Hand drawing holds the globe with a pencil. Basics of animation: how to draw cartoon hands

Hand drawing holds the globe with a pencil. Basics of animation: how to draw cartoon hands

Many will agree with the fact that to draw a person's face is a difficult matter. However, among some artists there is an opinion that it is even more complicated to draw your hands. What is harder to draw - face or hands - I can't say. Probably for whom is like. But what can be argued quite definitely, this is what the hands and fingers are correctly drawn, really difficult. But this is possible if you understand the foundations of plastic anatomy and know the proportions. To do this, I have prepared a number of drawings with visual schemes. They will help you understand the key points to which you need to learn to pay attention in the process of drawing hands.

1. Brushes size

The size of the hand brushes is approximately equal to the face (not head). If measured from wrist to the tip of the middle finger, then this segment will be equal to the distance from the chin to the top border of the forehead. This is an adult brush size. Than the person is more young, the brush hands will be less about his face. Little children palms are equal to the distance from the chin to eyebrows.

2. Skeleton and muscles

The shape of the fingers and the whole brush hand depends on the shape of the bones and muscles. You can make sure of this looking at the hands given anatomical drawings.

3. Mid-brushes

In the process of drawing, it is important to compare distances and check the proportions. A good starting point in this will be a line corresponding to the middle of the brush. Note it, in the future it will be much easier to avoid mistakes. Therefore, at the very beginning of the picture should not immediately draw fingers and details. It is better to outline the overall contour of the brush, similar to a mittens. Then determine the middle. And then you can proceed to the details.

4. Mid-finger

So that the fingers in the figure are not turned out to be curves, it is necessary to correctly determine the length of each phalanx, of which the fingers consist: proximal, medium and distal. This will help the following schematic pattern, in which the middle of the fingers is easily visible. Having determined the middle of each finger, further comparison of the proportions will be made much easier.

5. Length of thumb

The thumbs finger will end at 2/3 of the proximal phalange of the index finger.

6. Length of the index finger and nameless

The length of the index finger is equal to the length of the nameless. However, in different people, this ratio can a little different.

7. Mizintsy's length

Misina's tip is at the level of the joint between the distal and medium phalanges of the nameless finger. Comparing the length of the maiden with this level, it is easy to check its drawing for errors.

8. Nail length

The nail length of each finger is 1/2 of the length of the distal phalanx of the corresponding finger.

9. Location of the Mispan Falangie Sustain of the thumb

When a person looks at the brush of his hands, he sees just some buffroids and a cavity. But the artist who studies plastic anatomy, for each such "tuberk" sees joints, bundles, bones, muscles ... On our hands (more precisely, there are three key joints, "tuberca", which are important for determining the size and further markup of the pattern. If you first define these three points, then the further figure will be made much easier, as it can be repelled from these points. Therefore, to draw a thumb, it is better to start with its Mispan-Falangie joint (2 point). And in order to determine its location, it must be remembered that it is approximately in the middle between the metropolitan-phalangered joint of the middle finger (1 point) and the elbow head (3 point).

10. Brush hands fits into the circle

The hand brush easily fits into the circle. Therefore, you can draw hands using a circle as auxiliary line.

11. A concave form of brush

From the inner, palm side, the hand brush has a concave shape, repeating the shape of the ball. Brush hands are not flat.

12. Hand fingers slightly curved to the center

Hands have a barely distinguishable bend. They are curved towards the middle of the brush. Fingers - not absolutely straight.

13. Finger bends on the palm and outer sides of the brush are at different levels

Falangy finger joints form skin folds. These folds on the palm and outer sides of the brush are located at different levels.

14. At the heart of the form - geometric shapes

From the above figure, it can be seen that by sharing the brush hands on geometric shapes, it will be easier to understand its shape.

15. Hand brush model corresponding to basic anatomical features

To learn how to draw hands, you need to be able to see the basic shape among the many little things. Be able to see the character of the form. To do this, you can imagine a brush of hands in the form of volumetric geometric shapes. As in the picture of the head, artists use a model with the name "Circular" and in the picture hand drawing, you can use the following scheme. Such a conditional schematic image corresponds to the main anatomical features. It will help novice artists understand the essence, and, therefore, draw hand brushes more confident.

Summarizing the foregoing, it can be added that the beginners should teach themselves to pay attention to the proportion specified in this article. If you constantly compare the values, compare the dimensions, the drawing will be easier to be given, and will become much more competent.

Despite the fact that the proportions of the hands of hands may differ depending on the individual characteristics of the person, these differences are non-attribusive and insignificant (for example, the length of index and nameless fingers may vary). Therefore, indicated in this article proportion and features generally

It seems to learn how to draw a human hand more difficult, as it can take many forms and express different emotions. Animation is no exception. You will have to learn how to draw hands in different angles so as to show them in dynamics and attract the attention of the viewer. It is impossible to underestimate the strength of a well-drawn hand in the animation - it will save your work from monotony!

What you need to know

In the comments to my courses, I was asked several times as I draw characters in different poses and with different expressions. The bottom line is that with experience you will begin to produce your own drawing style. Unnoticed for other people, you will have their small tricks. These tricks are poses and expressions that you will resort much more often than the rest, as well as certain hairstyles and clothes that you will be able to draw the best. It is quite widespread, and professional artists resort to this secret all the time!

However, this is very difficult to achieve in hand drawings! Take your head for example. The only movable part there is the lower jaw. We can change the expressions of the face, but the eyes, the nose and mouth remain in their places (at least in real life!) With the hand everything is different. With any new movement of the brush, everything changes radically. In fact, in the scene with a dialogue, the expression of a person can hardly change, but the hands will move very actively and at different angles.

The purpose of this classes is to turn a human hand into a cartoon hand, so let's not waste time to study the names of bones and muscles of the hand. (On the Tuts + platform you, by the way, will be extensive opportunities to learn and this). We, in turn, try to find a simplified way to draw your hand so that it is practical and efficient.

1. Hand in the most simplified form

"Mom, hello! I'm on the Internet!"

The hand consists of a variety of bones, especially in the fingers. This means that all the fingers of different values \u200b\u200band can bend in different directions. For this reason, it is important that you learned to draw your hand as a simplified way as possible and be able to look at it, like a small puzzle from several key parts. We will try to divide it into blocks:

Step 1

Let's start with the back of the palm. Let's draw a simple semicircle:

Step 2.

Now draw a triangle that is attached to one of its sides. Like this:

Calm: We do not draw a cup of tea!

Step 3.

Above the triangle with something resembling a knife tip.

Step 4.

It's time to draw your fingers. In the mirror reflection, we draw the first form at the top. "Puzzle from hand" is ready:

Step 5.

Excellent! It remains soft contours to supplement the missing details:

The contour of the thumb is the most cunning - it must be gently combined with the center of the palm.

Note that your fingers have a different format due to differences in their size.

2. How to palm

You need to know a few more details of the palm. Take a look at them:

Step 1

Again we repeat the process at the top, following the main pattern:

Step 2.

Something new - the palm now looks a bit more complicated, and in its form there are characteristic differences that need to be considered. Fortunately, several simplified forms are sufficient to display it.

Step 3.

Now we can add contours to finish the drawing with the necessary details.

Please note that we finish sketch with soft rounded lines. Think about the palm of your hand as a delicate sculpture.

View of profile

When the hand is deployed to the profile, we can see the protrusion of the muscles at the base of the thumb.

The more "children's" style of drawing, the easier it will be even more than your lines. Here are my little secrets that helped me understand that your hands can be drawing, based on simplified figures. The most important thing is to strive for style that will reflect the person and dynamics in the figures at the final stage.

3. More shapes and hand in 3D

Now you can draw flat hand until the end of your life, right? If you want to draw hands with a convincing depth, use the same technique at the top, just change the camera's wheel! Play with this technique until you want to feel confident.

To form fingers, imagine them in the form of cylinders set one on another. This technique will help us draw your fingers at different angles, because with its help it is easier to "see" the hand in space.

Hand or robot?

Forms in which a man's brush may not consider. When the palm is revealed, there are some rules; When closed - others! The same thing happens when the hand holds the object, and it should be adjusted under his form.

Let's learn how to draw a fist. Slightly another process, however, at the end you will see that everything comes down to a simplified drawing of the main geometric figures.

Step 1

To begin with, we simplify the misma fold, we draw something similar to the letter "y".

Step 2.

We, as it were, "wrap" a little finger around the letter "y". Do not forget to highlight the curve that goes from the maiden to the wrist.

Step 3.

We continue to draw your fingers in space. This time we draw only three fingers. Later I will explain why.

Step 4.

Last but I draw a thumb and speaking muscle at the base of the thumb.

Step 5.

Okay! In a few steps, we finished simplified fist pattern on one side. See how in coarse features the shape of the fist can be depicted using "boxes" of different sizes.

Notice how you can enter a fist circuit into bulk rectangular shapes in space.

Obviously, if we try to simplify everyone Hand position with various techniques, we quickly tired. Therefore, remember that the real secret of how to simplify the drawing of the hand is observations from life.

View from the opposite side: Simplified drawing.

4. Magnificent four

It is widely taken in the animation to draw the hands of the characters with only four fingers. This allows, in addition to enhancing the character's dynamics, facilitate the life of the artist. So he does not have to worry about too many details.

Hands with four fingers of different styles and sizes.

Note: When using this technique, you need to adapt your knowledge about the brush with five fingers to four. Concepts need to be adapted to achieve a suitable and interesting result.

It is worth paying attention to the fingertips. In animation, the more rounded and moving fingertips, the more interesting and dynamic. When you create characters, think about their hands as if it is separate characters!

See that this hand has its own character?

Another good reason to draw hands with four fingers: in this case you have the opportunity to increase the size of the fingers, and therefore make them more expressive! A number of well-known cartoon characters were able to stand out profitably thanks to this technique: Simpsons, Bagz Bunny, Flintstone and Mickey Mouse.

Mysinz's mystery

One of the biggest secrets in the design of such a brush is to maximize the use of the maiden! If you post it at a different angle in relation to other fingers, you break the monotony in the perception of your hand.

Highlight the mismin position in the frame. Look at how much the nature of the action is changing with this technique. The viewer's attention is now concentrated on the main thing in the frame, and the personality of the character is attached to a special highlight.

5. Speak with your hand

When we need to express emotions in the animation drawing, the role of the hands is indispensable! Look at the images below: the hands visually support and repeat the facial expressions and body language character.

  1. "I have a stunning idea!"
  2. "How do I look, dear?"
  3. "I can not believe ... I am awarded an Oscar!"
  4. "I do not understand anything ... He just was here!"
  5. "AAAA! My head splits!"

No matter how strange it seems, hands have their own character! They not only support facial expressions and body language, they can express their own emotions!

Do you see the greatness in these gestures at the top?

However, you often find yourself in a situation where hands should not distract attention. In this case, they must be a secondary character. Characters in scenes with action usually exaggerate stronger than characters in calm scenes.

Note that in the dramatic scene of the movement is insignificant. There is no room for exaggeration. Hands should emphasize the senses of characters - this is one of the most complex processes in design.

6. Verification of knowledge

I prepared a small test to check your observation. Analyze the pictures below and try to determine which feeling the best describes each. Can you guess everything correctly?

Will you be guessing, what does the hand express on each of the drawings?

Raise a hand!

Now you know all the secrets of artist drawing cartoon hands, congratulations!

Although the hands are part of the body, which is very interested in drawing, the ability to create hand designs in different styles is not so simple, and only with the help of a hard workout you can achieve a natural result. Even if your goal is to draw for animation, it will not hurt to buy a good anatomical atlas to understand how muscles and bones are working in hand brushes. At the same time there is no need to memorize every thoroughly. It is enough to figure out how the hand works in motion. Remember that the character's expressions are much more important than what is under the skin.

Last advice: When you need to draw hands, place your own brushes in front of the mirror, or just watch your own hands. One of them will remain fixed during drawing (unless you have learned to draw both hands at the same time!)

Writing paintings like great artists is not given to everyone. But you can learn how to draw if you make an effort.

Much of a person can tell his hands. Pictulate them on paper is very difficult. But the task of how to draw a brush hand, you can solve work and zeal.

Anatomy to help

The complex system is the human body. One hand brushes consist of several dozen items. And in order to correct them correctly, you need to know the structure of the hands. Conditionally brushes can be divided into three main parts: wrist, stain and fingers.

  • The wrist is the closest to the forearm part of it responsible for the movement of the brush, but all its elements work as a whole.
  • Pyh - the widest part of the brush itself is palm.
  • Fingers are moving at the expense of the phalange. Four fingers (index, medium, Unnamed and Mysinets) have 3 phalanges, but the thumb consists of only two phalanges.

Knowledge of the basics of the anatomy will allow properly to draw hands of the hands in stages so that they are "speaking".

It will be easier to draw if you decide on while throwing a sketch, to what the image is similar to something simple, even primitive. Agree that the brush of the human hand looks like a shovel not only externally, but also functionality? From this you can start the sketch - draw the contour, similar to the shovel: the wrist - the cutting of the shovel, and the contour of the palm of his fingers is her canvas. It is difficult to immediately decide how to draw a hand with a pencil's hands in gradually, so it is worth starting with an elementary sketch.

The main thing is proportions

To properly and beautifully draw any item or part, it is necessary to observe the proportion - the ratio of different parts with each other. This rule concerns the image of a person.

So how to draw a brush hands? We begin with the definition of loyal proportions. The ratio of the length of the foys and fingers is with an average of 1: 1. Naturally, this ratio of different people will range to vary a little, because someone has long fingers, and someone has no. But on average, the proportions will be equivalent.

Depending on the length of the finger, the palm loop will be either more elongated, or square. Thin lines (even before drawing a brush hand) Draw the contour of the brush according to proportions. The thumb does not fit into the overall silhouette, it is always somewhat away from the other four "fellow".

Draw your fingers

Fingers are mobile and flexible due to their articulated structure, each of the three or two phalanges, if it comes to the thumb, attached with the help of joints and tendons. Bones Falang, located one after another, are becoming shorter and thinner, so the fingers are gradually thinning.

Ideally, each phalanx is 2/3 lengths from the previous one. These proportions are called a golden cross section - it is perceived by the eye as the most perfect.

Again, when drawing parts it is necessary to make a discount on individual features - not every person has hands have a harmonious proportion. It should also be remembered that the fingers are unequal in length: the longest finger is medium, index and approximately the same and shorter of the middle finger, the smallest - a little finger and a thumb. Although big, rather, the fattest one. Its length corresponds to the length of the maiden.

Lines - the basis of reliability

Before drawing a man's hand brush, analyze once again, from which hand is hand. Remember that the contours of the palms and fingers, the circumscribed concrete forms in the figure are becoming more and more rounded. For example, the line, connecting the fingers and palm, has an arc shape, as well as the contour of the brush itself - the different length of the fingers allows you to get a semicircle when drawing the fingers compressed together. The thumb is somewhat deployed in relation to the rest of the palm, its contour will not be direct, but somewhat rounded.

Small details are important

The outline of the palm we sketched, then begin to engage in detail. So how to draw a hand brush reliably? It is impossible without drawing small parts - folds, thickens, fold lines, nail plate contour on each finger. These seemingly minor strokes will make drawing more realistic.

But with the fold lines on the fingers. As already mentioned, wrist, palm and fingers consist of a variety of elements. They allow the fingers to perform the functionality for which they are given to a person. How to draw a brush hands to look as much as possible? With the help of drawing all the nuances. In places where bones are connected by joints, there will be folding folds both with the inner and the outside of the palm. If the hand is drawn from the inside, it is necessary to draw and the so-called "lines of life" - quite deep furrows in the work places of the joints of the palm.

Each finger at the end is protected by a tight plate, which should be drawn for realistic image. The nail plate is another most important element in solving the task of how to draw a hand brush. Nails may have a different form - from an elongated almond-shaped to almost square.

Fingers point to the age of man. Baby fingers are rounded, with uniform refinement over the entire length. The older the person becomes, the clearer the traces of time appear in the hands. For example, in older people, the thickness of the fingers will be uneven - joints with age are becoming increasingly swelling, many years of work and disease affect. Also, the joints are very visible from thin people.

How to draw a hand brush in different positions?

Hands not only aside participate in a conversation, but often they themselves serve as a "tongue", for example, during trim. Palms and fingers will clearly tell about what a person thinks at the moment, what his mood is what it does. How do you draw a brush hand so that she truthfully revealed all the secrets?

Always in the image of the human body, it is necessary to rely on the basics of anatomy. Hands - no exception. The size of the fist, for example, is determined by the length and fingers. And the Rule of the Golden section will be important in any position of the fingers, even compressed in the fist. Drawing revealed palm, it is necessary to pay special attention to the drawing of the lines of the inclination and slightly bent fingers.

How to draw a hand brush on the side? In this case, it will be important to draw the viewer's attention to the fact that with the back side of the palm and fingers will be drawn with almost straight lines, and from the inside and fingers, and the palm itself have pads, draw that need rounded, smooth lines.

The phased drawing of the hands of man's hands, with a planned transition from the sketch to the drawing of small parts, however,, like any other item, will allow to obtain a realistic drawing.

Brush, probably, one of the most complex parts of the body for drawing and delivers a lot of trouble illict. I remember again a book where she admits that many artists on hand drawing goes half the time allotted to create a sketch. The artist Gustavo Fernandez somehow said that you can make a good career only due to the skill well and expressively draw hands.

To build a model, you can use the same principle: first the frame, then the flesh.

From the wrist rays, four bones are diverged, the continuation of which are fingers separated by three phalanges. The middle finger is the longest, index and non-name - approximately the same length. The thumb is attached to the brush hand at the wrist itself:

One of the most difficult moments in building a palm is the attachment places to her fingers. The most convenient admission was given to me Natasha Ratkovsky: you need to designate the palm in the form of a coconut segment, immediately determining its volume.

At the place of all joints, too, you need to draw balls. The fingers are scheduled to cylinders of a suitable thickness:

The conditional model thus obtained will be required, the phalanges of the fingers and protruding knuckles are indicated in the right places:

By this principle, you can build a hand in any position. Running the basis, you need to try to give your fingertips and nails with a beautiful natural shape. If the palm is compressed, the folds formed in the middle should draw folds. Around the thumb There is a muscle that is not compressed and always denotes the arc.

Cartoon hands is still easier in terms of implementation, because they do not require such realism in the image, but still there are rules that will make them most attractive. This collection contains all sorts of examples of hand drawing + drawing recommendations from various sources.

Christopher Hart "How to draw everything you learned about cartoons":

The hands of the main characters of the Homer animated series, Bart and others.

The human body has many parts. As we have been discussing with you here on the site, draw the body correctly and its individual parts are not so simple. To do this, you need to learn and know the basics of Anatomy and Physiology. Very often, children draw parts of the body and the shapes themselves are very simplistic, it can be said that is dilettank. We want to teach you the elements of the human body correctly, first of all from an anatomical point of view. Arrange the pencil and eraser, take the album and proceed to the lesson. Following our prompts, you will gradually learn the azam of this wisdom.

Stage 1. Draw a man's cut-out lines. At first we will teach you how to draw a man's hand from the elbow to the tips of the fingers. We build a straight line .. On the upper part, we note the point from which we spend five segments, which, in turn, we take another five segments connected at an angle with the first. This is the basis of the future hand brush. Then along the main straight line begin to outline the elbow line and the forearm of the hand (this is part of the hand from the brush to the elbow). The forearm is fingered from the elbow bend widely, then it is read and goes into a brush (extended part). After that, we begin to draw your fingers. At first, the little finger, then Unnamed. We draw them along the line of paragraph 1 of the same stage.

Stage 2. Now draw medium and index fingers of the brush. Along the auxiliary lines, we give contours of the phalanges of the fingers. The brush is slightly bent, as if man wants to take something or hold. Then Dorisuham last, thumb. And further. On the fingers and palm showing irregularities on the skin, hollows and tubercles, skin folds.

Stage 4. Now let's try to draw a person's hands separately. Additional initial frame lines build so. Choose a point on a piece of paper. From it we assure three features in different directions. At the end of the third line, we put the point, and it takes the segments interconnected from it. It's like a skeleton of future fingers. Find the way with smooth lines around these straight lines to the finger zone. Brush bent down. Then. Draw a thumb. Initially, we show his thickened part, then the phalanges of the thumb and line of the connection with the index finger. Then we draw an index finger and the middle finger, outlining the skeletal lines of the initial point of this pattern.

Stage 5. Dorify the Unnamed finger and the little finger. They are barely visible because of the front fingers. Show folds on the skin, tubercles, bulges and irregularities on the brush. Then we remove all sole lines and leave only the necessary. Coloring your hand, shaping some sites (game of light and shadows). We hope you learned this lesson well and you have turned out to draw a man's hands.