Lead means not to interfere with good people. Brilliant quotes Sergey Kapitsa

Lead means not to interfere with good people. Brilliant quotes Sergey Kapitsa
Lead means not to interfere with good people. Brilliant quotes Sergey Kapitsa

Peter Kapitsa / Petr Kapitsa

Peter Kapitsa is a peace scientist. Rostyford's favorite student, one of the founders of low-temperature physics and physics of strong magnetic fields, the Nobel laureate, which was called somehow "Russian atomic king", and today they will certainly dubbed the "genius of the military-industrial complex". The owner of a multitude of awards - (Lenin's orders he had six), the initiator of the creation and almost permanent director of the Institute of Physical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

This man had one weakness - loved to express in letters, who wrote to everyone since childhood: native, beloved women, colleagues. When it became necessary, he decided to address his messages to the authorities. 300 letters in the Kremlin, 50 of which personally Stalin, Peter Kapitsa wrote and sent, trying to protect scientists.

In the old years, Kapitsa, who was never a member of the Communist Party, using all his authority, criticized the trend in the Soviet Union to make judgments on scientific matters, based on unscientific basis. He opposed the construction of a pulp and paper plant, who threatened to pollute Lake Baikal in his wastewater. Together with Andrei Sakharov and other representatives of the intelligentsia signed a letter with a protest against the compulsory conclusion in the psychiatric hospital of the biologist Zhorses Medvedev. In 1973, contrary to persistent persons of the President of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR M.V. Keldysh, refuses to put his signature under a letter, brazing shame Andrei Sakharov. On August 29, this letter signed by 40 academicians is typing "True". Kapitsa was a member of the Soviet Committee of the Paguic Movement for peace and disarmament. The initiator of this movement was Albert Einstein (Nobel Prize winner in 1921 physics). The first conference was held in the Canadian city of Paguze in 1957. He also expressed several proposals for the ways to overcome the alienation between the Soviet and American sciences. On May 5, 1976, 10 years old to Chernobyl in the report "Global Problems and Energy", read at the University of Stockholm, warns of threatening danger. Talking about the accident at the American NPP "Browns Ferri", notes: "... The accident showed that mathematical methods of calculating the probability of such incidents are not applicable, since, as it was in this case, the probabilities of what happens due to errors in people's behavior " Trying to print this report in the magazine "Science and Life", which came out by three million editions. The editorial office rejects, explaining his refusal to the reluctance to "scare people." Refuses to publish the report and the Swedish magazine "Ambio", referring to the lack of funds for the translation from Russian to English. All materials on the accident at Browns Ferri, which Kapitsa receives from familiar American physicists, he immediately reports to the President of the Academy of Sciences and the Director of the Atomic Energy Institute A.P. Alexandrov.

Kapitsa was awarded many awards and honored ranks both in his homeland and in many countries of the world. He was an honorary doctor of eleven universities at four continents, consisted of a member of many scientific societies, the United States Academy of America, the Soviet Union and most European countries, was the owner of numerous awards and premiums for their scientific and political activities, including seven orders of Lenin.

Peter Kapitsa - Life, given by science

Soviet physicist Peter Leonidovich Kapitsa was born in Kronstadt, the Naval Fortress, located on the island in Finnish Bay near St. Petersburg, where His Father Leonid Petrovich Kapitsa, Lieutenant-General of the Engineering Corps. Mother P. Kapitsa Olga Jeronimovna Kapitsa, nee St Barbnitskaya, was a famous teacher and a collector of folklore. At the end of the gymnasium in Kronstadt, in 1912, Kapitsa arrived at the Electromechanical Faculty of St. Petersburg Polytechnic Institute.

In the summer of 1913, he traveled with Brother Leonid, a student of the Geographical Faculty of St. Petersburg University, north - they visited Arkhangelsk, Solovetsky Islands, the coast of the Barents Sea. In the fishing villages, the brothers spend an anthropological examination of the pomps, collect ethnographic material and study the production of fish oil. In the Illustrated Journal "Argus" published article "Fish oil". On June 8, 1916, he went to China for his bride with the hope of Cyril Crylovna, who lived in Shanghai, in the family of Brother, an employee of the Russian-Asian bank. On August 6, they got married. In the "magazine of the Russian Physico-Chemical Society", Kapitsa publishes its first scientific work "Inertia of electrons in ampere molecular currents" and "Preparation of Vollaston threads". On July 5, 1917, his son is born to Jerome. In September 1918, Peter Kapitsa ends the institute and receives the title of an electrician engineer.

He taught the next three years at the same institute. Under the direction of A.F. Ioffe, the first in Russia began to research in the field of atomic physics, Peter Kapitsa, together with his classmate, Nikolai Semenov developed a method for measuring the magnetic moment of an atom in an inhomogeneous magnetic field, which in 1921 was improved by Otto Stern.

In winter, 1920, during the Spaniard Influenza epidemic, he loses his father, son, wife and a newborn daughter during the month.

On May 22, 1921, Peter Kapitsa arrives in England as a member of the Commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences, aimed at Western European countries to restore scientific relations, defended by the war and revolution, and the acquisition of instruments and scientific literature. In July, he together with A.F. Ioffe visits Ernst Rostford in Cambridge and asks for accepting it to the Cambridge University Cambridge Laboratory for internship. July 22, he proceeds to work. Kapitsa quickly won the respect of Rutherford and became his friend. Rutherford had a great influence on him and the Kapitsa borrowed from his Matra many sayings: "Science - Big Science - always moved and will move the technical thought", "What is the difference between theory and experiment? The experiment remains forever, "" Do not serve God and Mamon, "etc.

The first studies conducted by Kapica in Cambridge were devoted to the deviation of the alpha and beta particles emitted by the radioactive cores in the magnetic field. The creation of unique equipment for measuring the temperature effects associated with the influence of strong magnetic fields on the properties of a substance, for example, on magnetic resistance, led Kapitsa to the study of the problems of low-temperatures physics. The top of his work in this area was the creation in 1934 an unusually productive installation for the liquefaction of helium.

In Cambridge, scientific authority Kapitsa rapidly grew. He successfully moved along the steps of the academic hierarchy. On October 17, 1922, the first meeting of the physical seminar created by him in Cambridge was held, which later received the name "Capital Club". In 1923, Kapitsa became a Ph.D. and received the prestigious scholarship of James Clerk Maxwell. In 1924, he was appointed Deputy Director of the Cavendish Laboratory for Magnetic Studies, and in 1925 he became a member of Trinity College. In 1928, the Academy of Sciences of the USSR appropriated a scientific degree of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences and in 1929 elected him by his correspondent member. Next year, Peter Kapitsa becomes a professor of researcher of the London Royal Society. At the insistence of Rangeford, the royal society is building a new laboratory specifically for the capital. The opening of the Mondovskaya Laboratory took place on February 3, 1933

On April 28, 1927, Kapitsa marries Paris on Anna Alekseevna Krylova, the daughter of the famous shipbuilder Academician A.N. Krylova. In 1919, she had emigrated from Russia with his mother. On June 22, 1927, the decision of the USSR CEC, Anna Alekseevna, receives Soviet citizenship. February 14, 1928, his son Sergei was born, who became a physicist.

On July 9, 1931, Peter Kapitsa is born by Son Andrei. Andrei became a famous publicist and geographer. He is a Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences since 1970 and RAS since 1991, a member of the four Antarctic Expeditions, Head of the Geophysical Expedition of An En in Eastern Africa (1967-69). Posted by labor on the dynamics and morphology of the Ice Covering of Eastern Antarctica. Received the USSR State Prize in 1971

Soviet officials have repeatedly referred to Peter Leonidovich with a request to stay for permanent residence in the USSR. Kapitsa referred to interest in such proposals, but put certain conditions, in particular freedom of trips to the West, because of which the solution was postponed. At the end of the summer of 1934, Kapitsa, together with his wife, once again came to the Soviet Union, but when the spouses prepared to return to England, it turned out that their field visas were canceled. After a fierce, but useless skirmish with officials in Moscow, Kapitsa was forced to stay in his homeland, and his wife was allowed to return to England for children. A few later Anna Alekseevna joined her husband in Moscow, and children arrived after her. Rutherford and other friends of Kapitsa appealed to the Soviet government asking him to allow him to leave for continuing to work in England, but in vain.

On January 1, 1935, Kapitsa became the director of the newly created Institute of Physical Problems of the USSR Academy of Sciences, but before giving consent, Kapitsa almost refused the proposed post. Rutherford, having resigned with the loss of his outstanding employee, allowed the Soviet authorities to buy the Monda laboratory equipment and send it by sea in the USSR. Negotiations, transport of equipment and installation of it at the Institute of Physical Problems took several years. In 1937, the Institute of Physical Problems begins to work the physical seminar P.L. Kapitsa - "Headfit", as it began to be called in the future, when he turns into a communionally institution and even the All-Union.

Kapitsa renews its research on low temperature physics, including the properties of liquid helium.

In 1937, he writes Stalin in defense of the theorist's physicist Vladimir Alexandrovich Foka, arrested on the eve of Leningrad. A few days later, Fock was released. On April 6, 1938, he writes Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov and on April 28 Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin in defense of the arrested on charges of espionage in favor of Nazi German Lion Landau, head of the theoretical department of the Institute of Physical Problems. April 28, Landau was released. For this, the capital had to go to the Kremlin and controversial in case of refusing to resign from the post of Director of the Institute. In his reports, the government authorized Kapitsa openly criticized those solutions that were considered wrong.

In 1941, the capital was awarded the Stalin Prize 1st degree for the work "Turbodetander to produce low temperatures and its use for air liquefaction." On July 23, the Institute of Physical Problems was evacuated to Kazan. In October, he attracted the attention of the public, performing a warning about the possibility of creating an atomic bomb. Perhaps he was the first of the physicists who made a similar statement on March 2, 1943, he was awarded another Stalin Prize of the 1st degree, for the opening and study of the phenomenon of liquid helium superfluidity. In August, the referee is being completed in Moscow of the Institute of Physical Problems.

On April 30, 1945, the title was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor "For the successful scientific development of a new turbine method for obtaining oxygen" and for creating a powerful turbo acid plant for the production of liquid oxygen.

On August 20, 1945, the GCO Resolution creates a special committee for leadership "by all the work on the use of uranium intransment energy". In the initial composition of the Committee, only two physics - Peter Kapitsa and Igor Kurchatov. Referring to the conflict with the Chairman of the Special Committee of the Lavrentation of Pavlovich Beria, Kapitsa in letters to Stalin from October 3 and November 25 asks to free it from work in the Committee. December 21, his request is satisfied.

From 1947 to 1949 he was the head of the Department of General Physics of the Physics and Technical Faculty of Moscow State University, one of whose founders he was. In 1951 This faculty is transformed into the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (well-known physical). Alternately with Lvom Davidovich Landau, he reads the course of general physics.

On January 28, 1955, he was restored as director of the Institute of Physical Problems and was in this position until the end of life. On June 3, he became the editor-in-chief of the "Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics".

In 1969, Kapitsa, together with his wife, first traveled a trip to the United States. Kapitsa was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1978. For fundamental inventions and discoveries in the field of low-temperatures physics. " He divided his award with Arno Allan Penzias and Robert Woodrow Wilson. Representing the laureates, Lamek Khulten from the Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences noted: "Kapitsa appears to us as one of the greatest experimenters of our time, an indisputable pioneer, leader and master in their field."

Peter Kapitsa died in Moscow on April 8, 1984, without surviving three months to his ninety-humanity. Buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow.

Sergey Petrovich Kapitsa - Born on February 14, 1928, Cambridge, England (from 1935 he lived in the USSR). Soviet and Russian scientist-physicist, TV presenter, editor-in-chief of the magazine "In the World of Science". Since 1973, a scientific and popular TV program "Obvious - incredible" has permanently. Died - August 14, 2012, Moscow.

Quotes, aphorisms, statements, phrases - Kapitsa S.P.

  • Russia is converting fools into the country.
  • Before acting, you need to understand.
  • Life is directed not by logic, but emotions.
  • Television is engaged in the decomposition of people's consciousness.
  • The lack of competent management hurts on science.
  • Neon understanding of certain things does not mean the presence of God.
  • Lead - It means not to interfere with good people work.
  • Culture must be planted! Even strength. Otherwise, we all wait for the collapse.
  • Collect the herd from the rams is easy, it is difficult to collect a flock of cats.
  • The Internet will change the contours of the right to intellectual property.
  • 50 years ago on Rublevka was the same bicycle, how many cars are now.
  • Mathematics is what Russians teach the Chinese in American universities.
  • Only contradiction stimulates the development of science. It must be emphasized, and not to lure.
  • What will remain after the current generation? Their eshams will be published as descendants?
  • In a woman can push vulgarity. Sometimes she attracts, so go scratch.
  • Money is not the purpose of the existence of society, but just a means of achieving certain goals.
  • What is my main discrepancy with the church? I say that this is a man of God formed, but they are the opposite.
  • If we obey all the money, then everything will remain money, they will not turn into a masterpiece or discovery.
  • History for a long time was a "adjective science" - her "applied" to the point of view of a ruler.
  • Large figures do not let them close to people. Richter did not let me. Father - too. They appreciated themselves and their time.
  • I have everything you need - there is a cottage on Nikolina Mountain, there is an apartment in Moscow, a car and a computer. Nothing more needs, except ideas.
  • Television, this is the strongest means of interaction of people, is now in the hands of those who are completely irresponsible treats their role in society.
  • Some are afraid that, having lost God, we will lose the remnants of conscience. I do not see any contradictions here. I think you can live on conscience and at the same time not to believe in God.
  • If instead of billion, which are spent on the armed forces, there would be millions on education and health care, then for terrorism there would be no place for terrorism.
  • The costume disciplines a man internally organizes. Sometime BBC radioodicles read news in tuxedo and evening dresses, although they have not seen the listeners.
  • Moscow, despite many things that annoy me, still my city. You need to be able to filter all this. Each person should have filters from spam.
  • We deprive the poorest segments of the fact that they have no access to the Internet, we expect them information, thereby driving in even greater poverty. Internet access should have everything.
  • Women used to dress more boring. Now the colossal range: from the monstrous bembensiveness to very decently dressed people. But the second notice for some reason much less often than before.
  • Attempts to execute the largest achievements of science as someone's discoveries are only a way to satisfy the pride of their authors. In fact, these achievements belong to humanity as a whole.
  • If you depict the clever before people, speak with them on some foreign language - they do not forgive you. If you speak seriously and they do not understand - they will be for you.
  • Not a computer can bring a person, but the Internet. A wonderful Russian psychologist Alexey Leontyev said in 1965: "An excess of information leads to the cloint of the soul." These words should be written on each site.
  • For modern physics, an experimenter, you need about a million per year - on the instruments, on the entire infrastructure that provides its research. Yes, it is expensive pleasure, but the boutique on Gorky Street is more expensive.
  • I knew Akunin when he was still a scientist secretary of our editorial board "Pushkin Library", which issued a hundred volumes of Russian literature. I am attracted to his detectives that his detective is like a state person is responsible for the entrusted cause, for the interests of the country. Responsibility is a concept that has practically disappeared now.
  • Nowhere has not seen more thanced men than in America. They are in a terrible state are, aggressive feminism finishes them. I remember in Boston at the institute one respectable teacher, the Russian mathematician, was walking along the corridor, and some secretary carried printers. He opened the door to her, and she accused him of sexual harassment, although he had an instinctive movement: a heavy glare drags. There was a public scandal, and he had to leave the institute.

Son of the laureate of the Nobel Prize of Peter Leonidovich Kapitsa and the sickness laureate of the Nobel Prize Ivan Petrovich Pavlova, Sergey Kapitsa was included in the Guinness Book of Records as TV presenter with the longest experience of the program. Since 1973, a scientific and popular TV program "Obvious-Incredible" was permanently. Being scientists Thinker and the Educator, he left us many interesting and bright statements.

If instead of billion, which are spent on the armed forces, there would be millions on education and health care, then for terrorism there would be no place for terrorism.

History for a long time was a "adjective science" - she was "applied" to the point of view of a ruler.

If everything remains for money, then everything will remain money, they will not turn into a masterpiece or in the opening.

Television, the strongest means of interaction between people, is now in the hands of those who are completely irresponsible refers to their role in society.

What will remain after the current generation? Their SMS will be published as descendants.

Culture must be planted! Even strength. Otherwise, we all wait for the collapse.

Mathematics is what Russians teach the Chinese in American universities.

I am Russian Orthodox atheist.

For modern physics, an experimenter, you need about a million per year - on the instruments, on the entire infrastructure that provides its research. Yes, it is expensive pleasure, but the boutique on Gorky Street is more expensive.

Lead - It means not to interfere with good people work.

Not a computer can bring a person, but the Internet. A wonderful Russian psychologist Alexey Leontyev said in 1965: "An excess of information leads to the cloint of the soul." These words should be written on each site.

Take a look at the same computers. They have, roughly speaking, "iron" and software. Software is 10-20 times more expensive than "iron", because the product of intellectual work is much harder to create. So with humanity. "Iron" - energy, weapons - we have any way. And the software is to name this by cultural potential - lags behind.

It's time is already kind and important not only to build, but also to actively implement. After all, the same commandment "do not kill!" Does not require explanations - it requires execution.

Scientific and physicist Sergey Petrovich Kapitsa Does not need a special presentation. From 1973 to 2012, he remained a permanent leading scientific and popular TV program "Obvious - incredible" and argued that science can be entertaining and interesting.

Staying the editor-in-chief of the magazine "In the World of Science" and the Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Sergey Kapitsa told for many years about science, technology and culture so that it was understandable and interesting to everyone.

And to date, his bright quotes and thoughts are relevant more than ever:

  1. If instead of billionwho are spent on the armed forces, there would be millions on education and health care, then for terrorism there would be no place.
  2. Collect the herd from the rams is easy, it is difficult to collect a flock of cats.
  3. History for a long time was a "adjective science" - her "applied" to the point of view of this or that ruler.
  4. Only contradiction stimulates the development of science. It must be emphasized, and not to lure.
  5. Moscow, despite many things that annoy me, still my city. You need to be able to filter all this. Each person should have filters from spam.
  6. If you obey all the money, then everything will remain money, they will not turn into a masterpiece or opening.
  7. Television, the strongest means of interaction between people, is now in the hands of those who are completely irresponsible refers to their role in society.
  8. The main miracle is what we live.
  9. What will remain after the current generation? Their SMS will be published as descendants.
  10. In a woman can push vulgarity. Sometimes she attracts, so go scrape.
  11. The costume disciplines a man internally organizes. Sometime BBC radioodicles read news in tuxedo and evening dresses, although they have not seen the listeners.
  12. 50 years ago on Rublevka was the same bicycle, how many cars are now.
  13. Do you know what my main discrepancy with the church? I say that this man has come up with God, and they are that the opposite.
  14. Culture must be planted! Even strength. Otherwise we all wait for the collapse.
  15. Nowhere has not seen more thanced men than in America. They are in a terrible state are, aggressive feminism finishes them.
  16. Women used to dress more boring. Now the colossal range: from the monstrous bembensiveness to very decently dressed people. But the second notice for some reason much less often than before.
  17. Mathematics - this is what Russians teach the Chinese in American universities.
  18. I am Russian Orthodox atheist.
  19. For modern physics, an experimenter, you need about a million per year - on the instruments, on the entire infrastructure that provides its research. Yes, it is expensive pleasure, but boutique on Gorky Street is more expensive.
  20. Nothing prevents a person tomorrow to become smarter than he was yesterday.
  21. Lead - it means not to interfere with good people work.
  22. Not a computer can bring a person, but the Internet. A wonderful Russian psychologist Alexey Leontyev said in 1965: "An excess of information leads to the cloint of the soul." These words should be written on each site.

Current page: 1 (A total of 5 pages) [Available excerpt for reading: 1 pages]

Aphorisms and reflections Peter Leonidovich Kapitsa, his favorite parables, instructive stories, jokes
Cost. P.E. Rubinin

Published with the permission of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University) (MIPT)

Legal support for the publisher provides the law firm "Vegas-Lex".

© P.E. Rubinin, 1994.

© Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, 1994

© design. Mann, Ivanov and Ferber LLC, 2015

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This book complements this book:

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Preface of the publication partner

Dear readers, in the history of any science there are names that are known to everyone, even those who have never been interested in this particular science. Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein, Nikolay Lobachevsky and Dmitry Mendeleev, Chokan Valikhanov and Kanyash Satpayev - all this names-signs, names-symbols that resemble us about the immortality of genius, about the eternal scientific search, about human decency and civilian courage.

In this row, Peter Leonidovich's name Kapitsa occupies one of the first places. The largest physicist of the 20th century, an outstanding organizer of science, he lived a long and challenging life, retaining among the storms of the epoch devotion to moral ideals, loyalty to friends and constant optimism. For many years, he worked in the UK in close collaboration with an outstanding English physicist Ernest Rutherford and achieved an inaccessible honor for a foreigner: a laboratory was created specifically for him in Cambridge. After returning to the USSR, Kapitsa founded the Institute of Physical Problems and the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. Its main discoveries are associated with the phenomena of superfluidity of liquid helium and low temperature physics. He left behind several scientific schools at once, his numerous students and today continue to search at the forefront of modern science.

If the scale of the scientific genius of Peter Kapitsa, awarded for labor in the field of fundamental physics of the Nobel Prize, only specialists can fully assess, the scale of his human personality became clear to anyone who communicated with him - in many ways due to the fact that the interests of the scientist were not limited to Science sphere, but related to art, public life and even politicians.

The book that lies now in front of you is not scientific work. It is not designed not to physicists - or rather, not only in physicists, but at all who appreciate the sharpness of thought and the taggy word. She paints not a scientist, but a man - witty, funny, sometimes ulcer - especially in cases where he had to deal with human vices, first of all with cowardice, meanness and stupidity, which was abuse, including in all times Scientific environment.

Kapitsa never went to the attention of personal accounts. His judgments about people are always thinking about a person, about his merits and disadvantages, about what prevents living, and what helps to follow high ideals.

Aphorisms, jokes, witty statements and so-friendly scientists short parables and jokes were saved by his colleagues and students. The Scientific and Educational Foundation named after Academician Shammandan Yesenov, offering them today to the reader, pursues several goals. First, you can better understand one of the greatest scientists of the 20th century, see the front portrait of the Nobel laureate of a living and very cute man. Secondly, observations and the original judgments of the scientist will help you to look into yourself, to understand something, to overestimate, believe in our hand. And finally, you will make sure that the humor does not prevent a serious scientific search, and on the contrary, there is a hand hand with him, teaches to correctly evaluate his own mistakes, never lose the presence of the spirit, even after the hardest failure to go up to the feet and continue The path to the goal.

I wish you to enjoy this simple and truthful book, which Pavel Evgenievich Rubinin, a close friend and associate of Peter Leonidovich Kapitsa, created and left for us.

Galymzhan Esenov,

founder of the Scientific and Educational Fund named after Academician Shammardan Esenova


Maxima Kapitsy

Maxim people reveal their hearts.

F. Vovenarg

On the coffee table in the home office of Peter Leonidovich Kapitsa, next to the chair in which he rested, I often saw the old brown Tomik "Maxim" Larancy. The sayings of the classics are found in the reports and articles of the scientist, and one of the French aphorisms, with reference to Kapitsa, entered into a dictionary of foreign language expressions and words ", published in the publishing house" Science "in 1987. How it is impossible to better describe it: La Simplicité C'est La Plus Grande Sagesse (Easy is the biggest wisdom).

Peter Leonidovich and himself was a master of brief and capacious checks. And his statements, the Kapitsinski "laws" of everyday wisdom, sometimes born into the world right in front of his employees and students - in a living discussion, in a laboratory or at a meeting of the scientific council. No wonder the first selection of aphorisms and reflections, Kapitsa was compiled by his students back in 1964, when the 70th anniversary of Peter Leonidovich was hung at the Institute of Physical Problems. (It was published in the wall newspaper "Magnit".) The second selection of sayings Kapitsa was printed ten years later in the magazine "Nature", in the first room for 1975.

After the death of a scientist in April 1984, a richest personal archive remained, which for many years, during the life of Peter Leonidovich, put in order his wife, Anna Alekseevna. This work was instructed to continue to me who worked with Peter Leonidovich the last 29 years of his life. After analyzing the manuscript, I began to postpone in a separate folder notebooks, notepads and scattered sheets with draft sketches. Deciphering these records, sometimes very illegible, significantly replenished the assembly of the aphorisms of Kapitsa. I found a lot of sharp and taking observations in letters, which Kapitsa wrote Anna Alekseevna in Cambridge in 1935, when one on one with the totalitarian state was left. The authorities tried to break it, make a "manual" and submissive, but they did not succeed in them ... Some reflections of the Kapitsa of that year, the most, probably heavy in his life, help better understand the nature of this outstanding person. "Only courage, perseverance and honesty won in life," he wrote Anna Alekseevna on April 3, 1935.

Eleven years later, stretched by Stalin and Beria from the institute created by him, Kapitsa wrote in the notebook "for memory": "Make people of panties - easy. Make people brave - it's harder. " And then, on the same page: "Absolute honesty is needed in science."

Absolute honesty in combination with solid as a stone character and a complete lack of fear ("I am afraid only tickles," he wrote to his wife) and allowed him to live a happy and strikingly fruitful life. In full compliance with it, the established rule itself: "You can learn to be happy in any circumstances. Unhappy only one who comes into a deal with his conscience "...

The collection offered to the reader consists of four sections. The first is published aphorisms and reflections of the capital from his notebooks, manuscripts, letters corrected by the transcripts of lectures and performances, published reports and articles. These materials are located on thematic sections and as far as possible are dated. In the second section of the collection, brief replicas and speeches of Kapitsa are published at meetings of the Academic Council of the Institute of Physical Problems Recorded by the Secretary of the Council or Stenographer, as well as its saying of different years recorded by students and employees. The third section is the favorite quotes of Kapitsa, the saying of famous people, including Kozma Prutkov, who Peter Leonidovich led in their articles and reports. The book is completed with instructive stories, parables and jokes, which he loved to tell "to occasion." Oral stories are given on records made by the close friend of the Kapitsa family, Geographer Igor Alekseevich Zotikov, and a graduate of MFTI - Professor Yuri Mikhailovich Zipenyuk.

I would like to hope that this small book will be a useful reader and give him pleasure. He will smile and remember that even in the hardest year of his life, Kapitsa wrote: "Science should be cheerful, fascinating and simple. So must be scientists".

P. E. Rubinin

Aphorisms and reflections

About life

Life is similar to the card game, in which you play, not knowing the rules.

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All phenomena occurring in the material world are subject to the law of causality. In the processes occurring in the spiritual world, we admit the lack of compliance with the law of causality - and therefore allowing the existence of freedom of will. If the reality of the world is determined by its existence in our imagination, then its emergence could occur for no reason. This is the main advantage of idealistic worldviews. Materialism cannot explain the emergence of the world, without rejecting the law of causality.

It is necessary to proceed from what is possible. Life learn, and not to impose fictional forms.

Life is directed not by logic, but emotions.

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Happy can be learned to be in any circumstances. Unhappy only one who enters into a deal with his conscience.

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Only courage, perseverance and honesty won in life.

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In life, man with exposure always wins. And it is necessary to withstand not half an hour, but for years.

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The sequence is one of the main forces of a person.

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Make people of panties - it's easy. Make people brave - it's harder.

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Perseverance and excerpt is the only force with which people are considered.

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True patriotism is not in the praise of their homeland, but in its work and in correcting errors.

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The whole history of mankind consists of mistakes, and despite this, every government considers himself sinless. This is the law of nature, and he needs to obey.

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Why power should not always be guided by only the principles of rationality and efficiency, but still follow some rules of ethiation, that is, for example, to keep the word, spare a separate person and show generosity and so on, and so on. ... It is so clear to me that the ethical principles are very significant in managing people. Managed people must believe in their rulers, and in order to believe, they should feel in advance that the rulers want them from them, and to know that with those known, in advance predicted on the basis of the ethical conditions, the power will show themselves.

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I have a rule in life: a person who has ever selected, I never believe more.

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When it is impossible to speak in newspapers, public opinion is expressed in jokes.

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Everyone talks about shortcomings. Disadvantages are always. You need to talk about how to eliminate these shortcomings.

The ability to limit freedom in the country is the question of the good manner of the government.

Plannedness - restriction of personal initiative.

Rough violence is always stupid, a smart person will always find a way to make another to do what he wants, without explicit violence, so that this other is also good to do, that is, the path of violence is to be replaced by voluntary conspiracy.

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Almost every person can be made to be polite, as well as caused rudeness.

* * *

It is important not to press freedom.

Press the consciousness of freedom inexperienced government figures. To be happy, a person must imagine himself free. Just as [and believe] that his wife is true and he is the most beloved man.

[With] democratic management according to the desires of the majority, progress would be stopped, since the progressive began is focused in a small number of people (the advanced layer). Therefore, the democratic principle of human management only then acts when he is associated with a deception of others. Therefore, they say that politics is a dirty case. This is not a dirty case; But the deception is the necessary element of the democratic system, without it, it cannot function successfully.

* * *

There are two ways to limit human freedom: by violence and by raising conventional reflexes in it.

* * *

A person should be able to coordinate his actions with a real environment.

* * *

The person is mainly different from the animal by the fact that the animal adapts to nature, and a person who conquering nature, adapts her to himself. This is the main difference.

* * *

The nature and structure of society determine the selection selection of subsequent generations. The nature and structure of society are determined by its constitution and social system, but also its spiritual culture, the development of science, art, literature, the nature of family and public life. Ideals, the characters of society are determined [topics] who [in it] the most attractive grooms and brides: athletes, engineers, scientists, officials and others. This determines the nature of the reproduction of generation.

* * *

Economists are similar to fortune-law. They predict the future, believed to human psychology. Try scientifically to justify what he wants in the future.

* * *

I believe that money should turn around. The more you spend, the more you get - here is my motto!

* * *

The media is no less dangerous than mass destruction.

* * *

Just as a war, it is impossible to lead without weapons, it cannot be done without propaganda - this is the basic condition for the collective action of people.

* * *

Nothing in life does not clearly define the positions of things as a comparison.

* * *

The reason for the occurrence of global problems is well known: a person differs from the animal mainly by the fact that the animal adapts to nature, and the person reels it and adapts to its needs. In our age, with an increase in the population in the globe and the growth of material culture, the technical and energy processes began to be carried out, which began to change the nature of the whole globe.

* * *

In modern democratic society, the foundation of the management lies in the emotional impact on the masses, so it is small for solving scientifically substantiated global problems. That is why in the public structure there must be an authoritative apparatus that can independently solve global problems.

* * *

It is quite obvious that all global problems will have to be solved internationally. The main difficulty of implementing the necessary decisions will be that their requirements will often contradict the interests of individual countries. The main socio-political task comes down to how to subordinate the interests of individual states in the interests of all mankind.

* * *

Why and why do we exist? What is the main motive guides our activities? As you know, this question has not yet been an unequivocal and generally accepted solution. The reason for this is obvious that our thinking has a continuous nature that everything is real due to another real event. The phenomenon that emerged from nothing has a real philosophical base. The only way out of the current situation is the choice of a form of a religious basis, where there are many opportunities responding to a variety of tastes and people's requests. In addition, religion has a big advantage that accompanies these explanations with a whole series of instructions, as it should behave.

* * *

Time creates a person, not a man - time.

* * *

For millions of years of our existence on Earth, it led us to a deeper knowledge of the world designed, and this process will undoubtedly continue in the same direction. But while it is not clear how to answer the main question: why and why all this happens?

The world around the world also pays another major mystery: why is such a structure of the world? And while it makes us think that the mental activity of people represents an independent value for which the existing material world is only the base on which it can develop.

* * *

We all ultimately only tiny particles in a stream that call fate. The only thing we can do is just slightly change our way and stay on the surface.

* * *

Do not burn and not sad. Life allows the most difficult problems if they give it enough time to it.

About science

At the heart of the evolution, which is guided by the wisdom of nature, is a way of samples and errors. All those "samples", which were relevant to the requirements of evolution, developed. So there was a man. It took a lot of millions of years. The man began to transform his surrounding nature, too, by trial and mistakes. But the process of conquesting them from nature was based on the fact that he began to generalize the experience of successful samples, accumulating and transmitting it to other people. Thus, the mechanism of social inheritance arose and the need to repeat the samples and the mistakes made were excluded. The method of samples and errors to this day underlies the cognition of nature and is used to convert it. All that now limits the number of samples and errors that must be done to solve the task, can already be characterized as the beginning of the scientific approach.

The basis of the scientific patterns of the processes occurring in nature is a logical generalization of the experience gained from samples and errors. The value of the scientific approach for the development of civilization is determined by the fact that the acquired experience applies between people and is preserved over time. Therefore, the effect of science on the development of civilization has become increased with the development of writing and typography.

* * *

As it is well known, religion can freely neglect the laws of causality and therefore responds to issues that cannot have a scientific decision, such as the issue of the creation of the world, freedom of will, the presence of divine power and others. That is why there can be many religions, and science is only one - as a multiplication table.

* * *

It is asked what part of mankind will be in time to engage in science and arts? Here we can resort to the analogy in the style of Herbert Spencer. If you compare the state organism with the animals and the weight of that part of the body of the animal, which performs mental work, namely the head, compare with the weight of all other parts of the body performing physical work, we get an interesting result. Let's start with an antediluvian animal, for example, a dinosaur. It was an animal with a small head and a giant body. In the evolutionary development of life on Earth such an organism did not belong to the future. The future in the struggle for existence belonged to a person whose weight of which is about 5-10 percent of the body weight.

So in the evolutionary development of the human society, culture will continuously develop, and more and more money will be spent on it. Here you can see that nature has yet provided the development of the spiritual principle of a person compared with physical qualitatively more generous possibilities than even the most developed states still did [for culture].

* * *

Correctly and well-established transport and communication underlie modern culture.

* * *

It is quite clear that if the industry determines the life of society, then science leads its growth.

* * *

It should be remembered that the paths and the pace of development of any science are determined by her communications with life.

* * *

Scientific work refers to the field of human activity, which can successfully develop only those who have creative dating. It is well known that only a small number of people with creative abilities successfully operate in art, literature, music. The same applies to scientific work: only creatively well-gifted people can work here too.

* * *

It should be remembered that it is impossible to maintain all areas of [Knowledge] at the same high level, so it is much more correct to focus on those of them where we are strong and where they have good scientific traditions. Mainly, it is necessary to develop those directions in science, in which we were lucky to have a large, bold and talented scientist. It is well known that, no matter how much a non-in-war person, he still will not do anything big and lead in science. Therefore, in the development of this or that field, we first should come from the creative forces of a person working in it. After all, our science is creative, like art, like music, etc. It is impossible to think that by creating a department of writing hymns or cantat in the conservatory, we will get them: if not in this separation of a large composer equal to force, for example, Handel, anyway, nothing will happen. Chrome do not teach the run, how much money is neither to waste. The same in science.

* * *

It is indisputable that science is one for all mankind, so it develops internationally.

* * *

The main thing is not to forget the international importance of science. Any separation policy, which is beneficial only to charlatans and ability to be keenly stopped.

* * *

I firmly believe in the international science and that real science should be outside of all political passions and the struggle, no matter how it would be sought to involve it. And I believe that the scientific work I did all my life is the heritage of all mankind, wherever I have created it.

* * *

Any cultural country should be interested in developing large science and technology on a global scale and all means [must] promote their development.

A narrow egoism imagining that it is possible to take, not giving, maybe only a stupid man politician. No wonder in the Holy Scripture it is said: "The hand of the giving does not atride." Life experience shows that narrow egoism, both in the life of a separate person and in the life of the state, is never justified.

The fact is that we must be able to use the achievements of world culture with all sorts of ways, to implement them into practice, thus lifting the cultural life of our country. If the other than the other time we do not know how to do enough intensively, then we must blame only themselves and do not imagine that by secake, we will be able to overtake the West. Any large and fundamental achievement of technology is always the result of collaboration. Therefore, I believe that in the development of large equipment, like a large science, in a global scale, every cultural country is fundamentally interested, since the development of its own culture depends on its development. The development of world culture is not under one country. Therefore, everything that at least a little contributes to the development of this large science and technology must be made by the common property. The opening of the Radiotelegraph Popov was based on the works of Hertz, Branley, Riga and others [scientists]. Then, after Popov, a big step forward was made by Marconi, Fleming and many others, and we are as a result of radio today. The more we give world science and technology, the more from it and we will get ...

Our strength should be in dynamics. We must overtake everyone, going on the open path so quickly so that no one can catch up with us. Imagine that in the classified paths you can overtake, is not a real force. If we choose this path of secret promotion, we will never have faith in your power and others we will not be able to convince it.

* * *

When our science becomes truly advanced, it will not need to be secked. In science, you can go only catching or ahead. No scientific truth, if it is not widely mastered, cannot be recognized as the achievement of science. These are hidden minerals in the ground, which are only [then] value when they are extracted and use them.

Classified scientific achievement is equivalent to its absence.

* * *

Ideas do not joy. In general, the correct policy of all strong equipment is to look for your strength in the dynamics of development, laying new ways, openly run ahead, counting only for the power of your feet.

* * *

If our criterion is always only what has been done and tested in the West, and if we always have a fear of habitat, the fate of our technical development is "colonial" dependence on Western technology. Maybe we should learn from the British in this direction. The British say: British is the best ("British is the best"). Being in England, I tried to object to them; I told them: it is better from the French, it is from Americans, etc. They answered: because it is our, it is always for us the best. In such an exaggerated formulation, there is its own strength and logic. Maybe it feels English arrogance, but although in our credo "everything is better" and there is modesty, it is circumscribed by the development of our technology on a pathetic future.

* * *

Excessive modesty is an even more disadvantage than excessive self-confidence.

* * *

The scholars themselves should create their place in the country, and not wait until someone comes and all for them will do.

* * *

[When I] talking to different scientists, I still surprise the statements of many of them: "You give you so much, you, of course, can do everything ..." and so on, and so on. As if we have with all of them, so to speak, there were no identical initial chances when we started working. As if everything that I achieved, fell as the gift of Heaven and I did not spend the hell knows how much strength and nerves on everything I have achieved. People are the bastards in this regard: they believe that life is somehow unfair to them that everything else is to blame, except [they] themselves. But for what is the struggle, how not [in order to] apply the surrounding conditions to develop their abilities and create a condition [for] work?

* * *

Scientists should try to occupy advanced places in the development of our culture and do not rejoice that "we have something more important." This is the case of managers - to understand that the most important and how much attention can be given to science, technique and other things. But the case of a scientist is to look for your place in the country and in the new one and not wait until he is to do what to do.

* * *

People are divided into three categories. Some go ahead and spend all the strength to move science, culture and humanity forward, are progressive people. Others, and most of them come next to progress, side; They do not interfere and do not help. Finally, there are people who stand behind and hold culture - these are conservative people, cowardly and without imagination.

Those who go ahead are harder, they make new ways for progress, all sorts of trials of fate. ... Asks why there are such people who choose this path, and what makes them go ahead, when it's nicer and calmer to go on the side, if you don't drag at the back?

I personally think that there are two reasons. A clever person cannot but be progressive. Being progressive, understand the new and what it leads to, can only a smart person, endowed with courage and imagination. But this is not enough. We still have to have a wrestler temperament. When the mind is connected with temperament, a person becomes truly progressive.

* * *

In science, at a certain stage of the development of new fundamental ideas, erudition is not the main feature that allows scientist to solve the problem. The main thing is the imagination, concrete thinking and mostly courage. Acute logical thinking, especially peculiar to mathematicians, when postulating the new foundations, it becomes more difficult because it ships imagination.

* * *

Of course, the scientific truth always breaks his way into life, but this path will be speedy and more direct, depends on people, not from the truth.

* * *

Leadership in science has its own, very special specificity. I will give such a comparison. It goes through the sea caravan of ships: one ship goes ahead, the second is just a little behind him. But leadership in science is not a caravan of ships walking in the open sea, but the caravan of vessels going to ice, where the front vessel should lay the path, breaking the ice. It must be the strongest and must choose the right path. And although the gap between the first and second vessel is small, but the value and value of the work of the front vessel are completely different.

* * *

Strong nature prefer to go new ways, instead of following calm, fascinated paths.

* * *

Life shows that it is necessary to try a lot, before you achieve something. Therefore, the main condition [successful scientific] work is very high rates. Only when it is possible to try to try many different ways leading to solving the problem, rather attack the correct one.

* * *

In scientific work, it is impossible to lose speed. It's like an airplane: you lose speed - it falls.

* * *

One of the most important principles of any successful struggle, wherever it happened - in the arena, in the laboratory, on the front, etc., is "speed and on-line" and related courage and determination.

* * *

The worst thing when people are not confident in the case, mumbling and do not act quickly and clearly. ... the speed of action in science decides almost everything.

For innovation, scale is needed, power, determination, trust. It is impossible to wash and indulge in reflection.

* * *

Since science is the highest stage of intellectual work, requiring a very careful attitude towards himself, then it can be freed in the hands of a dignitarion, graciously conducive to conversation with scientists.

* * *

There is nothing more inhibitory healthy development than manual [from the side] less qualified people more qualified. In particular, this is true in [terms] of the development of science.

* * *

When they were called to the meeting, they did not take care of ordering me a pass to the Kremlin. When I came to the booth, the phone was busy, and I had to wait. It seemed symbolic to me: our science still sits in the passage and waiting until she was given a pass to leading places. After all, only then the scientist can successfully work well when he feels respect for himself.

* * *

The tragedy of our government [is] that, like most of the world's governments, science is higher than [understanding]. They do not know how to distinguish the signs from doctors, charlatans from inventors, magicians and black magicians from scientists.

* * *

In the West, people have long understood that the person whom the "Nature game" would like to do scientists, it is necessary to put in such conditions so that this "Game of Nature" was fully used and he worked productively. We have not yet reached such a simple truth of utilitarianism. ... After all, people are engaged in a matter of care for a cow: how much she needs to walk, how much is that it gives a lot of milk. Why not put a question how to care for scientists to work with full return? Our [leaders] will rather take a cow - this is clearer than the scientist.

* * *

The atmosphere of benevolence for the development of any type of creativity is more important than all material benefits.

* * *

The question arises, is the position of a citizen in the country only its political weight? After all, there was a time when Patriarch standing next to the emperor, then the church was a carrier of culture. The church is torn, the Patriarchs went out into circulation, but the country without ideological leaders could not do ... Sooner or later, they will have to raise scientists to the "patriarchals" of the ranks ... Without this patriarchal position of the scientist, the country cannot grow independently - it still noticed Bacon in his "New Atlantis" .

* * *

To organize in the country an effective scientific work - the task is significantly more difficult than the organization of defense and army.

* * *

The first condition for the success of science is impeccable supply. After all, a person, no matter how he is a smart, if it does not feed it, will die. Science for her health is needed modest in size, but diverse food, and most importantly - submitted on time, on time.

* * *

It is also logical to demand our scientist at such a state of surrender, as requested from a naked person to have an elegant look.

* * *

The most valuable in science, which is the basis of large science, cannot be planned, since it is achieved by a creative process, whose success is determined by the talent of the scientist.

* * *

Every [...] attempt to take into account and evaluate the productivity of scientific work, essentially comes down to conditional accounting, which does not have any value and meaning. Consider, of course, you can all, but sometimes accounting is simply no one who does not need collecting numbers. Taking into account the value of scientific work as ridiculous and worthless, how to take into account the costs of paints, canvas, brushes, models, etudes for the painting of the artist. If the picture is bad, then, of course, it is thrown money. If this is a work of Raphael, then who is interested to know how much it was on Belil or how he paid off with his models. Home Value is a creative power, the ability of the artist. And how to evaluate it rubles? Only with mass production of oleography, the price of paper plays a role. But is it an art?

It is also the case with creative scientific work.

* * *

The most important and difficult in organizing science is the selection of the really most creatively gifted youth and the creation of the conditions under which her talent could quickly turn into a complete measure. To do this, you need to be able to evaluate the creative abilities of young people when she just begins his scientific activities.

* * *

If any diligent reader of scientific books, accumulating useful information, but not seeking to be a generalization, not looking for something new, considers himself a scientist, he is mistaken, as well as everyone who shares this belief with him. He does not move science, this cold acquisitive knowledge, lively replacing the encyclopedic dictionary. Whatever impression to produce a collection of knowledge on the surrounding His collection, it is far from science, the main element of which is creativity. It is safe to say that among professors there are always many encyclopedists who can be both good teachers, but essentially they are not scientists; Rather, a distinctive worker at the factory will come to this category, which, as a result of observing the production process, improved the car or improved the process, although his knowledge is much w.same and limitish than that of the university leader.

* * *

Even in the most favorable setting, it is impossible to accurately establish the initial moments, on the basis of which you can select scientists, as if it is impossible to explain exactly how to distinguish the picture of the Great Master from the rest. We must observe, study, look at the pictures, arrange the exhibitions, where the canvas hang around, representing a wide field for comparison and comparison. And then immediately against the background of mediocities, the picture of an outstanding master will be distinguished. It will stand out as if by itself, as a major scientist stands out, say, at the international conference.

* * *

Attending postgraduate exams, I usually noticed that the university professor is the most highly appreciated by the student who most understands, but the one who knows the most. And for science you need people who first understand. Therefore, to select students from the university to graduate school on the exams on the exams is very difficult. To make the right choice among promising graduate students, it is necessary to observe them in continuation of some time when they are engaged in work on which they could show their creative veil, think their own ability to think.

* * *

Not one Newtons and Darwins do science. Their achievements would be completely impossible if they did not relieve the whole mass of the semi-tubes and semi-podroids, whose names swallowed the story, but the act of Liance left her mark in science. The latter has to decide not only global and basic questions; There are many less general, but important and major tasks, for which these people needed. The scientific discoveries of world importance are based on the results obtained by these secondary participants of the scientific case, and their personnel are also necessary as the army of the general. And to these scholars of the second, third and lower classes it is necessary to come carefully and carefully; We must take into account their psychology and create a suitable soil [for them], and carefully select. Their main characteristic is not much different from the characteristics of the genius, only their creative forces are not so great and their number is not so limited.

* * *

In the world of scientific discoveries, it happened it was difficult to indicate who they are obliged to, since it is usually difficult to find discoveries ever in one form or another, not predicted in advance. Decisive in determining the authorship, apparently, it is necessary to consider the one who made the most efforts of both theoretically and experimentally, to proof the significance of the phenomenon.

* * *

No man is unhappy than a failed scientist.

* * *

Only when you work in the laboratory myself, do it yourself experiments - let it often even in their most routine part, - only under this condition you can achieve present results in science. There are no good work with someone's hands. ... I am sure that at that moment, when even the largest scientist stops working in the laboratory, it not only ceases to grow, but in general it ceases to be a scientist.

* * *

A big scientist is not always always a big man. Certificates of contemporaries tell us that people often gifted in a brilliant mind are endowed with the philistine spirit. There are few brilliant scientists, but even less often a brilliant scientist is combined with a great man.

* * *

In the life of the genius, there is something eternal that never loses interest that makes people interested in the life of great people any era. This applies not only to people, but [and KO] with all the highest achievements of human culture.

* * *

Understanding [great] works of art is continuously growing with time until finally be recognized as ingenious. The same happens with great scientific discoveries and achievements. The same takes place with good wines, with good violins. Thus, the main sign of the Great is a continuous growth of [recognition] over time.

* * *

When our school raises young people, she appreciates more obedience than talent. What would be in our school with Lomonosov? Maybe many of them have been filtered from our school science? It is difficult to answer this question, but it is difficult to even say, it's good or bad. We cannot answer with accuracy whether at a given historical stage of the country's development in this field of science or art, a clear and rigid system and the organization or freedom of activity of original geniuses are needed. It is possible that the power and success of our era - in the social structure, and not in separate talents that we are not needed in science, art, literature at this stage of our development. This is not a paradox, but the dialectic of the historical moment of our development. Genius is born era, and not a genius give birth to an era.

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