Russian monarchs - John Vi Antonovich. John Antonovich

Russian monarchs - John Vi Antonovich. John Antonovich
Russian monarchs - John Vi Antonovich. John Antonovich

Ivan VI Antonovich (1740-1764) - Russian emperor, ruled in 1740-1741. The throne joined 2-monthly age after the death of Empress Anna John. I had no children to have no children, but she really did not want state power to be in the hands of the descendants of Peter I.

From the nearest relatives, Mother Empress was only the niece Anna Leopoldovna (1718-1746) - the daughter of Catherine Ioannovna (1691-1733), an older sister Anna John. Here it was all the hopes of the genus of Romanov, who had not a single direct heir to the male line.

In 1731, the sovereign was commanded that the subjects would be fragmented by the future child, who will be born at Anna Leopoldovna. And in 1733, for a grieving girl found a groom. Prince Anton Ulrich Braunschweigsky became him (1714-1776).

He arrived in St. Petersburg, but did not like Empress, nor her yard nor the bride. For several years, he served in the Russian army, and in 1739 it was still married with a noticeably matured bride. In the first half of August 1740, a boy was born a boy. Called him Ivan. So it was the beginning of the Braunschweig family.

Anna Leopoldovna, Mother Ivan Vi Antonovich
(Unknown artist)

Entry into the throne of Ivan Vi Antonovich

He was in complete isolation and did not even see the persons of his guards. In 1764, the Podororuk Vasily Yakovlevich Mirovich, consisting of the guard of the Shlisselburg Fortress, gathered like-minded people around him and tried to free the legal emperor.

But the guards initially solenip Ivan the sabers, and only then surrendered to the rebel rebels. As for Morovich, he was arrested after that, tried as a state criminal and beheaded. The body of the murdered emperor secretly buried in the territory of the Shlisselburg Fortress.

Anton Ulrich Braunschweigsky (Artist A. Roslin)

Braunschweig family

Even before the link, Anna Leopoldovna gave birth in 1741 by the girl Ekaterina (1741-1807). Already living in holkemov, a woman gave birth to Elizabeth (1743-1782), Peter (1745-1798) and Alexey (1746-1787). After the last giving birth, she died from a generic mortar.

Her husband Anton Ulrich Braunschweigsky shared all the links with his wife and children. When Catherine II entered the Russian throne in 1762, then she suggested a prince to leave Russia, but without children. He refused to throw them alone in imprisonment. This man died in 1776 in Khlemogo at the age of 61.

Children lived in imprisonment for almost 40 years. When, during the board of Catherine II, an official came to them and asked about their desires, then the captives said: "We heard that flowers grow in the walls of prison on the fields. We would like to see them at least once."

In 1780, the children of Anton Ulrich and Anna Leopoldovna sent abroad to Denmark abroad. There they subsequently died. Braunschweig family after their death ceased to exist.

As for those who have accomplished the villains in relation to absolutely innocent people, they passed them to God. Retribution was accomplished only after 100 years old, when the emperor Nicholas II and his family were brutally killed. The punishment came, but the villains themselves did not go on the fell, but their descendants. God's court always delays, because in heaven its idea of \u200b\u200btime.

Alexey Starikov

John Antonovich

meaning Anna John, the eighth sovereign of Romanova, did not cause debate about the prestiplotia. This issue was resolved significantly earlier, in 1731, when, according to the will of the Empress, the next son of Her only niece, the daughter of the older sister, the wife of the Duke of the Mecklenburg-Schwerinsky Charles Leopold, was appointed the heir of the Russian throne. At that time, the niece was only thirteen years old, and married, naturally, she was not. The name of Elizabeth Ekaterina girl was called. Two years after the edition of the manifesto about the throne, the German princess adopted Orthodoxy and the name of Anna, in honor of her aunt-empress. In history, she entered the name of Anna Leopoldovna. At the age of twenty, the future mother of the throne was the wife of Prince Anton Ulrich Braunschweigsky, who was her older for five years.

A close relationship with the Braunschweigian house, which was divided at the time for four branches: the Bevern, Blankenburg, Tolfensive and Lüneburg, - began with the marriage of Tsarevich Alexei with Princess Charlotte Tolfencery. Anton Ulrich's mother, Antoinette Amalia, accounted for her native sister. Thus, Anna Leopoldovna's spouse was a cousin of Peter II - the seventh sovereign Romanova. Brownschweig's family constantly needed material support and received benefits from the reigns of Russia. To find the groom for the niece of the Russian Empress, Her Majesty's stallsuser, Karl Levvenavold, was instructed to travel around Germany yards and negotiate the possible conclusion of marriage. He suggested the candidacy of Prince Braunschweig-Wolfenbutteli, the nephew of the wife of the Austrian Emperor Charles Vi.

In Anton Ulrich, there was nothing attractive - no mind, no beauty, except for a kind heart. He arrived in St. Petersburg, was represented by the Russian Empress and first she did not like. "The mind is missing, no energy," was her first impression. "So this is exactly what is required," the German Throne surrounding her Trone suggested. And Anna Ioannovna, having agreed with advisers, declared Prince Brownshweig's bridegroom his niece, left to live at the Russian court and took it to the service. And the bride fell into tears: a fifteen-year-old girl was in love with the beautiful graph of Charles Moritz Linara, the Saxon Messenger who was much older than her, and did not want to think about anyone. However, he could not disobey the reigning aunt and was forced to agree to this marriage. The Linara Count under the faithful pretext was sent to Germany. They fired from office and sent to the homeland and the governess of Princess Frau Astertas, a native of Prussia, accusing her in the fact that she was an intermediary in the transfer of letters of a young girl in Count.

Five years, the prince remained at the St. Petersburg court in anticipation of the bride's majority. During this time, he did not acquire any respect for secular nobility, no attention from his narrowed. "Well, what is he man? Just shry to him, he immediately robeth and begins to stutter, as if he admits himself in advance in something guilty. And externally, he is simply opposed to me ... "- so he stated the niece of the Empress with his friend Julian Mengden, the only person to whom she could entrust all his secrets.

Love Prince Anton was really hard: Hood, Belobrys, a little growth, and even shy and clumsy. However, in July 1739, after a long wire, Anna was married with a person who did not use it at all. Despite its natural kindness, she was disliked with him, but the will could not resist his aunt.

The wedding of the princess was announced on the gun shots, which sounded early in the morning from the walls of the Petropavlovsk fortress. In the direction of the Kazan Cathedral, where wedding should be held, the crowds of the people were pushing: people hurried to take comfortable places on the streets, for which a wedding procession was supposed to be held. Guardsmen and the company musicians lined up on both sides of the road. On the day of marriage, the courtyard took place the ball, which ended near midnight. After the ball, the Empress took the young in her room and ordered to change clothes. It was removed from her a heavy and magnificent wedding outfit and put the hood from the White Atlas, decorated with magnificent Brussels lace. After that, the sovereign ordered to invite Prince Anton, who did not slow down to appear before his young wife. He was dressed in a home dress, the face shone from submission. The Empress kissed his niece and her spouse and wanted happiness to them, proudly retired.

The next day, the courts were drummed among themselves, that happiness on this night "did not take place" and that the newlyweds all night after the wedding spent one in the summer garden, not wanting to divide the bed with an unloved husband. You can imagine the fury of the empress, which, of course, immediately reported about the happening. They said that she, calling for Anna, now Princess Braunschweigskaya, beat her on the cheeks, inspire that the wife did not dare to fulfill the fulfillment of married duties. The stubbornness of the niece was broken ...

Exactly a year later, young spouses were born a son, named after Praded John, and two months later, a manifesto was published: "... in the legal heirs after themselves I define my grandchildren, Prince John. So the king in Russia after the death of the Empress Anna Ioannovna had to become a German Braunschweiggers on the Father, Mecklenburg for Mother, - associated with Romanov only through his grandmother, the eldest sister of the Russian queen ...

As soon as the Empress died, to the palace where all the highest dignitaries have already gathered, parents of the baby-king arrived - Prince and Princess Braunschweig. Biron appealed to those present with the proposal to listen to the will of the late sovereign. Silence reigned in the hall. The fact that everyone was heard was for most court full surprise: according to the will of the Empress's deceased, the successor of the Russian throne was announced by Prince John, and the ruler of the state before the advent of the new king was appointed Biron, Duke Kurlyandsky. That is, henceforth, he received complete power in the management of all state affairs, both internal and external. Hearing it, everyone involuntarily turned her head towards the parents of the Emperor's baby. Without saying not a word and not giving out his surprise, the prince and princess immediately retired from the palace - after all, they hoped that any of them would be appointed regent. The aforementioned John and, right-to-seeing, were immediately squeezed by John and, appropriately, congratulated him with a high appointment.

The Senate appropriated the title of Highness and identified him a salary at half a million rubles a year. The amount of considerable! Regent himself, for his part, already as the state ruler, prescribed a salary to the parents of the emperor - 200,000 rubles per year, and Zesarevne Elizabeth, the daughter of Peter the Great, who had a permanent need for money, 50,000 rubles. She will not forget this grace.

The next day, Baby John with a big celebration transported to the Winter Palace. The head of the march was Guardsmen and Regent. Biron walked proudly in front of the chair, on which the crumline was carried with a child in her arms.

Princess Mother, together with his beloved Freylin Julia Mengden, German, followed them in a parade carriage. In the palace congratulated the regent, kissing his hand or semi mantle. Biron all glowed from pride, with difficulty hiding the tears of joy. Well, a royal child, who was just a week ago, turned on only two months, poured by crying, demonstrating his obvious displeasure to all what was happening and seemingly the presentation of his terrible fate.

Wanting to show yourself from the best side, the former favorite of the eighth elder houses of Romanov began its board with merciful acts: canceled several death sentences, issued a manifesto about strict compliance with laws and justice, reduced taxes and introduced restrictions on the luxury of court life. He even ordered to issue watch coats in winter so that in the frost they did not "have undergone" cold. These measures ruler hoped to raise his authority in the people. But the parents of the infant Emperor Regent walked around Surovo: using his power, he even deprived Prince Anton Ulrich Chinov and planted him under house arrest allegedly for participating in the preparation of a conspiracy against him. It was rumored that he intended to send Brownshweig Prince together with his wife to Germany, and the child from the very beginning to completely subordinate to his will. So the twenty-essential Anton Ulrich, who felt deprived, and Biron, who came to power, by the will of his girlfriend-empress, immediately became sworn enemies.

But to the daughter of Peter the Great, the beauty of Elizabeth, who at that time led the "scattered" lifestyle, changed one lover after another, the rector showed special respect, almost waters. In addition, he hastily resumed negotiations with the Gollytsky courtyard about the marriage of Prince Peter Ulrich, the grandson of Peter the Great, on his daughter Yadvig, ugly and humpbat, but very capable and smart from nature a girl. The marriage was almost solved, and Biron was excessively proud that at least indirectly, but still hesitated with Romanov.

But the disaster broke out ...

Having seen in the face of the regent, the parents of the emperor-infant, inexperienced in the palace intrigues and feeling no hopeful danger, asked for help to minu and Osterman. Both Ranzenztz fell on the side of the young Brownshweig couple, as they saw the new regent of an explicit rival. These government figures understood well that they themselves cannot consider themselves safe: as soon as they were not needed, they would simply be removed from the political arena. Therefore, having received consent from the princess Anna Leopoldna for the arrest of regent, minih, together with Graph Levenwolde, the secret adviser Baron, von Mengden, Generals, a background of Manstein and Bismarck's background and several officers penetrated deeply at the Biron Palace. The Minich Adjutant ordered to go with the Grenaders in the regent bedroom. The guard officers were stated that they act on the orders of Mother Emperor. The waders that stood at the doors of the personal chambers of the four of the biiron were not resistant and allowed people miniha to enter the bedroom.

In the middle of the room stood a large bed. Spouses, peacefully replaced on their luxurious bed, slept so hard that they did not hear the steps of part. General Von Manstein approached the bed and, having risen the curtain, shouted with a loud command voice: "Watch out!" Biron, opening his eyes, angrily asked: "What? What do you need here? ... "

A semi-nailed regent, desperately defended from the arms of the guardsmen, pulled the hair with a lush palace bed and thumping a soldier's raincoat on him, dragged out of the house.

Here is a truly thunder among the clear sky! Then they said that the two Germans have dug a Russian state as a mug of beer.

The news of the fall of the Biron went around the city with lightning speed and caused universal recovery. The area in front of the Winter Palace quickly fill in the people. Guardsmen went through the streets with drumstation, the carriages came to the palace. In the Palace Church, Anna Leopoldovna and the spouse and metropolitan, you lived with a thanksgiving prayer. In case of cannon shooting and bell tower, the army swore at the loyalty of the Mother of the Emperor-Baby, who proclaimed himself the government of the Russian state. Her spouse was declared by Generalissimus of all Russian land and sea forces, a count of minih - the first minister. The star of the Favorite of the former Empress has rolled out.

Biron, along with his family, was taken to the Shlisselburg fortress, his closest relatives and approximate were arrested. All property ruler confiscated. Unprecedented wealth was collected by them over the years of serving the Russian throne: a cleaning table made of gold, decorated with precious stones, luxurious sets, vases ... and surprisingly a thick pack of unpaid bills worth more than 300 thousand rubles. A rich man took carelessly, but paid rarely. And no one has the courage to demand a fee from it for purchased goods.

So, the regent of the nominal emperor of John VI - the ninth king of the Romanov dynasty was arrested, and his mother, Princess Braunschweigskaya, was announced to the government of the state to the majority of the states of the state. Biron was given to court and after a long investigation sentenced to death, replaced by reference to Siberia. For his guard, they sent the Guards officer there, and for care about the soul - Lutheran pastor. Even a personal doctor of Biron accompanied him. Minih, a passionate engineer and architect, had a special location with his countryman, designed for him a special house intended for harsh Siberian conditions. At that time, he could not assume that he would have to live in this house somewhat later. Some kind of devilish presense ...

In the Siberian reference, the deserted Duke stayed only two years. Elizabeth who came to power, remembering his favorable attitude towards himself, allowed to settle former regent in Yaroslavl, 240 km from Moscow. There he took a wonderful mansion with a luxurious garden on the banks of the Volga. From St. Petersburg sent his library, which the former ruler of Russia especially valued, furniture, dishes and even horses and rifles. So Biron began to live very comfortably, although it was called it still reference.

In twenty years, the former regent was returned to St. Petersburg, restored on the Kourney Duccian throne and died in Mitava at the age of eighty and two years, refusing shortly before death from the Ducal throne in favor of his son Peter. The daughter of Buron Jadigig, and not entering the family of Romanov, because the marriage was not conceived by his father, accepted by Orthodoxy, became the Freillina of the Russian State Delivery, and in 1759 he married Baron Alexander Ivanovich Cherkasov and lived a long life ...

And on the Russian throne, a baby was sitting, but his mother, the German Duchess, was already the recent record - in Russia, her name was Anna Leopoldovna. However, in reality, the Brazda of the Board was in the hands of the Palace coup of the ambitious and energetic Feldmarshal Miniha to the Smart and Frightened Minister of Osterman, relating to each other with obvious incompatibility. The first was generously awarded the money for the royal family rendered to the royal family and became the first person in the state. But the power of miniha turned out to be short. "Helped" Osterman, who wrote a denunciation on his compatriot, who encouraged the spouse of Recents, the father of the emperor, to resign to get the rank of Generalissimus himself, intended for the father of the Emperor-Baby.

But the weak and indecisive regent could not affect its ministers. Announcing himself by the government, Anna Leopoldna practically did not actively participate in state affairs. Bind-free in character, she was busy only. According to the description of contemporaries, it was a somewhat complete, but slender blonde with a pretty incent face and deep, thoughtful eyes. The prone to tape and rather limited in his own interests, she was by no means stupid, but he had a disgust for any serious lesson and had always had a tired, bored look. This innovative creature was born not to state management, but rather for home the hearth, bald and love. Even becoming a government government, the young mother of the emperor has not changed his lifestyle, often leaving the state affairs without any attention.

Most of the time the regent spent in his rest - behind the card game or reading novels. Often, half-breeding, lay for several hours on the sofa without anything, something dreaming about something, or slowly wandered around the palace, stopping only to read the prayer. Lutheran Princess, which passed in Orthodoxy, was very diveged. In all her rooms hung icons with burning lamps.

The new government did not like to show publicly, significantly reduced the court receptions, let go most of the employees, in such an abundance of the aunt surrounded her. And peace and deserted in the palace reigned. She lunch usually together with his favorite Julia Mengden, with which he spent most of the time. But as soon as the Count Linar appeared in St. Petersburg - the former Saxon Messenger, Regent has changed its habits. The family life of the young woman clearly did not work out, and the light of the first hobbies was still a tel in her breast, which was not offended by this heart.

Linar took place from the Italian family, since the XVI century settled in Germany. By that time he was already forty years old, he was widows, beautiful, well folded, in one word, the conqueror of female hearts. Arriving in St. Petersburg, the count did not miss a single case in order not to show the princess, as he is insanely in love with her. He hired a house near the Tsarsky Garden, and Anna, usually rarely leaving his apartments, suddenly began to walk around the garden often. Anton Ulrich was clearly dissatisfied and even tested the flour of jealousy, but did not decrease to talk about it out loud. He found a consolation in power that recently provided his spouse regent.

Perhaps because of the Linara, perhaps, for other reasons, but the spouses were not talked to each other, and the ministers used in their own interests. The position of the Brownshweg surname on the Russian throne became unreliable. In the state there was a coup ... The Board of Mother of the Emperor, adopted at first sympathically with the highest society and the people, soon became convicted. After all, in the state, the Germans were again dominated by the Germans: Osterman, Levvenavold, Saxon Messenger Linar, who enjoyed by the special location of the recent, and even the closest Freillus of the government, German Julia Mengden, which manifested interest in public policy issues. Therefore, the coming plot was called "conspiracy against the Germans." The most active force in it was the guardsmen, among them there were a lot of simple soldiers. But the Guard was the color of the nobility and, since the death of Peter the Great and up to the top of Catherine II, in fact, no change in the Russian throne did without the intervention of the Guards regiments.

The victims of the Germans, who stood at the head of Russia, no longer inspired sympathy and respect. Yes, and the new emperor himself occurred only by the grandson of the king John, and after all, the daughter of Peter the Great itself was alive, who remained all the time after the death of his father, as it were, in the shadow of political life. And since the sovereign then changed "like shirts" - they were rumored in the people, - decisively tuned guardsmen chose Elizabeth Petrovna. It was available, friendly, treated with her ...

Historians are described by the case characteristic. When the niece of the former Empress was born her son, Elizabeth, as he was headed, wanted to make a gift of a newborn mother. She sent her court to the Gostiny Courtyard to buy a vase. The seller, having learned that the Vaza is acquired by the Orel of Elizabeth, refused to take money, although she, Vaza, represented great value. Already then, everyone considered the daughter of Peter I by the leadership of the "Russian Party" at the court and wanted to pretend that she squeezed on the throne. Elizabeth did not hide behind the palace walls, as the government did, the daughter of German, and often drove riding or in the sleigh through the streets of the capital, was easy to handle officers and soldiers, and just with the inhabitants of the city. With respect, foreigners believed to her. Therefore, all those who were dissatisfied with the "German dominate" were united around it.

Elizabeth was born before Christmas 1709 as an extramarital daughter of the Russian king, who, although it was extremely pleased with the news of her birth, recognized his child only after marriage in Catherine. Married younger daughter Peter never came out. With his beloved fiance, Karl Augustus, Holsteinsky, cousins \u200b\u200bof her husband's sister Anna, she agreed before the wedding, which, however, was not destined to take place. Poor Karl Augustus died shortly before marriage. To emphasize the "eternal" mourning of his bridegroom, Tsarevna usually wore a dress made of white taffeta on a dark lining. In the future, Elizabeth refused to all other grooms - even members of the dominated European houses, stating that it does not want to associate themselves with marriage. And in fans there was no lack. Even her nephew, Emperor Peter II, got into her amourn nets. And now the thirty-one-year-old beauty changed one cavaller after another. She could flirt with anyone who liked her, despite his rank or origin.

The aristocracy despised her both for the illegality of birth and for affection. Girlfriends of the princes could be simple village girls, she rode with them on her sleigh, treated sweets, participated in their dances and songs. Her house in St. Petersburg was opened for the Guards soldiers, she made them gifts, baptized their children. "You are the blood of Peter the Great!" - they told her. - "You are the spark of Peter!"

It was believed, accordingly, that semi-forgotten by the highest light of Elizabeth is not capable of any conspiracies and any thoughts of power left. Biron, and then minih were favorable. Her relations with the government of Anna remained kind and even friendly. But Elizabeth had friends who, by all means, decided to free Russia from the "Zasili Germans", as they stated. But, oddly enough, it was again foreigners: Marquis La Shetardi - French Messenger and Lests - Personal Doctor Prince Elizabeth. The latter was the son of French Lekary, moved at the end of the XVII century to Germany. In Russia, he has already lived for more than twenty-five years and even married one of Freill Elizabeth. In the conspiracy, the German Schwartz was also involved in the conspiracy, the Captain of the Infantry Regiment was also involved. And the most active conspirator was Grünstein, a former broker and a jeweler from Dresden, and at that time the Guards soldier. The carelessness and the apaticity of the rewctors contributed to the safe commitment of the coup.

And here the Guards sworn Elizabeth. Graph Levenwolde allegedly managed to prevent the regent about the danger threatening her, but the mother of the emperor, who distinguished his special gullibility to people, found him a madman and did not want to believe in Cesarer. When the conspirators, along with Elizabeth, entered the palace, Anna slept next to her husband. One of the Grenadiers rudely woke up unfortunate. The tiny sister of the baby-king, which in the bustle was dropped on the floor. Little John Elizabeth banned to disturb. But he woke up from noise, and, taking him to his hands, she was touched by: "Poor baby! Your parents are blamed. " Meanwhile, everywhere I shouted "Hurray!" And under these screams, the child smiled at that which he had just deprived of his imperial crown.

Brownshweig family took into custody. The same night were arrested by minih, Osterman and Levenwold. In custody, their supporters were taken, as well as those who were considered a supporter of Prussia - mainly courtiers and state dignitaries of German origin. On the morning of November 25, 1741, a manifesto on the erends on the throne of Empress Elizabeth was published. The illegality of the rights of John Vi did not say a word. Moreover, the daughter of Peter the Great in every way demonstrated in front of the Guards of greater tenderness to now formerly emperor.

At first, the overthrown baby with his parents wanted to send abroad to relatives and even sent to Riga. But an attempt to make counter-door in favor of John VI and numerous palace intrigues made Empress Elizabeth change this decision. And the Prussian King of Friedrich II advised the Russian Messenger in Berlin to do everything to settle the Braunschweig family in some distant place of Russian expanses, so that they are at all forgotten. Although immediately after the coup of Friedrich and the Austrian Empress Maria Teresia, the relatives of Prince Anton Ulrich, turned to Elizabeth with a request to let him go beyond Russia, since he never claimed to the Russian state, but was only the father of the child who was in favor of Anna John Nominal king. Elizabeth agreed to resolve Anton Ulrich to leave Russia, but did not want to let go of his spouse and children. The prince, having learned about the decision of the Russian Empress, refused to leave one. And so under protection - the Braunschweig family is sent first to the east, towards Ryazan, and then to Arkhangelsk, then to smuggle to Solovetsky Island to the eternal settlement. John was ordered to carry in a separate carriage under the name of Gregory. He was separated from his parents forever. However, the prisoners did not get to the island, they prevented a strong storm. In the strictest mystery, the family was settled in the holkemogs, a village located on the shores of Northern Dvina. They were placed in the High Archbishop house, which urgently acquired a high fence. On an area of \u200b\u200babout 400 square meters. Mered two more houses and the church with the tower, there was a pond and a small garden. Every connection with the outside world was banned. Food is the simplest, the attitude of the soldiers of the guard - as to the arrestants.

The former king, who by then was already four years old, was placed in a small house separately from the parents. Here the boy has grown in full solitude. As an overseer, Major Miller was attached to him, which received relevant instructions.

Anna Leopoldovna, the grand-niece of Peter the Great, gave birth to still three children in the holkemogors and was entirely engaged in concern about them. Shortly after the birth of the last child, she died from the maternity hospital, when she also had no thirty. Empress Elizabeth, having learned about the death of his far relative, ordered her body to St. Petersburg for solemn funerals. Anna Leopolded was buried in the Alexander Nevsky Laurel next to Queen Praskovye, her grandmother, and mother, the Duchess of Mecklenburg, the eldest daughter of Tsar John Romanova. On the death of the mother of the former emperor, who by that time was already six years old, did not say. It was continued in full isolation from the family. Only several people attached to him could communicate with the boy, without revealing him the secrets of his origin.

Contrary to strict prohibitions, someone taught John diploma and told him who he was. This sharply changed the fate of the Ninth Tsar Romanov who had already had already had younger age. He was in full secret transported to the Shlisselburg fortress, located on a small island in the middle of the Neva. The fortress at the time still performed the functions of a defensive military facility. Only a few decades, she will become an ominous prison. Anton Ulrich, together with the children, left in holkemogors, amplifying to visibility to protect them to seem that the overthrown king is still there.

John was placed in a small caasemate located in one of the fortress walls. The only window was smeared with gray paint, so as not to give God who did not see the mysterious prisoner. The guard was given a strict unit to Nobody talk about the arrestant, what is it: old or young, high or low, Russian or foreigner ...

In a close chamber without daylight and will be a further short-lived life of the unfortunate sibling of the royal family, and who did not know the charms of life.

For all day, the captive played the jewels of his mother who was kept in his box. The first time he was brought to walk when he was already twenty years old. John again saw trees, flowers and green grass. The young man loved to stand on a fortress tree and looking into the distance on the sea eating in front of him. And at twenty-four years here, in the fortress, the poor fellow was killed allegedly when I was trying to free it from the conclusion. He was already the second representative of the Romanov dynasty, which was killed so that he was not on the throne. At first, Alexey, son of Peter the first, - he was at that time twenty-eight years, - now the great-grandfather of Tsar John, who was faithful to the emperor, who was less than four years.

And the events associated with the killing of this king Romanov developed as follows.

All twenty years of the Board of Elizabeth, the overthrown John VI was kept under strict supervision. After the death of the Empress, her successor Peter III gave the order even stronger his relative. They even told that he somehow visited him in the fortress under the guise of a simple officer to personally look at the prisoner. As evidenced in Russian historical materials, the prince said incoherently, answered Questions to Self. He argued that he was Emperor John, the fact that this emperor is no longer in the world, and his spirit switched to it. After the question, who he was, answered: "Emperor". To the question where he knows it, answered: "From his parents and from soldiers."

Peter III did not become, and John was still sitting in his prison. Before Catherine II, who came to power and the blood not connected with the family of Romanov, got up the difficult task of what to do with the Russian Emperor enclosed in the fortress, and the Russian king by the Russian Tsar Ioanna Romanov. Its initial idea was to marry a young man on himself, pretending to be on the Russian throne. She arrived under some kind of pretext to the fortress to look at the poor prisoner. But after seeing him, immediately left this thought and accepted a new decision: the arrestant did not give anyone to anyone, but when he was attempted to release his liberation.

As Some Historians suggest, Catherine decided to get rid of such a dangerous opponent as soon as possible and across his closest advisers agreed to resort to the service of one fluegel adjutant who served in St. Petersburg. The name of this officer was Vasily Morovich. There are many mysterious around this person around this person.

He was the son of a colonel exiled to Siberia for political reasons. The family's estate was confiscated, the colonel with his wife and children denounced the poverty. When Vasily matured, he was taken to serve in St. Petersburg - the patronage of the general helped him who knew him who had once a rich grandfather. However, the passion for the guilt and women prevented the career of a young man. The porquet of the world was translated into the regiment, which was carried by the guard in the Shlisselburg Fortress. There he learned about the ill-fated fate of John, who failed the king of the Russian state. Either he really imbued with compassion to the prisoner and decided to free it, or, as some researchers believe, the Empress itself, Ekaterina, decided to purposely adjust the murder of John the warders, allegedly when trying to be released. The role of the "liberator" and should have been played by the world, who was promised for the service a great remuneration and the return of the Santa's estates. The plan was thought out with all thoroughness, even prescribed the time to implement it. Everything was prepared.

At midnight, the intended day of the world gave the team to his soldiers to free the emperor-arrestant. Began a shootout with a guard service. John, having heard the shots, woke up and got up from his bed, trembling with fear. His warders acted strictly according to the instructions ... The world came to the chamber I saw the body of the prisoner in one underwear on the floor. It is still very young, but already with gray in long-matted hair and with a raden reddish beard, framing his pale-blue face, he lay in a pool of blood, spreading his hands wide. In his open-stopped eyes, bewilderment froze: for what?!

The killed was put on the bed and carried out of the barracks. I buried him the same night at the fortress wall, slightly sprinkled with the grave of moss and branches to be inconspicuous. The official report reported on the "accidentally with a fatal outcome", which occurred with an unnamed prisoner. Another blood, except the rival hated by Empress, was not broken on this night.

Morovich's puddle and his soldiers were arrested. The investigation continued for several weeks, and then the court was held, which was held in the strictest secret. From all the recorders, they took a special subscription of strict adherence to secrecy. The transcript of the court session was not conducted. The myrovica's follower was sentenced to the death penalty, and the soldiers who participated in this "event" - to the link to Siberia - forever. But John VI killers were generously rewarded - for manifested vigilance.

GMURE SEPTEMBER In the morning, Vasily M. Orthodox stood on a platform installed on the square, quickly filling the people, despite the bad weather. He stood, calmly looked around. Next to him was the executioner, and the sentenced to death smiled ... His black eyes on a pale face seemed to have looked having fun. Seeing this, many naturally believed that the execution would be unreal. After all, Elizabeth of Petrovna is more than twenty years ago, at the end of the throne, he canceled this type of punishment. Hopefully, apparently, for this and the convict himself. And when the head of the podorak rolled down from the parity - everything was so ash from surprise. The body together with the scaffold was burned, the dust dispelled in the wind.

The suicide smile of executed forced many historians to ensure that the causes of Miahrovich's behavior at their death time. Maybe the convict was sure that he was about to come about his pardon, as he was the highest promised, and the execution would not take place? In a word, a dark story. Otherwise, the events associated with the murder of the Ninth Tsar Romanov will not call ...

After the death of Anna Leopoldovna for her husband and children, and there are four of them left - two daughters and two sons - reached for many years of exile life. Having joined the throne, Catherine. II allowed the prince to go home: he was not a member of the house of Romanovs and did not imagine the danger to the descendants of Peter I. But Anton Ulrich preferred to be in conclusion with his children. By the end of his life, he became completely intimid and blind and in 1774 died, having spent in exile about thirty-three years. Long term! And no one could say himself, for which he actually carries this punishment. For what was the father of the heir to the Russian throne?

Only five years later, Ekaterina II decided to let the brownschweig princes and princesses abroad. She informed the sister of Anton Ulrich, the widowed Queen of Denmark and Norway Julian Mary, who agreed to place his nephews for residence in the small Norwegian town of Gorsens. At night, they were taken to Norway on the trading frigate, where they settled on the full content of the Russian government. They lived poorly, no language, except Russian, did not know, could not be explained with the service personnel. In the first seven years, Princess Elizabeth and Prince Alexey died. Ten years later - Prince Peter. But the patient and deaf princess Catherine lived to 1807. And it's surprisingly, in the last years of life, she repeatedly appealed to the letters to Alexander I, with a request to return to Russia, which for some reason she attracted it, despite the bitter memories. She was left unanswered by her conference, and she wrote to her confessant for five years to death that she was a thousand times to live in holkemogors than in Gorsovens that Norwegian courtiers didn't like her and she often cries, sick himself, which was not died.

So tragically the life of the parents of Unfortunate John VI and their children are Braunschweig princes. And the wines of this Romanova, the king without the crown and the throne, only that he was the heir to the throne according to the will of the Empress Anna John, his grandmother's native sister.

No less tragic and further fate of Miniha and Osterman, these ever-filled Germans who managed Russian state for many years. The minions adhered to the throne of Elizabeth forced them to sign recognition in allegedly anti-state activities and sentenced to death. And they had to survive the fears of suicide branches. But at the last minute, when Osterman's head was already on the plate, the judge shouted: "God and the Empress give you life." Osterman and other sentenced to death were taken to prison: mortal sentences were replaced by a lifetime link to Siberia.

The minih was exiled to the same village, where Biron was exiled somewhat earlier, shortly before that received permission to go to Yaroslavl. As historians write, on the way, however, in different directions, they met. That's just there is no consensus, they removed when meeting the caps of each other or not. And after all, what a turn of fate ... In the house, which the author of the project was settled for the Biron, the author of the project settled. And the house was placed on the glory. In it and Siberian frosts were nipple. However, staying in this far edge of the former Feldmarshala and recently the first Minister of the Russian Empire was not just a reference, but strict conclusion. He had no right to leave his house. Only pastor and the doctor who arrived with him to this link could go to the town, which was only from several houses. He lived in his conclusion for twenty years and time and time did not lose in vain: in his house he opened a school in which everyone who wanted: and former politicians, and convicted thieves and fraudsters, and other people. A wonderful specialist and a highly educated person, he generously passed his knowledge to everyone ... Empress Elizabeth, he wrote letters with a request for pardon, but the liberation came only when her nephew entered into the throne. In the spring of 1762, a mesmering race arrived from St. Petersburg. Miniu was allowed to return home. He was already seventy-nine years old, but the energy in it was still burly.

The fate of Osterman's graph, a unique person, who was able to keep, as if by inheritance, the confidence and grace of two emperors - Peter I, Peter II, two Empress - Catherine and Anna, one ruler - Biron, one government - Anna Leopoldovna, and Also their favorites, Russian and non-Russian. Yes, and the geography of his life is rare! He did the way from a little village in the West Germany to distant Siberia: Bochum - Yen - Petersburg - Berezovo!

Never who loved to quarrel with anyone, the count was exiled at the same Berezovo, where Alexander Menshikov cumshot, who fell into disgrace of the grandson of Peter the Great, his best friend and the patron, and overthow without the participation of Osterman himself. He settled in the house of Menshikov: with diseases - it was especially tormented by the gout, - disappointments and memories of the past brilliance and the humiliation, which was subjected to a man's daughter, so highly appreciated his mind and knowledge. He brought so much benefit to Russia, which became native and close to him! What is such a bitter fate!? Osterman lived with these thoughts and feelings in Siberia only six years and died there. But the memory of him remained for many years, even the future kings of Romanov recalled him not otherwise, as a man who was the greatest engine of civilization and enlightenment in Russia ...

It was interesting for the fate of another participant in the overthrow of the Biron - General Von Manstein. He managed to avoid the sad fate of his associates, although when commissioning the coup he was the right hand of Feld Marshal Miniha. Taking advantage of the holidays, the general left Russia in a timely manner and found himself in Berlin. Having learned about the situation in St. Petersburg, Manstein decided not to return to Russia. Through the Russian ambassador to Prussia, he tried to get a resignation, but the military board refused him and demanded that he immediately returned to his regiment. Manstein did not follow this requirement, and entered the service for the Prussian King Friedrich II and became his expert on Russian cases. In Russia, they appreciated this step as a desertion, and the Military Court sentenced General to the death penalty.

The diplomatic channels of Elizabeth demanded the issuance of a Russian officer to bring the sentence to fulfillment, but Friedrich II did not do this, to appreciate the smart and well-knowledgeable furnishings in Russia. In Prussia, General Von Manstein served for many years.

The daughter of Peter the Great joined the throne the next morning after the coup. In the first days of his reign, she pulled off the Germans from power. He hurried a new sovereign and forever raise the memory of his predecessor on the royal throne, which only listed on it one year and sixteen days, and then twenty-three years spent in prison and was deprived of not only freedom and power, but also his own name. Empress Elizabeth Petrovna ordered to destroy coins and medals with his image, burn all the papers in which his name was mentioned. The short nominal reign of the ninth representative of the house of Romanovs ended. In addition to palace intrigues, it did not bring Russia.

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Saveliev Vasily Antonovich was born on December 29, 1918 in the village of Denisich Staritsky County of Tver province. He graduated from the 7th grades, the school FSU, in 1938 - Borisoglebsk military aviation school. Sweethev met the war on the western border. Later as part of the 434th IAP (32 GIAM)

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Minih Christopher Antonovich Battles and had a victorious of himself the glory of the invincible Field Marshal, the continuer of Peter the Great. Under his command, the Russian army was invited to the Crimea for the first time and took the capital of Bakhchisarai Khanate. It was he who laid the beginning of victorious wars

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Leer Henry Antonovich was born in 1829 in the family of a military engineer, the participant in the Patriotic War of 1812 in 1850 graduated from the main engineering school. For combat differences in the Caucasus awarded the Order of St. Anna 4th degree with swords and a bow. In 1854 he graduated from the Nikolaev Academy

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Osip Antonovich Prezhclavsky official, writer, publisher. Pole by origin. His memories of Hole 1831 and 1848 are part of extensive memoirs, for a long time published in the "Russian Archive" and "Russian Starina". Forward cases, discovered in St. Petersburg in

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Ivan Vi Antonovich (r. 1740 - Mind 1764) Nominal emperor in 1740-1741, the son of Anna Leopoldovna (nieces of Empress Anna Ivanovna) and Duke Anton Ulrich Braunschweigsky. He was proclaimed by the emperor in two months old, November 25, 1741, overthrew with the throne Elizabeth

In Russia, after the death of Peter the first, the stage began, which historians called the "period of temporarys". He lasted from 1725 to 1741.

Russian Tron.

At this time, among the members of the royal dynasty there was no one who was able to keep power. And therefore, she was in the hands of courteous nobles - "temporary" or random favorites of rulers. And although the throne in the head of Russia was formally stood by the throne, but all the questions were solved by people who were planted for the kingdom. As a result of the irreconcilable hosts of the companions of Peter in power, each other were (Alekseevna), then, after which Anna Ivanovna rose on the throne and finally Ivan 6.


This almost none famous Russian emperor has almost no right to the throne. He was just a great-grandchild. Born in the summer of 1740 John Antonovich just two months from the genus Manifesto Anna Ioannovna was nailed by the emperor. His regent before the onset of majority was the Duke of Kurlyandsky Biron.

His mother Anna Leopoldovna is the eldest granddaughter of Catherine - was the most beloved niece of Anna John. This pleasant Miloid Blonde had a good-natured and meek character, but at the same time was a lazy, sloppy and boring. After the fall of the Biron, the favorite of her aunt, it was she who was proclaimed by the Russian government. This circumstance was first sympathetically accepted by the people, but soon this fact began to cause condemnation among the simple population and elite. The main reason for this relationship was that in the management of the country, the key posts continued to remain in the hands of the Germans who came to power even during the reign of Anna John. According to the will of the latter, the Russian throne received the emperor Ivan VI, and in the event of his death - on seniority, the other heirs of Anna Leopoldovna.

She herself did not even have an elementary concept of how to manage the state, increasingly chiring in foreign hands. In addition, she was alien to Russian culture. Historians also celebrate its indifference to suffering and concerns of a simple population.

The Germans are dissatisfied with the authorities in the authorities, Elizabeth Petrovna are grouped near the princesses. And the people, and the Guard precisely was considered to be the liberator of the state from foreign control. Gradually began to be a conspiracy against the government and, of course, her baby. At that time, the Emperor Ivan Vi Antonovich was another year old child and understood little in court intrigues.

The impetus to the uprising of the conspirators of historians is called the decision of Anna Leopoldovna on the announcement of themselves by the Russian Empress. At the ninth of December 1741, a solemn ceremony was scheduled. Deciding that he can no longer be slow, with a group of guardsmen to her on the night of the twenty-fifth of November two weeks before this event penetrated the royal palace. The whole Braunschweig surname was arrested: Little Emperor Ivan VI, and her husband. Thus, the rule of the baby is not long: from 1740 to 1741.


The family of the former government, including the lowled John VI and his parents, Elizaveta Petrovna promised freedom, as well as unhindered departure abroad. At first they were sent to Riga, however, they were taken into custody. After that, Anna Leopoldovna was charged with the government, she was going to send Elizaven Petrovna to imprisonment to the monastery. The little emperor with his parents sent to the Shlisselburg fortress, after which they were transferred to the territory and from there - to Kholmogory. Here, a former king, whose official sources mentioned as John VI, was completely isolated and kept separately from the other members of his family.

"Famous Arrest"

In 1756, Ivan VI was transported from Holmogor again to the Shlisselburg Fortress. Here he was placed in a separate chamber. In the fortress of the former emperor, officially called the "famous arrestant." He, being in full insulation, did not have the right to see anyone. It concerned even the servants of the prison. Historians say that for all the time he could not see any human face, although there are documents testifying that the "famous prisoner" was aware of its royal origin. In addition, Ivan VI, trained in incomprehensible by any literacy, dreamed of the monastery all the time. Since 1759, the prisoner began to be observed signs of inadequacy. This was claimed by confident and Empress Catherine The second, which met with John in 1762. However, the jailers believed that the former emperor simulates.


While Ivan VI was imprisoned, a lot of attempts were made to release him to re-build a throne. The latter of them turned to the young arrestant death. When in 1764, already in the years of the reign of Catherine II, the pursuit of the world, the guard service officer of the Shlisselburg fortress, was able to bring most of the garrison to his side, another attempt was made to free Ivan.

However, the guards - Captain Vassev and Lieutenant Chekin - had a secret instruction to immediately kill the arrestant when they come. Even the Decree of the Empress could not cancel this order, so in response to the sharp requirements of Mimovica to surrender and give them a "well-known prisoner", they first scalp it and only after surrendered. The place where Ivan VI was buried, is not known for certain. It is believed that the former emperor was buried there in the Shlisselburg fortress.

So the fate of one of the most unfortunate Russian rulers was completed - Ivan Antonovich, whom historifiers were also called John. The history of the royal branch was ended with his death, whose head was Ivan V Alekseevich and who did not leave any kind of good memory, no glorious affairs.

The son of the duke Anton Ulrich Braunschweig-Bevernsky and Anna Leopoldovna, the neborn princess of the Mecklenburg, the nieces of the Russian Empress Anna John.

As a result of the Guard, headed by Field Marshal Count Christopher Minihi Palace Coupling on November 9 releges at John Antonovich, a manifesto on his behalf, his mother Anna Leopoldovna was appointed.

In the struggle for the power of various court groups, mini in March was dismissed. In fact, the state management remained in the hands of the Cabinet of Ministers (Count A. I. Osterman, Chancellor Prince A. M. Cherkasi, Vice-Chancellor Count M. G. Golovkin, until March also mini).

He followed the decree on the expulsion of John Antonovich with his family abroad, but in the way they were detained in Riga, from where Dynamyunda Dynamynda fortress was transported from December 13, in the city of Rannburg.


  • Count M. A. Korf. Braunschweig family. M.: Prometheus, 2003.
  • Solovyov, "History of Russia" (TT. 21 and 22);
  • M. Semevsky, "Ivan VI Antonovich" ("Washing Notes", 1866, t. CLXV);
  • Brikner, "Int. John Antonovich and his relatives. 1741-1807" (M., 1874);
  • "The domestic life of the Russian state from October 17, 1740 to November 20, 1741" (ed. Mosk. Arch. Mr. Justice, t. I, 1880, vol. II, 1886);
  • Bilbasov, "GESCHICHTE CATHERINE II" (t. II);
  • "The fate of the governor of Anna Leopoldovna" ("Russian." Starina "1873, t. VII)
  • "Emperor John Antonovich" ("Russian." Starina "1879, TT. 24 and 25).

Used materials

  • Article "Ivan VI Antonovich" in: Sukhareva O. V. Who was who in Russia from Peter I to Paul I. M., 2005. Page 205-207.
  • Encyclopedic dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron.

Digital designation in the Russian historical literature is different. Options: John III (according to the number of kings from John Vasilyevich) or John VI.

Drama on the island

This island at the very source of the cold and dark Neva from the Lake Ladoga was the first piece of the enemy Swedish land, on which Peter I foot came at the very beginning of the Northern War. No wonder he renamed the fortress of Noteburg, disheveled in 1702 by the Swedes, in Shlisselburg - "Key-City". With this key, he then opened the entire Baltic. And almost immediately the fortress became a political prison. It was very convenient for the ultra of this secluded island. It was possible to get here only through the same gate, while it was necessary to go through the water in the eyes of the guard almost the entire island. Yes, and it was impossible to run from here. Through history, there was no escape from the Shlisselburg prison. And only once a bold attempt was made to liberate one of the Schlisselburg prisoners.

The event happened on a white night from 5 to 6 July 1764. An attempt was made by one of the officers of the protection of the fortress, the porquet of Smolensky infantry regiment Vasily Yakovlevich Mirovich. With a detachment of soldiers, whom he hit on the riot, the world tried to seize a special prison in which he contained the secret prisoner. Running to the barracks where the prisoner lived, the world came out with real estate lying in a puddle of blood. Around were traces of a fierce struggle. During the battle, several soldiers, the security officers of Vassev and Chekin killed the prisoner, died between a squad of rebels and protect the secret prisoner. The world, having learned about the death of the prisoner, surrendered to the mercy of the authorities and was immediately arrested. All soldiers hitting them on the rebellion were also captured. Investigation of a terrible crime ...

Dynastic combinations

But who was this prisoner? It was a terrible state secret, but everyone in Russia knew that the secret prisoner was Russian Emperor Ivan Antonovich, who was imprisoned almost a quarter of a century. In the early 1730s, the Romanov dynasty experienced a serious crisis - there was no one to inherit the throne. At the throne, Empress Anna Ioannovna was sitting, a childless widow. With her, Sister Catherine Ivanovna lived with the young daughter Anna Leopoldovna. That's all the relatives of the Empress. True, Liva was Cesarean Elizabeth Petrovna, who was not and thirty years old. In Kiel, the nephew of Elizabeth, the son of her deceased older sister Anna Petrovna Karl-Peter-Ulrich (future emperor Peter III). However, Anna Ioannovna did not want a fragment of Peter I and the Liflyland Porto - Catherine I - entered the throne of the Russian Empire.

That is why, when in 1731, the imperial decree was announced, the subjects did not believe their ears: according to him, they had to swear in loyalty to the bizarre will of Anna John. She declared his heir to the boy who would be born from the future marriage of the Empress Niece Anna Leopoldovna with an unknown foreign prince. Surprisingly, but as the empress was conceived, and it turned out: Anna Leopoldovna was married to the German prince Anton Ulrich and in August 1740 gave birth to a boy called Ivan. When in October of the same year, Anna Ioannovna died, she taught the throne to his two-month grandchildren. So the emperor Ivan Antonovich appeared on the Russian throne.

Golden and Iron Baby Emperor Chains

Well, to tell about the boy, which became a dealer at the age of two months and five days and overthrown with the throne, when he was one year old, three months and thirteen days? Neither the verbose decrees, they "signed" nor the military victories, whistled by his army, can not say anything about him. The baby is - he is a baby, lies in the cradle, sleeping or crying, sucks milk and dumpling diapers.

The engraving was preserved, on which we see the cradle of the emperor Ivan Vi Antonovich, surrounded by allegorical figures of justice, prosperity and science. Covered with a magnificent blanket, a mufflest kid is looking at us. Around his neck, a heavy chain, as Virigi, the Golden Chain of the Order of Andrei First Called - barely born, the emperor became a cavalier of the highest order of Russia. Such was the fate of Ivan Antonovich: all his life, from the first breathing to the last, he spent in chains. But in the gold chains, he "passed" for a short time. On November 25, 1741, Zesarevna Elizaveta Petrovna made a coup. She burst with the rebels in the Winter Palace of Deep at night and arrested the mother and father of the emperor. Soldiers were given a strict order not to raise noise in the imperial crowd and take the Emperor's child only when he wakes up. So about an hour they stood silently at the cradle, while the boy did not open his eyes and did not shout out of fear at the sight of ferocious grenadier physiognomy. The emperor Ivan was pulled out from the cradle and attributed to Elizabeth. "Ah, child! You are not guilty of anything!" - Screw the usurper and tightly grabbed the child so that - God forbid - he did not get to others.

Do not kill, let him die!

And then began the procession of the family of Ivan Antonovich in prisons. First, the prisoners were kept under Riga, then in Voronezh province, in Oranienburg. Here parents were separated from four-year-old son. His, under the name of Grigory, was lucky on Solovki, but because of the autumn, bad weather got only to Holmogor, where Ivan Antonovich was placed in the former house of a local bishop. It must be said that the name of the Gregory is not the most successful in Russian history - unwittingly remember Grigory Oreprisee and Grigory Rasputin. Here, in the holkemo, the child was put in a single camera, and henceforth he saw only servants and guards. The living and cheerful boy continuously kept in a tightly closed room without windows - all his childhood, all his youth. He did not have toys, he had never seen flowers, birds, animals, trees. He did not know what daylight was. Once a week under the cover of night darkness, he was taken to the bath in the courtyard of the bishop house, and he probably thought that the yard was always worth the night. And behind the walls of the Ivan's camera, in another part of the house, they were settled by his parents, brothers and sisters who were born after him and whom he also never saw.

Elizabeth never gave orders to kill Ivan, but did everything he died. The Empress forbade him to learn his diploma, banned him walks. When he, eight years, fell ill with smallpox and measles, the security was requested by Petersburg: Is it possible to invite a patient with a patient? Fastened by Decree: Doctor to the Uznar Do not allow! But Ivan recovered on his misfortune ... In 1756, the sixteen-year-old prisoner suddenly transported from Holmogor to Shlisselburg and settled in a separate, strictly protected barracks. The guards were given the strictest prescriptions to prevent unidnamed to Uznznaya Gregory. The windows of the room so as not to miss the daylight, thickly smeared the paint, the candles were constantly burned in the chamber, the duty officer was continuously watched. When the servants came to remove indoors, Gregory was started behind the screen. It was complete isolation from the world ...

The mystery of the Russian court, which everyone knew about

The very fact of the existence of Ivan Antonovich was a state secret. In the fight against his young predecessor, the throne of Empress Elizaveta Petrovna resorted to amazing, but, however, a familiar way to combat memory about him. His name was forbidden to mention official papers and in private conversations. One who uttered the name of Ivanushka (so called himself in the people), waited for arrest, torture in the secret office, reference to Siberia. The highest decree was prescribed to destroy all portraits of Ivan VI, to withdraw all coins with his image from circulation. Every time the consequence began, if among thousands of coins brought to the Treasury in the barrels, Rublev was found with the image of the Opel emperor. It was ordered from books dedicated to the Emperor-Baby, snatch the title pages, collect all the latest decrees published under it, protocols and report notes with the mention of Ivan Vi Antonovich. These papers were carefully sealed and hidden in the secret office. So in Russian history there was a huge "hole" from October 19, 1740, when he joined the throne, until November 25, 1741. On all the papers it turned out that after the end of the reign of Empress Anna John, the glorious reign of Elizabeth Petrovna immediately came. Well, if it was impossible to do without mentioning the time of the reign of Ivan VI, then they resorted to Eufemism: "On the Board of the famous person." Only a century later, in 1888, two huge volumes of the reign paper of Ivan Antonovich were published. So, finally, the secret has become clear ...

But, as often happened in Russia, the greatest state secret was known to everyone. And to someone who did not know, it was worth only to visit the Kholmogorsk or Shlisselburg bazaar. There or in the nearest kabaska behind the halftof vodka, curiously they would immediately be told who so carefully elate in prison and for what. All because they knew that Ivanushka sits for the loyalty of the "old faith" and he suffers, naturally, for the people. A well-known thing, otherwise for what is so tormented by a person?

Dynastic sin Romanovs

It must be said that this dynastarian sin did not give rest, either Elizabet Petrovna, nor to the throne in December 1761 Peter III, nor Ekaterina II, who seized power in June 1762. And all these self-containers certainly wanted to see the mysterious prisoner. It so happened that in his life Ivan Antonovich saw only three women: his mother is the government Anna Leopoldna and two Empress! And then Elizabeth when meeting with him in 1757 (Ivana brought in a closed kibitka to St. Petersburg) was dressed in a male dress. In March 1762, Emperor Peter III himself went to Shlisselburg, under the guise of the inspector entered the chamber of the prisoner and even talked to him. It became clear from this conversation that the prisoner remembers that he was not Gregory at all, but the prince or emperor. It was unpleasantly struck by Peter III - he thought that the prisoner was crazy, an impere, sick person.

Catherine II received the problem of Ivan's inheritance from his unavoid her husband. And she, too, moving curiosity, went to Shlisselburg in August 1762 to look at the secret prisoner and, perhaps, talk to him. There is no doubt that Ivan Antonovich his wild look produced a serious impression on visitors. Twenty years of imprisonment in a single squeezed him, the life experience of the young man was deformed and defective. The child is not a kitten, which and in an empty room grows by a cat. Ivan the four-year-old kid was insulation. No one was engaged in his upbringing. He did not know caress, kindness, lived like a beast in a cage. Protection officers, people were ignorant and coarse, with evil and boredom teased Ivanushka, like a dog, beat him and planted "for disobedience" on the chain. According to M. A. Korf, the author of the book about Ivan Antonovich, "until the very end of his life was represented by one endless chain of torment and suffering from all sorts." And yet, in the depths of his consciousness, the memory of early childhood and terrible, similar to sleep, the history of his abduction and renaming was preserved. In 1759, one of the guards reported in his report: "Arstanta, who he asked, to which [that] previously said that he was a great man, and one darling officer took away from him and changed the name." It is clear that Ivan spoke about Captain Miller, who took a four-year-old boy from his parents in 1744. And the child remembered it!

New instruction

Later, Ekaterina II wrote that she came to Shlisselburg to see the Prince and, "having learned his mental properties, and his life for its natural qualities and education to determine calm." But it was allegedly compiled by a complete failure, because "with the sensitivity, our our people saw in it, except for him, and other almost nerazenny-tonasias (Ivan was scared and, in order to speak clearly, supported his chin. - E.A.), deprivation of the mind and sense of human. " Therefore, he concluded the sovereign, no help to have an unhappy thing, and there will be nothing better for him to stay in the income. The conclusion about the madness of Ivanushka was not on the basis of a medical examination, but on the consensions of the protection. What Psi Hatrars there are guards, from Soviet history we know well. The professional doctors to Ivan Antonovich were never allowed.

In a word, a humane sovereign so left the prisoner to conceive in the raw, dark barracks. Soon after the departure of the Empress from Shlisselburg, on August 3, 1762, the guards of the secret prisoner, the officers Vassev and Chekin, received a new instruction. In it (in an obvious contradiction with the statement of the insanity of the prisoner), it was said that with Gregory, it is necessary to talk such, "so that in it to excite the tendency to the spiritual rank, that is, to monastic ... Involve him that his life is already defined by the night and That his whole life happened that he had to sleep on himself to seek a break. " It is unlikely that with a crazy, "deprived of the mind and meaning of the human", you can conduct high conversations about God and tonsure the monks.

It is extremely important that in this instruction, in contrast to the previous ones, this paragraph was also introduced: "4. If, the wrath of the aspirations will happen, so that who came with the command or one, at least an officer ... And I wanted the arrestant to take you, then it's not to give it to anyone ... Budy, I will be strong, it will be a hand that you can not be saved, then the arrestant to kill, and live I do not give it to anyone. "

... then an officer appeared with the team

Attempting to liberate Ivan Antonovich, undertaken exactly two years later, it was as if he was guessed by the authors of the 1762 instruction. As a written scenario, an unknown officer appeared with the team, no security papers did not pretend, the battle was started, the attackers strengthened the onslaught and, seeing that "he had a strong hand," V. V.S. and Chekin rushed into the chamber. They, as the contemporary reported, "attacked naked swords on an unfortunate prince, who by this time woke up from noise and jumped out of bed. He was defended from their blows and, although he was injured in his hand, but broke the sword to one of them; Then, not having any weapons and almost absolutely naked, he continued to resist much, until they finally overcame and not stabbed in many places. Here, he finally was finally killed by one of the officers who pierced him through the rear. "

In general, the case was accomplished dark and unclean. There is reason to suspect Catherine II and its environment in the desire to destroy Ivan Antonovich, who, with all his defenselessness, remained for the reigning empress with a dangerous opponent, for was a legal sovereign, in 1741 overthrown Elizabeth. In society, they walked benevolent rumors about Ivan Antonovich. In 1763, a conspiracy was opened, the participants of which were assumed to kill Gregory Orlov, the favorite of the Empress, and to marry Ivan Antonovich and Catherine II, in order to close a long dynastic dispute. Such plans of the conspirators clearly did not like either Orlov or the sovereign itself. In general, there was a person - and there was a problem ...

This is where the companion of Vasily Govilov appeared, the poor, nervous, offended, ambitious young man. Once his ancestors, the companion of Mazepa, squatted to Siberia, and he wanted to restore justice, return the former riches of the family. When the world appealed for help to his influential countryman, Hetman Kirill Remumbovsky, he received not money from him, and advice: I myself put my way, try to grab the fortune behind the Chub - and you will become the same thing as others! After that, the world and conceived to release Ivan Antonovich, take him to St. Petersburg and raise the rebellion. However, it was frightened that some historians seemed quite natural, as they believe that the world was a victim of provocation, as a result of which the opponent was killed for Catherine.

True divine and true state

During the trial of the world, the dispute unexpectedly broke out among the judges: how could the security officers raise a hand on the royal prisoner, shed royal blood? The fact is that the instructions from August 3, 1762, given by Vassev and Chekin, was used from the judges, and prescribed the prisoner when he was attempted to release. However, judges, not knowing about the instructions, were convinced that the guards did so severely on their own initiative, and not by order. It is asked why the authorities needed to take this instruction from the court?

The history of the murder of Ivan Antonovich again puts the eternal problem of compliance of morality and politics. Two truths are divine and state - faced here in an insoluble, terrible conflict. It turns out that the mortal sin of the murder of an innocent person can be justified if it provides for the instruction, if this sin is committed in the name of state security. But, justice for the sake of, we cannot ignore and the words of Catherine, who wrote that Vassev and Chekin managed to "stop the preventing life of one, unfortunately born" inevitable countless sacrifices who would undoubtedly respond in exempted in the case of the good luck of Moirovich's rebellion. Indeed, it is difficult to imagine what rivers of blood would flow through the streets of St. Petersburg, if the world would bring Ivan Antonovich (as he assumed) to the Foundry Slobodi, captured the guns there, raised the soldiers to the rebellion, masterful ... and this is in the center of a huge, densely populated city.

"The leadership of God is wonderful"

The death of Ivanushki did not upset Catherine and her environment. Nikita Panin wrote Empress, who at that time was in Liflandia: "The case was made by desperately grasp, which is extremely commemmed by the resolution Captain Vassev and Lieutenant Checkin is suppressed." Catherine answered: "I read your reports with great surprise and all the diva, what happened in Shliselburg: the leadership of God is wonderful and uneficated!" It turns out that the sovereign was satisfied and even delighted. Knowing Catherine as a man of humane and liberal, even believing that she was not involved in drama on the island, after all, agree that the objectively death of Ivan was beneficial to her: no man - no problem! After all, quite recently, in the summer of 1762, in St. Petersburg there was a joke of Field Marshal Miniha, who said that he had never lived in three emperors at the same time: one sits in Shlisselburg, another in Ropsh, and the third in winter. Now, after Peter III's death, "from hemorrhoid colic" and the death of Ivanushki, no one will be joking.

The investigation into the Morovica case was short-lived, and most importantly - unusually humane, which seems strange for affairs. Catherine forbade Moirovich torture, did not allow to interrogate many of his acquaintances and even the brother of the arrestant, having tried a joke: "My brother, and my mind". Usually, on the investigation of the political police, relatives became the first suspects in the amendment to the criminal. Worker Derl<ался невозмутимо и далее весело. Складывалось впечатление, что он получил какие-то заверения относительно своей безопасности. Он был спокоен, когда его вывели на эшафот, возведенный на Обжорке, - грязной площади у нынешнего Сытного рынка. Собравшиеся на казнь несметные толпы народа были убеждены, что преступника помилуют, - ведь уже больше двадцати лет людей в России не казнили. Палач поднял топор, толпа замерла…

Usually at that moment the secretary on Eshafote stopped the execution and announced a decree on pardon, complaining, as they said in the XVII century, "instead of the death of the belly." But this did not happen, the secretary was silent, the ax fell into the neck of Mimarovich, and his head was immediately raised by the pall for his hair ... (I would say that the execution should certainly take place. From the documents it is known: the executioners on the day before the execution of the skill on the rams and calves.) The people, as I wrote G. R. Derzhavin, who was an eyewitness of the execution, "I waited for some reason the mercy of the sovereign, when I saw my head in the hands of the executioner, unanimously painted and so shudder that from a strong movement bridge was shaking and railing collapsed. " People fell into the Kronverki fortress. True, the ends were caught in the water ... as well as to the ground. After all, even earlier, Mimarovich's execution Ekaterina ordered to bury the body of Ivanushka secretly somewhere in the fortress.

Passed century, tourists walk in the fortress, around quietly and peacefully. But, walking paths among the ruins on a thick, blooming grass of an extensive and empty courtyard of the Shleisselburg fortress, unwittingly think that somewhere here, under our legs, the remains of the real martyr, which has lived in a cage and, dying and not I understood, I did not recognize, in the name of what he was given by God, this unhappy from unfortunate lives.