Story about love Mary and Dubrovsky. "Relations between Masha and Dubrovsky

Story about love Mary and Dubrovsky. "Relations between Masha and Dubrovsky

One of the important storylines of the novel is the story of the love of Dubrovsky and Trocery.

In a cold empty church there is a wedding. Masha Troekurov is issued married to an unloved person much older than her. Neither tears nor plenty of the girl touched the hearts of the Father. Masha was hoping for a miracle until the last minute. She was waiting: Dubrovsky and upset wedding. The miracle did not happen, the rite was over. Young villages in the carriage and went to the estate of Prince Veresky. Suddenly, the horse stopped, the door carriage opened open, and some kind of man in the half mask turned to the young princess: "You are free, exit." It was Dubrovsky. However, Masha shook her head and replied mournfully that she was now the wife of Prince Veresky.
... Vladimir Dubrovsky and Masha Troekharov early lost their mothers. They played children together, and then Masha promised to be a beauty. Vladimir was given up to be brought up to St. Petersburg, and Masha grew in front of his father. Met young people with sad circumstances.
Vladimir left Petersburg and returned to the estate of his father, when I learned that Andrei Gavrilovich at death. To take revenge on Cyril Petrovich, Vladimir settled into the house of Troceryov Gutener his son Sasha. Hiding under the name of the Frenchman Defforta, Vladimir had the opportunity to be near Masha. Gradually, Masha realized that it was not indifferent to the young Frenchman. And now she received a note from him with an invitation to come in a gazebo at the stream. Masha was waiting for recognition, and it followed. Dubrovsky opened Masha that he is not a French deforest at all, and the son of Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky, the worst enemy of her father.

ak Masha found out that Vladimir is the leader of local robbers. She found out that for her for her, he refused to meet her father. Dubrovsky could not be able to stay more in the local places, but he asked Masha to remember that she loved her and, if necessary, would always come to her help.
And Masha took the help of a loved one: her was to marry the old prince Veresky. The girl gives to know about it to Vladimir, but Dubrovsky is late.
Faithful debt, Masha can not follow her beloved: she is wedd in the church and now belongs to another ... Carrett with Masha and her old husband moved to the Prince's estate ...
So sadly ended the romantic story of the love of Masha Trocery and Vladimir Dubrovsky.

We are talking about the unfinished novel of Pushkin "Dubrovsky". With the same perfection, Pushkin owns all possible clauses and types of literature: from the penetrated lyrical poem to the novel. The specifics of the novel (we met with this genre for the first time) is the complexity, the branchedness of the plot, the narration of the life of many actors, the interests and fate of which are encountered and intertwined.
- Prove that the work we study is a novel. (There are several storylines: the image of the Russian Baria, the relationship of the peasants and the nobles, the theme of the peasant rebound, the love line; the variety of characters.)

"But who Pushkin himself called the main heroes of the work?" Find lines confirming it. (Chapter 3: "But the reader's time to introduce our story with the real hero of our story" - about Vladimir Dubrovsky; Chapter VIII: "Daughter Kirill Petrovich ... There is a heroine of our story" - about Masha.)
- So, today in the center of our attention - one of the most interesting plot lines of Roman: Love - and its main characters, Vladimir and Masha. We write the topic of the lesson. We have a big and interesting job - during the analysis of individual heads of novel, to reveal the nature of the relationship between the main characters. Turn to the text of the work.
- What do you think, what made Vladimir Dubrovsky penetrate the house of Trocery?

On such a simple, as it still seems to be six hundredmakers, they quickly answer the question that Dubrovsky wanted to take revenge on Troshekurov. I draw their attention that in Chapter X "the author clarifies the reason for this risky act:" I followed you, jumping from the bush to the buncher, happy thoughts that we were guarding that for you there is no danger where I am present secretly. Finally the case has introduced itself. I settled in your home. "
- According to this action, we define the nature of Dubrovsky's relation to Masha (Dubrovsky is in love with Masha. For her, he risks life. The desire to be next to her, constantly seeing it - the main reason for his risky act.)

To understand how the nature of the relationship between the heroes is folded, as follows, how Masha reacted to him. To do this, let us recall the role of whom Vladimir in the house of Trroecarov appears.

- How did Masha react to the appearance of a new person in the house? Confirm text. (Chapter VIII: "Masha did not pay any attention to the young Frenchman

- Why did Masha dotted the young Frenchman? What event made her change his attitude to the teacher?

- Yes, this is an episode with a bear. Now we will see a fragment of the art film "Noble Robber Vladimir Dubrovsky" (His name we will discuss later). Think what kind of character qualities showed a definer while in the "Bear Room". (Students celebrate the determination of the main character, courage, composure, the ability to stand up for themselves.)

- What has changed in the nature of the relationship of Masha to the deform? Confirm text.
(Chapter VIII: "She saw that courage and proud pride do not exclusively belong to one class, and since then has become a young teacher with respect, which an hour from the hour became careful ... After that, the reader is no longer difficult to guess that Masha fell in love with him, I myself still do not confess yourself in that).

- What do you think, why Pushkin chooses the verb "fell in love", and not "loved you", why does not strengthen it with any epithet: dusty, passionately? (Love -
Deep feeling, and love is a light, romantic feeling. Masha first saw a strong, bold hero. She only read about such heroes in novels. In her young heart wakes up a romantic feeling. Therefore, the verb "fell in love" more accurately. Her imagination draws her a new hero, and such a hero becomes a definer.)

- At the beginning of the XII, Pushkin chapters again writes about the feelings of Masha. Find the lines: "She began to understand her own heart and admitted, with an involuntary annoyance, that it was not indifferent to the advantages of the young Frenchman ... She missed without definition, he was remembered in his presence, he wanted to know his opinion and always agreed to him. Maybe she was not still in love, but with the first random obstacle or a sudden persecution of fate, the flame of passion should have broken into her heart. "

- Now about obstacles. Why does the definer appoint Masha a date in the garden? (I need to leave the definition, as he revenged the Spitzina, who he had money from him. Now it is important for him to explain with Masha.)

- What did you count on to hear Masha? ("She had long expected recognition, wishing and fearing him. She would be nice to hear the confirmation of what she guessed ...")

- And what he heard? Let us turn to the text and find the answer to the question: "Why did Vladimir refused to revenge?" (CHAPTER XII: "I realized that the house where you live are sacred, that a single feeling associated with you by the bonds of blood is not subject to my curse. I refused to change, as from madness-.)

- Developing the storyline just as the conclusion leaders the readers of Pushkin? (Love gives birth to the best feelings in man. She, Masha, his beloved, forced Vladimir to refuse to revenge in one existence.)

- We are clear to the feelings of Vladimir? What words give his condition? ("He grabbed her hand and pressed against the flaming senses")
"But" Mary Kirillovna stood motionless. " What does it say about?

- What do you think I change in the nature of the relationship of Masha to Dubrovsky? (A 3-year feeling scares her, especially now, when she found out that the definer was
- What event was the reason for the second date of the heroes? (Watching Prince Veresky.)

- knowing that his favorite father is forcibly married, is Vladimir experiencing hate? (Chapter XV: "Oh, as I should hate, but I feel now in my heart there is no place of hatred")

- Who else is obliged to Masha's life? (Prince Veresky. In Chapter XV, Vladimir says:
"I am not the throne of him, the will your own for me is sacred. You owe it life)

- With what condition does it agree to escape with Dubrovsky? (Chapter XV: "Then,
Then there is nothing to do, come for me, I will be your wife. " If the father does not touch her tears, she agrees to be with Dubrovsky.)
- Pay attention to the end of the head of the XIV. What does Masha reason? ("No, no," she repeated in despair, "it's better to die, better in the monastery, I'd rather go for Dubrovsky.")

- Does Masha Dubrovsky love? (Pushkin's direct response does not give. Fate wife
The robber scares it. They will have to live constantly hiding; And for Masha, very
obedient, homemade girls, it is very hard and scary.)
- What do you think, why, when Masha still decided to ask for help from Dubrovsky, Vladimir is late for such a fateful moment to the beloved and wedding of Masha and the prince took place? (With the circumstances of the circumstances, their union and happiness are impossible.) We look at the episode of the art film and think about the question: "Why did Masha refused to help Vladimir's help after the wedding?"
Discussion of a fragment. The sense of duty, honor takes the top. She was ready to become the wife of the robber, but she cannot bear through the oath.
"Why didn't Pushkin left his hero at the head of the rebeling peasants?" Why does Dubrovsky break up with his "accomplices" and advises them to change their craft?
We summarize the reflections of students: Dubrovsky is not the leader of the rebeling peasants. Pushkin emphasizes the personal motives of his rebellion. But now, when Masha became the wife of the prince and their lives went different ways, he no need to stay here, nothing else is holding him here. In addition, Vladimir understands how terrible life is when you are "in the runs." You do not need to live. After reading in the VIII class, the Roman "Captain's Daughter", we will understand and the attitude of Pushkin to the Bunta: "Do not bring God to see the Russian riot, meaningless and merciless!"

    The main character of the story of A. S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky" is a young barin, the image of which is shown in development. Before our eyes there are a number of events from the life of Vladimir Dubrovsky, and gradually we will learn a lot about him. We get acquainted with Vladimir ...

    Plan to the topic: 1. Who is Shabashkin. 2. His appearance. 3. How did Shabushkin rendered to the desire of Trocery to take possession of a stranger. Why he did not refuse to participate in this wrong. 5. What methods of Shabashkin achieved the execution of the desire of Trocery. 6 ....

    A.S. Pushkin is a great reformer not only a Russian literary language, but also Russian prose. He adopted a rule that "accuracy and brevity are the first advantages of prose." Roman "Dubrovsky" confirmation of this. This is a novel about a young man who ...

    On the pages of the story A. S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky" we meet with the two most fully outlined female images: Masha Trocery and Nanny Vladimir Dubrovsky - Egorovna. Neither the difference in years nor belonging to different estates does not interfere with these women ...

    Roman A. S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky" does not leave anyone indifferent from readers, and it is not at all surprising. In this work, the problems of the relationship between landlords and peasants, fathers and children, as well as all the peripetics of that difficult time are shown. Big ...

    In the first our acquaintance with Vladimir Dubrovsky, the nobleman, the Guards Cornet, and his future appears before us, the Guards Cornet, is not much thinking about where the money comes from and how much of their father is there. With the problem of lack of money ...

Last week, I called my friend, all exhausted and tortured: for a week they could not write an essay on the "Dubrovsky" with a six hundred-grader. I asked to help ... I did not read the "Dubrovsky" as a shame. I did not read anything at all from the school program, except for the Master and Margarita. Total for all 10 classes - just one Bulgakov book ...

Meanwhile, everything was "on the top five", without exception (!). As it went out - I won't do it :) And the teacher in literature, Lyudmila Ivanovna, seeing my excellent written words and considering me a literary flea, never asked verbally. So all the 10 school years I have and the annual five in literature. And she went to the diploma, yes-s ...

Returning to Dubrovsky: it was 10 pm, and a friend is dear-favorite, so there was nothing to do - I climbed on my favorite to seek "our everything". The two last heads of the work ran through his eyes, read the plot at Wikipedia, wrote an essay. The next day, the son of the girlfriend brought home "five" in literature (what I had no doubt).

I lay out here - suddenly some kind of cub are useful. Use! I, if necessary, still squeeze ...

"Dubrovsky". Attack on the wedding train. Illustration: D.Shmarinov

The subject of the essay is

« History of love Masha and Vladimir »
(on the work of A.S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky"

"Transfer with dignity that you can't change."
Lutions Anne Seneca

On the pages of the story A.S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky" I met with two romantic heroes - Masha Trocery and Vladimir Dubrovsky. In the fate of these heroes, much in common: about the same age, both early lost mothers, grew by the only children in the family.

Masha "grew in the eyes of the parent", "Father loved her to madness." Masha was meek, modest, obedient.
Vladimir Dubrovsky, with eight years, was brought up in the Cadet Corps, from where he came as a cornet in the guard. He lived in St. Petersburg. "Being wasteful and ambitious, he allowed himself luxurious whims; He played the card and entered the debt, without worrying about the future, and anticipate himself early or later rich bride, the dream of poor youth. " However, learning from the nurse that the father is bad, immediately threw everything and drove home. Having appeared in the house, he decided to take revenge on Barina Kirill Petrovich Troekhurov, who selected the manor of the kysterovka at the father of Vladimir - Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky.

Going to the Patient Father, Vladimir saw Masha and fell in love. In an effort to be closer to her, Dubrovsky fell into the Trocery house under the guise of the Frenchman Defforta Teacher. In the house to him, as a teacher, treated with respect, especially after the case, when Vladimir, in an angry joke of the owner of the house, was locked in the same room with a bear. And if before everything, who was so laughed, fell into fear, then Vladimir was shown in this situation the courage and determination. He won a furious bear.

Prior to the case of the bear Masha, despite the good location of Vladimir, referred to him cool. She did not pay out "no attention to the young Frenchman ..., the teacher was for her the genus of a servant or a master, and the servant Ile Master did not seem to her a man." Meanwhile, the brave act of Vladimir, who was not confused in a fight with a bear, and his words that he it does not intend to endure the offense, for which, in its rank, cannot demand satisfaction, made a strongest impression on the young lady. For the first time, she looked at Vladimir not as a servant, but as in decent respect, and maybe the love of Cavaller.Masha "saw that courage and proud pride do not exclusively belong to one class - and since then has become a young teacher with respect, which an hour from the hour became attentive." We can say that it is the story with a bear, in which Vladimir showed all the power of his spirit and a firm character, became the beginning of his mutual love with the young lady.

Dubrovsky honest. He openly admitted Masha that the robber, and at the same time promised to be devoted to her and offered his help.

Meanwhile, the father of Masha - Kirill Troshekurov, "decided to give his daughter for the elderly prince. In love with Vladimir Masha, of course, was against marriage, however, because of his modesty, he could not openly move the father. And then the case was when Masha decided to take advantage of the help of Dubrovsky. She was waiting for salvation from him until the very last moment. Even during the wedding in the church, Masha was still hoping for the help of Vladimir. Help came, but late ... By the time Dubrovsky arrived at the hell with his friends-robbers, Masha was already married and became his wife who was unloved by her Prince. Despite his feelings for Dubrovsky, Masha did not change the oath brought in the church. Accustomed to obedience, modest and restrained, she answered Vladimir: "I gave an oath, the prince is my husband, order to free it and leave me with him. I did not deceive. I waited for you to last minute ... But now, I tell you, now late. " Realizing that her fate was solved that Dubrovsky could not help her, and that she would forever become his wife of another, Masha was not rushed away at the first opportunity. She met her new life with dignity, and with the will of the Father, and with marriage.

Yes, and Vladimir himself, too, donated with fate, adequately met Masha and not insisting more on her release. He again retired to the forest, to his friends-robber, and then disappeared abroad at all.

That way began and ended the story of the love of Masha and Vladimir.

Masha and Vladimir were born and raised in different families. The family of Masha Troekherova was very secured, and Vladimir grew up in the poor family. According to views and character, they also vary greatly. Vladimir never bothered the future, he was gone to the means, a lot of himself allowed. Masha was very well brought up, educated, loved to read French novels, she is modest and loves to dream.

When a definer appeared in the house, he did not impress any impressions on Masha, but when he courageously led the beast, and killed a bear, Masha struck this act, and she appreciated the definer and changed his attitude towards him. Young people began to communicate more and spend time together, Masha possessed a good hearing, so the Frenchman began to do music with her. Time passed, and the definer conquered the heart of a young girl. When Masha found out at a meeting in the garden that Dubrovsky was very surprised in front of her. She learned that her feelings were mutual.

At this time, the father of Masha - Troceurov, a man is very rude and an intense, decided to give Masha married to the old prince of Veresky, for the sake of wealth, which was at Prince. Masha really did not want to marry the old man, but no one was going to consider her opinions. She decided to ask for help from Dubrovsky, as they agreed on the ring, which he gave her, she put in the hollow, with the help of her brother. During the wedding, she was very pale and looked unhealthy, she was constantly waiting for Dubrovsky, but he was never. She had to agree to become a wife of Veresky. When they went to the estate after the wedding after the wedding, Dubrovsky stopped their carriage, he wanted to give her freedom. She did not agree, as it was already engaged and gave an oath.