Literature tutor Nikulinskaya. Online tutors for literature on Skype

Literature tutor Nikulinskaya. Online tutors for literature on Skype

Irina Valentinovna is a teacher, very clearly explaining the material and unclear questions for the student. We are preparing for the exam in literature. We have some joint classes yet. It was important for me to deal with the examination of the exam on this subject to know what is taking away, ...

add scores, which nuances exist in the tasks, as well as the understanding of the structure of the EGE on literature. All this information, Irina Valentinovna explains it is clear and accessible. Now I am already writing small essay from the exam, their structure and nuances teacher also explains. Irina Valentinovna talks about the intricacies of writing responses over the test, which goes before the writings - this information is also useful for me and understandable. Now I am satisfied with the quality of classes. What is also important, the teacher verifies the compositions of the EGE on literature on the criteria that meets the official criteria from FII.

Evaluation 5+



To the hope of Mikhailovna, I came at the beginning of the eleventh grade, when I realized that for admission to one of the most prestigious universities of our country, I need to score over 95 points for each subject, and even better to do on the Olympics. In the 10th grade I managed to go to the literature region, but ...

i did not occupy any seats, because I did not know how to prepare and was not familiar with the format. This year, thanks to the hope of Mikhailovna, I went to my first alone in literature, became the winner of the highest sample on philology and received the right to enter the competition (BVI) in St. Petersburg State University and HSE. After the Olympiad remained very little time to prepare for the exam in literature, I was very worried. But for 1.5 months, Nadezhda Mikhailovna gave me everything you need, and I received 97 points. With 100 points in Russian and 98 English for me, the doors of the best universities of the country opened. I did on foreign comparatus in the RGGU. I am very grateful to Nadezhda Mikhailovna for all this year's achievements!

Evaluation 5+

Lina, m. Lublino

Order services: Russian literature. Ege on literature.


I was engaged in Natalia Alexandrovna preparation for the exam in the literature and writing the creative assignment of the exam in the Russian language, studying in the 10th grade 2 years before passing the exam. The teacher was a very sensitive and mental person, which was very revealed during classes. Lessons allowed me ...

a new look at, it would seem, I will seek the school works, learn to compare themes, the characters of the heroes of various authors. At the heart of the classes lay preparations for writing essays and deployed answers that make up the basis of the EGE on literature. I still have ahead, I don't know if I will eventually take this subject, but knowledge and approach to the study of literature obtained in preparation will definitely be with me for a long time. I recommend Natalia Aleksandrovna for deep and unhurried dive into this excellent item.

Evaluation 5+

Catherine, m. South-West

Order services: literature. Ege on literature.


Pluses: Thanks to Alexander Borisovich for good preparation of my son to the exam in literature. It is a beautiful, deeply knowledgeable teacher, a versatile developed person who managed to interest my son with literature, give him all the necessary knowledge for passing the exam. Description:...

I advise this teacher to prepare for the EEG on literature.

Evaluation 5

Tatyana, m. Perovo

Order services: literature. Ege on literature.


With Elena Viktorovna daughter, he began to study at the end of September 2017 in order to prepare for the exam in literature, since this subject was needed to enter the university. The daughter in literature was a solid five, but a specialist was necessary for competent accompaniment and acquaintance with the subject ...

in the format of the exam. We looked at the presentation of the teacher and everything became clear to us, we haven't been looking for anyone else). As it showed communication with it during the school year, we did not make a mistake. The man is so in love with his profession, in the literature and Russian language, so much knows about it, that he can not not share this love with the disciples. Classes were wondering and saturated, the daughter was happy to make homework. At the end of the year they took an additional clock in the Russian language (about four lessons). EGE on literature Daughter passed on 94 points, in Russian - at 98. After that, Elena Viktorovna was worn out with her daughter for about a week to put the creative test at the university. Daughter entered the budget Zhurfak MSU. Thank you very much Elena Viktorovna, a bright and positive person and an excellent teacher for her work and knowledge!

Evaluation 5+

Tatyana, m. Kakhovskaya, Sevastopol

Order services: literature. Ege on literature.


Very grateful to Maria Andreevna for her work! She did with my daughter preparation for the exam in literature on Skype. Started almost from scratch, because The daughter unexpectedly decided to give literature a year before the exam. They were engaged in several months. The result of the exam in literature 84. We are very pleased!

Evaluation 5+

Svetlana, river station, water stadium

Order services: literature. Ege on literature.


400,000 students have already found teachers through the Association of Tutoring - including for classes in literature. To tighten the knowledge and catch up with the school curriculum, ideally suitable individual lessons with a private tutor.

Many of our teachers offer training in Russian and literature as related disciplines. To get good grades and enroll in the humanitarian university, the schoolboy should know both items. Before the ninth class of students, they are concerned about the same questions: to be able to read, write a control, get a good assessment. Senior schoolchildren are determined with the choice of a profile subject. What tasks are facing a graduate:

  • Write an essay on a high score;
  • Prepare for EGE, GIA, OGE;
  • Pass an entrance exam or pass a creative contest;
  • To understand the classical literature and competently express thoughts.

By the way, the last item is also interested in older students. Many adults wish to simply increase the cultural level and learn to understand the books "for themselves."

Find a literature tutor is easy to use accurate search for the site. Choose a place and way of classes, specify the estimated cost, and real parental reviews and the rating system will help you take the best solution.

The benefits of a single state exam - the question is controversial. Some specialists, parents and expert sciences are confident that this is almost the most important exam in a person's life. In addition, his obvious benefit is clear - children from disadvantaged families have equal chances of entering various positions in the prestigious University of the country.

Supporters of the Unified State Examination are confident that a similar system will be able to raise a decent number of people who could be called decent performers. These people say that the country has enough managers, managers and other top grade, the fear of the ege eats those people who can go to work in the hairdressing or plant.

Also, the specifics of the Unified State Exam can create a favorable sphere from those people who have already arrived by raising the skills of high-quality executive activities. Also smart, but timid incoming can get rid of the obsessive need to communicate directly with the examining, it will agree that is a certain plus, although the easiest way to teach the fearful interaction with people. But the opponents of the Unified Exam believe that the exam will disudse the nation, as anything is not a creative form of the exam without the possibility of open interaction with the examining. The most strange type of EGE is considered necessary for admission to philological and other language faculties exam literature. Its complexity is relative and depends on the teaching of this exam directly at school. If everything is bad with her, then you need an individual literature teacher.

Everything is clear with the exams such as mathematics, Russian. It is clear and with foreign languages, as well as everything with biology, chemistry and physics. But what about the exam in literature? Questions, tests and parts of the tasks of the examination on literature have already become a parable in the languages \u200b\u200bof our time. Stupid, illogical, both from the point of view of any sensible person, and from the point of view of a person with the philological formation of the tasks put in a dead end of the unprepared children. A private teacher in literature in Moscow will help children understand the subtleties of the language and understand what the task wants from them. In addition, skills that will develop in the future teacher will help your child in the future with his profession and admission to the university. And with study at the faculty will also help.

Literature is a rather ambiguous subject in terms of exam. It is not necessary to learn it, it is only worth reading. But the child really read all these "grief from the mind", "crimes and punishment", "war and peace", and what should he do next? How to make a child think and reflect on the text to understand what to do next.

At school, literature teaching rarely when there is at the level. Most often, this is poured into the fact that children with these analyzes of the person in all refuse to start reading. Reading tires them, infuriates and takes out of themselves. And they still offer an identity analysis. Who will like it?

The task of the teacher in literature is not only to try to instill a desire to read, but also give to understand that these books carry some emotional burden. Understand who is hidden behind all these heroes, understand their motives, their facts of personality and be able to describe it with words. A huge reservoir of the literature should be disassembled, talk about him and understand what is required of you.

But these are still half. Some of the educational material from the stories, the ages and everything else can resolutely vary, if we compare it with different school programs. In one school programs there are more poems, in others - a little more school literature, thirdly - more additional materials from the life of that era and the lives of writers. The private teacher in literature should understand that all these aspects can meet in the exam, and he must give to understand the disciple that it is necessary to read what to think about and what should be their own opinion ..

1. Where to begin Preparation for the exam in literature?

First of all - put a goal. What result do you apply for?
Make a list of 5-6 admissible universities for you. Find out in the receiving commissions, which was a passing score in literature last year.

For example, for future journalists or linguists entering Moscow State University, St. Petersburg State University, HSE, RUDN, RGGU, Literary Institute. Gorky, there will be no points within 80.

Enterprising in pedagogical universities it is enough to score 65-70 points.

Future representatives of creative professions will be enough 60 points - but only for admission. For study in Vgika, Shchepkinsky or Surikovsky this is not enough.

Find out exactly how things are in the "Your" universities.
Find out whether the Olympiad is held at the university and when it is. The victory in the Olympiad is equal to 100 points in profile discipline.

2. What textbooks to use?

1) Two-volumetric "Russian literature of the XIX-XX centuries. Tutorial for entering universities ", edition of Philfak MSU.
This book is known in the people as "Shuriki", since the cover of the first volume shows A. S. Pushkin, and the second - A. A. Blok.

2) N. M. Azarov "Text. A manual for Russian literature of the XIX century "(any edition).
Methods N. M. Azarova is still considered the most effective when preparing for exams on literature.

3) L. A. Skubachevskaya, N. V. Slautin, T. V. Oversport and others. "EGE. Literature. Universal Directory, "Eksmo Publishing House.

4) E. L. Erochene. "Literature. Thematic workbook FIPI ", Publisher" Exam ".

5) Book "EGE. Literature: Examination tasks ", prepared by S. A. Zinin.

6) Demonstration version of the EGE on literature from the site of the FIPI and the accompanying documentation for it.
- Your preparation plan.

3. How to work out material?

Check out the program of preparation for the EEG on literature. It is compiled in accordance with the "codifier of the elements of the content and requirements for the level of graduate of educational institutions for the exam in literature." This is your preparation plan.

Start with repeating the theory of literature. Then - work out each text specified in the codifier.
Repeat the teacher in the textbook. Write down the main dates on a special card.
Re-read the work. Do not tempt the temptation to look into a short retelling. In such texts, actual inaccuracies are often found. Word in two-three offers the essence of the plot and conflict. Think over the problem. Write all the wording on a separate card. Separately write the full names of the main characters. If you "hooked" some phrases in the text, also write them down on the card.
Now you can proceed to work with textbooks and additional literature. In the process of reading, make a brief abstract.

After all the material is mastered, discover the notebooks-development of the FII, prepared by E. L. Erokhina and S. A. Zinin (in them the tasks are divided into authors), and train.

4. Use the help of a school teacher.

You can learn from your teacher about the possibilities of participation in the All-Russian School Olympiad. Consult on organizational issues. Ask you to check the training tasks that you will do on the FII workbooks. Do not neglect what the school gives you free.

5. How to evaluate the results of your work?

This is the most difficult moment. In the examinations of examination tasks there are answers only on tasks of type B. Work on a part of the part should check the competent person. It can be your school teacher or tutor.

My name is Love Nikolaevna. Teaching experience - 17 years, the tutoring has been engaged for 10 years. My disciples are schoolchildren, applicants and university students. After graduation, I entered the Faculty of Philology of the Penza Pedagogical Institute. Remotely conduct classes for a long time, almost 4 years old, and very successfully preparing for the exam in literature on "good" and "excellent." My students can easily come into universities chosen by them on humanitarian and philological specialties.

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Svetlana Sergeevna - Russian language tutor and skype literature

Good afternoon, dear students! I am highly melted, responsible, erudite teacher. I work with students of all levels of educational institutions. Allow me to introduce yourself - Svetlana Sergeevna, teacher / Russian tutor and skype literature. Common pedagogical experience - 15 years. Tutoring practicing activities for 10 years. I help in acquiring valuable knowledge to schoolchildren, graduates, applicants and, of course, future philologists - today's students.

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Irina Gennadievna - Tutor in the Russian language and literature on Skype

My name is Irina Gennadyevna - a tutor in the Russian language and literature on Skype. I studied five years, while at the same time passing the retraining in the specialty "Jurisprudence" and becoming a bachelor of pedagogical sciences, I received a diploma with honors and went to "sow intelligent, kind, eternal" in the usual high school of the hometown. I spend work on the preparation of students to give the CT and the exam in the Russian language and literature. In 2018, the middle score in the Russian language of my class was on 4 points above the republican, the exam was commissioned by students at 87, 91 and 100 points.

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Lyudmila Georgievna - a remote tutor in Russian / literature, preparation for the exam

Good time day! My name Lyudmila Georgievna - I spent tutoring in the Russian language and literature on Skype. I have a higher education. He graduated from the Belgorod State Pedagogical Institute. M.S. Olminsky. Specialty - Russian language and literature. I am a senior teacher, a researcher of the Faculty of Journalism of one of the highest educational institutions of our country. Work experience - 18 years.

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Ekaterina Yurevna - Remote Tutor in Russian Language and Literature on Skype

Hello, dear parents and disciples, site visitors site. My name is Ekaterina Yurevna, I am a Russian teacher and literature. Now I work at school with children 5-11 classes, as well as helping to master some wishing the subtleties of its items with tutoring over Skype. Yes, the path of knowledge is difficult, considerable efforts are needed to achieve something, but before our students, I never put impracticable tasks, but only gradually increasing the difficulty of classes, I reveal and reveal the ability of the child, which often do not lie on the surface.

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Ilya Aleksandrovich - online tutor in Russian language and literature

Hello, let's get acquainted! My name is Ilya Aleksandrovich. I am a teacher, an online tutor in the Russian language and literature of the school of distance learning. I offer you interactive remote exercises in the Russian language and literature using the Skype program and Google Docs. A little about yourself: general education received in school-gymnasium No. 15 of Sarov. Parallel finished artistic and music schools.

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Anna Vladimirovna - Tutor in the Russian language and literature online

Good day! To begin with, I will be: My name is Anna Vladimirovna, I am a teacher of Russian language and literature on Skype. Teaching these items of studying grades 5-11. Since childhood, I dreamed of becoming a teacher. My dream came true when I graduated from the Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute in 1989 with a specialty Russian and literature.

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Olga Alexandrovna - Teacher of Russian Language and Literature on Skype

Hello, my name is Olga Aleksandrovna. I am a teacher of the Russian language and literature on Skype. He graduated from the Southern Federal University (Rostov State University) in 2008 in the specialty "Philology. The teacher of Russian language and literature. " The year worked at the boarding school of 8 species, but for 4 years I have been a teacher of the Center for Remote Education. I really like working with children, discover the world of Russian language and literature for them.

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Olga Ernestovna - a tutor in the school Russian language and literature, MHC in Skype, Cand. Phil. science

My name is Olga Ernestovna. I have two higher education in the specialties "Russian language and literature" and "Ukrainian language and literature". Passed a course of study, which gives the right to teach the World Art Culture Subject. In 2008, she defended his thesis in the specialty "Russian" on the topic "The generalizing and exciter pronouns of the modern Russian language: semantics, grammar, features of functioning" and received a scientific degree of a candidate of philological sciences.

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Andrei Ivanovich - online tutor of the Russian language and literature

Hello! Andrei Ivanovich - an online tutor in Russian and literature, Crimean, I live and work in Simferopol. I bring up five children: 1 boy and 4 girls. I have a higher philological education. In 1999 he graduated from the Simferopol State University named after M.V. Frunes, which is now called the Tavricheskaya Academy and is part of the Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky. During training specialized in the department of Russian in the field of stylistics. Received the right to teach the discipline "World Art Culture".

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Ealina Albertovna - Russian Language Teacher, Online Literature

Hello! Let me introduce myself. My name is Elina Albertovna. I am a remote tutor of the Russian language and literature. In 1993, I graduated from the Rostov Pedagogical School and began working as a primary school teacher in secondary school. Then I graduated from the Rostov State University. Now I have the highest qualifying category. Since 1996, I teach Russian and literature in grades 5-11. For many years of pedagogical activity, I have accumulated extensive experience.

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Galina Anatolyevna - Teacher of Russian Language and Literature

Good day! My name is Galina Anatolyevna - a tutor in the Russian language and literature on Skype. Let me tell a little about yourself. I have been working at school for 10 years. Tutoring I am 8 years old. I have a higher education. We constantly attend webinars, which allows you to be aware of all new technologies and actively follow changes in the exam exams in the Russian language and literature. In 2015, advanced training courses were held. I love my job and treat her very responsible.

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Tatyana Aleksandrovna - Internet tutor in Russian language and literature

My name is Tatiana Aleksandrovna - the Internet tutor in the Russian language and literature online. I have a higher education, graduated from the Faculty of Russian and Literature of the Orsk State Pedagogical Institute named after TG Shevchenko in 1986, Diploma qualifications - the Russian language and literature teacher. Work experience in the position of "Teacher of Russian Language and Literature" 31 years, qualification category of the highest.

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Nina Georgievna - Lecturer in Russian language and literature on Skype

Hello! You are welcomed by the remote teacher of the Russian language and literature of the highest qualification category Nina Georgievna. A little about yourself: In 1974, I graduated from the Faculty of Philology of the Rostov State University with a degree in Philologist, Lecturer, Russian Language and Literature. From the same time, my pedagogical activity began. For years, he worked in a secondary school not only by the teacher, but also to work.

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Yana Georgievna - Teacher of Russian Language and Literature through Skype

Hello! My name is Jan Georgievna. I am a Russian teacher and literature through Skype. My pedagogical experience is 12.5 years. After graduating from the Institute, it was arranged to work as a school for the post of Teacher of Russian Language and Literature. Worked in the 7th and 9-11 classes. In parallel, I taught Russian and literature in business classes based on school (10-11 classes). Then he led the journalism circle to the CVR. After that, since 2011, and to the present, I work as a teacher of Russian language and literature remotely (via Skype).

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Tutors for Russian literature on Skype - online training without borders

Literature training for a schoolboy is often mistakenly perceived as a simple reading of artwork, but this is not right. This is also a deep analysis of read, high-quality memorization of all nuances and parts of works, carrying out parallels in storylines, etc.It is extremely difficult to understand all this student and it is necessary to look for a competent specialist who can help the student in mastering this discipline. Where to find this teacher? Of course, we have!

Professional tutors for literature on Skype School will be happy to help students in mastering the theory and history of discipline, and will also tell about all the intricacies of the exam on the subject.

Online tutors in literature:

  • Close the gaps in the current knowledge of students around the entire course will increase the performance;
  • Develop a plan for preparing for the surge of OGE or EGE on literature on Skype;
  • Schoolchildren will create the right vision of the newly read work, will teach the basics of logic;
  • Teach competently express your thoughts and opinion on the letter, as well as its attitude to the work in the form of statement;
  • Teach the proper wording of the problem, themes, the ideas of the plot, the characteristics of the heroes;
  • Prepare for Lomonosov Olympics.

Online tutors on literature Essay - now for everyone!

This exam for testing knowledge of students is considered one of the most difficult and prepare for him "in the compressed" deadlines are simply unrealistic. In addition, the task includes many details that simply do not understand the school teacher with the guys in the lessons.

Online literature tutors on Skype Ege are conducting training on an individual program with each student, reveal previously missed themes, advise on any questions about questions from the course of literature, they tell about all the intricacies of writing the writings, "underwater stones" of the exam. Parents should understand that only the advance preparation and use of the Skype literature tutor services can give a very good result.

Remote tutors of literature, pros:

  1. Training is carried out separately with each student, given all its individual features. Remote tutors on Skype are organized by literature lessons based on government regulations and educational standards;
  2. A good tutor in the literature on Skype (Skype) for children is always positively tuned to the child, classes are held in a comfortable setting and taking into account all the wishes of the parents;
  3. Online literature tutors not only enrich students with knowledge, in addition, they laid the following important features of character: discipline, diligence, focus on the result;
  4. Cash savings, that is, the price of online tutoring services on literature through Skype is much lower than the value of similar lessons with the traditional learning format (especially the difference is tangible for students from large cities).

Service Site cooperates only with qualified teachers in literature having an extensive pedagogical and tutoring experience:

  • Teachers of secondary schools and lyceums with a humanitarian bias;
  • Philology teachers working on the humanitarian specialties of universities;
  • Existing teachers experts on checking EGE and Olympiads;
  • Private tutors with great experience in individual work.

Absolutely to each student, the tutors of literature on Skype are the first introductory lesson for free. On him, the teacher will get acquainted with the listener, will determine his goals and objectives, tested for the presence of knowledge, will form a further future perspective.