Farewell to Leonid Yakubovich. Leonid Yakubovich

Farewell to Leonid Yakubovich. Leonid Yakubovich
Farewell to Leonid Yakubovich. Leonid Yakubovich

Choosing fame and glory, many celebrities are encouraged by ridiculous rumors and gossip. Today, Leonid Yakubovich, Leonid Yakubovich turned out to be in the center of the events - from August 2017, devotional fans are guessing, a man is alive or not.

  • Victim of evil languages
  • What is true

Victim of evil languages

Russian TV host for decades flashes on TV screens, participates in all sorts of shows and even acts as a judge in KVN. Perhaps that is why Leonid Arkadyevich became a victim of evil jokers who are not lazy to inform the public about his death.
At first, numerous reports appeared, talking about the fact that Yakubovich had his health - almost all his free time a man spends in hospitals and hopes only on a miracle.

Judging by the facts stated, doctors and themselves do not hope to save the TV presenter, but only pull out of it and advise friends and relatives to collect money for the funeral.

Many fans believed outlined information, as 71 years old are not a joke and anything could happen. Especially if you consider the heavy schedule of Leonid Yakubovich, constant flights, concerts and all kinds of official techniques. Even a young organism may not withstand such a rhythm of life, what to say about the person of the respected age.

Through some time, sad news began to appear, accompanied by mourning photographs - the leading TV program "Field of Miracles" after a heavy stroke died in Germany. Close people will grieve and are very worried about such a loss.

How many times the famous TV presenter died

In social networks and in the press began to appear news not only about the stroke of the famous artist, but also that his soul went to the world of other due to severe infarction.

And if these two versions at least somehow similar to each other, then where did the third come from - she assures that Yakubovich was seriously injured in a car accident. Doctors who arrived at the scene said that the man received damage not compatible with life. And if he survived after an accident, it would be a disabled person until the end of days.

Whoever believing in such a situation is incomprehensible. Probably, everyone had to choose a version to himself and prepares for goodbye to Leonid Arkadyevich, who, after the emergence of all these rumors, did not really come into contact with the people. But soon everything changed.

What event made the artist speak

To begin with, it is worth noting that similar "tragic" press headers have already been swept a few years ago. Then Yakubovich was crowded, and did not react in any way to the news of his death - he continued to engage in his favorite thing and fill on television screens.

But in 2017, it was so far that in social networks began to appear sad memories of TV presenter, conversations about who he bequeathed his condition and "necrologists."
It was this fact that Leonid Arkadyevich was openly telling with all friends not eradicate reliable information about the state of their state of health.

What is true

According to the TV presenter itself, his health does not cause any concern and there are no reasons for excitement. Leonid Yakubovich claims that he did not have heart attacks or strokes in principle, in principle, it was not necessary to complain about all his life.

As for the car accident, she really was, but from the moment a lot of time passed, and the artist himself could say, separated only with a slight fright. No negative consequences in the body after this case followed.

Rumors about staying in treatment in Germany man also refuted, although he assured everyone that he occupied the medical examination periodically and all the results show an excellent result.

After all that Yakubovich occurred, he asks his fans less to believe media representatives, as in the near future he is definitely not going to. And, apparently, in the proof, the artist performed on one of the theater scenes of Moscow - everyone was able to make sure that with their idols are really all right.

By the way, Leonid Arkadyevich is a little amusing the fact that in most cases he dies due to a weak heart and sincerely does not understand where such an opinion came from.

Also, the leading "fields of miracles" began to have often joking that in the case of a real death, this news, probably no one and attention. But we hope that this will never happen, and the dear Leonid Yakubovich will delight us many more and many years.

Recently, a lot of articles appear on the Internet that Leonid Yakubovich, whether he suffered in an accident, or he is treated from heart attack.

In general, it is not in the best condition, the site writes. And apotheosis of all this story is supposedly the death of the famous leader. What is really with him?

The network does not cease to walk rumors about the sustainable death of the famous artist Yakubovich. Worry of admirers to all clearly - elderly age, chronic heart disease, as well as frequent messages in the media that the artist struck the stroke or more more involved.

Every time, Showman Yakubovich refutes rumors against his state of health. He though old, but he has no problems with health.

Leonid Arkadyevich himself is no longer surprised that he is constantly attributed to "death." He said that when a person bury in life, then he will live long. Despite this, he looks upset, because who will like to read rumors about his own death.

TV presenter Leonid Yakubovich admitted that in the last six months-year he lost heavily, engaged in sports and actively participates in all projects, where he is invited. Now he feels much better than, for example, a couple of years ago. The artist once again assured fans that they have no reason for anxiety.

On Sunday, October 1, on the "First Channel", the premiere of the show of the unique abilities leading to Yakubovich was held.

Participants in the new weekly program will be people who have phenomenal memory, endurance, strength and any incredible abilities. Some of them have already come to the "Book of Records of Russia", and someone can enter there by setting the record right on the set "I can". In this case, the participant of the show will also receive a prize - 50 thousand rubles.

Unique abilities showed on the shooting of the show and Leonid Arkadyevich himself: 72-year-old lead worked for ten hours a day, without leaving the scene for a minute!

"Yakubovich workable, like cyborg!" - responded about him behind the scene.

On "I can" participants surprise - but participants are surprised. The elderly contestant, masterly owned by Morse, the shooting fell on a birthday. In the young years he was seriously engaged in boxing, and he loved this sport on the pension already as a viewer, followed Nikolai Valuev. And after a speech, he was waiting for a surprise: Valuev came to him with a festive cake!

Articles about the death of a permanent lead "field of miracles" appear on the network with enviable regularity. However, Leonid Yakubovich is not the only one, the poor condition of which is constantly reported. Dima Bilan, Valdis Pelsh, did not go around the party. Yes, what is there to say, the prima domestic stage itself was also a victim of such materials.

The sense of humor Leonid Yakubovich saves him and in this difficult situation, when the news about his death was posted on a variety of Internet sites.

However, it was "lucky" not to one Yakubovich. On the Internet, many sites where information about the death of a well-known artist is posted.

The lead is afraid of one thing that if it goes further, people simply will not come to his funeral when it happens to truly. No one will believe in the accuracy of the information.

Over the state of the health of the famous Russian TV presenter Leonid Yakubovich recently, only lazy said. The fact is that in the press earlier, information appeared that the leading capital show "Field of Miracles" was hospitalized in serious condition.

The reason for the discussion in this key was the temporary lack of Yakubovich in public. Instead of suggesting that the artist simply took a pause in his saturated creative life, there were reports that the well-being Leonid Arkadyevich sharply deteriorated and he allegedly was on the verge of life and death. It is not surprising that the search query has become increasingly used on the Internet: Lionid Yakubovich is alive or not?

Of course, these information had nothing to do with real validity. It turned out that, with health, Yakubovich had no problems, and he, as before, is engaged in his favorite work, then as in his free time pays attention to such sports as a big tennis, which he plays at the amateur level for several years.

It is noteworthy that the TV host himself with a smile on his face perceives reports about his death, networks that she had previously repeatedly encountered such disinformation. For this reason, he developed a peculiar immunity for a lie in the context of his health.

The yellow press is a spring exacerbation. Some tabloids are burying the famous Russian TV presenters Leonid Yakubovich. Sixth or seventh time. If you believe such editions, Leonid Yakubovich died due to a heart attack. The death date of the lead and actor appears last Sunday. When and where the funeral of the actor will be held, frivolous publications promise to tell later.

However, the latest news suggest that this is another duck to which most viewers do not pay attention. Leonid Yakubovich is alive and well, and not going to die. Another news about his death, he met on tour in Siberia. The actor only smiles and says that it is already tired of refuting the news about his death.

Leonid Yakubovich died or not: the latest news for today

The only thing that is worried about today - Yakubovich is already when he actually leaves this world, no one will no longer believe, and will react to reports as another newspaper duck.

The TV host now feels just fine. He actively engages in sports and spends daily for several hours in the gym. Recently plays a big tennis daily. Years take their own, so taking care of your health, he moved to the system of proper nutrition, refused to eat alcohol. This allowed him to "throw off" 30 kilograms in the last three months. So in the spring it can boast of its excellent physical form.

Yakubovich Leonid Arkadyevich Death Date, Funeral: Latest News, Video

To lead about the fact that the famous TV presenter died, and about the upcoming funerals arise this year quite often. Leonid Yakubovich himself is afraid of only one thing that no one will come to farewell to him when it really happens.

Information about the death of the main leading program "Field of Miracles" appears on the Internet very regularly. However, Yakubovich is not the only one, the painful state of which is regularly said. Dmitry Bilan, and Valdis Pelsh. Yes, what can be said here, even the Russian pop-in-law also made the victim of similar materials.

Some time ago, the media provided information that allegedly Leonid Yakubovich was very sick and would even even go to treat Germany after causing a terrible accident. Other journalists reported a stroke, after which the popular lead allegedly immediately flew into Europe to restore health. Another version from journalists is that Yakubovich personally talked to them about problems with the cardiovascular system.

Leonid Yakubovich with fun perceives statements by domestic media about his death. Information portals for not one month said that the famous TV host is in poor well-being.

Some of them at all pre-buried Yakubovich. In turn, the presenter does not accept all these gossip to heart, and thanks journalists for the fact that the cause of the death of the media was chosen by a heart attack, and not anything else.

Despite the elder years already, the energy of Leonid Arkadyevich hits the key. Yakubovich for many years has been a permanent leading transfer of the "field of miracles" on the first channel. Some time ago, Yakubovich became the leading in the new TV show "I can!".

The task of the original program

Unimaginable power, endurance and decorated, determination and fearlessness, the ability to rapidly think and fix large amounts of information, incredible intuition and many other unique abilities. All these talents viewers can see weekly on their television screens.

Originity of the program "I can!" It also lies in the fact that on the stage, no one will need to compete with others. The heroes of the transfer will compete only in private with them. Their goal is to beat your own achievement, your record. Those who will work out - will become the owner of the prize. No, not two black boxes, and immediately - the sum of money in the amount of 50 thousand rubles.

Global network users discovered the black twin of Leonid Arkadyevich. The head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the State Guyana - Karl Grumeriage was the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The TV presenter believes that Karl could have his own television program in his country. Leonid Yakubovich said that he would lead the "field of miracles" in his country, and Karl could become the leading program in his homeland. The message itself about the unexpected appearance of the twin, he called nonsense. To invite Karl to his program, Leonid Arkadyevich does not plan.


The Internet today is full of rumors about the death of the famous TV host named Leonid Yakubovich. The network writes that Leonid Yakubovich died in 2017, 2017 took the talented TV host, the famous Russian artist - Leonid Yakubovich. In fact, if you enable the TV channel "First", then, for sure, you can see the new release of the "field of miracles". The lead of this transfer is some other like Leonid Yakubovich. Just he, about whom there are rumors about death.

Internet users, in fact, have become accustomed to the fact that it is often in the network burns alive in various famous people. So, the victims of rumors did not once become the primaudonna of the Russian scene - Alla Pugacheva. It often walked rumors about death. Also a few months ago on the Internet wrote about the death of the daughter of the President of Russia. About TV presenter write two causes of death. The first is in an accident that the TV presenter suffered many years ago, the second is stroke. Information about a major accident, in which Yakubovich got, really takes place. However, it was a few years ago, and you won't call it large. For the TV presenter, everything ended then without consequences. Yes, and information about the treatment of Leonid Arkadyevich in the European clinic, where he fell as a result of a severe heart attack, goes into incision with the facts. So, at the same time, Yakubovich was on tour in the regions of Russia.

The actor himself is perplexed why he constantly attribute death. According to him, he believes that the case is in money. By placing the news about his death, people hope to catch up on advertising. And he is very upset by these reports. After all, if something happens to him in fact, people once again may simply not believe.

However, as it turned out. Leonid Yakubovich is now in Omsk. There he took part in the shooting of the "Star Noon" transfer in the "12 channel" studio.

"Today is 40 days, as I died. I had a heart attack, and this is the fourth time. The only thing I am satisfied that I wrote that I died from a heart attack. It would be more unpleasant if they wrote that I died of hemorrhoids," Jack Leonid Yakubovich.

Leonid Yakubovich

At the same time, the showman looks healthy and even slightly lost. According to the recognition of the leading "field of miracles", the sport helped him, and he cannot get into all cultural events physically due to lack of time.

As noted by "MK", \u200b\u200bAlska, Leonid Yakubovich, decided to support the project "People's Hero", initiated in 2016. In its framework, residents are noted, contributed to the development of the city, as well as those whose deeds are worthy of imitation.

According to Yakubovich, the awards as a "folk hero" should be as much as possible, because each resident of our country is obliged to know its heroes.

One thing is clear that Yakubvich is alive and healthy, leads an active lifestyle, filming the cinema, plays the theater, leads all the favorite transfer of the "field of miracles", is engaged in sports and even jumps with a parachute. Therefore, to talk about, alleged death, the TV host - prematurely.

According to Leonid Arkadyevich, in 2017, he even intends to more closely take up all activities, especially intensify the acting process. In addition, despite 71 years of his life, the TV host actively plays a tennis regularly. "This sport supports heart muscles in tone and perfectly stimulates the entire body," said Yakubovich.

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