The most beautiful popular museum. Beautiful world museums decorated with stucco

The most beautiful popular museum. Beautiful world museums decorated with stucco

Reynxuseum is the National Art Museum located on the Museum Square in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. It is one of the main attractions of the city. It was founded in the Hague in 1800, but by order of the King of Holland Louis Bonaparte (Mother Napoleon I Bonaparte) in 1808 was transported to Amsterdam. 8 thousand subjects of art and history are exhibited in the museum, among them the famous canvas of Jan Vermer, França Hals, Rembrandt and his disciples. The main place in the exposition is assigned one of the most famous paintings of the world - "Night Watch" Rembrandt. Here also contains a small Asian collection.

The New York Museum of Contemporary Art is an art museum, founded in 1929. Located in Middle Manhattan in the city of New York. Many people consider the Museum's Collection The world's best meeting of the masterpieces of modern Western art - the museum has more than 150,000 individual works, as well as 22,000 films, 4 million photos, 300,000 copies of books and periodic publications, 70,000 artists files. The collection includes works, without which it is impossible to imagine the art of the 20th century, - "Star Night" Van Gogh, "Dance" Henri Matisse, "Avignon girls" Picasso, "Constancy of Memory" Salvador Dali, "Bird in space" Konstantin Brynkushi. This is one of the main attractions of New York, which annually takes 2.67 million visitors.

The Smithsonian Institute is a complex of museums and research centers located mainly in Washington, DC, USA. It was founded in 1846 by the will of the British Chemist and Mineralog James Smithson who won his state to "increase and disseminate knowledge." The Smithsonian Institute includes 19 Museums, Zoological Park and 9 Research Centers, which contain more than 140 million exhibits (works of art, artifacts and samples).

On the seventh line on the list of the best museums of the world, the museum of natural science is located. This is one of three major museums located in South Kensington, London. Its collection includes more than 70 million exhibits sorted into 5 main sections: botany, entomology, mineralogy, paleontology and zoology. It is known first of all with its collections of dinosaurs skeletons, in particular the famous skeleton of diplomoca (length of 26 meters) in the central hall, as well as an interesting mechanical model of a tyrantosaurus.

Prado is an art museum and art gallery located in Madrid, the capital of Spain. With more than 1.8 million visitors per year, the museum is one of the most visited tourist facilities in Madrid. It was founded in 1819. His collection currently includes about 7,600 paintings, 1 thousand sculptures, 4800 engravings, as well as about 8 thousand other works of art and historical documents. Here is one of the best and most complete collections in the world of paintings of European masters of the XVI-XIX period, such as Bosch, Velasquez, Goya, Murillo, Surbaran, El Greek and others.

Gallery Uffizi - the world-famous art gallery, located in Florence, close to Signoria Square, Italy. This is one of the oldest museums of Europe, as well as one of the largest and most significant museums of European visual art. Here are hundreds of masterpieces of such masters such as Jotto, Botticelli, Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Georgeon, Titian, Fir Philippo Lippie and many others. Among the collection, paintings of Italian and Flemish schools prevail. There is also a gallery of self-portrait of famous artists (1600 works) and ancient sculptures.

State Hermitage is one of the largest artistic and cultural and historical museums in St. Petersburg, Russia. It was founded in 1764 Catherine II Great and open to the public in 1852. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe museum is 127,478 m². Collections occupy a large complex of six historic buildings located along the Palace Embankment. Hermitage stores more than 2.7 million works of art of various eras, countries and peoples representing the global culture of several millennia. Here also contains the largest collection of paintings in the world. Every year the museum attends about 4 million people.

The British Museum is the main historical and archaeological museum of Great Britain, located in the Bloomsbury district, London. It was founded in 1753, on the collection of a doctor and scientist Sir Hans Slaoan and is open to the public on January 15, 1759. Its permanent collection, there are about 8 million exhibits that document the cultural history of mankind from ancient times to the present day, among them numerous drawings, engravings, medals, coins and books of various eras. Extensive ethnographic collections of the British Museum contains monuments from Africa, America, Oceania, etc. The most famous exhibits are: Egyptian mummies, sculptures from Athenian Parthenon, Rosett Stone, Portland Vase, Sutton Hu treasures and many others.

Louvre is an art museum, the main attraction of the city, located in the heart of Paris on the right bank of the Seine. It is one of the largest and most visited museum in the world (9.26 million visitors for 2014). It was opened on August 10, 1793. It is a complex of buildings with a total area of \u200b\u200b60,600 square meters, which demonstrates 35 thousand works of art from ancient times until the middle of the XIX century. All exhibits are divided into eight categories of ancient Egypt, ancient Middle East, ancient Greece, ancient Rome, Islamic art, sculpture, painting, craft, drawing and graphics. In total, about 300,000 exhibits are stored in the Louvre collection.


Incredible facts

Everyone has its own idea of \u200b\u200bbeauty, and many museums are suitable for different definitions.

Good museums become part of the environment surrounding them, using natural materials or surface with changing light.

Many beautiful museums themselves adorn the terrain where they are located, attracting tourists from all over the world.

Here are some of the most beautiful museums in the world:

Masmay Mas, Antwerp, Belgium

Architects Noytelings. (Neutelings) and Ridizhk (Riedijk) gave this museum standing on the river bank, a distinctive modern view with a red sandstone brought from India and window glass. The museum design resembles the warehouses used in the old port of Antwerp. Also, if you take a closer look at the 60-meter museum building, you will see 3185 silver hands - antwerp symbol. Vertical "Boulevard" - a few elevators who go along the glass spiral of the building, opens a stunning view of the harbor and a roof from all levels and leads to the roof, separated until midnight.

Nelson-Atkins Art Museum, Kansas City, USA

The initial building from limestone with a bulky design in the style of neoclassicism was built back in the 1930s. In 2007, this museum was updated, and he had a modern expansion in the form of five cubes or lenses made from transparent glass. These "lenses" developed Stephen Hall (Steven Holl), make up a single integer with the surrounding landscape, repeating the bends of the lawn.

Museum of Islamic Art, Doha, Qatar

The Museum of Islamic Art is beautiful, and at the same time dynamic design, which echoes the traditional Islamic architecture. Stone blocks of pale sand color form a five-storey tower, which with the arrival of the night throws long shadows. The museum entry, which was built in the harbor on a private artificial island, leads a row of palm trees and a waterfall.

National Museum of Art, Osaka, Japan

While most of this museum is under the ground, the visible outer part of the glass and steel produces an indelible impression, bending 50 m. Recognized architect Caesar Pelley (César Pelli) wanted to portray bamboo reeds swinging in the wind, although his creation is still compared with wings. The game of light passes into the lobby, creating a constantly changing gallery space, isolated by a concrete wall with a thickness of about 3 meters.

Royal Museum Ontario, Toronto, Canada

Local architects Darling (Darling) and Person PEARSON) presented the initial museum in the style of Italian neoromantism in 1914. He has undergone several reconstructions and additions, but caused real disputes only in 2007 with the debut of a new design " The Crystal.". The collection of precious stones of the museum inspired Daniel Libeskinda (Daniel Libeskind) on deconstationist design of five mutually related prisms made of steel beams, aluminum and glass. Some were shocked by the innovation, others welcomed the bold decision.

Heggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain

When the museum designed in 1997 was opened Frank Geri. (Frank Gehry), which attracts attention to its swirling and reflective walls, he immediately became one of the most popular attractions of Spain. The building is made of glass, limestone and titanium panels that look like fish scales. Their organic bends were designed in such a way as to capture light, and the 15-meter atrium is partially illuminated by the light passing out of the "metal flower" located on the roof of the building.

Hedmark Museum, Hamar, Norway

Museum Hedmark is located 1.6 square meters. kilometers near Lake Miez. And it is an open-air exhibition, a restored house of the 18th century and the garden of herbs. But the real decoration of the museum are the Ruins of the Cathedral, built in 1150, which were partially destroyed in 1567. Four large arches, which remained until now, are under a hovering triangle of glass and steel. This place has become popular for weddings and other events, so you will have to wait for some time before going inside.

Hermitage, St. Petersburg, Russia

One of the oldest museums of the world, founded by Catherine Great in 1764, is a complex of six buildings, located between the Neva River and the Palace Square. Winter Palace It appears in its greatst, occupying a whole block, where, according to some calculations, there are about 1945 windows. The former imperial residence is decorated with two tiers of columns, golden domes and luxurious baroque and rococo style galleries.

Milwaukee Museum, Milwaukee, USA

Abstract object Memorial Center for Modernistswhich later became Milwaukee Art Museum, was created by the famous architect Eero Saranin (Eero Saarinen). It is made in the form of a cross from concrete and steel, and it seems as if he swims on a pedestal. One of the distinguishing features of the museum is Pavilion Kuadrachechi, Architectural postmodern creation with backups and vaulted ceiling, which has a movable sunscreen visor in the form of wings, which reaches 66 meters. At certain times of the day, the wings are revealed, and at night or in rainy weather - fold.

Oscar Museum Nimeier, Curitiba, Brazil

The official name of the museum was given in honor of the Brazilian architect Oscar Nimeeer (Oscar Niemeyer), which is already 95 years old, but most often it is called Museum of Eyes Thanks to its form. The glass angle "Eye" completed in 2002, relies on a 18-meter yellow pillar, and you can get to the very "eye" along a long curved ladder. A constantly changing reflection of the sky on the outer surface of the glass and the reflected water creates an indescribable view. The curved tunnel under the reservoir connects an extension with the initial building of the nimeier built in 1967.

OSA Museum, Paris

This is an elegant building on the left bank of the Seine, which was originally discovered as a railway station in 1900, officially became the museum only in 1986. Fortunately, the initial architectural decoration and the majestic arches of the BOS-AP Station still remained. Inside, curved barrel-shaped glass ceilings allow the natural light to fill sculptures in the main hall. Here you can stay in a cafe to see Seine through the huge metal clock - the heritage of the railway museum.

Modern Museum of Art Fort Worth, USA

Five pavilions surrounding a quiet reflective pond were created by the Japanese architect Tadao Ando (Tadao Ando). The building with a flat roof is made of glass panels whose height reaches 12 meters. They miss natural light for exhibits, as well as open a magnificent view of the city. If you decide to visit this museum during the day, you will have the opportunity to inspect more than 2,600 works of contemporary art, but if you run past the museum at night, for example, by ordering a table in a nearby cafe, you can admire the pavilions that are illuminated as huge floating lanterns.

National Museum of Australia, Canberra, Australia

This colorful museum, which was created by the architect Howard Raggattom (Howard Raggatt) resembles a rope knotted knots, which symbolically connects several different nations and the history of the country. The entrance to the museum is located in the center of the node, and one of its rear ropes is line Ulur. - 29-meter sculpture in the form of a loop. The outside of the museum having a semicircular shape is covered with aluminum panels on which words are written on Braille.

Museum of Solomon Guggenheim, New York, USA

Museum in the form of reinforced concrete spirals created Frank Lloyd Wright (Frank lloyd Wright) is a real triumph of modern architecture. However, in the 1950s, his design was so alien that he was instructed by the builder who had experience in building garages. Smooth spirals are playgrounds in the inside of the museum and lead visitors from one exhibition to another, allowing unique art exhibits. Although the building itself is considered to be a real work of art, being a kind of inverted zikkurat, some artists consider this museum a difficult place for the exhibition of their works.

The most beautiful museums of the world - Photo

Everyone has its own idea of \u200b\u200bbeauty, and many museums are suitable for different definitions.

Good museums become part of the environment surrounding them, using natural materials or surface with changing light.

Many beautiful museums themselves adorn the terrain where they are located, attracting tourists from all over the world.

Here are some of the most beautiful museums in the world:

Masmay Mas, Antwerp, Belgium

Architects Noytelings (Neutelings) and Ridijk (Riedijk) gave this museum standing on the river bank, a distinctive modern view with a red sandstone brought from India and window glass. The museum design resembles the warehouses used in the old port of Antwerp. Also, if you take a closer look at the 60-meter museum building, you will see 3185 silver hands - antwerp symbol. Vertical "Boulevard" - a few elevators who go along the glass spiral of the building, opens a stunning view of the harbor and a roof from all levels and leads to the roof, separated until midnight.

Nelson-Atkins Art Museum, Kansas City, USA

The initial building from limestone with a bulky design in the style of neoclassicism was built back in the 1930s. In 2007, this museum was updated, and he had a modern expansion in the form of five cubes or lenses made from transparent glass. These "lenses", developed by Steven Holl, constitute a single integer with the surrounding landscape, repeating the bends of the lawn.

Museum of Islamic Art, Doha, Qatar

The Museum of Islamic Art is beautiful, and at the same time dynamic design, which echoes the traditional Islamic architecture. Stone blocks of pale sand color form a five-storey tower, which with the arrival of the night throws long shadows. The museum entry, which was built in the harbor on a private artificial island, leads a row of palm trees and a waterfall.

National Museum of Art, Osaka, Japan

While most of this museum is under the ground, the visible outer part of the glass and steel produces an indelible impression, bending 50 m. The recognized architect Cesar Pelley (César Pelli) wanted to portray bamboo cane, rocking in the wind, although his creation is still compared with wings. The game of light passes into the lobby, creating a constantly changing gallery space, isolated by a concrete wall with a thickness of about 3 meters.

Royal Museum Ontario, Toronto, Canada

Local architects Darling (Darling) and Pearson (Pearson) presented the initial museum in the style of Italian neoromantism in 1914. He has undergone several reconstructions and additions, but caused real disputes only in 2007 with the debut of the new design "The Crystal". The collection of precious stones of the Museum inspired by Daniel Libeskind (Daniel Libeskind) on a deconstationist design of five mutually related prisms made from steel beams, aluminum and glass. Some were shocked by the innovation, others welcomed the bold decision.

Heggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain

When in 1997, a museum designed by Frank Gehry was opened, which attracts attention to its swirling and reflective walls, he immediately became one of the most popular attractions of Spain. The building is made of glass, limestone and titanium panels that look like fish scales. Their organic bends were designed in such a way as to capture light, and the 15-meter atrium is partially illuminated by the light passing out of the "metal flower" located on the roof of the building.

Hedmark Museum, Hamar, Norway

Museum Hedmark is located 1.6 square meters. Kilometers near Lake Mjes and is an open-air exhibition, a restored house of the 18th century and a garden of herbs. But the real decoration of the museum are the Ruins of the Cathedral, built in 1150, which were partially destroyed in 1567. Four large arches, which remained until now, are under a hovering triangle of glass and steel. This place has become popular for weddings and other events, so you will have to wait for some time before going inside.

Hermitage, St. Petersburg, Russia

One of the oldest museums of the world, founded by Catherine Great in 1764, is a complex of six buildings, located between the Neva River and the Palace Square. The Winter Palace appears in its greatst, occupying a whole block, where, according to some calculations, there are about 1945 windows. The former imperial residence is decorated with two tiers of columns, golden domes and luxurious baroque and rococo style galleries.

Milwaukee Museum, Milwaukee, USA

An abstract object Memorial Center for the Fight of Modernists, who later became Milwaukee's Museum, was created by the famous architect Eero Saarinen (Eero Saarinen). It is made in the form of a cross from concrete and steel, and it seems as if he swims on a pedestal. One of the distinguishing features of the museum is Kuadracci Pavilion, architectural postmodern creation with backups and a vaulted ceiling, which has a movable sunscreen visor in the form of wings, which reaches 66 meters. At certain times of the day, the wings are revealed, and at night or in rainy weather - fold.

Oscar Museum Nimeier, Curitiba, Brazil

The official name of the museum was given in honor of the Brazilian architect Oscar Niemeyer (Oscar Niemeyer), which is already 95 years old, but most often it is called the Museum of the Eyes due to his form. The glass angle "Eye" completed in 2002, relies on a 18-meter yellow pillar, and you can get to the very "eye" along a long curved ladder. A constantly changing reflection of the sky on the outer surface of the glass and the reflected water creates an indescribable view. The curved tunnel under the reservoir connects an extension with the initial building of the nimeier built in 1967.

OSA Museum, Paris

This is an elegant building on the left bank of the Seine, which was originally discovered as a railway station in 1900, officially became the museum only in 1986. Fortunately, the initial architectural decoration and the majestic arches of the BOS-AP Station still remained. Inside, curved barrel-shaped glass ceilings allow the natural light to fill sculptures in the main hall. Here you can stay in a cafe to see Seine through the huge metal clock - the heritage of the railway museum.

Modern Museum of Art Fort Worth, USA

Five pavilions surrounding a quiet reflective pond were created by the Japanese architect Tadao Ando (Tadao Ando). The building with a flat roof is made of glass panels whose height reaches 12 meters. They miss natural light for exhibits, as well as open a magnificent view of the city. If you decide to visit this museum during the day, you will have the opportunity to inspect more than 2,600 works of contemporary art, but if you run past the museum at night, for example, by ordering a table in a nearby cafe, you can admire the pavilions that are illuminated as huge floating lanterns.

National Museum of Australia, Canberra, Australia

This colorful museum, which was created by architect Howard Raggatt (Howard Raggatt) reminds the knotted rope knots, which symbolically connects several different nations and the history of the country. The entrance to the museum is located in the center of the node, and one of its rear ropes is a lines of uluru - a 29-meter sculpture in the form of a loop. The outside of the museum having a semicircular shape is covered with aluminum panels on which words are written on Braille.

Museum of Solomon Guggenheim, New York, USA

Museum in the form of reinforced concrete spirals created by Frank Lloyd Wright (Frank Lloyd Wright) is a real triumph of modern architecture. However, in the 1950s, his design was so alien that he was instructed by the builder who had experience in building garages. Smooth spirals are playgrounds in the inside of the museum and lead visitors from one exhibition to another, allowing unique art exhibits. Although the building itself is considered to be a real work of art, being a kind of inverted zikkurat, some artists consider this museum a difficult place for the exhibition of their works.

Everyone has its own idea of \u200b\u200bbeauty, and many museums are suitable for different definitions. Good museums become part of the environment surrounding them, using natural materials or surface with changing light. Many beautiful museums themselves adorn the terrain where they are located, attracting tourists from all over the world.
Here are some of the most beautiful museums in the world:

Masmay Mas, Antwerp, Belgium

Architects Noytelings. (Neutelings) and Ridizhk (Riedijk) gave this museum standing on the river bank, a distinctive modern view with a red sandstone brought from India and window glass. The museum design resembles the warehouses used in the old port of Antwerp. Also, if you take a closer look at the 60-meter museum building, you will see 3185 silver hands - antwerp symbol. Vertical "Boulevard" - a few elevators who go along the glass spiral of the building, opens a stunning view of the harbor and a roof from all levels and leads to the roof, separated until midnight.

Nelson-Atkins Art Museum, Kansas City, USA

The initial building from limestone with a bulky design in the style of neoclassicism was built back in the 1930s. In 2007, this museum was updated, and he had a modern expansion in the form of five cubes or lenses made from transparent glass. These "lenses" developed Stephen Hall (Steven Holl), make up a single integer with the surrounding landscape, repeating the bends of the lawn.

Museum of Islamic Art, Doha, Qatar

The Museum of Islamic Art is beautiful, and at the same time dynamic design, which echoes the traditional Islamic architecture. Stone blocks of pale sand color form a five-storey tower, which with the arrival of the night throws long shadows. The museum entry, which was built in the harbor on a private artificial island, leads a row of palm trees and a waterfall.

National Museum of Art, Osaka, Japan

While most of this museum is under the ground, the visible outer part of the glass and steel produces an indelible impression, bending 50 m. Recognized architect Caesar Pelley (César Pelli) wanted to portray bamboo reeds swinging in the wind, although his creation is still compared with wings. The game of light passes into the lobby, creating a constantly changing gallery space, isolated by a concrete wall with a thickness of about 3 meters.

Royal Museum Ontario, Toronto, Canada

Local architects Darling (Darling) and Person PEARSON) presented the initial museum in the style of Italian neoromantism in 1914. He has undergone several reconstructions and additions, but caused real disputes only in 2007 with the debut of a new design " The Crystal.". The collection of precious stones of the museum inspired Daniel Libeskinda (Daniel Libeskind) on deconstationist design of five mutually related prisms made of steel beams, aluminum and glass. Some were shocked by the innovation, others welcomed the bold decision.

Heggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain

When the museum designed in 1997 was opened Frank Geri. (Frank Gehry), which attracts attention to its swirling and reflective walls, he immediately became one of the most popular attractions of Spain. The building is made of glass, limestone and titanium panels that look like fish scales. Their organic bends were designed in such a way as to capture light, and the 15-meter atrium is partially illuminated by the light passing out of the "metal flower" located on the roof of the building.

Hedmark Museum, Hamar, Norway

Museum Hedmark is located 1.6 square meters. kilometers near Lake Miez. And it is an open-air exhibition, a restored house of the 18th century and the garden of herbs. But the real decoration of the museum are the Ruins of the Cathedral, built in 1150, which were partially destroyed in 1567. Four large arches, which remained until now, are under a hovering triangle of glass and steel. This place has become popular for weddings and other events, so you will have to wait for some time before going inside.

Hermitage, St. Petersburg, Russia

One of the oldest museums of the world, founded by Catherine Great in 1764, is a complex of six buildings, located between the Neva River and the Palace Square. Winter Palace It appears in its greatst, occupying a whole block, where, according to some calculations, there are about 1945 windows. The former imperial residence is decorated with two tiers of columns, golden domes and luxurious baroque and rococo style galleries.

Milwaukee Museum, Milwaukee, USA

Abstract object Memorial Center for Modernistswhich later became Milwaukee Art Museum, was created by the famous architect Eero Saranin (Eero Saarinen). It is made in the form of a cross from concrete and steel, and it seems as if he swims on a pedestal. One of the distinguishing features of the museum is Pavilion Kuadrachechi, Architectural postmodern creation with backups and vaulted ceiling, which has a movable sunscreen visor in the form of wings, which reaches 66 meters. At certain times of the day, the wings are revealed, and at night or in rainy weather - fold.

Oscar Museum Nimeier, Curitiba, Brazil

The official name of the museum was given in honor of the Brazilian architect Oscar Nimeeer (Oscar Niemeyer), which is already 95 years old, but most often it is called Museum of Eyes Thanks to its form. The glass angle "Eye" completed in 2002, relies on a 18-meter yellow pillar, and you can get to the very "eye" along a long curved ladder. A constantly changing reflection of the sky on the outer surface of the glass and the reflected water creates an indescribable view. The curved tunnel under the reservoir connects an extension with the initial building of the nimeier built in 1967.

OSA Museum, Paris

This is an elegant building on the left bank of the Seine, which was originally discovered as a railway station in 1900, officially became the museum only in 1986. Fortunately, the initial architectural decoration and the majestic arches of the BOS-AP Station still remained. Inside, curved barrel-shaped glass ceilings allow the natural light to fill sculptures in the main hall. Here you can stay in a cafe to see Seine through the huge metal clock - the heritage of the railway museum.

Modern Museum of Art Fort Worth, USA

Five pavilions surrounding a quiet reflective pond were created by the Japanese architect Tadao Ando (Tadao Ando). The building with a flat roof is made of glass panels whose height reaches 12 meters. They miss natural light for exhibits, as well as open a magnificent view of the city. If you decide to visit this museum during the day, you will have the opportunity to inspect more than 2,600 works of contemporary art, but if you run past the museum at night, for example, by ordering a table in a nearby cafe, you can admire the pavilions that are illuminated as huge floating lanterns.

National Museum of Australia, Canberra, Australia

This colorful museum, which was created by the architect Howard Raggattom(Howard Raggatt) resembles a rope knotted knots, which symbolically connects several different nations and the history of the country. The entrance to the museum is located in the center of the node, and one of its rear ropes is line Ulur. - 29-meter sculpture in the form of a loop. The outside of the museum having a semicircular shape is covered with aluminum panels on which words are written on Braille.

Museum of Solomon Guggenheim, New York, USA

Museum in the form of reinforced concrete spirals created Frank Lloyd Wright (Frank lloyd Wright) is a real triumph of modern architecture. However, in the 1950s, his design was so alien that he was instructed by the builder who had experience in building garages. Smooth spirals are playgrounds in the inside of the museum and lead visitors from one exhibition to another, allowing unique art exhibits. Although the building itself is considered to be a real work of art, being a kind of inverted zikkurat, some artists consider this museum a difficult place for the exhibition of their works.

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