The most beautiful actresses of Ukraine. Television news TV presenter Ukrainian channels

The most beautiful actresses of Ukraine. Television news TV presenter Ukrainian channels
The most beautiful actresses of Ukraine. Television news TV presenter Ukrainian channels

The leaders of the current rating were Yuri Gorbunov and Masha Efrosinin. Interestingly, 10 years ago, they together very successfully began on the new channel as the leading morning "lifting". Now Gorbunov and Efrosinine are one of the most sought-after visales of entertainment shows, spent live. Gorbunov - an evening primer star on "1 + 1", and Efrosinina leads a number of shows on a new channel. In the last focus rating, they only fell into the second half of the list.
In general, the rating of popular TV presenters has been significantly updated: some of its participants began to appear more often on the screens, others - changed the channel or disappeared at all from the ether. For example, ex-leading "Facts" on ICTV Ivanna Kobernik left television and became the press secretary of the leader of the "Front Zmіn" Arseny Yatsenyuk. And Lyudmila Dobrovolskaya, who led "TSN", but replaced the rating "1 + 1" on the city "SІTI", did not hit the focus list.
The preliminary list includes 130 TV presenters of the most popular programs of the six most rating channels of Ukraine. The list was based on the data of the Industrial Television Committee (ITC). The top 30 of the leaders were determined by experts - the televisers, producers, media services that evaluated every nominee for three criteria: professionalism, charismatic and compliance of the spirit of the canal. When calculating the results of the score of each participant summed up.
Among the news, experts consider the best leading "facts" on ICTV Elena Frsion - it is in the 3rd place in the focus list. By the way, information programs in the ranking represent only a third leading. The rest are TV presenters of entertainment and educational genres. This reflects the overall tendency to reduce the audience for serious, in particular political, information. Five years ago, in the focus rating, more than half of the participants were leading news programs.
As the rating results show, the size of the transmission audience does not necessarily attract the popularity of the lead. For example, the "details of the week" of the Inter TV channel is the leader among news in the country, but its leading Oleg Panyuta took only the 18th place.
The fact that the audience sympathies and estimates of experts often do not match, testifies to the fact that the leader of the Ukrainian version of the "big difference" of Ivan Urgant has come to the list of focus. But his colleague Alexander Tsekalo remained outside the top 30. By the way, Urgant is the only foreign showman in the thirty, which leads the program on Ukrainian television.
There are listed and other people from Russian television - Savik Schuster and Evgeny Kiselev. However, in the focus rating, neither foreign experience nor the authority helped them bypass a competitor on the format of Andrei Kulikov, who settled on the 9th line. Savik Schuster only lost a little kulikov, but Evgeny Kiselev took only the 21st place.
The rating also received the leading, the main activity of which is not related to television. For example, directed by Oksana Bayrak (№19) or pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky (№29).
The most high-ranking TV presenter can be called Vladimir Zelensky, leading "povered in Ukrainian", which is also the general producer of "Inter". Although he did not score high scores by professionalism, charisma and compliance with the spirit of the canal provided a showman in the top ten.
Among the TV channels, the record holder in the number of popular leaders turned out to be "1 + 1" (7 people), followed by Inter (6 people). In Outsiders - TRK "Ukraine". After Savik Schuster moved to the first national, the representative of this channel in the ranking can be considered only Snezhan Egorov.


The amount of points

Gorbunov Yuri.

Star + Star; Superstar; Smakuєmo!; GPU

Efrosinina Masha

New channel

Speat Meni Smіshno; Factory. Superfinal; Ukraine does not believe in tears; Factory Stars - 3

Frso Elena

Facts, Dobі Novini

Vysotskaya Tatyana


Mazur Alla


Kondratyuk Igor

Karaoke on Maidan

Dansky Andrey *

New channel

Light heads; Who is against blondes? Factory. Superfinal; Intuition; Factory Stars - 3

Marchenko Oksana

X Factor; Ukraine Mait Talent, Ukraine Mait Talent -2

Kulikov Andrey

Freedom of speech with Andrei Kulikov

Zelensky Vladimir

Poventered in Ukraїna

Prichula Sergey

New channel

Climb; Evening rise; Drive formula; Ukraine does not believe in tears

Guetzite Oksana

New channel

The reporter

Griber Konstantin

Quality mark

Separating Katerina

Svіtska Zhittya

Gomonai Anna

Urgant Ivan.

Big difference in Ukraine

Schuster Savik *

TRK Ukraine

Schuster Live.

Panty Oleg.

Details of the week

Bayrak Oksana

Let's get married

Moseichuk Natalia

Kiselev Evgeny

Big policy with Evgeny Kiselev

Borisko Julia

Sokolova Oksana

Facts of the week with Oksana Sokolova

Gaidukevich Vitaly

Stogni Konstantin

The country should know emergency news

Freamut Olga

New channel

Climb; Evening lifting

Zinchenko Evgeny *

TSN - prosport

Pedan Alexander

New channel

Ukraine does not believe in tears; Climb; Evening rise; Formula Drive

Komarovsky Evgeny

School of Dr. Komarovsky

Egorova Snezhana

TRK Ukraine

People's Star

* - changed job in 2011

Experts rating
1. Artenenko Yuri, Member of the Public Council of the State Committee
2. Babich Valery, Director, Head of the Studio "Babic Design"
3. Brokaylo Alexander, CEO of the company
"Studio Pilot"
4. Level Yury, Managing Partner of the Consulting Group Kwendi
5. Goncharenko Alexey, Producer, Head of Production-Companies Friends Production
6. Zarya Irina, General Producer "New Studio"
7. Kondratyuk Elena, People's Deputy of Ukraine
8. Kottenko Katerina, Executive Director ITC
9. Kulyas Igor, Internews-Ukraine coach, co-owner of the consulting company "Veddor Consulting"
10. Ligacheva Natalia, Chief Editor of the Internet Project "Telekritics"
11. Manzhos Vladimir, Head of the National Council for Television and Radio Broadcasting
12. Mikhailov Alexander, Director of the Group of Television Editions of the Ukrainian Media Holding
13. Morozov Yuri, director
14. Ryashain Vlad, Head of the Board of the company "Star Media"
15. Savenko Olesya, editor-in-chief of the Internet project "Mediania"
16. Harchenko Tatyana, editor-in-chief "MediaBusiness"
17. Shevchenko Andrei, Head of the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada on Freedom of Speech and Information
18. Shevchenko Taras, Director of the Institute of Media
19. Yarmoshkuk Victoria, General Director of MRM

We are accustomed to seeing these ladies in a serious business role. It is from their mouths that learn the latest policies, economics and culture news. However, in addition to the presence of high intelligence and ability to perfectly hold on to the frame, they are all just charming women. We offer our readers to learn a little more about the most beautiful leading Ukrainian news ...

Irina Yusupova, "Inter"

On the channel Irina worries since 2002. Initially dealt with the social direction, then passed into political journalism. From 2005 to 2008 she was an "Inter" in Moscow's own correspondent. And less than a year ago, he got a chance to try himself as a lead. Yusupova admits that the first esters were very excited for her: "I am not a biorobot. When he worked as a journalist, it was necessary to navigate in his material, and now I should understand the most basic in each of the stories of release. So that the viewer did not perceive me just as a head that reads the text. "

Married, no children.

Lydia Taran, "5 channel"

Initially, Lida has gained experience as a radio host. On TV came by chance. The new channel was just opened, and she was offered to come to the samples. That day I saw the camera for the first time. But confidently sat in the chair and began to say something. For several years managed to work both in sports news and leading political marathons.

Since 2005, she works on "5 channel". The only leading news was noticed in a frank photo shoot.

Married (spouse - leading new channel Andrei Domansky), there is a daughter.

Natalia Mosiechuk, "1 + 1"

Its television career began in Zhytomyr regional television in 1993, where he worked as a leading and journalist. Then the capital and work on the leading channels of the country. Especially "lit up" on "5 channel".

In TSN, Natalia came to the "pros" in August 2006. Quite well disassembled in slapped Ukrainian politics, professionally (when it is necessary - quite demanding and tough) puts in place of guests-politicians.

Active not only at work, but also in everyday life. Almost everything is trying to do everything. Branded dish - baked fish or meat.

Married, there is a son.

Natalia Gavrilova, STB

Born in Nikolaev, there began to work on television in 18 years. Already with 19 "sat down in a frame" and began to work - both the journalist and the lead. And in 21 moved to Kiev and since then now it works for STB for 5 years.

In addition to journalistic education, he has a diploma of a psychologist. Psychology is fond of everyday life. And he also likes to "create hands": sews for himself clothes, mastering interior items, draws watercolor.

Married, there is a son.

Oksana Sokolova, ICTV

ICTV came in 2000. First as a reporter, and then - as a parliamentary correspondent. At the end of 2001, the most morning information broadcasting opened as the lead. And from February 2006 - the author and the leading "facts of the week with Oksana Sokolova".

In everyday life, jazz and books adore, which are forced to think and empathize.

Married, there is a son.

Oksana Gutzeit, new channel

At the age of 15, he fulfilled the standard of the master of sports of Ukraine in rhythmic gymnastics, participated in many international tournaments, worked as a coach.

Since 2002, the leading sports news of the World Ukrainian Sports Agency, and from 2004 - on the new channel.

He loves to travel with his family. Visited in many countries. The greatest impression on it produced Paris.

Married (spouse - Olympic champion on fencing Vadim Guventyite). Have a daughter.

They know the whole country in the face. Thanks to them, thousands of Ukrainians freeze in front of television scans. We chose, in our opinion, the most stylish and fashionable TV presenters of Ukraine, which "retain the face" not only on the set, but also beyond.

Masha Efrosinina

It is not afraid to experiment: classic coats with jeans, dresses with dresses, socks for sandals and silk handkerchief, tied in the style of the 60s "in the peasant". Experiments TV presenter and mixing elements of the wardrobe of foreign designers with domestic. In particular, Masha can often be seen in images from Bulgguri, Prada, Valentino, Chloe, Tak Ori interspersed with Elenareva and Poustovit. Does not hide Masha and what often can acquire things in democratic Zara or HM.

Katya Saddy

Images of Kati is a guide to Ukrainian designers: Poustovit, Elenareva, Navro, Artemklimchuk, Anna October, Andre Tan, Ruslan Baginskiy and others. Each appearance of the TV host in the frame or in secular events is a Furior due to not only extravagant hats, but also selected outfits that characterize Katya, as a very bold fashionista.

Olga Freymouth

TV presenter does not hide his love for Prada shoes and dresses from Chanel. In her wardrobe enough outfits from Saint Laurent, Chloe and Oscar de La Renta. It is not bent Freamut wearing clothes and from Ukrainian designers. Often, in the frame of various programs, the TV presenter appears in the dresses from Olga Alenova and the trouser suits of Artem Klimchuk. Also for her a lot of Luvi brand designers are sewn.

Vasilisa Frolova

Transfer all secular events. It is difficult to find another person who knows how to skillfully beat the trends of the season in ironic form. At the same time, it looks completely natural: a complex image does not disintegrate visually on the part and it looks solid. Vasilisa skillfully combines unusual color combinations and textures, playing with style. In addition, the TV host very organically mixes the luxury brands and mass market.

Dasha Kolomiets

Man is a holiday. Actually, the style of the TV host is in this spirit - a playful, unexpected and always bright. Special love in the wardrobe Dasha enjoy vintage things, dresses in flower, OVERSIZ things. Like many others, she prefers to wear things from Ukrainian designers. In particular, the TV presenter can often be seen in the orders of Ksenia Schnaider or Flowerchic Studio.

Focus represents the most recognizable persons of Ukrainian television

The first time the rating of the most successful persons on the television screens of the country published five years ago. The main reason for such a long break is the static typing of the Ukrainian Telelight. Channel producers make bets on leading, which can keep the audience, and do not risk unwinding newcomers. However, the focus rating experts hope that domestic television will still gain a new person, since more professionals appear on the screens.

The leaders of the current rating were Yuri Gorbunov and Masha Efrosinin. Interestingly, 10 years ago, they together were very successfully started on the new channel as the leading morning "lifting". Now Gorbunov and Efrosinine are one of the most sought-after visales of entertainment shows, spent live. Gorbunov - the star of evening primer on "1 + 1", and Efrosinina leads a number of shows on the new channel. In the last focus rating, they only fell into the second half of the list.

In general, the rating of popular TV presenters has been significantly updated: some of its participants began to appear more often on the screens, others - changed the channel or disappeared at all from the ether. For example, the ex-leading "facts" on ICTV Ivanna Kobernik left television and became the press secretary of the leader of the Front Zmіn Arseny Yatsenyuk. And Lyudmila Dobrovolskaya, who led "TSN", but replaced the rating "1 + 1" on the city "SІTI", did not hit the focus list.

The preliminary list includes 130 TV presenters of the most popular programs of the six most rating channels of Ukraine. The list was based on the data of the Industrial Television Committee (ITC). The top 30 of the leaders were determined by experts - the televisers, producers, media services that evaluated every nominee for three criteria: professionalism, charismatic and compliance of the spirit of the canal. When calculating the results of the score of each participant summed up.

Among the newsshitchikov, experts consider the best "facts" on ICTV Elena Frsion - it is on the 3rd place in the focus list. By the way, information programs in the ranking represent only a third leading. The rest are TV presenters of entertainment and educational genres. This reflects the overall tendency to reduce the audience for serious, in particular political, information. Five years ago, in the focus rating, more than half of the participants were leading news programs.

As the rating results show, the size of the transmission audience does not necessarily attract the popularity of the lead. For example, the "details of the week" TV channel "Inter" - the leader among the news in the country, but its leading Oleg Panyuta took only the 18th place.

The fact that the audience sympathies and evaluations of experts often do not match, testifies to the list of the Ukrainian version of the "big difference" Ivan Urgant in the focus list. But his colleague Alexander Tsekalo remained outside the top 30. By the way, Urgant is the only foreign showman in the thirty, which leads the program on Ukrainian television.

There are listed and other people from Russian television - Savik Schuster and Evgeny Kiselev. However, in the focus rating, neither foreign experience nor the authority helped them bypass a competitor on the format of Andrei Kulikov, who settled on the 9th line. Savik Schuster only lost a little kulikov, but Evgeny Kiselev took only the 21st place.

The most high-ranking TV presenter can be called Vladimir Zelensky, leading "povered in Ukrainian", which is also the general producer of "Inter". Although he did not score high scores by professionalism, charisma and compliance with the spirit of the canal provided a showman in the top ten.

Among the TV channels, the record holder in the number of popular leaders was "1 + 1" (7 people), followed by Inter (6 people). In Outsiders - TRC "Ukraine". After Savik Schuster moved to the first national, the representative of this channel in the ranking can be considered only Snezhan Egorov.

Place Lead Channel Program Amount Points

1 Gorbunov Yuri 1 + 1 Star + Star; Superstar; Smakuєmo!; GPU 243.

2 Efrosinina Masha New Channel Program Meni Smіshno; Factory. Superfinal; Ukraine does not believe in tears; Factory Stars-3 241

3 Frsive Elena ICTV Facts, Dobі Novini 240

4 Vysotsky Tatyana Stb in Novini 233

5 Mazur Alla 1 + 1 TSN-TIMD 232

6 Kondratyuk Igor Stb Karaoke on Maidan 230

7 Danis Andrey * New channel Light heads; Who is against blondes? Factory. Superfinal; Intuition; Factory Stars-3 220

8 Marchenko Oksana STB X-factor; Ukraine Mait Talent, Ukraine Mait Talent-2 217

9 Kulikov Andrey ICTV Freedom of speech with Andrei Kulikov 216

10 Zelensky Vladimir Inter Povented in Ukraine 215

11 SERGE SERGEY NEW CHANNAL; Evening rise; Drive formula; Ukraine does not believe in tears 214

12 Gozeit Oksana New Channel Reporter 208

13 Urbish Konstantin Inter Quality Sign 205

14 Camery Katerina 1 + 1 Svetska Life 204

15 Gomonai Anna Inter News 203

16 Urgant Ivan ICTV big difference Ukraine 202

17 Schuster Savik * TRK Ukraine Schuster Live 201

18 Panty Oleg Inter details of the 198

19 Bayrak Oksana Stb Let's get married 197

20 Moseichuk Nataliya 1 + 1 TSN 196

21 Kiselev Evgeny Inter big policy with Evgeny Kiselev 195

22 Borisko Julia 1 + 1 TSN 194

23 Sokolova Oksana ICTV Facts of the week with Oksana Sokolova 193

24 Gaidukevich Vitaly 1 + 1 TSN 192

25 Stogni Konstantin ICTV Country should know emergency news 191

26 Freamut Olga New Channel Climb; Evening lifting 190.

27 Zinchenko Eugene * 1 + 1 TSN - prosport 189

28 Pedan Alexander New Canal Ukraine does not believe in tears; Climb; Evening rise; Formula Drive 188.

29 Komarovsky Evgeny Inter School of Dr. Komarovsky 187

30 Egorova Snezhana TRK Ukraine People's Star 185

* - changed job in 2011

1. Artenenko Yuri, Member of the Public Council of the State Committee

2. Babich Valery, Director, Head of Studio "Babic Design"

3. Brokaylo Alexander, CEO of the company

"Studio Pilot"

4. Level Yury, Managing Partner of the Consulting Group Kwendi

5. Goncharenko Alexey, Producer, Head of Production-Companies Friends Production

6. Zarya Irina, General Producer "New Studio"

7. Kondratyuk Elena, People's Deputy of Ukraine

8. Kottenko Katerina, Executive Director ITC

9. Kulyas Igor, Internoyus-Ukraine coach, co-owner of the consulting company "Veddig Consulting"

10. Ligacheva Natalia, Chief Editor of the Internet Project "Telekritics"

11. Manzhos Vladimir, Head of the National Council for Television and Radio Broadcasting

12. Mikhailov Alexander, Director of the Group of Television Editions "Ukrainian Media Holding"

13. Morozov Yuri, director

14. Ryashain Vlad, Head of the Board of the company "Star Media"

15. Savenko Olesya, chief editor of the online project "Media"

16. Harchenko Tatyana, editor-in-chief of "MediaBusiness"

17. Shevchenko Andrei, Head of the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada on Freedom of Speech and Information

18. Shevchenko Taras, Director of the Institute of Media

19. Yarmoshkuk Victoria, General Director of MRM