Russia as civilization. Features of the formation and development of Russian civilization Features and differences between the Russian civilization

Russia as civilization. Features of the formation and development of Russian civilization Features and differences between the Russian civilization
Russia as civilization. Features of the formation and development of Russian civilization Features and differences between the Russian civilization

Lesson on the topic "Features of Russian civilization"

Thing: Social studies, history, integration

Subject: Features of Russian civilization

Duration : 2 hours

Class : Class 10, or 11

Teacher : Warbor Valentina Viktorovna

School: Municipal general education budget institution, secondary school №4

pGT Raugorsk

Technology: Application ICT.

Equipment: Computer, multimedia projector

Annotation: The lesson is devoted to the peculiarities of Russian civilization, culture. It is possible to hold the 17th century before studying the history of Russia, or as the final lessons on the history of Russia in the 10th grade (in front of the "Russia in the 19th century"), or as introductory lessons to the study of domestic history in grade 11, or as studying the topic "Russian civilization" According to social science in the 11th grade.

Practical implementation: The lesson was held in the 10th grade in history as introductory to the topic "Features of the history of Russia".

The approximate course of the lesson is offered. Student responses are given as alleged answers. During the classes, students can express their assumptions and bring examples not specified in the abstract. The conclusions proposed after completing work with paragraphs of the plan are advisory.

Lesson Abstract:

Features of Russian civilization.

Objectives for the student's personal development lines:

LINE. Painting of the world in facts: Explain the development of Russian history, relying on the theory of modernization and the theory of civilization specificity and occupy its own argumental position.

LINE. Concepts: Modernization, traditional society, industrial, extensive development method, intense, paternalism, mysianity, asceticism.

LINE. Historical thinking: Trace the development of the peculiarities of traditional Russian society and the development of modernization processes.

LINE. Moral self-determination: To have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe values \u200b\u200bof the Russian civilization, emotionally a positive attitude towards the Motherland, and not only the evaluation nature of the country's fate, aware of the recognition of the unity of humanity in the cultures of different peoples of the world.

LINE. Cultural and civilian self-determination: Learn to analyze the system features of the Russian civilization, the features of mentality, respect the existing differences, understanding the value of manifold.

Specific tasks for meaningful components (QMS)


Information units

1. Stadial

Traditional and modernization society.

2. Conceptable

Concepts: modernization, traditional society, industrial, extensive development method, intense, paternalism, mysianity, asceticism.

3. Factological

The events of the history of Russia from the formation of the state to modernity.

Teacher's introductory word: The world of the XXI century is the world is global. All nations planet

combined with a variety of relationships. However, people, uniting in humanity, do it in different ways - depending on those presentations in human unity, which were developed in various cultural traditions inherent in world civilizations, without knowledge and understanding of this specificity, we cannot build a durable world based on respect All nations. So that we, the Russians, were able to secure a national future, we must work out a clear idea of \u200b\u200bour past.

Lesson plan


    Ascetic ideal.

    Peaceful tradition.

    Attitude to the east and west.


    The practical part of the "symbols of Russia"

    Reflection. Exercise "Teaching Process"


Advanced task: "Symbols of Russia." Slide 23-24.


(Slide 1)

W. Cherchil

How do you understand the statement of U. Cherchil?

Problem task: What had the greatest impact on the formation of the peculiarities of the development of the Russian state and society.

Working with concepts:chanits must bring in compliance with the concept and definition (distribution material)

1. Modernization

A. Development of stitching due to expansion of the territory.

2. Graduate Society

B. "Otchen" attitude of some entrepreneurs to employees engaged in them and the policy of charity events that are engaged in them and the corresponding doctrine; Composite part of the theory and practice of "human relations and social partnerships".

3. Industrial Society

B. Improvement, improvement, refreshment of the object, bringing it into line with new requirements and norms, specifications, quality indicators.

4. Asceticism

The society, which is regulated by the tradition. The preservation of traditions is in it a higher value than development. The stage of socio-economic development, in which the greatest contribution to the value of material benefits is the cost of resources produced in agriculture.

5. Patennalism

D. Ensuring production growth through the use of increasingly effective means of production, more advanced forms of organization of labor and technological processes, due to the most complete and rational use of cash material, natural, labor and financial resources.

6. Extensive

E. The type of society that has reached such a level of socio-economic development in which the greatest contribution to the cost

7. Intense

J. Extremely abstinence, refusal of material benefits.

Correct version of the task:

1. Modernization

A. Improvement, improvement, refreshment of the object, bringing it into line with new requirements and norms, technical conditions, quality indicators.

2. Traditional Society

B. Society that is regulated by tradition. The preservation of traditions is in it a higher value than development. The stage of socio-economic development, in which the greatest contribution to the value of material benefits is the cost of resources produced in agriculture.

3. Industrial Society

B. Type of society that has reached such a level of socio-economic development in which the greatest contribution to the cost material benefits makes mining and processing of natural resources, as well as industry.

4. Asceticism

G. Extremely abstinence, refusal of material benefits.

5. Patennalism

D. "Otchen" attitude of some entrepreneurs to employees engaged in them and the policies of charity events that are engaged in them; Composite part of the theory and practice of "human relations and social partnerships".

6. Extensive

E. Development of stitching due to expansion of the territory.

7. Intense

J. Providing production growth through the use of increasingly effective means of production, more advanced forms of organization of labor and technological processes, due to the most complete and rational use of cash material, natural, labor and financial resources.

Sample studies and teachers:

Teacher. Slide 3. Illustrate the features of the hopping historical development of Russia?

Estimated answer. pupils Examples of historical facts, phenomena. For example:

Kiev flourishing, success was reached by the "price of the lack of lower classes"

(V. O. Klyuchevsky);

The end of the 12th century is the weakening, looting and decline of Kiev;

Specific Rus. Transformation of Russia in the Golden Horde Ulus, slowdown in development, lag for 150 years.

Disproportion in the development of the city and village;

Socially significant differences in income;

The production of industry is torn off from the rest of the life and others.

Teacher. Slide 4.What features of Russia speak poets?

Pupils. Move Russia difficult, and dangerous. Argue.

They can talk about the peculiarities of natural and geographical and demographic conditions, a huge territory, mastered by a minor population (3-5 people per 1 square meter in medieval Russia), pressure from steppe nomadic peoples, weak contacts with European countries, restriction of outputs to sea routes, The starting history of the Company, where the Varangian ruling layer distanced to the indigenous population, the division was entrenched on managed and managers, etc.

Modernization processes were often closed by an external factor. Peter's coup was not so much organic development as an external innovation.

Voloshin speaks of "fluctuations" in history. Russian history as a pendulum.

Any reform or revolution faces anarchy.

Russian riot is meaningless and merciless. The motives of revenge exploiters prevailed, destructive trends. On the dynamics, traditional masses can be raised by a total terror, the threat of hungry death (hungry riots in the early 17th century, troubled time).

Teacher. Slide 5. Western and Slavophilism is a dispute about the laws and fate of the Russian civilization. Until now, it remains relevant. The spiritual elite of the nation splits into two irreconcilable camps: those who accept the European vocation of Russia, and those who consider Russia with original civilization.

What was the differences in understanding the patterns of the development of Russian civilization?

Pupils respond. Use the slide material. Complement it.

Was there something in their position in their position?

Pupils. Yes. The estimated answer: advocated technical progress, education, democratic reforms, principles of freedom of thought, conscience, words, supremacy of the people.

Teacher. What values \u200b\u200bwrites the population of Lavrov?

Pupils. About a strong state, as an organized strength, where the state acts through violence, arbitrariness and does not meet serious resistance in the public environment. The population has developed a habit to obey as a means of survival. Conservatism lies in the fortress dependence of the worker population, the uncertainty of legal norms.

But for external obedience, deep antagonisms are hidden - destructive uprisings and civil wars.

Teacher. Slide 6.

Before you several poetic and prosaic passages.

The logic of a traditional or modernized man

show literary characters?

Pupils.Express your assumptions.

Teacher. Slide 7.

What feature of Russian culture illustrate the reasoning philosopher I. Ilina?

pupils. Ilyin I. and poets talk about the extensive nature of Russian society and the state. Natural-climatic, cultural and historicals demanded the attraction of large resources to achieve the result.

Russia was very rich in land, forests and other natural lands. Even in the XIV-XV centuries, there were huge arrays of undue lands, unauthorized resources. Under these conditions, the possession of the land depended on the possibility of a person to master their loved ones or the difficulty of his loved ones and chelyads.

Earth - God, considered the peasant, and belongs to the fact that it processes. This is the basis of the working worldview of the peasant, around which all its other views were formed.

The teacher replaces the slide 8. The eternal movement of the Russians celebrated V. O. Klyuchevsky, who determined Russia as a country, "which is colonized." At all stages of the development of the state, people often starred from emerging places. The feeling of infinity of the space, its eternal accuracy characterized by a Russian person. Quote V. Rozanova.

The Philosopher Berdyaev determined the consequences to which the territorial expansion of Russia: "The huge spaces were easily given to the Russian people, but it was not easy for the organization of this space", that is, a simple three-tier crop rotation, the low level of labor motivation, the predominance of nomadic farming, was not rooted as a result of this In the peasant consciousness, the idea that the employment of labor towards Earth is special property to land and its products. Russian farmers did not seek technological improvements. Historian Klyuchevsky made a conclusion: "The state is fat, and the people were humid," that is, he meant that the social life of medieval Russia was a fluent - the movement of people from place to place, invasion, inner disarray. There were weak differentiation processes on a social or professional sign, not horizontal connections prevailed in Russia, and the vertical, reaching from above.

Teacher. Slide 9. We summarize.

Slide 10. Pupils Express your assumptions, arguments.

Teacher. Slide 11. The peculiarities of Russian civilization include a huge role of political factors in history. Politics, not the economy in Russian civilization is a basis, it dominates in society, makes a civilizational choice.

Remember how the periodization of the history of Russia is given?

Who makes a civilizational choice, solves the fate of the country at all stages of its development?

pupilscan use a shaped row.

Periodization of the history of Russia is given by princes, kings, generals, presidents. The personal roles of leaders, leaders play a special role. They, not the people actually commit a civilization selection, decide the fate of the country at all stages of its development: Oleg moved the capital from Novgorod to Kiev, Vladimir elected Christianity, Alexander Nevsky made a bet on Horde, Stalin has roasted totalitarian regime in the USSR, and Gorbachev began Perestroika ...

Teacher. Slide 12.

Pupils.The man of Russian culture considers the power of the sacred, it is from her that the situation in the country and personal well-being depends. The government is always "personally" and because the relation to it is emotionally painted (L. N. Tolstoy).

It is believed that the development and strengthening of the idea of \u200b\u200bautocratic power in the national consciousness dictated by the requirements of life. The Ordinsky defeat of Russia showed how much the fragmentation of the uniform people into individual territorial entities for the country. In the fight against the horde, the old ideas of the United States acquired a new force, found a new rationale. Life itself has proven the advantages of autocracy, and the first Russian sovereign, who shook the Horde Igo, felt like a real miniature.

In the consciousness of the Russian man, the sense of duty is still held hard for the king: "Not any king sees, but he prayed for him."

"Sovereign - Batyushka, Nadezhi - Orthodox Tsar". In the people's consciousness, the image of the king walked the sum of the spiritual values \u200b\u200bof the Russian civilization. Many centuries, popular consciousness considered the king as a binder between God and the Fatherland. The slogan "For God, King and Fatherland" expressed the core of the Russian national idea accessible to any Russian.

At the same time, the Russian man jeaches in a strong hand, according to a powerful state

(I. Guberman).

At the same time, the state and man bypass laws (N. Berdyaev).

And although V. Klyuchevsky considered the history of the country as a organic-continuous process, believed that the main actors are the state and autocracy, from which all the main phenomena of life came down and to which all the main phenomena of life were reduced.

Teacher. Slide 13.

Pupils.Russian man is a community man. And, according to Slavophiles, the community was supposed to become the chief institution in Russia. The community of the Russian man has determined collectivism. Life as the service "Mire". F. Dostoevsky believed that the Russian custom did not welcome those who stand out, towers over other. The community leads to the absence of a sense of property. A Russian man, centuries who did not know private property, poorly distinguishes "mine" and "not mine." For the Western European Burger, Russian folk proverbs who urge to regret someone else's kind would seek a monstrous nonsense: "Do not take care of your own, walking someone else's", "Take care of someone else's, and your own - as you know." And after all, in fact, it was so - someone else's good stacked with greater robustness than his own. However, the Russian worker says so: "Do not forget, and someone else's not tapping," "for her standing, and I won't take someone else," "better to give my own than someone else to take."

Just tie the wealth above its need, the accumulation of all the best measures above the measure did not fit into its scale of life values. "Did not poured silver, poured good."

Many people believed that any wealth is associated with sin.

Russia has developed more than in the West, attitudes towards property and wealth. In the consciousness of the indigenous Russian person, the property is a result of labor, when as a western person considers it rather a capital function, not denying, of course, the meaning of labor.

"Live every kind of good and your hump",

"Own work is the first Barysh",

"Look for profit, otherwise you do not want death,"

"Although the penny, yes my."

"The Earth is not a human product, therefore, and there can be no one of the unconditional and natural right of ownership, which has a worker on the product of his work. This is the indigenous concept to which the views of the people on land ownership may be reduced. " Similar thoughts expressed Prince A.I. Vasilchikov. In Russia, he believed, "Since ancient times, it was very firmly understood in the sense of holding, classes, the use of land, but the expression" property "could hardly existed: in the chronicles and grams, as in the modern language of the peasantry, there are no expressions that correspond to this Word.

The established community principle is raised in Russia above the principle of private property.

Teacher. Slide 14.Think of the meaning of proverbs.




Presumably can use the following material.

"Medieval Christianity proclaimed wealth by the source of eternal torment; Observed a rich man for a curse. A statement will be harder to enter the kingdom of God than the poor. Pafos of Christian ethics was embodied in the concepts: mercy, debt, sacrifice. Of these values, a medieval negative and indifferent assessment of all values \u200b\u200bof the real world - wealth, utility, happiness, - if they are separated from superfluid value. Life was viewed as preparation for the transition from sinful land into the Eternal Grad of God. "

Protestant ethics led to labor zeal and rational organization of work. "The sign of whether you are saved or not, you can get only improving in your profession." No other Christian religion implies the idea of \u200b\u200bsalvation of a person through labor. This led to a look for work as a decent and glorious means of glorifying and approving God through his creation, which even more increases human well-being.

In the social concept of the Russian Orthodox church, it is noted that labor itself is not unconditional value. He becomes blessed when he communicates to the Lord and contributes to the fulfillment of his plan about peace and man. However, labor is not goddly, if he is aimed at serving the egoistic interests of the person or human communities ... ".

But historian N.I. Kostomarov argues that the ideology of the split motion preached "asceticism, which removed from the fun, idleness and everyday emptiness, and with such a sermon, the splitter was hardworking, actors, was intended and enterprising in worldly matters."

For Protestants, a serious attitude towards work was an element of religious education, and for the Old Believers in the way of the struggle for survival.

Relative to the above proverbs: a number of other proverbs can also lead.

In the consciousness of the Russian person, the concept of wealth, satiety is connected only with difficulty, work, personal merit. "As you work, you sing", "What yourself (as we work), such and Sani", "What Martyn, this is Altyn" (so much earned) and other Russian people firmly believes that "you will be firmly firmly And you will not be rich, "and the fact that" from the works of the righteous and can not be caught by the chambers of the stone. " I don't need such a person.

Agricultural work in the context of Russia is a real feat that requires constant stress, dedication and patience. Of course, all this gave birth to the ability to severely stubbornly, independence, energy and initiative. Historian S. M. Soloviev celebrates the spirit of enterprise, activity, the ability to concentrate vitality in the fight against difficult conditions existence, manifested by our ancestors in the early stages of history. N. M. Karamzin testifies to the ability of the ancient Russians to skillfully carry out their own hands many types of work required for the economy.

Due to the natural features of our country, the labor of Russian people was uneven.

As V. O. Klyuchevsky wrote, the Russian man knew that "that nature lends him a little comfortable time for agricultural work and that the short Great Russian Summer knows how to shorten the untimely unexpected bad weather. It forced a Great Russian peasant to hurry, work hard to do a lot in a short time, and to remove from the field on time, and then stay without the autumn and winter. Thus, the Velikorsos was shared to the excessive short-term voltage of his strength, got used to work soon, feverishly and spore, and then rest in the continuation of the forced autumn and winter idleness. No people in Europe are capable of such intense labor for a short time, which can develop the Velikorsos; But nowhere in Europe, it seems that we will not find such an unaccustomer to a smooth, moderate and measured constant work. "

And but proverbs that glorify diligence and conscientiousness in labor, a great set.

"The day is bored until the evening, if you have nothing to do,"

"Not that concern that a lot of work, and then care, as it is not",

"You will be happy, Pasha is not lazy,"

"Leisure will be when we will not be",

"Do not kill the beaver, not to get good",

"Work is a day to dust, rest - overweight,"

"The little thing is better than big idleness."

"She saw, work - the night will be shorter" (i.e., sleep well from fatigue).

Teacher. Slide 15. Let's sum up.

Pupils. Estimated answer.

A glancy look at his life reveals in the following words: "Labor - an image, content, element and purpose of life, at least mine." Stolz does everything to awaken Oblomov to activities. Attempts by these do not lead to anything, and the life paths of two friends are diverged. While the Oblomov buried healingly in the Wheat House, Stolz expands the scope of its activities and greadally takes on new enterprises. Stolz walks on the life path as a winner. In the novel, it is emphasized that everything that has been particularly expensive, it turns to the gallery: he becomes Olga's husband, Bride Oblomov; Made by the manager of Oblomov and, finally, the educator of his son. So the idea is approved in the novel: a new social force, bourgeoisie, step by step, is being replaced by condensed dreamers of Oblomov type. People who went to replace the concerned dreamers and lazy people demanded life itself, and was waiting for society.

Teacher. Slide 16. We summarize.

Teacher. Slide 17.

Pupils can call fairy tales where rich people are fools who deceive the tricky and clever poor man. A positive hero is a disadvantaged younger son, a syrotinushka, stepdaughter, succeeding with the help of magical forces.

Another example.

Even in ancient times, the image of a peasant - hero, pahacary, a worker, which is inextricably linked with the Earth that receives its strength from her. It is not by chance that one of the main figures in the Russian Bogatyr Epos - Mikula Selyaninovich, about whom the whole Rus knew that it was impossible to fight him, since "the whole of Mikulov loves the Mother of Cheese Earth." The main thing in the life of Mikula Selyaninovich, according to the episodes, is work, plowing. In his image, the people himself personifies, for only he can raise those "handbags of the travelers" in which the "traction of the Earth" is gained.

From families of simple peasants, workers are born by the main Russian warriors, first of all Ilya Muromets, who, if they are taken for work, then they perform it from dawn to dawn, with full return and conscientiously.



Why, arguing about the peculiarities of a Russian character, the philosopher Rosanov mentioned the character of Roman Goncharov "Oblomov"?

Are we doomed to poverty?

Stolz is very far from the ideal of the Russian public figure. He himself recognizes Olga: "We are not Titans with you ... We will not go ... on a bold struggle with rebellious issues." That's why Dobrolyubov speaks of him: "It's not that man who will be able in a language that is understandable to the Russian soul, tell us this almighty word" forward! " Dobrolyubov, like all revolutionary democrats, saw the ideal of the "man of business" in serving the people in the revolutionary struggle.

Teacher. Slide 18.

For Russian civilization, the perception of the existing world as imperfect. All thoughts are about the future. Y. Lotman drew attention to the fact that the words "new", "suddenly" pass through the whole Russian culture.

pupils Confirm examples from history, poetic strings.

"Comrade, Believe! She will go up, the star of captivating happiness! ",

"Fatherland Slavl, which is, but three times, which will be",

"I know - the city will, I know the garden to flow the garden ..."

A. S. Pushkin

"... New hail,

Full countries of the Beauty and Divo,

From the darkness of forests, from the molding lot

It was a magnificent, proudly ".

Teacher. Slide 19. Asceticism.

Pupils express different points of view.

One of the points of view.

Developed in Russia and religious asceticism, although its propagation was not so great. Researchers seeking in Russian Orthodoxy characteristic features of the Eastern Church - asceticism and mysticism, make a serious mistake, overlapping the standard scheme of the East to the original organism of the Russian Orthodoxy, in which completely different features prevailed.

Asceticism, care from the world as a means of combating world evil in Russian folk consciousness are allowed only for few monastishes that enjoy a huge authority.

Teacher. Slide 20. Attitude to the east and west.

The essential feature of the Russian civilization was the opposition to the West.

Teacher. Slide 21.

What is Russia elected?

Pupils. They may not be allegedly reply that this is "chosen", God-in-law, which Russia felt, taking as a basis for the ideological formula "Moscow - the third Rome ...", she carried through the stages of his way. At the beginning of the 16th century, the monk Philofee created the ideological construction of "Moscow - Third Rome". Moscow will complete a circle of history to the Second Coming of Christ.

The essence of the idea is that the two former Rome were destroyed by inners, because they retreated from genuine Christian piety. The Moscow state should strictly blame religious piety, otherwise it falls. And if it happens, the universal catastrophe will come, because "two Rome fell, the third costs, and the fourth - not to be." Not Godbragurance of Russians, and the responsibility to humanity for the preservation of the divine truth embodied in their state and household device is that the essence of the idea of \u200b\u200b"Moscow - the Third Rome" is.

Can I give examples when Russia, Russia "prevented" the European "dead trails"?

Teacher. Slide 22.

What two leading functions of Russia indicates the poet M. Voloshin?

What is the mission of Russia?

Why did the Byzantine Constantinople suffered the collapse? And why, on the other hand, the Byzantine Moscow has kept its integrity?


Rurikovichi occur from the emperor of August. This idea has created a new status of Moscow. After the fall of Byzantium in 1453, Russia remained the only independent Orthodox power for approximately 300 years and carried out the mission of the leader and liberator (19th century) of the Slavic Orthodox peoples.

The Moscow State As the successor of the Old Russian statehood developed in a general direction with the countries of Western Europe. The process of centralization and gathering land around Moscow, the formation of an absolute monarchy is also a pan-European phenomenon.

Teacher. Slides 23-24. Advanced task. Representation.

Reflection. Slide 25.

Return to the problem task. Pupils list the factors that influenced the formation of the peculiarities of Russian civilization, statehood.

View the contents of the presentation
"Features of the Russian civilization"

Features of Russian civilization

"Russia is a puzzle wrapped in a mystery inside the riddles."

W. Cherchil

MOBU SOSH № 4 PGT Raugorsk Primorsky Krai, teacher history and social studies of the fence V. V.

The main questions of the topic

  • Features of Russian traditionalism and upgrades.
  • Attitude to power.
  • Community.
  • Ascetic ideal.
  • Peaceful tradition.
  • Attitude to the east and
  • Mysianity

"For you - century, for us - one hour" A. block

The image of Russia - the steppe mare - flying, carrying to break, perfectly recorded A. Block in the poem "On the field of Kulikov":

And eternal fight! Rest only in our dreams.

Through blood and dust ...

Flies, the steppe mare flies

And the Kovyl meat ...

No rest! Steppe kobylitsa

Walk to breathe!

Russian society suddenly changes without long-term preparation, hopped.

Task: Illustrate this feature of the historical development of Russia.

"Oh, the storms of squeezed out do not be - under them the chaos moves!" F. Tyutchev

What features of Russia speak poets?

Who are you, Russia? Mirage? Nawaway

Was you? Is there or not?

Out ... Swrying ... Dizziness ...

Cupless ... madness ... nonsense ...

My meager earth fields

Here there are sorrow.

Hills of space away

Izborby, Plain, Izborby!

A. White. Rus.

Wanders in sharpe, pumps peoples

Russian militant hops.

M. Voloshin. Burning bush.

F. Tyutchev

M. Voloshin

Western and Slavophila

Collision of traditional and modernization values.

Powerful state, army, order, ministry to the state and sovereign, Orthodoxy, ritual, hierarchy, extensiveness.

Personality, freedom, equality, law, right, private property, work

Granovsky T. N.

Khomyakov A.S.

What values \u200b\u200bwrites populists P. Lavrov?

We were proud of one: the power of Russia,

When on the square, before the royal stroller,

They walked slender shelves,

The banner was imagined, stoken the helmets,

And sparkled bayonets ...

The task: Before you several poetic and prosaic passages. Is the logic of a traditional or modernized person demonstrate literary characters? There is no freedom ... But there is a liberation. No equality - there is only equilibrium. Not in equality, not in the fraternity, not in freedom, but only in the death of the truth of the rebellion. M. Voloshin. Rebel. There is no law - there is only forced. All crimes creates the law. The state is guilty to the criminal. Holy Russia is covered with a sinful ruus. M. Voloshin. Ways of Cain.

Dilemma "Western-Slavic Film" It remains still relevant, generating either all new forms of radical denial of all Russian, or new forms of rejection of the West. Thanks to the internal conflict of our civilization, Russia has demonstrated the brightest samples of universalism.

V. S. Solovyov


The doctrine of God-humanity

V. I. Lenin


The most universal project was trying to implement the Bolsheviks: the creation of a single humanity on the principle of complete abandonment of private property

L. N. Tolstoy (1828-1910)

Embodies the unique quality of Russian civilization - its ability to welcome and combine various religious and moral traditions

What a peculiarity of Russian culture illustrate the reasoning philosopher I. Ilina: "Lights is looking for lightness and does not like tension; entertain and forget; falls out the land and leave; To cut one tree, destroy five. And the earth is "God", and his forest has "God"; And "God" means "drawing"; Because someone else is not forbidden. "

Cold, pages, cold. Hungry, pages, hungry.

N. A. Nekrasov

Do you know what Russia is?

Ice desert, but there is a dashing person in it.

K. P. Victoronesev

We were proud of one: the power of Russia.

P. Lavrov. Russian people.

The eternal movement of the Russians noted V. O. Kleevsky , determining Russia as a country "which colonized " The feeling of infinity of the space, its eternal accuracy characterized by a Russian person. V. Rozanov "Wanderer, Eternal Wanderer and everywhere only a wanderer." "Actually I was born a wanderer; Wanderer - a preacher "

N. Berdyaev So determined the consequences to which the territorial expansion of Russia led: "Huge spaces were easily given to the Russian people, but it was not-easy to be the organization of this space."

Historian V. O. Kleevsky


"The state is fat, and the people are humid."

It is very difficult to move from the place of Russia very difficult. Any reform or revolution faces anarchy.

Russia is inscribed in the global process as the country of the modernization type "from within" + "out", when the external factor accelerated internal processes.

Russia by nature is static, susceptible cyclical oscillations , near some point of equilibrium, extensive.

Modernization is a selective character: borrowing technical and organizational achievements against the background of tightening the operation of traditional, dinjais methods.

The characteristic of Russia as the country of "second echelon" recognize the deep rejection of the dynamics.

Preference stability. On the dynamics, traditionalist masses could be raised by total terror, threat of hungry death.

Cycles of Russian history

Rising wave

Low wave

End of the 1780-1810-yd.

Rising wave


Alexander I reforms and projects of the Speransky

1855th of the 1870s.

Low wave

Rising wave

1870-1891, 1896.

Great reforms Alexander II

1896-1914, 1921

Low wave

Rising wave

From 1914th, 1921-1946.

Reforms Witte, Stolypin, NEP

Low wave

1940-1969, 1972

Arakcheevshchina. The reign of Nicholas I.

Contreforms Alexander III

Military Communism, Industrialization, Collectivization

Russian economist N. D. Kondratyev and his followers allocated several cycles in the history of Russia, showing the alternation of "booming" (reforms, transformation) and "downgradable" (counter-processors, tightening of the regime) waves. Try in accordance with the logic of the researcher to complete the table.

The task:

Make a list of the five most important events in Russian history that influenced the formation of statehood and civilization.

Arrange them in order of importance and argue your own position.

Indicate the relation to the power of the Russian people?

"The Russian people always referred to power other than European peoples. He never fought with power and, most importantly, he never participated in it, was unregistered in her. The Russian man always looked at power as evil, from which a person should be eliminated ... " A. Tolstoy

"Russian temper is glorified in the world,

He is examined everywhere.

He is so wondering

That himself hurts on the cord. "

I. Guberman

"... Russian, whatever title it is, bypassing the law everywhere where it can be done unpunished; And the government is completely in the same way. " N. Berdyaev

"... The main current forces the state and the autocratic sovereign ... from which all the main phenomena of life came down and to which V. Klyuchevsky

Think! What the features of Russian Orthodox civilization says M. F. Dostoevsky?

"He is smart, he Shakespeare, he will vain his talent, humiliate him, exterminating him ...";

"... the most top freedom is not to save and not secure yourself with money, but divide everything that you have, and go to everyone."

Community has become one of the main characteristics of the Russian-Orthodox Civilization

Think of the meaning of proverbs: "Not that care that a lot of work, and then care, as it is not"; "From work you will not be rich, but you will be humpback"; "I would have had it helped, yes, work on the mind did not go" "From the work of the righteous, I will not catch the chambers of the stone"; "Let the soul in hell - you will be rich"; "Goals that holy: trouble is not afraid"; "The mind is stupid, yes wallet tight."

Think what the difference is the relationship to work:




"In Russia, all property has grown out of" scoring ", or" presented ", or someone" revolt ". Labor property is very small. And from this she is not strong and not respected. " V.V. Rozanov Remember the positive heroes of Russian fairy tales?

"Get to the book and reveal it and cope more difficult for me than to write an article. Writing - pleasure, but "cope" - disgust. There "Wings are carried", and here - must work : But I'm eternal Oblomov ».


Why, arguing about the features of the Russian character Philosopher Rozanov mentioned the character of Roman Goncharov "Oblomov"?

What are the reasons for our poverty?

Are we doomed to poverty?

Rosanov V.V.

Russian - community man.

The community is its protection, the means of survival.

Humility is a merger with the "world", with a community, a team.

Community - the denial of the personality of one person (to be "like everything", "not sticking out").

The desire for the equalization.

Life is perceived as the service of "peace", as a debt.

Survival - the reason, collectivism - a consequence.

Community consciousness and community behavior merge work and leisure: monotonous peasant labor "squeezed" by dances, singing, a fight of drunken.

Community leads to the absence of a sense of private property.

The community necessitates the psychology "I must", "I owe me."

Generic symbol - production, defender.

For a traditional Russian person - wealth from the devil, the only justification of wealth is a high social status.

Ascetic contempt of the Spirit to the flesh. In the understanding of Russian, society develops from the poor (such as me) and the rich (they). To be rich and honest at the same time can not.

The specific feature of the Russians in the desire to follow Christ in his humiliation, suffering. Christ, who suffers for people, is the ideal of Russians. Poetically, this is expressed by F. Tyutchev:

A leaning gaze,

all of you, the land is native,

in slavish form king heavenly

he came blessed.

The evangelical image of the Christian Christ, the poor caused in 14-15 centuries. "Sculpture." Type of whisk - Russian saint, its quality: poverty, simplicity, humiliation, suffering, sacrifice. Russian people are ready for the victim for the benefit of the country, the Motherland, the state. "Feat" - "ascetic". Land on Earth for Russian has always been a feat.

V. Surikov

"Yurozhny, sitting on earth"

What perception of the world is characteristic of Russian civilization?

N. Berdyaev: "The best, the most cultural and thinking Russian people of the 19th century did not live in the present, which was disgusting for them, they lived in the future and past. Hence the "present", that is, the life of a particular person, the value does not have, they are "fertilizer for the future kingdom of justice."

Andrey White: "Melci" say Russia

And think about the resurrection.

M. Voloshin : So seed in order to germinate

Must exist ...

Istley, Russia,

And the kingdom of the spirit of bloom!

Valery Bryusov: Without a trace all bends, perhaps,

That was the one we were alone

But you will destroy me

Meet welcomes anthem.

Peaceful tradition. All thoughts are about the future. Believing is transient, mumbling, by chance, because inexpan.

Relation to the west and east

M. Voloshin in the "Russia" poem wrote:

At the bottom of the soul, we despise the West,

But we are from there in search of gods

Cut out hegels and marks,

To, hauling on the barbarian Olympus,

Smoke in their honor styrax and gray

And head chopped native gods,

And a year later - overseas nerd

To drag to the river tied to the tail.

Attitude to the West is active. Active dislike, reaching hate, or active "love", striving for the most complete imitation. In general, his rejection. Even during the periods of "dislike" - the desire to adopt technology, but not an ideology.

East attitude calm. Sometimes indifferent, sometimes a patronage, sometimes audible.

What did the "Catholic and Protestant worlds" suggested Russian? They are focused on worldly values, on a pragmatic approach to life, to the active invasion of the world, on a clear and real result.

What is the Orthodox world oriented?

It is focused on mystical, and not on worldly, pragmatic values. More important process, not result. More important dispute as a process, and not its essence.

It is more important to search for "meaning of life", and not specific work on the effective improvement of people's lives.

What type of consciousness (traditional or upgraded) demonstrate the heroes of Roman Goncharov "Oblomov" - Bakes and Stolts?

About unworthy chosen You are elected. Khomyakov

And you, the fire element, Mad, burning me Russia, Russia, Russia - Messiah of the coming day! A. White

What is Russia elected?

Vladimir Solovyov

"... to impose a great duty to her morally to serve both the east and the west, reconciles both."

What formula did Russia take on the basis of ideology?





Idea "Moscow - Third Rome" - This isolationist self-consciousness in the Moscow principality, the main idea is not God-being, and the responsibility to humanity for the preservation of the divine truth embodied in their state and domestic

The activities of Peter I as the active return of Russia into the pan-European world. Inclusion of Russia into a circle of universal universal education. Europeanization is not only like a method of technical modernization, but also the form of serving humanity.

What two leading functions of Russia indicates the poet M. Voloshin: And he stated and suffered in the womb of Russia - the third Rome - blind and terrible fruit: Yes, the East and West conceived in the flame and anger and the worsway! Whether it is destined to be the recent destiny of Europe, to prevent her dedicated trails. Mission of Russia: Sacrificial and "conciliatory" (unifying) Why did the Byzantine Constantinople suffered the collapse? And why, on the other hand, the Byzantine Moscow has kept its integrity? How would you answer this question? "You're the best! The best is the best - no! " - exclaimed M. Voloshin (blessing). How do you understand this statement?

Russian civilization mission in the XXI century?

Political aspect : The creation of a democratic state, an active promotion of the creation of a fair world order, excluding the possibility of dictate of the only superpower.

Cultural aspect : Preservation, development of unique culture, Russian language (Support for RussianFonia - Love to Russia and Russian culture).

Economic aspect : Construction comfort

places in the international division of labor.

Ecological aspect : Preservation of the unique natural manifold of Russia.

Symbols of Russia

The task:

Come up with the symbols of Russia, relying on the human senses.


The form: non-living facility (temple, rustic or city architecture, live object (flower, tree)

Color: What color, in your opinion, can be called the color of Russia?

2. Hearing.

What kind of folk or classic musical work, what rhythm, dance, best emphasizes the spirit of the Russian people?

3. Smell.

What smell (for example, flower) can be a symbol of Russia?

What work of art or literature maybe, in your opinion, the symbol of Russia?

A. Literature.

B. Painting

V. Music.

Think: if you are offered to draw Russia in the appearance of a person, then you will draw it in the guise of female or male? Why?

What is the vitality of the Russian civilization?


Exercise "Teaching Process"

Purpose: Analysis of gaining knowledge, work with concepts, way to streamline thoughts.

This is an opportunity to compile aspects of knowledge:

1) What did you know about the problem from other

2) What did you know from your experience

3) what they wanted to clarify

Write or depict in symbolic form, what did you teach? What did you know from others?

What did you learn to yourself? What did they come on the basis of their own activities? What did you read, have learned?

What is unknown? What do you want to know? Indicate the perspective of the further development of your knowledge.


The history of Russia and its closest neighbors. - Electronic manual, 2005.

Encyclopedia of the history of Russia. 862-1917.

Electronic manual, 2002.

Internet resources. Pictures.

Social science. Global world in the XXI century. - Under Ed.L. V. Polyakova. - M., Enlightenment, 2008.

History of World Civilizations Fortunatov Vladimir Valentinovich

§ 7. Birth of Russian civilization

By virtue of various climatic, geographical, geopolitical, cultural and historical and other circumstances, there was a gradual separation of European peoples and states from each other, various national languages, cultures, mentalities were formed. At the turn of the 1st and 2nd Millennium, there were significant differences in the historical destinies of European peoples. His fate was also prepared by the Russian people.

The time of the Russian people and the Russian state in the European historical arena - it is the boundary of the 1st-year millennium N. e. The Russian ethnos appeared later than Chinese, Indian, Persian, Arabic and some others. Russian nation is relatively young. But it would be particularly emphasized that as a new historical community, representing a new stage in ethnic consolidation of tribal unions, the Russian nation, ancient Russian nationality, Russians are autochthonne, that is, the native, sincerely, the living, aboriginal population of the Eastern European Plain, To which their historical ancestors came and united to live together. This territory covered huge spaces from the Baltic (Varangian) sea, Ladoga and Onega Lakes in the north to the Black (Russian) Sea in the south, from the eastern slopes of the Carpathian mountains in the West to the Verkhovyev Volga and Oki in the East.

In the IX-XII centuries. On all of these lands was located only 5-7 million people. Currently, more than 200 million people live in the same territories.

Thus, the population of the Leningrad region is about 2 million people by 86 thousand km 2. Almost 5 million still live in St. Petersburg in one Moscow today more residents than in all ancient Russia.

When characterizing the system of relations "Man and Nature" in relation to the time of the emergence of civilization in the territory of the Eastern European Plain, it should be paid to the fact that nature, the geographical environment provided the Russian person the two-way living conditions. Full-water rivers were pure rushes with clean water, fed the fish, connected various places of residence of people with each other. Mighty forests were given in excess building material, mushrooms, berries, honey, meat and fur of a variety of animals. Earth, depending on the natural zone (from swamp and wooded to steppe areas), allowed to grow various grain crops, vegetables, fruit, flax. On the one hand, the natural potential of habitat Russian people was not bad. But, on the other hand, it was very difficult to use this potential. The climate was harsh, with a short summer and a long winter, which in comparison with Europeans, such as the French or Byzantines, demanded significant efforts to grow crop, housing insulation, health savings.

The presence of free lands, the ability to play from the previous place and settle for 50-100 versts north or east, to put the house in a few days, for several months to clear the plot for many decades warmed the soul of the Russian man, gave him a ready-made "answer" for possible pressure from The parties of the prince, his administration. There were many unoccupied territories in the country, whose colonization was almost continuous. From the raids of nomads saved in the forests.

In numerous cities with a population from several hundred to several thousand inhabitants, craft developed (more than 60 specialties), trade. Many residents had small land plots right next to the house. Ready local (clay dishes, leather shoes, metal products, etc.) and imported (fabrics, decorations, wines, etc.) goods had limited demand. In extensive territories, natural, self-sustainable farm prevailed. A serious problem was the unreliable state of the communication paths. Shipping rivers did not fully solve the problem of creating strong ties between different territories.

A Russian man had to be very attentive, observant, capable of creatively solving various tasks to flatten. Interaction with nature, significant dependence on it, the need to often lead the real struggle for survival developed endurance in Russian people, the ability to work hard, smelting. Gradually accumulated observations, knowledge that was transmitted (initially orally) from generation to generation.

The development of relations in the system "Man and Man" was influenced by the fact that any significant surplus product did not have a large part of the population. The economy of the ancient Ruscha was natural. The absolute majority of things necessary for the life - from agricultural equipment to food and clothing - was produced in a universal family economy, which in many of their features remained until the beginning of the XX century., Especially in the areas of the Russian European North. (It is enough to turn to the wonderful book of the writer V. I. Belova "Lad".)

In modern domestic historical science, the view is dominated by the fact that in the ancient Russian state the absolute majority of the population was free community peasants who united in Verve (from the rope that land plots was measured; Verve also called "hundreds", later - "lip"). They were respected by "people", "men." They plowed, sowed, cut into and pailed the forest under a new arable land ("Holding-fire system"). Could be filled with a bear, moose, boar, catch fish, collect honey from forest skeins. "Husband" of Ancient Russia participated in the meeting of the community, chose her headman, participated in the trial of the peculiar "jury collegium" - "twelve best husbands", pursued the Konokrad, arsonist, a murderer, participated in armed militia in the case of large military campaigns and together with Others fought off the nomads. A free person was supposed to control his feelings, responsible for herself, relatives and dependent people. For simply murder in accordance with the "Russian True", the arrangement of the laws of the first half of the XI century, the property was confiscated, and the family fully applied to slavery (this procedure was called "flow and looting"). Behind the block of hair, spilled out of a beard or mustache, offended by a free person "for moral damage" was relying compensation in 12 hryvnia (hryvnia - silver ingot weighing about 200 grams; at present hryvnia is the main monetary unit in Ukraine). So appreciated the personal dignity of his free man. The murder caught a fine of 40 hryvnia.

Innovation. Taxes

Taxes arose with the state. Tax policy is the most important tool of public administration. Tax history is a continuous process of improving relations between state power and population. The first tax reform in the history of our country held princess Olga (rules in 945-968). Initially, tribute was assembled by the "Fichu", the detour of controlled territories in order to collect the filings. After the murder of Prince Igor (in 945) for the excessive greed of his squad, during the stay of Princess Olga, the exact dimensions of Dani ("Lessons") found. The fee was made in specially designated places - "Showness" (originally - the place of trade, where the main role was played by "guests" - merchants). It is unlikely that "taxes" in ancient Russia were excessive. The unit of the draft was "smoke" (courtyard) and "Rail" (plow, plot of land). One of the main incomes of the state was criminal fines and duties. Korchmitite was taken for the content of the Corchma, the living room tribute and commerce - for the place under the warehouse and markets for foreign merchants, soot and transport - for the help of the state when moving goods through rivers and wolbs. The population was attracted to the construction of fortifications, buildings and repairing bridges, landscaping of cities, etc. Anti-dollar performances in Russia were resumed only at Mongolian backers.

"Husband" of ancient Russia was an undisputed military-rich, participant of military campaigns. By decision of the people's evening, all combat-ready men appeared to the campaign. Weapons, as a rule, were obtained from the princely arsenal. Thus, the Army of Svyatoslav (years of the real rule of 965-972, was considered the ruler from 945), including along with a squad and popular militia, there were up to 50-60 thousand people.

The community population was an absolute majority in Novgorod, Pskov, Smolensk, Chernihiv, Vladimir, Polotsky, Galitsky, Kiev and other lands. A peculiar community was also the population of cities, among whom Novgorod was the greatest interest with his everlasting system. Larger territories were called "thousand", "regiment." Large princes some time kept tribal names - "VSI Dregovichi", "Vosttichi Vosttichi".

Various life circumstances created categories of people dependent legal status. The ranks called those who fell into a temporary dependence on the owner on the basis of the contract ("series") concluded with it. Those who have lost their property became purchases and received a small plot of land and tools from the owner. Purchase worked for a loan (bubpa), pass the owner's cattle, could not leave him, could be bodily punished, but could not be sold into slavery, while maintaining a chance to get into freedom. As a result of a captivity, self-selling, sales for debts or for crimes, through marriage or marriage on the cooler or Holophek Russian people could become holopas. The right of Mr. Regarding the Hall was unlimited. His murder "cost" only 5 hryvnia. The hills were, on the one hand, the servants of Feodala, who were part of his personal Chelyadi and squads, even the Princely or Boyar administration. On the other hand, the slaves, in contrast to the ancient slaves, could be planted on the ground ("suffer people", "Stradels"), worked as artisans. Lumen-proletaries of ancient Russia can be called rogue. These were people who have lost their former social status: the peasants who were expelled from the community; Freed out freely published chores (as a rule, after the death of the owner); The broken merchants and even the princes of "without place", that is, not received the territories on which they would perform management functions. When considering court cases, the social status of a person played an important role, the principle was operating - "Look to my husband looking at her husband." As the owners of the dependent people were landowners, princes and boyars. An important place in society was occupied by various categories of the twigs: Senior - Boyars, younger - Grid. A special status had a clergy (white - parish and black - monks), as well as ingeneses. Socially, ancient Russian society was a pretty little picture. The development of Russian legislation becomes clear. We should not forget about the ancient Russian family, about the exceptional role that women played, drawing up a house, raising children, sharing the moral values \u200b\u200bof Christianity.

Man and woman in the history of civilizations

In ancient Rus, the marriage age was 12 years old for girls and 15 years for boys. But there were exceptions. Ivan III married political considerations on the Tver Princess. He was 12, she was 10 years old.

The Orthodox Church allowed one person to marry only three times. Until the XIII century. Only a second marriage was usually allowed, and the third is only "if anyone else is young, and there will be no children." The fourth and subsequent marriages were not legal.

The engagement was fixed by the public morality commitment to marry a girl. Eague who prevented or desecrates it, then the engaged still was obliged to marry. Could take a fine if "marry: I went unclean." Parents were obliged to issue daughters to marry. Prepared fines.

The preservation of innocence before marriage was not envisaged. Church law demanded this from future wives of representatives of the clearing. Innocence was required by the participants of the "beauty contests", the selection of wives for Russian kings already in the Moscow kingdom.

The ceremonial rite of the wedding was committed mainly in the first marriage. If the widower married a widow, the wedding was usually replaced by a brief prayer. If only one of the married marriage was repeatedly, then during the wedding, the crown was imposed not above his head, but on the right shoulder (with the third marriage - on the left shoulder).

The people, counting the wedding belonging to the marks of the princes and Boyar, continued to adhere to the marriage of the pagan customs of scalation and the purchase of brides. Certificates of marriages concluded without church weddings are found in literary monuments until the end of the XVII century. The priestly prescribed the clergy of those locality (primarily the outskirts), where there were not church marriages, to marry spouses, even if they already have children.

In Russia, as in Byzantium, the conclusion of marriages began with the appeal of the bride and the bride to the bonus of the blessing of their marriage. The bishop issued a decree on the name of the priest with a proposal to pre-produce "Search", that is, to identify whether there are no obstacles to marriage. This decree was called cornopy memory, or a banner. For the issuance of "Banner" a duty was charged, the amount of which increased in the event of an entry into the second and third marriage. In 1765, Decree of Catherine II, Vernalized Memory and fee for them were canceled. Feature of marriage in the XVII century. It was that the rite of the engagement was accompanied by the so-called "charge" - the contract for which the payment of a penalty was envisaged in the event of its termination.

Divorce ("Rasput") in the XII-XIII centuries. It was allowed only as an exceptional phenomenon. The husband could divorce his wife in the case of her betrayal. Communication of wives with strangers outside the house without the resolution of her husband was equated with treason. With the treason of her husband, the wife could not demand a divorce. Epityamia was imposed on her husband - church repentance. From the XV century Women received the right divorce because of the wrongfulness of the spouse, if he had on the side of his mistress and children from her or the second family.

Births most often occurred in the bath or in any insulated room. The townspeople have long been used by the help of overwhelming butts or rents. In the XVI-XVII centuries. A healthy child was baptized in the church on the eighth day after birth. The name was given in honor of the saint that was remembered on this day. Before the baptism, the guinea was usually located in the bath. Familiar women brought a gift to the teeth (or "under the head") baby, as well as cookies and sweets (pies, kalachi, breads, bagels) of the mother.

The godfather (kum) acquired a native cross, carried a child in his hands to the church, passed his priest, answered him to the questions offered along the rite, participated in the future life of a goddle or skeleton, right up to choosing a spouse or spouse.

"The world of man" in ancient Russia constantly developed, complicated and enriched. In x in. He received the spread of "Cyrillic", which became the basis of the Russian letter. The greatest spiritual influence on our ancient ancestors was provided by nature, an annual natural cycle. Many pagan customs and rituals are preserved after the adoption of Christianity, which has significantly enriched Russian culture.

Over the centuries, there was a compound of the fundamental, folk culture of the eastern Slavs, the Old Russian nationality with the eastern Christianity of the Byzantine sample. It was a complex and fruitful process. A rich spiritual culture consolidated Russian people, ragged them around common values \u200b\u200band fastenmarks than the princely sword and tribute. The expression of this unity was the Great Old Russian literature ("the word about the law and grace" of Illarion, the "prayer" of Daniel Sharpener, "Weeking the Children" Vladimir Monomakh, "Word about the regiment of Igor", etc.).

From book history. General history. Grade 10. Basic and in-depth levels Author Volobuev Oleg Vladimirovich

Chapter 4 Birth of Modern Western Civilization

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CHAPTER 10 Birth of the Russian "Baby" of the seventeenth of July 1945 on the table was in Potsdam at the conference of the leaders of the winning countries of the English Prime Minister W. Churchill lay down a piece of paper with several words: "Babies were safely born".. Mladians, or

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The birth and development of the civilization of the Indus valley is based on archaeological data, it can be concluded that civilization in the Indus valley was born suddenly and exclusively quickly. Unlike Mesopotamia or ancient Rome, nor on one settlement, dating from time

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The birth of a new civilization and saw a new sky and a new land, because the old sky and the former land passed. Revelation of John the Bogoslov. Sometimes it is difficult to determine what it was - the birth of a new or revival of the old, so new and old intertwined among themselves.


§ 4. The birth and flourishing of Muslim civilization was a great importance to the association of Arab tribes based on Islam. The founder of Islam (translated from the Arab "submission") was the prophet Mohammed (570-632), a real historical person. He belonged to priestly, but

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Section 3 Birth of Industrial Civilization and World Development Contradiction (XVIII - First Half

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Chapter 14. The problems of theology in the views of the Russian civilization you, inspirational Rafael, forget the Jewish young, baby's baby cradle. Failure the charm of unearthly, comprehend joy in heaven. Write Mary to us another, with another baby in your hands. A. S. Pushkin any

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The birth of the Russian fivaid action of Vasily III in relation to the church cannot be reduced to the twisting of the hands of freezers and controversy around church estates. The first third of the XVI century, as already mentioned, is the time of large-scale construction of temples throughout Russia. The main side of this

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Part I Birth of the Russian Universe Russia. My wife. Before pain, we are clear to us a long way! Our way - the arrow of the Tatar ancient will pierced us the chest ... and the eternal fight! We only dream of peace, through blood and dust flies, the steppe mare flies, and the Kovyl member ... Alexander

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65. The birth of the European civilization Europe crashed from feudal chaos. The united Castile and Aragon fell on the last Islamic state in the Pyrenean Peninsula, Granada. Together it turned out better, the Maurians suffered defeat. Marked the winner and in

From the book, the psychological aspect of history and prospects of the current global civilization Author USSR internal predictor

3.1. The historical dominant of the Russian civilization is a comprehensive alternative to globalization on the principles of crowd-"elitarism", including its extremely rigid and cynical form of the biblical project, also exists ancient. And objectively its carrier is Russia, more precisely

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39. The birth of industrial civilization by the middle of the XVIII century. In England, the aggregate of the changes occurring in society led to the emergence of a new industrial civilization. Its name is associated with one of the most important factors of those years - industrialization. Under

From the book, a universal story from ancient times until the end of the XIX century. Grade 10. A basic level of Author Volobuev Oleg Vladimirovich

Chapter 4 Birth of Modern Western Civilization

From the book Putin. In the mirror of the "Izborsk Club" Author Vinnikov Vladimir Yuryevich

The ideology of Russian civilization Being with youthful years by the carrier of some ideals of Russian civilization due to home education and Soviet education, Putin may have expanded his knowledge about Russian civilization from the works of the great Russian thinker Metropolitan

From the book Mission of Russia. National Doctrine Author Valtsev Sergey Vitalyevich

§ 2. The vertex of Russian civilization to create a story, you need a gift to fake it, you need power. ON THE. The causes of the Russian revolution if the dominant class is not capable or does not want to resolve the problems set by life to society, then in society

From the book comparative theology. Book 4. Author Collective authors

Civilizations are closed societies characterized by a set of certain signs that allow them to classify. The scale of the criteria is pretty moving, but two of them remain stable - this is a religion and form of its organization, as well as "the degree of remoteness from the place where this society originally originated."

According to many historians, there was not one, but two Russian civilizations.

With IX (or VI) at the end of the XIII century. "Russian-European" (or - Slavonic-European) civilization, and from the beginning of the XIV century. - "Eurasian" (or "Russian").

There is a theory that in Russian lands at the turn of the XIII-XIV centuries. New civilization-Russian begins to develop.

The feature of the development of Russian civilization, as well as many others, was that its formation and formation occurred in a certain spiritual and value religious form, under the powerful influence of Orthodoxy and the Russian Orthodox Church. She showed the ability to transform public being on the basics of Christianity and thus identify all the areas of culture of the people and the lifestyle of people. At the same time, for example, in the XX century, the Russian civilization has progressed in a non-delicious, atheistic form. Now the full civilization development of Russia is unthinkable without overcoming the sociocultural and spiritual and moral crisis and the clarification of the role of Orthodoxy in the formation of the past, present and future Russian civilization

The civilizational basis of Russia becomes the northeastern (Moscow) statehood, forming new standards and values \u200b\u200bin society and in the context of the fight against Tatar-Mongols.

Traditional society is inferior to a new, mobilization. At the same time, according to the concept of L. Gumileva, the genesis of a new Russian ethnos begins, and then the Russian super ethnos. According to the observations of some researchers, the central moment in the process of formation of the Russian civilization was the socio-ecological crisis of the XVI century. With him, the transition from the torn of society and culture into two parts is the peasants-semi-speech, residents of forests and the Christian Orthodox world: princes, churches, citizens to a single Russian society.

There is also the theory of Moscow civilization. She says that Kiev civilization stopped existence in the XIII century. As a result of the Tatar-Mongol invasion. In the XIV century With the formation of the Moscow state, the "subsidiary" of Moscow Rus, which became the basis of the Russian ("Eurasian") civilization.

Periodization of the Russian civilization is divided into 4 stages: I Stage - Kiev-Novgorod Russia (IX in the XII centuries); Stage II is Russia Rus; III Stage - Russian Empire XVIII - XX centuries; The IV stage begins at the beginning of the 20th century, in the 1920s and lasts to this day.

The development of the Russian state is also divided into steps: I (IX - XIII centuries) education and the formation of an ancient Russian state; (II (XIII - middle of the XV century) Specific fragmentation in Russia; Iii (second half of the XV - XVII century) Combining Russian principalities into a single state, expanding Russian lands; IV (XVIII - early XX century) Russian Empire; V (the end of the 10th - the end of the 80s. XX century) Soviet state; VI (beginning of the 90s. XX - N.V.) New Russia (conventional name).

Describe briefly each of their stages.

I stage - Kiev-Novgorod Rus (IX to XII centuries)

During these years, the ancient Russian state was the strongest power of Europe. During these years, the ancient Russian state was the strongest power of Europe. Our northern neighbors were called Russia - Gardariki, a country of cities. These cities were lively trade with East and West, with all the then civilized world. The peak of the power of Russia at this stage is the middle of the XI century - the years of the reign of Yaroslav Wise. At the same time, Knyazy Kiev was one of the most beautiful cities in Europe, and the Kiev Prince is one of the most authoritative European sovereigns. The German princes, the Byzantine Emperor, Kings of Sweden, Norway, Poland, Hungary, distant France, were looking for marriage unions with the Mariroslav family. But after the death of Yaroslav, his grandchildren began to fight for power and the power of Russia was undermined.

The XIII century was marked by a crisis associated with the invasion of Tatar-Mongols from the East and Crusaders from the West. In the fight against enemies, Rus revealed new city centers, new princes. So the next stage began in the development of our civilization .

Stage II - This is Russia Moscow.

It begins at the beginning of the XIV century, when the Moscow principality in the north-east of Russia began to strengthen and, on the basis of its basis, a single Russian state is created.

At this time, Russia is exempt from the Ordane Iga, adopts the heritage of Byzantium and becomes the primary Orthodox power of the world. In the XVI century, with Ivan Grozny, the territory of Russia increases several times.

At the beginning of the XVII century there is a civilization crisis, due to the suppression of the ruling dynasty Rurikovich. The result was the coming to power of the new dynasty - Romanov. After the period of its strengthening, a new stage of Russian civilization began.

III stage - Russian Empire (XVIII - XX centuries)

With the coming to power of Peter the Great and thanks to his reforms, Russia becomes the same powerful state as the United Kingdom and France, which at that time were the leading powers of Europe.

The present peak of this stage is the end of the XVIII century, when after the wise rule of Peter I, Catherine I, Elizabeth Petrovna, with Catherine II, Russia who won in wars with Turkey, dividing Poland with Austria and Prussia, fully opened his way to Europe.

IV Stage The civilian development of Russia begins at the beginning of the 20th century, in the 1920s.

It continues so far. This is the stage of dynamism, that is, the rapid development of the state and society.

On average, each stage of development of our civilization lasts 400 years. The Russian civilization is at the initial stage of the fourth stage of its development, this instills the hope that Russia will overcome the difficulties in the strip of which she entered the collapse of the USSR.

What awaits Russia in the future? Russian civilization has evolved very brightly, with its races and falls. Our whole story passes through crises.

Today, Russia is in 80 years of the fourth stage of development, then in various theories and points of view (and their opinions are optimistic) Russia must again rise in Europe and the world, to gain the former power, as it, as a great civilization, and is appropriate.

In the era of the Middle Ages begins the entry into the world historical process at first Rus, and then Russia. The question of the question: to what type of civilization can be attributed? The solution of this issue is of great importance for the methodology for studying the history of Russia. But this is not just a historical and scientific, but socio-political and spiritual and moral problem. This or how a solution to this problem is related to the choice of the path of development of our country, the definition of the main value guidelines. Therefore, the discussion on this issue did not stop throughout the Russian history. In our opinion, there is no need to reproduce the entire course of this discussion. When presenting the appropriate topics we will touch this issue. Now it is necessary to fix the basic principal positions.

The main question of this discussion is how to relate in the history of Russia the legacy of Eastern and Western civilizations? To what extent is the citizens of Russia? Historians, publicists and public figures give an answer to these questions from the height of their time, taking into account the entire preceding historical development of Russia, as well as in accordance with their ideological and political installations. In historiography and journalism of the XIX-XX centuries. The polar solution of these issues was reflected in the position of Westerners and Slavophiles.

Westerners or "Europeanists" (V. G. Belinsky, T. N. Granovsky, A. I. Herzen, N. G. Chernyshevsky, etc.) proposed to consider Russia as an integral part of Europe and, therefore, as an integral part of Western element Civilization. They believe that Russia, although with some lag, developed in line with Western civilization.

In favor of this point of view, many characteristics of Russian history speak. The absolute majority of the population of Russia professes Christianity and, therefore, committed to the values \u200b\u200band socio-psychological plants, which underlie Western civilization. Reformed activities of many statesmen: Prince Vladimir, Peter I, Catherine II, Alexander II aimed at the inclusion of Russia to Western civilization.

There is a different extreme position, the adherents of which are trying to attribute Russia to countries with the eastern type of civilization.

Supporters of this position believe that the few attempts to recruit Russia to Western civilization have fallen unsuccessfully and did not leave a deep track in the self-consciousness of the Russian people and its history. Russia has always been a kind of eastern despot. One of the most important arguments in favor of such a position is the cyclicality of the history of Russia: for the period of reforms, the period of counterposses inevitably followed, for the reformation - counterperification. Supporters of this position also indicate the collectivist nature of the mentality of the Russian people, the absence of democratic traditions in the Russian history, respect for freedom, the dignity of the individual, the vertical nature of social and political relations, their mainly subject to color and so on.

But the largest course in the historical and social thought of Russia is the ideological and theoretical course that defends the idea of \u200b\u200bthe identity of Russia. Supporters of this idea are Slavophiles, Eurasians and many other representatives of the so-called "patriotic" ideology. Slavophiles (A.S. Khomyakov, K.S. Aksakov, F.F. Samarin, I.I. Kireevsky and their followers) The idea of \u200b\u200bthe identity of Russian history was associated with solely peculiar way by the development of Russia, and, therefore, with an exceptional peculiarity of Russian culture . The initial thesis of Slavophilov's teachings is to approve the decisive role of Orthodoxy for the formation and development of Russian civilization. According to A. S. Khomyakov, it was Orthodoxy formed "that iseply Russian quality, that" Russian Spirit ", which created Russian land in its infinite volume."

The fundamental idea of \u200b\u200bRussian Orthodoxy, and, consequently, the entire structure of Russian life is the idea of \u200b\u200ba council. Cathedral is manifested in all spheres of vital activity of a Russian man: in the church, in the family, in society, in relations between states. According to Slavophiles, the Cat is the most important quality that Russian society separates from all over Western civilization. Western peoples, departing from the decisions of the first seven universal cathedrals, was distinguished by the Christian symbol of faith and thereby betrayed the conjunction of the Cathedral beginning. And it gave rise to all flaws of European culture and primarily its mercantilism and individualism.

Russian civilization is inherent in high spirituality, based on ascetic worldview, and collectivist, community-based social life. From the point of view of Slavophiles, it was Orthodoxy who spawned a specific, social organization - a rural community, the "world", which has economic and moral importance.

In the description of the agricultural community, Slavophilas is clearly visible the moment of its idealization, embellishment. The economic activities of the community seems to be a harmonious combination of personal and public interests, and all members of the community speak relative to each other as "comrades and shareholders". At the same time, they still recognized that in the modern community device there are negative moments generated by the presence of serfdom. Slavophiles condemned the serfdom and advocated his abolition.

However, the main advantage of the rural community Slavophila was seen in those spiritual and moral principles that she brings up from their members: readiness to stand up for common interests, honesty, patriotism, etc. In their opinion, the emergence of these qualities in the community members does not consciously occur, but Instinctively, by following the ancient religious customs and traditions.

Based on the principal installation that the community is the best form of social organization of life, Slavophiles demanded to make the community principle of comprehensive, that is, to transfer it to the scope of urban life, in industry. The community-based device should also be based on public life and is capable, according to them, replace "abominating administrativeism in Russia".

Slavophiles believed that as the "Community Principle" disseminate in Russian society will continue to strengthen the "spirit of the Council". The leading principle of social relations will be the self-denial of each in favor of all. " Due to this, the religious and social aspirations of people are solved into a single stream. As a result, the task of our inner history, determined by them as "enlightenment of the people's community-started start by the beginning of communal, church".

Slavophilism is based on the ideology of pancakers. The basis of their idea of \u200b\u200bthe special fate of Russia is the idea of \u200b\u200bexclusiveness, the features of the Slavs. Another major destination defending the idea of \u200b\u200bthe identity of Russia is Eurasianism (P.A. Karsavin, I.S. Trubetskaya, G.V. Florovsky et al.). Eurasians, unlike Slavophiles, insisted on the exclusiveness of Russia and the Russian ethnic. This exclusivity, in their opinion, was determined by the synthetic nature of the Russian ethnic volume. Russia is a special type of civilization, which differs from both the West and the East. This special type of civilization they called the Eurasian.

In the Eurasian concept of the civilization process, a special place was given to the geographical factor (natural environment) - "location" of the people. This environment, in their opinion, determines the features of various countries and peoples, their self-consciousness and fate. Russia occupies the median space of Asia and Europe, approximately outlined by three great plains: Eastern European, West Siberian and Turkestan. These huge plain spaces, devoid of natural sharp geographic frontiers, imposed a mark on the history of Russia, contributed to the creation of a peculiar cultural world.

A significant role in the arguments of the Eurasians was allocated to the peculiarities of the ethnogenesis of the Russian nation. The Russian ethnos was formed not only on the basis of the Slavic ethnos, but under the strong influence of the Turkic and threshold tribes. The impact on the Russian history and the Russian self-consciousness of the Eastern "Turansky", mostly Turkic-Tatar element associated with the Tatar-Mongolian IGOM was emphasized.

The methodological attitudes of the Eurasians largely shared the prominent Russian thinker N.A. Berdyaev.

One of the most important characteristics of Russian people's individuality, according to Berdyaev, is its deep polarity and inconsistency. "The inconsistency and complexity of the Russian soul, he notes, may be due to the fact that two flux of world history come into cooperation in Russia: East and West. The Russian people are not purely European and not a purely Asian people. Russia is a whole part of the world, a huge east-west, it connects two worlds. And always in the Russian soul, two beginnings, east and western "(Berdyaev N.A. Russian idea. The main problems of the Russian thought of the XIX and the beginning of the 20th century. In the Sat." About Russia and Russian Philosophical Culture. Philosophers of the Russian post-Betyabe abroad. "

ON THE. Berdyaev believes that there is a correspondence between the immensity, the infinity of the Russian Earth and the Russian soul. In the soul of the Russian people there is the same immense, infiniteness, aspiration in infinity, as in the Russian plain. The Russian people, approves Berdyaev, was not the people of culture based on an ordered rational basis. He was the people of revelations and inspirations. The two opposite principles were formed in the foundation of the Russian Soul: the pagan donomistic element and ascetic monastic Orthodoxy. This duality permeates all the main characteristics of the Russian people: despotism, state hypertrophy and anarchism, liberty, cruelty, tendency to violence and kindness, humanity, softness, terrain and selection of truth, individualism, aggravated personality consciousness and impersonal collectivism, nationalism, self-power and universalism, Ensure, eschatology-messenger religiosity and external piety, the search for God and militant worry, humility and arrogance, slavery and riot. These contradictory features of the Russian national nature predetermined, according to Berdyaev, the complexity and cataclysms of Russian history.

It should be noted that each of the concepts that determine Russia in world civilization is based on certain historical facts. At the same time, in these concepts, the one-sided ideological orientation is clearly shifting. We would not want to take the same one-sided ideologized position. We will try to give an objective analysis of the stroke of the historical development of history in the context of the development of world civilization.

The formation of Russian civilization.

1.Grid and geographical factors of formation of civilization

The main among the natural factors of the zone of the settlement of Slavs was its continental character.

The sea played in the history of the country a smaller role than immense, poorly developed expanses of the Eurasian mainland. The exit of Russia to the sea was mainly in the XVIII XX centuries. The colonial overseas empire like in England the Russians could not be created. But they mastered and settled the sixth of the sushi from the Baltic States to the Far East. There is no other people like such a compact settlement zone.

It demanded from the Russian people of incredible efforts to colonizationland, which was a kind of geographical "rod" of Russian history.

Common for the territories mastered by the Russians is the relative monotony of natural factors, which caused the sameness of economic activity in all areas.

This distinguished the activities of the Russian people from others. In Western Europe, the abundance of mountains and elevations, the strong dismemberment of the area favored the specialization of the economy, contributed to the trade exchange between the inhabitants of the mountains and the valleys.

In Russia, the same monotony of the landscape created weak internal prerequisites for the specialization of the economy and internal trade, which arose rather late. Almost no peoples with ancient high culture were almost absent on the path of settlement of the Eastern Slavs.

Contacts with the Byzantine Empire only partly contributed to the development of ancient Russian culture.

The ignorance of Latin, the language of theology and science, did not give the opportunity to the Russians until the XVIII century to enjoy the cultural values \u200b\u200bof the West. Finally, Russia constantly in contact with the steppe and up to the XVIII century experienced a threat to devastating invasions of steppes. All this braked her internal development, historical progress.

The peculiarities of the natural environment of the Russian settlement largely determined them national character and dominant values.

The density of the population of Western Europe, the intensity of exchange, the limited natural resources contributed intensification farms, desire for innovations. The large space of the settlement zone, the relatively low population density was created in Russia the opportunity to maintain the required standard of living, involving the natural riches of the Earth in the economic circulation.

At best, traditional business skills were transferred to new lands. All this gave rise to Russian habit extensive, consumer attitude to natural resources. There was a utopia about the inexhaustibility of the wealth of the native land. The main points were quantitative And not qualitative criteria, the number, not the skill. Opposite trends developed mainly in cities and in historically later period.

Climatic conditions have seriously affected the labor skills of the Russian population.

In Europe, fluctuations in temperature during the year due to the effect of the North Atlantic flow of Gulf Stream, are 10-20 degrees per year. Russia, including its European part, lies in the zone of the Siberian anticyclone, in which temperature fluctuations are more significant - up to 35-40 degrees per year.

The temperature of January in Europe is an average of 10 degrees higher than in the center of Russia. This allows far agriculture, including agriculture, most of the year, for example, to breed winter varieties of vegetables.

The peasants there is practically no dead season, which tears it to systematic work. Spring and autumn periods are longer here. Than in Russia. There is no need to complete the navigation as soon as possible and hastily remove the bread before it goes under the snow. It also teaches leisurely systematics in labor.

In Russia, deep drainage of the soil (40 cm.

in the center of the country) and short spring, turning into a hot summer, make the peasant after home care of winter pores, quickly switch to agricultural work - Pakhtot, North, from the velocity of which depends on its welfare throughout the year.

Summer is the period of the Strand, limit voltage Forces for the Russian peasant. It developed his ability to "lay out", to carry out a huge work in a short time. But the time of the suffer is small. Snow in Russia lies 5-6 months. Therefore, the main form of attitude to work is leisurely-passive. This situation was reflected in the proverb: "The Russian man is harmful for a long time, but quickly goes."

True, it should be noted that the lack of a desire for high quality labor was also associated with public relations in the country, with serf labor.

In those zones where it did not exist, in the north and in Siberia, the values \u200b\u200bof constant and high-quality labor were higher than in the center.

Leisurely passive attitude towards labor and life has developed another value from a person - patience, which has become one of the features of a national character.

Better "Thread" than to take something, change the course of life. This is manifested not only the lack of initiative, but the fundamental reluctance is allocated to their activity among others. This behavior is justified by the nature of the labor and resettlement of Russian peasants. The development of forests that covered most of the territory of the country, cutting down and the crowd of trees, plowing the earth demanded the collective labor of several families.

Working in the team, people acted uniformly, striving do not stand out among the others. This was your meaning. The collective cohesion was more important than the effectiveness of each of its members. Subsequently, in the same direction of the peasants pushed community equability land tenure.

As a result, individualism developed poorly, causing striving for the initiative, improving labor efficiency and personal enrichment. His appearance is associated with later processes in Russian society and the influence of European values.

However, the same collectivism was the basis of the mentality of relations between people, the coalded manifestations of nobility and mutual sacrifice, the latitude of the soul of the Russian man, also the form of "non-patience."

The orientation of the needs of the team brought up in Russian people is that most of them turned out to be alien to the smallness of everyday life.

The ideal of the peasant was a skill in many ways to deny yourself for the sake of interest common cause. Life was perceived as a debt execution, endless overcoming difficulties.

Last wisdom taught that circumstances often oppose a person than on his side. This formed such features in the Russian people as persistence and ingenuity in achieving the goals. The execution of the conceived was considered as a rare luck, the gift of fate and then the usual asceticism of everyday life was replaced by a fear of the holiday, which was invited to all the village.

The transition from such a bright original type of personality in the XVIII century to a more Europeanized among the educated sections of society was perceived by many as spiritual degradation.

In general, the space that Russia was seized with all its potential wealth, created large obstacles to the formation of civilization and its development. And this is one of the reasons for the slow motion, which determines the entire history of Russia.

Religious factors of formation of civilization

The pagan worldview of Slavs. The feeling of the world of the ancient Slavs determined the cult of nature. The cult is naive, poetic, born of a human proximity to nature, to the ground. Nature fifth Slavyanina was his mother. With the first glimpses of consciousness, he was guarding it.

The main natural element, which struck Slavic, was the element of heat and light as the necessary condition for all development and life.

Therefore, the original God was welded - the deity of light and warmth. Later he was stripped and a welded appeared.

The presence of light strength was considered to be a favorable time, as it was the power of life.

Everything in nature came to life. The lack of light power was the time of darkness and cold, hostile to any development and disadvantage, since at that time he needed more works and worries about himself.

Therefore, the Slavovan associated with a bright, clean force - good, well-being, happiness, and with dark strength, unclean power - evil, hostility, misfortune.

Such a separation he did relatively.

Slavs represented the world born of water. In his creation, net and unclean power participated. Clear power worked beautiful on earth, and unclean - Portila.

In the creation of a person also participated two of these forces.

There is such a testimony: "Rosprusion (i.e.mosporil) Soton with God, to whom the person schistas? And the schurch of the devil of man, and God's soul in do not input; Thoroughly (so when) is a man, the body goes into the ground, and the soul to God. "

According to the testimony of poems from pigeon books and Azbukovnikov, the body of a person was created from the Earth, the hair from the grass, the cores from the roots, blood from sea water, dice from Kameni, breathing from the wind, thoughts from the cloud, the eyes of the Sun; The soul put God himself.

Slavs had a concept and about the soul, as a life-quality strength, and this power is taken from heavenly fire, which sends Dazhibog, grandfather of all seas. Thunder and brew, he raises unclean spirits.

Before the creation of the Earth and man, the world represented two areas: the sky of the sky, where the weld with his family reign, and the cold region, the dark, where unclean power ruled.

These kingdoms were divided into boundless, blue sea, with whom the blue sky merged.

The sun constantly committed its turnover, illuminating the land in the afternoon and leaving her at night in the darkness, heating her in the spring and summer, and leaving cold in the fall and winter.

Where did the sun go?

Fantasy Slavs created this mysterious country.

In the middle of the ossain-sea on the island of Buyan is the center of all wonderful. Here, in this beautiful country lying in the East, the sun lived in a light house, it was removed here for the night and it kept her life-giving fertility in winter, when the kingdom of the cold came. Buyan Island was among the Unlimited Ocean.

True, as and when Buyan Island was created, legends are silent.

On Buyan is "Alatyr - Stone, who is not led by anyone, under which the power of mighty, and there is no end," says the conspiracy. This stone is Alatyr Bel, Guli, and burns and does not burn, as if creative power is constantly born and does not degenerate.

On the same island of Buyan, where there is an eternal spring, and life lies in a multitude of embryos, sits and death in the image of Yustrician birds.

On the sea on the outbreak

On the island on Buyan

Sits the Yastric Bird;

She praises - scamped,

That everyone saw

Just a lot of meant, -

says a people's mystery meaning death.

So, in the east lies the island of Buyan, the focus of all bright and good.

And in the West, according to Slavic ideas, there is a barren country of death, having a cold and darkness, troubles. In the West, where the sun comes, light and heat is destroyed. Hell lies in the West.

It consists of the abuses, the abyss, the mountains of snow and iron, every life is dying. From here, dehumans, spring diseases, cow death and the like are arrived.

Probably, in connection with these ideas about two mysterious dwellings of various forces of nature, the Slavs in Paradise and Hell, as in the dwelling for the shower of good and evil after their death.

Slavs believed in their relationship with nature.

Each forest, stream, well, even a separate tree was presented to the Slavs for animate. Especially attracted them with their own old, large trees, sprawling busy oaks.

The Slavs were honored by fast deep rivers, in all tales of the river speak the human language. They worshiped huge stones and the mountains, because no wonder the fate of Russian warns was put in a mysterious connection with the stone mountains.

Therefore, the gods of Slavic Pantheon personified good and evil forces of nature, her wealth and mystery.

There were quite a lot of them. Originally, the Slavs worshiped the genus and godzhanits. Immediately after the birth of a child, God Rod recorded his appearance in his book, as if determining his fate. Therefore, it still has an expression "on the family is written."

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Features of the Russian civilization briefly 10, grade 11

Russian civilization is a civilization of measure. We are stubbornly pull either to the west or east, but we confidently took our own place in the world.

And what is the difference between Russian civilization from others? First of all, this principle in which countries and peoples have merged in the process of globalization.

The West shows a rather aggressive policy, expanding its zone of influence angry or even destroying the aborigines. An example of this multi-million victims during the "conquest of America", and and with the colonies they did not ceremony, squeezing resources like juice from orange.

At the origins of our Motherland stood other moral principles.

It is here that the basic characteristics of mentality, moral, ethical, anthropological and moral installations have been preserved. Our people are aware and distinguish true and imaginary values.

Russia in his entire history did not destroy none of the indigenous peoples who live on its territory. Many people were given writing and education as a whole. They harmoniously fit into multimillion, multinational civilization, enriching each other's culture. Infrastructure has been created.

The friendship of peoples in line with mutual respect was cultivated. The Russian concept of globalization is characterized by the goals and meaning of life.

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Features of Russian civilization.
When Russia speaks about Russia, they mean a civilization that does not like Western and Eastern, which are conditionally divided by the lives of the lives of peoples inhabiting the mainland of Eurasia. To say exactly that Russia is developing on some particular type it is impossible. Different scientists at one time are the so-called "Westerners" and "Slavophilas" - proved the legitimacy of Russia's attraction to one or another pole, but there was no such concrete merger with any civilization.
Two main differential aspects are allocated, for which the concept of Russia is being formed as a special civilization.

First, the geographical factor plays an important role. The fact is that from the moment of its origin and development, the Russian state, no matter how it was called, to whatever formation, has always been balanced between East and West. That is, at first, this state originated in the western part of Eurasia, then the territory gradually spread to the east. It is customary to share Russia geographically in relation to the east and west in the Ural Mountains.

From here and notes about the coat of arms of the state: the creators of the emblem were forced to portray an eagle with two heads so that each looked in the Western and Eastern Paces respectively.
Secondly, historically developed in such a way that in different epochs, Russia experienced an influence of both Eastern and Western civilization.

For example, the invasion of Mongol-Tatars on our land marked a long stage of life "under the East". In the troubled time in Russian Earth, there were full foreign interventories who tried to undermine her strength and self-determination. With Peter, there is a significant bias towards the election of the Western Way of Development.

And so on to the present.
However, even with such visible "throwing", Russian statehood has established itself with a special civilization that has entered itself as a sponge, the features of all civilizations that have had its influence on it at different times.

Russian construction fully complies with one of the definitions of the concept of "civilization" - society that frozen in a certain locus of space and time. Economic, material, spiritual subsystems of this society are unique in their own way. That is why modern Russian society remains one of the most special.

It is considered one of the most tolerant in the world, which is why hundreds of nations get along within one state, respecting the traditions and customs of each other. Perhaps the term "multinational" comes only to Russia formed for its centuries-old history into a unique social civilizational complex.

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Legend of voluntary slavery

Acquaintance with the concepts of local about global civilization. Definition of public consciousness as a combination of public views on various sides of the device of peace and social life. Consideration of the process of transition of Russia to feudal civilization.

Students, graduate students, young scientists who use the knowledge base in their studies and work will be very grateful to you.

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"The pace of development of the Russian local civilization in the framework of the global"

Before you start discussing the topic of the development of the Russian local civilization in the framework of the global, you need to know what is local and global civilization.

And so, what is the local and global civilization?

Local civilization Expresses cultural and historical, ethnic, religious, economic and geographical features of a separate side, a group of countries or peoples related to the general physical fate.

World global civilization- This is a stage in the history of mankind, characterized by the level of needs, abilities, classes, skills and the interests of a person, the technological and economic method of production, the construction of political and social relations and the level of the spiritual world.

As a local civilization, Russia has its own development speed, differing from a general sequence of development of global civilizations, but, in general, it repeats it.

Analysis of society from the standpoint of the theory of global civilization is close to a formal influx formed within the framework of Marxism.

The conformity is understood as a historically defined type of society, which arises based on a certain method of material production. The leading role is playedBazis A combination of economic relations that make up between people in the process of production, distribution, exchange and consumption of material goods. A combination of political, legal, religious and other views, relations and institutions component .

One of the add-on elements is publicconsciousness, i.e.

the combination of the views of this society on various sides of the device of peace and social life.

This combination of views has a certain structure. Views are divided into two levels.

First The level is empirical (experienced) people's views on the world and their own life accumulated throughout the history of this company, second - Theoretical systems of ideas developed by professional researchers.

In addition, views are divided into groups depending on the area of \u200b\u200bthe issues of the issues. These groups of ideas are customary to call formamism community. These forms include: the knowledge of the world as a whole, about nature, about public life, legal knowledge, morality, religion, ideas about beauty and so on.

These ideas on the theoretical level are in the form of scientific disciplines: philosophy, political science, legal sciences, ethics, religious studies, aesthetics, physics, chemistry, etc. The state and development of public consciousness are determined by the state of public existence, i.e., the level of development has been produced by society and character His economic base.

In the transition period (VI - VIII centuries), unions of tribes were formed and disintegrated.

In VI ... IX centuries. - Many unions of the tribes: Polyana, Drevlyan, Northerners, Ilmenie Slavs, Radmichi, Curvichi, Dregovichi, Vyatichi, etc. The time of formation and heyday of medieval civilization - IX - XII centuries. (Kiev and Novgorod Rus). Economy - agriculture, cattle breeding (steppe), hunting and Bortnovnia (forest).

The first wave of medieval civilization reached the vertex at Yaroslav Mudrome (1019-y54g.).

Kievan Rus - from Dnipro and Vistula to Don and Volga, from Northern Dvina to Taman Peninsula (Tmutarakan). The most important role in the development of connections of Christianity, in 988. Civilization Social Russia Society

Novgorod had closer ties with the Western and Northern countries, had more developed crafts, art and literacy.

In the XII century - at first Sunset Kiev Rus. Feed feudal wars. The state was weakened, disassembled and turned out to be powerless to Tatar-Mongols.

From the XIV century A new cycle of Russian history began, the second stage of medieval civilization, the epicenter of it was Moscow. Ivan Kalita headed the struggle for the gathering of Russian lands. The vertex of this cycle is the end of XV - the first half of the XVI century. The peculiarity of Russia of that time is the strong role of the state.

However, this powerful state was crashed at the end of the XVI early XVII century.

Transition period to the next historical cycle. In the period of the Great University (1601 -1603), a third of the state died of hunger.

The recovery process began with the election of the king Mikhail Romanov (1613). The highest phase of this cycle XVIII century. - from Peter I reforms before the reign of Catherine II inclusive.

The gap between Russia and Western Europe has decreased.

The XIX century in Russia became a period of the crisis of feudalism and the beginning of the transition to industrial civilization.

Chronologically industrial civilization in Russia covers the period from the 60s of the XIX century. (Canceling the serfdom) until the end of the XX century. (about one and a half). As part of this period, stages are distinguished:

1861-1916 - Accelerated industrialization, approval of capitalism, rise of science, culture and education.

The first signs of the nationwide crisis (1905).

1917-1964 - The period of the nationwide crisis and an attempt to solve it within the framework of the socialist development option, not considered with the victims, the price of the extreme voltage of the forces.

But during this period, the country won in the Patriotic War, a powerful military-industrial power was created.

Since 1965 - the final phase of industrial civilization, which ended with the next crisis, the collapse of the USSR, painful search for new paths, radical transformation of society.

Attempts by the Reformation and Sunset of Socialism - this is the main content of the third long-term cycle of industrial civilization in Russia, which has begun since 1964.

Russia entered into a rich in shocks the transitional period to post-industrial civilization.

Russian civilization from class global civilization has moved to feudal, skipping an antique. But in its development as global civilization, all stages were held: the first crisis falls on the 18th century, the end of the 19th century - the time of the highest point of lifting of civilization, the 40s of the 20th century - the time of the second crisis, 70-80 years - the rise time, after which comes final crisis.

"Civilizations are essentially inherent in a very long temporary extent.

They are not "mortal MI, especially if you judge the standards of our individual life. This means that deaths that, of course, happen and mean the wreck of basic grounds, are affecting them incomparably less often than sometimes represent. ... differing a huge, inexhaustible duration, civilizations are constantly adapting to their fate and are preserved longer than any other collective reality.

In other words, civilizations pass through political, social, economic and even ideological shocks ... "

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Concept and structure of civilization

Dynamics of Russian local civilization.

abstract, added 01/03/2013

Features of modern civilization and global problems of modernity

The concept of the global system and civilization.

UN as a global community management body. Problems of globalization of global social space and the features of modern civilization. Global problems of modernity and their influence on reforms in Russia.

examination, added 08/26/2011

On the implementation of the development strategy of the information society in the Russian Federation

Information society as a step in the development of modern civilization, its main characteristics, stages of the development process.

UN Millennium Declaration. Okinawa Charter of the Global Information Society. Strategy and ways of its development in Russia.

presentation, added 07/25/2013

Technique as a sociocultural phenomenon

Science in the culture of technogenic civilization.

Culture forms the personality of members of society, thereby largely regulates their behavior. Traditional and technogenic civilizations. Specificity of scientific knowledge. The main distinguishing signs of science.

coursework, added 24.11.2008

Features of the transformation of Russian culture

The culture of the Russian civilization is a complex, multi-level, contradictory education, which form a large society in a huge geocultural space of Eurasia.

Consideration of modern or past society problems.

examination, added 17.07.2008

The concept of society

Narrow and wide understanding of society, its difference from nature.

Public life areas (subsystems) of public life and their relationship with the economic, political, social and spiritual spheres. Social institutions. The main features of Eastern and Western civilization.

presentation, added 04/07/2014

Modern stage of world civilized development

Modern civilizations.

Economic development of modern civilization. Civilization and social development. Modern civilization and political life. Effective control over the laws, law enforcement and human rights.

abstract, added 11/13/2003

Utopism as a direction of social forecasting

The study of the phenomenon of utopia and utopian consciousness as an important component of the process of rethinking the paths of further development and the basic values \u200b\u200bof modern civilization.

Social utopism: from myth to knowledge. System of utopian archetypes in Russia.

abstract, added 11/20/2012

Information society

Globalization and the main reasons for the crisis of modern civilization. Human economic activity in the twentieth century. The main civilizations in Huntington.

Concept of academician N. Moiseeva about "collective intelligence". Basic changes in the progress of mankind.

abstract, added 03/16/2011

Environmental movements in Russia

"Green" movement in modern Russia and its directions. The opposition to the industrial and technocratic civilization of the project of an alternative and environmental public system. Acute need for perfect environmental legislation.

Spring in the development of the society O. Spengler called the culture, and the winter session season gave the name "Civilization". The interpretation of culture and civilization as two consecutive stages in the development of society since then was established as scientifically legitimate. However, speaking of Russia as a civilization, we will keep in mind that understanding, which is primarily associated with the names of N. Ya. Danilevsky and A. J. Toynby. The objective of this article is to show the justification and fruitfulness of the view to Russia as a special civilization that occupies its place in a number of local civilizations of the past and modernity.

The civilizational approach to Russia is legitimate, provided that it does not turn into a set of statements about exclusivity, allegedly characteristic of Russia and sharply distinguishing it from a common range of countries. The thesis of imaginary Russian exoticity can be interpreted in two-ways or in the Goredevo-arrogant or self-consistent sense. However, in the same case, it is equally dangerous, so it should be disabled in advance by the framework of the study.

The meaning and purpose of the civilization approach should be seen in the identification of universal features that distinguish Russian society from others, but not through the line "better - worse", "higher or lower", but on the detection of characteristic features and comparison with other societies. Samples of this approach to the study of the respective countries can be found in the works of modern foreign researchers. We specifically let's call the authors as Max Lerner (a study of civilization in the USA), Fernan Street ("What is France?"), Miguel de Unomuno and José Ortega-I-Gasset (the study of civilizational features of Spain and Europe). However, the domestic tradition of studying Russia in its universal-civilization features, presented in the last names such as VL. Solovyov, N. Berdyaev, S. Bulgakov, Fedotov, S. Frank and others, today is actively reborn. The need for a civilizational study of Russia increases as society increasingly realizes the importance of the task of self-determination and self-identification, and the main thing is the scale of difficulties and problems on this paths. Obviously, in front of Russia today there is a question similar to the one who at one time A. Toynby addressed the civilization of the West: "Do we have the process of decline and decay as a certain inevitable rock, from which a single civilization will not go away?" . Toynby answered his question negatively and was right. It seems that the Russian civilization will be able to find decent answers to the challenges of the modern era.

Consideration of the issue of Russia as one of the local civilizations with characteristic distinctive features, it is advisable to start with the analysis of the opposite point of view: the position of the radical denial of the civilization unity of Russia is widely represented in the literature. I note that the theoretical denying of the existence of the Russian civilization is often founded, in my opinion, on a number of misunderstandings and ultimately it is rooted in the complexity and a certain uncertainty of the concept of civilization and the variability of the variability of his interpretations. Nevertheless, it is impossible not to lead the argument of opponents of the recognition of Russian civilization. One of the arguments is that "many peoples with a different civilization orientation, which included the state ... turned Russia into an inhomogeneous, segmental society." Peoples of Russia "We confess the values \u200b\u200bthat are not capable of splicing, synthesis, integration ... Tatar-Muslim, Mongol-Lamisian, Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant, Public and other values \u200b\u200bcannot be minimized ... Russia has no socio-cultural unity, integrity" . Therefore, "Russia is not independent civilization and does not apply to any of the types of civilizations ...".

First of all, it should not be done by the author of the above words, suspect everyone speaking about Russian civilization in national patriotism, conservatism, patriarchalness and other mortal sins. It should not be thought that in the concept of Russian civilization there are attempts to allocate a purely Russian or exclusively Orthodox component in the history and modern day of Russia. On the contrary, civilization is exactly the concept that contributes to the production of a balanced look at the complex, distinguished by a peculiar combination of heterogeneous factors, social entities. In any case, it was on this path that the author of the book on American civilization went. From the point of view of the American researcher, the fact of ethnic manifold, as well as religious and related differences in value orientations, is not an argument against the possibility of unity within civilization. On the question of whether America is civilization, he confidently gives a positive answer: the United States is a special civilization, a subsidiary in relation to Western European. One of its distinguishing features and consists in combination within the framework of the whole whole of a huge variety of various ethnic groups, denominations and values.

An example of the United States cannot be considered an exceptional, although the only example is enough to refute the thesis on the impossibility of multi-ethnic civilization. However, the main thing is that civilization is in most cases super ethnic education. The question of mechanisms and methods for ensuring civilizational unity is quite complicated and deserves a separate conversation. We will return to him in the course of further presentation. In the meantime, I note that it is not necessary to believe in the "splicing" of various nature in principle: this splicing does not occur even in relatively simple and homogeneous societies, not to mention such complex, internally differentiated and large-scale, whatever The rule is civilizations. The mechanism of the emergence of civilization unity is not in splicing. It is more complicated. In particular, without destroying the features of the individual ethnic groups, civilization is able to create a level of unity, located above the difference level, is the level of community. A simple example explained said. An American, whoever he was by origin, acquires additionally to its indigenous properties, a number of specifically American character. This means that he mastered a specific American lifestyle and thoughts, characterized by the American system of values, born in America, became its part of the part. Despite the theoretical difficulties of determining the "Spirit of America", the very fact of the existence of such a spirit can hardly be denyed. It is not by chance that, regardless of ethnic and other affiliation, Americans easily identify each other, as well as those surrounding easily sing them in the manner of behavior, character, etc. Rightly, in a multi-national crowd, we are easily distinguished by our tourist or a recent compatriot, Whoever he is - Russian, Armenian, Bashkir or Ukrainian? Do you randomly that foreigners easily identify us, calling without the analysis of all representatives of Russia - the USSR "Russians"?

Obviously, Ukrainians or Armenians who have become citizens and permanent residents of new independent states, through one or two generations will lose all-Russian (not only Soviet!) Features. However, it is not at all necessary that the same Armenians or Ukrainians should lose the characteristic Armenian or Ukrainian peculiarity, remaining full members of the Russian society and tied their fate with the new Russia. In this case, over-ethnic, i.e. all-Russian, their character traits will exist along with itself national.

The features of the Russian civilization are not in multi-ethnicity, multi-cell confessionality, etc., but in many respects, in particular, in combination of the territorial meal of ethnic groups with compactness of their residence, in the absence of natural borders, on which it would be possible to entrenched finally, in the continentality of the territory with the characteristic Sea remote, in the nature of interactions with geographically adjacent civilizations, etc.

It is impossible to recognize convincing and one more argument against the interpretation of Russia as civilizations. It is connected with the fact that the history of Russia was often interrupted, as a result of which it should be not talking about one, but about several Russia: Kievskaya Rus, Moscow Rus, Russia Peter I, Russia Soviet, etc. It should be noted that the interruption of history and the associated with This presence of a number of sharply different appearance of the country is not an exceptional prerogative of Russia. Fernan Stradel, in particular, writes: "If you look at France in its most common chronological framework, it will appear by a whole series of France, consistently replacing each other, different and similar, alternately, then wide, then uniform, then prosperous, then suffering, then lucky, unfortunate. " The recognition of the "Multiple France" is not for F. Stramene for refusing to write the history of France as the history of one country, owned at different times to different civilizations and contributing to modern Western European.

However, it is not important for a civilization approach. It is important that, generally speaking, every thing, changing towards yourself, in general, never, however, does not coincide with the other. So, Russia or France today's sharply different from themselves former. But it should not be at all that the result of historical transformations should be their coincidence among themselves: Russia is not similar to modern France, as both countries were not like each other into any other historical era. Therefore, Russia is modern, like France or the United States, can be represented as special entities other than itself in the past, but from this that have not become similar to each other today. A civilization approach, unlike historical science in its classic form, focuses not so much on the dynamics of historical changes, as in the characteristic features of this society taken to a certain historical era. In this case, the civilization approach becomes something essentially different from historical science, but not alternative to it and not entering into competition.

It is obvious that one or another country taken into a certain era, or belongs to one of the coexisting civilizations, or is one of them, or finally, in itself represents a separate civilization, is a civilization country. It seems that the latter takes place in the case of Russia (of course, not only with it). We can talk about modern Russian civilization, starting from the era of Petrovsky transformations, from the XVIII century, from the imperial, "Petersburg" period of Russian history. Arguments in favor of this thesis, as far as possible within the framework of the article, I will try to lead in the course of further presentation. It is clear that it should be started with the definition of civilization, from finding its fundamental signs.

It seems that the most important side of the concept of civilization is variety, multi-levelness, multi-facetedness and scale. Civilization is a large-scale complex enterprise included in a global integer directly and affecting a significant impact on this. These qualities of the concept of civilization are clearly represented in the definition of S. Huntington: "We can identify civilization as the cultural community of the highest rank, as the widest level of cultural identity of people. The next step is already something that distinguishes human genus from other types of living beings. Civilizations are determined by the presence of general traits of objective order, such as language, history, religion, customs, institutions, as well as subjective self-identification of people. There are different levels of self-identification: So, a resident of Rome can characterize himself as a Roman, Italian, Catholic, Christian, Europeans, a man of the Western world. Civilization is the widest level of generality with which he relates to.

Cultural self-identification of people may vary, and as a result, the composition and boundaries of civilization are changing. "

It seems that Russia fits entirely into the framework of this definition. In fact, the self-identification of most Russians is likely to have its own belonging to Russia. In any case, it is difficult to expect that the "typical representative" of Russian society is aware of themselves "man of the West", however, as the "man of the East". Identification itself as a Russian is the limit level, followed by identifying himself with a representative of humanity as a whole. It is not by accident that in the whole huge array of literature dedicated to Russia, there is hardly any significant publication, in which Russia would definitely admitted to any of the civilizations - Western or Eastern. Even for the hottest Russian Westerners, the Russian "Westness" performed and acts as a project of the most preferred future, and not as an obviousness and given. In the works of foreign researchers for Russia, as a rule, an independent place in the global whole is fixed. Foreign authors, regardless of their attitude towards Russia, a positive or negative, they dismiss her the role of a significant and independent factor of global life. So, Max Lerner emphasizes the main merits of Spengler and Toynbi: "They stubbornly defended the thesis that the great civilizations of world history ... Western Europe, Russia, Islamic region, India, China or America ... Each of them has its own personal destiny. , your own life and death and each have your own heart, your own will and your own character. "

It is obvious that the events of recent years led to the expansion of the borders of Western civilization: some Eastern European countries are included in its composition. However, it should be borne in mind that modernization in a western model does not always coincide with the process of entering the composition of the West civilization. So, for example, Turkey or Japan is considered "advanced" countries in modernization. However, however, these countries moved to the assimilation of elements of the Western lifestyle, public relations, Western technologies, etc., they can hardly become organic parts of the Western world. However, such a task, apparently, is not worth it. The same can be said about Russia: modern modernization processes should not be confused with the transformation of the country into society, entirely identical to the Western. The last thesis cannot be interpreted in favor of the concepts of exclusivity and isolationism. However, with the normal flow of modernization processes (i.e., if something emergency does not occur) Russia will remain Russia, taking his own place in the composition of the world community and not entirely merging with the Western or any other civilization. The explorer extends a wide field of a wide variety of opportunities to study the features of Russian civilization. Which approaches should be preferred? Domestic religious thinkers of the XIX - early XX centuries. In most cases, they walked along the way, which can be characterized as speculative-psychological. Vl. Solovyov raised the question of the Russian idea, N. Berdyaev - about the soul of Russia, S. Frank wrote a treatise about the Russian worldview, N. Lossky - On the nature of the Russian people, etc. However, very close analogues of the approach of domestic authors are easily detected from researchers of other Civilizations and countries. One of the classics in the field of study of the characteristics of an English character is recognized by Emerson, whose book "English features" gained wide fame. American Harold Laski under the characteristic name "Spirit of America" \u200b\u200blists the following features of a specific American spirit or character: a look into the future, dynamism, passion for the greatness, feeling of dignity, the spirit of pioneer, individualism, dislike for stagnation, flexibility, empirical approach and practical interest priority, The desire for well-being and successful, faith in own strength and own goals, holiness of holiness, respect for private property. Studying that it would be possible to call the "character of an American", the "spirit of America" \u200b\u200bor "American soul", devoted their works many American researchers. From the author to the author of the list of the basics of the "American Faith" are different, although not a number of coinciding positions are not deprived.

On the path of transfer and disclosure of the main properties of the Russian soul, N. Lossky is in the book "The character of the Russian people". He draws attention to the following features: religiosity, the ability to the highest forms of spiritual experience and the associated library of absolute good, organic connection of feelings and will, freedom, population (under which Lossky understands readiness to take care not only of personal good, but also about the good People: The desire for the good of the people was clearly manifested in the nature of the Russian intelligentsia), kindness, darity, messianism and missionism, lack of the average cultural field, a well-known propensity for the manifestations of nihilism and hooliganism. The characteristic of the Russian soul is widely known, given N. Berdyaev. He emphasized the contradiction of the Russian spirit: "You can open opposite properties in the Russian people: despotism, state hypertrophy and anarchism, liberty; cruelty, a tendency to violence and kindness, humanity, softness; Rander (formal attitude to religion, reduced to thoughtless rovers. - V. Sh.)and the search for truth; individualism, acute personality consciousness and impersonal collectivism; nationalism, self-childhood and universalism, integrity; ESChatologically-Messianic religiosity and external piety: the search for God and militant worry; humility and arrogance; slavery and riot. " Peculiar characteristics of the Russian soul we find other authors. In the case of Russia, as in the case of America, the lists of typical properties differ from the author to the author, although there are a lot of coincidences.

It is unlikely that it makes sense to add new listings of the Russian soul characteristics already known. However, it should not be hurrying with their final assessment, agree or disagree with a particular interpretation of the soul of Russia: it is hardly possible to challenge the fact that each of the well-known approaches grabs something real or at least this reality hints. However, others are much more important - to answer a number of fundamental issues.

The first of them is associated with the definition of those conditions under which reflections on the national character generally make sense, without turning into the genus of scientifically fruitless and socially dangerous surveys on blood-racial soil. Obviously, the reasoning about the soul of Russia (as well as the soul of any other country) is legitimate only if they are conducted from the positions of not blood-ethnic, but cultural and historical. Apparently, natural factors generally play a minor role in the formation of the characteristic features of the soul of the people. Of course, it is possible that "there is a similarity between the geography of natural and geography of spiritual" (N. Berdyaev), but such similarities are not direct and unequivocal, especially in modern urbanized, technological, informational, etc. society. Another question arises, even more principled for our topic related to the multinational nature of Russian civilization.

Above already mentioned super ethnicity as the property of civilization in Russia. If our statement is true, then, in addition to specific national characters, there must be a soul of Russia, common to all of its peoples inhabiting it, as well as the American soul, overall for Americans of various origin (see above). To date, to identify it from "Sovietness", which has impregnated in one way or another for many decades a huge majority of the population of the former Soviet Union, regardless of ethnicity, is very difficult. Nevertheless, the communication of ethnic groups, as well as the communication of individual individuals, should not be under any circumstances, it is reduced to ideology, therefore it implies the production of both general basic values \u200b\u200band some general communication rules. Taking into account these rules and values \u200b\u200band it creates what can be called the "All-Russian Spirit". Its separate features can be guessing in the descriptions of the Soul of Russia, these Russian pre-revolutionary thinkers and authors who worked in emigration, to the extent that they were focused on the overall cultural spirit of Russia. However, for the scientific identification and study of the spirit of Russia, one speculative and psychological approach is not enough - it should be supplemented with specific sociological research.

It seems that a speculative-psychological approach is usually based on personal observations and reflections of a scientist, on the analysis of the phenomena of history and culture, is able to give a lot to clarify the sacred image of Russia. However, the rights of Berdyaev, that in this case the "theological virtues of faith, hope and love" acquire an exceptional role, because empirically so much repels in Russian reality. In the absence of a deliberate love of Russia, theoretical speculations inevitably lead to conclusions, if not offensive to Russians, then, in any case, dubious from a scientific point of view. Such conclusions led, for example, the method used in the work of the Gorores and Rickman "The People of Velikorsia". As a starting point for research, the authors took the experiences of early childhood Russian peasants, whom the mother is usually tightly pelenal in the first months of life. This non-free at the relevant stage of life path the authors were taken to explain all the characteristic features of the Russian soul.

Finally, another important issue is associated with the degree and pace of the variability of the main parameters of the Russian Soul. Generally speaking, the people about which Berdyaev wrote, Lossky, Fedotov, and others, is the same people who exist today, or his social and psychological characteristics have changed so much that it is now more legitimate to talk about the other people? When answering this question should not, first of all, to fall into excess sociologism, believing that the People's Soul is changing in strict accordance with the changes in socio-economic and political orders. In most cases, folk nature reveals considerable sustainability and is unexpectedly manifested in completely new socio-economic and political conditions. This is on the one hand. On the other hand, it should not be thought that the soul of Russia is something absolutely unchanged, in no way responding to social and other changes. And it would be absolutely absurd to believe that, formed somewhere at the dawn of Russian history and remaining in the future, the Russian character and mentality was predetermined by the whole course of Russian history, all its positive and negative sides.

It is not obvious that the social psychology, which we behave above is precisely the factor that should be recognized in the structure of civilization as a lead or defining. Playing an important role, it exists along with others, constituting an important, but only one of the faces of the complex structure of civilization.

The study of Russia as a complex civilization, of course, can be started with the comprehension of the Russian species of the human soul and, identifying the main parameters of the soul of Russia, to bring the features of economic, social, political and cultural existence. This is how Russian thinkers of the Dooktyabrs and abroad came in many cases. The classic example of this approach is, in particular, the book N. Berdyaev "Russian Idea". You can slightly change the angle of consideration by taking the value of the value-religious plants of the Russian society for the starting point. In this case, the initial basis of Russia as civilizations will be religious beliefs and beliefs, as well as religious organizations, the church. With such an approach, Orthodoxy often take a special role, which has a number of historical excuses: it is necessary to recognize that Orthodoxy, for many centuries, the history of Russian society played a role, much more significant than any other confession. The latter circumstance and gave reason, for example, Toynbi qualify to Russian civilization as "Orthodox-Christian in Russia". Thinks, close to the Orthodox Church, seey, seeing the main rod of Russian Being in his past, present and future, first of all, or even solely in Orthodoxy. You can choose another option of an approach, adopting the features of the political system of Russian society for the reference point. This option is presented, in particular, Western scientists, such as, for example, Richard Pipes. In this case, from the characteristics of the autocratic, and then the Soviet and current quasi-democratic political system, you can try to bring all the main parameters of Russian society. Finally, the thinkers of the Marxist and trendy trends prefer to speak primarily about the nature of the economic power and the associated class structure of society. According to these researchers, it is the economy and class structure represent the defining basis, the analysis of which allows us to understand the peculiarities of any society, including Russian.

Obviously, all the listed approaches have their advantages and in each of them "its truth" is concluded. However, it is just as obvious that none of them taken in isolation, unable to reveal all the verge of the most complicated whole, which is civilization. In any case, with a separate use of any of them, artificial stretch and speculation are inevitable. Thus, a hypothesis of a certain connection between modern reviving religiosity and today's political and economic life of Russia may be completely legitimate. However, an attempt to derive the peculiarities of the modern political and economic situation from the values \u200b\u200band attitudes of any religious system is unlikely to be fruitful. The question of the primaryness of the one and the secondaryness of the other is generally unresolved, and the main thing that does not give anything to understand it, or to explain the Company. Similarly, state-political theories are able to explain a lot in the real life of Russian civilization, including modern, since the state played and continues to play an extremely big role in Russia. However, hardly by the power of the state will be able to explain the Russian civilization as such, if only because anti-state trends (for example, anarchism) in Russia have always been presented no less distinct than state-protective.

Examples of non-response of a monistic look easily multiply. Research monism, in all its modifications, inevitably coats reality, excessively simplifies and schematizes it. If so, is it not better to decide on the refusal to recognize the uniqueness of the fundamental principle and thereby stop the barren spending of intellectual forces in order to drive all the wealth of life manifestations in the procrusteo bed of monistic schemes? In any case, for the theoretical reconstruction of the wide panorama of the Russian civilization, such a refusal is fully justified. At the same time, it is extremely important that the failure of MONISM should not mean refusal of conceptuality. Consequently, there is a need for a new (non-monistic) principle that can serve as the basis for conceptual constructions, otherwise the study threatens the danger to ride empiricism to naked facts. It is unlikely that pluralism or multi-patience, understood as a listing of various factors and summation, will be suitable for the role of such a principle. What remains?

Civilization can be studied at various temporary cuts of its existence. It is clear that it is especially interesting and important to know and understand her today. Lifestyle and thoughts in Russia today and there is something that can be called the current state of Russian civilization. It can be represented as a combination of thematic blocks, each of which reveals any separate face or one of the components of the complex structure of civilization. Obviously, the following thematic blocks should be logged in: the natural and geographical characteristics and resources of Russian civilization; ethnic and demographic composition; Earth and features of agricultural production in Russia; Economy and economic activities, its conditions, determinants, incentives; Science and technology; political system; class and status in Russia; art and mass culture; religions and beliefs; Features of the relationship of personality and society in Russia; Place of Russia in the world community. Consider the named thematic blocks outside the connection with each other, of course, it is impossible. However, the desired conceptuality is renewed not on the path of correlation of each individual block with another, but on the way to correlate it with the whole, that is, with the general idea of \u200b\u200bRussian civilization as such. Considering a separate thematic block, we will constantly keep in mind the whole that will act as the necessary background. Permanent correlation with the whole, with the background should be a well-known obstacle to ensuring that the picture of civilization is not reduced to a simple empirical listing, to bare facts, and will appear as a conceptually decorated. Where does an idea of \u200b\u200bthe whole comes from? It is not necessary to do without the history and general theoretical ideas about civilization, without its theoretical definition, which was concluded above.

The thematic approach to the study of modern Russian civilization predetermines the features and measure of appeal to the historical past. Attraction of historical material turns out to be thematic, not chronological. History is attracted to the extent that the chronological depth (starting countdown from modern times), which are necessary to understand the current state of affairs in this thematic block - no more. It seems that on this path will be able to obtain the panorama - the bulk section of the Russian civilization in its current state, but not in primitively factual, but in meaningful form.

"Any people, any country, the hostages began," wrote a famous historian and philosopher M. Heter. - We are not a country. We are a country of countries. We are the heirs of purely different beginners built directly into the global process. Hence, our special dependence on the fate of those projects, whose total name is humanity ... ". In the words of a famous thinker, you can see two signs of Russia as civilization. They eloquently suggest that Russia is not just a country, but a civilization country.

First, we are talking about "country country" (in other cases, Hepter used the close expression "world of worlds"), which pronounced the exceptional variety of Russia, the combination of various principles in it, values \u200b\u200bof various origin and content, a huge set of cultures, beliefs, worldviews, etc. Diversity (and not monolithium) - a characteristic sign of civilization. Of course, along with the manifold, civilization should have a well-known unity, otherwise it will turn into a patchwork, stitched with rotten threads. However, in the absence of diversity there is no point in the absence of even the question of civilization, but should talk about the country.

Secondly, in the words of Heptera, another feature is emphasized, which should be interpreted as a civilizational sign of Russia - the builtness of "directly" into the global process. "Directly", that is, without intermediaries. Due to geographical and other reasons for Russia, there is no such community, through which it would be part of a global integer; Russia does not fit into any of the sub-immoval communities - not to Europe or to Asia, nor to the West, nor in the east, nor in the Pacific or any other region. It is easy to note that the built-in in the global process directly corresponds to the definition of Huntington (see above), according to which civilization is the most wide level of self-identification of people, followed by humanity, or "what distinguishes human genus from other types of living beings."

Due to what can unity be achieved within the framework of civilization? First of all, it should be paid attention to the fact that, although some civilizations existed in the form of empires, to put a sign of equality between civilization and the empire, of course, it is impossible. Moreover, the imperial form is not adequate to civilization. That is why civilizations in the form of empire always stand in front of the choice: either, completely decomposed, disappear from the face of the earth, or find a way to reset the imperial form, not losing the foundations and originality of civilization.

It is thought that it is mistaken to believe that "Sustainable and viable is only the civilization, which, with a greater diversity of individual, regional, ethnic and other types, is the most united in the field of spiritual ideals, nationwide morality, moral values \u200b\u200b...". The wish expressed in these words is contradictory and unrealistic, since the maximum of ethnic and other diversity will inevitably entail a variety of ideals, morality and morality. Single morality and morality, uniform ideals in a multinational country, where various nationalities profess various religions, adhere to various traditions, beliefs, etc., can only be attempting forced, moreover with the most minimal or even with a negative result. Equally utopian and dangerous two possible options.

Unified ideals and values \u200b\u200bdesigned to perform the functions of the association may be theoretically designed and implemented by propaganda. This is the first option. It is well known for the example of the unified state ideology of the Soviet period. The second option is to choose as the reference ideals and values \u200b\u200bof one or more peoples from among those belonging to civilization or any of the religions. In the context of Russia, the ideals and values \u200b\u200bof the Russian people for such a standard for such a standard and the values \u200b\u200bof the Russian people and, accordingly, Orthodoxy and declare them to be the principles that are designed to provide civilization unity. This option is tested in a pre-revolutionary time, and today, after the crash of the option with a single ideology, it often occurs again. However, he was rejected at one time and, obviously, will be rejected today if someone tries to revive him.

The negative experience of both options suggests that in the context of Russia (of course, not only Russia), the unifying principle should be classically ideologically, ethnically and confessional neutral. It should be as if "colorless" in an ideological, ethnic and religious relationship. In the first approximation, it is simply the rules for the relationship of people who have aware of the differences that are between them, but the relationships of the relationship on the ability to abstract from differences. These are the unlawful all-Russian "hostel rules." They do not need to invent and invent: they develop in the process of life, and everyone who lives in Russia is able to assimilate them from childhood. The experience itself in a multinational country teaches these rules. With all the proximity to the values \u200b\u200bof an universal nature, they still do not coincide with the latter, since they have a Russian (and not European, American or Chinese) painting. It is also important that they, of course, do not have absolute durability, since they are built and supported by the part of the population, which is rooted in Russia and associates life prospects with the fate of Russia. The mass influx of alien in relation to the civilization of elements, not familiar with the established communication standards, a sharp change in the ethnomographic composition, and other adverse factors can significantly change or destroy them, which will mean a change in the nature of civilization itself. The rules of inter-ethnic communication in Russia, of course, are unthinkable without the Russian language and some, let the minimum, acquaintance with the basics of Russian culture. The presence and invisible functioning of common for all and the usual forms of communication gives civilization in nature not just inter-ethnic, but super ethnic, i.e. super-ethnic education.

The term "super ethnos" was widely used by L. N. Gumilev. From the point of view of Gumilev, under certain conditions, the ethnic groups can be combined with each other in such a way, in which the originality of each of the association included in the union is not lost, and at the same time a new quality is created that is not conducive to the simple amount of united units. According to Gumilev, it is precisely such, super-ethnic entities are characteristic of Russia. In essence, Russia is nothing more than a gigantic super ethnic. However, from the point of view of the thinker, it is necessary to carry out the most important conditions to the super ethnos - the ethnic groups must be complimentary; Non-component ethnic groups are not able to enter the super ethnic association. Under the complimentaryness of Gumilev understood spiritual relationship, compatibility of characters, which causes the mutual attraction of ethnic groups. The presence in the field of interaction of complimentary ethnic groups noncommmary with them creates a threat to the destruction of the super ethnic system. Therefore, the system and each of the ethnic groups each of the ethnic groups are forced to protect themselves from the foreign body, the role of which the noncombleimer ethnic.

It seems that the presence of complimentaryness is desirable, but not a necessary condition for the unification of ethnic groups to civilization. The composition of civilization, for example, in the United States, includes the most different ethnic groups. It can be assumed that some of them are complimentary among themselves, others - no, if, of course, Humilev's hypothesis about this property of ethnic groups is generally true. Nevertheless, various ethnic groups of the United States get along with each other completely, although not without problems and contradictions, the complete absence of which is thinking only in the perfect inter-ethnic paradise. In the earth's life, they have to humble with many imperfections in the field of inter-delicate, including inter-ethnic relations. Therefore, civilization is not something, deprived of problems and contradictions, but rather a special form of their manifestation.

The case is, first of all, in the fact that in the well-known sense of civilization always represent something mechanical and therefore soulless. Civilization "Works", without needing the special heat of the intermediary relationship. The shade of mechanics, machinery, silence is present in the concept of civilization since O. Spengler. In particular, in these parameters, civilization is opposed by culture. Therefore, with all the desirability, comperement for the intermediary relationship should soberly realize that civilization is not the sphere where such qualities of communication as spiritual proximity and sympathy are put in the chapter. According to the principle of complimentality, it is necessary to select a close circle of communication, a company, friends, a satellite of life, etc. By entering into civilizational relations, a person, on the contrary, is not entitled to demand from those with whom communicates, special mental warmth and mental participation. We are also not entitled to insist to surround our beliefs. It is not necessary to strive to ensure that at every step to enter into close peace and spiritual contact with others; It is enough to comply with the norms generally accepted in this society. This approach is important and, probably, the only possible in a multi-ethnic environment with a huge variety of differences, where no one is going to change its centuries established ideals, values, beliefs, especially to give up them. To avoid possible misunderstandings, some explanations are needed at this point.

With a certain extent mechanism, civilization, of course, is far from all like a mechanism, since it is an association of not silent bodies, but people, creatures of animals. People cannot function in engine mode, i.e., constantly observing only the external rules for them. Moreover, the very existence of rules for conducting and communicating, as well as their practical effectiveness, largely depend on how easily contact and mutual understanding between people are established. This was evidenced by the words of S. Frank eloquently: "The most fleeting external meeting of two people or foreign economic or compulsory association implies a mutual understanding between them, the discretion in another person" to itself like "... so, without the unity of the language, without some unity of the morals and Of moral views or, in the ultimate case, even a simple meeting of two people is impossible without the consciousness of the unity of the "human image", even no external cooperation is unthinkable. And the external and forced intercourse between people suggest all the same silent meetings of two pairs of eyes, in which the original feeling of their inner companionship is discovered and awakens ... ".

In relation to civilization, said that the existence of civilizational communities involves the presence of a certain minimum of confidence, a minimum of mutual understanding, a minimum of complimentary ™ representatives of various public groups, as well as ethnic groups. It is not at all necessary that all souls will be tailored to a single way, enough for participants in communication at least in general terms, which can be expected from a partner. Such a minimum of complimentaryness does not always have to be inherent in the originally the very nature of the people part in the civilization: it can be produced during their joint residence, communication and activities. In addition, the process of mastering the language of inter-ethnic communication (Russian) and its application involves the assimilation of the concepts inherent in the language and conceptual system, which thereby becomes the general heritage of all those who own the language. Generally speaking, joint activities and communication, the duration of joint existence can affect participants and two interrelated areas: but the lines of mutual "wipe", i.e., adaptation to each other, and on the line of mutual influence, mutual likelihood, which, however, never Unable to completely eradicate differences.

According to X. Ortega-I-Gasset, Europeans have long lived within one civilization, but realized this fact only in the twentieth century.

No matter how it seems strange, but more recently, in the 20s and 30th years of the current century, inventory and fusers in Spain refused to recognize their country with part of the Unified Western European civilization. However, not only Spain, but also to other countries of the European continent, it took a lot of time and effort to abandon national closets and, recognizing European unity, proceed to targeted construction of a pan-European house. This happened only in the second half of the 20th century and meant that Europe realized himself a special civilization in the composition of the global whole; Born and began to embody the idea of \u200b\u200bEurope as a single civilization.

Did not the moment in the history of Russia, when the need for awareness of themselves as a special civilization is quite abused? It seems that this is the case. This, of course, does not follow the adoption of any ruling or decision "from above": the provisions recorded in the current provision of the provision on the federal structure of the Russian state is quite enough. We are not talking about, constantly referring to the overall past and generated by these pasts some common features, continue spells about the alleged inevitability of uniform destiny. The idea of \u200b\u200bRussia as civilizations implies the willingness of the peoples of Russia to the general future.

Awareness ethnic and. Regional elites - political, economic, spiritual, as well as the center, needs to live and develop within the framework of a single whole and there is awareness of the idea of \u200b\u200bRussia as civilization. The regional and national elites of the Volns themselves solve this issue, and the very fact of the availability of freedom of choice There is a prerequisite for civilization, and not imperial unity. Thus, the recognition of Russia as civilization would mean a meaningful refusal to return to the Imperial Past. This is on the one hand. On the other hand, the idea of \u200b\u200bcivilization opposes the national idea, understood in a narrow sense. The national idea in its own or direct meaning is its goal and the limit of the National State, i.e., the state in which one of the ethnic groups becomes dominant. The idea of \u200b\u200bcivilization is in a certain sense to overcome the national idea. In other words, the recognition of Russia as civilization means that the idea of \u200b\u200beach of the peoples included in its composition is not the creation of a national state, but the idea of \u200b\u200bbelonging to Russia as a whole.

See: Lerner Max. Development of civilization in America. Lifestyle and thoughts in the United States today: in 2 tons. T. 1. M., 1992. P. 69-96.

Berdyaev N. Russian idea. The main problems of the Russian thought of the XIX - early XX century // About Russia and Russian philosophical culture. M., 1990. P. 44-45.

I do not understand Russia

Arshin is generally not measured

It has a special one

You can only believe in Russia

F.I. Tyutchev

Features of the formation and development of Russian civilization

I. The concept of civilization.

  • Time occurrence.
  • The role of the great resettlement of peoples.
  • Union of various nations.
  • Communication with the Orthodox world.

III. Features of the development of Russian civilization.

  • Factors identifying Russian civilization.
  • Russian mentality.
  • Fighting forests and steppes.
  • Special nature of power.
  • Orthodoxy.
  • Standoff east and west.
  • Messianism.

I. The concept of civilization

Civilization (from lat. Civilis - civil, state): general philosophical importance - the social form of motion of matter, ensuring its stability and ability to self-development by self-regulation exchange with the environment ...

Civilizations are holistic systems that are a complex of economic, political, social and spiritual subsystems and developing in the laws of vital cycles.

Theorists: A. Ferguson, Bled, O. Shpegler, N.Ya. Danilevsky ..

II. Features of the formation of Russian civilization.

Russian civilization

this is a socio-cultural community that has formed on the basis of the universal values \u200b\u200bof Orthodox Christianity, as well as under the influence of the peculiarities of geographical position and natural-climatic conditions.

Concepts of Russian civilization

Slavic cultural type (according to N. Ya. Danilevsky)

The Russian people are the God-goggnee (according to F. M. Dostoevsky)

civilization (by L. N. Tolstoy)

2. Russian mentality

The image of Russia -

steppe mare -

flying, carrying bitch

  • traditional culture
  • orthodox tradition
  • historical time compressed

For you - the century, for us -

one hour ", I wrote A. Block.

  • binary structures of thinking,

oriented by explosion

And eternal fight! Rest only in our dreams. Through blood and dust ... Flies, the steppe mare flies And Mount Kovyl ... No rest! Steppe kobylitsa Starting!

A. Block. Poem "On the field of Kulikov"

The extensive nature of the development of Russian society and the state

"Do you know what Russia is? Ice desert, but a dashing person goes on it. " KP Pobedonomsev

The eternal movement of the Russians noted

V.O. Klechevsky who determined Russia

as a country, " which columns " .

Attitude to power

  • L.N. Tolstoy: " The Russian people always referred to power otherwise than the European people. He never fought with power and, most importantly, he never participated in it, was unregistered in her. Russian man always looked at power as evil, from which a person should be eliminated ... "
  • Russian temper is glorified in the world, he is investigated everywhere. He is so wondering that he himself hurts on the cord.
  • I. Guberman.


Not that care that a lot of work, and then care, as it is not. "

From work you will not be rich, but you will be humpback. "

It would have been shattered,

yes, work on the mind did not go. "

Ascetic ideal

From the works of the righteous, you will not be caught by the chambers of the stone. "

Bread da belly and lives without money. "

My mind is stupid, yes wallet tight. "

Let the soul in hell - you will be rich. "

Naked that holy: trouble is not afraid. "


Only Russia needs Russia: we believed in binders, in the king, and in sleep, and in choke, in the splaspling frogs, in Motherlyism and in the intermenimal.

M. Voloshin

Relation to the west and east

At the bottom of the soul, we despise the West, but we are in search of the gods in search of the gods and marks, so that, having flopping on the barbaric Olympus, smoke in their honor styrastle and gray and head chopped their native gods.

M. Voloshin

And you, fire element, mad, burning me, Russia, Russia, Russia - the Messiah of the coming day.

About unworthy chosen, you are elected.

Andrey White.

Messianic role in Russia

Whether it is destined to be the recent destiny of Europe, to prevent her dedicated trails.