Psychology Temperacted character of a person. Types of human temperament

Psychology Temperacted character of a person. Types of human temperament
Psychology Temperacted character of a person. Types of human temperament

From the young years we are familiar with the concept of temperament. More precisely, not even his definition, but the separation of people on Sanguines, melancholics, cholerics, phlegmatics. But is such an approach in the XXI century? What is temperament? Have more modern classifications appear? How right to say that temperament is the basis of our behavior? What gives knowledge of his temperament or understand what the temperature of the interlocutor? Is it possible to change your life if you figure it out about this issue?

What is temperament?

Temperament is a persistent personality characteristic that determines its vital activity and associated with the type of higher nervous activity. In contrast to the character, which is formed and varies throughout life, the human temperament is laid before birth.. It is due to hereditary factors. Therefore, the error will assume that temperament and character is the same. They are unconditionally interrelated, but not identical. Character is developing under the influence of temperament, but also depends on education, life experience.

Rumors that the personality temperament changes, caused by an improper understanding of human belonging to one or another psychological type. Clean temperatures are not found so often. They are mainly combined, simply the degree of their manifestation depends on the influence of external and internal factors. For example, a person with pronounced properties of a sanguine, along the coincidence, begins to behave like a choleric. Someone decides that temperament has changed. In fact, this person had the deposit of both types of temperament. The emphasis was simply traced towards the manner of the behavior of the Sanguinik, which was replaced by a choleric impulsiveness.

Types of temperament

The separation of people on the basic types of temperament was made during the times of the ancient Greeks. For the first time, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe existence of four groups of people formed a hippocrate, which allocated (merchant), (plaks), (scandalists), (pofigistist). After half a thousandth of his ideas were modified by Galen. The teaching turned out to be so successful that the classification proposed by them exists so far.

Characteristics of temperament were explained by the dominance of one of the four "life juices". Sanguitics prevailing blood ( sangua), empowering them with energy and fun. Melancholics are under the rule of "black bile" ( melna Hole), hemplifting the feeling of sadness and fear. Choleric harboring mind bile ( hole), because of which they cannot control the gusts of anger. Phlegmatic manages "Motica" ( reflux) Soothing and slowing them.

Despite the fact that such a classification of temperaments was created for a long time, it did not undergo significant changes even now. Although attempted regularly attempts to update our ideas about what is temperament. Psychology is developing, together with it there are no key posthacks of this science.

Modern temperament theories

Four basic types are one of the temperament classifications. Although, it is worth paying tribute to the Greeks - the most popular. Their contribution to the study of temperament Karl Gustav Jung, Hans Jürgen Aizenk, Ivan Petrovich Pavlov, Boris Mikhailovich Teplov and etc.

Pavlov temperament is determined by understanding the type of nervous system. The scientist allocated three main criteria that allow you to identify temperament. This is power, mobility, balance. He compared his teaching with the classification of hippocratic, characterizing the well-known temperaments:

  • Sanguinik - strong, balanced, movable;
  • Choleric - strong, unbalanced, movable;
  • Phlegmatic person - strong, balanced, inert;
  • Melancholic - Weak type.

Pavlov finalized the existing structure by adding its data from the physiology of the highest nervous activity.

Another Soviet psychologist, Boris Heat, described the temperament in its own way, the definition of which included the dynamic characteristics of mental processes. Their strength, as well as the rate of occurrence, changes, termination.

Karl Jung in his works combined temperament and personalityBy applying concepts and. He basically took the desire of a person to communicate, or an orientation to his inner world. Also, Jung studied in detail the effect on the temperament of each major psychological functions: sensations, feelings, thinking, intuition.

One of the most popular systems describing the identity typology was created by Hansa Aizenk. The temperament according to its representations, in addition to the extroversion and introversion, depends on the emotional sustainability of the individual. Collecting together all the information about temperament, which was at that time, he proposed a unique technique for testing a person. This approach was named after the author -. It allows with high accuracy to determine the type of temperament, the degree of its severity in man.

Telerament properties

Temperament in psychology is considered the most stronger. To make it easier to describe its types, such properties of temperament are analyzed by scientists:

  • Activity - perseverance and energy of the personality in achieving the goals;
  • Reactivity - level of involuntary (passivity) of a person and its reactions;
  • The ratio of activity and reactivity - indicator that determines the level of awareness by a person's own role in life;
  • Extraversion - interaction with the world;
  • Introversion - focus on "dive" in itself;
  • Plastic - the ability of the individual to adapt to external changes;
  • Rigidity - reduced human adaptation capabilities;
  • Sensitivity - the smallest threshold impact value capable of causing a response mental reaction;
  • Emotional excitability - a similar property only manifested at the emotional level;
  • Top of reaction - The rate of leakage of mental processes and the reactions of the body, including facial expressions, gestures, speech dynamics.

The temperature characteristic is formed on the basis of the analysis of all its properties. For example, phlegmatics are distinguished by the dominance of introversion, increased rigidity and reactivity, they are characterized by a reduced emotional excitability, as well as the rate of reactions. A response mental reaction from phlegmatics will be able to cause only tangible impact, which is determined by its "impenetrable" sensitivity.

Why define temperament?

Understanding your own temperament markedly facilitates the life of a person. It becomes much easier for him to look for work, make new acquaintances or build relationships. Not knowing himself, a person risks to get lost in this world, not finding his life path.

There are people who argue that temperament is psychology, so let the scientists are engaged in them. They are definitely mistaken, leading to others. A person can independently understand the question of determining his temperament. And, after reading a couple of thematic articles, it is understood what to do with the received information on. Our type of temperament will help our type, the passage of which will take only five minutes.

It is important to understand and in the temperament of the interlocutor, because the quality of the dialogue depends on this, the understanding of the direction where the conversation may start. It is useless to "ship" phlegmatics, to push melancholic, provoke a choleric, whining in front of the sanguine. To each type your approachAnd the sooner it is found, the more chances for the successful development of communication. And since in society, the role of communications is difficult to overestimate, the ability to build a dialogue is one of the most important at any age and social environment.

Temperament is one of the most popular topics. Moreover, this statement is true among scientists, and among ordinary people. Just not all people know how to help their understanding of their temperament. In this publication, we answered many questions. Actualized knowledge of four basic types of temperament. More information can be found in thematic articles on our website, where all the varieties of temperament are considered in detail. They contain the main signs of each type, tips on the use of these knowledge to build a career and personal life.

Each person is unique. Our psyche is multifaceted, we perceive the world around different. The perception of what is happening around depends on many factors, for example, from education, such as temperament, social experience. Consider what a temperament and its 4 main species.

Telerament: 4 types of human temperament

The human temperament can be called a kind of biological foundation, on the basis of which personality itself is formed. These are the social properties of psyche, determining the dynamics of mental activities, behavior and social adaptation of people.

The founder of the teachings on the types of temperament is considered to be hypocratic. He argued that people are divided depending on the ratio of four major substances of the body: black bile, yellow bile, phlegm and blood. Claudius Galen supported the idea of \u200b\u200bhippocracy and wrote a whole scientific treatise called "Right Measure". Claudius Galen allocated four main types of human temperament. This is a sanguine (blood), choleric (bile), phlegmatic (phlegm), melancholic (black bile).

Properties of temperament in psychology

The human temperament is based on a number of specific properties, such as:

Sensitivity. This is the degree of force of the external impact necessary for the emergence of the reaction from the psyche. Some people react calmly on external stimuli, others show a violent reaction;

Reactivity. The property of reactivity is determined by the level of incompleteness of the reaction to the internal or external impact (sharp sound, voice tone);

Activity, The ratio of activity and reactivity. These properties indicate how a person reacts to vital difficulties. Whether he is ready to overcome a variety of obstacles in life, to be targeted, persistent, attentive;

Rigidity and plasticity. These temperament properties can talk about how skillfully a person can adapt to external influences of the social environment;

The pace of reactive activity. They characterize the speed of mental processes and reactions to external stimuli;

Introversion and extroversion. These properties depend on the speed of human reactions, the speed of the solutions applied;

Emotional excitability. Characterizes the degree of external influence on a person in the form of manifestation of signs of emotional arousal;

Choleric - Characteristics of temperament: pros and cons

Cholerics have a strong volitional character.

Type of nervous system: Unbalanced, unrestrained, unnecessary mobile.

Choleric is taken for any difficult tasks, despite the complexity. Such people are beautiful speakers, they are eloquent and convincing almost in any dispute.

Choleric is not malicious, resentment they forget quickly and can not keep in themselves a long sense of malice on the offender.

Choleric are excellent leaders, they can organize people and make difficult solutions for them. In the critical situation, the choleric is capable of grumbling, give back to the enemy, protect a weak person.

The choleric is not restrained in his statements in relation to what is happening events can sometimes be reduced.

The choleric has a certain tendency to dominate other people. Often, people with such temperatures are subject to a quick change of mood, excessive gestures.

In the love sphere, Choleric is jealous enough, while the beloved person becomes a kind of property for him. People with such a type of temperament quickly fall in love and are tied to another person. Sometimes cholerics are inclined to anger and scandals.

Children choler are quite capricious, often there are a focus on the family. A child can use his emotions to get the desired result. Such children are often capricious, hyperactivity is shown in adolescence, they can get involved in sports or music, but their hobbies are rapidly bored with them.

Disadvantages of choleric

To the main disadvantages of choleric include:

  • Excessive consideration in their actions and actions;
  • Cholerics are not patient;
  • Excess impulsiveness and impassable;
  • Excessive straightness and sharpness with communicative communication with other people;
  • Aggressiveness arising from periodically;

Psychologists recommend chorers to learn how to work on themselves. This work should be in the ability to control yourself in any conflict situations. Often cholerics take off the unnecessary solutions and literally rush into the outer with their heads. They are approaching a tactic of ten seconds, which is that before accepting an important decision or statement of opinion, it is necessary to mentally assert to ten.

Sanguinik - Characteristic: Pros and Conguses of Sanguinik

Sanguines are cheerful and incorrigible optimists. These people cannot sit still, they need a constant movement.

Sanguines are very active, and this activity is manifested literally in all spheres of life of the Sanguinik. They love to be the center of attention, but unlike cholerians do not possess the disicts of dictators.

The peculiarity of the psychological behavior of Sanguinics is characterized by a high degree of excitability.

Sanguins are able to get along with people, to compromise with any complex life situations. They are resourceful and enterprising. Sanguine can literally lead the crowd, because these people are excellent speakers who know how to convince others in their rightness.

Hyperactivity does not give a sanguine law to sit still. He tries to make his life brighter and more interesting. Such people love to travel, discovering all the new and new verge of the surrounding world. Many artists, musicians, actors just Sanguiniki.

Psychological feature of Sanguinika

If we talk about the psychological component of the Sanguiniks, then these people have the degree of excitement of the central nervous system is satisfied. Braking threshold on the contrary is low, and therefore Sanguines perceive the world somewhat illusory. But at the same time and the memory functions are well developed. Often, the Sanguins focus their memory only on what causes their interest. They can memorize curious cases, but at the same time forget the date of birth days of their acquaintances. Sanguines pay attention to the noticeable details, such as bright clothes or an unusual hairstyle of the interlocutor.

The emotional background of Sanguins is quite diverse. These people are emotional and are not afraid to show their experiences to others. Often gesticulate when talking, can hug or kiss when meeting. These emotions are absolutely sincere, the Sanguinik wants to like people and receive from them in response the same reaction. Sanguines are distinguished by non-standard thinking, they are constantly trying to know something new, change their image or genus activity. Monotonous work and loneliness leads them to severe depression.

People with a similar temperature of temperament have a lot of friends. Sanguine knows how to be friends, and always comes to a person to help in a difficult situation. In personal relationships, Sanguins are sometimes windy. In the construction of a strong family, an excessive thirst for communication is hampered.

The main drawbacks of Sanguinikov:

  • Reliability in actions and actions. Sanguine is often taken for business, but rarely brings it to the end, such people cannot work on monotonous work;
  • Sanguins often overestimate themselves and their capabilities;
  • People with a similar temperament have mood swings, it is difficult for them to develop volitional qualities;

Phlegmatic - Characteristic: Pros and Cons

Phlegmatic is a balanced person who thoroughly thinking every step. Usually such people have an analytical mindset and soberly look at the surrounding life.

Flegmatics are pretty lazy, often prefer not to act and swim downstream. They are always calm and calm. Even if they experienced stress or unpleasant life situation, they do not always show their temper.

Flegmatika is difficult to derive from themselves, its nervous system is like scales holding a balance. If it is hard to bring it to simple emotions, then it is even more complicated to make activity or joy.

If we speak in other words, the phlegmatic type of human temperament is recognized as the most balanced and emotionally stable.

Flegmatic people do not immediately contact people, they need time to assess the situation. A sharp environmental change for them is similar to the tragedy and transferred it is very hard. These people do not like active entertainment, they like a cozy home furnishings, often they prefer to spend time alone with them.

In the work of phlegmatic painstiles and musty, they have good memory and they can memorize large amounts of information.

Flegmatics are quite closed and hidden, they reluctantly show sympathy for another person. But if the phlegmatic will like the opposite sex representative, he will do everything to achieve its location.

Friends phlegptic find quite difficult, he is bad for contact. But if a person with such a type of temperament finds a friend, then this friendship can last all life. Family for phlegmatics some fortress in which they feel comfortable. In marriage such people come in late, can be in search of partner for a long time.

The main disadvantages of phlegmatics:

  • Are often not susceptible, do not show initiatives, react poorly to external stimuli;
  • There may be biases on emotions, slowly turn on to work, do not come to contact with the surrounding people;
  • It is difficult to adapt when changing the life situation;

Melancholic - Characteristic: Pros and Cons Melancholic

Melancholics are prone to desperate and depression attacks. The temperament of such people is sluggish, pessimistic. Any event, even insignificant makes melancholic worry. He does not know how to enjoy life, and sees it exclusively in a negative tone. Sadness and longing can cover such a person for no reason, often melancholys feel a feeling of pity for themselves.

People with a similar type of temperament have to resort to secure and suppress emotions. They are worried in themselves, therefore, depressive states of psyche appear. Psychologists note that a huge number of people who committed suicide is just Melancholic.

Melancholic slowly reacts to external stimuli, poorly remembers information, often suffers from the mass of complexes and an overly low level of personal self-assessment. Motor activity is sluggish and inexpressive.

Melancholics cannot work intensively and monotonously, since they necessarily require rest or small breaks to stabilize the psychological state. In the social environment, such people are sluggish, low-cost, it is difficult for them to find a soul mate or a close friend. It is difficult for them to be active and cheerful. Choose as people of Sanguines or cholerics, since this choice is explained by the subconscious desire of melancholic to be swept away.

Melancholic is difficult to arrange their personal life. Often, their indecision and cowardice plays a large role in Fiasco Love Relationship. In the satellites of life they choose a strong person. There are advantages of this type of temperament.

Melancholics are kind, horn, will always share the latter that they have. They subconsciously want to help the needy person.

Disadvantages of melancholic:

  • Emotional instability, indecision, insecurity and their own strength;
  • Difficulty with the perception of the surrounding world, vulnerability, pessimistic;
  • A tendency to the depressive states of the psyche;

Psychologists strongly recommend melancholics do not close in themselves. Trying to know the world, travel, communicate with new people. You can try to take care of the chef in order to increase your personal self-assessment. Take up active sports, dancing, any creativity. Melancholic should be near close and friends, and do not close both their feelings.

Choleric - This is a person whose nervous system is determined by the predominance of excitement over braking, as a result of which he reacts very quickly, often implainly, does not have time to restrain, shows impatience, impurity, sharpness of movements, quick-temperedness, irreducibility. The impassableness of his nervous system predetermines the cyclicality in the change of its activity and vigorous: carried away by some business, he is passionately, it works with full return, but he has enough strength for a while, and as soon as they are depleted, it is being finalized that he is all non-night.

An irritable state appear, poor mood, the decline of strength and lethargy ("everything is rolled out of the hands"). The alternation of positive population and energetic cycles with negative downturn cycles, depression determines the irregularities of behavior and well-being, increased exposure to the appearance of neurotic breaks and conflicts with people.

Man with a strong, balanced, mobile nervous system; has a fast reaction rate; his acts are thoughtful; He is cheerful, thanks to which it characterizes the high resistance to the difficulties of life. The mobility of its nervous system determines the variability of feelings, attachments, interests, views, high adaptability to new conditions. This sociable person is easily converged with new people, and therefore he has a wide range of dating, although it does not differ in consistency in communication and affection.

He is a productive figure, but only when there are many interesting things, that is, with constant excitation, otherwise it becomes boring, sluggish, distracting. In the stressful situation, the "Leo reaction" exhibits "the reaction of the lion", i.e., actively, huntingly protects itself, fights for the normalization of the situation.

A man with a strong, balanced, but inert nervous system. As a result: reacts slowly; Untrety; emotions are shown slowly (it is difficult to annoy, cheer);it has high performance, well resists strong and long-term stimuli, difficulties, but it is not able to quickly respond to unexpected new situations. Firmly remembers all the learned; It is not capable of abandoning the skills and stereotypes, does not like to change the habits, the routine of life, work, friends, difficult and slowly adapts to new conditions. Mood is stable, smooth. With serious troubles, the phlegmatic remains outwardly calm.

A man with a weak nervous system, which has increased sensitivity even to weak stimuli. If the stimulus is strong, then the "breakdown", "stop-breed" can happen, the "stress of the rabbit" will appear, therefore in stressful situations (exam, competition, danger, etc.) may worsen the results of melancholic activities compared to the calm usual situation. Increased sensitivity leads to fast fatigue and falling performance (more durable rest).

A minor reason is able to cause insult, tears. The mood is very changeable, but usually melancholic is trying to hide, do not extend its feelings, does not talk about his experiences, although it is very inclined to surrender, often sad, depressed, is unsure of itself, anxious, he may have neurotic disorders. However, possessing the high sensitivity of the nervous system, such people often have pronounced artistic and intellectual abilities.

It is difficult to answer exactly what type of temperament in a particular adult. The type of nervous system is although determined by heredity, but is not absolutely unchanged. With age, as well as under the action of systematic training, upbringing, life circumstances, nervous processes can weaken or increase, can accelerate or slow down their switching. For example, choler and Sanguini dominate among children (they are energetic, cheerful, easily and strongly excited; peerals, after a minute they can distract and happily laughing, i.e. there is a high mobility of nerve processes). Among the elderly, on the contrary, there are a lot of phlegmatics and melancholics.

Temperament - This is an external manifestation of the type of the highest nervous activity of a person, and therefore, as a result of education, self-education, it may be distorted, changing, "masking" of the true temperament occurs. Therefore, they rarely meet "clean" types of temperament, but nevertheless a certain trend is always manifested in human behavior.

Fig. 2.10. Characteristics of temperament types

Research B. M. Teplova and V. D. Nebylitsyn showed that a slender picture of the correspondence of the four types of higher nervous activity (according to I. P. Pavlov) with four temperaments known from antiquity, not so obvious, as previously assumed. They were offered to temporarily abandon the discussion of the types of higher nervous activity, until its basic properties and the nature of their relationship will be more fully studied. These scientists have shown the passage of such properties when applying conditionally reflex procedures to various analyzer systems and outlined the search for the common characteristics of the nervous system in the amodal regulatory structures of the brain. The conclusions of B. M. Teplova are especially important about the absence of direct parallelism between the properties of the nervous system and the peculiarities of behavior. According to psychological characteristics of behavior, it is impossible to judge the physiological qualities of the nervous system. Its properties do not predetermine any forms of behavior, but form the soil on which others are easier formed. The task is to find the search for its qualities that determine individual differences in the parameters of general mental activity and emotionality - the main two measurements of temperament (V. D. Nebylitsyn).

In this way, temperament - This is a characteristic of a person from the dynamic features of his mental activity, that is, the tempo, the speed, rhythm, the intensity of the activities of mental processes and states, the degree of emotionality.

The following features of temperament properties can be distinguished:

  1. the conditionality of their properties of the nervous system and the permanent individual features of the emotional sphere, to which include: power, speed of emotions, emotional excitability;
  2. stability or variability, smoothness or sharpness of emotion change;
  3. regulation of the dynamics of mental processes and mental activity in general (speed, response rate).

Interesting observations of the relationship of the skin patterns on the fingers of the hands of a person and its nervous system, its temperament. Scallovkin Account - a quantitative method of analyzing drawings on the skin of the fingers. Scallops - This is the visible ribbill of the skin, forming one or another papillary pattern on the extreme phalange. The pattern is calculated by the number of scallops crossed or in contact with the length of a straight line, conducted from the center of the delta (three radius) to the center of the pattern. If the pattern is in the form of an arc, then the scallical account is zero.

The total scallop account is determined by summing up all scallops on ten fingers. It is higher in men (from 130 to 150) than in women (from 110 to 135). The predominance of spirals and large loops increases it. Persons with a strong and balanced nervous system dominate "loops"; Strong, but unbalanced - "spirals", and "arcs" are observed at the owners of a weak nervous system. Choleric has 50% spirals, and the rest are hinges. Phlegmatic - all loops. Melancholic is at least one arc, and the more arcs, the weaker the nervous system.

The productivity of human work is closely related to the peculiarities of its temperament. Thus, the special mobility of the Sanguinik can give an additional effect if the work requires it frequent transition from one kind of classes to another, efficiency in decision-making, and monotony, the regulation of activities, on the contrary, leads such a person to rapid fatigue. Flegmatics and melancholics, on the contrary, in conditions of strict regulation and monotonous labor, detect greater productivity and resistance to fatigue than choleric and sanguinics.

In behavioral communication, it is possible to foresee the features of the response of persons with different types of temperament and adequately respond to them.

We emphasize the temperament determines only dynamic, but not meaningful characteristics of behavior. The same type of temperament can be both "Great" and at a socially insignificant personality.

I. P. Pavlov allocated three more "purely human types" of the highest nervous activity:

  • mental;
  • art;
  • middle.

Representatives of the first type (which prevails the activity of the second signaling system of the left hemisphere of the brain) are very reasonable, prone to a detailed analysis of life phenomena, to the abstract abstract-logical thinking. Their feelings are distinguished by moderation, restraint and usually break out, only passing through the "filter" of the mind. Such people are usually interested in mathematics, philosophy, they like scientific activities.

In the artistic type of people (the activity of the first signal system of the right hemisphere of the brain is dominated here) thinking is an imprint of a large emotionality, the brightness of imagination, the immediacy and liveliness of the perception of reality. They are primarily interested in art, theater, poetry, music, writing and artistic creativity. They strive for a wide circle of communication. These are typical lyrics, and people of thought-type are skeptical as "superstars".

Most (up to 80%) refer to the Golden Middle, the average type. In their character, a rational or emotional principle dominates, and it depends on the upbringing (from early childhood), from life circumstances.

Hippocrates secreted 4 types of temperament - Sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric and melancholic. However, in its pure form, they are rare, each person is just to some of them. During the life under the influence of social impact, education, lifestyle, the health of the manifestation of temperament can be smoothed. In children, signs of temperament are more distinct, it is easy to see, if you observe for some time behind the behavior of the child.

Let's talk in detail about each type of temperament. We will tell about classes that are comfortable for children with a temperament.


Proper education will form in the child an active attitude towards learning, purposefulness.

Such a child will suit mobile, active classes. You can choose a sport, dancing. Classes can be both individual and in the team, in a team. Perhaps, due to its activity, the child will be interested in many activities, he will want to engage in several mugs, studios. Let him eat it, allow to move from one section to another. The more skills, he will master, the more the incentives will receive incentives for development. A deeper immersion in the selected activity can occur in subsequent years - in adolescent, youthful age.

Phlegmatic person

This is a calm and leisurely kid. It thoroughly thinking his actions, manifested in achieving the goal. It is difficult for him to quickly navigate in the situation, he does not like changes, prefers stability, remember the learned knowledge, skills for a long time. His mood is steadily, he rarely comes out of himself, with pleasure communicating with his surrounding adults and peers.

Education can form such qualities as a child-phlegmatics as an idleness, perseverance. It will be suitable classes requiring pain stiffness and patience. If a child has a good musical rumor, you can offer him music. If it has an interest in drawing, modeling, appliqués - do with it with artistic creativity.

Such a child may not like the activity requiring speed, instant reaction, quick adaptation. Therefore, from all kinds of sports sessions choose calm. This swimming, ballroom and sports dancing. There, the skill is formed by repeated repetition and individual work with the coach.

Command Games - Football, Handball, Basketball, Contact Sports - Boxing, Fencing will not bring a phlegptic satisfaction, as they require the speed of the reaction, the ability to understand the partner and the opponent and instantly make a decision.


A choleric baby is distinguished by imbalance, excitability, speed of action, movements. It lights up quickly and also quickly cools. Especially uncomfortable for him will be the activity is painstaking, monotonous, long-term in time. In communication with peers seeks to be a leader, often the source of conflicts.

With the right upbringing of a choler's child, very important qualities are formed: activity, initiative, enthusiasm, organizational and communicative abilities.

For a child with a choleric temperament, intensive, but not very long classes, where there is the possibility of communication with peers or competition with the opponent. Passionate, prone to the risk of nature will feel in its plate on a football field, a volleyball or basketball court, on a bicycle path. Child Child will "light up" and on the dance floor, in the music team - where a powerful and short-term emission is required.

Classes requiring painstuff, care, such as drawing, modeling, embroidery, beadwork, can quickly bored such a child. Heavy test for a choler's child will be loneliness, no communications with peers.


In children with the melancholic type of temperament, the activity flows slowly, while they are quickly tired. If the child is customized, the actions slow down even more. Slowly, but for a long time the child is immersed in a particular emotional experience. A bad mood will not be fleeting, the sorrow arose surprises adults with its depth, force, duration. The child worries in an unfamiliar atmosphere, shy of unfamiliar people, avoids numerous contacts with peers.

In the process of education in children-melancholic, softness, responsiveness, soulfulness are formed.

For such a child, quiet activities are suitable in comfortable conditions. Children melancholics are happy reading books, look at cognitive programs, movies, love to observe their nature surrounding them, explore it.

Their deep feelings and experiences can be disclosed in artistic, literary work.

To determine the child's temperament, take advantage of the questions that are presented in the "Diagnostics of Abilities and Interests" section. They will help to see in the behavior of the child signs like temperament.

Let's summarize

  • Temperament is congenital quality, do not try to fight it. Try to understand it and take into account when choosing classes for a child.
  • There is no "bad" temperaments. Roughness, aggressiveness, egoism, low culture level is the result of poor education.
  • Choose classes according to the tendencies of the child, his behavior. Take into account the strength and speed of the child's reactions, stability and change of emotions, activity and fatigue, the need for communication.
  • Parents should not only expand the horizon of the baby, but also to develop its ability, expanding the ideas about various activities. It is important to offer the child those classes that suit him on temperament, by opportunities. Such classes will form his interests, tendency, will help to overcome uncertainty and fear.

The base of temperament

Each person is unique, distinguished by the ways of expressing emotions, feelings and in different ways reacts to what is happening in the surrounding reality. If one individual retains calm in any situation, then the other even the slightest troubles can lead to despair. These features of human behavior largely depend on the differences in the activity of the nervous system.

Temperament as a psychobiological basis of personality

Mental human activity, which is characterized by its dynamic features (tempo, speed and intensity) is temperament. He characterizes not the beliefs of the person, views or interests, and its dynamic, so it is not an indicator of value.

The following components can be selected that determine the base of temperament:

  • The overall activity of human mental activity, which is expressed as a degree of desire to act, manifest itself in various classes, transform the surrounding reality. There are two extremes of general activity: on the one hand, passivity, inertness, lethargy, and on the other - rapidness. There are representatives of various temperaments between these two extremes;
  • Motor or motor activity is expressed in speed, intensity, sharpness, power of muscle movements and the speech of the individual, its mobility, talkability;
  • Emotional activity expresses the sensitive base of temperament, that is, the susceptibility and sensitivity of the individual to emotional effects, its impulsiveness.

Also, the human temperament has an external expression and manifests itself in activities, behavior and actions. According to these features, you can judge some of its properties. When they talk about temperament, they mainly mean mental differences in people associated with the intensity, depth and resistance of emotions, impressionability, energetic action.

There are several theories that determine the base of temperament. But with all the variety of approaches to this issue, most scientists recognize that this is a kind of biological foundation, on which personality is formed as a social being.

Physiological bases of temperament

The first one term introduced an ancient Greek doctor Hippocrates, which marked the beginning of a humoral theory. He explained the features of the temperaments of people with various ratios of liquid substances in the body: blood, bile and lymphs. If yellow bile prevails - it makes a man hot, impulsive or choleric. Movable, funny people (sanguinics) predominate blood, and in calm and slow (phlegmatics) - Lymph. Melancholics are characterized by a sad and frantic character, and as Hippocrates claimed, they prevail black bile.

According to the constitutional theory, which was removed by the Krechmer and Zigo, the natural base of temperament determines the features of the overall structure of the human body, as well as its individual organs. In turn, the physique of the individual depends on the flow of endocrine processes in its body.

But the neurological theory was recognized as the most reasonable, which Ivan Petrovich Pavlov offered. In his opinion, the physiological basis of temperament is a set of acquired features and congenital properties of the nervous system.

Individual differences in nervous activity are manifested by the ratio of two main processes - excitation and braking, which possess three important properties:

  • The force of processes, which is expressed in the ability of nerve cells to withstand a long or concentrated effect of irritants. This determines the endurance of the cell. The weakness of nerve processes is evidenced by the high sensitivity or transition of cells into the braking state instead of excitement, when exposed to strong stimuli. This feature often falls at the base of temperament;
  • The equilibiousness of nerve processes is characterized by an equal ratio of excitation and braking. In some people, these two processes manifest themselves equally, others prevail one of them;
  • Mobility of nerve processes is a quick or slow shift of excitation to braking and back when it requires the living conditions. Thus, with unexpected and sharp changes, mobility ensures the adaptation of the individual to the new setting.

Combinations of these properties, according to Pavlov, determine the type of nervous system and are the natural base of temperament:

  • Weak type, in which a person is not able to withstand a strong, long-term and concentrated excitation and braking. In a weak nervous system, the cells have low performance. Although, when exposed to strong irritants, high sensitivity is noted;
  • A strong balanced type is characterized by the impassableness of the main nervous processes, the prevalence of excitation over braking is distinguished;
  • Strong balanced mobile type - nervous processes are strong and balanced, however, their speed and mobility often lead to instability of ties;
  • A strong balanced inert type, in which the processes of excitation and braking are strong and balanced, but differ in small mobility. Representatives of this type are always calm, they are difficult to derive themselves.

Thus, the base of the temperament is the individual properties of psyche, which reflect the dynamics of human mental activity. They manifest independently of his goals, motives, desires and remain almost unchanged throughout his life.

Temperature doctrine

Speaking about temperament, usually mean the dynamic side of the person expressing in the impulsivity and the rate of mental activity. It is in this sense that we usually say that such a person has a large or small temperament, given its impulsiveness, the rapidness with which he cares, and so temperament is the dynamic characteristic of the mental activity of the individual.

For temperament, the strength of mental processes is indicative. At the same time, not only the absolute force of them in one or another, but also how it remains constant, that is, the degree of dynamic sustainability. With significant stability, the reaction force in each individual case depends on the changing conditions in which a person turns out to be, and adequate to them: stronger external irritation causes a stronger reaction, weaker irritation is a weaker reaction. In individuals with greater non-stability, on the contrary, strong irritation can - depending on the very volatile state of the personality - to cause it very strong, then a very weak reaction; Similarly, the weakest irritation can sometimes cause a very strong reaction; A very significant event, fraught with the most serious consequences, can leave a person indifferent, and in another case, an insignificant reason gives a rapid outbreak: "reaction" in this sense is not at all adequate to "stimulus".

The mental activity of the same force may differ different degrees of tension, depending on the relationship between the power of this process and the dynamic capabilities of a given personality. The mental processes of certain intensity can be performed easily, without any voltage at one person at one moment and with a large tension from another person or at the same person at another moment. These differences in voltage will affect the character of the smooth and smooth, then the thick flow of activity.

An essential temperature expression is, further, the rate of mentioning mental processes. From the speed or speed of the course of mental processes, it is necessary to distinguish their pace (the number of acts for a certain period of time, depending not only on the speed of the flow of each act, but also on the size of the intervals between them) and the rhythm (which may not only be temporary, but also by force ). Describing temperament, it is necessary to keep in mind not only the average rate of mental processes. For temperament, the amplitude of oscillations from the most slow to the most accelerated pace is indicative. Along with this, it is essential how to make a transition from more slow to a faster pace and vice versa - from faster to slower: it is committed, it is committed, more or less smoothly and smoothly increasing or falling, from others - as if jerks , uneven and peculiar. These differences can be crossed out: Significant transitions in speed can be performed by smooth and uniform increments, and on the other hand, relatively less significant changes in absolute speed can be performed by impustic jokes. These features of temperament are affected in all personality activities, in the flow of all mental processes.

The main manifestation of temperament is very often searched in the dynamic features of the "human reactions" - in what force and speed it is effectively reacting to irritation. Indeed, the central links in diverse manifestations of temperament are those that express the dynamic features of non-separate mental processes, but of specific activities in the diverse relationships of various parties to its mental content. However, the sensorotor reaction can not serve as an exhaustive nor adequate expression of human temperament. For temperament, the impressiveness of man and its impulsiveness is particularly significant.

The human temperament is manifested primarily in its impressionability, characterized by the force and resistance of the impact that impressed by a person. Depending on the characteristics of the temperament, the impressionability of some people is more, in other less significant; Someone is someone, according to A. M. Gorky, "all the skin cameras," before they are sensitive to each impression; Others are "insensitive", "Tolstoke" - very little react to the surrounding. Some exposure is a strong or weak, which has an impression on them, it spreads with a large, from others with a very low speed in the deeper layers of psyche. Finally, various people, depending on the characteristics of their temperament, there are different and stability of the impression: the impression is even strong - it turns out to be very unstable, others can not free themselves from it. Impressiveness is always individually different in people of different temperament affective sensitivity. It is significantly related to the emotional sphere and is expressed in force, the speed and stability of the emotional reaction to the impression.

The temperament affects emotional excitability - in the strength of emotional excitation, the speed with which it covers the personality - and the stability with which it is preserved. It depends on the temperature of the person how quickly it lights up and with what speed then it fuses. Emotional excitability is manifested, in particular, in the mood, elevated up to the exaltation or lowered up to depression, and especially in a more or less rapid change of moods directly related to impressionability.

Another central expression of temperament is the impulsiveness, which is characterized by the power of motivation, the speed with which they master the engine sphere and turn into action, the stability with which they retain their effective strength. The impulsivity involves its impressiveness and emotional excitability in relation to the dynamic characteristics of those intelligent processes that mediate them and control them. The impulsivity is the temperature side of the temperament, which it is associated with the desire, with the origins of the will, with the dynamic power of needs as impulses to activities, with the speed of transition of motivation.

The temperament manifests itself especially clearly in force, as well as speed, rhythm and pace of human psychomotoric - in his practical actions, speech, expressive movements. Human gait, his facial expansion and pantomimik, his movements, fast or slow, smooth or gusty, sometimes an unexpected rotation or movement of the head, the manner to throw out a look or swaying the eyes, pulling lethargy or slow smoothness, nervous echoing, or powerful speech rapidness open to us some kind The aspect of the personality, the dynamic aspect that is its temperament. At the first meeting, with a briefly, sometimes even fleeting contact with a person, we often receive more or less vivid impression of its temperament immediately on these external manifestations.

With antiquity, it is customary to distinguish between four main types of temperaments: choleric, sanguine, melancholic and phlegmatic. Each of these temperaments can be determined by the ratio of impressionability and impulsivity as the main psychological properties of temperament. Choleric temperament is characterized by severe impressionability and high impulsivity; Sanguine - weak impressionability and high impulsiveness; melancholic - strong impressionability and low impulsivity; Phlegmatic - weak impressionability and low impulsivity. Thus, this classical traditional scheme naturally follows from the ratio of the main features that we endow the temperament by purchasing the corresponding psychological content. Differentiation of both impressionability and impulsiveness of strength, speed and stability, above we are planned, opens up opportunities for further differentiation of temperaments.

The physiological basis of the temperament is neurodynamics of the brain, i.e. the neurodynamic ratio of the cortex and subcortition. The neurodynamics of the brain is in internal interaction with the system of humoral, endocrine factors. A number of researchers (Penda, Belov, partly E. Krechmer, etc.) were prone to delivered and temperament, and even character dependent on these latter. There is no doubt that the internal secretion glands system is included in the number of conditions affecting the temperament.

It would be wrong, however, isolate an endocrine system from nervous and turn it into an independent base of temperament, since the most humoral activity of the internal secretion glands is subject to central innervation. Between the endocrine system and the nervous, there is an internal interaction in which the leading role belongs to the nervous system.

For temperament, significant importance, undoubtedly, has the excitability of subcortex centers, with which the features of motorcycles, statics and vegetation are associated. The tone of subcortical centers, their dynamics affect the tone of the bark, and its readiness to action. By virtue of the role that they play in neurodynamics of the brain, subcortical centers undoubtedly affect temperament. But again, it would be completely wrong, emancipating the crust from the cortex, turn the first into a self-sufficient factor, in the decisive basis of temperament, as they strive to do in modern foreign neurology of the flow, which recognize the crucial value for the grave grace of the ventricle and localize the "core" of the individual in the subcortex, in the stem apparatus, in the subcortic ganglia. The cricker and the bark are inextricably linked with each other. It is not necessary to tear the first from the second. It is ultimately crucial, not the dynamics of the feeder in itself, and the dynamic ratio of the feeder and the bark, as emphasized by I. P. Pavlov in his teaching about the types of nervous system.

The basis of its classification of the types of nervous system I. P. Pavlov put three main criteria, namely the force, equilibrium and lability of the crust.

Based on these basic signs, he as a result of his research by the method of conditional reflexes came to the definition of four main types of nervous system:

  1. Strong, balanced and movable - alive type.
  2. Strong, balanced and inert - calm, slow-type.
  3. A strong, unbalanced with a predominance of excitation over braking is excitable, unrestrained type.
  4. Weak type.

The division of the types of nervous system on a strong and weak does not lead to a further symmetrical division of a weak type, as well as strong, by the rest of two signs of equilibrium and mobility (lability), because these differences, which give substantial differentiation in the case of a strong type, with weak turn out to be Practically insignificant and do not give really significant differentiation.

The types of nerve systems I. P. Pavlov are planned with temperaments, comparing four groups of nerve systems to which it came with a laboratory, with ancient, from the hippocrates by the classification of temperaments. It is inclined to sneeze his excitable type with cholecan, melancholic with brake, two forms of central type are calm and lively - with phlegm-mathic and sanguine.

The main proof in favor of the differentiation of the types of nervous system, which it establishes, Pavlov considers various reactions with strong oppositions of irritable and braking processes.

The teachings of Pavlov about the types of nervous activity is essential for understanding the physiological base of temperament. Its correct use involves the fact that the type of nervous system is strictly physiological concept, and temperament is the concept of psychophysiological and it is expressed not only in motility, in the nature of reactions, their strength, speed, etc., but also in impressionability, in emotional excitability, etc.

The mental properties of temperament are undoubtedly closely associated with the bodily properties of the body - both the congenital features of the structure of the nervous system (neuroconsestation) and the functional features (muscular, vascular) tone of organic vital activity. However, the dynamic properties of human activity are incorporated to the dynamic features of organic life; With all the meaning of congenital non-biologicalness of the body, in particular its nervous system, for temperament, they are only the initial moment of its development, not separating from the development of the person as a whole.

Temperament is not the property of the nervous system or neuroconsestation as such; It is a dynamic aspect of the personality characterizing the dynamics of its mental activity. This dynamic side of the temperament is interconnected with the rest of the personnel of the personality and is mediated by the specific content of its life and activity; Therefore, the dynamics of human activity and is irrelevant to the dynamic characteristics of its livelihoods, because the self is due to the relationship between the individual with others. This is obviously detected when analyzing any side, any manifestation of temperament.

So, how much is a significant role in the impressionability of a person organic bases of sensitivity, properties of the peripheral receptor and central apparatus, is still impressionable to them. The impressions that are perceived by the person are usually not isolated by acting sensual stimuli, and phenomena, objects, persons who have a certain objective value and cause a person or other attitude due to its tastes, affection, convictions, character, worldview. By virtue of this, sensitivity or impressionability itself is indirect and selective.

An impressionability is mediated and transformed by the needs, interests, tastes, inclinations, etc. - the whole attitude of a person to the surrounding and depends on the life path of the person.

In the same way, the change of emotions and moods, the states of emotional lifting or decline of a person depends not only on the tone of the body's vital activity. Changes in the tone, undoubtedly, also affect the emotional state, but the tone of vital activity is mediated and due to the relationship between the individual with others and, it means that all the content of its conscious life. All of the considered impressiveness and emotionality of the conscious life of the personality even more refers to impulsiveness, since impulsiveness includes impressiveness, and emotional excitability and is determined by their relationship with the power and complexity of intellectual processes, their mediating and controlling.

Incorrects to organic life and human actions, since they are not just motor reactions of the body, but acts that are aimed at certain objects and pursue certain goals. They are therefore mediated and due to all their mental properties, including the dynamic characterizing temperament, the attitude of a person to the surrounding, the objectives that he puts themselves, the needs, tastes, inclinations, beliefs that determine these goals. Therefore, it is impossible to reduce the dynamic features of human actions to the dynamic features of its organic life, taken in itself; The tone itself of its organic life can be due to the course of its activities and turnover, which she gets for him. Dynamic features of activity inevitably depend on the specific relationship between the individual with its environment; They will be alone in adequate conditions and others in inadequate. Therefore, it is fundamentally wrongful attempts to give the teachings about temperaments, proceeding only from the physiological analysis of nerve mechanisms outside the ratio in animals with the biological conditions of their existence, in humans - with historically developing conditions for its public being and practical activity.

The dynamic characteristics of mental activity does not have a self-sufficient, formal nature; It depends on the content and specific conditions of activity, from the relationship of an individual to what he does, and to those conditions in which it is located. The pace of my activity will be obviously different in the case when the direction of it is forced to be contrary to my inclined, interests, skills and abilities, with the features of my character, when I feel in alien to me surrounded, and in the case when I'm captured And fascinated by the content of my work and I am in a consonant environment.

Veliability, turning into a playful gloominess or disconnection, and the dimension, even the slowness of movements, which makes the nature of the powerful or magnifier in the Mimic, in the pantomime, in the posture, gait, the hood of a person, due to the diverse reasons, up to the morals of the public environment in which man lives , and the public situation he occupies. The style of the epoch, the lifestyle of certain social layers causes to a certain extent and the pace, in general the dynamic features of the behavior of representatives of this era and the corresponding social layers.

Running from the era, from social conditions, the dynamic features of behavior do not remove, of course, individual differences in the temperament of various people and do not abolish the meanings of their organic features. But, reflecting in the psyche, in the consciousness of people, public moments themselves are included in the internal individual characteristics and enter into internal relationships with all other individual characteristics, including organic and functional. In the real lifestyle of a particular person, in the dynamic features of its individual behavior, the tone of its livelihoods and the regulation of these features, which comes from social conditions (the pace of social and industrial life, morals, life, decencies, etc.), form an indecomposable unity of the opposite But always interconnected moments. Regulation of the dynamics of behavior, emanating from the social conditions of life and human activity, may, of course, sometimes affect only external behavior without affecting the identity itself, its temperament; At the same time, the internal characteristics of the human temperament may be in contradiction with the dynamic characteristics of the behavior, which he externally adheres to. But, ultimately, the peculiarities of the behavior that a person has long been adhered to, cannot but impose before or later its imprint - although not mechanical, not mirror, and sometimes even compensatory antagonistic - on the internal system of personality, at its temperament.

Thus, in all its manifestations, temperament is mediated and due to real conditions and the specific content of human life. Speaking, under what conditions, the temperament in the actor's game can be convincing, E. B. Vakhtangov wrote: "For this, the actor at rehearsals needs mainly to work on everything that surrounds in the play has become its atmosphere to task The roles became his tasks - then the temperament will speak "from the entity." This temperament from the essence is the most valuable, because it is the only convincing and damaging. " The temperature "from the entity" is uniquely convincing on the scene because it is in reality: the dynamics of mental processes is not self-sufficient; It depends on the specific content of the personality, from the tasks that the person puts himself, from his needs, interests, inconsistencies, character, from his "essence", which is revealed in the manifold the most important relationships with others. Temperament - empty abstraction outside the person, which is formed by making his life path.

Being a dynamic characteristic of all manifestations of personality, temperament in its qualitative properties of impressionability, emotional excitability and impulsivity is at the same time a sensual basis of character.

By forming the basis of character properties, the properties of temperament, however, do not predetermine them. In fact, in the nature of nature, the properties of temperament undergo changes, by virtue of which the same source properties can lead to different properties of character, depending on what they are subordinated, from behavior, belief, volitional and intellectual qualities of a person. Thus, on the basis of impulsiveness as the properties of temperament, depending on the conditions of education and the whole life path, various volitional qualities can work out in a person who did not have to have a confinement of their actions in reflection on their consequences, rapidness can easily develop, hacking from the shoulder, act under the influence of affect; In other cases, based on the same impulsion, determination will be developed, the ability without unnecessary detection and oscillations to go to the goal. Depending on the life of a person, from the entire course of its social and moral, intellectual and aesthetic development, impressionability as the properties of temperament may in one case lead to a significant vulnerability, painful vulnerability, from here to timidity and shyness; In another - on the basis of the same impressionability, great spiritual sensitivity may develop, responsiveness and aesthetic susceptibility; In the third - sensitivity in the sense of sentimentality. The formation of the character on the basis of the properties of temperament is significantly related to the directionality of the personality.

So, temperament is the dynamic characteristic of the person in all its effective manifestations and the sensual basis of character. Transforming in the process of the formation of character, the properties of the temperament are transmitted into character traits, the content of which is inextricably linked to the directionality of the personality.

Effect of temperament

From temperament depend on the dynamic characteristics of the character of a person - the style of his behavior. The temperament is "natural soil", on which the process of forming individual properties of character, the development of individual human abilities.

People achieve the same success in different ways, replacing their "weak" parties by a mental compensation system.

Under the influence of life conditions, the cholec can form inertia, slowness, notionlessness, and the melancholic is energy and determination. Life experience and education of man mask manifestations of its temperament. But with unusual superstal influences, in dangerous situations, previously formed braking reactions may be disjuceed. Choleric and melancholics are more located to a neuropsychiatric breakdown. Along with this, a scientific approach to an understanding of the behavior of the person is incompatible with the tough tied of the actions of people to their natural features.

Depending on the living conditions and human activities, the individual properties of its temperament may be intensified or weakened. The temperament, despite its natural conditionality, can be attributed to the properties of the person, as natural and socially acquired human qualities are united.

Foreign psychologists share temperamental features mainly in two groups - extroversion and introversion. These concepts introduced by the Swiss psychologist K. G. Yung, mean the predominant orientation of individuals to the external (extrovert) or internal (introvert) world. Extraverts are distinguished by the preferential handling of the outside world, an increased social adaptation, they are more conformed and persuaded (subject to suggestion). The introverts are most importantly attached to the phenomena of the inner world, they are poorly inclined, prone to increased self-analysis, have difficulty when entering a new social environment, nonconforms and asuggestive.

Among the quality of temperament, rigidity and plasticity are also highlighted. Rigidity is inertness, conservatism, the difficulty of switchability of mental activity. There are several types of rigidity: sensory - prolongation of the feeling after the cessation of an incentive; Motor - the difficulty of restructuring the usual movements; emotional - continuation of the emotional state after the cessation of emotional impact; Memory - Reverse Issue, Issuance of Memory Image Images; Thinking - inertia of judgment, installations, ways to solve problems. The quality opposite of rigidity is plasticity, flexibility, mobility, adequacy.

There is also a mental phenomenon as anxiety - intensity, increased emotional excitability in situations interpreted by the individual as threatening. Personality with elevated levels of anxiety prone to behavior, inadequate degree of threat. An increased level of anxiety causes the desire to leave the perception of threatening events, an involuntarily narrowing the field of perception in a stressful situation.

So, the human temperament causes the dynamics of its behavior, the originality of its mental processes. The temperament determines the method of vision, experiences by a person of events and their speech relay. Analyzing the behavior of a person cannot be not considered with the "biological background" of human behavior, affecting the degree of intensity of individual properties of the individual.

Temperamental features of a person act as the psycho-physiological capabilities of his behavior. For example, the mobility of nerve processes determine the dynamic quality of intelligence, the flexibility of associative processes; Ecavitability - ease of occurrence and intensity of sensations, stability of attention, strength to capture memory images.

However, temperament is not a valid personality criterion, it does not define the needs, interests, personal views. In the same form of activities, people with different temperaments can achieve outstanding success at the expense of their compensatory capabilities.

Not temperament, but the direction of the individual, the predominance of the highest motives over the lower, self-control and self-control, the suppression of low-level motivations to achieve socially significant goals determine the quality of human behavior.

Temperament structure

Temperament is a term formed from Latin Temperamentum (proper ratio of features) and Tempero (mix in proper ratio). To date, the problem of temperament has been studied quite in detail, and therefore there are a wide variety of definitions of this personality definitions.

B.M. The heat gave the following definition: "The combination of mental features associated with the emotional excitability characteristic of this person is temperament, that is, the speed of feelings, on the one hand, and their strength - the other."

Thus, it can be argued that temperament is a combination of psychodynamic properties of the nervous system, a biological foundation on which a person is formed.

Since the psyche is the property of the nervous system, the individual properties of the psyche, including the properties of temperament, are due to the individual properties of the nervous system. Therefore, the first main sign of the properties of temperament is their conditionability of the properties of the nervous system, which make up the physiological basis of temperament. At the same time, only one type of temperament depends on each type of nervous system (with its specific properties).

The same dynamic features of mental activity depends on the ratio of emotional and volitional features. This is a ratio and is the characteristic feature that since the time of the hippocrates underlies the concept of temperament. Consequently, there are objective grounds to believe that the individual features of the emotional-volitional sphere are the properties of temperament. This, however, does not mean that all the individual features of the emotional-volitional sphere are connected with temperament, and only they.

As a result of attempts by such an analysis, three main, leading, components of temperament relating to the areas of the total activity of the individual, its motility and its emotionality were allocated. Each of these components, in turn, has a very complex multidimensional structure and various forms of psychological manifestations.

The total mental activity of the individual has the greatest value in the temperature structure. The essence of this component is the tendency of personality for self-expression, effective development and transformation of external validity.

By content with the first component of temperament, the second component is especially closely connected - a motor, or a motor, leading role in which the qualities associated with the function of the motor (and specifically speaking) apparatus are played. Among the dynamic qualities of the motor component, such as speed, force, sharpness, rhythm, amplitude, and a number of other signs of muscle movement should be isolated (part of them characterizes and speech motility).

The third main component of temperament is emotionality, which is an extensive complex of properties characterizing the peculiarities of the occurrence of the occurrence and termination of various senses, affects and moods. Compared to other components of temperament, this component is most complicated and has an extensive own structure. The main characteristics of emotionality are impressionable, impulsiveness and emotional stability.

The impressionability expresses the sensitivity of the subject to emotionally significant effects.

The impulsivity means the speed with which emotion encourages to actions without their preliminary thinking and conscious planning. Under emotional lability, the speed of change of one experience is usually understood.

The main components of the temperament form a single structure in human behaviors, which makes it possible to limit the temperament from other mental formations of the personality - its orientation, nature, abilities, etc.

Teem manifestation

The difference in people on temperament is manifested in their activities. To achieve success in it, it is important that a person keeps his temperament to be able to adapt it to the conditions and requirements of activity, based on its strong properties and compensating weak. Such a device is expressed in an individual style of activity.

Individual activity style is an expedient, corresponding to the characteristics of temperament, the system of methods and techniques for performing activities that ensure its best results.

The formation of an individual activity activity is carried out in the process of learning and education. This requires its own interest of the subject.

Conditions for the formation of an individual activity style:

  1. determination of temperament with an assessment of the severity of its psychological properties;
  2. finding the aggregate of strengths and weaknesses;
  3. creating a positive attitude to mastering its temperament;
  4. exercise in improving strong properties and possible compensation for weak.

The temperament matters and to select a type of activity. Holers prefer emotional views (sports games, discussions, public speeches) and are reluctant to engage in monotonous work. Melancholics are eagerly engaged in individual activities.

It is known that in the process of training sessions of Sanguiniki, when studying new material, they quickly grab the basis, perform new actions, although with errors, do not like long and thorough work when developing and improving skills. Phlegmatics will not perform new actions, exercises, if something is unclear in content or technology, they are prone to painstaking, long-term work when mastering it.

For example, for athletes there are differences depending on the temperament in sample states. Sanguines and phlegmatic in front of the start are predominantly in a state of combat readiness, cholerics - in the state of starting fever, and melancholys are in the state of starting apathy. At the competitions of Sanguini and phlegmatic, they show stable results and even higher than in training, choleric and melancholics are not stable.

It is equally differentiated, in particular, taking into account the strength and equilibline of the nervous system of students, it is necessary to approach the use of various forms of pedagogical effects - praise, censure. Praise has a positive effect on the process of formation of skills in all students, but the greatest - in the "weak" and "unbalanced". The censure is most effectively acting on the "strong" and "balanced", the least - on the "weak" and "unbalanced". Waiting for the assessment for the performance of tasks has a positive effect on the "weak" and "balanced", but less substantially for "strong" and "unbalanced".

Thus, the temperament, being addicted to the congenital properties of the nervous system, is manifested in the individual style of human activity, so it is important to take into account its features when training and education.

Accounting for temperament features is necessary when solving mainly two important pedagogical problems: when choosing a methodological tactics of learning and communication style with students. In the first case, the sources of diversity and creative elements in monotonic work should be helped, choleric - to instill a special careful self-control, phlegmatics - purposefully develop the skills of quickly switching attention, melancholic - overcome fear and insecurity. Accounting for temperament is necessary when choosing a style of communication with students. Thus, such methods of influence as individual conversation and indirect types of demand (advice, hint, etc.) are preferable to choleric and melancholic. The crown in plain sight will cause a conflict explosion at the choleric, the melancholic is reaction of resentment, depression, and self-care. When dealing with phlegmatic, it is impractical to insist on immediate fulfillment of the requirement, it is necessary to give time to mature your own decision of the student. Sanguine is easily and with pleasure will take a comment in the form of a joke.

Temperament is a natural basis for manifestation of psychological qualities of personality. However, with any temperament, you can form a quality person who do not characterize this temperament. Self-education is of particular importance. In a letter, O. L. Knipper-Chekhov A. P. Chekhov wrote: "You ... envy my character. I must say that from nature, I have a sharp character, I'm quick-tempered, etc., so on., But you used to keep myself, for it is not like to dismiss yourself with a decent person. "

A person is born with some genetic predisposition, on the basis of which the remaining personal characteristics are capable of forming the other personality characteristics. For example, if a person is not born with wings, he will not be able to fly, no matter how much. However, he can learn to various manipulations that hands can make. Also with the type of temperament, which has certain characteristics and the definition affecting the further development of a person. His detection can help a special test.

There are still discussions on account, whether the temperament is congenital quality. Many refer to the fact that temperament is already laid in a person from birth, and on its basis there are certain features of character .. if there are sustainable features in temperament, then they should be attributed to the peculiarities of nervous activity, which is already laid in humans.

Thus, temperament is a congenital human property, and the character is acquired. A person can only affect his character, which is formed on the basis of how temperament has.

What are temperament types?

Under the types of temperament are the features of the personality, which are sustainable and are characterized by the dynamicity of manifestation, and not their content. This is the type of activity of the highest nervous system, which manifests itself in the emotional sphere.

In psychology, they allocate, which clearly distinguish between people on those or other reactions and behavioral models. However, do not forget that the actions and character traits are subject to a person, regardless of which temperament it has.

Each person has its own temperament and character. Many confuse these concepts, thinking that this is the same. In fact, these are two different indicators of the mental reaction of a person. One is hereditary and practically unchanged, and the second - acquired and dependent only from the individual itself.

The temperament is a mental reaction and a state that depends on the human nervous system. An individual's nervous system is formed in the womb on the basis of the genetic program that is transmitted from both parents.

Temperament is a hereditary gift. That is why the child is often the same as his parents. The device of the nervous system allows relatives to be the same, which contributes to the strengthening and maintenance of the family.

- This is a set of qualities that are produced by a person in the process of life. How does this happen? A certain situation arises. A person begins to react, think about, draw conclusions, make decisions, perform actions. On the basis of the experience passed, conclusions are made (convictions are created). And the subsequent situations in which a person begins to respond in a similar way and make recent things, form a habit in it.

The habits in actions, thoughts and solutions are forced in certain situations to show certain qualities of character. A person can develop any quality and feature. But it develops in it only that corresponds to its actions, thoughts and solutions that it uses.

If you change your usual actions, then the character will change because the manifestation of other qualities will be required and the other previously used.

Thus, temperament is transmitted to people from their parents, and the character is formed by the person himself in the course of life.

Types of temperament of man

4 types of human temperament today are distinguished:

  1. Choleric type is unrestrained, unbalanced, hot-tempered, unbridled. Emotional experiences in this category of people are very quickly proceeding and pronounced. So, they are easy to remove them, because they quickly flashes, however, it is also easily emotionally poketed.

Choleric - a man is very passionate and emotional. He cannot experience the emotions of Neurko. If he is experiencing something, it is very deep and bright. Moreover, he may experience simultaneously conflicting feelings. However, these experiences are not long. Soon choleric quickly switches to other emotions.

A monotonous work eats such a person. Initially, it lights up with ideas and enthusiasm. However, over time, he cools and begins to perform work, not though, after the sleeve.

Choleric characteristics are speed and power, sharpness and impatience. Mimic and gestures in such a person pronounced, squeezed, active. Teenagers with such a type of temperament rebellious, often naughty, crawling in fights, tearing lessons, etc. They are very mobile and active, can involve other children in adventures.

  1. The melancholic type is unbalanced, the depth of experiences with implicit and sluggishly manifestation. Such people behave imperceptibly and slowly. Their movements are distinguished by restraint, inexpressiveness, monotony, slowness and poverty.

Melancholic is very sensitive and wounded. His voice is quiet and inexpressive. Such a person is afraid of difficulties, so before the commission of any action for a long time thinking about its necessity and implementation plan. If the action does not require mental stress, then it is performed.

Melancholic has an asthenic character when emotions are very deep and stable, monotonous. Such a person is unavalious and closed. It is almost always sad and sluggish because it reacts painfully to external stimuli.

The melancholic is weak, indecisive, constantly wanting to settle everything and hesitating. Absolute melancholic is distinguished by passivity, disinteresting affairs and lethargy. Such a person seems to live in his world, almost unsuitable for life.

Children melancholiki often offend and tease, they do not know how to fight against injustice. They are difficult to get along in the team, but it is easy to influence others. Teenagers Melancholics Flaxy, timid and shy

  1. The Sanguine type is characterized by speed, equilibrium and moderate force, but the weakness of the intensity of mental processes. Sanguine is able to quickly switch from one job to another. His activity is diverse, it does not get tired, quickly learns and can work on something long. Its emotionality changes quickly, so it is not deep.

Sanguines are manifested by expressive and bright facial expressions that can be accompanied by active movements. They are cheerful and moving. Such people are very easy to distract with any external stimuli, since their removal depth is very low. They are excelicible enough.

Sanguine is able to quickly solve problems, especially if they are not too difficult and serious. Their solutions are often hasty. They, like cholerics, quickly light up various ideas, but then they quickly lose interest.

Sanguine refers to sociable and communicable people. However, the relationship with it is sufficiently superficial because it quickly switches from one emotion to another. Today he loves, and tomorrow may not love. There is a plus here, since the Sanguine quickly forgets the insults, sorrow, trouble (as well as joy, pleasant moments, help).

Sanguine loves to take a leading position, command and take responsibility for himself, be the center of attention, to be ahead.

  1. Phlegmatic type is characterized by lethargy, low mobility, slowness. Such a person has a poor emotional sphere, therefore it is not able to be energetic and quickly move to action. The nature balance is explained by the fact that the emotions of phlegmatics are smooth and permanent. It is called measured, calm and imperturbable. For him, affective manifestations, disorders, impulsivity, since such an individual is almost impossible to derive from themselves.

Gestures and fagmatics are inexpressive and monotonous. His speech is non-high, slow, accompanied by gestures and expressiveness.

Before performing any action, phlegmatic long and thoroughly thinking his future. However, if he decides to make it, then it will be gradually and purposefully implement it. Such a person is difficult to rebuild from one job to another, so he prefers to do what he is familiar and habitual. Changes and changes are possible only when phlegmatics warned about them, he was able to think about them in advance and get used to them. When phlegmatic gets used to the phlegmatik, then the changes occur easily.

It should not be assumed that a person belongs only to a certain type of temperament. Usually everyone accommodates the characteristics of several types, which is called a mixed type. It is expressed brightly one type, and the remaining three to one degree or another complement the first.

Psychological Types Telerament

Types of temperament are divided into the following psychological characteristics:

  • Sensitivity - the number of least forces from the outside world, which is necessary to call a mental reaction.
  • Reactivity is the level of reaction and its manifestation in the outside world.
  • Activity - human ability to overcome difficulties to influence the world.
  • The ratio of reactivity and activity is the level of human activity from external stimuli.
  • Rigidity and plasticity - levels of adaptability of a person to external stimuli (high or low, inertness).
  • The rate of reactions is the rate of leakage of mental processes and reactions, motor activity.
  • Introversion and extroversion are the types of thinking and behavior that are directed to the external or in the inner world of man.
  • Emotional excitability - the number of the smallest irritant, which should cause an emotional reaction, as well as the speed of its occurrence.

Test for temperament type

All readers are encouraged to undergo a test to determine the type of temperament. Here the main thing is to quickly respond to the questions raised, especially without thinking about the answers. Answer as you would actually enrolled in real life.

Why detect the type of temperament your own and other people? This will make it possible to more clearly know how to interact with others, to which they are capable, not to be insults, if suddenly surrounding behave not as much as I would like.

There are many tests for the detection of human temperament:

  1. Questionnaire Rusalova.
  2. White technique.
  3. Test Questionnaire Aizenka.
  4. Merishek's questionnaire.

It will be useful to know your own and someone else's temperament if a long relationship is lined up with a person. To avoid some conflict situations, it is better to understand the features of another person.


With temperament, a person is born, and the character is formed for years. A person can affect the manifestations of certain qualities and behaviors. However, everything will be based on the nervous system and its characteristics with which the individual was born.