Scenario for initiation of children into preschool. Initiation to preschool children

Scenario for initiation of children into preschool.  Initiation to preschool children
Scenario for initiation of children into preschool. Initiation to preschool children

Albina Timergalina
Scenario of entertainment with parents “Initiation into preschool children” for children of the second group of early development

It has become a good tradition in our kindergarten to conduct « Initiation to preschool children» . This event takes place at 2 early age group, after passing the adaptation period. Children and parents I really like this holiday, where they get acquainted with the daily routine in kindergarten, with each other. And pupils of the preparatory school come to congratulate the kids on this important event in their lives. groups.

Target: attract parents, as active participants in the joint educational process; create a festive atmosphere, a joyful mood.


1. Contribute to the creation of an emotionally positive climate in group and kindergarten;

2. Introduce new arrivals children and their parents with an interesting creative musical life in kindergarten.

3. Intensify movements and singing children;

4. Foster friendly relationships between children;

5. Increase interest parents in their children's success;

Attributes: costumes of Matryoshkas and Parsley, briefcase, bell, medals.

Manager: Hello, our dear guests, dear parents! We are very glad to see and welcome you at our holiday « Initiation of children into preschools» .

We think that you will be interested to know what kind of holiday this is and what is the history of its appearance in our kindergarten?

Let's think a little and let's think about it: The birth of a child is an event. An event with a capital letter, because a new person entered the world. And this little man announces his birth loudly we're crying: “Here I am, hello!” We, adults, rejoice at this event and register the fact of the birth of a child in the registry office.

The child grew up, went to kindergarten, to school, then graduated from school - and again this events: first and last call; presentation of matriculation certificates. And so throughout life - every significant event becomes a memorable date, a tradition.

Therefore, we, the team of kindergarten No. 4 "Leysan", we thought about the question, why can’t a child’s arrival in kindergarten become an equally important event in his life and in yours? After all, it is in kindergarten that a child first encounters the world of peers and the world of adults, who are at first unfamiliar to him, and then even replace his mother.

In our understanding, kindergarten is a small door to the big world. So let this door open for them, the little ones, with this amazing and sweet holiday.

The floor is given to the teacher groups our little pupils -…. (the teacher talks about the children, about the successes and achievements, interesting events of each child).

Presenter: In the kindergarten there is music and singing in the morning,

The kids dressed up like for a birthday

What kind of holiday are these guys having? Who will answer me?

Why are there adults and children here in this room?

We today we initiate kids into preschool.

We will have fun together and welcome our guests.

Music sounds, Petrushka enters the hall with a briefcase.

Parsley: I am Parsley, I am Parsley,

I'm a fun toy!

I can jump and gallop

I can kids entertain!

Hello children! Hello, moms and dads!

Presenter: Hello, Petrushka! Where are you going?

Parsley: I am going to school.

Presenter: Have you already gone to kindergarten?

Parsley: No, what is a kindergarten?

Presenter: What is a kindergarten?

It's full of guys!

While moms are at work,

They live happily:

They study, play,

And they walk and sing.

Parsley: Wow, I would be glad to come to such a kindergarten! Please tell me more details!

Presenter: Then, Petrushka, listen carefully! In kindergarten, children live according to a schedule and follow a daily routine. For example, in the morning every day the guys do morning exercises. Now they will show it to you.

Parsley: Oh, how interesting! I will try to do it together with you.

Execution "Chargers", E. Tilicheeva.

Parsley: Oh, how fun, how energetic! And I brought a bell for you. Do you want to play? Who will get the bell?

Losing the game "Catch-catch"

(children jump, trying to get the bell in Parsley’s hands).

Presenter: Parsley, now the guys will tell you everything themselves.

Child 1: After morning exercises

Wash my hands in order

Child 2: A healthy breakfast awaits us all,

And he looks wonderful!

Child 3: Let's do it later -

And we draw and we sing,

Child 4: We do everything diligently -

This is simply wonderful!

Presenter: Our children are still small, but older children also go to kindergarten. And now they want to congratulate you!

Girls enter – Matryoshka preparatory dolls groups.

Matryoshka 1: I am a funny toy

I am a nesting doll - a laughing one,

I came to congratulate you,

And she brought the nesting dolls.

I'll clap loudly palms,

My feet will stomp.

Let's sing together

WITH congratulate with dedication!

Performance of ditties

1. Oh, hurry up, hurry up, everyone

Prick up your ears

We'll sing about the kindergarten

Funny ditties.

2. There are clouds in the blue sky

It will rain or hail

Olya asks to be held

On the way to kindergarten.

3. Sasha and Masha played

All the toys were scattered

They started arguing and shouting

Who should collect toys?

4. U parents not an hour

No talking to the child

Who's talking in the garden?

Fast develops!

Matryoshka 2: Guys, we congratulate you on starting to go to kindergarten, and we want to give you medals (the teacher with the nesting dolls hangs medals around the children’s necks).

Presenter: Thank you, nesting dolls. And after classes, our kids all go out for a walk,

Because everyone loves to breathe fresh air!

And on the street we play various outdoor games

Losing the game "Carousels"

(the girls take Matryoshka dolls children's hands, help to stand in a circle

and play with the kids)

Barely, barely

The carousels are spinning

And then, then, then

Everybody run, run, run!

Let's run, let's run,

Let's run, let's run.

Hush, hush, don't rush,

Stop the carousel.

One-two, one-two,

So the game is over.

Presenter: It’s time for our nesting dolls to go. Let's tell them "Thank you! And goodbye!

Parsley: So cool, guys! I wanted to go to kindergarten even more. What do you do next?

Presenter: After lunch we sleep soundly and then study again, dance and play

And now we will dance for our mothers and fathers "Yes Yes Yes".

Performing a dance "Yes Yes Yes", E. Tilicheeva.

Parsley: Well done boys. I really like it here, I’ll go to my mother and tell her to take me to kindergarten too! Goodbye! (Runs away)

Presenter: And now I invite everyone, all the mothers and fathers, to stand in a circle and dance with their children.

Execution "Dance of the Little Ducklings" for audio recording.

Publications on the topic:

Photo report “Initiation into preschool children. A holiday for the little ones” It’s so good that in childhood, You still have a long time to bask, clinging to someone with your heart.

Event together with parents “Initiation into preschool children” Goal: to attract parents as active participants in the joint educational process; create a festive atmosphere.

Entertainment scenario for children of the first junior group together with their parents “Visiting Grandma Melania” Children, together with their mothers, enter the hall to the music. Presenter: Spring, spring is outside. Spring days. Streams ring and run across the field.

Municipal preschool educational budgetary institution

“Kindergarten No. 28 “Scarlet Flower” combined type”

Scenario for the holiday “Initiation into preschool children”

2nd junior group

Developed and carried out

music director

Minusinsk 2016

Scenario for the holiday “Initiation into preschool children” in the 2nd junior group

Goal: Creating conditions for friendship between children at the stage of children’s adaptation to the conditions of kindergarten, promoting the manifestation of sincere interest of parents in ensuring flexible adaptation of the child and their readiness to provide emotional support to the baby during this period.
Create a joyful mood for children.
Create the necessary emotional mood and holiday atmosphere.
Encourage children and parents to actively participate.

Characters: Petrushka, Masha, Mishka, pupils of the 2nd junior and preparatory groups; the guests of the holiday are the parents.

Parents with children enter the hall to the music and sit on chairs.

Presenter: Hello, adults, hello, children!

We are very glad to see you today!

Let's start the holiday quickly,

Sing and play with a smile and joy.

And our holiday is called “Initiation into preschool children”,

Which all our guys are waiting for.

Dear children and parents, I did not come to you alone, my cheerful friend is with me.

His motley cap

Dashingly shifted to the side,

He's a fun toy!

And his name is...

Parents and children: Parsley! (the toy Parsley appears from behind the screen).

Parsley: Yes, Parsley, Parsley, Parsley!

I'm funny and funny.

Presenter: Guys, do you like to have fun, laugh, frolic? I see, I see that you love. And parents?

Parents: Yes!

Parsley: So that we have more fun,

Let's all laugh better! (everyone laughs)

Laughed heartily

Both parents and kids!

Guys, you know, I live in the Scarlet Flower kindergarten.

Our kindergarten is good,

You won't find a better garden.

We have all friends here,

We cannot live without friends.

And our children walk around all neat,

Healthy, obedient and neat.

We play all day long

Don't be too lazy to play all day!

Whoever comes will be glad

This is what our kindergarten is like! Oh, guys, who came to us for the holiday? (children of the preparatory group enter to the music).

Presenter: Our favorite kindergarten -

it's full of guys!

And today they are themselves

perform in front of you!

1st child: Dedication is a holiday, this is a great celebration.

This is the day when so many guests came to the kindergarten!

2nd child: We initiate our little ones into preschoolers in our garden.

To all the guys, we promise you won’t be bored here.

3rd child: And that the kindergarten will become a second home for the children.

You are very, very welcome here, toys live here.

4th child: Steamboats, steam locomotives, there are even electric locomotives

Dolls, clowns, balls. Have fun and laugh!

5th child: You can be whoever you want here, a postman, a salesman,

Musician and artist, hairdresser, doctor.

6th child: This house has everything for you: breakfast, dinner, quiet time,

Songs, dances, round dance, Santa Claus on New Year's Eve.

7th child: Here they clap their hands and stomp their feet.

Everyone here is strong, everyone here is brave,

Everyone here is dexterous and skillful!

8th child: What a nice house!

We grow in it every day,

And now we’ll sing you a song about kindergarten!

The song “Oh, how good life is in kindergarten!” music .

/preparatory group children leave/

Presenter: And now, dear children and adults, Petrushka and I invite you to visit our friend Mashenka. Do you know such a girl from the cartoon - a laughing girl, a prankster, a chatterbox? (the children answer “yes” in unison) Mashenka is now visiting the bear. Where does the bear live? (answer “In the forest”) How will we go to the forest? (children and parents give different answers).

Parsley: Get up like a train,

Beep your horn cheerfully!

Chuk-chuk-chuk, hurry up!

Hey, car, full speed ahead! (parents line up one after another, they hold their children’s hands and imitate riding a train)

Here our train is moving, the wheels are knocking,

And the guys are sitting on our train.

Chu-chu, chu-chu-chu, the locomotive is running,

And he brought the boys to visit Mashenka. (Sit on chairs) (music from the cartoon “Masha and the Bear” plays)

Masha appears on the screen, sad.

Masha: Guys, guys, I'm here.

Presenter: This is Mashenka calling us. Masha, what's wrong with you? Why you so sad?

Masha: I want to play! And I have to go to kindergarten!

Presenter: Masha, don’t you know that in kindergarten the children play, sing all day long, and everyone lives a very happy life together!

Masha: How’s that?

Presenter: And we will teach you!

Musical communicative game “Hello, palms” by M. Kartushina.

Hello, palms, - (hands forward, turn palms up and down)

Clap, clap, clap - (clap)

Hello legs. – (strike palms on thighs)

Top, top, top. - (stomp)

Hello, cheeks - (stroke cheeks)

Plop, plop, plop. – (quietly slap cheeks with fingertips)

Chubby cheeks – (stroking the cheeks in a circular motion)

Plop, plop, plop. - (the same)

Hello, sponges, - (shakes head)

Loss – (smack 3 times)

Hello, teeth, - (shakes head)

Losing - (click teeth)

Hello, babies, - (spread their arms to the sides)

Hello everyone! - (wave hand above head)

Masha: Oh, how great it is to be with you guys! I like it so! (Mishka appears on the screen)

Misha: Well, well, what are we doing here?

Masha: We are playing.

Misha: So, will you still go to the Scarlet Flower kindergarten?

Masha: Bear, of course I’ll go! You see, how many children and their parents came to visit us, they are so fun and interesting, and the children also go to kindergarten and I want to.

Parsley: The music is playing again, inviting us to dance.

Cheerful dance “Begin to dance” lyrics. Yu. Entina, arr. A. Roomers

Masha: Dear guys, moms and dads, I have a surprise for you! (Masha passes soap bubbles to the presenter through a screen in a basket).

One, two, three, one, two three - we're blowing bubbles.

Soapy airy.

Obedient to the wind.

Blowing bubbles -

Look what they are like!

They are all airborne

And very naughty.

Bubbles fly up easily

The colors of the rainbow sparkle.

Look, look,

How the bubbles sparkle!

Game "Soap Bubbles" (children and parents play)

Presenter: So that you, Masha, can stay in kindergarten and live with the children in the group, we must initiate you into preschool and give you this diploma.

Masha: And will you give all the kids these diplomas?

Presenter: Definitely!

(All kids are given diplomas)

Presenter: Our holiday is over.

Petrushka, Misha, Masha: Congratulations to all the children on entering kindergarten!

Mlada Sidorova
Scenario of the matinee for the first junior group “Initiation of children into preschool children”

Scenario of the matinee for the first junior group “Initiation of children into preschool children”

Children, together with their parents, join a group accompanied by music.

They are met Presenter-Vasilisa and children of the preparatory group


Hello, dear guests! Welcome!

In the morning the kids got up,

They came to our kindergarten again,

We are glad to see you, as always,

We've had guests here since the morning.

Today all our guys

Dedicated to preschoolers!

But before we start our celebration, let's say hello, guys!

Greeting song “Hello, palms!”


There is a house in the alley Ok,

Just a towering tower!

Who lives in the little house?

Does anyone live in a low place?

Maybe it's a little mouse - Children: No!

Maybe a frog frog? - Children: No

So the bunny is a runaway? - Children: No!

Well, little fox-sister? - Children: No!

A wonderful tower is waiting for the guys

And what is it called? - Children: Kindergarten!


If mom is at work

Dad is busy as always

Who will take care of you?

Children: “Let’s go to kindergarten then!”

(there is a knock on the door)

Vasilisa: Oh, do you hear, guys?

Someone is knocking on our door!

Someone is in a hurry to visit us,

Bunny runs in to the music:

I ran away from the fox!

Oh, where did I end up?

Vasilisa: You ended up in our kindergarten.

Today is a holiday for the guys.

All the guys celebrate

Dedication to preschool children.

Bunny: What is a kindergarten?

Vasilisa: This is a house for the guys.

Happy, beloved,

The guys live here

They play and draw

They dance and sing!

Song "Kindergarten"

Bunny: Oh, how great! Well, since it’s a holiday for the guys, let’s have fun!

Vasilisa: Then, Bunny, get your paws ready, we’ll sing and play with our hands.

"Palms, palms"

Bunny: And now, my guys,

Let's play hide and seek with you!

Dance game “Where are our children?”

Bunny: I found everyone! That's how great I am!

Vasilisa: Well done, well done bunny! Can you dance?

Bunny: No, I can’t.

Vasilisa: Then we will teach you.

Dance “Repeat after me”

Vasilisa: Bunny, why are you suddenly sad?

Bunny: I don’t have a house, the Fox deceived me and kicked me out. Where will I live now? (sobs)

Vasilisa: Don't cry, bunny. Stay and live in our kindergarten. It's warm, cozy here, and no one will offend you.

Bunny: Thank you guys, you are so good and kind! You taught me to play and dance, and I will teach you to jump and wiggle your ears like bunnies

Dance “The gray bunny is sitting”

Bunny: How well you did! I am very glad that I will live in your kindergarten.

Vasilisa: And so that you, Bunny, can stay in kindergarten, we must initiate you into preschool and give you such a medal (puts on)

Bunny: And will you give all the kids these medals?

Vasilisa: Definitely! And you, Bunny, help me present the medals to the guys!

(all kids are given medals)

Bunny: Thank you guys! You are so kind and friendly!

Vasilisa: The “Dedication of Babies to Preschoolers” holiday has taken place, and we ask our guests to take a lap of honor with our now preschoolers and capture this moment in a group photo!

Lap of honor to music. Photo for memory.


Moms and dads, let's be friends!

Let's raise a child together!

If you have any questions for us -

Glad to see you! Welcome!

Thanks to everyone who came to our holiday!

See you again!

Publications on the topic:

"Masha and the Bear visiting the kids." Scenario of the matinee for March 8 in the younger group Scenario for the holiday for March 8th “Masha and the Bear visiting the kids” in the younger group Presenter: Our dear mothers! Today, on day 8.

Goal: to improve children’s knowledge of fire safety rules, to evoke an emotional response to the game activity, desire.

Scenario for March 8 for children of the first junior group “Katya’s doll is visiting the kids.” Program for children of the first junior group for March 8: Songs:.

Scenario for New Year's party for kids Presenter: Hello, dear guests! We are so glad that you all came to this beautiful hall on New Year’s Day! And now we will begin the magic.

Scenario of a New Year's party in kindergarten for children of the first junior group SCENARIO of a New Year's party for children of the 1st junior group. The Snow Maiden and the children enter the hall to the song “Christmas tree” (music by O. Feltsman).

Scenario of the autumn matinee “Autumn Miracles” for children of the first junior group“Autumn Miracles” Characters: Presenter, Cockerel Children are sitting on chairs Presenter: Look what a miracle: how light it is all around.

Sections: Working with parents

  • Contribute to the creation of an emotionally positive climate in the group and kindergarten.
  • Develop children's creativity and imagination.
  • Activate children's movements and singing with the help of puppet theater characters.
  • Continue to cultivate friendly relationships between children.


  • puppet theater screen,
  • medals "Preschool-2009" (by the number of children),
  • baby books (made by children of the preparatory group),
  • glove puppets: bunny, fox, bobby dog.


  • adult bunny,
  • fox girl of the preparatory group.

The hall is festively decorated with balloons. At the back of the hall there is a screen for a puppet theater. The scenery is a forest.

Presenter: Hello dear mothers, fathers, grandmothers and everyone, everyone, everyone who came to visit the youngest residents of our kindergarten with such a warm and affectionate name “Crane”. Today we gathered in this hall for the first time for a holiday called “Initiation into preschool children.” Let's meet our kids, and future kindergarten graduates will bring them.

(The song “Magic Country” plays, children from the preparatory group with their children enter in pairs. Parents greet the children with applause.)

Dance with kids to the music “Magic Country” by muses. A. Varlamova (audio cassette “Childhood Holiday”)

Bunny(runs and screams): Oops, help! Save! (notices the children, stops). Hello guys! Can I hide from the fox here? She kicked me out of the house and is chasing me.

Children: Can.

Presenter. Hide behind the Christmas tree, bunny.

Bunny: I'm afraid that the fox will find me and eat me.

Presenter: Don't be afraid, we'll call Bobik for help. Guys, let's sing a song about Bobik, he will hear and come running

Song "Bobik" music. T. Popatenko lyrics N. Naydenova (children of the 1st junior group sing, during the performance of the song Bobik the dog appears)

Bobik: (quietly) What happened?

Presenter: Bobik, help us save the bunny from the fox.

Bobiik: Bow-wow! I'll help! ( hiding behind a tree)

Fox(runs, sniffs): It smells like a bunny. He's here somewhere! Now I'll catch him ( creeps up to the Christmas tree, at this time Bobik jumps out from behind the tree barking. The fox runs away, the dog runs after her).

Presenter: Bunny, bunny, come out. The fox ran away, and we won't hurt you ( a bunny appears). Poor thing, you're trembling all over.

Bunny: Thank you guys, you saved me from the fox.

Presenter: Come bunny to us. The guys have a holiday today. They have become preschoolers and we invite you to dance. (Guys, call the bunny)

Bunny: I'll come running now.

Presenter: Let's play hide and seek with the bunny. Kids, hide behind the big guys. ( Children of the preparatory group invite the kids to play, stand in a circle facing each other, and hide the baby behind their backs).

An adult Hare jumps out from behind the screen and looks around in surprise.

Bunny: Oh, where are the kids, they’re so small. Did they invite me to the party? ( sniffs) Now, now I will find them.

Dance-game “Where are our children” music. and s.t. Lomovoy.

Where, where are our children?
Where are our children?
Where, where are our children?
Are our children missing?
Here, here are our children, ( spin in pairs with children from the preparatory group)
Here are our kids.
Our children are dancing, dancing,
Our children are dancing.

Where, where are our pens?
Where are our pens?
Where, where are our pens?
Don't have our pens?
Here, here are our hands, (p little girls are “dancing”)
Here are our pens
Our hands are dancing, dancing,
Our hands are dancing.

Where same, where are our legs?
Where are our legs?
Where, where are our legs,
Are our legs missing?
Here, here are our legs, ( hold hands and stomp merrily)
Here are our legs
Our feet are dancing, dancing,
Our feet are dancing.

The teacher and children of the preparatory group sing. Children perform movements in accordance with the lyrics of the song.

Bunny: Found everyone! That's how great I am!

Presenter: Well done, well done bunny! Can you dance?

Bunny: No I do not know how to.

Presenter: Then we will teach you. Get up and dance with the guys ( children of the preparatory group stand in pairs with the kids).

"Gopachok" Russian. adv. chalk. about. M. Rauchwerger. (after the dance all children sit on chairs)

Bunny: I like it at your party! It's so much fun here.

Presenter: Then get ready, bunny, we will sing with our paws and play with our hands.

“Ladushki-palms” r.n.p.

We sing a verse and clap our hands. On the word “Yes!” We emphasize and clap our palms on our knees.

Palms, palms,
Loud firecrackers,
They clapped their hands,
They clapped a little.

We sing a verse and “mix the porridge” on the palm of our hand. Let's sing "Yes!" like in the first verse.

The porridge was cooked
They stirred with a spoon,
The doll was fed
They gave it to the cat.

We hit fist on fist. Let's sing "Yes!" like in the first verse.

Fists folded
They beat with their fists,
Knock, knock, knock, knock, knock,
Knock, knock, knock, knock, knock.

The hands “dance” to the beat of the song. Let's sing "Yes!" like in the first verse.

The little girls danced
The kids were amused.
La-la-la-la, la-la-la,
La-la-la-la, la-la-la.

We bring our palms together and press them to the cheek. Let's sing "Yes!" like in the first verse.

The little ones are tired
The little ones slept.
Bye-bye, bayushki,
Bye-bye, okay.

Bunny is crying

Presenter: Bunny, why are you crying again?

Bunny: I don’t have a house, the fox deceived me and kicked me out. Where will I live now? (sobs)

Presenter: Don't cry, bunny. Stay and live in our kindergarten. It's warm, cozy here and no one will hurt you.

Bunny: Thank you guys, you are so good and kind. You taught me to play and dance, and I will teach you to jump. Let's jump like bunnies.

Game "Bunnies and Fox". Music G Finarovsky s.V. Antonova

(A child in the preparatory group puts on a fox hat. Children run away from the fox onto chairs, Bunny hides behind the leader).

Presenter. Are you scared, bunny? But the fox is not real. These guys from the preparatory group decided to play with us. They also want to give the kids a funny song about a forest gnome.

“Motley cap” lyrics. N. Solovyova, music. G. Struve

Bunny: I am very glad that I will live in your kindergarten.

Presenter: So that you, bunny, can stay in kindergarten and live with the guys in the group, we must initiate you into preschool and give you this medal "Preschooler-2009"

Bunny: And will you give all the kids these medals?

Presenter: Necessarily!

(All kids are given medals. Children of the preparatory group give the kids hand-made baby books).

Bunny: Thank you guys. You are so kind and friendly.

Presenter: Our holiday is over. Guys, let's take the Bunny to the group, now he will meet you in kindergarten every morning.

Scenario of the holiday “Admission to preschool children”

Botandaeva Lyubov Valerievna, teacher of the Children's Educational Institution "Child Development Center-kindergarten "Chaika" in Abakan.
Description of material: The methodological development may be useful to teachers working with children of the first junior group, and music directors of kindergartens.
Target: Creating conditions for friendly relationships between children.
Create a joyful mood for children.
Create the necessary emotional mood and holiday atmosphere.
Encourage children to actively participate.

Characters: Carlson, Masha, Lisa - Alisa, music director, pupils of the first junior and preparatory groups; the guests of the holiday are the parents.
Working methods:
Friendly communication.
Individual approach.
Preliminary work: conversation with children based on the fairy tale “The Kid and Carlson”, looking at illustrations and attributes of Carlson’s costume, listening to songs from the cartoon “Masha and the Bear”, learning the song “Our Favorite Kindergarten”.

Celebration progress:

Teachers meet children and parents in a decorated group; there is a poster on the door with the inscription:
This is our kindergarten!
Whoever comes to us will be glad!
/When the group is fully assembled, Carlson flies in/.
Carloson: Hello children! Hello, moms and dads! My name is Carlson. I live at the beauty of this wonderful kindergarten! I really love jam, sweets and all sorts of sweets, that’s why I’m so big and round! (laughs). Who do you think I look like? (hips himself in the stomach).
/answers from children and parents/
Carlson: That's right, and I also look a lot like a soap bubble! I am just as light, beautiful and cheerful. Look.
/takes soap bubbles out of his pocket, blows and blows bubbles/
Carlson: Guys, do you know what the children who go to kindergarten are called? (pause - waiting for answers), they are called PRESCHOOL CHILDREN. All preschoolers love to play, dance, and draw. Do you know any games?
Educator: Of course, we know the game “Soap Bubble”. Let's make a tight circle - this is “deflated”. Inflate the bubble, swell big, stay that way, but don’t burst!
/the game is played three times/
Carlson: What an interesting game. You guys play like real preschoolers. You definitely need to be accepted into the ranks of preschoolers and given badges. Just let's ask the consent of other toys. Fine?
/answers from children and parents/.
Carlson: Then we flew to the music room. Do you see the propeller on my back? With its help I fly. Look! (flies around the group). Cling tight to your parents and honk louder, “Woohoo.” Let's fly...
/fly to the music hall/
(they arrive, the music room is decorated to look like an autumn forest).
Carlson:(looks around). I don’t understand anything (surprised), where are my friends?! (hollers) Maaaashaa! (shrugs shoulders).
(Music sounds. Masha from the cartoon “Masha and the Bear” enters).
Masha: Carlson, hello. Oh, so many children. Hello guys! Hello moms and dads!
Carlson: Masha, where have you been?
Masha: I was in the “Romashka” group, where the girls tied a scarf for me! Do you like it?
Carlson: SOOO!
Masha: Why did such kids come here?
Carlson: These are the guys from the Kolobok group. They want to become real preschoolers. Masha: Well, to become a preschooler, you need to be able to sing, dance, and play. Let's sing a funny song:
/plays a song from the cartoon Masha and the Bear, the song “About Friendship”/
If your friend doesn't laugh, turn on the sun for him,
You turn on the stars for him - it's simple.
You correct the mistake, turning it into a smile,
All the sadness and tears are simple.

Sunday, Saturday.
Friendship is not a job
Friendship is not work!

There are friends, and for them,
Friends don't have days off!
There are friends, and for them,
Friends don't have days off!

If happiness falls, divide it into parts,
And give it to all your friends - it's easy.
And when you need it, all your friends will be there,
To turn on the sun or stars for you.

Sunday, Saturday.
Friendship is not a job
Friendship is not work!

There are friends, and for them,
Friends don't have days off!
There are friends, and for them,
Friends don't have days off!

If everyone is a friend in a circle
He will extend his hand to a friend,
This will be visible through the porthole:
Friendship is the equator.
If everyone is a friend of the planet
Waving a daisy to a friend,
It will become clear: friendship is
Planet of daisies.

Sunday, Saturday.
Friendship is not a job
Friendship is not work!

There are friends, and for them,
Friends don't have days off!
There are friends, and for them,
Friends don't have days off!
Masha: Guys, I would still have fun with you, but Mishka invited me to the cinema, I need to hurry. And I’ll tell you happily, see you soon.
Carlson: Goodbye, Masha! (turns to the children, sighs). Gone...
/Music sounds and Fox enters the hall/.
Chanterelle: Hello, guys! Hello moms and dads! I'm Alice the fox. I know everything about you. I heard that you want to become real preschoolers.
Carlson: Yes, fox!
Chanterelle: Can you cope with my task? I just came from the forest, where autumn paints the leaves in different colors. Can you paint the leaves as beautifully as autumn?
/the children, together with their parents, color the “Autumn Leaves” coloring pages with colored pencils/.
Chanterelle: What wonderful leaves you turned out! Let's decorate the tree with them.
/decorate the tree/
Chanterelle: Guys, sit down on the chairs! I’ll go now and call the oldest children from the Ryabinka group so that they can present you with the badges of real preschoolers! Goodbye!
/the preparatory group enters the music room and stands in front of the children/
Carlson: Guys, the biggest kids from our kindergarten have come to us, they want to give you a musical gift!
/perform the musical piece “Our Favorite Kindergarten”/
We are used to it every day since childhood,
Come to your favorite kindergarten,
Too lazy to wake up early in the morning
What can you do here, if necessary?
In the morning they will run away, who will go where?
Older sister and mom and dad:
To school, to work, even grandma and the one
He rushes about his business stubbornly.

Well, we are in a hurry here.
To our kindergarten, my beloved,
The brightest and always
The best and unique.

Adults will take us by the hand,
And we will go together early in the morning.
They love us here, they always wait for us here,
Our teachers and nannies.
If tomorrow they tell me again:
- Relax, today is Sunday, -
I will miss my beloved kindergarten,
Definitely to everyone's surprise.

It's good to hurry in the morning,
Forgetting about the bad weather,
The kids love it very much

The kids love it very much
Kindergarten at any time of the year.

Girl:“Preschool Kid” sounds honorable to us.
Now this is the title you bear,
Congratulations and first badge
Be brave, we are glad to meet you, my friend!
Boy: We wish you to grow quickly,
We wish you to find friends as soon as possible,
Conduct yourself well in class.
Of course, you can be a little naughty
And love your kindergarten very and deeply.
/badges and balloons are presented to the music/
Carlson: Thank you guys for these badges! We will try even harder with them: we will grow up, eat porridge, read a lot, take care of our toys, obey our parents and teachers!
/preparatory group says goodbye to the kids and leaves/
Carlson: And now I invite everyone to a fun round dance!
/general round dance, a song about friendship from the cartoon “Masha and the Bear” sounds/.