Psychological games for teenagers. Games and Competitions for Teenagers - Cheerful Collection

Psychological games for teenagers. Games and Competitions for Teenagers - Cheerful Collection

A fun contest for deft and smart teenagers. Guys are divided into pairs. Each couple receives tights or pants and a pair of shoes (any) main thing, with laces. According to the "Start" team, the guys are co-operation and put on pants: in one panta, the right leg of one participant, and in another, the left foot of the second participant. As soon as the pair put on the pants, it starts shoes. And then it is important not to get confused, because on the left foot of the first participant should have boots or the right boots, and on the right foot of the second participant - boots or shoes left. Couple shovel and tie laces. Couple, which first puts the pants, shoes and causing a lace, will become the winner.

Special price for congratulations

Competition can be arranged for both individual participants and small commands. The essence of the game is that every participant or team for a minute-two you need to come up with your congratulations for a birthday room, consisting of 10 words with a maximum content of the letter "Sh", or "P", or any other letter. Who will have more given letters in congratulations, he will win.

Body parts

Each of the guests in turn calls that part of the body that attracts him in the birthday man, for example, hands, ass, eyes, thumb and so on. And then each in turn, applying only that part of the body he called should congratulate the birthday girl, for example, only with eyes or only with his hands, or at all. Who will work out funnier - that well done.

A pair of confidence

Guests are divided into couples: a boy girl. At the command of the leading girls become back to the boys and should fall, and the boys, in turn, should catch their girls. As for the boys, everything is clear, by all means, they will catch girls, but girls will be completely difficult to decide to fall. As a result, the couple in which the girl will decide to fall faster and the boy will catch it, will become the winner and will receive a prize.

Kidai, do not stop

The guys are divided into 2-3 teams about 5 people. In each team, they choose a captain, which should be at a certain distance from his back team. Each captain receives a package of identical objects, for example, jumps, small balls, coins, and so on). At the command of the leading captains begin to throw objects to the back one by one, and the team should catch as many of these items as possible and only from their captain. As soon as the master stops the game, honest counting. The guys who will collect more objects thrown by their captain will become winners and will receive a prize.


For the fight you need 2 knights (with some knights there can be girls), 2 horses for them (chairs) and 2 weapons (pillows). According to the team "Fight" knights begin a fight, the purpose of which is to bring down the opponent from the horse. Winner prize.

Sports young people

Each participant receives a minute or two, as well as the task - to do just 5 times (squats, pushups, pres, rope, jump up, for example). According to the "Start" command, the participants start performing a task, making the specified exercises 5 times. Who will cope first, he won, and also received the prize, for example, a shaker for sports cocktails.

Typical teenager

Guests of the celebration are divided into teams with the same number of participants (about 5 people). Each team becomes a circle. All teams are handed a pack of chips and a bottle (0, 5) Coca-Cola. According to the "Start" team, the first participants open the packs of chips and eat one chips, open a bottle of cola and make one sip, then pass the drinking and a dish to the second participants. The second participants are also eaten by one chipse and make cola throat and transmit the third. The team in which the guys faster faster chips and drink the cola will become the winner.

Try to fall

One participant is handed a stick to which the air ball is tied, and the second participant becomes at a certain distance from the first participant with a dart. The first participant leads a stick with a ball, and the second should get into the target and burst the ball. If I burst - received a prize, and did not burst - perform a desire.

Basket, painting, cardboard ...
During the break between treats and dances, offer guests a little play a little. For example, coming up in the ability to fold the maximum number of things in a backpack or box. The competition not only makes up the participants, but also will bring fans.

We divided the orange!
Several pairs are given the opportunity to check the speed of interaction and show erudition on the knowledge of the "orange" biography. The winners will deservedly receive a big orange as a prize.

Fate binder thread
Ten participants must unravel the ribbon tapes, keeping their ends. Players help each other advice, at first not knowing who with whom the tapes are coupled. Winches a couple from a silk captivity faster than the rest.

At the youth party, this pleasant game will be appropriate for lovers. Guys kiss their girlfriends in those places that fall out on the edges of the playing cube. Six different grates of the cube - six passionate kisses.

Defects Dictation
Guys are invited to the competition. They have to prone text with candy behind the cheek. The longer the text, the more candies should be in the mouth. The winner will be the one who boasts good diction.

Smart fashionista
This competition allows fun and clever girls to demonstrate their sense of humor and artistry, acting as a fashion designer and supermodels at the same time.

Call me!
This competition requires accuracy and speed in the work. The participant wins the most important number of telephone numbers correctly by learning them from those present at the party. The winner is borrowed by the account replenishment card.

In the competition, everyone participates to predict the future to the guests present at the party. The lead and his assistants write down all the predictions and seal into the envelope. And you can read writing many years later.

Fashionable sentence
Create a creative outfit is not any designer. And when the material for him serves old newspapers, cope with only a young initiative team. Therefore, the conquered prize is divided at all!

With friends Paradise and in the slash
If you go to the campaign of a friendly large company, if the enthusiasm and energy overwhelm you, the competition of two teams will help you have fun. Before the teams there is a challenge - quickly and high qualityly build a sludge from the subwoofers found in the forest.

Connected by one chain
Merry company and logical thinking - the main thing that is needed for success in this game. The leading must be broken in a strange ball thread. In the role of naughty string - the remaining participants of the game, holding hands.

Halloween: Hoping Kikimor
For fashionable adolescent Halloween holiday need unusual contests. Choose two kimikoms and try to feed them with something delicious from the festive table. Giving unusual treats to them best blindly, blindfolded.

Find on a partner and remove with closed eyes all to a single clothespin - the goal of this fun competition. Laughter and good mood viewers are guaranteed. Clothes must be attached so as not to injure players.

Hand scissors
On the rope on the threads are suspended different minor items. The task of contestants - with tied eyes, cut the thread with scissors, on which the prize hangs. Yeah, extracted in the struggle of trophies serve the prizes of those players who managed to cut.

Sweet Metelitsa
The competition is simple, and all guests parties can participate in it. Believe me, the requisition is enough for everyone. The player wins the player who can longer hold the lightweight mushkin-snowflake in the air.

One two Three! Kiss Odari!
Going in a circle, not difficult. And led in this fun is also nice, because you can rip the kiss. It is only necessary to choose which way to turn your head. After that, the presenter takes the player's place and the game continues.

The moment of glory
Artistry and ability to portrait objects, animals and popular artists will help the participants to fulfill the creative miniature tasks. And the true talent in this competition will sill storming of admiring spectators and earned a prize.

School of young actor
This game for a friendly cheerful company can be played anywhere - in the apartment, park, club. All participants are in turn, like County Mimes, are depicted by the words, the rest are trying to guess them.

Artist and Muse
Several pairs are offered to draw a simple story. One participant is handed a pencil and tie their eyes. The second player can help the artist only by tips, which will guide hand with a pencil in the right direction.

Well, repeat!
Seving in a circle, participants repeat the funny movements shown by the lead. Looking, how do the neighbors try, it is impossible to stay from smiles, it is still difficult to correctly fulfill the task and save your place among the players. The participant concerned longer than all.

Star Gates
Move muscles, waging all those present at the holiday will help jump into the future through the "Star Gate". Participants jumping from place and answering questions will demonstrate their good physical form, sense of humor and fantasy.

Sphlee, Svetik, do not get together!
In this collective game you need to guess the song that the selected players will sound. This must be done by an unusual way invented by himself or the proposed leading. The game combines the players and the audience, because the prize can be obtained and voicing the song, and guessing it.

Dance relay
Paired dances attract a grace and beauty. This fun passes in the form of a dance relay with a magical subject. She not only check the skill of the participants to move synchronously, but also wishes all guests of the parties.

Fishing my fish
Try to catch your favorite, like a fish on the fishing rod, the task is not simple. The ordinary forks hang on the guys and girls to the belt on a thread. That a couple wins, which earlier everyone will be able to "catch" each other, clutching the cloves of the forks.

Tornado named love
Why Tornado and Hurricanes are assigned women's names? Probably, they and women have something in common! In this competition, the couple will win, which will suit the most spectacular tornado, rewinding the silk ribbon, which was wrapped in a waist girl, on the torso guy.

Competition "Housewives and Households"

In this competition, the girls must protect their title of the main thing in everything related to the house. So, each team has a table, tablecloth, plates, glasses, forks, napkins, and so on. They need to serve the table. The volume must be done on etiquette. That team wins, which will make it the first, and at the same time will not violate any etiquette rules. After that, you can have a holiday on these cooled tables and continue.

Competition "Not female this case"

In this competition, the wonderful half of the company will compete with a strong in kind of purely male lesson. Both teams will need to jointly cut the board in half, and then knock it off with nails. Participants are in turn suitable and make something from the above. Each one is given for 20 seconds. Who is faster, better and more beautiful, he wins this competition. He will help women show that they are not only able to wash the plates, but also to do men's work.

Competition "Ears on Makushka"

For this game, you will need a tape recorder and a pre-recorded record of various noise. Players must listen to the tape recorder, consisting of a series of fragments, each 10 seconds, with pauses between them 5 seconds. Sounds must be the most diverse: and bird sinking, and the sounds of the technique, etc. The task of the participants: to determine the source of the heard sounds. Moreover, it is necessary to do it as concise - in one or two words, with humor. Wins the one who successfully and quickly cope with the task.

Competition-entertainment "hypnotized"

For this entertainment, a small preliminary preparation is needed. 10-15 minutes before the start, start talking about new hobbies, hypnosis courses. And someone (planned in advance or who can simply force due to the nature) asks you to conduct a hypnosis session. The most relaxed men are chosen and the monologue is pronounced: "- I still don't know everything completely, but I can not enter you in hypnosis, but to a state preceding hypnosis. I recently learned to call pleasant memories from childhood that you forgotten. The main thing is to close your eyes and perform my instructions. " Invite guys to come forward. "And I'll close your eyes ... (the main condition that everything is performed with eyes closed). Imagine yourself with small children. Summer. You are the first time with your parents on the sea. Waves affectionately tick your heels. You are running ... (participants need to mimic run).You go down to your knees and see something brilliant in the sand (It must be imitated again).You stretch your hand ( participants stretch hand)to this brilliant treasure (The role of the treasure performs the sausage mug on a plate or a piece of bread, which keeps your helpers), But you still do not know what is a diamond. You see a boy who did not have time to grab a diamond, turn and show him the language (Show language).In this moment ( when the guys stand on her knees, stretching his hands to sausage or bread and showing the tongue to each other)you say loudly: "Gentlemen, a squad of combat dogs to find the missing sausage is ready!" And then the drill laugh. It is advisable at this moment to take a photo of the "combat squad".

Competition "Nature"

This competition is held between the teams. The competition is similar to the game "Cities". Teams in turn call trees or animals, and subsequent words should begin with the last letter of the previous word. For example, Iva - Antelope - Quince - ... Wins in the competition that team that will call the last word. The most active participant can be given a gift, for example, the Encyclopedia of Nature. Competition can be complicated if you enter the limitation of the habitat of the animals and trees. For example, you can call only animals and the trees of the middle strip.

Competition "Leaflets"

This competition is carried out in order for the teams to come up with their name. For the competition, leaflets from artificial colors and two baskets will be needed. On the opposite sides of some leaves are written letters. All leaflets are scattered around the room where the competition is held. According to the leading team, the leaflets in their baskets begin to collect. A minute later, the teams must give their baskets leading. The presenter browsing the leaves, those leaflets on which the letters are written, he gives the teams. Next, the commands are given a minute to come up with a name for the team composed of the letters on the leaflets found. A minute later, the teams pronounce their names. That team that will be the longest name, wins.

Competition "My outfit"

This competition is carried out among adolescents at the birthday. For the competition, artificial flowers, small rags, pins, threads, tape (all in large quantities) will be needed. All participants get up around the lead. The presenter is in the center of the circle with all things. The presenter announces that participants should dress like Pandora residents. To do this, they will use the things that he has. But these things he just won't give it away, so the participants will have to perform the tasks of the lead. The presenter asks the question: "Who agrees to pronounce a toast in honor of the birthday name for this thing?" And raises up the thing for which the participants will fight. Participants who agree should raise the hand up. The rest of the participants are still out of the circle. After pronouncing a toast by participants leading to everyone gives the same thing as she showed. Then all the participants get up again in the circle, and the presenter sets the next question. So continues until all things are disassembled or no one will agree to fulfill the task for the remaining things. Next, the second stage begins. Participants must come up with an outfit earned out of earned things like Pandora residents. The transformation gives 5 minutes. The winner defines a birthday boy.

Competition "Festive Make-Up"

This competition is held at the birthday. For the competition, white paints will be needed ( gouache or paint for body art). Each participant is issued a jar with white paint and the mirror. According to the signal of the leading participants in three minutes, they must draw a festive coloring on their face and body, as Pandora's residents in the film "Avatar" painted. After the time expires, the participants must submit their festive coloring to the court. The winner is determined by the vote, or it determines the presenter. The winner is awarded an album for his further creations.

Competition "Blue Leather"

For the competition, they will need special paints for body art or blue blue ( the quantity depends on the number of participants).This competition is held at the holiday for adolescents. In order to participate in the competition, teenagers must be dressed in swimsuits. Each member is issued a jar of paint and a glass with water. According to the signal of the leading participants must smear all their body with blue paint. The participant defeats the participant who earlier will decoke himself. It can be handed soap and sponge as a prize.

Competition "Hairstyle A-La Pandora"

This competition is held on the birthday of teenagers (girls). Competition will need combs, gum, feathers and large beads. Each girl is awarded a set consisting of a comb, 10 rubber bands, 10 feathers and 10 beads. According to the leading girl's signal, African pigtails should begin to weave from their hair, at the ends of the braids need to be fixed or a feather, or a bead, or both items. After 5 minutes, the presenter stops the contest and calculates how many braids weave the girls and how many items fell into pigtails. The winners are determined by two nominations: 1) the largest amount of braids, 2) the greatest amount of woven feathers and beads. Both winners are awarded incentive prizes, for example, combs.

Game "Family Adams"

The whole company is going to in one room. Leading - Two, preferably a guy with a girl - go to another room. Inviting one participant, they start it to themselves, put right in front of them and say the phrase, accompanied by gestures: "Hello ( bowing head), we are the family of Adams ( show your hands on yourself), You are our guest ( show your hands on the experimental), now you will entertain us ( show your hands on yourself) as long as we ( show your hands on yourself) To you ( show your hands on the player)do not coarlody ( clap in your hands) ". After this phrase, the presenters shook and wait for the player's actions. The essence of the game is that in order not to do the player leading ( family Adams.) repeat everything after it ( complete similarity is optional). The game with this player ends after, naturally, when the family cools the player. Next, the player joins the family, becoming the lead, and the new victim is introduced. Experiments have shown that the larger the people, the more fun.

Competition "Anatomy in the Song"

This competition is perfect for repetition of biology and anatomy lessons. Two teams participate in the competition. Rules are extremely simple: each team must remember as many songs as possible as possible, in which there are some parts of the body and organs, for example: if we are talking about a heart, you can choose the songs of the Silk Heart or Unbreak My Heart and etc. Thus, songs can even be in foreign languages. It is important that the songs are counted only on condition that the team will sing together. The team wins the team that will remember more songs.

Game "Volleyball blind"

If at your life path suddenly an overwhelming wall arose, then this game will help you use it as a mesh for volleyball blind. One and on the other side of the walls are two teams. Next, you can play in the following ways: - Appliances for feeding and chopping the ball is the same as in volleyball; "Just try to throw the ball with any ways over the wall to score the" ball "to the enemy. Thus, the main goal of the game is to score as many goals as possible in the enemy. The difficulty lies in the fact that you see the ball in most cases after it flies on your side. The game greatly develops the reaction.

Game "Sharks and Fish"

This game is best done in the pool. For a start, it is selected 3 leading. They become in the middle of the pool. Players become at one edge of the pool. Watering play the role of sharks, and the remaining players are fish. Sharks first call any color or geometric shape. If players on clothes or accessories ( barcasts, bracelets, clock) There is a named color or figure, they freely swim by sharks on the other side of the pool, and those who stayed must slip so that the sharks are not "eaten." "Eaten" fish are dropped out of the game. Next, the fish are trying to twist the pool again, and sharks ask questions. So continues until the sharks are boring all the fish.

Competition "Walking Alphabet"

This competition for cohesion of the team. To begin with, cook about 5 questions. You can answer every question in one word short enough. Next, write down the letters from these words on large A4 sheets and distribute each young man. If the guys are small, then you can give 2 letters per person. The main thing is that the participants attach these sheets to sweaters or t-shirts with a pin. After that, you ask the question of the question, and the guys must allotten so that the letters that are indicated on their clothing amounted to the words and answers. This competition can be held for two teams. In this case, prepare two instances of letters, and the competition itself is "for a while".

Competition "Shaokok Box"

This contest will probably have to all participants to taste. In advance, purchase a box of chocolate chocolates "Assorted" or independently pick up different candies in the store: with cream filling, with nuts, with nutga or marmalade, with candied orcuts or air rice, iris and caramel. Next, we invite the participants and explain them the rules of the competition: before each of them is a plate with the same set of candies and a sheet of paper with a handle. The sheet indicates the names of the candies that must specify the participants to the filling of the candies, for example, if candy with nuts, name it "Nutcracker" or "whiter". Participants on the sheet should write that, in their opinion, is contained in sweets. For this candy need to be "tasting". For convenience, number the packaging of candies, and on the sheet, smell the numbers denoting candy. The participant wins, which first calls the exact composition of the filling of each candy. What can get the title "Miss Sandy".

Game "ABC Morse"

This is an old fun game in schools. There were craftsmen who, on the basis of this game, wrote dictates, staging in this way "correctly" commas, points and other punctuation marks. For the competition you will need a rope ball, for example, the twine. Next, you dial two boys teams. Put them with each other. Cut the rope and link the "chain" the right legs of the participants of each team (The right foot of the first participant is associated with the right foot of the second, the right leg of the second is associated with the right foot of the third participant, etc.).Thus, we obtain two chain transmitters commands. The first player of each team is issued by the message recorded by the Morse alphabet, the last player - the alphabet-decoding and sheet of paper with the handle. The first participant must "convey" the second each signal, the second - the third, etc. Until the latter, which will write all the characters, after which it will have to solve encryption. The cipher is transmitted as follows: the point is a short movement foot forward, dash - a long foot movement. Encrypt better simple phrases.

Game "Surprise Bag"

For the game you will need a bag in which you need to fold various funny things, for example, adult diapers, underwear, colored brazers, funny hats. All players go to the dance platform. When music includes, everyone should dance and transmit each other bag with things. At that moment, when the music stops, the person who had a bag should get from the bag, without looking, one thing and put it on. Then the music is turned on again, and the game continues further. The game goes until all things are put on participants.

Competition "Expert of etiquette"

Prepare for the competition. Prepare the following: Cut out of paper or cardboard a tablespoon of a dining room, a tea spoon, a spoon of coffee, the fork ordinary, the plug is dessert, the usual knife. This is for one set, and the number of sets depends on the number of participants. Plus, add one plastic cup to each set. Next, on ordinary leaves, print a picture table setting, without images of the position of glasses (glasses, etc.) and cutlery. The number of such leaves must correspond to the number of participants. Next about the contest itself. At the beginning of each participant, there is a set of forks, spoons, knives, cups and one sheet, on which the participants must correctly decompose the cutlery and put the cup. The participant who is the first to cope with the task, wins the competition.

Game "Whistle"

You will need a whistle, a pin and a thread about 20 cm long. Take three people from the room that never played this game. The remaining players sit on the chairs into a dense circle face inside. Now you invite one of those outside the door. He gets into a circle, and while you tie your eyes, someone from the players carefully pins him on his back, thread with a whistle so that he does not notice it. Then you say that one of the players sitting around him stole a magic whistle and he needs to find the guilty. At this time, one of the players whistles in the whistle and carefully lets it. It can pass a lot of time while the player with blindfolded eyes, turning on the whistle every time, guess that the magic whistle is tied to his own back! Then they also cause other of those three who were removed from the room.

The game "cradle"

We need a rope with a length of 2-3 m. The rope hold two, holding each one of the ends. You can one end to tie to the column or wood, and then one person can hold. The rope is not twisted, but only rock over the ground at different heights - from 10-20 cm to 50 and higher. Participants one by one ( or couples)they scatter and jump over a swinging rope or begin to jump in different ways: with closer legs, on one leg, with crossed legs, with a turn when jumping, etc. Jump until you make mistakes. Allowed the error replaces one of the swinging rope. An error is considered not only the wrong leap, but also any rope hiding. However, if this happened due to the fault of the rope, the jumped has the right to re-attempt.

Competition "Festive set"

This competition is based on a well-known word game. On the board you write "Vinaigrette" from the letters, which, with the right construction, form the phrase "Valentine's Day". The task of contestants - on the sheets to build as many words as possible from these letters. For each word - on the point. The participant wins the participant who will give more points. Also, a separate prize is awarded to the participant who first guess which phrase is encrypted in this "Vigrette" letters.

Entertainment "Broken Hearts"

This competition is perfect for young men and girls who are embarrassed to get into the pairs. He will help to choose a couple. Cut in advance so many hearts, how many pairs you need to make up. Then each heart cut in half, creating the most unusual cuts. Some halves go to young men, other girls. In order for your holiday, there were no broken hearts, because to offer all guests to quickly find their "halves". As an option to continue entertainment, you can offer all the audience to choose a better couple by voting.

Competition "Diver"

This competition is held in the pool. To hold it in advance prepare various pebbles ( or any other subjects), the color of which will coincide with the color of the bottom. Then throw off all these "treasures" to the pool. Each participant is given mask and time ( for example, seconds 30),for which he dives into the pool and tries to find as much "treasures" as possible. After time, the following participant starts to the test. In the end, he wins the participant who for the allocated time will collect most of the pebbles.

Entertainment "Detective"

Choose one detective, it goes beyond the door, allegedly in order for the remaining word. At this time, the presenter explains that the remaining must answer the question of the detective "yes" if the question ends at the vowel, "no" - if on the consonant and "possibly" if the question ends at b. Then they have a detective, he begins to ask questions, trying to guess the word, and the rest respond to pre-established issues. Entertainment can continue until you get bored or while the detective will not understand what it fools.

Competition "Recipes"

This contest for real owners. The lead explains that not so long ago, so that the girl would take in his wife, her parents needed to take care not only about the fallen and chastity of the future bride, but also to be able to prepare a hearty borsch and sweet blood. To participate in the competition, several girls choose. Each of them must be remembered and record a classic recipe for the preparation of borsch and oat mat. After a minute, the master reads recipes. Winner choose viewers.

Competition "Check intuition"

For this contest you will need two sheets, two candles and milk. Take the sheets in advance and, using milk as ink, email a pussy on every sheet ( the mystery may be the same).Now about the contest itself. You choose two participants who are confident in their intuition and smelting. Put a candle, matches and a sheet of paper with a mystery, while explaining that in front of them the mystery on the sheet (They do not know about milk, because they see absolutely white sheet)And they need to guess how it can be read and unravel. In fact, to read your mystery, written by milk, you need to light match with a candle and hold the leaflet with a mystery - the milk begins to burn out and manifest themselves with chocolate color, but the participants must "reach" themselves. The one who first will give the right answer to the riddle.

Entertainment "Hobby"

Three guys are chosen from the hall, it is desirable that these are unmatched young people. The presenter says they will ask questions about the hobby, and they must answer these questions without issuing what their hobby really is. Then the guys go beyond the door, allegedly in order for the rest of those present to come up with questions. But in fact, this competition is comic, the presenter proposes to submit to everyone that the hobby of these guys kissing. Then the leading calls guys. They are asked the following questions: Where did you learn to your hobby? Who taught you? How much time do you devote to your hobby classes? What sounds are present when you do your hobby? Where do you do your hobby? When did you start doing your hobby? How are you preparing for your hobby? Given that everything except guys will apply the answers to the hobby kissing, it will be very funny.

Competition "Keep Rhythm"

All participants sitting around the table, on sofas, etc. Each participant chooses a name from two syllables, with an emphasis on the first (for example, ka-ka, sa na, bird-ka, fish). Leading (man with a good feeling of rhythm)specifies the tempo, everyone supports cotton palms on the table, knees, etc. The initial pace is one cotton per second. The presenter speaks his name twice, then two times the name of any other person ("Katya, Katya - Petya, Peter") is one name for one cotton. After the person whose name is named, should also say his name twice, twice someone else. The pace is gradually increasing. Pause should not be, the name should pronounce on each cotton. If someone bets, he is assigned some cool nickname - a brake, chukchi, woodpecker - and after that it can not be called Petei, but only a new name. For the third time, the mistake drops out of the game. Merry it becomes when the tempo is increasing to just mad, and all participants have new interesting names.

Game "Promotion of Liberation"

Liberation share is a dynamic game, well-developing hearing, attentiveness, coordination and reaction from the lead player and agility and reaction from other players. The presenter forms a circle of chairs in order to limit the movement of players. Participant with related hands and legs (n lennick)sits in the center of a circle formed from chairs. Next to it is a player blindfolded ( security guard).Rest participants of the game ( liberators)they are trying to free the captive, that is, trying to unleash it. The guard should prevent. Revised any participant, he brings him out of the game, he should go for the circle of chairs. A player who manages to free the captive and not be caught, becomes a security guard next time.

Game "Want to know everything"

Any number of players can participate in the game. All distribute sheets of paper and handles. The sheet is divided into six columns called: "City", "River", "Animal", "Plant", "Name" and "Points". On the signal one of the players ( leading) Begins to pronounce an alphabet for himself, someone stops him, and he calls the letter on which he stopped. All quickly begin to fill columns with words on this letter. As soon as one of the players fill all the columns, he screams the "stop", everyone stops and starting to count the glasses. Who the first filled the speakers, reads his words, for each name that did not meet anyone, put 20 points; If coincided, then the glasses are divided between players equally. If someone has no word at all, then 10 points are recorded by the lead, and the remaining 10 divide players who have a word in this column. Wins the one who has most points on the results of the game.

Competition "Culture"

This competition is designed to celebrate international women's day. The presenter should distribute tissue, threads and buttons to all participants. Then, according to his signal, participants should start sewing buttons, moreover should be at least three stitches. By his signal, everyone stops their needlework. Which participant for the allocated time sewed more buttons, she won.

Game "Statue of Love"

The first sculptor creates a composition called "Love Statue", and when he is satisfied with the result, he is offered to take the place of the character of his sex. The next room is invited to the girl who improves this statue in the measure of his understanding. When the ideal, in her opinion, is reached, it also becomes a female part of the composition. Further, a man comes into the room, who says that it is a statue of love, only some kind of she is not true and a little art, it is necessary to improve it ... There is a variant of this game when the floor does not matter. Then the topic of the composition is free, but you can sculpt only one member, the place of which is subsequently the sculptor.

Game "Dance"

Participants get up in a circle of couple a guy-girl. In the center of the circle, the presenter throws several headscarves. Guys must catch them until they touch the earth. If some guy does not have time to catch a handkerchief, then it is punished, for example, forced for five minutes to keep his girlfriend on his hands. The guys who caught the handkerchief are suitable for their girls and put a handkerchief on their shoulder. Then the presenter includes Russian folk music, the couples move to the tact of music, the guy tries to pick up a handkerchief, and the girl does not allow it to do. The game ends when all the guys take scarves.

Flower Riddles game

This game is well suited for holding it on the birthday of the girl. The presenter takes the name of the flower and changes in it the letters in places. For example, Tulip - Namutpal, Narcissa - Sirstzan, Gandiolus - Sodulliag, and so on in this spirit. Guests must guess what the presenter came for the flower. The participant wins the name more than any time. He is awarded with candy "Iris".

Competition "Collect the Petals"

This competition will be the most relevant at the celebration of the birthday of the girl. All participants are broken into pairs. Then all the guys tie their eyes, and the girl's petals fasten on the girls. You can hide them anywhere: in pockets, in shoes, on clothes, and even under the clothes. Well, in general, it is where the fantasy of the fixers bring. Then guys are summarized to their second half, and they need to find all the petals blindfolded. Wins the same couple that will find the petals first. Girls must be silent.

Competition-entertainment "Go there I do not know where!"

4-6 people are invited. Depending on the conceived and pre-prepared tablets. Put in a number of chairs. Back to viewers. Participants are seared on the chairs. The backs of the chairs are playing plates, type of bedroom, toilet, institute, store, etc. Each participant in turns leading or viewers ask questions like: why do you go there? What do you usually do there? Do you like to go there? How often do you go there? What is there? Etc. Since the participants in the tables do not see, answer what will come to mind. It turns out ridiculous and interesting.

Competition "Silent Students"

The presenter offers participants, 4-6 people pull out, as on the exam prepared on the paper sheets. It may be quotes from fairy tales, proverbs and sayings, lines of songs. The goal of the game is that the participant needs to convey the meaning to the guests and gestures. To try as accurately able to convey meaning to be understandable viewers. Member, whose magic language The gesture will be more understandable to guests. Which will be able to pass the meaning of the specified phrase faster and wins this competition. Also can be handed, albeit not the victorious, but the most talented participant a special prize. People's Choice Award.

Competition "Hands away!"

The presenter invites 6-8 pairs of participants. Couples are broken into two teams. The presenter reminds how in childhood everyone loved to participate in relay. Now they had such an opportunity again. Since the New Year's competition, the main propulsion and the prize in it there will be a constant symbol of the new year - Mandarin. Two dishes on the chairs are made trays with tangerines. On the opposite side of the room empty trays. The task of participants without the use of hands to transfer all tangerines on an empty tray take turns. What the team will cope with this task faster, that will win.

Competition "Find your half"

It will take: balloons, inside which you need to put notes with the names of present girls. The master spreads the balls in the center of the hall, then invites several young men from the hall to find a half "old people's way." Players must clean balls without help and legs. The best pair is chosen by visual applause. This competition is well suited in order to gain couples in the company where people are familiar little.

Entertainment "Serenade for Beloved"

The presenter invites one pair. Youth and girl. And it offers a young man to fulfill a serenade for his beloved. The young man dresses the headphones in which music, some famous love song. Also music at the beginning sounds in the hall. The young man becomes knee and begins to sign a song sincerely. Sound operator disables music in the hall. And the sound is only in the headphones with a young man. It turns out very funny. Since the music in headphones sounds loud, and the young man is trying very hard.

Game "Portrait of all for memory"

It will take: Watman, a couple of markers, eye bandage. The lead is recruiting several people in the team and invites them to carefully look at the birthday room, remember His characteristic features - the birthday name at this moment is best chaismatically posing. Then, at a short distance from the team, Watman is hanging. Each participant ties eyes and give felt-tip pen. He must reach Watman and draw that part of the body that the presenter will name.

Competition "Cracked Loda"

It will take: Make two such squares as on the picture from the cardboard ( on the lines to make cuts)- Thus, a set of figures that make up a full square. The lead is typing 2 commands. Then each team is given such a square in disassembled form. The task of commands - how quickly you can collect the shapes and parts in the square. Wins the one who will cope with the task. Be prepared for the fact that in the process of the competition, hear that the square is to collect from all "this" impossible and the task is impartial.

Game "No words"

This game is perfect for holding it at the celebration of the birthday. From the whole company, two people are selected. The first must come up with the word, it is desirable to designate the subject, otherwise one and a half hours of bewilderment are provided. Then he says this word to the second. And I must show this word, without uttering a word. If someone is guessing, he takes the place of who made the word. He, in turn, turns into a place of one who shows.

Competition "Four Monkeys"

This contest is most appropriate at birthday celebration. He will delight both the participants themselves and those who will observe this entertaining process. So, for a start, you need to find four volunteers. They are kneeling on four sides of the chair. Before each of them is a banana. Participants must clean and eat their banana without hands. In this competition, the one who first captures and Eat Banana wins. If a company has gathered sweets, then the same can be done with chocolate.

Competition "MPK (Great and Excellent Competition)"

It is that each participant must come up with a name for himself, while the name-abbreviation, that is, cuts the words most well-characterizing it. For example, movies - beautiful intelligent normal organized. Then each participant says this abbreviation to everyone else, and they must guess what is hidden under it. Wins a player who has invented the longest, original and cheerful abbreviation.

Competition "Feel yourself with Serdyuchka"

The presenter causes all players one by one and gives them props: balloons, bright dress, hat and glasses. The participant should wear it all this to be as much as possible to the Verka Serdyuchka. Then the phonogram of some songs and the participant must act under it. Wins the one who will be as close as possible to the original.

Competition "Merry dressing"

To begin with, so many chairs are put in the circle, how many people participate in the competition. Then, when the music turns on, everyone runs around the chairs. When the music stops, everyone is removed from themselves one thing and put on the chair standing nearby. Then the music is turned on again. When the participants refuse to continue to undress, then other music is included, and they begin to dress. Moreover, when the music stops, they must wear one thing precisely from that chair, in front of which they stopped. As a result, it turns out a company very strangely dressed people. Wins the one who will have the most cheerful outfit.

Game "Hanging Cucumber"

All participants are in the shoulder shoulder ( their hands must be behind)And in his center is the leading. After that, he closes his eyes, and one of the players is given a cucumber. Then the presenter opens his eyes. Participants must transmit the cucumber, and if the case becomes, then to bite the part of it. The lead is guessing, in whose hands is the cucumber. If he guess, then the one who noticed becomes leading. So continues until the cucumber is over. The most interesting part is, of course, the bite of cucumber, which is usually accompanied by smiles of the rest.

Game "Bird"

Everyone becomes a circle. The presenter tells the participants, so that they presented that he had a small and beautiful bird in his hands. Everyone must say where he would like to kiss her, and convey the next participant. When the circle completely passes the lead says that everyone should kiss the next standing in the circle to the place he called. The main thing is that the participants do not know in advance the meaning of the contest, and so far from funny situations are obtained.

Game "Circle"

All participants are going to a dense circle. Pull in the center of the circle of hand. Exhibit up thumbs up. The presenter puts on the ball's fingers. They must carry this ball for some distance. At the same time, they must be silent. If the ball fell, someone touched with several fingers, it does not concern at all, or said the word, then everything starts first. Fingers should be strictly below the ball. If the participants cope too quickly, the presenter may complicate the passage, for example, replacing the usual ball tennis.

"My life path" (25 min).

Participants are invited to draw their "Life Card", which shows the main, memorable events of their lives. At the beginning of the card is the date of birth, everything else can be depicted with symbols or subscribe.

At the end of drawing (approximately 15 minutes), participants choose partners, sit on the pairs and tell each other about their life events.

"Level of happiness"(5 minutes).

Group members are invited to determine the level of happiness in their life as a whole on a 100-point scale. It must be said out loud for the whole group and mark in your map. In the course of the game, questions are possible to each other. Speaking - alternating: the first speaks of positive qualities, the second - about the negative, the third is again about positive, etc.

"Mom and baby"(10 min).

The presenter explains the role of bodily attractions in communication between people. The participants are then divided into pairs in which they play the role of mother and child. Mom must express his feelings towards the "child", touching the parts of his body (from the head to the legs) and accompanying their actions in gentle words. After three minutes, the participants change roles.

Discussion: Who do you like to be more - a child or mother? Why?

"We are similar?.." (25 min).

Initially, the participants are randomly walking around the room and they say to everyone who meets 2 phrases, starting with:

You look like me what ...

I differ from you what ...

Another option: in pairs of 4 minutes to talk on the topic "What we are similar"; Then 4 minutes - on the topic "What we are different." At the end of the game, a discussion is drawn, attention is drawn to what it was easily and that it is difficult to do what discoveries were. As a result, it is concluded that we are all in essence, similar and at the same time are different, but we have the right to these differences, and no one can make us be different.

"Stories on the topic" Joy of Life "" (60-90 min).

This unit of exercise highlights the joy of life. Participants encourage reflections on what brings or might bring them joy in life. At the same time, it is necessary to teach them together to work in the group, feel each other and achieve a result in joint group activities.

The group is divided into small groups of 2-3 people. Accordingly, the number of small groups fold out pictures (they should affect as much spheres of life, such as love, friendship, sexuality, free time, work, family). Group members start writing history in their picture, they have about 5 minutes. After that, each group moves to the next picture and continues the story started by the previous group. This continues until the first group returns to its first picture (no more than 5 transitions). After that, history is read and discussed in a large group.

"Proposals starting with" What would happen if ... " (90 min).

This method can also be used to encourage adolescents to discuss their feelings. Participants should be encouraged to reflect their own behavior caused by certain emotional states, as well as to find possible alternatives of behavior.

Sheets with the onset of proposals presented on them laid out on the table or on the floor. Each participant chooses the topic for itself and makes the collage on it. You can also form small groups that will work together on one topic. Finished collages are presented to everyone and serve as the basis for the conversation.

Option: Another opportunity to work with suggestions: Suggest participants to write a story on this topic or show the pantomime. Other, simpler, option - give everyone to an unfinished offer and hear the continuation.

The offer "What would happen if ...".

Possible start of proposals:

If I'm furiously, then ...

If I am sad, then ...

If I'm afraid, then ...

If I have no desire to do something, then ...

If I can't get someone, then ...

If I am proud of myself, then ...

If I want to meet someone, then ...

If I coped with something well, then ...

If I overcame something, then ...

If such a misfortune happens to me, that I can no longer live like now ...

If I understand that at school I do not have time and, in fact, I should leave it ...

If I ever get seriously ill ...

If suddenly disappoint ...

If I lose my best girlfriend / my best friend ...

If I'm in despair ...

If I'm in stressful condition ...

If I feel excluded from the group ...

If I am alone ...

If I envy ...

If I'm bored ...

If I'm not confident ...

If I am jealous ...

If someone admires me ...

"Kingdom" (60 min).

Participants are invited to submit themselves to the residents of the kingdom. As in any kingdom, there is a king, queen, their courtiers and subjects.

Then the distribution of roles is made: the role of the king is selected by the one who wants to be chosen to them. The king chooses the queen. After that, the king and the queen choose themselves along two courtiers or subjects, when they call their functions at the courtyard.

Those, in turn, also choose assistants, already one by one, and so as long as all members of the group receive their roles in the kingdom. In the course of the role distribution, spatial movements of participants are also produced. For the king and queen, the throne is constructed, the remaining courtiers are placed near the throne next to those who chose them.

At the next stage, the game itself begins where all its participants are in turn, starting with the king and further according to the degree of subordination, produce one change in the kingdom so that life in it is better. (Option: King and Queen after 2-3 strokes of other participants have the right to make additional changes.)

The game can be carried out in one or more circles. The question is discussed in the pauses - what happens in our kingdom?

Discussion (approximate topics): "I realized that today / now ..."; "I was surprised ..."; "I felt..."; "Think that..."; "Today I was annoyed ..."; "I really liked / did not like it ...".

"Metaphors" (20 minutes).

One goes beyond the door, the rest make someone from those present. Returning should guess who Zagadan. To do this, he must ask 5 issue issues. For example, if it were a plant (flower, dish, color, etc.), what would it be.

The game is repeated alternately with all participants.

"Farewell ritual" (10 min).

Leading. What happened in the group today, we need to keep: keep it confidence, sincerity, those feelings that we have experienced today. Therefore, it is not necessary to discuss all this with other people outside the circle. What you want to say is that, maybe not yet said today, you can say in the next meetings. And it will help us to keep the group's energy, the mood of our life in these classes. The moment of farewell is always an exciting moment and therefore we will always say goodbye in a special way in the form of a kind of ritual.

Everyone becomes a circle, and each in turn says goodbye to some gesture with the rest. Everyone repeat, trying to fully pass the mood of the gesture.

Option: Participants are invited to choose a farewell ritual.

3. Leader suitcase.

Among the abilities of the organizational equipment, facial expressions, gestures, technique of speech occupy an important place. The complex we have developed will help learn these skills.

Exercise 1. Read any text, at least weather forecast: whisper; with maximum volume; as if you were frozen; As if hot porridge in the mouth.

Exercise 2. The same, in combination with all listed, but as if reading: aliens; man who has just learned to speak; robot; five-year-old child; As if all of humanity listens to you, and you should explain this text, how it is important to strive to do good to each other, and you have no other words; As if these text you explain in love, and there will be no other opportunity.

Exercise 3.. Without leaving the chair, sit as sitting: Chairman of the State Duma; Bee on a flower; cashier in the workplace; punished Pinocchio; Bride at the wedding; Hamlet; The criminal on the dock. Improvise.

Exercise 4. Picture the following: how baby goes; a lion; ballet dancer; French king; Indian leader.

Exercise 5.. Smile like a very polite Japanese smiling; dog to his owner; cat in the sun; The young man in love with his girlfriend; Wolf hare.

Exercise 6.. Nourish like: LIR king; a child who took a toy; Napoleon; man who wants to hide a smile; An angry parrot.

Why these exercises? To "stay all kinds", practice, resolve your inner state, learn how to manage it. Attention and imagination will help create internal "piggy banks" of intonations, movements, gestures, ways of manifestation of feelings, demonstrating thoughts, so necessary leader in the process of its impact on people.

Exercises 7 and 8. We offer two special exercises that will help the leaders to correct some physical disadvantages that create certain interference in work. For example, the guys of small growth are small, inexpressive movements, and in high - on the contrary, swallowed, clumsy.

For leaders with small movements. An individual training is that a person in the home environment, performing any physical actions playing the game. For example: all furniture in a lead house, i.e. very heavy. "Severity" requires enlarged movements, more large-scale, more significant.

For leaders with squeezed movements. A similar exercise with the only difference is that all furniture, all items in the house of glass. Glass requires more accurate, delicate circulation.

One of the necessary skills of the leader is his ability to understand the psychological state of the partner, "high sensitivity", the ability to understand the motives of actions. The exercises offered below contribute to the development of observation and attention - important qualities of the leader's personality.

Exercise 9.Is it good for you to know the appearance of your class comrades or members of your organization (association)? Find in each of them that they have not noticed so far. What are your eyes, hair, shape of the chin? Describe the memory, and then check when you meet.

Exercise 10.. "As your five fingers" - we say that we are familiar well. However, consider carefully your five fingers. Do they know you well? Take a look at your palms. Close your eyes, imagine them, then describe.

Exercise 11.Individual training, developing visual memory and observation skills. Passing down the street, exercise in the instant "photographing" of people who come to meet, houses, shop windows, etc. The eye should instantly capture the image in all details. The eyes do it, they just didn't do it before, and therefore they did not adapt their eyes. To memorize and realize the captured images, you need to carefully train. The order is about the same as in the photo: we remove - looked; We show - remember; We write - remember; We consider prints.

Exercise 12.. Observation, visual memory, efficiency. In 30 seconds, find and remember all items in the room, the names of which begin with the letter C: table, chair, snapshot, napkin, etc. The more, the better.

Exercise 13. What does it seem? (Exercise Leonardo da Vinci). Considering the stains of carcasses and ink on paper, cracks on a wall or stone, you can see the looks of images on different battles, animals, clothes, expressions of people, an infinite set of things. After watching the shadow on the ceiling, folds on the curtain, you will see different pictures. This exercise develops fantasy, imagination, figurative thinking, visual memory.

Exercise 14.. What's new? Every day, entering the class or headquarters of his organization, find out what changes here have happened, which is new in the clothes of comrades, etc. And so every day!

Exercise 15. Biography on views. Watch out for people's eyes. Please note what a large number of "ways to watch", if you can express it. When classifying views, think every time: why the same thing, one person looks at the same thing, and another otherwise. Studying the views of people, you will have to think about the originality of characters, about how the person with other people are as a result of a life path. The ability to quickly exercise this kind of analysis is needed by the leader.

Exercise 15. Live things. In the previous exercises on the development of fantasy, it was proposed to determine what looks a stain, the shadow, the crack ... mastering the inner vision, it is proposed to dream about what will happen if the chair will come true. What would he do? How old is he? What is his character? What does he love and what dreams of? Exercise develops the ability to associate observations with a fantasy.

The effectiveness of any case largely depends on how skillfully builds the leader of his communication with comrades, whether he owns the skills of building an individual conversation.

Exercise 17.. Modeling the conversation, "sensing of the soul of the object." (K. S. Stanislavsky.) In one of the fairy tales of J. Rodari is told about three types of people: glass broken from careless touch, wooden were blind even to strong effects, straw lit even with weak unrest.

Situation. You want your friend to refuse to view an interesting movie or disco visit (for which he is already configured) and helped you prepare a case for all members of the organization. Imagine a friend glass, wooden, straw. Play various conversations with him. Having determined the type of one of his acquaintances, spend a real conversation with him. Compare the results of playing with real.

Exercise 18. Creation of psychological compatibility at the initial stage of the conversation.

Situation: You need to find out the opinion of the comrade on an important thing for you, but an unpleasant question for him. Imagine this situation. To keep in mind that in the dialogue, each of the partners can occupy one of the 4 role positions.

I call the first "position of non-participation." You did not notice and did not hear. More precisely, they pretended that they do not notice and do not hear.

The second position is "an extension from above" - \u200b\u200bthis is an independent position, unpleasured and even on the contrary - subordinating that is responsible for itself.

The third position is "an extension from the bottom" - the position is dependent, submitted.

The fourth position is "an extension nearby" - expresses the ability and desire to reckon with the situation, understand the interests of others and allocate responsibility among themselves and another person.

The position of one person in the dialog is very informative for another, and the nature of the flow of dialogue and its results depends on it. The positions of people in the dialogue are not always agreed.

The task. Play interview options using 4 role positions. Develop recommendations for behavior in each situation.

Exercise 19.Organization of a direct conversation.

Depending on the circumstances, a person can be in one of the "weight categories" (meaning the state of the soul):

. "Lightweight" - the ease of soul, everyone wants to do, everything turns out;

. "Spin of the English Queen" - the figure of a person means that now he will bring the truth to all questions;

. "Everything is reluctant" - this is exactly what you do not want to do, thoughts are engaged in others;

. "Heavy weight" - everything is very tired, something badly hurts, there is no strength to do something.

Suggest 4 situations in which one of the proposed states will be appropriate. Play and analyze.

Exercise 20. Initiative Management. Imagine that you lead with someone conversation. His initiator is your interlocutor. You still have a passive member of the conversation - to give up, serve a replica, etc. Try to intercept the initiative, take leadership in your hands. And, on the contrary, try to force your partner (interlocutor) to become a leader of contact. Think how to do it. Apply a method in a real situation.

Exercise 21. Conversation management.

Situation. Meeting of friends. Task: reduce the conversation to a given topic. The topic is reported to the ear to any of the members of the audience so that the partner does not hear. Rough techniques are prohibited, for example: "And let's talk about ...", "And I want to say about ...". Analyze the stroke of the conversation: how the goal was implemented, the internal state of partners, errors.

Exercise 22.. Analysis of an individual conversation. Analyze one of the individual conversations. Analysis scheme: The purpose of the conversation, structure, result, position, state of partners. Your version of the conversation.

What holiday is the most important thing for every person? What holiday everyone is looking forward to: and adults and children? Of course this holiday is a birthday. And every child dreams of an unforgettable holiday in this particular day for him. Each parent tries to make this very day so special and unforgettable.
So that his child's birthday is remembered to him, and guests for life, you need to carefully plan it. It's not so difficult to choose a place and treats, it is much more difficult to come up with how to entertain guests. This will help you with a list of the most original and fascinating contests submitted below.

Competition № 1. "Home Theater".

All those present guests can take part in this competition. Guys need to be divided into 4 teams. The presenter chooses any patron or poem that everyone knows by heart. The task of each command to choose a specific theatrical genre. It can be a comedy, drama and the like. And then each team tells the poem in the chosen genre. That team will win, who, according to the lead or parents, coped to all. Competition is very funny and funny.

Competition No. 2. "Apples in Tazu."

For this contest, you will need two people, 10 apples and 2 basins filled with water. Both basins should stand on 2 chairs. In each basin floats in water 5 apples. The task of the guys catch more apples from water than a rival. But at that time, the hands of children should be behind her back. So caught apples will have tooths. The one who first caught all the apples won.

Competition № 3. "Who am I?".

This is one of the most beloved youth competitions. All those present can participate. You need as many sheets of paper, how many people play the game. On them the lead should write the names of famous personalities or names of any objects. Each player is cling to the forehead sheet, so that he does not see what is written there. Then the first participant sets questions to which you can answer "yes" or "no". The task of the participant guess what is written in his forehead. Questions can be like: "I object?", "I am an animal?" etc. After the first participant guess who he was, begins to guess the second, and so in a circle. This is a very fun game for a large company.

Competition number 4. "Find a couple of yourself."

For this contest, there will be 5 girls, 4 boys and one mop. Music turns on, the guys are divided into pairs and start dancing. He, who has no pair, dancing with a chair. When the music turns off, the couples are broken, and the one who had a chair behind him aside. When the music turns on again, everyone should again find a couple, and the one who does not have time is dancing with a chair. The competition is very funny, since in a hurry no one will deal with a couple of boy or a girl. Already after the second song, the boys dance with boys, and girls with girls.

Competition No. 5. "Unusual Football".

This game is suitable for those who celebrate the birthday in nature. Everything, as in ordinary football. Children are divided into 2 teams. That team that will score more goals into the opponent's gate - won. But the snag is that all children in both teams must be broken over the pairs and are connected. That is, the couples should be connected on one leg with each other. Watching such football will be very funny, and players such a game will undoubtedly like it. The main thing is careful, and do not worship.

Competition number 6. Light bulb.

For this contest, you need one boy and one girl. The presenter displays a guy from the room, and explains that when the guy enters back, he should pretend that it is going to screw the light bulb. The girl will discourage him, but he must explain to her what it needs to be done. Then he returns, the girl comes out, and her leads says that the guy gathered to hang around, and this could not be allowed. The girl returns, and guests are watching the fun picture.

Competition number 7. "Lopni all balls."

For this contest, you will need five or six boys. The presenter binds to the right foot of each of them a balloon. Task is very simple. Wins the one who will be the first to burst his ball, without hands. Believe me, it will not be so easy to do.

Competition No. 8. "Boxing gloves."

Guys and girls can participate in this competition. Participants should be four. Each is a pair of boxing gloves and sweets. The challenge is that in gloves to deploy candy faster than its rivals.

Competition No. 9. "Dance on the newspaper".

For this contest you need 3 boys and 3 girls. 3 newspapers put on the floor. Each couple becomes on his newspaper. When music turns on, they begin to dance. It is very important to dance, without going beyond the new chaff. Then the music stops, the presenter folds the newspaper twice. Couple dancing again. If the pair went beyond the newspaper, it drops out. So everything continues, as long as the winner is defined.

Competition number 10. Mafia.

Mafia is one of the most favorite games not only in children, but also in adults. It can be bought in the store, but if you have such a game, you can do it yourself. You take the same paper leaves, the number of which is equal to the number of guests. Write on one leaf word "mafia", and on all other "peaceful residents". Then turn the leaves so that no one saw that they are written on them. Issue to each player on the leaflet except the lead. Players carefully watch what is written on their leaves, but so that no one else can see it.

The presenter says the words: "The city falls asleep." After these words, all players close their eyes. Then the host says: "wakes up Mafia." That person who had a leaflet with the inscription "Mafia", opens his eyes. The lead says: "Mafia makes my choice." A man who opened his eyes quietly shows on any player leading. This means that he killed this civilian inhabitant. Then the presenter says: "Mafia falls asleep", and then "the city wakes up." The presenter says who of the civilians were killed, and everyone starts to think who Mafia. In this game you need to be able to bluff well. If everyone thought that the mafia was you, you need to be able to convince all players. You can play for hours into this game. The main thing is to remember the more players, the more fun to play.