The birth of a new man from the Tsereteli. Zurab Tsereteli: biography, best works, scandals

The birth of a new man from the Tsereteli. Zurab Tsereteli: biography, best works, scandals
The birth of a new man from the Tsereteli. Zurab Tsereteli: biography, best works, scandals

The biography of Zurab Tsereteli is monumental as well as his work. In the list of works of this outstanding artist, hundreds of sculptures, monuments, panels, mosaics, cloths around the world, took place over 40 personal monumental exhibitions. A large list of honored ranks, awards, premiums and other merit of the master. Today Zurab Tsereteli lives in Moscow, heads the Russian Academy of Arts and the Moscow Museum of Contemporary Art, continues to work fruitfully.

Childhood and youth

The most famous monument artist of our time was born on January 4, 1934 in Tbilisi. The formation of young Zuraba on the path of creativity determined the atmosphere, in which the childhood of the boy passed. Parents did not belong to the world of art: Tamara Nijaradze's mother dedicated life to home and children, Konstantin Tsereteli's father worked as a mining engineer, taught in a technical university.

But the mother of Mother Georgy Nijaradze was a painter. The existence in his house, the little Zurab not only learned to draw, but also penetrated the aura of conversations about art, because the guests of that time came to visit the uncle. At 8 years, Zurab entered the Tbilisi State Academy of Arts, which he graduated from "perfectly" in 1958.


It seemed that very time dictates the artist in the style of monumental genre. The era of 60s, industrialization, mastering the virgin, the solution of global tasks, mass development and resettlement - all this affected the desire of the Tsereteli to make a novelty in what he does. And the first position is an architect artist - presented such an opportunity.

Among the works performed at this time are the decorations of the resort complexes of Georgia (Gagra, Sukhumi, Borjomi, Pitsunda). Mosaic painting becomes a feature of the master's creativity. Its bright example was the bus stop in Abkhazia, created at the stage of early creativity in the early 60s and representing amazing art objects in the form of fantastic marine inhabitants.

Along with decorative work, Tsereteli participates in exhibitions. The first success brought a picturesque canvas "guarding the world" on the exposition of the same name in Moscow. In 1967, a personal exhibition of the master took place in Tbilisi. Then he was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Georgian SSR.

Monument to St. George Victorious in Tbilisi

At the same time, the Tsereteli actively expands the geography of their activities. One of one comes orders for the design of various buildings and structures: a cinema house in Moscow (1967-1968), the Palace of Trade Unions in Tbilisi, the Sea Dno pool in Ulyanovsk (1969), the resort complex in Adler (1973), Hotel " Yalta Intourist "in Crimea (1978) and much more.

In the period of the 70s and 1980s, Master works a lot and works fruitfully. Since 1970, being the main artist of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is engaged in the decoration of the Embassies of the Soviet Union abroad, a lot goes a lot, meets famous foreign artists. Motherland is also a lot of work, especially after the appointment of the Chief Artist of the Olympiad-80 in Moscow. All this brings the Master Honorary Popular Artist of the USSR in the 1980s.

Monument "Friendship forever" in Moscow

Work on monumental sculptures The artist began in the late 70s. The sculptural composition "Happiness to children of the whole world" became a bright end of labor. In 1983, in Moscow, a monument "Friendship forever", which marks the 200th anniversary from the date of signing the Georgievsky treatise between Russia and Georgia.

In the same year, in honor of this date in his native Georgia, the artist was built and opened Arch of Friendship - a mosaic panel, which to this day pleases tourists on the cross pass from the Milg-Georgian road.

Monument to Marina Tsvetaeva in Saint-Gilles-Kroi de Vi, France

A series of sculptures Madre devoted to prominent figures of history and modernity. Among the bright creations of this area: Monument to the poetess in Saint-Zhil-Kroi de Vol (France) and Moscow, a monument in Apatity, a monument to John Pavlu II (France), in Moscow.

In 2017, an alley of rulers opened in the Russian capital - the Gallery of the Bronze Busts of the work of Zurab Tsereteli, depicting the leaders of the Russian state from the Rüric era to the 1917 revolution.

Monument to Peter the first in Moscow

But the monument involved the name of the Tsereteli in the scandal. The public of the capital was extremely negatively related to both the sculpture and the idea of \u200b\u200bher construction, calling the first, as writing the "news", "Radiant City". The king is depicted in full growth standing on the deck of a giant sailboat.

Even the question of the demolition of the monument was rising, but today there were passions, and the monument continues to stand on an artificial island on a Moscow river, remaining one of the most ambitious in the capital (height - 98 m, weight - over 2000 tons).

Monamovo Apple Monument

Tsereteli is not accustomed to be under the scope of criticism: the work of the master is sometimes accused of giantia and missless, as it was, for example, with the "Adam Apple", located in the art gallery opened by him, or with the "fairy tale tree" in the Moscow Zoo. The author himself refers to this calmly.

Personal life

Student in the Tbilisi Academy of Arts, Zurab Tsereteli met the future wife inness Andronikashvili, originating from the princely kind. Spouses lived in marriage more than 45 years. In 1998, after the death of Isaisa Alexandrovna, the artist organized the first personal exhibition in Moscow, named after his wife.

Daughter Zurab Konstantinovich and Inessea Alexandrovna, Elena, and her children of Vasily, Victoria and Zurab live in Moscow. Today, in the family of Tsereteli, four of the Lights are already: Alexander, Nikolai, Philipp, Maria-Isabella.


Zuraba Tsereteli life is closely connected with charity. Part of the work was created by the master free of charge as a gift to this or a different city, institution, foundation.

The artist participates in charitable exhibitions and auctions, directing funds from sold works to combat children's diseases.

By the way, in 2007, the Georgian Times edition included Zurab Tsereteli in the top ten of the richest persons of Georgian nationality in the world, denoting the state of the artist at $ 2 billion.

Zurab Tsereteli today

In 2018, Zurabe Konstantinovich turned 84 years old. But the rhythm of creative life does not subside. Master is creating, organizes exhibitions, gives master classes for children, happy to participate in an interview and poses for the photo, but the main thing is full of new ideas and projects. In 2016, a house-museum of Tsereteli opened in the village of Peredelkino near Moscow.

Zurab Tsereteli at a meeting with fans in 2018

In 2014, the monumental artist became a complete cavalier of the Order "For Merit to Fatherland", having received an award of the IV degree. The main secret of the health and longevity sculptor calls constant work "without any vacation and vacation breaks."


  • 1997 - Monument to Peter First (Moscow, Russia)
  • 1995 - Tears Memorial (New Jersey, USA)
  • 1983 - Monument "Friendship forever" (Moscow, Russia)
  • 1990 - the monument "good wins evil" (New York, USA)
  • 2006 - Monument to St. George Victory (Tbilisi, Georgia)
  • 1995 - Victory Monument on Poklonnaya Mountain (Moscow, Russia)
  • 1995 - Monument "Birth of a new man" (Seville, Spain)
  • 1995 - Monument "Tragedy of Peoples" (Moscow, Russia)
  • 2016 - Monument to Shota Rustaveli (St. Petersburg, Russia)
  • 2013 - Sculpture composition dedicated to women (Moscow, Russia)

Zurab Tsereteli is one of the most famous Soviet artists, and now the President of the Academy of Arts of Russia. Talented and creative Zurab Tsereteli was able to show themselves in almost all spheres of contemporary art - the author belongs to the paintings, frescoes, mosaics, bas-reliefs, sculptures, monuments and other works.

However, with a special inspiration, the meter creates monuments of monumental art, putting their talent, experiences and soul in them. Despite the successful career and the enormous popularity of the monumental sculptor, so far its work causes an ambiguous reaction not only among ordinary people, but also in art historians, artistic critics and colleagues in the creative workshop. What is the genius and ambiguity of the Persons of Zurab Tsereteli will understand this article.

Biography Zurab Tsereteli

Zurab Konstantinovich Tsereteli was born on January 4, 1934 in the capital of Georgia. Both the Father, and the mother of the future sculptor belonged to the princely childbirth known in Georgia, so the Tsereteli family belonged to the Georgian elite. Zuraba Tsereteli Konstantin Georgievich was a successful construction engineer.

The mother of the future artist of Art Tamara Semenovna Nijaradze - dedicated himself to family and children. Georgy Nijaradze was provided to choosing a professional and creative path of the future Matra - Brother Tamara Semenovna and the famous Georgian painter.

In the house, Georgy Nijaradze, where he spent a lot of time Zurab, the Georgian creative elite D. Kakabadze, S. Kobueustze, was gathered, W. Japaridze, and others. It was they who involved the young man into the world of painting and art, trained it the basics of drawing and creating sculptures, inspired to creative development.

The brilliant sculptor graduated from the Academy of Arts in Tbilisi, but his career path began with work at the Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography of Georgia. In 1964, Zurab Tsereteli was increased training in France, where he met the work of outstanding painters of the P. Picasso and M. Chagalom.

In the late 1960s, the sculptor decided to develop in the field of monumental and sculptural art, after which hundreds of well-known monuments, sculptures, steals, monuments, statues, busts established worldwide were created.

For professional and personal merits, the sculptor is awarded near the awards and titles: the Hero of Socialist Labor, the People's Artist of the USSR, the Laureate of the Lenin Award, State Prizes of the USSR, State Prize of Russia, the Kavaler of the Order "For Merit to Fatherland", the Kavaler of the Order of the Honorary Legion.

From 1997 to today, Zurab Tsereteli is headed by the Russian Academy of Arts. In 2003, Zurab Tsereteli received Russian citizenship for professional achievements and merits to Russia.

Successful brilliant sculptor and family life. Zurab Tsereteli is married to Inesse Alexandrovna Andronikashvili and has a daughter Elena, who gave him three grandchildren. And in the early 2000s, Chet Tsereteli was replenished with four great-grandchildren.


The most famous works of Zurab Tsereteli

The creative legacy of the author consists of more than 5,000 works, each of which is original, distinctive and unique. The hands of the Great Artist of Arts belong to dozens of landscapes, portraits, mosaics, panels, bas-reliefs, busts and hundreds of sculptural sculptures. All the works of the Georgian sculptor are devoted to the most famous persons in the world history (Sh. Rustaveli, Georgy Victoronec, M. Tsvevaeva, B. Pasternak, etc.) and the picturesque nature of Russia and Georgia.

The sculptures and monuments of the maestro are installed not only in their relatives of Russia and Georgia, but also in France, Brazil, Spain, Lithuania, the United Kingdom and other countries. The signs and the most famous works were the sculptural sculptures of the Tsereteli and the most famous works. So, the most successful works of Zurab Tsereteli are recognized:

  • The pair monument "Friendship of Peoples" is one of the earliest works of the sculptor. The monument was established in Moscow in 1983 as a symbol of the 200th anniversary of the reunification of Russia and Georgia;
  • Stela of Victory - installed in 1995 on a positive grief in honor of the victory over fascist Germany. The height of the monument is 141.8 m. And it has a symbolic value - each day of the war corresponds to 1 decimeter;
  • The sculptural composition "Birth of a new man" - established in 1995 in Seville. This sculpture is considered one of the most famous works of Zurab Tsereteli worldwide. The miniature copy of the monument is also installed in France;
  • The monument "Monument to Peter I" - was established in 1997 on the artificially created island between the drainage channel and the Moscow-River. The monument was carried out by order of the Government of Russia and is devoted to the memory of the Grand Tsar Peter I. The height of the monument is about 100 meters;
  • The monument "Tellular Tribes" - created by the sculptor as a sign of sympathy and memory of the victims of the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001. The monument was established in the United States, and President B. Clinton was present at its opening.
  • The Monument "History of Georgia" - erected near the Tbilisi Sea. Work on the sculpture is not finished yet. Today, the monument is three rows of columns on which there are bas-reliefs and surround images of the most famous and signs of Georgia;
  • The sculpture "good wins evil" - installed in the United States before the main building of the UN in 1990. The sculptural sculpture became a symbol of the end of the Cold War;
  • The monument "Saint George Victorious" - installed in Tbilisi (Georgia) in 2006. The equestrian statue of George the Victorious is located on a 30-meter column on the Freedom Square.

In the field of architecture, Zurab Tsereteli also created ingenious works. Under his leadership, the Church of Christ the Savior was erected. As an idea of \u200b\u200bthe sculptor, the building was decorated with massive medallions from polymer alloys, the facing was made of marble, and the roof is made of coating comprising titanium nitride.

One of the last creations of the sculptor became Alya rulers, which is located in Moscow, in Petrzherigsky Lane. On Alley there are busts of all rules of Russia, created by the hands of Zurab Tsereteli.


Scandalous work Tsereteli

Present in the work of the sculptor and ambiguous, even scandalous work. A number of famous monuments caused indignation and criticism and customers, and citizens, and the installation of monuments was enveloped by rumors and protests. So, loud scandals accompanied the installation of such monuments:

  • Monument to Peter I - even before installation, some Muscovites were against the installation of the monument in their city. Residents arranged pickets and rallies, wrote requests to the president. Protest shares continued after installing the monument. There were also rumors that initially on the site of Peter was the statue of Columbus, but it was not possible to sell the monument in any Latin America or Spain. After that, Columbus was replaced by the statue of the first Russian emperor and safely installed in Moscow. The scandals of the sculpture of Tsereteli added the presence of the most ugly buildings in the ranking of the most ugly buildings in 2008. The opponents of the monument of the monument with sarcasm nicknamed the "Peter in Skirt" monument.
  • Monument "Monument to the gendarm" (or "Louis") - installed in Moscow, near the hotel "Cosmos". The monument was created in honor of the leader of French resistance, but the French authorities refused the present, after which the monument was established in Russia. Subsequently, both French and Russian media were separated in the fluff and dust the appearance of the sculpture. So, the press wrote that the great leader looks more like a martyr or a slave, his face is distorted by all the flour of hell, and the silhouette does generally look comical. It was the opinion that the statue is similar to Louis de Fühnes - the famous French actor who played a major role in a series of films about gendarmes. Journalists argued whether the monument will cause an international scandal or will be reduced to a diplomatic incident.
  • The sculptural composition of the "tear of grief" - donated to the American people in the sign of sympathy of the tragedy on September 11, 2001. The author himself symbolically portrayed the twin towers in his creation, but the Americans saw a completely different meaning in the monument. So, in one American edition it was written that the monument was visually similar to the genital organs of a woman, and it would be an insult to the representatives of the fine sex. Initially, the montage of the sculpture was conceived at the place of the tragedy, however, after such a critical comments, the monument was set in New Jersey on the pier of the Hudson River.
  • The monument "The tragedy of nations" is a symbolic sculpture dedicated to the victims of Beslan. The sculpture is a procession of the victims of the genocide that rebels from the graves. This sculptural composition caused an ambiguous reaction from the population and critics. So, art historians have positively appreciated the sculpture, calling it the best work of Zurab Tsereteli. But Muscovites were categorically against its installation, pickets and protest shares were organized. The townspeople called the marching "zombies" and "coffins" and demanded that this "horror" would be transferred away. Subsequently, the sculpture was dismantled and transferred to the park on Poklonnaya Mount.

Another scandal around Cereteli's creativity occurred in 2009, when the installation of the statue of Jesus Christ was planned at Solovki. The leadership of the reserve at Solovki was argued against the installation of the statue. The monument was never installed.

The name of Zurab Tsereteli is known all over the world. His no one leaves indifferent: it either love all the soul, either either passionately hate. Sculptor lived performed creativity, and today he continues to work intensively, leads active social activities.

Origin and childhood

Zurab Tsereteli was born on January 4, 1934 in Tbilisi in the Georgian family with princely roots. His father belonged to the old princely family, as well as the mother. The father of the future sculptor worked as a construction engineer, Mom led a household. A lot of time, in childhood, Zurab spent in his uncle's home on the maternal line - Georgy Nijaradze, painter artist. A special creative atmosphere reigned in his house, here Georgian artists were often: Sergo Kobueustze, learning Japaridze, David Kakabadze. They saw talent in the boy and became his first teachers.


After school, the future sculptor Tsereteli entered the Tbilisi Academy of Arts at the Faculty of Painting. And all his life he considers himself primarily a painter, and only then the sculptor, a monumentalist. He graduated from studying Zurab in 1958. Six years later, during which he worked as an architect artist at the Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography at the Georgian Academy of Sciences, he goes to study to France. During this trip, Tsereteli managed to communicate with a large number of famous artists and artists, including Pablo Picasso and Mark Chagall, who gave a high assessment of the talent of a novice Georgian artist.

Path into great art

Since the late 1960s, Tsereteli attracts monumental creativity and mosaic. The sculptor is distinguished by large hardworking and high productivity, so it can create such a large number of works. Among the first works, which brought him fame was the project of the decoration of the resort complex in Pitsunde (1967), a series of mosaic and stained glass compositions in Tbilisi (1972), the original children's resort town in Adler (1973). The implementation of such serious projects has opened the Tsereteli access to even more serious work. He performs orders for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR, where he worked as the main artist. Significant was the work of Zurab Konstantinovich on the design of the Olympiad and to develop the project of the Izmailovo hotel complex in Moscow in 1980.

In the next 10 years, numerous monuments of Tsereteli appear in Russia and abroad. It is more fascinated by the designs of metal, it makes many large-scale monuments, several experimental projects with stained glass windows. In the early 1990s, Tsereteli moved to Moscow, where, with the active support of the mayor, Yuri Luzhkov creates many monumental compositions for the capital of Russia.

Also, for many years, Zurab Konstantinovich creates sculptural portraits of contemporaries, which are established in many cities of the country and the world.

The most important part of his creativity himself of the Tsereteli believes painting. For his long life, he wrote more than 5,000 clouel on various topics. His works are in many private and state meetings of the world.

Religious topic in the work of Tsereteli

The most important topic in the art of Zurab Tsereteli is faith. He actively participated in the restoration of the Church of Christ the Savior, changing the initial plan. This caused the perturbation of historians, but took the side of the artist, and the sculptors' adjustments remained. Zurab Konstantinovich has repeatedly addressed religious themes. So, he created a monument to Pope John Paul's second. But the most large-scale was the artist conceived it for the Olympic Sochi, but the monument could not be installed there. Later, Jesus Christ Zurab Tsereteli tried to establish in St. Petersburg, but also he did not fit into the landscape. This is not surprising, because the height of the monument along with the pedestal is 80 meters.

Peter the First

Sculptor Tsereteli has always been strongly for large-scale structures, and in 1997 he received a grand order from the Moscow government. On the artificial island in the Moscow River, he was entrusted to build a large-scale sculpture. So it appeared his height is 98 meters. The construction of the monument caused huge perturbations from the public, and after the departure of Luzhkov, from the post of mayor, there were proposals to remove the monument. However, no one took on such responsibility and expenses, and the monument still stands in Moscow.

Famous work

In the huge heritage of the Tsereteli, it is difficult to identify the most significant work: their list is obtained very long. However, the most resonant and large-scale creations include the following:

Memorial monument on Poklonnaya Mountain in Moscow;

Shopping and entertainment complex "Okhotny row" in Moscow;

Monument "Friendship forever" dedicated to the Russian-Georgian;

Sculptures on Manezh Square in Moscow;

The composition "Good Winches evil" in New York;

Two versions of the sculpture "Birth of a new man" in Paris and in Seville;

Sculpture "Hare" in Baden-Baden;

Public opinion and criticism

Often, monuments of the Tsereteli cause very large resonance, criticism and even rejection. Many of his creations caused great public excitement and negative assessments by specialists. So, a lot of complaints received his work on the Church of Christ the Savior, in which the sculptor made very serious deviations from the reconstruction project, which violated the historical image of the object being restored. Regarding his monument to Peter, the first one did not speak out only lazy: the Tsereteli was accused of violating the historical perspective of the city, in Kitche and Brown. The famous work of the tear of the sorrow, which the master wanted to give the United States in memory of the victims on September 11, caused a lot of disputes that led to the fact that several cities refused the gift, and the sculptor had to spend a lot of time to find a place to the monument. The same story repeatedly with the figure of Jesus Christ in Russia. Many art historians say that the artistic abilities of the Tsereteli do not exceed the level of the middle-artistic designer. And psychiatrists seriously reflect on the complexes of the artist, looking at his passion for gigantic structures.

Modern Art Museum

Zurab Tsereteli, whose works are already presented in many countries of the world, created a museum for propaganda of his own creativity. The mayor of Luzhkov allocated a few buildings under the Museum of Tsereteli in the very center of Moscow. The personal collection of the sculptor is located, consisting of 2,000 works of art, and the meeting is regularly replenished. Today, the museum has an extensive collection of works of domestic art, including an interesting set of works by Soviet nonconformists and modern artists. A separate building occupies a permanent exhibition of Zurab Tsereteli, located on the three floors of the museum-workshop. Here you can traced the trend of the development of the master. The museum is leading greater educational and educational activities.

Social activity

Zurab Tsereteli has always been a lot of time and time spent on social activities. He considers his duty to help people, to educate the younger generation. For some time he taught in the Tbilisi Academy of Arts, now gives master classes in the educational institutions of the world. Tsereteli is the president of the International Fund for Assistance, Honorary Academician of many Academies of Arts of the World, He was appointed by the Ambassador of Good Will, UNESCO, President of the Russian Academy of Arts. He even visited the State Duma deputy and a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation.


Sculptor Tsereteli for her stormy and productive activities was awarded the incredible number of signs of distinction, premiums and prizes, all of them can be listed for a very long time. The most significant awards include the title of the Hero of Socialist Labor, the People's Artist of Georgia, the USSR, the Russian Federation, Lenin and State Prizes. Tsereteli - Cavalier of the Order of Lenin, Friendship of Peoples, "For merits to the Fatherland" of the first, second and third degree. He also holds the owner of the Order of Moscow, the Chechen Republic, the Orthodox Church and many states of the world. He wears more than ten different honors, winner more than ten different premiums, 12 signs of differences from foreign countries.

A family

Sculptor Tsereteli - Happy family man. His wife, Inessa Alexandrovna Andronikashvili, also belongs to the old princely family. The pair has a daughter Elena, today working art historians. Sereteli has three grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.

Name: Zurab Tsereteli Zurab Tsereteli

Zodiac sign: Capricorn.

Age: 85 years old

Place of Birth: Tbilisi, Georgia

Activity: artist, sculptor, teacher, People's Artist of the USSR

Tags: artist, sculptor

Family status: Widovets

The biography of Zurab Tsereteli is monumental as well as his activities. In the list of works of this outstanding artist, hundreds of sculptures, monuments, panels, mosaics, cloths around the world, has passed more than forty personal exhibitions of Monumentalist. A large list of honorary titles, awards, premiums and other merit of the master. Today Zurab Tsereteli lives in Moscow, heads the Russian Academy of Arts and the Moscow Museum of Contemporary Art, continues to fruitfully worry.

The most popular monument artist of our time was born on January 4, 1934 in Tbilisi. The formation of young Zuraba on the path of creativity determined the atmosphere in which the boy was grew. Parents did not belong to the world of art: Tamara Nijaradze's mother dedicated life to the house and children, Konstantin Tsereteli was a mining engineer, she worked as a teacher in a technical university.

But the mother of Mother Georgy Nijaradze was a painter. Being in his house, a small zurab not only learned to draw, but also penetrated the aura of conversations about art, as the guests came to visit the uncle. At eight years, Zurab entered the Tbilisi State Academy of Arts, which was finished "perfectly" in 1958.

It seemed the impression that the time dictates the artist in the style of monumental genre. The era of the sixties, industrialization, mastering virgin, solving global tasks, mass development and resettlement - all this affected the desire of the Tsereteli to make novelty to what he is engaged in. And the first job is an architect artist - presented such an opportunity.

Among the works performed during this period are artistic design of resort complexes of Georgia (Gagra, Sukhumi, Borjomi, Pitsunda). Mosaic painting becomes a feature of the master's creativity. Its bright example was the bus stop in Abkhazia, created at the stage of early creativity at the beginning of the sixties and representing amazing art objects in the form of fantastic marine inhabitants.

Along with the artistic and decorative work, Tsereteli takes part in exhibitions. The first success brought a picturesque canvas "guarding the world" on the exposition of the same name in Moscow. In 1967, the personal exhibition of the Master was already in Tbilisi. At the same time, he was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Georgian SSR.

In parallel with this, the Tsereteli actively expands the geography of their activities. One after one comes to the designer design of various buildings and structures: a cinema house in Moscow (1967-1968), the palace of trade unions in Tbilisi, the "Sea bottom" pool in Ulyanovsk (1969), the resort complex in Adler (1973), Hotel " Yalta Intourist "in Crimea (1978) and much more.

In the period of the 70s and 1980s, Matre is much and fruitfully worries. From the seventh year, being the chief artist of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is engaged in the decoration of the embassies of the Soviet Union abroad, it goes a lot, getting acquainted with popular foreign artists. Motherland worked a lot too, especially after appointing the main artist Olympiad-80 in Moscow. All this brings the master Honor of the People's Artist of the Soviet Union in the eightieth year.

Work on monumental sculptures The artist began at the end of the seventies. A bright end of labor was the sculptural composition "Happiness to children of the whole world." In 1983, the "Friendship Forever" monument was opened in Moscow, which marks the two-year anniversary from the date of signing the Georgievsky treatise between the Russian Federation and Georgia.

In the same year, in honor of this date in his native Georgia, the artist was built and opened by the arch of Friendship - a mosaic panel, which today gives the joy to tourists on the cross pass from the Milgian Road.

A series of sculptures Madre devoted to famous figures of history and modernity. Among the memorable creations of this area: Monument to the poetess Marina Tsvetaeva in Saint-Gilles-Kroi de Vy (France) and Moscow, a monument to Pushkin in Apatity, a monument to John Paul II (France), George Victoronesso in Moscow.

In the year before last, an alley of the rulers opened in Moscow - the Gallery of the Bruz Busts of the work of Zurab Tsereteli, depicting the leaders of the Russian state from the Rüric era to the 1917 revolution.

But the monument to Peter first involved the name of the artist in the scandal. The public of the capital was very negatively related to both the sculpture and the idea of \u200b\u200bher construction, calling the first, as reported by Izvestia, Radial City. The king is depicted in full growth standing on the deck of a very large sailboat.

Even the question of the demolition of the monument was rising, but today the passions calmed down, and the monument continues to stand on an artificial island on the Moscow River, remaining one of the most ambitious in the capital (height - 98 m, weight - more than 2000 tons).

The ceretelles are not accustomed to criticism at sight: the work of the master is sometimes accused of gigantania and missing, as it was, for example, with the "Adam Apple", located in the gallery of the Arts, or with the "Fairy Tale tree" in the Moscow Zoo. The author himself perceives it calmly.

Student in the Tbilisi Academy of Arts, Zurab Tsereteli met with the future wife of Isanesa Andronikashvili, originating from the princely kind. Spouses lived in marriage more than forty-five years. In 1998, after the death of Isaes Aleksandrovna, the artist held the first personal exhibition in Moscow, named after the spouse.

Daughter Zurab Konstantinovich and Inesse Aleksandrovna, Elena, and her children Vasily, Victoria and Zurab live in Moscow. To date, 4 Lights are already in the family of Tsereteli: Alexander, Nikolai, Philipp, Maria-Isabella.

Zurab's life Tsereteli is closely intertwined with charity. Some works are created by the master free of charge, as a gift to this or a different city, institution, fund.

The artist takes part in charitable exhibitions and auctions, directing money from sold works to combat childhood diseases.

It is worth noting, in 2007, the Georgian Times edition included Zurab Tsereteli in the 10th of the richest people in Georgian nationality in the world, having denoted the state of the artist at $ 2 billion.

Last year, Zurabe Konstantinovich turned 84 years old. However, the rhythm of creative life does not subside. Master is creating, conducts exhibitions, organizes master classes for children, happy to participate in an interview and poses for the photo, but the most important is full of new ideas and projects. In 2016, the House-Museum of Tsereteli opened its doors in the village of Peredelkino near Moscow.

In 2014, the monumentalist artist became a complete cavalier of the Order "For Merit to Fatherland", having won the IV degree awards. The main secret of health and longevity sculptor calls the infinite work "without any vacation and breaks on vacation."


  • 1997 - Monument to Peter First (Moscow, Russia)
  • 1995 - Tears Memorial (New Jersey, USA)
  • 1983 - Monument "Friendship forever" (Moscow, Russia)
  • 1990 - the monument "good wins evil" (New York, USA)
  • 2006 - Monument to St. George Victory (Tbilisi, Georgia)
  • 1995 - Victory Monument on Poklonnaya Mountain (Moscow, Russia)
  • 1995 - Monument "Birth of a new man" (Seville, Spain)
  • 1995 - Monument "Tragedy of Peoples" (Moscow, Russia)
  • 2016 - Monument to Shota Rustaveli (St. Petersburg, Russia)
  • 2013 - Sculpture composition dedicated to women (Moscow, Russia)