Entertainment in the senior group "Day of National Unity. Entertainment "Day of People's Unity" in the elder group Russian game "Even

Entertainment in the senior group "Day of National Unity. Entertainment "Day of People's Unity" in the elder group Russian game "Even

Irina Rezanov
Matinee Scenario for National Unity Day

MatrennikDamning people's unity

"Where is the Motherland begins"

For children of senior, preparatory group

purpose: Rail patriotic feelings: Love to the Motherland, Native Territory, tolerance for people of all nationalities living in our country. Establish interest in the history of Russia, to the history of their native land.

Patriotic songs sounds, the hall is smartly decorated. The stand is hanging the geographical map of Russia.

Leading. Dear guys, on November 4, together with all our country we will celebrate a holiday called not quite usually. (ask for children) Yes, today we celebrate the day people's unity. This is a holiday of patriotism, mutual assistance and unity of all Russian peoplesThis is the day of saving Russia from the biggest danger that once threatened. Look, this is the map of our homeland. She can tell us a lot. We see that it extends from the Arctic Ocean to the Southern Black Sea, it comes to the Pacific Ocean, and in the West to the Baltic Sea. Motherland combines all peopleliving in one country: They speak in the same language, working together, celebrate common holidays.

And for you what is the word "Motherland"? (children's reasoning)

What is the name of our homeland? (Russia)

The capital of our Motherland? (Moscow)

Guys, as you understand what is - union? (Union - This is when all people together.)

And who are the patriots? (These are people who love their homeland and are always ready to stand on her defense).

Leading Listen, please, what beautiful lines about Russia wrote Julia Drunina:

Oh, Russia!

With a hard fate country.

I have you, Russia,

Like a heart, one.

I'll tell a friend,

I will say and enemy -

Without you,

Like without a heart

I can not live ...

Leading. Guys, the love of Russia for each of us begins with love to the places where you were born and live. Tell me, please, what is the name of our small homeland? And in which part of Russia do we live with you? (In the north)

Leading. But what a wonderful poem about our village now will tell us ... Masha Dolgova ....

Masha. My taiga, my beautiful,

Study, colorful.

You are one such in Russia,

My fabulous village.

From Rosink and blades,

Mushrooms and Yagodin

You master per hour happy

At leisure, created

The children of the preparatory group perform a song "Russia".

Leading. Guys, our country is very huge, and people of different nationalities live in it.

Children read poems:

In the side of the steppe

The earth is dried by heat.

Horses are growing here

How children are growing:

Songs they sing

Milk give.

The guys grow up Cyril S.

In the north, in the south,

They sing they play

And remember each other.

How lucky you and me! Katya

We were born in such a country

Where people are all - one family,

Where neither look - friends everywhere.

Leading. Indeed, the guys "Washing country is my native,

Many forests in it, fields and rivers.

I don't know another such country

Where man breathes so freely. "

Everyone has it people have their own riddles. (riddled riddles of different peoples)

1. Russian: Seventy worn - and everything is without a buckle. (cabbage)

2. Belorusskaya: Without breaking the pot, you do not eat kasya. (nut)

3. Ukrainian. On the courtyard mountain, and in the hut with water. (snow)

4. Georgian. The white calf came, drove white. (day Night)

And most importantly, guys that peoplesThe inhabitants of our country live in the world among themselves, what you will now sing children from the middle group of our garden.

Middle group children perform a song "About friendship" (We all advise friends)

Children's poems: If you say the word "Motherland", Masha Sh.

Immediately in memory gets up

Old house, in the smorodine garden,

Thick poplar at the gate.

Ate, fir, pineails, Anya B.

Elk horned near the river.

Partridge hits the wing,

The river sails the ferry.

Have you been on Vaga? Ulyana

What did you do?

Who caught on the hook?

We got a trick.

How not to believe you guys

Vaga Fish is rich.

Leading. Stand, children, stand in a circle,

Left friend and right friend.

In the pair stood, do not yawa

Dance start!

Children perform a dance "If you like, then do so"

No better and mile of Russia, Artyom with

And the best songs are not better.

I sing that everyone is beautiful,

You carry our hello to you.

Sounds in the song "About the Motherland"

You, Russia, we dance, Fedya

We keep your eternal round

We love you with all my heart

And we glorify our people!

Perfect dance "Multicolored game"

Lead: What a beautiful capital of our homeland!

Like all countries of the world existing on Earth, Russia has its own flag and coat of arms (shows)

Belous Color - Birch

Blue - sky color

Red stripe -

Sunny dawn.

Coat of arms of the country - Eagle two-headed

Proudly wings dissolved

Holds a scepter and power,

He retained Russia

Confirms the coat of arms of ancient

Independence of the country

For the peoples of all Russia

Our characters are important.

The national flag rises during the solemn events, holidays, and at this time the anthem of the Russian Federation always sounds. Today, the holiday of our state, let us, listen to the anthem of our Russia!

Sounds the anthem of the Russian Federation.

Lead (showing the presentation slides) A long time ago, in ancient century, in ancient times, they lived on Earth Rusichi, skillful masters and craftsmen, hardworking landpashers, brave, strong, noble warriors. They honestly lived and nicely, the temples and Terema were erected, the children were racing and the songs were glory to the glory of Fatherland.

But now she came an unkind day of an hour, the troubles fell off - misfortunes, evil attacks on the Earth Russian. Came a cripplence, and behind him and the famut. With hunger and with longing-clever, they began between people of a quarrel of yes discord.

And at that time a new trouble came. They noticed the enemies, which weakened Russia from the strife and hunger, were delighted and made a campaign to Moscow. To fight, they decided to deceive - the king with him led the self-stocked. Deceived peasants and citizens willingly joined To the army of the self-charged king, discovered in front of him, as if in front of the real king of Russian, their gate.

However, the impostor and did not think Russian people protect, to rescue! Capturing Moscow, power, throne yes crown royal, began to appeal yes having fun! Mortal danger hung over the earth of Russian - everywhere reigned a discordant yes launch, grief and despair!

But it was found on the Earth of Russian, in the edge of the Nizhny Novgorod removal hero, good well done goat minin. And the growth was not Bogatlish, but there was a strength of the spirit of the real hero, the heart is fervently acute. Chose Nizhny Novgorod Kozma with their old-age. I understood the minin that it is necessary not to hide from the attack, but to stand up for myself for the godmond land, oppose the impostor.

Minin's goat began to collect strength and funds for the liberation of the Fatherland. Understood the Nizhny Novgorod that they all are firmly redeemed one misfortune, one hope. They gathered on the square in front of the sacred church and all that they copied for life began to give to the militia.

Money is not the main thing. The main thing is to find soldiers in the army and the commander worthy. The Nizhny Novgorod was stopped at Dmitry Pozhesky Prince - a good glory was about him in Russia. Agreed the prince to lead the army.

Voivode was found, and the army was collected from all over Russia, it remains only to arm it, as it should be. How long, briefly, but made Nizhny Novgorod masters weapons and armor.

They hit the cannons from the walls, turned and fluttered in the wind the princely banner of Dmitry Pozharsky. And here opponents agreed in terrible siech. I groaned the Earth from a thousand hoofs, swords rangs, shook shots.

It was hard for Russian soldiers, the siege of the Moscow Kremlin lasted for several days. Finally, the enemies were exhausted, minina and a fire troops. Slavon. people Earth liberators Russian.

And most often the names of Prince Dmitry Pozharsky and the goat minina sounded. Years, the centuries flow, and everyone puts forward his heroes, but there are pages of history that neither cross, nor forget it, as you can not forget the people, the life of their own native land. Such were Dmitry Pozharsky and the goat minin, they remained in the centuries.

So we told you what happened in Russia almost four hundred years ago, about how union Helped the Russians to cope with a cunning enemy, get rid of the Polish invasion. Now you understand the name of the holiday - day Unity of Russia.

Dear friends, all of us unites The feeling of pride in his country, for its glorious history.

And on this festive day with a special force we feel that we are - unified and mighty Russian peopleAnd we have one Fatherland - Russia.

The leading reads a poem, and everyone else picks up his choir "keywords"

The main thing is together

The main thing is friendly!

The main thing - with the heart of hot in the chest!

Do we do not need indifferent?

Not necessary!

Evil, offense away gony!

Leading remember guys, this feeling union And save it for life. Be decent of your ancestors.

Take care of Russia

Without it, we can not live.

Take care of her

To be forever to be

Our truth and strength,

All our fate.

Take care of Russia -

There is no other Russia.

Leading. Dear friends! Our holiday ends.

We wish you peace, good and well-being.

Once again with the holiday of you - During the day people's unity!

And in conclusion

Dance "Friendship" Barbariki dancing the children of the preparatory group

Day of folk unity- One of the most "young" holidays, although his origins go to the distant 1612. It was not easy time then our country. There was no peace and harmony among the rulers, nor among the people. Yes, foreigners were not offended to take advantage of this situation in Russia in their own interests. But, as always in difficult years, the Russian people found the strength to unite and speak the world in protecting the interests of their homeland. It was not easy to victory. Perhaps that is why the Russian Orthodox Church made an initiative to make on November 4 by a public holiday. After all, when the people are one - he is invincible. And it is always necessary to remember this, and not only at a time when the country threatens the danger.

So what happened in 1612? After the death of Tsar Ivan the Terrible Moscow throne was stunned. The king had three sons. Senior son died; Middle, thiele and weak, made a short time. What happened to the younger, Dmitry, is unknown. Whether due to illness died, whether due to an accident. But the people went hearing that he was killed. And the killer was the coar instead of Dmitry: Godunov Boris Fedorovich!

It is difficult to say how the tsar actually was Boris Godunov. He reigned for a short time. But the people did not forgave him the death of Tsarevich Dmitry. And here is still crouching, hunger. Of course, the killer's killer is to blame: this is God punishable! And it began in the Russian state a terrible time, which historians called Smutow.

At that time in Lithuania, there was a runaway monk Gregory Freakov and called himself Tsarevich Dmitry, wonderfully salted! The Polish king recognized him and gave the army to win the "father's" throne. Suddenly, Boris Godunov dies. And the boyars, without waiting for the approach of Polish troops, dealt with the children of Boris Godunov: the son of Fedor was killed, and the daughter of Ksenia was sharpened in the monastery. In Moscow, the impostor - Lhadmitry I. I began to interfere with the Poles and Boyars to ruin Russia, so he was killed, replacing himself to another - Falsitriya II, who conceived to put on the Moscow Throne of the Polish Kingdom of Vladislav. But the Polish king of Sigismund said that he would sit on the throne and "will become part of the Polish kingdom!".

Then came the end of folk patience. Prokoki Lyapunov collected the militia in Ryazan and moved to Moscow. Poles and boyars were frightened, made a diploma with order to dissolve the militia and offered it to sign the Patriarch Hermogen as the head of the Russian Church. Say, the people should listen to him. But the Patriarch refused to sign a diploma and called on the Russian people oppress the invaders. Lyapunov's militia was small, but the appeal of the Patriarch was flew away by all Russian cities. Nizhny Novgorod Merchant Goat Minin's first gave all his state to the militia.

The inhabitants of Nizhny Novgorod gathered a big army, headed by Prince Dmitry Pozharsky. Moving militia to Moscow. On the way to the army, more and more people were poured. All Russian land rose to the fight against invaders and traitors. Prince Pozharsky turned out to be a talented commander. And the goat minin fought under the walls of the Kremlin as a simple warrior in the militia was sent from Kazan a miraculous image of the Most Holy Virgin. Knowing that disaster is passionate for sins, all the people and the militia imposed a three-day post and with prayer turned to the Lord and his Mother Mother for Heavenly. And the prayer was heard. The long-awaited day came: the enemy army surrendered to the mercy of the winners!

The new king generously awarded Minin and Pozharsky. But the best reward for the glorious heroes of Russia was the national memory. They installed two monuments: on Red Square - in the heart of Russia - and in Nizhny Novgorod.

The celebration in honor of the Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary, called Kazanskaya, was established on November 4 in 1649 in gratitude to the deliverance of Moscow and all Russia from the invasion of Poles in 1612. And to the present day, this icon is especially revered by the Russian people. Since 2005, November 4 is noted as the Day of People's Unity.

Appeal K. Minina to compatriots (from the book A. O. Ishimova)

"Faith and Fatherland our dying, but we can save them. We will not spare the lives and property to deliver Moscow, we will sell our homes, lay the wives and children of our own and buy away from the trouble! God bless our company. "

What beautiful words, my friends! How well, that the story has kept them in all accuracy! If they even admire us, then think what action they made on the gathered Nizhny Novgorod. Add to the fact that the tears flowed down the cheeks of the mining when he told them that the holy fire was shone to the Fatherland in his eyes, and you would not be surprised that the action of words was wonderful. Nizhny Novgorod cried in one voice: "I will die for Russia and Holy!" - And the salvation of our fatherland was decided. In this cry, all the hearts were connected, all souls, all thoughts, all the desires of the Russians. He rang out in all remote places of Russia, he led to one goal of all loyal children, he inspired the same diligence of all the defenders of her. This diligence was unparalleled, it was glowing not only in the hearts of men, but also women. Being not able to shed her blood for a cute fatherland, they sacrificed everyone that they had: Diamonds and pearls from their kokoshnikov and dressings, deprived themselves all other precious jewelry and were gladly replaced with simple beads of emeralds and yahonts, so beautifully gloss On the necks and their hands! I will tell you even more, my dear readers - even small children, looking at the parents, did the same: many rich boys did not want to wear gold buttons on the caffathers, and girls were expensive servants and cufflinks, all this they brought their mammies and asked them Send into the same public treasury of the people, where pure gold russian was hushed with such a clean zeal.

How to celebrate this new holiday with such ancient traditions? November - the last month of autumn. The leaves from the trees, as a rule, have already shielded, lights rain, blowing a damp wind. At that day, I don't want to go outside. Best of all, together with mom and dad, climb on the sofa, cover with a warm blanket, and let mom or dad worship out loud for the whole family a book "The History of Russia in Stories for Children." She wrote her wonderful children's writer Alexander Osipovna Ishimov back in the XIX century. The manuscript of the stories saw and approved Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin himself. The history of the Fatherland, colorfully and figuratively told by a talented writer, does not go any comparison with the boring textual text.

Reading can be interrupted with short tea drinking. Believe me, evening, spent in a cozy family circle for reading books out loud, everyone will remember for a long time. This is something completely different than watching cartoons on TV and game in electronic toys! If there is no book by A. O. Ishimova in the house, it can be any other book that will be interested in all: the stories of Russian writers about animals, fairy tales A. S. Pushkin, Nosov's stories, Dragunsky and others. Only the people have a future that does not forget about his past.

Oksana Malova
Scenario of the holiday for the Day of National Unity (November 4). For the senior group of kindergarten

Scenario of the holiday for the Day of National Unity(4 november)

For senior group of kindergarten

Show video "Russia, we are your children"

Leading: The house, as you know for a long time, is not a wall, no window,

It's not chairs with a table: This is not a house.

The house is where you are ready to go back again and again,

The house is where you will understand, where they hope and wait,

Where will you forget about the bad, is your home.

Our small house is our family, our city,

and the big house is our beloved mill Russia!

Motherland I. Unity. Deep meaning is laid in this festival. Russia has been tested many times, more than once experienced times, enmity. When the country weaker, neighbors were thrown on it, seeking to conquer the earth and enslave our people. These times were called us vague, and also - bloody. But the country restraved the country again and again. After each tragedy, she became only stronger on the envy of enemies. Russia did not immediately become a strong state, the power of the country gradually increased. In the harsh tests and battles, the will was harvested, and hard unity of the people.

1 Required: In the morning the sun gets up, I call everyone to the street,

I go out of the house I, hello, my homeland!

I sometimes, and in the embroidery birds singing to me

Herbs whispering to me in the way: "You are speedy to grow my friend!

I answer herbs I answer the wind I,

I reply to the sun - I wish my homeland!

Performed song "Motherland", MUZ. and cl. N. P. Bobkovka

2 baby: Leaf, cut-out leaf

Sun painted.

There was a green spring,

And now orange.

3 baby: You hung on the tree only this morning,

And now suddenly flew with the breeze backway.

Dance "Listic, leaf fall". Children sit down to the seats.

Leading: The most important city, the capital of our homeland is this city?

Children: Moscow!

Leading: Like all countries of the world, Russia has its own flag and coat of arms.

4 Requirements: Flag is different, but I just mile

White-blue-red flag of my homeland.

Red is blood shed for Russia.

For your homeland, you will not stand your way!

5 discount: Symbol of blue - eternity, symbol of the world - white.

Respect you honesty! Be always bold!

Fortress, power and power in the Russian flag there is,

He is for us and symbol, dignity and honor. (E. Nikolaev)

6 Requires: The coat of arms of the country - the eagle double-headed proudly wings dissolved,

Holds a scepter and power, he retained Russia

Confirms the coat of arms old Independence of the country

For peoples All Russia, our symbols are important.

Leading: The national flag rises during the solemn events, holidaysAnd at that time the anthem of the Russian Federation always sounds. When the hymn sounds - people get up, sing and listen to him standing, let's listen and we will listen to the anthem of our homeland!

Show video "National anthem of the Russian Federation",

sl. S. V. Mikhalkov, Muses. A. V. Alexandrova

(Children listen to standing)

Leading: One person has a native mother, one and his homeland. Firmly love her people. There was a lot of proverbs and sayings about it. And what proverbs and sayings about the motherland know the guys!

Children: 1. Motherland Favorite - that mother is rim.

2. If friendship is large, there will be a homeland strong.

3. To live home to serve.

4. For the Motherland, he does not regret either.

5. Motherland Mother, able to stand for her.

6. Man without a homeland - that nightinglets without a song.

Leading: How lucky to us guys that we were born in such a wonderful country, "where people are all - one family, where neither look - everywhere friends!"

The holiday of folk unity is a holiday of friendship.

7 baby: Russia is large,

And our talented people

About arthropy - crafts

On the whole world of Solva goes!

8 baby: Look, painted spoons - small and big!

Beauty and appearance cause appetite!

9 baby: Our spoons at least where, they can be easily

I have a porridge and beat your forehead, we will sell you and be!

10 Rebry: We will take welcome wooden spoons.

And we will play a Russian dance for you.

"Dance with spoons", R. n. m.

11Excean: Our Matryoshki - Ploy, all guests are surprising.

Only put them in a row - will sing seven days in a row!

19 discount: Dust Cuts on the track, our nephews went to the dance!

Rising different girlfriends, not like each other.

We will sit a little yes on the girls will see.

Matryushki: Matryoshka painted decorated all the light

Clothes boasts, she simply has no demolition.

Matryoshka opens, the other appears.

Dance "Matryushki".

Leading: In Russia, you could not only work, but also have fun.

The game "Pots", R. n. and.

Game for girls "Spindle" (who will quickly meet the thread on the spindle)

Boy: We are cheerful guys, we are the guys just a class!

Let the music playing, we burst "Quadrille" now!

Dance "Quadrille", R. n. P.

13 child: Dance Russian, Lyhaya to what you are good.

Here and delets there are strength, here and the Russian soul.

Dance Russian Crossing, R. n. m.

10 Rebry: On the day of reconciliation and consent

We congratulate all people

And from the soul we wish you happiness

Saint Rus for many days.

Leading: I congratulate you on holiday friendship, unity of Russia.

And I give you here such a candy heart, substitute your palms.

(Distributing a treat)

Leading: All alone, hello to you and glory,

Unbeatable country, Russian power!

Children go from the hall to the music.

Publications on the topic:

"Day of People's Unity" (November 4). Holiday script for senior preschool children Slide number 1 leading: Good afternoon, dear guys and respected guests! On the fourth of November, all Russia will celebrate the "Day of People's Unity".

"Day of People's Unity." Holiday script for children of the preparatory group Children under music enter the hall and sit on the chairs. Leading. Hello guys! On November 4, we celebrate one of the main public holidays.

The abstract of drawing classes in the older group "November 4 - the Day of People's Unity" Abstract of directly educational activities: "Drawing". MKDOU "Tsarevsky kindergarten" teacher of the senior group.

Scenario of the holiday "Day of People's Unity" The Day of National Unity Hall is festively decorated. Song "About Russia" sounds, children go to the hall and seard to seats. Leading: kind.

Scenario of the National Holiday "Maslenitsa" for senior and preparatory groups of kindergarten Purpose: Create a positive festive mood in children. Software tasks: educational: instill love for folk creativity,

Scenario for the Day of People's Unity.

The hall is festively decorated, on the central wall of the coat of arms and the flag of Russia
Song sounds about homeland.
Two leading leaves.

Lead 1:
We invite everyone to the concert. Happy holiday you congratulate you!

Lead 2:
The holiday is the most important, state and glorious.

Lead 1:
Today, each of the guys with the holiday is glad.

Lead 2:
Well, guys, sing, Happy Holidays All congratulate!
Children sing a song on the melody song "Golden Wedding" Muses. R. Pauls.
- the holiday, the holiday celebrates the country,
Dad, mom and, of course, I.
Russian Day - My Motherland,
Every year as a glorious anniversary.
At school all boys, girls,
A friendly singing this song.
Song about the holiday of the motherland
Sing must be ringing and together!

Happy holiday! Happy People's Unity! Hooray!

Lead 1:
Here the salute here sounded,
Festive was the school hall.
Lead 2:
And to continue the holiday,
It is necessary to call readers.

Children subg.pr:

1. We celebrate the day of unity
Russia is a young holiday,
And we wish everyone
Country to be true to the whole soul!

2. In unity, the fraternity is our power,
And our enemy does not win!
So let it get
The country where we could live!

3.Silna Great Power
Sons, daughters ...
Russia will frank fame
While we are together and one!

4. Our Mother-Russia
As before it becomes strong.
Holiday - day of patriotism,
Nice, proud step rate!

Song "My Russia" - Podg.GR

Children St.Gr:

1. The main thing - together!

The main thing is friendly!

The main thing - with the heart burning in the chest!

We are no indifferent in life!

Evil, grieving from kindergarten Goney!

2.Derevni, village, city

With a bow to the Russian people

Today is celebrating freedom

And the day of unity forever!

Song of the Motherland (Art. Gr.)

Children subf. Gr:

  1. 1. Wise men have long known:

Where intelligent thoughts are closely

There is no envy, nor boredom

Masters there on all hands

Sew, cook and draw,

Pure sing and dance

  1. 2. Crafts are very much

On earth in Russian there

And all crafts us

Now not to count!

  1. 3. Russia is ours,

And talented our people

About arthropy - crafts

On the whole world of Solva goes!

  1. 4. Lodkari play will begin

Feet themselves will go to dance!

From dawn to dawn

Having fun falkari!

Orchestra and chastushki.

Children St.Gr:

1. In the world there are such states -
Sunlight of illuminated edges
With peg of birds,
With beeps at dawn
This is our homeland, friends.

2. I ... Russia! The word is what!
But with the chord of consonant words
Slaps, pours flows
Light music eternal call.


1 Ved:

Who has a gloomy look?

Again the music sounds

Collect a child!

Waiting for you a Russian game!

The game. "Wolves and hares"

2. Veda:

And now ask girls here

Let them in hand these 3 spindle

Let beauties delight people

Who will treat forward with work?

Game "Smeot Tangle"

Reb Podg.pr:

What does it mean: my homeland?
You ask. I'll answer:
First, the trail land
It runs to meet you.
Then the garden will adorn you
Each fragrant branch.
Then you see a slender row
Multi-storey houses.
Then wheat fields
From the edge and to the edge.
All this is your homeland,
Your native land.
The older you become more stronger,
The more before you
She is tempting paths
Calculately reveal.

Horovoode Podg.Gr.

Music. Carlson's entrance.
Carlson: Hello, Children! Girls and boys!
There are so many of you! What are you doing here? And the jam will be? And candy? I'm so stuffed when I flew to you!
Host: Hello, Hello, dear Carlson! I could see you from afar. You're probably very tired?
Carlson: Of course, still ask! I live very far, in another country, in a very big city, on the highest roof!
Host: Dear Carlson, But what about the country in which you live? What is the main city of your country?
Carlson: And I do not know what is called country and city! Why should I know? I live on the roof, everything can be seen from there. I fly everywhere where I want. Do you know what your country is called?!
Host: Of course, Carlson, our guys know and what is called our country, and what is the name of the main city of the country! True guys?
Carlson: (asks children) Something I do not believe me! Well, answer me in which country do you live?! (children's responses)
Host: You see, I said that our guys know everything! Russia the biggest country in the world! It occupies the greatest and extensive territory from Europe to Asia. Only in our country there is a polar belt, tundra, and taiga, and the steppe, and the tropics. There are a lot of peoples in our country, and every people have their own songs, music, culture, customs and rites. We, for example, live in the graceful edge, in Buryatia! Guys, what do you know about Buryatia, about our region? (children's responses) and all this is our Russia!
Russia ... Motherland ... This is the edge where you were born where we live. This is our home, that's all that surrounds us. Russia ... What a beautiful word! Listen - Russia! Here and dew, and power, and blue spaces ...
And also the guys of the older group will tell the poem about Russia. Release guys.
Poems about Russia.
- Russia ... as a word from the song,
Young foliage birch
Around the forest, fields and rivers
Razdar - Russian soul.

I love you, my Russia
For clear light of your eyes,
For the mind, for the feats of saints,
For a voice ringing, like a stream.

I love deeply understand
Steppes thoughtful sadness
I love everything that call
One wide word - Rus!

2. Host:
By the way, dear Carlson, our country has a birthday tomorrow! This holiday is called the Day of People's Unity of Russia. It is celebrated on November 4th.
Like all countries of the world, all states that exist on Earth, Russia has its own flags of the coat of arms. (shows)

Flag of Russia.

White color - birch.

Blue - sky color.

Red stripe -

Sunny dawn.

Coat of arms of Russia

Russia has magnifier

On the coat of arms eagle double-headed

To west, east

He could immediately see.

Strong, wise he and proud.

He is a free spirit free.

The national flag rises during the solemn events, holidays, and at this time the anthem of the Russian Federation always sounds.
Today, the holiday of our state, let's and we will listen to the solemn anthem of our Russia standing!
Sounds "Anthem of the Russian Federation"
One person has a native mother, one and his homeland. It firmly loves her people.
There was a lot of proverbs and sayings about it. Listen, Carlson, what proverbs and sayings about the motherland know the guys!
Children subg.pr:
Motherland beloved - that mother is rim.
If the friendship is great, the homeland will be rude.
To live home to serve.
For the Motherland, he does not regret nor life.
Motherland Mother, able to stand for her.
Man without a homeland - that nightinglets without a song.

Well done! The Russian people burned the native land, they challenged songs about her, worked into the fame of the wealth of the Motherland, defended it at all times. The people of Russian impact of the centuries were famous for the power, deleting, dexterity of the youth. And there were always in Russia, hedgehogs are both good heart and pure soul.
Guys, and let's show Carlson, what strong, strong, deft and remote children live in Russia!
Dear Carlson, and you do not want to compete with us, play your strength, deletyly show.
Carlson: Of course I want. After all, I'm a man in the very fucking strength, I can all, I am stronger than all, the fasterness of everyone, the catchey, ...
Wait, wait, Carlson, did not think in advance. Guys, I suggest to start check yourself on speed. Go out and get into two teams. (10 people).
Our first task is called "the fastest". You will need to take a whistle to take the ball in your hands, coming snake to the guideline and return to the team.
Prepared! Reade set Go. (music)
Carlson: It can not be that everything so easily coped with the task. You guys give a very easy task. I now came up with such a difficult test, with him your children will definitely not cope! Like this!
Guys, let's show Carlson that we will cope with everyone, even the most difficult tasks. Let him see the fastest, deft and skilled children in our kindergarten. Do you agree? Carlson, ask your task!
Carlson: Now, now! My task is the hardest, even I can't cope with him! It will be necessary to take the ball at the signal, clamping it between the knees and surpaid with him to the guideline, and then take the ball in the hands, reach your team and transfer the next participant to the rest. We need two teams of 10 people. Who is ready to test? Come out!
Prepared! Reade set Go. (music)

Carlson: You look, they can all know how! And let's stream in force! Who will pull someone. Get out the strongest guys. I'll overcome you by a moment, quickly breathing. Well, they took up! Prepared! Reade set Go. (Tightening the rope, Carlson loses)Something is wrong here. You probably showed me your most powerful warriors, they probably have been going to school for a long time. So it's not honest, let let the guys come out, then let's see who is stronger! Tightening the rope, Carlson loses)Yes, what is it. You set me schoolchildren again. Where you have the smallest. Let them die with me forces. Talking the rope, Carlson loses).
Host: Carlson, do not worry so much! You just often go to visit Russia. We have in every kindergarten, in each school children are engaged in physical education and therefore they are so strong and healthy! You fly to our classes, work out with the guys, then you will become strong, dexterous, quick!
Carlson: Yes! This is what should be strong and fast your dads and moms, if small recurrents do so well with the hardest tasks! Probably, in Russia the people are the most sporty, the strongest! True guys?
But still we wanted to know what country you live in. After all, we told you today about our country - Russia, and we ask you to learn about your country all the most interesting and next time we tell us about our homeland.
I want to give you a gift. At first I thought to give you a jar of raspberry jam, but I saw what healthy and hardened and decided to give you juice, because he adds to all children and adults only health! (Cleaned the juice to children).
Host: Thank you, Carlson!
And now I have to go home. I promise to learn everything about my country and tell you about my homeland next time. Agreed? Goodbye, guys. (flies away)


On the day of unity, we will be near
We will be together forever,
All nations of Russia
In distant villages, cities!
Together to live, work, build,
Sow bread, raise children
Create, love and argue,
Guard the peace of people
Ancestors to honor them to remember them,
Wars, conflicts avoid
To get life with happiness,
So that under the peaceful sky to sleep.

Vedas once again congratulates children with a holiday, children go .

Anastasia Kirichenko
Entertainment "Day of People's Unity" in the senior group

purpose: Familiarize children with peoples of Russia, Talk about their culture and customs.


1) Educational- Relief respect for their culture and customs.

2) educational games of different games peoples.

3)developing - Vocabulary: symbolism, coat of arms, anthem, nationality, unity.

Event flow:

"We unity Day celebrate. "

we unity Day celebrate,

Russia is a young holiday,

And everyone and everyone wish

Country to be true to the whole soul!

Strong a great power,

Sons of their daughters.

Russia will not fame,

While we together we united.

Guys On November 4, our whole country notes " Day of folk unity". And today we will learn what holiday.

At all times, people loved their homeland, they were friends who helped each other, unitedWhen the Motherland threatened the trouble, and together defended her from enemies. In the name of the native country, feats were made, they were gone about her songs, proverbs and poems.

"What are we called birthday?"

What do we call birthday?

The edge in which we grow

And birks along which

next to my mother we go.

What do we call birthday?

field with a thin spike

Our holidays and songs,

Warm evening outside the window.

What do we call birthday?

All that in the heart we take

and under the sky blue - blue,

Flag of Russia over the Kremlin.

(V. Stepanov)

Let's pick up with you beautiful and tender words to the word of the birthplace.

We know a lot of songs about Russia, but I like it very much. Let us drink it.

- "My Russia" -

"Flag of Russia"

White color birch

Blue-sky color,

Red stripe

Sunny dawn.

"Coat of Arms of Russia"

Russia has a magnificent

on the coat of arms, the eagle is double-headed.

To west and east

He could immediately see.

Strong, wise he and proud

He is a free spirit of Russia.

Guys, do you know that the state has not only the coat of arms and the flag, but the main music of the country? What is it called? That's right anthem.

Listening to the "Hymn of the Russian Federation" -

Russia did not immediately become a strong state, the power of the country gradually upset. In the harsh tests and battles, the will was harvested and hard unity of the people.

"Live in Russia different peoples"

Live in Russia different peoples for a long time.

One - Taiga by moral,

Another - steppe space,

Everyone has it nation language your own and outfit.

One - the Circassian wears,

Another dressed robe.

One - fisherman with born,

Other - Olenevod,

One - Kumys cook,

The other is preparing honey.

one - Mile Autumn,

Another - mile winter.

And the birthplace of Russia

We have alone.

We live in Russia in the largest country on earth. When the children wake up at one end, then the trees bloom in one place in one place in our country, the snow can snow in the other. To cross our country need a whole week to go by train or a whole day fly on the plane.

North of our country

There live: Khanty, Mansi, Nenets, Buryats, Evenks, Chukchi and Yakuts.

once a year they are going to the holiday "reindeer herders". And I suggest you play the game.

- "Deer Stubbing"

you will need 2 teams of 6 children. The first pair is one - deer, the other - the reindeer herd. Task to pass the obstacle to go back and give a deer sledding, get up at the end. Whose team will pass the rest of the first one and won.

There live: Adygi, Kumyki, Ossetians Legins, Dargins. This is the edge of high mountains, turbulent rivers, endless pastures. They possessed many virtues and exceptional qualities, including chivalry, self-esteem, wisdom and intelligence. They were also famous for their bravery and riding art. National upbringing has established their souls, hardening their moral spirit and teared to endure the fatigue and difficulties of wars and long journeys. Sons of Circassian nobility were obliged to be able to take guests, breed horses, sleep outdoors, where the saddle served as a pillow. They lived a simple, truly harsh life, refraining from any sensitivity. Thanks to this upbringing, they acquired moral immunity and resistance and could carry harsh frosts and heat calmly. As a result, they became peoplewho possessed the best human qualities. And they have national games and we will play it now.

-"Nadya Papahu"-

For the game you need two children. One sits on a chair another moves away from him five steps back, his eyes tie him and twist after give the team to make five steps back and put on a hat on jigita. Then change in places.

Wonderfully played, but we need to find out about our country further.

Udmurts, Bashkirs and Tatars live in it.

In the past, the Udmurts once a year spent a large holiday with a moles, which were gathered by residents of 10-12 villages of the district. Due to this, the circle of communication of the Udmurt expanded significantly, he recognized many residents of these villages not only in the face, but also by name.

The casual mutual visits of relatives of one village and neighbors were also played a major role in the traditional culture of communication. They came to each other without an invitation to consult about any particular case, to cope with health, exchange rustic news.

Udmurts in everyday communication were little used by their own names, as it was believed that from frequent pronunciation ascribed named after the protected function weakens. Their game.