Cataclysm occurred. What is a cataclysm? This is a global change in the state of nature.

Cataclysm occurred. What is a cataclysm? This is a global change in the state of nature.
Cataclysm occurred. What is a cataclysm? This is a global change in the state of nature.

Natural cataclysms were still described in the distant past, for example, described in the Bible "World Flood". Floods happen quite often and can truly acquire a global character. For example, flooding in 1931 on the Yangtze River in China flooded the territory of 300 thousand km², and the water was maintained in separate areas for four months.

The death of the cities of Sodom and Gomorra's death described in the Bible, according to scientists, resembles a natural phenomenon - an earthquake. Atlantis researchers are inclined to the fact that the island was also flooded as a result of an earthquake. During the eruption of the Vesuvian volcano under the ashes of the ash, the cities of Herculaneum and Pompeii are buried. The arising tsunami may be a consequence of earthquakes and eruption of volcanoes. The eruption of the volcanic of Krakatau in 1833 was accompanied by an earthquake. As a result, a tidal wave was formed, which came to the shores of the islands of Java and Sumatra. The number of dead was about 300 thousand people.
Natural cataclysms annually take about 50 thousand human lives. Since 1970, statistics have been replenished with new data. During the earthquake in America in 1988, in various estimates, died from 25 to 50 thousand people. Nine out of ten natural cataclysm refer to four types. Floods are 40%, tropical cyclones - 20%, earthquake and drought - 15%. Tropical cyclones occupy a leader in the number of victims. Floods cause great material damage. According to R. Kates, the annual damage caused by natural disasters of the global economy is about 30 billion US dollars.

Natural cataclysms are natural processes with destructive power, causing injury and death of people.
To study natural disasters, it is necessary to know the nature of each of them. Natural cataclysms in the form of a tropical cyclone carry the danger of extreme action of all its elements: rain, wind, waves, storm engines. The most devastated storm surps.
In 1970, in the northern part of the Bengal Bay, tropical cyclone led to the rise of the sea level by six meters. This led to a flood. As a result of a devastating hurricane and the flood began, about 300 thousand people died, agriculture suffered damage at 63 million dollars. 60% of the population died, mainly fishermen, destroyed 65% of fishing vessels. The consequences of the catastrophe affected the supply of protein food of the whole area.

Tropical cyclones are seasonal phenomenon. On average a year over the Atlantic traced from satellites to 110 nascent hurricanes. But only 10-11 of them will grow up to gigantic sizes. It is necessary to predict the onset of the tropical cyclone in time to protect people. Initially, hurricanes are recognized, and then traced from satellites. If a hurricane threat is found, its path and speed is predicted. The speed and direction of the tropical cyclone can be determined at a distance of 300 kilometers along the radar. It is very important to determine the seaside section where the storm hooking can begin, as well as signs of the tornado. Weather service constantly inform the population about the location and characteristics of the cyclone.
Floods are natural cataclysms, which lead to the flooding of coastal areas. The initial stage of flood begins with the overflow of the bed and the water outlet from the shores. Flooding the most common natural phenomenon. Floods may occur on permanent and temporary watercourses, but even where there have never been rivers and lakes, for example, in areas where storm rains pass.
Floods suffer from densely populated areas of the earth: China, India, Bangladesh. Floods in China occur in the valleys of the River Huanghe and Yangtze. Despite the centuries-old experience and hundreds of dams, the population of these area is still becoming victims of floods. Strong floods in the denier of the Yangtze River in the twentieth century led to the fact that 60 million people were injured from hunger. During the flooding in 1911, 100 thousand people became victims.

Floods and today are a greater threat. After a strong rainstone in 1952, the English resort town of Lynmut was flooded. Flood destroyed the building, the streets flooded, pulled the trees with the roots. A large number of people resting in Lightmut were cut off from solid land. The next day, a dam was broken and 34 people died.

There is an inverse relationship between property damage due to flooding and the number of victims. Countries that have something to lose with all means to prevent or soften floods. Conversely, pre-industrial countries carry more property damage, but do not have the necessary funds to prevent disasters and rescue people. The result of flooding may be the occurrence of outbreaks of infectious diseases. Dams and dam are built to combat flooding, the reservoirs for the collection of flood water are erected, the river beds are deepened.
Earthquakes are natural cataclysms caused by the sudden exemption of the energy of earthly subsoil in the form of shock waves and oscillations. The earthquake is dangerous due to direct and secondary effects. Direct manifestations due to seismic waves and tectonic movements cause soil displacement. Secondary effects are the cause of sending, soil seals. As a result of secondary effects, cracks on the earth's surface, tsunami, snow avalanches, fires are formed. A powerful earthquake is always accompanied by a large number of human victims and material losses. According to statistics, the greatest number of victims from this disaster are to China, the USSR, Japan, Italy. Every year approximately 14 thousand people die from the earthquake. The destruction zones from the epicenter of the earthquake can be located several dozen and hundreds of kilometers. For example, the epicenter of the earthquake, which occurred in Mexico in 1985, was located in the Pacific, not far from the city of Acapulco. But despite this, it was so powerful that a significant part of the country was injured, especially the capital of Mexico - Mexico City. On the Richter scale, the power of jolts reached 7.8 points. Being 300 kilometers from the epicenter, about 250 buildings were destroyed in Mexico City, 20 thousand people were injured. The zone of emptying during the earthquake in Guatemala spread 60 kilometers from the epicenter. The ancient capital of Antigua was completely destroyed, 23 thousand people died, 95% of settlements were destroyed.

Predict natural cataclysms are very difficult. At the moment, scientists can predict powerful seismic shoes, but cannot specify the exact time. But there were cases when scientists managed to accurately predict an earthquake. In the Chinese province of Liaoning in 1974, local residents noticed signs of activity of tectonic activity. The area was under constant control of geologists, which after the first jolts on February 1, 1975 was able to predict the possibility of a destructive earthquake. The authorities have taken measures to evacuate the population, and after four days the earthquake began, as a result of which 90% of buildings were damaged. According to experts, the number of victims could reach 3 million people, but thanks to the events of major victims managed to avoid.

In seismic areas, up to 2 billion people continue to live. The radical measure to preserve the life and health of people is the relocation from the seismic zones.
The eruption of volcanoes is natural cataclysms, which for 500 years caused the death of 200 thousand people. Until now, millions of people live in close proximity to volcanoes. On the island of Martinique in 1902, the city of Saint Pierre was destroyed during the eruption of the volcano, which was located 8 kilometers from the Mont-Pele Volcano. The number of deaths amounted to about 28 thousand people. This is almost the entire population of St. Pierre. The activity of this volcano was already noted in 1851, but then there were no victims and destruction. Experts 12 days before the start of the eruption was predicted that this eruption would be similar to the previous one, so none of the inhabitants attached great importance to the beginning of the disaster.

In 1985, "Wakes up" the Volcano Ruiz in Colombia. This eruption of the volcano led to a huge number of victims and material damage. The city of Amero was most affected, which was located 40 kilometers from Ruis. The molten lava and gases melt ice and snow on top of the mountain, thereby causing a village stream that completely destroyed the city. 15 thousand people died, residents of the city of Amero. 20 thousand hectares of agricultural plantations were destroyed, roads were destroyed, other settlements were destroyed. The total number of dead amounted to 25 thousand people, about 200 thousand were injured.
Natural cataclysms in the form of volcanic activity bring as much harm as in previous centuries. However, scientists managed to establish the size of the zones of the impact of volcanoes. A pavement flow with large eruptions is distributed up to 30 kilometers. Acid and hot gases pose a threat within a radius of several kilometers. Acid rains that apply to a distance of 400-500 kilometers, cause burns in humans, poisoning of vegetation and soil.

Natural cataclysms need to be studied in order to develop a system of measures to protect the health of people and preventing mass human victims. Engineering and geographical zoning of natural disasters areas is of great importance.

Destructive tsunami in Asia in 2004 and 2011, Hurricane "Katrina" in the southeastern part of the United States of America in 2005, landslides in the Philippines in 2006, earthquake on Haiti in 2010, flooding in Thailand in 2011 ... You can continue this list for a long time ...

Most natural disasters are a consequence of the laws of nature. Hurricanes, Typhins and Soloz - the result of various weather phenomena. Earthquakes occur as a result of changes in the earth's crust. Tsunami is caused by submarine earthquakes.

Typhoon -tropical cyclone type, Koiya typical for the northwestern part of the soft ocean. Word happens from Chinese. The area of \u200b\u200bactivity of typhoons, which accounts for the third part of the cumulative number of tropical cyclones on Earth, was concluded between East Asia coast in the West, the equator in the south and the date of change of date in the east. Although the considerable part of typhoons is developing from May to November, other months from them are also not free.

The 1991 Typhoon Season was particularly destructive, as soon as the coast of Japan, a certain number of typhoons with pressure of 870-878 Bar was on the banks of the Typhoon of the Typhoon, in most cases, later, as their main blows are taken by Korea, Japan and Islands Ryuku. The Kuril Islands, Sakhalin, Kamchatka and Primorsky Territory are more susceptible to Typhnese. Many managed to fix Typhoon in Novorossiysk to personal photos and camcorders, mobile phones.

Tsunami. Long high waves generated by a powerful impact on the entire water in the ocean or other reservoir. The cause of most tsunami is underwater earthquakes, during which there is a sharp offset (raising or lowering) of the seabed section. The tsunami is formed during an earthquake of any strength, but the high force reach those that arise due to severe earthquakes (with magnitude more than 7). As a result of the earthquake, several waves apply. More than 80% of the tsunami arise on the periphery of the Pacific Ocean.

Note that quite recently, the Japanese company Hitachi Zosen Corp has developed a system of tsunami barriers that automatically reacts to a wave blow. In this time, it is known that the booms will be installed on the entrances to underground parts of buildings. In the usual state, the metal walls lie on the surface of the Earth, however, during the arrival of the waves, they are raised under the pressure of the upcoming water and take a vertical position. The height of the barrier is only one meter, "ITAR-TASS" reports. The system is fully mechanical and does not require any external energy source. Currently, in a number of coastal cities of Japan, similar booms are already operating, but they work from electricity.

Tornado (Tornado).Hurricane is extremely fast and strong, often a great destructive strength and a significant duration of air movement. Tornado (Tornado) - a vortex horizontal air movement, occurs in a thunderstorm cloud and falls on the surface of the Earth in the form of a tipped funnel, the diameter of which to hundreds of meters. Typically, the transverse diameter of the tumor funnel in the lower section is 300-400 m, although if the tornado touches the surface of the water, this value can be only 20-30 m, and when the funnel passing over the land can reach 1.5-3 km. The development of a tornger from the cloud distinguishes it from some externally similar and also distinguished by nature phenomena, such as death-vortex and dusty (sandy) vortices.

Very often, the tornadoes are in the United States. More recently, on May 19, 2013, about 325 people were injured from the devastating tornado in Oklahoma. Awers to one voice: "We thought we would perish because it was in the basement. The wind pulled out the door and pieces of glass and wreckage . Honestly, we thought I would die. " The wind speed reached 300 kilometers per hour, more than 1.1 thousand houses were destroyed.

Earthquake - Underground shocks and fluctuations in the surface of the Earth caused by natural causes (as a rule, tectonic processes), or artificial processes (explosions, filling the reservoirs, collapse of underground mining cavities). Small shocks can also be called the lava's lifting at volcanic eruptions. About a million earthquakes occurs on all Earth, but most of them are so insignificant that they remain unnoticed. Strong destructive earthquakes occur on the planet for about once every two weeks. Most of them occur at the bottom of the oceans and is not accompanied by catastrophic consequences (if tsunami does not occur).

In our country, a particular seismically active zone is Kamchatka. The other day, May 21, 2013, she again found itself in the epicenter of seismic events. In the southeastern coast of the Peninsula, the seismologists recorded a series of earthquakes of magnitude from 4.0 to 6.4. The foci of earthquakes climbed at a depth of 40-60 kilometers under the seabed. At the same time, underground shocks in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky were the most tangible. In total, according to specialists, more than 20 underground perturbations were registered. Threats of tsunami, fortunately, was not.

Statistics of cataclysm allows you to track the amount of occurring in the world, the severity of their consequences and causes of occurrence. The main motives for collecting statistical data: search for efficient disaster prevention methods, disaster prevention, prediction and preparation timely to them.

Types of cataclysms

Cataclysms (natural disasters) are phenomena and processes occurring on Earth (or in space) that carry the environmental destruction, the destruction of material values, threaten their lives and health. They may occur for various reasons. Many of them may form as a result of a person. Natural cataclysms and disasters can be short-term (from a few seconds) and long-term (several days and even months).

Catastrophes are divided into local and global cataclysms. The first acts destructive to the terrain where it happened. Global - influence the biosphere leading to the disappearance of any types of plants or. They can threaten the earth with climate change, large-scale relocation, death, and humanity is complete or partial extinction.

On our planet, global cataclysms, which led to changes in climate change and the development of civilization happened more than once. The table below shows various types of cataclysms.

Views What imagine
Environmental cataclysms Ozone holes, air pollution and water bodies, mutations, epidemic
Natural disasters Tornado, flood, flood,
Weather cataclysm Abnormal heat, thaw in winter, snow in summer, shower
Tectonic cataclysms Earthquakes, village streams, shift of the nucleus of the Earth
Political cataclysms Interstate conflicts, coups, crisis
Climatic cataclysms Global warming, ice age
Historical cataclysms and other events that changed the history of this or that state
Space cataclysm The collision of the planets, meteorite rains, the fall of asteroids, the explosions in the sun. Some space catastrophes are able to destroy the planet

The most destructive cataclysms for the history of mankind

According to the statistics of cataclysms, which changed the course of history during the existence of humanity, many times took place. Some of them are still considered the most terrible. Top 5 destructive cataclysms:

  • flood in China of 1931 (a catastrophe of the 20th century claimed the life of 4 million people);
  • eruption Krakataau in 1883 (40 thousand people died.and about three hundred cities destroyed);
  • earthquake in Shaanxi 1556 in 11 points (about 1 thousand people died, the province was destroyed and lowered for many years);
  • last day Pompeii in 79 BC (The eruption of the Vesuvius volcano lasted about a day, led to the death of several cities and thousands of people);
  • and santorin volcanic animation in 1645-1600. BC. (led to the death of a whole civilization).

World indicators

Statistics of cataclysms in the world over the past 20 years has more than 7 thousand cases. Milled as a result of these elements more than a million people. Damage that was applied is estimated at hundreds of billions of dollars. The picture clearly shows which of the cataclysms that occurred from 1996 to 2016. Steel the most deadly.

In the news of the planet regularly suggest that the amount of natural disasters around the world steadily increases. For 50 years, the number of disasters has increased several times. Only tsunami occurs about 30 times a year.

The graph shows which continents most often become epicenters of natural disasters. The most susceptible to cataclysms asia. In second place is the United States. According to geologists, the northern part of America will soon disappear from the face of the earth because.

Natural disasters

Statistics of cataclysms of natural origin over the past 5 years shows their 3-fold increase. According to the estimates of disaster scholars during this time, more than 2 billion people suffered. This is every third resident of our planet. On Earth, tsunami, hurricanes, floods, droughts, epidemics, hunger and other disasters are increasingly happening. Scientists call the following reasons for natural cataclysms:

  • impact of man;
  • conflicts of military, social and political nature;
  • emission energy into geological layers.

Often the cause of disasters are the consequences of the cataclysms that happened before. For example, after a large-scale flood, hunger may occur or the epidemic. Types of natural cataclysms:

  • geological (landslides, dust storms, satieces);
  • meteorological (cold, drought, heat, hail);
  • lithospheric (eruption of volcanoes, earthquakes);
  • atmospheric (tornadoes, hurricanes, storms);
  • hydrospheric (typhoons, cyclones, floods);

Natural cataclysm statistics the hydrosphere (namely flooding) today in the world shows the highest rates:

The diagram below provides data on how many cataclysms occur, and how many people from each of them suffered or died lately.

On average, about 50 thousand people per year die due to natural disasters. In 2010, the figure exceeded the threshold of 300 thousand people.

In 2016, the following natural disasters occurred:

date A place Cataclysm Victims Died
06.02 Taiwan Earthquake 422 166
14–17.04 Japan Earthquake 1100 148
16.04 Ecuador Earthquake 50 000 692
14–20.05 Sri Lanka Flooding, landslides, rains 450 000 200
18.06 Karelia Storm 14 14
June China Flood 32 000 000 186
23.06 America Flood 24 24
6–7.08 Macedonia Flooding and landslide Dozens of people 20
24.08 Italy Earthquake n / D. 295

The Air Force, the Air Force constantly creates a documentary about a catastrophes of a natural nature. They are colorfully and clearly demonstrated what is happening in the world, which catastrophes threaten humanity and planet.

If the government of each country will take measures to provide the population and prevent certain disasters that can be predicted in advance, then the cataclysms will happen less often. At the very least, the number of negative consequences, human victims and material losses will be much smaller.

Data in Russia and Ukraine

Cataclysms occurred in Russia often. As a rule, they marked the end of the previous era and the beginning of the new one.

For example, in the 17th century, large disasters occurred, after which a new era began, more cruel. Then there were raids of locusts, destroying crops, the great eclipse of the sun, the winter was very soft - the river did not cover the ice because of which in the spring they came out of the banks and floods occurred. Also, summer was cold, and autumn is hot, as a result, in mid-December, the steppe and meadows were covered with greens. All this led to the fact that the prophecies appeared about the upcoming end of the world.

As stats for cataclysms shows, thousands of people are dying from them every year. Disasters bring losses in the country of up to 60 billion rubles. in year. Most of all cataclysms make up floods. Second place is occupied by tornadoes and hurricanes. For the period from 2010 to 2015, the number of natural disasters in Russia increased by 6%.

Most of the catastrophe in Ukraine make up landslides, floods and villages. Since the country has a huge number of rivers. In second place for destructiveness - fires of forests and steppes, strong winds.

In April 2017, the last cataclysm occurred in the country. Snowy cyclone passed from Kharkov to Odessa. Because of him, more than three hundred settlements were de-energized.

In the world, recently increases. Some disasters are impossible to predict. But there are those that can be predicted and prevented. It is only that the leadership of each country takes adequate measures in time.

In this article, we will look at some changes in the physico-geographical state of nature occurring on Earth under the influence of cataclysms. Any terrain has its own individual position, and unique. And some physico-geographical change is usually leading to the relevant consequences and in neighboring areas with it.

Some disasters and cataclysms will be briefly described here.

Definition of cataclysm

In the sensible dictionary of Ushakova, Cataklysm (Greek. Kataklysmos - Flood) is a sharp change in the nature and conditions of organic life on a large space of the earth's surface under the influence of destructive processes (atmospheric, volcanic). And the cataclysm is a steep coup, and destructive, in social life.

A sudden change in the physico-geographical condition of the surface of the territory can be provoked only by natural phenomena or the activity of the person himself. And this is a cataclysm.

Dangerous natural phenomena are those that change the state of the natural medium from the optimal human range. And the disastrous cataclysms change even the appearance of the Earth. This is endogenous origin.

Below will look at some significant changes in nature that occur under the influence of cataclysms.

Types of natural disasters

All cataclysms in the world have their own features. And recently, they began to occur (with the most diverse origin) more and more often. It is an earthquake, tsunami, volcanic eruptions, floods, a fall of meteorites, villages, avalanche and landslides, a sudden offensive of water from the sea, sedimentation of soils, strong and mn. Dr.

We give a brief description of the three worst natural phenomena.


The most important source of physico-geographical processes is an earthquake.

What is such a catacline? This is a concussion of the earth's crust, underground strikes and small oscillations of the earth's surface, which are caused mainly by various tectonic processes. Often they are accompanied by a terrifying underground hum, the formation of cracks, wavy oscillations of the earth's surface, the destruction of buildings and other structures and, unfortunately, human victims.

Each year on the planet, the Earth registers more than 1 million soles. And this represents about 120 jolts per hour or 2 jolts per minute. It turns out that the earth is constantly in a state of shudder.

According to statistics, on average per year, 1 catastrophic earthquake occurs and about 100 destructive. Such processes are the consequences of the development of a lithosphere, namely compressing it in some regions and expansion in others. Earthquake - the most terrible cataclysm. This phenomenon leads to tectonic breaks, raising and displacements.

Today, the zones of different activity of earthquakes are allocated on Earth. The zones of the Pacific and Mediterranean belts belong to the most active in this regard. In total, 20% of the territory of Russia are subject to earthquakes of varying degrees.

The most terrifying cataclysms of this plan (9 points and more) occur in the areas of Kamchatka, Pamirs, Kuril Islands, Transcaucasia, Transbaikalia, etc.

7-9-point earthquakes are celebrated in extensive territories, from Kamchatka to Carpathians. Sakhalin, Sayan, Baikalia, Crimea, Moldova, etc. are included here.


As located on the islands and under water, sometimes no less disastrous cataclysm occurs. This is a tsunami.

Translated from the Japanese language, this word denotes an unusually huge wave of destructive power, arising in the zones of volcanic activity and earthquakes of the ocean bottom. Promotion of such a mass of water occurs at a speed of 50-1000 km per hour.

Tsunami when approaching it to the coast reaches a height of 10-50 meters and more. As a result, terrible destruction occurs on the shore. The causes of such a catastrophe can be underwater landslides, and powerful avalanches, driving in the sea.

The most dangerous places in terms of such disasters - the shores of Japan, Aleutian and Hawaiian islands, Alaska, Kamchatka, Philippines, Canada, Indonesia, Peru, New Zealand, Chile, Aegean, Ionian and Adriatic Seas.


About the cataclysm, which is known that this is a complex of processes associated with the movement of magma.

Especially there are many of them in the Pacific belt. And again, in Indonesia, Central America and Japan there are a huge number of volcanoes. A total of them on land up to 600 acting and approximately 1000 sleeping.

Approximately 7% of the earthly population lives in proximity to active volcanoes. There are also underwater volcanoes. They are known on the ridges of the mid-oceanic.

Russian dangerous areas - Kuril Islands, Kamchatka, Sakhalin. And in the Caucasus there are extinct volcanoes.

It is known that today active volcanoes for 10-15 years are erupted about 1 time.

A similar cataclysm is also a dangerous and terrifying catastrophe.


Recently, abnormal natural phenomena and sharp temperature changes are constant satellites of life on Earth. And all these phenomena strongly destabilize the planet. Therefore, future geophysical and natural-climatic changes that carry a serious risk of the existence of all mankind require constant readiness to actions in such crisis conditions. According to certain estimates of scientists, people are still able to cope with the coming consequences of such events.

Almost all the ancient peoples believed that terrible cataclysms were collapsed on our planet, who destroyed everything alive on the planet. Nowadays, with the onset of the twenty-first century, every day natural cataclysms carry millions of lives. Maybe this is the harbingers of a global scales, which is coming on us with all the power and power?

Whatever it was, our nature has four elements, which every year still larger and stronger.

Throughout the Earth, there are more than five hundred volcanoes. The largest fiery belt covers the coast of the Pacific Ocean. It is worth noting that 328 of them were already erupted with terrible force in those days that our ancestors can remember.

Everyone knows from the small years that it is fires that can cause the economy of our country and the land as a whole, the greatest destruction and sad consequences. At the same time, it doesn't matter in which the fire will flash, because he can carry people life. According to the World Health Organization, every year thousands of people die if not in the fires themselves, then from caustic smoke, which stands out for fires on peat swamps. Cooking smoke, which can also lead to fatal automotive accidents.


Each year throughout the planet, tactical slabs occur. These fluctuations and shocks may in turn be very strong earthquakes that can completely destroy any city in seconds. Every two weeks on the planet, one very strong earthquake occurs. And well, if it does not affect the lives of people.

Despite the mind of a person, he simply will not be able to compete with the power and huge force of nature. Every year throughout the land, various landslides and satiest avalante occur. This terrible phenomenon can fully demolish everything that he is met. Even concrete structure will not be an obstacle. But the worst thing is that all this power with debris will be eliminated by people.

This is the most terrible nightmare of all people who live on the ocean coast. Earthquakes can provoke the formation of huge waves that will rapidly demolish everything in their path. Their speed can reach fifteen thousand kilometers, and the devastating force is able to destroy any structure.


Running the flow of arriving water, can leave even the largest city under its thickness. This most often happens after the protracted rains.

Each person loves warm sunny rays that awaken the world from hibernation. But its excessive interaction with nature can completely destroy the harvest, or cause a strong drought, which will subsequently provoke fires.

Typhoon or hurricane

Earth's air flows, constantly meet with each other. And in those strict moments when a warm and cold cyclone is found, a strong stream of wind may form. Its speed can reach several thousand kilometers. He is able to pull out trees with the root, and carry at home. The air moves along a certain trajectory, which begins at the corners of the spiral, and rapidly goes to its center. It is at this point that the worst destruction and irreparable consequences occur.

Tornado or Smerd

This is a kind of air funnel, which literally delays everything that can break away from the ground. His power is so great that he is able to circle in itself the most huge items. Machines and houses can get into it, and literally burst into sins.

Due to the constant changes in the climate, the whole cycle may change. Thus, in countries where winter never occurred, snow can go.