The most expensive cemetery in the world. Oilseed mountain - the most expensive cemetery in the world and "ticket" to paradise from public - in elite

The most expensive cemetery in the world. Oilseed mountain - the most expensive cemetery in the world and
The most expensive cemetery in the world. Oilseed mountain - the most expensive cemetery in the world and "ticket" to paradise from public - in elite

Dear things in life, wealth, success, fame ... And what's next? Unfortunately, we are all mortal. Not moral actions of a person during life, but the presence of big money, as many consider, can be provided the road to heaven. The last thing is that a person who has big money can afford is the most expensive cemetery ...

The Cemetery of Jerusalem is the most expensive road to paradise.

Such a cemetery is located in Jerusalem. The cost of the place on this cemetery is at least $ 100,000. However, just like this place is not to buy. It is necessary to confirm that the dead man is a Jew, and not just a Jew, but truly believing Jews.

This cemetery is one of the oldest cemeteries in the world. It is located on on the Western and southern slopes of the Eleon (oilseed) mountain. Its dimensions are simply huge, and seem endless. And this is not surprising, there are at least 150,000 graves here, and the first burials on this cemetery belong to the I century BC. This cemetery is active, and many rich people wish to rest on it. But this is explained by the fact that according to predictions, this cemetery has "preferential" advantages - it is from this place that the resurrection of a person from the dead begins, and to the one who is buried on it, the road to heaven is secured.

Oilseed mountain is mentioned many times in the gospel, this place is connected with Jesus. Traditions say that it was here that Jesus taught his apostles, he came here on the way to Jerusalem from Jericho, when I lived in the family of Mary, Martha and Lazari, it was here that he rose to Lazar. From this mountain, Jesus descended to the residents of Jerusalem as a mission, and people welcomed him with the cries of "Assan!". And most importantly, this mountain is connected with the Ascension of Jesus, and therefore, all the churches that are located here are called the Ascensions.

Many outstanding personality, spiritual leaders and teachers rest on this cemetery. It is believed that the prophets of Zahiria, Agey and Malachi are buried on this cemetery. Here are the graves of soldiers who fell in war for independence of 1947-1948, the graves of the Jews who died during the "Big Arab Bunt" of the 40s, the victims of the pogroms of 1929 were buried.

Road to paradise for our stars.

In the foreign and Russian media, information was published that on the most expensive cemetery were bought by "the most close to paradise" by our compatriots - Alla Pugacheva and Joseph Kobzon. However, nor confirmation nor the refutation of this information from the press service of the artists did not follow.

What? What, actually the quiet, well-groomed rural cemetery from the most expensive Jerusalem. Really the road to heaven Depends on the place of the burial, or all, the opportunity to get to the paradise depends on the world's actions of a person?

For many millennia, humanity came up with a huge number of ways to honor their dead. From the burial boats from the northerners and burning on a fire from the Hindus before the Mummification of the Egyptians and the hanging coffins from Chinese peoples - the choice was huge. The appearance of Judaism, Christianity and Islam changed both funeral traditions, bringing the most common type of burial. Today, the burial of the departed turned into a profitable business. Many people think about the place for themselves and relatives for many years to the sad event. Everything is thought out: coffin, clothing, cemetery, monument. Cost in some cases can pour out hundreds of thousands of dollars, or even in millions. We offer an overview of the most expensive places in the world for those who have departed into the world of others.

10. Graceland Cemetery, Chicago: up to $ 120000

In 1860, the cemetery is now covered by 48 hectares. It is known for an amazing design in Victorian style and nature. In addition, many fathers founders of the city are resting. The cemetery is made to the national register of historical places, they are held by hiking excursions. The cost of the conventional site varies from two to four thousand dollars, but the premium class site or family will cost 120 thousand.

9. Cemetery Green Wood, Brooklyn: up to $ 320000

Green Wood Cemetery, founded in 1838, in the territory of 193 hectares offers an amazing combination of nature, architecture and serenity. It is rather reminiscent of the park with wonderful lakes, buildings and sculptures. In good weather, it comes here not only to spend friends and relatives who went to the world of others, but also on a picnic. And here are many artists and photographers. The price for the standard site starts from $ 1772, for the burial in the total tomb they will ask $ 19500, and for a personal crypt area of \u200b\u200b70 square meters - $ 320000.

8. Cryonika, Alcor Life Extension Foundation, Arizona: up to $ 338000

The cryonics is the process of freezing the body in liquid nitrogen, which can now be stored almost forever. There is a theory that in the future, thanks to the development of medical technologies, people will be able to revive. It is believed that the memory, individuality and neurostructure of the brain remains some time after the statement of clinical death. The procedure consists in dehydrating the body using a special chemical cocktail - a cryoprotector. After that, the body slowly frozen until its temperature reaches a temperature of 93 °, placed in a liquid nitrogen container and cooled to - 160 °. The cost of the cryopreservation of the entire body for a hundred years will cost about $ 338,000.

7. Cemetery Auburn Cemetery, Massachusetts: up to $ 500,000

Sometimes it is also called the first American cemetery garden for stunning nature and amazing landscapes. Found it in 1831, the famous botanist Jacob Bigelou. More than 100 thousand people are buried here, including many world famous celebrities. The price of a simple site in the "Garden of Nadezhda" is $ 1,500, and the premium will have to put up to 500 thousand.

6. Cemetery Kensiko, New York: up to $ 500,000

Cemetery Kensico, opened in 1889, offers an amazingly beautiful last shelter for their "residents". Its territory occupies 186 hectares. Here you constantly conduct excursions. The cost of a simple section is 1,800 dollars, and the personal crypt will cost $ 500,000.

5. Nirvana Memorial Garden, Singapore: up to $ 517800

Built in 2001 "Garden of Memory" - a luxurious Columbarium serving the Buddhist part of the city-state population. This is a combination of pacification, modern architecture and infrastructure with a stunning landscape. It fascinates due to majestic chairs, separate rooms shining gold statues, laser lighting and high-quality speaker system. The price for a niche varies from $ 6994 to $ 517800.

4. Forest Lown Memorial Park, Glendale: up to $ 825000

The memorial park opened in 1906 increased since then six times, but the cemetery was originally in Glendale. At the moment, more than 250 thousand people are buried here. On the territory there are three chapels, in which not only remember the deceased, but also crowned, for example, former US President Ronald Reagan and Actress Jane Wyman. The art museum regularly hosts exhibitions of famous artists. Many celebrities are buried here, including Michael Jackson. The price for a simple plot is $ 2820, for premium - up to $ 825000.

3. Woodlon Cemetery, Bronx: up to $ 1.5 million

Cemetery "Woodlon" attracts every year millions of tourists not only thanks to celebrities buried here, but also amazing landscapes. Perhaps this is the most beautiful cemetery in the world, affecting bronze, steel and stone masterpieces. Opened it in 1863 in the territory of 160 hectares. Here is a memorial dedicated to the tragic death of 192 passengers of Titanic. The price of a simple area begins with $ 4800, but for a separate crypt will have to pay up to 1.5 million.

2. Westwood Cemetery, Los Angeles: up to $ 4.6 million

Westwood cemetery is known all over the world thanks to the celebrities, found here the last shelter. Plots are sold here at open auction. In 2009, a place in a wall-mounted crypt next to the Marilyn Monroe cell was sold for the fabulous 4.6 million dollars.

1. Cosmos, up to $ 34 million

For the most wealthy people, there is another burial method - space expanses. In a posthumous journey, Eugene Roddenberry (American Writer and Producer, Author of the Scientific Fantastic Television Series "Star Path"), Leroy Gordon Cooper (American Astronaut), Timothy Francis Liri (American Writer, Psychologist). The body is pre-cremored, and the cost of the service is calculated - $ 12500 per gram. Since there are 2-3.5 kg in average ashes of one person, then you will have to lay out a round sum for the opportunity to go on a journey through the solar system.
Unusual may not only be the place of burial people may be equally original.

Real estate - solid architectural monuments, quiet streets - in granite tiles, neighbors - millionaires, star and sports stars, artists, sculptors and presidents. But this place is not for a measured and quiet life, but just the opposite - it's about the "city of the dead" in the capital of Argentina Buenos Aires. Recolet is one of the most beautiful and well-known cemeteries of the world and a monument of architecture protected by the state and UNESCO. This is a current necropolis, and a popular tourist route at the same time.

Maxim Lemos, Professional operator and director, classified, probably, all countries of Latin America and now working guide and travel organizer. On its site, he posted a detailed description of the recruit cemeteries and interesting stories related to this place.

Recolet does not look like a cemetery, in the usual understanding for us. Rather, it is a small town, with narrow and wide alleys, majestic smoke houses (their here more than 6400), incredible beauty by chapels and sculptures. This is one of the most aristocratic and old cemeteries, which can be put in one row with the famous "Monumental de Steel" in Genoa and "Per Lashhez" in Paris.

- Funeral traditions of South America wild and creepy, - Maxim starts "excursion". - Deadly bury in a good coffin in a normal beautiful crypt. But if it is a poor people, then they bury him there are not forever, because for the rental of a beautiful crypt you need to pay. Therefore, after 3-4 dead, they usually reboot. Why 3-4? In order for the corpse to have to decompose enough in order for it to be placed more compact, now on a really eternal refuge. It looks like this. 3 years after the first funeral on the cemetery, the cakes are gather, relatives of the deceased. Cemetery officers are pulled out from the coffin cryp. Then they open it and under the sobs of relatives "Mom-Mom ..." or "Grandma-grandmother", shift in pieces of a semi-pressed corpse from a beautiful coffin in a black plastic bag. The bag solemnly refers to another part of the cemetery, and stuffed into one of the small holes in a large wall. Further the hole is meditated, and the plate is glued. When I learned about it, the hair on his head moved.

The crypts are quite tight to each other, so the cemetery area is completely small.

Here is a console from the helicopter. It can be seen that it is in the middle of a large residential area. Moreover, the area in front of the cemetery is the center of life of this area, there are many restaurants, bars.

The cemetery is active, so right at the entrance at the ready cartridges for the transportation of coffins. Upstairs, above the main goal, the bell. They call him when they bury a person.

In 1910-1930, Argentina was one of the richest countries in the world. And during these times between the Argentine venue, there was a unlawful competition, who will build a luxurious crypt for his family. The Argentine capitalists did not regret the money, the best European architects were hired, the most expensive materials were taken from Europe. It was in those years that the cemetery acquired such a species.

He tried who could. For example, here is a crypt in the form of a Roman column.

And this one is in the form of a marine grotto.

Of course, the question comes itself, but what's the smell? After all, if you look at, in each smoke, the coffins are standing, the door of the crypts - forged lattices with a glass or without it ... there must be smell! In fact, of course, there is no corpse smell on the cemetery. The secret in the coffin device is made of metal and hermetically sealed. And the tree he will simply be covered outside.

Those coffins that are visible in the scleps are only the top of the iceberg. The main is in the basement. It is usually a small ladder. Let's look at one of the cellars under this crypt. Here only one basement floor is visible, there is another one under it, and sometimes there are three floors down. Thus, in these crypts lie entire generations. And there are still a lot there are there.

Each crypt belongs to a specific family. And usually, on the crypt, it is not customary to write the names of those who are buried there. They write only the name of the head of the family, for example: Julian Garcia and family. No dates are usually not written, you are not accepted.

That's how you can come with one feather, you can visit not only grandparents, but also right and even the grandeur ... But the Argentines are very rarely visited by cemeteries. The entire mission of the installation of flower, care, cleaning and maintaining the crypts is given to the ministers of the cemetery. The owners just pay them for this money.

There are crypts at all without any information. Ida, and that's it! What is Ida, what is Ida? For a couple of years I went under the go and did not know about its existence, until one tourist noticed her, accidentally raising his head.

Skull and crossed bones on the scleps are quite common. This does not mean that the pirate is resting here, and this is not someone's inappropriate joke. This is Catholicism. Religion dictates them to decorate the crypts.

By the way, here's another mystery of this cemetery: web and, accordingly, spiders here have a huge amount (look at least in the photo). But there is no flies! What are the spiders eat?

According to this cemetery, special excursions are carried out in Spanish. And the guides of the guides are told to become this cemetery: not boring and scientific, but exciting and fascinating - like Latin American series. For example: "... This rich senory quarreled with his wife and did not speak 30 years old. Therefore, the gravestone monument was set with humor. In the gorgeous sculptural composition, they sit together with their backs ... "

Maxim Lemos also has truthful stories about some guests of this cemetery.

For example, one 19-year-old girl was buried in a family crypt. But after a while, visitors seemed to be unbearable sounds from the bowel. It was not clear, there are sounds from the crypt or somewhere else. For any firefighters notified relatives, and it was decided to open the coffin with a girl.

Opened and found it dead, but in an unnatural position, and the coffin cover was broken, and under her nails there was a tree. It turned out that the girl was buried alive. And then the parents of the girl were commanded to set the girl a monument in the form of her leaving the crypt. And in the cemetery since then began to use the method for such cases in those days in Europe. To the hand of the corpse tied the rope that led the outside and fastened to the bell tile. To impose everyone that he is alive.

But this crypt is also noteworthy. It is buried here by young Argentica, the daughter of very rich parents of Italian origin. She died during her honeymoon. Hotel in Austria, where she stopped with her husband, covered avalanche. She was 26 years old, and it happened in 1970. And the parents of Liliana (so called the girl) ordered this luxury crypt in the Gothic style. In those days and buy land, and building new scleps was still possible. At the foot in Italian, the verse of the father dedicated to the death of his daughter. In it all the time repeats "Why?". A few years later, when the monument was already ready, the girl's favorite dog died. And she was also buried in this crypt, and the sculptor added a dog to the girl.

Guides, who need to take their public with something, began to tell that if a dog's nose is lost, luck will overtake you. People believe and clutch ...

The body of the husband was not found in the Austrian hotel. And since then, the same man appears in the cemetery, which regularly, for many years, brings flowers to Liliana's grave ...

And this is the highest crypt in the cemetery. And his owners managed to pay all not only in height, but also by the sense of humor, together on this crypt, two incompatible religious symbols: the Jewish seedswie and the Christian cross.

But this is the second largest and first at the cost of the crypt. It was made of the most expensive materials. Suffice it to say that the roof of the dome from the inside is lined with a real gold. The crypt is huge, and even more its underground rooms.

Federico Leluar, Argentinean Nobel laureate on biochemistry here is buried. He died in 1987. But such a luxurious crypt was built not on the Nobel Prize (her scientist I spent on research), and it was built a lot before. Yes, and in general he lived extremely modestly. Crypt This family, Federico had rich relatives engaged in the insurance business.

Several Argentine presidents are buried here. Here is the president of Kintana, depicted in a lying form.

And this is another president, Julio Argentino Rock. With just 50 years before Hitler, he announced without extra sublimation that it was necessary to free the southern lands and to attach them to Argentina. "Release" meant to destroy all local Indians. It was fulfilled. The Indians were destroyed, some of them were transported to Central Argentina as slaves, and their land, Patagonia, joined Argentina. Since then, rock has become a national hero and is considered to them to our times. There are streets of his name, portraits are printed on the most popular, 100-song bills. The times were such, and what is now called genocide, racism and nazism, another year ago there was a norm of life.

Some scleps in a very abandoned state. For example, if all relatives died. But pick up the crypt anyway Cannot: Private property. It is also impossible to destroy or touch. But when it becomes clear that the hosts of the crypt will not be announced (for example, if it stands in an overhexlike age of 15), the cemetery administration is in love with such screens as warehouses for building materials and other inventory.

In one of the places of the cemetery, the caretakers staged a small household economy.

Among the crypts, the toilet modestly was modestly.

The cemetery is famous for its cats.

In our culture, it is accepted at the funeral to bring plastic wreaths with inscriptions "from friends", "from colleagues." Then a few days later, these wreaths are brought to a landfill. It is impractical! Therefore, in Argentina, wreaths make iron and weld to the crypt forever. Everyone can celebrate a friend's grave. And if a person was important, then iron wreaths and memorable plates on his crypt a lot.

All scleps in the graveyard are private. And the hosts can dispose of how they are pleased. Can be buried there and friends. Can pass or even sell. Prices for crypts on this cemetery begins from 50 thousand dollars for the most modest and can reach 300-500 thousand for more respectable. That is, prices are comparable to apartments in Buenos Aires: there are 2-3-room costs from 50-200 thousand dollars and up to 500 thousand in the most prestigious area. For example, here - the crypt is sold.

Until 2003, on the recoller, it was still possible to purchase land and build a new crypt. Since 2003, the cemetery has become a monument of architecture not only Argentinean, but also of world importance. Here, not only any construction is prohibited, it is forbidden to also modify or rebuild ready-made scleps. One can only restore the old, and then after the mass of permissions and solely with the aim of giving the initial appearance.

Some scleps and tombstones are restored. For example, this one. True, this is done with the Argentine working rhythm, there is a suggestion, there are no restorers for 2 months.

The recruit area itself is very prestigious. And the inhabitants of these houses (across the road from the cemetery) do not really strain that their windows overlook the cemetery. On the contrary, people consider themselves chosen by fate - well, how, live in a console!

However, Maxim Lemox himself believes that the recruit is "a monument to wild, unusual for us to funeral traditions and a competition of inappropriate Ponte:" Who is cooler and richer "and" who has gone marble more, the tombstone is higher, and the monument is exclusive and more. "

Where are the most expensive burial places and how many people are willing to pay for the right to be buried exactly there - tell me in this article.

The funeral is not only the opportunity to adequately say goodbye to a close man, it's also a considerable waste of money. We will tell you about where the most expensive burial places are located and why a small plot in the cemetery can cost several million dollars.

10. Graceland Cemetery (Chicago). Cost of burial - $ 120.000

The cemetery was open in 1860, now its area does not exceed forty-eight hectares. This small place has the status of historical value, as the founders of the city are buried on it. Graceland cemetery is distinguished by the Victorian design and beautiful nature. The usual plot here will cost no more than four thousand dollars, and for the prestigious place to relatives of the deceased will have to pay $ 120,000.

9. Green Wood Cemetery (Brooklyn). The cost of burial - $ 320.000

Green Wood Cemetery is not only a place where you can remember the close and honor its memory, but also a place for walking and picnic. The thing is that at 193 hectares of the Earth, the graves of people alternate with unique architectural monuments and beautiful trees. The cost of the usual site here reaches almost two thousand dollars, the place in the tomb will cost almost twenty thousand, and in order to purchase a family crystal area of \u200b\u200b70 square meters. M. Wishing will need to put 320.000 $.

8. Alcor Life Extension Foundation, or Krionics (Arizona). The cost of burial - $ 338.000

Famous for many fantastic films procedure for freezing the body in liquid nitrogen and there is cryonics. For its successful holding, the body is first dehydrated, and then cooled to a temperature in the ninety-three degrees. As soon as this stage is passed, the deceased is placed in a special container with liquid nitrogen, which is frozen up to 160 degrees. Those who agree to the cryonics believe that the death of the brain may well be and not the truth death. Therefore, it is assumed that in the future with developed technologies it will be possible to revive frozen people. These hopes will cost $ 338,000.

7. Cemetery Auburn Cemetery (Massachusetts). Cost of burial - $ 500.000

A place that is also called the American Cemetery, founded Botanist Jacob Bilellou in 1831. Here you can see a collection consisting of 700 species and varieties of trees, and thousands of herbaceous plants and shrubs grow on the hills, hollows and glades. A large number of celebrities are buried here. Prices vary from one and a half thousand dollars - for the most ordinary area - up to five hundred thousand - for the premium class.

6. Cemetery Kensico (New York). Cost of burial - $ 500.000

Cemetery Kensico was founded in 1889. Now its area equals 186 hectares. This is the place where not only close to the dead, but also whole excursions come. Here are buried numerous cultural figures of the twentieth century. The most simple plot of land of this cemetery will cost $ 1,800, and in order to redeem your own crypt, you will need an amount of $ 500.000.

5. Nirvana Memorial Garden (Singapore). Cost of burial - $ 517.800

This garden of memory appeared quite recently, in 2001, however, it is of great interest due to the original architecture, chic chairs and individual rooms in which gold statues are covered with lasers. The cost of burial here begins from 6994 dollars and may well reach $ 517.800.

4. Forest Lown Memorial Park (Glendale). The cost of burial - $ 825.000

The founder of Hubert Haton Park was confident that cemeteries should not pinch the longing and despondency, and inspire joy and faith in a happy afterlife. Such a position of the young entrepreneur and was reflected in Forest Lown. In three chapels, which are located on the territory of the cemetery, you can not only remember the deceased, but also hold the rite of wedding. The Forest Laun Memorial Park became incredibly popular among celebrities, Michael Jackson was buried here. The best budget option will cost $ 2820, and the VIP-place will cost $ 825.000.

3. Woodlon Cemetery (Bronx). Cost of burial - 1.500.000 $

One of the most beautiful burial places was founded in 1863. The cemetery amazes masterpieces of steel, bronze and stone, and amazing landscapes will not be able to leave anyone who came indifferent. It is on this cemetery that the memorial is dedicated to the memory of all those killed on the "diligent" "Titanic". Joseph Pulitzer was buried here, as well as many other celebrities. The very simple place of burial costs almost five thousand dollars, and the cost of the family crypt reaches one and a half million dollars.

2. Westwood Cemetery (Los Angeles). Cost of burial - 4.600.000 $

A huge necropolis in which the writer Ray Bradbury is resting, Singer Peggy Lee, Actor Louis Jourdan and many other celebrities. You can buy a place on this cemetery only on open bidding. For 4.6 million dollars, the place of the cell on the wall was redeemed only for the reason that it is near Marilyn Monroe burial.

1. Cosmos. The cost of burial - 34.000.000 $

34 million dollars are ready to give wishing to cremate their body after death and dispel the dust on the spaces of space. The price for the service is formed taking into account every grams of ash. The cost of one gram is 12.500 dollars. And if you consider that the ashes of an adult person weighs more than three kilograms, then the funeral will cost almost $ 34,000,000,000.

With information about the funeral bureau and ritual agents, we suggest familiarizing yourself in the Funeral Bureau section of our reference book.

Cemeteries - an integral part of the world of living. Associated corners associated with a delented and short-life of human life, many do not cause desire to go over again. Ribs of the dead are always shrouded in mystical stories, and some graves even walk the soul legends.

However, there are unique cemeteries that more resemble monuments to art. Included in tourist routes, they do not look like sorrow, but resemble the architecture and special majesty real museums in the open sky.

Today's story will go about one of these corners of silence, similar to a small city with narrow streets, floral flower beds, unusual sculptures, incredible beauty with scleps and small chapels.

The most expensive cemetery in the world

Argentina is a country that has made a national memorial from the cemetery, which was recognized as one of its main attractions. Recolet necropolis is the most aristocratic and famous on the whole globe. Located in a prestigious area where very rich people of Buenos Aires live, it occupies a huge territory in six hectares.

Surprisingly, but wealthy citizens of the country are cheaper to buy a luxurious cottage nearby from the cemetery, but not a place on it. Therefore, burials in necropolis in recent years occur extremely rarely.

The history of the emergence of necropolis

The history of this ancient place goes its roots at the beginning of the XVIII century, when Franciscans came to the city of Buenos Aires and founded their monastery on the outskirts - a wastewater, which was called Recoleta ("ascetic"). Having built a small temple of El Pilar, they were concerned and the place for the burial of the servants of the Lord. In a hundred years, the governor considered it necessary to turn the place for the burial of the monks in the first public cemetery.

When the city began to shake out the outbreaks of the terrible disease, who carried out thousands of lives, most of the wealthy citizens hid from the epidemic to move on the outskirts of Buenos Aires.

From public - in elite

Gradually, the stubble corner was growing up, turning into the most prestigious area in which all the rich lives. Accordingly, the local cemetery of the recruit has changed its social status on elite, and now it was buried by all the esteemed sense of higher world. And no one will never call him "ascetic". And the poor from different areas of the city found the last refuge in the west of Buenos Aires.

Rich wishes to rest in the most beautiful and expensive crypts were unhappy with a rather modest necropolide and made it for his reconstruction, which occurred in 1881, turning the local cemetery into a real work of art.

The most unusual city of the dead

Argentina's cemetery, recognized in 2003 by an architectural monument, visits a huge number of tourists who are surprised by the greatness of such a place and celebrating its unusual compared to other places of rest.

At the entrance of all, the gates with four Greek columns are met in the neoclassical style. On stone slabs, the date of the year of the foundation of necropolis (1822), its first reconstruction (1881) and the third (2003), and for some reason they were defentary about the second.

Symbols of the strugnure of life

On the outside of the facade facing the views of visitors, the inscription in the Latin language "Returning with the world" is engraved, and from the inside of the cemetery, the phrase "we hope for God" seems to transmits the appeal of the deceased to alive.

On columns, curious visitors will discover the pagan symbols, talking about the short-term stay of the person in the world: scissors who will cut the life thread at any time, cross and urn as death signs, inverted burning torches and the narrating time of time.

Many such symbols at the former monastery will not cause surprise, because Argentina is a country in which Christian traditions closely intertwined with pagan.

Rent of Cyrpov

Located inside the crypts have long become family burials, in which not one generation is resting. Since this cemetery is considered one of the most expensive in the world, many families only rented for several years of the tomb, where the body of the deceased is. Three years later, the crypt is released, and the remains are reburied in a special wall on the territory of a luxurious necropolis.


The cemetery of the recruit, located inside the richest city, has become a symbol of his "Golden Age". All of the elite of Buenos Aires, taking care of his future shelter, hired the best architects from other countries of the world to build unusual Mausoleev's unusual cryptov, who recalled the luxury of the palaces in which wealthy citizens lived.

An amazing city in the city is famous for unusual monumental scleps resembling Greek temples, which is very symbolic. The oldest burials reflected the spirit of the freedom-loving Argentians, who thus expressed their desire to free themselves from religious attack associated with the country's colonization fairy.

The quiet cemetery of the recruit (Argentina) is an amazing place where the bizarre buildings in the Gothic style with the majestic palaces and strict mausoleum are combined. Almost five thousand crypts and about 350 thousand graves are comfortable comfortable in the ridges of a giant city, which cannot be accessed in one day.

Well-groomed and abandoned places of rest

Inside many tomb, relatives hang curtains, put live flowers in vases and burning lamps, thus creating a homely atmosphere for their left loved ones. There are also equipped with mini-chapels, in which living people pray, remembering the departed. Some tombs leave several levels underground.

Next to well-kept crypts, generously decorated with bas-reliefs and stained glass windows, there are abandoned, with traces of long launch, but closed on all the bolsters. It can be seen that no one cares for them, and the buildings gradually collapse. Most likely, the last of the noble Argentine clan was stubborn many years ago and lies inside.

But, according to the rules, it is impossible to reburial one: one day a bought place forever belongs to the owner.

The grave of the first lady

The burial place of the famous residents of Argentina is a monumental architectural monument, before which the tourists who have fallen in the cemetery feel a little lost. You can wander around the streets of a silent city for a very long time, touching the history of life and death.

For most visitors of the cemetery, the name of Eva Peron will be the most famous. Local guides will tell the difficult fate of the people's favorite. A woman who gained peace only 24 years after his death, lived a very short life. The end of the first lady became a real tragedy for Argentina, plunged into mourning for four weeks. In order for everyone to be able to say goodbye to Eva, her body was concerned and put it on everyone.

But the Argentine "Princess Diana" had not only fans. Her opponents that believed that a woman could not be among the nobility, broke the body, hiding it outside the country. The buried Peron was buried and buried next to her husband, but after the military coup, the remains were renewed again.

Romantic legend

Many legends are associated with the young daughter of the famous Writer Veloso, who deceased at the 15th age. A marble niche is located above its grave, on which a snow-white sculpture is lying depicting sleeping beauty. A quick-hearted mother spent a lot of time in the cemetery, mourning his child.

There is a romantic legend about how the young man fell in love with a pretty girl, who recently met. Late in the evening, accomplishing her home, he threw the charming shoulders in a white dress her coat. The next day, when the guy burned down by passions came to the mother, his real horror was stretched: he learned that his beloved recently died. And when the mother's mother led him to the famous cemetery, the first thing they saw - the clothes lying in the crype. It is said that the young man is crazy and committed suicide, and a dead girl called "Lady in White."

Light sadness

In the silent world of the dead, not only tourists wake up: Cemetery's caretakers are breeding cats, which heat the graves on the solar rays. Refined and impoverished residents of the dead city, according to the ancient legends, see what is not given to observe people.

Death is a natural process that disrupts a person's life. The beauty that is impossible to describe in words, causes the burning interest of everyone who arrived in Buenos Aires. The solemn cemetery of the recruit does not cause a sense of hopeless sorrow. The place where it is possible to smell and think about the fragmentation and vehicles of being, tunes on a certain wave, the main emotion of which will be bright sadness.