Rasputin lessons of French problem of upbringing. Summary of the lesson "Moral problems of the story of VG

Rasputin lessons of French problem of upbringing. Summary of the lesson "Moral problems of the story of VG

What moral problems rise in the story of "French Lessons"?

    The problems of morality and morality that the author pays attention to, can be called eternal. But where is the line, crossing the act becomes moral and / or immoral? On the example of the story Frenchquot lessons; This is especially obvious: take, for example, a game of money, it morals or immoral? At first glance, the answer is obvious. But not everything is so simple in life, says Rasputin. Even in mind, immoral deeds may be good if they are caused by noble feelings, and the act of Lydia Mikhailovna is confirmed. Sympathy and compassion, the ability to empathize - rare qualities that are sometimes so lacking in life.

    The moral problem of the story of Rasputin Frenchquot lessons; is a search for a response to the question of what morality is. Fabul events shows that conscience and moral on the side of the School Director: he dismisses the French teacher for a gambling game for money with a student, while absolutely sincerely expressing extreme indignation by such behavior. But this man, blindly the next ready-made standards, top-down directives, is not able to understand that the love of the child, the desire to save him is sometimes more important than the dogm. Lydia Mikhailovna realized that a half-rolled boy from pride would not accept help from her directly, so he invites him to play a game that has long been a source of earnings of the hero. The behavior of the teacher gives an understanding that morality often goes beyond the boundaries of generally accepted norms, and sometimes crosses these norms in the name of human salvation.

    The main moral problem of this story is the question of how to stay by a person, if everything in life is not so simple and beautiful, as I would like. Heavy postwar years, a boy going to study in the city at times, it turns out absolutely no money and he has nothing to buy even milk. From hopelessness, he begins to play for money and faces the cruelty of peers, with envy, with meanness and betrayal. This is the negative side of the life that he had to learn the hero.

    And as a counterweight is shown a kind and understanding teacher who is extremely sorry for a hungry and torn boy and who cannot help him openly - because of pride, the boy does not accept her help. But sympathy is a wonderful feeling and teacher finds a way out, she herself begins to play with a student for money. Is it immoral, or is it another lesson that gives no wise teacher to her student? It seems to me that the second. It is unlikely that the protagonist was so naive in order not to understand that the teacher was not at all from Azart decided to play chik. He saw him try to help him, but try to furnish this help in such a way as not to volatile the youthful pride and maximalism.

    And of course, good turned out to be punishable - the teacher is fired. And this is another moral problem - if you strive to help others disinterestedly, you have to be prepared for the fact that it will have to pay for it yourself. And only truly a kind person can go to such a sacrifice.

"French lessons" analysis of the autobiographical story Rasputin you will find in this article.

"Lessons of the French" analysis of the story

Year of writing — 1987

Genre - Story

Theme "French Lessons" - Life in the postwar years.

The idea of \u200b\u200b"French lessons": selfless and disinterested kindness - eternal human value.

The end of the story suggests that even after parting, the connection between people is not broken, does not disappear:

"Among the winter, after the January vacation, I came to school by mail parcel ... They lay pasta and three red apples in it ... I used to see them only in the picture, but I guessed that they were."

"French lessons" problems

Rasputin affects the problems of morality, growing, mercy

The moral problem in the story of Rasputin's "Lessons of French" in the education of human values \u200b\u200b- kindness, philanthropy, respect, love. A boy who lacks money for food, constantly experiencing a sense of hunger, he does not have enough gear from matter. In addition, the boy was sick, and to cure, he needed to drink a glass of milk a day. He found a way to make money - played with boys in Chiku. He played quite successfully. But having received money for milk, left. Other boys counted this betrayal. They provoked a fight and beat him. Not knowing how to help him, the French teacher offered the boy to come to her on classes and eat. But the boy was confused, he did not want such "servants." Then she prevail him the money game.

The moral meaning of the story of Rasputin is in the chanting of eternal values \u200b\u200b- kindness and humans.

Rasputin is thinking about the fate of children who took on their fragile shoulders a heavy burden of the era of coups, wars and revolutions, nevertheless, there is a kindness in the world, able to overcome all the difficulties. Belief in the bright ideal of kindness is a characteristic feature of the works of Rasputin.

"Lessons of the French" plot

The hero of the story comes from the village to study in the district center, where the eight-year apartment is. It is difficult for him difficult, hungry - post-war time. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe boy, there are no native native, nor acquaintances, he lives at the apartment from someone else's aunt Nadi.

The boy begins to play "Chiku" in order to make money on milk. One of the difficult moments to help the boy comes a young French language teacher. She went against all the existing rules, playing with him at home. Only so she could give him money so that he could buy food. Once, for this game, they took them director of school. The teacher was fired, and she went to her Kuban. After winter, she sent the author to the parcel, in which there were pasta and apples that he saw only in the picture.

The writing

History of creation

"I am sure that a person's writer makes his childhood, the ability at an early age see and feel all that gives him the right to take the pen. Education, books, life experience raise and strengthen this gift in the future, but he should be born as a child, "Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin in 1974 in the Irkutsk newspaper Soviet youth. In 1973, one of the best stories of Rasputin "French Lessons" was published. The writer himself highlights it among his works: "There I had nothing to invent. Everything happened to me. Behind the prototype did not have to go. I needed to return to people that good, which at one time they did for me. "

The story of Rasputina "Lessons of French" is devoted to Anastasia Prokopyevna Kopylova, his friend of his friend of the famous playwright Alexander Vampilova, all his life worked in school. The story was based on the memory of children's life, it, according to the writer, "was one of those that hesit even with a weak touch to them."

The story is autobiographical. Lydia Mikhailovna is named in the work with its own name (the surname of her - Milkova). In 1997, the writer in a conversation with the correspondent of the magazine "Literature at School" told about meetings with her: "I recently had a visit, and we have long and desperately recalled our school, and the Angarsk settlement Ust-Duty nearly half a century ago, and Much of that difficult and happy time. "

Rod, genre, creative method

The work of "French lessons" is written in the magnitude of the story. The flourishing of the Russian Soviet story falls on the twentieth (Babel, Ivanov, Zoshchenko) and then the sixties-seventies (Cossacks, Shukshin, etc.) years. More than other prosaic genres, the story reacts to changes in public life, as it is faster than spending.

The story can be considered ancient and the first of the literary genres. A brief retelling of the event - the case on the hunt, the fight with the enemy and the like, is already an oral story. Unlike other kinds and types of art, conditional in their essence, the story is invisible inherent in humanity, having emerged simultaneously with the speech and being not only transferring information, but also a means of public memory. The story is the original form of the literary organization of the language. The story it is customary to consider the completed prosaic work of the volume to forty-five pages. This is an approximate value - two copyright sheets. Such a thing is read "in one breath."

The story of Rasputina "Lessons of French" is a realistic work written from the first person. It can be fully considered an autobiographical story.


"Strange: Why are we just as before your parents, whenever we feel your guilt in front of the teachers? And not for that at all, what was in school, no, but for what happened to us. So the writer begins his story "Lessons of French". Thus, it determines the main topics of the work: the relationship between the teacher and the student, the image of life illuminated by spiritual and moral meaning, the formation of a hero, acquiring spiritual experience in communicating with Lydia Mikhailovna. Lessons of French, communication with Lydia Mikhailov Steel for the Hero of Life Lessons, Education.

The game for the money teacher with his student, from the point of view of pedagogy, is an act immoral. But what is behind this act? - asks the writer. Seeing that the schoolboy (in the hungry post-war years) undersides, the teacher of the French language under the guise of additional classes invites him to his home and is trying to feed. She sends him a parcel, as if from the mother. But the boy refuses. The teacher offers to play for money and, of course, "loses", so that the boy can buy milk for these pennies. And happy that she managed to this deception.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe story lies in the words of Rasputin: "The reader is learning from the books of not life, but feelings. Literature, in my opinion, is primarily upbringing feelings. And first of all, kindness, purity, nobility. " These words are directly related to the story of the "French Lessons".

Basic heroes

The main characters of the story are the eleven-year-old boy and the teacher of French Lidia Mikhailovna.

Lydia Mikhailovna was no more than twenty-five years old and "her face was not cruelty." She reacted to the boy with understanding and sympathy, appreciated his dedication. She looked at his student remarkable learning abilities and is ready for any ways to help them develop. Lydia Mikhailovna is endowed with an extraordinary ability to compassion and kindness, for which he suffered, having lost its work.

The boy is striking with his purposefulness, desire for any circumstances to learn and go into people. The story of the boy can be presented in the form of a quote plan:

1. "To learn further ... and I had to be equipped with the district center."
2. "I learned and here well ... in all subjects, except French, I had five."
3. "So I was bad, so bitterly and pushed! - Worse than any disease. "
4. "Having received it (ruble), ... I bought a jar of milk at the bazaar."
5. "They beat me in turn ... there was no one that day that day was unhappy."
6. "I scared and lost ... She seemed to me an extraordinary person, did not resemble everyone else."

Plot and composition

"I went to the fifth grade in the forty-eighth year. It is correct to say, I went: we had only an elementary school in the village, so to learn further, I had to equip out of the house for fifty kilometers to the district center. " An eleven-year-old boy for the first time will circumstances cut off from the family, cut from the usual environment. However, a small hero understands that the hopes are assigned not only to their relatives, but the whole village: after all, he, according to the unanimous opinion of the fellow villagers, is designed to be a "scientist man." The hero makes every effort, overcoming hunger and longing for home so as not to bring countrymen.

A young teacher came up with a particular understanding of the boy. She began to additionally engage with the hero of French, hoping at home to feed him. Pride did not allow the boy to take help from an outsider. Not crowned with the success of Lydia Mikhailovna with a parcel. The teacher filled it with "urban" products and thereby issued itself. In search of a way to help the boy teacher invites him to play for money in "Priennik".

The climax of the story comes after the teacher began to play with the boy in Trounok. Paradoxics of the situation exacerbates the story to the limit. The teacher could not not know that at that time such a teacher's relationship with a student could lead not only to dismissal from work, but also to criminal responsibility. The boy did not fully understand this. But when the trouble still happened, he began to understand the behavior of the teacher deeper. And this led him to the awareness of some aspects of the life of that time.

The story of the story is almost melodramatic. Parcel with Antonovsky apples, which he, a resident of Siberia, never tried, as if echoes the first, unsuccessful pace with urban food - Macaronami. All new and new strokes are preparing this not at all unexpected finals. In the story, the heart of an incredulous rustic boy opens in front of the purity of the young teacher. The story is surprisingly contemporary. In it, the big courage of a small woman, an epiphany of a closed, ignorant child, in it lessons of humanity.

Artistic peculiarity

With wise humor, kindness, humanity, and most importantly, with full psychological accuracy describes a writer relationship of a hungry student with a young teacher. The narration flows slowly, with domestic details, but the rhythm is inconspicuously captures.

The narrative language is simple and at the same time expressive. The writer skillfully used phraseological turnover, achieving expressiveness and image imagery. The phraseologisms in the story of the "French lessons" mostly express one concept and are characterized by a certain meaning that is often equal to the meaning of the word:

"I learned and here well. What remained me? Then I came here and came here, I did not have a different case, but to treat the sleeves to the fact that I was imposed on me, I still did not know how to "(lazily).

"At school, I didn't see Ptahu before, but, closing ahead, I will say that in the third quarter he suddenly, like snow on his head, fell to our class" (unexpectedly).

"Helling and knowing that Harch my for a long time would not last, no matter how I saved him, I went to the dump, to a sharp stomach, and then a day or two again sat down my teeth on the shelf" (starve).

"But there was no sense to be shoved, Tishkin managed to sell me with losses" (betray).

One of the characteristics of the language of the story is the presence of regional words and obsolete vocabulary characteristic of the time of the story. For example:

Quarter - rent an apartment.
Onespoon - a cargo machine with a loading capacity of 1.5 tons.
Tea - the genus of a public dining room where tea and snacks are offered visitors.
Will send - to pour.
Gorge boiling water - clean, without impurities.
Okay - chat, talk.
Bitting - to hit slightly.
Hlyzda - Plut, Deceiver, Shuler.
Fitting - what is hidden.

The value of the work

Creativity V. Rasputin invariably attracts readers, because there are always spiritual values \u200b\u200bin the works of the writer next to the ordinary, moral laws, unique characters, sophisticated, sometimes controversial, inner world of heroes are always present in the works of the writer. Reflections of the author about life, about a person, about nature help us to detect in yourself and in the surrounding world inexhaustible reserves of good and beauty.

In the difficult time I had to study the chief hero of the story. The postwar years were a kind of test not only for adults, but also for children, because both good and bad in childhood perceived much brighter and sharper. But difficulties are hardened, so the main character often shows such qualities as the power of the will, pride, sense of measure, excerpt, determination.

After many years, Rasputin will again turn to the events of the long-lasting years. "Now, when a fairly large part of my life live, I want to comprehend and understand how much it is and useful, I spent it. I have a lot of friends who are always ready to come to the rescue, I have something to remember. Now I understand that my friend's closest friend is my former teacher, a French teacher. Yes, after decades, I remember exactly about her, as a true friend, the only person who understood me while studying at school. And even years later, when we met her, she showed me a gesture of attention, sewing apples and pasta, as before. And whoever I would be, that would not depend on me, she would always treat me only as a student, because I was for her, there will always be a student. Now I remember how she, taking the blame for himself, left the school, and I told me for a piece of service: "Learn well and never blame yourself!" That she taught me a lesson and showed how a real good man should do. After all, there is no wonder: the school teacher is a teacher of life. "

The purpose of the lesson:

V.G. Rasputin

During the classes

1. The organizational moment.

2. The teacher.

4. Summary of students.

5.Bested on issues.

Conclusion: Lydia Mikhailovna goes to a risky step, playing with disciples for money, from human compassion: the boy is extremely exhausted, and it refuses to help. In addition, she considered at his student non-cold abilities and is ready for any ways to help them develop.

You are the comrade, my museMy blood brother and even motherYou taught me to write,Love yourself and believe in a miracle,Be to the surrounding kindTake care of the best friendDo not be offended by people.All these truths are simpleI learned with you on a par,And I want to say: "Teacher!You are the best on earth "


Moral problems of the story of V.G. Rasputin "French Lessons".

The purpose of the lesson:

    reveal the spiritual world of the story hero;

    show autobiographical nature of the story of the "Lessons of French";

    identify moral problems raised by the writer in the story;

    relieve a sense of respect for the older generation, moral qualities in students.

Equipment: Portrait and photos V. Rasputin; exhibition of books; Explanatory dictionary edited by Ozhegova; The record of the song "Where to go childhood."

Methodical techniques: conversation on issues, vocabulary, students' reports, , listening to music, expressive reading poem.

The reader is learning from not life books, butfeelings. Literature, in my opinion, -this is primarily upbringing feelings. And beforetotal kindness, purity, nobility.V.G. Rasputin

During the classes

1. The organizational moment.

2. The teacher.

At the last lesson, we met the work of a wonderful Russian writer V.G. Rasputin and his story "French Lessons". Today we are conducting a final study on the study of his story. In the course of the lesson, we will discuss several aspects of this story: we will talk about the mental state of the main character, then it will be about the "extraordinary person" - the teacher of French, and completed the conversation to the discussion of the main moral problems set by the author in the story.

3. Connecting the population of the song "Where to go childhood"

Now we have listened to the passage from the song. Tell me, how to reflected childhood on the work of V.G. Rasputin?

4. Summary of students.

V. Rasputin wrote in 1974 in the Irkutsk newspaper: "I am sure that a person's writer makes his childhood, the ability at an early age to see and feel what gives him the right to take the pen. Education, books, life experience raise and strengthen this gift in the future, but he should be born in childhood. " Nature, which has become a close writer in childhood, comes to life on the pages of his works and speaks unique, Rasputy language. People of the Irkutsk Territory became literary heroes. Truly, as V. Hugo said, "the beginning, laid down in the childhood of a person, similar to the letters growing on the bark, growing, which make up an integral part of it." And the beginning of these, as applied to V. Rasputin, unthinkable without the influence of Siberia itself - Taiga, hangars, without a native village, part of which he was and who for the first time made thinking about the relationship between people; Without a pure unmandant folk language.

Tell us about the children's years V. Rasputin.

V.G.Rasputin was born March 15, 1937 in the Irkutsk region in the village of Ust-Ust-Uda, located on the banks of the Angara. Childhood partly coincided with the war: In the first class of Atalant Primary School, the future writer went in 1944. And although there are no battles here, life was difficult, half-starving. "My childhood accounted for war and the hungry postwar years," the writer remembers. - It was not easy, but it, as I now understand, was happy. Barely learned to walk, we walked to the river and threw fishing rods; I have not yet fixed, stretched in a taiga, started immediately behind the village, gathered berries and mushrooms, from the smallest years they got into the boat and they traveled for the vest ... "Here, in Atalanta, having learned to read, Rasputin loved the book forever. The elementary school library was very small - only two shelves of books. "I started your acquaintance with books from theft. My friend and I often climbed the library. Removed the glass, they were in the room and took the books. Then came, returned read and took new ones, "the author recalled.

After graduating from grade 4 in Atalanta, Rasputin wanted to continue studying. But the school in which the fifth and subsequent classes were 50 km from the native village. It was necessary to move there to live, and one.

Yes, the childhood Rasputin was difficult. Not everyone who learns well, knows how to evaluate their actions and others, but for Valentina Grigorievich, the study has become a hard way to moral. Why?

It was difficult to learn: it was necessary to overcome hunger (the mother with the foliage passed the bread and potatoes to him once a week, but they always lacked them). Rasputin did everything only on conscience. "What remained me? "Then I came here and arrived here, I didn't have a different business .... I could hardly dare to go to school, I remained intact at least one lesson, "I recalled the writer. It was evaluating his knowledge only on perfectly, except for the French (no pronunciation). This was primarily moral assessment.

Who was dedicated to this story ("Lessons of French") and what place does the writer take in childhood?

The story of "French Lessons" is dedicated to Anastasia Prokofievna Kopylova, his friend's mother and the famous playwright Alexander Vampilov, who worked all his life at school. The story was based on the memory of children's life, it, according to the writer, "was one of those that hesit even with a weak touch to them."

This story is autobiographical. Lydia Mikhailovna is named after his name. (This is Milkova L.M.). Lydia Mikhailovna, as in the story, always caused surprise in me, and reverence ... It seemed to me an elevated, almost unearthly creature. It was in our teacher that internal independence, which protects against the pen.

A completely still young, recent student, she did not think about the fact that he brings us up on his example, but the actions that for her themselves were intelligent, became the most important lessons for us. The lessons of kindness. "

A few years ago she lived in Saransk, taught in Mordovian University. When this story was published in 1973, she immediately recognized himself in him, I found Valentina Grigorievich, several times met him.

5. Realization of homework.

What are your impressions of the story? What did your soul come down?

5.Bested on issues.

Before discussing the problems posed by the writer in the story, remember the nodal moments."Why did a boy, the hero of the story, was in the district center?" ("To learn further .... I had to be equipped with the district center").- What were the successes of the story of the story at school? (For all subjects, except French, held five).- What was the mental state of the boy? ("So it was bad, bitterly and pushed! - worse than any disease.").- What made the boy play "Chiku" for money? (He was sick, bought on this money in the bazaar of a jar of milk).- How did the ratio of the hero with the children surrounding him? ("They beat me in turn ... it was not that day ... a person is unhappy me").- What was the relationship of the boy to the teacher? ("I scared and lost ... She seemed to me an extraordinary man").

Conclusion: So, guys, of your answers, we realized that the prototype of the main character of the story is V.G. Rasputin. All events that occurred with the hero were in the life of a writer. The eleven-year-old Hero for the first time will be cut off from a family for the first time, he understands that the hopes are assigned not only to their relatives and the whole village: after all, he, according to the unanimous opinion of the villagers, is designed to be a "scientist man." The hero makes every effort, overcoming hunger and longing for home so as not to bring countrymen. And now, by contacting the image of the French teacher, we analyze what role Lydia Mikhailovna played in the life of the boy.

1. How did the teacher remember the chief hero? Find a portrait of Lydia Mikhailovna in the text; What is special noted in it? (Reading the description "Lydia Mikhailovna was then ...."; "In her face there was no cruelty ...").

To write down keywords from text for portrait characteristics of the teacher.

2. What senses caused a boy from Lydia Mikhailovna? (She treated him with understanding and sympathy, appreciated his dedication. In this regard, the teacher began to study with the hero additionally, counting his home to feed).

3. Why Lidia Mikhailovna decided to send the parcel to the boy and why did this undertone failed? (She wanted to help him, but filled the package by "urban" products and thus gave herself. Pride did not allow the boy to accept a gift).

4. Have a teacher find a way to help the boy without infringing his pride? (She suggested playing money in "Tennyok").

5. Does the hero of the story immediately the true cause of additional classes and the money games with his teacher?

6. Is it the right hero, considering a teacher a man unusual? (Lidia Mikhailovna is endowed with the ability to compassion and kindness, for which he suffered, having lost its work).

Conclusion: Lydia Mikhailovna goes to a risky step, playing with disciples for money, from human compassion: the boy is extremely exhausted, and it refuses to help. In addition, she reviewed non-poor abilities in his student and is ready to help them develop any ways.

On the board recorded an epigraph to the lesson: "Reader ....". And what feelings raises the story of "French Lessons"? (Kindness and compassion).

How do you feel about the act of Lydia Mikhailovna? (Child Opinion).

Today we talked a lot about morality. What is "morality"? We will find the meaning of this in the explanatory dictionary S. Ozhegova.

Playing money with his student, Lidia Mikhailovna, from the point of view of pedagogy, made an incomplete act. "But what is behind this act?" - asks the author. Seeing that her student in the hungry, post-war years undervalued, she tried to help him: under the guise of additional classes invited home to feed, send the parcel, as if from the mother. But the boy from all refused. And the teacher decides to play with the disciple for money, playing him. She goes to deception, but happy, because she succeeds.

So, what lessons do Rasputin writes in the story of "French Lessons"? (These were lessons not only French, but kindness and mental generosity, attentive and sensitive to each other, attenuate).

And what qualities should have, in your opinion, teacher?- understanding; - humanity; - responsiveness; - humanity;- kindness; - justice; - honesty; - compassion.

You indicated all the qualities inherent in each teacher. Many songs, stories, poems are dedicated to teachers.I want to leave me in memory of myselfHere are these rows dedicated to you:You are the comrade, my museMy blood brother and even motherEasy to walk with you in life:You taught me to write,Love yourself and believe in a miracle,Be to the surrounding kindTake care of the best friendDo not be offended by people.All these truths are simpleI learned with you on a par,And I want to say: "Teacher!You are the best on earth "

Conclusion: the teacher of French his example showed that there is a kindness, responsiveness in the world, love. These are spiritual values. Let's look at the preface to the story. It has been expressed by the thoughts of an adult, his spiritual memory. He called the "lessons of the French" "the lessons of kindness." V.G. Rasputin speaks about the "laws of kindness": True good does not require award, does not seek direct return, it is disinterested. Good has the ability to spread, transmitted from person to man. I hope that a kindness and compassion play a large in the life of a person and will always be good, ready to help each other at any moment.

7.Instation. Assessment of students.


1. Did something in your life after reading the story?

2. Are you kinder to people?

3. Did you appreciate what happens in your life?

8. Easter task. Write a mini-essay by one of themes "Teacher XXI", "My favorite teacher."

Moral problems of the story of V.G. Rasputin "French Lessons". The role of teacher Lydia Mikhailovna in the life of the boy

The purpose of the lesson:

  • reveal the spiritual world of the story hero;
  • show autobiographical nature of the story of the "Lessons of French";
  • identify moral problems raised by the writer in the story;
  • show the originality of the teacher;
  • relieve a sense of respect for the older generation, moral qualities in students.

Equipment:portrait and photos V. Rasputin; exhibition of books; The explanatory dictionary edited by Ozhegov (the meaning of the word "morality"); The song "Where to leave childhood", computer, projector.

Methodical techniques:conversation on issues, vocabulary, students' reports, demonstration , play moment, listening to music, expressive reading poem.

Good heart and correct
souls do not take us that the more
our heroes and we will live, the better
For us will be.
V.G. Rasputin

The reader is learning from not life books, but
feelings. Literature, in my opinion, -
this is primarily upbringing feelings. And before
total kindness, purity, nobility.
V.G. Rasputin

During the classes

  • Organizing time.
  • The word of the teacher.

At the last lesson, we met the work of a wonderful Russian writer V.G. Rasputin and his story "French Lessons". Today we are conducting a final study on the study of his story. In the course of the lesson, we will have to discuss several aspects of this story: we will talk about the mental state of the main character, then it will be about the "extraordinary person" - the teacher of French, and completed the conversation to the discussion of the main, moral, problems set by the author in the story. And about the life of V.G. Rasputin we learn from a small press conference submitted by journalists, researchers and readers.

(listening to the population of the song "Where to leave childhood")

  • The word members of the press conference (element of the role-playing game).

In the course of the lesson included educational resourcesIn this case, on the screen is demonstrated

Journalist: Now we listened to the passage from the song. Tell me, how to reflected childhood on the work of V.G. Rasputin?

Researcher: V. Rasputin wrote in 1974 in the Irkutsk newspaper: "I am sure that a person's writer makes his childhood, the ability at an early age to see and feel what gives him the right to take the pen. Education, books, life experience raise and strengthen this gift in the future, but he should be born in childhood. " Nature, which has become a close writer in childhood, comes to life on the pages of his works and speaks unique, Rasputy language. People of the Irkutsk Territory became literary heroes. Truly, as V. Hugo said, "the beginning, laid down in the childhood of a person, similar to the letters growing on the bark, growing, which make up an integral part of it." And the beginning of these, as applied to V. Rasputin, unthinkable without the influence of Siberia itself - Taiga, hangars, without a native village, part of which he was and who for the first time made thinking about the relationship between people; Without a pure unmandant folk language.

Teacher: Guys, tell about the children's years V. Rasputin.

Reader: V.G.Rasputin was born on March 15, 1937 in the Irkutsk region in the village of Ust-Uda, located on the banks of the Angara. Childhood partly coincided with the war: In the first class of Atalant Primary School, the future writer went in 1944. And although there are no battles here, life was difficult, half-starving. Here, in Atalanta, learning to read, Rasputin loved the book forever. The elementary school library was very small - only two shelves of books. "I started your acquaintance with books from theft. My friend and I often climbed the library. Removed the glass, they were in the room and took the books. Then came, returned read and took new ones, "the author recalled.

After graduating from grade 4 in Atalanta, Rasputin wanted to continue studying. But the school in which the fifth and subsequent classes were 50 km from the native village. It was necessary to move there to live, and one.

Journalist: Yes, the childhood Rasputin was difficult. Not everyone who learns well, knows how to evaluate their actions and others, but for Valentina Grigorievich, the study has become a hard way to moral. Why?

Researcher: It was difficult to learn: it was necessary to overcome the hunger (the mother with the body passed the bread and potatoes once a week, but they were always lacking). Rasputin did everything only for conscience. "What remained me? "Then I came here and arrived here, I didn't have a different business .... I could hardly dare to go to school, I remained intact at least one lesson, "I recalled the writer. It was evaluating his knowledge only on perfectly, except for the French (no pronunciation). This was primarily moral assessment.

Journalist: Who was dedicated to this story ("Lessons of French") and what place does the writer take in childhood?

Researcher: The story of "French Lessons" is dedicated to Anastasia Prokofievna Kopylovoy, his friend's mother and the famous playwright Alexander Vampilov, who worked in school all his life. The story was based on the memory of children's life, it, according to the writer, "was one of those that hesit even with a weak touch to them."

This story is autobiographical. Lydia Mikhailovna is named after his name. (This is Milkova L.M.). A few years ago she lived in Saransk, taught in Mordovian University. When this story was published in 1973, she immediately recognized himself in him, I found Valentina Grigorievich, several times met him.

  • Quick message about the main topics in the work of V.G. Rasputin (presentation).
  • Conversation on issues.

Teacher: Before discussing the problems posed by the writer in the story, remember the nodal moments. Readers, I appeal to you. You can take advantage of the quotation plan made at home.
"Why did a boy, the hero of the story, was in the district center?" ("To learn further .... I had to be equipped with the district center"). (Slide 2.3).
- What were the successes of the story of the story at school? (Slide 4) (in all subjects, except French, held five).
- What was the mental state of the boy? ("So it was bad, bitterly and pushed! - worse than any disease."). (Slide 5)
- What made the boy play "Chiku" for money? (He was sick, bought on this money in the bazaar of a jar of milk).
- How did the ratio of the hero with the children surrounding him? ("They beat me in turn ... it was not that day ... a person is unhappy me"). (slide 6)
- What was the relationship of the boy to the teacher? ("I scared and lost .... She seemed to me an extraordinary man"), (Slide 7)

Output: So, guys, of your answers, we realized that the prototype of the main character of the story is himself V.G. Rasputin. All events that occurred with the hero were in the life of a writer. The eleven-year-old Hero for the first time will be cut off from a family for the first time, he understands that the hopes are assigned not only to their relatives and the whole village: after all, he, according to the unanimous opinion of the villagers, is designed to be a "scientist man." The hero makes every effort, overcoming hunger and longing for home so as not to bring countrymen. And now, by contacting the image of the French teacher, we analyze what role Lydia Mikhailovna played in the life of the boy.

  • What did the teacher remember the chief hero? Find a portrait of Lydia Mikhailovna in the text; What is special noted in it? (Reading the description "Lydia Mikhailovna was then ...."; "In her face there was no cruelty ...") (Slide 7)
  • What feelings caused a boy from Lydia Mikhailovna? (She treated him with understanding and sympathy, appreciated his dedication. In this regard, the teacher began to study with the hero additionally, counting his home to feed); (Slide 8)
  • Why Lidia Mikhailovna decided to send the parcel to the boy and why did this undertone failed? (She wanted to help him, but filled the package by "urban" products and thus gave herself. Pride did not allow the boy to accept a gift); (Slide 8)
  • Did the teacher manage to find a way to help the boy without infringing his pride? (She suggested playing money in "Priennik"); (Slide 9)
  • Is the hero right, considering the teacher of a person unusual? (Lidia Mikhailovna is endowed with compassion and kindness, for which he suffered, having lost its work). (Slide 10)

Output:Lydia Mikhailovna goes to a risky step, playing with disciples for money, from human compassion: the boy is extremely exhausted, and it refuses to help. In addition, she reviewed non-poor abilities in his student and is ready to help them develop any ways.

- The blackboard recorded the epigraph to the lesson: "Reader ...." And what feelings raises the story of "French Lessons"? (Kindness and compassion).

How do you feel about the act of Lydia Mikhailovna? (Child Opinion).

Today we talked a lot about morality. What is "morality"? We will find the meaning of this in the explanatory dictionary S. Ozhegova. (The expression is recorded on the board).

The word of the teacher.Playing money with his student, Lidia Mikhailovna, from the point of view of pedagogy, made an incomplete act. "But what is behind this act?" - asks the author. Seeing that her student in the hungry, post-war years undervalued, she tried to help him: under the guise of additional classes invited home to feed, send the parcel, as if from the mother. But the boy from all refused. And the teacher decides to play with the disciple for money, playing him. She goes to deception, but happy, because she succeeds.

Kindness - That's what attracts all readers in the characters of the story.

And what qualities should have, in your opinion, teacher? On the board are highlighted both positive qualities and negative. What moral qualities attract you most?
- understanding;
- humanity;
- responsiveness;
- humanity;
- kindness;
- justice;
- honesty;
- compassion.

You indicated all the qualities inherent in each teacher. Many songs, stories, poems are dedicated to teachers. One thing now read our student.
I want to leave me in memory of myself
Here are these rows dedicated to you:
You are the comrade, my muse
My blood brother and even mother
Easy to walk with you in life:
You taught me to write,
Love yourself and believe in a miracle,
Be to the surrounding kind
Take care of the best friend
Do not be offended by people.
All these truths are simple
I learned with you on a par,
And I want to say: "Teacher!
You are the best on earth "

Output:The teacher of French his example showed that there is a kindness, responsiveness, love in the world. These are spiritual values. Let's look at the preface to the story. It has been expressed by the thoughts of an adult, his spiritual memory. He called the "lessons of the French" "the lessons of kindness." V.G. Rasputin speaks about the "laws of kindness": True good does not require award, does not seek direct return, it is disinterested. Good has the ability to spread, transmitted from person to man. I hope that a kindness and compassion play a large in the life of a person and will always be good, ready to help each other at any moment.

  • Summarizing. Assessment of students.
  • D / s. Write a mini-essay by one of themes "Teacher XXI", "My favorite teacher." At the request (and opportunities), students are given a task to prepare Internet resources on this topic.