Russian Writer Sholokhov. Mikhail Sholokhov - biography, information, personal life

Russian Writer Sholokhov. Mikhail Sholokhov - biography, information, personal life
Russian Writer Sholokhov. Mikhail Sholokhov - biography, information, personal life

Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov (1905-1984) - Soviet writer, one of the classics of Russian literature, the laureate of the Nobel Prize and Academician. He was born 11 (24) May 1905 on the farm Rusilin, now it is the Sholokhov district of the Rostov region. All my life he spent in his native village, occasionally moving to other cities in other cities.

Childhood and youth

The mother of the future writer, Anastasia Chernikov, was a peasant orphan. Before the wedding, she was a maid at the same landowner, after that the girl was forcibly married to the Cossack Kuznetsov. But they did not love each other, soon the peasant fled to Alexander Sholokhov. He was born in the Ryazan province, served as a casher, headed the procurement office of Don-said. Mikhail was an illegitimate son, according to his father's documents was Anastasia's husband. And only in 1912. After his death, the lovers were married, then Alexander could "adopt" a native child.

In 1910, the family moved to Kargin's farm. There Sholokhov studied at church-parish school, after that he entered the gymnasium. But the young man managed to end only four classes because of the revolution began, he studied from 1914 to 1918. Later he graduated from tax courses, was an inspector. During the civil war, Misha served as a volunteer in a food detachment. He was also appointed teacher to eliminate illiteracy among adults.

In parallel with the work, Mikhail participated in the creation of the newspaper "New World", played in the performances of the Karginsky folk house. He even composed two plays for this institution, while maintaining anonymity. They were called "extraordinary day" and "General of the Victorious".

Moving to Moscow

When Misha turned 17, he decided to move to Moscow. Since 1922, Prosaik lived there, worked as a loader, a bricklayer and a bill. But he was always drawn to the literature, so in his spare time he visited the classes of the "Young Guard" circle. In the fall of 1923, Faken Sholokhov "Test" and "Three" were published in the print edition "Youthful True". Next year, readers were able to familiarize themselves with his story "Molenia".

After a successful debut, the writer published a few more his works, later they were all entered into the "Don Story" collections and the "Lazorus steppe". In many ways, Alexander Serafimovich helped him, who wrote the preface to one of the books of Prosaik. They met in 1925, until the end of their days Sholokhov was grateful to a friend for their support. He considered him one of the first teachers in his life.

Subsequently, Mikhail was educated. He graduated from the biological faculty of Moscow State University and the Historical and Philosophical Faculty of Rostov University. In Moscow State University named after Lomonosov, he met his future wife Maria, the daughter of the Cossack Ataman. She studied philology, after receiving a diploma, became the personal secretary of the prose.

Main Roman

In 1924, Mikhail Alexandrovich returns to his homeland. There he marries Maria Groslavskaya. Their marriage lasted to the death of the writer, four children were born in the family. They lived in Stanice Karginskaya, since 1926 moved to Voshenskaya. At the same time, the prose starts work on his most famous novel "Quiet Don". It described the fate of the Cossacks during the war years, the work consisted of several parts.

In 1928 and 1929 Two first epic books were seen. They were published in the publication "October". The third part appeared only after a few years, because there was a ban on publication from the government. This is due to the fact that in the novel sympathetically depicts the participants of the Anti-Bolshevik uprising. In 1932, readers were able to familiarize themselves with the third book, two years later, Mikhail finished writing the following part. But it turned out to be tremendous pressure, the work had to rewrite several times. In 1940, the last part of the fourth book was published.

It was the "quiet don" firmly entrenched in the world and Russian classics. He was transferred to many languages. In this novel, several plot lines are combined, he is considered one of the most striking examples of socialism. Maxim Gorky and Alexander Serafimovich highly appreciated the work of Sholokhov, starting with the first book of Epopie. They wrote enthusiastic reviews, in every way supported a colleague.

Simultaneously with the epic, another important novel of Prosaik was released. He was called "raised virgin", the plot was founded on the history of movement of 25-thousand. The first volume saw the light in 1932. The second part was temporarily lost, and only after the war it was possible to publish it. This work entered the school curriculum, his appearance became an important event in the literary life of the country. Also in the 30s, Sholokhov often wrote articles about culture and literature.

Years of war

During the Great Patriotic War, Mikhail Alexandrovich worked as a military correspondent. He collaborated with the publications of "True" and "Red Star". During this period, his stories "Science Hate", "On Don", "On the Smolensk direction" come out. In 1941, Prosaisov received a state award, for the money he bought four rocket plants for the army.

Also Sholokhov begins to publish chapters from the new novel called "They fought for their homeland." The final version of the book appeared only in 1969. Writer burned a manuscript, so only some of the chapters remain readers. In 1975, the book was fused by Sergey Bondarchuk.

Social activity

After the end of the war, the writer is hardly engaged in public operation. He joined the World Congress of Science and Culture Workers. Also Sholokhov was a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, in 1934 he was accepted into the Union of Writers. He also participated in the World Second World Council. Thanks to the prose, the movement of the "Union of Cossacks of the Don Troops" was organized.

In parallel, Mikhail continues to write. In 1956, an essay "The Fate of Man" was published. In 1965, Prosaisov received the Nobel Prize for the epic "Quiet Don". He donated these funds to the construction of a school in his native village. He was also awarded in different years by the Stalin Prize, Leninist, Literary Sophia and the International Peace Prize. Sholokhov was an honorary doctor of philological sciences in the Leipzig and Rostov University. In Scotland, he was chosen by Dr. right.

In the last ten years of Life, Prosper did not write anything practically. At his native village regularly came visitors from all over the world who wanted to chat with the writer. He moved two strokes and diabetes, after that metastase began to appear in the throat. For the twenty-first of February 1984, Sholokhov died from Lastani cancer.

Very brief biography (in two words)

Born on May 24, 1905 on the Krzilinsky farm (now Rostov region). Father - Alexander Mikhailovich Sholokhov (1865-1926). Mother - Anastasia Danilovna (1871-1942). In 1919 he graduated from Voshenskaya gymnasium. In 1922, he was sentenced to shooting for the exceeding power, later the sentence was replaced by 1 year of correctional work. In 1924 he married Maria Groslavskaya. I had 4 children from her - 2 boys and 2 girls. In 1928, the first two volumes of the novel "Quiet Don" wrote, and the last, fourth volume was published only in 1940. In 1965 he received the Nobel Prize. He died on February 21, 1984 in the village of Vyoshenskaya, Rostov region, aged 78 years. He was buried in the yard of his house in the village of Voshenskaya. The main works: "Silent Don", "the fate of a person", "they fought for their homeland", "raised virgin", "goal" and others.

Brief biography (detail)

Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov - Soviet Writer and public figure; Twice hero of socialist labor, a valid member of the AN, as well as the laureate of the Nobel Prize in Literature. Sholokhov was born on May 24, 1905 on Krzilinsky farm. Initially, he wore the surname of Kuznetsov, but in 1912 he replaced the Father's name - Sholokhov.

In 1910, his family moved to Karginsky's farm, where Mikhail did at home with a local teacher. Then 1 year the boy studied in Moscow in the men's gymnasium, and 3 years in the gymnasium in the Voronezh region. The study was forced to leave and return home in connection with the beginning of the First World War.

In 1922, the writer moved to Moscow for further learning. Here he met many poets a "Young Guard" mug. In 1923, his first feuilleton "Test" appeared in the newspaper "Junior truth". For him followed Faken "Three" and "Auditor". A year later, the story "Molenia" was published. In 1924, Sholokhov married the primary school teacher - Maria Groslavskaya.

In 1925, he met Alexander Serafimovich, who later called one of their first teachers. In the meantime, the stories of a young writer appeared in the journal, which were then combined into the "Lazzo Steppe" cycles and Don Stories. At the end of 1926, he began working on the book "Quiet Don". In 1932, the first volume of the book "Raised Coleno" was published, which shook the literary community of the country. The second volume appeared only in 1959.

During the Great Patriotic War, the writer worked as a military correspondent and often visited the front. At the same time, he began to publish parts of his new novel "They fought for their homeland." In 1965, Sholokhov, for the novel "Quiet Don," was awarded the Nobel Prize. After the war, he mainly engaged in public activities, and in recent years, invented fishing and hunting.

The writer died on February 21, 1984 in the village of Voshenskaya, Rostov region, aged 78 years. He is buried there, in the yard of his house on the bank of the Don River.

Video brief biography (for those who prefer to listen)

Rarely, whom from famous cultural figures manage to achieve world recognition and world fame in life. Creative life Mikhail Sholokhov happy exception. During his lifetime, he received the title of academician, the hero of socialist labor, became the laureate of the State and Leninist Prize, received the prestigious Nobel Prize. The writer was not only over the authorities, but also received a truly folk love and recognition of his talent. Life and creativity harmoniously "fited" into the biography of the country of socialism.

Biography Sholokhov Briefly

Mikhail Sholokhov was born on May 11, 1905 on the farm Krzilin Stanitsa Vyoshensk region Troops Donskoy. Childhood and adolescence Mikhail is full of contradictory facts, assumptions, up to the most fantastic, which the writer has never been publicly denied in life, but did not confirm. Actually, during this period, well-known, public people in our country did not like to talk about her personal life, and it was not accepted. The general public recently became known that Misha Sholokhov was an extramarital child, although by 8 years he wore the name of Cossack Kuznetsov and even had the ground as the son of the Cossack. But in 1913, a native father of the merchant A.M.Sholokhov him adopted him, and the boy lost all the Cossack privileges and became just the son of Misdenin. All these events, of course, put a mark on the character of Sholokhov. He tried to defend justice and, if possible, avoid lies. The family was not easy during the Civil War: For the Reds, they were exploiters, and for white - "non-resident".

In the 20s, after the end of the 4th grades of the gymnasium, Mikhail was in Moscow. He worked as a loader, black-upper and clerk. I got acquainted with the members of the literary mug and began to try myself as a writer.

Creativity Sholokhov

Like many young writers of the 20s, Mikhail Alexandrovich began with Watching Fakenov. Then he wrote several stories and in 1925 there is a collection of "Don Stories", and in 1926 another one - the "Lazorian steppe". These stories are full of sharp drama, which comes, sometimes, to tragism. It is impossible to call these works with talented or highly artistic, but they were consonant with taking place social change. Despite his youth, he managed to think much, so the events of his works are based on real events, and their heroes were written with living, and not fictional people. But, whether youthful maximalism, whether the desire to become as soon as possible among the winners, make his heroes somewhat sketchy, clearly divide them on red and white. Reds are always positive, and white - negative characters. The most popular plot of the young writer is a deadly confrontation between the Father and the Son, or between the native brothers, which is necessarily ends with blood, torture and death.

Epic "Silent Don"

Against the background of these not too strong works, the exit in 1928 of the first parts of the Roman-epic "Silent Don" made it possible to arise in question in the authorship, and Sholokhov had to provide a manuscript of Roman, drafts for examination, which confirmed the authorship of Mikhail Alexandrovich. Until this idea The plagiarism begins to agreed again. Most often, some doubts arise due to the fact that the work of such a scale requires not only big knowledge, but also greater experience. At the same time, they are completely missed from the view that the young writer was very energetic, had a phenomenal memory, and in On the 20s, memories of even white generals were available. Life, morals, the customs of the Don Cossacks, he knew not at first. Many, closely familiar with his life, believe that this novel is a lot of autobiographies. Especially this manifested in the throwing of her main character Grigory Melikhova which always tries to be honest and trying to find justice.

"Raised virgin"

The collectivization of the peasantry, which did not go around the Cossacks, moved the end of the "quiet Don" for an indefinite period. The expanded decoupling events produced a huge impression on Sholokhov. He even wrote a letter to Stalin, in which he expressed all the negative moments of this period. His vision of collectivization, somewhat in softened Option, it sets out in the novel "Raised virgin", which becomes a software product when studying modern literature. By 1940, Sholokhov ends the quiet don and nothing more than powerful and talented will come out of his feather. All the remaining years he will deal with state and public activities, constantly living on his beloved Don. He will die where he was born - in the village of Veshinskaya, Rostov region, in 1984.

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The purpose of the lesson:acquaintance with life and creativity MA Sholokhov; Repetition of the previously studied works of the writer; Fastening the skills of an audition of hearing.

Tasks lesson.

  • Continue to get acquainted with the life and creativity of the great Russian writer; show the originality and uniqueness, the value of creativity M.A.Sholokhov for Russian literature;
  • Develop the ability to choose the main thing, lead a brief lecture entry, to outline.
  • Educating moral qualities, aesthetic taste of students.

Type of lesson: Combined.


  • Multimedia installation.
  • Presentation "M.A. Sholokhov ".

So it does not happen to save all life in a chill. (M. A. Sholokhov)

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

2. Studying a new material.

Viewing a presentation is accompanied by a teacher's story and a conversation with students on previously studied works by M.A.Sholokhov. During the teacher's lecture, children make a brief summary of the lecture.

Note Slide Activity of teacher and students
Screensaver Sholokhov Mikhail Alexandrovich
Slide number 1. Born in the Voronezh province in 1905, died in 1984. Was and a deputy of the Supreme Council, and a member of the CPSU, and the Academician ... But is there a living person with his attitude and a civil war behind all this fence from dry numbers, and to collectivization?
Slide number 2. It may seem strange, but the scientific biography of M. A. Sholokhov has not yet been written. And meanwhile Sholokhov - the figure is extremely contradictory, reflecting the contradictions of the Soviet era itself, the events of which to this day will generate polar assessments, both in science and public opinion.
Slide number 3. Of course, any person characterizes first of all the environment in which he was born and grew up, family and his attitude towards her.
Slide number 4. Mom ... He is the only one. He himself taught her to read it. She was proud of them. During the bombing of July 8, 1942, it can be said, in front of his son, who arrived at her two days ago in order to treat him after severe contusion. She rejoiced, cried and blessed Stalin, with which Misha met the day before.
Slide number 5. The rest of his close, with pure political positions of that time is just dangerous. Spouse Maria Petrovna - the daughter of the Cossack Ataman. Her brother is the "servant of religious cult", twice repressed. Another closest relative, Vladimir Sholokhov, director of the local school is accused of the "religious views" at school, the children read the Bible.
Slide number 6. The literature of Sholokhov begins to engage in 1923, publishes Faken, later, the stories in which two starts are intertwined as strangely: comic and tragic. The first books are mass trades: "Aleshkino Heart", "Nauch".
Slide number 7. These works, the main theme of which - the Civil War, the activities of the prosperity, were subsequently included in the collection "Don Stories". Sholokhov here almost everything sharpens, hyperbolizes: death, blood, torture, hunger flour is deliberately naturalistic. A favorite story of a young writer, starting with the "Moles", is a fatal clash of the nearest relatives: the Father and the Son, the native brothers.
Video Fragment
Slide number 8. In 1925, Sholokhov begins work on the novel "Quiet Don", draws pictures of the pre-war life of the Cossacks, the events of the First World War. Almost immediately there are doubts about the authorship of the novel, too large knowledge and experience required a product of such a scale.
Slide number 9. But the young writer is full of energy, reads a lot (in the 1920s. Even the memories of white generals were available), asked the Cossacks in the Don farms about the "German" and civil wars, and the life and morals of the native don knows how no one.
Slide number 10. "Silent Don" - a story not only about the grand revolution, about the cataclyism, and experienced Russia, about a person who was in a terrible meat grinder of the Civil War, but also a story about dramatic, tragic love.
Slide number 11. Surprisingly writes about this Sholokhov: "Not Lazorova scarlet color, but a dog Blemal, Lyubia Lyja love blossoms. With meadow, Aksinha was reborn. As if who did notice on the face, the brand burned. Baba, at a meeting with her, were sophisticated, swung their heads after the girls were jealous, and she proudly carried her happy, but the immature head. "
Slide number 12. Sholokhov - a courageous man. Courage - at the twenty years to turn on the epic, not retreat and finish the "quiet Don" as he finished him. After all, Grigory Melekhov., Having been in red, and in white, having lost almost everything that I had, returning home, realizing that for any person the true values \u200b\u200bis the world, the house, children, and not at all class struggle.
Slide number 13. The courage of the writer was appreciated: for the novel "Quiet Don" Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov was assigned the Nobel Prize.
Slide number 14. The courage of Sholokhov is a relationship with Stalin. In the times of repression, the suffering people appealed for help to major figures of science, culture, art. "What we can do?! - Divorced those hands. - We are unable to help ... "And Sholokhov? .. He writes Stalin a stunning letter about the misfortune of the early 1930s:" Black hunger wings are spread over a quiet Don ... "Sholokhov stands for the son of A.Akhmatova-Lion Gumileva, helps the writer A. Pulatonov.
Slide number 15. Paradoxically, the next novel "raised virgin" is written in support for collectivization.
Slide number 16. The name is "raised virgin" - not Sholokhov gave Roman. He was stuck in the editorial office of the magazine. Copyright is true: "With blood and then", although not so beautiful. But Sholokhov would not be Sholokhov, if he wrote just Roman-Agitka: what a wonderful language of this work, what bright heroes! And the characters are simply shocked.
Slide number 17. To complete the work on the novel "Raised Coleno" Sholokhov prevented the war. The whole great domestic writer was the Military correspondent of Sovinformbüro, "Truth" and "Red Star", fought in battles near Smolensk and Rostov-on Don, saw the defeat of the fascists near Stalingrad.
Slide number 18. As every real writer, he, telling about the things of cruel and tragic, deeply believed in man, his good start. The top of this optimism, the vitality of the "Fate of Man" was the story.
Slide number 19. Sholokhov's story is a story about what a terrible tragedy is a war for a man, about the fate of the soldier who lost everything in this war, and a boy-orphan. It is not by chance that the writer says so about his heroes: "Two orphaned man, two grains."
VideoFragment (scene with Vanyushka)
Slide number 20. It is so touching, this scene is so emotioned, you are so worried about the fate of Andrei Sokolov, a man whose eyes "like aspushed as ashes", which involuntarily arises the desire to help, and many children respond to this trouble with their creativity.
Slide number 21. You can relate differently to the work of Mikhail Sholokhov, but one cannot forget one thing: he was truly the son of his century. And sometimes the writer under the severity of Noshi historical time was bent, but did not break, anyway, the main thing is to the descendants - the truth. Because he did not try to free himself from the time. And from the bitter destiny, the common fate with the people.

3. Summing up the lesson.

1. What's new learned today in the lesson from the life of MA Sholokhov?

2. How did you imagine the writer after the listened story?

3. What features of the personality M.Sholokhov were struck by you, surprised?

4. Explanation of the homework.

Finish the design of the abstract on life and creativity N.V.Gogol, taking advantage of the textbook material and electronic resources.

russian Soviet Writer and Kinoszenarist, journalist, Colonel

Mikhail Sholokhov

short biography


M. A. Sholokhov On May 24, 1905 was born on the farm Krzilin Voshenskaya village (now the Krzilinsky Sholokhovsky district of the Rostov region). At birth, I got the name - Kuznetsov, which was replaced in 1912 on the surname of Sholokhov.

Father - Alexander Mikhailovich Sholokhov (1865-1925) - The leaving from the Ryazan province, did not belong to the Cossacks, was "Shibaem" (bidding of livestock), sowed bread on the purchase of Cossack Earth, served as a customer in the commercial farm enterprise, managers on the steam mill and etc. The grandfather's grandfather was a merchant of the Third Guild, originally from the city of Zagaisk, he moved away from his big family to the top doner in the mid-1870s, acquired a house with a coup and engaged in buying grain.

Mother - Anastasia Danilovna Chernyak (1871-1942) - Cossack by Mother, daughter of a peasant-migrant on Don, former serfs Chernihiv province. For a long time was in the service in the Pansky estate of Yasenevka. The orphan was rapidly issued to the Popova's landowner, which served, for the son of the Static Ataman Kuznetsov. But afterwards she left her spouse and left Alexander Sholokhov. Their son Mikhail was born illegitimate and was recorded on the name of the official husband of Mother - Kuznetsov. Only after the death of the official husband, in 1913, the parents of the boy were able to get married in the Church of the farm Kargin (now Stanitsa Karginskaya), and Mikhail got the name of Sholokhov.

In 1910, the family left Krzilin's farm: Alexander Mikhailovich entered the service for the merchant to the village of Karginsky. Father invited Local Templar Timothy Timofeevich Mryhin for learning a boy of diploma. In 1914 he studied one year in Moscow in the preparatory class of a male gymnasium. From 1915 to 1918, Mikhail studied in the gymnasium of Boguchar Voronezh province. He graduated from four classes of gymnasium (for one desk sat with Konstantin Ivanovich Kargin - the future writer who wrote in the spring of 1930 the story "Bakhchevnik"). Before coming to the city of German troops, from the words of Mikhail, he threw his studies and went to the farm home. In 1920, the family moved to the village of Karginskaya (after the arrival of Soviet power), where Alexander Mikhailovich received the position of head of the head of the Don Protrod, and his son Mikhail became the clerk of the Stanic Revolutionary.

In 1920-1921, he lived with his family in Stanice Karginskaya. After the end of the Rostov tax courses, it was appointed to the post of food inspector in the village of Bukanovskaya, then joined the prospector, participated in the product. In 1920, the production chapter led by 15-year-old Sholokhov was captured to Makhno. Then he thought he was shot, but he was released.

On August 31, 1922, during the work by the Static Tax Intector, M. A. Sholokhov was arrested and was in the district center under investigation. He was sentenced to shooting. "I led a cool line, and the time was cool; I chibko, I was a commissarial, was judged by the revallement for the exceeding power ... - told the writer later. - I waited for death for two days ... And then they came and released ... ". Until September 19, 1922, Sholokhov was in custody. The father gave a major cash pledge for him and took on the lead to the court home. The parents brought a new metric to court, and he was released as a minor (in a new metric, age decreased by 2.5 years). It was already in March 1923. Then "Troika" were judged, sentences endured strict. Believe that he was a minor, it was not difficult, as Mikhail was a little growth and looked like a boy. The shooting was replaced by another punishment - the Tribunal took into account his minor. He was given one year of correctional work in a colony for minors and sent to Bolshevo (near Moscow).

In Moscow, Sholokhov tried to continue their education, and also tried his strength in writing work. However, it was not possible to enroll on the preparatory courses of Rabafaka due to the lack of demands required for the receipt of the employment and directions of the Komsomol. According to the same way, he worked as a loader, a handyman, a bricklayer. According to others, it worked in the house management of the working housing and construction cooperative "Take an example!", Whose chairman was L. G. Mirumov (Mirumyan). He was engaged in self-education, took part in the work of the Literary Group "Young Guard", attended training classes, which V. B. Shklovsky, O. M. Bric, N. Aseev. Entered the WLKSM. Active assistance in the arrangement of the daily Moscow life M. A. Sholokhov and in promoting the first literary works with his autograph, a personnel officer of ECU GPU, Bolshevik with pre-revolutionary experience - Leon Galustovich Mirumov (Mirumyan), with whom M. A. Sholokhov met in Stanitsa Voshenskaya even before arrival in Moscow.

In September 1923, signed by Mich. Sholokh "in the Komsomol newspaper" Youthful True "(" Young Leninet ") (now -" Moscow Komsomolets ") was printed by Faketon -" Testing ", a month later, a second fellower appeared -" Three ", and then the third -" auditor ". In December 1923, M. A. Sholokhov returned to Karginskaya, and then in the village of Bukanovskaya, where she launched to Lydia Groslavskaya - one of the daughters of the former Static Ataman Peter Yakovlevich Groslavsky. But the former Ataman said: "Take Mary, and I will make a person from you." On January 11, 1924, M. A. Sholokhov married the eldest daughter - Maria Petrovna Groslavskaya (1901-1992), which worked as a primary school teacher (in 1918 M. P. Gromoslavskaya, studied in the Ust-Medvytsky gymnasium, the director of which at that time Considered F. D. Kryukov).

The first story "Beasts" (subsequently "PROD command"), sent by M. A. Sholokhov in Almanac "Molodogwarder", was not adopted by the editor. On December 14, 1924, the story "The Young Leninet" came out the story of "Molenia", which opened the cycle of Don Story: "Shepherd", "Ilyukha", "Foam", "Lazorne steppe", "Family man", "Mortal Enemy", "Moor And others. They were published in the Komsomol periodic, and then amounted to three compilations who came out one after another: "Don Stories", "Lazoroic Steppe" (both - 1926) and "About Kolchak, Net and other" (1927).

After returning to Karginskaya in the family, Svetlana's eldest daughter (1926, Art. Karnish) was born, then the sons Alexander (1930-1990, Rostov-on-Don), Mikhail (1935, Moscow), Mary's daughter (1938, Voshenskaya).

In 1938, Sholokhov was threatened to go to prison, because Chekist Evdokimov petitioned about the arrest of Stalin.

A family

1923, December. Departure M. A. Sholokhov from Moscow to the village of Karginskaya, to the parents, and together with them - in Bukanovskaya, where his bride Lydia Lydia lived in Lydia and the future wife of Maria Petrovna Groslavskaya (since their father Peter Yakovlevich Groslavsky insisted on the marriage M. A. Sholokhov on the eldest daughter Mary).

1924, January 11th. Wedding M. A. and M. P. Sholokhov in the Pokrovskaya Church of the village Bukanovskaya. Marriage registration in the sublinelkovsky registry office (Stanja Kumylezhenskaya).

1930, May 18th. The birth of the son of Alexander. Place of birth - Rostov-on-Don. Alexander was married to Viola Goshev - Daughter of Prime Minister Bulgaria Anton Yugova.

1942, June. In the bombardment of the village of Vyoshenskaya in the courtyard of the house M. A. Sholokhov died a writer's mother.


  • "Molenia" (story)
  • "Don Stories"
  • "Silent Don"
  • "Raised virgin"
  • "They fought for their homeland"
  • "The Fate of Man"
  • "Science Hate"
  • "The Word of the Motherland"

Early stories

In 1923, Fakeno M. A. Sholokhov is published in newspapers. Starting from 1924, his stories appear in magazines, united subsequently into the "Don Stories" and "Lazorus Steppe" collections (1926).

"Silent Don"

Russian and world fame Sholokhov brought the novel "Quiet Don" (1928 - 1-2 TT., 1932 - 3 tons, 4 t. Published in 1940) about the Don Cossack in the First World and Civil Wars; This product that combines several plot lines is called epic. The communist writer, during the civil war for the side of the Red, Sholokhov, a significant place in the novel pays to the White Cossacks, and his main character - Grigory Melekhov - at the end of the narration it does not "come to red." This caused the complaints of communist criticism; However, such an ambiguous novel was personally read by I. V. Stalin and approved to print them.

During World War II, "Quiet Don" was translated into European languages \u200b\u200band gained popularity in the West, and after the war it was translated into oriental languages, in the east, the novel was also successful.

"Raised virgin"

Roman "Raised virgin" (t. 1 - 1932, vol. 2 - 1959) is devoted to collectivization on the Don and the movement of 25-thousand people. The author's assessment of the collection of collectivization has been expressed here; Images of major characters and collectivization pictures are ambiguous. The second volume of "raised virgin" was lost during the Great Patriotic War and was restored later.

Military works

Subsequently, M. A. Sholokhov published several passages from the affected novel "They fought for their homeland" (1942-1944, 1949, 1969), the story "The Fate of Man" (1956). In 1941-1945, working as a military correspondent, published several essays ("on the Don", "in the south", "Cossacks", etc.) and the story "Science of Hate" (1942), and in the first postwar years - several journalistic Texts of the patriotic direction ("Word about Motherland", "The struggle continues" (1948), "Light and darkness" (1949), "not to leave the executioners from the court of peoples!" (1950), etc.).

Nobel Prize

In 1958 (in the seventh time), Boris Pasternak was put forward to the Nobel Prize in literature. In March 1958, Sweden visited the delegation of the Union of Writers of the USSR and found out that among those nominated together with Pasternak are called Sholokhov's names, Ezra Punda and Alberto Moravia. Secretary of the Board of the Union of Writers of the USSR Georgy Markov said "What among the highest circles<Шведской> Academy There is a certain opinion in favor of Pasternak "what would need to oppose the publication of materials "On the international popularity of Sholokhov, about his broad fame in the Scandinavian countries".

It would be desirable through the cultural workers close to us to give to understand the Swedish public that in the Soviet Union would highly appreciate the award of the Nobel Prize Sholokhov.

It is also important to make it clear that Pasternak as a writer does not enjoy recognition from the Soviet writers and progressive writers of other countries.

In 1958, Boris Pasternak was awarded the Nobel Prize of Literature. In the official Soviet circles, the award of the Pasternak award was perceived negatively and resulted in the story of the writer, under the threat of deprivation of citizenship and expulsion from the USSR Pasternak was forced to abandon the Nobel Prize.

In 1964, the French writer and philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre refused the Nobel Prize in Literature. In his statement, in addition to personal reasons for the rejection of the award, he also indicated that the Nobel Prize became "Western Higher Cultural Instant" and expressed regret that the prize was not awarded Sholokhov and that "The only Soviet work that received a prize was a book published abroad and prohibited in the native country". The rejection of the premium and the statement of Sartre predetermined the choice of the Nobel Committee next year.

In 1965, Sholokhov received the Nobel Prize in literature "For the artistic strength and integrity of the epic on the Don Cossacks in a turning point for Russia." Sholokhov is the only Soviet writer who received the Nobel Prize with the consent of the USSR leadership. Mikhail Sholokhov did not bow to Gustav Adolf Vi, handed over to the award. According to one sources, it was done intentionally, with words: "We, Cossacks, do not bow to anyone. Here, before the people, please, but before the king I will not and everything ... ".

In 2016, the Swedish Academy published a list of 90 nominees for the 1965 premium on his website. It turned out that academics discussed the idea of \u200b\u200bdividing the award between Anhmatova and Mikhail Sholokhov.

Sholokhov vs. Sinyavsky and Daniel

In 1966 he spoke at the XXIII Congress of the CPSU and spoke about the process of Sinyavsky and Daniel:

Cutting these young people with a black conscience in the memorable 20s, when they were tried without relying on strictly distinguished articles of the Criminal Code, but guided by revolutionary legal consciousness ... (Stormy applause)... oh, not the best of punishment would have received these werewolves! (Stormy applause). And here, you see, they still argue about the severity of the sentence! I would also like to turn to the national defenders of Pascvillents: Do not worry, dear, for the safety of our critics. We support and develop criticism, it sounds sharply and at the current Congress. But slander is not a criticism, and the dirt from the puddles is not paint from the artist's palette!

This statement made a figure of Sholokhov odious for some part of the creative intelligentsia in the USSR and in the West.

Sholokhov M. A. Against Solzhenitsyn, Sakharov, 1973

  • Sholokhov M. A. Signed a letter of a group of Soviet writers to the editorial office of the newspaper "Pravda" on August 31, 1973 about Solzhenitsyn and Sakharov.

Last years

Until the end of the days, he lived in his house in Voshenskaya (in our time the museum). The Stalinist Prize conveyed to the Defense Fund, the Lenin Prize for Roman "Raised Coleno" transferred to the Karginsky village council of the Baskovsky district of the Rostov region for the construction of a new school, Nobel - to the construction of a school in Voshenskaya. He was fond of hunting and fishing. Since the 1960s, actually moved away from the literature. The writer died of larynx cancer on February 21, 1984. Mikhail Sholokhov was buried in the village of Veshebnskaya on the bank of Don, but not in the cemetery, but in the courtyard of the house in which he lived.

Membership in organizations

  • WCP (b) since 1932, delegate XVIII-XXVI congresses;
  • CPSU Central Committee since 1961;
  • deputy Sun USSR 1-10 convocations (since 1937);
  • actual member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1939).

Awards and Prize

  • Leninsky Prize (1960) - for the novel "Raised Coleno" (1932-1960).
  • Stalin's first degree premium (1941) - for the novel "Quiet Don" (1928-1940).
  • Nobel Prize in Literature (1965) - "For the artistic strength and integrity of the epic on the Don Cossacks in a turning point for Russia."
  • international Peace Prize in the Field of the World Council of Peace.
  • international Literary Prize "Sofia".
  • international Lotus Prize Writers of Asian and Africa.
  • double Hero of Socialist Labor (1967, 1980).
  • six Orennov Lenin (1939, 1955, 1965, 1967, 1975, 1980).
  • order of the October Revolution (1972).
  • order of the Patriotic War I degree (1945).
  • medal "For the defense of Moscow".
  • medal "For Defense of Stalingrad".
  • medal "For the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.".
  • medal "Twenty years of victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.".
  • Medal "Thirty years of victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945"
  • medal "For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.".
  • gold medal named after Alexander Fadeeva (1972).
  • order "Georgy Dimitrov" (1975) (Bulgaria).
  • order "Kirill and Methodius" I degree (1975) (Bulgaria).
  • order "Star of Friendship of Peoples" I degree (German Democratic Republic).
  • order of the Suke Bator (Mongolia).
  • Honorary Doctor of Sciences of Rostov State University, University of Leipzig named after Karl Marx, Saint Andrews University (Scotland).


Lilac "Sholokhov"

Memorial museums

  • State Museum-Reserve M. A. Sholokhov (Rostov region)
  • Memorial Museum M.A.Sholokhov in Western Kazakhstan
  • House-Museum M. A. Sholokhov in Nikolaevsk of the Nikolaev district (Volgograd region)

In Filateli


    Problem of authorship of texts

    The problem of the authorship of texts published under the name of Sholokhov, rose back in the 1920s, when "Silent Don" was published for the first time. The main reason for the doubts of the opponents in the authorship of Sholokhov (both then, and at a later time) was the unusually young age age of the author who created, and in a very short time, such a grand work, and especially the circumstances of his biography: the novel demonstrates a good acquaintance with the life of the Don Cossacks , Knowing many locations on Don, the events of the First World and Civil War, when Sholokhov was a child and a teenager. The researchers respond to this argument that the novel was written by Sholokhov not at 20 years old, but wrote for almost fifteen years. The author spent a lot of time in the archives, often communicated with people later by the famous prototypes of the heroes of the novel. According to some reports, the prototype of Grigory Melekhova was the colleague of the father of Sholokhov Harlampy Yermakov, one of those who stood at the head of the Vyeshen uprising; He spent a lot of time with a future writer, telling about himself and what she had wondered. Another argument of opponents is low, according to some critics, the artistic level of Sholokhov "Don stories" preceding the novel.

    In 1929, at the direction of I. V. Stalin, a commission was formed under the leadership of M. I. Ulyanova, which was investigating this issue and confirmed the authorship of M. A. Sholokhov based on the manuscripts of the novel. In the future, the manuscript was lost and was discovered only in 1999. The main argument of supporters of the sole authorship of Sholokhov until 1999 was considered a draft autograph of a significant part of the text of the "quiet don" (more than a thousand pages), found in 1987 and stored at the Institute of World War RAS. Supporters of the authorship of Sholokhov always claimed that this manuscript testifies to a thorough author's work on the novel, and the previously unknown history of the text explains the mistakes marked by their opponents and contradictions in the novel. In addition, in the 1970s, the Norwegian Slavist and Mathematician Geir Hyetso held a computer analysis of the undisputed texts of Sholokhov, on the one hand, and the "quiet dona", on the other, and came to the conclusion about the authorship of Sholokhov. The weighty argument was also that the action of the novel occurs in the places relaxed for Sholokhov, and many of the characters of the book have their own prototypes of people whom Sholokhov knew personally. In 1999, after many years of searches, the Institute of World Literature. A. M. Gorky wounds managed to find those who were considered lost manuscripts of the 1st and 2nd books of "Quiet Don". Conducted three examinations: the graphological, texture and identification, certified the authenticity of the manuscript, its belonging to his time and with scientific validity was solved by the problem of the authorship of the quiet Don, after which supporters of the authorship of Sholokhov found their position unconditionally proven. In 2006, the facsimile edition of the manuscript was issued, which makes it possible to make sure in the authentic authorship of the novel.

    Nevertheless, a number of supporters of the version of the plagiarism on the basis of their own analysis of texts remained with their opinion. It comes down to the fact that Sholokhov, apparently, was found the manuscript of an unknown white Cossack and was redesigned, since the original would not have passed the Bolshevik censorship and, perhaps, the manuscript was still "raw." Thus, Sholokhov was created his manuscript, but on someone else's material.