Realism as a literary direction: general characteristics. Stages of development of the realism of the XIX century

Realism as a literary direction: general characteristics. Stages of development of the realism of the XIX century

Realists of the XIX century wide
spread the boundaries of art.
They began to portray the most ordinary phenomena, prose.
Reality entered
in their works with all their
social contrasts
tragic dissonances.
Nikolai Glyaev

By the middle of the XIX century, realism is finally approved in world culture. Let's remember what it is.

Realism - The artistic direction in the literature and art, which is characterized by the desire for objectivity and direct reliability of the depicted, the study of the relationship between the characters and the circumstances, the reproduction of the details of everyday life, the truthfulness in the transmission of parts.

Term " realism"For the first time, he was proposed by the French writer and literary criticism Shanfllery In the 50s of the XIX century. In 1857, he publishes a collection of articles entitled "Realism". Interesting is the fact that almost at the same time this concept began to use in Russia. And the first who did it was the famous literary critic Pavel Annenkov. However, the concept " realism"And in Western Europe, and in Russia, and in Ukraine it has become widely used only in the 60s of the XIX century. Gradually the word " realism»Entered the lexicon of people of different countries in relation to various types of art.

Realism is opposed to preceding romanticism, in overcoming which he developed. The peculiarity of this area is the formulation and reflection in the artistic work of acute social problems, a conscious desire to give their own, often critical, assessing negative phenomena of the surrounding life. Therefore, the focus of realists are not just the facts, events, people and things, but the general laws of reality.

Consider what was the prerequisites for the formation of realism in world culture. The rapid development of industry in the XIX century required accurate scientific knowledge. Realistic writers, carefully studying life and seeking to reflect its objective laws, were interested in the sciences that could help them in understanding the processes occurring in society and in the human itself.

Among the many scientific achievements that have had a serious impact on the development of public thought and culture in the second half of the XIX century, the theory of the An-Gliy Naturalist should be highlighted. Charleze Dar-Wine On the origin of species, natural-no-scientific explanation of psi-chic phenomena the foundation of physiology Ilya Sechenov, Opening Dmitry Mendele-Evoy Periodic law of chemical elements that influenced the subsequent development of chemistry and physics, geography and discovery related to Pu-processing Peter Semenova and Nikolai Seversow on Tien Shan and Central Asia, as well as a study Nikolai Przhevalsky Ussuri Territory and his first trips to Central Asia.

Scientific discoveries of the second half of the XIX century. Many established views on the surrounding nature were changed, proved her relationship with man. All this contributed to the birth of a new way of thinking.

The rapid progress, which took place in science, was fascinated by Pisate Lei, arming them with new ideas about the world around. The main problem, raised in the literature of the second half of the XIX century, is the relationship of personality and society. To what extent is the society affect the fate of a person? What should I do to change the person and the world? These issues are considering many writers of this period.

For realistic works, such a specific artistic agent is characterized as concrete images, conflict, plot. At the same time, the artistic image in such works can not be correlated with a living person, he is richer than a particular person. "The artist should not be the judge of his characters and what they say about, but only an impartial witness ... My case is only to be talented, that is, to be able to distinguish important testimony from unimportant, to be able to illumine the shapes and speak their language," - He wrote Anton Pavlovich Chekhov.

The purpose of realism was to truthfully show and explore life. The main thing at the same time, according to the theorists of realism, is typification . It was accurately told Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy: "The task of the artist ... Extract from actions typical ... Collect ideas, facts, contradictions in a dynamic image. A person, let's say, speaks one phrase for his working day, characteristic of his essence, he will tell another one in a week, and the third one after a year. You make it speak in a concentrated atmosphere. This is a fiction, but such in which life is more real than life itself. " From here I. objectivity of this artistic direction.

Russian literature The second half of the XIX century continues the realistic traditions of Pushkin, Gogol and other writers. At the same time, the society fits a strong influence of criticism on the literary process. This is especially true of work. " Aesthetic attitudes of art to reality »Famous Russian writer, criticism Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky. His thesis that "the beautiful life is" is the ideological basis of many artistic works of the second half of the XIX century. Material from site.

A new stage of development of realism in Russian artistic culture is associated with penetration into the depths of human consciousness and feelings, in complex processes of public life. Works of art created during this period, its historism - Displays phenomena in their historical concreteness. Writers set themselves the task of opening the reasons for social evil in society, to show vital paintings in their works, creating such historically specific characters in which the most important patterns of the era will be captured. Therefore, the individual personality is drawn, first of all, as a social being. As a result, the reality, as the modern Russian literary critic Nikolai Glyaev notes, "appeared in their work as a" objective flow ", as a self-deviating reality."

Thus, in the literature of the second half of the nineteenth century, the personal problems of the individual, the study of the depth of the human psyche becomes the main mainstream. We offer you to find out and comprehend, which happened in Russian literature the second half of the XIX century, reading the works of Dostoevsky, Tolstoy and Chekhov.

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  • the flourishing of realism in the art of the second half of the nineteenth century.

The second half of the XIX century is characterized by the emergence of such a flow as realism. He followed immediately for romanticism that appeared in the first half of this century, but at the same time radically different from him. Realism in the literature demonstrated a typical person in a typical situation and tried to repel the reality as true as possible.

The main signs of realism

Realism has a certain set of signs that show the differences from romanticism preceding him, and from naturalism following him.
1. Typification. The object of work in realism is always an ordinary person with all its advantages and disadvantages. Accuracy in the image of details of characteristic of a person, here is the key rule of realism. However, the authors do not forget about such nuances as individual features, and they are harmoniously intertwined into a whole image. This distinguishes realism from romanticism, where the character is individual.
2. Typification of the situation. The situation in which the hero of the work turns out to be characteristic of the time described. A unique situation is more characteristic of naturalism.
3. Accuracy in the image. Realists have always described the world as he was, bringing the author's worldview to a minimum. A completely different romance came. The world in their works was demonstrated through the prism of their own worldview.
4. Determinism. The situation in which the heroes of the works of realists were, this is only the result of the actions committed in the past. Heroes are shown in the development that is formed by the world around. Interpersonal relationships are performed key role in this. The identity of the character and his actions affects many factors: social, religious, moral and others. Often, the development and a change in personality under the influence of socio-household factors occurs.
5. Conflict: Hero - Society. This conflict is not unique. It is also characteristic of preceding the realism of currents: classicism and romanticism. However, only realism considers the most typical situations. He is interested in the relationship between the crowd and the individual, the consciousness of the mass and a separate person.
6. Historism. Literature in the XIX century demonstrates man non-taxable from the medium and the history period. The authors studied the lifestyle, standards of behavior in society at a certain stage before writing your works.

History of origin

It is believed that realism begins to emerge in the era of revival. The heroes include such large-scale images as Don Quixote, Hamlet and others. During this period, a person represents as a crown of creation, which is not typical for the later periods of its development. In the Epoch of Enlightenment, educational realism appears. As a chief character, hero is the hero of the bottom.
In the 1830s, realism as a new literary direction is formed from the circle of romantics. They strive not to portray the world in all its versatility and refuse the usual romantic of two worlds.
Already by the 40s, critical realism becomes the leading direction. However, at the initial stage of the formation of this literary direction, the newly used realists still use the residual characteristic features for romanticism.

They can be found:
Esoteric cult;
An image of bright atypical personalities;
Use of fiction elements;
Segregation of heroes on positive and negative.
That is why the realism of writers of the first half century was often criticized by the end of the writers of the end in the XIX century. However, it is at an early stage that the main features of this direction are formed. First of all, this conflict is characteristic of realism. In the literature of former romantics, the opposition of man and society is clearly traced.
In the second half of the XIX, realism acquires new forms. And no wonder this period is called "Triumph of Realism". The social and political situation contributed to the fact that the authors began to study the nature of man, as well as his behavior in certain situations. They began to play a big role social ties between individuals.
A huge impact on the development of realism had the science of that time. In 1859, the work of Darwin "The Origin of species" is published. The positivistic philosophy of Kanta also makes its contribution to artistic practice. Realism in the literature of the XIX century acquires an analytical studying character. At the same time, writers refuse to analyze the future, it was not very interested in them. The focus was made in modern times, which became a key theme of reflection of critical realism.

Main representatives

Realism in the literature of the XIX century left many ingenious works. By the first half of the century, Stendal, O. Balzac, Merima. They were criticized by their followers. Their works have a thin connection with romanticism. For example, realism of Merim and Balzak is permeated with mysticism and esoteric, Dicken's heroes are bright carriers of one pronounced character character or quality, and Standal portrayed bright personalities.
Later, the development of the creative method was engaged in Flaubert, M. Twin, T. Mann, M. Twain, W. Falkner. Each author contributed to his works individual features. In Russian literature, realism is represented by the works of F. M. Dostoevsky, L. N. Tolstoy and A. S. Pushkin.

The emergence of realism

In the 30s of the XIX century. Significant distribution in literature and art acquires realism. The development of realism is primarily due to the names of Stendal and Balzak in France, Pushkin and Gogol in Russia, Heine and Buchner in Germany. Realism is evolving initially in the depths of romanticism and carrying the latter to himself; Not only Pushkin and Heine, but Balzac is experiencing a strong passion for romantic literature in his youth. However, in contrast to romantic art, realism refuses to idealize the reality and associated predominance of the fantastic element, as well as from increased interest in the subjective side of the person. The realism prevails the tendency to the image of a wide social background, which flows the life of heroes ("Human Comedy" Balzak, "Eugene Onegin" Pushkin, "Dead Souls" Gogol, etc.). The depth of understanding the social life, realistic artists sometimes exceed philosophers and sociologists of their time.

Stages of development of the realism of the XIX century

The formation of critical realism occurs in European countries and in Russia almost at the same time - in the 20s - 40s of the XIX century. In the literature of the world, he becomes the leading direction.

True, it simultaneously means that the literary process of this period is not allowed only in the realistic system. And in European literature, and in particular - in the US literature, the activities of romantic writers are fully continued. Thus, the development of the literary process is largely through the interaction of coexisting aesthetic systems, and the characteristic of both national literature and creativity of individual writers implies compulsory accounting of this circumstance.

Speaking that from the 30s - 40s, the leading place in the literature is occupied by realist writers, it is impossible not to note that the realism itself turns out to be not frozen the system, but a phenomenon in constant development. Already within the 19th century, there is a need to talk about "different realism", that Merim, Balzac and Flaubert equally answered the main historical issues that the era suggested to them, and at the same time their works are distinguished by various content and originality. Forms.

In 1830 - 1840s, in the work of European writers (primarily Balzac), the most remarkable traits of realism as a literary direction, which gives a multi-faceted picture of reality, seeking to analytical research reality.

Literature 1830 - 1840s was fed largely allegations of the attractiveness of the century itself. Love by the XIX century was divided, for example, standal and balzac, who did not cease to be surprised by its dynamism, manifold and inexhaustible energy. Hence the heroes of the first stage of realism are active, with a inventive mind, not afraid of collisions with adverse circumstances. These heroes were largely associated with the heroic epoch of Napoleon, although they were perceived by the two-caps of it, developed the strategy of their personal and social behavior. Scott and his historicism inspires the heroes of Standal in search of their place with life and history through mistakes and delusions. Shakespeare makes Balzac say about the novel "Father Gorio" with the words of the great Englishman "All - True" and see in the fate of modern bourgeois echoes of the harsh destiny of King Lira.

Realists of the second half of the XIX century will reproach their predecessors in "residual romanticism". With such a reproach, it is difficult to disagree. Indeed, the romantic tradition is quite significantly presented in the creative systems of Balzac, Standal, Merim. It was not by chance that Saint-Bev called the standing "last hussar of romanticism." The features of romanticism are detected

- in the cult of exotic (Novels Merim type "Matteo Falcone", "Carmen", "Tamango", etc.);

- in the preferences of writers to the image of bright individualities and exclusive passions for their power (Roman Standal "Red and Black or Novella" Vanina Vanini ");

- in addictions to adventurous plots and the use of fiction elements (Roman Balzak "Shagreen Leather" or Novella Merim "Venus Ilskaya");

- In the desire to clearly divide the heroes on negative and positive-carriers of copyright ideals (Dickens novels).

Thus, between the realism of the first period and romanticism, there is a complex "related" relationship, manifested, in particular, in inheritance characteristic of the romantic art of receptions and even individuals and motives (the topic of lost illusions, the motive of disappointment, etc.).

In the domestic historical and literary science "Revolutionary events of 1848 and the following important changes in the socio-political and cultural life of the bourgeois society" are taken to consider the fact that it divides the "Realism of foreign countries of the XIX century into two stages - the realism of the first and second half of the XIX century "(" History of foreign literature of the XIX century / Ed Elizarova M.E. - M., 1964). In 1848, folk speeches turned into a series of revolutions, riding throughout Europe (France, Italy, Germany, Austria, etc.). These revolutions, as well as unrest in Belgium and England, were held on the French Pattern, as democratic protests against the class-privileged and not meeting the requirements of the reign, as well as under the slogans of social and democratic reforms. In general, 1848 marked a single huge coup in Europe. True, as a result, moderate liberals or conservatives came to power everywhere, somewhat even established more cruel authoritarian authorities.

It caused universal disappointment in the results of revolutions, and, as a result, pessimistic moods. Many representatives of the intelligentsia were disappointed in mass movements, active speeches of the people on a class basis and transferred their main efforts to the private world of personality and personal relationships. Thus, the overall interest was directed to a separate person, important in itself, and only in the second place - on the relationship between it with other personalities and the world around.

The second half of the XIX century is traditionally considered "triumph of realism." By this time, realism in full voice declares itself in the literature not only of France and England, but also a number of other countries - Germany (Lategory Heine, Raaba, Storm, Fountain), Russia ("Natural School", Turgenev, Goncharov, Ostrovsky, Tolstoy , Dostoevsky), and the like.

At the same time, since the 50s, a new stage begins in the development of realism, which involves a new approach to the image and hero and the surrounding society. The social, political and moral atmosphere of the second half of the XIX century "turned" the writers towards the analysis of a person who is difficult to name the hero, but in the fate and character of which the basic signs of the epoch, expressed not in a large act, a significant act or passion, compressed - intensively transmitting Global time shifts, not in large-scale (both in social and psychological) confrontation and conflict, not in the limit of typicality, often bordering exception, but on everyday life, everyday daily life. Writers who began to work at this time, like those who entered the literature earlier, but worked at a specified period, for example, Dickens or Techkeree, unconditionally focused on a different concept of personality. In the novel, Tekkerea "Newcombs" emphasizes the specificity of "human studies" in the realism of this period - the need to understand and analytical reproduction of multidirectional sense of mental movements and indirectural, not always manifested social relations: "It is difficult to even imagine how many different reasons defines each of our deed or addiction, As often, analyzing your motivations, I took one thing ... ". This phrase of Tekkesey transmits, perhaps, the main feature of the realism of the era: everything focuses on the image of a person and character, and not circumstances. Although the latter, as must be in realistic literature, "do not disappear", but their interaction with the nature acquires a different quality associated with the fact that circumstances cease to be independent, they are increasingly characterized; Their sociological function is now more implicit than it was at the same Balzac or Standal.

Due to the changed concept of the personality and "human-centers" of the entire artistic system (and the "man - center" did not necessarily have a positive hero, defeating social circumstances or dying - morally or physically - in the fight against them) the impression can be created that writers of the second half The century refused the basic principle of realistic literature: a dialectical understanding and image of the relationship between the nature and circumstances and the following principle of social and psychological determinism. Moreover, some of the most striking realists of this time - Flaubert, J. Eliot, trollta - in the case when the world's hero speaks, the term "medium" appears, often perceived more static than the concept of "circumstances".

Analysis of the works of Flaubert and J. Eliot convinces that this "clamping" is needed by artists primarily in order for the description of the surrounding hero of the situation more plastic. The medium often narrates in the inner world of the hero and through it, acquiring a different nature of the generalization: not a poster-sociologized, but psychologized. This creates an atmosphere of greater objectivity of the reproducible. In any case, from the reader's point of view, which trusts such an objective narration about the era, as he perceives the hero of the work with a close man, the same as he himself.

The writers of the specified period do not forget about one aesthetic environment of critical realism - objectivity of the reproducible. As you know, Balzac was so concerned about this objectivity, which was looking for ways to approach literary knowledge (understanding) and scientific. This idea faced with many realists of the second half of the century. For example, Eliot and Flaubert reflected a lot about the use of scientific literature, which means that they seemed to be objective techniques for analysis. Especially a lot of this thought Flaubert, who understood the objectivity as a synonym for impassivity and impartiality. However, it was the trea of \u200b\u200ball the realism of the era. Moreover, the creativity of realists of the second half of the XIX century accounted for the period of take-off in the development of natural sciences and the heyday of the experimentation.

In the history of science, it was an important period. Biology burly developed (in 1859, the book of Chordvin "The origin of species"), physiology, was becoming the formation of psychology as science. The philosophy of positivism O. Konta received widespread, which later played an important role in the development of naturalistic aesthetics and artistic practice. It was during these years an attempts are being made to create a system of psychological understanding of man.

However, at this stage of the development of the literature, the character of the hero does not think the writer outside of social analysis, although the latter acquires a somewhat different aesthetic essence, different from the one that was characteristic of Balzak and stand. Of course, in the novels of Flaubert. Eliot, fountain and some others are striking "New level of the image of the inner world of a person, a qualitatively new skill of psychological analysis, which consists in the deepest disclosure of the complexity and unintelligence of human reactions to reality, motives and causes of human activity" (the history of world literature. T.7. - M., 1990).

Obviously, the writers of this era sharply changed the direction of creativity and led literature (and the novel in particular) towards in-depth psychologism, and in the formula "Social and Psychological Determinism" social and psychological as it were changed in places. It is in this direction that the main achievements of literature are concentrated: Writers began not to just draw the complex inner world of the literary hero, but to reproduce a well-established, thoughtful psychological "model of character", in it and in its functioning artistically combining psychological and analytical and socially analytical. Writers updated and revived the principle of psychological part, introduced a dialogue with a deep psychological subtext, found narrative techniques for transient transition, contradictory spiritual movements that were previously not available to literature.

This does not mean that realistic literature abandoned social analysis: the social basis of reproducible reality and the reconstructed nature did not disappear, although it did not advocate the character and circumstances. It is thanks to the writers of the second half of the XIX century, literature began to find indirect ways of social analysis, in this sense, continuing the series of discoveries made by writers of previous periods.

Flaubert, Eliot, the brothers of the gangra and others "taught" the literature to enter the social and what is characterized by an era characterizes its social, political, historical and moral principles, through the ordinary and daily existence of an ordinary person. Social typing in writers of the second half of the century - typification of "mass doubtlessness" (the history of world literature. T.7. - M., 1990). She is not so bright and obvious, as representatives of the classic critical realism of the 1830 - 1840s and most often manifests itself through the "parabola of psychologism", when the immersion in the inner world of the character allows you to ultimately immerse yourself in the era, in historical time, how he sees it writer. Emotions, feelings, moods are not extended, but a specific historical character, although analytical reproduction is primarily an ordinary everyday existence, and not the world of titanic passions. At the same time, the writers were often even absoluticized by the grayness and mission of life, the triviality of the material, the non-purpose of time and the character. That is why, on the one hand, it was a period of anti-graduate, on the other - a period of thrust to romantic. Such a paradox, for example, is characteristic of Flaubert, Hangov, Baudelaire.

There is another important point associated with the absolutment of imperfection of human nature and slave subordination circumstances: often writers perceived negative phenomena of the era as a givenness, as something insurmountable, and then tragically fatal. Therefore, in the work of realists in the second half of the XIX century, a positive start is so difficult: the problem of the future is interested in little, they are "here and now", in their time, comprehending it extremely impartially, as an era, if a decent analysis, then critical.

As noted earlier, critical realism is a literary direction of global scale. A notable feature of realism also becomes that it has a long history. At the end of the XIX and in the XX centuries, worldwide fame received the work of such writers as R.Rollan, D.Golusorsi, B. Show, E.M. Mark, Triaz and others. Realism continues its existence up to the present, remaining the most important form of world democratic culture.


Realism (- real, valid) - artistic direction in art and literature, which is approved in the first third of the XIX century. In the origins of realism in Russia, I. A. Krylov, A. S. Griboedov, A. S. Pushkin (realism in Western literature arises a slightly later, the first representatives were standal and O. de Balzac).

Traits of realism. The principle of vital truth, which is guided by the artist-realist in his work, seeking to give the most complete reflection of life in its typical properties. The loyalty of the image is reproduced in the forms of life itself - the main criterion of artisticity.

Social analysis, historicism of thinking. It is realism that explains the phenomena of life, establishes their causes and investigations on socio-historical soil. In other words, realism is unthinkable without historicism, which involves an understanding of this phenomenon in its conditionality, in development and communication with other phenomena. Historism is the basis of the worldview and artistic method of a realist writer, a kind of key to the knowledge of reality, allowing to combine past, present and future. In the past, the artist is looking for answers to current issues of modernity, and modernity is comprehended as a result of previous historical development.

Critical image of life. Writers deeply and truthfully show negative reality phenomena, focus on the chinds of existing orders. But at the same time, realism is not deprived of the life-affirming pathos, for it is based on positive ideals - patriotism, sympathy to people's masses, searching for a positive hero in life, faith in the inexhaustible opportunities of a person, a dream about the bright future of Russia (for example, "Dead Souls"). That is why in modern literary criticism instead of the concept of "critical realism", which was first introduced by N. G. Chernyshevsky, most often talking about "classical realism". Typical characters in typical circumstances, that is, the characters were depicted in close connection with the public environment that raised them, formed in certain socio-historical conditions.

The relationship of personality and society is the leading problem that realistic literature puts. For realism, the drama of these relationships is important. As a rule, the inhabitants of the realistic works are in the focus of realistic works, uncomplicated life, "hazardous" from their surroundings, people who are able to stand up above society and challenge him. Their behavior and acts become for realist writers the subject of close attention and research.

The multi-faceted character characteristics: their actions, actions, speech, lifestyle and the inner world, "Dialectics of the Soul", which is revealed in the psychological details of its emotional experiences. Thus, realism expands the possibilities of writers in the creative development of the world, in creating a contradictory and complex personality structure as a result of the finest penetration into the depths of the human psyche.

Expressiveness, brightness, imagery, accuracy of the Russian literary language enriched with alive elements, spoken speech, which realist writers draw from the nationwide Russian language.

A variety of genres (epic, lyrical, dramatic, limier, satirical), in which the expression finds all the wealth of the content of realistic literature.

Reflection of real validity does not exclude fiction and fiction (Gogol, Saltykov-Shchedrin, Sukhovo-Kobilin), although these artistic means do not determine the main tonality of the work.

Typology of Russian realism. The question of the typology of realism is associated with the disclosure of well-known patterns that define dominant for certain types of realism and their shift.

In many literary work, there are attempts to establish typical varieties (currents) of realism: Renaissance, educational (or didactic), romantic, sociological, critical, naturalistic, revolutionary, democratic, socialist, typical, empirical, syncretic, philosophical psychological, intellectual, Spiral, universal, monumental ... Since all these terms are quite conditional (terminological troubles) and there are no clear boundaries between them, we propose to use the concept of "stages of development of realism". Let's follow these stages, each of which is developing in conditions of its time and artistically acquitted in its uniqueness. The complexity of the problem of the typology of realism is that typologically peculiar varieties of realism are not simply replaced by each other, but also coexist, develop at the same time. Consequently, the concept of "stage" does not mean that in the same chronological framework there can be no other kind of flow, earlier or later. That is why it is necessary to correlate the work of a realist writer with the work of other realist artists, while detecting an individual originality of each of them, revealing the proximity between the groups of writers.

The first third of the XIX century. In realistic fables of Krylov, the real relations of people in society were reflected, living scenes were drawn, the content of which is varied - they could be household, social, philosophical-historical.

Griboedov created a "high comedy" ("grief from the mind"), that is, a comedy, close to the drama, reflecting the ideas that the educated society of the first quarter of a century lived. Chatsky in the fight against serfs and conservatives defends national interests from the standpoint of common sense and People's Morale. Typical characters and circumstances are given in the play.

In the work of Pushkin there are already planned issues, a methodology for realism. In the novel, Evgeny Onegin, the poet recreated the "Russian Spirit", gave a new one, the objective principle of the image of the hero, the first showed an "excess person", and in the story "Stationander" - a "little man". Pushkin, Pushkin saw that moral potential, which determines the national character. In the novel, the "Captain's daughter" manifested the historicism of the writer's thinking - and in the correct reflection of reality, and in accuracy of social analysis, and in understanding the historical pattern of phenomena, and in the ability to convey the typical characteristics of the character of a person, show it as a generation of a certain public environment.

The 30s of the XIX century. In this era of "timeless", public inactivity was heard only the bold voices of A. S. Pushkin, V. G. Belinsky and M. Yu. Lermontov. Critic saw in Lermontov worthy successor Pushkin. The man in his work carries the dramatic traits of time. In fate

Pechorina The writer reflected the fate of his generation, his "eyelid" ("Hero of our time"). But if Pushkin, the main attention takes a description of the actions, actions of the character, gives the "outline of character", then Lermontov focuses on the inner world of the hero, on an in-depth psychological analysis of his actions and experiences, on the "Human Soul Story".

40s of the XIX century. At the specified period, realists received the name "Natural School" (N. V. Gogol, A. I. Herzen, D. V. Grigorovich, N. A. Nekrasov). The works of these writers are peculiar to the accusatory pathos, the rejection of social reality, reinforced attention to everydayness, everyday life. Gogol did not find the realization of his sublime ideals in the surrounding world, and therefore I was convinced that in the context of Russia, the ideal and beauty of life can be expressed only through the denial of ugly reality. Satirch explores the real, material and domestic basis of life, its "invisible" features and arising from it spiritually poor characters, tightly confident in their dignity and right.

The second half of the XIX century. Creativity of writers of this time (I. A. Goncharov, A. N. Ostrovsky, I. S. Turgenev, N. S. Leskov, M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, L. N. Tolstoy, F. M. Dostoevsky, in . Korolenko, A. P. Chekhov) is distinguished by a qualitatively new stage in the development of realism: they not only critically comprehend reality, but also actively looking for ways to transform its close attention to the spiritual life of a person, they penetrate the "soul dialectics", create The world inhabited by complex, contradictory characters saturated with dramatic conflicts. The works of writers are characterized by subtle psychologism and large philosophical generalizations.

List of the XIX-XX centuries. The features of the epoch were most pronounced in the works of A. I. Kompan, I. A. Bunin. They escaped the common spiritual and social atmosphere in the country, deeply and correctly reflected the unique paintings of the most different segments of the population, created a whole and truthful picture of Russia. They are characterized by such topics and problems as the continuity of generations, the legacy of the centuries, the root ties of the person with the past, the Russian nature and features of the national history, the harmonious world of nature and the world of public relations (deprived of poetry and harmony, personifying cruelty and violence), love and death , DISTRIBUTY AND PUBLIC PUBLIC OF HUMAN HAPPINESS, PUBLICS OF THE RUSSIAN SOUL, LONeelness and the tragic predetermination of human existence, the path of liberation from the spiritual oppression. The original and original creativity of writers organically continues the best traditions of Russian realistic literature, and above all the deep penetration into the essence of the depicted life, the disclosure of relations between the environment and personality, attention to the socio-domestic background, the expression of the ideas of humanism.

Dooktyrab decade. The new vision of the world in connection with the processes occurring in Russia in all areas of life determined the new face of realism, significantly different from the classical realism with his "modernity". New figures were prompted - representatives of a special flow within the realistic direction - neorealism ("updated" realism: I. S. Shmelev, L. N. Andreev, M. M. Svtain, E. I. Zamyatin, S. N. Sergeev-Proc , A. N. Tolstoy, A. M. Remizov, B. K. Zaitsev, etc. For them, a waste from sociological understanding of reality is characteristic; development of the sphere of "earth", deepening the specific sensual perception of the world, the artistic study of the subtle movements of the soul, nature and the person who comes into contact, which eliminates the alienation and approaches the initial, unchanged nature of being; Return to the hidden values \u200b\u200bof the nationally rustic elements, able to update life in the spirit of "eternal" ideals (pagan, mystical flavor of the depicted); comparison of bourgeois urban and rural defendance; the idea of \u200b\u200bincompatibilities of the natural strength of life, existing good with social evil; The combination of historical and metaphysical (next to the features of household or specifically historical reality is present "superconduct" background, mythological subtext); The motive of cleansing love as a symbolic sign of the all-life natural unconscious principle, carrying the enlightened rest.

Soviet period. Distinctive features of the socialist realism arose at this time of the socialist realism were party, peopling, the image of reality in its "revolutionary development", the propaganda of the heroic and romantics of socialist construction. In the works of M. Gorky, M. A. Sholokhov, A. A. Fadeeva, L. M. Leonova, V. V. Mayakovsky, K. A. Fedin, N. A. Ostrovsky, A. N. Tolstoy, A. T. Tvardovsky and others. Another reality, other person, other ideals, other aesthetics, principles based on the Moral Code of Fighter for Communism were approved. A new method in art was promoted, which was politicized: he had a pronounced social orientation, expressed the state ideology. In the center of works, a positive hero was usually a positive hero, which was always a beneficial effect on the identity. The main scope of the application forces of such a hero is creative work. It is not by chance that the production romance became one of the common genres.

20-30s of the 20th century. A lot of writers who have forced to live in dictatorial mode, in conditions of cruel censorship, managed to preserve internal freedom, showed the ability to silence, be careful in estimates, go to an allegorical language, - they were betrayed by the truth, genuine art of realism. The genre of anti -topia was born, in which the harsh criticism of a totalitarian society based on the suppression of individuals, individual freedom was given. The fate of A. P. Platonova, M. A. Bulgakov, E. I. Zamyatina, A. A. Akhmatova, M. M. Zoshchenko, O. E. Mandelstam, have long been deprived of the opportunity to publish in the Soviet Union.

The period of "thaw" (the mid-50s is the first half of the 60s). At this historical time, young sixties poets (E. A. Yevtushenko, A. A. Voznesensky, B. A. Akhmadulin, R. I. Christmas, B. Sh is declared themselves. I. Skudzhava et al.) "The rulers of the DUM" of their generation together with representatives of the "third wave" emigration (V. P. Aksenov, A. V. Kuznetsov, A. T. Gladlin, G. N. Vladimov,

A. I. Solzhenitsyn, N. M. Korzhavin, S. D. Dovlatov, V. E. Maksimov, V. N. Winovich, V. P. Nekrasov, etc.), the works of which were characterized by an ostritic understanding of modern reality, preserving The human soul in the conditions of the Command-Administrative System and the internal confrontation of it, confessional, the moral quest for heroes, their release, liberty, romanticism and self-ironym, innovation in the field of artistic language and style, genre variety.

The last decades of the XXVEK. The new generation of writers who lived already in a somewhat relaxed political conditions within the country, made a lyrical, urban and village poetry and prose, not stacked in the tough framework of socialist realism (N. M. Rubtsov, A. V. Zhigulin,

B. N. Sokolov, Yu. V. Trifonov, Ch. T. Aitmatov, V. I. Belov, F. A. Abramov, V. G. Rasputin, V. P. Astafiev, S. P. Zaligin, V. M. Shukshin, F. A. Iskander). The leading themes of their creativity are the revival of the traditional morality and the relationship of man and nature, in which the proximity of writers was manifested to the traditions of Russian classical realism. The works of this pore are permeated with a sense of attachment to their native land, which means that the responsibility for what happens on it, the feeling of irrelevance of spiritual losses due to the rupture of the age-old relations of nature and man. The artists comprehend the fracture in the sphere of moral values, shifts in society in which the human soul is forced to survive, reflect on the catastrophic consequences for those who lose the historical memory, the experience of generations.

The newest Russian literature. In the literary process of recent years, literary criticism is recorded two currents: postmodernism (the blurring of the boundaries of realism, the consciousness of the illusion of what is happening, mixing various artistic methods, style diversity, strengthening the influence of avant-garde - A. G. Bitov, Sasha Sokolov, V. O. Pelevin, T. N . Tolstaya, T. Yu. Kibes, D. A. Prichig) and post-thealism (traditional attention to the fate of a private person, tragically lonely, bring up the degrading everyday life of the moral guidelines trying to self-subsertainment - V. S. Ma Kanin, L. S. Petrushevskaya).

So, realism as a literary-artistic system has a powerful potential of continuous update, which manifests itself in a particular transition for Russian literature. In the work of writers who continue the traditions of realism, there are searches for new topics, heroes, plots, genres, poetic funds, new conversation manner with the reader.

An image of life in images corresponding to the essence of life phenomena by typing the facts of reality.. The art of realism is characterized by the spirit of artistic objectivity. The image of the world in a realistic work, as a rule, is not an abstract conditional character. A realist writer reproduces reality in life-like forms, creates the illusion of reality, makes believing in his characters, seeks to make them alive, inform them the artistic persuasiveness. Realistic art depicts the depths of the human soul, the motivation of the actions of the hero, the study of the circumstances of his life, the reasons that prompted the character act so, and not otherwise.
Truthful reflection of the world, wide coverage of reality. Any genuine art to a certain extent reflects the reality, i.e. it corresponds to the vital truth. However, realism as a method with the greatest sequence embodied the principles of the vital reflection of reality. I. S. Turgenev, speaking of the connection of art with reality, argued: "I always need a meeting with a living person, direct acquaintance with any life fact before proceeding to the creation of a type or to draw up a fabul." Pointed to the real basis of the plot of the novel "Crime and Punishment" and F. M. Dostoevsky.

Historicism. Realism subordinated all artistic means of the task of an increasingly multifaceted and deep study of a person in his relationship with society, with a historical process. Under the historicism in the literature it is customary to understand the idea of \u200b\u200breality, developing naturally and progressively, about the connection of times in their qualitative differences.

Attitude towards literature as a means of knowledge of the man of himself and the surrounding world.The realist writers turn to the cognitive opportunities of art, trying deeply, fully and multilaterally to explore life, depicting reality with the contradictions inherent in it. Realism recognizes the artist's right to cover all parties to life without limitation. The basis of any realistic work is the vital facts that have creative refraction. In realistic works, every significant manifestation of individuality is depicted due to certain circumstances, the artist seeks to identify the characteristic, repeated in an individual, natural in what seems random.

Realist writers following the sentimentalists and romantics showed interest in the life of the human soul, deepened the idea of \u200b\u200bhuman psychology, reflected in artistic works the work of human consciousness and subconscious through the identification of the hero's intentions, the motives of his actions, experiences and shift of mental states.

Reflection of human communication and environment. Realism is a multifaceted and potentially comprehensive study and image of the world throughout the richness of his connections, organically recreated by the artist. Realist writers create different situation of disclosure: I. A. Goncharov in the novel "Oblomov" shows a degradation for the hero of an ordinary environment, a familiar medium; The heroes of Dostoevsky, on the contrary, are in the supervisory situations generated by the imperfection of the social defendant; L. N. Tolstoy includes its heroes into a circulation of significant historical events that detect the essence of one or another nature. The art of realism shows the interaction of a person with the medium, the impact of the era, social conditions for human destinies, the influence of social circumstances on the moral and spiritual world of people. At the same time, the realistic work justifies what is happening not only by socio-historical circumstances, but also the hero's psychology, its moral choice, i.e., the mental state of personality (in contrast to the works of naturalistic school, in which a person has portrayed as a derivative of heredity and environment). Thus, the realistic work explores the ability of the personality to rise above the circumstances, to resist them, showing freedom of will.

Typification of characters and circumstances. In literature, Formula F. Engels was entrenched, according to which "realism assumes, in addition to the veracity of the details, the truthful reproduction of typical characters in typical circumstances." For realistic work it is important to establish links between these two image objects. Literary hero realistic The works are created as a generalized image (type) of human individuality, most characteristic of a particular public environment, the characteristic signs of persons of a certain category are embodied. The creative process of creating typical images is made by typing. Literary forms: Epos: Roman, story, poem, story. Lyrics: Song, Elegy. Drama: tragedy, east.Of course, first of all it is F. M. Dostoevsky and L. N. Tolstoy. The work of the Late Pushkin was also the outstanding samples of the literature (by the right of the investigation of realism in Russian literature) - the historical drama "Boris Godunov", the story "Captain's daughter", "Dubrovsky", "Tale of Belkin", Roman Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov "Hero of Our Hero time, as well as the poem Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol "Dead Souls". In Russia, the first broadly introduced into journalism and criticism the term "realism" Dmitry Pisarev, until that time the term "realism" was used by Herzen in the philosophical sense, as a synonym for the concept of "materialism".