What is the associated rapid weight set. Why person quickly gain weight

What is the associated rapid weight set. Why person quickly gain weight
What is the associated rapid weight set. Why person quickly gain weight

Many are interested in the question: "Why does a person who leads a healthy and active lifestyle still occurs a rapid range of causes? It is today that we will discuss in detail on this topic, and find out the main causes of weight gain.

Causes of weight gain

1. No breakfast

Everyone knows that in the morning your body only wakes up, and it needs a certain amount of energy for further operation of the digestive system. If this energy is not enough, it includes the savings mode, as a result of which the metabolism is slowed down in the body and the process of fat accumulation occurs. So you definitely highlight 10-15 minutes on the preparation of a useful breakfast. The fastest and delicious options:

  • oatmeal or cereal with dried fruits, nuts
  • scrambled eggs or omelet with tomatoes or cheese
  • bread sandwiches (solid grinding) and cheese
  • green tea or juice
2. Hormonal changes

The main factors that affect weight:

  • teenage years
  • pregnancy
  • menopause

In addition, the disadvantage or excess of hormones can cause problems with thyroid gland and other diseases. Tip for all women who are very worried about the causes of weight gain - first of all you need to pass tests to blood to determine what your hormone levels do you have.

3. Lack of physical activity

Everyone knows that a sedentary lifestyle leads to the accumulation of fats on your hips and waist. As a result, people begin to actively play sports, go to the gym and diligently spend time at exercises. What is their mistake? First of all, the moment of overralling and fatigue occurs. As a result, sport quickly throws, and after such stress, the body requires even more food, which leads to a rapid weight gain. Therefore, gradually increase exercise to avoid injuries and overwork. You need to start with a small - walking on foot to 15 minutes a day and light warm-up.

4. Overbid

One of the most common causes. It is a large amount of oily, flour, sweet, salted food leads to obesity and health problems. Most women are surprised why they have a rapid range of causes, if they eat very little and often. The essence is that it is necessary to pay attention not so much on the amount of food eaten as its "energy cost". For example: if you eat a large plate of sheet salad, you get not only a large amount of useful substances, but also a very small stock of kilocalorius (approximately 145), and eating 2 small bars (weight of 16 grams), you eventually get 175 kcal, which slowly Will be postponed with your hips.

5. Rare Food Receptions

Many families are familiar to the emergence of food 1-2 times a day to the ambulance in the "Sukhkyyky", which does not lead to anything good. The main reason "I have no time to prepare"! Your body does not receive energy for further functioning and at the same time decreases metabolism. As a result, the body overload occurs with redundant power and all "unwanted" calories from such a dinner are deposited on your body. Some believe that it is absolutely no matter how much you trapeseed, the general caloric content of food for the whole day is important. But! This is a completely wrong opinion! If you have flown anything over the day, and in the evening they ate fried potatoes with a "lightweight" salad, in which case you provoke the deposition of fats on the waist. Uncontrolled and disorderly food, especially different snacks (cake, fast food, sandwiches, etc.) will also lead to serious problems with weight.

6. Age

With age, energy consumption and all exchange processes that occur in the body are slow down significantly. Therefore, women aged from 40 years old need to carefully review their diet and add small physical exertion to maintain tone.

7. Frequent diets

Remember dear girls and women: "Short-term hard diets for our body is stress." Result: The metabolism is slowed down, and all fluid from the body is output. As a result, after graduating from a diet and returning to a familiar life, your body is gaining 2 times more than a kilogram. Refuse such diets and follow a certain power system.

8. Sharp changes of the usual lifestyle

Your weight depends on 2 main factors: your diet and physical activity. Their harmonious combination helps you save a slim and beautiful body. It is logical that when changing at least one of these factors or at once, a sharp change in weight may occur (which is why most athletes are gaining weight after the end of the career). Same quick weight set (reasons) occurs Due to movements, changing work, marital status, etc.

9. Lack of sleep

From sleep depends on all processes in our body. With a latter, you are subject to stressful situations that spend on fat deposition. Leaving itself a normal, full sleep, you deprive your body the ability to restore strength and energy. So teach yourself to sleep at least eight hours a day, and then you really feel the strength of strength and vigor.

10. Medications

Causes of weight gain - various medications from stress, nervous disruptions, convulsions, migraines, diabetes, etc. Through the reception of such medicines, a person can dial up to 6 kg per month. This list includes some types of steroids, hormonal preparations and contraceptives, which over time lead to obesity. If you have noticed a significant gain in weight, consult a doctor for consultation to further avoid serious health problems.

11. Causes of weight gain - problems with intestines

It is frequent constipation that can cause you a feeling of discomfort and add extra kilograms. Ideally, the intestinal emptying should occur approximately 1-1.5 hours after eating or 2 times over the whole day. Causes of constipation: lack of fiber, liquid, reception of some drugs, etc. For the proper work of the intestine you need to drink a day to 1.5 liters. Water (starting with 1 cup of water on an empty stomach) and include enough fiber (fruits, cereals, bran, vegetables, etc.) in its diet. If you wish to be slim and beautiful, then do not be lazy and stick to the elementary rules of healthy nutrition. The result is not to make you wait long.

Especially for the participants and guests of the project "Art to be a woman" our expert, coach and consultant for weight relief and healthy lifestyle, the administrator of the "diet for all" community, sociologist and candidate of psychological sciences - Yana Vadish prepared an article on excess weight.

Today we will talk about what is the main causes of weight gain.

10 main causes of excess weight:


    But all the same, precisely excessive food intake, especially sweet, flour, oily leads to excess weight and obesity. Many women are often confident that they eat very little, but for some reason get better.

    The fact is that it is necessary to watch not so much on the amount of food as its "energy" cost.
    Saying a kilogram of a sheet salad, you will get a bunch of vitamin and other beneficial substances, but very few calories (about 150 kilocalories). A eating just two chocolate candies, weighing 15 grams (i.e., only 30 grams), you already get about 170 kcal.

  2. Low physical activity

    Here seems too, everything is obvious - the more you move and play sports, the easier it is to lose weight. And vice versa - the smaller you move, the faster there is a layer of fat on your waist and hips.

    Of course, everyone knows that in order to lose weight, you need to play sports! And here it often arises such a mistake - people who have never come to the gym before, begin to disappear there. Why is this a mistake? Because so very quickly comes overtraining and fatigue, and sports in a short time is thrown, and the weight gain after such stress is even faster.

    Therefore, start increasing the physical exertion gradually! Start simply with a little more walking on foot and 5-10 minutes a day to pay a warm-up.

  3. Changing lifestyle

    Your weight depends on the two main parameters: your physical activity and your diet.

    Their optimal combination helps to remain slim and vigorous. Accordingly, the change in one of these parameters, and even more both, can lead to a weight set. (That is why many athletes after the end of the career begin to rapid weight rapidly).

    The reason may be such situations as moving, going to work or a change of work, changes in the marital status and in the number of family members and loved ones who live with you (relocation from parents, marriage, the emergence of children, etc.) and others.

  4. Change of hormonal background

    Hormonal restructuring of the body in adolescence, during pregnancy and childbirth, menopause also often leads to a weight gain. In addition, hormonal disorders may be caused by congenital predisposition, or be provoked by infections, stress.

    Excess or lack of hormones can cause thyroid diseases and a lot of other diseases. Therefore, the general advice for all ladies that are concerned about the weight set and cannot understand its cause - first of all, take blood test to determine the level of hormones.

  5. AGE

    All exchange processes in the body with age are gradually slowed down.

    Energy consumption by the body is also reduced. Therefore, ladies aged 40-50 years need to reconsider their diet. But in the age of 30, it is often enough to increase physical exertion (although the revision of the diet may also prevent). Often it turns out that the person begins to lead less active lifestyle than in his youth.

    Many people return that just now they have a peak activity and an increased amount of affairs. Yes it's true. But what percentage of these cases gives you exactly physical load?

  6. No breakfast

    Modern lifestyle and constant hurry leads to the fact that very many people in the morning do not have time or do not consider it necessary to have breakfast. And thereby deprive themselves charge of cheerfulness and energy, as well as provoke a weight set. How?

    The fact is that breakfast is the most important meal. Your body just woke up, he needs energy to include in work, including for the normal functioning of your digestive system. If the body does not receive this energy, it includes energy saving mode, i.e. The metabolism at this time is low.

    Breakfast spurs your metabolism and gives you strength for an energetic day. The best breakfast options are oatmeal or oatmeal (can be combined with fruit), omelet or scrambled eggs, sandwich from grain bread and cheese and orange juice.

  7. Rare meals and / or messy food

    I'm not talking about what people eat 3-4 times a day. It would be great! But unfortunately, many people eat 1-2 times a day, but very tight, and usually it happens in the evening. The main reason is "I once"!

    Such food leads to the fact that most of the day you do not get enough energy and thus reduce your metabolism, and then overload the body with redundant power. And all the extra calories from such lunch or dinner are postponed with straight in fat stocks.

    Many are confident that it doesn't matter what time you hurt, the general caloric content of the day eaten is important. This is a dangerous error! Fast all day and jumping in the evening you provoke obesity. Meful food, especially constant snacking sweet and fast food on the move leads to the same result.


    There is no longer enough time, and it seems to have anything to spend precious time for sleep - excessive luxury. Not at all! Doing his sleep, you deprive your body the opportunity to restore your strength and thereby reduce your metabolism and provoke a mass of diseases. Including obesity.

  9. Frequent Sitting on Diet

    Short-term hard diets are perceived by the body as stress. The result of such a diet is the withdrawal of fluid from the body, loss of bone and muscle mass, slowing the metabolism. And after the completion of the diet and return to the usual way of life, all the scaled weight is rapidly recruited, and often increases even more.

    Refuse short-term diets! It is much better to choose a comfortable nutrition system and follow it all.


    Most people know what to do to achieve a slim figure. And many are even actively starting, but very quickly throw. Why are we too lazy to do something for our advantage?

    Often too lazy to do something when it was at first a sharp start was taken. You have been playing sports too much and / or too limited yourself in nutrition. Do not hurry! Start with small steps, but do them daily! Also laziness happens if simply tritely lacking energy.

    It seems you are already halfway to breakdown? Take your vacation and relax as it should! Will not go on vacation? Organize a couple of free days and at least write down as follows. Any new business, including relief weight, should be started with new forces and with an energy reserve! Another reason may be that you have already tried to drop weight many times and nothing has happened to you. Or you watched your relatives or familiar who also did nothing.

    So is it worth starting? Of course it is! Find your way to you effective. How? Pay attention and carefully listen to slender people, especially those who have already successfully dropped the weight. Finally, the last reason for the laziness is the priorities that you choose. Did the evening in front of the TV or the Internet you really more important than your slender figure and health?

    Often we choose what we want now and gives fast, but short-term pleasure. Revise your priorities and choose what will give you another quality of life and constant joy. After all, you deserve slimness, energetic and health!

I hope this article helped you figure out the causes of the weight gain. In the next article, I will tell you about simple steps that will help you lose weight and keep your figure in perfect form!

Not only the image of the power supply is affected by weight in weight, but also some reasons about which we do not even guess.

We believe that you, like many people who dream of reset or keep the original body weight, are trying to stick to a healthy lifestyle: you feed in strictly allotted time, do not addate something delicious, do the charge.

With such a lifestyle schedule, you must lose weight, but there are cases when a person keeps a diet, engaged in gymnastics, but there is no result. ... as if some "strength" impede your desire to reset the extra kilograms.

There are a number of reasons that impede your desire to lose weight. Let's look at them.

Depressive condition

Permanent feeling of depression and mental abyss.

This reason is very serious. It has long been known that with any responsible lesson, whether it is a diet or even an important meeting with people on work, your emotional and peace of mind is important. If you are in constant discomfort, depression and the depression of the Spirit, then it will be difficult for you to physically, and psychologically accept your diet!

Many people are forced to take antidepressants, as a result of increasing weight in weight, on average by 3 or 7 kilograms.

By the way, take note that Arriving in depression, man can gain body weight and without antidepressant consumption. It depends on how deeply "penetrated" your depression. If you are in the deepest depression, then you can console yourself with food: eat a lot of sweet or salty, drink, and the like, and most importantly, if you are alone, then you are hardly risking to dial overweight.

Often the problem is in the medicine itself. As soon as you noticed that when you take an antidepressant, the body weight is recruited, immediately set aside the medicine. Try to solve your problems because of which you are in a state of depression in some other way. For example, try to change something in life or in yourself, do in any passion. In a word, distracted, come up with myself motivation, buy a beautiful dress, and approaches your ideal step step by step.

Medicines whose components enhance appetite

A vivid example of drugs that cause an increased appetite is contraceptive drugs. Many ladies take this drug without passing the necessary analyzes and consulting the doctor.

Also medicines associated with the treatment of rheumatic arthritis, against headache and migraine, also contribute to the weight gain. Most of these drugs increase the need for food, but he strongly slows the process of burning calories.

Therefore, it is so important to visit your doctor who, if possible, replace your medicine to a similar one, but without components that increase your appetite!

The digestive system works in slow motion

Many problems associated with slow metabolism and digestion in the body of any person are prevented from resetting extra kilograms and, on the contrary, only contribute to excess weight. Ideally, the food that we eaten, after about 1.5 hours, should start digestively and move to the intestine from the stomach. The normal intestinal emptying frequency is 1 or 2 times in 24 hours.

If this does not happen, as it should be a healthy person, it means that your body probably experiences peculiar "dehydration": you do not supply it necessary for normal digestion by the amount of fiber or you have problems with the microfloraist intestinal cavity.

If you regularly suffer from constipation, then you just need to consume food products, which include probiotics and those foods that contain rigid food fibers. You also need to drink more liquids.

The measures taken will help your body with the conclusion of slags and toxins!

Your body goes to a new age group

I also want to mention such a pattern that the older the person becomes, the more difficult it is to get rid of extra kilograms, whatever efforts he attached. This is explained by the fact that the human body age unable to burn the same calorie as in youth.

In order to keep your figure in perfect form, follows Sport at any age.In addition, it is important that those products prevail in the diet that low-fat proteins contain in their composition. In this case, all the calories obtained organism will burn much faster. In the case of the prevalence in the diet of food products containing carbohydrates, this process will be slowed down.

Many people, in their sad experience, were convinced that with age it becomes more and more difficult to reset extra kilograms. Doctors are quite often listening to complaints of middle-aged people about what they are hard to lose weight. Indeed, after 40 years, a person has no metabolism, as in his youth.

The most useful and proven method to reset the excess weight after the age after 40 is to do any sport. Age for this will never be a hindrance! Also watch the amount of calories obtained per day.

The body lack useful elements

Because of their lack, the immune system suffers, hit affects the performance of a person and his well-being. In addition, the widdle of the metabolism changes, with the result that the person begins to eat coffee, simple carbohydrates and sweets in large numbers. But if in a daily diet, enter such products such as spinach, tomatoes, almonds, walnuts can be increased in the body of iron, as well as magnesium. Vitamin D is very important for the human body, the reserves of which are replenished as a result of a regular stay in the sun.

After adding the necessary products to its diet, to replenish the missing elements and vitamins, you will return yourself good well-being. You will not gain extra weight, and you can even start your plan to discharge extra kilograms!

Hidden reasons for adding body weight, which you have not even suspected

Bone marrow lesions

The weight reasons for the weight gain also include most of the bone marrow lesions and, in particular, plantative fasci. It is explained by the fact that people suffering from these diseases are limited in their physical activity. But in this case, you can simply change the program of classes, i.e. Start walking into the pool or take a ride by bike. Such physical classes do not require a large burden burden. Of course, before starting to study, it should be advised to consult with your doctor who will give all the necessary recommendations.

Cushing syndrome

The causes of the weight gain include such a disease as Cushing Syndrome, which each year is silent about fifteen million people. As a result of this disease, a person has a significant increase in excess weight in the field of hips and belly, while the legs and hands remain unchanged. In order to ensure that you suffer this disease, it is necessary to pass a special analysis, which determines the level of cortisol in other words, a stress hormone. In this disease, its level is significantly exceeded.

Be healthy! We wish good luck in your hard, but important way to improvement!

You are fitting, attend the gym, lead an active lifestyle, follow your meals, but at the same time continue to gain weight? Let's try to figure it out that it may mean.

If you are dramatically added in kilograms, then do not rush to increase physical exertion or sit on a diet. Increased weight can signal the big health problems. Suddenly did you have a hormonal balance failure that caused the slowdown of metabolism?

In such cases, it is best to consult a doctor. But before recording on the reception, observe the week or two years or two. Start a notebook where you will record the amount of sleep, which is, what is your physical activity during the day. Under physical activity, not only classes in the gym are understood here, but also work around the house, walks and total steps per day. The number of sleep hours and the number of steps will help calculate the fitness bracelet, which will do everything for you.

Sometimes the background of the weight gain can be the so-called calorie amnesia. This means that you eat more than you feel. For example, you can not notice the next candy eaten or eat more for lunch than you need, but do not understand what it is. Also the cause of the weight gain may be insufficient physical activity. Try to perform the daily rate in the number of steps (10,000 steps), make charging or perform small workouts, as well as warm-up to the working break. It is better to evenly distribute the physical exertion for all week than to kill on weekends in the gym.

If the examples described above you did not see ourselves, we suggest you consider other symptoms that may be a sign of more serious health problems.

Weight and fatigue

If the weight set is accompanied by eternal fatigue, it can be a signal to what you have hypothyerio - The condition caused by the disadvantage of the thyroid hormones.

Most likely, if you consult a doctor with an inexplicable excess weight, then the first thing that will check the doctor is the level of thyroid hormones. As statistics show, at least one of the eight women thyroid gland gives a failure and ceases to produce the required amount of thyroid hormones. It is these hormones that are responsible for regulating metabolism. And in the event that iron shows insufficient activity, then the metabolism slows down, which causes the weight growth. In addition to excess weight, hypoteriosis has other signs:

  • Fast fatigue comes.
  • Decreases activity.
  • Swells face.
  • The hair falls out, and the nails become brittle.
  • The menstrual cycle is broken.
  • The voice sits down and even scrolls.
  • Constipation.

Weight and Chronic Stress

In case you notice that you gain weight, being in constant stress, this is fraught with the appearance depression . The thing is that stress is the cause of excess adrenaline and cortisol . In turn, it is the cortisol that stimulates appetite, and therefore the formation of fatty deposits. In addition, the activity of data of hormones can cause a violation of the gastrointestinal tract, as a result - constipation or diarrhea. Cortisol also has a negative impact on the immune system, lowering its activity. For this reason, we are more often ill when they are subject to stress.

Therefore, except for a weight gain, you are constantly nervous, you have a feeling of anxiety, poorly sleep, quickly tired or you are not experiencing anything of interest, in addition to consultation with the endocrinologist, contact a psychiatrist or neurologist.

Weight set and irregular cycle

Have you noticed a set of weights, and also the cycle has become irregular? It is likely that these are signs polycystic ovarian syndrome . Simply put, polycystic ovarian syndrome is a malfunction of the endocrine system, in which the balance between the production of testosterone and estrogen is broken. This may lead to the failures in the cycle, the weight gain and the growth of hair on the male type. Other symptoms:

  • Acne.
  • Apathy, constant drowsiness, lethargy.
  • The pain at the bottom of the abdomen and in the lower back area.

Weight set and age over 40 years

Did you have encountered overweight despite the fact that your age is over 40 years old? Perhaps this is one of the signs perimenopause .

All women menopause comes in different ways. Someone this happens sharply, without any changes in the cycle. In others, on the contrary, the oscillations of the cycle and jump in the duration of menstruation begin. Such a restructuring of the body can take from 2 to 10 years. This is a perimenopause. During this period, the production of hormone estrogen becomes unstable. Its raising and lowering can lead to a weight gain.

Therefore, if your cycle has become irregular, and the weight increases without any reason, we advise you to consult a doctor. Early symptoms of perimenopause can be:

  • Grinding heat.
  • Downtime mood swings.
  • Regular headaches.
  • Insomnia.
  • Incontinence.

Weight set and reception of new drugs

Many drugs may unexpectedly become the basis for a weight gain or lead to edema, since they hold water in the body. For example, when taking antidepressants, the appetite can increase, because, under their influence, serotonin is actively produced, which provokes appetite. Preparations for lowering blood pressure are hampered by metabolism, and steroids (prednisone) initiate water delay in the body.

When such signs appear, it is not worth stopping the reception of drugs. It is better to discuss this effect with your doctor. Perhaps this medicine will be able to find an alternative.

Other reasons for excess weight

Weight set can be connected with restless nights . For the body there is nothing worse than the night without sleep. If you are not at night, get ready for the fact that the next day you want sweet or fat. This is due to the increased production of hormone hump - Grethin and reduce the development of leptin - saturation hormone.

Therefore, if you choose between an excess hour of healthy sleep and watching your favorite TV series, choose a dream. People who are poured, lose kilograms and fat weight faster than those who sleep little.

Also, the weight set can provoke rejection of bad habits . Many people complain that, throwing smoking, begins to gain weight. Nicotine dulls the feeling of hunger and when this substance ceases to enter the body, the appetite increases.

Of course, diseases due to which a set of body weight is a set. Among them are not only disruption of the work of the thyroid gland or ovarian . Overweight may occur as a result improper adrenal or liver . Often visible signs of impaired adrenal and liver function is fat on the stomach and waist, joint pain, as well as skin problems and allergic reactions. But the basis of each of these agers is hormonal imbalance. Therefore, if you see changes in weight, but do not understand what is the reason, immediately go to the doctor. We hope that our advice proved to be useful for you. We wish you health, comfort weight and beautiful well-being!

No one is the secret fact that the use of fried foods, various desserts, alcohol and sweet drinks leads to weight gain.

It is always clear that if a person behaves a low-live lifestyle and feeds incorrectly, he gains weight.
But how can I explain the fact that an increase in weight with an active lifestyle, which includes regular training and a diet controlling the number of calories?

Well, isn't it annoying in this case to gain weight, especially if you really do not understand why the weight arrow is constantly crawling up?
If you constantly monitor the number of calories consumed and keep physically active lifestyle and, despite this, your weight grows, it is necessary to take into account a few things. Most likely, this is a number of reasons that, as a result of the interaction with each other, lead to an increase in weight.

1. What about weight?

It seems the rules of weight loss are pretty simple: there is less, to move more. Then why millions of people around the world continue to fight overweight and do not lose weight as they want?

If you started to consume more calories than usual, or reduced physical activity, the increase in body weight will not surprise you. But what if you do everything just like before, and your weight suddenly crawled up? Apparently, it was time to deepen in search of the cause of this undesirable process.
In order to understand why you are fat, you should know a lot about yourself and your health. Consider what the problem of excess weight can wage. Perhaps it is these reasons that you interfere with Lose weight.

2. Lack of sleep

The body function normally only in the case when it gets a full-fledged rest. Lack of sleep leads to an increase in calorie consumption.

There are two causes of weight gain when lacking sleep.

The first intuitive: fatigue leads to stress and as a device for stressing loads, people often resort to excessive use of various products. Moreover, there are no cases when extra calories are accumulated as a result of night "snacks". Some people believe that such nutrition helps them to fall asleep, but it only adds additional calories to your day diet.
Another reason is biochemical ─ when you are deprived of sleep, the change in the level of hormones leads to an increase in appetite, as well as to the feeling of hunger after eating.
Symptoms of overwork can serve fatigue, apathy, constant radiation and irritability. Try to devote to sleep, at least 8 hours every night.

Square for 15 minutes longer and see how you feel. Continue to add for 15 minutes until you define the time you need. If you regularly play sports and pay for so much time as you need to your body, you sleep better

3. Stress

We live in a society requiring us to work longer, to achieve more, do not stop there. Stress makes us go ahead and helps to survive, but also affects our mental state and emotions.

The response of the body is stressful - the launch of biochemical processes characteristic of survival in this situation. Our body accumulates energy, slows down the metabolism, and throws chemicals in blood (cortisol, leptin and other stress hormones that increases appetite), which most likely cause the accumulation of fatty deposits in the abdominal department

For many people, food is a means of stress. But, naturally, it cannot continue forever. Food is a temporary obstacle on the path of stress, but there is no way to eliminate it ...
During stress, people prefer food rich in carbohydrates, since such food contributes to the increase in serotonin level in the brain, which has a sedative effect.
That is why during stress we can easily exceed the normal level of consumption of calorie products.

4. Acceptance of antidepressants

Reception of antidepressants can lead to weight gain

The side effect of the use of some antidepressants is an increase in weight. Talk to your doctor about the possibility of making changes to the depression treatment plan, if you suspect that your antidepressant leads to an increase in weight. Never stop receiving medication prescribed by a doctor and do not change them at your discretion. Note that some people are gaining weight after the start of drug treatment simply because they feel better, and this leads to an increase in appetite. In addition, depression itself can lead to weight change.

5. Anti-inflammatory steroid drugs

Anti-inflammatory steroid drugs can lead to weight gain

Anti-inflammatory steroid drugs, for example, prednisone, are notorious as the cause of an increase in weight occurring due to a fluid delay in the body and increasing appetite. The severity of this side effect depends on the dose and duration of the preparation of the drug. Some people taking these drugs may also be subject to temporary redistribution of fat in places as a face, neck and stomach.

6. Trade drugs that can lead to weight gain

Some medications on pressure and diabetes cause weight gain

Some medications against epilepsy attacks, headaches, diabetes and for normalization of blood pressure can cause a patient's weight of at least 3-4 kg per month.
Some steroids, harmonious therapy and even oral contraceptives can cause a gradual increase in body weight. If you dial 2 or more kilograms per month, provided that the image of your life remains unchanged, the reason is medicines.

Experts argue that such groups of drugs can be caused by such groups of drugs: steroids, antidepressants, neuroleptic drugs, drugs from epilepsy, drugs from diabetes, antihypertensive preparations, funds from heartburn.

7. Do not rush to blame contraceptive pills

Reception of contraceptive pills does not lead to a steady weight increase

Contrary to popular belief, there are currently not enough evidence that the reception of contraceptive pills (estrogen plus progestin) causes a sustainable weight gain.
Some women taking the indicated combined tablets may encounter some weight set associated with a fluid delay, but this is usually a short-term phenomenon.
If you are still concerned about the possible stable increase in weight, talk to your doctor.

8. Hypothyroidism of the thyroid gland

If the thyroid gland (iron in the form of a butterfly in the front of the neck) does not produce a sufficient amount of a specific hormone (hypothyroidism), then a person has a sense of fatigue, weakness, cold and an increase in body weight can occur.

Without a sufficient number of thyroid hormones, the metabolism is slowed down, which leads to an increase in the probability of weight gain. An increase in weight can be caused by even a small decrease in the activity of the thyroid gland.
Treatment of hypothyroidism can reduce overweight.

9. Do not blame all menopause

Healthy lifestyle helps with menopause

Most women are gaining some weight during menopause, but hormones are most likely not the only reason for this. The aging slows down the metabolism, so an aging person is burning less and less calories, besides, changes and in lifestyle are occur (for example, physical activity decreases), which also plays a role.
But if you gain weight also in connection with menopause, the fat is accumulated not on the hips, but around your waist.

10. Cushing Syndrome in Men

Weight gain is a common symptom of Cushing syndrome, a state in which too much cortisol hormone appears in the body, which causes weight gain and other disorders.

Cushing syndrome may occur if you are taking steroids for the treatment of asthma, arthritis or lupus, or your adrenal glands produce too much hormone, as well as in connection with the presence of a tumor.
Increased weight at the same time can be the most noticeable around the face, neck, top of the back or waist.

11. Polycystic ovarian syndrome (SPKI) in women

The polycystic ovarian syndrome is watched by a common hormone problem in women of childbearing age.

Most women with this syndrome on the ovaries grow numerous small cysts. This disease leads to a hormone imbalance that affects the menstrual cycle of a woman, and can lead to excessive height of hair on the body and acne.
Women with this disease typically have insulin resistance (predominate), which can lead to weight gain. In this case, fat usually accumulates around the abdomen, increasing the risk of heart disease.

12. Refusal of smoking

The stronger the person's dependence on nicotine, the more kilograms he can dial when trying to quit smoking. However, this phenomenon is temporary, it should not stop smokers.

People who have thrown smoking, are on average gain up to 4 kg of weight. Why? Because without nicotine you can:

Temporarily increase appetite (it is normalized in a few weeks)

To decrease your metabolism without reducing calorie intake

Often, the desire to eat something more riser, which can lead to overeating

Often there is a desire to drink more alcohol with greasy and sweet snacks

If you add in weight ...

for other reasons from you, try to follow these rules:

13. Believe in medicine medication

Several unnecessary kilograms are a small concession for the overall healing of the body as a result of receiving these drugs. Moreover, even if the drugs you receive are the reason for weight gain, you still do not have to forget about proper nutrition and regular exercise.

Do not stop receiving any medications without prior consultation with your doctor. Believe in the medicinal power of the medicine you are taking. It may be crucial for your health.

14. Consult your doctor, and not with girlfriends or other patients

Do not compare yourself with other people who take the same medicines.

Not all people experience alone and the same side effects on the same drug. Even if some kind of drug caused someone weight loss, you may not have the same effect. Always consult your doctor.

15. With increasing weight from water delay, reduce salt consumption

Do not worry if you have an increase in weight, it may have arisen from the water delay in the body, then this is a temporary phenomenon.

As soon as you finish the reception of the drug or your disease will be controlled, the swelling of the fluid delay may stop. Stick at this power time with a reduced content of the cook salt.

16. The doctor must write down the drug without a side effect of weight gain

If you think that the reason for increasing your body weight lies in the reception of any drugs, then consult with a specialist, about the possibility of replacing them to others.

Consult with your attending rach about other drugs that you can take. In many cases, the doctor can switch you to another drug, which may not have a side effect of weight gain.

17. Take measures to increase metabolism in your body

If the waist amount is higher than 80cm in women and 94cm in men, this means that obesity is already present, the metabolism is reduced, and high risk of developing further metabolic disorders, which leads to not take any measures to develop the so-called. Metabolic syndrome

Be sure to find out whether your weight gain is a consequence of a decrease in metabolism from some kind of disease or a reception of some kind of medication.

And if so, then find the time for active actions aimed at raising metabolism in your body. Act, do not sit on the spot!
And to help you