We draw with children on the theme of Shrovetide. Best congratulations on Shrovetide in pictures with beautiful wishes

We draw with children on the theme of Shrovetide.  Best congratulations on Shrovetide in pictures with beautiful wishes
We draw with children on the theme of Shrovetide. Best congratulations on Shrovetide in pictures with beautiful wishes

Often, on the eve of the holiday, children are asked to bring drawings to school or kindergarten - Shrovetide, spring, fire, holiday. And if you visit a folk festival with your baby, he himself will be eager to transfer his impressions to paper. But how to draw Maslenitsa? How to portray not just a holiday, not just a fire or pancakes - namely, a cheerful holiday of meeting spring? We will try to help you.

Step-by-step drawing of Maslenitsa: draw with children

Start by thinking with your child about what will be shown in your drawing. Choose the plot of the future picture and try to list and present all the elements that you have to portray. There shouldn't be too many of them, and they shouldn't be complicated, unless you're a professional artist, of course.

Most likely, you will decide to draw a scarecrow of Maslenitsa and a stack of pancakes on a plate - after all, these are the main symbols of the first spring holiday. But do not forget that the scarecrow must burn. This means that you will also have to depict a fire. Fire can be drawn around the scarecrow, but you can also just next to it. And one more obligatory element of your drawing is the sun. After all, both pancakes and the Maslenitsa holiday itself have been dedicated since ancient times to the arrival of spring, which means to the warm and bright sun that drives away the annoying winter with its cold and snowstorms.

Now you need to mark with a thin pencil on a sheet of paper where the drawing elements will be placed. The younger your child, the more he has a tendency to fill the entire sheet with the first element of the drawing, so if he starts drawing a scarecrow, there may simply not be enough free space for pancakes and the sun. Therefore, the composition of the picture and the dimensions of all elements must be designated in advance. After that, start drawing.

How to draw a scarecrow of Maslenitsa

How to draw pancakes

How to draw a campfire

How to draw a carnival sun

In the Shrovetide drawing, the sun is not depicted in the way children usually do - it is not just a small yellow circle with rays. The sun must have a face, and the rays are drawn thick, in a folk style.

Maslenitsa in the paintings of artists and in children's drawings

Shrovetide was painted by many famous artists. Of course, no one will demand the same skill from a child's drawings, but the pictures will help you choose a plot. These drawings can be used as slides or simply shown to illustrate a story about how to celebrate Maslenitsa.

Often artists depict a festive bonfire with an effigy burning on it.

You can depict folk festivals during Maslenitsa and sleigh rides.

A large festive table for everyone, with pancakes - both adults and children draw with pleasure on this topic.

Often, artists depict traditional games and fun on Maslenitsa - an assault on a snow fortress, agility competitions, carousels and ice slides.

And finally, the scarecrow itself! After all, before it burns down, the scarecrow is destined to be the main figure in the holiday, which lasts a whole week.

Cool drawings for Shrovetide

Modern artists do not lag behind the classics and also paint Maslenitsa with pleasure. Such images are not only understandable to children, they will not leave parents indifferent, they can be used as postcards, decorate an apartment and a classroom, and simply send to friends. After all, Maslenitsa is one of the most fun holidays of the year.

Now that you know how to create a holiday drawing, Maslenitsa will remain with you not only in memory, but also on paper. Draw, you will definitely succeed!

    It’s really not difficult to draw a scarecrow for Maslenitsa.

    Initially, we draw her skeleton - it's simple. Next, we are already starting to give an outline - we draw clothes. After that, we begin to finish the small details of the clothes. At the end, add the straw and make the final touches - you're done! If you wish, you can decorate the picture, but even in this version it looks pretty good).

    On the eve of the holiday with centuries-old traditions Maslenitsa, students at school in drawing lessons can be asked to draw Scarecrow carnival.

    The stuffed carnival is the main character of the holiday. They do it using a wooden pole, on top of which they attach something in the form of a straw head, and on which another shorter pole is transversely attached, which will be the arms of a stuffed animal (the arms are also made of straw). They put a dress on these poles and on the head handkerchief. The legs are a small sheaf of straw. In the manufacture of stuffed animals, materials are used that allow it to burn with a red flame.

    They also draw a stuffed carnival in the same order: poles, head, dress, scarf, legs and arms, patterns and patches:

    Maslenitsa is approaching, and the symbol of this holiday is the effigy of Maslenitsa, which is then burned at the stake. So, I propose to draw a scarecrow of Maslenitsa with a pencil in stages according to this sketch:

    Although it is drawn and painted here how to make a scarecrow, we can take this as a basis for drawing. So:

    1) Draw the base in the shape of a cross;

    2) Then we add volume by shading with a pencil, thereby imitating straw;

    3) Now we draw a head and a scarf on the head;

    4) Draw a dress and sleeves;

    5) Draw eyes, mouth, nose and cheeks;

    6) We finish the braids;

    7) The scarecrow of Maslenitsa is ready!

    It is not difficult to draw a scarecrow of Maslenitsa. We will draw a Shrovetide from straw. We draw a circle - this is the head of a scarecrow. On the head we draw hairs, as in the picture, 2 funny ponytails :)

    Next, the oval under the circle is the body. We draw arms spread out to the sides, with tassels at the ends. We draw Maslenitsa's waist and a cone-shaped, fluffy straw skirt. We throw a scarf over the shoulders and paint with paints or pencils.

    Everything, our drawing is ready :)

    Draw a scarecrow for Maslenitsa.

    First, let's outline the outlines of the effigy for burning on Maslenitsa. We draw a vertical line and parallel to the floor above the center line. A parallel line is needed to draw hands. We draw a circle - the face and a triangle - the dress. if you complicate it, you get such a picture.

    Finish the doll, color it.

    Draw this doll, a simple drawing with clear lines

    A scarecrow is one of the main attributes of the Maslenitsa holiday. It symbolizes winter and cold. Its burning is the farewell to the cold, fierce winter and the meeting of the warm spring.

    Here's how to draw a straw man:

    here is another easy option:

    another drawing:

    In fact, this is not such a difficult task, since here you can not strictly maintain any proportions, as, for example, when depicting a person. For the most part, you should connect your fantasy and imagination here.

    I propose to draw the following symbol of spring.

    As a rule, first, in the form of a sketch, two perpendicular lines are crossed, where the vertical is longer than the horizontal. Then, you can ask for approximate human proportions (head, arms, upper body). Next, a little carelessly depict the straw and twigs from which this frame is actually made. Draw a sundress or a skirt with a shirt, as well as a scarf.

    Maslenitsa is a spring holiday, when we say goodbye to winter and welcome spring. This week everyone should eat pancakes, visit each other for pancakes. And this whole holiday is marked by the burning of an effigy of Shrovetide.

    The scarecrow is most often a malted doll on a large stick.

    And this is how children represent Shrovetide.

    On Maslenitsa, they make a stuffed doll out of straw and dress her with a scarf and a dress. They dance round dances around, and then they fire this stuffed animal. These happen, they are on Maslenitsa

Maslenitsa is a bright holiday of seeing off winter. It originated in pagan times. Orthodoxy, having slightly changed the time of the event and timed the food feast to coincide with the beginning of Great Lent, included Maslenitsa in the list of obligatory celebrations. If you decide to depict the festivities on canvas, then first think over the plot. Do not forget about the characters that personify Maslenitsa.

Scarecrow. The main attribute that has remained unchanged since the pagan times of the celebration of Maslenitsa is a straw effigy. In the drawings, it is often depicted as a woman in Russian folk attire with a round face. Even more often you can see a burning scarecrow and round dances around it. In order for you to get a drawing of a stuffed Maslenitsa, like a professional artist, do everything in stages:
  • Draw a pole with a cross for arms and an oval head.
  • Draw the outer contours of the clothes and headdress (shawl).
  • Draw the clothes in detail, highlight the patches, holes.
  • Draw the straw showing through the clothes. Draw the scarecrow's face roughly, or don't draw it at all.
  • If you want to draw a burning scarecrow, then remember that the flame in the fire is always darker on one side. Draw large flames first. Then add minor, small flames that give the fire volume. At the very end, sketch out the firewood, outlining the texture and size of the wooden logs.
The sun. In the image of the Maslenitsa holiday, the sun has a central place, as it symbolizes the arrival of spring and warmth. Sometimes it is depicted instead of the head of a stuffed animal. To make the sun fit into the overall color of the Shrovetide drawing, use repetitive symbols - rays, like flames or oil splashes, or folk ornaments. Use all shades of yellow, orange and red.

Pancakes are a symbol of Russian cuisine. The whole week of Maslenitsa celebration is based on them. For example, on Wednesday the mother-in-law called the son-in-law for pancakes, and on Friday the son-in-law met the mother-in-law with a return visit. An easily recognizable idea for depicting a holiday can be a still life with a samovar, a stack of pancakes in the center. For the correct image of the flour symbol of Shrovetide, draw in stages:
  • If you draw pancakes as circles, you may get the impression that you put them straight in front of you. For a plausible look, it is better to depict them as slightly flattened ovals.
  • To draw a stack of pancakes, make a markup - draw a rectangle (future stack). Draw the top pancake - an oval shape with jagged edges.
  • Outline the outlines of pancakes in a rectangle. They should not lie on a ruler and have perfect edges, some edges of pancakes may hang down or be torn off.
  • Finishing drawing the stack of pancakes, apply light shadows to the surface and edges of the pancakes.

Another idea for the image of Maslenitsa could be a crowd of merry mummers, carrying plates with pancakes and poles with ribbons and the sun in their hands. The main thing is that for the image of Shrovetide, you need to use bright colors that promise the joy of the onset of spring and warmth.

    You can draw a dove of peace. For example, so

    At the bottom, draw a beautiful number 1 and write next to Mayquot ;. Here we have a dove of peace for the holiday of Peace and Labor. Nearby, the child can easily draw flowers and balloons. The drawing is ready!

    What can be drawn for the holiday of May 1 with a pencil in stages? Let's remember what are the main symbols of the holiday Spring and Labor:

    , (,), bright sun, green grass, everything that we have been waiting for so long after the cold winter.

    Can draw a picture

    How to draw spring you can see here

    May 1 has been the holiday of Spring and Labor for decades. This is what you can draw about. For example, what do you associate with spring - flowering trees, the first spring flowers - in a bouquet or in a meadow, flying birds - build nests, sit on green twigs, an awakening garden, and what speaks of labor - inventory (shovel, rake ...), people working in the field - garden - dacha, the holiday is balloons, fireworks, flags, a parade, the world is a white dove, a planet ... This is what you can draw. These are examples of such work.

    Such a simple drawing can be drawn with a child, and then painted

    You can just draw balls and add an inscription - simple, of course, but it looks quite good:

    This option is also quite acceptable, and it is also drawn very simply:

    I think for this holiday, it will be relevant to depict a dove.

    Initially, we schematically depict a dove.

    Let's draw his paws in more detail and clearly.

    We draw feathers - we detail plumage. Here our drawing takes on a noticeably improved look. Ready! The dove turned out to be very beautiful, although drawing it is quite fast and not very difficult.

    Start drawing from a circle, this is planet Earth

    Now, let's draw the number 1 text on hover, let's start drawing flowers, as in the photo

    here is what we got

    draw balloons

    it remains to write the inscription, and you can paint with colored pencils or paints

    We draw balloons in a bundle in the foreground and two bundles in the background.

    Draw in the lower right corner MAY 1 and Happy Spring Day!

    The drawing is simple, even a child will master it.

    We decorate the balls in color, the background is the color of the sky, the letters with congratulations are red. The poster is ready!

    You can also have a similar pattern with balloons in a bunch, but we add an image of a globe with flowers. The inscription can be made different, on the subject of May 1.

    An interesting option would be with daisies. Balloons are already becoming a symbol of a holiday not only for birthdays, anniversaries, but also for May 1st. Serpentine will add zest and color to the picture. First we draw balls, then flowers. Here are daisies. They are perfect for May 1st. You can draw bells, asters. We draw a serpentine in the form of small trapeziums. And we make an inscription on a poster or postcard.

    Draw any flowers. May Day symbol there were always red tulips. Here's how to draw them step by step:

    Let's finish the drawing of flowers; there should be a lot of them - a whole bouquet!

    Now you can colorize the work, having previously written World Labor May!

    Tulips can be of different colors, and make the inscription more modest, you can leave it in white, like mine.

    You can also draw any old postcard with the first of May. Here is a selection of postcards for inspiration:

    I offer such drawings for consideration, which, in my understanding, can symbolize the holiday of workers on May 1:

    The white dove symbolizes peace throughout the world.

    Salute - symbolizes fun and joy for people.

    In the past, flowers were given to everyone on this holiday. There was a lot of color everywhere and for everyone.

    In principle, this holiday on May 1 - the day of all workers for each person can be interpreted in different ways, and each person can imagine it with something of his own, especially when it comes to drawings.

    On May 1, you can draw spring and reflect symbols and flowering in your work. It can be a twig or blooming flowers, inscriptions, balls, posters, the words May 1quot ;, holidayquot ;, peace and etc.

    You can also draw balloons, flags, pigeons, birds, etc.

    The first of May is the day of peace, labor, spring, May.

    It is customary to draw any spring flowers, blossoming branches, a bird with a twig, etc.

    Let's randomly draw a dove with a twig step by step for May 1: first, only the head and beak, then the outlines of the body and wings appear, then the bird and the twig in the beak completely.

    A flying dove with a twig in its beak is ready - a symbol of spring and May.

    Similar drawings can be created for the holiday with the children.

    I'm bad at drawing, so I won't tell you how to draw, but I have an idea.

    It's best to draw crazy, not sketch, my idea is to draw a garden, a girl working there, mom and dad, it's best to depict some kind of tree.

    The main thing is that the child would draw, because the important thing is not the assessment, but how your child develops, there is no point in drawing, so let him listen to my idea (under your pretext) and draw as he thinks.

Necessary tools and materials

But before you draw Maslenitsa, of course, you need to prepare. So, you will need to prepare the following stationery:

  1. White sheet of paper.
  2. Simple pencil.
  3. Multicolored pencils.
  4. Eraser.
  5. Felt pens, paints.

How to draw Maslenitsa: draw a scarecrow

The main attribute, which has remained obligatory since pagan times, is a scarecrow made of straw, fixed on a pole. It is often depicted in drawings and in the form of a chubby woman in folk Russian attire. During the festivities, you can see a flaming scarecrow and round dances near it.

To make the image of a scarecrow come out like a real artist, follow the step-by-step description:

  1. Draw an oval for the head and a pole with a crossbar for the hands.
  2. Draw the outer outlines of the attire and headdress (shawl).
  3. Draw the clothes in detail, highlighting the holes and patches.
  4. Draw the straw that should show through the clothes. The face of the scarecrow must be drawn roughly or not displayed at all.
  5. The flame in the fire must be non-uniform. Contain lighter and darker areas. Draw large and high flames first. Then add secondary, smaller tongues to give the fire volume. At the end, draw sketches of firewood. Mark the size and texture of the wood logs.

Let's take a closer look at how to draw Shrovetide in stages with a pencil. The described method of execution is simple and will not cause you any difficulties.

Shrovetide sun

The sun can be displayed as the main object of the picture or as an addition. It conveys the atmosphere of the holiday.«>

By the way, sometimes he is depicted on a pole instead of the whole stuffed animal or the head of Maslenitsa.
The image of the Shrovetide sun has colorful and symbolic features:

  • Folk motifs are used for the drawing, and they also duplicate the symbolism of other festive attributes (tongues of flame, pancakes).
  • The sun is often depicted as several circles or spirals inscribed into each other.
  • The rays of the sun can resemble dancing fiery snakes, tongues of fire or splashes of oil.
  • For the image, shades of red, yellow, orange are used.

Fire is an essential attribute of Maslenitsa

The most striking part of the celebration is the stage of burning an effigy. Individual flames or a bonfire are often depicted next to it. You can also depict a burning scarecrow. Fire at the same time is easier to draw in stages.

First you need to identify the main flames. Don't forget about shadow: one side of the fire should always be darker than the other. Draw such a transition in each fiery language. To make the shadow look continuous and realistic, it is better to hold the pencil at an angle during the work.

Add minor flames and hatch. If necessary, you can add fire from below, thereby increasing the volume of the fire. With a thin pencil, circle the outlines of each tongue. Mark a circle of light and a glare of flame if only fire is needed.

For the image of a fire, draw a sketch of firewood. Sketch out the wood texture, size and shape. Now it remains for you to draw the final hatching and transmission of chiaroscuro. The drawing can be left in pencil or colored.

We are trying to draw a Maslenitsa holiday, with pancakes

Pancakes symbolize eternity, the sun, comfort and warmth. They were baked for various holidays, including Maslenitsa.

Drawing a stack of pancakes is not easy. To make it look realistic and not look like a pyramid of paper circles, focus on drawing details and chiaroscuro:

  1. Initially, markup, draw the future stack in the form of a rectangle.
  2. Then draw the top pancake - it should turn out to be oval, with jagged edges.
  3. Outline the stack. Pancakes cannot be the same, their edges must be uneven.
  4. Mark the borders of the plate - they should copy the contours of the pancakes. The far edge of the dish should be covered with pancakes.

The final step is to draw the details. The realism of the picture will be created by drops of oil or honey flowing down, and a berry at the top of the stack. Mark and draw shadows to add volume to the image.

The final stage

The provided article details how to draw Shrovetide with a pencil, in an accessible and lightweight way.

A color drawing better conveys the warm and joyful atmosphere of a festive day. Therefore, you can decorate the resulting sketch. Use warm colors in your work, but dilute them a little with cold shades, as contrast is also needed. Drawings dedicated to such a celebration as Maslenitsa, as a rule, turn out to be cheerful and bright.

You can come up with many different themes with Maslenitsa motives, but it is better to choose ordinary plots. And the festive mood can be emphasized by applying folk patterns.

Maslenitsa is a holiday with centuries-old traditions. It symbolizes the transition from winter to spring, from cold to warm, from dark and boring colors to bright and cheerful colors. The holiday is accompanied by folk festivals, laughter, jokes, performances, games and treats.

Drawing Maslenitsa is not easy. In order to create a picture with many characters, objects, details, you need the experience and skill of the artist. However, do not despair. You can convey the spring, festive mood by depicting the main symbols of Shrovetide, one or more. Its main attributes are the sun, pancakes, scarecrow and fire. Before you draw Maslenitsa, you need to imagine the future picture, think over the plot, the details. Holiday symbols should take center stage.

Scarecrow of Maslenitsa

Maslenitsa is not only a holiday. This is the name of an effigy that is burned on the last day of the holiday week, on Forgiveness Sunday. Most often, Maslenitsa is made of straw, in the form of a woman in a scarf and a worn sundress, and fixed on a pole. Her clothes are dominated by folk motifs, facial features may be absent or crudely drawn.

Given the above points, you can start drawing Maslenitsa.

You need to draw a pole with a cross for arms and a head.

Outline the outer contours of the dress and scarf.

Draw the details of clothing, patterns, patches, holes.

Depict the straw base of the stuffed animal: face, arms, legs.

Since it is not difficult to draw Shrovetide in stages, the creative process should not cause difficulties. Scarecrow can be painted: it is better to take bright and warm shades. Be sure to use red, orange and yellow. Folk motifs in patterns, rough and simple lines of the pattern are welcome.


The most colorful part of the holiday is considered to be the moment of burning the effigy, so a bonfire or individual flames are often depicted next to Maslenitsa. You can draw a burning scarecrow.

Fire is more convenient to draw in stages. First you need to outline the main flames. It should be remembered about chiaroscuro: one side of the fire is always darker. Draw transitions in each fiery language. In order for the shadow to appear realistic and continuous, it is better to hold the pencil at an angle while working, hatching tightly.

Add secondary flames, apply hatching.

If necessary, add fire from below and increase the volume of the fire. Outline each tongue with a thin, sharp pencil.

If only fire is needed, then outline a circle of light, reflections of the flame. For the image of a fire, add an outline of firewood. Outline the size, shape, texture of the wood.

The last stage is the final hatching, the transfer of light and shade.

The drawing can be colored or left in pencil.

The sun

The sun can be depicted as the central object of the picture or as an addition. Sometimes it is drawn on a pole instead of the head of Maslenitsa or the whole effigy.

The image of the Shrovetide sun has its own characteristics:

  • Folk motifs are used for the drawing, they repeat the symbolism of other attributes of the holiday (pancakes, flames).
  • The sun is often depicted as a spiral or several circles inscribed in each other.
  • The rays are reminiscent of flames, splashes of oil or dancing fiery snakes.
  • Shades of yellow, orange and red are used for the image.

The photo shows examples of colorful and symbolic drawings of the sun, reflecting the atmosphere of the holiday. The pictures are different in complexity, so any novice artist can find a suitable image.


Pancakes are not a simple dish of Russian cuisine. They symbolize the sun, eternity, birth and death, warmth and comfort. Pancakes were baked for various holidays: for funerals, weddings and, of course, Maslenitsa.

Drawing a stack of pancakes is not easy. In order for it to look like a real one, and not resemble a pyramid of paper circles, you should pay attention to the drawing of details, chiaroscuro.

First you need to do the markup. Draw a rectangle - the future stack. Then draw the top pancake. It should not be round, but oval, the edges should be uneven.

Outline the outlines of the stack. Since pancakes cannot be the same and do not lie on a ruler, the edges must be different, uneven. Draw pancakes, leave some torn, protruding, hanging down. Mark the borders of the plate, they should follow the contours of the pancakes. The back edge of the dish will be covered with pancakes.

The last step is drawing details. Drops of honey or oil flowing down, a berry at the top of the pile will add realism to the picture. The final step is to outline and draw shadows and highlights, they will give the image volume.

Real Maslenitsa

In order to depict a real Maslenitsa, you do not need to draw a complex multifaceted picture with many characters. It is enough to come up with a simple plot with symbols of the holiday. You can draw Maslenitsa with a pencil or paints, it all depends on the preferences and skill of the artist. A picture in color better conveys the atmosphere of Maslenitsa, the cheerful mood of people, the warmth of the coming spring. It is advisable to use bright, warm colors and shades, not forgetting to add calm and cold ones for contrast.

Most often, a simple plot is taken for a drawing:

  • Winter landscape, in the center of the picture - a scarecrow, next to a fire. There is a bright sun in the sky.
  • Several mummers, who carry in their hands plates of pancakes and poles with ribbons and the sun.
  • Still life, in the center of which is a samovar and a stack of pancakes, and around tea cups, vases with jam, bagels and dryers.

You can come up with many other paintings with Shrovetide motives. It is better to choose traditional subjects. In any case, you should start with the layout of the sheet, sketching the contours, do not forget about the perspective and light and shade. Items should be harmoniously grouped. The festive mood is well emphasized by folk patterns. They can be depicted on dishes, clothes, fabrics.