Rare icon of Christ - "Jesus blinking". Icons of the Savior Jesus Christ

Rare icon of Christ -
Rare icon of Christ - "Jesus blinking". Icons of the Savior Jesus Christ

The operating monastery of Surb-Khach (Holy Cross) of the Armenian Holy Apostolic Orthodox Church is located in the valley of Grytsya Mountain, 3.5 km from the town of Old Crimea. This medieval complex began to build in the XIV century.

Avanesu Sebastatsi, Which walked with a caravan on the great flush path through the old Crimea, there was a vision that in these parts it is necessary to build a temple. From 1338 to 1358, the Surb-Nshan Temple (Holy Description) was built here, And subsequently, the celi, the meal, weapon and handwritten room was erected.

From the side of the mountain valley, the dome of the temple is not visible, but there is a guard tower - during the time of Crimean Khanate, local monks feared the attacks from Muslims. In the spacious mealing and to this day there are monks. There is a legend that the move from the furnace, which is built in the refectory, leads straight into the old Crimea - so that the monks in the event of danger can come out of the fortress, which, in essence, is the monastery.

The entire monastery is built on the arches, which during the earthquake allow you to survive the constructions of Surb-Hacha. A part of the complex with cashers and balconies was destroyed, but is now reconstructed. However, to look at what was the life of the monks in these cells, it is possible now. These are ascetic rooms with small fireplaces.

In the main part of the monastery - the Surb-Nshan temple - tombstones are under his feet. Helping the abbot Mkhitar Grigoryan diacon Armen. He said that such was the will of the monks: and after death to serve their people. So, when people go to grave slabs, they fulfill the last will of the deceased.

Unlike the Byzantine Church, there are no iconostasis, and indeed the luxurious utensils will not meet. Candles stand in the sand, symbolizing the dust.

"Vera is such that a person must contact God's not through the eyes of the body, which see the luxury, but the eyes of the soul to see the luxury and beauty of God," says Deacon Armen.

The only icon in the temple is "saved the delicious", which the parishioners call the "flashing Jesus". When looking at her from different angles it seems that Jesus really blinks.

"Monastery of the XIV century naughty, there are many wonders here. Many women came here, and the Lord gave them a child. Children who could not speak, the Lord gave a gift of speech, "says Deacon Armen.

Next to the monastery are three holy sources, which are called "Health", "Beauty" and "Wisdom".

You can get to Surb-Khach on foot or by car. The most romantic option is the equestrian walk from the recreational zone "Caravan-Sarai" on the 85th kilometer of the Kerch road - Feodosia - Simferopol. The path to the horses through the forest and the mountains takes about an hour. Equestrian walks are available for both adults and children.

Range Uzun-Syr Where today is the center of Planer Sport "Koktebel", has no analogues in Europe by its aerodynamic properties. That is why Soviet planyrism originated here in the 20s of the 20th century. The great Soviet aircraft designers passed through the local school Sergey Ilyushin, Oleg Antonov, Alexander Yakovlev and founder of practical cosmonautics Sergey Korolev.

The first Soviet gliders were tested here. Petr Clementev - Party functionar who supervised the highest-to-planer school - in 1924 she crashed during the flight on his glider. Since then, the mountain and name is Clementeyev.

Unique aerodynamic properties are simply explained. In this place from the middle of the peninsula, the cold air goes towards the sea and is found with upstream warm fluxes from nearby bays. In the 1930s, the NKVD closed a glider school after one pilot flew away from here on the glider and did not return. The authorities considered that he knew the escape to Turkey. Restored the work of the school already in the 50s.

There is a legend in which the poet's hat Maximilian Voloshin It was the first subject launched from the slopes of Uzun-Syrte. According to one version, it disappeared from the head of the writer, it rose on the rising streams over the valley and returned to him. According to the second version, this unique property of Uzong-Syrte Voloshin showed a pilot Konstantin Arcouleov (grandson Ivan Aivazovsky). Anyway, the sculpture in the form of a Voloshina hat on Mount Clementeyev decided to perpetuate.

Restore the center of the planer sport began in the middle of zero. Today, Uzun-Syr is the perfect place for beginners who want to rise to the sky. To the first parachute jump here is prepared on a special program for four hours. Here, for a relatively small amount (about 25 thousand rubles), you can learn flights on the glider and perform your first flight, flying along the standard "box."

Alexander Green Museum

One of the most interesting places of the old Crimea - the House-Museum of the Writer Alexandra Greenawho created immortal "scarlet sails". The modest dwelling was the only writer's own home.

In the old Crimea Green spent last period of life: From 1930 to death - July 8, 1932. It was forced to move here because of tuberculosis - the local air is considered the best for meal diseases. Here the writer walked a lot - one of the routes along which he walked to the writer Maximilian Voloshin, and it is called - "Green trail." This is a road length of 15 km through the valley with delicious mountain landscapes along the way from the old Crimea to Koktebel.

The patient and the need for the need of Green wanted to ensure his family. Officials by the time his prose recognized the harmful, he was deprived of orders. In the old Crimea in two years, the family lived in four different places (removable apartments), but the last house is a monument to the true love of his wife Nina Nikolaevna Green. In 1927, the writer signed an agreement for the publication of the 15-Tomny Collection of Works and on the received fee bought a spouse with a golden clock with a golden bracelet. And when in the family it became very bad with money and nothing to rent housing, she decided on a deal, exchangeing the watch to the house where the dying husband transported.

The museum contains objects that were in this house and in other housing, where Alexander Green worked at different periods of life. The writer's wife passed through the camps, Nina Nikolaevna, returning to the old Crimea after the death of Stalin, discovered that in the house, the local chairman of the Executive Committee arranged a chicken coop. In 1960, she managed to return the house and on the public basis to open the Museum of Alexander Green.

Here, on the city cemetery of the Old Crimea, there is a grave of the writer, which has a sculpture composition "Running on the waves".

On a note

In the Kirov district, not spoiled by the attention of tourists, there are many attractions. Only in the old Crimea - the most interesting house Museum of Constantine Powest, literary and Art Museum, House-Museum of History, Culture and Life of the Crimean Tatars. It was in the Kirovsky district that the scenes of the film "9th company" - Kislak, built on the mountain specifically for the shooting, was still preserved in the territory of the old car career.

Sergey Shevchenko

In Georgia, in the men's monastery of the Holy Cross of Jvari there is a rather rare icon, which is called "Jesus blinking" or "Saint Veronica". The features of this icon are that the face on the icon opens and closes the eyes. On some people suitable for the icon, he looks, but no others. According to legend, it depends on the purity of the human soul, if he is sinner or preparing to commit sin, Jesus does not raise her eyes.

This is what I write about this icon Galina Polakakov from the Samara region, who saw this image:

In August 1980, I traveled a free trip to Tbilisi. We were taken to the men's monastery of the Holy Cross - Jvari. Then this monastery was still a museum, now he is returned to the church. In the monastery temple there was a big icon of Lord Jesus Christ, which is called "Jesus blinking". The feature of her is that on some people Jesus Christ looks at the icon, and on others - no, there is no eyelids. The temple sold photocopies of this image and the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary. I was then unbeliever, but baptized - at 15 years old was baptized at the insistence of my grandmother Olga. But something touched at that moment of my soul, and I bought two icons photocopies. Brought them home, freed the upper shelf in the buffet of the dishes and put the icons there. Husband his Vladimir explained the "Secret" of this icon of Jesus Christ.

After some time, the husband began to remove the icon of the Lord from the buffet, while he cursed in black words (Lord, forgive him such a blasphemy!) And hut the icon in the table box. I took it out again and put it in the buffet. So repeated several times, and I told my husband: "Do not touch the icon, stood and will stand here until my death." The husband stopped hiding the icon in the box. Then my guesses were confirmed that the husband changed to me in those years. Jesus Christ with an icon then did not look at him, swaying him in adultery, so he hid it.

Soon I was given to read the story of Yuri Nagin "Troy and one and one more" - there is directly told about the icon "Jesus Blaricing". This is a story about how one man from in vain jealousy killed his beloved and committed suicide himself. Before that, they were in Tbilisi at that icon, and the Lord also did not look at him, knowing that he was preparing to commit a terrible sin. (Recently, for this story, the film "Sobatrus" with a famous actress Victoria Tolstoganova starred - and there is also a scene with the icon of the blinking Christ ... It is the most memorable in the whole film - ed.).

A few years later, another little miracle occurred in my apartment, associated with this icon. I was friends with an old woman, Olga Nikolaevna, she lived in our house. Olga Nikolaevna was deeply believer, in her apartment a whole iconostasis from small icons. She often rented me money loan, because I needed very much.

One day Olga Nikolaevna comes to me and says: "Tonya (her young neighbor) wanted to poison me to take possession of my furniture and carpets. She brought me a few pies with potatoes, I ate two pie and almost died. " Olga Nikolayevna filed me a crook with the rest of the pies and asked to attribute them to SanEpidemstation, so that they checked them there, which poison was put on a sonya. I turned the package and saw the green pies. She said Olga Nikolaevna that nothing could be discovered in them. Yes, and I did not believe that the sony could do this. But Olga Nikolaevna was not convicted, she still very much asked me to attribute patties for examination. I agreed. When Olga Nikolaevna is gone, I threw the pie to the trash bin.

A few days later, Olga Nikolaevna comes again and asks what they discovered in the pies. I replied that I did not find anything. And suddenly she is like a volat, "Galya, you deceive me, you threw them into a bucket." I came from the surprise in front of her knees and I say: "Yes, I didn't wear them anywhere, but just threw out." And how she began to shame me! Here I remembered the icon of the Lord Jesus Christ. I brought the icon to the face of Olga Nikolaevna with the words: "Look at the Lord, if he looks at you, then you are right. If not looking - it means that there is no fault of anything. " She looked - and suddenly, too, how stuffed in front of me on his knees: "Galya, forgive me, and let me forgive me. I guess I ate something bad. " So the Lord himself took a hard suspected with Tony. Olga Nikolaevna left me peaceful.

Since 1991, I began to go to the temple. For two icons, I brought from Tbilisi, my son-in-joiner made a wooden frame. They stand in my buffet. No one hides them, because my husband has been living with another woman for the thirteenth year. Sometimes it comes to my mind that, despite the fact that I was very worried about the divorce, everything was formed for the better. No one no longer forbids me to go to the temple, confess, commitory, pray for living and deceased. The paths of the Lord are non-defined, and all he does for our good! For all I thank my Savior!

With wishes to love as much as possible our Lord Jesus Christ and our neighbors

Rare icon of Christ - "Jesus blinking"

In Georgia, in the men's monastery of the Holy Cross Jvari there is a rather rare icon called "Jesus blinking"or "Saint Veronica". The features of this icon are that the face on the icon opens and closes the eyes. On some people suitable for the icon, he looks, but no others. According to legend, it depends on the purity of the human soul, if he is sinner or preparing to commit sin, Jesus does not raise her eyes.

This is what the Icon of Galina Polyankova writes about this icon:

In August 1980, I traveled a free trip to Tbilisi. We were taken to the men's monastery of the Holy Cross - Jvari. Then this monastery was still a museum, now he is returned to the church. In the monastery temple there was a big icon of Lord Jesus Christ, which is called "Jesus blinking". The feature of her is that on some people Jesus Christ looks at the icon, and on others - no, there is no eyelids. The temple sold photocopies of this image and the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary. I was then unbeliever, but baptized - at 15 years old was baptized at the insistence of my grandmother Olga. But something touched at that moment of my soul, and I bought two icons photocopies. Brought them home, freed the upper shelf in the buffet of the dishes and put the icons there. Husband his Vladimir explained the "Secret" of this icon of Jesus Christ.

After some time, the husband began to remove the icon of the Lord from the buffet, while he cursed in black words (Lord, forgive him such a blasphemy!) And hut the icon in the table box. I took it out again and put it in the buffet. So repeated several times, and I told my husband: "Do not touch the icon, stood and will stand here until my death." The husband stopped hiding the icon in the box. Then my guesses were confirmed that the husband changed to me in those years. Jesus Christ with an icon then did not look at him, swaying him in adultery, so he hid it.

Soon I was given to read the story of Yuri Nagin "Troy and one and one more" - there is directly told about the icon "Jesus Blaricing". This is a story about how one man from in vain jealousy killed his beloved and committed suicide himself. Before that, they were in Tbilisi at that icon, and the Lord also did not look at him, knowing that he was preparing to commit a terrible sin. (Recently, for this story, the film "Sobatrus" with a famous actress Victoria Tolstoganova starred - and there is also a scene with the icon of the blinking Christ ... It is the most memorable in the whole film - ed.).

A few years later, another little miracle occurred in my apartment, associated with this icon. I was friends with an old woman, Olga Nikolaevna, she lived in our house. Olga Nikolaevna was deeply believer, in her apartment a whole iconostasis from small icons. She often rented me money loan, because I needed very much.

One day Olga Nikolaevna comes to me and says: "Tonya (her young neighbor) wanted to poison me to take possession of my furniture and carpets. She brought me a few pies with potatoes, I ate two pie and almost died. " Olga Nikolayevna filed me a crook with the rest of the pies and asked to attribute them to SanEpidemstation, so that they checked them there, which poison was put on a sonya. I turned the package and saw the green pies. She said Olga Nikolaevna that nothing could be discovered in them. Yes, and I did not believe that the sony could do this. But Olga Nikolaevna was not convicted, she still very much asked me to attribute patties for examination. I agreed. When Olga Nikolaevna is gone, I threw the pie to the trash bin.

A few days later, Olga Nikolaevna comes again and asks what they discovered in the pies. I replied that I did not find anything. And suddenly she is like a volat, "Galya, you deceive me, you threw them into a bucket." I came from the surprise in front of her knees and I say: "Yes, I didn't wear them anywhere, but just threw out." And how she began to shame me! Here I remembered the icon of the Lord Jesus Christ. I brought the icon to the face of Olga Nikolaevna with the words: "Look at the Lord, if he looks at you, then you are right. If not looking - it means that there is no fault of anything. " She looked - and suddenly, too, how stuffed in front of me on his knees: "Galya, forgive me, and let me forgive me. I guess I ate something bad. " So the Lord himself took a hard suspected with Tony. Olga Nikolaevna left me peaceful.

Since 1991, I began to go to the temple. For two icons, I brought from Tbilisi, my son-in-joiner made a wooden frame. They stand in my buffet. No one hides them, because my husband has been living with another woman for the thirteenth year. Sometimes it comes to my mind that, despite the fact that I was very worried about the divorce, everything was formed for the better. No one no longer forbids me to go to the temple, confess, commitory, pray for living and deceased. The paths of the Lord are non-defined, and all he does for our good! For all I thank my Savior!

With wishes to love as much as possible our Lord Jesus Christ and our neighbors

Galina Polakova,
Zhigulevsk Samara region

Fresco on Podle.

I have a question. Before the trip to the holy land I saw a photo of the Savior Lika Savior "with closed eyes", which is depicted on one of the columns of the christmas christmas in Bethlehem. This image was fed to me in memory, literally imprinted. It was not even hoping that I could find him. In the temple, the twilight, the image on the columns is barely visible, a lot of columns. At the entrance to the cave many people, the crush, you need to wait. Lick did not see, rather, he felt a look. High on the column, at the very ceiling in the dark - is it the image? Eyes not to see, too dark. Just in case, I took two pictures, looked at the camera's screen - darkness. My simple soapbox, with the biggest approximation, hardly could capture it, even if it is the same. After all, there is a lot of columns, is it?

Immediately after that, we entered the christmas cave. There was a great Thursday, and directly in the cave, at the place of birth of the Savior, a liturgy was performed. Our group was alone, except for local Arab Christians who came to early Liturgy with children. They brought with themselves cakes with scrapbooks and snangs. The Eucharistic sacrament was committed in our eyes with the Greek priest on the throne. The Arabs were transferred to the priest of breads (cakes) with non-violence notes, he folded them on the throne. From the little cakers, the priest took out particles, large cakes (approximately with a saucer) refracted into two parts and half returns to the parishioners-Arabs. Some of the priest served on Church Slavonic. The choir was not. They sang all the Arabs. The symbol of faith they sang very nicely and loud. "Our Father" we sang on Church Slavonic. Coming together Arabs, Russians and several Georgians, each other, at the star. Miracle - to be in a cave in Nursery all the service, the place was enough for everyone. True, who were late crowded on the steps.

When I returned with the Holy Land and looked at the houses of the photo, I saw with great joy that my camera was captured by the very lick of the Savior and his eyes. At first glance it seemed that the eyes were closed. But with attentive consideration, especially with increasing - the eyes are open! What is the legend associated with this image? I should find time for the search, but maybe you know? And how do you feel about this?

Sincerely, Tatyana Kopylova St. Petersburg

Thank you, Tatyana Konstantinovna, for the kind words. Having received your letter, I began to find out where there are still similar images with "opening and closing the eye" to answer your question. And it turned out that not everything is so simple.

In 2005, an article "Mysterious paintings: Dvoews and Troiewsors" was published in the journal "Science and Life". In it, the author mentioned the image on the column in the Bethlehem christmas temple and brought photos of two pictures, which also manifests the effect of the dust session. One picture depicting Jesus in a ternswater was written by the German artist Gabriel von Max at the end of the XIX century. Another, also Jesus in a ternswent, was written by an unknown artist and photographed in 1970 (the photo belongs to the priest from the Moscow region about. Valentina Dronov). Other images on which Jesus "opened and closed his eyes", did not find the author of the scientific journal. And the article completed this: "Icon in Bethlehem, which is described, is very rare, therefore any evidence of people who have seen or at least heard of similar images are important. We ask readers to report this to the editorial board. "

Find out if I received a feedback log, I failed. So it had to deal with himself.

What is immediately rushed into the eyes? In the church of Christmas on the column is clearly depicted savageless. And in the pictures of paintings, which are published in the scientific journal, - Jesus in the Tern Vental. This is the Catholic image of the Saint Veronica Boards. So we have two different icons in front of us. But with the same effect of the dvoevzor. Or maybe "effects" are different - somewhere they are obtained by artificial way, with the help of artistic techniques, and somewhere manifest naturally, due to the miraculousness of the image? How to separate one from the other, fake from a miracle? Look at the history of the origin of these two images.

As you know, I saved the delicious to appear thanks to the request of the Edess king Avgar V, who invited Jesus Christ to visit Mesopotamia. The Savior did not accept invitations, but agreed that the artist drew his portrait to the king. The portrait did not succeed. And then Jesus made a miracle: washed her face, his fee, where the imprint was left, and handed it with the artist. Then the image was brought to Edessa, from there a century he got into Constantinople. This story is very real - it involves many people with an indication of the names, there are specific historical circumstances, there are written evidence. Roman historian Eusevia (Rod. Ok. 263) in his writings brought the text of two letters from the correspondence of the king Avgar with Jesus Christ, which was kept in the archives of Edessa.

The historicity of the "Holy Veronica" board is not so obvious. In the Middle Ages in Europe, such a legend became known. When Christ was led by Golgotha, a kind of woman gave him a handkerchief to lose face, - and the face was imprinted on the handball. Perhaps this legend was heard in Palestine crusaders and everything was really so. But doubts in authenticity still remain.

It should be noted here that the realism of the "Savior of the Unclean" imprinted and in the very form: the beard of Jesus twisted, because the hair merged from the water, because the platforms were brought to the face after washing the water. Sometimes the image is called and called: "saved wet brother." And in the image "Holy Veronica fee" there is nothing like that. And an assumption arises: and maybe the Western icon paints decided to make a "great historicity" in the late lists of the "Holy Veronica fee", using the artistic reception of the dustsworth? What makes a man when wiping with a towel? Grieves, and then opens his eyes. So on the "board", they say, this moment was reflected.

Confirmation of this guide can be found in the Rome itself, where the "Holy Veronica fees" is stored. There, in the Basilica of St. Peter, on the Holy Veronica Column, there are two bas-relief fees: on one Jesus with open eyes, on the other - with closed. The column was built and decorated with sculpture in 1646. Even earlier, in Rome, something similar happened to the book "Little Opus about the Holy Scarf of Veronica." In the 1620 edition on the title page there was a common image - Jesus with open eyes. And in the edition of 1635 - with closed. That is, then the Catholics have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe "Jesus blinking". Interestingly, since this time, since 1628, "Saint Veronica's fees" ceased to show people - and it continues for 400 years. The image from the county is carried only once a year, on a high balcony of the column, and the bottom of the distance does not discern. Journalists are trying to gain access to the "fee of the Holy Veronica", but in the Vatican they refuse them: "There is no point in this, because over the years the image is too afraid."

Meanwhile, the world has developed many lists of this image. And among them there with the optical effect of the dvoewsor. On the Internet, for example, the story of the Wonderful Icon "Jesus Blaricing" ("Saint Veronica") was converted, which in the 80s of the last century was located in the ancient Georgian monastery of Jvari. I was surprised, I turned to the Orthodox journalist Kakha Kenkishvili. He sent a photo of this image with explanation from Tbilisi: "Yes, there is such an icon. But now she is hanging in Svetitskhoveli. There are also its copies - in the monastery of Samtavro and in the kashivsky temple of St. George, which is in the very center of Tbilisi. " Svetitskhoveli is the Patriarch Cathedral in Mtskhete, who for the Millennium is the main temple of all Georgia. So icon is really revered, it is stored there.

According to the people's ideas, on some people entering the temple and suitable for this icon, Jesus looks, and on others - no. At the same time it is believed that if a person is sinner or preparing to commit sin, then Christ does not raise her eyes. As I understood, Georgian priests to all this is careful, because the prayerful confusion may prevent the exaltation of the miracle in front of the way. How not to remember 1879, when the German artist, Gabriel von Max, mentioned above, brings his picture of his picture of the Saint Veronica. Petersburg newspapers then wrote that the exhibition organizers had to put next to the picture chairs - for ladies, which, due to the effect of the Dvoevzor, \u200b\u200bfainted with the exclamation: "Looks! Watching! "

The optical effect is acting on people and so on. On the Internet you can find pictures of "Jesus blinking" with such comments. One woman seeing closed eyes, worries: "Do I really have such a sinner?" Another rejoices: "Thank God, I see his eyes open, and I was afraid to see!" Immediately attached dramatic history:

Original image "Jesus blinking"

"In August 1980, I traveled a free trip to Tbilisi. We were taken to the men's monastery of the Holy Cross - Jvari. In the monastery temple there was a big icon of Lord Jesus Christ, which is called "Jesus blinking". In the temple sold photocopies of this image. I was then unbeliever, though baptism, but something touched at that moment of my soul, and I bought two photocopies icons. Brought them home, freed the upper shelf in the buffet of the dishes and put it there. Husband his Vladimir explained the "Secret" of this icon of Jesus Christ. After some time, the husband began to remove the icon of the Lord from the buffet, while he cursed in black words (Lord, forgive him such a blasphemy!) And hut the icon in the table box. I took it again and put it in the buffet. So repeated several times, and I told my husband: "Do not touch the icon, stood and will stand here until my death." The husband stopped hiding the icon in the box. Then my guesses were confirmed that the husband changed to me in those years. Jesus Christ from the icon then did not look at him, swaying him in adultery, so he was hidden. "

An even more tragic story passed in his story "Troy and one and one more" writer Yuri Nagibin. It tells about a man who killed his wife from jealousy and committed suicide. Before that, they were in Georgia with the icon "Jesus blinking", and "the Lord did not watch it," knowing that he was preparing to commit a terrible sin. In 2007, for this story, a film was filmed with an impressive episode about the icon, so now in Russia many are aware of it. The question is: what does this give people?

In the history given by Y. Nagibin, "closed eyes" did not stop the man before the murder. And in the fact that the divorced woman told, it is possible to suspect a blankness that contributed to the destruction of the family.

Personally, my attitude towards all this is ambiguous. On the one hand, we can deceive, becoming a victim of the optical effect, which is actually very simple. Look more carefully on the screen on the left, on a copy of the icon. If the look concentrate on the eyebrow level of the depicted face, you can see the dark and eyes with open eyes. If we lower your view on the level of the nose, then the eyelids will appear to the fore. It all depends on the angle of view. If you look at the bottom, then the eyes on the image will always be open (see photo at the top, on the original icons) and the dvoravzor disappears.

On the other hand, the optical effect itself is not something reprehensible. The paints that icons are written, because also create their own optical effect, allowing us to see a specific image. And we do not attach these paints with these paints - they only help us to mentally present images of the Savior and Saints to concentrate on prayer. The same with the effect of "closed" and "not closed" eyes. If a person stands in front of such an icon with faith, with a prayer, then perhaps will affect the answer. And if it is simply curious, it will become a toy of optical deception.

As I could, answered your questions, Tatiana Konstantinovna. And I will also have a request for you too. You live in St. Petersburg. If you bring to the royal village, go to the Alexandrovsky Palace. There is an unusual exhibit - wooden hoops with embroidery of the face of Christ. They say the image is similar to the "Savior of the Unclean", but on the chapter for some reason the crown. Before the revolution itself, this image embroidered Empress Alexander Fodorovna. And as if she wanted to depict on the embroidery "Jesus blinking" to find out if he was looking at her. Is it true? Embroidery was never over - the revolution happened, arrest, then shot from the whole family in the Ipatiev House. The will of God's Empress accepted Humbly - regardless of which he managed to see on her embroidery. I think it is necessary to refer to the signs of this kind.

Until the VIII century, disputes were led to whether to write the Savior, because the Old Testament is strictly forbidden to portray God. However, in 787, on the seventh universal cathedral, the iconotment was attracted to the dogmas of the Christian Church. The interpretation of the ban was such - it is not allowed to invent images, thereby creating idols. And since Jesus was embodied in the human body, his first image was unspecified, such icons were entitled to existence. And the image of Jesus Christ became one of the main for Christian iconography.

General rules for the image of the Savior

There are several options for the canonical image of Jesus Christ. At the same time, it is not difficult to find it on icons, because icon painters use characteristic distinctive features:

  • The Savior's Savior differs from others inscribed in him - a symbol of the incarnation of God's Father in God's Son. In the iconographic image "Jesus Hulka" there is no nimb, and only the cross is depicted behind the face.
  • Near the face or on the nimbe there are often greek letters (reducing one of the names of God) or "IC HC", which will mean Jesus Christ.
  • The leak is elongated, is distinguished by expressive eyes and subtle features of the face.
  • The Savior is dressed in simple clothes - a long shirt and a blue cape.
  • Christ is deployed to people, always located in the center of the icon.

The separation from the canons is possible if the icon shows the passions of Christ, the situation in the coffin, the resurrection. For example, on a special type of icons "Do not ride me, Mati", Jesus is written naked and half immersed in the coffin. Nearby is the Virgin Mary and the head of the Savior with closed eyes, tilted to the face of the Virgin.

Savior Savior (Mandilion)

Christians believe that the first icon of Jesus Christ was unspecified. Eastern legend, known since the IV century, talks about the suffering from the Tsar of Edessa. He sent a messenger to Christ and asked if he would not agree to come, at least to draw the face of the Lord and bring him to heal. However, the artist did not work in any way through the crowd and write a portrait. When Jesus saw it, he washed her face and his handkerchief with his handkerchief (remotion), after which the fabric was fired.

The Western version of the emergence of non-manifest Savior originated in the XIII-XV centuries. According to her, the pious Woman of Veronica during the gastway served a scarf Christ, so that he could wipe the sweat and blood from his face.

On the icon of the rescue of the delicately depicts the scarf, on which the face was fired. Therefore, only the head of Jesus is written, along the Western tradition, often with a ternovsky wreath. In Russia, there was a variant of this icon - "saved a wet beard", which refers to the eastern legend of the inheritance of the face. Unlike the canonical image, the beard of Christ ends with a subtle straight tip, as if it was really watered.

Savior Almighty (Pantokrator)

The most common type of icons with the spelling of the Savior - saved the Almighty, or Pantokrator. On it, Jesus Christ is depicted on the belt, he holds the gospel with his left hand, and the right bless all believers. The first references to the image of the pantcaster are dating back to the VI century.

The meaning of the icon is faith in God embodied in man. The dogmat of the awareness is key to Christianity, therefore, the images of the pantokerator are found everywhere - they decorate the central dome, the apse of temples, are present in many houses.

Savior Assistant has several iconographic options. For example, saved in the forces on which Jesus is shown not in the belt, but sitting in full growth. On his background - red square (earth symbol), blue oval (symbol of the spiritual world) and red rhombus (symbol of the invisible world). Sometimes God's son is depicted without a background, but sitting on the throne. Such icons were named saved on the throne and also revered as all images of the pantox.

Savior Emmanuel

A special type in the iconography of Jesus Christ - Savior Emmanuel. Here, the Savior appears not in the usual appearance, but by a child or trap, but at the same time with all the necessary attributes. First of all, there is always a special distress over the head with a cross. Such an image of a young Jesus, even before his baptism, confirms his divine essence.

In this case, Emmanuel images are still rarely present as separate faces, more often they appear as part of the iconographic composition. The icons depicting the Virgin with a baby can serve as a classic example.


Among the icons of the Savior of Jesus Christ, the Deesus group is allocated. Here, God's son is not drawn separately, but surrounded by other figures. Jesus Christ is assigned a central place, it is written in the form of a punch pressing on the throne. On both sides of God's Son, Mary and John the Baptist are, in some embodiments - apostles, martyrs or saints.

The first references to the image are dated by the VII century. The meaning of the icon is an intercession for humanity before God by the Father. The image reminds that Jesus informs prayers, ready to defend anyone turned and to be merciful to him. The faced faces help a person through the prayer to come to God, to be cleaned, get forgiveness for sins.

One of the variations of this type of icons is the so-called Angelic Deesus - Russian icon of the XII century, on which the Savior is depicted in the form of Emmanuel surrounded by Arkhangelov Mikhail and Gabriel.

Another iconographic type of Deesus is the "presence of the queen". Here the Savior is depicted in lush outfits and crown, in his hands he has a gospel and staff. Icon symbolizes the binding of the church with God, because here Jesus is depicted as a priest.

Other icons

The iconography of Jesus Christ is quite diverse, and there are also those who do not meet the classic canons of the image.

  • "Saving a good silence", on which Jesus appears as an angel, even before the earthly incarnation. This is a fabor-free young man, dressed in white clothes with wings behind his back and with star Namba Lord Savaof. In his hands there are no scrolls and books - the Savior has not come to Earth and did not become a mentor of mankind.
  • "Saved the great bishop." On this icon, the Lord is depicted as a priest - on Jesus Christ's lush clothes, and the crown is assigned on the head. As in the Iconopy of the Savior of Almighty, here the Savior holds the Gospel and blesses humanity.

  • "Good Shepherd" - icons in which Jesus appears in the symbolic image of a teacher and mentor. It is depicted by a simple shepherd, often with a lost sheep on the shoulders and the prone head. The value of the icon is taken from the Old Testament.
  • "Christ in the coffin" (humility of our Lord, the king of glory). One of the most tragic images in all Christian iconography. Jesus is shown dead, his body rests on the bed or is depicted near the open coffin. Such icons are not sent to the Passions of Christ and are of symbolic nature - remind people how humbly the Lord accepted his fate.

What to pray to the images of Christ the Savior

Images of Jesus are designed to remind a person about God's love and the victim, which he brought for the sake of the salvation of mankind. It is believed that he is God alive in the literal sense, and not just described by the character. Jesus - an intermediary between the worldly and divine, helping the fastest to convey the prayers of people to God's god. Therefore, praying to Jesus Christ, believers establish personal relationships with him as a reliable, faithful assistant.

As a rule, in the house there is an image of an adhesive rescue - he can help those who are experiencing difficulties, standing before a difficult choice or burned. The Icones of the Lord are addressed in the daily prayer "Our Father".

Saves of non-gun praying those who are looking for healing from bodily and mental illnesses. Jesus passed through the flour, but did not refuse all the comprehensive love for people, which helps and praying to him. Prayer eliminates the alarms, despair, doubt and gives the strength to follow the true path.