed to the dumpling and closed the embrasure with his breast. The soldiers rushed forward and destroyed enemies. Chernushka village was taken. " (Alexander Sailors.)

"The secretary of the underground Petrovsky district of Komsomol Kalininsky region was captured by the Nazis. Fascists demanded that she call their fighting comrades. For the answer she was given 15 minutes. When these minutes have expired, Komsomolka replied: "I am ready, shoot, - and, referring to the inhabitants coented to the place of shooting, exclaimed: - I die for my homeland, for the people!" (Lisa Chaykin.)

"During the battle, he was injured and captured. For several years, the Nazis tormented him in concentration camps, demanded that he moved to the side of Germany. General every time with indignation rejected these requirements and carried out patriotic work among prisoners of war. In the February night of 1945, the executioners brought him to the cold and, dining with water, turned into an ice block. " (Dmitry Karbyshev.)

Sixth stage: "Motherland awards." All team players are involved. They offer 2 sets of cards. On some are depicted orders and medals, on the other names. The task and method of holding the sixth stage are similar to step No. 3.

Final line. It is carried out after the last stage was carried out.

On the line, the best teams are noted - those password which is written in whole or mostly letters of red. They are given diplomas and prizes of laureates. Dispatchers show an account list. The rest of the participants declared gratitude, diplomas are awarded, prizes for success in certain stages. Announced the solemn march of the participants of the game.

Scenarios on February 23 for schoolchildren

- Scenario of extracurricular activities by February 23 in elementary school . Scenario of the knightly tournament for younger schoolchildren.

Scenarios for February 23 at schoolcan be the most different, the main thing is that the holiday gets interesting and cheerful. How to organize a good holiday for schoolchildren? We bring to your attention a few ideas for celebrating February 23 at school.

By February 23, you can schedule an interesting adventure holiday. This kind of holiday is perfect for the organization of class leisure.

For the holiday of adventures, you will need to decorate the classroom in the "military" style, as well as stock props for games and contests, in addition, you can plan a festive tea party, because after everyone plays out, come up and slightly tired, sweets and tea Will be very by the way. You can also invite parents for this holiday.

So, the main component of the adventure holiday - games and contests.

Game "in the rear of the enemy"

For this game, you need a special props: two toy rifles, two tunnels from the fabric, two targets for shooting.

To carry out the competition, it is necessary to put tunnels on the floor parallel to each other, and opposite the tunnels at some distance to put the target.

At the signal, two players with a weapon in Plastanski crawl through the tunnel and knock down the target with a shot from a gun (if it didn't work off the first time - you need to shoot until it turns out or the bullets will not end), and then inlantic back through the tunnel At the start of the start.

The participant wins, who first coped with the task. This game can be played by teams, and then calculate in the number of targeted targets, which team won. The winner team must receive a prize, it can be like a material prize, and intangible, for example, as a gift can serve as a creative number of someone from classmates.

Competition "Pathfinder"

This competition is suitable for students of junior classes. It is necessary to cut the traces of different animals in advance (hare, wolf, boar, deer, etc.) and hide them in different places hall, where the holiday will be held.

The task of players - for the allotted time to track down as many animals as possible, that is, find more traces of different animals. At the signal of the lead, all players are asked for search. After a certain period of time, the presenter stops the game.

The one who managed to track down as many animals as possible. To carry out this competition, the class can be divided into two teams, for which two different territory of the hall will be enshrined, one person can participate from one team in the competition, everyone else can suggest and direct it on the trail. The winner and the whole team that helped in search of traces is awarded with prizes!

For the adventure holiday, you may come up with many exciting contests that will like schoolchildren.

February 23 is the feast of the Defender of the Fatherland, and the Defender of the Fatherland should be able to be able to all, so you can hold both in the class and in the communal level, a sports festival.

You can organize this holiday in the gym, let the high school students are fascinated by the forces, will show who is capable of. Offer schoolchildren to compete in the steamed step, lifting weights, pulling, shuttle, climbing rope. In such a holiday, both boys and girls can take part. Boys will compete in force, and girls entertain the public during a pause: schoolgirls can descend an energetic sports dance, sing a song dedicated to February 23, or read congratulations for boys, dads and grandfathers.

Plan everything so that in sports facilities there is no loser: Assign the main prize for sports progress, the prize of visual sympathies, the prize for efforts, etc. Prepare interesting gifts to all participants!

If you don't like energetic sports and adventure holidays, you can always hold a traditional holiday dedicated to February 23. Such a holiday is best done at the general school, using all schools. To carry out this holiday you will need to decorate the hall, choose the leading, traditionally, this is a boy and a girl, and also in detail to plan your holiday.

If your school has dance, choral, orchestral circles, then their teams should be invited to the celebration. They will delight audience thematic songs, dancing and compositions. If the school team has talented children who are fond of singing, rhythmic gymnastics, they can also perform on a celebration with thematic numbers.

In addition, all schoolchildren who wish to participate in the holiday can be involved: they can perform songs dedicated to military topics, such as the "soldiers, brave of the children", "officers", "there is a soldier in the city", "Young soldier" and Others, as well as please the audience thematic poems. For example, such poetry is suitable for reading:

Future defender

Every boy can become a soldier,

To fly across the sky, swimming in the sea,

Protect the border with a machine gun

To protect your depreciation.

But first on the football field

Protects the gate with himself.

And for a friend in the courtyard and school

It will take an unequal, difficult battle.

Do not let other people's dogs to the kitten -

Sprumber than playing war.

If you did not defend my sister,

How do you protect your country?

(A. Usachev)

You can finish such a holiday with Walsa, let the high school students will be invited to the dance of teachers and parents.

Also supplement such a holiday can be kids, scenes and everything that your soul wishes.

Scenario for students of 5 - 9 classes.


Leading: Today is a special holiday - the Day of Defender of the Fatherland. There would be no our country, there would be no us with you if for centuries would not be born from the enemies courageous and skillful people who do not spare their lives for the prosperity of their country. About them at all times, the epics and fairy tales, proverbs and sayings, wrote songs, poems, stories, novels.

Competition of experts

1. What does the ancient Russian expression "break a spear"?

(Enter the battle.)

2. Why a spear and shield are inseparable friends and enemies?

(Spear - striking, shield - protects.)

3. What do you know Russian warriors?

(Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich and Alesha Popovich.)

4. Whose words are: "Who will come to us with a sword, from the sword and will die"?

(Alexander Nevsky.)

5. Whose words are: "hard to study - easy in battle"?


6. Which country is homeland powder.


7. What is the name of the biggest gun, did not have a single shot from which?

(Tsar Cannon.)

8. What was the name of the old protective adaptation of the Russian warrior consisting of iron rings?


9. Who commanded Russian troops in the battle against Mama on the Kulikov field?

(Prince Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy.)

10. This word is translated from French means "Guardians". At first, the troops of the bodyguards in the warlords were so called, and then the selected army. What is this word?


11. What kind of great Russian commander belongs to the words: "Russia is not lost with the loss of Moscow"?

(Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov.)

12. What is the name of a teenager studying the sea?

(Cabin boy.)

13. What are the names of the Shoulder Signs in the Russian Army and Fleet?

(Epaulets, epolets.)

14. What kind of troops do you know?

(Air defense, tank, rocket, artillery, firefighters, chemical, automobile, motorized rifle, military-building, communication troops.)

15. What are the Heroes of the Soviet Union known to you, who were awarded this honorary title for the courage and the heroism of their defenders.

(Moscow, Brest, Minsk, Kiev, Leningrad, Murmansk, Sevastopol, Tula, Kerch, Odessa, Stalingrad, Smolensk.)

16. This literary hero is a soldier of the Great Patriotic War - a monument was put on his author's homeland - in Smolensk. What's his name?

(Vasily Terkin.)

17. Which of the Soviet constructors of small arms created a new type of machine and automatic machine guns?

(Mikhail Timofeevich Kalashnikov.)

Leading: Over the centuries, an endless attack of enemies from all over the world reflected Russia: First, the Polovtsy rushed to Russia, then the innumerable Mongolo Tatar Horde, then from the West, a heavy wrought-iron wall was kicker-crusaders, Poles and Lithuanians rushed to Moscow ...

How expensive went to our country the last victory - in the Great Patriotic War! All the people - from Mala to Velika - rose to defend his homeland. We meet participants in this war sometimes - in the subway, in the store, on the street. Sukland old men and old women. It is difficult for us to imagine their young. During the war, many of them were 18-20 years old. They fought with the enemy, without sparing their lives.

When they crubbed the alarm

In the beloved edge

Fucked boyfriend

In the harsh soldier's system.

Boys, boys,

You first rushed into battle!

Boys, boys,

The country whorested themselves!

Boys, boys,

You go to battle tomorrow.

Boys, boys,

Return to live home!

Student: Together with boys on the front, girls were leaving. Well, they could not bother at home when the country was in danger! Fragile, tender, fashionista, coquettes, they went to the army, in the partisans and engaged in severe army work. Sovieties, scouts, nurses ... They risked life on a par with male soldiers, they saved the male soldiers, putting them, wounded, from under fire on themselves, under fire.

Schoolgirl (reads the poem Y. Drunina "In 1941"):

What amazing faces

The military registration and enlistries saw then!

Tells a beauties of a young series.

It seemed that they fell a lot to be born

In the jackets of the noble nest.

It seemed sophistication to them a century

Invested in the guide, in gestures, in a light mill.

Where they took this to become workers kids

And the fortress reproduction of peasants? ..

Everyone went and walked: from high school,

From Philfak, from MEI and from Mai -

The color of youth, Elite Komsomol,

The turgenev girls are mine.

The presenter offers the guys to name the heroes of the Great Patriotic War with a short story about the hero. (Guys are preparing for this task in advance.)

Leading: We go to the reserve veterans, their places are occupied by young soldiers and officers. Someday it will have many of you. The officer of the Russian Army came to visit us today. (Invited in advance.) Let him give him a word.

Guest talks about the army, about the service. The guys ask him questions about the army. Then thank it and give him flowers.

In the course of the program, all sorts of contests are held. At the end of each competition, chocolate medals are awarded winners.

Musical accompaniment:

❖ "Soldatshi - Braves of the children."

❖ "Second Concert" S. Rakhmaninova.

❖ "Bogatyr Symphony" I. Borodin.

❖ "Military March" G. Sviridova.

❖ "Bogatyr Our Silhona" A. Pakhmutova.

Then the lead holds various contests.

Games and competitions for the holiday February 23

"Cook porridge from the ax"

Boys must list that they need it except the ax and water so that it turns out a hearty and tasty food.

Contest of proverbs and sayings

Who will remember the sayings and proverbs on military topics. Called in a circle. Who can't continue, dropping away. Wins the one who called the last saying.

Examples of sayings:

❖ The smoke is heated, shell shaves.

❖ The bad is the soldier who does not dream of becoming a general.

❖ Heavy in teaching, easy in battle.


❖ "Fight on the bridge" (who first falls from the log.)

❖ "Cooker fight" (both "Bogatyr" will jump on one leg, the task is to fill the opponent from the circle.)

❖ "Tightening a rope".

Competition "Sanitara"

It is necessary to provide first medical assistance when injured in hand. The one who is better and faster will pass the hand of the "wounded fighter" hand. Instead of bandages, you can use toilet paper.

Competition "Masking"

One of the players becomes facing the wall. All other participants line up in one line behind his back at the lead and should be sneaky to lead and touch his shoulder. If the host hears the approach of "saboteur", he says "Stop!", This player cannot continue to move. Makes an attempt next. Wins the one who closer to the lead.

Competition "Strip of obstacles"

Various items are roughened by each other. Each player on the neck is put on the bell. Players must move through the clutter so that the bell has no rang. If the bell is squeezed, the player drops out of the game. He did not pass obstacles.

Competition "Scouts"

It is necessary to spin the inlets under the ropes, stretched above the ground at a height of no more than 10 cm. The distance is at least 2.5 m. The rope should not be tuned.

Competition "Throwing grenades"

It is carried out in the open space. It is necessary to knock down the "grenade" objects placed at a distance of 10 m from the player.

Competition "Forekogo Swamp"

"Backers" are set on the floor - cut out of paper circles a little more feet. They need to move "to the other beach". Who gets cold, comes out of the game.

Event on February 23 (scenario) for boys - future soldiers. Let at least for a few minutes become soldiers and through participation in competitions on the day of the Defender of the Fatherland, all military services are learned.

Lead - Voiruk (high school students)

Voiruk. Many boys will have service in the Russian army. The soldier's service is known, not easy, so you need to be prepared in advance for the fact that many difficulties have to overcome the serviceman, protecting your homeland, your home.

Only the most courageous will become real defenders of the Fatherland. After all, since the time of Ancient Russia, it was heard that men rose to protect their families. Men built a dwelling, defended from the enemies, were food miners, thereby giving the opportunity to a woman to keep the hearth, raise children, to conduct a household and loyal to love their defender.

(Song sounds for military topics)

Voiruk. Let's play the comic game on February 23, where the boys are invited to become soldiers and think about how the soldier serves - easily or difficult.

Begin! Take a separate platoon of the Samara garrison, ordinary ... (reads a list of commands)
Each soldier dreams of passing the way from the soldier to the general - about this much is said in folk wisdom. Try and you today are the difficulties of this path.

Competitive task number 1. Military titles.

Spread the military ranks in the right order - from the lowest rank to the highest. Participants are distributed envelopes with cards on which military ranks are written. The team must lay out the other the rest of the ranks.

Private, Efreitor, Junior Sergeant, Sergeant, Senior Sergeant, Starshina, Envastor, Senior Envastor, Junior Lieutenant, Lieutenant, Senior Lieutenant, Captain, Major, Lieutenant Colonel, Colonel, General.

Voiruk. Term theoretical and practical training are held. We check the theoretical knowledge of the soldiers who should be with them and from school bench.

Competitive task number 2. Quiz.

1. Famous Russian commander of the 18th century, which owns words - "hard in teaching is easy in battle."
2. What was the name of a Russian girl who served in the cavalurist shelf?
3. Name the name of the American machine gun inventor.
4. What in the military strategy means "pig", "ticks"?
5. After the battle, with what enemy, prince Alexander became Nevsky?
6. What kind of formidable weapons of the Times of the Great Patriotic War are called "Stalin's Organ"?
7. What is the name of a teenager, a maritime case?
8. Exchange the dates of the beginning and end of the Great Patriotic War.
9. What was the name of the Russian commander under the leadership, whom the Kulikovsky battle was won?
10. Name the colors of the flag of Russia in order.
11. What is the highest title in the Russian army?
12. Name the name of the commander-in-chief of the Russian army who defeated the French Army of Napoleon in 1812.
13. What is the name of the shelter for firing?
14. Who established the Andreev flag?
15. How did the soldiers called the troops established by the king Ivan Grozny?
16. Name the name of the creator of the king gun.

Keys: 1) A.V. Svorov, 2) N.Durova; 3) High Maxim; 4) construction of troops; 5) with the Swedes; 6) Katyusha; 7) Jung; 8) June 22, 1941 - May 9, 1945; 9) Dmitry Don; 10) white, blue, red; 11) generalissimulate; 12) M.I. Cutuzov; 13) turn; 14) Peter I 15) Sagittarius; 16) Andrei Chokhov.

Voiruk. Any task should be on the shoulder of the present soldier. So check how the soldiers will decide the tasks of Gregory Oster No. 250, 251, 252.

Voiruk. Theoretical training was checked. All tasks were not bad, but how things will be faced with practitioners - they will show the following competitive tasks. Do our future soldiers know how to handle weapons, do they have developed dexterity, accuracy? Let's see.

Competitive task number 3. "Luke and arrows."

At the team, every soldier "shoots" a bulb into a goal (bucket). Every 5 attempts have.

Competitive task number 4. "Disarmament program."

According to the disarmament program, each team needs to "neutralize" nuclear missiles - remove the "warheads" from them.
The rope is tied with plastic bottles closed with covers. Players need to unscrew the covers - "warheads" and "neutralize" rocket. At the end of the game, the number of the "warheads" covers is calculated at each command.

Voiruk. It's time to restore forces. Announced the halt. Everyone needs to relax.

Stage "Shave"

The guys are sitting by a semicircle and talk.
The first soldier. Well, the heavy day got out ...
Second soldier. Yes, it would not hurt to build ...
Third soldier. I will tell you such an army anecdote now - exactly the whole dream will disappear!

The soldier asks the commander:
- Comrade Commander, and barracks allowed TV to watch?
- You can look at the TV in the barracks, with one condition - do not include!

The first soldier.

Soldiers ask the captain:
- What kind of sport do you like?
- Football! - Replies captain.
- And what team do you like better?
- Soldiers get up!

Second soldier.

Soldiers remove the territory of the military unit. One asks another:
- And they say that the earth is round. It's true?
"True, just don't talk about this senior, and then it will force."

Third soldier.

- Soldier Ivanov, do you know how to swim?
- Yes sir!
- Where did you learn this?
- In the water, Comrade Commander!

Voiruk. Well rested and our participants have fun. Probably the next competition for February 23, participants will pass with ease.

Competitive task number 5. "Dancing, dancing, dancing ..."

All participants need to do the dance as you can fulfill. (O. Gasmannov Squadron sounds). The one who gets the hottest applause wins.

Voiruk. Everyone knows that in the provinity in the army, the soldier relies the outfit in the kitchen. The most common task, for the guilty soldier, is cleaning potatoes in huge quantities. To fulfill such work requires a skill. Today we will develop it.

Competitive task number 7. "Outfit in the kitchen."

Futive soldiers need to clean potatoes. The main condition so that the peel was removed in the form of one long tape. (Time arbitrary.)

Voiruk. Now, while commanders are the results of competitive tasks, we will put our future soldiers to answer the question: "Is the life of a soldier?"

The jury team sums up. The winners of the script for February 23 is assigned the title "Excellence of the Armed Forces".

On the eve of the male holiday, I would like to spend a very interesting and fun concert in the school institution so that he will be remembered for a long time. Therefore, many teachers and parents have a question: how to celebrate on February 23 at school fun to remember for a long time? You can organize an unusual holiday with a variety of contests and games. To do this, carefully consider an interesting idea, to determine the most fun contests for the Day of Defender of the Fatherland. It is very important to joyfully and perfectly spend your pre-holiday day.

When holding a school holiday, on February 23, you need to come up with a wide variety of contests.

You can use the following:

  • Competition Defenders. This competition on February 23 for school is best done with friends in high school. To carry out all the boys to share several teams. In any team you need to send several girls. At the signal, each boy must transfer a classmate on the opposite direction. The team wins, which in a shorter time will cope with the conditions, and also one of the opposite side will be more girls.
  • Characteristic. To carry out this task, you must attract girls. To do this, it is necessary to prepare each leaf with the handle, the teacher must prepare certain cards with the names and surnames of classmates. Each schoolgirl comes up to the table, chooses a card, and for a certain time gives a characteristic classmate whose name will be written in the card. It is necessary to pick up beautiful epithets describing the nature and behavior of the schoolchildren. The girl wins, who will have the greatest number of adjectives for a certain time.
  • The battle. If there is a question: it is interesting to be noted on February 23 at school with classmates, you need to remember about a fun and funny contest. To hold it, it is necessary to bond a bench from the gym, prepare two pillows. Two boys get up on the opposite directions, they begin to fight with pillows, the one who stands on a small shop, you can also come up with several rounds, the winner will be the one who will have more victories.

Merry contests

Congratulations to boys

  • The strongest. For this contest, a certain number of match boxes should be prepared, and it is necessary to extract the inner part. After that, put on the box the upper part, by the team each schoolboy must unlock the matchbox with one blow. Wins the one who is best to break the box.
  • Minefield. For this competition, you need to divide the whole class into two teams. After that, place bottles with carbonated water. The essence of the competition is that it is necessary to run every participant of the team to the opposite side of the class, having fallen all the bottles, and it is impossible to touch them. In the same way to return back. The best one command that fastest will accurately perform this task.
  • Rope. The competition for boys is best carried out for students of primary classes. To do this, you need to divide all schoolchildren for two teams, prepare a rope. The essence of the competition is to drag the rope to your side. Competition can be made fun and perky, spend several stages. The team wins the team that can drag opponents to their side.
  • Patrol. Very interesting and creative contest for the Day of Defender of the Fatherland for school classes. The essence of the task is that certain things are selected, they are covered with a special bedspread. At the command, the cape is removed at a certain time, after that the guys must remember how much things you can have. After a certain time, the covered is closed again, they give a leaf and handle, for a certain period of time, you need to write more items that are under the cape. Wins the one who in the list will be more objects.
  • Scene. You can prepare a special scene of military topics. For this, it is important to choose the work, to determine the roles between classmates, prepare props and clothing.
  • Dance. How to celebrate February 23 at school? Girls can be prepared beautiful and cheerful dance on military topics.

Military dance


Finally, I want to supplement to get a truly cheerful and joyful holiday on February 23, you need to come up with a variety of creative contests that will cause only positive emotions from schoolchildren.

The most important thing is to prepare good prizes that you need to present the winners, other guys should also not be ignored. Thus, it is possible to involve as much students of different classes as possible.

Congratulatory dance video:

Video of a cheerful scene on Defender of the Fatherland Day: