With the feast of the Holy Trinity, many interesting characters are connected. Customs, superstition and trinity signs

With the feast of the Holy Trinity, many interesting characters are connected. Customs, superstition and trinity signs
With the feast of the Holy Trinity, many interesting characters are connected. Customs, superstition and trinity signs

Go today in the temple and pray,

On the trinity of prayer three times holy,

We see, the angels of the words are carried away,

A day from the resurrection of the fiftieth

The brightest, most beautiful summer holiday is undoubtedly Trinity, or Pentecost.

Trinity - This is the beginning of a new deduction for the entire Orthodox year. It is from her that the days and weeks of posts, denacities, memorial dates and festive worships are counted.

What is connected for us to the Trinity?

Green meadow herbs, fragrant flowers, young trees foliage. Gold domes and bell ringing. White scarves on the heads of women Verdan and huge bouquets in their hands.

Like other church holidays, the Trinity has many traditions, some of which are widely revered and now, and others forgotten.

Traditions on Trinity

Many people on the eve of the holiday are sent for the city, to ravine in the morning dew and breathing freshness of the new day, to assemble the plants needed for the bouquet. Others simply buy fragrant green ohas that are sold in this holiday near each temple.

Decoration of houses. In the evening before the Trinity The house is decorated and the house - greens, herbs, flowers, branches of trees - alder, poplar, maple, linden, oak, ash, birch, willow. Nor willow (she has already served his Palm Sunday), Nor Osina (a tree, on which, according to beliefs, Judas hanged himself) did not break. The ancestors believed that the soul of dead relatives came to the trinity to the house, decorated with greens. They are hiding among the green branches and colors and help alive.

Consecration of green bouquets - the most, perhaps common Tradition to Trinity .

But it is not just a bouquet. Each skelter, each twig in it carries a special meaning and has its purpose. From what the same make a bouquet on the trinity To consecrate?

Birch branches - Mandatory attribute in the bouquet, which is carried to the temple on the Trinity. White birch trunk has long been vested with powerful power and growth energy. It is the kidney and birch leaves that are the first to be the first, before all other trees.

Bringing birch branches on the trinity into the house, and adding it to the bouquet, you can learn its strength.

For girls, it had a special meaning, because It was the white bark of Birch considered a symbol of maiden beauty and harmony.

Oak branches - This is a sign of male strength and health. Because - strong as oak. This should be a man, and in antiquity, and now.

Spicy herbs and wildflowers Collected for a bouquet to, after consecrated in the temple, dry them and decompose under images. In addition, they played the role of Oberega, they were also used in everyday life - added to the water for swimming kids, they prepared brazers and infusion, pillowed pillows for a strong and healthy sleep.

The collected bouquet before consecrated "murk", this rite has deep pagan roots, so people attracted rain so that the harvest in the summer heat is saturated with the necessary moisture.

Girls fortune telling and rites on the trinity

Weaving wreaths on the Trinity

Trinity is time when girls traditionally woved thin birch branches and wildflowers in braids. And spill Huge fragrant wreaths.

And, if in our time, it is most likely the attribute of the photo shoot in nature, then the main thing is connected in the old days, the main thing that predicts the most relevant issue for each beauty is connected. Whether she will marry this year, that is, to the new Trinity.

Melodic singing (well, where girls without a song) was accompanied by the whole process of burning. Tearing wildflowers and young shoots of trees, gossipped by their tight node in a magnificent wreath, red-eyed girls sang ritual songs attracting grooms.

After not in a hurry, you will pass past all the applicants for your hand and heart, putting on the head of the man-made Decoration, and widget in your reflection in the water, you can get an answer to the main question - get married, or - ah, sit in the girls another year.

Having gave to the will of the water stroy the solution to his hardest girl's fate, you need to look at the wreath. Swim on the river - Get married. And if he immediately drowned - it means that there is still no time to create a solid cell of society and solve the problem of the demographic crisis.

Curling birch

On Thursday to Trinity (Semis) The girls went to the forest, found a young The birch tree and curled a wreath from his branches or tilted a thin barrel and tied her herbs.

In Trinity Day The girls returned to "their" birchans and watched whether their wreath was blocked, whether to expect a quick marriage. Wreaths necessarily evolved that birchings are not offended. Often there were meals, during which the girls were treated and birchly brought bread, eggs.

Cuckoo and maiden fate

The girls - the people are very inventive when the question concerns "Go Marry". If there was no river or lake in the nearby terrain, then the cuckoo could be asked to the Trinity. Cuckoo cuckoo, tell me how many years I have a bass in the ginger in the girls? And hope that the meaning bird will save silence.

Poplar girl on Trinity

On the Trinity in some regions of Russia, Ukraine in the village "drove a topol" - they chose among unmarried girls the most beautiful and statutory, dressed up and accompanied her with songs and dances.

Poplar with each meeting greet, wanted a rich harvest, and for it, girls gave coins on "ribbons", treats.

Trinity and mermaids

On the eve of the Trinity, not only red girls are going to marry. At night, the rivers float the rivers and they call the grooms. We seduced for sweet singing - they will stack to death or drag on the bottom. This tradition is associated with these trials, as a complete ban on bathing all Green seventh - week in front of the trinity .

There are still many beliefs, legends, traditions and rites on the trinity.

And it is a pity that some of them are completely forgotten. But even some are able to create a unique flavor of the people's celebration.

Collect wildflowers and tree branches, sanctify a bouquet in the temple, eat the house with a green carpet - and the joy of the Holy Holy Trinity will come to him.

After seven weeks after the Sunday's light Christian Christian Christians will celebrate the Trinity - a holiday in which the prayers of the Lord in the three hyperships: Father and Son and the Holy Spirit. This day is most often celebrated at home in a family circle, at the festive table, after visiting the morning church service. That is why it is worth taking care to decorate the house on the trinity of the apparent way. Writes

How to decorate the house on the trinity (green week)?

On the eve of the holiday of the Trinity (Green Week), it was customary to purify their thoughts from evil and condemnation, as well as put their home in order. The general cleaning end on Saturday to the evening. At the same time, the family is going to jointly decorate the house on the trinity. Room decoration with flowers and herbs will give a unique, fresh atmosphere of the "green" holiday. At the same time, it is necessary to select plants for the decoration with the adherence of our ancestors.

The Slavs-farmers were worshiped by nature, it was her strength called for help in the fight against evil spirits. To protect the harvest, it was accepted to enter the house chambers of the young branches of trees. You can decorate the house on the trinity branches of oak, birch, elderberry and linden. In width on green shints, too, alder, ash and maple. However, there are prohibited trees, whose branches cannot be deposited into the trinity. Aspen was considered the damned tree. Christians feared this tree, because According to legend, Judas hanged himself on it. Also did not break the branches of the Willow - it was read for the good, which she gave her to Palm Sunday.

The branches of young trees or Kirschana served not only to the guard for the ancient Slavs. Our great-grandparents believed that in the "green" holiday of the soul of the deceased relatives hurry to visit their relatives. They hide in the branches of the tree, so it was necessary to abundantly decorate the house on the trinity, especially the walls and window openings. Not only dwellings (including shutters, fences, porch and gates), but also sheds, chill, other shopping premises were decorated with the "Clelling" week.

Often, in order to fill the house with an aroma, the floors asked the stalks and leaves of the marsh car (Tatar potion). According to reference, if Izir decorate the house on the trinity, then his magical power will attract well-being and health to all the inhabitants. It was believed that AIR helps to clean the atmosphere at home and call good spirits. Staying in the house of the leaves and the stalks of Tatar potions should all three days of the Trinity.

The strength of the marsh insurance is not exaggerated. In the time of Tatar-Mongolian raids, this plant was brought by nomads into the territory of Ukraine. Leaves and stems, in addition to a pleasant aroma, possessed therapeutic, healing and disinfecting property. To date, AIR Bolotnaya is actively used in folk medicine.

In addition to this plant, the trinical bouquet usually includes wormwoods, mint, chamber, lomies, a series and other fragrant herbs of meadows. You can also decorate the house on the trinity and a festive bouquet of wildflowers. The fragrant charm must necessarily take with me to the service in the church.

At the end of the festive service, the priest sanctifies bouquets and branches brought by parishioners. All year, these herbs in the dried form should be kept near the icons, it will be a strong and effective wubble from the evil eye and trouble.

If you do not decorate the house on the trinity, then its inhabitants have a sin. "Green" Sunday is honored by Christians, therefore, it requires special attention. All day it is recommended to spend at home, away from the forests and reservoirs, so as not to fall into the hands of mermaids, water or lash. Give your own and close to your warmth in the atmosphere of green and fragrant "paws" of young trees - this is the worship of the Holy Holiday Trinity, the Day of Peace and Unity.

Trinity is a joyful beautiful celebration, because during this period the entire earth is covered with gentle flowers, fresh, smell greens, not yet withered under the sultry summer sun. Flower fields of rye and wheat, and from the blow of the breeze they are worried like a green rivest sea.

In Trinity Saturday, the hostess are preparing for the holiday and bake Kalachi. One of the Kalachs must be put on the windowsill to draw the mermaids and forest mavels. Also, small Kalachi are distributed by the beggar.

Predated to the Trinity hostess put in order house and decorate their home. In the old eye on icons and images in the red corner, pure embroidered towers saw, the benches were covered with bedspreads, paths and rugs, on the beds one to another folded beautifully embroidered pillows.

The main decoration, of course, are flowers and herbs. Men walked into the forest, in the field and on the river for green branches and swamp herbs. They decorated with images, doors in the house, gate and pillars, scattered on the floor, and the house was filled with an extraordinary juicy aroma of herbs and flowers.

When birch is sanctified on the trinity: the essence of the holiday

Pentecost - the second of the three great holidays of the ancient Jews, established in the memory of dating the people of the law with Sinai Mountain.

According to legend, the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles was committed on this day. Pupils of Jesus came together all together. Suddenly there was noise from the sky, as if from a strong wind. There were languages \u200b\u200bat this moment and went to each of the students. And they began to say in different languages. Multilinguality was sent to them to preach the Christian teachings among various peoples. The Jewish holiday of Pentecost moved to the Christian church.

Troitskaya greens also has a symbolic meaning.

This is a soul that blooms and greashes after the winter hibernation, because the grace of the Holy Spirit touched it. In winter, there were naked branches, Spring came - and greens appeared, leaves, flowers. Was in our heart of winter, frost, but the Holy Spirit touched us with her grace - and our heart bloomed.

The branch of fresh only when it grows on a tree, and when it is torn off from the tree, then after a few days it dries out. So the soul is human: while she holds for the trunk, behind the vine, to which she is grafted, it is alive and blooms. But it is worth tearing away from this vine, she also dries. The Lord himself said to us: "I'm a vine, and you are branches."

When birching on the trinity is sanctified: what will be holy in a holiday

Flowers will surely hurt the trinity, mostly field, and bouquets made up of fragile herbs and green branches of trees: birch, linden, maple, oak, rowan, as well as Aira, mint, Melissa, listener, etc.

After the church service of the Holy Grass, she sleeved all native and family members, wishing them to health.

The Trinity Holiday has long been connected with the Wires of Spring and Summer Meetings. Two days before the Trinity, the Seventh Thursday was celebrated after Easter, so the whole week in front of the trinity was called Semitskaya or Trinity. A young birch was the symbol of the Troitskaya week. It is this young one, but a very strong tree will be shared with its energy and health with people, the earth will help to cut the rich crop.

If you go to the church on the trinity, make a bouquet of herbs and branches of trees. Branches bring home on the eve of the holiday, in the evening. Let it be the branches of maple, linden or birch, oak, viburnum. Add wildflowers and herbs - AIR, Mint, Lovers. But the branches of the Willow and Osin can not be shed in the church on this day, you can not decorate the house. To dedicate this bouquet in the church on Sunday, and when you come home, lightly beat the bouquet of all relatives to be healthy all year. And I store this bouquet all year, it will bring joy and happiness to the house. A year later, you can burn it and dispel the ashes.

When birching is sanctified on the trinity: what can and what can not be done on a holiday

The Trinity must be devoted to his soul, his thoughts. We must go to church, listen to the sacred chants, to defend the service, put the candle and give your thoughts. Maybe some it will come to the rescue, as if pacifying their actions and deeds, and maybe someone will help to concentrate on something more important. What were our thoughts and acts, it is necessary to rejoice at this day.

Home bring linden twigs, maples, birch and decorate with windows, doors. You can also put wildflowers on the dining table.

Day of the Holy Trinity, he exists so that we reconcile with everyone, found peace and comfort.

On the great holiday, the Trinity can not be engaged in any as physical and mental labor. The exception is only labor associated with the service of the economy: cattle, birds, dogs, cats. Moreover, you can only give animals and drink. And to clean the pussy, combing it.

Since the most ancient times, on this day, it was forbidden to work in the gardens, work around the house, that is, wash the floors, wash, vacuuming, can also be bought, especially in rivers, lakes and ponds. Also, it is also possible on the Trinity Day to cut, wash your hair, paint hair, something to sew something (for some beliefs, it is impossible to sew at any Sunday, and in the holy days the festivities, especially), make repairs in homes and apartments.

In this holiday, as well as during the entire festive week, the church does not conduct weddings. You can not swim on the trinity for three days, you can not swim in every reservoir: river, lake, sea and even at home. The week before the trinity is considered a green week or a rule. It is believed that those who go swimming, "minus" mermaids, and a man drowshes.

There is even a popular belief that the Trinity does not do without a drowned man. And it is abnormal that, knowing about it, people still go into the water, as if they want to check on themselves the terrible rule.

People bathed on the days of the week in the rivers, or died, or remained alive, but then they were considered wits and sorcerers. Since only the sorcerers are able to escape from the mermaids, which are believing and sisha in rivers and lakes, in order to pick up the bodies of naive and not believers.

On holiday, the Trinity can not go to the forest itself - they say that forest making living in the forest will be stuck up to death. Also on the holiday of the Trinity can not go to the field - the field mallet will be swinging there. It is forbidden to drive away dances with girls, because it is significant that these are mermaids.

In 2017, the Day of the Holy Trinity is celebrated - June 4. The Day of the Holy Trinity, Trinity, Pentecost, the Descent of the Holy Spirit is one of the main Christian holidays, which is part of Orthodoxy in the number of the two-month holidays. The Orthodox Church celebrates the Day of the Holy Trinity in the 50th day for Easter, on Sunday.

On the day of the Holy Trinity, one of the most solemn and beautiful services per year is committed in Orthodox churches. After Liturgy serves a great evening, on which the stimitars, glorify the descent of the Holy Spirit, and the priest reads three special extensive prayers:
- about the church;
- On the salvation of all praying;
- On the rest of the shower of all the departed (including "in the hell of the keen").
While reading these prayers, all (including clergymen) stand on the knees - this completes the post-slip period, during which the knees of knees and earth bows are not performed in the temples.

According to the Russian tradition, the floor of the temple and the homes of believers on the day of the Holy Trinity will ride fresh grass, the icons are decorated with birch branches, and the color of the rusties is the green, depicting the life-giving and renewing power of the Holy Spirit. Trinity is a very beautiful and falsy holiday.

Rites on Trinity

Trinity day - one of the most important holidays in the Eastern Slavs, especially loved by the girls. In the traditional tradition of Trinity, the day is included in the Semitsky-Trinity festive complex, which included a seven (seventh Thursday after Easter two days before the Trinity), Trinity Saturday, Trinity Day. In general, holidays were called "Green Holie". The main components of the festivities of the seven-time trinity were rituals associated with the cult of vegetation, the girl's walking, the virgin initiations, commemoration of drunkenness or all the dead.

The Slavic peoples of the Holy Trinity Holiday is also closely connected with the Wires of Spring and Summer Meetings:

  • On Troitskaya (Semitskaya) Girls for 7-12 years broke birch branches and decorated the house outside and inside.
  • On Thursday (the next day) children in the morning fed the scrambled eggswhich was then traditional dish: it symbolized a bright summer sun. Then Children went to the forest to curl birch: She was decorated with ribbons, beads, flowers; The branches were associated in pairs, stuck in the braid. The children drove around the dancer dance dance, sang songs, arranged a festive meal.
  • On Saturday, on the eve of the Day of the Holy Trinity, the Slavs are one of the main memorial days. This day is often called "Started Saturday" or Parental Day.
  • On the Day of the Holy Trinity, everything went to church with flowers and branches of birch. Houses and temples on this day were decorated with a green carpet of leaves and colors. After the festive service in the Church, the youth went to develop birch. It was believed that if this was not done, then birch can be offended. After the Berezu is spinning - they repeated the meal, again drove rounds and sang songs. Then the tree was cut down and with the songs wore around the village. Often, also a birch could put down the river, considering that the tree would give its strength to the first shoot in the field.

Traditions on Trinity

As Orthodox holidays behaved in Russia, the Orthodox holidays are closely intertwined with folk traditions:

So, leaving the church, people tried to capture herb From under the feet to adopt to the Sene, boil with water and drink as healing. From the leaves of trees that stood in the church, some wreaths were wreaths and used both charms.

Fine tradition to Trinity Decorating at home and temples by branches, grass, flowers not the first century. The rite of jewelry on the trinity is unuschaued. Greens symbolize in folk tradition on the trinity - life. Decoking on the tradition of the house on the trinity branches, herbs and flowers, people express joy and gratitude to God for reviving them through baptism in a new life.

Historically, it happened to decorate temples and houses, according to folk traditions, birch branches are used. It can be said that the holiday of the Trinity without birch is the same as the celebration of Christmas without a Christmas tree. At the same time, in some localities, the tradition of decorating homes and temples on the trinity can be somewhat different and oak, maple, rowan can be used for decoration ...

The people of Trinity revered for a big holidayTo him carefully prepared: soaps and cleaned the house and courtyard, put the dough for the preparation of dishes for the festive table, greenery were harvested. On this day, cakes and caravas were baked, curly wreaths from Birch (in the south of Klena) and flowers were invited, the youth arranged a walk in the forests and meadows.

Girls put on their best outfitswho are often stitched specifically to these holidays. Everywhere heads decorated with wreaths of herbs and flowers. Elegant girls usually walked with a general meeting of the people - the so-called "You are not enough. For a long time it was considered good to win the trinity. The wedding was playing in the fall, on the feast of the Pokrov Virgin Mary. Many still believe that it helps family life: sucking on the trinity, they say, will live in love, joy and wealth.

On this day, Kozuli baked girls - round cakes with eggs in the form of a wreath. These kozuli together with scrambled eggs, cakes, kvass made up a ritual mealThat girls arranged in a grove after curling birch, that is, decorations with her ribbons, flowers, weaving wreaths from her thin branches.

Through these wreaths girls shattered - They came in pairs, kissed each other, sometimes changed by jim and sentenced themselves: they will die, Kuma, die, do not bother to you with you, always be friends. For rite of idle curvated the vertices of two birchings, intertwined them between themselves. Then the girls were divided into pairs and passed under these birches, hugged and kissed. Summerly, they became one big dance and sang a tricious songs. After walked to the river. When came to the river, all throw their wreaths into the water and worked on them for future fate. After that, the birch was cut down and with the songs carried to the village, put it in the center of the street, drove around the birch dances and sang special, Trinity, songs.

What can not be done on the trinity - folk beliefs

A whole cycle of believing and prohibitions were associated with the trinity days of the people, to violate which was strictly prohibited by the threat of misfortunes:

  • on the trinity it was impossible to make birch brooms;
  • during the week, it was forbidden to burn the fence or repairing the harrow, so that "pets of the ugly kind" did not born;
  • it is strictly forbidden to work in the first three days of the Trinity - however, it is possible to prepare a treat, as well as to invite guests to the festive meal;
  • it was impossible to walk during the week in the forest, swimming - to swim in Trinity day it is undesirable, because, as our ancestors believed that the day of the Trinity belongs to the mermaids - you swim, believed the ancient Slavs, you will go to the bottom. Starting from the "Green Sky" and to Petrova of the Day (July 12), mermaids overlook the Omutov, hiding in the forests, on the trees, with their laughter taking the trades.

Signs on Trinity

There are other beliefs and traditions on the Trinity. Let's now find out what time the Trinity there are signs.

  • If it rains on the trinity, it means that we are waiting for the crop of mushrooms.
  • Flowers and therapeutic herbs collected on this day are considered healing and able to cure any ailment.
  • It is believed that from Monday - the Day of the Holy Spirit of Frosts will not be, warm days are coming.
  • On the day of the Holy Spirit, it is customary to distribute all the trifles with the poor, thereby fencing himself from adversity and disease.
  • There was such a belief, an honest person could find a treasure, as if hearing his call from the depths of the Earth.
  • There was a belief that plants on the Trinity are endowed with a special magical forceWhat was reflected in the custom of collecting medicinal herbs on the night on the trinity.

Celebration of Trinity

The Trinity is noisy and fun. In the morning everyone is in a hurry to the temple on the festive service. And after her, folk fun with rounds, games, songs. Be sure to prepared Karavai. For a festive dinner, the guests were convened, made each other gifts. In some areas, fairs arranged. With the revival of faith in Russia, the traditions of celebrating the Orthodox holidays are reborn. And now in our time in the cities of the country, folk festivities on the trinity are arranged.

Folk Names: Birch deaf, Berezina, Belotel, Birch, Navier Tree.
Linguists associate the Russian title of Birch with the verb to take care. This is due to the fact that Slavs considered Birza for the gift of gods that protect a person.
In European languages, most birch names go from Indo-European "BHE" - light, sparkling.
Planet: Jupiter
Zodiac sign: Cancer (on another version of the Sagittarius)
Basic properties: Cleansing properties, health, love, protection

Bereza is a favorite tree of the Russian people, personifying his soul, a tree of extraordinary kindness. It is also called the tree of life. Birch from time immemorial is associated with fertility and healing magic, birch branches were used to endow fertility not only land, but also livestock and newlyweds. Of the birch trees (almost in all European countries), cradle for newborns.

Symbolically and magically birch appears as protection against all unhappiness, both physical and spiritual. Birch is extremely useful and very favorable in healing spells, spellings aimed at strengthening the crop. Birch branches (especially spring, just blossomed) are rightly considered an excellent talisman who distinguishes sadness and gods that protect children from diseases and many other troubles). Berred is gentle and compassionate, possesses very soft, gentle and at the same time strong influence. In contrast to the oak to birch should be treated with patients, relaxed, recovering people. It will facilitate suffering, will help to return the lost forces, it is easier to transfer the disease, will speed up the recovery process. The patient is planted, leaning against the trunk, at the roots (Birch - a tree female, men turned to the oak). The thing is a patient who cannot be brought, or bring to the tree, hang on the birch branch with a request for help. In the Snowball Practice, the disease to the growing birch for the "transfer" of her illness was considered an effective admission of therapeutic magic: the water remained left after swimming a sick child. In the text of the Russian conspiracy from the chest toad, the motive of the threat in relation to the disease sounds: "I'll throw the toad under the birches of the bush, so as not to hurt, so that it is not a scent."

Communication with birch is useful to people with upset nerves in depression. This tree relieves fatigue, neutralizes the negative effects of everyday stresses, contributes to the restoration of spiritual harmony. Birch, growing next to the house, distinguishes nightmarish dreams. The impact of this tree is long. It is better not to come to him, but to live near, then it can heal you. Bereza always attributed the ability to drive evil spirits.
Birch is used for the manufacture of numerous magic artifacts: Ohamic sticks (stoves), magic sticks flying brokelts (Witinino Pomelo is made from the bitch of ash and birch bonds bonded by an Ivnyak), magical blizzes (used in healing), wanings of various kinds (from lightning, evil People and spirits).
Birch branches (especially spring, just blossomed) are rightly considered an excellent talisman who distinguishes sadness and gods that protect children from diseases and many other troubles. Birch branch, fragile with oak, is used in love magic. Birch roots are used to cause damage, damage. Thin branches of birches berez are used to knit "nodes" - forms of tea. In Berett, they write ink in ink from oak nuts and a feather from the wing of the crow. Runic spells.

Symbol of fertility and light. Protects from the witches, distinguishes evil spirits, so lazy people and Lunatikov fed a birch patch.

Scandinavians and Teutons Berez dedicated to Torah, Donar and Frygge. According to legend, the last battle will occur near the birch tree.

In the shamanisama of Bereza - a cosmic tree, and the shaman did seven or nine ascending scubons on her trunk or birch ride, which symbolizes the climbing through the planetary spheres for the highest spirit. In addition, birch is the emblem of Estonia.

In Celtic astrology, the Sun was identified with birch. This tree first decorates itself with leaves, marking the beginning of all things.

In the druid tradition of Bereza - the tree began, the symbol of the first month of the year (December 24 - January 21). Back in a number of traditions of Birch, symbolizes light, radiance, purity, ambiguity, feminine, fertility, growth and strength, etc. Birch twig was a distinctive sign of young druids or bards that attached her to their tunics.

In Rome, attributes from Birch were used at the entry of the Consul to the Board.

In Scotland, Birch was associated with the ideas about the dead.

Birch, as the world's tiled upwards, appears in Russian conspiracies: "On the sea on the opaire, on the island of Kurgan there is a white birch, down the branches, upwards."
The feast of the Semit (now - Trinity) is dedicated to the Berezam, which is celebrated in June.

She helps and when predicting the weather: Kolya Birch is flooded, then wait for dry summer, and Kolya alder, wet.

Birch Watching was considered a tree special - it was sometimes called "Navim Tree", that is, the woods of the dead. Its juice, kidneys, bark, wood and leaves have never been used for medicinal purposes - only for magical. They said that this tree has a connection with the world of the dead, which is loved by mermaid and drowning. Therefore, the mold birch was always decorated in Rusal a week to protect against perfume. This tree was trying not to break, so as not to bring the wrath of the otherworldly forces. In the old days they went to him, trying to enlist the help of ancestors in any important matter or ask for protection from trouble.

In general, to birch in Russia there has always been a special attitude. She was bothering, he cared for her, specially planted, trying to "turn around" the village with a protective belt Berez. Decorations made of birch wood were used to protect against unclean power. Long before the appearance of Christianity during corresponding to the current Trinity, brochions made from the freshly cut branches of this tree, "swept out" from the immunity. A decoction of the rods on this day was washed with all the horses from diseases and misfortunes. On the same day, a woman washed in a bath with an infusion of birch leaves to remove apparent diseases, restore the lost strength and vigor of the spirit.
In all of the Slavs, they thought that were shut under the roof, left in the attic birch branches protect against lightning, thunder, hail; stuck in the midst of crops in the field, they drive away rodents and birds; Abandoned on garden beds, protect cabbage from caterpillars.

With the help of barks of birch and birch brooms, they tried to protect themselves from unclean strength, diseases, "walking" of the dead. On the eve of Ivan's day, the jugg of birch branches stuck over the doors of the hlev, so as not to give watches to penetrate the cows and harm them; On the horns, birch wreaths were put on the cows to protect against the witches.

In the Western Slavs, a birch broom was considered a reliable means of protection against evil forces, leaning towards the bed of the woman in labor or to the prickls of the newborn. In many places they believed that when heating a birch rod of a sick child, the disease immediately retreat.

Birch - a tree that awakes all day. She falls asleep before the dawn. How the first roosters sink, disintegration, birchly dives for 2 hours in a sweet and deep sleep, so that, waking up at dawn, give the world his pure power. It accounts for approximately 3-5 in the morning, and the peak of cheerfulness is 6-9 in the morning.
Symbolically and magically birch appears as protection against all unhappiness, both physical and spiritual. Almost all parts of the tree are used in healing.

According to the old Belarusian reference, in order for the horse in the new stable, the horse was held, under the threshold, it was necessary to bury the birch full

Conspiracies of the girls for love of good well done
1. Take a birch twist, which is put on Friday to the threshold, through which the one should step over to which they want to act. After completing it, the rod, which no one should see, put in a dry and hot place saying: "Yes, you dry (name) from love to (name), how this rod dries." This spell is repeated three times.
2. From a fresh broom made of birch branches, take a bar, and put it on the threshold of the door, in which the beloved person should enter. Laying the bar, gently pronounce these words: "How to dry this thin rod, so let me dry and a dear friend (name) for me, a slave (name)". Parok, when a person talking about, passed through the threshold, clean up in secret place, then heat the bath, put this rod on the shelves to the upper shelf, perhaps more couple and, turning to the side where the bar is, they say: "Wheel, rods And be soft, like a gun, albeit the heart (name) will be to me, the slave (name), as gently, like you. " After that, the bath is locked, and after a while they take the rods, belong to water and allowed within. Prut launches on the river needed at the dawn.
The same conspiracy, but only for the bonuses of someone's heart, is done like this: the rods are put on the threshold, saying, as mentioned above, then, after the one who he has been talking, the rods are put on a hot estigious oven, saying: "Be dry , bar, like bird marigolds, let it also be so much and my friend (name), and when he cures me, then let him blush like an apple bulk, and flies like a month is clear after the new moon. "
Birch refers to the zodiac cancer sign. It broadcasts for us its strength and movable low energy of the moon. Its energy is cold and refreshing, like clean water, and just like water after swimming, immerses us to sleep, raising people in the absence of heaven. She gives a person to support his genus.

Essence. Birch deals with new endeavors and the adoption or birth of things. Birch has a power to give life. This vital force generates the birth of all things every year. The aspect of filling force and energy ensures the effect of purification. Birch has the power to drive malicious or malicious influences with the help of eternal vitality.

Some humor:

Patient: - My head hurts!
500 years BC - on, eat this root.
1000 year - these roots - witchcraft! Read prayer!
1850 - these prayers -gall superstition! Drink this medicine!
1940 - These medicines are ordinary quarrel! Accept this tablet!
1985 - these pills are ineffective! Accept this antibiotic!
2016 - these antibiotics of artificial origin! On, eat this root.