Scenario dedicated to autumn for the house of culture. Scenario of the concert and entertainment program "Golden Autumn"

Scenario dedicated to autumn for the house of culture. Scenario of the concert and entertainment program "Golden Autumn"

Purpose: The formation of the foundation of aesthetic culture, the development of artistic abilities of pupils, the ability to organize their leisure.

A task: Create an atmosphere of the holiday, take part in the manufacture of autumn crafts, show your fantasy and creativity.

Learn hardworking, be friendly and inquisitive.

In the role of the "Autumn" - the educator of Yashchenko Anna Borisovna.

(on the screen Screensaver Autumn video "Autumn in St. Petersburg")

1 Presenter: And again autumn sweating

Nature hangs in the living room,

Under the sounds of the song of the crane,

Under the leaves Golden Light!

Good evening!

2 Host: Good evening, dear friends!

Today in this hall invited us

Romantic, mysterious, flavored,

Unpredictable, power Madam Autumn.

1 Presenter: She was given from the rain

Her arrival did not miss

And promote easy sadness

She does not find explaining.

2 Host:

Autumn invited you here to give all his last, wonderful moments, which enjoy the scent of autumn colors, bright tempting beauty of the gathered fruits and, of course, in the autumn, thoughtful and at the same time joyful mood.

1 Presenter:

Yes, yes, because really, autumn is not only joy! Why? Because in the fall beautiful around! Merry time for the year - in winter.

2 Host:

And so today we will not only sigh and be sad in unison romantic madamine of autumn, but also having fun, sing and dance.

1 Presenter:

And today the competitive program opens the masterpieces, and we would have told the work of arts, you, dear friends turned out to be real designers and fantasies.

2 Host:

Therefore, 1 Competitions are homework. "Autumn fantasy" It was the following, each apartment was supposed to prepare original crafts from autumn fruits namely from vegetables and fruits, you had real masterpieces, and it was time to submit our participants and a lot of respected jury.

And so the jury: 1 Loskutov Kirill - a pupil of 10 square meters.

2 Dolgorukova S. E. Zapaccum PU-70

3 Dukhanina Z. S. Educator 24 kV

4 Goryavinaov V.I.- Senior Educator Chairman of the jury

Competitors: For 1 table, 5 square meters. Anastasia and Julia.

2 tables - 6 square meters. Tanya and Olya.

3 tables 8 square meters. Kohl and Seryozha.

4 tables - 9 square meters. Christina and Alina.

5 tables - 10 square meters. Sasha and Roman.

6 tables - 17 square meters. Misha and Andrey.

7 table - 23 square meters. Svetlana and Christina.

8 table - 24 square meters. Anastasia and Anya.

9 table - 25 square meters. Vladimir and Eugene.

10 tables - 26 square meters. Maxim and Arcasha.


(Comes in a suit "Autumn" with a basket with fruits and cakes)

I am autumn-Queen Bala!

I called you all here,

So you danced here

And everyone glorified me:

For generosity, my beauty,

All who have come, thank you!

Let music sound in the hall,

Autumn to dance tells!

And the dancers have notice

We note all pies!

"Autumn Waltz" performed by Kulk N. N. Music of Schubert.

Autumn you favorably

Only she tells everything:

You will soon turn the brain

Answer questions.

Game with spectators.


I ask you questions, and you give answers.

Is it true

1. Americans eat salted cucumbers with jam? (Yes)

2. In the Caucasus Salted Watermelons? (Yes)

3. Can the lichen eat a stone? (Yes, they allocate special acids that slowly destroy rocks)

4. Blue roses grow in Japan? (Yes, the Japanese in 2009, after 26 years of research, finally raised dream roses. It was possible to achieve this with the help of genetic engineering. A new range of roses got the name "Applauds" (Applause). We often sell roses of blue shades in stores But they are made all of white roses using the dye.

In Folklore, China these roses mean hope for success in love).

5. Will the birds flying to warm edges, there are nests? (not)

6. Camels store water reserves in humps? (No, there are grease reserves there. The water supply is stored, along the walls of the Camel of the Camel, there are small cavities, in shape resembling flasks ...).

Autumn treats audience with fruit pear, apples from their basket.

Autumn sits on the Honorary Chair.

1 Presenter: Oh, how many thoughts, so much insights.

Are in gravity autumn

And so many new lines-poems

Rain melodies, wind chants

Only collect her gifts and hurt

How beauty descends to the ground.

2 Host: Autumn always inspired poets, and now we are declared a poetic competition. Our contestants prepared verses of autumn and now we will listen to them. And we provide the word contestants 1 table, etc. (everyone alternately read their poems).

Performance of Yulia Svirsko sounds the song "Rain" Music A. Razin

Now we declare a pantomime contest.

Pantomime is the art of creating an image with the help of facial expressions and plastic theatrical representation without words.

each contestant is invited to take the autumn leaves on the turnover, which is written to the task:

Squirrel pans on the winter nuts.

The bear falls in the winter hibernation.

The next competition is given to you, within one minute from the leaves, fold the word cleaning (autumn vacation, holloin, rich harvest, etc.)

And we have a musical pause.

And we interrupt a little to wonder for which we gathered here "What is autumn?"

And the answer to this question you will hear in the song Igor Kustov "What is autumn?" Music Y. Shevchuk.

1 Presenter: Late fall. All sky in tears

The wind is cold sings in the wires

And, I go to the last flight

Leaves dancing autumn focust.

For you, a dance group with the naughty name "Autumn Kaleidoscope"

The next contest "Black Box" sounds music What? Where? when?

The presenter makes a "black box" to the contestants are offered to the touch to guess one or another vegetable or fruit and a few words that can be prepared from it.

Song "Autumn" performed by Sasha Ovchinnikova.

And the last comic contest "Dance".

It is called 5 young men with chairs, a different dance composition sounds (Waltz, Sambo, Cha-Cha-cha, Guli-Guli, Sex Bom) each by 40-45 seconds.

5 girls with chairs (dance "Little ducklings", "Striptease", "Tango", etc.)

The jury summarizes.

The farewell song "Leaves Yellow" sounds. Music Raymond Paulsa performed by Vannikova L. A. and Shaichutdinov Fedor.

Autumn awards all gifts and cakes.

Scenario of the concert in the framework of the "autumn week of good!" "Kindness for the soul." Life is given only once and need to live it so that there is no disappointment from the last day, month, year. Bird born for flight, and man for happiness. Each of us wants to be happy. People's wisdom reads "Happiness reaches the one who seeks to make the others of others." If you want people to treat you well, then you yourself should, first of all, should be honest, attentive, merciful, kind.

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"Society of the concert" kindness for the soul ""

Scenario of the concert in the framework of the "autumn week of good!"

"Kindness for the soul"

Leading (Against the background of quiet music):

In life, you can live in different ways -

It is possible in trouble, and you can - in joy,

On time there is to drink on time

In time to make nasty.

And so possible:

At dawn, get up -

And, thinking about the miracle,

Hand cut the sun

And give it to people.

Hello, dear guests! In this amazing autumn day, we want to give you the warmth of our hearts, the joy of the soul and just a good mood!


Life is given only once and need to live it so that there is no disappointment from the last day, month, year. Bird born for flight, and man for happiness. Each of us wants to be happy. People's wisdom reads "Happiness reaches the one who seeks to make the others of others." If you want people to treat you well, then you yourself should, first of all, should be honest, attentive, merciful, kind.

1. For you sounds a song in the "Little Prince"


What is the most important thing in a person?

What is the deep soul beauty?

The main thing is wise, subtle, glorious -

It is undoubtedly a kindness!

This is a balm for the soul of man.

This is the road that fortunately leads,

Remember that from the very first century

Good - luck and loves, and waiting.


Anger if the throat will suddenly approach

Do try someone good

Bile facilitate the place will give way to

Light flashes silver on the soul!

Good living, of course, easier,

You do not hold a stone for the sinuse

Just good - it's a stone stronger

Kameshkov evil, cunning and lies!

2. Now listen to the song "I would like to draw a dream"


In each of us there is a small sun. This is the sun - kindness. A kind person loves nature and guards her. A kind person is the one who loves people and helps them. The kindness of weak makes strong, strong generous, and the whole world is cleaner and brighter.

3. Invoice, girls with dance


Kindness, first of all, should live in your hearts.

Good hearts are gardens.

Good words - roots.

Good thoughts - flowers.

Good deeds - fruit.

4. So care for your garden, do not let it overflow by sores, but will betray the power of growth and flowering your garden wonderful song "Russia is you and me"


Man is the most perfect, the most reasonable creature on Earth. As he is beautiful when grateful, honest, creates good, with his actions decorates our land. A lot of songs, poems, proverbs are folded about friendship and kindness. I suggest everyone together to make up the proverbs proposed by phrases. Guests and children take part.

The game. "Gather Proverbs"

We invite you to go out on the scene of 5 guests and 5 children. Participants receive a piece of phrase.

The team needs to find, who from players continued your phrase, combine them and voice.


The world is not without good people., Life is given to good deeds., Do not do other things that you don't want to yourself., Look at the one who does not make anyone, evil cries from envy, good from joy.


Do not stand aside indifferent,

When someone has trouble.

Rush to revenue need

Any minute, always.

And if someone, someone help

Your kindness and your smile,

You are happy that the day was not in vain was lived.

What years you live are not in vain!

5. Song "Mamina Hands"


As if life is not flying

Days no regret

Do good things

For the sake of people's happiness.

So that the heart is burning,

Not tortured in the MGL

Do goodies

Those we live on earth.

6. Listen to the song "Ah, School"


Good mood creates movement, sport

7. Cyril for you will sing a song about sports. Meet.

Let's get friends in kindness. Now put your right hand on the man's shoulder on the right - this means that you have a friend who can be re-made. Left hand hug a person on the left - this means that you are ready to support a friend.


Darite, people, warm words!

In order for the head of them.

After all, the word can soul heal,

Or may just hurt and kill.

After all, the word can create beauty.


And may be delayed, and leave.

After all, in the word every whole country!

From maliciously, war begins,

And they originate offends, revenge.

Oh, how many words! They all do not count.

Let's create happiness!

After all, the word is the world and grace!


Suitable by the end so unusual, such a bright and kind holiday. We thank all the participants, all guests for their responsiveness, kindness and warmth, the particles of which they gave! Bye! To new meetings!

Objectives: bring up a sense of excellent; Develop communicative qualities.

Concert's move

1st presenter.

Come to us, autumn, visit!

Bring rowan borders,

Honey sweet, thick,

Bunch of golden,

Ripe and ruddy apples

Kabachkov and Eggplant.

Collect fruits with fields,

They will not spare them for us.

We love your gifts.

There is no pores in the year!

Executed dance.

2nd lead. How from a wonderful fairy tale came to us Tsarina Autumn. Waving bright beads on all trees, stuck with a crimped boot, shook her gold curls, and gold sprinkled with trees. Take it, forest residents! Sheltered the autumn with a yachon carpet of land, our cormal.

Dlowed the wind, rooted on the autumn of brocade outfits. Not until the outfit to her. With the fields, not all the crop is removed, not all the birds flew into affectionate and warm south, not all forest residents prepared for a long winter. Many autumn worries and troubles.

1st lead. The beginning of autumn is called the Babi summer connecting two times of the year. Young Indian Summer begins on August 28 and lasts until September 11th. Old Indian Summer illuminates us with autumn blush from September 14 to 21. They call it another paustical lady in summer, because the myriads of the finest threads sparkle in the air. And calendar autumn, as accepted, begins with the first of September.

Song sounds.

2nd presenter.

How beautiful autumn in motley sundress!

In the pure sky - millet, maple burns like a flame.

Above water birch Gold candle,

And the leaves float down the quiet river.

Music sounds, autumn is included.

Fall. Hello, deubrachka my dear! Hello, my sunts are gold! How glad I see you! I'm glad to your laughter with a rush! I am glad to smiles your wonderful! Do you know who I am?

Yes, I am autumn. Do you know how my months are called? (September, October, November.) Do you know how these months were called in the old days?

1st presenter. Old monthly months and sacraticles were called September Ryuin - from the yellowness of autumn foliage, Vessel - from the blooming heather, Ruong - because of the wind of the wind, the gloomy - due to rain and bad weather. Hot harvest has moved away, street walking and games began.

Here, guys, we will play now. I will fade you puzzles, And you try to guess them.

1. Grew - increased, rose from the bush,

Hands rolled, it was found on the teeth. (Nut.)

2. In the ground, crumbs, from the land of the pellet. (Grains.)

3. Rusted the young lady in bed, dressed in noisy silk.

We prepare bags and large salts for it. (Cabbage.)

4. Necazist, stitch, and she will come to the table,

Will be the fun guys: "Well, crumbly, tasty!" (Potato.)

5. Summer in the garden is fresh, green,

And in winter in a barrel, strong, salty. (Cucumbers.)

Executed dance.


In the people of October, they are called flatfall, wedding. It is not unfordive, dumbstones, glad to the farewell warmth and last colors - grades.

1st presenter.

When the autumn dust of a junk bread paints in yellow color,

Star meadows - Earth Astra Heavenly Stars Swall Hi.

She looks, opening the eyelashes, on the dark blue sky,

Where her bright sisters have a fun dance.

Performed by artistic amateur time.

2nd lead. Asters - the last smile of autumn. They are beautiful and unpretentious. According to the legend, Astra grew out of the dust falling from the star.

1st presenter.

In the blue field, cold shadows,

White frost in the garden at the dawn ...

Chrysanthemums bloom, chrysanthemums,

Autumn day stands on the yard.

2nd lead. More than 10 thousand varieties of chrysanthemum exist in the world, and it is incredibly difficult to assert with reliability, when the ancient peoples began to engage in their breeding. Images of chrysanthemums Archaeologists find the fragments of marble and pottery. Chrysanthemums appear with the first frosts and therefore are in autumn cold and attractive. What other autumn flowers do you know? (Dahlia.)

1st presenter.

The borders of Ryabina are poured,

Crane broken breakdown.

Georgina bloom in the panelies

Like the last leaves, burn.

2nd presenter. According to ancient legend, Georgina appeared on the site of the last red campfire when the glacial period occurs as a sign that the glaciation is not forever, that life and joy on earth will always.

Song sounds.

Fall. I spurled my wreath of autumn colors and leaves. This wreath will help us to play.

Autumn spends the game "Tell the Wreath" (similar to the game Running to the music around the chairs). He whom the wreath remains in his hands when stopping music, leaves. The last participant is the winner.

1st presenter. And the third autumn month is November. He September is grandson, October October, Zima Native - Battyushka. In the people, it is called breast: from the pile of frozen land. In November, cranes, shaking, starlings, organizes, herons fly to warm south, so as not to freeze from the winter jellows.

2nd lead. And you now prepare your palms, we will warm up.

The dance is executed, the presenter shows movements. 1st presenter. In November, "Winter" is struggling with autumn, diminished days, the nights are added dark, starry. Cool matinees include frosting. Many proverbs are dedicated to autumn. Do you know them?

The game "Continue proverbs".

1. Single at the time - you collect ... (Grains Mountain).

2. Any seed knows ... (his time).

3. Without the owner, the Earth is a round ... (orphan).

4. Work and torment, and feeds, and ... (teaches).

5. Fell from the tree autumn sheet - wait ... (autumn).

Executed dance.

1st lead. At all times, poets and writers praised the beauty of autumn nature. Remember?

2nd presenter.

There is an initial short, but marvelous time.

The whole day is as if crystal and radiant evenings ...

1st presenter.

Forest, exactly led painted,

Purple, gold, crimped,

Cheerful, Moto Wall

It is standing over a light polar.

2nd presenter.

Golden autumn - wonderful time!

Silver and gold covered the forest, fields,

Decreased leaflers like colored moths.

Fall. Look at how many guys in this room in beautiful autumn costumes, let them give a word.

Those who want to give autumn their poems, songs. Fall. Well done boys. And now I suggest to take part in the game.

The game "Transfer potatoes in a spoon". Children are built into two columns. The task of players is holding potatoes in an elongated hand in a spoon, run to a certain place, go back and pass the next way.

Performed by artistic amateur time.

Fall. You played nicely today, danced, guess the riddles, answered quizzic questions, and now we will sum up the contest of crafts from natural material and drawing contest. They became ... (declaring results).

And now I say goodbye to you until next year. Goodbye, guys!

Leading. To new meetings!

Sounds joining the song "Autumn leaves". The presenter goes on the stage, fulfilling the first verse song. Next - improvisational text.

The program will be the poems of Oleg Burdukova.

Lapitsky's Valetius. Composer, Pedagogue Kki wrote several works for Orchestra N.I. One of which is now performed by the laureate of international, regional and interregional contests, the orchestra of the Folk Instruments KKA.
Head and conductor Orchestra - Olga Greenberg.

Little Overture for Orchestra N.I. "Krasny Yar"

Terrestrial generosity
By winter from summer transition
And full of heaven space wide
Eutful beauties!

Like the Light Divine in the night,
How the unrestrained distance is trembling ...
And tears tear tired sadness
And the hurricane light rain sounds.

Flight of the souls on the part not to break ...
You cry, because tears see this light,
And he wakes up the dawn dawn,
And the grace will fall into the heart!

Vera urban arr. R.N.P.
"Dawn, dawn"

Take a pencil with my own
Flowers of beautiful fragrance,
Hopes of gloomy blazing
Emotion charge kilowatt,
Take with you all the beauty
And thoughts stupid heights
Throwing languid sadness -
And - in the distance.

Peter Bulakhov. Sl. Pavel Vyazemsky
"Troika". Sings a student of the 3rd course Kki Vyacheslav Vasilyev

Dissected its bedspread
In the depths of the clouds of Babi Autumn.
And insanely mounted millet
Whipped down in this unprecedented.

Shelshalla foliage elastic
Slopping from the birch of clothes.
And fatty, snow-white,
Bowed a happy wife.

Soft wind tearing the breath,
Silence serenely caress
Waiting for tender force men
Enjoyed it with a bow.

Sergey Taneyev. Sl. Alexey Tolstoy
"Not the wind, vene from the height"
Andrei Domakhin - Student 4 Course Kki,

I'm not afraid that the sky will fall,
And I'm not afraid that suddenly the sun will not sit down,
Let only warm your opinion
And your voice is calling me.

R.N.P. "I will go out"


Must the motive of your soul we feel
To music to give music to the people.
And let her slide to the legs,
Ile Eparret
She is free ... she burns!

Joakino Rossini _____________________
Cavatina Figaro from the opera "Sivilian Barber"
Orchestra N.I. Performed: Laureate of International Competitions - Student KGAMIT -
Dmitry Korostelev (Bayan) _____________________________

How do you want,
To come true all the madness of dreaming,
How do you want to believe in a fairy tale at least a moment,
And behind the windows of the rain drops are waves waves,
And on the puddles
Light lunar draws a divine face.

George Sviridov "Waltz"
Again the wind crazy breaks the heavenly blue
On asphalt knocks small, noisy autumn rain.
You will pay, with longing, in a dream, as if I have in reality -
Love everything in the world, you hope you believe and wait.

Sergey Ponomarev. Two concert plays on the topics R.N.P.

Epilogue: I love these days when the idea is already clear
and the topic is guess
And then everything is faster and faster, obeying the key -
as in a "farewell symphony" -
closer to the final - you remember, Haidna -
musician, having understood his party, quench the candle
And leaves - everything is spacious in the forest now -
Musicians go -
Scores of foliage overtakes a string for a string -
Candles fell in the orchestra one after another -
Musicians go -
Soon all the candles in the orchestra will go out
one by one -
Quietly dug birch in the autumn forest, burn rowan,
and as the foliage flies from the Autumn Osin
Forest becomes more transparent
exposing such depths
That becomes an explicit all the secret essence of nature.
All spacious, all the gloover in the autumn forest -
Musicians go -
Soon the violin is the latter in the hand of violinist -
And the last flute is Zaked in Silence -
Musicians go -
Soon, soon the last candle will go out in our orchestra ...
I love these days, in their cloudless,
in their turquoise frame
When everything is so understandable in nature,
so clear and quietly circle
When you can easily and calmly think about life,
about death, about glory and many other
You can also think about many other things.


The daily audience of the portal is about 100 thousand visitors who are in total viewing more than half a million pages according to the attendance counter, which is located to the right of this text. In each column, two digits are specified: the number of views and the number of visitors.

Scenario of the literary and musical living room "Three Autumn"

Song of the group "DDT" "What is autumn?"

1st Vedas Good evening friends! We are glad to welcome you in our meeting. As you already understood from the song, our conversation will go today about the amazing time of the year - autumn.


Glory to you, podfully

Joyful brief rest!

Solar shine your wonderful

With ours plays the river.

The grove plays the crimson

With sowing berries in saint,

As if the holiday was granted

On Zlatogry's horses!

Video clip about autumn.

Leading. Today we will talk, probably about the most beautiful time of the year, and how the poets, writers, artists and musicians depict the fall in their works.

Student.On the bunches of Ryabina rain fell,
Maple leaf knitting over the ground.
Ah, autumn, again you caught us out
And again put on the outfit golden.
You bring with you sad violin,
So that the sad motive above the fields sounded
But we are you, autumn, we meet with a smile
And we invite everyone to our festive hall!

Leading. Autumn in Russia has always been sometimes sometimes chased by many writers, poets, artists and musicians. It was seen in it and the unique beauty of the Russian nature, which in the fall dressed in the Golden Plant, shimmering his lush with a lighter. Golden autumn magnicity. Pure and transparent air. Warm and spacious world.

The actors are the leading.
1 .Fall…
"At such a time wise nature
We are on weekdays opens miracles ... "-
What are the magnificent words! Sparkling, warm, magical!

2 . There are no doubtful words. But I don't really love autumn. Smeadously somehow after a fun summer to look at non-existent wonders, and even admire what is not!

1. Yes, you just imagine! Falling leaves, all shades of honey! Come on, turn on imagination!

2. Well!
1 . What is "well"?

2. Introduced.
1 . And what did you introduce?
2 . An old, tired janitor all day launcher fallen leaves.
1 . So, develop your thought further.
2. And they all fall and fall ..

1. Already better!
2. Fall and fall ...
1. You're repeating yourself…
2 . And now he goes home - drink tea with honey ... Colors of fallen leaves.
1. The talent of the storyteller disappears in you, you intrigued me, I really want to know what kind of honey was?
2 . And the honey did not turn out in the pot!
1 . How it did not turn out! You yourself said: "An old janitor goes home to drink tea with honey."
2. And the honey was a bear ate!
1 . Yes ... well, you have an imagination! You, right, forgot that the bears fall in the hibernation in the fall.
2. So I'm talking about this: everything dies, everything is totted, everything falls asleep!
1 . But there are also its advantages! For example, inspiration wakes up in the fall. One such autumn gave us an amazing world of Pushkin fairy tales. And even the youngest schoolboy knows that this is Boldinskaya autumn.
2 . In the fall, the normal summer falls asleep, and it wakes up an abnormal one - Babia: and the birds already flew away, and it is impossible to swim, and you don't like to swim on the beach!
1. Autumn opens theatrical seasons. Favorite artists returned rested and ready to please us, viewers, new premieres.
2 . In the fall, the rested teachers, who, so badly "please please" the poor children are controlled by test or independent children! In general, my mood is the most autumn - cloudy! And by the way, even a diversified Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin confessed: "Sad time ..."
1. What did you silence, read on, start time.
2 . Sad time, goodbye, my beauty, started everything in nature!
1. Are you sure that I did not confuse anything?
2. I'm sure it seems ...
1. Then tell me what else was recognized as a great Russian poet?
2 . And then ... and then I forgot!
1 . I thought so. And in fact, Alexander Sergeevich, like many other poets, confessed in love for autumn pore.

Sad time! Ocho charming!
It's nice to me your farewell beauty -
I love the magnificent nature of fading,
In the bazhret and gold dressed forests ...

With the song "Multicolored Autumn" falls autumn.

Fall. I am very glad to see all of you and I want to give all my last, wonderful moments: charming, barely catchy fragrance of autumn colors, bright tempting beauty of the gathered fruits and, of course, in the autumn thoughtful and at the same time joyful mood at the same time. How often are all the fall of autumn, call her boring, speaking sometimes ... Maybe you are right? In the fall, ruts are walking, the facades of houses are made by some kind of smooth, all on one face. And sometimes it seems that the sky is not at all: one gray peel.

What is good in it? - Thinking usually. But she is not boring at all. Let's try to make a trip to autumn. Of all the time of the year, autumn is the smallest, and it is difficult to trace her steps. But there is painting, poems, music - they will help us.

Artists, writers and poets - beauty seekers. They know how to see the perfect in what we usually remain indifferent. They will help us understand the charm of autumn. After all, each of them finds her paints in it.


Golden autumn

Fall. Fabulous pane
All open for review.
Forest roads,
Looking into the lake.

As at the picture of the paintings:
Halls, halls, halls, halls
Elm, aspen, Osin
In the gilding is not enough.

Linden hoop gold -
As a crown on the newlywed.
Birch Face - under Fata
Wedding and transparent.

Buried land
Under foliage in the ditch, pits.
In yellow maples of the flaghel,
As if in gilded frames.

Where are the trees in September
At the dawn stand in pairs,
And sunset on their kore
Leaves an amber footprint.

Where you can not step in the ravine,
So that everyone knows everyone:
So raging that neither step
Under the legs sheet wood.

Where he sounds at the end of Alley
Echo have a cool descent
And dawn cherry glue
Throws in the form of a clock.

Fall. Ancient corner
Old books, clothes, guns,
Where is the treasure catalog
Ships the sizzle.

Song "Autumn Golden".

Fall. Autumn is amazingly transparent air, sunlight, sometimes brighter summer, but soft, caressing, not heating; Flying, shiny spinning threads, flocks flying to south, blundering bunches of Ryabina, leaf fall, ...

Leaf fall

Forest, exactly led painted,
Purple, gold, crimped,
Cheerful, Moto Wall
It is standing over a light polar.
Birches yellow thread
Shine in blue lazuries,
Like tower, Christmas trees are darker,
And between maples blue
Then there, then here in the foliage
Summets in the sky, that shell.
The forest smells oak and pine,
For the summer he dry he from the sun
And autumn quietly widow
It comes into the motley timer ...

(I. Bunin)

Dance "Listopad".

Fall. Listen, as K. Poystovsky spoke about the autumn days.

"Field began. Leaves fell days and nights. They were kosos flew in the wind, they fell asleep in crude grass. The forests drove the rain of the flowing foliage. This rain went for weeks ... "(K. Powesty).
Autumn days are especially beautiful and unusual in the forest.

Fall. Forest thickets

Fall. Forest thickets.
Moss dry swamps.
Lake Beleso.
Pale sky.
And Saffron plowed.
Knock out paths
Forest and empty, and goal.
Only you beautiful
Although it has long been dry,
In the bay bay
Old alder.
Woman looking out
In the water in the middle -
And sategorize
Before everyone by spring.
I. Bunin

Fall. But not always the autumn days full of gentle gold of the last heat, they are not always gentle and cakes, "you will say!". Of course, the rains come along with the fall. But what kind of mischievous and even cute at first shower! They do not oppress us, they will not tomatify, they are rapidly, their silver jets are preventing golden sun rays.

Student. September.

The rain of the rain is large peas,

The wind is torn, and the distance is unclean.

Close the poplar is closed

Silver offering sheet.

But look: Through the hole of the cloud,

How through the arch from the stone slabs,

In this kingdom of fog and morok

The first beam, breaking through, flies.

It means that there is no forever curtained

Clouds, and it means not in vain,

Like a girl flashing, nut

Zasia at the end of September.

Now, painter, catch up

Brush over a brush and on the canvas

Golden, like fire, and pomegranate

Draw this girl to me.

Draw, like a tree, please

Young princess in the crown

With restlessly sliding smile

Fall. And now I suggest you to create an autumn picture in our hall, making a small sketch of autumn. (Attributes are heard)

  • You will be a nightingale (whistle)
  • You will be autumn wind (try to rustle paper) -
  • You will be cuckoo -2 pcs. (bump)
  • You will be Dyatlom -2 pcs. (pencil)
  • You will be lost cow (mu-y, mu-y)
  • You will be lost lamb (Be-e, Be-E, Be-E)
  • You will be a shepherd (bell)
  • You will be wolf (U-U-y)
  • You will rain -3 pcs. (Cap-Cap-Cap):
  • You will be raven -3 pcs. (car car-car)

(explains the report of the report)

Attention! Attention! Report "Sketches of Autumn"

Host: Summer ends ... The sky becomes gray, but still in memory of the soot Trellia (sings of the nightingale) and curtain cooking (cuckoo pan).

Autumn as it were suspended. Again, after the summer separation, flew to the city of Crows (crows of crows). They occupy their winter apartments: cornices, roofs, attic. Only in some way in the forest still hears a knockdown knock, and the ringing of the bell (a knockdown, the ringing of the bell) disturbs this touching autumn picture of the lost sheep. (lamb shifts) as if answering her, standing a cow standing. (mice cow)

The cow enjoys the last green grass. October - the first cold month. The wind shaves the foliage and scatters around. (wind rustling)

According to the people's calendar, October is a mud. Autumn Rasputle, off-road creates autumn cold rain. (rain sound)

Quietly around and only somewhere in a distance of a lonely wolf (howl of the wolf), which prefers the rapid arrival of the cold.

Thanks to all for creating an autumn landscape.

With you, with the help of words, we were able to create such a beautiful autumn picture. And as many artistic canvases dedicated to autumn, artists created artists. Among them, Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov, Igor Immanuilovich Grabar, Fedor Aleksandrovich Vasilyev, Arkhip Ivanovich Kuyungji, Boris Mikhailovich Kustodiev, and others. But the most wonderful master of the autumn landscape was Isaac Ilyich Levitan. In all his paintings and to the robusts, to Olshanik, and to the pale sky, and to the forest Kosoyram, a drop of sadness has always been mixed. Autumn in the paintings of Levitan is diverse. They were written about a hundred landscapes.

Presentation "Russian artists about autumn"

Fall. There is such a time in the fall, which is called "Autumn winds". Cold winds try to disrupt the magnificent decoration of forests, fasten the grass and picked up on their wings of birds flying out in warm edges. These winds are no longer a cool, but a sharp chip of the cold.

October is called the vertex of autumn. At this time, nature is preparing to sleep. Affairs of all non-persons. Trees need to reset the foliage in time, insect - to shove into the forest litter or score in the gap, the last birds hurry with the fly.


Stern Autumn Peacon Late View.

Silent plant sleeping sadly.

Over the roofs of a desert seboard

Zarka heaven is painfully burning.

Closed doors of small huts,

Garden empty, lifeless fields,

Around trees a murzable land

Covered with brilliant curls,

And the sky frowns, and the wind rushes to us,

Wood shirt bending in half.

Fall. "Sigor autumn" calls this month Nikolay Zabolotsky. Indeed, lead long livne has already made bright autumn paints. Lamp of white snow on black earth. All two-color and ripple. One sky is smooth - gray and deaf. Neither a voices, nor a hectic echo. Everything is somehow graveyard, whisper. Side. That is a fucking thaw, then elastic frost. Gray and damp, empty and deaf. Semi-family - semi-axilla, shepherd - halfway. "

And so, when faded the latest flowers, it becomes truly sad.

Tired all around.

Tired all around: tired and color of heaven,
And the wind, and the river, and a month that was born,
And night, and in the greenery dull sleeping forest,
And yellow that leaf that finally fell.

Only the fountain of the farm
About life speaking invisible, but familiar ...
About the night autumn, like omnipotty you
Refusal from the fight and death of the Istoma!
(A. Fet)

Autumn winds drove as much clouds that it seems to be flooded all the earth. It came to autumn rains, and sometimes we begin to feel defenseless before the upcoming cold, in front of these continuous rains, before the ferocity of dreamed winds, so I want to quickly come Spring again.

Song "Autumn" of the group "Lyceum".

Fall. "Autumn was a favorite and most fruitful time in the creative life of Pushkin. But never so much did not create works as in the Bolden autumn of 1830, when The poet was forced to spend all three autumn months in his estate Boldino. Here he graduated from the novel in the verses "Eugene Onegin", wrote 4 small tragedies, "a fairy tale about the Pop and about the employee of his Bald", "Tale of Belkin", a poetic story "House in Kolomna", "History of the village of Gulihin", about 30 spychmats and a large number of literary - critical articles and notes. "

Sky in the autumn breath ...

The sky is breathing in autumn,
Sometimes the sun shone,
In short, it became a day,
Forests mysterious Sen.
With sad noise naked.
Went to the field fog,
Gusey criquid caravan
Stretched south: approached
Pretty boring time;
There was no yard.

(A. Pushkin)

Autumn Waltz.

Fall. Today you have heard many beautiful poetic words about the autumn Russian writers and poets. And the Russian soul is consonant with autumn: both in that, and in another, there are many sadness and sadness. In all centuries, at all times, people loved the beauty of their native nature, because she is part of his soul.

Konstantin Powesta has such words: "If I sometimes want to live up to one hundred and twenty years, then only because one life is not enough to experience all the charm and all the healing power of our Russian nature. Love for his native nature is one of the most important signs of love for his country. "

All riches of Russian landscape

In full possession of us are given:

Silver yarn soluble winged

Lace green spring.

Summer noon in the word pain

Evening, looked in the stream,

Pattern of meadowy colored,

Warm wax yellowing fields.

Painted wings leaf fall

Over the bottomless blue lakes.

All this is yours, and the heart is glad

The whole world fell in love with native space.

Song about Russia and dance.

We thank all of you, dear guys and dear adults! You heard many beautiful words of Russian poets and writers about the autumn today. We hope that you saw, heard and felt the breath of autumn, her charm and mystery.