"Saryn for nickname" - What does this phrase mean? "Saryn for Kichku" - Favorite Martial Clean Stenka Razin.

"Saryn for nickname" - What does this phrase mean? "Saryn for Kichku" - Favorite Martial Clean Stenka Razin.

Clean "Saryn on Kichku", in fact, widely known in Russia in the past, retained his fame to the present day, but already in the XIX century. Few of not Volzhan, and not all the Volzhani could really explain what it meant: Saryn, Kick, Saryn on Kichku. V.I. Dal "Saryn" determined as a collective word of the female genus, consistently east of Moscow and having the following meanings: "Crowd of boys, shaluns; Crowd, Vataga of the Black People; bastard, black. "Kick" at V.I. Dalya is defined as "Fasting, lightning, crossbar, reinforcing deck barking with a nose; Before or the nose of the ship. " In general, the crying "Saryn for Kichku" - "According to legend, the order of the Volga robbers who took adopted by the vessel," - meant: "Burlaki on the nose of the vessel!" , "Burlaki, on the nose, away." XIX-XX centuries. In the literature, including artistic, Saryn, Kichka and Saryn on Kichku were understood precisely in the sense. According to V. G. Korolenko, after the scream "Saryn for Kichku" "Saryn (Sudiorway and Burlaki) was thrown on the nose of the vessel (" sick ") and sleeved humbly there, until Udaltsy managed with the owners who were bought off the tribute ... Explanation is simple:" Saryn on Kichku "is not a magical spell. This is a completely definite requirement that the "guys" (ship team) entered the nose of the vessel and waited there passively, without interfering with what is happening. " Outstanding scholar-shipbuilder Academician A. N. Krylov, remembering the Volga 1870-1880s. , mentioned barks with their crooked "kicks", which went on the oven, the wind and Sura and the forests delivered: "The alloy was produced forward, for which there were special large all-wheel steering. The vessel dragged the cast-iron, weighing from 50 to 100 pounds, the load, which was called the "lot", and the rope on which he was dragging, called "bitch" (from the verb to dry). This rope under the control of the vessel was grabbed from one, then from another side, for which a square was sat down on the nose, in the entire width of the platform, called the "nickname", - hence the team of the ancient Volga Robbers: "Saryn (i.e. burlaci), on kicks. "

Saryn for Kichku is one of the most famous fighting of the Volga Cossacks. It is believed that this phrase is a linguistic mystery, which took us from the so-called "thief language."

According to the encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron:

"Thief language is a fictional, conventional language, which explicit among themselves among themselves fraud and theft. There is a legend that the Volga robbers had their own conventional language, but the only traces of this language remained in the sayings "Duvan Duzanny" yes "Saryn for Kichku".

In the XIX century, the researchers noted that in different provinces there was his "thieves' language", but the object of study is the legacy of the past, unfortunately, was not.

Describing the era when the Volga Cossacks were hosted, Casimir Feliksovich Valishevsky in the book "Ivan Grozny" noted:

"The ethnographic point of Sushenia nine to the country's tenths had only the Russian inhabited, which left his healthy wave of the recent coloniznagonnago moved. There was no need to get the time "Craft" Ruskago to find Tatar and especially Finn. The basis of the population came the Finnish tribe. "

In his articles dedicated to the toponyms of the Samara Territory, I pointed out that the Russian population, colonizing the average voltage, easily changed the words unclear for the Russian ear. As a result, the new word and phrase became more colawing, but completely lost the logic and meaning. Meanwhile, when deciphering incomprehensible names, the main criterion of correctness is the motivation of translation.

Finnish tribes once lived on the huge territory of central Russia. The compilers of Russian chronicles were taken out under different names: Merry, Meshchera, Murom, all, Mordva. Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky noted that they left after themselves "thousands of non-Russian titles of cities, villages, rivers and a broken. Listening to these names, it is easy to see that they are taken from some kind of vocabulary that once on all the space sounded one language, which belonged to these names, and that he is a relative to those who are telling the native population of the current Finland and Finnish Middle Volga Foreigns, Mordva, Cheremis. "

Modern researchers directly indicate this linguistic basis - Erzyansky and Mokshansky. "Finno-Ugric Sanskrit" - so called their great Russian linguist Dmitry Vladimirovich Burrich. Consequently, in the folk prose, words should be recorded, which will indicate the "Finnish" component of both the thieves language of the Volga Cossacks, and will help to show unclear to the village of the word in a different light.

Saryn for nick | The end of the riddle.

As you know, the fear and horror of the population of Volga cities were injured on the population of Volga cities. Historians about the meaning of the word History write as something foggy, they say, once on the river Oski, Novgorod, built their warships and began to call them at the place of bookmark. However, if our version is true, the word "Hist" should have a motivated translation in Erziang. And indeed, we find a whole bush of words that have similarities with the name of the river raid wagon. Judge for yourself: Ushmo-sounder, Ushimin - Voivod, Dundan - Enemy. By the way, the nickname of the epic merchant Sadko translated from Erzyansky means "Sotnik".

In general, this observation proves nothing, but it makes a linguistic and geographical binding to the Volga region, to the territory where Erzy and Moksha lived with ancient times. By the way, few people know that the father of Stepan Razin in the documents was written by "Misseling." "Razy" is the nickname of Erzyan in the XVII century, and the ancestors of the famous Ataman were from under Saransk. Clean "Saryn on Kichku" is associated with the name of Stepan Timofeevich, who talked to the memories of contemporaries in several languages \u200b\u200band could well own Erziang. There is an indirect evidence.

Here is a fragment from the story of Dmitry Sadovnikova "Magic handkerchief" recorded in the second quarter of the XIX century in the Samara province.

"... Far-far seemed to see the ship, which is getting closer to the Ataman Tent. Burlaki bent forward, knocking out of all his might, dragging a stray through the shoulder of the ship up the water, against the current. Only burly, like a formidable Ataman gives the team: "Len!" Hearing the team, Burlaki is all up to the same to the ground, not daring to disobey the orders of the Terrible Ataman. "

Annually sounding in this fragment is read by the word "flax". Of course, Ataman is not interested in linen fabric, the difference sets the question of the case: "Lem?!", That is, "Name?! Rank?!". Motigned? In my opinion, quite.

Here is an example. Excerpt from another story of Sadovnikov. Dmitry Nikolayevich describes the fight between the Archers and the Rileans. According to the legend, the difference is sorcerer, and his Vatagu does not take a bullet, nor blade. Then the Streetsky centurion charged the patterned with a cross and shot in the direction of confusion. Fallen one of the Razinsky commanders - that's what the cross the Life-giving does! Ataman understands that the case takes a bad turnover and shouts to his fighters: "Water!".

No, he does not call to rush into the water! In Erziang, there is a very similar word "Vado", which is translated as "carefully! Watch both! Leave! ". The scent, retreat, the enemy of our trick has solved and will start a shut-off with crosses!

And now - attention! "Saryn on kick!" Cossacks assault take private merchant or "erased" stops. And for some reason, they call on the team of the captured ship - Saryn, Mobile - on the nose of the vessel - kicke. At least, so explains this science official version. Ask yourself the question: why on the nose? Why not in the trunk or on the stern? Why did we take that the victims on the nose will be more obedient? No answer. Although it is obvious that the crowd of prisoners will be tritely interfered. The order must be completely appropriate and adequate the situation, for example, should be somehow connected with the robbery or withdrawal of values.

And indeed, as soon as we suppose that the "element of the thief language" in the older times indicated the normal order of "raw crop" - "Gold to collect" or "Collect Gold" - the absurdity of the official version will become apparent. In this case, the order for the valuation of valuable metal could be perceived by the merchants as a cry from the underworld. By the way, then it makes sense and stroll about the real state of affairs on the Middle Volga in the XVII century and earlier. The order to "collect gold" is more like the appeal of Mytar to the merchant, and the Samara Luke is more like a natural customs post. Want to cut down two hundred miles - pay and move through the passage in the Usa and then up the Volga-RA. Money is sorry - raise against the current around Luke, God knows how much time! And the time is known - money.

Over time, the true meaning of the order was forgotten, and a linguistic mystery was aligned with almost unrecognizable, "Saryn on kicks".http://cont.ws/post/177377

Saryn on Kichku - The ancient battle cry of the Cossacks. The expression is assumed to be the remnant of the "thieves" language of the Volga Robbers, Horskoynikov. It was used as a call to enemies to retreat and / or battle cry.


"Thief" version

Saryn (Ring) previously, and at the end of the XIX century, there was a mobile, crowd; Kick - elevated part on the nose of the vessel. It was the orders of Burlacs to get away to the side and issue the owner, which was always and fulfilled unquestionably, partly because Burlaki were unarmed and considered the robbers to the Kudesniki.

According to another version, until the middle of the XVII century, it was a call, on which everyone on the vessel should go to the nick and lie down while robbery occurs.

A robber cry on the Volga "Saryn on Kichku" did not mean to "beat everyone". The word "Saryn" (not Saryn) means almost the same as "bastard." The concept of humiliating often also call the Artel Burlakov or a crowd of workers on the extensions and other courts, along the Volga walking. "Kichko" was called the nose, or the front end of the vessel, the opposite end of the rear, called feed. When, attacking the ship, the robbers shouted: "Saryn for nickname!", In the true sense of the conditional language, their words mean: "Burlaki! Get away everything to the nose! Put, silence and do not touch from the spot. " When this terrible command was fulfilled, the vessel robbed and the cabin, near the stern, but did not touch the burles; They beat them in such only the case when they shout "Saryn on Kicchka" did not obey.

Polovtskaya version

"Saryn on Kichkooo!", Originating from the Polovetsky language, is translated as "forward, falcons." There is similarities with Tatar and other Turkic languages.

The Don Cossacks went to the inheritance from Kipchak, or Sarov. The population of the Cossack Don, subsequently Russified, was originally mixed, and the most ancient part of the Don Cossack childbirth (Saryn) was their remnants. For example, it is still certainly not known nor the nationality or the religion of Stepan Razin, except that his father was "Basurman's faith," and what the differences spoke in Russian. And since the Cossacks often freed the slaves transported on the ships, then the crying of this means "output the prisoners and slaves to the upper deck and give up, otherwise you will be destroyed." Sarah, Saryn - "Blonde". Kick - the upper deck of the ship.

The Polovtsians themselves sounded "Sarah about Kichko!" ("Polovtsy, forward!").

Erziang version

According to the research of Samara local historians and linguists, the expression "Saryn on nickname!" It is a distorted "raw Kochkams", which in the literal translation from Erzyansky language means "Gold to gather!".

Sakian version

In the Black Sea region, Saki, who fought the Persian king Darius I, was left by the Behistunsk inscription in the 6th century BC. e. "Saryn on kick!" meant "let's give a strong fight."

What does the expression "Saryn on Kicchka" mean?

Saryn (Syrana) in dala dictionaries, Ozhegova I.T.D. Defined as -tolp, mobile.

Kick-exaltation, platform on the nose of the vessel. It is believed that this cry of robbers (scribynikov) denoted the order to the workers' people, Burlacs to gather on the nose of the vessel and lie quietly while merchants rob them. Then they did not touch them.

Mention also met (I do not remember the exact expression) that this exclamation is distorted by Turkic something like "foresight.

Galina Vasilna

This phrase is from the category of mysterious expressions of our tongue. On this occasion, many linguistic surveys were carried out. It can be read in detail here it is believed that it was a favorite phrase of Stepana Razin, meant something like: "By horses" or "forward." Saryn - the meaning of the word multiple. Burlakov was called Saryn, Spach Street, Hooligan. Maybe from there and the word "sem" went? So called people poor, beggars, chernobykh, who hired any work or earned to feed everything without parsing. Among the Cossacks were robbing, which on their plaques (different) robbed boats, Barki, shocks with a commodity. It was the cry of the Cossacks-robbers when they attacked the boat floating on the river. Meaning the phrase that employees need to sit on the kicke and do not move. Usually they did not beat if they did not resist. Kick is the front part, the nose of the vessel. When he was heroked over the river:

then all who was not going to resist moved to the nick or just lay down face down. Pirates robbed what could take and retracted.


This cry " Saryn on Kichku"It was peculiar to the robbers in the Middle Ages who robbed trade vessels. This cry meant that the entire valuable team should bring on the nose of the ship. The fact is that the word Saryn comes from the ancient Tatar word Sarah, which means money (gold coins). And The nickname is the highest place, it can be translated as well as a crown, which is put on the head of a person, so the nickname became a female headdress. Hence the word to throw the word, that is, caught to be arrogant. And in this phrase the word of the nose is the nose of the ship - so Like the ship's nose is the highest place on the ship.


This expression went out of the 17th century as a warning to go to the bottom when attacking the robbers to the ship.

According to another version, this expression for many years and it went from the language of Polovtsy: Forward, Falcons! Later a century, such a cry was inherited by the Cossacks, it is known that Stepan Razin said so, the trick of the court. He ordered to bring to the nickname (front deck) slaves and surrender.

According to the Erzyansk version, it means the collection of gold.

Saryn on Kichku

Saryn for Kichku is one of the most famous fighting of the Volga Cossacks. It is believed that this phrase is a linguistic mystery, which took us from the so-called "thief language."

According to the encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron: "Thief language is a fictional, conventional language, which explicit among themselves among themselves fraud and theft. There is a legend that the Volga robbers had their own conventional language, but the only traces of this language remained in the sayings "Duvan Duzanny" yes "Saryn for Kichku".
In the XIX century, the researchers noted that in different provinces there was his "thieves' language", but the object of study is the legacy of the past, unfortunately, was not.
Describing the era when the Volga Cossacks have been commissioned, Casimir Feliksovich Valishevsky in the book "Ivan Grozny" noted: "The ethnographic point of SPNII nine in the country's tenths had had only Russian inhabited, which left a hiding wave of the recent colonizanionnago. There was no need to get the time "Craft" Ruskago to find Tatar and especially Finn. The basis of the population came the Finnish tribe. "

In his articles dedicated to the toponyms of the Samara Territory, I pointed out that the Russian population, colonizing the average voltage, easily changed the words unclear for the Russian ear. As a result, the new word and phrase became more colawing, but completely lost the logic and meaning. Meanwhile, when deciphering incomprehensible names, the main criterion of correctness is the motivation of translation.
Finnish tribes once lived on the huge territory of central Russia. The compilers of Russian chronicles were taken out under different names: Merry, Meshchera, Murom, all, Mordva. Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky noted that they left after themselves "thousands of non-Russian titles of cities, villages, rivers and a broken. Listening to these names, it is easy to see that they are taken from some kind of vocabulary that once on all the space sounded one language, which belonged to these names, and that he is a relative to those who are telling the native population of the current Finland and Finnish Middle Volga Foreigns, Mordva, Cheremis. "
Modern researchers directly indicate this linguistic basis - Erzyansky and Mokshansky. "Finno-Ugric Sanskrit" - so called their great Russian linguist Dmitry Vladimirovich Burrich. Consequently, in the folk prose, words should be recorded, which will indicate the "Finnish" component of both the thieves language of the Volga Cossacks, and will help to show unclear to the village of the word in a different light.
Saryn for nick | The end of the riddle.
As you know, the fear and horror of the population of Volga cities were injured on the population of Volga cities. Historians about the meaning of the word History write as something foggy, they say, once on the river Oski, Novgorod, built their warships and began to call them at the place of bookmark. However, if our version is true, the word "Hist" should have a motivated translation in Erziang. And indeed, we find a whole bush of words that have similarities with the name of the river raid wagon. Judge for yourself: Ushmo-sounder, Ushimin - Voivod, Dundan - Enemy.
In general, this observation proves nothing, but it makes a linguistic and geographical binding to the Volga region, to the territory where Erzy and Moksha lived with ancient times. By the way, few people know that the father of Stepan Razin in the documents was written by "Misseling." "Razy" is the nickname of Erzyan in the XVII century, and the ancestors of the famous Ataman were from under Saransk. Clean "Saryn on Kichku" is associated with the name of Stepan Timofeevich, who talked to the memories of contemporaries in several languages \u200b\u200band could well own Erziang. There is an indirect evidence.

Fortress on the "robbery" river Osa
Here is a fragment from the story of Dmitry Sadovnikova "Magic handkerchief" recorded in the second quarter of the XIX century in the Samara province.
"... Far-far seemed to see the ship, which is getting closer to the Ataman Tent. Burlaki bent forward, knocking out of all his might, dragging a stray through the shoulder of the ship up the water, against the current. Only burly, like a formidable Ataman gives the team: "Len!" Hearing the team, Burlaki is all up to the same to the ground, not daring to disobey the orders of the Terrible Ataman. "
Annually sounding in this fragment is read by the word "flax". Of course, Ataman is not interested in linen fabric, the difference sets the question of the case: "Lem?!", That is, "Name?! Rank?!". Motigned? In my opinion, quite.
Here is an example. Excerpt from another story of Sadovnikov. Dmitry Nikolayevich describes the fight between the Archers and the Rileans. According to the legend, the difference is sorcerer, and his Vatagu does not take a bullet, nor blade. Then the Streetsky centurion charged the patterned with a cross and shot in the direction of confusion. Fallen one of the Razinsky commanders - that's what the cross the Life-giving does! Ataman understands that the case takes a bad turnover and shouts to his fighters: "Water!".
No, he does not call to rush into the water! In Erziang, there is a very similar word "Vado", which is translated as "carefully! Watch both! Leave! ". The scent, retreat, the enemy of our trick has solved and will start a shut-off with crosses!
And now - attention! "Saryn on kick!" Cossacks assault take private merchant or "erased" stops. And for some reason, they call on the team of the captured ship - Saryn, Mobile - on the nose of the vessel - kicke. At least, so explains this science official version. Ask yourself the question: why on the nose? Why not in the trunk or on the stern? Why did we take that the victims on the nose will be more obedient? No answer. Although it is obvious that the crowd of prisoners will be tritely interfered. The order must be completely appropriate and adequate the situation, for example, should be somehow connected with the robbery or withdrawal of values.
And indeed, as soon as we suppose that the "element of the thief language" in the older times indicated the normal order of "raw crop" - "Gold to collect" or "Collect Gold" - the absurdity of the official version will become apparent. In this case, the order for the valuation of valuable metal could be perceived by the merchants as a cry from the underworld. By the way, then it makes sense and stroll about the real state of affairs on the Middle Volga in the XVII century and earlier. The order to "collect gold" is more like the appeal of Mytar to the merchant, and the Samara Luke is more like a natural customs post. Want to cut down two hundred miles - pay and move through the passage to the mustache (about what "Usa" is, I will write in the next article) and then up the Volga-RA. Money is sorry - raise against the current around Luke, God knows how much time! And the time is known - money.
Over time, the true meaning of the order was forgotten, and a linguistic mystery was aligned with almost unrecognizable, "Saryn on kicks".

Series message "etymology":
Part 1 - Why is the Black Sea called black?
Part 2 - History of the word "OK"
Part 27 - the origin of the words "Ukraine", "Ukrainians": What do the documents say?
Part 28 - 20 words and expressions that have an interesting story of origin
Part 29 - Saryn on Kichku
Part 30 - not visible ZGI
Part 31 - where the expression comes from ...
Part 32 - seven philological miniatures

"Saryn for nickname". This is a slogan or what?

Old bachelor

Saryn for nickname Brockhauses and Efron
Saryn on nickname, in the old days the Volzhisk was exclamated. Robbers, for which everything is found. On the vessel should go to the nick (elevated part on the nose of the vessel) and lie down while the robbers robbed the ship ...
Saryn Ushakov
Sarah "ny, crowd, Vataga, Rada, advantage. It is known in the expression: Saryn for nickname! - By legend - the Volga Robbers, to-ry, mastering the ship, so ordered the crew ...
Saryn Dal.
Saryn is collecting. Vost. Kaluzhsk. (Sorrow?) Crowd of boys, shaluns; Crowd, Vataga of the Black People; bastard, mobile. Saryn on the street gomonite. Saryn on kick! Burlaki, on the nose of the vessel! According to legend, order ...

Evgeny R.

Most likely, this fighting crying is synonymous with "on boarding!" There is also "Saryn" - the thieves-Cossacks and the "kicach" - the upper deck of large river vessels, unlike the disturbed Cossacks. The rest of the interpretations, except for the Polovkoy version, do not stand critics!

"Who is not known," P.G. Korolenko wrote in 1896, - the famous cry of Saryn on Kichku, now in literary memories who took the romantic nature of the Volga Volzung slogan. We know that it was worth it to drop this clich with a "light boat" or chips, and the huge caravans of the cargo bars were given to the will of the current ... These barks floating on the neck, past the Volga Buaerakov, sometimes the villages and villages looked from the height of coast cliffs, represented Then a very characteristic spectacle: the crowd of Russian people lies with a slip ... and a small bunch of the same Russian people selfly disposed of their fate and property. The greatest cowardice and the lowestness, the greatest audacity and courage are almost fabulous - both opposites are coated together in this picture ... ".

Clean "Saryn on Kichku", in fact, widely known in Russia in the past, retained his fame to the present day, but already in the XIX century. Few of not Volzhan, and not all the Volzhani could really explain what it meant: Saryn, Kick, Saryn on Kichku. In 1828, the Moscow Telegraph magazine in the section "Different Izvestia" published without a signature and title a note on the conditional language of the ancient "Russian fraudsters and robbers", the author of which argued that "the Wolge Robbers the words" Saryn on Kichku "founded" beat All. " He competently objected by one of the readers of the magazine, Boyharkin, who sent a letter to the editor, in which, as far as known, first introduced the public with the meaning of the cleric and words, its components. "A robber cry on the Volga" Saryn on Kichku, "reported Boyharkin," did not mean to "beat everyone". The word "Saryn" (not Saryn) means almost the same as "bastard." The concept of humiliating often also call the Artel Burlakov or a crowd of workers on the extensions and other courts, along the Volga walking. "Kichko" was called the nose, or the front end of the vessel, the opposite end of the rear, called feed. When, attacking the ship, the robbers shouted: "Saryn on the nickname!" In the true sense of the conditional language, they mean their words: "Burlaki! Get away everything to the nose! Give, silent and do not touch from the spot. " When this terrible command was fulfilled, the vessel robbed and the cabin, near the stern, but did not touch the burles; They beat them in such only the case when they scream "Saryn on Kicchka" did not obey. " The editorial office of the journal was quite satisfied with these explanations and added a special note to the letter: "With true thanks, taking comments of the respectable Mr. Boyarkin, we mildly ask him and all lovers of domestic sending so interesting comments to us. We are ready to print them immediately in the "Telegraph" and for the message of news of everything that concerns the morals, customs, rites and in general the detailed knowledge of our fatherland will be especially grateful. "

Observations of Boyharkin were confirmed by research V.I. Daly. "Saryn" he determined as a collective word of the female genus, east of Moscow and having the following meanings: "Crowd of boys, shaluns; Crowd, Vataga of the Black People; The bastard, black "(for the dialect of the Kaluga province was supplied:" Sor? "). "Kichka" at V.I. Dalya is defined as "Fasting, lightning, crossbar, strengthening deck barking with a nose; Before or the nose of the ship. " In general, the crying "Saryn on Kichku" - "According to legend, the order of the Volga robbers who took adopted ship," meant: "Burlaki on the nose of the vessel!", "Burlaki, on the nose, away." V.I. Dal in reinforcement of his definition "Saryney" led two examples from speech: "Saryn on the street Gomonit" and "Great Saryn (Crowd), but some kind of send." It is known that Sarynyh called Peter I rebelted Don Cossacks. In annex to a decree, aimed at 12 April 1708. The commander of the punitive army by Prince V.V. Dolgruku, he commanded the rebellious towns "burn without residue, and people hack, and Wheels and stakes (plant. - VK), so that it is more convenient to tear the hunt for the rest of theft in humans, because Siai Saryn, except hard, (nothing. -B.K.) cannot be hurt. " In the XIX-XX centuries. In the literature, including artistic, Saryn, Kichka and Saryn on Kichku were understood precisely in the sense. According to V.G. Korolenko, after the shout of Saryn on Kichku, Saryn (Sudiorway and Burlaki) was thrown on the nose of the ship ("Kick") and slept himself, while Udaltsy managed with the owners who were bumping into the tribute ... Explanation is simple: "Saryn on Kichku "is not a magical spell. This is a completely definite requirement that the "guys" (ship team) entered the nose of the vessel and waited there passively, without interfering with what is happening. "

Outstanding scholar-shipbuilder Academician A.N. Krylov, remembering the Volga of the 1870-1880s., Mentioned the barks with their decorated "kicks", which went under the overall, the wind and Sura and the forest, and delivered the forest: "The alloy was produced by feeding for what they were set Special large groundwalls. The vessel dragged the cast-iron, weighing from 50 to 100 pounds, the load, which was called the "lot", and the rope on which he was dragging, called "bitch" (from the verb to dry). This rope under the control of the vessel was grabbed from one, then from another side, for which a square was arranged on the nose, in full width, called "nickname", - hence the team of the ancient Volga Robbers: "Saryn (i.e. burlaci), on kicks. " U A.N. Tolstoye in Petra First, Prince Mikhail Dolgoruky is angrily screaming for the rebels: "Saryn! Away from here, dogs, choppers ... ". "Saryn, for nickname! - writes V.Pikul, - the military exclamation of the Volga Wolitsa. Saryn is poor and Golyutba, and the nose is the nasal part of the Volga ship. Taking on the boarding of merchant vessels with goods, this exclamation was separated by Gooletbu from merchants exposed to destroy. " "Kick," naturally got into professional dictionaries. In the "Dictionary of Volzhsky Ship terms" S.P.Nuutrusva has the following certificate: "Kick - covered by boards space between the protrusion of the ends of the fire (BRUSIV, laid across the nasal part. - VK) overboard the vessel and board. Kicks in the old days were arranged at all Volga courts, including on the extensions; Now they are arranged only on Mokshans and the impaired vessels. Since the anchors on the named ships are descended and rising through the ends of the fire, then the sick as a fever of the boards serves to produce work: standing on it, the shipping is pulled out and descend the anchors. Hence the ancient robber cry: "Saryn on kicks", i.e. "Fall on kicks", otherwise - come out of the ship and do not hurt to rob it. " E.V. Kopeilova in the "Fishermen Dictionary of Volgo Caspian" briefly reports that the "nipper" - an outdated designation of the nose of the vessel, and gives an example from "my wanders" by V.A.Gilarovsky, where the body of the deceased "hid in the science" .

The time of the greatest application of Kyachki "Saryn on Kicchka" was probably the XVII century. V.G. Korolenko, however, it believed that the "picture" of this application was "typical for Mother Volga" XVIII century. And as if, with the order of Saryn on Kichku, "they were not alone" removed ", but also multi-solid" teams ", which were to check the" stated pashports "and the fears of the resistance of the unplanned shipping ships." Boyarkin stated for the first third of the XIX century, that the meaning of the expression "Saryn on the nickname" and "other robbing terms Volzhsky Judichells of Dyname knows firmly. But there are now - yes there will be thanks to the Lord - there are no longer on the Volga and there are only part of historical legends and folk memories. " The concept of "sick", as we saw, was used at the beginning of the XX century. Did the cry of the Don Cossacks use the bottom Cossacks? Most likely, because of them in the XVI-XVII centuries. actively participated in the "scatteries" on the Volga. V.S. Most Benvenko argues that "Saryn for Kichku" was "Favorite combat clivet the walls of Razin", and M.Adzhiev believes that the "famous cry" used Ermak Timofeevich, S.T.Razin and even E.Pugachev, But there are no documentary evidence. However, in the old legend, telling about how S.T.Razin with a Bagge stopped, Ataman applies named cry. In the Don People's Drama "Ermak" Esaul, giving a signal to the attack on the landowner, shouts: "Saryn on kick! .. Bey, Loggy, Do not regret, guys, the rich landowner of Skopidoma Lgoroderov!", And in the People's Folk Drama "Ataman Churkin" The main hero of the Vanka desperate during the attack of the Donets on the officers shouts: "Saryn on kick! ..". From the context, however, it can be seen that the authors of the said drama no longer presented themselves with the real content of the cleric. In recent decades, various fantastic buildings appeared in the press, trying to explain the meaning of the order of the "Saryn to Kichku".

"Saryn", claimed I.F.Byakadorov, this is one of the ancient names of the Don Cossacks "on the basis of belonging to the Sarah Diocese", and the cry "Saryn for Kichku" meant "Christians, on the stern", i.e. In the "safe place", and "was formed during the campaigns of Novgorod and Vyatskiy Ukrovniki by r. The Volga during the existence of the Golden Horde. " The Donents then "served and guarded" the Goldenopa Courts, and the appeal of the Saryn on Kichku's urbinikov had the meaning of the invitation not to participate in the protection of the vessel. " Subsequently, when the Sarah diocese was no longer there, this appeal preserved the same meaning. According to IF Beskadorov, the Petrovsky designation of the Donets "Sarynyj" meant that the king, "obviously ... knew the origin of the Don Cossacks and the belonging of their ancestors to the Sarah diocese, it was not distorted by Russian researchers in his time." Regarding this hypothesis proposed to readers in the form of axioms, it should be said that although Sarah (Saraiskaya) diocese really existed and served the population of the steppes between the Volga and Don [cm: 16], the connection between its names and Sarynhu is not proved by anything. Why the "nipper" was feed and for what reason was a safe place, I.F.Byakadorov does not explain (although in principle it could bring "kicks" from the designation of the stern in Turkish and Tatar languages). There is no evidence that the Cossacks served and guarded the ships of the Golden Horde. Finally, the angry Petrovskaya "Saryn" in the address of Cossacks hints very little on the fact that the king meant their "Sarah" origin. M.Adzhiev proposes to consider "Saryn to nickname" Polovtsy in origin by expression and perceive him as "Sarynna Kichku", or rather "Sarynna Kochchak", which in translation from Kumyksky means "Long live bravers." There is no evidence that this is not about a simple consonance, the author does not lead, as I ignores the considered opinion about the "addressee" of Klich. I recently notified the readers that Saryn in translated from Tatar allegedly means "Falcon" that the name of the first famous Don Ataman Sary-Astaman must be understood as Saryn-Ataman "Sokol-Ataman", and that "Saryn for Kichku" meant "Falcon, in the flight!" Or "Falcon, take!" . So far, no one has called Sarah-Azzzna "Sokol-Ataman", although M. Shenyutkin, at one time, assumed that Sarah-Azman was "the name distorted by Tatars - probably Saryn or Sarych Ataman." What is Saryn or Sarych, perplexed then G.I. Dostan, "God knows." "Saryn-Ataman" remained "indifferent", and Sarych (Kanyuk) easily succumbed to the explanation as a bird from the family of haybs (Falcon refers to another family - falcony). However, it did not bow the researchers to the "bird" interpretation of the name of the first Ataman. We will add that V.S. Most Berevenko still has to be explained why "Kichku" means "in flight" or "take" and how teams of the Volga courts had to perceive the robbery appeal to them "Falcon!".

The record of absurdities associated with the explanation of the Clich Saryn for Kichku broke, however, some kind of Davydov, who sent a letter to one of the Rostov newspapers with a proposal to rename the Rostselmash football team in "to Kichku". "In the time of the walls, the razen, as well as Emelyan Pugacheva," fantasies this reader, "Cossack Lava with naked checkers and peaks threw hundreds into battle" with the exclamation "for nick!" "Saryn" as unnecessary by the author lowers, and the "nipper" argues, it is further, this is an old headdress of the Cossacks-Bride, "Hig," ritual headdress, wedding treatment. But why did Lava shouted "for nick"? It should be a stunning explanation: "It was probably meant" on the main forces "(head), which were mostly located on the hill." Note that the word "nip" had several values \u200b\u200bin Russia (we cannot confine the Don phraseology in this case, since the cry was used on the Volga); One of them is actually the name of an old female headboron. But the smoke pipe was also called the smoke tube on saltwall, the stumps used on the firewood, part of the horse clamp. Why did Davydov elected the headdress for the combat shift? Pipe, it seems, more points to the "elevation"?

After all these nonsense, we recall that in reality the Cossacks with their famous cavalry attacks used an equally famous "GIC". V.I. Dal transfers this "offensive cry of Cossacks when they rush", combinations of "Gi, Gigi", but now only you can imagine how it really sounded "Gi", broken from the sip of hundreds and thousands of Cossacks, and what Horror it brought to the enemy.

It is known that in the XVI-XVII centuries. The main Military activities of the Cossacks deployed to the sea. And although the cry of Saryn on Kichku was associated with shipping, in the Cossack campaigns on the Black, Azov and Caspian Sea, it was not applied. It is easy to explain if I keep in mind its specific content that has not been drawn not to the attacker, but to the attacked, and which had no one to understand in foreign courts, except in challenged co-slaves, who were sitting on oars. What are the combat clichues of the Cossacks of the XVI-XVII centuries. Mentioned in sources? The Cossacks of Ermak Timofeevich went into battle on the materaul before the speaker with the exclamation "God with us!" . With the same tide, as reported by one of the editors of the "Poetic Tale of the Azov Siege Side", the Donctions in 1641 were out of Azov to the college against the Turkish Tatar army. Evia Chelaby as a participant says that the Cossacks besieged in this fortress beat off the attacks of the Turks with a cry "Do not be afraid!" . It should be noted that the Russian translator used the form "Do not be afraid", and it is externally closer to the transmission of the original (Ne Bose), but this ordinary Cossack Department was recorded by specialists from the Cossacks themselves in the form "not be afraid!" . According to the same Turkish author, the Cossacks delivered by the arrival of them to the help of comrades, "began to fall out of the guns, that the fortress of Azov lasted like a Bird of Salamandre in Nmruda fire. And, hitting that there are urine into your drums, they filled the fortress with the cries "Jesus! Jesus!" . Evia Chelaby In 1657, he watched the assault of the Ukrainian Cossacks, who "in the pitch darkness rushed to the fortress ... Screaming like Shakals:" Jesus, Jesus! " . The same contemporary claimed that when the Turkish troops, in the ranks of which was the author, in 1647 came to the fortress Gonio, taken before the Cossacks, the latter, at the sight of the approach, "cried" Jesus, Jesus! " . According to another editorial board of travel book, seeing the Islamic army of the Cossacks "screamed:" Oh Georgy! Oh George! ", Having in mind St. George. Although Evia Chelaby was an eyewitness of the events described and, therefore, had to personarily hear the above-mentioned clearances, doubts arise in the accuracy of his information. Involuntarily suggests parallel with the Turkish military army, Allah, Allah! " . Moreover, according to the same author, the cry "Jesus, Jesus!" Moldovan and Russian warriors also consumed. Mentioned by the same Evlia Chelebi cries of the Donets "high votes" before departing in the path of "sangs": "Jesus and Jesus Maria, Gracious Christ, Holy Nicola, Saint Kasim, Holy ISUP (two latter correspond to St. Dimitri and Joseph. - V.K.), Nicolas and Holy Rates! " - Remind the poor transfer of Christian prayer. But Evia Chelaby mentions another "offensive cry" of Cossacks, quite different from those given. When attacking the Cossacks on the Balchik in 1652, "When the inhabitants of the city fell into panic and hit the crying, the indomitable Cossacks began to rob, wastewhew and shout loudly" Yu! " and "Yu!" . Bulgarian translation of the same place from the "Book of Travel" transmits a Cossack Creek as "Yow, Yow!" . According to Evlia Chelebi, "Yu, Yu!" Nogai shouted in battle. In the Don show there is a verb to "south, yuzh.", Meaning "squealing, publish sharp sounds."

Finally, we give an extremely interesting testimony of John Bella, a Scottish physician, over 30 years in Russian service. When describing your trip to Persia in the 1710s. He notices that Chekalki (i.e. Shakali) "make such a cry who is like a human voice and how to produce Tatar and the Kozaki, when they attack the enemies." In this regard, a number of questions arise. Maybe "Yu, Yu!" Evia Chelebi is this like a shackal? Perhaps "Yu, Yu!" - This is another transfer "Gi!" Cossack "Gick"? Maybe comparing Evlia Chelebi Crack Crack when attacking shocks with Shakalim (screaming "Like Shakals") - is it more than just a literary turn? And in the end, "Jesus, Jesus!" The same author - not "Gi, Gigi!" Is this the Cossack "Gick", a peculiarly perceived Turk? According to A.E. Brem, Shakaliy, "a plaintious is reminded of a dog, but it has a great variety ... Sometimes this howl is similar to a man's cry or call about help and produces a terrible impression." "Howl Shakala," N.Ya.Dinnik testifies, - like a dog, but above it for tone, is distinguished by a variety of notes and a plaintive character ... Many consider this war to highly unpleasant and resembling moans, crying children or screams for help. longing ... ". A variety of shacking is spent to find in it and "Yu, Yu!" , and "Gi, Gigi!". And, knowing about the usual impact on the enemy alone only the emergence of the Cossacks (not to mention their attack), it is quite believing that the elements reproduced and enhanced by them could well produce a surgeful impression. The sounds of "Yu" and "Gi" can be found in the wolf, but howl Shakala sharp, and, it seems, the sounds of the latter are more suitable for the usual presentation of the Cossack "Gick". However, a number of historical sources turns our attention to the Volcie Howl. Donskoy "GIC" leads its "pedigree", undoubtedly from nomads (a Cossack expression is known: we borrow with the enemy of his wool and teeth). The wolf was considered the ancestor of all Turks. The Russian chronicle under 1097 reports on the magnificent of Polovtsy Khan Bonyaka before the battle with the Hungarians on Vigra: "... and to sneak to the semi-abnormalities, and getting a bonac and depart from Rati and Wolch's Wolf"; Wolves, answering him, predicted victory. Mikhail Pwell informs that Pechenegi, "strong in their contempt for death, with a loud combat rush to the enemy", in the story about the campaign against them the Byzantine emperor Isaac I Comnina 1059 explains how this cry sounded: Pechenegs "with loud rings rushed On the non-optimal soldiers. " It is likely that in the "customs" created by the Kuban Cossack General A.G.Shkaro Konvoye "Wolf hundred", which was then transformed into the "Wolf Regiment", did not affect one extravagant fun: the general of his convoy "dressed up ... in the hats from wolf fur , Introduced a special combat cry, like Wolf Wolf, and the greeting of the commander in the form of a wolf coherence. "* *


1. Korolenko V. Modern impostor // Russian wealth. 1896. No. 8. 2. On the conditional language of the former Volga Robbers // Moscow Telegraph. 1828. KN. 23. 3. Boyharkin. An explanation of several words of the conditional language of the Volga Robber // ibid. 1929. KN. 7. 4. Dal V. Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language. M., 1981-1982. T. 1, 2, 4. 5. Peasant and national movements on the eve of the formation of the Russian Empire. Bulavinsky uprising (1707-1708). M., 1935. 6. Krylov A.N. My memories. 8th ed. L., 1984. 7. Tolstoy A.N. Peter the First. M., 1975. 8. Pikul V. from the old casket. Miniatures. L., 1976. 9. Neset S.P. Dictionary of Volzhsky ship terms. Explanation of modern and old words in connection with the history of Volzhsky shipping. Nizhny Novgorod, 1914. 10. Kopylova E.V. Catcher. The word fishermen Volgo Caspiana. Volgograd, 1984. 11. Modulevenko V. Cossack Casket // Don Military Vedomosti. 1992. № 22. 12. Adzhiev M. We are from the genus Polovtsy! From the pedigree Kumykov, Karachayvtsev, Cossacks, Balkarians, Gagauz, the Crimean Tatars, as well as parts of Russian and Ukrainians. Rybinsk, 1992. 13. Sheptev L.S. Early legends and legends about distribution // Slavic folklore and historical reality. M., 1965. 14. Golovachev V., Latchille B. People's Theater on Don. Rostov N / D, 1947. 15. Bykadorov I.F. Don Army in the struggle for entering the sea (1546-1646). Paris, 1937. 16. Pokrovsky I. Russian dioceses in the XVI-XIX centuries, their discovery, composition and limits. The experience of church-historical, statistical and geographical research. Kazan, 1987. T.1. 17. Senutkin M. Donets. Historical essays of hostilities, biographies of the elders of the last century, notes from the modern life and a look at the history of the Troops of the Donsky. Part 2. M., 1866. 18. Kostin G. On the origin of the Don Cossacks. (Critical essay) // Donskaya newspaper. 1874. № 23-28. 19. Biological encyclopedic dictionary. M., 1986. 20. Davydov "For Kichku!" - decent ... // Evening Rostov. 30.vi.1992. 21. Dictionary of Russian Don Govorov. Rostov n / d. 1976. T. 2-3. 22. Popov A. History about Donskoy Troops, composed by the Director of School of School in Troops, the College Advisor and Kavaler Alexei Popov 1812 in Novocherkassk. Kharkov, 1814. Part 1. 23. Sukhorukov V. Historical description of the land of the Troops of Donskoy // Don, 1988. 24. Orlov A. Historical and poetic stories Obazov (taking 1637 and siege sitting 1641). Texts. M., 1906. 25. Evia Chelebubi. The unsuccessful siege of Azov by Turks in 1641 and the occupation of them fortresses on leaving the Cossacks // Notes of the Odessa Society of History and Antiquities. Odessa. 1872. T. 8. 26. Cossack Dictionary-Directory. Compiled by G.V. Gubarev. M., 1992. (Reprint. Playback Ed.: San Anselmo, 1968-1970). T. 2-3. 27. Evia Chelaby. Travel book. (Extraction from the composition of the Turkish traveler of the XVII century). Translation and comments. M., 1961-1983. Vol. 1-3. 28. Evia Chelaby. Patwan on Evia Chelebi from Bulgarski Zemsti Vas Meshdan at the XVII century // Periodic Sightsion on Balgarskoto Banchovno Friendly in Sofia. 1909. KN. 52. St. 9-10. 29. Evliya Efendi. Narrative of Travels in Europa. Asia and africa in the sevententh century, by Evlija Efendi. L., 1846. Vol. 1. P. 2. 30. EWLIJA CZELEBI. Ksiega Podrozy Ewliji Czelebiego. (Wybor). Warszawa, 1969. 31. Bel. Belev Travels through Russia in different Asiatian lands, namely to the Hispiana, to Beijing, Derbent and Constantinople. St. Petersburg., 1776. Part 1. 32. Brem A.E. Life of animals. By A.E. Brem. M., 1941. T.5. 33. Dinknik N.Ya. Caucasus animals Tiflis, 1914. Part 2. 34. Full collection of Russian chronicles. M., 1962. T. 2. 35. Pletneva S.A. Polovtsy. M., 1990. 36. Mikhail Pwell. Chronography. M., 1978. 37. Shkuro A.G. White guerrilla notes. M., 1991. V.N. Korolev Historical and archaeological studies in Azov and Lower Don in 1992. 12. Azov, 1994, p. 178-189

Materials provided S.L.Rogokov

Undoubtedly, V.I. Dal was right, arguing that only "several conventional rivers" remained from the language of river pirates. True, it is more likely to go to our time or to the past twentieth century. But in the 19th century, during the lifetime of Vladimir Ivanovich, this "fraudulent or robbery language" was still alive and even relevant, because of his death Linguist informed his readers only in 1852.

After sixty years after that, in 1914, the "Dictionary of Volzhsky ship terms was published in Nizhny Novgorod. Explanation of modern and old words in connection with the history of Volzhsky shipping. " And the author, S.P.Noustroev, did not complain about the death of the language of blasting and burlacs, with which the language of river "thieves and robbers" was connected and in many respects crossed, although almost anything from the wooden shipbuilding and ancient Volzhsky shipping And not left. Moreover, it is possible not to doubt that the study of archival documents and in particular interrogate sheets related to the affairs of river pirates, even now allowed to restore the significant amount of this language of the Volga and Kamal Wolitsa.

But from all the "music" (Jarnon) of the Russian pirates V.I. Dal allocated only one expression "Saryn to Kichku" and gave him an explanation: "Saryn and today it means in places, a crowd; Kick - the nose of the vessel; It was the order of the Burlacs to get away to the side and issue the owner, which was always and fulfilled unlikely ... "1)

Unlike the famous Linguist V.G. Korolenko (1853-1921), he did not work about pirates, by the way, also never wrote. Only once, in the essay dedicated to the phenomenon of Russian Histakovshchyna, the writer was passioned by a passing and much more interesting than at V.I. Daly, explaining the famous clich of robbers. And it did it in 1896, that is, four more than a decade after the declared V.I. Deli death of the "fraudulent" language.

"Who does not know the famous cry" Saryn to Kichku, "Vladimir Galaktovich wrote," now in literary memories, who took the romantic nature of the Volga Volzung slogan. We know that it was worth it to cry out with the "light boat" or chips, and huge cargo baroque caravans were given to the will of the current, Saryn (Sudiorway and Burlaki) rushed to the nose of the vessel ("Kick") and humbly lay there until Udali managed with the owners who bought off the tribute. These Barki, swimming in Stragging, past the Volga Buaerakov, sometimes sat down and the villages that looked from the height of coastal cliffs, were then a very characteristic spectacle: the crowd of Russian people lies a prick "on kicks", and a small bunch of such Russian people selfly disposed of their fate and property. The greatest cowardice and the lowestness, the greatest audacity and courage are almost fabulous - both opposites are coated together in this picture, typical for Mother's Volga-Volga.

And it's great that Burlak, today submissively lying on kicks, maybe, recently, he himself drove on a light boat with the same powerful cry. Where is the explanation of the paradox strange?

Explanation is simple: "Saryn on the nickname" is not a magical spell. This is a completely definite requirement that the "guys" (ship team) come out on the nose of the vessel and waited there passively, without interfering with what is happening. If we disagree that they were not alone "removed", but also the "teams", which were for testing "edited pashports" and the fearless resistance of the shipless shipping, then we will understand everything. Recently, in the Volga newspapers, a very curiosity of the memoirs of Molzhanina-Starokil were printed. He says, by the way, that large caravans are only less afraid of robber attacks on deserted wolf, away from the settlements, because they had guns against the opening of the attack. True danger threatened by the Nevdax from the cities and the marins, since here the robbers were often under the guise of the bosses ... And this is why the cry of Saryn on Kichku was especially terrible, and this is what the magical power is explained. This, of course, consists of a romantic, almost magic coloring - but for that makes it an unusually typical and instructive for the household history of the palacing century ... "2)

However, V.I. Dal was completely right in the fact that in the XIX century the language of the then educated publish the language of the Language was absolutely unknown. And not only in the middle of the century, when the era of Russian piracy in fact rapidly kneaded to his sunset, but also much earlier, when the rings on the rivers flourished in full force.

So, in 1828, the Moscow Telegraph magazine in the section "Different Izvestia" published an anonymous note on the topic of Norivsky Argo, written, most likely, by someone from the permanent employees of the magazine, if not himself by his publisher Nikolai Alekseevich Polevoy (1796-1846) . It said: "In the old days, there was a special, conventional language, incomprehensible for a non-clear rule for which it was compiled for a non-clear robberry. Picking phrases were invented were to express thoughts and concepts. So the Volga Robber Words: Saryn on Kichku, meant: beat everything; the words: let the Krasnago Petuha, meant: light down; the words: on the river wave passed, meant: for us pursuit" 3) As you can see, the word "Saryn" lost a soft sign here, and the expression itself gained quite an unexpected value. Obviously, the nameless author of the "Telegraph" not only did not know the dictionary of "Volzhsky Robbers", but also its statements built on speculations and fantasies.

However, a refutation appeared soon in the journal, published on behalf of a certain reader of Boyharkin, in which the values \u200b\u200bof all three expressions were specified.

"In the 2nd book of the telegraph of 1828, on the page 382th" writes to us the respectable Mr. Boyarkin "Printed several expressions from the conditioned language of the previous Volga Robbers, with incorrect interpretation of meaning.

Robbery Creek on the Volga: Saryn on KichkuDid not mean: beat everything. Word: saryn. (and not sarange) means almost that bastard. In the concept of humiliating, often also called Artel Burlakov, or a crowd of workers on the extensions and other vessels, along the Volga walking. Kichko.-Well called the nose, or the front end of the vessel, the opposite end of the rear, called feed. When, attacking the ship, the robbers shouted: Saryn on kick! That, in the true sense of the Single language of their language, the words of these meant: Burlaki! Get away everything to the nose! PRESENT-THAT, silent and do not touch. When this terrible command was fulfilled, it was robbed the ship, and the cabin, near the stern, but they did not touch the burles; Bili, in such a case, when they scream: saryn on Kichkuhave not obeyed.

The words: Let the Krasnago rooster! meant on the Volga: shoot! And on the dry path the words mean: s going a house! Expression: on the river wave passedunderstood: for us pursuit.

The meaning of the current and other robbing terms, Volzhskiy Judichells of the Donyn is firmly known. But there are now - yes there will be thanks to the Lord - there are no longer on the Volga and there are only part of historical legends and folk memories. " four)

After seventy years after it was so safely resolved, this philological misunderstanding, in 1898 in the book "A brief historical essay of the development and activities of the rules of communication for a hundred years of its existence" appeared another fantastic interpretation of the Pirate Cleach: "In 1816, the Nizhny Novgorod Governor, By the way, heded: "Workers, although they hear such an incident (attack), but the fear of some old old robbery of the word" Sarand (Saryn) for nickname ", all the NICs lie and are without movement." Next year, when the misfortunes were reached during the Makarev Fair, Major-General Apukhtin wrote: "The barbaric word is spent at the entrance to Barca, the barbaric word immerses the entire people in silent obedience." 5) And then followed the comment of the components of the book regarding the meaning of this "barbarian word", in which the expression "Saryn on Kichku" was interpreted as "... Order a sail (Saryn) on the nasal crossbar (nod). 6)

By the time, the "short historical essay of the development and activities of the rules of communication" was issued, river unchecks on Russian rivers really stopped. But the dictionary V.I. Dalya was published by the second edition and the word "Saryn" was present in him, the importance of him was indicated: "The crowd, Vataga of the Black People; bastard, black. Yes, only the trouble is peculiar to anyone, it is also necessary to look into the dictionary ...

In a word, even the famous clicha of robbers was his own, full of curiosity history.

1) Dal V. Experience of Ollast Great Russian Dictionary. - Herald of Imperrurtskago Russkago geographic society. Part of the sixth. Book I. Department IV. Bibliography. St. Petersburg, 1852. p.277.

2) Korolenko Vl. Modern impostor. The impostors of the Civil Civil Conduction. - Russian wealth. Monthly literary and scientific journal. №8. St. Petersburg, 1896. P.152-153.

3) Miscellaneous news. - Moscow telegraph published by Nikolai Polev. Part twenty fourth. M., 1828. P.382.

4) there. P.352-353.

5) A brief historical essay on the development and activities of the Office of the Communications in a hundred years of its existence (1798-1898). St. Petersburg, 1898. P. 56.

Other essays from the "Cast Pirates" cycle.