Draw cats without problems. Easy way to learn how to draw a domestic cat with a pencil step-bypaning a cat in stages for children 5 years

Draw cats without problems. Easy way to learn how to draw a domestic cat with a pencil step-bypaning a cat in stages for children 5 years

Master class on drawing cats in sedentary and sleeping poses stages with photos.

Gorbova Nadezhda Yuryevna, teacher of MBOU DOD "Children's School of Arts" of the Yaran district of the Kirov region, the city of Yaransk.
Description: In this master class, the phased drawing of the red cat sitting and sleeping watercolor is shown. It also shows the phased drawing of the Siamese cat in the technique of raw.
Purpose: Master class is designed for teachers from, teachers of additional education, parents and children from 7 years wishing to perform a beautiful work for the exhibition, interior decorations or just for a gift.
Purpose: Performing a red cat drawing in sedentary and sleeping poses, performing a drawing in the technique of raw caths.
- consolidation of knowledge, skills and animal drawing skills using simple geometric shapes;
- further improvement of watercolor skills;
- fixing the skills of the animal layout on a sheet of paper;
- consolidation of skills in a flower digital;
- upbringing love for animals;
- Development of attention and accuracy.

Materials: Pencil, eraser, watercolor, watercolor paper sheet A4 format, belch brush № 2,6,8, white gouache, rag, jar with water.

Hello dear guests!
This master class is devoted to drawing one of the favorite pets - Cat.

Cats - Children Mirozdanya -
Poems are dedicated.
Cats are lovely creating
Graceful and easy!

Egyptians and not only
They could deify
Years have passed so much
Do not return the centuries to reverse.

But the century is not burden,
Years cats nipoe
After all, they have in our time
Tail pipe, and life is key!

Simply there is a cat's cats:
To the house carry comfort, comfort.
Yet the cat is a princess,
Well, the cat, undoubtedly, Lord!

Cats and cats are diverse in color. Today I propose to draw red stripes and the Siamese cat.
Watercolor equipment is not easy, it does not tolerate the shawls and the error does not always work. But we will not be afraid and, if, the drawing will not work, take a new sheet and repeat the attempt.


1. The cat's body will be presented in the form of an oval, and head in the form of a ball. The torso, we have a tilt and shift relative to the center of the sheet to the right. Fields should remain from the sides. Below leave a little more space than from above.

2. Draw the front, rear paws and tail.

3. We start drawing a muzzle. The nose is similar to the letter "T", the eyes are slightly oval and arranged at an angle. We will slightly breast and go back.

4. The color of the golden ocher is painted with a muzzle. Nose rose cold shade. Leave white places around the eyes.

5. Out red dark areas will be scheduled.

6. Pain the dark pink ears. On the muzzle brown color draw strips (pattern).

7. Pain all the torso shades of the yellow and eloch red and, while this layer is not drying, immediately draw a striped pattern.

8. Then depicting the wool texture, drawing by small strokes in the direction of growth of hairs.

9. We will proceed to drawing a face. We emphasize the nostrils and the contour of the mouth pink-lilac. Draw points from where the mustache is growing. Then draw a yellow eyeball, then the black pupil in the form of an elongated oval is dry, leaving a white glare. Cut the eye along the contour with pink-lilac color.

10. Then draw the mustache with pink-lilac color, and we repeat the white gouache from above. White gouache draw and hairs on our cat ears.

11. You can emphasize with white and wool on the cat's chest, so it will look even more comprehensive.

Now I propose to draw a sleeping red cat, which turned the ball, in a raw technique.
1. Draw the oval

2. Weather the tail, the right back paw and the round muzzle.

3. Well wash the sheet with cold water. The sheet must well absorb water. Before you begin to write, make sure that there is no puddle on the sheet of paper. Daily lighting is cold, so in bright places will pass blue and pink color.

4. The remaining places are painted with shades of Yellow ocher, the eloch is red. When drying, the color in the watercolor is very highlighting, so take paint to the wet brush.

5. The shadow on the body, the face and under the tail.

6. Draw a striped pattern.

7. Aside the paint drying, the tone is brighten, so there will be more shadow parts. If you drop with brushes clean water next to fresh paint, then interesting divorces will turn out.

How to draw in the technique of a raw Siamese kitty.

1. In the right part of the sheet, draw the inverted drop. It will be head and front paws. In the left side of the sheet they also receive (the back of the cat).

2. Categorize in more detail the muzzle, make a fluffy tail and paws.

3. Siamese cat is very interesting color wool. It casts blue, lilac and different shades of blue and brown. Write from light to the dark, after the sheet is well soaked with water. Luduha should not be on the surface of the sheet. Cold shades we write the breast, inserting a warm ocher. Then brown shades back and paws.

4. We start writing a face. First, bright shades of brown, then the tone is intentable, and at the end dark blue we emphasize the center of the face.
ATTENTION: We try to paint does not poured the eyes of the cat, we will write them in dry beautiful cornflower color!

5. Do the wool on the breast and make a darker tail.

6. Verify the central part of the face even darker (paint dries and brighten). Dry brush we remove a little on the brushes paint so that they were. Clear vanity. Last but I write my eyes: first in blue, and when it dries, then we put the narrow vertical pupils. At the end, put the glare in the eyes and draw a mustache.

Thai made of fur

Thai made of fur
From desires and riddles.
Cat is not a dog
She has his own habits!

Taika someone cannot be
Appreciates affection and care.
Very hard I had
To her without home in bad weather.

People were invented in secret
To come home from work,
Stroke sitting on the sofa
Forgetting about care.

Thai in the house comes at night
Through the window on the first
She knows a lot of windows
Just be able to faithful.

In this lesson, I will tell you how to draw a cat in a gradently child. Frequently often, children face a problem when they are just beginning to develop their creative abilities, and the drawing object is very complicated. In our lesson, we will easily draw a simple, but beautiful cat step by step.

We will get such a picture:

And at the very end of the lesson, they draw this Milah:

Let's start drawing a cat. If you draw with your child, explain to him from which parts is a kitty. In our case, we start drawing from the head - it has a round, slightly elongated to the sides.

After the circle is drawn, proceed with the painting of the cat's body. We draw two curved lines from the head, and on the side - two semicircular lines, denoting the rear paws of the cat.

What kind of cat happens without ears? Therefore, tell the child that the ears are needed. We draw a couple of ears on top of the head in the form of triangles.

At the bottom of the facet cat draw the spout in the form of a triangle, and from it - two curls denoting the cat's mouth.

Top to draw with a child cat eyes - they are not round, and pointed to the corners and a little diagonal. Pupil has an elongated shape.

Now draw the cat's legs, as shown in the lower figure. On each foot draw three fingers, and if your cat is angry, advise the child to draw claws.

And of course, any cat is simply needed by a tail - draw it on the side.

Add a cat in fluffy, drawing a fur coat on your chest and on my paws.

Our cat is almost ready, it remains to add a few details - a wool on the ears, a mustache and a bow. Your child can add some kind of details at your own discretion - for example, draw a little bowl with milk or mouse.

I hope that you liked the lesson, and you learned how to draw a cat with a child in stages. If you like to draw with children, I advise you to visit on my site.

Let's try to draw some more cute and pretty cats with phased schemes. First, draw a realistic kitty in full growth using step-by-step guide with pictures.

At the first stage, I place a sheet to indicate the proportion of the cat. Our base will consist of several figures - I draw the shape of the head, body, the triangles of the ears are located on top. See, already begins to resemble a drawn kitty! Try so that the bases of the foundation are barely visible, it will allow us to be in the future not distracted by them. Next, I start drawing a cat's face. It is somewhat pointed, at the bottom of the face, nose and mouth are located. Just above the nose draw the shape of the cat's eyes.

Now we start drawing the ears of the cat. I add vertical pupils as well as a mustache. The next step is the drawing of the paw. Please note how they are located in the figure below.

Now we need to draw back, rear paws and cat tail. Also, I add strokes that make a kitty more detailed. We remove the extra lines, supply contours and, if you wish, paint our beauty. That's this cat we turned out to draw!

Now let's try to draw a cute cartoon kitten. The drawing is very simple, even the kid will cope with him!

Draw a big oval. Kittens always have a big head on cartoon drawings, we will also use this technique. Then I draw the line - they will mean the housing and tail.

Further, I will draw our kitten with an eye, give the tail. It turns out pretty nice! Now our cat needs to draw a muzzle - I draw two big eyes, and I add spout between them. A couple of lines from above and on the ears.

Draw the cats shifted to the right, add a mustache and get on foot. First front, and then rear. Now I want to add strips on the head and tail of the cat.

In the last stages you can deal with a sketch and get rid of extra lines. I decided to draw a cat in purple-pink colors, and my eyes made green. The cat looks somewhat unusual, but it does not get less wonderful. What happened to you?

The next cat will draw a little more complicated, but believe me - it is worth it. First, go to the sheet here with such figures. Practice on the draft, after a few attempts you will definitely get beautiful and neatly. Also actively use eraser, removing unnecessary insecure lines.

We draw a figure located under two triangles. In the very center, where our lines crossed, draw nose and mouth. Cat's eyes are covered - it seems she heard the sides in the sun and just glows with pleasure!

The ears need to be detail. Side parts shadow parallel strokes.

We begin to give the shape of the face. Draw over the sketch, but now the lines are smoother. I also drew the mustache.

Now we start drawing the cat's body. She lies with our back, therefore it is not necessary to draw the paws. I add some strokes to the place where the spine will be located, this will allow you to immediately understand what pose is a drawn cat.

Given the task on the weekend to draw a cat.))))

My selection of simple step-by-step options with which even a child will cope with. + video at the end.

That cat turned out - this is a children's drawing, made step by step.

This drawing lesson will already be more complicated - for schoolchildren!

Now we will look at how to draw a cat to a child or how to draw a cat for children.

Step 1. Do you draw the contour of the cat's head with the ears.

Step 2. Draw the Nodbich's spout, lit eyes and a smiling mouth with a kitty, also draw the ears.

Step 3. Draw a mustache in a cat and front paws.

Step 4. Place the back, rear paws and ponytics at the kitty.

Step 5. We look, here is such a cat.

Draw a cat is very simple. Even a child can cope with this task if you show him how to do it.

1. First, draw a big oval - torso.

2. Then the circle, it will be head, tail, two paws, since our cat is sitting.

3. Ears, eyes, spout, mouth and mustache.

4. And now you can show fantasy and paint.

I know that every family has a pet, it's a cat or a dog. Come, sometimes we do not want to tell everyone what a miracle we have? And I'm not an exception, and therefore, show how to draw a cat with a pencil, I will be on the example of our luck, the most beautiful and dear girls. It is she who will become my model today.

How will our lesson passes:

  • Before you start drawing a cat, I want to tell a small story about Lyalar;
  • Preparation for drawing;
  • Work is a phased pencil.
Immediately I want to assure everyone that you will definitely get a cat with a simple pencil. And if you put in the image of your favorite feelings, it really will be beautiful.

History Lyali

Cat Lyal appeared 9 years ago. She is even older than my child who is only 7 years old. It turns out that they grew together, and, it was Lyal that was often an object for drawing. She is glad to try, as if specifically chooses suitable poses. And my baby, another 5-year-old Karapuz, is trying to sink from nature. And now, by 7 years, the pictures have become very similar. In this you now make sure.

Of course, you can learn to draw a cat and another way, but we will now show a simpler way for us, how to draw a cat for children.

Preparation for work

How to draw a cat gradually? Initially, it is worth finding a suitable photo that will show a feline character and its features. Found.

The photo was done a year ago, here Lyala 8 years old. She, probably, introduced that he was a flower, therefore sits on my favorite chlorophytum.
Next, consider the instructions where it is gradually for beginners everything is easily explained. If the child is very small, you can practice on coloring, and tell about how correct for novice animals.

It is quite another thing, baby code 7, 8 or even 9 years old. Here you can already do without coloring, and start drawing cats as they see them, step by step decomposing the whole process to eight stages.

Picture execution

8 basic steps to get a picture of your cat.

Step 1

Before drawing a cat with a pencil in stages, you need to prepare all the necessary tools and materials: sheet of paper, simple pencil, eraser and color pencils for coloring.

Step 2.

The main auxiliary lines were noted in the figure: head; body, given its tilt; The curtain and the window behind the cat, they will be a guide for the correct proportions.

Step 3.

Draw a cat's cat and pay attention to her face. We depict ears, eyes, nose and mouth (mouth) lying.

How to learn to draw nose? The rule is - the nose of the animal is in the middle of the face, it begins in its middle, and ends in the lower part of the triangle. Immediately under it - mouth.

Step 4.

Lyalka we have Turkish Angora, it means that it is very fluffy and seems much more than her painted portrait. But in this and the charm of the picture of the cat with a pencil, there is an opportunity to show your vision of the image.

Children 7-9 years old should be explained separately. We depict the fluffiness of the muzzle, body, tail and paws of their favorite.

Step 5.

Erase Eraser All extra details, we carry the portrait of a cat with a pencil.

Returning to the abilities of the children of 7-9 years old, they need to be explained as important to follow the sample. If this is a simple image with a pencil for drawing, this is one, but quite another thing when the photo is based on the basis. Here, each line and details, for example, such as the bending of the body of the animal, plays a role.

Step 6.

Our photo has other elements, such as a curtain, flower, window. And they also need to be depicted.

Step 7.

That's time it's time for coloring pictures, your favorite session of children is 7-9 years old. First, we carry out color pencils all the details.

Step 8.

For the coloring flower, my son used several green pencils to "revive" the plant, give it a natural look. Lyalya, the window and the curtain are white, so the child decides to make them in gentle blue colors. He pays special attention to the draw on the face lying. There is a pink spout and ears, and also definite eyebrows and mustache, which the baby draws up a simple pencil, as if they are chosen.

Master class on drawing for children from 5 years "Cats of our yard"

The master class is designed for children of senior preschool age, schoolchildren, teachers and parents.
Painting - One of the favorite activities of children. Most children are safely taken for any pictorial material. But unfortunately, not everyone goes to transfer the paper planned onto a sheet. This workshop proposed a method for learning drawing according to algorithmic schemes.
The proposed algorithms are simple and rational.
purpose: Teach children draw animals with algorithmic schemes.
- Refract into children interest and desire to engage in artistic creativity.
- with patience and preferably,
- develop creative thinking,
- Raise the skill to draw round and oval forms.
To work, you will need:
- Paints or pencils (in this workshop used watercolor)
-tharya pencil,

Travel course:

"Cats of our yard"
It rained outside the window. Fedka approached the window, he sighed heavily, from that today he could not go walk. Probably, just like Fedka thought and his cat sitting on the window and looked at the falling raindrops. Kota called Vaska he was red-red and loved to walk into warm sunny days. Vaska walked not alone, he had friends from our yard.
The cat from the second floor was called Tikhan, he had a black color, and a white wool walkway ran to the tip before the tip of the tail. Tikhan was the owner in the courtyard that even his dogs were afraid, and once again preferred to do not meet him. Tyhan loved so much.
For the summer to Baba Shura from the first floor, grandchildren came and brought their kitty Murk. Murka had a smoky color, her wool was soft as a plush. Murka loved to sleep on the windowsill and look at the people passing by.
And not so long ago, another red cat Murzik appeared in our yard, he was presented for the birthday of the girl named Olya. Murzik is completely small and restless, he loves to hide everywhere everywhere, run in packages, and sometimes he closes to the very top of the carpet weighing on the wall. All cats they like people are very different, each has their own character and their own appearance. These are the cats of our yard.
- Guys, but let's try to draw cats, which are described in the text.
Step-by-step work.
"Cat Tikhan"

1. Draw a large round torsion. Photo 1

2. At the bottom of the large circle, draw the size of the smaller-head. Photo 2.

3. Draw ears. Photo 3

4. In order to symmetrically draw a muzzle, you need to divide the small circle into 4 parts. Photo 4

5. Now draw eyes, nose, mouth. Photo 5.

We remove the dividing lines.
6. We reinstate the mustache, foot and tail. Photo 6.

7. Color. Get acquainted Cat Tihan. Photo 7.

Cat Murka.
8. On a sheet, we have three identical circle-heads, the front of the body, the rear of the body. Photo 8.

9. We reinvent your paws, ears, tail. Photo 9.

10. Help eyes, mouth, nose, mustache. photo 4.5.

11. Color.
Nature Murka.

Cat Murzik.
12. Horsering a circle-head, oval-torso. Photo 12.