View requests in Yandex. Data for semantics - Yandex Wordstat

View requests in Yandex. Data for semantics - Yandex Wordstat
View requests in Yandex. Data for semantics - Yandex Wordstat

Receiving data by keywords, you can choose indicators or forecasts. These data will correspond to the location, dates and targeting settings in the search network you selected on the Targeting panel. Indicators and forecasts will help you understand how it is better to group keywords and which to select rates.

From this article, you will learn how to get indicators and forecasts by keywords, analyze such data, as well as set up targeting and filtering results.


Indicators and keyword forecasts

Use keyword conformity types to obtain more accurate traffic forecasts. For example, adding a key phrase with accurate correspondence [elite resort Krasnodar edge], you can evaluate the effectiveness of requests for it.

Indicators for the past period


When calculating the number of impressions that you can get in the future are taken into account the rate, budget, time of year and the statistics of the quality of the announcement. The forecasts viewed in the planner by keywords consist of an overview chart, tables with detailed data and recommendations at rates, taking into account your business goals.

The value of indicators in predictions for keywords

  • Clicks. The number of clicks that can receive an ad with this keyword per day.
  • Cost. A possible average amount of expenses for this keyword per day.
  • Shows. How many ads ad will get per day. Display is recorded every time it appears on the search results page.
  • CTR. The ratio of the number of potential clicks on the announcement to the possible number of its shows.
  • The average price per click. The average amount that you will allegedly pay for click. The final amount that you pay for click is adjusted automatically and is called the actual price of clicking. This means that the amount will not exceed the minimum permissible value by more than 60 kopecks. Accordingly, this indicator may be below the average value for all the words entered or the current price per click at the level of the announcement group.


Note that some statistics (for example, the number of search queries per month) is given only for precise conformity. For example, when checking the number of monthly search queries by keyword dark chocolate You will see the same statistics for both broad and phrasal or accurate compliance with keyword dark chocolate. On the other hand, when receiving projections on traffic (the number and cost of clicks), these settings are taken into account. For example, when evaluating a list of keywords with a wide correspondence, the system takes into account the possible intersections between them.

Page "Plan Overview"

The "Plan Overview" page contains forecasts for your plan with a breakdown of the most efficient keywords, locations and devices. Information is provided in a simple and understandable form, and you can change the parameters of each forecast to analyze the potential result of the application of the plan.

At the top of the page Overview of the Plan, the default rate is also provided. You can change this value by specifying it in the appropriate field or selecting the desired point in the chart. This will help you learn how the value of the bet affects the efficiency of keywords. The following factors affect the default rate:

  • previous plan (if any);
  • the average maximum price per click for all account ads of the account, in which the rates are manually indicated;
  • the average maximum price per click for all announcement groups with manually assignment, in which the same currency is used.

Troubleshooting Proferences Problems

Sometimes traffic projections may be lower than you expected, or differ from actual data. In some cases, the forecast is not displayed at all.

Below is the causes of such problems and how to eliminate them.

Too low estimates

In the keyword scheduler you see the approximate values \u200b\u200bof the number of clicks and impressions that can be obtained per day. To improve the results, it is usually enough just to raise the price per click. However, such a solution can not always work. Below are the reasons.

  • Statistics on the effectiveness of ads. The keyword scheduler uses these data and advertising information with similar keywords. If the total CTR has been low for previous periods all the time, it will affect the current forecast. Try to enhance CTR that in the future will lead to improved forecasts.
  • Search analysis. We track keywords and search models in order to more accurately predict traffic volumes. Low estimates may be related to the fact that a certain keyword or phrase is rarely mentioned in search queries. In this case, try to add other keywords or their combinations. To do this, click "Keyword options" in the page selection menu on the left.
  • Google advertising network rules. In search partners, Google can have their own requirements for ads. So, on some sites you can only show an advertisement that is suitable for any audience. The keyword scheduler adjusts the forecast taking into account the possible divergence of the rules, therefore the estimates of traffic do not always properly reflect the potential of advertising in the search network.

The actual traffic is different from the keyword scheduler forecasts.

Traffic forecast for Google and partner sites is based on data from the dynamic declaration system. That is why in a number of situations actual results can differ significantly from the projected.

  • You have created a Google advertising account quite recently. Forecasts for new accounts are based on averaged statistics for all advertisers, since we still do not know anything about your business. Before receiving accurate data on the efficiency of the ads will be displayed approximate values.
  • Your ads are shown in the context-media network. The forecast is given only for the search network without traffic from the context-media network, including those selected by manually placement places. When the advertisement is displayed in the context-media network, the actual volume of traffic is likely to be higher.
  • You have chosen too little target region. If the system has insufficient data on the selected area of \u200b\u200ba small size, the forecast may be inaccurate.
  • You use the same or very similar keywords in several campaigns. If several ads are associated with a specific keyword, only one of them will be shown. This means that the same or identical keywords in different groups of ads or campaigns will compete with each other. The keyword scheduler as far as possible takes into account the competition between similar and identical keywords within the same campaign, but the estimates for such terms may be less accurate. The keyword scheduler does not compare the keywords used in different campaigns, so the competition between campaigns in the calculation of estimates is not taken into account at all.
  • In the plan or list of keywords, close keywords are presented. When you ask you to appreciate the number of clicks for several close keywords, the scheduler is trying to predict the distribution of traffic between them, so the estimates obtained may be less accurate.
  • Daytime estimate is calculated on the basis of weekly. For the preparation of the forecast, an estimate of the week is taken, which is then evenly distributed by day. Since during the week traffic hesitates, it is better to focus on average per week.

To date, the relevance of a group of goods, as well as the values \u200b\u200bof certain services, can be judged by relying on the Runetovsky service "Wordstat". Popular Yandex requests in the form of statistical data are of interest not only for a professional user group. An objective analysis of the word or phrase allows each stakeholder to determine the "current weight" of information and outline the most accurate direction for the search process as a whole, as well as to develop (for yourself) a specific action scenario, depending on their needs. What is the value of this term and how is this service useful? Answers you will find here and now!

Multician Yandex

Everyone needs something, and people are constantly looking for something, relying on a certain "algorithm" of actions. We do not go to a vegetable store to buy shampoo, and do not ask why music sounds so loudly, being on the rock concert. Everything in our lives is more or less ordered and systematized, filled with meaning and reasonable by definition. Popular Yandex requests reflect the purposefulness and interest of users. This is a kind of aggregator of our life, able to notice the focus of our thoughts and put before the fact - what we go, what are interested and what is the main thing for us. In other words, it may summarize statistical data reflecting the quantity, quality and objectivity of the most frequently used to search for words or not related to the syntax of phrases and phrases. Ladies and gentlemen, we think, and we make a decision, as we react ...

Effective search

To find the most valuable information, you need to "score" a specific request. For example, if you enter: "I want to buy a car," - before you will open a list of Internet resources engaged in selling or surveys and the publication of a variety of materials related to the general issues on motor vehicles or considering specific auto traffic. However, not always such information meets your expectations, because many users forget to specify the specifying request data: car brand, properties (used or new), color and price parameters. Even in this case, the popular "Yandex" requests may be useless for you, as a situation is quite possible when the desired machine is sold in a place that is not quite convenient for you (remote city, edge or region), that is, you should always consider the multifaceted search process. Only in this case you can quickly find the desired object without unnecessary reasons for disorder.

What could help me help the statistics of popular Yandex requests?

Of course, this is a question that requires an accurate definition. First of all, it should be understood that the search engines are designed to significantly simplify the process of finding the information required by the user. The most relevant sites and other sources of useful content are progressing up the hierarchical staircase of global demands. In other words, in each search system, the mechanism of careful selection (ranking) of the most informative sources of unique information is involved. At the same time, search engines carry out peculiar control of the practical activity of a particular Internet resource. It should be noted that Yandex succeeded in this well. Statistics "Yandex" allows you to literally to each registered user to analyze and objectively assess the focus of its actions that may be associated with any life activity: work, life, family, etc.

Millions are striving: people, events, interests and much more

So, it is time to move to the main part of this article, so to speak, to the climax of the narration. After all, you probably want to know that or who exactly is an indicator of an intriguing phrase: "The most popular requests in Yandex." However, the most comprehensive response can be formulated, only relying on the results of an invaluance indicator, with the results of which you can find in the inflating heading of the Yandex search engine - "Research / newsletters".

What was interested in users most in 2013?

The word "minecraft" took a leading position. It was the game designer who became a kind of champion in search queries of the past year. Mobile social network "Instagram" won second place for user interest. Next, the list of popularity continued requests: "Online postcards", "Mobile Internet Messengers" and "WEB-editors of photographs". By the way, the word "Multicooker" is also quite common in the search string.

However, women, as always, were most interested in the topic "How to lose weight", and men dedicated the pastime on the Internet of the IT industry and invariably showed interest in sporting events, while remaining the faithful to the "fans" group.

Women's emancipation for nothing, or predictability of events

Culture as such is not in fashion today, but Ksenia Sobchak - figure number one. People are more interested in the events that have happened in "House-2" than any adopted law in the state legislative framework. For example, Andrei Panin is a popular male 2013. And this is our "achievement", which is formed and is based on our opinion with you, to everything else represents only the reflection of the completed wording - "Popular requests" Yandex ". Considers literally every element of attention. Women do not change their natural start: family, wedding and cottage. Men most inclined science and sports. Of course, the strong floor is still captive by the technical innovations and the results of advanced technologies ... everything is as usual, not counting the "predestination" of unpredictable political events! The world develops, and the system sees some regularities ...

How it works?

So, having an account, you can always use the free service "Yandex. Wordstat. " Statistical data can be displayed in several search criteria:

  1. According to - the very first check box (activated by default). Allows you to get a result at the most frequently used requests or user entered phrases.
  2. By regions - most often used by web masters and marketers to determine the supply of the population (local interests).
  3. Query history is a detailed analysis of months and weeks.

In the first case, information is displayed in two independent windows. The list of words on the right is associative.

Careless effect ...

The most popular search queries "Yandex" will always be part of us surrounding society. The forecast of the weather and review of critics, as well as the "breathtaking news" - the result of information impact. All of us are affected by the outside ... However, you are the expensive reader, you can influence the total outcome of the end of the opinion and regulate the meaningful value of the information; "Vector truth" depends on you and only you have the right "units" ...

Information for reflection: Popular search queries "Yandex"

If you notice a certain predetermination of some Yandex aggregator services, do not be surprised. Not only are looking for unique content, but also are the first collectors of the "identifying" information - we are calculated, predicted and reduced to the overall interaction system. Alas, we are all components of a single Internet network! And the point is not that we want this or not, it's about non-stop technical progress.


It is worth noting that the most popular requests in Yandex are also a highly competitive "product". Therefore, in order to enter the top positions in search engines, site developers have to roll the sleeves and purposefully work on the project far from one month. The result of their efforts is to get our recognition. And only from us, ordinary users depends, whether one or another Internet resource in the top will be. After all, the situation can be fundamentally opposite, so be always in trend, dear ladies and gentlemen.

The frequency of the query is the number of times that users entered this request in the search engine for the last month.

What do the frequency of the request in Yandex and Google?

This term is used to designate the quantitative indicator, which is determined by the number of search queries (keywords / phrases) entering the search engine for a fixed period. Most often in 30 days. This indicator is used in several spheres: advertising, internet marketing, website promotion.

Depending on the amount of use, requests are divided into:

  • High-frequency (HF). Consist of 1 or 2 words. The query falls into this category if there are over 10,000 people per month according to statistical services. The removal of the site in the top according to this type of requests is a complex process due to a high level of competition.
  • Mid-frequency (sch). The total number of appeals to the search engine according to such requests lies in the border from 1000 to 10,000. The level of competition is lower than that of the RF, but they give good attendance. The values \u200b\u200bof the SC conversion indicator range from average to high.
  • Low-frequency (LF). Requested from 100 to 1000 times a month. Serve to promote resources and increase target traffic.
  • Micronzcuprem (microns) - up to 100 requests per month.

How to check the frequency of the query?

Search engines are developing their own services to determine the frequency of requests. In order to use them, you need:

  1. Register.
  2. Authorize
  3. Enter the search query you are interested in.

Analysis of the search query frequency in Yandex.

The yandex product is called Yandex Wordstat. It works with all search query wordforms, eliminates question forms and prepositions. To check the request with the pretext - you need to add "+" in front of it. Example:

The result of a simple search will be presented in the form of a total queries for the intended key and the phrases in which it is contained. If you need to get the result in the Wordstat on a specific word form form, you will have to pose with the use of special operators: quotes, exclamation mark, plus, minus. The principle of use is similar to what is used in Yandex Direct.

Virtual hosting sites for popular CMS:

Just query:

Total queries containing this word are almost 4.5 million. These 4.5 million include other queries, so-called "tails":

Now we use the operator "". The request entered in quotes will be shown without "tails":

Almost 35,000. But the quotes do not fix the wordformes. Those. These 40,000 also includes "laptops" and "laptop" and "laptops". To fix the word form, an exclamation mark is used:

Suppose we are interested only in information requests. Then, using the "-" operator, you can cut off commercial requests:

How to find out the frequency of the query word in Google?

The Google Statistical Service is called Google AdWords (in general it is created to keep contextual advertising, but requests for requests can be viewed and not raging the balance). With it, they receive data on the search queries made in the system. The service allows you to choose a region and language, shows the frequency and competitiveness of keywords. Google AdWords is suitable for comparing popularity of search queries, allows you to track the dynamics of their popularity on schedules.

Also, as in VORDSTAD - you can set the desired region, minus-words and (in the vordstate the story you need to look for each request separately) - the period of statistics.

What is useful knowledge of such statistics?

Based on these objective data, which reflects the needs and preferences of users, the optimizer can comply with the semantic site core. A similar strategy helps to avoid unnecessary time and money in an attempt to create a resource on unpromising topics or compete with giants that occupy the first positions in the top of the search engines.

Also, this information in the hands of the siene becomes a useful tool in increasing the efficiency of resource promotion. Depending on the goals and tasks, it can adjust the predominance of HF, SC, or LF requests. Promotion of the site in search engines for high-frequency requests increases the number of unique users.

But this type of optimization is the most expensive in temporary and financially. Yandex uses policies forced inhibition of promoting resources on RF requests. First, the site is obliged to earn a reputation and demonstrate the positive dynamics of development. Only after the fulfillment of these conditions, the resource may qualify for the right to compete in the top.

SC and LF requests have high conversion, but low competition, which reduces the cost of promotion. At the same time, they help improve the quality of the audience and achieve traffic growth.

The averaged layout layout of search queries looks like this:

  • RF - from 10 to 15%;
  • Sch - 20-40%;
  • NC, microns - from 45 to 70%.

What else should be known about requests?

There is a keyword category, the frequency of requests which directly depends on the time of year or a specific month. Attendance of sites, the semantic kernel of which consists of such key, fluctuates by analogy with a high and low season in the tourist business. The study of seasonality helps to prepare a resource and do without traffic loss. You can get this statistics via Yandex Wordstat (query history tab) or using the Key Collector program.

Competitive requests coincides with frequency not always. The magnitude of this indicator is influenced by the features of the target audience, the query themes, the number of optimized resources and the degree of optimization. The more factors participate in the promotion of the request, the higher the competitiveness.

During the training of newcomers SEO, faced a problem of scarce or re-redundant information on creating a semantic kernel for the site. I decided to write a brief guide myself, but since the information still had too much, broke into several parts. In this article, standard information on the use of Yandex.Wordstat service, which in the future will help to deal with all the wisdoms of the compilation.

Get acquainted with Yandex.Vordstat

For a start, go to the Wordstat Yandex page. The search will follow the "words", but first we need to indicate the "region". For example, we choose the Moscow region and introduce the key "Repair of laptops" in the Wordstat field. The following picture will appear in front of us:

As you can see, there are two columns - left and right. Consider each of them in more detail.

All keywords and phrases that contain the words "repair" + "laptop" are displayed in the left column. Here we will find the following options:

  • Repair + »Laptop» + »X»
  • "X" + »Repair» + »Laptop»
  • "X" + »Repair» + »Laptop» + »x»
  • "X" + "repair" + "x" + "laptop" + "x"
  • "X" + »Laptop» + »x» + »Repair» + »x»
  • etc

- where x is any word or phrase,

Also here will come here and Wordformes with our key. For example, "repair of laptops", "laptop repair" all the phrases considered above are called diluted.In reality, they play a key role in attracting potential customers.

As can be seen from the screens, the phrase "repair of laptops" was requested by 21590 people over the last month. But there is a catch. In fact, this figure shows the total number of requests with the words "Repair" and "Laptop". That is, all those diluted phrases entered here, which Wordstat shows below: "Repair of laptops in Moscow", "Addresses of repair of laptops", etc. This moment must be taken into account in the prediction of the number of the audience. About how to determine the exact number of requests and their quality I will tell you later. When all possible requests from this column are assembled, go to the right side.

In the right column are similar queries who were looking for users. Thanks to this data, it is possible to get a hint to increase the list of keywords. In this case, we see that there are potentially interesting requests for the type "Replacing the laptop screen", "Laptop Service", "Laptop Center", etc. In turn, almost for each such key, you can find the corresponding list of diluted requests and find suitable keys to the right again. And so on until new keywords in Wordstat end.

Thus, with the help of the "selection of words" from Yandex, you can choose all kinds of key phrases. Naturally, to collect keywords for sites of popular topics, it will be better to resort to the help of special programs and services that automate the work process. I want to write about one of these programs a little later. Now consider some utility that can come in handy.

Auxiliary operators Yandex Wordstat

The selection of keywords Yandex can work with certain characters that are responsible for clarifications, sorting, grouping, etc. The ability to use these operators greatly facilitates the life of the sector.

Operators "!" - Exclamation mark and "" - quotes

The "Quotes" operator is used to screen diluted keywords. If we apply it to a key phrase, Vordstat will only show the results for this phrase with its wordforms, excluding additional words in the keys. For example: "Repair of laptops", "Laptops Repair", "Repair of a laptop", etc.

Another useful operator during the selection of keywords is the exclamation mark "!". He removes keyword word. For example:

Remember I said above that the numbers opposite words of repair of laptops (21590) - show the total number of requests with the words "Repair" and "Laptop". So, if you enter the key phrase to the operator "" (quotes) and before the start of each word without a space, put "!" (exclamation mark), then we will see the exact number of requests for this key - 2152 requests

The difference between the total number of requests and accurate - determines the quality of the keyword. What it is less - the better the keyword for promotion. It is necessary to remember and be able to use this pair of operators.

Operator "-" minus

It is used to exclude minus words. In our example, for the site for repairing laptops, these words will be: "do it yourself", "free", "watch", "management" and the like. For example, we will exclude a search by the word "Moscow". This is how ordinary issuance looks like:

This is how the issuance looks like a minus word "Moscow":

Operator "+" plus

Used for compulsory inclusion in the key phrase of prepositions and unions. For example, withdraw all phrases for the repair of laptops with the prepositions "in" and the title of the city "Moscow"

Listed operators for WordStat are more than enough for confident work with a keyword selection service. For a particularly perverted audience, there are more interesting toys.

Grouping operator () - brackets and operator or "|"

Suppose the service in question is engaged not only by laptops, but computers, tablets, etc. In addition to repair, other actions are performed: diagnostics, cleaning, etc. In order not to enter all these well-known requests every time on a new one, we can group them and write in the form of one Request. In this case, it will look like this:

Now go to real perversions. In the previous screen I did not like it. That the list is minus words and for greater accuracy I wanted to bring the keys with the exact word "Moscow" and with the pretext of "B". Using all the operators described above, I made the following query:

The only moment you should remember - the operators do not work when searching for the region and query history

PS.Subscribe to update our blog. Now all the forces are aimed at launching WP-PUZZLE, the work of the partner for our readers, drawing up the descriptions of plugins, etc. But soon everything will be 🙂 We try not to disappear and always answer your questions in the comments.

Hello, dear blog readers Site! It is time to talk about the role of statistics that search engines are collecting based on user interest. All these statistics are available to almost everyone, and, for free, it is only hand to stretch. It remains only to understand how to use them proper in their own interests.

Many webmasters in the past very often neglected this opportunity and often tried to promote the pages of their web resources solely with the help of high-quality and unique texts (and about checking articles on uniqueness), without thinking about what key words they were sharpened. But it is exactly the right choice of keys and there is a way to success.

Where do you get these correct keywords? Of course, from the statistics of Yandex and Google (take only these search engines in the calculation, in view of their dominant role in RuNet), in which information is collected by the number of user requests (frequency), on the basis of which you can collect keys for the entire site of the entire or specific web -pages.

Of course, unique texts are powered and will steer in the future, as they provide users with high-quality information. But if it is also added to the prodible approach in the form of statistics, which allows you to analyze what requests in Yandex and Google are introduced by users, the effect will increase at times.

By the way, you can familiarize yourself with, which includes correctly selected on the basis of statistical data keywords, in accordance with the modern requirements of the search engines.

Terms and indicators when using statistics

Let's stay in more detail on those basic concepts and characteristics that can meet when applying statistical data in practice so that the whole process is understood even the most inexperienced.

So, users on the Internet are introduced into the browser string corresponding to a specific search engine, single words or phrases, which they think will be available to the list of adequate resources containing the desired information. Here is an example:

It is these words or phrases and are search engines (PZ), taken into account by all PS, including Yandex and Google. The main statistical indicator that is calculated by all search engines - request frequency (or frequency). It displays the number of entering a particular word or phrase produced by all users per unit of time (usually per month).

Based on this, all requests can be divided into low-frequency (HF), mid-frequency (s) and high-frequency (HF). In terms of competition, they are classified into low-competitive (NK), mid-ritberry (SC) and highly competitive (VC). You will find more detailed information about the frequency of search queries and the degree of their competitiveness.

All requests for requests and their frequency can be obtained free from the specialized services of Yandex and Google, which I will say a little lower in this publication.

Keywords (COP) - those words that will be the basis of the textual content of the site pages and are chosen based on the PZ. This is logical, because the text must contain the information that users are looking for, and, in the maximum full volume. But it is necessary to avoid too often their use, so as not to run into punishment from search engines for overcoming.

In the essence of the COP are components of the requests, and if the PZ contains a single word, then the terms "request" and "keyword" become identical. If the PZ is a totality of words, then such a category as a key phrase may correspond to him. Here it is also necessary to be on the web and apply key phrases on the webons even a more limited number of times, although much depends on the nature, themes and volume of material.

Since the concepts of "search queries" and "key words" are close in essence, and often and are equivalent in meaning, it is quite acceptable to apply the "key requests" expression. At least, from the point of view of promotion and optimization, no confusion should be.

How to find out the frequency of requests in statistical service

So, we have come to the fact that the webmasters are very important when implementing SEO optimization of web pages or the entire site as a whole to have a corresponding database of user requests.

Based on this data, you can define a list of the COP, which must be hidden the next article or page in order to get the most possible traffic on your resource and from Yandex, and from Google. This helps to achieve the study of these statistics that these Monsters of the search will provide us through the relevant services absolutely free.

There is a reasonable question: why do they do that? After all, it would seem, for the PS Cees, offering their services to optimize projects, however, as a webmaster, promoting their own braes on their own, should be like bone throat. After all, because of them, search engines are missing a volatile potential share of income.

The point here is that advertisers who spinning brands and webpores by contextual advertising Google AdWords and Yandex Direct (they are most desired for search engines) need the frequency of the PZ to effectively use advertising campaigns. As a result, simple webmasters and small site owners have a great opportunity to receive in essence "on free" this invaluable information, which is just a sin not to take advantage.

It remained an open question, in what way to find those queries for which the keys we need can be delivered. There is nothing complicated here if you enable regular logic. After all, it is obvious that the basic PZs are associated with the general theme of the site or with the topic of a specific publication.

For example, to select keywords and getting them frequency for a web project that provides information about creating websites, logically as one of the masks (basic query) apply the phrase "how to create a site". In case of emergency, service SerpStat. Invite the options for competitors.

And now about the promised tools with which you can perform the task of collecting statistics data, more precisely, the frequency of key queries on a specific topic.

Yandex has such a means online service Wordstat (Be sure to study a detailed one, because it describes many nuances, without knowledge of which you risk to stay in ignorance about some important things). For clarity, we introduce the phrase on this article to this tool on the topic of this article and click "Selection", we will eventually get a set of KS:

In the left side, "tails" are present (those PZs that were used by users when searching for the necessary information), which are of the phrase, in which the phrase entered by us. Opposite each of them, statistics are displayed including its frequency.

On the right side concentrated associative key requests. Yandex connects these PZs with the main phrase, as users have introduced such expressions directly before or after it within the same search session.

Further work is to select from the left and from the right side (unless they fit in meaning) those search queries that will maximize the topic of a particular project or publication as possible. At the same time, I want to once again note the importance of familiarization with the publication about Yandex Wordstat. Why is it so necessary?

The fact is that in such a "cheese" the form to use the resulting CS is not very constructively, since among them a lot of "garbage" in the form of "pacifiers" and non-target queries. And in that material describes very detailed, for example, by which you can clean the statistics and bring it to a responding form.

In addition, when using the VORDSTAT, it is necessary to take into account in the form of repeating words, a specific unit of measurement of frequency ("shows") and from time to time the wrinkle of statistics.

If you look at the above-described screenshot with a list issued, please note that Yandex statistics displays the "number of shots per month". What is this, you ask? But the fact that shows are not quite identical to the concept of "Frequency of Request".

The number of PZ is determined by the number of input of the corresponding set of words, but in the issuance of Yandex, there are several pages for each PZ. Therefore, even during the transition to other pages, one request is counted.

Shows are considered differently. If the user Yandex entered the search query and received several pages in the results of the issuance (sickle) (for ten references to each), then with each transition to other web applications, the show will be counted on the same key.

Thus, the number of PZ is determined by the number of inputs in the search string of Yandex. These entries are usually carried out by various users. But if the same visitor will transition to several pages of issuing Yandex, for example, 5, then the number of remedies on one PZ from this user will also be considered equal to 5:

What is happening? And the fact that one user can carry out several transitions on the search results pages, thus wating some number of impressions that the Yandex statistics and takes into account. In fairness it should be noted that such a journey readers by virtue of their inertia are extremely rare, rather than by usually pages included in the top10 (from here and our desire to be in the top ten).

But, it's all the same, the statistics of "shows" in Yandex turns out to be some extent with a relatively standard, expressed in the queries. This is necessary to consider with the subsequent analysis and selection of keywords.

Now I want to still focus on using a similar tool for selecting key queries from Google (), which is still more suitable for advertisers due to the complicated interface with a whole bunch of functional. In principle, the Yandex Wordstat service is more attracted me, since it has a more ascetic format.

But still, for completeness, I will briefly pay attention to the appropriate web resource from Google (). He is called Keyword Planner. , moreover, to work in it you need to scroll until the end down and click on the "Go to the keyword scheduler", if you are logged in in the account.

Otherwise, you must first log in to the account, and if you do not have it, then. Next, choose the subsection "Find new keywords":

And then enter the key query in the form of a word or phrase:

After pressing the "Start" button, follow the results of Google statistics by the number of requests:

Here is given information not only in the number of requests, but also by the level of competition, as well as the price of the bet for displaying advertisements at the bottom and at the top of the page. In fact, such statistics can be useful not only to advertisers, but also webmasters earning with the help of contextual advertising.

Indeed, in this way, you can choose the optimal keywords that will not only advance your project, but will also be an incentive for posting suitable context ads, clicks for which a certain income will bring.

Keep in mind if you choose some word or phrase, for example, with the number of PZ (in Yandex - shows) "5000 per month" from the statistics of Yandex or Google, it does not mean that so many transitions to your site you will receive, even if The progressable page will be in the first position in the Top-10 issuance. The maximum number of visitors to which you can count is a few percent of the number of requests.

Using Yandex and Google request statistics

So, with the help of the appropriate tools that were mentioned, you can get a rich list of keys together with frequency, among which may be low, medium and high-frequency in one or another proportion that must be analyzed and select the most effective site for promotion . They will be the basis.

There may be two options here: either you make semilar immediately for the entire website being created (commercial or informational) entirely, or for a separate article.

If you take the first option, in general, the selected queries should be systematized in frequency. With all HF It is logical to use in the site headlines, its headings, a subheading, Sch. in the names of articles, and LF Include in the content of publications. But this in theory, in practice other variations are possible, much depends on the theme and direction of the project.

In any case, using the semantic kernel, it is possible to outline the structure of the future resource in advance, for example, a list of its sections and the name of publications containing CS.

And now let's go back to that I chose as the main (mask) for the current article and introduced as a visual example in the COP selection line on the Yandex service of Wordstat (I will remind you when searching for keys for your information sites I prefer this service) . As a result, a set of phrases on the entered key phrase was obtained:

Here it is necessary to identify the COP, which will be applied when writing a article: "Statistics - Requests - Yandex - Number - Google - Google - Yandex". These keywords need a certain number of times to use in publication in order to properly optimize the page.

In continuation, just above the touched theme add that all these phrases can be represented as key phrases. You may think about which of them to consume in the article in a clean form (including using various wordforms), and from which only individual words. There is no universal recipe here, in each individual case a new story.

However, it is not necessary to get involved in the keywords by replanding the wrath of the search engines. To avoid this, you can use a variety of services to estimate the frequency of use of the COP. I, for example, I often use which seems to me most convenient for solving such a task. After analyzing this post, I received such data:

There is, on what to work. First, not all COP are among the top ten most frequently used, it is not good, it is desirable to add them to the text. Secondly, the first keyword in the list is used too often (3.6%). Usually I corrected in such a way that the number of occurrences of the CS does not exceed 2-3%.

Nuances Analysis of key request statistics

In conclusion, a few words that include a summary of the benefits of applying statistics and some nuances of using queries with different frequency. At the same time, once again, I note that the lion's share of Runet's search occupied such monsters as Yandex and Google, so it is quite logical to navigate in any aspects of the promotion of them.

It is important to note that if you hope for providence and unwind the webons of your resource as God put on the soul, not to constitute the semantic kernel at least for a separate article, the result may be extremely deplorable, even if your page content will be useful. For using random keywords In the text not selected on the basis of statistical data, you will incur losses, which, for example, as follows:

1. Popular requests Yandex or Google, the corresponding HF and VC (high-frequency and high-competitive), it is possible, will be very heavy for you due to mad competition. In this case, your page may be on the backyards of search results.

There is an incorrect assessment of its potential when promoting. In this case, instead of high-frequency keys, there should be inserted LC and NK requests, which in many cases to all of them are more profitable, as attracting target visitors.

2. Randomly used keys are determined by the PZ, which in fact turn out to be frank dumplings that are not able to provide decent attendance. As a result, the publication, possibly carrying useful information, does not find its audience only because they were not properly taken into account those queries for which users surveyed search.

So, the main output It is that the webmasters are very important when implementing SEO optimization of the web or the entire site to have an appropriate database containing seedlings with thematic key phrases corresponding to the search queries that users enter when searching for the desired information.