The most mysterious coincidences in history. The most amazing coincidences in the history of mankind

The most mysterious coincidences in history. The most amazing coincidences in the history of mankind
The most mysterious coincidences in history. The most amazing coincidences in the history of mankind

24.11.2018 - 11:29

We are accustomed to living in a rational world, under all the events and phenomena of which a strict scientific base is connected. But sometimes there are such amazing events around, which you start to believe in miracles, and that our life is subordinated to some other laws whose secrets are still not at all at all. One of the most strange similar phenomena is coincidences that sometimes cause a swirop from the most sensible skeptics.

Royal life

France's king Louis XVI predicted that it dies on the 21st. An impressionable king every month practically figured out the 21st number of life - stuck in the bedroom and did not communicate with people. However, all these precautions did not help. The Great French Revolution occurred, and on June 21, 1791, the king and his wife Maria-Antoinette were arrested. On September 21, 1792, the royal power was abolished in France, and on January 21, 1793, Louis XVI executed.

Pretty strange coincidences occurred in the life of the King Italy Umberto I. Once he went to the restaurant, the owner of which was a man, very similar to him himself. It turned out that the owner was also called Umberto, and he was born on one day with the reigning special - March 14, 1844. It turned out that he opened his institution on the day when Umberto was crowned on the throne. On this mystical coincidences did not end. In 1900, the king was informed that the restaurant owner died of a shot. Soon the king Umberto I was also shot by an anarchist Gaetano Breshi.

Sea tragedy

The sea is perhaps the most unpredictable element. And it is associated with many of the most amazing cases and coincidences. On December 5, 1664, the coast of Wales sank the passenger ship from Britain. All the crew members were killed and almost all passengers - only a person named Hugh Williams remained alive. After exactly 121 years old, December 5, 1785, another shipwreck occurred at the same place, and the British vessel sank. The most amazing was that only one passenger was survived again, who was also called Hugh Williams.

In 1898, American Writer-Fantasy Morgan Robertson wrote a novel "Swimming". It described the fictional ocean liner "Titan", who ran into the Aisberg April night on the way to New York. In 1912, such a tragedy actually happened - the Titanic transatlantic liner passed on his first flight ran into the iceberg and sank.

In 1838, the famous American writer Edgar software wrote a novel called "Tale of the adventures of Arthur Gordon Pima." In the plot in the novel, a romance is happening on the ship, and only four heroes remain alive after the bloody massacre. A strong storm takes all the supplies from the vessel, and the survivors begin to starve hard. As a result, they become cannibals and eat Yung by Richard Parker. Edgar was reproached in an excessive cruelty and naturalism of his novel, but after almost 50 years in reality there was an almost similar case. On July 5, 1884, the shipwreck was a shipwreck Yacht "MIGNONETTE", having lost all edible supplies. Separated on the boat sailors were without water and food in the open sea. After some time, Jung was killed and eaten, whose name was the same as the hero of Roman Edgar, Richard Parker.

Another story related to the sea, however, this time did without shipwrecks, and in general everything ended very well. In 1966, a little American Roger Lozier was almost drowned in the sea near the city of Salem. Fortunately, he pulled out from the water a woman named Alice Blaise. After 8 years, Roger, who at that time was 12 years old, was bought in the same place and saw a man sink. He managed to pull him out and save him life. It turned out that this is the husband of his Savior Alice Blaise!

Double Happiness

Automobile roads in our time an even more dangerous place than the sea in past centuries, and there are many incidents and strange things on them. Italian Jacomo Feliche (the surname translates as "happy") once drove on his car through Night Milan. Suddenly, another car rushed to meet him, racing at a huge speed. Giacomo has already said goodbye to life, but after the strongest collision, light scratches were separated. The second driver remained alive. To the surprise of both, it turned out that he was also called Jocamo Felici.

In Italy, another strange case occurred. Policeman Dino Kuadri fell into an accident, pursuing the intruder on a deserted road. He damaged the artery on his leg, lost consciousness and expired blood. By accident, the man named Leone Realgene was passing. He pulled out a policeman, put him a bandage, led to his feeling and thus saved his life. Three years later, Kuadri was driving along the road, and saw an accident. The affected driver lay unconscious, blood oozed from his legs. Polisman saved the victim, who was Leone Relegon to his greatest amazement.

Such a case took place in the United States. A resident of Texas Allan Folbi fell into an accident and damaged the artery on his leg. He will surely die of blood loss, if not passing by Alfred Smith, who imposed the injured bandage and called "ambulance". In five years, Fallbi was a witness to the car accident: the driver of the broken car lay unconscious, with a broken artery on his leg. It was Alfred Smith, who, in turn, Allan Folbi was already saved.

Book Ocean

Even such a peaceful occupation as reading books, sometimes can lead to incredible surprises and adventures. An amazing story happened to the famous actor Anthony Hopkins. He was preparing for the filming of the film "Girl with Petrokes" on the novel of the American writer George Fafefer. To explore the hero, he needed it was the original version of the work that he could not find in any of the bookstores, nor in the library, nor from acquaintances.

The actor was completely desperate, but she accidentally stumbled upon a forgotten instance of the desired version of the novel on the subway bench. Later, when he flew on the shooting, she accidentally (again "by chance"!) Meets at the airport with Faifer - the author of the Roman who complained to Hopkins, who lent to a friend the most valuable copy of his book with his marks, and he lost a book somewhere on Stations in the subway.

Another amazing "book" case occurred in 1920 with the American writer Ann Parrish. She went to relax in Paris and found his favorite children's book in the buckinist store - "Jack Frost and other stories". Ann bought a book and showed her his spouse, told about how she loved her in childhood. The husband took the book from Ann, opened her and discovered the inscription on the title page: "Ann Parrish, 209n, Webber Street, Colorado Springs." It was the same book that once belonged to Ann himself. Moreover, the most mysterious circumstance of this incident remained the question of how the book was on another continent.

And the last in our article (but not in life!) Mystical coincidence is not connected with books, but with the famous writer Mark Tweed. He was born in 1835, when Comet Galley flew over the ground. In 1909, Twain wrote: "I came to this world with a comet and leave too with her." And indeed: the writer died on April 21, 1910, the day after the next arrival of the comet.


IS. thoria amazing coincidences never tired to surprise us and make us wonder how the world is actually arranged.Are they simple coincidences? Casual appearance would seem distant opportunities? Or is something deeper and significant happened?

Happy lucky

Violet Jessop was on board the liner "Olympic", which ran into the liner "Hawk". She was also on board the "Titanic", who collided with Iceberg, and on board the ship "British", when he blew up on Mine, and was able to survive.

In 2002, a man knocked a truck in Finland when he tried to cross the 8-bike freeway. After 2 hours of his twin brother, too, knocked down a truck when he tried to cross the freeway 8 on his bike. They died, being 1.5 km away from each other, with a difference of 2 hours.

3. The plot of the books Edgar Alan by comes to life

Edgar Alan software in 1838 wrote a book " Tale of the adventures Arthur Gordon Pima"On the four survivors after the shipwrecks, which found themselves in the open ocean, who a few days later decided to resort to cannibalism and eat the SNU named Richard Parker.

In a few years in 1884, the ship "MIGNONETTE."Sound, with the result that only four survivors remained. They decided to eat a jungle, and his name was Richard Parker.

4. Non-conformity with surnames

In the 1920s, three Englishmen met the train at Peru. The first name was Bingham (Bingham), the second - Powell (Powell), and the third - Bingam Powel.

5. Infarct twin

John's twins and Arthur Mowforth (John and Arthur MOWFORH) lived 120 km from each other in England. Once on May 22, 1975, both began to experience their chest pain, and they were sent to different hospitals. Not knowing about each other's status, they both went into the world sometimes after that.

6. The book that returned the owner after many years

The American writer Anne Parrish (Anne Parrish) was held through the Parisian bookstore when he came across the book "Jack Frost and other stories." She told her husband about how she loved this book in childhood. He bought a book, opened it, and inside it was written "Anne Parrish, Weber Street 209 N, Colorado."

7. No twin towers in a computer game

During the creation of computer games Deus Ex, one of the artists forgot add twin towers in New York. His mistake was explained by the terrorist attack. It was 2000.

8. Rome names

Rome founder called Romulus, and the first emperor called August. The last emperor was called Romulus August.

9. Matching in the cemetery

The graves of the first and last British soldier who deceased in World War II are located a few meters from each other.

10. The city of ruthless people

Stalin, Hitler and Franz Joseph I, together those responsible for the death of almost 80 million people, everyone lived in Vienna at one time.

11. Beware of your warnings

At the age of 49 years, South African astronomer Dani Du Tua lectured that death could occur at any time. After he finished, he pulled out mint candy and put it in her mouth, and after a few minutes he died, staring.

12. Napoleon and Hitler

Napoleon and Hitler were born with a difference of 129 years old, came to power with a difference of 129 years, declared the war of Russia with a difference of 129 years and were defeated with a difference of 129 years.

13. Coincidence of cars

In 1895, there were only two cars in Ohio, until they encountered each other.

14. Virtually identical twins

In the state of Ohio, twins were born, which were separated at birth. They did not know anything about each other, but they were both called James. They both became policemen, married women who were called Linda. Both were born sons. One of the twins called his son James Alan, and the other is James Allan. They later divorced and married women named Betty, and both had dogs named that.

15. Happy baby

In Detroit in the 1930s, Joseph Biglock (Joseph Figlock) went down the street when the child fell out of the window right on his shoulders. No harm done. A year later, the same child fell on Joseph's shoulders in the same place.

16. Taxi driver

In 1975, a man who went on a scooter on the Bermuda waslands was shot down by a taxi driver. A year later, his brother rode on the same scooter and was shot down by the same taxi driver who was driving with the same passenger.

Bullet that did not immediately reached the destination

When American Ziegland) broke up with his girlfriend, and she committed himself, her brother decided to take revenge and fired in Henry. Thinking that Henry is dead, he decided to end. However, Henry survived, after the bullet hurt him and stuck in the tree. After a few years, Henry tried to cut off the tree and after unsuccessful attempts decided to resort to dynamite. Here the bullet killed him.

Double deception

During World War II, the British turned the passenger liner of "carmen" into the auxiliary cruiser of the Navy and disguised him under the German passenger liner "Cap Trafalgar". September 14, 1914 he flooded the German ship off the coast of Brazil, which turned out to be a real? Cap Trafalgar ", who was disguised as a British liner? Carmen."

Prediction on the license plate

By the car of Ertzgertzog Franz Ferdinand, in which he was killed, was the number sign "A III 118". The First World War ended in a truce (Armistice in English) 11.11.18 (November 11 in 1918).


In the 1950s Mr George D.Birson George D Bryson) settled at the Brown Hotel in Louisville in Kentucky, finding that the man who stopped before him was also called Mr. George D. Birson.

In history you can meet so mysterious coincidencethat their simply simply can be considered incredible. However, the fact of some coincidences is quite clearly fixed. Even the most courageous science fiction and dreamers would not need to write it in the head. Only life itself is a confirmation of the bizarre weaving of human destinies and facts. So…

The most incredible and mysterious coincidences in the history of mankind.

1965. In one Scottish village there was a popular film "Around the World for 80 days" in the local club. And precisely at the moment when the heroes of the film sat in the balloon and began to chop the rope, the monstrous crackling and noise rang out. Later it turned out that the roof of the building landed exactly the same balloon as in the movie!

Fate rules people. One day, the resident of Detroit Joseph The figure, walking through the streets of the city, in the literal sense of the word, fell on his head ... The child of the one-year-old age. Neither Joseph, nor the child, did not suffer, finishing with a light fright. It turned out that a young and inattentive milf simply did not close the window and a small child by the will of fate turned out to be in the hands of a surprised passerby. Can I call it a miracle? And how to call what happened a year later? Joseph Bigkels again walking down the street. Suddenly, the same child fell on the head of the high-rise building! Again, both participants of this incident have managed to get rid of light fright. Similar coincidence Otherwise, as a miracle you can not call!

Once in the midst of a noisy feast, Marcello Masthani in the circle of friends decided to fulfill the old song "The house burned down where I was so happy." Hardly finished the first verse, Marchello Masthani was reported on fire in his own mansion.

Roger Lozier, in the four-year-old, almost drowned in the sea. It happened in the vicinity of the city of Salem (America), in 1966. To the great happiness, he was saved by a random woman Alice Blaise. At the age of 12, Roger pledged for the service the same. In 1974, he saved a man who was trying into the sea, in the same place. The man was the husband Alice Blaise.

Amazing and mysterious coincidence, described a huge number of times. In 1898, the writer Morgan Robertson in the novel "The futility" described the death of a giant vessel "Titan", as a result of a collision with huge iceberg, during his first flight ... Fourteen years later, in 1912, in the UK was lowered by a liner " Titanic". By the will of the case, the book about the death of the ship "Titan" turned out to be in the suitcase of one of the passengers. Everything that was written in the book was repeated in the smallest details. Both vessels who were considered simply unspecified, flew to Iceberg in April, and had a large number of celebrities on their board. In both cases, the collision with the ice mountain quickly turned into a terrible disaster due to the captain's actions and lack of rescue means. The prophetic book is "futility", which described a detailed description of the death of the ship, drowned with him together.

It was in the same place where the "Titanic sank", in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Atlantic, in 1939 the ship "Titania" sailed. Suddenly suddenly the steering was given the team - "Stop Machine". What made him give such a team so far the mystery. Perhaps the inner flair, perhaps something else. After stopping the vessel, from the darkness suddenly emerged huge sizes of iceberg and struck a strong blow on the body. However, this blow was no longer fatal for the ship ...

In one of the stories of Edgar software, it was described as after shipwrecks, devoid of food, the cade-hearted sailors ate Richard Parker - junior crew. The plot of this terrible story was embodied in 1884. Sailors, victims of the wreck of schooner "Lace", simply disfigured from hunger burned out their jungle, the name of which ... Richard Parker. Such coincidences simply instill horror.

In 1944, the Daly Telegraph newspaper was published in 1944, containing all the code words of a very secret operation, on landing allied troops in Normandy. In Crossword, the author encrypted the words "Jupiter", "Utah", "Omaha" and "Neptune". Intelligence bodies rushed to look for a source of "information leakage". And the compiler of Crossword was, nothing understands, the old school teacher. Everyone was surprised by such an incredible coincidence.

Pretty strange and mysterious coincidences pursue people involved in the study of UFOs. On a frightening and strange coincidence, many ufologists died in one day, but in different years. On June 24, 1964, Frank Scully died - the author of the sensational book "Behind the scenes of flying plates." In 1965, again on June 24, a Ufologist and film actor George Adamsky died. And in 1967, and again, on June 24, two people went into peace at once, who were engaged in the study of UFO - Frank Edwards and Richard Chen.

Mark Twain was born in 1835, it was that day when Comet Gallea flew next to the Earth. And the famous writer died on the day of her next visit near the earthly orbit. The writer himself predicted and foresaw his death back in 1909. He said that he came to the world with Gallei's comet, together with her this world will leave. So came out.

Umberto I, the King of Italy, somehow came into a small restaurant in the city of Moz, to have a snack. His order took the owner of the restaurant. Looking at the host of the institution, His Majesty suddenly realized that he had an exact copy of him in front of him. The physique and the face of the owner of the institution very much resembled His Majesty. After the conversation, it turned out that they were born in one year and day - 14.03. 1844. In addition, they were born in the same city, and both are married to women who called Margarita. The restaurant was open on the day when the coronation of Umberto I was originated. But this is not all mysterious coincidences. In 1900, the king was notified of the death of the owner of the restaurant. The host of the institution died of a shot, as a result of an accident. I did not have time to monarch express my condolences about his death, as he himself was shot by an anarchist from the crowd, which surrounded his carriage.

The famous American actor Charles Coglen, who died during the tour, was buried in Galveston (Texas). A year later, the unprecedented force of the hurricane, which fell into this city, blocked, including the city cemetery. The body of Charles Coglen, concluded in a hermetic coffin, sailed about 6,000 kilometers over the Atlantic for 9 years, and it was britched to the island of Prince Edward, which is located in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. It's amazing that the coffin was put out the flow right before the house where he was born.

Is it possible to explain the coincidences that bind the fate of the US presidents who were elected to this post per year ending with zero? Kennedy (1960), McKinley (1900), Garfield (1880), Lincoln (1860) - were killed. Roosevelt (1940) - died of Polyomelitis. Harrison (1840) - death from inflammation of the lungs. Harding (1920) is a heavy heart attack. At Reagan (1980) an attempt was made.

Is it possible to count the accident documented fact - a working alarm of Pope Pavel VI, called at 6 am for 55 years, on the day of the death of Pope, for inexplicably reasons, worked at 9 o'clock in the evening? ...

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Coincidences in our life - not so rarity. Usually we refer them to chance. But sometimes they are so shocking that the impression is created: it does not otherwise this is the intervention of unknown forces. Here are some of the most amazing coincidences that took place in history.

Napoleon and Holy Elena

On the last page of one of the school notebooks, Napoleon Bonaparta was discovered by recording: "St. Elena is a small island. " 36 years later after she was made, the great emperor and the commander died on the island of Saint Helena.

Double king

Italian monarch Umberto I somehow dined in a small restaurant in Monza. Served his master of the institution. Looking at him, the king with amazement found that the restaurant as two drops of water looks like himself! Umberto spoke with the owner. It turned out that, besides appearance, there are other coincidences. So, and the monarch, and the owner of the restaurant appeared in the same city and the same day - March 14, 1844. And the queen, and the restaurater's wife was called the same name - Margarita. And one more coincidence: the twin of the king opened his institution a day when Umberto crowned. All this seemed to the king extremely funny. He decided to follow the fate of the twin, and here in 1900 he learned that he died: the reason was the random shot. Umberto went to express condolences to the family of the deceased, but on the way was to death fucked by an anarchist bullet.

Heir killed player

In 1858, a certain Robert Follon won 600 dollars in Salun. One of the players accused him of the chairs and shot. None of those present dared to take the winning of the killed or take his place behind the card table. But according to the rules, the game had to be brought to the end. Then the partners of the murdered decided to invite the first on-board table. Soon they found a young man on the street, who agreed to play with them, on the predecessor's money. The newcomer was lucky and he raised the amount of winning up to $ 2,200. Meanwhile, the police arrived, caused by the host of the institution in connection with the murder of Follon. The main suspects were arrested, and the money of Fallon police ordered to transfer the nearest native deceased. And then it turned out that the lucky newcomer was shown from the street ... Son Robert Fallon, who, however, did not see his father for more than seven years!

Unlucky Richard Parker

Edgar in 1838 wrote a story about the victims of the shipwreck sailors, who wore a lot of days around the sea and who, at the end of the cadence, decided to kill and eat the youngest member of their crew - Yung named Richard Parker.

And in 1884, a yalik was discovered in the sea with three victims of shipwrecks, which they were told that they were originally four. And the fourth, Young Richard Parker, was eaten with more adult comrades. Interrogations showed that the story for none of the sailors did not read.

Rock "Titanic"

In 1898, Roman Morgana Robertson "Sware" was published. It was about the crash of the ship called "Titan". After in April 1912, Titanic liner was crashed, it turned out that there is a lot of general books between the plot of the book and the history of the real ship. In addition to similar names, both vessels were considered unspecified, both flew to iceberg, and besides, some of the "Titan" and "Titanic" parameters (the size of the vessel, the number of screws, speed, displacement) was largely coincided.

Pursued lightning

The history of the French Major Summerford is truly amazing. His misinstations began in 1918, when a lightning hit him for the first time. The unfortunate fell from the horse, and he paralyzed the lower part of the body, below the belt. But after some time, the state of Summerford improved. In 1924, he departs with friends on fishing, where the thunderstorm cares and they are hiding under the tree. But zipper falls into the tree, and she is striking alone Summerford. Major again, for several years, it turns out to bed.

In 1930, he finally got on his feet. And somehow once walked in the park when the thunderstorm began. In it again pleased lightning. This time it was not possible to recover the poor thing: after two years, paralysis Summerford died. In 1934, Lightning destroyed the tombstone established on his grave.

Two Mr. Brison

In the late 1950s, some George D. Brison was on business in Kentucky and stopped at a hotel called Brown Hotel. After he was given the key from №307, the businessman was just in case, did not come to his name any correspondence. The porter immediately handed him a letter addressed to Mr. George D. Brix, living in the room 307. But where could the sender who could know in advance where Brix stops? It turned out that the addressee was another person with exactly the same name and surname, staying in the same room shortly before our hero!

Zhanna in Fire

In 1992, the French artist René Scharbonno worked on the picture "Jeanne D'Ark on a fire." A student of the Chemical Faculty of Jeanne Lenua posed as a simulator. The next day after the picture was finished, in a university laboratory, where Jeanne was only alone, a fire began. The girl burned down alive, like the Orrugan Virgin, which she portrayed.