The most famous buildings of Le Corbusier. Great architects

The most famous buildings of Le Corbusier. Great architects
The most famous buildings of Le Corbusier. Great architects

Le Corbusier (Le Corbusier) (1887-1965), French architect, architecture theorist, artist, designer. Le Corbusier (real name - Charles Edouard Jeanner) was born in La sho de-background in Switzerland on October 6, 1887. He studied architecture from Y.Hofman in Vienna (1907), O. April in Paris (1908-1910), P. Berens in Berlin (1910-1911). In 1922, with his cousin Pierre Jeanner founded the architectural workshop in Paris; They continued to work together until 1940. In 1920, Le Corbusier and the poet P.Derme created an avant-garde polemical magazine "Espiri Navoo" (published in 1920-1925), whose pages sounded propaganda ideas of functionalism. In books "to architecture" (1923), "Urbanism" (1925) and in a number of articles printed in "Espiri Nuvo", Le Corbusier formulated his famous five principles of modern architecture (building on free supports, free composition of the facade, tape windows , flat roof with garden terrace, free internal layout). These principles found their embodiment in the creation of a "Savoy" villa in Poissy near Paris (1929), and then the dormitories of Swiss students at the University County in Paris (1930-1932).

Le Corbusier belongs to several utopian town-planning projects that provided for the organization of urban life in several vertical tiers, the regular plan of the city with division into multifunctional zones, strictly ordered by architecture and, thus, the activity of people (Woisen "plan for Paris and plans for the new Devices Buenos Aires, Algeria, Antwerp, etc.). One such projects assumed the restructuring of Moscow on a regular plan, but absolutely excluding its historical development and landscape features. In Russia, the project Le Corbusier was built a centrosion building on meat street (1928-1933, with the participation of the architect N.D. Kolly). He also owns one of the projects of the Palace of Soviets. Among the 1930s of the 1940s, the buildings of the center of the rescue army in Paris (1932-1933) and the Ministry of Enlightenment and Health in Rio de Janeiro (1937-1943, together with a number of other architects).

In the 1940s, Le Corbusier developed a system of harmonic values \u200b\u200bbased on the proportions of the human body, which was supposed to become a starting point of architectural design; She got the name "Module". In 1948-1952, he built in Marseil "a residential unit" - a 17-storey house of bright colors, equipped with solrenses, for which the possibility of offline functioning was assumed, but this idea was not implemented. Subsequently, they were created by Capella Notre Dam-du-oh in Ronshan (1950-1953); City master plan and administrative buildings in Chandigarch, the capital of the Indian state of Punjab (1950-1957); National Museum of Western Art in Tokyo (1957-1959); Center for Arts Harvard University in Cambridge in the United States (1964); Hospital in Venice (1965).

Le Corbusier belongs about 50 monographs and articles. The most famous of his work - "to architecture" ("Vers Une Architecture", 1923); "Urbanism" (Urbanisme, 1925); "When the cathedrals were white" (Quand Les Cathedrales Etaient Blanches, 1937); "Three Human Sets" (Les Trois etablissements Humains, 1945). In 1918, together with Ozanfan, he became one of the founders of the movement of purism in painting.

Using stone, tree and concrete, you build at home and palaces; This is a construction. However, suddenly you touch my heart, my feelings, I am happy, I say: "Beautiful." This is an architecture.

Le Corbusier

The history of modern architecture of the West was written in parallel with the formation of the most modern architecture. The best architects were also theorists, and therefore researchers and commentators. With all the painful contradictions, the central thought of the architectural XX century is found in the recession and rises of the development of architecture: the need for a fundamental transformation of society, the need to make it harmonious through a decisive effect on the human habitat. "Architecture or revolution" - from this opposition Le Corbusier makes a conclusion: you can avoid the revolution! (As it is not to remember the phrase embedded in the mouth of his hero M. A. Bulgakov, an artist from generation Corbusier and, maybe equal to him in talent: "Well, ... they are people like people ... ordinary people ... in general, remind Former ... the apartment question only spoiled them ... ")

The activity of Le Corbusier on the influence and latitude of achievements occupies an exceptional place in the development of the architecture of the 20th century. About him argued with his life and after death. He was called the greatest and most unloved architectural century. Corbusier himself with bitterness and dignity recognized his art ability to cause anger in some cases in others - enthusiasm. The features of his personality (poetic, romanticism, a tendency to utopian construction and the possession of the "cold Gallic meaning", Cartesianism, the ability to accurately plan work regime and the utmost, selfless return to them) were embodied in his work. In each text, in each construction of the masters, the creative takeoff of whole eras was reflected, and the "the finest nuances of the artist's peace of mind."

Le Corbusier worked in a torrential era. A sharp increase in the population, the need for new construction facilities (train stations, airports, stadiums and exhibition halls, transport arteries, factory complexes, etc.), changing methods of production (replacement of manual labor mechanical, application of the conveyor, etc.), revolutionary Changing thinking in connection with scientific and technical progress (enough to mention the widespread introduction of electricity, an increase in the speed of transport and the emergence of new means of communication), the addition of closer ties with transport workers, hygienists, climatologists, with a public service organization system - just some conditions that have become It is necessary to take into account architects. But together with the problems there were also unknown opportunities ...

Le Corbusier, actually Charles Edward Jeanner-Grove, was born on October 6, 1887 in the city of La sho de von (Switzerland), located near the border with France. This city, like the community of the same name, one of the largest clock manufacturers. Today it is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The educators of the kindergarten, in which the little Charles gave their parents, focused on the methods of F. Frie Bely, who encouraged the creative potency of kids. So the desire to invent and taste was taken by the boy from the very early age.

The Swiss watches were always considered the best in the world, and it is easy to understand why the family business is an engraver, Enamer, "designer" (there was no such concept) of the dials, did not cause countering from Charles. At the age of 13, he entered the local school of applied art, having received a specialty of the jeweler, the Charravel watchmaker.

In 1902 (Youth and only 15 years old), the clocks minted with the use of silver, steel and gold won an honorary diploma at the international exhibition of decorative art in Turin. He has not yet been 18, when under the influence of the teacher's blessing - Charles Leppenty and with the help of a professional architect Charles created his first building - a house for a member of the School of GrareRa Louis Fall (Villa Fallla, 1905). The building was built and decorated in the direction of the established tradition, with ornaments and decorations. Note that one of the brightest architects of the 20th century did not have a special architectural education (as, however, Mist Van der Roeh, Wright and other great). In fact, he was self-taught. Architectural universities have become travel, libraries, museums, systematic, deep self-education and, most importantly, creative communication with many leading masters of that time.

So, for money, earned thanks to the first order, Charles Eduard took a journey through Italy and Austria-Hungary, studying and sketching monuments. In Vienna, he met with Joseph Hofman, the famous Austrian architect of Sesisçison (modern). In Paris, two years worked as a drawer in the architectural bureau of Auguste and Gustav Perret, whose work is a transition from modernism architecture to the functionalism.

In the workshop, the young master "found out what reinforced concrete", and appreciated it as a material of the future. From October 1910 to March 1911, under Berlin in Neubabelsberg, Jeanner - an intern in the studio of German architect, Pioneer of the functionalism of Peter Bensha. Here, at this time (an amazing, significant meeting!) We worked the young Ludwig Mies van der Roe and Walter Gropius, ("Founded Founders of Modernism", as they call them later), with which friendship and cooperation subsequently supported.

In 1911, Charles Edward continues his informative journey, already in the countries of the Balkans and Asia Minor, carefully, studying not only the famous monuments, but also folk construction. Subsequently, these observations helped him "illustrate" the examples of their own thoughts on architectural tasks. So,\u003e H calmly compared the Parthenon and the car, finding similarity in them in the principles of standardization of forms born by careful selection.

In 1914, Jeanner becomes the leader of his own architectural workshop, fulfilling orders for private houses. Even earlier (1912), Villa Jeanner-Perre is designed and built - a house for parents. However, his truly first independent project, the architect considered the house for the local watch magnate - Villa Swob (1916-1917), or, as it is also called the Turkish villa.

Already during this period, at home, aware of the great role of architecture in solving social problems, Charles Edward developed the project "House-IOO" (jointly with Max Max Dubois engineer) - the technical idea of \u200b\u200bthe house with standardized cells. On the plan, such buildings looked domino bones, folded into the chains, as it happens when playing, and the columns are points on them. In essence, the idea of \u200b\u200ba frame house for mass production was the first in the history of architecture. But putting forward a problem of standardization here, the master did not forget about the artisticity, believing that the standard is the way to selection, which means to improve.

Since 1917, Jeanner is located in Paris. All free time he devotes the theory of architecture and painting. Surrive in still the boiling life of the Paris School, having acquainted with the great modernists of Picasso, marriage, lesion, etc., he himself was ready for heroic experiments. Together with the other, the French artist Amida Ozanfan, Jeanner publishes the manifesto "after the Cubizm" (1918), in which the main provisions of the new direction in Publishing - Purism were formulated. Purist painting turns the subject for the sophisticated game of lines, exquisite generalized silhouettes and color spots. Purists proclaimed the idea of \u200b\u200bcleansing the depicted, replacing it with a plastic symbol, a sign that can identify the inner design of the subject. Let us also say that painting Le Corbusier belongs to one of the sources of his architectural ideas.

As the architect recognized for him the most significant, not far from Paris (the early work of the Master).

Together with Ozanfan Jeanner in 1920-1925, it was extremely popular for all the Adepts of the Wind of Changes "in art L'Esprit Nouveau magazine a new spirit") and led the architectural sector in it. On the pages of this radical philosophical and artistic ferris, he printed a lot himself and for the first time signed as Le Corbusier, taking the name of one of the ancestors of the mother. The "new" included primarily the idea of \u200b\u200brationalism in architecture, which, with its embodiment, would have to focus on the degree of functionality, as in demand by designers and car designers. Slogan House - Machine for housing "It becomes for the Corbusier of a kind of password for labeling" its own strangers "in a professional environment. "Machine" is, first of all, for him a smooth surface, a new aesthetic taste and an accurate calculation.

The milestone in the biography of Le Corbusier becomes 1922. He gets acquainted with Ivon Galley, who marries eight years later, adopting French citizenship. In addition, cooperation with the cousin, architect Pierre Jeanner, allowed to open a successful project workshop in Paris in 1922. Very soon its address - Ryu de Sevr, 35 - became one of the international centers of the new architectural thought.

In 1925, the ideas laid down as the basis of the layout were transferred to the "Vuisen" plan. It was proposed to demolish the old Paris (240 hectares) for the construction of a business center with 18 50-storey skyscrapers for various offices and "short-sided" horizontal "ligaments" for service purposes, which would take an insignificant share of the entire territory of the city. The remaining 95% was assigned to broad passages, pedestrian zones and parks.

Even on the pages of the magazine "New Spirit" Le Corbusier published materials about Soviet Russia, calling for the establishment of diplomatic relations between France and the USSR. In 1928-1930, he made three trips to Russia, here he designed, played. After the victory at the 1928 competition, Le Corbusier received an order for a project of a building designed for 3,500 employees. This building, which, embodied in the 1928-1936, has become for him the first realized major social structure. All comfort conditions, a large central hall, dining room, assembly hall, a special air conditioning system (which, alas, could not be carried out for technical reasons).

The global authority of Le Corbusier in the environment of the creators of the new architecture was so stronger that not only Moscow, but also distant Brazil responded to his maestric. In 1935, Le Corbusier reads lectures in different cities and universities in the United States, and next year in Latin America. In Rio de Janeiro, his enthusiastic fans, the Brazilian architect Lusiu Cat with his young employee Oscar Niemeer, invite him to take part in the design of the building of the Ministry of Enlightenment and Education. Lined with consultations (he himself offered two options) Brazilian architects building in Rio de Janeiro (then the capital of the country) bears a clear expression of the author's will. It was here for the first time Corbusier who used to practice the shutters-sumchese in practice.

in 1942 he was invited to Algeria, where a large-scale project of the city of Algeria was developed, in which the master took part. However, the problems of the reconstruction of the capital of the French colony Le Corbusier have already thought two decades. His proposals were so outraged by the mayor that he even demanded from the police prefect to arrest architect.

During the war, Le Corbusier, dreaming of the occurrence of the world, thought over and drawred projects of restoration links, which were not destined to come true. He implemented his ideas only in part, taking part in the reconstruction of some cities: for example, Saint-Die 1945) and La Rochelle (1946). And here the architect improves its development of the "residential unit". In Saint-Diet, during the construction of the "Claude and Duval" manufactory, he used the Squesa, which were already tested in Rio, and then became a kind of business card of Corbusier.

In 1947 he worked half a year in the Commonwealth of Architects on the UN Headquarters Project in New York.

Everyone erected in the 1950s building Le Corbusier, in the plans of which no longer dominates the straight angle, and in the forms the artistic imagery is viewed, it becomes a discovery. Such were the cultural center and the Museum of Modern Western Art in Tokyo, the Brazilian Pavilion in the Student Town in Paris (1957-1959) and the Carpenter Center for Visual Arts - the Cultural Center at Harvard (1962). In the project, the administrative capital in India, a new independent country, which only recently appeared on the political map of the world, carried out his dream of a large-scale urban planning project in the flesh.

In the buildings of the chapel of Our Lady in and near Lyon, atheist, for the first time applied his intuitive inspections towards the organization of space for spiritual needs. "Spectative acoustics", which he spoke about the consent of the architectural forms and a suitable environment in Ronshane, in the literal sense, in the phenomenal pavilion "Electronic poem" of Philips (1958) at the Brussels World Exhibition, which allowed the architectural calculations Special resonate sound. Both in the listed and in the construction of the 1960s, such as the House of Youth and Culture in Fermini (1961-1965), the center of Le Corbusier in Zurich (1965-1967), the master continued his search for harmony of architectural space.

The centenary anniversary Le Corbusier was marked by television films, exhibitions, publications.

Each era has its own outstanding personality, brilliant discovers who own minds. In the twentieth century, such a cult figure in the architecture was French Le Corbusier. Along with its contemporaries, like Frank Lloyd Wright, Richard Neutra, Walter Gropius, Moat Van der Roe, Alvar Aalto, he was a discoverer of new roads, a pioneer of modern architecture. Almost a whole century passed under the sign of his ideas and his name.

Modern city in Corbusier. Architectural fantasy of the 20s

The beginning of the Corbusier-architect's creative career coincided with the technical revolution of the new time, the main points of which were the emergence of such technical innovations, as electricity, telephone and radio, the appearance of the car, the emergence of aviation, as well as the construction of new generation giants, ocean liners like "Aquitania "," Olympics "or" Queen-Mary-1 ". At the junction of traditional arts - theater, literature, visual arts and only invented photographs were originated completely new art, movies.

Marseille block in green entourage. By the way, the loggia of apartments in such a view of the world first saw on this facility.

It was invented (only in their beginnings, of course) television. The abundance of innovations and transformations in all areas has made it talk about the occurrence of some new era. In construction, the turning point was the use of such materials as metal, glass and recently invented reinforced concrete, reinforced concrete, - they opened the builders and architects such perspectives that seemed to be stunning, on the verge of fiction. All of these achievements of scientific thought, technology and design are phenomenal for their time - steel for Corbusier the main inspiring moment of his work.

Marseille block. Terrace on the roof of a building: There is a solarium, a treadmill, a children's studio room, a swimming pool. 1947-52

Le Corbusier (FR. Le Corbusier; real name Charles-Eduar Jeanner-Grinter (FR. Charles-Edouard Jeanneret-GRIS); October 6, 1887, La Sho-de-background, Switzerland - August 27, 1965, Rockbryun - Cap-Martin , France) - French architect of Swiss origin, Pioneer of modernism, representative of international style architecture, artist and designer.

Le Corbusier is one of the most significant architects of the twentieth century, its place in one row with such reformers of architecture as Frank Lloyd Wright, Walter Gropius, Mist Van der Roe. Aged fame due to its buildings, always originally original, as well as the talented Peru Publicist writer.

Heidi Webermuseum

Buildings on its projects can be found in different countries - in Switzerland, France, USA, Argentina, Japan, and even in Russia. The characteristic signs of the architecture of Le Corbusier - blocks-blocks raised above the earth; Free standing columns under them; Flat roof terraces used ("roof gardens"); "Transparent", viewed through the facades ("free facade"); rough rough concrete surfaces; Free space floors ("Free Plan"). The former once affiliation of his personal architectural program, now all these techniques have become familiar features of modern construction.

Carpenter Center.

The extraordinary popularity of creativity Le Corbusier can be explained by the versatility of his approach, the social filling of his proposals. It is impossible not to mark his merits and in the fact that he opened his eyes to architects on free forms. To a large extent, it was under the impression of his projects and buildings that there was a shift in the consciousness of architects, as a result of which free forms in the architecture began to apply much wider and with much greater ease than before.

Center Lecorbusier

The features of his personality are ambiguous: it is a person of open consciousness, and mystic, this is a public leader, the organizer of the international congresses of modern Architects CIAM - and Cancer Herick, hiding from all in their tiny shop-workshop at Cape Cap-Martin, this is an apologist of a rational approach , and at the same time an architect that created the structures that contemporaries seemed to be riding eccentricity and irrationality.

Among the strengths of this world, Andre Malro and Javaharlal Nehru were his patrons. The characteristic features of the image of Le Corbusier are a rigorous dark costume, a bow tie, as well as round horns, who became a kind of brand sign.

Center Le Corbusier

Biography and creative activity

Swiss period 1887-1917

Le Corbusier, - the real name of Charles Eduard Jeanner-Gri, was born on October 6, 1887 in Switzerland, in the city of La sho de von, French-speaking Canton Neuchatel, in the family, where traditional was the craft of the Emaler's watchmaker. At the age of 13, he enters the school of arts in a sho de the background, where he learns to decorative and applied arts from the teacher of Charles Leppenty.

Learning at the art school was based on the ideas of the movement of the "Arts and Crafts", based on J. Ryskin, as well as on the style of the Art of Arovo. From the moment of admission to this school, Edward Jeanner begins to independently engage in jewelry, creating enamel and engraving monogram on the lids of the clock.

E. Jeanner took its first architectural project in incomplete 18 years, with the help of a professional architect. It was a residential building for Graveyard Louis Fall (House Fall), a member of the Art School Council. When construction was completed, Jenener made his first educational trip - in Italy and the countries of Austria-Hungary

At about half a year, Jeanner was in Vienna, where he was engaged in new two projects of residential buildings for sho de background, studied the architecture of the Vienna Sesisison, met with artists and architects of this city, in particular with a very popular then Joseph Hoffman.

Seeing the drawings made by Jeanner on the journey, Hoffman offered him to work in his workshop, which he refused, because he believed that Sesidesilation (or the style of Modern, as it was called in Russia) no longer responds to modern tasks. The journey ended in Paris, where Jeanner spent more than two years, working as an old-fashioned tenant at the Bureau of Architects of the Brothers Auguste and Gustav Perre (1908-1910), innovators who had advocated recently open reinforced concrete. In 1910, about six months, it is in danger (together with Ludwig Moze Van der Roe and Walter Gropius) in the workshop of the famous German master of Architecture of Peter Berens under Berlin (Neubabelsberg).

Later, with the aim of self-education, Jenener took another journey, east (1911) - in Greece, Balkans and Malaya Asia, where he had the opportunity to study the ancient monuments, folklore and traditional folk construction of the Mediterranean. These travels became his universities and largely formed his views on art and architecture.

Returning to his homeland, Jeanner began to work as a teacher at the school of arts, that herself he studied. In 1914, he opened his first architectural workshop. A few buildings are designed to la-sho-de-background, mostly residential buildings, in particular, built for Villa's parents Jeanner-Perre (1912). Order of the local watch magnate Villa Swobov (or "Turkish Villa", 1916-1917), according to Le Corbusier himself, was the first project in which he felt an architect fully.

In the same period, Zhannener created and patented a very significant project for his creative biography of the house-ino (1914) (together with the engineer M. Dubua). It is predicted to build opportunities from large-sized prefabricated elements, which at that time was an innovative step. The concept of house-foreign Corbusier has been implemented later in many of its buildings.

In early 1917, Edward Jeanner leaves La sho de von and Switzerland to settle in Paris.

Purism period 1917-1930

Upon arrival in Paris Ed. Jeanner works as an architect consultant in the "society for the use of reinforced concrete" Max Dubua.

During its work in Him (April 1917 - January 1919), he fulfilled quite a few projects, mainly technical structures, - Water Tower in Pizaisaka (Gironda), Arsenal in Toulouse, Power station on the Vienne River, Slaughterhouses in Shallyui and Garshi, and others .

These projects that have not yet been particularly originality, did not include Le Corbusier in his "Complete Collection of Works". Working in the mentioned "society ...", ED. Jeanner lays the factory for the production of building products in the city of Alfvwill and becomes its director. It also teaches drawing in the children's art studio.

In Paris, Ed. Jeanner met Amede Ozanfan (FR. Amédée Ozenfant), an artist who introduced him to modern painting, in particular with cubism. Ozanfan introduces marriage, Picasso, Grasz, Lipshitz, later with Fernal Led. Under the influence of these dating ED. Jeanner himself begins to actively engage in painting, which becomes his second profession.

Architects (from Left): Erik LallerStedt, Le Corbusier and Ivar Tengbom 1933 in Stockholm

Together with Ozanfan, they arrange joint exhibitions of their paintings, declaring them as "Purist" exhibitions. In 1919, Jeanner and Ozanfan, with the financial support of the Swiss businessman Raul Roche, begin to produce the philosophical and art magazine "Espiri Nouveau" (FR. "L'Esprit Nouveau" - "New Spirit"). The architectural department in it leads to ED. Jeanner, signing his articles by the pseudonym "Le Corbusier". In the magazine "Espiri Nuvo" for the first time published "five starting points of modern architecture" Le Corbusier, a kind of set of rules of the newest architecture.

In 1922, ED. Jeanner opens his architectural bureau in Paris, in Employees, he takes his cousin Pierre Jenene, who becomes his constant companion. In 1924, they rent under the office of the old Paris monastery at ul. Sevr, 35 (Fr. Rue de Sevre, 35). In this improvised workshop, most projects of Corbusier were created, a group of his assistants and employees worked here.

Haus CitroHan (Weißenhofsiedlung)

Stuttgart germany

In the 20s of the ED. Jeanner (now Le Corbusier) designed and built several rich villas that created him a name; Most of them are located in Paris or its surroundings. This is the buildings of a bright modernist style; Their completely new and even causing aesthetics for his time forced to talk about Corbusier as a new leader of the European Architectural Avant-garde.

The main ones are Villa La Roche / Jeanner (1924), Villa Stein in Garsh (now vrestor, 1927), Villa Savoy in Pouassy (1929). The characteristic features of these buildings are simple geometric shapes, white smooth facades, horizontal windows, using an internal frame of reinforced concrete. The innovative use of the internal space is also distinguished by the so-called "free plan". In these facilities, Corbusier applied its architect code - "five starting points of architecture".

Geneve Immeble Clarte.

For the exhibition "Autumn Salon" of 1922, the Jenener brothers presented the layout of the "modern city by 3 million residents", which was offered a new vision of the city of the future. Subsequently, this project was transformed into Wuisen Plan (1925) - a developed proposal for the radical reconstruction of Paris. Woisen plan envisaged the construction of a new business center of Paris on a fully cleared territory; For this, it was proposed to carry 240 hectares of the old urban building.

Maison Blanch.

Eighteen the same skyscrapers of offices in 50 floors each were located in terms of the plan, at a distance of each other. High-rise buildings complemented horizontal structures from their foot - with the functions of all sorts of service and maintenance. The built-in area was only 5% at the same time, and the remaining 95% of the territory was discharged under highways, parks and pedestrian zones (on the accompanying annotation L. K.) "Woisen's plan" was widely discussed in the French press and became a kind of sensation.

In this and other similar projects are plans for Buenos Aires (1930), Antwerp (1932), Rio de Janeiro (1936), "OUTS plan" for Algeria (1931) - Le Corbusier developed completely new urban planning concepts. The general essence is that through new planning methods to increase the comfort of living in the cities, create green zones in them (the concept of the "Green City"), a modern network of transport highways - and all this with a significant increase in the height of buildings and population density. In these projects, Corbusier showed himself as a consistent urbanist.

In 1924, by order of the industrialist, Henri Fries in the suburb of Pesssak under Bordeaux was erected by the project of Corbusier town "Modern Houses Flect" (Fr. Quartiers Modernes Frugès). This town, consisting of 50 two-three-storey residential buildings, was one of the first experiments to build houses by series in France.

Here are four types of buildings, various configurations and layout - ribbon houses (type "Arcade"), separately standing (type "skyscraper") and blocked. In this project, Corbusier tried to offer various types of a modern house at affordable prices - simple forms, simple in construction, and at the same time a modern level of comfort.

National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo.

At the International Exhibition of 1925, the Pavilion Espir Nuvo was built in Paris on the project. According to its aesthetics and the internal structure, the Pavilion was a kind of modernist architectural declaration - as well as the pavilion of Soviet Russia architect K. Melnikov for the same exhibition. The Pavilion "Espiri Nuvo" included a residential cell of an apartment building in full size - an experimental apartment in two levels. A similar cell of Corbusier used later, in the late 40s, when creating his Marseille residential unit.

1930s - the beginning of the "international" style

Residential building in the village of Weissengof, Stuttgart, Germany. 1927.

By the beginning of the 1930s, the name Le Corbusier becomes widely known, large orders begin to come to it. One of the first such orders is the House of Salvation Army in Paris (1929-1931). In 1928, Corbusier participates in the competition for the Nercomplegraground building (centrousa house) in Moscow, which was then built (1928-1935). The centrosuit was completely new, in fact, an example of the solution of a modern business building for Europe is unprecedented for Europe. Construction was carried out under the leadership of the architect Nikolai Collie.

House Centrosyusa

In connection with the construction of the Centrosion, Le Corbusier has repeatedly arrived in Moscow - in 1928, 1929, at the beginning of the thirties. I met with Tairov, Meyerhold, Eisenstein, admired the creative atmosphere that reigned in the country at the time, and especially the achievements of the Soviet architectural avant-garde - the Spring Brothers, Moses Guinzburg, Konstantin Melnikova. Tied a friendly correspondence with A. Spring. Participated in an international competition on the building of the Palace of Soviets for Moscow (1931), for which the project was made extremely brave, innovative project.

Palace of Assembly Chandigarh

The Swiss pavilion in Paris in Paris is the architectural discovery and built in 1930-1932 - the hostel of Swiss students in the territory of the international student town. His originality is in the novelty of the composition, the most unexpected point of which were open supports of the first floor columns, unusual in shape, spectacularly shifted to the longitudinal axis of the building. Immediately after the completion of the construction work, the Swiss pavilion attracted the attention of criticism and press, made talking about himself.

Chandigarh High Court.

In the post-war years, at one of the walls of the library hall, Corbusier created a large wall-painted in an abstract symbolic vein.

In 1935, Le Corbusier visits the United States, lectures take a tour of the cities of the country: New York, University of Yale University, Boston, Chicago, Madison, Philadelphia, Again, New York, Columbia University. In 1936 he again makes a similar trip, now in South America. In Rio de Janeiro, in addition to reading lectures, Corbusier participates in the development of the project of the Ministry of Education and Education (Arch. L. Costa and O. Siemeer).

On his initiative, a solid glazing was applied to the high-altitude office unit of this complex, as well as external sunscreen-sucksa, one of the first experiments of this kind.

Le Corbusier was one of the founders of international CIAM Congresses - Congresses of modern architects of different countries, combined the idea of \u200b\u200bupdating architecture. The first CIAM Congress took place in La Sarraz, Switzerland, in 1928. The town planning concepts of Corbusier formed the basis of the Athenian Charter, adopted at the IV International CIAM Congress in Athens, 1933. Theoretical views of Le Corbusier are presented to them in the books "to architecture" (1923), Urban-planning (1925), "Radiant city" ( 1935) and others.

Chandigarh Secretariat

All these years (1922-1940) in the workshop of Corbusier in Paris on the street, Sevre worked as interns-students of young architects from different countries. Some of them were subsequently very famous and even famous, such as Kunio Maikawa (Japan), Jundzo Sakakura (Japan), Hosep Louis Certifications (Spain-US), Andre Weshanski (France), Alfred Rot (Switzerland-US), Maxwell Fry (England) and others.

New York City United Nations UNO General Assembly UN

Corbusier was married to Ivon Gali (Fr. Yvonne Gallis), from Monaco, who met in Paris in 1922, was officially married in the 1930th. In the same year, Corbusier adopted French citizenship.

Japanese Peace Bell of United Nations

Period 1940-1947.

In 1940, the Corbusier workshop was closed, and he himself and his wife hesitated to the farm away from Paris, (Ozon, Pyrenees). In 1942, Corbusier committed an official trip to Algeria, due to the town-planning project of the city of Algeria. Returning in the same year in Paris, due to the lack of orders, he was engaged in the theory, painted, wrote books.

By this time, the beginning of the systematic development of the "Module" - invented Le Corbusier system of harmonic proportions, which he applied in the first large post-war projects. In Paris, they were founded by Ascoral Research Society (builders Assembly for the sake of updating architecture), in which he presided over. In various sections of society, topics were discussed, one way or another related to the problems of construction, dwellings and healthy habitats.

After liberation in France, restoration work began and Corbusier was invited by the authorities to participate in them as a city planner designer. They were fulfilled, in particular, the plans for the reconstruction of Saint-Dquea cities (1945) and La Rochelle (1946), which became a new original contribution to urban planning.

In these projects, the so-called "residential unit" Le Corbusier - FR appears for the first time. Unité D "Habitation, a model of the future of the Marseille block. In these, as in other town-planning projects carried out at the time, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe" green city "is consistently carried out, or, by Corbusier, the" radiant city "(FR." La Ville Radieuse ").

Corbusierhaus Berlin.

In Saint-Diet, by order of the Duval, Le Corbusier Industrialist builds the Building of Manufactory Claude and Duval (1946-1951) - a four-storey block with industrial and office space, with solid glazing facades. In the Manufacture of Duval, the so-called FRs were applied. Brise-Soleil ("Squesa" - invented Corbusier Special attachments protecting the glazed facade from direct sunlight. From this point on, the Savsaisa become a kind of branded sign of the buildings of Corbusier, where they perform a service and decorative role simultaneously.

Villa Anatole Schwob

In 1946, Corbusier, together with other famous architects from different countries (Nimeier, Richardson, Markelius, etc.), was invited to design the UN Headquarters Complex on the East River in New York. He worked on him from January to June 1947. For some reason, he did not have to participate in the project until complete completion and officially Corbusier did not appear on the list of authors. Nevertheless, the overall layout of the complex and especially the high-altitude 50-storey building of the secretariat (built - 1951) significantly reflect its design proposals.

Le Corbusier - French architect of Swiss origin, formerly designer, artist, writer and publicist. It is a pioneer of modernism, a representative of an international style architecture, in architecture embodied the ideas of functionalism. The buildings designed to them are located worldwide: in Europe, America, India, Japan.

In an effort to facilitate the lives of the residents of overpopulated cities, Le Corbusier actively engaged in urban planning and was one of the founders of the International Congress of Modern Architecture (CIAM).


Charles Eduar Jeanner-Grove was born on October 6, 1887 in the Swiss town of La Sho de-background in the family of watchmaker-enamer.

Since childhood, young Charles attracted the visual arts and he entered the school of arts in a sho de the background to Charles Leppenty, his architecture teacher was Rena Shapalla, who strongly influenced early creativity. From the moment of admission to school, he begins to independently engage in jewelry affairs, creates enamel and engraves monograms on the lids of the clock.

In his youth, he tried to leave the provincial atmosphere of his hometown and traveled in Europe. In September 1907, he took the first trip to Italy, then through Budapest to Vienna, where he stayed for four months and met Gustav to Klimt and Josef Hoffman. Then in 1908, he travels to Paris, where it finds a job in the office of August, the French pioneer in the field of reinforced concrete. All these trips influenced him and began to produce their own architectural style. Between October 1910 and March 1911 he worked under Berlin on the famous architect Peter Bensha, where it was possible to meet with Ludwig Mist Van der Roe and Walter Gropius. At that time, he visited the nursing home and the monastery with him in the valley of Ema and this strongly affected his life position. From now on, he began to believe that all people should be able to live quietly and calmly as the monks in their abode.

Later, in 1911 he traveled to the Balkans and visited Serbia, Bulgaria, Turkey and Greece, he returned with about 80 notebooks, full of sketches that he saw, in particular Parthenone. His forms, he will then praise in his book "To architecture".

During World War I, Le Corbusier taught in his native school of arts in Switzerland and returned to Paris only when the war was finished. Over these four years in Switzerland, he worked in the theoretical architecture, using modern techniques. Among other things, there was a project house-foreign house - a model offering an open plan consisting of concrete slabs supported by the minimum amount of reinforced concrete columns along the edges. This design has become the basis for most of its structures for the next 10 years.

Soon he began his own architectural practice, along with his cousin Pierre Jeanner. This cooperation lasts until the 1950s, with a break for the years of World War II.

In 1918, Le Corbusier became acquainted with the artist-Cubist Amede Ozanfan, in which he found a relative soul. Ozanfan prompted him to painting and they began to cooperate. Having dropped cubism as irrational and "romantic", they published their manifesto "after the Cubizm" and founded a new artistic movement, purism. Ozanfan and and Le Corbusier established the L "ESPRIT NOUVEAU magazine (New Spirit).

In the first issue of the magazine in 1920, Charles Eduard Jeanner took the pseudonym Le Corbusier (slightly modified the surname of his grandfather), under the auspices of the thought that everyone can create a new one.

In the period from 1918 to 1922 Le Corbusier did not build buildings, fully focused on the theory of purism and painting. And in 1922, he, together with Cousse Pierre, opened an architectural studio in Paris. In the 20s, Le Corbusier designed several villas that brought him fame. Almost all of them are located in the vicinity of Paris. All of them are built in the modernist style. About Corbusier spoke, the new aesthetics of villas won the minds of the European public. The most notable work - Villa La Roche / Jeanner (1924), Villa Stein in Garsh (now vault, 1927), Villa Savoy in Pouassi (1929). All are distinguished by simple geometric shapes, white smooth facades, horizontal windows, using reinforced concrete frame. In these facilities, Corbusier applied his architect code - "five starting points of architecture".

In 1925, Corbusier with Pierre presented the "Woisen Plan" - a proposal for restructuring Paris. The plan provided for the demolition of about 240 hectares of old buildings and the construction of eighteen of the same skyscrapers in the 50 floors. In this and subsequent plans, Le Corbusier offered new planning methods to enhance the comfort of living in the cities, create green zones and network of transport highways in them.

In 1940, Le Corbusier closed the Parisian workshop and moved to the farm in the Pyrenees. At this time, he was engaged in theoretical developments, in particular the modulor proportions system, which was then actively used in buildings.

After the end of World War II in France, restoration work began and Le Corbusier participated in them at the invitation of the authorities. In particular, they were completed by the reconstruction of Saint-Dquea cities (1945) and La Rochelle (1946), which became a new original contribution to urban planning.

For Saint-Die Le Corbusier designed the Building of the Manufactory of Claude and Duval (1946-1951) - a four-storey block with industrial and office space, with solid glazing facades. During the construction of the Duval Manufactory, the so-called "Scenes" (Fr. brise-soleil) were applied - invented Corbusier special attachments that protect the glassed facade from direct sunlight. Subsequently, the "Saxhesa" became a kind of brand sign of the buildings of Corbusier, where they perform a service and decorative role simultaneously.

In 1947, it was started to build a famous "Marseille residential unit" - an apartment building with a full infrastructure located inside a single building.

In 1950, Corbusier began implementing the most large-scale project - the new capital of Punjab, the city of Chandigarh. Corbusier developed an administrative center, residential neighborhoods with infrastructure, schools, hotels. The city was built for about 10 years. Directly, the Corbusier himself designed the Capitol, the city administrative center. These are the secretariat buildings, the Palace of Justice and Assembly. Each of them is distinguished by the bright characteristic of the image, powerful monumentality and is a new word in the architecture of that time.

In the 1950s and 60s, Le Corbusier has already enjoyed recognized than the glory of architectural genius. He was littered with orders, his name threatened around the world. At this time, he built several structures that secured his title of European architect-avant-garde number one. This is Kapella Ronshan in France (1955), the Brazilian pavilion in the student town in Paris, the monastery complex of La Turnett (1957-1960), the building of the Western Art Museum in Tokyo (1959).

One of the latest major works of Corbusier - a cultural center of Harvard University, built in the United States, Carpenter Center for Visual Arts (1959-1962).

In 1928, Corbusier participated in the competition for the construction of the N Complekprom building (Centrasonian House) in Moscow. He was subsequently built on his project. The centrousa building was completely new for Europe an example of solving a modern business building. Construction was carried out under the leadership of the architect Nikolai Collie.

In 1928, 1929, at the beginning of the thirties, the architect often came to Moscow due to construction. Here he met with Soviet cultural figures, in particular with Meyerhold and Eisenstein, and admired the creative atmosphere that reigned in the country at that time. It was especially impressed by the achievements of the Soviet architectural avant-garde - the brothers of the spring, Moses of Ginzburg, Konstantin Melnikova. Later, Le Corbusier participated in an international competition for the building of the Palace of Soviets for Moscow (1931), for which the project was extremely brave, innovative on the plan.

"Five starting points of architecture"

"Five starting points of architecture" Le Corbusier were published in the magazine "L'Esprit Nouveau" in the twenties. In these uncomplicated views, the rules of Corbusier tried to formulate his concept of architecture of the new time. Here are their free retelling:

Poles supports. The house is raised above the ground on reinforced concrete pillars, while the place is released under residential premises - for the garden or parking lot.

Flat roof terraces. Instead of the traditional inclined roof with an attic under it, Corbusier offered to arrange a flat roof terrace, on which a small garden could be diluted or to create a place to relax.

Free layout. Since the walls are no longer carriers (due to the use of railway frames), the internal space is completely freed from them. As a result, internal layout can be organized with much greater efficiency.

Ribbon windows. Due to the frame construction of the building and the absence, in connection with these, the bearing walls, the windows can be made almost any value and configuration, incl. Freely stretch their ribbon along the entire facade, from the corner to the corner.

Free facade. Supports are installed outside the plane of the facade, inside the house (literally at Corbusier: freely located indoors). The outer walls can be from any material - light, brittle or transparent, and take any forms.


MODULOR - This is a system of proportions developed by Le Corbusier. He described it as a "a set of harmonic proportions, proportionate to a person who are universally applicable to architecture and mechanics."

Biography (used materials "One hundred Great Architects", D. SAMIN)

& NBSP & NBSP & NBSP & NBSpannamed Architect Le Corbusier - Charles Edward Jeanner. He was born on October 6, 1887 in Switzerland. Education received in Vienna, Paris, Berlin, where he studied at the famous architects of the XIX century. At the age of 35, he opened his own workshop, where he worked together with his brother for a long time.

& NBSP & NBSP & NBSP & NBSP in the early 1920s Le Corbusier formulated the principles of housekeeping, which took shape called Purism. The position of Le Corbusier promoted his position in the magazine "Espiro Nuovo" ("New Spirit") in 1920-1926. It formed five principles: the house should be on the pillars, with a flat roof, with a flexible internal layout, tape windows and a freely organized facade. They are expressed not only material, but also aesthetic aspirations. These principles were reflected in the construction of many architect buildings. In particular, Villas Savoy in Palassi near Paris.

& NBSP & NBSP & NBSP & NBSPARCHITEctor also created a number of utopian town planning projects for different countries. As for Paris, according to the ideas of the architect, the capital of France was to become a vertically-oriented design, in the tiers of which people lived. At the same time, the city was divided into functional zones. From the side it looked as if it were about creating a nicely working mechanism with cogs. One of these projects was proposed for Moscow. However, he was too unrealistic. The architect has not taken into account the historical style of the development of white-named and the specifics of the landscape. But a couple of more "earthly" buildings on the project Le Corbusier in the Soviet capital still appeared.

& NBSP & NBSP & NBSP & NBSPA and its contemporaries, Corbusier constantly experimented, sought to master the materials, find optimal ways to use their use, to develop the most economical, standardization and industrial design of the structure. Le Corbusier was primarily an engineer and did not think architecture without engineering. For him, the architecture was primarily the kingdom of accurate mathematical calculations. To such an understanding, he came through the passion for the painting of cubism and remained for a long time, as he called himself, the "fan of the direct angle." In modern technology, the architect saw the spirit of time and it was in it that I was looking for the foundations for updating the architecture. "Learn from cars," he proclaimed. The residential building should be perfect and comfortable "machine for housing", an industrial or administrative building - a "car for labor and management", and the modern city should live and work as well-established motor.

& NBSP & NBSP & NBSP Projects Corbusier are implemented in India, USA, Russia, Switzerland, France, Algeria, Italy, Brazil, Japan. It remains only to surprise the productivity of the founder of a new style. After all, in addition to practical work, he created a lot of theoretical works. About 50 articles appeared in magazines.

& NBSP & NBSP & NBSP & NBSPV 1942-1955 Corbusier developed a spiral of the module, the size scale for which all construction can be conducted on a human scale. The architect focused on the movement of a person - how he walks, sits, lies. He himself was in constant movement, died at seventy-eight years, swimming too far in the azure coast in the Mediterranean Sea.

& NBSP & NBSP & NBSP & NBSP Materials