Pine pine pencil drawing in stages. How to draw a pine barrel phased

Pine pine pencil drawing in stages. How to draw a pine barrel phased

Trees are an integral element of the landscape, so you must definitely learn how to draw them. In this lesson, we will analyze the phased drawing of birch, oak, pine, palm trees and other trees.

For convenience, you can use the content.

We will not be verminated, because everyone knows what a tree is and for what it is necessary. So let's understand how to draw a pencil tree in stages.

Draw Berezu

Birch is the simplest tree for drawing. It is easier to draw a pencil with a trunk of some tree and put it with green. It is drawn from curves of lines, even its barrel is usually not a straight line. It is very difficult to go outside and find there a birch with an ideal straight trunk.

So, we draw a birch of stages.

Stage 1
We will begin to draw birch from the trunk. As mentioned earlier, the birch does not have an absolutely smooth trunk. Therefore, we draw it a little curved.

If you draw a landscape, you should pay attention to the weather in your picture. If you want to portray the wind, do not forget to tilt the birch in the wind. The angle of inclination depends on the strength of the wind. But despite the wind of the birch can be tilted at a strong angle and in windless weather.

In our example, we drew a birch not very curved.

2 stage
In the second stage, nothing is usual. We simply draw the trunk and be sure to leave the tips across the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe barrel, from there they will grow sprigs of our tree. As with other normal trees, the birch barrel at the very bottom is much wider than on the top.

3 stages
In the third stage, we draw twigs. As in the case of the trunk as they extell them, they become already. If the branch is quite thick next to the trunk and grows up, then it becomes thinner and hangs down, the branches must be drawn in this way, otherwise the tree will look unrealistic.

4 stages
At this stage, we draw thin twigs. In most cases, they are so thin that they are unable to grow up and just hang down. Also, at this step, we draw a bark with simple pencil strokes (or handle, or paints).

5 stage
If you draw a winter landscape, you should have finished with a birch on the fourth stage, but if in your picture is summer, then proceed to the last stage.

And this stage is not very complicated :)
We take different shades of green (so the drawing will look more realistic) and draw leaves.

Our birch is ready and we go to the next tree.

How to draw oak pencil stages?

Oak is a beautiful and massive tree. It is a little more difficult to draw it with a pencil than a birch, which we painted above, but you will definitely work out, and if you can regularly practice in drawing, you can still draw very cool trees in the future.

Stage 1
At the first stage, we will do sketches, so do not too much for a pencil, then you still wash it ... We draw a hexagon as in the figure below is the future foliage of the tree, also, draw two sticks from below - this is the future trunk.

2 stage
This stage may seem very strange to you, draw the trunk and draw absolutely uneven figures and lines. In the future, pushing out these strange lines and figures we draw shadows.

3 stages
We put on the trunk of the shadow and try to portray the shadows in foliage, namely in uneven figures that we painted in the previous step.

The second and third stage is very complex, although at first glance seems very simple. Do not worry if you did not work the first time. It may turn out from the second or from the tenth or from the hundredth, the more you practice in drawing, the faster and better you will draw.

4 stages
This stage is much easier than previous. Here we simply draw twigs that are hidden in oak leaves.

5 stage
Well, the last stage is the easiest stage. We erase all the auxiliary lines and our oak ready.

We hope you figured out how to draw oak stages, but if you do not work, do not worry! You will definitely learn how to draw it, most importantly practiced more.

Young Oak

Just above, we learned to draw the old oak, now it's time to figure out how to paint the young oak. Its drawing is very similar to drawing an old oak, but the size of the trunk and the lifesty of foliage is significantly less.

Stage 1
Draw an oak barrel and pencil sprigs. The barrel is not very thick, as the oak is still young. Please note that all twigs strive for the sky.

2 stage
At the second stage, draw foliage. To do this, you need careless strokes to circulate a tree. As a result, in width, the distance of foliage should work slightly more than height.

3 stages
Now very difficult steps begin for beginners. Sometimes experienced artists faced problems at this stage.

At the third stage, we begin to draw a light thump. Try to casually shaky foliage, while leaving empty places in some places. It may seem that this is a simple stage, but it is not. For proper hatching of lighting, it takes many hours of practice, so do not worry if you have something to get.

4 stages
At this stage, paint a tree trunk and twigs. Before you begin to paint, it is necessary to determine which side will fall light and paint one part lighter than one. In our example, light falls on the right side, therefore the right side of the trunk is a little lighter left.

Also, the lower part of the foliage in the rope growth area is slightly darker than the top of the foliage. This is due to the fact that the light falls there less than the top.

5 stage
At the final stage of drawing oak pencil, we teeve the foliage of the tree. Draw contours in empty places on the foliage, it will give a greater volume. Also stroke in some places on the foliage, we refine lighting.

That's all, the young oak is ready! This is a very complex tree for drawing, so better draw a birch forest :)

How to draw a common tree pencil

Now we will try to describe the gradual drawing of the tree in the most detail for 15 steps. Let's start drawing!

Stage 1.
We draw the trunk and planning the foliage, click on the pencil not very much as some lines will then have to wash.

Stage 2.
At the second stage, draw the trunk and pour the future branches of the tree.

Stage 3.
At the third stage, we draw a foliage on the tree. Here everything is simple, negligent rounded lines. Picture something similar as in the figure below. In the event that the tree will stand in windy weather, its folia needs to be slightly tilted in the direction of the wind. In our example, the tree is in the windless weather.

Stage 4.
At the fourth stage, we wash the auxiliary line, which we painted at the first stage, and begin to detail the tree from the bottom. Draw the first branches and inaccurate lines depict the relief of the crust.

Stage 5.
We continue to draw wood twigs.

Stage 6.
We patch the bark on the surface of the entire tree. Also, at this stage we draw one twig with leaves in the left part of the tree.

Stage 7.
Inactive rounded lines draw leaves on all branches of wood.

Stage 8.
The eighth stage is also quite simple. Draw the Earth. Of course, if you draw a full-fledged landscape, then in this case you need to act in terms of the situation. You may draw a surreal landscape and you have trees in the air :)

Stage 9.
Painter the trunk and sprigs are quite dark pencil, well, or paints.

Stage 10.
Now click on the pencil slightly softer and paint the left part of the tree.

Stage 11.
As in the previous stage, paint the right side of the tree.

Stage 12.
Since the light on the tree falls on top, then its top is lighter than the bottom of the tree, so we try to display it in the picture. We paint the left lower part of the tree a little stronger by pressing a pencil than in the previous stages.

Stage 13.
Draw a piece of wood. Do not draw sheets smoothly near, they should be placed on branches chaotically.

Stage 14.
Since on our tree, the light falls on the right above, the right side must be lighter than left. Nevertheless, draw a little shadow under branches, so the drawing will look much more professional.

As mentioned earlier, light thump is very difficult, so do not worry if you have no time.

Stage 15.
In the last stage, we draw glare if you painted a pencil, you can simply take a gum and wash a little :) If you paint paints, you will need white paint.

That's all, our tree is ready! In our example, we painted with black and white tones. Color tree draws just, just with black and white color it is easier to understand the new material.

How to draw pine stamps?

It's time to learn to draw pine. Drawing pine pencil We will disassemble not very detailed, as Pine is the usual tree, we painted the same trees earlier, only pine have some features that we will understand.

If you did not read about the drawing of previous trees, we recommend that you read. Of course, it is not necessary :)

Stage 1
At the first stage, the barrel is drawing, which, as in all other trees, is thicker than from above. Not strongly by pressing the pencil we plan the places of future branches, and the top of the tree resembles the arrow tip on its form.

2 stage
At the second stage, we detail our pine. In Ovalah, which we painted at the previous stage, we draw twigs, which also have ovals and a variety of rounded figures similar to the clouds :) These small ovals (clouds) We will be detailed at the next stage.

3 stages
The third is the most difficult stage. At this stage, it is necessary to detail the twigs in the most detail. Although it is much easier than it seems at first glance.

At this stage, it is necessary to make instead of smooth edges, our ovals and clouds, ribbed edges. This will be enough so that the tree looks realistic.

4 stages
At the fourth stage, we work on white.
As mentioned earlier, the top is lighter, because the light falls on it, the lower branches are darker because there is less light on them.

Careless lines draw a bark.

Pine is ready and now we go to the last our tree today is a palm tree!

Learning to draw palm

If you have a bad weather window, then it's time to draw a paradise place with palm coconuts and the sea :) We will not draw the sea in this lesson, but we draw a palm tree and coconuts!

Palma is not a completely ordinary tree, so before you start drawing carefully examine the result of your future work, which we give below.

Looked? Now it's time to draw it.

Stage 1
At the first stage, we draw a trunk and from the tip of the trunk we make five lines aimed at different directions - these are future leaves of our palm tree.

2 stage
Now let's start drawing palm leaves. You may seem strange that all the leaves are different and differ in different ways, and one side of the sheet is different from the other, but do not worry, it's all because of the laws of perspective and volume.

Find out the previously planned five lines, so far only three lines, the most closest to us.

Next to the left line, in parallel, we draw another line, it will divide the sheet in half, and under the parallel line draw the inverted letters "P".

Next to the middle line does not need to still draw any lines, as it sits the leaf itself in half. Around this line, we draw sharp triangles as shown in the figure.

Near the right line, no lines do not need to draw, since this sheet bends and only one piece of the sheet is visible. Under the line, we draw a mixture of inverted letters and triangles.

The rest of the lines will look at another stage.

3 stages
At the third stage, we draw coconuts, one sprig on the right and draw one sheet on the left, it has grown from the top left line.

4 stages
Now draw a left hanging leaf and draw a sheet on the right, which has grown from the upper right line.

5 stage
At the final stage we impose a light thump. Round lines draw textures on the trunk, long leaves are stripped stronger than the front and our palm trees!


We hope you learned how to draw a tree you like. In the end, I would like to note that if you do not get beautiful trees or some other pictures, or nothing happens at all, you should not worry! Picture more and over time you will become a real artist.

On the eve of the New Year, I want to decorate your home and create a festive mood. A good element of the decor for postcards and posters can be an image of a cone, which you create your own hands or with the child. This lesson will tell you how to draw a bump in different ways.

Draw Phatepno

In order to create beautiful pictures, it is necessary to study the piece of drawing well. Before the start of the lesson, look at the various images on the Internet. After that, come back to our master class, where we will tell how to draw a bump in stages.

Stage 1.
Multiple lines indicate the twigs.

Stage 2.
In the middle draw a vertical oval.

Stage 3.
Give the volume to future branches. Use oblique hatching for the image of the scales.

Stage 4.
Draw a thick cheese on each paw of the branch.

Stage 5.
We wash the auxiliary lines. At the site of oblique hatching, we make roundings so that it seemed like the scales protrude on the edges.

Stage 6.
Color the resulting pattern. Green fill each needle, dark green circuits outlines for volume. The bump is painted with brown. Black celebrate the places that are most shaded.

Image of a pencil

For a novice artist, it is important to learn how to transfer the structure of the displayed object without being distracted by the colors and the surrounding elements. Therefore, then we will show how to draw a pencil cones to get the right and clear sketch. All you need is a white canvas, an endless pencil, an eraser and your inspiration.

So, for starters, we make marking on a sheet where our cones will be. Let one be slightly tilt for the complication of the composition. The markup form is rectangular with some rounded corners below.

Next, within the areas marked areas, you watched the center line. Symmetrically, on both sides, draw the line of the base of the scales, as shown in the figure. Somewhere you can figure out their shape. Bottom strokes draw the surface of the support.

On the contour lines begin to draw each scaway. Note that at the bottom they are grounded than at the top. Try to portray the volume with the help of hatching. The lower part of the scales should be darker, as the light falls less on it.

Brightly supply the necessary lines, auxiliary erased by eraser. If you wish, you can select the parts with a gel handle.

Pine cone

Excellent, you learned to portray the bumps in the smallest detail. Now consider the difference, between pine and firing. In various situations you will use both of these skills. Start with how to draw a pine cone.

We start with the production of natural form. To do this, draw a volumetric cone. With the help of arches, we curl the lower and top pieces of the figure. Get an elongated ball up.

We start drawing contours at the edges. We try to add some asymmetry that exists in nature. Then fill the lower part, moving towards the top and expanding the gaps between the scales. After erased by an eraser side circuit.

Getting painting. We will need black, dark green and brown pencils. The first fill the space between the scales, the green is adding shadows, and the remaining emptiness is painted with brown color. We are erased extra sketch details, if you wish, we will supply a thin black felt-tip pen or a handle.

Spruce shishk

Spruce cones differ from pine more elongated form and less outstanding scales. Let's see how it will look like in the figure and look at how to draw a bump of fir within our lesson.

For clarity, we even took a real spruce bump to keep all the sizes and proportions. Blacks are a vertical line - the basis of the drawing. At the bottom draw the sharpening, as shown by the example.

We start to portray three scales from the bottom up. We try to keep length and symmetry.

In the upper part it is necessary to show some narrowing of the diameter of the bump. With the help of dense hatching show the shadows, we supply the contours. We are erased extra lines.

Learn the child

The instruction will help parents to set up a child to a lesson and teach it to accurately transmit sizes, shape and color of the future lump. Before drawing a bump of a child, reduce it into the park and show him natural fruits. For the child to be boring to draw a simple bump, you will show the composition on the Christmas tree twig and color the most bright colors.

I will show two ovals and lines of future branches. Since the child is still difficult to perform small movements with a handle, show the relief of cones of a simple oblique hatching.

Draw a sprawler legs of the Christmas tree. Extra lines show the volume of branches. Green marker coloring a cheva.

Brown felt-tip pen with a bump and branch. Black highlight the contours. Dark green feltwall will help show the volume of coniferous branches.

Before drawing a child to a child in stages, it is necessary to carefully examine these objects of nature and find similarities between them.

What is any, well, or almost any tree? The answer suggests itself - a direct and powerful trunk. As a rule, it is quite thick enough and volumetric, but the closer to the upper part of the tree, the one becomes thinner. It is from the trunk in all directions go branches, at the same time, the main ones rushed up.

Closer to the base of the branch of the branch, and to the top - on the contrary, short. Skeletal large branches in different directions grow smaller sprigs, they are even smaller from them, etc. Crown of almost all trees depends directly and is formed from such twigs. Given all these facts, you can easily draw a "skeleton" tree.

Important: Winter trees can be portrayed in the same way - some branches, without foliage.

Are interested in? Then let's consider in more detail how to draw a tree with a pencil in stages for children. Believe me - it will be very informative, and also interesting.

How to draw a tree: general scheme

First of all, we decorate the "skeleton" of the tree by leaves. You can create them with simple points by performing a deciduous crown from individual points (Figure A). As for coloring, it is better to use a few shades of yellow or green, the autumn version can be performed using red, yellow, orange, orange or green paints.

In addition, most children easily depict a certain plane with incorrect, similar to oval form (Figure B). This method is ideal for teaching drawing kids. It will also be useful in this case drawing trees in the landscape. Draw first one barrel and skeletal thick branches. Now fill the green part of the tree and add small twigs.

Variants of the image of foliage

As mentioned above, we draw a tree "in principle", that is, the usual image is familiar to most of us. Naturally, in nature, various types of trees differ significantly among themselves. In our figure there will also be a difference in the trunks: powerful and thick oak-giant, pine or rowan, wearing a slim birch with drooping branches. What exactly to portray is to decide for yourself.

Simple tree: drawing lesson for children from 4 years

This, in fact, is very light, but an interesting way to draw a tree. Of course, it will not be possible to determine his appearance. Yes, it is not necessary here. The main thing - we know exactly what the tree is deciduous.

1. Draw along with a child barrel and several volumetric, large branches. The foliage must be performed in the form of oval.

2. Collect your drawing with colored pencils, wovers or paints. It all depends only on your imagination.

At first glance it seems that such a drawing is very simple and ordinary, nevertheless, it gives a rich soil for creativity and allows you to realize the most original ideas. Carefully look at the picture below and see for yourself what a variety of trees you can draw using this technique.

Oak - Step-by-Step Execution with Children from 6 years

This oak smells something like an ordinary tree that we have already considered. However, there are much more individual details here: the branches of the complex shape, the texture of the cortex and the hollow. Do not worry if your child does a lesson easier or will miss something. The main goal is the tree should turn out to be powerful and autonomy.

Draw a birch with children from 8 years old in stages

For many children, draw a similar tree - a difficult task. Why? Here everything is as close as possible to the realistic image, there are complex lines and details. Therefore, it is not worth drawing the birch preschoolers, as well as those who study in primary classes. Most likely they will try to simplify the drawing.

Pay attention to the child on birch branches - they are leaning down!

Pine: step-by-step execution with children from 8 years

And now let's leave deciduous trees and move on to conifer. Tell the children if they still do not know that pine is an evergreen tree. Therefore, there is no difference at what time of year you will draw it: in summer or winter - Krone is always the same. For pine drawing, the same principle is used as for deciduous trees. The only difference is the green spots of the needles must be clearly connected with branches. In addition, in contrast to hardwood, this tree has a more voluminous "naked" part of the trunk.

Christmas tree - Simple drawing scheme for children from 4 years

Draw another, no less popular and well-known coniferous tree Christmas tree can be in several ways. But we will consider only one - coniferous and very realistic tree for adult guys. You can see the drawing on the bottom of the bottom.

And now the unusual option - draw palm with children from 7 years

So, earlier we learned how to draw trees that grow in our country. Now the time has come more exotic plants. For example, it is very interesting to draw palm trees - decorative, simple, but, at the same time, the original tree. Translated from Latin Palma means "palm" - "Palma". Apparently, this is due to spread, like "fingers" with palm leaves.

We present two main options for drawing this tree: the first is a more realistic image, the second - you can say "Cartoon". The difficulty of performing both drawings is about the same. Children from 7 to 8 years old will contact such a task, of course, not without the help of parents.

Option number 1 - Palm drawing scheme with children from 7 years a few steps.

Option 2.

That's it. Now you personally have made sure that painting the tree is simple. And it does not matter what exactly you want to portray: oak, birch, palm tree, etc. The main thing is to believe in your own strength and, of course, to show a little imagination. Below we give additional materials.

This is the average lesson. Repeat this lesson can be difficult and adults, so I do not recommend drawing a pine in this lesson to small children, but if there is a great desire - then you can try. I also want to note the lesson "" - be sure to try to repeat it if you have time and desire to draw today.

What do you need

In order to draw pine, we may need:

  • Paper. It is better to take a mediated special paper: novice artists will be much more pleasant to draw on such.
  • Compared pencils. I advise you to take several degrees of hardness, each you need to use for different purposes.
  • Eraser.
  • Shelf for rubbing hatching. You can use conventional paper twisted in the cone. She Lego will rub the hatching, turning it into monotonous color.
  • A little patience.
  • Good mood.

Phased lesson

True nature in all its glory can reveal only if drawing it from nature. Drawing it is much better if you look straight on the pine. If there is no such possibility, then ordinary photos can be helped, which in search engines simply in bulk.

By the way, in addition to this lesson, I advise you to draw your attention to the lesson "". It will help to increase your workshop or just deliver a little pleasure.

Please note that every object, every living being, each phenomenon on paper can be depicted using simple geometric items: circles, squares and tracks. They create a form, it is them that the artist needs to see them in the surrounding items. No at home, there are several large rectangles and a triangle. So build complex items are much easier.

Tip: Create an outline as few thick strokes as possible. The thicker the outline will be - the more difficult it will be erased later.

The first step is more precisely zero, you always need to place a sheet of paper. This will give you to understand where it will be the drawing specifically. If you place the drawing on the half of the sheet - the second half you can use for another picture. Here is an example of the markup of the sheet in the center:

To properly draw, you need to understand the characteristic features of its structure and growth.

Pine is a very lightweight coniferous tree. The rare location of the branches is that proof. As the lower, darkened by the upper, die, hence the abundance of bitch on the trunk. And the upper branches in the fight for the light are developing nervous. Depending on the place in which the pine grows, the character of its crown is formed. Pines growing in, differ from those standing outdoors. Forest pines have a high trunk, almost without branches, and a thick crown on the top. Pine, which will be now shown grows on the edge. Her branches grow pretty low, but only on one side of the trunk, which goes to the open, illuminated place ... The other side is almost always hidden from the light by trees.

1. The pine pattern begins with the determination of the height and tilt of the trunk, we indicate the shape of the crown is a triangle.

3. We work out the details of the drawing - draw the knots remaining from the abyss branches. Short strokes can show the character of the crown. Tinging the trunk is more convenient than all vertical strokes.

Note: Loops on the composite structure of the pine forest. Strict vertical lines of trunks, almost without branches, form a rhythm unique.

So you learned how to draw pine and hope that you could repeat the lesson. Now you can pay attention to the lesson "" - it is as interesting and fascinating. Share the lesson on social networks and show your results to friends.

Trees are almost always the most striking and characteristic indicator of those geographical conditions that are inherent in a certain area. Therefore, it is natural that the artist with special attention should approach vegetation, and its sketches should be made especially carefully. So, for example, if he draws a pine, then it should be pine in the figure, and not just a tree. Talk how to draw trees with a pencil. Draw trees with a pencil. Not always trees have such a characteristic appearance, which pine has. Nevertheless, many trees have quite typical appearance. The most characteristic trees of our forests are from coniferous spruce, pine and larch, and from deciduous birch, Oak, partly linden. From southern - pyramidal poplar, cypress, palm trees and some others. Here with these, the most typical trees we, first of all, will meet. Children very often paint trees. And the question of how to draw trees with a pencil, many have appeared in school or kindergarten.

How to draw a Christmas tree (spruce)

The spruce is so characteristic that it is easily remembered and is depicted even by children of preschool age (Fig. 1). Figure 1 - fir in the image of children before you know how to draw Christmas tree, It is necessary to find out what is characteristic of this tree? High straight standing trunk, the mutual location of the branches, and the branches of the branches go almost from the base and to the top of the top, the branches of the dense of the housing. All this is located in a certain natural order. The branches of the upper utems are short, thin, and stick out to the sides and even a little up. The lower duties consist of heavy branched, rather long rays, which, by virtue of their gravity, hang down. A little later we will look at how to draw deciduous trees with a pencil.

Examples of drawing ate

Figure 2 - Developed and not developed "mutters" of a young fir speaking about the character drawing young ate, we must remind one more detail. Every year the new mutuation is growing from above. But not every mutant is preserved. We usually survive stronger and devastating the nearest, below the stoves. As a result, quite long distances are obtained between the preserved mutants. Only traces in the form of dried and broken sprigs remain from the dead mutations. To draw firYou need to portray these features. Figure 3 - Simplified Figure Adult Food Look at Figure 2, How A Young Christmas Tree is drawn. The rays of her mutton are still easy, and they almost do not hang. Drawing an adult Christmas tree A little different. Heavy lower branches (paws) hang almost to the ground (Fig. 3). If we do not know the nature of the structure of the trunk, the nature of the branching of the mutual, then we will not be able to correctly depic fir. A man who almost does not know how to draw, draws fir if only understand the nature of the structure of the trunks of the mutual. Thus, before drawing a fir, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the "anatomy" ate. This is easily achieved if we think and draw a simplified scheme of the "skeleton" of the tree first (Fig. 4), then the young fir (Fig. 5) and, finally, adult fir (Fig. 3). Figure 4 - Skeleton of a young fir Figure 5 - more adult fir when a fir will be worked out, you can go to drawing firings and firing forests. (These exercises are necessary for us so that later, when depicting landscapes, we did not need to think about how to draw spruce, how to draw a fir forest And away, and near, and on the plain, and on the slope of the mountains.)

Draw a spruce forest

Spruce forests even from afar, do not lose their external features. They are distinguished by their sharply top riding. We are no longer talking about the characteristic blue velvet tone, which spruce forest Differently different from other forests located on the same distance distance. Of course, we have not put the transfer of the tone before, but we will have to transfer the nature of the mass of the spruce forest (Fig. 6). Figure 6 - Drawing of the Christmas trees at different distances when drawing a Christmas tree has to use hatching. Far Trees, in which it is impossible to disassemble the details, can be covered with a simple stroke, the most distant - vertical strokes. Each such bar should seems to emphasize the character of high and relatively narrow trees. Not only the large branches of the mutual branches are clearly visible in the near eats, but also small, usually hanging down, branches, dense cheese. We cannot draw similar details, but the character of these hanging branches can also be transferred by vertical hatching (Fig. 3). It is clear that here the strokes in various parts of ate of unequal. On the lower branches, they can be thicker and longer, and on the upper thin and shorter. Pictures of these first more convenient to make a pencil.

How to draw pine

Pine, like spruce, belongs to conifer, but there is a huge difference between the pine and fir. Spruce Teotelubiva. It can grow in the deaf forest in almost twilight lighting. Pine, on the contrary, highly light-friendly. Pine matures with stone soil, with sands, with a lack of moisture, but dies with a lack of light. Thus, in pine and ate completely different attitude towards the light, and hence different appearance, therefore, there is also the difference in how to draw pine. Young pines, growing in an open place, in general look like fir, only the rays of the mutual are less common and the needles are more authentic. The rare location of the branches is already a consequence of lightness. As it grows, the lower branches darkened by the upper, die away. Yes, and the upper branches, in the struggle for the light, develop very unevenly. Strongly developed separate rays of mutants turn into thick branches, which grow wide umbrellas. The weak rays of the mutaders are dying. We see the remains of these dead branches on any pine. As a result of the struggle for the light, the character of the crown changes so much that adult pine is no longer reminiscent of spruce, and even the mutual location of the branches becomes little noticeable (Fig. 7). Figure 7 - How to draw pine: left - Pine, growing in an open place, right - simplified silhouettes of pine I understood the characteristic, we better understand how to draw pine. First, we will make intentionally the most simplified drawings, in which all the most characteristic features are underlined (Fig. 7). It is very useful to view separately growing pines in nature, and then pines in the forest. It is also useful to view paintings by artists. The paintings of the painted pine are usually expressed all the most characteristic.

Draw a pine in the forest

Until now, we talked about a pine growing in an open place. In the forest, the conditions are different. There pine struggles with neighboring pines. The struggle for the world leads to a rapid growth of some pines and death of others who are behind in their growth. As a result, the pine in the forest has a cylindrical high trunk, almost deprived of the branches, and thick on the top. In the pine forest you can always see trees, various in their vital power. Some have high and, relatively with others, thick trunks, with a richly developed crown, rising above the neighboring crowns. These are "dominant" trees. Nearby may be weaker pines with a thin, but also a high barrel and less developed crown. Finally, there will also be pines with very subtle trunks and a weakly developed crown that cannot be embarrassed on open space. These are the trees "oppressed", dying or completely dead, devoid of green needles (Fig. 8). Figure 8 - Pine in the forest: but - "dominant", b. and in - oppressed, g. - Died.

Pine forest drawing

Just as we painted a fir (first near, then away, moving later to the groups of fir trees and firing forest), we will draw pines. As the outline of pine is removed from the viewer, it becomes easier, and finally, pine takes the appearance that is close to the conditional pine icon used on profiles and some maps (Fig. 9). A group of pines or pine forests have emerged seems dark mass, which is incorrect, rarely located, rounded teeth of various sizes. At the bottom, if there is no edge, it is good for vertically standing trunks. These trunks are most convenient to transmit vertical strokes (Fig. 10). Generally need to say that pine forest drawing And individual pines character strokes is of great importance. However, due to the characteristics of the pine crown, you can successfully use the usual strokes. Figure 9 - Middle and long pine pines in various localities are not the same. So, the pine of the taiga zone is very different from the Crimean pine. An even stronger the forms of pine of Mediterranean countries and Japan differ. The latter is stronger in the width of Crohn, which gives the pine to the type of umbrella with a flatter top. They also differ depending on the conditions in which are located. Thus, detached pines in open areas have a thicker trunk, mighty branches and a richly developed crown (Fig. 7). Pines of the same mountain gorges, on the contrary, have unusually high and relatively thin trunks with a small crown on top (Fig. 11). Figure 10 - Pine Forest Drawing Away Figure 11 - Trees in deep gorges, where weak winds and a small amount of precipitation. Trees trunks are extremely elongated in height (Altai).

How to draw larch

Larch is especially characteristic of the Taiga zone of Siberia. But it is often found within our European territory. The larch differs from other conifers by losing his chew for the winter. The latter circumstance is known to be reflected on its appearance. In winter, larch has no needles - this is one of her feature. The branches of larch, devoid of needles, do not hold snow. Hence the branches, devoid of needles and snow, even with their small thickness, very rarely bend down the book, as we saw it, and more often freely stick on the parties and in the upper parts of the tree are even bent up (Fig. 12). Figure 12 - simplified "larch skeleton". Larch has a high straight trunk and a kind of mutual branching, sharply different from ate and fir. We give, as an example, several sketches of larchs made in the winter time (Fig. 13 and 14). Larch, who are far away, retain their character well (Fig. 15). Figure 13 - Simplified image of adult and old larch in winter. Figure 14 - Simplified larch forest drawing in winter for larchs is characteristic in summer light, vicious coloring, very pleasant to eyes, gently yellow or silver-yellow late autumn and a kind of green haze in spring time. Figure 15 - highly simplified image of long-range larchs

How to draw Berezu

White bark, peculiar branching and especially hanging thin branches are very characteristic signs of our birch. Considering branching birch, we immediately note the separation from the trunk, under sharp corners, rather thick branches, which are similar to branch and further, turning into thin and unusually long finite branches. This structure of the branches is just determining their hanging. And the hanging of the branches largely determines and the peculiar appearance of the birch, which we all is so well known. Note that birch drawing Just as in other cases, the most important is building a foundation of a tree: barrel, branching, the nature of finite thin branches and, finally, already foliage (Fig. 15 and 16). Figure 15 - Simplified drawing of birch without leaves and with leaves
Figure 16 - a number of gradually removing birch.

Draw trees: aspen and poplar

Aspen, growing on the scene of forest fires and cutting, is characterized by a subtle, high, straight barrel and subtle branches, separating from the barrel sequentially, most often at an angle of 30-40 ° (Fig. 17). The thin branches of the aspen do not hang, the outline of the crown is simple, in the form of a lancet blade. Other forms of Osin with a powerful barrel and thick branches are found. This form is quite close to our usual topol (Fig. 17).
Figure 17 - Left: We draw a young aspen without leaves and with leaves. On right: Scheme of branching and outlines of the crown of a regular poplar as we see, the question of how to draw trees with a pencil, not unequivocal. Let's look at how to draw such a tree like lombardy poplar. It is very characteristic of our southern regions, especially for steppe areas. It grows in small groups near the rivers and other reservoirs and is particularly often found near the housing. The appearance of the poplar is very typical. It is determined by the presence of a high straight trunk and a peculiar branch, as shown in Figure 18. Figure 18 - Pyramidal poplar without leaves and with leaves

How to draw a tree with a pencil: Lipa

The appearance of the linden is such that it can be confusedly published with some other deciduous species of trees. Nevertheless, Lipa has its own characteristics that are easy to notice when compared, for example, with. Poplar or oak. For linden, the division of the trunk on thick large branches, which most often depart from the trunk under sharp corners. Branches reach a large length, branched to an end. This thick branching leads to an increase in the weight of the finite parts, which, in turn, leads to some hanging of the top branches. Sweeting is significantly less than that of birch, but more than a poplar and oak (Fig. 19). Figure 19 - Draw a tree Lipa published lime groves and forests are characterized by soft rounded outlines of the crowns, reminding the tops of cumulative clouds. Let's look at how to draw such trees with a pencil, like oak.

How do oak paint

Another character has an oak with his strong and few flexible branches. Unlike drawing such a tree, like linden, poplar and some other coarse species, oak branches depart from the trunk at corners close to direct. We also approximate the branches of the second and third order (Fig. 20). The branches are distinguished by the thickness, nodescence and dense omission at the ends (the omission consists of thin branches and thick foliage). This peculiar nature of branching is observed not only to a major mature trees, but also on the young (Fig. 20). The overall outline of the crown partly resembles the outline of the oak sheet, but with a secondary, sharply pronounced gear (Fig. 21). In general, the appearance of the oak expresses the imbabitability and fortress of the mighty tree. No wonder oak is a symbol of durability and strength.
Figure 20 - How to draw a right oak: Left: Simplified oak image without leaves and with leaves; On right: Young oaks without leaves Oak trees in the forest Have a more elongated form, but the main features remain approximately the same.
Figure 21 - the outlines of the Oak tree is not able to dwell on the features of other less common or less characteristic trees, we will very briefly touch some of the most typical southern trees with which we often have to meet. This should be revealed cypress, palm trees, baobab and some others.

Draw a cypress

Cypress A very typical plant for Mediterranean countries is also widespread as a decorative plant on the southern coast of the Crimea. Strongly stretched up, narrow, slim, with a sharp top, cypress is easily transmitted in the picture. Its strong stretchability is due to the high height of the trunk and the characteristic branch (Fig. 22). Figure 22 - Cypress and scheme of their trunks and character of branching

How to draw palm

How to draw such a tree like a palm tree is also of interest. Palm trees are different, but for them the absence of branching and the Wiray exit approximately from one point. Proper transmission of forms and characteristics of palm trees primarily depends on the correct image of this Wiray output from one point. The general appearance of the crown is rounded and often easily inscribed in the circle (Fig. 23). It should be remembered that the upper wiy is the youngest, they stick up, and the bottom are the oldest, they hang and die away.
Figure 23 - Left: Drawing coconut palm trees; On right: Drawing a palm tree. Palm trunk most often happens slightly bent in the upper part. A slightly different character has a palm tree palm tree.

How to draw a tree baobab pencil

Very interesting for drawing tree Baobab. Baobaba has a very characteristic trunk, branching and crown. For Baobab, it is typical very thick and, relatively with a height, a short trunk. The height of the trunk before the start of branching usually only 2.5-3 times exceeds its thickness. The trunk at some height immediately begins to share for 5-7 (rarely more) thick branches. These major branches are now beginning to branch and lose their thickness very quickly. In contrast to the cylindrical barrel, they have a conical form. Baobaba is thick and very wide, crown (Fig. 24). Figure 24 - baobab without leaves Similar crown shape, however, is characteristic of most Savann trees. Only the last trunks usually thinner, and the crown is relatively wider. In the form of their crown resembles an umbrella (Fig. 25). Figure 25 - Acacia Savann