The best Muslim names for girls. Modern and Ancient Crimean Tatar Names

The best Muslim names for girls. Modern and Ancient Crimean Tatar Names
The best Muslim names for girls. Modern and Ancient Crimean Tatar Names

Beautiful rare modern names for girls of different nations of the world.

The name affects the fate of a woman, her habits, health, success, harmony in relationships with the outside world.

Often young parents argue about choosing a name for their crumbs or before it appears on the light, or immediately after birth. Each of them associates the concept of the beauty of the sound of the female name in its own way.

Other parents plunge into the study of the interpretation of the names to choose a beautiful and sonorous combination of letters.

We will get acquainted with different options for women's names in this article, and with their brief descriptions will be considered in the future.

Top 10 of the most beautiful names for girls

On the expanses of Runet, different sites offer their female name ratings with reference to the previously spent social skins among men or young parents.

However, the opinion of man is subjective. Someone has a specific name associated with:

  • relative
  • teacher
  • event in life
  • book or cinematographer heroine
  • famous historical person
  • star Show Business

You can enumerate infinitely, we better stay on the middle selection of female names. We highlight them in the top ten without binding to the percentage of popularity and frequency of meetings for each thousand ladies:

  • Maria
  • Victoria
  • Anastasia
  • Milena
  • Vladislav
  • Karina
  • Emilia
  • Sofia

The most beautiful Russian name for the girl

The story states that we have no original Russian names. There are several reasons for this:

  • traditions of progenitors. They preferred to give names due to character, severity of children, birth features
  • the arrival of christianity. Then the names of other countries entered the use of other countries, for example, Roman, Greek, Byzantine, Germanic. And with the rite of baptism, man gave a new name. Gradually, female names were replenished with the words of other states, where they had a specific meaning. But in Russia, they were used simply as a name
  • revolution of the beginning of the last century. Communist system made their own adjustments to preferred lists of female names. So there were names-abbreviations or derivatives from the phio leader of the revolution

From folk creativity and historical data, you can learn more information about the most common Russian women's names. We offer you such options:

  • Alyona
  • Alexandra
  • Darina
  • Daria
  • Catherine

Girls for girls rare and beautiful Orthodox

There are various approaches to determine the name of the girl in order to attract good fate for her:

  • church Saints
  • letter code
  • in the time of year
  • zodiac sign
  • by date of birth
  • after consultation with a professional astrologer
  • family tradition

Since Christianity among the Russians lives long ago, then church names closer to us in sound and perception.

Among the rare beautiful female names, pay attention to such:

  • Olympiad
  • August
  • Varvara
  • Ariadne
  • Pelagia
  • Kalery

Beautiful church names for girls

If you are supporters of naughty girls with a church name, Polyista carefully calendar of the Saints. And also pay attention to the names not only by date of birth, but also on the eighth and fortieth days after it.

Among the beautiful church names a lot of worthy examples, namely:

  • Ksenia
  • Angelina
  • Olga
  • Marina
  • Ulyana

Slavic names for girls rare and beautiful

Slavs appreciated the beauty and harmony in everything that was their lives.

Garling girl with a specific name, they emphasized that the dignity that Mother Nature awarded her.

Therefore, in our days, the sound of female Slavic names believes hearing and fascinates. This is the following names:

  • Bella
  • Milan
  • Radmila
  • Svetomara
  • Glory

Beautiful vintage names for girls

Above, we considered aspects of the absence of the original Russian examples of female names. And yet looking back at the story of even one century ago, preferences in the advenue of girls radically differed from modern.

Such confirmation such names:

  • Arina
  • Gloria
  • Daria
  • Elena
  • Elizabeth
  • Margarita
  • Peacina

Beautiful older names for girls

slavic Girl Glory in National Suit

Continuing the theme of Slavic names, remember their old Russian examples.

Each female name was positive, and parents and all surrounding girls protected to marriage.

Therefore, the girls harmoniously rushed with their name and it was a talisman for them in life.

Look at the list below. Perhaps one of the names will be answered by the decision to give it to his daughter.

  • Zlata
  • Bazhena
  • Vidnan
  • Vlada
  • Goluba
  • Probula
  • Lyubava
  • Mlava

Beautiful Names for Girls Modern Tatar

Tatars left a large imprint in the history of the Russian people. They, like other nations, with a special trepid, choose beautiful names for daughters, emphasizing their external uniqueness and strengthening women's character traits.

Beautiful names for kids tatar taking into account modern trends may be as follows:

  • Zemfira
  • Madina
  • Adil
  • Chulp
  • Indira
  • Dinara
  • Karima
  • Malika
  • Rubin
  • Shakira
  • Yazgul

Kabardian beautiful names for girls

Women's names at the Kabardians have the origin of foreign - Arabic, Turkic. However, they don't sound bright and remembered.

Below are some examples:

  • Aminat
  • Anusya
  • Asiyat
  • Janzily
  • 3Enab
  • Karaglan.
  • Margot
  • Maryan
  • Nafila
  • Salimat.
  • Tashan
  • Fatimat
  • Hidze
  • Shariset.

Beautiful Tuvinian Names for Girls

In the Tuvinian tradition of adventures of children, there were changes four more centuries ago. Before them, young parents avoided giving names to the newborn crumb until the age of the ten years.

The origin of the Tuvinian female names is the different - both Turkic, Russians, and Mongolian, and Tibetan names are their own.

The most beautiful in our opinion female tuvinian names are:

  • Anzat.
  • Kalchana
  • Ortune
  • Octules
  • Sanna
  • Sevil
  • Sulapai.
  • Schonchali

Bashkir names for girls rare and beautiful

stock Foto Little Bashkir Girl Amina

The prevailing number of Bashkir Names of Turkic origin, but in some you can meet Latin, and English roots.

Women's names for Bashkir girls who rarely meet and beautifully sound, it is:

  • Amina
  • Banat.
  • Gulchechchek
  • Dilbar
  • Bulk
  • Kamaliya
  • Milyausha
  • Firuza

Beautiful Kalmyt names for girls

Kalmyk national retains its originality in choosing a name for girls from his language. However, lists of names for children expanded with the arrival of Buddhism.

Beautiful Kalmyk names of girls such:

  • Alvin
  • Indezhilin
  • Zaya
  • Enkira
  • Igila
  • Amul

Beautiful Buryat names for girls

Buryats had a close relationship with many peoples of Central Asia. However, managed to preserve the tradition of children's adoptions more with their national names.

Below are examples of beautiful female names of Buryat girls:

  • Aryuna
  • Pelma.
  • Altana
  • Sarun.
  • Naran
  • Arjana
  • Danyana
  • Chimita
  • Rajana

Modern beautiful Muslim names for girls

Muslims still honor the tradition of choosing a name for a child. So for the girl it is chosen on the basis of the value of women's character traits:

  • tenderness
  • loyalty
  • spiritual purity
  • carelessness

You will affect the spiritual progress of the girl, if you give her a name:

  • Amina
  • Adil
  • Latina
  • Salma
  • Elmira
  • Yasira
  • Fatima

To emphasize the external beauty of the girls can names:

  • Galia
  • Leila
  • Zulfia
  • Rimma
  • Fathanes.

Beautiful Caucasian Names for Girls

Caucasian nationalities always tried to live in harmony with the surrounding nature, notice her beauty and celebrate it in the names of children.

Choosing a name for the girl in the Caucasus, young parents tried to highlight her female character qualities and / or designate similarity with beautiful animals, a plant, a phenomenon of nature.

Several examples of melodic and beautiful Caucasian names for girls:

  • Akmaral
  • Zoomrat
  • Muslimat
  • Susanna
  • SALE
  • Gulnaz
  • Chulp

The most beautiful Islamic names for girls

A few centuries ago in Islamic families reigned the dislike of the Father to the daughter appeared. The boys remained in honor and priority.

Then the names for the kids were chosen by sonorous, reflecting dislike and even contempt for the girl.

Nowadays, the situation has changed and the fathers have become more favorable to daughters. They are numbered by the rumor with beautiful names to please the future husband and strengthen the female role in the family.

Very beautiful Islamic names for girls - this is:

  • Hadija
  • Maryam
  • Salsabil
  • Samira
  • Habiba
  • Munira
  • Sultan

Beautiful Dagestan names for girls

The religiousness of the people in Dagestan affected the preservation of traditions in the advent of children. In this country, the Islam and Holy People are sainted. Therefore, in the overwhelming majority of cases, the names of girls are selected from the religious list to this day.

Beautiful Dagestan names of girls can be called such:

  • Algall
  • Zaire.
  • Aixia
  • Gulnara
  • Gezel
  • Jamila

Beautiful Chechen Names for Girls

Women's names in Chechen nation reflect the relationship with nature and valuable qualities of the beautiful half of humanity. They are quite simple for pronunciation, mainly consist of 1-2 syllables.

At the same time, modern European trends in this country brought a change in traditions in the ads of girls. Because the Chechen girls sat down and you can meet Lisa, and Sasha.

Several examples of beautiful Chechen names for the girl:

  • Sumy
  • Aishat
  • Selima
  • Yasmine
  • Maryam
  • Ryanana.

Beautiful Ossetian names for girls

A number of factors affect the choice of Names in Ossetians:

  • original traditions when the girl gave a name, emphasizing her beauty, value and quality of character
  • the arrival of Christianity, when Russians and Georgians added their words and traditions in choosing names for children
  • the influence of the Muslim religion, which also left an imprint on the lifeguard of Ossetians

However, foreign words that came to Ossetia have undergone changes in pronunciation and letter. Also concerns names.

Among the beautiful female names, the following is the following:

  • Zarina
  • Alan
  • Zarema
  • Madina
  • Irido
  • Marine

Beautiful names for girls Ukrainian

The Ukrainian language originates from the ancient Slavs. And yet, up to today they reached different approaches in the nation of girls:

  • underlining the uniqueness of its abilities
  • traditional names
  • derivatives from the names of the deities who worshiped before the arrival of Christianity

Ukrainian women's names are very melodic and bright. For example:

  • Yaryna
  • Solomia
  • Sveona
  • Bogdana
  • Yaroslav
  • Vigneslav
  • Zeriemira
  • Ovuge
  • Alporeland
  • Olesia

Beautiful Crimean Tatar names for girls

Crimean Tatars raise their girls, adhering to religious traditions. And yet their names sound originally and beautiful. Examples:

  • Emilia
  • Ruzanna
  • Yasmine
  • Riana
  • Niyara
  • Aigul
  • Elvira
  • Aisel
  • Maille
  • Asine
  • Adil

Beautiful Gypsy Names for Girls

Gypsies love nature in a special way. Therefore, and daughters give names:

  • meaning the phenomena of nature
  • consonant with the names of minerals and colors
  • stressful love of parents

Note that each gypsy name has a beautiful sound and meaning.

Here are some women's examples:

  • Shofranka
  • Esmelda
  • Taleita
  • Nadya
  • Moel
  • Loveship
  • Jaell
  • Vaolek.
  • Baval
  • Almaz
  • Shukar.
  • Slavuta

Beautiful names for girls twins

Although the twins are very similar to each other, they have different fates. Like names, and characters.

Beautiful combinations of names for twin girls can be called:

  • Arina and Karina
  • Alice and Vasilisa
  • Anna and Ivanna
  • Veronica and Angelica
  • Maya and Yana
  • Marina and Ekaterina
  • Veronica and Victoria
  • Alina and Arina
  • Dominica and Veronica
  • Alla and Bella
  • Olya and Julia

Names for girls twins beautiful

If you are waiting for twins, it means in your house soon there is twice as much joy. Only the names you want to choose them consonant and beautiful, so that the fates of their lungs were.

Pay attention to the following combination of names for girls twins:

  • Masha and Dasha
  • Anya and Yana
  • Christina and Karina
  • Valeria and Victoria
  • Camilla and Emilia
  • Eva and Zlata
  • Sofia and Varvara
  • Alesya and Taisiya

Beautiful Double Names for Girls

Some young parents believe in a special power of the dual name of the child. Therefore, prefer to choose it and write to the birth certificate or share:

  • one - for worldly life
  • second - after baptism for spiritual

Among the beautiful female combinations of the names will allocate such:

  • Ksenia-Eugene
  • Anna-Louise
  • Valeria Eva.
  • Daria-Stepania
  • Diana Anna
  • Eva Cornelia
  • Elizabeth-Olga
  • Zlata Glory
  • Yana Polina.
  • Tatyana Marianana

Beautiful short names for girls

When patronymic in the baby is long, then the name is usually picking up shorter to balance the sound of them together.

Pay attention to the following names for girls:

  • Stella

New Beautiful Names for Girls

A saying that a new one is just forgotten old, accurately reflects modern trends in the ads of girls. Plus, add the openness of the borders between the states in terms of communication and borrowing beautiful sonorous words and will turn out new names for Slavic girls.

For example:

  • Dominica
  • Evanowelina
  • Adriana
  • Aelita
  • Zarina
  • Caroline
  • Martha
  • Juno

So, we looked at the most beautiful names for girls of the Slavic and peoples of Central Asia, revealed similarity in the approaches in the choice of names for kids and small differences in tradition.

Each parent wants the best destiny for his baby. Therefore, we try to choose a beautiful and sonorous name to attract the maximum of positive events in the life of our kids!

Video: Beautiful popular and rare names for girls

Names having Tatar originDifferent with peculiar beauty and symbolism. These are names with ancient history, and both boys and girls, they are closely related to events and outstanding personalities in the fate of the Tatar people. All these names unites one thing - they are Tatar by origin. Today we will talk about how to choose the right name for the boy, let's look at the Tatar names of the boys and their meanings, and also learn the story of the origin of this or that Tatar name. The modern language, called Tatar, belongs to the Turkic group of languages \u200b\u200band some names in it are borrowed from related languages, also related to this group, in addition, borrowings are tracked from Arab and European dialects. Tatar names, among other things, often have the origin simply from beautiful combinations of sounds and words.

Tatar name for a boy And his choice is the step of responsible and very important in the life of every young man of this nation. Many believe that this choice will determine the future fate of the man, his failures and success. Therefore, when choosing a name, you need to take into account the nature and tendency of the child, which at an early age can be very difficult. The names are modern are often meaningless, unlike the names of old, the meaning of which was hidden in each syllable.

Widespread male Tatar names often have roots in old Turkic namesTo which beautiful sounds are added for priewly (for example: Ramil, Ravil or Ram). The name should be easily remembered and sound well, without causing negative analogies to his friends, and the boy himself belonged to the name with respect and did not have a reason for ridicule. "Errors" when choosing a name, because of which the child is teased and called, many children can not forgive parents until the end of their lives, respectively, to choose from the extremely responsible.

Tatar names have a special attraction that includes a certain proportion of controlled aggressiveness, which should emphasize the courage and the power of the owner of the name. Whatever the name, it personifies the future fate and the character of the boy. Men's Tatar names rarely have a single meaning, their meaning can have several subtexts and shades. When choosing and understanding the future name, it is necessary, if possible, take into account them all.

Tatar names are often referring to MuslimBut, despite the relationship, it is these names that endemic and are common only among the Tatar people. Muslim men's names are relatively new, and many Tatar names, as, however, and Arabic, belong to an earlier, housesulman era.

Let's see the most common and popular Tatar names - in the list presented you can find the semantic meaning of each Tatar name, which will help you to successfully call your baby.

Usually, when it is selected, parents are trying to find out the complete meaning. It is believed that the name should define the fate of a person. The choice arises in front of people of various nationalities. It seems to us that the Russians are very light, in other countries they think the same thing about their names.

Each name necessarily has its own story that reveals its value. Tatar women are very serious about choosing, as to call their child, since the name must approach it, be similar to the character, do not defile the girl.

Another important point when the girl is called, at birth, is the melody to like the name to men. For the future husband, the name of the chosen must be like music to be consonant with his own.

The most common, among Tatar families is the name of the wife of the Prophet Mukhamed - Aisha.

The list of Tatar names of women is very large.

Aigul - Indicates "like moon and a flower" or as a lunar flower.
Aisil - Pure as the moon.
Ainura - translated as a "lunar beam".
Aisryak, ainaz, aina, ice - The names that begin on "ah" in translation mean communication with the moon, the woman called them is considered clean and immaculate as the moon.

The value of many names is associated with nature:

  • Abelhaat - clean live water;
  • Adgamia - Garden;
  • Azharia - all in colors;
  • Varida - rose flower;
  • Gakram. - compared with blueberries;
  • Gulimnur - radiant flower;
  • Gulisa, Guli, Gulim, Gulirad, Gulimbick, Gulimzad - In the meaning, the Gul's prefix sounds like a flower.

Women's names that mean the status in the family:

  • Kadban - wife, hostess in the house;
  • Cabra - woman having authority in the family;
  • Caderbanat - girl having respect and respect;
  • Cadernisa - Dear girl;
  • Caders, Cadiz, Cadrigijhan - Names with the prefix "Cad" denote respect and respect for women, girls, her greatness, the power in the family and its surrounding society.

Tatars very often use complex components, parts of which have different meanings:

The Tatar has more than a hundred names that have the beginning of Bibi. They belong to women at an early age, girls, unmarried girls.

Some, have an additional suffix "Ia", which softens the pronunciation:

  • Dulkynia - Comparison with water.
  • Jihania - Comparison with the universe.

If you relate to the Great Damas, you use the addition of "Beach", if you add "Banu" (Latifaban, Latifabik) to a young girl.

The big list has names with the "Minel" prefix, which is assigned to girls, women who have a birthmark, denoting, like happy (Ministry of Element, Minlelafar, Minlesifa, Mainleauxia).

All complex components today are considered old and rare. Rare are found among the indigenous Tatar women.

Historical meaning

Tatar nationality is the richest on the names. The names of Tatar women and girls are associated with any environmental, natural, religious processes, as well as with culture, customs of peoples. There are about 25 thousand numbers.

All Tatar names have Turkic roots, the birth of such names falls on the IX century. Many names of women pointed to belonging to various goddesses or idols, denoted social significance in society occupied by the status. For example, Urazborke, which marked the happiest princess, or Altynbica - Golden Princess.

Often, names from European and Arabic languages \u200b\u200bwere often met: Svetlana, Diamond, Rosa.

The fantasy of Tatars did not stand in place, together with the development of history, the names were developed. Tatars began to use complex, when merging two or more. Women's names began to differ beauty and values. Valia means light, Latifa - beautiful, down - who knows how to show it beautifully.

Many women's names were formed from male. Among them are such as Farid, Jamil.

It does not matter from which language the names of the Tatars are taken, they are very beautiful and melodious today.

Ancient, act to this day, but more and more out of everybody.

Tatar names of girls used in the modern world

Each modern name of the Tatar girl carries history. Often are found in historical documents or life-writings of the ancient people.

Alia, Amil, Amani, Jamil, Anisa, Karima, Farida
- These beautiful names are borrowed from the peoples of the Arabian Peninsula, and are widespread in modern society.

Gusel, Jana - came from Turkic peoples.

Fame, Yasmin - Modern came from Persia.

Popular and common, from female names of modernity is:

  • Ayla
  • Aysel.
  • Guselia.
  • Irke.
  • Azalea.
  • Agdalia.
  • Agnia.

Listing the Tatar names, such a picture is observed that the names of Tatar peoples are used among Russian women. It is Svetlana, Larisa (Seagull), Agnia, Azalea, Venus, Alsa, Clara, Amalia, Roxana, Regina, Rosa, Susanna, Sarah, Elvira, etc.

The names of Tatar women, take roots from Muslim. Muslim Tatars called daughters, relying on the Holy Quran and the history of the formation of Islam. From the Quran - Fatima, Zeynab, Hadija.

Tatars have one inherent in them, damn, they do not duplicate names, do not call the daughter in honor of grandmother or mom, great-grandmothers. If you can not even choose a suitable name for your daughter, it will come up with it, since they have a fantasy fantasy.

    Related records

In this article I would like to tell about female names. There are a huge amount of them, but you can always choose what you need.

All parents who appear daughter face the problem of choosing a name. And often this choice is delayed, because the female names there is a lot. Well, let's try to facilitate your task.

Top 10 of the most beautiful names for girls

  • Anastasia - Translation from the Greek language "Resurrection" itself is quite beautiful. In addition, soft sound makes the name ideal for the future lady. Tenderness and beauty of the Nabs were reflected in many fairy tales
  • Vera - Such a girl will not only be called in honor of a strong feeling, but will become a real family faith! Diligent student and hostess, nice charming interlocutor - In this true female beauty
  • Darina - The duplicate child with a soft character will become a real gift for its loved ones. In addition, Darins are distinguished by real beauty, acute mind and amazing sense of humor.
  • Eve - The name of the first biblical woman is striking with its simplicity and, at the same time, femininity. It translates as "live", which is not by chance, because such a girl is distinguished by mobility and charm
Eve - Name for Active Girl
  • Camill - infrequently used, but at the same time no less beautiful name. The beauty of such girls lies in their charisma, for the spell of which everyone surrounding. Translated as "keeper" that for a woman is very suitable

Important: however, when the selection of such a name should be accurate. Despite the names of the name separately, it is not suitable for all surnames and patientities.

  • Milena - "Cute", "gentle." The girl who is so calling will always be able to become a peacemaker for others and show true wisdom. But such quality for women sometimes means more than physical beauty
  • Sofia - And this name is translated as "wise." In addition, it sounds gently and perfectly combined with almost any patience
  • Ustinia - "Fair". An unusual name for pronunciation name and its owner makes charismatic, strong in character. Ustinya sees people through, which is reflected in psychological deposits
  • Emilia - "diligent". The type of women who are beautiful both externally and internally. The girl's character will also be attractive and open
  • Yaroslav - "sunny". The name is beautiful not only on the interpretation, but also sound. Children's sunshine will continue in adulthood

Name Yaroslav awards his mistress in a sunny character

The most beautiful Russian name for the girl

One of the most beautiful and frantic Russian names is Anna. Translated, it means "grace", "grace", which also affects the child. Modesty, kindness, selflessness, benevolence - the qualities that adorn the girl.

It is important: however, parents need to keep in mind that the firmness of the name will affect the character - Ani in childhood is often capricious, offended. But with age, this quality can be smoothed.

Anna - the name that brings the kindness of her owner

Beautiful vintage names for girls

  • Agrya - "shine." This name shines since ancient times, shrouded with a halo of romanticism. Charming girls who were so called, have leadership qualities and possess genuine charm
  • Glycheria - "Sweet". It used to sound like Lucher, but now you can cut as a face. The radiant name has always attracted the fact that girls are good and reliable with him
  • Taisiya - attracted our ancestors with their melodiousness. The ancient Greeks loved this name also because it was devoted to the goddess of femininity Isis. Girls who are so called, possess good creative maps
  • Ulyana - Although it is considered an old Russian name, but in reality it goes back to the Romans. Julian's name was quite common in those times, because it awarded his support to benevolence, openness

Girls with ancient name Ulyana friendly

Beautiful older names for girls

  • Agnia - "Fire". This name is readable with us from the IV century, when the girl with him refused to marry the heralds, for which the flour has undergone. Since then, it is believed that Agniya is stubborn, firm in their decisions, but at the same time open
  • Olga - According to one of the versions, this old-circuit name was borrowed from Scandinavian. Helga denoted the "holy", "wise." This is a short one, but the sonorous name is awarded its hostess developed intelligence, strong will

Important: However, it is worth it in mind that Olga is extremely difficult to apologize, even if she is wrong.

  • Bozhan - "Divine". Such a good interpretation contributed to the fact that our ancestors were often called girls in this way. In addition, these girls, growing, have the woman with a golden middle: when you need - weak and defenseless, but when you need another - able to stand up for yourself

Girls with the older name of the Bozhanta are pretty observant and wise

Slavic names for girls rare and beautiful

  • Bela. - This is a name that is translated as "white", "bright", meets from the South Slavs since 870-911. This girl is soft, the stack, does not lose in difficult situations

Important: however, patience is not always enough. It is very emotional, although the external coldness is also present.

  • Fun - "Usland", "funny". This name is familiar to us from the Slavic fairy tales, and it rewards its carrier activity, sincerity, the ability to give useful tips. Our ancestors were confident that fun Nelicomerne and do not know how to bring
  • Peahen - Another familiar with fairy tales name, which is associated with the importance, femininity, pride. Oddly enough, but it is translated as "modest", "small"

Girls with a rare Slavic name Pava grow feminine

Girls for girls rare and beautiful Orthodox

  • Agaphia - Related to semi-precious stone Agatu. Translated as "kind", "caring". Holy Agaphia is revered by Orthodox people. And now this name brings goodwill, the ability to reconcile others, courage
  • Efrosinia - Reverend with the same name secret under the guise of the boy went to the men's monastery, dedicating himself to serving God. And now such girls are targeted, devotees, serious, distinguished by high spirituality
  • Melania - Release in connection with Rev. Melania Roman. Characteristic features - determination, striking power, excerpt, courage, the ability to overcome complex situations

IMPORTANT: however, Melania the girl should be called only when you want it to be a strong personality. But you need to be prepared and to the fact that these girls are all their life against the rules, public opinion.

Girls with the name Melania often argue with others

Beautiful church names for girls

  • Anfisa - Suitable for those born in August and September, and denotes "blooming". In Orthodoxy, Reverend Anfisa-Igumeni and the Holy Martyr Anfisa are revered. Anfisa is extremely witty, movable, emotional. Attract attention and stand up for yourself - those important things that such girls are trained since childhood
  • Catherine - Even Russian tsaritsa baptized in such a name. Name Day is celebrated in December. Girls grow up proud, well-learning, successful
  • Elizabeth - Recently, Schraist, Good, sincere. Name Day celebrates in May, September, November and December. Lisa is always friendly with everyone, stocking, unusually appreciated the family, which makes them ideal femininity

Girls with the name Elizabeth sincere

Beautiful Kalmyt names for girls

  • Ice. - "Melody". In addition to the beautiful sound and translation, this name pays back to the Arab Prophet Isa. Parents of babies should call her so if they want to grow a daughter god-fearing, moral and pious
  • Baira - "Joy". These girls are excellent interlocities with a good sense of humor, gifting. Parents know that by calling a daughter in this way, they will help to become her socially adapted
  • Ilya - "Open", "Clear". Extremely charming personals that become good friends and exemplary wives

Important: The danger of such a name is that such girls often see the ideal where it is not. They are excessively demanding to others, which brings a lot of difficulties.

Ilyaran Kochneva - an example of a charming winner of a beauty contest with Kalmyk name

Beautiful Names for Girls Modern Tatar

  • Asel - translated as "honey". Of course, parents want such a gentle characteristic for their daughter, as well as the awarding of its responsiveness, softness, talentedness. Asel is ready to come to revenue both people and animals
  • Idelia. - Mobility, freedom-loving, attractive. Such girls are very moving - just from those who are called "Hydia"
  • Alsu - "Robbing". The name is now popular thanks to the famous singer, however, before the parents loved to call so daughters. And it is not surprising, because the girls are obtained inquisitive, able to prove their point of view, but at the same time patient to others
Alsu is a wonderful representative of one of the most beautiful Tatar names

Bashkir names for girls rare and beautiful

  • Amna - translated quite interesting as "security". Not the most popular name, but in vain, because such girls are very hardworking, reliable

Important: Unfortunately, such people are rather harsh and cold.

  • Banat. - Perhaps thanks to solid sound and not the most popular name, but this is no less interesting, because literally translates as a "girl." Banat is always sincere, departing, knows how to listen to her heart
  • Habiba - translates as "friend", "Favorite". Such girls are talented, bright seeking to make everyone around. They will easily forgive and fascinate

Girls with the name of Habiba are extremely charming

Beautiful Tuvinian Names for Girls

  • Aman - The name is not only expressive, but also has an excellent translation. "Prosperous", "healthy" - just what any parent wants to her child. So favorite option of the baby's adoption, which is used for both girls and boys
  • Sendy - Charging, responsible, decisive people. Such girls possess nobility from birth, excellent taste and ability to support the conversation. It is not surprising that many parents prefer such name

Girls with Tuvinian name Sendy - this is a little lady

Kabardian beautiful names for girls

  • Aishat - "Full of life." Of course, a positive and beautiful name that was also the third spouse of the Prophet. Aishat is educated, smart. No wonder the name is considered to be faithful

Important: Aishat is pretty militant, so it's not easy to sing with such a girl.

  • Muslim - "Saved". Such girls since childhood learn to take care of their honor, realizing that it is more important than ambition. Perhaps due to this they achieve success
  • Naphisat - "Elegant", so it is not surprising that it is common. Such good girls, sincere, fragile. If you are capricious, then do it so that all whims that surrounding the MiG are forgiven

Girls named Naphisat is elegant since childhood

Beautiful Buryat names for girls

  • Dari. - So called the child, who became a real gift. Girls and grow hospitable, generous
  • Nom - Always finds something spiritual in everything that surrounds. This simple name rewards girls with the same simple, but important characteristics, as a sensitive heart, a sharp mind.
  • Erzhen - Translated as "Pearl", which in itself is very beautiful. Erzhen will always find a compromise, gently approaching the solution of any problem, tactfully will take away towards the dispute

IMPORTANT: however, Erzhene is definitely not enough perpetuity.

The most beautiful Islamic names for girls

  • Achelia - Since this is the name of the flower, such a name is extremely beautiful. It awards those who wears him, smile and good nature
  • Salsabil - It sounds and the truth is quite attractive and feminine. Especially if you consider the fact that the source in paradise
  • Yasmin - Literally means "one flower of jasmine". Just look at this flower in order to understand what parents want their daughters calling them in this way

Islamic name Yasmin symbolizes beauty

Modern beautiful Muslim names for girls

  • Aisha - Incredibly common name due to its simplicity, beauty and history. Aisha called the favorite wife of the prophet, as well as eight ways. The root name indicates the living "
  • Maryam - Popular since ancient times due to its beauty. Despite antiquity, it never arrived. Tenderness, seriousness and softness are surprisingly combined in this word
  • Nur - Brief and sonor. Recently, girls are called so especially often, and not only in eastern countries. It is believed that it gives girls generosity

Nur - a sonorous and beautiful Muslim name

Beautiful Caucasian Names for Girls

  • Leila - "Chernovolamaya", "night" especially attractively sounds for Caucasian girls. And the romantic story about the lovers of Majnun and Leyla and does not give rest to many
  • Aliya - "High", "sublime." Such girls are brought up, obedient, merry, feminine. At the same time, they possess a rather sharp analytical mind

Beautiful Chechen Names for Girls

  • Info - "morning sunrise". The girl with this name should be not only as beautiful as the dawn, but also independent, responsive, assembled. She is inventive, which helps a lot in life
  • Alice - This name sounds very gently, female. Such girls are soft, responsive, contact

Important: However, in everything, as for the purity and quality of surrounding things, Eliza is extremely picky.

The girl named Alice is very feminine

Beautiful Dagestan names for girls

  • Dinara - The name in which the ringing of gold coins sounds. However, "Dean" is also "religion", so if you want to achieve a combination of beauty and religiosity in a child, it is worth paying attention to this option
  • Sim. - "He heard by God." Such a person will always be devotees, hardworking. Sima does not like to complain and there will be no, but he is always glad to listen to intuition
  • Yakunt - translated as "yahont", although it sounds like. The girl will shine sincerity, kindness, optimism and creative start

Beautiful Ossetian names for girls

  • Rimma - The girl with such a sonorous name will always find a way to tie a friendship with anyone. She intuitively feeling how to behave. Mind, trick, observation - this is what is also characteristic of it
  • Feruza - Many parents prefer to call the girls because of the beauty of the name. Not surprising, because it means a semi-precious stone. Preciously also the ability of the girl will always retain calm, and still with the pellery
  • Dzerate - It is unlikely that any other name will symbolize the beauty than that that literally means the "beauty of the Earth", "shining like the sun and the moon." In addition, the name was the heroine of the Ossetian epic

Girl with the name of Dzherassa obliged to grow beautiful

Beautiful Crimean-Tatar Names for Girls

  • Maille - translated as "blue-eyed". Walked and responsiveness will accompany the girl all his life. Just as thoughtfulness, prudence
  • Emilia - "diligent", "strong". A girl who can always escape is quite capable of solving his problems. This is solid and, at the same time, the feminine name is often selected by the Crimean Tatars.

Beautiful names for girls Ukrainian

  • Oksana - Of course, it is difficult to forget about this name, familiar to us from fairy tales. The name is translated as "hospitable", which in general and characterizes Ukrainian women. The girl is outwardly calm, but behind this calm is hiding their special world
  • Miroslav - "The glorifying world." Such a girl will always be cute, pleasant in communication, reliable, ready to always give advice. Her intuition works fine, which helps to act as a peacemaker

Important: The main problem of Miroslava is the difficulty of concentration at today's day due to excessive looping in the future.

  • Zhdan - Desired "," long-awaited ". Of course, the girl with this name is simply destined to positive features - love for animals and people, responsiveness, delicacy

Girl with the name Zhdana is always good and responsive

Beautiful Gypsy Names for Girls

  • Raji. - "Hope." The carrier of this sonorous name will always believe in love, strive for harmony. However, hardness can even manifest itself - for example, in the question of religion or other beliefs
  • Gili - This ringing name is translated as a "song" and how it is not better suitable for the girl. Movable Gili always responds quickly to what is happening around, but she does not occupy a time humanity. The independence of the girl leads to the fact that it tries to surround themselves as strong people
  • Shukar. - What other name will emphasize the beauty, like "Beauty"? This girl will be a sacrificial, appreciating love capable of listening to others.

The name of the girl named Shukar symbolizes beauty

Names for girls twins beautiful

Twins are children who can be similar, but not identical. And this means that the names are best pick up, Based on the principle of contrast. For example, Alla and Bella, that is, allay and white.

However, you can do otherwise by choosing similar in meaning names - Faith and love, hope and faith.

Beautiful names for girls twins

As for identical twins, it will be interesting to sound similar pronunciation names - Alice and Vasilisa, Olesya and Alice, Karina and Arina.

Can, relying on the characteristic, pick up options with similar energy - Victoria and Ekaterina, Alexander and Antonina, Eva and Zlata.

Beautiful short names for girls

  • Yana - Despite the brevity of the very name, the interpretation is quite extensive. Translated as "God's mercy". Such girls have a well-developed mind, the ability to linguistics, independence, hardness

IMPORTANT: Little Janu is better not to pamper much, otherwise she can grow in egoist.

  • And I - translated as "violet". It is believed that in this name huge energy is hidden - perhaps the secret is that it does not contain consonant letters. Jia is always experiencing a storm of emotions that do not always know how to control
  • Zoya - literally translates as "life." Naturally, such a child will be extracted from the whole lessons, knows how to give importance to just worth it. Her calm can only be envied

Girls with the name Zoya grow by the incarnation of calm

Beautiful Double Names for Girls

It is believed that people with a double name live longer and happier around. However, sometimes parents tribal can not give preference to some one option.

However, if you still decided to call the girl so Try to achieve consonance - For example, Vera Nika, Maria Magdalena, Eva-Eugene, Lydia Lilia, Larisa Anfisa.

New Beautiful Names for Girls

  • Inessa - translated as "rapid". The ancient name cannot be called it, the form of Agnes was previously used. Now the "chaste" Agnes rose to replace a decisive, purposeful other form of the name, which gives its owner leadership qualities
  • Stella - It is impossible to better meet the requirements that society puts forward a modern woman. This is an independency, the ability to achieve goals, fight for yourself. However, such a coldness does not always benefit
  • Justina - Pretty courageous energy name, although, unlike the same stella, it is impossible to call the Justine. She with ease makes acquaintance, has a cheerful temper. However, learn because of non-unhealthy

Girl with the name of Justina is an energetic child

Of course, choosing the name of the future daughter - the task is not from the lungs. According to the characteristic, the sound, the semantic fullness they are all different. However, there is always the opportunity to find something your.

The name for a woman is a word that accompanies her all life, at all stages of life path: girl, girl, mother, wife and grandmother. It is responsible for its semantic load and harmony of sound, otherwise an unsuccessful choice may be the cause of complexes, impaired psyche or to influence a negative way to the fate of a person.

Past times were gone when for the Crimean-Tatar names, artificially created words with a communist counterfeit were chosen. Behind the old ones remained - meaning Lenin there are and zarema, which appeared after the merger into one word for the revolution of the world.

Girl Name: Tatar Traditions

According to old Tatar traditions, it is not worth it to leave at the discretion of the case or decision to take urgent. There is a sufficient number of rules that help to make the right choice. With respect to the Tatar Women's name, seven features or approaches that are most often guided by Muslims:

  1. When choosing Tatar names, repel from its value. Such a word will help the girl in her fate, will contribute to female happiness. It will be a kind of help to a person, ranging from birth and to pass throughout the life path. If you look at the beginning of the alphabet, it is considered the name of azkia, in translation hinting on great abilities and gifts. On rich and generous life may hope Agnes. From Dana, expect diverse abilities and mind.
  2. A good choice for the future adoption of the girl is the name mentioned in the Quran. The names of the prophet wives are still popular. Isn't that the best direction for the development of the girl along the path of virtue and its realization as a wife? Names have Arabic or Persian origin. Thus, women are in demand - Miriam, Fatima and Aishi.
  3. The name must be beautiful, sound harder, please rejoice. This rule is observed when choosing the names of Tatar origin. This is important from the first day of life when the girl is still very small and communicating with it more is emotional. Well, if he heard an appeal to himself, the baby will be won by happiness, smile parents, turn on as a light bulb. Sometimes the young mother and dad is exactly what voicing their plans, watch the child's reaction and choose the word that causes the most positive emotions. At the same time it is considered that the name is softer pronounced, remembered faster and more beautifully sounds, the girl will have a lighter, supportive character.
  4. It will not be able to get around the woman who sounds beautiful, itifies femininity, and in translation means the name of a beautiful rickened flower. The main purpose of such a word is to caress the ears of a man and force it to pronounce beautiful names again and again. Because sought-after names in translating the efforts, generosity, tenderness and kindness.
  5. Muslim families are very sensitive to generations. Therefore, in the first place when choosing the names of the senior in the generation of women, which the genus is proud of. But here is the restrictions. It is not necessary to take into account women with a difficult fate, so failed to know family happiness or distinguished weak health.
  6. Sometimes parents themselves come up with the Tatar names of girls from the famous words of Arabic or Persian, do not forget their own Tatar. In this case, they in the chosen word reflect all the virtues who expect from their baby. Most often, the admiration for female beauty and recognition of its uniqueness. Much less often than in other Muslim names, the girls need humility, timidity and obedience.
  7. Often the starting point for searching the name is the horoscope, which is compiled at birth. In the correctness, it is believed and on the basis of the data given in it are suitable for the choice.

In addition to these rules, there is such a concept as fashion. Its incomprehensible laws are guided in this case, therefore, the list of popular names is changed one year per year.

The meaning of Tatar female names

It has already been emphasized that the meaning of the name is almost fundamental and most important when choosing. Excellent if it does not only sound beautifully, but has a magnificent translation, intertwines femininity with tenderness, immediately sets the girl to a gum in female fate. To prove this, you can bring some examples.

Tatar women's names on a

One of the most beautiful and popular female names for the letter A is considered to be Alsu. The translation itself, which means pink water, sounds very gently, envelops the girl with beauty, foreshadows good health. For the Tatar girl, this word is associated with the analytical warehouse of the mind and is considered evidence of the hostess.

Even for a person is not familiar with the Tatar language, the word amine sounds like a bell. It has several names, translated meaning such virtues as good faith and loyalty. The second value is not less for a woman useful and talks about the calm of the woman and denotes the princess. It is not surprising that, according to statistics, it is the least least bringing the trouble to parents, they are distinguished by the meek and calm temper, prone to obedience. But such qualities on parents impose additional obligations. These girls are very gentle and vulnerable, like real princesses, they are easy to offend and apply mental injury. Even the only rude tone of the spoken word can bring pain and an unpleasant spot memories to stay in their soul. It is believed that in adolescence, after all, there are attacks of unbridled passion, they still quickly pass.

The following is the name. Translated in white, as it would allocate a woman from his environment. A little closed from birth in a circle of their interests, the girl develops into an attractive lady for a male look, able to conquer the strong hearts. In return, a man gets an excellent hostess, talentedly turning his shack in a cozy family nest, which is in a hurry day after day. Comfort, comfort and delicious lunches - will be a decent award for a man who managed to conquer the albinino heart.

Tatar female names on

Real defenders who know how to stand up for themselves and their interests that differ in factories can and loving to be the center of attention grow from Damir. For this behalf, such behavior is not surprising, because in translation it means: the fortress of character. Maybe the high perseverance and confidence from the girl would not be a virtue, but the young individual is enough wisdom not to climb into the disputes, to stop in time. They prefer to be returned and allow the surrounding to enter the fore. Devic wisdom develops into excellent character traits: activity and hard work. Damiras are good mistresses, but still men should not give a reason for jealousy, in this case the woman can show themselves with a real warrior for his happiness.

Tatar female names on l

The name of Lily came far beyond the borders of Tatar women's names, the reason in the beautiful sound and a hint of the subsequent female purity of the soul and beauty that is commensurate with proud and irresistible Lily. The laid meaning is reflected on fate, a girl, and later a woman becomes the center of attention. Their natural interest and curiosity with universal worships play the evil joke and become the source of obstacles. Protection of lilies lies in the fans of the opposite sex, which accompany her in life, become husbands and help with honor to pass obstacles and solve the fate of the riddles with the tests. Because a woman for life remains soft and attractive protection.

A distinctive feature of Laur in their loyalty, they give their heart a man once, but forever. Translated the name means the winner, which allows parents to often call their daughters. These are interesting specials that are distinguished by outstanding artistic data, very emotional, but their emotions that are under control. Fidgets grow out of Laur, ready for one hint will go on a journey. A distinctive feature of such women in their love, which sometimes bears the character of self-sacrifice.

Translated from the Tatar generous is best characterized by Layisan. A talented, easily running in life a child, like a butterfly, jumping through difficulties, with a large number of grooms, finds his fate late, comes to marry only when it really meets his love.

Meaning name in the life of the Tatar girl

For the Tatar family, the girl's birth belongs to the long-awaited joyful events. It is responsible for the process of choosing the name, sometimes connect all relatives. It is customary to be the starting point for future virtues and women's fate. Making a choice, rely on religious traditions, social status of the family. The approach that is used in the Tatar family gives the name such a great place that it is allowed to change during the age of majority, the woman should be the name to love and consider for themselves acceptable.