The largest pyramid in Egypt. Egyptian pyramid

The largest pyramid in Egypt. Egyptian pyramid
The largest pyramid in Egypt. Egyptian pyramid

The first pyramid, the beginning of all Egyptian pyramidal construction, is located in Sakkara, about 17 km south of Giza. It was built in 2667-2648 BC for Josra, the first pharaoh of the third dynasty.

Joser Pyramid Construction History

By the beginning of the Board of Joster include the invention of stone masonry. The pyramid of Josher is considered an ancient stone structure on Earth, her prototype was Mastabi of the first dynasty pharaohs built from an unreleased brick. At first she also represented a mastague of stone, but after five stages in his development passed.

Initially, the architect of Pharaoh Imhetep elevated a big mastague, similar to the previously built Tomb of Josher in Upper Egypt. This time, Mastapara was not made of bricks, but from stone blocks. Subsequently, during the reign of Pharaoh, it was expanded on four sides, and then made oblong. The decision to expand the construction for the fourth time led to the fact that the tomb appeared, not similar to any, erected before. Imhotep built three more Mastabi, placing them over each other, each of them was less than the previous one. So the first pyramid appeared, which became the prototype of all Egyptian pyramids.

However, Joser wanted to make a pyramid even more, he order to increase its foundation, in its top to make six terraces. The pyramid was lied by limestone, which was delivered from the opposite shore of the Nile, from the hills of the tours.

Design features

To create a stepped pyramid, Goser used several independent layers of masonry, they relied on the central basis of. A similar way to build all the pyramids that appeared in the future - Hefren, Houf and other pharaohs who reign later. However, in contrast to the late pyramids, here the stone blocks are tilted inside at an angle of 74 ° in order to predict the structure of greater strength. In the pyramids constructed later, layers of laying are arranged horizontally.

Joser's tomb was located under the foundation, she was carved in the rocky soil, a square mine was led to her. The entrance to the mine was far outside the pyramid north of it. A massive ten meter wall was built around the pyramid, and inside it - the area where several temples erected and


Mysterious Pyramids of Egypt

The Egyptian pyramid of Josher, more famous as a stepped pyramid, is located in Sakkare, 30 km from Cairo. A visit to the pyramid - part of the excursion of Dashur Saccar. To visit this pyramid is at least from curiosity, because this is the very first pyramid, built in honor of the ruler of Josher. The feature of the pyramid is that it is made in a step form. Six steps - the path in which Pharaoh goes into the afterlife world, as historians consider. Inside the pyramid 11 of the burial cameras for the pharaoh and its family members. In the process of archaeological excavations of the Joser himself, it was not found, only the mummy of his relatives. This is explained by the fact that by the time the excavation began, the tomb was already loyal.

Excursion to Sakkaru with a visit to the pyramid of Josrara will cost about $ 80 per person.

Pyramid Micherina

The pyramid is located on the Plateau Giza next to other famous pyramids - Heops and Heffren. Compared with them, the Pyramid of Michery is considered the smallest and most young pyramid from the famous Triad. The peculiarity of this pyramid in her color is before the middle it was from red granite, and above the white limestone. But in the 16th century, the facing was destroyed by Mamluki warriors. The fact that the Pyramid of Micheer is relatively small sizes, scientists explain the fact that the Egyptians ceased to make grandiose tombs. But despite this pyramid does not cease to surprise scientists and travelers. For example, the largest block of stone weighs about - 200 tons! What technical means did the ancient Egyptians help? A tour of the pyramid is included in the Cairo Travel Program, its cost is about $ 60 per person.

Pyramid Micherina

The Pyramid of Cheops

There is hardly a person. Which would not know the main attraction of Egypt - the pyramid of Heops. The height of this one of the seven wonders of the world today is 140 meters, and the area is about 5 hectares. The pyramid consists of 2.5 million stone blocks. The construction of the pyramid took 20 years. From the moment of construction of the pyramid of Heops, several thousand years have passed, but the Egyptians still have a lot of pyramid, and every year in August celebrate the day of its construction. Despite the fact that research and excavations of the pyramid, it still keeps a lot of secrets. For example, secret doors were found in the funeral room of Pharaoh's wife, which, by the words of scientists, symbolize the path to the afterlife. But the last door archaeologists could not open. The cost of excursion to the giza plateau with a visit to the pyramids - 50-60 dollars. For children, a ticket will cost two times cheaper.

Pyramid Hefrena

Although the pyramid of Heffren and less than the pyramid of Heops 4 meters, but visually it seems higher. The secret is that the pyramid stands on a ten meter plateau and is very well preserved to this day. The pyramid has two entrances - one at a height of 15 m, and the other on the same side at the base level. Inside the pyramid, Hefre is quite modest - two rooms and a couple of corridors, but here the real sarcophag of Pharaoh is kept here. The tomb is made at the highest level and does not leave anyone indifferent from tourists. The tomb itself is empty.

The grand finding of archaeologists found in the pyramid in the 19th century - the sculpture of Pharaoh from Mountain Diorita.

The cost of an excursion to the pyramid of Hefren is about $ 60.

Pyramid Hefrena


This place is not so popular as a giza plateau with its pyramids. Dashur is famous for his pyramids, which were built during the reign of Pharaoh Snofu. These structures are considered the first in the history of the tombs built on new types of structures.

The southern pyramid, which is known more than the broken, got its name because of the wrong shape. In the process of its construction, they were changed for the unknown cause of the angles of the faces. Perhaps it was a mistake, but scientists explain it as a construction stroke with concern about the strength and durability of the pyramid. The main difference between the broken pyramid in that. That she has two entrances - "traditional" northern and almost not found southern.

Another attraction Dashura is the northern pyramid, more famous for the name as Red. The name of the pyramid received due to its facing red color. This is the first tomb of the right pyramidal form. The pyramid is very dark, so you should take a flashlight with you. In the lowest burial chamber, you can observe a high step ceiling, the same as in the Gallery of the Heops Pyramid.

The cost of excursion to Cairo, which includes a trip to Dashur will cost an average of 85 dollars.

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mr. Pyramids of Egypt - The greatest architectural monuments of ancient Egypt, among which one of the "seven miracles of the world" is the pyramid of Heops. The pyramids are huge stone structures of the pyramidal shape used as tombs for the pharaohs of ancient Egypt. The word "pyramid" - Greek. According to some researchers, a large pile of wheat and became the prototype of the pyramid. According to other scientists, this word happened from the name of the memorial cake of the pyramidal form. In total, 118 pyramids were discovered in Egypt (for November 2008).

Pyramids predecessors

At the mention of the Egyptian pyramids, as a rule, mean the great pyramids located in Giza, not far from Cairo. But they are not the only pyramids in Egypt. Many other pyramids are much worse than survived and now resemble hills or piles of stones.

During the first dynasties, special "homes after life" appear - Mastaba - funeral buildings, consisting of an underground funeral chamber and a stone structure above the surface of the Earth. The term itself applies already to Arabic time and is associated with the fact that the form of these similar in the section on the trapezium of the tomb resembled the Arabs large benches called "Mastaba".

Mastabi was built for themselves and the first pharaohs. The oldest Tsarist Mastabas, relating to the times of the I dynasty, were constructed from adobs - unreleased bricks from clay and / or river il. They were built in Naga and Abidos in Upper Egypt, as well as in Sakkare, where the main necropolis of Memphis was located, the capital of the rulers of the first dynasties. In the ground part of these buildings there were chapels and premises with a funeral inventory, and in the underground - actually funeral cameras.

The biggest pyramids of Egypt

  • Heopse pyramid (IV dynasty): 230 m (146 m);
  • Pink Pyramid, Snowfra (IV Dynasty): 219 m (105 m);
  • Hefrena Pyramid (IV dynasty): 215 m (143 m);
  • Broken pyramid, Snofer (IV dynasty): 189 m (105 m);
  • Pyramid in Maidum, Snofer (IV dynasty): 144 m (94 m);
  • Joser Pyramid (III dynasty): 121 x 109 m (62 m);

Dating Building

Pharaoh Approximate dates Location
Joser oK. 2630-2612 BC e. Saccara
Snowfra oK. 2612-2589. BC e. 2 Pyramids in Dakhshire
And one in Maidum
Hollow. oK. 2589-2566 BC e. Giza
Jedyfra oK. 2566-2558 BC e. Abu Ravasha
Hafra. oK. 2558-2532 BC e. Giza
Micherine (Menkaura) oK. 2532-2504. BC e. Giza
Sakhura oK. 2487-2477 BC e. Abusir
Nephoracar Kakai oK. 2477-2467 BC e. Abusir
Niserra Isi oK. 2416-2392 BC e. Abusir
Amenheet I. oK. 1991-1962 BC e. El Lesht
SENUSERT I. oK. 1971-1926 BC e. El Lesht
SENUSERT II. oK. 1897-1878 BC e. El Lahun.
Amenheet III oK. 1860-1814 BC e. Havara

Pyramids of Pharaohs III Dynasty

Pyramid Haba

In the central part of the pyramid in enviro-el-eriaan, the structure of the masonry is clearly visible - the layers of the stone are slightly tilted towards the center and as it were, they will be based on it (because of this it is sometimes called "layer"). Building material - roughly sized small stone and clay solution. The technology of building the pyramid in envoys-el-eriane is similar to the one that was used in the construction of the Pyramid of the Szehemchta and the stepped pyramid in Sakkar.

Pyramid Josra

This is the first step type pyramid, called Joser's pyramid. The construction dates back to about 2670 to our era, it seems to be reminded by several mastabs of a decreasing size. Most likely, it was the idea of \u200b\u200bthe architect of this pyramid, Imhemepa. Imhotep has developed a masonry of trexted stone. Subsequently, the Egyptians deeply revered the architect the first pyramid, and even deified him. He was considered the son of God Ptah, the patron saint of arts and crafts.

Joser's pyramid is located in Sakkare, northeast of Ancient Memphis, 15 km from Giza. Its height is 62 m.

Pyramids of Pharaohs IV Dynasty

Pyramid broken

The historical value of the pink pyramid is that this is the first royal tomb of the correct stereometric pyramidal form (although its angle of its part has an error - only 43 ° 36 ", unlike later norms - 51 ° 52"). Although the "pink" tomb is considered the first "true" pyramid, it is inherent in the extremely low slope of the walls (the base is 218.5 × 221.5 m. At a height of 104.4 m.).

The name is associated with the color of the limestone blocks from which is composed of a pyramid purchasing a pink color in the rays of the setting sun. The entrance through the inclined passage on the north side is descended into three adjacent cameras, they are all filled with stones and are not available. This pyramid is attributed to the Snofra, because of several blocks of the sheat red paint, his name is inscribed.

Pyramid in Maidume

Great pyramids

Great pyramids in Giza

Great pyramids are called Heops, Hefren and Micheer, located in Giza Pyramid. Unlike Joster's pyramid, these pyramids have no step, but strictly geometric, pyramidal shape. These pyramids belong to the period of the IV dynasty. The walls of the pyramids rise at an angle of 51 ° (Pyramid of Mencar) to 53 ° (Hefren Pyramid) to the horizon. This angle embodies in the pyramid the mathematical value of the number "π" (at an angle of 51-53 ° the ratio of the half-version of the base of the pyramid to its height with an accuracy of up to 4% equals the ratio of the circumference length to its diameter). The face is definitely oriented on the sides of the world. Hope's pyramid is built on a massive natural raying, which turned out to be in the middle of the base of the pyramid. Its height is about 9 m.

Later, the tradition of building the pyramids was adopted by the rulers of the Ancient Sudan.

Pyramid Urikafa

Pyramid Sahura and Neferra

Pyramid of Neferra in Abusir.


In order for the surface of the pyramid to be smooth, they were laid out cladding plates (mainly from limestone).

The pyramid in Maidume is lined with polished plates from tour limestone. Nowadays, all the cladding and most of the external layers are not preserved.

The pink pyramid was lined with white limestone, but over time, the facing was removed by the local population and the blocks of rose limestone are noticeable.

The pyramid of Hefren was covered with limestone, which was preserved only at the top.

The Pyramid of Micheryina about a third of its height was lined with the red Asuan granite, then it was replaced by white plates from the tourist limestone, and the peak, in all likelihood, was also from red granite.

Alignment blocks

Some pyramids who preserved their facing make it possible to see the quality of the surface treatment of the stone. In addition to the fact that large blocks are fitted so that there are no gaps between them, the outer surface often forms an ideal plane, despite the fact that this plane is at an angle to the base. A bright example of this can serve facing of a broken and maged pyramid.

When aligning the surface of the stones at the entrance to the pyramid of Micheryin, the extreme stones were not completely aligned, and the edge of the alignment line passes continuously through all the stones of the laying, which makes it possible to make the assumption that the block surfaces aligned after laying the stones. This assumption is confirmed by the gravity of the floor, near the pyramid of Urikaf. The lower surface of the floor stones is in the sand and has natural untreated shapes; Stones Although different heights, however, the upper part of the stones forms a single level surface.

Modern and ancient pyramids are of different shapes and sizes. To determine which pyramid is the largest pyramid, probably, it would be correct to compare their heights. For example, the Pyramid Transamerica Pyramid having a height of 260 meters (85 feet) will undoubtedly be a serious candidate for the list of the biggest pyramids.

Many large pyramids, however, have a very large base (base), but not very greater height. But it does not make them less. The best indicator for comparison is therefore probably the volume of the pyramid. The volume of the pyramid can be calculated by the following formula:

Long base * Base width * Height * 1/3.

For example, for the Pyramid Transamerica pyramid, it is 54 x 54 x 260 x 1/3 \u003d 252 720 m³, and this is not quite enough to be included in our list of the largest pyramids.

Many people think that using this formula is not too difficult to identify the largest pyramids in the world. Unfortunately, this is not so easy. Many pyramids are not too right pyramids, they do not have smooth sides, many of them stepped pyramids. Another problem is that some of the largest pyramids on Earth are not completely excavated.

8. La Danta, El Mirador (EL Mirador) (0.9 million m³)

El Mirador complex is located in the north of the Guatemalan Department of Peten, near the Guatemalan-Mexican border, 13 km north-west of Navie. El Mirador was the main city of the Maya Empire, which flourished from about 6th century BC. and before the 1st century of our era, reaching the peak of the population, more than 8,000 inhabitants to 3 centresses BC. After a break in construction in a few centuries, construction was restored, attempts were made to further constructs, but the end of the 9th century is construction It was completely abandoned.
The ruins were discovered in 1926, but the excavations were paid little attention due to the remoteness of this place deep in the jungle in Northern Guatemala. Today this place is still largely covered with tropical jungle and the two largest structures in the El Mirador complex: "El Tigre" and "La Danta" are two large hill.

La Danta complex consists of several platforms. The lowest platform is a construction of 310 x 590 meters (1017 x 1936 feet), has a height of 7 meters (23 feet) and contains a number of buildings. The next platform has a dimension of about 190 x 240 meters (623 x 787 feet) and towers by another 7 meters. Above this, the other platform is about 21 meters in height (69 feet), which is crossed by a complex of three pyramids, the highest of which is 21 meters. The La Danta complex (70 meters or 230 feet) is slightly higher than EL TIGRE (about 55 meters or 180 feet), although La Danta includes a low natural hill.

According to some sources of La Danta, the complex has a total volume of 2800,000 cubic meters, which makes it one of the largest structures in the world. The question, however, is how accurate is this calculation, and is it possible to consider the whole complex of one pyramid. It can be argued that part of the lower platform should be excluded at the rate, as it supports several buildings.

7. Sun Pyramid - Pyramid of The Sun (1.2 million m³)

The pyramid of the Sun is the largest building in Teotihuacán (Teotihuacán) and one of the largest pyramids in Central America. But, according to researchers, only the tenth of the complex is now open. It is believed that initially the height of the pyramid was about 71 meters (now 64.5 meters), and the founder of the base was about 900 meters.

The name of this pyramid comes from the Aztecs who visited the city of Teotihuacan centuries after he was abandoned. The pyramid was built in two stages. At the first stage of construction, about 100 g. AD The pyramid was built almost to those sizes that we see today. The second stage of construction completed the formation of a pyramid in dimensions of 225 meters (733 feet) in diameter and 75 meters (246 feet) to height.
The pyramid of the Sun is perhaps not only the most famous, but also the most popular ancient monument in mesoamer. In the dry season on weekends near her, a whole queue is built out of those who want to get onto the top and touch the livestock of energy, which, as many consider, passes through the pyramid.

6. Luxor Hotel - Luxor Hotel (1228 million m³)

Pyramid Luxor Hotel was one of the first in a ten-year wave of new mega hotels grew up on Las Vegas Strip in the 1990s. Luxor Hotel opened in 1993, just after eighteen months of construction, and updated in 2006

The hotel is a complex in an Egyptian style consisting of three pyramid buildings and is the second largest in the United States. The top of the thirty-storey pyramid from black glass lights up every night, this is the world's largest spotlight. At the entrance guests meets a huge Sphinx.

Luxor Hotel debuted as a complex containing 2526 rooms, a giant casino district, an exhibition hall, restaurants and entertainment centers on the 2nd floor. Rooms are also decorated in Egyptian motifs, out of the windows of rooms on the upper floors offers a beautiful panoramic view of the city.

Having the basis of a length of 183 meters (600 feet) and a height of 110 meters (350 feet) The Luxor Hotel's pyramid is much smaller than its famous model, the Great Pyramid in Giza.

5. Bent Pyramid - Bent Pyramid (1237 million m³)

Bent Pyramid is located in Dashure, and is a second pyramid built by the pharaoh Snofer. The broken pyramid, created by the pharaoh Snofer of the 4th dynasty of the ancient kingdom, dates back to 2600 a year before our era.

It is interesting that at first the pyramid rises above the desert at an angle of 55 degrees, and then suddenly changes the angle of elevation by 43 degrees. One of the theories says that because of the steep corner, the internal chambers and the passages became too big, forcing the builders to take a smaller angle. This is a unique example of the first real pyramid, and not a speed. It is also unique and the fact that the sole funeral complex has been created around her.

The base of the pyramid is 188.6 meters (619 feet) and the height of 101.1 meters (332 feet).

4. Red Pyramid - Red Pyramid (1.69 million m³)

The northern pyramid (either the Red Pyramid) is one of the largest Pyramids of Egypt and ranks third in height among all Egyptian pyramids. There is a given pyramid on the territory of Dakhshur Necropolis.

Built by Pharaoh Snofer, the Red Pyramid is the world's first successful attempt to build a truly right pyramid. If we talk about the name of the pyramid, then it is associated with the unique color of the stone blocks, of which it is constructed.
The pyramid has a base size of 220 by 220 meters (722 feet) and 104 meters (341 feet) to height. It was the largest pyramid in Egypt before the construction of the Pyramid Giza.

What really makes the Red Pyramid pyramid special today is the absence of a crowd, which is always present on the Plateau Giza and relatively unregulated interior access.

3. The Great Pyramid of Chaulula - Great Pyramid of Cholula (1.8 million m³)

The Great Pyramid of Chaulula is located in Mexico, and seems to be a natural hill, crowned with the Catholic Church. This is the Church of Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Los Remedios, which was built in 1594 on the site of the temple.

It is worth noting that the pyramid in Cholule is the largest all over the world in its volume, it surpasses even the pyramid of Heops. To date, most of the pyramid in Cheulula is destroyed. Inside the presented pyramid is just a huge tunnel, the length of which is almost eight kilometers. All giant plates from which this pyramid is erected is covered with amazing threads.

According to the Guinness Book of Records, this pyramid is actually the biggest pyramid, ever built anywhere in the world, with a total volume of more than 4450 thousand m³. This is based on 450 to 450 meters (1476 × 1476 feet) and 66 m height (217 feet).

The complex consists of several buildings built on each other, starting from the 3rd century to our era until the 9th century of our era. The pyramid in the chill is the last construction stage, which was carried out between 200 and 400 of our era. In the colonial period, this pyramid was used as healing from various diseases.

2. Hefren Pyramid - Pyramid of Khafre (2.21 million m³)

The Hefren's Pyramid is the second largest pyramid of Egypt and is located next to the Great Sphinx. These two structures can be viewed together, since, most likely, they were built as a single composition. It was built on forty years later the pyramid of Heops. Hefren was the son of Huf (Heops), because his pyramid is located near the Great Pyramid of his father. However, Hefren's Pyramid exceeds Heops's pyramid with his inaccessibility. To climb to her vertex, a group of experienced climbers will need at least an hour

Modern and ancient pyramids are of different shapes and sizes. To determine, which of the pyramids is the largest pyramidProbably, it would be correct to compare their heights. For example, the Pyramid Transamerica Pyramid having a height of 260 meters (85 feet) will undoubtedly be a serious candidate for the list of the biggest pyramids.

Many large pyramids, however, have a very large base (base), but not very greater height. But it does not make them less. The best indicator for comparison is therefore probably the volume of the pyramid. The volume of the pyramid can be calculated by the following formula:

Long base * Base width * Height * 1/3.

For example, for the Pyramid Transamerica pyramid, it is 54 x 54 x 260 x 1/3 \u003d 252 720 m³, and this is not quite enough to be included in our list of the largest pyramids.

Many people think that using this formula is not too difficult to identify the largest pyramids in the world. Unfortunately, this is not so easy. Many pyramids are not too right pyramids, they do not have smooth sides, many of them stepped pyramids. Another problem is that some of the largest pyramids on Earth are not completely excavated.

8. La Danta, El Mirador (EL Mirador) (0.9 million m³)

El Mirador complex is located in the north of the Guatemalan Department of Peten, near the Guatemalan-Mexican border, 13 km north-west of Navie. El Mirador was the main city of the Maya Empire, which flourished from about 6th century BC. and before the 1st century of our era, reaching the peak of the population, more than 8,000 inhabitants to 3 centresses BC. After a break in construction in a few centuries, construction was restored, attempts were made to further constructs, but the end of the 9th century is construction It was completely abandoned.
The ruins were discovered in 1926, but the excavations were paid little attention due to the remoteness of this place deep in the jungle in Northern Guatemala. Today this place is still largely covered with tropical jungle and the two largest structures in El Mirador complex: " El Tigre."And" La Danta."They are two large hill.

La Danta complex consists of several platforms. The lowest platform is a construction of 310 x 590 meters (1017 x 1936 feet), has a height of 7 meters (23 feet) and contains a number of buildings. The next platform has a dimension of about 190 x 240 meters (623 x 787 feet) and towers by another 7 meters. Above this, the other platform is about 21 meters in height (69 feet), which is crossed by a complex of three pyramids, the highest of which is 21 meters. The La Danta complex (70 meters or 230 feet) is slightly higher than EL TIGRE (about 55 meters or 180 feet), although La Danta includes a low natural hill.

According to some sources of La Danta, the complex has a total volume of 2800,000 cubic meters, which makes it one of the largest structures in the world. The question, however, is how accurate is this calculation, and is it possible to consider the whole complex of one pyramid. It can be argued that part of the lower platform should be excluded at the rate, as it supports several buildings.

7. Sun Pyramid - Pyramid of The Sun (1.2 million m³)

Pyramid of the Sun. is the largest building in Teotiuacan (Teotihuacán) and one of the largest pyramids in Central America. But, according to researchers, only the tenth of the complex is now open. It is believed that initially the height of the pyramid was about 71 meters (now 64.5 meters), and the founder of the base was about 900 meters.

The name of this pyramid comes from the Aztecs who visited the city of Teotihuacan centuries after he was abandoned. The pyramid was built in two stages. At the first stage of construction, about 100 g. AD The pyramid was built almost to those sizes that we see today. The second stage of construction completed the formation of a pyramid in dimensions of 225 meters (733 feet) in diameter and 75 meters (246 feet) to height.
Pyramid of the Sun. - Perhaps not only the most famous, but also the most popular ancient monument in mesoamer. In the dry season on weekends near her, a whole queue is built out of those who want to get onto the top and touch the livestock of energy, which, as many consider, passes through the pyramid.

6. Luxor Hotel - Luxor Hotel (1228 million m³)

Pyramid Luxor Hotel. It was one of the first in a ten-year wave of new mega hotels grew up on Las Vegas Strip ( Las Vegas Strip.) In the 1990s. Luxor Hotel opened in 1993, just after eighteen months of construction, and updated in 2006

The hotel is a complex in an Egyptian style consisting of three pyramid buildings and is the second largest in the United States. The top of the thirty-storey pyramid from black glass lights up every night, this is the world's largest spotlight. At the entrance guests meets a huge Sphinx.

Luxor Hotel. Debutated as a complex containing 2526 rooms, a giant casino area, an exhibition hall, restaurants and entertainment centers on the 2nd floor. Rooms are also decorated in Egyptian motifs, out of the windows of rooms on the upper floors offers a beautiful panoramic view of the city.

Having the basis of a length of 183 meters (600 feet) and a height of 110 meters (350 feet) The Luxor Hotel's pyramid is much smaller than its famous model, the Great Pyramid in Giza.

5. Bent Pyramid - Bent Pyramid (1237 million m³)

Bent Pyramid Located in Dashure, and is the second pyramid built by the pharaoh Snofer. Pyramid broken, Created by the pharaoh Snofer of the 4th dynasty of the ancient kingdom, dates back to about 2600 a year before our era.

It is interesting that at first the pyramid rises above the desert at an angle of 55 degrees, and then suddenly changes the angle of elevation by 43 degrees. One of the theories says that because of the steep corner, the internal chambers and the passages became too big, forcing the builders to take a smaller angle. This is a unique example of the first real pyramid, and not a speed. It is also unique and the fact that the sole funeral complex has been created around her.

The base of the pyramid is 188.6 meters (619 feet) and the height of 101.1 meters (332 feet).

4. Red Pyramid - Red Pyramid (1.69 million m³)

Northern Pyramid (or Red Pyramid) It is one of the largest pyramids of Egypt and ranks third in height among all Egyptian pyramids. There is a given pyramid on the territory of Dakhshur Necropolis.

Built by Pharaoh Snofra, Red Pyramid It is the world's first successful attempt to build a truly right pyramid. If we talk about the name of the pyramid, then it is associated with the unique color of the stone blocks, of which it is constructed.
The pyramid has a base size of 220 by 220 meters (722 feet) and 104 meters (341 feet) to height. It was the largest pyramid in Egypt before the construction of the Pyramid Giza.

What really makes the pyramid Red Pyramid. Special today is the absence of a crowd, which is always present on the giza plateau and relatively unregulated interior access.

3. The Great Pyramid of Chaulula - Great Pyramid of Cholula (1.8 million m³)

Great Pyramid Cholula Located in Mexico, and it seems the natural hill, crowned with the Catholic Church. This is the Church of Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Los Remedios, which was built in 1594 on the site of the temple.

It is worth noting that Pyramid in Cholul It is the largest all over the world in terms of its volume, she surpasses even a hyopstick pyramid. To date, most of the pyramid in Cheulula is destroyed. Inside the presented pyramid is just a huge tunnel, the length of which is almost eight kilometers. All giant plates from which this pyramid is erected is covered with amazing threads.

According to the Guinness Book of Records, this pyramid is actually the biggest pyramid, ever built anywhere in the world, with a total volume of more than 4450 thousand m³. This is based on 450 to 450 meters (1476 × 1476 feet) and 66 m height (217 feet).

The complex consists of several buildings built on each other, starting from the 3rd century to our era until the 9th century of our era. The pyramid in the chill is the last construction stage, which was carried out between 200 and 400 of our era. In the colonial period, this pyramid was used as healing from various diseases.

2. Hefren Pyramid - Pyramid of Khafre (2.21 million m³)

Pyramid Hefrena is the second largest pyramid of Egypt and is located next to Great Sphinx. These two structures can be viewed together, since, most likely, they were built as a single composition. It was built on forty years later the pyramid of Heops. Hefren was the son of Huf (Heops), because his pyramid is located near the Great Pyramid of his father. However, Hefren's Pyramid exceeds Heops's pyramid with his inaccessibility. To climb to her vertex, a group of experienced climbers will need at least an hour

Pyramid Hafra And inferior to the sizes of his father Hofu, her position on a higher hill and her coolest slope makes her worthy rival of the Great Pyramid. The pyramid has a base of 215.5 meters long (706 feet) and originally rose to a height of 143.5 meters (471 feet), but now 12 meters shorter. The most distinctive feature of the pyramid of Hefren is the top layer of smooth stones, which are the only remaining part of the hull of stones on the pyramid of Giza.

The uniqueness of the pyramid of Hefren is that it is the most compact construction in the world. With a volume of 16,292,000 square meters, the free space of the pyramid takes less than one hundredth of the percent!

1. The Great Pyramid of Heops - Great Pyramid of Khufu (2.58 million m³)

Great Pyramid Heops He is the oldest and only remaining miracle of the seven wonders of the ancient world. The Pyramid of Cheops It is a masterpiece of engineering art not only due to its gigantic sizes. This pyramid was the highest building created by a person for 3,800 years.

The Pyramid of Cheops It is the most significant and well-known of all the pyramids in Giza. It shocks the imagination with its grand sizes and unique design features. More than 2 million stone blocks were used to build the pyramid, during the 20-year period, which ended in about 2560 BC.