Tutorial of modern dances for beginners. Learning dance at home

Tutorial of modern dances for beginners. Learning dance at home
Tutorial of modern dances for beginners. Learning dance at home

Dancing is not only the opportunity to shine at a party to friends and attractive strangers. They develop plastic and grace, teach beautifully and harmoniously move in any situation, and not only performing intricate PA. The dancing people often have a cool gait and an attractive figure. And this is an excellent and most importantly - non-piece aerobic load. Dances are emotions and drive!

Today's video review is devoted to how to quickly learn to dance and that in order to achieve this goal can be found on the scope of the network.

Dance lessons for beginnersAs we found out, the popular topic on the Internet and useful material was found quite a few. We selected the best.

How to connect dance moves

The first in our review is a very useful and affordable lesson that answers one of the main dance issues "How to harmoniously connect dance movements?" The connectedness of a variety of movements is distinguished by a dance from fitness or aerobics.

Heard the phrase "he does not dance, he is engaged in sports!"? This is the situation when a person seems to make movements and by themselves they look good, but they are not related to each other, there is no single narration ...

Salsa for beginners: Basic steps and turns

Salsa is an incendiary Latin American dance. Like all of them, he will make your shape and movement in sex and beautiful.

This is a very simple and understandable lesson for beginners who will teach you some major movements of this dance. If you like, you can always continue by posting in the studio where Latin American dances teach.

Wave with hands

In this lesson, you can learn how to move the new way. It only first seems to have a wave with hands - it is difficult. Understandable instructions and a little training - and you will feel that you have the ability to dance.

Gypsy dance lesson from Venus Fair

Gypsy dance is a fire and passion, long skirts, beautiful movements and a rich century-old story.

Video lesson: Side Gait Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson is the king, and it does not matter, he is alive or dead! So he danced, no one was tamneal before him and it is unlikely to dance after. He created his unique and spectacular dance style and gained a huge number of imitators and fans.

After reviewing this video lesson, you will learn from performing one of the most famous movements.

Video Tutorial: Moon Gait Michael Jackson (Gloid)

And finally, legendary!

Master the basic movements for dance for beginners is easy, thanks to understandable video tutorials. The main thing is to honestly appreciate your capabilities and choose a suitable dance style. Some directions are too complex and are not suitable for beginners, so before the beginning of the first lesson, it is worth carefully learning what kinds of dance exist and which one is suitable for you.

Club Dance GO-GO

Dance GOU-GOU arose in the 60s of the last century in the nightclubs of America. Initially, it was based on the dance movements of the twist, which girls were performed right on the tables. Then the owners of one of the clubs guessed to place the dancers in the cells suspended to the ceiling, and thanks to this reception, the GO-GO dance became incredibly popular: exquisite and sensual movements attracted a huge number of visitors to the club.

This dance requires performers of great physical strength, considerable flexibility, discrepancy and impeccable feeling of rhythm. It is usually performed under modern pop music, includes many different styles, such as Strip Dance, Hip-Hop, Tver and others. Newbies will not be easy to master this dance from scratch, but it's still worth trying. The advantage of the go-go lies in the fact that the dancers are allowed to improvise, and the clear rules for which the movements are estimated does not exist.

A group of Latin American dances includes the famous Salsa, Rumba, Bachata, Cha-Cha-Cha, Merenge. This direction is perfect for novice, simple for beginners easily master it, they allow you to develop a special grace, sensuality and plastic. Thanks to the video, you can independently learn to dance beautifully and after several practices shine on the dance floor!

The laminarian dance is based on passionate, energetic movements of hips, relaxed and filled with freedom, straight, proud posture and highly raised chin. It is important to consider that all the steps are performed on semi-bent legs. This direction requires good physical training, so the beginners should not wait for lightning results, but perseverance will necessarily bring their fruits.


It is a beautiful and passionate dance that is usually executed in a pair. There are several varieties of Tango: Argentinean, Finnish and Ball. The first option is the most popular, and the last, ball, often choose as happy newlyweds as a wedding dance.

Even newcomers can master the base steps and positions, but in order to master true craftsmanship, you will have a lot to sweat. The movements of the dance for beginners are easily remembered, and the pair always moves counterclockwise.

One of the most popular destinations for girls - oriental dances, as the movements are very simple and beautiful, help to relax and awaken sensuality. The belly dance is much easier than Strip Dance, does not require physical fitness and special flexibility, so you can master it in the shortest possible time.

Initially, this ancient dance was performed by concubine for his Mr., but today it is dancing even on discos. The basic movements for the belly dance for beginners include higras, soft movements with hands and breasts. The video language will allow you to learn how to move rhythmically and beautifully.

To learn to dance, it is necessary to overcome the constraint and your own laziness. Thanks to simple video studies, newcomers can try themselves in various directions and choose exactly what it turns out best and gives the greatest pleasure. Basic movements for dance for beginners are easy to master, and regular classes will achieve the desired level of skill.

People who know how to dance, attract attention at first sight. They have a special walk, posture, a confident smile, they are charismatic and charming. How to learn to dance if you were not engaged in childhood?

But not all dancers have a dance school shoulders, many have started at home. Home learning is one of the most affordable and simple ways to learn to dance.

How to dance in the club and on the disco: video lesson

For many, dancing is, above all, the club and disco. To hit your friends on a dance floor, it is not necessary to attend a dance studio at all, you can successfully engage at home.

The harmonious dance is not the one in which all moves and ligaments are consistently and correctly. Harmony is achieved when the dancer hears music, feeling her with all body and completely given to the movement. Training is also important, because you learn to move beautifully, study new dance elements, which can come in handy on a disco or in the club.

How do you dance: modern trends and styles

Now there are many directions, some of them are a mix of multiple styles, some have grown out of authentic street dances, some were born under the influence of a certain musical course.

The most famous modern dances, whose elements can be used in the club and on the disco:

Hip-hop. One of the first street dancing, which is part of a whole culture. In hip-hop, acrobatic techniques are used, jumping, various turns, dynamic movements by all limbs, housing and even head.

R'n'B. In the rhythm R'n'B dance all popular singers of modernity. All dance bundles that can be seen in Madonna clips, Rihanna and Beyonce, is most likely R'n'B. The plasticity and seductive movements of this dance can compete with fashionable Vog.

Vog. Dance, which in popularity bypass R'n'B. Clear, coordinated, sexual movements make it look like a fashion show.

Brake Dance. Style with your own history. It is welcomed by complex stunts, but some elements of this direction can safely be used on a dance floor in the club.

How to learn to dance hip hop

If you do not have the opportunity to go to Dance Studio, but much desire to learn to move great, then this can be done at home with the help of lessons on the network.

Before studying the study of fundamental movements, make sure that you are comfortable clothes, and the muscles are warm up and ready for training.

The main thing in hip-hop is the right music, so turn on your favorite rap performers and move in the rhythm of their music.

How to learn to dance broke dance

For guys, the best dance so that you will absolutely hit all the girls on the disco - is a break dance.

This is a dance that requires good physical training. It is divided into the lower and top break. In the first, the legs and the housing are involved, in the second - the body, head and hands.

Starting with the most simple movements and ligaments and consistently move to more complex elements.

How to dance in the club girl

To look confident and beautiful on a dance floor, girls need to master some simple movements of club dancing, for example, R'n'B, Vog and Gou. Lessons in these areas can be found on the network.

The main thing is to feel rhythm and do not be shy, otherwise the dance turn out to be lifeless and boring.

Several video lessons on Club Dancing will help to become more confident and teach their body to move without constraint.

How to dance guy in the club

Guys should learn the plasticity, which many have no due to internal grip. You need to learn to listen to music more than thinking about the opinions of people around and just enjoy what you are doing.

Knowledge of several combinations and ligaments will help you feel more confident.

The main thing in club dancing is confidence and freedom of movement. It is important to remember that if trying too much, it is unlikely to get to hit everyone around with your skills. It looks much prettier to the one who enjoys their dance, even if this dance looks slightly unprofessional.


How to start dancing if you are full, but dancing hunting

There is nothing worse than tips that start with the words "simply". "I do not know how to dance, but really want to do?!" - "Just start!", "Just sign up for dance courses!", "Just hammer, there is a cheerful thing!"

Yeah, only when you try to "just start," the legs are brazed, and the hands of a stupid cotton in space. And you tried to sign up for the courses ... But I could not keep up with the rest and only thought - thanks, huge mirrors! - How terrible you look, when you ridiculously twitch. Unlike the teacher and the whole class.

First of all, let's say that attending courses - a very good idea. But it will make it easier if you prepare a little in advance. Before memorizing directly movement, you need to get better to your body. It is much easier to follow only the movements, already defeated the science of the rhythm and lifting legs.

To begin to engage, you will need: the most melodies from which you want to dance most often (with a pronounced rhythm, it is important!), Sportswear, some free time and deserted, relatively spacious room. And now

Make time!

First wake the body to move. Most urban ladies have it really not very much to him. Take and ... pull out! Raising hands up. With taste. With the voltage of the whole body - even the leading on the tiptoe. As in childhood sometimes happened when you slept for a long time and woke up in a wonderful golden summer day. Sharply reset the hand. And ... pull back again. Only now - hands on the parties, so that the blades on the back are shifted. And sharply reset. And now stretch from the poses, which will come to mind. Yes, why? This is your body, where you want, they pull them there. And once again change the pose. Well, all, feel like a completely different blood ran? It's time to do something next.

Do two!

In the dance, the main thing is to be able to strain, but relax. Do you think this is not necessary for this? Yeah, yes! Could you feel your neck and back muscles, this is one hundred percent there are climbs. In a good way, "just" go to masseuses, and we will also be in a good way, but not just. Do you remember how in school cloured bent hands behind your back, one comes from below, another top? Try it. Then change hands. Even if you do not get a clutch fingers, then at least try, pulling your hands to meet each other with all my might. If in one position it turns out easier than in another, by the way, you have scoliosis. Now free your arms and kneads, vigorously, in a circle. Repeat all several times. At all, you will not figure it out at once, but it will be easier for the muscles.

Do three!

Rhythm. Inside you, he is definitely there, so you react to music. But it still could not get to extract it. Starting from the simplest. Make your dance ... Yes, dance! .. From the most elementary movements. Hands in Boki and pass by the invisible path in the tact of music. Twice the slower than music. In half the faster weak? How about changing the type of gait? Jump on two legs, for example, or each step is lifted on the socks, and then drop back? Experiment, do not be afraid. How about to be somehow dangerous or, focus, careful? And hands? We forgot about your hands. Stand on the spot and in the tact of music to raise and lower them. By the way, the shoulders will soon be tired, then come back to the steps, but then the hands again. Invent a simple movement, from cotton to ... to any, in general, and do it in tact with music.

Do four!

One such training will be little. We must repeat at least twice a week. But, again, and this will not be enough. Watch dancing! Include on YouTube clips with good dancers, the rooms posed for your favorite songs and just watched by the performers. Once the movement you get yourself, although you can't believe it yet. So while "just" enjoy, because the dance, first of all, is the pleasure of the truth? And it will be yours.

Usually repeat - sometimes randomly, in the focus - the first movements are obtained after two or four weeks of training. From now on (you can congratulate yourself!) You dance. And soon you can easily walk your new skill in all friendly parties and working corporate parties.

Text: Lilit Mazikina
Photo: shutterstock

Which of us did not experience at least secret admiration, looking at people who know how to dance well? Some people have such a spectacle also causes a feeling of joy and inspiration, because a beautiful and well-executed dance is real art. And some of the people after what he saw decides that it will certainly take dancing. That's just how to learn to dance? What do you need to do and where to start?

The purpose of training

If you are interested in how to learn to dance only then, so as not to stand in the corner at the party, then it is not necessary to record to the dance school. All you need is to learn how to listen to music correctly, relax and move in rhythm. On the Internet is full of video, with the help of which you will learn a couple of simple club movements, and even more, which will allow you to feel comfortable on discos.

But if you want to learn how to dance some particular style, then you will have to try to seriously.

How to choose a dance style

If you have a specific style in your head that you plan to learn, then think: perhaps you like the classic motifs in combination with innovative ideas? Then choose the style of jazz modern. You are fascinated by the culture of American ghetto - dancing one of the directions of hip-hop. If you like the classic graceful movements, teach ballroom dancing.

You might think about what songs you like. So you are more likely to decide what kind of music, which means and in what style you will like to dance most.

Look for videos with a variety of dances on the Internet and try to understand the basics of different styles. Perhaps not every kind of dance will suit you. For some styles, a certain physical endurance requires, for example, for break dance. People with sick knees or other health problems, unfortunately, may also be limited in choosing a dance direction.

Learn from professionals

If you decide to deal with the teacher, you first need to choose a school or a dance studio, where you can teach exactly the style that you chose.

Classes in the dance school are disciplined, and the teacher will immediately give you an idea of \u200b\u200bhow the training will be trained, what the stages will be waiting for you and what you will be engaged in will provide timely assistance to correct errors that at first you will certainly be allowed.

The spirit of rivalry among beginners in a dance school has to more zealous work, and dance along with other students much more fun than home alone.

Dancing at home

If you have no opportunity to go to dance courses or you don't have to deal with the teacher, and there is a desire to dance, then you can not despair - you can learn dancing at home. But with independent training, it will have to make much more effort to exercise.

Where to begin

For testing, you need to get the appropriate equipment - comfortable shoes and clothing. It can be sneakers, T-shirt and leggings. But depending on the dance that you learn, the style of clothing can also change: for hip-hop classes, for example, wide sports pants will be suitable, and for classic dances need special shoes

It may happen that before the class of dancing you will have to improve your musical rumor. At first, you will dance on the bill, but then you have to navigate in music and coordinate the movements yourself, and therefore it will be useful for the ability to hear music and rhythm.

Dance workout

Each training begins with workout and stretching. If you do not prepare your body to workout, then the likelihood of obtaining various injuries in the unexpected load on the muscles and joints increases.

A complex of warm-up exercises in different dance styles is sometimes different and, depending on the parts of the body, which in this dance are used, focuses on them. But the overall workout and stretching for dancing passes through the same scheme: a couple of minutes of active movement - running, walking, free dance; Turns and tilt heads to the side, lifting shoulders, mixing / breeding blades, slopes of the body, squats, stretching back and legs.

We offer to watch video with workout exercises before dancing.

No need to arrange too intense workout. Her task is not to leave you without strength at the first stage of training, but to prepare the body to dance.

Work on the body

Perhaps no dancer can answer the question of how to learn to dance and not follow your body, because it is impossible. For many types of dances of one workout, it will not be enough to cope with all the concomitant loads - it is necessary to develop endurance, strengthen its body and prepare it for the execution of power elements, such as support for ballroom dancing, break dance racks, active work in a lack of trick and t. d.

Do not forget about the correct nutrition and moisturizing the body to control your weight and fill the moisture loss that you lose in training.

Learning to dance

And remember: the skill comes only with practice and experience. All the wonderful speeches that you have seen the dancers, hide hundreds and thousands of hours spent on training and training.

These people just as you doubted whether they should begin to dance and will they achieve such success, but see what they have achieved now. All in your hands!