"A story about the Great Patriotic War at the Kindergarten Museum." Classes for children of senior and preparatory groups

"A story about the Great Patriotic War at the Kindergarten Museum." Classes for children of senior and preparatory groups

Before the war, these were the most ordinary boys and girls. He studied, helped the elders, played, bred pigeons, sometimes even participated in the scuffles. But an hour of heavy test came and they proved that an ordinary little children's heart can be enormous when sacred love of his homeland begins in it, pain for the fate of his people and hatred for enemies. And no one expected that it was these boys and girls who are able to commit a great feat to the glory of freedom and independence of their homeland!

Children remaining in destroyed cities and villages became streetless, doomed to hungry death. It was scary and difficult to stay on the territory occupied by the enemy. Children could send to the concentration camp, to take it to work in Germany, turning into slaves, to make donors for German soldiers, etc.

Here are the names of some of them: Volodya Czazmin, Jura Zhadno, Lenya Golikov, Marat Kazei, Lara Mikheenko, Valya Kitty, Tanya Morozova, Vitya boxes, Zina Portorova. Many of them fought that they have earned the battle orders and medals, and four: Marat Kasey, Valya Kitty, Zina Portnova, Lenya Golikov, became the heroes of the Soviet Union.

From the first days of the occupation of the boy and the girls began to act at their own risk, which was indeed fatal.

"Fedya Samodurov. Fed 14 years, he is a pupil of a motorized rifle part, which commands Guard Captain A. Chernavin. Fedya was selected in his homeland, in the destroyed village of Voronezh region. Together with part, he participated in the battles for Ternopil, the Germans knocked from the city with a machine-gun calculation. When almost the entire calculation died, a teenager, together with the surviving fighter, took over the machine gun, long and stubbornly shooting, delayed the enemy. Fedya was awarded the medal "for the courage".

Vanya Kozlov, 13 years old, He stayed without relatives and for the second year is in the motorized rifle part. At the front, he delivers food, newspapers and letters to fighters in the most difficult conditions.

Petya tooth.No less difficult specialty chose Peter's tooth. He has long decided to become an intelligence. Parents killed him, and he knows how can you settle with the damned German. Together with experienced reconnaissance, it gets to the enemy, reports its location, and artillery for their pointer gives fire, crushing fascists. "(" Arguments and Facts ", №25, 2010, p. 42).

And sixteen-year schoolgirl Olya Demise with his younger sister Lida At the station Orsha in Belarus, on the task of the commander of the partisan brigade, S. Zhulin was exploded using magnetic mines tanks with flammable. Of course, the girls attracted a much less attention to German security and policemen than teenage boys or adult men. But after all, girls fit into the dolls, and they fought with the soldiers of the Wehrmacht!

Thirteen-year-old Lida often took the basket or bag and went on railway tracks to collect coal, producing intelligence on German military echelons. If she was stopped by watch, she explained that he collects coal to pull the room in which the Germans live. Mama Oli and younger sister Lida Fascists grabbed and shot, and Olya continued to fearfully fulfill the tasks of partisans.

For the head of the young partisani Oli Demes Fascists promised a generous award - the land, a cow and 10 thousand stamps. Copies of her photography were distributed and sent to all patrol services, policemen, old builders and secret agents. Seek and deliver it alive - this was the order! But I could not catch the girl. Olga destroyed 20 German soldiers and officers, allowed 7 enemy echelons under Sunshi, conducted intelligence, participated in the "Rail War", in the destruction of German punitive divisions.

Children of the Great Patriotic War

What was with children in this terrible time? During the war?

The guys worked in the factories, factories and industries, putting on the machines instead of the brothers and fathers who went to the front. Children worked on defense enterprises: they made fuses to miners, smeared to manual grenades, smoke checkers, color signal rockets, collected gas masks. Worked in agriculture, grown vegetables for hospitals.

In school sewing workshops, pioneers sewed for the army underwear, gymnasters. Girls knitted warm things for the front: mittens, socks, scarves, sewed brushes for tobacco. The guys helped the wounded in hospitals, wrote a letter to their dictation with their own, put the concerts for the wounded performances, arranged concerts, causing a smile among the exhausted war adult men.

A number of objective reasons: Care of teachers in the army, the evacuation of the population from Western regions to the eastern, inclusion of students in labor in connection with the departure of the Familian feeding war, the transfer of many schools under the hospitals and others, prevented deploying in the USSR during the war of universal seven Training started in the 1930s. In the remaining educational institutions, training was conducted in two or three, and sometimes four shifts.

At the same time, children were forced to store firewood firewood. There were no textbooks, and due to the lack of paper they wrote on old newspapers between the lines. Nevertheless, new schools opened, additional classes were created. For evacuated children, boarding schools were created. For the youth, which at the beginning of the war left the school and was busy in industry or agriculture, in 1943 schools of working and rural youth were organized.

In the chronicles of the Great Patriotic War, there are still many little-known pages, such as the fate of kindergartens. "It turns out that in December 1941 in a deposited Moscow In bomb shelters worked kindergartens. When the enemy was discarded, they resumed their work faster than many universities. By the fall of 1942, 258 kindergartens opened in Moscow!

From memories of Military childhood Lydia Ivanovna Kostyleyova:

"After the death of the grandmother, I was defined for a kindergarten, an older sister at school, mom at work. I went to the kindergarten alone, on the tram, it is in part-time five years. Somehow I was seriously sick, lay at home alone with a high temperature, there was no drugs, it was killed in a rapid pig that runs under the table, but everything went.
My mother saw each other and rare weekends. Children raised the street, we were friendly and forever hungry. From early spring, they ran to Mai, the blessing of the forest and swamps nearby, collected berries, mushrooms, different early grass. Bombings gradually stopped, in our Arkhangelsk the residences of the allies were placed, it brought to life a certain flavor - we, children, sometimes slept warm clothes, some products. Basically, we ate black Shanghi, potatoes, sealing seals, fish and fish oil, on holidays - "Marmalad" from algae, tinted with a swamp. "

More than five hundred educators and nannies in the fall of 1941 digging the trenches on the approaches to the capital. Hundreds worked on logging. Educators, who were still a dance with children, fought in the Moscow militia. Under Mozhaisk heroically, the teacher of Children's Garden of the Baumansky district Natasha Yanovskaya died. Educators remaining with children did not make exploits. They just saved the kids who have fathers fought, and the mother stood at the machines.

Most kindergartens during the war were boarded, the children were there afternoon and night. And in order to feed the children at half ago, protect them from the cold, to give them a drip of comfort, to take them with the benefit for the mind and soul - for such a job there was a huge love for children, deep decency and limitless patience. "(D. Shevarov" World News ", №27, 2010, p. 27).

Children have changed games, appeared "... a new game - to the hospital. The hospital was played before, but not so. Now the wounded for them are real people. But in the war playing less often, because no one wants to be a fascist. This role is Trees are performed. They are shooting with snowballs. We learned how to assist the victims - fallen, bruised. "

From the letter of the boy Frontovik: "We used to play the war before, and now much less often - the war would have been tired, would rather it end so that we would live well ..." (ibid.).

In connection with the death of parents, many street children appeared in the country. The Soviet state, despite the difficult wartime, still fulfilled its obligations to children left without parents. A network of children's receivers and orphanages was organized and opened to combat hopelessness, employment of adolescents was organized.

Many families of Soviet citizens began to take to their orphanswhere they have gained new parents. Unfortunately, not all the educators and leaders of children's institutions were characterized by honesty and decency. Here are some examples.

"In the autumn of 1942, the children who stolen potatoes and grain with collective farms were caught in the Pochinkovsky district of the Gorky region. It turned out that the" harvest was collected "the pupils of the district orphanage. And they did this not from a good life. During further Investigations, local policemen revealed a criminal group, and, in fact, a gang, consisting of employees of this institution.

In total, seven people were arrested in the case, including the director of the orphanage of Novoshelsev, an accountant of the bedrooms, a mostertower of Mukhin and other faces. When searching, 14 children's coats were seized, seven costumes, 30 meters of Sukna, 350 meters of manufacture and other illegally assigned property, with great difficulty allocated by the state in this severe wartime.

The consequence found that by non-idle the relying norm of bread and products, these criminals only during 1942 cleared seven tons of bread, half-tons of meat, 380 kg of sugar, 180 kg of cookies, 106 kg of fish, 121 kg of honey, etc. All these deficient products workers of the orphanage sold on the market or simply ead themselves.

Only one comrade of new settlers daily received on himself and members of his family fifteen servings of breakfasts and dinners. Due to the pupils, the rest of the service personnel was well eaten. Children were fed with "dishes" cooked from the crown and vegetables, referring to a bad supply.

For the whole of 1942, they only once issued on one candy for the 25th anniversary of the October Revolution on one candy ... And what is the most amazing, the director of the orphanage of Novoseltsy in the same 1942 received an honorary diploma for excellent educational work from the People's Commissariat. All these fascists were deservedly sentenced to long-term detention periods. "(Zephyrov M.V., Decalarev D.M." Everything for the front? As the victory was actually a victory, p. 388-391).

At such a time, the whole essence of man appears .. Every day, stand before the choice - how to do .. and the war showed us examples of great mercy, great heroism and great cruelty, great meanness .. We must remember this !! For the future !!

And no time can cure wounds from the war, especially children. "These years, that were once, the bitterness of childhood does not allow ..."

Project "Tell the Children on War"

Information card project

  • Project Type: Creative, Socio-Significant.
  • Project participants: Children, group teachers, music leader, physical education instructor, parents.
  • Duration of the project: February - May 2015.
  • Children's age: 4 - 5 years


Creative social and significant project "Tell children about war" Implements educational area "Socio-communicative development" , reveals the content of the work on the organization of various types of children's activities: reading, discussing literary texts, viewing paintings, listening to musical works, watching video films, animated films, presentations, productive and gaming activities.

Proposed forms of work with project participants: exhibition works of joint creativity of children and parents, master class, competition of readers, family journal, excursions, literary living room for group parents, project presentation reveal questions from familiarizing children of 4-5 years with a heroic feat of our people and their Ancestors during the Great Patriotic War.

The project is addressed to educators, specialists, DOU, will also be useful to parents for home sessions with children, as a prepared for implementation, a methodological manual.


The significant problem, on the solution of which the project is sent:

Modern children do not know what war is, the Victory Day is a holiday that every child should know. It is necessary since childhood to tell children about the war, about the war of war not only for soldiers, but also for the whole country, for ordinary people. For our children, this is already a very distant past, but it is impossible to forget it, we should always remember those who gave life for a bright future for us. Parents surveys have revealed no sufficiency of the level of competence in solving this problem within the family. Project "Tell children about war" Looking for and finds ways to solve the problem in the framework of the active interaction of all participants in the educational process.

Work on the implementation of the project provides for three stages - preparatory, activity and final. In the system web of the project contains forms of educational activities, taking into account all educational areas. The appendix contains additional materials - photos and video materials, cards of visual-methodical manuals, a list of literature used, the abstracts of activities.

Project goal: Creating conditions for education in children and their parents of respect for the memory of ancestors - participants in the Great Patriotic War.

Project tasks:

For kids:

  • To give children the initial idea that the people remember and honor the memory of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945, in honor of the heroes of which poems and songs are made, monuments erect.
  • Call an emotional response to the heroic intonation of works of fiction, visual arts, music.
  • Give ideas about the holiday of Victory Day to children, explain why he is so called and who congratulates on this day.
  • Railing patriotic feelings for the heroic events of past years, respect for veterans, rear workers, children of the native city, who ruled on their shoulders.

For teachers:

  • Improve the level of professional competence in the matter of patriotic education of children of the middle group, by familiarization with the heroic past fellow countrymen.
  • Create conditions for the development of children of creative perception of works of fiction, CNT about war.
  • Promoting the formation of initial ideas about the heroic feat of the Russian people during the Great Patriotic War.
  • Stimulate the speech activity of children through involvement in the process of discussing works of fiction, CNT, visual art, presentations, animated films, videos with songs about the Second World War.
  • Encourage creative initiative in children, confidence, activity, independence.
  • To bring up in children a respectful attitude towards veterans, the workers of the rear, children of war, transferred severe time.

For parents:

  • Promoting children to the historical past big and small homeland.
  • Contribute to preservation and continuing the continuous communication of generations.
  • Revive in memory of knowledge about the heroic past of family members, our people.
  • Take an active part in educational activities.

Methods used:

  • Gaming;
  • Verbal;
  • Visual;
  • Practical

Find reflection in all types of joint project activities.

Project participants: Children, group teachers, music leader, physical education instructor, parents of pupils.

Dates of project implementation: February - May 2015.

"Tell children about war"

Criteria and project performance indicators

"Tell the children about the war"

  1. Resolves the purpose and objectives of the moral and patriotic orientation, taking into account the integration of educational areas - social and communicative development, artistic and aesthetic development, cognitive development, speech development, physical development;
  2. Design and project implementation, increases the level of self-education of teachers in matters of spiritual and moral and patriotic education of preschoolers;
  3. Use of the local history component (Meetings with chatters-tickets of the rear, excursions to the museum of military glory in MBOU SOSH No. 4. Shatura, to the Memorial F.T. Zharova, Monument I.I. Borzova) Practices love for his native land, respect for fellow countrymen.
  4. The selection and adaptation of the visual didactic material in accordance with the age of children, contributes to the formation of the initial ideas about the Second World War.
  5. Acquaintance with the heroic feat of the Russian people proceeds against the background of integrating creative cognitive, productive, communicative, game activities.
  6. Active, positive and productive interaction of all participants enhances the educational impact on children.

Criteria and project performance indicators:


  1. Have initial ideas about the Great Patriotic War, Victory Day festival;
  2. Can explain the meaning of the words Great Patriotic War, Hero, Veteran, Tar Tire, Victory Day;
  3. With interest they listen to stories, poems, musical works about the Second World War, consider the reproductions of paintings and express their attitude;
  4. Read by heart poems about war and victory;
  5. Understand the meaning of proverbs and sayings about the world, friendship, war;
  6. The stories that guests invited guests are listening to the stratum assistance in the Great Patriotic War;
  7. Own elementary information about relatives who gave military duty to the Motherland during the Second World War;
  8. Have a desire to continue acquaintance with the heroic events of the Second World War;
  9. Own elemental communicative skills in gaming activities.


  1. Competent in matters of spiritual and moral and patriotic education of children of preschool age;
  2. Creates a RPPS for the formation of elementary ideas about the Second World War, Victory Day festival;
  3. Affects the development of game plots;
  4. It is able to bring children to the manifestation of a creative initiative in mapping their attitude to peace and friendship through visual activities;
  5. Involves parents of pupils in project activities.


  1. Show a conscious attitude towards the problem of the admission of children to the heroic feat of the Russian people during the Great Patriotic War;
  2. In communication with children discuss the heroic past of family members who gave their duty to the Motherland during the Great Patriotic War;
  3. There are creative activity in collaborative activities with children when creating a postcard veteran;
  4. Takes an active part in the project events.

Expected project results:

For kids:

  • The formation of initial ideas about the Second World War.
  • Manifestation of interest in the feat of the Russian people in the years.
  • The statement of your attitude towards the heroic past of the Russian people.
  • Emotional response to works of fiction, CNT, visual creativity, musical art about the feat of the Russian people, holiday - Victory Day.
  • Development in children of communicative skills in gaming activities.
  • Participation of children in the process of discussing works of fiction, CNT, works of visual creativity.
  • Respectful attitude to veterans, rear workers, children of war.

For teachers:

  • Improving the level of professional competence in the issues of familiarizing children of preschool age with the feat of the Russian people.
  • Created conditions for the formation of elementary ideas about the Second World War, holiday - Victory Day.
  • Pedagogical and educational impact on the development of gaming actions.
  • Manifestation of creative initiatives, confidence, activity, independence in mapping your attitude to peace and friendship in visual activities.

For parents:

  • Conscious attitude towards the acquisition of children to the origins of the heroic past of our progenitors.
  • Systematizing knowledge about the pedagogical and educational impact of applying information on the exploits of the Russian people during the years in communicating with children.
  • Active participation in project activities.
  • Replenishment of creative piggy banks graphics.

Form of the final project of the project:

  • Creating an exhibition "The world and friendship need everyone" .
  • OOD.
  • Literary living room .

Project Products:

For kids:

  • Creative drawings "The world and friendship need everyone" .
  • Organized educational activity "Salute over the city in honor of the Victory Holiday" .
  • Competition of CHTERS. "Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten" .
  • "Postcard veteran" .
  • Stock "Postcard veteran"
  • Literary living room .

For teachers:

  • Increasing the level of professional competence in the formation of elementary ideas about the heroic feat of the Russian people in children of preschool age.
  • Creating a developing subject-spatial environment for familiarizing children with the concept of war, victory.
  • Exhibition of children's drawings "The world and friendship need everyone" .
  • Card file EOR "These days will not last fame ..." .
  • Card file of works of fiction and CNT about war.
  • Exhibition of works of joint creativity of children and parents "Postcard veteran" .
  • Literary living room "I read a letter, which is already yellowed for years" .

For parents:

  • Creating an album "There is no family in Russia where would not remember his hero" .
  • Participation in the creation of RPPS to familiarize children with the concepts of war, victory.
  • Literary living room "I read a letter that already yellowed over the years" .
  • Exhibition of works of joint creativity of children and parents "Postcard veteran" .
  • Stock "Postcard veteran" . Visit to the Council of Veterans of the SCMR MO.
  • Laying colors to the heroes Alley.

List of references to project

"Tell the children about the war"

  • Verasca N.E. "From birth to school" Approximate secondary education program for pre-school education (Pilot version) / NOT. Veras, TS Komarova, MA Vasilyeva - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2015. - 352c.
  • Antonov Yu.A. "The Great Victory is dedicated" / Antonov Yu.A. - m.; TC Sphere, 2010. 128С. - (Library of the educator) (5) .
  • Golitsyn N.S. "Abstracts of complex-thematic classes. Medium group. Integrated approach. " / Golitsyn N.S. - M.: Scripture 2003 , 2013. - 224С.
  • Gubanova N.F. "Development of gaming activities: the average group" / Gubanova N.F. - M.: Mosaic Synthesis, 2014. - 160c.
  • Dina O.V. "Introduction to the subject and social environment. Medium Group » / Dybina O.V. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2014. - 96C.
  • Komarova TS ""
  • Stepanenkova E.Ya. "Collection of moving games for children 2-7 years old" / Stepanenkova. E.Ya. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2012. - 144c.
  • Tarabarina T.I. "Origami and child development" / Tarabarina T.I. - M. "Academy of Development" , 1997. - 106С.
  • Toroptsev A.P. "To know and remembered" Toroptsev A.P. - M.O. "Moscow region" , 2014. - 220c.

Internet resources:

  • Http: // www videos. YouTube. COM /
  • Pictures https: // Yandex. ru / images /? CLID \u003d 1872363 & WIN \u003d 138 & REDIRCNT \u003d 1428259088. 1 & uinfo \u003d SW-1093-SH-614-WW-1093-WH-514-PD-1. 25-WP-16x9_1366x768
  • Poems for children about HTTP: // Tanyakiseleva. RU / STIXI-DLYA-DETEJ-O-VOJNE /
  • Baby songs about the war http: // AllForchildren. RU / SONGS / VOV. php.


Methodical materials for the project

"Tell children about war"

Outdoor games:

"Who is faster - that commander?"

Purpose: Theise for children to perform actions on the signal, the development of organized, independence, speed, dexterity.

Game traffic:

On the chairs, placed in several rows, as in the army, are clothing objects. At the team, children should get dressed as soon as possible. Wins one who all actions makes faster and right. The winner is appointed commander.


Purpose: Development of children's activity in games with objects, the ability to maintain friendly relationships with peers.

Game traffic:

Children of both teams are divided into pairs. Each pair is given a gymnastic stick. Participants of the same command stand on one side from the designated line. At the signal of the leading participants in the teams try to drag the enemy to their side.


Game traffic:

Children "Neutralize" (Collect) "Mines" (discs), advancing on the bumps.


Purpose: Development of speed, endurance, dexterity, skills perform actions on a signal.

Game traffic:

First communication (participant) Stretches cable (cord), overcoming the bar of obstacles.

The second connection, overcoming the obstacle installs a telephone vehicle, leaving calls for calling: "The first, first, I second, how to hear, take .


Purpose: Development of dexterity, speed, children's activity in games with objects.

Game traffic:

Children fall into the tank (target) Grenats (bags).

"Grenades in the box"

Purpose: Development of agility, speed, attention, children's activity in games with objects.

The number of players: 1 - 6 people.

Inventory: Balls for dry pool.

Game traffic:

  1. Adult poured on the floor Colored plastic balls (grenades) And asks the children to collect them, bring and put in the box.
  2. You can complicate the game by putting several obstacles before scattered balls that the child must overcome to collect balls (for example, by moving through a log, bench, etc.).
  3. You can use balls of different colors and sizes and ask for children to collect balls selectively: or only small, or monochrome.

"Scouts" (Zhmurki with a bell)

Purpose: Development of dexterity, speed, children's activity in games with objects.

Game traffic:

Scouts 2-3 people (Zhmurki) With closed eyes catch "Languages" . Enemies (other children) Run around the hall and ring bells.

"Sit down quietly by the watch"

Purpose: Development of the ability to run easily, rhythmically, vigorously pushing the sock, education of independence and initiative in organizing acquaintances. Education of the Command Spirit.

Game traffic:

Children are divided into groups of 5-6 people. They are behind the line at one end of the site. Choose watering (patrol). He gets up in the middle of the site. At the tutor signal, the children of one group silently move on the other side of the site. If the sentient will hear the noise of steps, says: "Stove" And running stop. Without opening the eye, the walkler shows where noise hears. If he correctly pointed out, the children go aside if they were wrong, children return to their places and run again. So alternately run all groups of children.

Wins the band that did not hear the leading (patrol). When repeating the game, the recorder changes.

"On the border"

Purpose: Development of agility, speed, endurance, flexibility, skills to play with objects, perform actions on the signal.

Game traffic:

Children depict border guards, two guys are prescribed by sentry with the dog. "Border Guards" Resting, warm by fire, etc. In the other end of the site are automata.

"Hourly" Holds "Dog" on the raise and goes along the line (borders). Suddenly "dog" Twists cord. "Hourly" screaming "Anxiety!" Handling this signal all "Border Guards" Must quickly take automata and build along an imaginary border. Two children who will resort to the border before everyone will "Watch" and "Dog" In the next game.

Rules of the game: "Border Guards" Must is as far as possible from the machine guns. Weapons are not allowed to take in advance.

Conversations with children

Subject: "Letters from the front"

Educator: War went, and life continued. Houses soldiers waited for mother, wives, children. They wrote to the front of the letters and looked forward to the answer - news from the front. In the rare moments of silence, the soldiers rested, considered photos of relatives and close people and wrote home letters: S. Glushko-Kamensky. 22. 01. 1944.

Do not be sad, my sweet

do not be sad, my tender,

I did not forget you

in a stormy rumble of days.

I just see you

through snowmetitsa snow

And the desire to see himself

all stronger and stronger.

We go west

excreting the invaders

They are on our land

nor there is no place!

Splits of our guns,

fire machine guns

Each day is approaching

victory dawn!

I'm fighting and me

for killed comrades

Our blow to the enemy

all stronger and stronger!

Do not be sad, my sweet

do not be sad, my tender,

I did not forget you

in a stormy rumble of days.


Educator: Who is this letter written?

Children answer.

Educator: How does a fighter name calling this letter?

Children answer.

Educator: For what soldiers are twisted with damned enemies?

Children express assumptions.

Educator: What did all the defenders of our homeland believed?

Children express their thoughts.

Educator: Many grief brought fascists to our land: Zhgli villages, destroyed cities, killed civilians - women, old people and children. One hope remained at the people - on our army, durability, courage, the heroism of our soldiers and officers. And they justified the hope of their wives, mothers and children - all who waited for them, believed them and wrote letters. Guys, on this poster you see photos of war years and triangular envelopes - letters of one of our homeland's defenders from the front. The soldier who wrote these letters died as many fighters for our homeland. They remained forever young at the pictures and in the memory of people.

Everyone who died, defending Fatherland, will forever remain in our hearts!

Conversation "Motherland-Mother calls"

Educator: Russia - the country is beautiful, rich, and very many ingenians would like to own her treasures. Our country has repeatedly had to reflect the attack of enemies. This year we celebrate the 70th anniversary of the victory over the fascist Germany.

Before attacking our country in 1941, fascist Germany seized many other countries: Poland, Czechoslovakia, France, Austria, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia. All factories and factories in Europe worked for her. The head of Germany was Adolf Hitler, who dreamed of seizing and enslaving the whole world.

In the summer of 1941, June 22, at dawn, Hitler troops without warning attacked our homeland. Fascists tried to deprive us of freedom, capture our lands and cities. So the Great Patriotic War began. The fascist army was very strong, she had many military equipment: tanks, airplanes, warships and well-trained soldiers, so our troops first retreated. But the fascists calculated. They did not know that our people had a very strong power of will and spirit.

Look at this poster. Herakli Moiseevich Tidze drew him and called "Motherland - Mother calls!" .

Educator: Where is the name of the mother-mother of our people?

Children. On the defense of the Fatherland.

Educator: What kind of mood gives the motherland to the people?

Children's statements.

Educator: What else do you see on a poster?

Children's statements.

Educator: Why is there so many weapons for a woman?

Children express their assumptions.

Educator: This mother calls all his sons and daughters to enter the ranks of the army, to be honest, brave, disciplined fighters, to the Poshesky sigh, to be devoted to their people. She urges everyone to defend their homeland from enemies - courageously, skillfully, with dignity and honor, without sorry for his blood and life.

And all the inhabitants of our huge country as one rose to the defense of the Motherland and Freedom.

The red in the summer of everything in the forest is a lot - both mushrooms of any and all sorts of berries: strawberries with blueberries, and raspberries with blackberry, and black currant. Girls walk in the forest, the berries are collected, the songs are sinking, and the Mushroom Borovik, under the Double Sidychi, and drink, sinks, from the ground rushing, the berries are angry: "You wick that they were gone! It happened and we are in honor, but Nowadays, no one will look at us! Wait, - Borovik thinks, all the mushrooms head, - us, mushrooms, the power of the Great - I will hugging it, the sweet berry! "

Having thought about Borovik War, under the oak Sidychi, on all the Mushrooms, Glyadyuchi, and he became the mushrooms to convene, began to help squash:

Go you, waves, speak at war!

Refused the waves:

We are all old old women, are not guilty to war.

Go you, hints!

Oven refused:

Our legs hurt the fine, do not go to war!

Hey you, Smorky! - shouted Mushroom Borovik. - War it!

Refused smurchchki; They say:

We are old people, so where we are at war!

Mushroom became angry, Borovik got angry, and he shouted with a loud voice:

Gudget, you guys are friendly, go with me to fight, sculpture to beat the berry!

Responsible freight with priests:

We are freight, brothers are friendly, we go to war with you, on the forest and field berry, we throw her caps, fifthly stood!

Having said this, the freight climbed together from the ground, the dry leaf over their heads raises them, the Terrible Raint rises.

"Well, being trouble," the green grass thinks.

And at that time, the Varvara's aunt came with a box in the forest - wide pockets. Having seen the Great Gruzny Actuate, Ashvenla, sat down and well, mushrooms to take a time to put in the body. I got it complete-full, raised to the house of the house, and the houses disassembled the fungi because of the birth, yes on the rank: the waves - in the rods, foams - in barrels, smruhchki - in the bugs, the ground - in the body, and the largest mushroom-borovik got into a mating; He was pierced, dried and sold.

Since then, has stopped a mushroom with a berry fight.

Conversation with children:

  1. What is the name of the fairy tale?
  2. Who first started war and why?
  3. What do you think mushrooms refused to go to war?
  4. What ended the war of mushrooms with berries?

4. Pre-school education during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945)

On June 22, 1941, fascist Germany treacherously attacked the Soviet Union. Among the difficult losses, our country suffered during this unprecedented in the history of the war, there was also the destruction of numerous institutions, cultures, schools and preschool institutions.

Despite the difficult military and economic situation, the Communist Party and the Soviet government continued to take care of the normal activities of the school and educational institutions. Particular attention to the party and the government have given the provision of normal living conditions, upbringing and learning hundreds of thousands of children who have lost their parents and resettled to the eastern regions of the country. In early 1942, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR adopted a special decision to combat children's carelessness, according to which special commissions were created at the regional executive committers, and in the district departments of public education, the posts of patronization and fighting neglected inspectors were introduced, a network of children's children and orphans were created, Employment measures of senior adolescents.

The whole country participated in the salvation of children. Supported by the state, a movement was launched on the adoption of orphans. Only in the Tashkent 643 families took up the education of orphaned children, and in general, thousands of families did this in the Union. A wide network of orphanages, boarding schools and groups of extended day was organized. Only in Uzbekistan over 100 thousand children left without parents, they received proper care and upbringing. There was a whole system of measures to protect and strengthen the health of children, children's canteens opened, in the summer there were numerous pioneer camps and playgrounds. In the spring of 1944, a government decree was fully fulfilled and then fully fulfilled $ 500,000 organized forms of organized summer holidays of school and pre-school age.

During the Great Patriotic War, it was extremely difficult for pre-school education. Many pre-school institutions were destroyed by fascist invaders; The evacuation of the same considerable masses of the population to the eastern regions, the large employment of women in production sharply strengthened the need for kindergartens and nursery. New pre-school institutions usually opened with evacuated enterprises. The time of staying children in them was increased, groups with a round-the-clock stay of children received widespread. There was a new type of educational institutions - pre-school boardings in which children temporarily lost contact with their parents. Preschool children's houses received widespread.

In particularly difficult conditions, pre-school institutions of precipitated cities and the localities were worked in the area of \u200b\u200bfascist aviation. Here, teachers with children most of the time were forced to be in bomb shelters.

Of great importance for the development of pre-school education was taken in 1944 by the decision of the USSR SCSR "On events to expand the network of children's institutions and the improvement of medical and domestic services for women and children." The decision provided for a whole range of measures to improve the work of various types of preschool institutions, such as Nursery, kindergartens, orphanages and consultations.

As a result of a complex of events undertaken by government agencies, by the end of the war, the number of preschool institutions in the USSR and the number of places in them even exceeded the pre-war level.

In preschool institutions, much attention was paid to the physical development of children, as well as the upbringing of their feelings of patriotism, internationalism, love for the Soviet army.

An important role in the development of theoretical and methodological issues of education was played by scientific and practical conferences, the beginning of which was laid in the pre-war years. In the period 1941-1945 16 such conferences were held on various issues of the theory and practice of pre-school education.

In December 1944, a new "Charter of the kindergarten" was adopted, a detailed crime of the most important issues of kindergartens and playing a major role in organizing pre-school education in the post-war years. The development of "Guidelines for a kindergartal teacher" containing software and guidelines for work in various age groups has been particular importance to work in various age groups, which contributed to improving practical work.

The adoption of new "Charter" and "Guidelines ...", the active use of which began after the end of the war, was evidence of the significant development of the theory and practice of pre-school education in the USSR

5. Development of pre-school education in the post-war years and during the period of developed socialism

In the first postwar years, pre-school institutions destroyed by the fascists were fully restored and the tasks of strengthening their material base were consistently solved consistently, improving the level of pedagogical work, improving training.

Huge attention was paid to strengthening the health of children, weakened sent to sanatorium kindergartens.

Due to the fact that the training began to start from 7 years old and children of two ages left for school gardens to school - 7 and 8 years old, many places were released in preschool institutions, which made it possible to cover a greater number of children. However, the need for kindergartens increased everything, because In the postwar years, the fertility has significantly increased. This question was especially acute in rural areas, where there were few kindergartens to war.

The Soviet government released huge funds for public pre-school education. At the same time, an improvement in educational and educational work in kindergartens was required. The XX Congress of the Party indicated the need to embark on the importance of the important task of the public education of children - to the coverage of all children of preschool age, whose parents will wish this, state-owned nurses and children's gardens. New kindergartens were built there, where the need for them was felt more acute, namely: with new enterprises where many women worked.

In 1949, the decision of the Central Committee of the WCP (b) and the Council of Ministers of the USSR "On measures to expand children's preschool institutions and their maternity hospitals and the improvement of their work", in which the general public was brought to the construction of children's homes. Measures were taken to strengthen the composition of the heads and educators and the improvement of pedagogical work with children.

In the "Guide for Educators", published in 1953, many issues of educational work in kindergarten were considered in a new way. Child learning was recommended to be carried out in an organized form - in classes. The software material was designed for a certain number of classes for each age group of kindergarten.

At the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR and at the Department of Preschool Pedagogy, scientific studies of the problems of pre-school education were conducted.

A valuable contribution to the theory and practice of Soviet pre-school education was the study of A.P.USova, who were devoted to the development of issues of content and methods of pre-school learning, as well as its influence on the mental development of the child. A.P.USova made an important step forward in the development of the basic provisions of preschool didactics. Under its leadership, employees of the preschool education sector of APN RSFSR for the first time in a new way developed theoretical foundations of training in kindergarten; A program was identified that it should have been learned by children during their stay in kindergarten.

A.P.USova was developed issued in 1947 a methodical letter "Mandatory classes in kindergarten". Her books "Classes in kindergarten" and "Questions in kindergarten" brought great benefit to practical workers. Solving the problems of preschool education A.P.USov came to the conclusion that in order for the child to successfully develop in mental attitude, it is necessary to organize his sensual experience, develop its sensory abilities. Research in the field of sensory education, held under its leadership, enriched the theory of preschool pedagogy, they are important in their practical and to this day.

A great importance for the development of pre-school education in the USSR, the decision of the CPSU Central Committee and the USSR Council of Ministers "On measures to further develop children's pre-school institutions, improving the education and medical care for children of preschool age". The decision provided for a whole system of measures of material and pedagogical nature. In pursuance of this resolution, the Council of Ministers of the RSFSRA approved in 1960 "Provisional Regulations on the Preschool Children's Institution of the Small Garden." The position indicated that the nursery was created with the aim of the "implementation of a unified system of communist education of children of preschool age." Children from two months to seven years are brought up in the nursery-gardens. These children's institutions can be created both in the system of public education authorities and under enterprises, institutions, collective farms and other organizations. Control over the selection of managers and pedagogical workers is carried out by public education authorities.

The importance of the development of pre-school education institutions was emphasized in the CPSU program, where it was said: "The communist system of public education is based on the public education of children. The educational influence of the family on children must be increasingly organically combined with their public education. "

The development of a network of pre-school institutions and boarding schools of various types will ensure complete satisfaction of the needs of workers in the public education of children of preschool and school age at the request of parents.

The development of pre-school education in the USSR at the present stage is determined by the "Fundamentals of the legislation of the USSR and the Allied Republics on Folk Education", adopted by the USSR Supreme Council in 1973. In 1973, the tasks of pre-school education, the principles of organization and management of preschool institutions were formulated. The relevant laws are adopted in all union republics.

The development of pre-school institutions as state institutions is constantly included in national economic plans. In the decisions of all party congresses, which were made on the development of national economy, plans for the development of pre-school education were reflected. At the sessions of the Supreme Soviets of the USSR and the Union republics, when discussing national economic plans, these issues are discussed along with the most important tasks of economic construction.

In the development of a pre-school case in the USSR, the role of the public is constantly increasing. Where the executive committees of local councils of people's deputies are constantly held under the control of the development and operation of a network of children's educational institutions, all the problems are solved faster, including the interests and needs of the population in them are fully satisfied. Characterist in this regard, the movement, started in 1976, the newspaper Izvestia on the initiative of a group of women deputies. Izvestia began to control the commissioning of new pre-school institutions in the republics, edges and regions. This undertaking contributed to the successful implementation of the planned plans.

Project direction: Naturally - scientific
Project Type: Creative, group, short-term.
Patriotic feeling does not arise in itself. This is the result of a long, targeted educational impact on a person, starting from childhood. In this regard, the problem of morally - the patriotic education of children of preschool age becomes one of the relevant.
As a result of systematic, targeted educational work in children, elements of citizenship and patriotism can be formed.
It is impossible to be a patriot, without feeling a personal connection with a homeland, not knowing how our ancestors were bold and defended her ancestors, our fathers and grandfathers.
It should not be forgotten that the war is one of the most important historical experiences and practices in the formation, reproduction, upbringing and perception of this man. The image of a warrior remains one of the key characters of masculinity. This is especially important for modern children. For normal development, boys and girls need a mutual image of a real man gradually becoming a reality, finding its incarnation in specific people.
That is why we found it necessary to highlight for children a feat of their people during the Great Patriotic War.
Problem: The current generation does not know anything about the Great Patriotic War.
Objective of the project: Education in children of senior pre-school age morally - patriotic qualities and feelings of pride for their homeland.
Project tasks:
Expand and systematize the knowledge of children about the Second World War.
To form moral and patriotic qualities: courage, courage, the desire to protect their homeland.
Contribute to the manifestation of interest in the history of their country.
Relieve respect for the older generation in children.
careful attitude towards family photos and awards,
Project participants: Children of the senior group, parents, educators.
Duration of the project:
3 months.
Terms of project implementation:
February, March, April.
The main forms of project implementation:
View the presentations about the war;
Consultations for parents.

Stages of project implementation:

Preparatory stage (information - cumulative, organizational)
Collection of literature on this topic;
drawing up a work plan;
Development of project content
Conversations on the topics: "The Great Patriotic War", "Why is the war called the Great Patriotic War."
The main stage (practical)
Reading artistic works:
- Poems and stories about the Great Patriotic War "Victory will be behind us",
- S. Alekseev "From Moscow to Berlin",
- K. Powesty "Geek Rhorenogo Geek",
- N. Khodza "Road of Life"

V.N. Sementsova "Fikus Sheet"
Listening to music about war:
- "Victory Day" D. Tukhmanova,
- "Cranes"
- "Sacred War" SL. V. Lebedeva-Kumacha,
- "Katyusha" M. Blanter,
- V. Alkina "Farewell to Slavica",
Conversations with children on topics:
"Children and War", "the feats of children - the heroes of war" (from the series "Children of War"); "Holiday. Victory Day";
Thematic classes on themes: "Children on War", "Victory Day", etc.
The story of the great-grandfather, one of the pupils, Melnik Ivan Ivanovich about the difficult years of war.
Showing presentations for the topics: "Children of the heroes", "Heroes of the Second World War", "We are proud of you."
Consultation for parents: "How to tell a child about war?"
Exhibition registration: "Thank you for the victory!" (Military shape, photos, photos - albums of brothers, dads, grandparents, who served in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Soviet and Russian Army), (responsible parents of pupils and educators).
Conducting the physical culture holiday "Zarnitsa" (Participants: Children, Parents)
Exhibition of crafts dedicated to the Second World War.
Excursion: to eternal fire, monument G.E. Sobyanin, the laying of colors with the flooded heroes of the Second World War.
Excursion to the village library.
Productive activities with children on the topic: "Equipment of the War Years", making festive cards for veterans, rear workers.
Final stage (generalizing):
Node on the topic: "What do I know about the war?"
Protection of the project in kindergarten;
Exhibition of crafts (together with parents) on the topic: "In memory of the war";
Creating an album "You are our pride" - participants in the war and workers of the rear in the world of our village;

The estimated result of the project:
1. The knowledge of children about the Great Patriotic War is expanded.
2. The skills of productive activities are fixed when creating and designing the album "You are our pride."
3. A good attitude towards participants in the war, rear workers, careful attitude towards family photographs and relics (medals, orders, etc.).
4. Continue to form morally - patriotic qualities of pupils.
Product of project activities

Creation and design of the album "You are our pride" - the participants of the war and the workers of the rear in the world of the village of Igrim

The abstract of thematic classes in the senior group "Children's War"

Purpose: to introduce children with combat awards, which were awarded warriors during the Great Patriotic War, with the Victory Banner, which was watered over Reichstag; Reliable respect for the root fets of fighters and commanders, pride in their people, love for their homeland.
Equipment: Collection of stories "Children - Heroes of the Great Patriotic War"; Stand with photos of orders and medals; The image of the Victory Banner, a clear-didactic manual "The Great Patriotic War in Artists" (Publishing House "Mozaica-Synthesis"), Reproduction of Pictures O. Ponomarenko "Victory", V. Bottkin "Sturm Reichstag", Music recordings of songs of the Great Patriotic War.

Travel course:

1. Organizational moment
At the beginning of the classes, we listen to a fragment of the song "Victory Day" (Music D. Tukhmanova).
Educator: What kind of holiday speaks this song? (This holiday is called Victory Day.) What was it for the victory? (It was a victory in the war.)
What do this war call? (This war is called "Great Patriotic War".)
What do you think, what does the word "Fatherland" mean? (The country in which we were born and live. Country of our parents - fathers and mothers and our ancestors. Our homeland - Russia.)
2. Assimplement of the new material
Educator: Children, soon our country will celebrate Victory Holiday. On this day, veterans - warriors of that distant war can be found on the streets of the city. May holiday - Victory Day - the whole country notes. Wear our grandfathers. Martial order. Today we will see awards - orders and medals who were awarded warriors during the Great Patriotic War. (View photos with orders.)
Educator: Four and a half years lasted the Great Patriotic War.
A lot of troubles and grief, she brought Russian people - many cities and villages turned into ruins, thousands of people died. Protecting his homeland, soldiers and commanders fought, without sorry for life.
Educator: What do you think, why a warrior could get an order or medal?
In the early years of the war, the fighters and commanders were awarded the orders of the Red Banner, the Red Star, the Medals "for the courage", "for military merit". (Consider the illustration.)
During the fighting, it was necessary to allocate the feats of fighters, celebrate the art of military leaders. Then the Order of the Patriotic War, Suvorov, Kutuzov, Alexander Nevsky, and others were approved.
For valiant defenders of the cities-heroes, special medals "For the defense of Leningrad" were manufactured, "for the defense of Sevastopol", "For the defense of Moscow".
Even children were awarded orders and medals (photos of children).
Educator: Guys, what do you think, awards were awarded only at the front? And those people who worked in the rear also committed feats? Have women heroini among the defenders of the Fatherland? Today we learned a lot about the awards that heroes celebrated during the Great Patriotic War. Memory about these people we will keep forever.
3. Viewing a presentation

Victory Day One of the most revered holidays in our country. Further and further leaves from us on May 9, 1945, but we still remember which price this victory to our people got.
It was 9 May that all the inhabitants of our vast country celebrate the Great Holiday Victory Day. On this day, military parades pass in all cities, there are flowers to the grave of an unknown soldier, they congratulate veterans, a festive salute is given. (Slide 1-2).
But why veterans, participants of the great war, are so sad, why tears stood their eyes? What do they remember this day? What was this war? What price got the victory to our people? (Slide 3).
About the great war and today our story will go. It was when our country Russia was called the USSR, when your great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers were young, beautiful, full of strength. They were happy, dreamed of the future, thought that in their lives everything would be fine. But their dreams did not have to come true.
A terrible force appeared in the world - fascism. Skressed the caterpillars of tanks, bullet was witnessed. Step by step, the fascists captured one country after another, destroyed the city, exploded monuments, robbed and killed people. And getting closer and closer to our homeland. (Slide 4).
On June 22, 1941, without declaring the war, the fascists attacked our homeland. Bombs fell out, enemy soldiers stepped on our land, the Great Fatherland of War began. (Slide 5).
All the inhabitants of our country took the weapons and stood up on the defense of our Motherland. (Slide 6) - Sacred War Song.
The enemy was very strong. It was difficult for our fighters. The soldiers of our army beat the enemy in the air, on the water and on earth and drove it from the expanses of our land. Fights went and in the summer heat and in the winter stepped. Along with men fought (slide 7-8-9).
Herway had to go during the war to children. Baby gardens and schools did not work. Many children remained quite alone, their parents died. And some boys became the "sons of regiments", their hungry and unfortunate, they took the soldiers to themselves, and the children went with them into battle, fighting very brave. War learned children crying. Children clearly learned a lesson - they will pay - shoot. Their fragile shoulders lay the severity of military adversity and disasters. (Slide 10, 11, 12). And very dreamed of peaceful life. The poem "I'm in the soldiers play."
And in the distant rear of women and children worked at military factories, they did planes, weapons, shells, dug trenches, tried to help their fathers, sons, husbands, front. (Slide 13, 14).
But no matter how hard it was our people on the front and in the rear, there was always time for music and songs. It was the music that raised the morale of our fighters and led them into battle, it was the songs that they added their strength and raised the morale to our people. (Slide 15). Chastushki, Song "Katyusha".
For a long four years, this bloody war lasted. During this time, a huge number of not only soldiers, but also civilians. (Slide 16-17).
And this long-awaited day came - 9th of 1945. On this day the war ended. Our troops defeated fascists not only in our country, but also freed the inhabitants of other countries. (Slide 18). Many features made our warriors during the Second World War. The poem of the city of Rublev "It was in May ..."

The victory was happy with the whole country, but this joy was with tears in his eyes, since in each family, in every house someone died on this terrible war. Every year, people carry flowers to monuments, defenders of our Motherland, to the tomb of an unknown soldier. Pooh "Victory Day"
No one will never forget the feat of our people in the Great Patriotic War. Song "Victory Day".
4. Fizkultminutka "Our Motherland is strong"
5. Fastening a new material
Q: In order to maintain the memory of the heroes of war, monuments are installed in cities and towns.
The Kremlin Wall in the capital of our Motherland, the Hero City of Moscow at the grave of an unknown soldier burns eternal flame. This is the fire of our memory, the symbol of what we remember about the events.
There is another very important symbol - this is the banner of victory.
Educator: Let's look at the image of a victory banner.
What color is the banner of victory? (Banner of red victory.)
What is shown on the banner? (Victory banner depicted: star, sickle and hammer, inscriptions.)
In those days, our country Russia was part of the state, which was called the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The state flag of the Soviet Union was red with a golden star and a golden sickle and a hammer. Sickle and hammer are symbols of labor and workers, those who work in factories and factories growing bread, the star is a symbol of defenders of the Fatherland. These symbols are depicted on the Banner of Victory, only they are applied on the cloth white paint. The inscriptions on the Banner of Victory talk about what a military unit belonged to this banner.
Events related to Victory's banner took place at the very end of the Great Patriotic War. And before that, in heavy battles, Soviet troops liberated their homeland from brutal invaders. They also freed many other countries: Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Austria, and, finally, assigned to the capital of fascist Germany - Berlin city.
In the center of the city battles turned around each house, for each street. Especially heavy was the assault building of the fascist government - Reichstag. To overcome the stubborn resistance of the fascists, it was necessary to fight for each floor, for each room. And now, finally, the assault groups of Soviet soldiers climbed to the roof. The Banner of Victory was waving over Berlin - this meant that the war was over, the long-awaited victory was conquered. Then the victory banner was transported to Moscow to participate in the Victory Parade.
I suggest drawn the banner of the victory.
Song "Dark Night"

Svetlana Gusev

Today I want you talk about the Great Patriotic Warwhich happened when we were not yet, and our great-grandfather and great-grandmothers were very young.

Once upon a time, our country was called the Soviet Union. It was called the Soviet Union because our country was friends with other countries - this is Ukraine, Belarus, Caucasus countries, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Estonia, Uzbekistan, and created a large Union of these countries. The most important thing in the Soviet Union was the Secretary General (in our time this profession is called "The president") Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin (photo show). Stalin loved his people and cared for him. There was a red flag on which the sickle and hammer were depicted, as a symbol of hardworking of the Soviet people (flag display). All the peoples of these countries were friendly, they helped each other and did not hurt anyone, they lived well. But, now, once the evil enemies were envied by our friendship, how our people live well. And they decided to attack us.

Guys, do you know who our enemies were? True, fascists from Germany. The most important fascist was Adolf Hitler (Show). He was the most angry, the most cruel. His people nicknamed "Letoth". He commanded the army of fascists. Fascists also had its own flag with a broken cross sign (show). Remember it guys, this is a sign of evil, and if you suddenly see such a sign from an unfamiliar person, be sure to tell adults, because only the fascists wear it.

They attacked our country early in the morning, at 4 am, June 22 on Sunday, when all people slept peacefully. German fascist Germany treacherously without ad war, attacked our country. German aircraft with bombs climbed into the air and began to bomb cities and ports, airfields and railway stations, bombs flew to schools, kindergartens, Hospitals and residential buildings. How thunder, sprouted fascist automata and guns. Air filled with dust from tanks and trucks (Show). Fascists tried to deprive our people of freedom, seize land and cities. Enemies counted Place with us quickly and rapid blows.

But they deeply calculated. Our Red Army under the leadership of Stalin and his commander Zhukov and Konev was strong. As one, our people rose to protect their homeland and freedom. All men from the villages, villages, cities went to war - defend your homeland (on the front (this is the line of arrangement of troops, to the foremost (The first strip of battles) (Show). Relatives and relatives accompanied them with tears in their eyes (Show). On advanced hunger, heat or cold, the explosions scream, bullet whistles. Not knowing the rest, soldiers, dragged heavy guns on themselves, led Aimicious fire and died for their country (Show). Heavy and bloody was war. But the fighters did not spare themselves, defending their homeland. "Victory will be ours!" - These words sounded everywhere.

The enemy was very strong and cruel. You could not calmly watch our Russian women, how are the fascists in the Russian land, as the tops of green grass, how burn the villages and destroy the cities, so they walked to help our men to the front. Women's detachments were created (Show). At the front, women were scouts, nurses - they endured the soldiers from the battlefield, tied up, sent them to the hospitals. Every fighter and commander knew that in battle near "Sister", a fearless person who will not leave in trouble will provide first help, drag off to the shelter, hide from bombing (Show) (Showing a medical and field bag, by signaling, (Showing a military field phone).

Soviet partisans were in the forests, they helped the Red Army fight with the fascists. They exploded the railways for which the fascist trains went, attacked fascist detachments, freed villages captured by enemies.

And those women, children and old menwho did not fight, they worked in the rear. They grown bread, sewed clothes, made weapons on plants, combat equipment, i.e. provided with all the necessary soldiers fighting at the front (Show). They were also very hard. From morning to night to exhaustion, they worked. To overcome a strong enemy, it was necessary to arm well, our troops. "Everything for the front, everything for victory!" - It was their motto.

During the bombing, people hid in the basements, in the cellar (Show). And at night, all cities plunged into complete darkness. At that time, the windows were sure to be a light-discontinuation that hid the light of sometimes burning candles or kerosene lamp (showing, glass in the frames, the cross will be crushed (show, because they could break off the explosive wave. The life of people in those days was difficult and disturbing. In There were no warmth houses, the products were issued on cards, because most of the products were sent to the front.

Difficult, hungry and cold war years are often called dashing, evil years. They were hard to go to the whole of our people, but especially hard to children (Show). Many remained orphans - fathers died on war, others lost their parents during bombing, the third lost not only relatives, but also of the house (show, the fourths were on the territories occupied by the enemies, the fifth - in captivity of the Germans (Show). Children were face to face with a cruel, merciless force of fascism. Many of them stood on a par with adult shoulders to the shoulder to defend their homeland. (Show). Among children There were a lot of heroes and they were awarded battle orders and medals.

The Great Patriotic War lasted long 4 years war Tens of millions of people participated in it, tens of millions of people participated in it, to participate in it demanded from our people a huge tension of all physical and spiritual forces.

Ended war in May 1945. Soviet warriors were freed from fascists not only our country, but also other European countries. The last battles were in Berlin - the capital of Germany. They went fights for each street, for each house. But Soviet soldiers at the cost of their own lives saved Berliners from bullets and shells. And now, finally, our soldiers took Reichstag (building where the German government worked) And installed on his roof a red banner. This meant the victory of our country in Great Patriotic War(Show). All the fascists were captured (Show). Under the walls of the Kremlin, they burned their fascist flags. (Show)

On May 9, 1945, thousands of people went to the streets of the capital. The people were shoved and sang, right on the streets people danced, laughed, cried, strangers hugged each other. It was the holiday of all the people with tears in the eyes! Everyone was happy great victory over the enemy and mourned dead (Show).

In honor of Great Victory was lit"Eternal flame" In memory of the dead soldiers who defended our homeland. Every year a victory parade is held (Show).

In the years Great Patriotic War Peoplewho distinguished in battle, the command was awarded awards - orders and medals. The orders and medals could be awarded for the fact that the fighter, being in a tanned tank, continued to perform a combat challenge; For the fact that in battle has disabled at least two tanks or three enemy aircraft; for the fact that the soldier broke into the enemy's territory and personal courage helped the success of a common cause; captured the prisoner of an enemy officer. Among the awarded, there were many intelligence officers who destroyed the warehouses of opponents with military property in night campaigns, the cost of their own life was mined with valuable information, thereby saving the lives of many people. (Sharing orders).

Now you know that one of the most cruel and bloody wars In the history of Russia called Great Patriotic War. The victory of our army and all of our people is the main event in the history of Russia! Evil and cruel enemies received a decent fire. The courageous and brave soldiers never lost the strength of the Spirit, fought until the last, defending their homeland, their home. We won because all the people of our country rose to her defense. Remember war and techWho brought victory - it means to fight for peace. It is impossible to forget the war. Let's remember and proud of our great country!

Children were shown orders, military field telephone, military uniform (cinema cinema, sinel, gymnaster, halifer pants, pylon, commander hat, kizzy boots with spheres, belt officer and an ordinary, item bag with content, military-field bag of nurses , triangular letters from the front, photos of times war, Military equipment, banners.

Publications on the topic:

Parent meeting in the preparatory for school of the group "Women Aviators in the Great Patriotic War" Parent meeting in the preparatory for school group Theme: "Women - Aviators in the Great Patriotic War" goal: to expand knowledge.

Patriotic education of the younger generation is one of the most urgent tasks of our time. It is necessary to restore this connection to.

Every year is distinguished from us the victorious May 1945. But this sacred day remains in the memory of generations as an example of persistence, courage.

An abstract of open classes for the children of the senior group to the Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War "Children Heroes" Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution No. 10 "Bee" The abstract of open classes for the older group dedicated to the day.

Scenario of the event "Evening readers of poems about the Great Patriotic War" for children of the preparatory group Objective: Education in children of patriotic feelings for their country, for their people. Tasks: - to summarize and systematize the knowledge of children about history.

Cognitive quiz for the senior and preparatory group dedicated to the Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution No. 10 "Bee" Cognitive quiz for senior and preparatory group,.

The project "To remember" on musical education dedicated to the Great Patriotic War for children of the preparatory group Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten No. 32 "Stork" (MBDOU № 32 "Stork") Project "To remember" on the musical.

Scenario May 9 for the preparatory group. Dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War Music director Tatyana Fokina MBDOU #16 Miass Chelyabinsk Region Objective: to instill with children respect for the history of Russia, the Urals. A task:.

Purpose: upbringing morally - patriotic feelings from preschoolers through joint events of children, parents, and teachers, through.

Matinee "Eternal Feat" dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War for the children of the senior group (5-6 years) Huge preliminary work was preceded by holidays. The thematic week "We will tell the children about the day of victory."

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