Direct appeal at the beginning of the phrase is. Appeal

Direct appeal at the beginning of the phrase is. Appeal

The appeal is a word or phrase, which calls the person to whom we turn speech.

In the example: Moscow! How I love you! The appeal is a word Moscow.

Features of using proposals with appeals

Appeal is often expressed in the nominative case with the name noun:

Are you very thoughtful, Alexander?

Less often appeals are adjectives that are in the meaning of the noun:

Return me, beautiful, wide

The nominative case of the appeal is different from the very famous case of an intonation to be used wherever whose name or increase or decrease in tone or pace is used.

Compare: Petya will bring me a toy. - Petya, bring me a toy.

Appeal may be accompanied by words explanations:

Your works, my dear, I will not forget.

When we address it is not one person, but a few, then usually between the names of these individuals are an exclamation mark or a comma and they are connected by the writing union, for example:

Ivan and Peter, I will write you letters.

Mum! Father! Run more here!

When it comes to intonation of excitement, the appeal may repeat:

Ah, vasya, vasya, I miss

And may also be used intermediate particles about:

But I can not, about the enemies, I dying.

Appeal is not part of the sentence!

The appeal is never connected by any grammatical ties with any of the sentences and therefore will never be its members.

Compare examples, where in one of which the word Mother is an appeal, and in the other - subject to:

I love you, Mother! - Mother says with me with a whisper.

Appeals in our speech have a special role other than the role of members of the sentence: all members of the sentence are always served to express some thoughts, the most common task of circulation is often to force the interlocutor to listen to speech. That is why the appeals are very often names, nicknames, and so on:

Is Svetlana Nikolaevna, do you want to leave us?

Expression of feelings and emotions by appeals

The appeal is also sometimes accompanied by an expression of the feeling of caress, rage, love, etc. This attitude of the speaker to the interlocutor is expressed mainly by intonation, suffixes, definitions and applications, for example:

Ivanushka, cute, do not give out, native!

Summary, my dear, please sing!

Sometimes the appeals can be deployed in often lengthy characteristics. In such cases, the appeal is repeated or changed and several definitions may be in it. For example:


Appeal is not always used only to some persons, sometimes it can be used to inanimate subjects in poetic speech: Then it is one of the techniques of personification.

Thank you, the beauty is native, for your doctor! Girlfriend Duma idle, my inkwell, my eyelid, the same I decorated with you.

Note. Often rage, regret, love or indignation at the address of the person we express the appropriate tone of the nickname, name, name and other. So there are proposals called vocative. They do not need to be confused with appeals.

Let us give an example:

Vozyitsky. He has no [Serebryakov] No cases. He writes nonsense, grieves, jealous, nothing more.

C O N I (tone of rage). Uncle!

Male test for attentiveness. In which of these proposals the word handsome will be used as an appeal.

By calling the word or combination of words, which direct speeches are called to whom we are talking about. For example, Sasha go beyond bread; Young friend, always be young; And you, Dasha, will you go to the cinema?

The appeals are similar to the introductory words in the sense that they, like introductory words, stand out on a letter of commas, but are not members of the sentence, so they are not emphasized in syntaxially. The appeal can be at the beginning, and the middle, and at the end of the sentence. At the beginning of the offer: Yuri, did you do lessons? In the middle of the sentence: And you, Klava, can you play violin? At the end of the offer: Why do you need a breakdown bike, Paul?

At the beginning of the sentence, the appeal can be separated by a comma or an exclamation point if the appeal is pronounced with an increased exclamation. You can say: Kohl, go from the garbage. But you can say so: Kohl! Go go garbage. Unlike the introductory words of the appeal, they are not standing out by the signs of the dash, but only commas. After appeals, there is a pause.

Appeal is not always easy to find in the text. For example, you, dear friends, come tomorrow. An inexperienced student can allocate such an appeal in the sentence: and you are expensive, friends, come tomorrow. Therefore, it is important to be attentive when the appeal is highlighted.

Thus, the appeals can consist of one single word (Vladimir, put on the head with a cap, and then on the street it is cold) and common when two or more words are used: and you, snow blizzards, where are you rushed?.

It should also be noted that there are also such appeals that can be scattered throughout the proposal, that is, one part may be, for example, at the beginning of the proposal, and the second at the end of the sentence. For example, where are you, dear, go, girl. Such appeals are characteristic of spoken speech.

Sometimes, together with appeals, a particle "O" is used. For example, about my youth, where did you leave? In such cases, the "O" particle is not separated by the semicolon, but is a single appeal.

The main thing that was necessary to remember

  • appeals are common and unprosted;
  • not emphasized;
  • appeals and introductory words are not the same thing;
  • allocated commas.

The concept of circulation.

About b r a n and e is a word or phrase, called the person to which the speech is addressed.

In the example This work, Vania, Was terribly Gromaden (N.)the appeal is a word Vania.

Appeal is usually expressed by name noun in the nominative case: You are very busy, Pavel? (N. O.); Less than adjectives in the meaning of the noun: Let me go, native On the wider space. (N.) The nominative case of treatment is different from the very famous case of a special, intention: an increase or decrease in the voices, pauses. Compare: Kohl will bring me a book .- Kolya, Bring me a book.

Appeal can be common with explanatory words: Your works, my friend, I do not forget. (Cr.)

When it is addressed not to one, but several persons, the names of these persons are usually connected by the writing union and Or between them is a comma or an exclamation mark, for example: Vanya and Petya, I will write to you. Mum! Dad! Go Rather here!

In speech, an agitated appeal may repeat: Oh, nanny , nannyI am fat (P.), and also accompanied by an inter-dometene particle about: But I do not want, about friends die. (P.)

The appeal is not connected by grammatical connections with any of the membership members and therefore is not its member.

Compare examples in one word grandmother is subject to, but in another - appeal: Grandmother Says to me with a whisper. (M. G.) I love you, grandmother. (M. G.)

At our speech, our speech is a special role other than the role of members of the sentence: all members of the sentences serve to express thoughts; The most common task of appeal is to encourage the interlocutor to listen to speech. That is why the names, patronymic and surnames are often used as an appeal:

Surely Marya. Ivanovna, Do you want to leave us? (P.)

The appeal may be accompanied by an expression of caress, reproach, condemnation, etc. This attitude of the speaker to the interlocutor is expressed by intonation, suffixes of evaluation, definitions and applications, for example: Stepanushka , native, do not issue nice! (Cr.) Neighbor, my shinePlease attend! (Kr.) Sometimes appeals are deployed in fairly lengthy characteristics; In these cases, the appeal is repeated or varied, with it can be several definitions, for example: My girlfriend my harsh days, my dwarf is mine, One in the wilderness of the forests of pine long ago, you are waiting for me. (P.)

Appeal is possible not only to persons, but in poetic speech and to inanimate subjects: in this case, it is one of the techniques of personification. Thank you, native side for Your doctor's worship! (N.) Girlfriend Duma idle, my inkwell, My eyelid eyelid was decorated with you. (P.)

NOTE. Often reproach, regret, reproach or indignation at some person, we express the name or name of this person corresponding to the appropriate tone. In such cases, proposals are obtained that are called vigor. They should not be mixed with appeals.

For example:

In about y n and c k and y. No he [Serebryakova] no cases. He writes nonsense, grieves, jealous, nothing more.

C O N I (thor of reproach). Uncle!

(A. P. Ch e x about in, Uncle Vanya.)

Nortional nouns names in the role of personal appeals.

In addition to the name, name and patronymic, surnames, words until recently were widely used comrade and citizen, As well as combinations of these words with noun, denoting title, profession, position. For example: Comrade! You are an umbrella left! Citizen! Are you going out at the next stop? Citizen judge Please put it in the protocol. Comrade driver Do you have travel?

Citizen, citizens persistent (cf. typical appeals: citizens Passengers, Citizens Meeting etc.), although they are appeals are official enough. Appeals comrade, comrades inferior place to reborn forms mr., Lord: You, Mr. Minister ... ; Gentlemen deputies Your attention is offered a report ... These forms of circulation, however, cannot be recognized by neutral and used everywhere: like a word displaced comrade (comrades), Appeals mr., Lord more characteristic of official communication situations.

In modern speech use, the appeals are also common young man, girl, friend, countryman, dad, milf, son(the last three words are not in relation to relatives), as well as relatively recently included in use man! female! (Male! Forked forgotten!). Within the literary and normalized speech there are only appeals young man and girl, And the rest have a clear shade of the sponsor and in the communication of cultural people should not be used.

Proinition signs when handling.

Appeal may stand before proposal, inside the sentence or after the offer.

1. When the appeal is worth a sentence ahead, it is separated by a comma or in about with to l and c-about m. The exclamation mark is placed when the appeal is pronounced with a strong feeling. After handling in this case there is a large pause. Offer after an exclamation mark usually start writing with a capital letter.

PRI MERS. Comrades! Word for greetings is provided with Pavka Korchagin. (N. O.) About Volga! After many years, I again brought you hello. (N.)

2. When the appeal is worth inside the sentence, it is allocated with commas on both sides; eg: Where are you jumping, proud horse And where do you lower your hooves? (P.)

3. When the appeal is at the end of the sentence, a comma is put before the appeal, and after it is the sign that is needed by sense of sentence: a point, a question mark, an exclamation mark, ellipsis.

PRI MERS. I will not leave you Chuck. (T.) Tell your biography, Artyom! (N. O.) What do you think Pavel?(N. O.)

4. If the common appeal is placed by parts between members of the sentence, each piece is allocated by commas: Yakov, lift, brother curtain. (C.) Roll off clever,you wobble. head? (Cr.)

5. Interdudice particle about From requesting punctuation marks is not separated: How good you are. About the sea night! (Tyutch)

Exercise 88. Read, specify the appeals and explain the alignment of punctuation marks.

1) Petr Andreich, Maksimich will take you to your apartment. 2) My son Petr! Your letter, we got 15 of this month. 3) Highly over the family of the mountains, the Caucasus, your regal tent shines. 4) Hello, the tribe is young, unfamiliar! 5) You did not recognize me, Prokhorov? 6) how old you, nanny! 7) Go, Trubetskoy, and you, Basmanov. 8) Again, I'm yours, about young friends! 9) About the field, field! Who devoured you dead bones? 10) Maiden, beauties, doubts, girlfriends, play, maiden, walk, cute!

(From the works of A. S. P y sh to and n a.)

89. Make twelve sentences so that in some words of the words are subject to, and in others - appeals.

Comrade, Sergey Petrovich, Native country, reader, friends, girl.

90. Spish, arranging punctuation signs. Insert the missing letters.

I. 1) My friend is depicted ... Defend the souls of ... Red Gusts! 2) My father is a cute beat from me ... I don't forget. 3) Show me the helmet Ivan. 4) Poet Home Opened About Pushchin My first visited. 5) Play, Put about friends! 6) Where was you son? 7) Post ... I'm a cloud of Russe ... you are one of you ... smiling on clear lazuries. 8) Star Sad Evening ... I'm a star of your ray, I walked faded r ... Motion and a dormant bay and black cliffs of tops. 9) Sorry the peaceful valleys and you are the familiar mountains of the top and you are familiar forests.

(A. S. P U W K and N.)

II. 1) not ... Comrade blind and deaf. Keep comrade powder dry. 2) Go, not spending words, on the red bonfire. Millions of the brothers here are millions of sisters! 3) Briefly and straight to work and battles my big mom is my republic. 4) Slav ... those hammer and verse of the earth of youth! 5) Proletarians are going to the last fight .... Slaves Expust back and knees. Army proletarians stand Software.


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Appeal- This is a word or phrase, called the face (less often - the subject) to which we are talking.

1. The appeal can be expressed alone and intensely.

Challenge appeal It happens to a noun or any part of speech in the function of the noun in the nominal case, the inmissible appeal may include dependent on this noucent or interomotion about:

For example:

Dear granddaughter, why did you rarely call me?

Waiting for flight from Sochi, go to the arrival zone.

Again, I'm yours, about young friends! (Name of Elegy A. S. Pushkin).

2. The appeal can be expressed by the nouns that are in the form of an indirect case, if it denotes a sign of a subject or person to which we are addressed.

For example: Hey, in a hat, are you extreme?

Appeals can be expressed by special, descriptive turns that are allocated as conventional appeals - names: - Hey, on the Salaland! - said Reg (Green); - Hey, who is fluttering there, come here, to the goal (P. Kapitsa).

3. Personal pronouns You and you, as a rule, do not act as appeals: they perform the function of the subject if they have verbs-fag.

For example: If you are reader, love autumn, you know that in the fall water in rivers gets from the cold bright blue color (Paust.) - appeal is reader , but pronoun youcombined with verb you love.

Proponion you , you can take the appeal function in the following cases:

but) in structures with a separate definition or determinant pressing part: You, third with the edge, With a dust on his forehead, I do not know you. I love you! (Called); You whose broad overcoats have resembled sails whose spurs have fun ringing and voices, and whose eyes, like diamonds, left the mark on the heart, - Charming Farts of the past years (CV.);

b) With independent use, usually with interjections hey, well, eh and etc.: Eh, you, women, women! Garden your heads (Cool); - Eh, you! And do not disgust you sit next to Chebukhai? - He throws on the go(Krut. .); Ksyz, you! She's no longer you servant(M. G.); "He hurts his head," Baev sympathy with his heart. - Eh ... you. Residents! (Shuksh.);

in) As part of other appeals: Dear friend you are mine, do not get together ... (FAD.); Cute you are mine(Shuksh.).

The appeal is grammatically associated with the proposal, is not a member of the sentence.

Punctuation signs when appeals

1. The circulation is usually allocated (or separated) with commas, and with a special emotional load - an exclamation mark standing after the appeal.

For example: Congratulations, comrades, with a prosperous arrival (Paust.)

- Do not go, Volodya, - Rodion said (C.).

Goodbye, it's time, my joy! I spry now, conductor(Paste.) . Poke, wind. Not barking, water glass (EU.). Transparente, Comrade, in the lake in the drain of water (A).

The charting intonation is enhanced if the appeal is placed at the end of the sentence.

For example:

- Hello, brothers! - he said (C.);

Goodbye, it's time! Life - Changing ashes (A).

2. Several appeals are separated by commas or exclamation marks.

For example: " My dear, dear, my torment, my longing "," She read (Ch.); Goodbye, my happiness, my short happiness! (KUPER.); Proletarian! Poor brother... When you get this letter, I will already be on your departure(C.).

Handling connected by the Union and , not separated by the comma.

For example: Bitch kabatsky violins and harp (NOT).

3. If after the appeal there is a definition or application, it is isolated; Such a definition is perceived as a second appeal.

For example: Grandfather, Prettywhere you were? (Reception); Miller, Bluebone, Stand up. On the shore of the lights! (Paust.).

4. Parts of the dissected appeal are highlighted separately, each in itself.

For example: Hear me, good, hear me beautiful, dusting my evening, Love is restless! (Is.); ABOUT, neglected my, thank you and kiss you hands of Motherland, Robust, Friendship, Family (Paste.).

5. If the appeal finishes the question offer, then after it is a question mark.

For example: Hear Dmitry Petrovich? I will come to you in Moscow (C.); When will the Kara-Ada, Captain be? (Paust.); What is with you, blue sweater? (Called); Did you pray for the night, birch? Have you prayed for the night, s apocketed lakes Senez, Svityaz and Naroch? Have you prayed at night cathedrals Covers and Assumption? (A).

6. Particles Oh, ah, and And others facing appeals are not separated from them.

For example: Oh my dear my gentle, beautiful garden! (C.).

- Posh, and I ask! - called Prokhor Abramovich(Boards.).

Ah Nadya, NadyaWe were happy ... (OK.).

About whirlwind, take all the depths and hollows (Paste.).

About the bunches of compensation! I set off a volley to the west - I am ashes an unrivalent guest! (A).

Oh youth, Phoenix, fool, All in the flame diploma! (A).

About favorite heart deception, misfortune of infant years! A day when Green Polyany, I don't have to get rid of you (Zab.).

7. If the interomotion turns out to be interominated (in contrast to the particle, it is focused), then it is separated by a comma or an exclamation mark.

For example:

- Ah, nice Nadia, - Sasha began his usual afternoon conversation (C.);

- Hey, three osks under the threads, Go take a bolt! - From that day Zakhar Pavlovich called the nickname "three octs under the thread" (Boards.). As interjections, the word O (in meaning oh ): ABOUT, my lost freshness, eye riot and flood feelings (EU.).

Arctic (as a call to attention) can also act as a circulation.

For example: Hey, beware! Arrange a closure! (A).

- Hey, care there! - shouted Stepach (Cool.).

Where to? What are you? Hey! (Shuksh.).

8. After the appeal, which is a separate vocative proposal (proposal, i.e., a single-delivery proposal, in which the main and only member is the name of the person - a speech addressee), is made of a dot or exclamation mark - single or in combination with ellipsis.

For example: - Miller! - whispered Shatsky (Paust.); Anya, Anya! (C.); - sing! .. - Lyalka again in the window (Shuksh.);

- Mother ... and mother! - he called his old woman(Shuksh.); - Brothers ... - he said quietly, and his voice was broken (Paust.).

In written speech, there are cases of use of such elements as circulation or interjections. They are necessary to create the desired color in the narration, as well as to designate the subject to which they appeal. Punctuation When using words data has its own characteristics, you need to know.

1. Spelling of commas when contacting.

First, we define the term "appeal" itself.

The appeal is a word or phrase, called the participant of the action to which the statement is drawn.

This may not necessarily be an animated face, but also an inanimate subject too. In the Russian language system, the peripheral location is allocated, and the appeal is not a member of the sentence.

On the letter, the appeal is allocated by commas. If in the proposal there are words related to the appeal, then they are separated from it with commas from the rest of the statement. For example:

  • Dear colleagues, a passage of attention.
  • Father Vasily, I came to you for help.

Note.Sometimes the appeal can be allocated to another punctuation mark, for example an exclamation mark. This is done with the aim of highlighting the one to whom they turn:

  • Puffy heaven, eternal wanderers!
    Stephaus Azure, Chain Pearl
    Rather you, as if I am, exiles
    From the cute north to the south. (Lermontov)
  • E, Drub! Cheat others by this; There will be more from the assessment for not scared by the damnity of people. (Gogol)

2. Spelling of commas for interjets.

Interdomieties are separate class of immutable words that serve for grammatically unformed expression of emotions, feelings and will.

This is a unique group of words not included in the syntactic system of the Russian language. It only indicates different reactions and emotions, but does not call them. It has its own spelling regulations.

Usually in the letter of interdomosis ("Eh", "Oh", "Ege Gay", "Ah", "O", "Well", "Hey", "op", "oh", "ah", " Ay-ah "," oh-oh-oh ", etc.) are allocated with commas (sometimes to enhance emotionality, exclamation marks):

  • Ay-ah, not good! - He cried and shook his finger.
  • Eh, tired of everyone, I will go.
  • Oh, you were a child frisky (Pushkin).
  • Oh, the board ends, now I will fall! (A. Barto)
  • Oh, what woman, what a woman! I b it! (gr. Freestyle)
  • - Ege-Ge-Ge! Yes, it is from one nest of both birds! Knit them both together! (N.V. Gogol)

Note. Particles "O", used when contacting, as well as "Well", "Ah", "Oh" are homonyms of the same interjections. However, on the letter, these particles do not stand out by commas:

  • About the field, field, who drank you dead bones? (Pushkin)
  • But I do not want, o'D, die. (Pushkin)
  • Oh, you are Goy Esi, Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich! (Lermontov)
  • Well, Onegin? You are yawning? (Pushkin)
  • Oh what!