The most beautiful women on the sign of the zodiac. The most harmful zodiac sign

The most beautiful women on the sign of the zodiac. The most harmful zodiac sign
The most beautiful women on the sign of the zodiac. The most harmful zodiac sign

(Lady of hard behavior)

Even if this girl looks like an angel, do not share it! Inside, it has a small steel mechanism that controls not only the vestibular device, but also throwing through the thickened causticity, making the way to the body, your path will be lit by thorns, it will build the same barbed elevation and in the family, where the days of cleaning the apartment are strictly defined in the following graphics Education of children and a special circle circled rare days for sex, but in this case, you should not be dedicated. Do you like thoni?

The alienation that festers in the air will create an oppressive situation of the civil war regime, the owner of the cozy nest you can not be destined, will definitely have your place in the house and you will even point to it ...

It's not everyone who has a caperpan's wife deserved, it was created for a respect, caste, clan, Olympus and still God knows which vertices and if you are not from a reasonable kind, then do not build dirty plans for the capture of the "Winter Palace" assault, the Cashkinist will remain in your memory, like a rocky woman. If you still have a "clean breed", then the oscillage will think: "the sin to indulge in disintegone when other sins are in the world."

So, with sin in half, arranging once a week hysteria for cleaning conscience, she will slowly become yours. In constant search for problems, where they are not there, is a sample of unpublished complexes: primacy, worn, pragmatism, pride is a far incomplete list of its advantages. Stably holds second place after scorpilation by widowing. The combination of restraint and lust make it a kind of unique: the principle of Western woman is laid in the brain, it is not necessary to play love preludes, the money rules the world and its love ties will be an example of that. Larithic to her husband is loyalty to his income. The attacks and public houses are not the place of the appearance of noble oscillation, it will contain them and have income from them.

The keyword of this lady: "I use" and the conversation about feelings and love can be just inappropriate. Make a goat happy is not difficult, it is difficult to stay happy at the same time.

Find a plot point in it, it is for something to respect: she, as the snow queen is not looking for a warm place and lives in an isolated world of business, a world where beliefs are not valuable, the world where the playful wind of romanticism does not penetrate, through thorns to Stars!

(So \u200b\u200btwo loneliness met)

"Love your enemy" - apparently it meant that the famous Astrologer Sergey Vronsky, when he argued that the world without women's twins, it's like a festive dough without dishes. A lover of French and French always asks questions to which not find an answer, it delivers her pleasure, as a man feels guilty. Diluted, her brain is a curiosity model, very talkative, silence scares it, she is not talking about, it is not necessary to fill the vacuum, even if nothing to say. She loves to contend the treasures of his intelligence. The constellation twins is responsible for arms and speech, and the verbal diarrhea passes into sarcasm in intimate relationships makes this girl unpredictable that she will look after the next time!? Favorite Pose - Superior Pose! Voila!

When she is already for 30 (before that, as she, as Monika Levinsky examines all the delights of the genre), sex seems to her funny and frivolous occupation, spiritual proximity and money is more important, but if the boy has shook the imagination, so why not? Name Marilyn Monroe Angel of Sex was truly unreasonable, because any twig can be divided. Exhibitionism is not in her spirit, but why not try!

She never contemplates a phone call in any kind of form, however, it always "dresses" in order to go to a concert, to the store, pour flowers, open the door or get the mail. Everyone in her life is first hypertrophy, then exaggerated and subsequently nihilage, although the loss of a friend causes a sporting interest to return it. The search for missing lipstick will end with Shakespeare tragedy, but the next divorce with her husband will not at all hurt her feelings.

Certain coolness is sometimes taken for high love, but as Lermontov used to say: "There were two people in Pechorin: one was sitting, another stood", so that the original recognition in love does not mean that it was told by the same girl. Having fallen in love, she always carries somewhat further and past, the same thing in friendship, as a result, the best friend is a diamond, which is also good.

Geminih, like salute: first before the fig, and then not a fig! If she says that she has a date, it does not mean that it is a love nature, nevertheless, it can be easily called chronic coquette.

Her forever surprised expression of the face and eyebrows by a house as they say: "Where did everyone come up? Only yesterday they met a new year, and today I am in proud loneliness I find my underwear on the Christmas tree ... "

Golden Telchikha
(Midnight is nearing, and German is not ...)

Most of them are inborn Cleopatra and Catherine second, disguised by housewives. And in the truth, the Taurus is a neck on an astrological body, a phrase is remembered about this: "The husband is head, and the wife is," where it turns, there and the head, respectively. It happens that myozit is happening (in medical terminology - this is when the neck cannot be turned) here it smells like a simple stubbornness: no, everything ... brake, a fixed sign still ... In such a state, a man has to open in a relaxed woman, her second bottom and Carefully take measures such as buying warm fur coats or expensive French spirits. To say that she is an enemy of the people - it means to underestimate her human qualities: and feed and heat, especially if the man from the Eagle graphies or with the voice of Caruso, it will be enough to melt, and there will be a lot of heat and teeth in Russia after communicating with Grocery Telchikha?

The obsessive thoughts about sex will gently go into the realities and will live to live, but good to burn ... Soon the fairy tale is affected, but no case is done ... Practice shows that there are a lot of unmet lives and after the first gusts of love of disassembly ends in the kitchen with waguses and blank partner in the wall . Here she is in all its Cleopatrinian Gres and inaccurability as the revolution of the 17-year. The use of a man as a daily toothbrush, both in sex and in nature with complete calmness and tranquility, they act on the nerves, well, there are no romantic balls and everything here, solid and unshakable, like the Berlin Wall, they cause a man To break this wall to the base, but if they are not under the power of such a block, it is better not to sleep. The mother of man is hidden under a volio-eyed look of the Khutorsk Oksana, once realizing that not that Mirgorod now, she finds pleasure in ordinary non-slip lesbian playing and uncomplicated food (a variety of pleasure) and Freudovski understands that libido must cherish ... Summing all the above, The conclusion suggests one: you want simple and tender love - come to the Senov ... with a blacksmith.

(Daily adventure - sister of talent) - not all that is gold that glitters

"But if you put the nose of Ivan Ivanovich to the face of Ivan Nikiforch?" Or to cross the woman with fish?, Probably such thoughts led humanity to genetic engineering, which say, the Waterword is genius!

Humanist, a wrestler for civil rights, freedom and independence, standing on the boxes from the toilet soap, can shout hysterically about the rights of feminists and lesbians, though, in the depths of the soul, with the men she is comfortable, it will try all the positions of Kama Sutra at least once, just for interest! Enjoys resistance and riot. The man of extremes: either at all, or too much.

Very expressive: the style of clothing is unpredictable (for example, you do not wear underwear), in bed - unpredictable, but astrologers still managed to "calculate" it: this is a man of knowledge, so it all newly excites her: new lovers, new trends in fashion, new Religion, but if the partner is quite diverse (there are among men and purple unicorn), then she can and cling to the marriage, and even, purely philosophically, linger in it. The fact is that the waterword in the family produces an impression of an outsider ... and despite the spiritual devotion, it is the water-based record holder for divorces.

Very original, among ads, her Peru owns such pearls: "I will not offer to marry sex" or "sociable, a pretty girl will sell cement carriage", "strangers in ...", no sense of humor.

Always ready to come to the rescue and if you are completely hunted, it will even stop with you, not asking who you are and from. Someone can say that she is an extrusion and tantrum, do not believe it, she catches, loves to seduce and rebuff, because she is distrected everywhere. One of the best advisers, because, I will not be afraid to repeat - Genial!

For years to 40, when the ruling planet Uranus becomes an opposition, its behavior is opposition, that is, in the language of the boulevard, the sexual revolution comes, and here it may happen anything ... Fascist purses together with the theory of a glass of water are resting! She is the personification of the future woman and looking at her you can clearly see yourself in your future, how are you there, cozy?

(Modesty decorates man and silver is not worse than gold)

Honestly, modesty is just the image and the people are immediately understanding. In fact, Rakinya personifies the beaver and his hatch, the entrance to which no one knows. It literally exudes mystical eroticism or erotic mysticism, which in principle does not care. Not to mention a word, dragging the sufferer to Hutku, she is in a whisper of saying: "You are elected," in such a misty seventh-resistant state, a man gives himself to the crop, because the bobbies satisfy himself exclusively not warring himself. Her maternal instinct suggests: the boy lost the gift of speech, he is warm and cozy in the arms of Mom. Pose from behind, as one of the American psychologists put one of your favorites, because the modesty of Rakin does not allow them to show people during orgasm. Rachiha Pamela Anderson would be surprised, this is a very dubious argument, because it is still necessary to bring it to orgasm, which manages not everyone.

Despite his home, it can be scattered and dreamed: the rest on the sofa in lace and curls dreams of a prince who turns every night into an insatiable monster .. is affected by the phases of the moon, it is better not to approach the full moon. The whole apartment in wax subteps from romantic candles, statues of Buddha and Egyptian sarcophagas. East is a delicate matter, she claims to dress up in Odalisk.

Small infection, write for her a heart-catching novel with the name "And in the morning they woke up" nothing is worth it, but to get into the real love networks Rakigna is afraid of how any criticism, refusal and deception is afraid. If you do not want to be her sworn enemy - Leave the comments against the mother-in-law with you and at all forget about the humor, be cunning and more gentle, even more gentle ... and remember, Rakinya is not so much sensitive, how much receptor: someone made her nasty ..., so it is necessary Sufficate, but competently revenge.

As a rule, she is the same blonde, about which jokes are made: two blondes argue about psychosomatic problems, young people are suitable, the reaction of one of them: "Oh, guys go, come on rags!"

Perfectly knows how to play on the weaknesses of the partner, mows under the girl. The crying is needed to her like air, but it will never be engaged in them alone, if he knows that the man will not hear her. Her married life exists solely for the convenience. Rakinu loves her husband, lovers adore, because she owns parapsychological abilities: always knows what a man wants, but also clearly knows what she does not want. Living with such ambivalence makes an impression not from this world, but it's just an impression ...

(Gold Plated Statue of Venus Liberty Milos)

Soft, with snaps scattered throughout the body, together with moles in the most unexpected places, Weaviha has long been a favorite of kings and not only kings, but also Bohemia. Botichelli's canvas, Titian and Rubens are eloquently talk for themselves: the portrait of Venus Milosian ... Surface smile Bless Mona Lisa - this certainly was born under the constellation scales, because the trick is peculiar to Venus (I will exclude the trick of Magdalene - it relates to a repentable fish)

"Art should belong to the people," said one day, one vulgar man and was heard ..., the Venus of the limbs were climbed, they laid hands, and they should be admired with their hands ... Beauty is a terrible force! For centuries, the people using the right of strong wants to possess, well, wanting not harmful .. Beauty is, first of all - expensive!

Logic and the law are exalted in the consciousness of this beauty, but it did not work with passion. It will follow the conviction of traditions that married should be a virgin, and there is Tryn -tru. Pink dreams are gradually moving into gray everyday life and married duty, like a stupid banality, begins to act on her nerves. She hates vulgar scenery, and what kind of man will be the years ago to portray mygestic and apollo Belvedere? Yes, shrekami are not born, shreki become ...

She, aesthet, give the cakes directly to bed, at the same time she will fall into the philosophical state of the soul: "I think I love you, I open my eyes - no, not you ..." Thus distracting from sexual act, like a nightmare, which is always With you, she helps her fine nature to live in the world of dreams, changing partners, like gloves, moving from one to another - the main thing, to love and be beloved. The infinite soap opera "Swan Lake" with a dying swan and Anna Pavlova in addition.

Each time the completed phase of love comes to an end and the Amerkinian Hapiend is counting on a healthy, pleasing eye of a sexy episode, weaving is clogged and starts dynaming. Compromise here and does not smell, but Alibi is albeit. It turns out that she lacks romanticity, offensively, and this was shared by beauty, but the damn Mila! It can be attensely notice: "I love mutually beneficial gifts, for example, I have a handkerchief, and he is a mink midge," how can I refute the logic?! And her love for consent? Especially if the husband fell angry, but rich, it is better not to argue with him, you can always find interchangeable qualities in his nature ... and change the toaster to the mixer.

This girl, as a statue of freedom, despite the softness (phrase causes interesting erotic associations) Sometimes it may be firmly standing for justice, equality and freedom - also well, the main thing is that the waist is not overestimated and the pockets are not highlighted.

(I met you and everything ...)

Scorpio, perhaps the only autumn sign, in sex does not give drying. As a person responsible, she has its idea of \u200b\u200bthe work of the genital organs and is confident that everything that is being done, all for the better and benefit of health. In the team and on the street, scorpion issues permanent, non-moving look, as well as strict underlined in clothes, beloved color - black, favorite insect - black widow. She rightfully owns black belt Kama Sutra.

She is a few, the speech of Her Chekhanna, measured and does not provide any objections (something reminds of the speeches they spoken over the graves just deceased). Napping a male, pretending that she still will ask a low voice: "You, whose horses will you?" How would make it clear that she is still interested in your marital status ... In fact, your fate has already been solved, just a tactic she has such ... Madame Bovarie and Lady Macbeth in one face. Demagogues, as well as their friends, the impotients call the scorpiece of the depraved, well, well, they know, although she is still thinking about it, because having hypnotic, knows the innermost thoughts of everyone, it is not surprising that love is not enough in her.

Almost always loves to deal with smart men, because the careerism in it is plentious and she was born in order to command if a smart man refuses for some reason to participate in the device of her career, the punishment will not slow down: access to the body will be discontinued. In general, the desire to nominate someone from the Screws wakes up often, she successfully sublimates him into creative energy and sends to work or sex.

Spells have a slaughter, the distervene power of love, it is good to disgrace, as well as during disgrace and after disgrace. A lover of sharp sensations, above her bed, you can write: "Do not fit - kill!" The one who will permits the sexual act will experience all the delights of a holotropic breathing with all reincarnations, with the latter it turns out that it was the bloodthirsty goddess of Kali. Despite the colossal power, she has "Achilles Fifth" - she is a sadomasochist, usually scorpion plays the role of a torture, but sometimes she wants to become a slave and ask you to mercy, the knet and gingerbread policy, both in direct and in the figurative sense make it cat Hidden curls. Isn't it tempting to show the guests a manual scorpion?

(Fear of Danaytsev, gifts bringing)

Dream Romance and Pervert! Many are considering sex (our smaller brothers are monkeys too) like entertainment. I get acquainted with the cheerful shooter, a man expiring salivary desire, begins to think that he found his ideal. In some sense - yes!

Sex for her is a way to feel the completeness of being, it removes the maximum pleasure "finally!", Rejoices your soul. It is full of enthusiasm and fantasy, she will be reeling to you immediately in bed or in the back seat of the car and convince that it was about you all my life dreamed. The pedestal will be built immediately and she personally waters you there ... Oh, Eustice! This woman, like champagne, beats not in the nose, and in the most temekin, experiencing a slight dizziness Do not forget that you are still on the pedestal ...

Astrologers also experience an excitement about Streltsov, the fact is that this sign is somehow incomprehensiblely associated with the spirituality, and on the astrological body of man is slightly lower than the lower back, linking this part of the body with the spirituality of the astrologists see direct communication: the more, the higher the spirituality. These are the paradoxes of astrology ...

But back to the realities: the archery of aerodynamic and feelings are weathered along with champagne quickly. "Oh, why this night was so there was short, I would not sore chest, not moaning the soul." Romantic and passionate, she is honest in their actions, disappointed in you, she will try to lose you with a pedestal, after told the objective reasons for your fall in her eyes. Brutally ... but useful for you yourself.

She is restless, and around so much interesting: her source of joy - people and what they are more, the better. Perhaps someone does not like the crowd, but it doesn't bother to the shooter at all, even marrying her sorry or fright you need to know that your home will be a courtyard for philosophers, musicians, scientists, courtyard dogs and homeless people who are confronted, and herself The secular lady will be at this time on some overseas conference, its authority is growing continuously, so it will be in principle not up to you. To your treason, it will be calmly, and even to her, too, it is more importantly intellectual communication than extramarital connections, its credo - a husband should not interfere! So, comrade, come down from the pedestal, come down, you are told!

Golden Ovens
(I erected a monument to myself ...)

Aries the Aries is responsible for his own "I", on the human body for his head, "One head is good, but with the body, better" ... sometimes it seems that the lungs are a head without a body, and sometimes the opposite: a shader without a head "( This in cases where "blows the roof"), then it is a curious spectacle: those who were married to sheaven know how surprisingly work hands, legs and other parts of the body at the moments of the highest lift.

They are a warranty, in antiquity - it is the most endanoid Amazons who killed the poor men after group rape. The story draws the bloody paintings, but the progressive part of mankind (men consider themselves) all the same survived, and the bloodthirsty Amazons dispelled on the white light and now they will now wagon alone.

Unceremonia and nonlinear straightness - the face of a lifter (do not think that it is terrible, like doors) sometimes their faces are very characteristic, as principle. It will not look from the principle of football, but from the principle to over with a man to prove that it is a free, modern woman. Principles are full of head ... By the way, ask at leisure. In calm state, this head of Professor Doweel, without any conference or parliamentary congress, but most of all the lunches in the show business, where they seek to show not only their wonderful head in the hat (Alla Borisovna), but also the other parts of the Divine Body .

To say that the low is sexy - it means nothing to say at all, all the sights of the male body are fascinating on it, enthusiasm - a distinctive feature of these in sex, so the man even strains is not even needed, but it is only at first ... having reassured over time that you are dynamizing her, she will rise in the "pose".

"If I love me - it means this love, if not me - dislike" - Axiom of a lunge.

In a love rush, she can scream: "Horse! Falling for the horse! " And if you are not a horse, then you can only sympathize, she will throw you and will live for many years in the pride of the Arab horse, but in general it is a ladies from the royal court, there are still those ... After spending a stormy night in the sidewalls of the Louvre, she does not blink her eye It is recognized to you the next thing that it was she - the Marquis of Angels and Milady in one person. At night, this woman is three-dimensional ... Yes, and in the daytime, everyone can happen: there are vulcanic sex explosions with her attenuation and forgetting, who are you (they have a maiden), interrogations with addiction (sometimes dust), brilliant waste , frivolous treason, as a kind of whimping and misking you, a lunge is a lady with camellias that you will never forget ...

Gold fish
(the purest charm of purest samples)

The life of women - fish is similar to one big sinusoid: emotional bursts in the full moon and the coma stage in the new moon. The lifeless Flambula, lying on the shore in the new moon - the spectacle is miserable, and the man, seeing her such, asserting the count: All women are cold, slippery and amubna. Brrr ... It would be a big mistake to believe men for the Word, the practice confirms that this is the most favorite sign, because in addition to beer, God created also fishing ... The most popular type of meditation, because Nirvana (the state of Euphoria) comes with each caught fish. Fairy tales about the goldfish sometimes come true, especially when the fish is rich, it will perform all your whims, if you periodically fry it (there are masochists among them) that instead of three you can achieve execution of 5 desires.

Fish love is a opium for the people, it is difficult to figure out what she is still - the fish found in you, but her sacrifice is simply illogical ... She is true to its principles that keeps in a terrible secret. As she lives in the ocean, and the ocean is irrational, then logic, as a small island in the ocean is not its credo.

Breathing with spirits and fogs Fish periodically adventurously floats from the native bay to spend the evening with dubious representatives of the strong floor. Testing a shortage of communication, she, as a shepherd, will spread the thought on the tree and believing in the fairy tales, which herself also applied.

Matcher Astrology, Pavel Globa, as it called a fish honest donavya (he continues to be angry with his ex-wife Tamara!) In fact, the concepts of honor and disgrace merge into the cosmic soul of fish, like the ocean with a golfustrim, without interfering with each other. The concepts of giving and merciful generally belong to the category of spirituality, so fish is holiness itself. She, as a biblical Magdalene, first herself says, and then repents you.

Somehow one fish assured that sex did dirty - people, logical, well, and who else? Fish justifies everyone and everything and if you once again troughting it, the fish will forgive you and forget, because it is typical of everyone (I yourself deceive!)

Do not think, however, that the fish is a haired creature, it's not a uncompressed cruiser "Aurora", it is not sinking under any circumstances, so one thing remains one thing - to love fish not only on fishing days ...

Gourmet fantasy will be shocked, every day it appears in different ways and under different sauces is a herring under the mink coat and unobtrusive bulls in Tomat and a naked crackling liver, well, on weekends she will pamper you at leisure by caviar. What is not jet!

(a holiday that is always with you)

When the woman lion calls his sign, then everything immediately becomes clear, but it is not necessary to call it, on a cat look and red nails you can see with whom you deal.

Tiara is not compatible with rags and mops, but if you wear red tleal panties, it will not only lack the lioness, but also will be able to become her fan, there is no wit in its unlimited limitity, and therefore having a couple of men in the retinue even attractive . It decorates her. In general, if you have an unsuccessful appearance, then the chances of becoming her husband a little, and if with money stranded, then things are very bad. This lady loves to kut with a scope, and plans and order does not like completely.

Her permanent drug - compliments (very strong dependence), fueled by flatkeery, she spends his life in fuel from himself and when trying to sober it, asks a rhetorical question: "Why should I humiliate myself? I am a person with whom I live to the end of life "... Awesome from his own officism.

The lioness is born to make a fairy tale, so you need to start with expensive gifts. The strongest smell of spirits in the theater belongs to it. By the way about the theater, this is her home, life -Igra, and most importantly, the applause is more. Also on the scene of life, it will flirt with each counter exclusively for the sake of adoration and admiration. This is all its creature. External sexuality has nothing to do with the inner world, there, as a royal mummy covered with centuries and mold will face the soul of Oyoy and the one who distorts her peace will be cursed.

No, it is necessary to give tribute - she is generous and can even give you something from the Barsh shoulder, if suddenly she was getting married to get married, this act will be considered as generous too, although however, not obliging anything.

It is conducted by the hearing, that she is loving ... Guess from three times, in which posture she will have sex with a man? That's right, sitting on it from above, so that the crown does not fall.

In love, she manifests his totem to the entire coil: Praying as a cat with his beloved, she loses interest in him and a semi-twenty mouse remains where he lay. She does not suffer from cannibalism, but from boredom runs like from the plague. In the breaks between the hunting and love of the Lioness idle rest, mostly on couches or office sofas, if you ask her hobby, she will answer you: "I love the state men, the cake with apples and the name Roland."

(Art of being man or platinum chips)

The terribly photogenic and mostly miniature (to old age, it happens, breaks), Virgo is a certain danger. To call her smart - it means to underestimate it, it is brutally intelligent: someone who missed the chip in her brain, who instantly calculates everything.

Virgo is a modernized mixture of cyborg, robocop, lawn mower, libraries, Lenin and Cinderella, she clearly knows: when and on which ball she should hide. Virgo is not a simple mechanic - this is an electronics of the future, because besides instant calculation, it still has a colossal smell, so do not stand in all this, go away and the smell will leave with you! This young lady can be called a victim of minor details, but I preferably show her with her sympathy, not to clap on the back, and even lower, she does not love panibrates.

Her analytical abilities in the field of men consider it, as an extraneous subject, in case of marriage with him, he will remain an extraneous subject on its territory. But before getting married the selection of the applicant is in order of a live queue and on points: the amount of money in the bank, the size of the apartment, the brand of cars, weight, color, brain (although this is not the most important items), you can just education, a state certificate Health, but let's not talk about sad. She has instructions on everything, even to use a condom. When you finally admit to the body, then in response to a kiss, she may notice that you are a kissing not only with lips, but also a little teeth, and in general, she will say: "People, too, beasts, however, we are the only ones who can be copped face To face, "the marital debt calmly will calmly and calmly. And what else? Sophisticated duty - performed for the first time! The debauchery she will not bearing, but to build a strong family, you need to have sex, she read about it in Japanese magazines. Sex is something that the virgin is impossible to control, because the consequences of sex are so depressing that it considers it as a necessity given in sensations, as the existence of protein molecules, but not as the theory of torsion fields, which is worth the future.

Nevertheless, in a daily life, it is simple and executive, for which our smaller brothers love her - Scorpions, only they are subject to this gray computer mouse, they can healthy complement each other, in the other combinations, buggy ...

In contact with

Actually say that there are the most beautiful signs of the zodiac - stupid. After all, all people are beautiful in their own, which makes them unique and special. But still, according to surveys of various fashion magazines, there are six signs of the zodiac, which stand out against the background of others with their magnetism, mysteriousness and originality.

The most beautiful signs of the zodiac

a lion

This sign is called "the most beautiful" for his ability to charming. And it is surprising that all representatives of Lviv are gifted by this quality, even those whose appearance and do not name perfect. It is only possible to explain this to the fact that they have a charming smile and an excellent character - generous, loyal, next to them feel protected. Of course, they have shortcomings - this is their desire to be a leader in life, which turns the soft cats of layers in the predatory lions, who do not endure obstacles in their path, severely destroying the enemy. At these moments, they even face the face is distorted by acquiring an evil mask. But all this is temporary, very soon this sign becomes cute and attractive. After all, it is so important for them to be adored by everyone.


The magic power of scorpions is in their mysterious look. They know how to have a strong psychological influence on others, making it consciously, so they know how to hold people and even manipulate them. They like to endure and watch, as they melt in front of them of their "victim." As for scorpion, they love to arrange hunting for their hearts: love to look at which men are capable of sake. But, most interesting, they usually choose not the strongest, but one who behaves creative. And the fact that the choice always remains for scorpions is a fact that they do not imagine that someone will choose them. After all, by their own standards, they are perfection.


Often, the archers are not attractive, but they are amazingly beautiful with a soul. Their charisma is shrinking. Relations with them resemble a journey fascinating the feeling of freedom - they know how to entertain and passion. It's never boring with them - today Sagittarius is merry and cheerful, and tomorrow a thoughtful and mysterious, which greatly attracts the opposite sex. Their goal is to "conquer the whole world" - they are always achieved, they stretch to them, they are forgiving what they do not forgive others, they trust them, they want to see, hear and feel. They emit light filled with warm, fun and joy.


The charm of Capricorn is complex, but at the same time strong - attracts strength, determination and stubbornness. This is an ambitious sign, which first of all thinks about a career, and then about personal, therefore he uses his magnetism to the opposite sex in the sake of his only purpose - comfortable life conditions, well, and if a partner is able to create them, then Capricorn is certain Find a common language with him, often silently suffer the shortcomings of the second half. As for the Capricorn women, they usually possess non-standard appearance, but if desired, they will be able to emphasize their advantages so that the man will not stand in front of them. However, they do not need it: conquer feelings not by outer beauty, and the ability to sue themselves.


This sign is attractive not only externally, but also internally, the unearthly energy comes from them, attracting views and hearts. By the way, quite often this sign is not the ideal figure, but it is the deficiencies and become their highlight: overweight makes them appetizing, pallor - aristocratic, and angularity - naive. In addition, this sign carefully cares for me - they have beautiful skin that you want to touch again and again, laid hair in a natural hairstyle, and a pleasant body fragrance. Aquarius is a masterpiece of art that everyone dreams to get into his collection, but not everyone can do it - this sign is picking up and turned out.


A beautiful and attractive sign, from which the coldness comes, so many want to melt it with their love, heat and make it be happy. They are dreaming, constantly twist in the clouds, which also attracts others, because on the part it seems that they have just descended from heaven, where they gave an unearthly force and beauty. They want to solve, but it comes out not at all, but only in those who have the same thin kind of nature like fish. By the way, they have a wonderful taste, their things look elegant and stylish, which also attracts others.

Beauty is a subjective concept: everyone has its own standard of attractiveness - someone loves for external data, and someone is for the natural charm. Therefore, it is clear to say that the most beautiful signs of the zodiac - lion, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Fish, can not be. Other signs are no less attractive and charming, this is confirmed by the mass of happy people in each other, who consider their partner the most charming and charming!

Compatibility Horoscope: Scales The most beautiful zodiac sign is the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Astrologers argue that the zodiac sign does not affect the external beauty of man. But, nevertheless, every constellation has its own external distinguishing features, on the basis of which it is possible to draw up the rating of the most beautiful signs of the zodiac.

What constellation is considered the most pretty in the opinion of astrologers?

According to astrological analysis, each sign has its own characteristic features: Body type, face features, eye and hair color. This allows you to determine the most attractive constellation.

Among women, the most beautiful sign is called Scorpio. Woman Scorpio has a unique appearance, which, sometimes it is impossible to clearly describe in words. Her raisin is not only in external female attractiveness, but also in internal magnetism. The representative of this constellation has charisma, charm and exceptional ability to like almost all men.

Charming, smart, feminine, memorable - all these words can be attributed to scorpion girls. Most often, men celebrate their deep look, eye color and sophisticated face features. Appearance is most often unusual, but in memory remains for a long time. The woman scorpion has very few girlfriends, and even no.

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This is explained in most cases by the fact that other women are not able to compete with it for the championship in the society of men. She is often jealous and want to be similar to her.

Among the men, Capricorn is considered the most beautiful sign. What attracts women in this constellation and why his appearance is so entails everyone around? First, the male Capricorn most often has a strong physique, which speaks of his physical strength and health. Secondly, his mounted and tenacious glance attracts attention to others.

The main beauty of Capricorn hides at all in a nice face or an attractive body. Its main trumps - mind, calm and prudence. Next to such a man, any woman can feel like a stone wall. Capricorn inspires confidence in himself, the impression of a reliable, interesting and adequate person who can cope with any problem.

Rating: Who is attractive as attractive?

The list of the most attractive signs of the zodiac is based on the data of periodicals that make up each year the rating of the most beautiful people of the world, which includes artists, models, public figures and other representatives of public professions and show business.

Possess stunning appearance that they play with the style of their clothing and accessories. Wherever they appear, all attention is drawn to them. Distinctive features of the representatives of this constellation are thick long hair, which are most often crowned, as well as large, beautiful, smoked eyes and full lips.

In addition to the beautiful appearance of the lion endowed inner beauty, the desire to evolve extraordinary thinking and wit. This is exactly what attracts the opposite sex.

This is an amazing creature, mounted by your gaze and inland rod. A distinctive feature of people of this sign is languid eyes, black thick eyebrows, aristocratic features of the face and a beautiful physique. Their main chip is that they can impress only when it is profitable. Therefore, not everyone can notice something unique and clinging.

Different internal confidence in themselves. Of course, they are beautiful outwardly: the right features of the face, a sports physique, blonde hair and a fun look. However, internal beauty attracts most of all. Representatives of this sign of the zodiac can please everyone in any situation. They are able to find the right approach to both men and women.

Could sew and like others. Due to their attractiveness, they often achieve success in his career and personal life. Their beauty is supported by confidence in itself, which makes representatives of this sign of the zodiac attractive for a wide range of people.

Besides, Aries carefully follow their appearance. They love to change, experiment with image and wardrobe. Aries are always in trend - know that we are fashionable to wear, how to paint and what hairstyle to do.

Differ non-standard, original appearance. They have big eyes, thin lips, slightly wavy hair, fine features. Their main feature lies in multipleness. Representatives of this constellation will not allow themselves to walk in the same season and not change the haircut during the year.

They are accustomed to constantly changing their image, which often attracts surrounding people. Another distinctive feature is the ability to quickly put your appearance after a difficult day or party. They are rapidly restored and come back.

Their beauty is not immediately striking. To see it, it is necessary to feel the representatives of this sign and know more about them. Their appearance is not shy, not bright, but at the same time, attractive and mounted. Cancers do not attach special attention to their appearance and appearance of the people around, they more appreciate the inner world of man, his dreams and aspirations.

I make the impression of very kind, responsive and good-natured people. Their appearance is very harmonious with their inner world. Not possessing special external data, they, nevertheless, enjoy mad popular with the opposite sex.

Tales are always careful, love to follow and care for your body. Adjusts cosmetic procedures, homemade beauty recipes and skillfully use them to maintain an attractive appearance and youth.

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Someone their appearance will seem repulsive, and for someone, on the contrary, attractive. Representatives of this sign have internal magnetism attracting others. A deep voice, a meaningful look, good manners and cleanness - this is what people are paying attention to when communicating with scorpions. Their beauty is most often exotic and beyond the clear description.

Another reason for the attractiveness of scorpions is their ambitious and obvious character. They will never give to relax their enemies and will go to their goal until the last.

Tenderness, sensitivity, softness in them are combined with practicality, realistic look at the world and calcality. Representatives of this constellation carefully follow themselves - attend gyms, sit on diets, are engaged not only by physical, but spiritual development.

These are versatile people who may like their sometimes contradictory views on life. Their appearance may be far from ideal, but few notices this, because the Virgin is the owners of an extraordinary charisma.

Representatives of this sign appreciate beauty and aesthetics. Therefore, they are trying to follow themselves, regardless of the gender. Male scales can often be accused of narcissism, as they love to look in the mirror, make styling on the head and boast their press. Women of this constellation do not lag behind them, trying to always be aware of fashionable innovations and trends.

Trying to always look at the altitude, they impose increased demands on the appearance of their riders. Scales rarely pay attention to people who seem to be incompatible.

People are very unusual, with their eyes on beauty and appearance. Their beauty is often extraordinary and does not give in any description. The representatives of the sign have dense wavy hair, chubby lips and small-sorrible eyes. Most often they have a slim or thin figure.

Raisin Aquarius is that they never sit in place and often change their style. They try to find a balance between their inner sensation and appearance. Often others scare away their choice of clothes. But the Aquarius is completely indifferent to the opinion of people, they live as they want.

Fragile and delicate creatures that you want to protect and protect. This is exactly what makes them attractive. A distinctive feature of their appearance - big eyes slightly on cake. Representatives of this constellation very subtly feel around the world, so they strive to harmonize everything around themselves, even their appearance. That is why they often resort to plastic operations, seeking to achieve perfection.

Still fishes love to dress beautifully. Most of them are trying to compensate for some disadvantages of fashionable clothing, expensive jewelry and accessories. But real beauty and uniqueness often hides behind tons of cosmetics, trend styling and the latest fashion peak on the body. Having removed all this, the fish turn into truly pretty people.

Beauty - the concept of subjective. Despite this rating, it is impossible to determine the appearance and attractiveness of a person with accuracy, knowing only his zodiac sign.

Under what the sign of the zodiac is born the most beautiful men and women

Disputes about the most beautiful people are underdeveloped in different spheres of life. The beauty is measured by gender, nationality, profession and even zodiac signs. Astrologers are ambiguous in the opinion, which of the representatives of the zodiac circle takes the beauty championship. And yet they highlight the signs of the zodiac, under which the most recognized by many ratings of the beauty of men and women were born.

Top 3 most beautiful women on zodiac sign

To whom, as not to the lioness - proud, majestic and supporting themselves in the life of the Queen - to hold a leading position in the ratings of beauty? And just not by external data they take the demanding public, namely feeding themselves and incredible charisma. Perhaps in everything "guilty" the sun, which, being the heavenly patron of the sign, gifts his wards unsurpassed charm and attractiveness. The lionesses shine everywhere - whether at home in the kitchen or in secular events, without which they do not think of their existence. The secret of beauty of all the liones is simple - smile! She enchants and fascinates men and neutralizes even recognized Korolev beauty.

Famous beauty-lioness: Jennifer Lopez, Hilary Syanka, Sandra Bullock, Melanie Griffith, Whitney Houston, Madonna, Julia Menshov, Dasha Astafieva, Nyusha, Ravshan Kurkova.

Women of this sign, Nature gave the perfect beauty of the body, which would envy even recognized ancient beauties. Do not borrow them and inner beauty - they are smart, talented, possess a subtle taste and are endowed with a feeling of beautiful. A set of such qualities allows women-weights to be demanding and in choosing a partner. A man must fit and be at a decent level to a representative of the sign of the scales them become interested. Although it can completely not show it and even close at the sight of a man attracting her, unconsciously provoking it on the manifestation of fantasy in courtship. Favoring woman-scales man will not be afraid to show the initiative and will be awarded for advantage!

Famous beauty-scales: Monica Bellucci, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Gwen Stephanie, Kim Kardashian, Brick Bardo, Kate Winslet, Sigurney Weaver, Catherine Denev, Chulpan Hamatova.

Women-aquaries are not just beauty, which all men turn around. They are a benchmark for femininity and beauty, relevant for all times and peoples. Often women of this sign nature gives magnificent forms, beautiful skin and hair. Looking from the beauties, the look is difficult and because they emit incredibly attractive energy. Kindness, reliability, loyalty is also integral traits of their character. The complex of internal and external attractiveness and makes women-aquaries among the most desirable girlfriends, mistresses, brides and wives for many men. But the drains themselves are in no hurry to open the heart. By virtue of their gulling and attractiveness, they were not burned more than once, so in the choice of a satellite of life behave extremely parallers.

Famous beauties-aquaries: Shakira, Tiffany Tissren, Nastasya Kinski, Oprah Winfri, Jennifer Aniston, Paris Hilton, Svetlana Khodchenkova, Ekaterina Klimova, Vera Brezhnev.

Top 3 most beautiful men by zodiac sign

It is difficult to be born ugly if the zodiac constellations under which you were born, drive Venus and the Moon. Almost all men are beautiful! From their face, as they say, you can drink water: expressive eyes, sensual mouth, thick eyebrows and eyelashes, attractive face form. Many Taur Councils God did not adopt the growth and slim physique. True, not all men can save perfect forms to old age, but weakness to excesses, spoiling a figure, they compensate for charm. Wherever the calves were not, women always spin around them, fell on men's beauty. Men-Tales, of course, know what impressed the surrounding, but at the same time many of them manage to suffer in a complex of inferiority.

Famous handsome Tales: David Beckham, George Clooney, Enrique Iglesias, Jack Nicholson, Robert Pattinson, Dennis Hopper, Helmut Tom, Danil Kozlovsky.

The breathtaking beauties from the twins makes any appearance, how much the ability to talented themselves, to make professional advertising to their advantages and allotted attention from flaws. Many women calling Men twin with a model of male beauty, are confident that the case is not the right features of the face, expressive eyes or perfectly folded figure. Twins are literally "injected" into the atmosphere of fluids, followed by women are ready at least to bed, even on the edge of the world. Of course, such an unconscious charm can not last forever and, come back, many women understand that they were victims of loving alpha males, in the "all-service list" which a whole collection of broken hearts.

Famous twin beauties: Johnny Depp, Paul McCartney, Tom Cruise, Clint Eastwood, Mario Casas, Chris Evans, Colin Farrell, Victitative Miller, James Belosha, Vensen Perez, Alexey Guskov, Gosh Kutsenko.

Sagittari men fell into the top three leaders of the handsaws, sweating the male scorpions, which, although incredibly beautiful, but still their beauty has some kind of mystical origin. Therefore, the "palm of the championship" women still gave to the arteries. Men of this sign attract strict features of the face, big eyes, looking straight into the soul, and high increasing with a tightened figure. It is difficult to resist such handsome people, especially when they go into the course of their sexuality, which legends go. Not less than the fame and the loyalty of the Men-Sagittarov. Is it so, can only find out the chosen one, with which the windy Sagittarius will decide to tie his destiny. Become a companion of life charming Sagittarius, of course, a great honor, but a horoscope of love, says that a man-Sagittarius is very in love with a nature, so it is possible that tomorrow he will be faithful to a new wife.

Famous twin beauties: Brad Pitt, Woody Allen, Frank Sinatra, Stephen Spielberg, Danny de Vito, Jake Jillenhol, Kirk Douglas, Yen Somerhalder, Brendan Fraser, Don Johnson, Til Schweiger, Vladimir Mashkov, Anton Makarsky, Maxim Averin.

Which zodiac sign is the most!

What zodiac sign is the best, according to astrologers? Each zodiac sign is the best in something! Aries best beggar, new ideas generator, discoverer! Taurus the best implementator capable of embodying conceived in life! Gemini are the best in communication and information transfer! Cancers are the best familymen and psychologists! Lions best artists and leaders! Virgin best workers who are capable of small counting! Scales The best designers capable of partnerships! Scorpions are the best psychotherapists, cascaders capable of changing you with their stormy energy! Sagittarius Best teacher and inspirer! Capricorn is the best in his career and durability! Aquarius is the best in the team, where it is the center of the most original ideas! Fish The best empathists, with a unique imagination!

The strongest zodiac sign

Anyway, every sign is strong in something, but let's consider the human strength as the ability to defend its rights and be confident. What zodiac sign is the strongest, according to astrologers?

The most perfect zodiac sign

Here is the question so the question. There are no ideal signs! Everyone has both dignity and disadvantages! Aries are a good starter, but it will not be able to complete until the end, it will be overgrown! Taurus will ideally perform what he is already able, but it is worth it to give something new, as he will be accustomed for a long time! The twins are perfectly presented, translated, work with information, but they are superficial and do not like to delve into the essence. Cancer is an ideal family man, but he is like a child outside. Lions are ideal patrons, bosses, popular personalities, but they are vain and pant on flattery. Virgin ideal workers, but they are too disciplined and looped on trifles. Scales are ideal partners with a good taste, but they are hard to take responsibility for themselves. Sagittarius perfect teacher generously giving experiences, but for the whole, they often do not see the details. Capricorns are excellent workers and administrators, but they are too tough outside, because too soft inside. Aquarius perfect friends, but sometimes their interests for them become above all in the world. Fishes are ideal in their world of fantasies and unique imagination, but in reality they can not rely on them.

The most difficult sign of the zodiac

Consider which sign or signs of the zodiac are the most difficult for family (or just under one roof) of life? First of all, it should be said that in the solar sign of the zodiac it is impossible to judge this, any of the 12 signs can be very pleasant in the family life, but the moon in the sign of the zodiac will tell a lot about man!

The surest zodiac sign

Let's consider which sign of the zodiac is considered the most faithful in men? The most faithful signs of the zodiac can be called Taurus and a virgin. The calves are pretty lazy to go left, besides, they are very attached to the partner and are seriously getting used to the new one, therefore among the calves fewer modes.

In general, according to statistics, the signs of the Earth change the least (they are tied for a long time, and they are difficult to get used to the new one) and air signs are most often (as opposite land)

The most beautiful zodiac sign

By consider what kind of zodiac sign is the most beautiful, according to astrologers? The most beautiful signs of the zodiac are considered "human" signs. That is, Gemini, Virgo and Aquarius. However, the appearance largely depends on all the planets of the natal map and a very important first home or ACS.

The sexiest zodiac sign

What is the sexiest zodiac? It is believed that the sexiest zodiac sign is scorpion. But this is not quite so, Scorpio has sex to reset the extra accumulated energy, and in the second stage for pleasure. However, he is the sexiest zodiac sign man. The most sexy sign among women can be called Taurus. Taurus is very sensual (under the control of Venus) He loves to enjoy all the way he does. Therefore, the Taurus can rightly be called the sexiest zodiac sign.

The worst zodiac sign

What zodiac sign is the worst? According to astrologers, there are no worst / magnificent signs of the zodiac. However, if we consider this question from the point of view of men and women and their roles, that is, signs are not very successful for men and not the best for women.

The most accurate zodiac sign

The most accurate sign of the zodiac can be called a virgin, Virgo is capable of keeping a thousand little things in her head, she thinks everything in advance and constitutes an action plan. Rarely late, because Pedantic. The virgin has a good rational mind, it is able to decompose on the shelves and structuring the information obtained. In addition, Virgo loves when everything around perfectly and for sure!

The most jealous zodiac sign

What is the most jealous zodiac sign in men and women? Of course, Scorpio is considered the most jealous zodiac sign. Especially if the moon is also in this sign. People with this sign are very jealous, they do not trust the world around themselves and everywhere looking for a catch, in addition, they love to dig in anything (for example, in the phone) and to get to the very essence (for example, what exactly led to treason, where did the origins come from?)

The most intelligent zodiac sign

Let's see what the smartest zodiac sign, according to astrologers? Planet Mercury is responsible for our mental abilities, and therefore the sign of this planet will show our mental potential:

The kindest zodiac sign

It's hard to say what kind of zodiac sign is the kindest, according to astroloks every kind of kind, for example, the fish always sympathize with you, the scales will listen, the lion is probrit, and Aries will say, but not to whine, it's time to act!

The most evil zodiac sign

Consider what zodiac sign is the most angry, according to astrologers? What do we understand under anger? Most often, this question is asked for varying representatives of the water element of fish and crayfish. For them, anger is an increase in voices and screams. And if for representatives of the fiery element, it does not mean anything, well, I scream sometimes, so what? That's fish, crayfish, scales and other gentle representatives of the zodiac circle, each time they are bored from any jump to the change of intonation. If we consider anger in this vein, then the "evil" can be called scorpion, aries and lion. All of them are running fiery shining.

The most crazy zodiac sign

Planet Uranus patronizes the whole original and not standard and the most crazy people on the sign of the zodiac Aquarius!

The most crazy sign can be called Aquarius. Being under the patronage of the planet Uranus, representatives of this sign are original and not standard, they adore groups of people and communication, adore the time of change, when the course of life is completely changing, new people appear, new impressions that have never seen!

The richest zodiac sign

Take a look at the statistics of Forbes magazine and see what zodiac sign is the richest? Which is not surprising for the Word, because in the first place, of course, there is a sign of a lion (14% of the capital "Golden hundred".) Twins with Aquarius are also not bad and have (11%) Aries with weights slightly smaller (10% ) Tales and fish have software (7.7%) and scorpions and Capricorn (6.6%) of Virgin, Sagittarius and Craki are in lagging behind.

The most wrong zodiac sign for a woman

Loyalty largely depends on the signs of Venus and 7 houses of the horoscope. For Venus, signs of twins and fish are not too favorable. Especially if Venus is in a non-harmonious aspect with Neptune. It is also necessary to pay attention to the ruler of 7 at home and its aspects with Venus and Saturn. The harmonious aspects of Venus and Saturn, on the contrary, will prevent treason. Neptune, negatively affecting 7 houses, can give many confusing and secret links, and uranium frequent breaks of relationships.

Therefore, we can say that the most incorrect sign of Venus are twins and fish.

The most harmful zodiac sign

Let's look at what zodiac sign is the most harmful, according to astrologers? Twin and Aquarius are considered the most harmful signs of the zodiac, as they love freedom, rarely recognize their mistakes. Twins are good lies and love to get out of it seemed to be hopeless situations. And Aquarius often put the interests of comrades and their own above the interests of the family.

The happiest zodiac sign

What is the happiest zodiac sign? Happiness is faith in yourself and your strength, it is optimistic, it's fire! The happiest signs of the zodiac: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius! However, happiness for everyone.

The most successful zodiac sign

What are the most successful people on the sign of the zodiac? The most successful sign of the zodiac is something like the richest sign of the lion. After all, what is success? Success for each sign your own. The fish will be successful away from society, where they will be able to realize their inner potential, but the Aries need to be ahead of the rest of the rest, and even if the Lower hemisphere and women's planets will be highlighted at the Aries, he will still be the leader, albeit at home!

The most cruel sign of the zodiac

What zodiac sign is the most cruel? The most evil sign of the zodiac in astrology recognized Scorpio. It is a peculiar zodiac cleaner. Inside scorpion, constant transformation and restructuring occurs. At a low level of development, especially with poor upbringing, scorpions, called tarantulas. The victims of themselves are attracted to them, whose scorpions are stupid, thereby causing to work out their karmic lesson.

Also, the signs of the fire of Aries and the lion, poorly feel the emotional atmosphere of other people and may irregularly hurt a person, and they may not even notice that they did someone painfully.

The most lucky zodiac sign

What sign of the zodiac is the most lucky in the opinion of astrologers? The most lucky signs of the zodiac are the twins with their ability to appear at the right time in the right place. Twins are light on the rise, they will be the first to be where they need, they are active and in something child. In addition, the twins are smart enough to see the first to see future trends and apply them in their favor, no wonder in the Forbes list twins make up 11% of all signs.

Astrology helps learn more about a person, understand its character and priorities. But few know that the asked sign of the zodiac has a direct impact on the appearance.

The most beautiful signs of the zodiac among women

According to astrologers, the first place in this unusual ranking is given to the lioness. Women born on this sign of the zodiac, nature gives charisma and attractive external data. The radiant smile attracts the views of men and makes the nervous of other women. In addition, the lioness always carefully followed and advantageously emphasize their advantages. Among the celebrities a lot of bright representatives of this sign: Charlize Theron, Mila Cunis, Jennifer Lopez, Emanuel Bear, Jennifer Lawrence, Madonna, Victoria Loping.

The second place is divided by "air" aquaries and scales. They have expressive features of the face and the Static Figure. They are inherent grasiosity, artistry and barely catchy charm. From the nature of the representative of these signs of the zodiac have beautiful skin and chubby lips. It is thanks to the natural beauty and innate charm, they rightly deserve second place in this ranking. Famous beauties born under the sign of Aquarius: Vera Brezhnev, Svetlana Khodchenkova, Jennifer Aniston, Shakira. Fathest beauties, born under the sign of Scales: Amber Rose, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Kim Kardashian, Brick Bardo, Dita Background TIZ, Monica Bellucci.

Third place is unconditionally belonging to twin women. They have a tightened figure, an expressive look and sensual lips. Their strengths are artistry and ability to file themselves. "Aerial" ladies are not afraid of experiments with their appearance, they like to change the images and be in the spotlight. Men consider them sexual and charming. Typical representatives of this sign of the zodiac: Angelina Jolie, Marilyn Monroe, Kylie Minogue, Nicole Kidman, Natalie Portman, Elizabeth Hurly.

The most beautiful signs of the zodiac among men

First place in the ranking of the most beautiful signs of the zodiac among men unequivocally belongs to the Cleans. Their appearance has a strong influence of Venus and the Moon. Men born in the period from April 21 to May 21 have expressive eyes, beautiful eyebrows, long eyelashes, neat nose and sensual lips. Women celebrate beautiful sowing faces and a pretty appearance in general. The famous Tales who have repeatedly entered the top of the most beautiful men in the world: Robert Pattinson, George Clooney, David Beckham, Channing Tatum, Enrique Iglesias, Danil Kozlovsky.

The honorable second place is divided by twins and lions. Representatives of the first air sign have small face features, high forehead, straight nose and elongated face. Women noted that men have a smart look and an incredible ability to charming the interlocutor. Among the charismatic celebrities, born under this sign, especially allocated: Johnny Depp, Mario Casas, Tom Cruise, Chris Evans, Colin Farrell. Male lions have natural magnetism and bright appearance. Usually have volitional chin, high forehead and large nose. Mushroom lions attract the attention of women in a proportional to the statist figure and the ability to keep themselves in society. Typical representatives of this sign: Chris Hemsworth, Antonio Banderas, David Spiritual, Fernando Alonso, Ben Affleck, Julian McMahon.

In third place were at once two fiery signs of the zodiac: Aries and Sagittarius. The appearance of the Aries is formed under the influence of Mars and the Sun: sharp features of the face, well-defined eyebrows and lips, deeply planted eyes, a large mouth, a volitional chin. Women conquers their sports figure, developed musculature, confident gait and fiery temperament. Famous handsome, born under the first sign of the zodiac: Marlon Brando, Ivan Urgant, Dmitry Nagiyev, Scott Eastwood, Michael Fassbender, Sergey Lazarev.

Characteristic features of the appearance of Sagittarius: Strict face features, a large nose, a straight look, big eyes. Men are usually high growth, have a proportional physique and a slim figure. Representatives of this sign produce a very pleasant impression on others. Famous Men Sagittarius: Brad Pitt, Alexander Kerzhakov, Jake Jillenhol, Yen Somerhalder, Frank Sinatra, Brendan Fraser.

Damn beautiful women on the sign of the zodiac. Top Beauty!

(Lady of hard behavior)

Even if this girl looks like an angel, do not share it! Inside, it has a small steel mechanism that controls not only the vestibular device, but also throwing through the thickened causticity, making the way to the body, your path will be lit by thorns, it will build the same barbed elevation and in the family, where the days of cleaning the apartment are strictly defined in the following graphics Education of children and a special circle circled rare days for sex, but in this case, you should not be dedicated. Do you like thoni?

The alienation, which in the air will create an oppressive atmosphere of the civil war regime, the owner of the cozy nest you have not been destined to be definitely you will have your place in the house and you will also point to it ... not everyone has deserved to have a wife, it is designed for a respect, caste Clan, Olympus and still God knows which vertices and if you are not from a reasonable kind, then do not build dirty plans for the capture of the "Winter Palace" assault, Cashkinka will remain in your memory as a rocky woman. If you still have a "clean breed", then the oscillage will think: "the sin to indulge in disintegone when other sins are in the world."

So, with sin in half, arranging once a week hysteria for cleaning conscience, she will slowly become yours. In constant search for problems, where they are not there, is a sample of unpublished complexes: primacy, worn, pragmatism, pride is a far incomplete list of its advantages. Stably holds second place after scorpilation by widowing. The combination of restraint and lust make it a kind of unique: the principle of Western woman is laid in the brain, it is not necessary to play love preludes, the money rules the world and its love ties will be an example of that. Larithic to her husband is loyalty to his income. The attacks and public houses are not the place of the appearance of noble oscillation, it will contain them and have income from them.

The keyword of this lady: "I use" and the conversation about feelings and love can be just inappropriate. Make a goat happy is not difficult, it is difficult to stay happy at the same time.

Find a plot point in it, it is for something to respect: she, as the snow queen is not looking for a warm place and lives in an isolated world of business, a world where beliefs are not valuable, the world where the playful wind of romanticism does not penetrate, through thorns to Stars!

(So \u200b\u200btwo loneliness met)

"Love your enemy" - apparently it meant that the famous Astrologer Sergey Vronsky, when he argued that the world without women's twins, it's like a festive dough without dishes. A lover of French and French always asks questions to which not find an answer, it delivers her pleasure, as a man feels guilty. Diluted, her brain is a curiosity model, very talkative, silence scares it, she is not talking about, it is not necessary to fill the vacuum, even if nothing to say. She loves to contend the treasures of his intelligence. The constellation twins is responsible for arms and speech, and the verbal diarrhea passes into sarcasm in intimate relationships makes this girl unpredictable that she will look after the next time!? Favorite Pose - Superior Pose! Voila!

When she is already for 30 (before that, as she, as Monika Levinsky examines all the delights of the genre), sex seems to her funny and frivolous occupation, spiritual proximity and money is more important, but if the boy has shook the imagination, so why not? Name Marilyn Monroe Angel of Sex was truly unreasonable, because any twig can be divided. Exhibitionism is not in her spirit, but why not try!

She never contemplates a phone call in any kind of form, however, it always "dresses" in order to go to a concert, to the store, pour flowers, open the door or get the mail. Everyone in her life is first hypertrophy, then exaggerated and subsequently nihilage, although the loss of a friend causes a sporting interest to return it. The search for missing lipstick will end with Shakespeare tragedy, but the next divorce with her husband will not at all hurt her feelings.

Certain coolness is sometimes taken for high love, but as Lermontov used to say: "There were two people in Pechorin: one was sitting, another stood", so that the original recognition in love does not mean that it was told by the same girl. Having fallen in love, she always carries somewhat further and past, the same thing in friendship, as a result, the best friend is a diamond, which is also good.

Geminih, like salute: first before the fig, and then not a fig! If she says that she has a date, it does not mean that it is a love nature, nevertheless, it can be easily called chronic coquette.

Her forever surprised expression of the face and eyebrows by a house as they say: "Where did everyone come up? Only yesterday they met a new year, and today I am in proud loneliness I find my underwear on the Christmas tree ... "

Golden Telchikha
(Midnight is nearing, and German is not ...)

Most of them are inborn Cleopatra and Catherine second, disguised by housewives. And in the truth, the Taurus is a neck on an astrological body, a phrase is remembered about this: "The husband is head, and the wife is," where it turns, there and the head, respectively. It happens that myozit is happening (in medical terminology - this is when the neck cannot be turned) here it smells like a simple stubbornness: no, everything ... brake, a fixed sign still ... In such a state, a man has to open in a relaxed woman, her second bottom and Carefully take measures such as buying warm fur coats or expensive French spirits. To say that she is an enemy of the people - it means to underestimate her human qualities: and feed and heat, especially if the man from the Eagle graphies or with the voice of Caruso, it will be enough to melt, and there will be a lot of heat and teeth in Russia after communicating with Grocery Telchikha?

The obsessive thoughts about sex will gently go into the realities and will live to live, but good to burn ... Soon the fairy tale is affected, but no case is done ... Practice shows that there are a lot of unmet lives and after the first gusts of love of disassembly ends in the kitchen with waguses and blank partner in the wall . Here she is in all its Cleopatrinian Gres and inaccurability as the revolution of the 17-year.

The use of a man as a daily toothbrush, both in sex and in nature with complete calmness and tranquility, they act on the nerves, well, there are no romantic balls and everything here, solid and unshakable, like the Berlin Wall, they cause a man To break this wall to the base, but if they are not under the power of such a block, it is better not to sleep. The mother of man is hidden under a volio-eyed look of the Khutorsk Oksana, once realizing that not that Mirgorod now, she finds pleasure in ordinary non-slip lesbian playing and uncomplicated food (a variety of pleasure) and Freudovski understands that libido must cherish ... Summing all the above, The conclusion suggests one: you want simple and tender love - come to the Senov ... with a blacksmith.

(Daily adventure - sister of talent) - not all that is gold that glitters

"But if you put the nose of Ivan Ivanovich to the face of Ivan Nikiforch?" Or to cross the woman with fish?, Probably such thoughts led humanity to genetic engineering, which say, the Waterword is genius!

Humanist, a wrestler for civil rights, freedom and independence, standing on the boxes from the toilet soap, can shout hysterically about the rights of feminists and lesbians, though, in the depths of the soul, with the men she is comfortable, it will try all the positions of Kama Sutra at least once, just for interest! Enjoys resistance and riot. The man of extremes: either at all, or too much.

Very expressive: the style of clothing is unpredictable (for example, you do not wear underwear), in bed - unpredictable, but astrologers still managed to "calculate" it: this is a man of knowledge, so it all newly excites her: new lovers, new trends in fashion, new Religion, but if the partner is quite diverse (there are among men and purple unicorn), then she can and cling to the marriage, and even, purely philosophically, linger in it. The fact is that the waterword in the family produces an impression of an outsider ... and despite the spiritual devotion, it is the water-based record holder for divorces.

Very original, among ads, her Peru owns such pearls: "I will not offer to marry sex" or "sociable, a pretty girl will sell cement carriage", "strangers in ...", no sense of humor.

Always ready to come to the rescue and if you are completely hunted, it will even stop with you, not asking who you are and from. Someone can say that she is an extrusion and tantrum, do not believe it, she catches, loves to seduce and rebuff, because she is distrected everywhere. One of the best advisers, because, I will not be afraid to repeat - Genial!

For years to 40, when the ruling planet Uranus becomes an opposition, its behavior is opposition, that is, in the language of the boulevard, the sexual revolution comes, and here it may happen anything ... Fascist purses together with the theory of a glass of water are resting! She is the personification of the future woman and looking at her you can clearly see yourself in your future, how are you there, cozy?

(Modesty decorates man and silver is not worse than gold)

Honestly, modesty is just the image and the people are immediately understanding. In fact, Rakinya personifies the beaver and his hatch, the entrance to which no one knows. It literally exudes mystical eroticism or erotic mysticism, which in principle does not care. Not to mention a word, dragging the sufferer to Hutku, she is in a whisper of saying: "You are elected," in such a misty seventh-resistant state, a man gives himself to the crop, because the bobbies satisfy himself exclusively not warring himself. Her maternal instinct suggests: the boy lost the gift of speech, he is warm and cozy in the arms of Mom. Pose from behind, as one of the American psychologists put one of your favorites, because the modesty of Rakin does not allow them to show people during orgasm. Rachiha Pamela Anderson would be surprised, this is a very dubious argument, because it is still necessary to bring it to orgasm, which manages not everyone.

Despite his home, it can be scattered and dreamed: the rest on the sofa in lace and curls dreams of a prince who turns every night into an insatiable monster .. is affected by the phases of the moon, it is better not to approach the full moon. The whole apartment in wax subteps from romantic candles, statues of Buddha and Egyptian sarcophagas. East is a delicate matter, she claims to dress up in Odalisk.

Small infection, write for her a heart-catching novel with the name "And in the morning they woke up" nothing is worth it, but to get into the real love networks Rakigna is afraid of how any criticism, refusal and deception is afraid. If you do not want to be her sworn enemy - Leave the comments against the mother-in-law with you and at all forget about the humor, be cunning and more gentle, even more gentle ... and remember, Rakinya is not so much sensitive, how much receptor: someone made her nasty ..., so it is necessary Sufficate, but competently revenge.

As a rule, she is the same blonde, about which jokes are made: two blondes argue about psychosomatic problems, young people are suitable, the reaction of one of them: "Oh, guys go, come on rags!"

Perfectly knows how to play on the weaknesses of the partner, mows under the girl. The crying is needed to her like air, but it will never be engaged in them alone, if he knows that the man will not hear her. Her married life exists solely for the convenience. Rakinu loves her husband, lovers adore, because she owns parapsychological abilities: always knows what a man wants, but also clearly knows what she does not want. Living with such ambivalence makes an impression not from this world, but it's just an impression ...

(Gold Plated Statue of Venus Liberty Milos)

Soft, with snaps scattered throughout the body, together with moles in the most unexpected places, Weaviha has long been a favorite of kings and not only kings, but also Bohemia. Botichelli's canvas, Titian and Rubens are eloquently talk for themselves: the portrait of Venus Milosian ... Surface smile Bless Mona Lisa - this certainly was born under the constellation scales, because the trick is peculiar to Venus (I will exclude the trick of Magdalene - it belongs to repent

"Art should belong to the people," said one day, one vulgar man and was heard ..., the Venus of the limbs were climbed, they laid hands, and they should be admired with their hands ... Beauty is a terrible force! For centuries, the people using the right of strong wants to possess, well, wanting not harmful .. Beauty is, first of all - expensive!

Logic and the law are exalted in the consciousness of this beauty, but it did not work with passion. It will follow the conviction of traditions that married should be a virgin, and there is Tryn -tru. Pink dreams are gradually moving into gray everyday life and married duty, like a stupid banality, begins to act on her nerves. She hates vulgar scenery, and what kind of man will be the years ago to portray mygestic and apollo Belvedere? Yes, shrekami are not born, shreki become ...

She, aesthet, give the cakes directly to bed, at the same time she will fall into the philosophical state of the soul: "I think I love you, I open my eyes - no, not you ..." Thus distracting from sexual act, like a nightmare, which is always With you, she helps her fine nature to live in the world of dreams, changing partners, like gloves, moving from one to another - the main thing, to love and be beloved. The infinite soap opera "Swan Lake" with a dying swan and Anna Pavlova in addition.

Each time the completed phase of love comes to an end and the Amerkinian Hapiend is counting on a healthy, pleasing eye of a sexy episode, weaving is clogged and starts dynaming. Compromise here and does not smell, but Alibi is albeit. It turns out that she lacks romanticity, offensively, and this was shared by beauty, but the damn Mila! It can be attensely notice: "I love mutually beneficial gifts, for example, I have a handkerchief, and he is a mink midge," how can I refute the logic?! And her love for consent? Especially if the husband fell angry, but rich, it is better not to argue with him, you can always find interchangeable qualities in his nature ... and change the toaster to the mixer.

This girl, as a statue of freedom, despite the softness (phrase causes interesting erotic associations) Sometimes it may be firmly standing for justice, equality and freedom - also well, the main thing is that the waist is not overestimated and the pockets are not highlighted.

(I met you and everything ...)

Scorpio, perhaps the only autumn sign, in sex does not give drying. As a person responsible, she has its idea of \u200b\u200bthe work of the genital organs and is confident that everything that is being done, all for the better and benefit of health. In the team and on the street, scorpion issues permanent, non-moving look, as well as strict underlined in clothes, beloved color - black, favorite insect - black widow. She rightfully owns black belt Kama Sutra.

She is a few, the speech of Her Chekhanna, measured and does not provide any objections (something reminds of the speeches they spoken over the graves just deceased). Napping a male, pretending that she still will ask a low voice: "You, whose horses will you?" How would make it clear that she is still interested in your marital status ... In fact, your fate has already been solved, just a tactic she has such ... Madame Bovarie and Lady Macbeth in one face. Demagogues, as well as their friends, the impotients call the scorpiece of the depraved, well, well, they know, although she is still thinking about it, because having hypnotic, knows the innermost thoughts of everyone, it is not surprising that love is not enough in her.

Almost always loves to deal with smart men, because the careerism in it is plentious and she was born in order to command if a smart man refuses for some reason to participate in the device of her career, the punishment will not slow down: access to the body will be discontinued. In general, the desire to nominate someone from the Screws wakes up often, she successfully sublimates him into creative energy and sends to work or sex.

Spells have a slaughter, the distervene power of love, it is good to disgrace, as well as during disgrace and after disgrace. A lover of sharp sensations, above her bed, you can write: "Do not fit - kill!" The one who will permits the sexual act will experience all the delights of a holotropic breathing with all reincarnations, with the latter it turns out that it was the bloodthirsty goddess of Kali. Despite the colossal power, she has "Achilles Fifth" - she is a sadomasochist, usually scorpion plays the role of a torture, but sometimes she wants to become a slave and ask you to mercy, the knet and gingerbread policy, both in direct and in the figurative sense make it cat Hidden curls. Isn't it tempting to show the guests a manual scorpion?

(Fear of Danaytsev, gifts bringing)

Dream Romance and Pervert! Many are considering sex (our smaller brothers are monkeys too) like entertainment. I get acquainted with the cheerful shooter, a man expiring salivary desire, begins to think that he found his ideal. In some sense - yes!

Sex for her is a way to feel the completeness of being, it removes the maximum pleasure "finally!", Rejoices your soul. It is full of enthusiasm and fantasy, she will be reeling to you immediately in bed or in the back seat of the car and convince that it was about you all my life dreamed. The pedestal will be built immediately and she personally waters you there ... Oh, Eustion! This woman, like champagne, beats not in the nose, and in the most temekin, experiencing a slight dizziness Do not forget that you are still on the pedestal ...

Astrologers also experience an excitement about Streltsov, the fact is that this sign is somehow incomprehensiblely associated with the spirituality, and on the astrological body of man is slightly lower than the lower back, linking this part of the body with the spirituality of the astrologists see direct communication: the more, the higher the spirituality. These are the paradoxes of astrology ...

But back to the realities: the archery of aerodynamic and feelings are weathered along with champagne quickly. "Oh, why this night was so there was short, I would not sore chest, not moaning the soul." Romantic and passionate, she is honest in their actions, disappointed in you, she will try to lose you with a pedestal, after told the objective reasons for your fall in her eyes. Brutally ... but useful for you yourself.

She is restless, and around so much interesting: her source of joy - people and what they are more, the better. Perhaps someone does not like the crowd, but it doesn't bother to the shooter at all, even marrying her sorry or fright you need to know that your home will be a courtyard for philosophers, musicians, scientists, courtyard dogs and homeless people who are confronted, and herself The secular lady will be at this time on some overseas conference, its authority is growing continuously, so it will be in principle not up to you. To your treason, it will be calmly, and even to her, too, it is more importantly intellectual communication than extramarital connections, its credo - a husband should not interfere! So, comrade, come down from the pedestal, come down, you are told!

Golden Ovens
(I erected a monument to myself ...)

Aries the Aries is responsible for his own "I", on the human body for his head, "One head is good, but with the body, better" ... sometimes it seems that the lungs are a head without a body, and sometimes the opposite: a shader without a head "( This in cases where "blows the roof"), then it is a curious spectacle: those who were married to sheaven know how surprisingly work hands, legs and other parts of the body at the moments of the highest lift.

They are a warranty, in antiquity - it is the most endanoid Amazons who killed the poor men after group rape. The story draws the bloody paintings, but the progressive part of mankind (men consider themselves) all the same survived, and the bloodthirsty Amazons dispelled on the white light and now they will now wagon alone.

Unceremonia and nonlinear straightness - the face of a lifter (do not think that it is terrible, like doors) sometimes their faces are very characteristic, as principle. It will not look from the principle of football, but from the principle to over with a man to prove that it is a free, modern woman. Principles are full of head ... By the way, ask at leisure. In calm state, this head of Professor Doweel, without any conference or parliamentary congress, but most of all the lunches in the show business, where they seek to show not only their wonderful head in the hat (Alla Borisovna), but also the other parts of the Divine Body .

To say that the low is sexy - it means nothing to say at all, all the sights of the male body are fascinating on it, enthusiasm - a distinctive feature of these in sex, so the man even strains is not even needed, but it is only at first ... having reassured over time that you are dynamizing her, she will rise in the "pose".

"If I love me - it means this love, if not me - dislike" - Axiom of a lunge.

In a love rush, she can scream: "Horse! Falling for the horse! " And if you are not a horse, then you can only sympathize, she will throw you and will live for many years in the pride of the Arab horse, but in general it is a ladies from the royal court, there are still those ... After spending a stormy night in the sidewalls of the Louvre, she does not blink her eye It is recognized to you the next thing that it was she - the Marquis of Angels and Milady in one person. At night, this woman is three-dimensional ... Yes, and in the daytime, everyone can happen: there are vulcanic sex explosions with her attenuation and forgetting, who are you (they have a maiden), interrogations with addiction (sometimes dust), brilliant waste , frivolous treason, as a kind of whimping and misking you, a lunge is a lady with camellias that you will never forget ...

Gold fish
(the purest charm of purest samples)

The life of women - fish is similar to one big sinusoid: emotional bursts in the full moon and the coma stage in the new moon. The lifeless Flambula, lying on the shore in the new moon - the spectacle is miserable, and the man, seeing her such, asserting the count: All women are cold, slippery and amubna. Brrr ... It would be a big mistake to believe men for the Word, the practice confirms that this is the most favorite sign, because in addition to beer, God created also fishing ... The most popular type of meditation, because Nirvana (the state of Euphoria) comes with each caught fish. Fairy tales about the goldfish sometimes come true, especially when the fish is rich, it will perform all your whims, if you periodically fry it (there are masochists among them) that instead of three you can achieve execution of 5 desires.

Fish love is a opium for the people, it is difficult to figure out what she is still - the fish found in you, but her sacrifice is simply illogical ... She is true to its principles that keeps in a terrible secret. As she lives in the ocean, and the ocean is irrational, then logic, as a small island in the ocean is not its credo.

Breathing with spirits and fogs Fish periodically adventurously floats from the native bay to spend the evening with dubious representatives of the strong floor. Testing a shortage of communication, she, as a shepherd, will spread the thought on the tree and believing in the fairy tales, which herself also applied.

Matcher Astrology, Pavel Globa, as it called a fish honest donavya (he continues to be angry with his ex-wife Tamara!) In fact, the concepts of honor and disgrace merge into the cosmic soul of fish, like the ocean with a golfustrim, without interfering with each other. The concepts of giving and merciful generally belong to the category of spirituality, so fish is holiness itself. She, as a biblical Magdalene, first herself says, and then repents you.

Somehow one fish assured that sex did dirty - people, logical, well, and who else? Fish justifies everyone and everything and if you once again troughting it, the fish will forgive you and forget, because it is typical of everyone (I yourself deceive!)

Do not think, however, that the fish is a haired creature, it's not a uncompressed cruiser "Aurora", it is not sinking under any circumstances, so one thing remains one thing - to love fish not only on fishing days ...

Gourmet fantasy will be shocked, every day it appears in different ways and under different sauces is a herring under the mink coat and unobtrusive bulls in Tomat and a naked crackling liver, well, on weekends she will pamper you at leisure by caviar. What is not jet!

Lioness (holiday, which is always with you)

When the woman lion calls his sign, then everything immediately becomes clear, but it is not necessary to call it, on a cat look and red nails you can see with whom you deal.

Tiara is not compatible with rags and mops, but if you wear red tleal panties, it will not only lack the lioness, but also will be able to become her fan, there is no wit in its unlimited limitity, and therefore having a couple of men in the retinue even attractive . It decorates her. In general, if you have an unsuccessful appearance, then the chances of becoming her husband a little, and if with money stranded, then things are very bad. This lady loves to kut with a scope, and plans and order does not like completely.

Her permanent drug - compliments (very strong dependence), fueled by flatkeery, she spends his life in fuel from himself and when trying to sober it, asks a rhetorical question: "Why should I humiliate myself? I am a person with whom I live to the end of life "... Awesome from his own officism.

The lioness is born to make a fairy tale, so you need to start with expensive gifts. The strongest smell of spirits in the theater belongs to it. By the way about the theater, this is her home, life -Igra, and most importantly, the applause is more. Also on the scene of life, it will flirt with each counter exclusively for the sake of adoration and admiration. This is all its creature. External sexuality has nothing to do with the inner world, there, as a royal mummy covered with centuries and mold will face the soul of Oyoy and the one who distorts her peace will be cursed.

No, it is necessary to give tribute - she is generous and can even give you something from the Barsh shoulder, if suddenly she was getting married to get married, this act will be considered as generous too, although however, not obliging anything.

It is conducted by the hearing, that she is loving ... Guess from three times, in which posture she will have sex with a man? That's right, sitting on it from above, so that the crown does not fall.

In love, she manifests his totem to the entire coil: Praying as a cat with his beloved, she loses interest in him and a semi-twenty mouse remains where he lay. She does not suffer from cannibalism, but from boredom runs like from the plague. In the breaks between the hunting and love of the Lioness idle rest, mostly on couches or office sofas, if you ask her hobby, she will answer you: "I love the state men, the cake with apples and the name Roland."

Virgo (art being man or platinum chips)

The terribly photogenic and mostly miniature (to old age, it happens, breaks), Virgo is a certain danger. To call her smart - it means to underestimate it, it is brutally intelligent: someone who missed the chip in her brain, who instantly calculates everything.

Virgo is a modernized mixture of cyborg, robocop, lawn mower, libraries, Lenin and Cinderella, she clearly knows: when and on which ball she should hide. Virgo is not a simple mechanic - this is an electronics of the future, because besides instant calculation, it still has a colossal smell, so do not stand in all this, go away and the smell will leave with you! This young lady can be called a victim of minor details, but I preferably show her with her sympathy, not to clap on the back, and even lower, she does not love panibrates.

Her analytical abilities in the field of men consider it, as an extraneous subject, in case of marriage with him, he will remain an extraneous subject on its territory. But before getting married the selection of the applicant is in order of a live queue and on points: the amount of money in the bank, the size of the apartment, the brand of cars, weight, color, brain (although this is not the most important items), you can just education, a state certificate Health, but let's not talk about sad. She has instructions on everything, even to use a condom. When you finally admit to the body, then in response to a kiss, she may notice that you are a kissing not only with lips, but also a little teeth, and in general, she will say: "People, too, beasts, however, we are the only ones who can be copped face To face, "the marital debt calmly will calmly and calmly. And what else?

Sophisticated duty - performed for the first time! The debauchery she will not bearing, but to build a strong family, you need to have sex, she read about it in Japanese magazines. Sex is something that the virgin is impossible to control, because the consequences of sex are so depressing that it considers it as a necessity given in sensations, as the existence of protein molecules, but not as the theory of torsion fields, which is worth the future.

Nevertheless, in a daily life, it is simple and executive, for which our smaller brothers love her - Scorpions, only they are subject to this gray computer mouse, they can healthy complement each other, in the other combinations, buggy ...