Decoding Solzhenitsyn. "Crack case

Decoding Solzhenitsyn.
Decoding Solzhenitsyn. "Crack case

Treatment of Alexander Solzhenitsyn in Oncology in Tashkent in 1954, he was reflected in the "Cancer Corps" novel.

Roman received fame thanks to Samizdat and foreign publications in Russian and in translations in Western publishers.

The novel was one of the reasons for the award of Solzhenitsyn Nobel Prize. "New World" issued a work only in 1990

Scene line and main characters

The action takes place in the walls of the 13th oncological corps of the urban hospital under the Tashkent Medical Institute.

Scary fate disposes of the fate of the main characters, sending some dying, others seem to be issued with an improvement from the hospital or translated into other branches.

Before fate, everyone is equal, and a demo schoolboy, a boy with an adult look, and the Kostoplotov Hero-Frontovik's former prisoner, and Pavel Rusanov - an employee, a professional personnel and an unbelievable jammer.

The main event in the book is the opposition of the heroes of the writer himself, derived in the work under the name of Oleg Kostozhlotov and the former Rusanov Donzer, both of them on the threshold of death and both fight for life at the time when it seemed to be an uncomplicable Stalinist car.

Vadim Zatsyarko standing on the threshold between life and death and, despite everything, working on scientific labor, the result of all his life, although the month of the hospital bed no longer gives him the confidence that he can die the hero who committed the feat.

The lonely librarian Alexei Shubin, despising his own silent life, but nevertheless the socialist ideas of morality and others, which seemed to be completely ordinary people who are thinking over their lives and their own moral behavior in the dispute with the Kostoplototh. All of them are in a permanent dispute and lead their struggle with each other and with the disease, and with their own morality and soul.

The main thing in the book

The story is terrible, unusually acute, heroes balance literally on the verge of everyday life and their own hopelessness. It does not matter when and where the action takes place, it is important that it is going on in the head of the patients of hospitals standing on the threshold of death, which is happening in the shower, as the body suffers, and how to exist with all this. The author focuses on the sensations of heroes, their fears for the state of the doomedness, where they barely warm the hope of a miracle, for recovery. And then, and then everything is a point, the reader himself thinks the end of the fate of the heroes.

After reading, I want to destroy this book to destroy it, so that only those misfortunes are on myself and your loved ones, but, probably, it is better not to touch her too terrible book. In addition, all these experiences in the book exist and the second bottom, the work conducts a sharp comparison of the doomedness of cancer patients with a consequence, victims a. And cured, seemingly illness and suddenly gained freedom could turn into an unexpected side to a person and illness, and arrest together with the investigation can return back.

Among all this, it seems to be hopeless, painful moral experience in the book is not forgotten by the topic of love, love men to a woman, a doctor to their difficult work towards their patients. The author to its heroes, such recognizable and so unusual. The story makes it possible to understand the life sense, raises the questions of good and evil, truth and lies. The book teaches the concept of value of life, teaches to be responsible.

"We have to build moral Russia - or no one, then anyway."
"Only faith in humans and gives hope."
A. I. Solzhenitsyn

Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008) - the Nobel laureate in literature (1970), a powerful political figure, a person, whose share of so much tests and losses, which would be enough for several lives. He was a student, a soldier, ZECK, a school teacher, an exile in his fatherland. The authorities have always been inconvenient and the tough struggle with which he ended with the full expulsion of him from the country. In 1969, Solzhenitsyn was excluded from the Union of Writers of the USSR. One of the first raised the topic of "Stalin's camps". All his life served Russian literature, and his soul was incentively sick for the Russian people. Even in the emigration, he suffered on the issues of the spiritual healing of Russian society: how we learn to "live by lies" and at the same time not to lose themselves.

In the work of Alexander Isaevich, on the thought of N. A. Struve, one of the deepest Christian revelations was reflected - the elevation of the individual through its voluntary self-assembly. The thought in Solzhenitsyn: Through self-affirmation, a person loses himself, through self-restraint - again acquires. In his work, Solzhenitsyn alleged the ability of the person who passed through all the horrors of the XX century, to gain and keep themselves.

The story "Crack Corps", written in 1963-1966, was published in Russian in 1968 in Germany and France. And in the same year in December Solzhenitsyn was awarded the French Prize "For the Best Foreign Novel". The story was published in the homeland only in 1990 in the magazine "New World" (№6-8).

The work is based on the experiences related to the disease, which was diagnosed with the writer in 1952. The prognosis of doctors was disappointing, he remained to live only a few weeks. Pain, fear, despair, incredible gravity of his own burden, and a dreary waiting for the end - all these feelings experienced Solzhenitsyn in those days. In the story, the author is trying to understand: for which such suffering is given that it is impossible. Through the subject of the disease, the writer disclosed the social and social problems of the totalitarian state in the story. Heroes have an idea to build such a society, the relationship in which will flow out of morality. People in such a society will learn to resist physically unhealthy, because if a person is spiritually purposeful and strong, the ailments will not stick to him. And the full cure from the disease is the result of pure conscience. If a person finds the strength for repentance in his non-residenting actions, then the disease will retreat from him. This is such a simple and at the same time a complex philosophy of existence. In essence, this is a Christian philosophy.

The events of the story occur in the hospital building No. 13, where patients with a terrible diagnosis of "cancer" are lying. They resist the disease in different ways. One of the heroes of the novel Pavel Rusanov is tormented by the remorse of conscience, he will have the victims of his former denunciations. Another one - Ephraima Subdiva leaves the memories of how he mocked over the workers, forcing them to bend their back on a crackling frost. The pretty author of Oleg Kontopototov, who was barely lived in the hospital, understood everything about himself, his desperate disease resistance gives positive results.

Life that brings people in the ward of a cancer corps, makes them think and understand the highest purpose of man, answer the most important question: "What is the person alive?". And he is alive with love, in the global understanding of this word.

The relationship between the doctor and the patient, the openness and stateness of the doctors, their dedication to their work, patients are very touchingly described.

I would like to mention a special language of the story of Alexander Isaevich. Back in the 1990s, an attempt was attempting to analyze his author's dictionary. We give examples of some words and expressions: "The cases were swathed" (got), "I wondered in her eyes" (I watched closely), "frequency of questions", "cancer deprivation", "longing to sprink out with the soul" (reset), "he spread very "(Figured). Admires such a master ownership of a word and such a careful and subtle attitude towards the feelings of their heroes.

The final of the story is permeated with the feeling of the celebration of life before death. The hero comes out of the hospital and rejoices a new day, spring, love. It lives hope for final healing and new life.

How today's reader may be interested in Solzhenitsyn's work? The sincerity and frankness of the writer. Alexander Isaevich showed a valuable and unshakable in man that no evil is unable to destroy.

I want to hope that, reflecting, we will still discover all new and new meanings in talented strings of the prose.

TOcreativity of the Great Geniya, the Nobel Prize laureate,lovek, about which it says so much, scary to touch, but I do noti can not write about his story "Crack Corps" - work, which he gave him a little, but part of his life, which

roy tried him to deprive for many years. But he clung to life andcarried out all the concentration camps, all their horror; he isputting his own views on what is happening around, notborrowed by anyone; These glances, he outlined in his ownti.

One of her themes is that, what would be a man, bad or good who received higher education or, on the contrary, noteducated; What would he occupy a position when heeats almost incurable disease, he ceases to be higha devil official turns into an ordinary person,who just wants to live. Solzhenitsyn described life in Rakoin the corps, in the most terrible hospital, where people are lyingdeath. Along with the description of the struggle of a person for life,for desire, just coexist without pain, without flour, Solzhenitsyn,always and under any circumstances differing from his own burdenlife raised many problems. Their circle is quite wide: fromthe meaning of life, the relationship between a man and a woman beforeliterature.

Solzhenitsyn pours in one of the chambers of people of different Nazionalities, professions committed variousideas. Oneof these patients, Oleg Kontoblotov was a reference, the former zack, and the other - Rusanov, the complete opposite of the Kostoploto wu: party leader, "valuable worker, deserved human", deadly party. Showing the events of the Tale first by the eyes of Rusanov, and then through the perception of Kostozhlotov, Solzhenitsyn made it clear that the power would gradually change that the creature would ceaseto give Rusanov with their "personal economy", with their reception timespersonal warning and will live Kostoplotovwho are ne.take such concepts as "residues of bourgeois consciousness" and"Social Proceedings." Solzhenitsyn wrote the story while tryingturn different views on life: and from the point of view Runand from a pointview asi DemosVadim and many others. In something of their viewssimilar, somewhat diverge. But mostly Solzhenitsyn wantsshow the wrongness of those who reflect on the daughter of Rusanov, the rusanov. They are accustomed to looking for people somewhere necessarily below; D.mother is only about yourself, without thinking about others. Kostoplotov - exp solzhenitsyn's ideas; through disputes of Oleg with the Chamber, through itconversations in the camps He reveals the paradoxicity of life, and the exacther, that there was no point in such a lifetime, as well asit makes no sense in the literature that the Avieta exceeds. In herthe concepts of sincerity in the literature is harmful. "Literature - to entertain us when we have a mood bad *- Says Aviet, not realizing that literature is really a teacher of life. And ifit is necessary to write about what should be, then, it will never betruth, since no one can say for sure what it will be.And see and describe what is, maybe not everyone, and hardlyli Aviet can imagine at least a hundredths of that horror,when a woman ceases to be a woman, but becomes a working horse, which will subsequently cannot have children. Zoya Cuttingthe whole horror of hormone therapy watts the whole horror; and what is deprived ofthe right to continue yourself, terrifying him: "First I was deprived of my

own life. Now deprive and rights ... Continue yourself. Kom. andwhy am I going now? .. The worst of freaks! For mercy? .. On the alms? .. "andno matter how much argued about the meaning of life Ephraim,Vadim, Rusanov, no matter how much about him argued, for all he remainsit turns out the same thing - to leave someone after yourself. Costo- glotov passed through everything, and this imposed his imprint on his SISthe topic of values, on his concept of life.

That Solzhenitsyn spent a long time in the camps, tooinfluenced his tongue and writing story. But from thismaintaining only wins, as a person becomes access everything is what he writes about, he would be transferred to the hospital andhimself takes part in everything happening. But hardly anyonewhether from us can fully understand Kostopotova,which everywheresees a prison, trying to find and finds a camp understroke, even in the zoo. Camp crippled his life, and he understands that he is unlikely to be able to start the old life that the road backit is closed. And more millions of the same lost people will choosesheny on expanses of the country, people who, communicating with those who are notcamers concerned, understand that between them will always standthe wall of misunderstanding, just as I did not understand Kostoplotov Lyudmila Afanasyevna.

We grim about the fact that these people who cried lifedisgraced the regime that showed such an irrepressible thirstlife, survived terrible suffering, are now forced to endure the rejection of society. They have to abandon that lifewhich they strive for so long, which they deserve.

Review of the book "Crack Corps" - Alexander Solzhenitsyn, written in the framework of the "Book Regiment # 1" contest.

Until recently, I tried to bypass the domestic literature on inexplicable even for me, but the "cancer corps" was in my plans for a long time ago and was located on the imaginary "I want to read the shelf" in the honorary first rows. The reason for this was the following ...

In only the name of the story of Alexander Solzhenitsyn, an immense fear is concentrated, endless pain and bitterness, bitterness for man ...

Therefore, I could not pass by. The best books turn you inside out. And this could, despite my readiness, despite the fact that I was aware of how hard it would be. The work of Alexander Isaevich became the first, forced me to cry. The situation was aggravated by the fact that the story is largely autobiographical. Solzhenitsyn - a writer, who has undergone many types and deprivation in his life: Starting from the war, arrest, criticism and expulsion from the country, and ending with the oncological disease that served as the basis, I will not be afraid of the word, the great work. And it is here, in the cracked walls of the cancer corps, a writer and concluded all his thoughts and experiences, accompanying him throughout a long and heavy path, the path to the corpus number thirteen.

"For this fall, I learned on myself that a person can cross the line of death, even when his body was not died. Something there in you with blood and digestively - and you already, psychologically, passed all the preparations for death. And survived the death itself. "

It is with such thoughts a person once heard three terrible words "You have cancer", crosses the threshold of the oncological department. And no matter, old you or young, a woman or a man, an exemplary party - a child's child or a prison sentenced to eternal Link - the disease will not choose.

And it seems to me that all the horror of any disease - and even more so, the cancer is concluded, despite the above humility, in the usual human disbelief, in the notorious "maybe". All of us, as the heroes of the story of Solzhenitsyn, trying to dismiss her, divert, convince themselves that with us, under no circumstances, such grief happens, which circle is circulating.

"... I'll suck the oxygen pillow, barely becomes barely, but everything proves the tongue: I do not die! I have no cancer! "

And when they still believe, and most importantly institutedisease - Then, again, weathered begin to ask, for which we are such injustice, yes, in our past, as in the black pit, and trying to find no less black rot in the dotteches in the name of justification, from which this deadly sore and gone. But we don't find anything, because, I repeat, the disease is still. And we know it. But, it seems, this is our human nature - everything is looking for an excuse. Justification for yourself alone and spit on the rest ...

"Your troubles are every annoying."

Its trouble and their own road lead to the thirteenth corps of each of the heroes of Solzhenitsynskaya Tale. I am striking, to what different people can in one beautiful (or not very) day to reduce fate. At such moments really start to believe in it. So found here, in the cancer building, Rusanov and Kostoplotov - two different outresses of one powerful system. Pavel Nikolayevich Rusanov is her adept, an ardent adherent. Oleg Kostozhotov - the victim, a person, forced to drag his existence in references and camps (what is the speaking surname!). But the main thing is not where They meet (the cancer case here speaks only as scenery, if possible). More important here, of course, when! The 50s - a turning point in the history of the Union, and, more consistent, in the history of two specific people - Rusanov and Kostopotov. Stalin's death, emerging conversations about the exposure of the cult of personality, the change of power - all this is pronounced in their reactions: that for one - inevitable collapse, almost the end of life, and for the other - the long-awaited path to liberation.

And when, in the middle of the House of hopelessly patients, useless disintegrations of the regimen breaking fate, when one is ready to convey to the authorities to another "if only they were elsewhere," when the consonants with you simultaneously want and argue - then so correctly and timely, although through force, the hoarse voice of the neighbor Ephrem sounds:

"Why are people alive?"

And, despite dislike and conflicts, united in the face of death, everyone will answer the question in his own way, if, of course, in general can answer. Some will say food with food and nothing workers, the other is the one that the youngest, deck - air and water, someone - qualifications or the birthplace, Rusanov - public good and idea. And the correct answer is unlikely to find. It should not be sought. I think he himself will once find you.

Heavy. I am genuinely seriously aware of how a person, being on the threshold of death, can think at least a minute about the meaning of life. And so with all the story: and read easily, and you are slowly sailing on the rows, and I want to read, read, read, and how to present the patient, you will see in his empty eyes, listen to the words, plunge into the Out of his disorder, maybe wrong But before the madness of strong thoughts - so tears and get rid and stop, as if fearing to continue.

But there is a small thread, stretching to the very finals of the story, which seems to be created in order to save. Of course, we are talking about love. About love is simple and real, without embellishment, about the love of the unfortunate and controversial, but unusually warm, about love bitter and inacked, but still saving.

And therefore I want to say that life wins, and I want to be filled with great hope, and then before the eyes of a deadly sick person, his fat history of illness, metastase and certificate with the inscription tumor Cordis, Casus Inoperabilis (Heart tumor, case, non-operational). And tears.

In conclusion, already leaving the cancer corps, I want to say that I am grateful to Alexander Isaevich for one carefully submitted thought, in which I saw my attitude to the literature, but fortunately, not to people. I am obliged to digest her.

- And what is idols of theater?

- Oh, how often!

- And sometimes - that he himself survived, but it's more convenient to believe yourself.

- And I have seen such ...

- More the idols of the theater are irregularity in harmony with the arguments of science. In a word, it is voluntary misconceptions of others.

I can not add that he felt before the book and the writer an inexpensive sense of shame during reading breaks. "Crack Corps" is a heavy story, which is why it was awkwardly to leave it and return to the real "light" world, I repeat, I was ashamed, but it was necessary to do for obvious reasons.

Crack case is the place in which, alas, cured people are often returned. I will most likely come back to the book. I can not. And not everyone will advise her to read. But I will probably continue to get acquainted with Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn. Later.

Problems of Tale A. I. Solzhenitsyn "Crack Corps"

To the work of the great genius, the laureate of the Nobel Prize, the man, about which so much is said, is scary to touch, but I can not write about his story "Crack Corps" - the work that he gave them and small, but part of his life, which

roy tried him to deprive for many years. But he cling to life and carried all the concentration camps, all their horror; He brought up his own views on what is happening around, not borrowed by anyone; He outlined these glances in his story.

One of her themes is that, whatever a person is, a bad or good, who has received a higher education or, on the contrary, uneducated; Whatever position he occupied when he is comprehended by almost incurable disease, he ceases to be a high-ranking official, turns into an ordinary person who just wants to live. Solzhenitsyn described life in a cancer building, in the most terrible of hospitals, where people are doomed to death. Along with the description of the struggle of a man for life, for the desire simply coexist without pain, without flour, Solzhenitsyn, always and with any circumstances differing from his own burden for life, raised many problems. Their circle is quite wide: from the meaning of life, the relationship between a man and a woman before the appointment of literature.

Solzhenitsyn faces in one of the chambers of people of different nationalities, professions committed to various ideas. One of these patients was Oleg Kontoblotov - a reference, former zek, and the other - Rusanov, the full opposite of the Kostoplotov: party leader, "valuable worker, honored man", a devotee of the party. Showing the events of Tale first by the eyes of Rusanov, and then through the perception of Kostozhlotov, Solzhenitsyn made it clear that the authorities would gradually change, which will cease to exist with their "personal economy", with their receptions of various warnings and will live the Kostoplotov that do not take such concepts as "The remains of the bourgeois consciousness" and "social procurement". Solzhenitsyn wrote a story, trying to show different views on life: and from the point of view of the run, and from the point of view of Asi, demos, Vadim and many others. In some ways, their views are similar, somewhat diverge. But mostly Solzhenitsyn wants to show the wrongness of those who reflect on the daughter of Rusanova, Rusan himself. They are accustomed to looking for people somewhere necessarily below; You just think about yourself without thinking about others. Kostoplotov - an expressant of Solzhenitsyn's ideas; Through the disputes of Oleg with the Chamber, through his conversations in the camps, he reveals the paradoxicality of life, or rather, the fact that there was no point in such a lifetime, as well as it makes no sense in the literature that the Aviet exhibits. According to her concepts, sincerity in the literature is harmful. "Literature is to entertain us when we have a bad mood," says Aviet, without understanding that the literature is really a teacher of life. And if you need to write about what should be, then, it means that will never be truth, since no one can say for sure what it will be. And see and describe what is, maybe not everyone, and it is unlikely that Aviet will be able to present at least a hundredths of horror when a woman ceases to be a woman, but becomes a working horse that will subsequently cannot have children. Zoya reveals the Kostoplotov all the horror of hormone therapy; and the fact that he is deprived of the right to continue himself, terrifying him: "First I was deprived of my

own life. Now deprive and rights ... Continue yourself. Who and why I will now? .. The worst of freaks! For mercy? .. on alms? .. "And no matter how much I argue about the meaning of the life of Ephraim, Vadim, Rusanov, no matter how much about him argued, for all he will remain the same - to leave someone. Glotov passed through everything, and this imposed his imprint on his system of values, on his concept of life.

The fact that Solzhenitsyn spent a long time in the camps, also influenced his tongue and writing style. But this work only wins, as a person becomes affordable everything that he writes about, he seems to be transferred to the hospital and he takes part in everything that happens. But it is unlikely that any of us can fully understand the Kostooplotov, who seems everywhere in prison, trying to find and find a camp approach, even in the zoo. The camp cripped his life, and he understands that he is unlikely to be able to start the old life that the road back is closed. And another millions of the same lost people were thrown into the expanses of the country, people who, communicating with those who did not touch the camp, understood that the wall of misunderstanding would always be between them, just as Kostoplotov Lyudmila Afanasyevna did not understand.

We grieve about the fact that these people who cried life dispersed the regime that showed such an irrepressive thirst for life, survived terrible suffering, are now forced to endure the rejection of society. They have to abandon that life, they strive for so long, which they deserve.