Passage of the game King Arthur. Review of the game King Arthur: The Role-Playing Wargame

Passage of the game King Arthur. Review of the game King Arthur: The Role-Playing Wargame
Passage of the game King Arthur. Review of the game King Arthur: The Role-Playing Wargame

We start the game. At the very beginning, we will offer enough detailed training tips. If they were not played in King Arthur until this point, we read them carefully. If before that they played in Total War - we read even more so :) We take Sir Kay (Sir Kay) and attack the band of the rebels. We are waiting for a simple card and 5 enemy detachments. We have: Hero-commander with severe infantry (TP) and 3 Easy infantry troops (LP). Separated from the enemy of us crossing us. At the other end of its end there are 3 squads of archers and 1 detachment of enemy LP in the second echelon. Travel movement slow motion. Archers shoot mercilessly. Saving a kay to the radius of the archery of archers (the radius is marked with the red circle), we use the spell of Avalon's muffins (Fog of Avalon) running in a scattered strictly to the center of the archers and in 10 seconds we send the second echelon in the scattered strictly 3 LD detachment - two - on the flanks, One - Following Keem. Kay B. dense strictly It is found with an enemy detachment of LP, the flank detachments are coming to the archers, they are also rebuilt into the tight system and attack them, our central LP detachment from the second echelon comes to the enemy and "takes it on themselves", after which the Kay detachment is removed from the battle The central detachments of the LP and a truth to the central detachment of archers who are behind the backs of fighting. As soon as at least one detachment won, he unfolds and beats the nearest enemy detachment into the rear, so as not to stand just like that. We finish the enemy. Ahead of 3 detachments of LP - 2 in the bushes in the ambush and 1 in sight near the castle. We are waiting for a bit so that our troops rested. We carry out the detachments of the LP from the bushes and do so that Ki attacked the enemy from the front, and our LP detachments - from the rear and flanks. We understand with 2 detachments, we finish the last detachment. Training mission passed.

Next, we still have to fight the rebels and go through the second training mission. This can, of course, do not do and click "skip" (by cars), but it, like the first, provides an excellent opportunity to practice on different types of terrain by different types of detachments in different construction, for after it completes you, your losses will still be 0. During the mission, there will also be sufficiently detailed advice on fighting.

The castle with the rebels is captured, Cornwall Province is ours. Next begin the first story actions. We have to solve the task: Help king brand Or King Idres. Since we have chosen the path of Tirana, I would have to be able to help the IDRES, defeating the brand and having received a bonus for tyranny, but Mark is a good warrior, moreover, after the victory in Sir Tener, the Knight of Idres, to us, together with Mark, they will join quite good detachments . We defeat the Idres, which after that (by strange gaming circumstances) will still remain a friend, we grab the Dumunion. After that, we again have to solve a dilemma: to help King Bertram or again Idres ( Conclusion Union with Dorset). This time we help the idres. But we do it not "in the forehead", but we wait until the Berrama army does not come together in battle with one or more (per course) of the Idresian armies and will be weakened. We attack Berrtram and defeat it. After that, we, firstly, will get the county of Somerset, secondly, the adventure will be available " Wounded knight", And thirdly, the quest with Knight's brothers Sir Balan and Sir Balin. We are going to the wounded knight. You do not need to invent anything: you need just a response from him, where to look for a lord. He is opposed to such an appeal, but we threaten to kill his people If he is silent. He tells us everything, after which we force to serve him and his people. We get the third hero, 28 topopolders and + to tyranny. Next to solve the issue of two brothers. We need a mallea ( History of Sir Balina). We attack Balhana. We get + to tyranny, Balina and 3 detachments with it. Balina is in office all provinces.

Lady of Lake

The next thing you have to do is to inhale the strength in the Sword of Eccalibur so that your subjects believe in the fact that you are really the king of the former and future (and starting you pay taxes with the possibility of hiring the troops), because after Arthur pulled out an Eccalibur from stone after Arthur The sword lost all the power and represents only a piece of steel. This can be done only by immersing the legendary sword in the water of the mysterious lake, in which the Lady of the Lake Lady) lives. It is a mysterious and mystical creature and is shown only when it wishes itself. In the usual time and she, and the lake is hidden from human eyes. Nevertheless, her search for a long time was engaged in Sir Gareth and almost succeeded in this matter, but he was very wounded in an unequal battle with the warriors of the North, who were also looking for a master. After deciding the adventure with the wounded knight, its location on the map will be known. We are waiting for the first serious battle for the game. Prepare for it thoroughly. Jump artifacts. Hire the right amount of troops through the Adventure "Volunteers". If Mark has time to get a new level before, then we put the development point in the skill guardian angel.

We start the quest. Asking local about savages from the north, we go to the boat for details, then asking the local about the recent battle, give them 1000 meals and they lead us to the survivors ... And this is a squad of the knights. By force forcing them to join our army. Then we go to the druid. He promise to him that no one will touch (+ to the old faith), we get a horny horn from him and go to the place where I got a wound Sir Gareth. Sending scouts. We see a small enemy group. We arrange an ambush, cut out (-2 the detachment of the autumn children from the enemy) of all. Then we go to the lake. Do not trumpet in the horn of Avalon, wait until dawn. Coming into battle. If you stick into the horn, the disposition will be as follows: our detachments surround the savages from all sides, and it is inconvenient. If you do not cut, then the savages will come to us, and we will have enough time to build rows. We are built as follows: Light infantry in the forest, archers behind them, heroes behind them, on the flanks in the open area - Lakes. The first will be resorted by VORGI, the task is to shoot in them (all the archers shoot first in one detachment, then in the second one), until they resort to the forest and come together with infantry. They will escape the giants, but the "scene" will be released by the fearless king Mark, who will capture one or, if lucky, 2 giants detachment and activates the guardian angel. The rest of the forces distract the detachment of the children of winter and children of autumn in such a way that they run the circles, and the archers were continuously shot. When it gets bored, stop shooting and converging with them to hand-to-hand, horse knights drive through them in a scattered strict. The liberated detachments slowly begin to come to the aid to the king of the brand. We finish all, the mission is passed. After the fight, do not forget to put on Kei Horn Avalon.

The base of the fortress

Overcoming the power of Eccalibur, the subjects recognize Arthur King; You can get taxes and hire troops. Next, a number of quests have to be performed, which will slowly enter us into a geopolitical situation on the strategic map. In Glowester are located Heirs of Vicronium: 3 brothers cannot share inheritance, 2 of them are with troops in Glowester, the third sits with the army in the victorium. We need Sir Brandell. We approach him and for 1-2 artifacts and a moderate fee we get a hero and a good army with it. Now you need to disband the extra detachments and leave only the most combal in the same army. Total at the beginning of the game we have 5 heroes and a strong army. We leave 4 heroes, and the fifth goes with a detachment to the tournament field. Next We go north to execute the quest Damned Sword. Either we take a warrior, or we take someone to learn on 8 moves not sorry (1500 experience, lightning skill, +2 to magic). Play for warrior. We speak with Druid, then we go to the village, we find out the location of refugees for 500 food or gold. Kill a few defenseless, the rest are captured. Go to the monks of Abbey. We threaten to kill prisoners if they won't leave here - they leave. Druid comes out about bloodthiance, and we get + to tyranny. Go to the blacksmith. He will ask either 2000 gold / eating, or the Dragon bone, which protects the Fomor. Fight with a phomor, we take the bones, get a silver sword. We go to the sorcerer and either give her part of the army, or we defeat it in a duel, or we go to advanced training courses in Tir-foot for 2 years. We choose any option and the sword of Pendragona.

Going away with one heer with one detachment to decide the quest Seeds of war. Two nobles in Zakhuda Castle are building conspiracies and goats in their own interests, but we extract our benefit from this. Approach the castle is open. Welcome Sir John, then go to the room to Prince Sedrika. There we will find out about his plans for the provinces of Logres and Wessex. We arrange a riot in Wessex. With the battle, we break out of the castle, we kill everyone, burn the castle. We get 5,000 gold, +2 to tyranny, 10% loss and experience in the hero.

After that, the next quest will be Betrayal. The aged king of the idres does not want Trone Dorset to go to his illegitimate son, because he is very weak - the kingdom should manage a strong king ... such as you. But knowing the bastards. It is necessary to enlist the support of the nobility and throw a challenger from the political scene or kill it. If we kill him, spend 1000 gold and get +1 to tyranny, if we agree with you know, we will get more experience and Lady Ikerne with good qualities. To enlist the support of one nobleman, promise him 50% of profits from Trastet's trade deals, we promise a dynastic marriage with his daughter, the third will join us, because we have agreed with the first two. Quest passed. Ikerno issued married Balina.

It's time Seek virgonium. War with King Caeiro at this stage of development will not be a light walk. Therefore, firstly, we replenish the losses if they are, we put on artifacts, if not worn, and distribute the detachments: the warriors are sitting on the horses, the rest of the heroes go into battle with the best infantry. We attack weak armies, slowly capture the settlements of King Caejärna. The prisoners can be attended, after which it is released, and for the second to get a redemption from Caejna - Knights-tyranans will receive +1 to devotion, neutirana will also receive +1 to devotion, and we get the ransom and the same heroes in 3 steps from us. Such "good luck characters" is easily killed by autobans, and the army does not carry losses. Such a makar can pump artifacts, raise dedication and receive redemption more than once, but do not abuse this technique, have conscience :) In the end, we shove out a strong army from the victorious, which will seize some settlement, and we defeat it. Together with Glowster and Pois, King Arthur will receive its first fortress, which from now on will be called Camelot.

Development procedure

Procedure for construction and improvement:

The first construction winter I got 36 moves. I will give, to my closer, the most effective list of improvements in winter.
1. Improvements: roads, spies (2000/2000, 3000/3000) /// Fortress: Academy, estate (4000, 6000) /// Decrees: monopoly, forced labor
2. Improvements: Scouts, Military Tax, Improvement to English Archers (4000/4000, 2000/2000, 3000/3000) /// Fortress: slaughterhouse, Kamennyna, Tribunal, Forgeon Street (3000, 5000, 3000, 3000) // / Decree: (-)
3. Improvements: Right to trade (3000/3000) /// Fortress: Mint, Kuznets (2400, 3200) /// Decrees: military tax (in military tax - bug: Even on Patch 1.07, it does not reduce devotion, but Increases it! Use it once for the whole game, have conscience)
4. Improvements: Improvement to snipers (4000/4000) /// Fortress: Royal Workshops, City Council, Workshop, Magistrate (3200, 4000, 3200, 2400) /// Decrees: cancellation of compulsory work
5. Improvements: Forced Labor, Crossiers (2400/2400, 3200/3200) /// Fortress: Knight's Towers (8000) /// Decrees: (-)
6. Improvements: Camp of carts, reinforcements (4000/4000, 6400/6400) /// Fortress: Victory Halls, Garden Garden (6400 - 2 Stroke, 2400 - 1 Stroke) /// Decrees: Acceleration of construction
7. Improvements: (-) /// Fortress: Great Archives, chronicle basements (8000 - 3 strokes, 1600 - 1 move) /// Decrees: (-)
eight . Improvements: Royal supervised (4000/4000) /// Fortress: the sacred meadow, the well of knowledge (6400 - 2 moves, 6400 - 2 strokes) /// Decrees: (-)
9. Improvements: patrols, shaft trunks (1600/1600, 3000/3000) /// Fortress: tournament fields, sidden paths (5600 - 2 moves, 6400 - 2 strokes) /// Decrees: (-)
10 . Improvements: Rights to the robberry (4800/4800) /// Fortress: Great Archives, Foundry Workshop, Sewerage, City Guardi (3200 - 1 move, 3200 - 1 move, 1600 - 1 stroke, 800 - 1 stroke) /// Decrees: (-)
10 . Improvements: Lekari, Surgeon (2000/2000, 4000/4000) /// Fortress: Collector Dani, Barn, Side Representation (6400 - 2 Stroke, 3200 - 1 move, 2400 - 1 stroke, 800 - 1 stroke) /// Decrees: (-)
eleven . Improvements: Knight's fight, stray comedians (1400/1400, 2800/2800) /// Fortress - Camelot: Side path (6400 - 2 strokes), Fortress - Carnarvon: workshop, Strength courtyard, Sacred meadow (3200 - 1 move, 1600 - 1 move, 6400 - 2 strokes) /// Decrees: Right to mining
12 . Improvements: Obstetrics (2800/2800) /// Fortress - Camelot: Supplier (2400 - 1 move), Fortress - Carnarvon: Wellness of knowledge, Side path (6400 - 2 stroke, 6400 - 2 stroke) /// Decrees: (- -)
13 . Improvements: dams, irrigation (1680/1680, 1680/1680) /// Fortress - Carnarvon: urban guards, paths of the Side, Representation of the Side (800 - 1 move, 6400 - 2 stroke, 2400 - 1 stroke) /// Decrees: (-)
fourteen . Improvements: Aqueduct, Channels (1680/1680, 1680/1680) /// Fortress: (-) /// Decrees: Cancellation Decision Acceleration
1 5. Improvements: slowdown, library (1120/1120, 2800/2800) /// Fortress: (-) /// Decrees: (-)
sixteen . Improvements: food distribution, food collection, merchant guild (1400/1400, 896/896, 2800/2800) /// Fortress: (-) /// Decrees: (-)
1 7. Improvements: Law on trade, tax collectors (2688/2688, 5600/5600) /// Fortress: (-) /// Decrees: (-)
eighteen . Improvements: Hofmeister (2100/2100) /// Fortress: (-) /// Decrees: Law on Trade
nineteen . Improvements: free cities, coin coin (2800/2800, 896/896) /// Fortress: (-) /// Decrees: Law on Trade

to Ololev warders (4000/4000)

The order of spells of heroes:

The order of characteristics of heroes:

Warriors. And develop magia. So that mana is at least 225, then begin to develop battle
Develop magic until you get bored, after which we develop the battle
Coltonians Develop leadership up to 10, hereinafter - wandering up to 5, then - Magia and battle.

In Deepolesie

The quest "in Deepolesia" will appear on the 30th. We learn from Druid about the Side, about the goddess Danan, about the Tir-foot, about good and unlawful and about the fact that the small army of unlabliga kidnapped children from local villages and now holds them near the Crystal Tower. We go to a meeting with the enemy, which will refuse to solve the issue and bring shock arguments to him. The battle is starting as follows: all his army we bring to the nearest forest near the control point of the dragon dice and hiding it there; Before archers, put a light infantry. We wait until the enemy hero will come running to us, more precisely the heroine, and do not align, otherwise it will begin to conjure bad spells in us. When she approaches closer, the spell stands to stand!, Paralyzing her. Next, from the forest at the knight's horses, it leaves in a scattered strictly owner and receives the first volley of archers. If in your army Mark, then the invisible shield on the second equestrian squad, if Brandeis is standing! On the second squad archers. Balin dies already in a dense strictly to the sorcerer and includes SEC, Mark / Brandeis donate to the archers and begins to fight with them. All your archer squads in the forest in scattered strictly shoot on the archers of nonlags and suppress them. Heroes with severe infantry in the construction of the walls of the shields come from the forest and intercept those who fled in your direction. If someone rested to your archers, firstly we assign the archers, secondly, it is driven into battle in building a wall of shields. Light infantry. Having completed Quest In Deepolesie, Complete the first chapter.

Chapter II: Conquest Book

At 42nd, we will be offered a quest Sir Dagonet. If you start solving it after The death of the old king of Mercia (at the King Edward), then Western Mercia will declare war on us. Dagonets will suggest to pass his labyrinth. Go to the first room. Next, choose directions:
East - North-East - East - North - North - North - West - West - South - End
After passing the quest, we get 8,000 gold, 1000 experience, helmet of phomotors (+3000 health), +1 to the old faith and dagonet, if you tell him that the goal of King Arthur is the spread of the old faith. If you say Dagonet, that the main goal of King Arthur is an attachment of Christianity or power, he will not join you. Dagonets will take a shabby detachment in 1 warrior and will go on the spiritual to the monastery (+5 to research points).

After dagonet, at 46 go, it will be on the scene Smiling prince. To solve the quest, first you need to pass an adventure Missing children. Speaking by the captain of the city guards, we learn the details of the disappearance of children. Next, go to the village. We find there a girl who does not say, find out from her parents that when she last spoken, she said a strange phrase "Lilia of Red Yastreb" - this is the key phrase to move further in Quest. We go to the barn and there find a secret move. On the tunnel we go to the door with switches that set to position ruby - Bird - Flower. We reach the camp with robber, waiting for everyone to sleep, and kidnap their commander. We find out from him that kidnap children to robbers ordered Druids. When he tells everything, we kill it (+1 to tyranny). Shut down On the heels of Druidov . We take a warrior with a battle of at least 8. We get to the village, the local learn that the owner of the tavern communicates with the druids and gives them grain. Go to it. He says that he did not see children at all and does not know what it is about, but about where Druids, he knows. We go to the specified direction and get into the swamp. We take with you one experienced wanderer and continue the way. We find an old hut, and in it - the witch. We attapate and kill it. Take her amulet. We return to the innkeeper, ask why he sent us to ... swamp. After unnecessary explanations, kill it (+1 to tyranny). Next, we get to the druids and find out why they kidnapped children. They will answer that they have not kidnapped for themselves, but for Smiling prince who wants to make iron warriors from them. Quietly ask you to take us to him (+1 to the old faith). With a smiling prince, do not solve any riddles and do not enter the battle, but simply conclude the Union and agree to supply children, for which we get +1 to the old faith, +2 to tyranny and random artifact.

Periodically between the quests, we will come across random adventures, such as Lady Penrir, missing the lady, Lady Nimue.
Lady Penrirry Kidnapped Sir Agramors. Father girl, Sir Penrir asks us to help. Either fighting with his army and pump out their heroes, or pretend to have caused him to fight, then our warriors run away from bushes and kill the agrormor and everyone who is with him. We get Lady Penrir (-20% of movement points, + 50% mines, + 50% trade income), +1 to tyranny, 2500 gold and sword sorrow. If you fight him in a duel, you will get +1 to righteousness and 200 experience, and the same sword with the lady.
Missing Dama It assumes only a battle, by completing which, we get Lady Kalein (+4 to loyalty and + 50% to the taxes of the knight's feuds, as well as -5% of the movement points). This adventure is also located in Western Mercia, looking at which the war will be announced.
Lady Nimue He went to the forest for a walk with servants, but returned from there, only one of her horse, about what Sir Galinas will tell, the father of the girl. It is clear that we are asked not too, get into the forest to breathe, and go and figure out. The conductor will bring us to the stream, will tell that in the forest there are many corpses of poachers who are not killed and then we will go. We will reach the circle from the stones after which we will meet with the army of non-possession of Side (1 hero-magician, 5 detachments of winter children, 4 detachments of children of autumn, archers of non-family). The battle will occur on the map ***, it is possible to banally play strategic points. In any case, I hide the army in the forest, then the warrior goes under the magic cap on horseback to the enemy hero and gives it to Sen. When the hero is defeated, we take the rest of the army. Heroes are fighting with the children of winter, the archers scroll the children of autumn, which are unprecedented by a wedge, enemy archers worried about some kind of our squad. And do not fight with Sides in the forest. Upon completion of the battle, we obtain 5,000 pins and ladies of Nimue (taxes -50%, + 40% of experience for adventures taken, the hero cannot be wounded).

At 50 go to us remind you that there is such a thing as Round tableAnd that the empty places behind him would be good to fill in decent knights of Britain. Automatically, we offer 3 chapters, as well as some of her quests. For example, the selection dilemma between Sir Bediveur and Valorous Persivhal. Beediver is an adherent of the old faith, Percival - Christianity. Baedive is an excellent commander, Percival - Mag. We take a warrior, go to Percival, on the way we encounter the Warrior and kill it. Then we go with a percival to the Bedivarus. We agree that the Percival must remain. We get 200 experiences, dragon scepter, +1 to the old faith and sir Bedima.

Sir Bedive will lead our second army, which we will send to swing on the border with a measure and saksami. But this will happen in the future, but as long as the Bediera Commier into the monastery (+5 to OI).

At about this time (in any case, it was for me) the value of the old faith should be close to 10 and in the arsenal there will be a spell of a seed path, which will turn the tactics to the head. Examine it to each hero at least 2 units.
And tyranny will reach the desired value at this time, as a result of which an adventure appears on the map Black Army . This will give the opportunity to hire us 1-2 detachments of the cruisers, which will be very by the way. Fits stick to the commander. It is possible in principle to hire a regular hero - Herald, but it is weak, and crows are more important. Artifacts appreciate in the Black Army, so there will be an excellent opportunity to sell unnecessary.

Next we get an affordable quest Lost monastery. We approach the older hunter, ask him where the monastery is. He refuses to respond. We are trying it. He splits and tells. We are trying to try it just in case: what if he knows something else? And it knows! Defenders of the monastery equipped with a hunting group for tracking some creature. If you intercept and destroy it, the defenders will be less. We continue to torture him elsewhere, in the last breath, he says that a group of nonlags is not far from here, which is also looking for a monastery. You can convince them to combine forces. After that, the old man dies. For their efforts, we get +2 to tyranny. Next, we meet with nonlags. If we agree to give them the artifact after the battle of the lost monastery, they will join us (after the battle we will receive a squad of warriors of non-collaboration 7 levels), but in Quest there is a bug: the quest artifact we will get anyway so that for the sake of justice when you get, throw this artifact Away ... Then we find a group of hunters surrounding and destroying them (-3 enemy detachment in battle). It makes sense to describe the tactics of the battle I do not see: the army is non-mesmer, the enemy has no archers. Forest everywhere. Use that and other features. If possible, transfer the magician who has a dragon breathing. After the battle, we get 4,000 gold, 6000 meals, mail Nouada, +2 to tyranny, the units of warriors of non-residential 7 levels that attach to the warrior.

After conquering a lost monastery, the quest will open in front of the Kingdom of Arthur's Queen - Guinevere (Guinever). Quest Queen Gvinera We start strong warrior. We liberate a crow, listen to what he says. We go to the Blacksmith Fog Bulge. We defeat it in battle. When he asks to keep his life - we kill, then we look at his chest and taking everything valuable from there. Next, we go to the Lord of the Mountain, along the way we will meet mountain robbers, run them. Let the lord say that we act in the name of the old faith. Then fight with the guard of the gate, we defeat it. Further go on the way, do not turn off it. On the way, we will meet a Fomor, which will offer us a sword in exchange for our cessation of Gwin Search. You agree to the contract, but then take a sword and violate the Word. Fomor comes into rage, kill him. Next, we go through the forest, we encounter Guineurs and either fight with him, or call on black Morrigan - Raven immediately flies off your shoulder and turn the woman who will crush the knight with a mighty sickness. Finally, we will meet with Guinea. We can ask for black Morrigan to send it back to the Tir-foot (+1 to the old faith), we can mock and make only one of the court ladies (+3 devotion in the feuds with the same culture, +6 to the old faith in the feuds of the hero , +2 To dedication for all the knights, the hero cannot be wounded), which I will be married to one of your knights. And we can fulfill everything correctly and make it a proposal on behalf of Arthur to become a queen. For the fulfillment of the quest, we get 352 experiences, the sword of grief, +3 to tyranny, +1 to the old faith, the squint of the gvinera and the queen Guinev (+1 to skills and +2 to magic to all heroes).

Next, the states associated with Wales have to be solved. So that Wales joins the possessions of Arthur, you need to score 10 points of the old faith and get Bronze sign Dagdafor which we will go. We go to the chapel, from there - in a secret move. We see the Dagda sign in the magic dome, which can be dispelled only by attaching special artifacts. We go along the northern corridor, fighting with a monster, take a curly stone with a secular eye of his muzzles, we go to the east, fighting with the creature of which the body of a lion and wings, kill him, take a stone with the image of the dragon, then south, from where they also take a stone, but This time without a fight and with a snake face. We apply all 3 pieces to the pedestal - our sign, and with it 693 experience and Pretorian saws.

Further, you can wait for the quest ***, which well will be vacant to know that we are not boring in the Union lived (the price of a quest solution is 10000 gold donations to the Wales Court and +1 to the old faith as a reward), but you can not wait for this quest and go By the next, after which we get one of the most powerful heroes in the game.

We take a strong warrior and go to the generic castle of the helen. Mother and brother of the captured knight report that merciless Sir Padok.sir Gelen won in the duel and threw in his dungeon next to Carleón castle and demands a redemption. They ask our warrior to take redemption, because They are afraid that Cardoades will hide gangsters that rob their people on the road and they will have to pay it twice. Before us 3 choices: help free and get for it +1 to righteousness. To require a detachment of warriors from the castle of Helens accompanied our us on the way (+1 of the Gold Griffon Squad after the quest) or help for money (+2000 gold). We will choose the first option, since the sister of the knight, Lady Blanche, will be so delighted with our dedication that he wants ... to go to the court of Arthur. And she is a noble lady with excellent qualities (+ 50% of trade incomes, +1.5 growth of the province, +3 to health in the feuds of the hero) and it is worth fighting for it, even if we are a little more than one. Early in the morning our knight (with onethe inexpensive detachment) goes to the castle of Carleón, and in the evening he gets to a squad to the mountain cliffs, near which the camp puts the clocks at night just in case. Precautions were justified: to the same name to the camp attacked. Our hero wakes up and sees that the battle boils and the circle of confusion. Our knight collects around themselves the best people and breaks along with them to the enemy commander. Your dedication inspires your warriors and they begin to close the enemy, and you continue to attack and personally head the attackak on the enemy Kamander, fighting with his bodyguards. The martial spirit of the raiders falls and they start to retreat, the commander also wants to escape, but we cut off the way and capture. Interrogate. In torture (+1 to tyranny), he tells us that he sir Freresh, an adherent of the ancient traditions of Druids, that the new views of the Rionus king are the distortion of the old faith that his close-up chose it only to gain power, which is actually They are just interested in magic, and they themselves are not worthy of serving the ancient gods at all ... And he attacked us because he didn't want to buy him to get his personal enemy kard. He calls him the "mad dog of the Royal Court," also adds that this "greedy, cunning snake" rushes on everything that he indicates. Finally, we learned all that you can, and fools on the throat of his chatter about Wales Yard. And what is interesting, we replenish the piggy bank of unfair acts in this imperfected world - we order it to kill it (+1 to tyranny).
A few days later we arrive at Sir Kadoku, give him a redemption, we get Sir Gelen and start a business conversation with him. We offer him to participate in the conspiracy on the transfer of power over Wales King Arthur. In exchange, we promise that Sir Padokov will become a knight of a round table. Padoades rzhet into a voice over the very idea and the ability to serve Arthur. We also add that Arthur, in addition, gives him 2 feud ... But the kard is only interested in power and he finally agrees to all this only under one condition: if you defeat it in battle. King Arthur King (with a battle of at least 8) accepts a challenge and after a long fight, the kard is defeated. He agrees to the agreed transaction and joins the round table. We get 462 experiences, +1 to tyranny, Lady Blanche, Sir Karadok and 4 detachments of winter children with him, province of Nughals and 2 wars with Estrecheyls and Sagels.

Next, the following is the following: we get a second fortress and several detachments in it. The fortress is developing in the same order as the first. Only on the cheaper construction of something can no longer spend money. We form the second army. It will include: Beediver, Brandeis, Dagonets and 4 Hero, whom we will get a little later (or the King Mark, if we have it). In the first army, they remain: Kay, Balin, Garet and Cardoades. Kadoku give 3 feud, otherwise he will fall devotion every year. The detachments of the detachments after the addition of Wales distribute between 2 armies, unnecessary detachments disband. We distribute artifacts between the characters.

In the south-west, we are threatened with 2 rebel kingdoms in 1 province, in the east - saksa and (potentially) one of the measurements. The strategy is as follows: Cakes holding back the second army, giving small enemy armies to go to our territory. Sometimes the armies are divided - at this moment and attack their separated troops. In the mercury (preferably in the east, and with Western it is better to have peace) We go like a visit, and we divide their weak armies there.
From Wales, our first impact army is valid, it breaks everything to one large army of the enemy, but the provinces will not win the province, giving the opportunity to dismantle the provinces and restore the troops, and we have to swing, get artifacts, food, gold and experience. When the main armies in Wales are broken, throwing there from the east the second army, which will continue to swing on weakened Wales armies. And our first army suggests order in the East: breaks all the strong army of Mercia and Saxons. Messia is also not fully conquered.

What we have in the end: each spring 4 kings offer us Gather, food, women and artifacts for their knights. They get freedom to meet again with our armies and capture. One knight is attempting, increasing the devotion of his tyrants, 2 release, in order to compensate for the loss of confidence of the righteous and at the same time earn devotion and they. Heroes, army and attached artifacts are pumped, the treasury is replenished, the artifacts multiply, the ladies are becoming more, improvements are investigated. Our power grows. Grows until the quest appears DisasterAnd in London will not open the portal and from there will not braid the army of evil ghosts under the leadership of Samayn. But by and large and they are not a hindrance.

Chapter II. I: Book of Round Table.

Samina's army

To be continued.

King Arthur is an ideal character for a computer game. Everyone heard about him, someone even knows his brief biography, but there is hardly a person who can confidently say, existed the legendary ruler in fact or it is only fictions of minstrels. The unknown is unleashing the authors of the hand. Easy to guess what we will see in the strategy about Alexandra Macedonsky; Our hero, on the contrary, is full of riddles and secrets. "And where the mystery is there and the service of the state."

Historia Britonum.

System requirements

Pentium 4 / Athlon 64 3 GHz

1.5 GB of memory

GeForce 6600 / Radeon X700

8 GB on Winchester

Recommended requirements

CORE 2 DUO E6420 / ATHLON X2 5000+

2 GB of memory

GeForce 8800 / Radeon HD 3850

8 GB on Winchester

Arthur, being a true carrier of power, is present here nominally - on the rights of a tiny portrait in the menu. To bear his will to the people will have a dozen of faithful knights. They are commanded by the troops, the girls saved, the heads are cut ... The foundation is borrowed from Total War. We move the detachments and manage the state in the campaign mode, and when the armies face, proceed in real time. Looking at the global map, it is difficult to stay from associations with another reliable series - HEROES OF MIGHT & MAGIC. Divorced houses - an inexhaustible source surprises. In the city you can gain recruits, in the mine - to get a weighty nugget, in the castle - how to relax, and so on.

Observe neutrality to anything. Steaming with good and evil, it's time to think about religion. More and more people take the teachings of Christ, which is extremely not like the adepts of old gods. Here is a player and waiting for the main scenario fork. Crusaders go to the settlement in Camelot, and the Old Believers create a stronghold in the victims - a sacred city on the border with Bedlegar. Relations with others depend on the convictions of the monarch. The righteous will not serve Tyran with a black heart, the Genther's knight will not speak with the apostate who forgot the faith of ancestors.

Final goal King Arthur. - Combining the country. There are few regions to conquer all regions - it is necessary to constantly monitor the level of devotion to provinces, preserving separatist moods and dealing with the urgent problems. How to stop the plague: to pay downstairs or kill patients and burn corpses? And flood? Dams will doubt the swelling element, but the cost of work is indecently high. And these are only a few examples. The roads are taught on the roads, sectants are preached in the villages, the cannibals roam the forests, and every time you have to paint the compromise between desires and opportunities.

In the fate of the fight against internal enemies can not be neglected and external. Those who choose the path of the cross, threaten a long confrontation with Merlin and the countless armies of the Side, penetrating Britain through the network of portals. IN Total War The literary component did not care anyone. Here, the opposite is, ignoring requests and orders, it is hard to succeed. Reaching the noted place, we transfer to a quarter of a century ago - in the "Interactive Fiction" era. We read the text, choose one of the options, we move on (the disruption of the "negotiations" usually leads to the battle) - just like in " Space Rangers " Adventures are inextricably linked with the main game. If the hero is offered a duel on swords, and it is important to magic, it is better not to displacing and find some alternative.

Round table regulars - full-fledged RPG characters with their destinies and characters. To take at least Sir Balina, who Arthur helped to get together with a fraternity and destroy the mighty curse. Tristan sits on the right and with a stupid smile stare at the isold. In their feelings, there is nothing divine on each other (the fault of the Visigar Potion), but who has enough spirit to solve lovers, giving up a young beauty for Gavein? The carnal joy is not interested in Percival - there is a prophecy that it is he will destroy the remnants of the old faith and will find a cup of Grail. It is not surprising that Galahad, he himself is no longer the first year chasing the lost relic, looks at him with poorly hidden jealousy and suspicion.

Selecting classes for them, you need to take into account the specialization. The commander will reduce the content of the army and "hurry" the characteristics, the warrior will fight enemy champions, the sage will cover fire and reset the malicious spells. In addition to key parameters (leadership, management, cunning, battle and magic), knights have congenital "peppers" and a solid skill collection that the player buys and develops with increasing level. Loyalty is as important as power. The dissatisfaction with the situation will once begged the hero to retire. The favorable marriage and the title of Sengor, most likely, will keep it from rapid decisions. The main thing is not to rush. The inept "manager" can always be removed, and the Meager's wife will have to tolerate until death.

Magic and sword

Family life of a family life dispels a kind fight. Military actions resemble the series Total War, Warhammer and… Ground Control 2. Where the developers drag off the command dot system. It is enough to take a few flags to hand to the hands, and the fighting opponent will begin to gradually. It's time to expose swords, because the death of comrades also injures "collective unconscious"; Still a little bit, and the selected warriors will run at the same time with the wickers-militias.

Projibly artificial rules initially cause rejection, but the longer you play, the more nuances pop up to the surface. Warriors are tired and dying from the random arrows of the Allies, the weather and the type of terrain contributes their contribution. Sometimes it is necessary to change formations "on the fly". Concluding with the enemy, it is desirable to dispersed the system (additional protection against archers), and immediately before the "contact" - to collect warriors in the wedge and break through the rows of defenders. Truth, King Arthur. does not amaze chic "fatalith" (see MEDIEVAL 2. ) and fashionable light effects. Just a good picture. Missed - endless fields and neat rectangles of detachments, close to a pleasant article of the model and surprisingly clear textures.

Challenges chained in the lats - the backbone of any troops, however, a heavy cavalry was the true queen fields. A dispersed detachment is like an avalanche sweeping all on the way. Knowing it, Ai loves to loop and hide in thickets. Computer generals of stars from the sky are not enough, but in the Aza we think: they are covered with the cops from horses, arrange ambushes, actively circle (man-made zippers, by the way, can turn the battlefield).

Sooner or later, "units with character" appear in the army. Forcing fighters with the opposite worldview to march shoulder to shoulder, be prepared for consequences, up to desertion. In the world King Arthur. Tolerance is not in honor. The noble Knights of Graaal will never bring together with the Halfish "elven" lunches, and the elite royal guard is hardly wanting to jacket with gangsters and marauders. Differences led to failure? Nearby trouble - hundreds of volunteers waiting for their turn to serve the king. Heroes can not be killed anyway - they just get on the bed of Lazarev or in prison.

But legal immersion does not make the game easier. A short "textbook" explains only at least the rest will have to dig in the PDF manual and comprehend experimentally. For example, that in the spring, the "random" tasks arise on the map that in the summer it is easier to make transitions that the crop will be given in the fall, and that in winter, until the soldiers are torn in warm barracks, it is time for public affairs. First-invoor - a tour of the castle. The construction will burn a fair share of the budget, but the results will not disappoint. Each building benefits: the collection of taxes is growing, the crime rate falls, the "bosses" receives additional points of skills. Even the dungeon and the torture chamber perform social and significant functions - the likelihood of the flight of valuable captives is reduced.

The research panel is the following landmark. In exchange for gold and food, scholars do not mind moving the ships. Stronger units, economic improvements, spell - all for the front, all for victory! You can configure the kingdom of "for yourself" in the office. Laws are intended for long-term management of the life of the country, decrees make it possible to solve the momentary problems, but have a number of significant flaws. If you do not climb on the dog, radical measures will not need. IN King Arthur. There is no "fool protection" - the launch of the final quest ahead of time, you need to understand what is fraught with. And where to rush? One pass will show less than half of the game. In my opinion, it is worth stretching pleasure.

Elves against Crusadsev

Cute graphics, high-quality gameplay, thoughtful setting - Neocore Games can be congratulated with success. Despite some roughness and made "for a check mark" Multiplayer, King Arthur. much more interesting to the Hungarian studio and easily bypass licensed Warhammer: Mark of Chaos . Is it not the best praise?

P.S. If you still use the "Puzzled" CRT monitor, remember: the maximum resolution that the game will allow to set, equal to the resolution of the Windows desktop.

System requirements:
P4-3.4, 1 GB RAM, 256 MB 3D Card
Intel Core 2 DUO 2.4, 2 GB RAM, 512 MB 3D Card
Multiplayer: LAN (2), Internet (2)
Genre: Strategy, TBS.
The game came out:24.11.2009
Rating: 8.5

Round Table Knight Adventures

In 1994, the SIMTEX studio responsible for the first two parts of Master of Orion (1993-1996) tried to move some ideas of Civilization (1991) to the Universe Fantasy. As a result, the Master of Magic game appeared on the light, which after a series of patches has become a rather busy step-by-step strategy on the development of the magical kingdom. Later, after the closing of SIMTEX in 1997, Master of Magic herself inspired Dutch developers from TriUmph Studios to create a line of Age of Wonders (1999-2003). In 2009, designers from the Hungarian company Neocore Games have collected all the necessary ingredients for a successful global strategy, but already with real-time battles. To all this, the authors were able to successfully fasten the basic elements of RPG, and at the same time provide gamers with experience a unique chance for nostalgia on game hits from the distant past.

The Neocore Games team consists of several dozen specialists, each of which has accumulated sufficient experience in the industry. The team participants did not need assistance from the side throughout the development cycle, except except for the soundtrack studio record. The Coretech 3D branded engine was first used in the Crusaders: Thy Kingdom Come project. Even then we found several drawbacks, including AI independence problems, a gaming balance and even the management. In just 1.5 years, the authors managed to be almost impossible, since they were unrecognizable to modernize their old concept and turned a group of scenarios about the battles during the first crusade of a fascinating story about the founding of Camelot.

King Arthur his writings in the XII-XV centuries. Dedicated Galphrid Monmouth, Kreten de Trois and Thomas Malory, but in their works it was not easy to distinguish fiction from the truth. According to the legend, Arthur's mentor, the son of Paddragra, the leader of the Britt, was Merlin's wizard. After extracting the grade of Eccalibur from Stone Arthur received the right to Crown Britain. Next to his retinue, he invited the most famous heroes of that time and so that there was less contradictions between them, provided them with a round table. The developers from Neocore Games paid a lot of time to study the stories about the board of Arthur and the adventures of his knights, but in addition to the English folklore, they did not forget to familiarize themselves with Celtic mythology, and at the same time generously filled the cymbheanly fabulous creatures.

At the heart of the story campaign lies ascent of Arthur to power and his desire to unite the scattered provinces of Britain under its beginnings to a single strong kingdom. The ruler himself takes an honorary place behind the round table, but he, like other monarchs, is not presented in the game with a separate unit, but only observes what is happening from the outside.

Feudal fragmentation

A global map includes several dozen provinces, approximately half of which are distributed between all the kings of Britain, and the remaining territories are the ownership of wizards who settled in Bedlegrene forests and even further. During the passage, many knights from the legends of Arthur will meet, including Percival, Gavein, Lancelot and others, but the very first assistant will be Sir Kay, the Son of Exteru.

Training mode is integrated into the campaign. Each action is accompanied by a pop-up tip, however, with all user functions introduce gradually. Because of this, it is necessary to go through at least the third part of the game to master the spheres of urban planning and research. Initially, there were four difficulty levels, and the highest closed, until the next time the story history is completed. The number of difficulties occurring is expressed in which military privileges receive AI on the strategic map (combat capability, number and speed of troops). Later with a patch, the authors added to the game a simplified regulations for beginners, which significantly weakens AI in all possible senses and several orders of magnitude reduces the costs of the armies.

At first, it is even unusual that after the first significant battle, the loss can only be filled in a temporary camp of recruits, and the separation of troops is not allowed into parts, but all this was planned in advance by the developers. To activate the armies management module, it is necessary to help the wounded knight in the abbey and find Lady of the Lake, and then grab his first castle, so that Arthur performed the ancient prophecy and laid the foundation of Camelot.

The economic model is based on two types of resources: Food and gold (taxes, mines, trade). Master of Magic was still the third, mana, but in King Arthur, magic glasses are closely connected with heroes that use magic on battlefields. The treasury is replenished with taxes, but at first you will not be able to regulate them in a wide range. Each province deducts the king a certain part of the extracted food and coins, but the monarch's robberies will negatively affect the loyalty to the filed. In addition, such indicators such as health care, public safety, military potential, dominant culture and religion will also be important for the latter. In the presence of sufficient reserves, you can always spend them on the reassignment of cities, sending drugs to the people, holding tournaments or even the distribution of food is poor, which, in turn, will lead to the emergence of temporary bonuses for territory productivity and, for example, will increase the collection of provisions.

The year in King Arthur consists of four seasons. In the spring, the largest number of optional and mandatory quests appear. In summer, the army can move faster, and in the fall, you should look for a secluded place where it can be checked. In winter, all troops go to the tents and deprived of the right to move, but only at this time of the year the king are given orders to builders and scientists.

Courtniced weekdays

At the expanses of Britain are hidden, where Arthur may establish new majestic citadel on the ruins of those fortresses that he will capture from his opponents. Each city has 6 blocks that can be allocated to individual estates. Inside these areas, positive effects can be strengthened with additional buildings. The total number of buildings in the game reached 44, although only 24 will be able to build in one castle, so the problem of choice is becoming relevant. At a certain point, an understanding that King Arthur is a game with a large number of mutually exclusive alternatives, which must be passed from the beginning to the end, at least twice to get acquainted with all its content.

All available urban infrastructure can be divided into various types: in the gains of the farmers are ready to increase the production of food, merchants are happy to increase the money charges, the priests will contribute to the development of Christianity, and the pagans and their monument will allow heroes to know the nature of magic. In addition, there is still a forge, magistrate, a scientific academy, the town hall for fair rulers, where the shelter will open for the poor and wounded, as well as a gloomy fortress with a prison for the owner-despot. Certain buildings reduce the cost of gold for the construction or spending on the development of new technologies. Unnecessary buildings are allowed to demolish, which is useful when restructuring of the conquered enemy fortresses.

In the Treasury for the not too favorable rate, you can exchange gold on food and vice versa to replenish royal reserves. The research scope skillfully connects all other aspects of the Kingdom management. 66 discoveries are divided into three categories. In the Economic section, you can increase the collection of resources, improve the market exchange rate, the welfare of the provinces, open additional laws or regional options. In the field of administration, exclusive spells, strategic bonuses and main technologies, eliminating all residents from such misfortunes like drought, floods and epidemics. The military provides a list of new units and opportunities for militaristic leaders.

Periodically, any province is under threat of natural, human or magical misfortune, which will notify you indicating what negative effects provides a delay in the resolution of the problem. Thus, the hermit from the flocks of wolves attacks the peasants, which reduces the military potential of the region, and the Knevnovers group agitates for their religion, splitting the local population into two opposing camps. In another case, a pair of feudal veins can not be divided into something; Vassal will ask for Son Son from Robbers; The monk will propose to bring an excellent stranger from the monastery on the enemy territory, or one of the lords, suddenly, will cease to pay taxes and declare himself a candidate for the role of the king. All these questions and often for a strictly allocated number of moves must be settled by the subject of arthur, and there are always several possible events development options. If you ignore such incidents, it will lead to real uprisings, and the offended province will hurry to leave the composition of your kingdom.

Wearing traveling traders and fairs can exchange for the resources of the courtiers or to purchase food at the best price when two units of provisions give for one coin. In winter, the monarch is allowed to take new laws and edicts, each of which has both positive and negative sides. Roll out additional income from the kingdom for a new military campaign to the detriment of long-term development? To proclaim the state monopoly and increase the proceeds from trade due to losses from gold mining in mines? Encourage the spread of one religion and set up against themselves all who do not share such glances? You decide.

In the footsteps of King Arthur

The main storyline represents 4 chronicles of the round table. It is in them that all keys are focused on the passage of quests, which have typed several dozen, and, one elected path of adventure is capable of closing their neighbor until the end of the party. You will always determine whenever you do this or that task, but here you need to exercise special attentiveness, since the touching the hero of the magic scroll leads to the lightning development of the subsequent chain of events. Lovers to do everything and can immediately fall victim to the waters of the incident. Perhaps the authors should have hinted the gamers about the consequences of the adoption of the order. Thus, the seizure of the fortress Norfolk in the seaksons automatically leads to failure of Merlin's tasks to search for artifact and immediately opens the teleporter on your territory, which is happy to take advantage of the womb army of monsters, and the Union with the pagans from Wales provokes the announcement of the war Artur from the Christian king.

The king should be a trick in diplomacy. When you come across the first strong neighbors, then you will have a choice in how to build relationships with them. You can help the rebellious prince to organize an uprising or report the plans to the traitor to Tirana, and if they hover between two monarchs, then be prepared for the fact that the winner of this competition will be twice as much as. Periodically, the events themselves change their political map of the world, when the two sons of the deceased father split the whole kingdom for two new ones.

Any quest is an analogue of the test or old text adventure games, but before it starts it is necessary to choose a knight, which will master the task and get all rewards. Some Hero's abilities may well reflect on the successful implementation of the selected action. In most cases, it is permitted to solve any problems in open battle or peaceful means, which allows you to perform certain instructions with minimal losses. During the negotiations, you can always bribe the source with gold, food, artifacts, soldiers, knights or notable ladies, depending on what is interested in opponent, and the latter will not be lazy to hint about this corresponding icons. If you are ready to pay the appointed price, you can not only attach to yourself a part of the enemy army, but in rare cases, even persuade their commander to join your round table.

No less interesting are purely text quests, offering to take part in the most famous legends about Arthur knights. A special highlight solution to the solution of such tasks is added uncomplicated puzzles, where there are verbal riddles and even a labyrinth, pass which without a handle with a sheet of paper is unlikely to succeed. One day it will be necessary to sneak into the tower of magicians. You can imitate the wizard and try to fight him or cause a duel of one of the nearest guards and pick up the amulet key. Already inside the most attentive sit all the rooms, the sorcerer will overcome and take a valuable artifact, while others will send straight to the destination in the dungeon and mow part of the possibilities. Sometimes such adventures may affect the conditions as follows the battle or final remuneration. So, you will be offered to deprive the rival of witchcraft in a fight in exchange for the amount of perennial tax revenues from a particular province or provide reinforcements if you agree to give your knight for two years in the Mystemical Being Service. Of course, the soldiers will miss their experienced military commanders in a heavy fight, but the bold gamers will be rewarded, and their favorite hero will return within the specified period with new abilities.

During the passage of the quest, the knight can get wound or gain the damned artifact, the spells of which will have to destroy on a separate task. During the dough, green is sometimes noted by the actions, the chance of success of which is above average, and red - risky and dangerous ventures. Of course, if you do not want to deal with negative consequences or lose a reward, you will have to use the method of samples, errors and downloads when the inattention does not allow the copyright descriptions to call the name of one of the world's spiritual leaders.

Individual approach

For his king, all great things will make his knights. The completion of the third book of the chronicle will even need to collect 12 faithful comrades over the round table. The easiest way to find new commander during the fulfillment of tasks, where there is quite often an option is present that allows you to recruit the hero, and you will be able to get its characteristics in advance with a quick look and level of experience. In some cases, it is necessary to make a moral choice between the Father, ready to immediately join your army, and the Son who gives hope, doomed to spend the rest of life in the forest. If you become on the side of a young man, you will have to overcome the mighty army of his ancestor.

RPG component skillfully balanced. Each character possesses five main characteristics: Leadership (affects the costs of the content of the subordinate army), adventurism (additional experience for the passage of quests and the distance of the troops on the global map), economic activity (growth of revenues from the provinces under management), combat capability (goggles of life and power Attacks) and magic (available magic glasses). Although the restrictions on the development of the wards are not provided for, the duration of the campaign and the need to maintain several heroes with armies at different parts of the card at any time will not allow advanced levels much further than the 25th level. The maximum limit of any main characteristic is 20 points without taking into account bonuses from artifacts.

Depending on its class, the character (commander, magician, knight) will receive a specific bonus, and will also be able to master 12 skills by choosing them from several tens. The skill themselves are divided into active (apply in battle by pressing the button) and passive, which always act. The total number of abilities for all classes of heroes, including spells, is one hundred. Some skills repeatedly enhance the effect of certain magic, attacking or protective indicators of the hero and its bodyguards appointed from any army squad, while others will ensure advantages on the global map when managing the kingdom. In battle, the hero is allowed to use only 4 active skills indicated by the battle. In one fight, you will make a bet on the "dark cloud" to neutralize the enemy shooters, and in the next it will be more convenient to prefer the "fog of Avalon" to get sick of infantry to the enemy.

Each skill has 4 levels, but the effect of its use can be improved and further due to the magic items. The developers added 150 artifacts to the game, but any hero has only 4 free slots: a sword, armor or shield, as well as two amulet, so you always need to choose those things that will be the most useful concrete ward. Relics are mined when performing quests and when capturing enemy heroes in battles.

Unnecessary objects or those that have accumulated in several copies can be sold when visiting merchants, which sometimes appear in one of the points on the map. The merchant has some stock of gold and provisions, as well as its magical relics. With the help of alignment of the scales, you will be able to make the most appropriate deal as quickly as possible, although local merchants love discounts when buying things you have and allowed you to sell something. The best artifacts have several characteristics, and for the disclosure of the subject's potential, its holder must fulfill the specified requirements: to win the specified number of battles, defeat several enemy heroes, to fulfill so much quests or regularly use individual spells.

Develop your knights and soldiers permitted only in winter. By analogy with Crusaders: Thy Kingdom Come, each unit has several parameters: attack strength, protection strength, endurance (tired in battle slowly move and worse fighting) and maintenance costs. Soldiers become more competent in their business, if they are actively involved in the fights, and some have specific skills like shooting for archers, which can be made even more efficient. Twice on the way to 10 level of experience, you can choose additional skills for detachments that vary depending on the types of units. The total number of such abilities has reached 61. So, almost anyone can give armament, adding the damage applied by the enemy. Light cavalry will be able to teach raise shields, getting smaller damage from the enemy's arrows to the detriment of melee indicators.

Sometimes the choice is extremely difficult. For example, some archers are able to cause triple damage at the first shot of an ambush, while others know how to adjourn the shells, reducing their own rapidity. Separate units can be trained for contractions with armored opponents, while the lightning speed of the attack is more useful.

In the fight for faith

At the very beginning, King Arthur is an atheist, but your decisions will gradually change. In the process of the game, the conviction of the monarch is shifted over two independent scales. On the borders of the first lie "Fair Ruler" and "Despot", and the key points of the second steel "pagan" and "Christian". Preferred religion and moral foundations will affect not only the attitude towards you from some neighbors, which will turn into a favorable union or bloody war, but also will affect the loyalty of the ward knights.

If one of your military leaders confesses the beliefs of Shea and respects the druids, then Christian views of Arthur sooner or later will lead to the fact that an inner will leave you if you do not dismiss it before. Changes in moral beliefs will help get into one of the four zones, where unique advantages in the field of government management, new units and spells will open. So, Tiran is easier to contain and set large armies, while the fair king is better, it turns out to be the economy, not causing the inconvenience to filed.

If the commander is especially expensive to you, then its loyalty can be improved by individual methods. Give him a land plot (up to three provinces in one hand), rings and amulets of loyalty or pick up a suitable passion. During adventures, you will have to save a lot of wonderful ladies, others are ready to offer Swaha for money, and one of the buildings in the citadel increases the likelihood that new noble nobles arrive at Arthur. The only wife for the knight should be chosen carefully and not on the portrait, but according to the nature of the character. Some women will give a spouse with unusual bonuses, for example, invulnerability, and the wasting of others will apply a tangible blow to the economy of the territory of her husband.

All defeated enemy heroes will fall into the royal prison, where you can torture them, wanting to learn all about the location and composition of the army of their host in the current season. The prisoners are allowed to let go of the ravis, which is useful for reputation. In addition, these characters will soon appear on border provinces with a small detachment, which will capture them again and pick up new artifacts. The monarchs will at times to offer you a redemption for their protege, but if you are too greedy, the prisoners will die after several years or run out of imprisonment to return to the service for their lord.

In any army, taking into account the hero, it is possible to include up to 16 units, in the list of which there are several dozen types. Basic units are opened by research technology. They own archers (4 species), planets (less zone of damage and shooting in a straight trajectory), light cavalry (3), heavy cavalry (4), armored infantry (3), Lakers (4), speaker (3). Each of them is their attacking and protective characteristics, endurance and cost. More expensive detachments have additional skills and know how to use certain construction in battle.

Improving units within the same type of development branches automatically. In the villages and cities you can always replace the wounded any division by trained fighters, and at the warriors fair for the preservation of the execution of the detachment will have to pay extra. If you have got a unique unit somewhere somewhere, then it is possible to replenish its number even in the absence of knowledge that allows it to stamp it like.

Some diplomatic unions will be added to the barracks unique detachments like quick Saxon riders or Wales archers. Religious preferences will be discovered for the hiring of black knights, crusaders, graveyard riders, the guards of the "Golden Griffin" or mighty good and evil soldiers generated by magic.

Divide and rule

The conquest of the new province occurs after the capture of its key points, which have become both settlements and local attractions. If the object is not protected, it will pass under your control, as soon as one of the knights get to it. However, local monuments are not empty architectural monuments, and useful objects that are endowed with strategic and tactical bonuses. Each course, spent on the arena, will make a more experienced soldier outanded there, while the similar effect for heroes provides abbey. The knight, settled in the monastery, speeds up the development of new technologies. Druid altar doubles the magic glasses for the defendant side in battle, the tavern is 50% increases the likelihood of a merchant on the map in the next seasons, and the fort is doing the same for adventures with focus on battles.

The only drawback of enemy AI on a global map is his obedience to developer triggers. Free diplomacy outside quests here, unfortunately, there is no, but on the official forum, the gamers already beg the developers add "sandbox" with the choice of any fraction at the start of the party. As soon as any trigger unleashes the AI \u200b\u200bhands, it instantly turns into a dangerous aggressor, attacks your possessions and heroes until you revenge and won't pass a victorious march to its capital. So that life does not seem too easy, the enemies are almost not limited in the means, have a couple of dozen knights in stock (the dead in prisons are excluded from this list), and the experience of their armies always exceeds your achievements.

An interesting nuance was the features of the configuration of troops at various monarchs. If some characters make a bet on cavalry or archers, others prefer a balanced army, and others are used at all in one combat group up to 4 heroes. When you get acquainted with these behaviors closer, you will understand that opponents are clearly followed by them. Sometimes ridiculous situations occur in the game. For example, after the invasion of the enemy territory, be prepared for the fact that all the knights of the enemy attack you, which will only be able to get to you in one move, which will make some large battles forcing in a row, once we lose in the fights of your soldiers.

The main advantage of the game is tactical battles. If the creators of the Total War series (2000-2009) are usually required for long months after releases and a series of sweaty patches to make AI in battles more competent and unpredictable, then Neocore Games succeeded in attempts. Triggers behavior from Crusaders: Thy Kingdom Come on the fly, and some sudden and stunning solutions of computer commander easily capable of sweating the nerves even with experienced strategists, opening truly unlimited space for experiments on the battlefields.

Mastery of the commander

The basic principles of combat operations also undergo several changes since Crusaders: Thy Kingdom Come. The concept of dynamic morality for both sides of the conflict reduces the influence of the factors of numerical superiority. If the stock of the combat spirit of the fraction was not spoiled by global events like a delay of salaries to soldiers, then the battle starts the battle in equal terms. By the way, if the battle is not related to the fulfillment of the quest and the unique card design for the concomitant contrast, then you will even offer to choose the desired landscape of several options (3-4 for each province). So, you may prefer a swampy or hilly terrain of thick forests and plains if you have a lot of infantry and little riders. While the enemy's cavalry is slowly moving through the stormy rivers, it will be most vulnerable to defeated archers from the opposite shore.

The martial spirit of the parties decreases with the death of whole army units, but the main driving factor is to capture test points on the map. They may be surrounding villages and architectural monuments. To establish control over them, it suffices to clear the nearby terrain from opponents and occupy the flag by any of your unit. After some time, the location will become yours, and sometimes even increase the remuneration in case of victory, for which they also encourage gold and food from the captured tram. Other useful effects from attractions are free powerful spells, additional magic glasses, depending on the elected faith, or a decrease in fatigue. All these bonuses can only be used in a small radius from the captured object, and another element of the balance has become a recharge time, which must pass before you can use additional advantages again.

If the enemy seized a large number of checkpoints, then the moral of your army will begin to strive for zero until you change the situation. Weak and mobiles here, with the support of certain spells, be able to overcome a major and vague army using a tactic cunning and a skillful ambush organization. The developers had no time for the siege of the developers, so instead of the storming of the fortress walls, it is usually necessary to run through the narrow city streets and compete in the speed of occupation of flags.

The type of terrain has become even more influenced on what is happening in the battle. From a hill it is more convenient to shoot, and in the forest more often the arches feel uncomfortable. Heavy infantry, moving across the river, risks greatly, whereas with cavalry in a clean field is better not to meet. Huge importance for success has the choice of suitable formations. The scattered construction for the shooters will reduce damage from enemy salts, but if, suddenly, in such a form, the unit meets even with a lightweight Connection, then in the near battle will lose even faster. The "diamond" helps to spend any riders to stop any riders, but at the same time will have to come to humble with reinforced damage from arrows.

Surprises ai

Archers in this game from the very beginning have wonderful deadly, but not everything is so simple. First of all, it is possible to fix this intentional balance distortion in the settings, but many times reinforced arrows only make battles more interesting, since several successful volunteers from 4-5 such detachments are able to dispel any enemy unit or several, but in the enemy's army it is rarely less than sixteen detachments.

Closer to the middle of the game, you will feel that with the advent of armored infantry and powerful spells, the archers lose a dominant role in battle. So, the swords with large shields is building a "turtle", individual artifacts will reduce damage from arrows, and magic spells will protect the selected units from any remote attacks. Separate sorcerers and at all give the night darkness or fog to help that for some time weigherly reduces the shelling radius. Magic is destructive or defensive. Some spells even allow you to organize a short-term one-sided portal for instant teleportation to any point of the card.

AI often behaves completely unpredictable, and the solutions received by the computer commander depend on the chosen level of complexity and configuration of its army. When the opponent has little effort, he prefers the partisan tactics and actively captures the control points, trying to avoid fights as long as possible and defeat the strong combat spirit. Under the action of the defensive algorithm, the opponent does not even be lazy to lead his soldiers to the nearest forest thickel to protect himself as much as possible from the shelling from your archers. When the forces are about equal, then the competitor elects the expectant tactics, forcing you to take the first step and, for example, send all the archers on the hillock. As soon as your arrows are built in a close combat order, AI will bring all the power of destructive magic on their heads, and will choose the best moment for this. Computer commander always keep part of the forces in reserve, adore to bypass your strength from the rear or from cavalry flanks and even provoke fire for friendly goals.

Over time, your heroes will find such power that they can destroy whole enemy detachments alone. It was the Knights of the Round Table, headed by a heavy horse Connection, will have to take on the main blow and force opponents to spend manu on spells, but still it is better to look after the wards, because after the death of the character you will lose a faithful assistant. Whatever strong bodyguards, some spells like "dragon breathing" or "hurricane" are capable of going to kill a part of soldiers from a suit, if you do not pay time for the development of skills to protect against enemy magic.

Fabulous beauty

The interface in the game is quite comfortable and easy to learn, if you get used to the presence of a context menu on the objects caused by the right mouse button. The global map does not have enough of the detailed summary reports on the receipt of resources in the treasury and expenses for each province and army, since information on the budget from the treasurer is not always enough, but I don't want to spend time on the provincial information screens. In the world of King Arthur there is an abundance of tips that will not allow to get lost, as well as the diary of events where the prehistory of quests and everything that is happening in fabulous Britain is gradually opened. Double click on any task shows the place where you need to go to its execution. Before starting the battle, the camera effectively flies away all the distinguished points. The most critical bugs were corrected in a matter of days after the release of small patches, which are automatically installed when playing the game through Steam.

Perhaps the most significant problem is the desire of your wards to rush towards the enemy. Although there are teams that regulate aggressive and defensive behavior, any subsequent movement of the detachment annuls this order, and the fighters when the enemy is approaching is preferred to instantly moved forward in its direction. For archers, there are very useful orders to maintain the distance to the enemy or prohibiting the management of fire in order not to crush their battles. In Crusaders: Thy Kingdom Come Duel between two any colliding detachments continued to the last drop of blood, which many criticized. This time, the game included a button to the early output of the unit from the contractions, which allows you to regroup or even retreat, retaining the life of experienced warriors. If you have too long to choose a spell target, then in rare cases the cursor leaves the witchcraft mode.

The stability of the application also left pleasant impressions. For several tens of hours of play, she closed with a mistake only twice, and regular autosave every move will not allow to lose achievements, but by one battle, on average, goes about 20 minutes of real time. Unlike the games of the Total War series, there are no incentives to solve battles in automatic mode, since the heroes developing in front of their eyes and worthy enemy AI are so good that in every battle you want to participate in person. If you still decided to rely on the instant outcome of any fight, where in case of victory, the experience will evenly share between all units, then do not forget to pre-note up to 4 detachments that the Allied AI will provide the highest possible protection.

In addition to the campaign, there is a battle mode with specified settings. You can choose one of the three dozen cards, to determine the factions of the opposing parties, to highlight the budget and acquire the units participating in the battle. Similarly, a multiplayer on a local network and the Internet with the difference is also implemented in the same difference that in the latter case, users are also able to protect their password batch, communicate through chat and filter players on previously gained points of experience, so that the veterans do not have to fight newcomers.

The three-dimensional schedule pleases the eye of a very colorful strategic map, which displays the change of seasons, and the sun rays slide along the waters surrounding the territory of Britain. In combat, you can praise the quality of units and heroes, externally different from each other (for the growth and types of persons), a varied landscape, animation of horses, weather and effects of some spells like lightning, thunderstorms and fog. A pretty art on the download screens is accompanied by useful gaming tips. It is a pity that unique animation frames for most units turn out to be not so much, so their movements are too often repeated. In the fights, not all soldiers of the squad are participating, but only the first rows, while the rest are patiently waiting for their turn. In addition, swords are not in touch, but some features of Ragdoll physics were taken into account, and the death of warriors is accompanied by bloody splashes.

For the English version, they picked up good dubbing actors, although general replicas for soldiers and heroes came out somewhat monotonous, which is a typical problem for strategies. The abundance of interesting sound effects makes itself felt like on a global map and in battles, where after the patch of the noises of the battle will be heard, even when the camera is on the height of a bird's flight, and it is in this angle that it is more convenient to coordinate the actions of the army. Among the 15 musical those soundtrack there is a minimum, 5 melodies that can be heard infinitely, since the sound of wind and string tones perfectly transfers the atmosphere of medieval fantasy.


King Arthur - The Role-Playing Wargame In an honest competition, easily put on both blades monotonous and problematic Warhammer: Mark of Chaos (2006-2008). Original Design Solutions of Hungarian Designers from Neocore Games, Fascinating Gameplay, Nearby Forces Balance, High Potential Loading and Competent In Tactics AI - A significant set of advantages for the epic strategy, especially according to modern standards, when some developers do not disdain sending products requiring multi-month Final patch. In the second quarter of 2010, Neocore Games will submit a new game to the public, Lionheart: Kings' Crusade (http: //www..aspx? ID \u003d 5066). I would like to hope that the authors will continue to maintain such a high level of quality that they managed to reach in King Arthur.

*** King Arthur The Saxons

*** King Arthur The Druids


    What is the difference in the level of complexity of the game?
    - In addition to aggressiveness AI, the following modifiers for the enemy act:
    Number of mana opponent:
    Very easy - 0.4
    Easy - 0.5.
    Normally - 0.75
    Difficult - 1.
    Very difficult - 1.25
    Health opponent:
    Very easy - 0.4
    Easy - 0.5.
    OK - 0.7.
    Difficult - 1.
    Very difficult - 1.2
    Damage opponent:
    Very easy - 0.4
    Easy - 0.5.
    OK - 0.7.
    Difficult - 1.
    Very difficult - 1.2

    How to replenish the army (Hole, replenish, recruit, restore the detachments, troops, warriors, army, soldier)?
    - You need to bring it to the settlement and click the right mouse button. In the list that appears, click on the horn.

    How to divide the army ?
    - Right click on the army, then in the picture "divided", then drag the squad from one window to another.

    How to gain heroes (Round Table Knights)?
    - through quests and adventures

    Where to get the ladies For my knights?
    - through quests, adventures, merchants and 30% chance in the building "Damed Dvor" in the tower of knightly acts

    How to change the knight squad ?
    - drag the portrait of the knight to another squad

    How to exchange things between 2 heroes of 2 armies ?
    - To reduce 2 armies and click on the portrait of the hero 2 times - a backpack will open. Next - drag the mouse.

    Some things have bonuses highlighted in gray , what does it mean?
    - To get it necessary to complete certain conditions. To find out the conditions, you need to hover the cursor on the bonus.

    How to sue the hero province And what does it give?
    - It gives additional bonuses of the provinces, which are indicated along with the characteristics of the character of the hero, as well as his wife. And you can please either through the round table screen, or right click on the province and then the picture depicting a blue plus.

    What are the strategic points During tactical battles?
    - If you and the enemy captured ST equally, nothing happens. If you captured st larger, then the fighting opponent will begin to decrease. When the martial spirit descends to 0, he loses.

    What is a curse ?
    - When cursed, all the characteristics of your hero are reduced to 1 to several moves. You can get if you wear a damned artifact, or through quests.

    How to remove a curse with weapons ?
    - Wear it. Either through quests.

    How to center quest on the map ?
    - We go to the list of tasks / adventures and double-click on the quest.

    How to bring the mouse to the desired parameter ?
    - Move the map on the water surface and do you move to move the cursor where you need. Either learn how to move the mouse with a risk, for the card can not always move.

    For whom it is better to play : Good or unlawful? Tirana or Righteous? Christian or an older?
    - The game is generally balanced if it were not for one thing. The Old Believers have an imba spell that puts the balance with legs on the head - these are the trails of the sides that allow teleport the hero with a detachment to any point of the card for a penny mana. Recharge the spell also quickly. As for good and unlabliga, the elite archers and soldiers are good on the armor, as well as health more, which gives them a certain advantage. The righteous with Tyran is generally balanced.

    How to raise (pump, train, improve troops, detachments) level of soldiers?
    - Just effectively fight with other detachments and win. The more detachment killed opponents and the less lost, the more experience he will receive. Also in the fortress you can build a ristar, and in it - the windman camp, then all your new detachments will be made with 300 experience (2 levels). You can still increase the experience of soldiers by 5% in season if you get up with them on the map on the ristar. In some adventures, you can increase the level of detachments by +1.

    How to get a labyrinth sir dagonet ?
    - Go to the first room. Next, choose directions:
    east - North-East - East - North - North - North - West - West - South - End
    If you say Dagonet, that the main goal of King Arthur is an attachment of Christianity or power, he will not join you.

    How to get the quest "missing children" ?
    - They say the captain of the city guards, we learn from him the details of the disappearance of children. Next, go to the village. We find there a girl who does not say, find out from her parents that when she last spoken, she said a strange phrase "Lilia of Red Yastreb" - this is the key phrase to move further in Quest. Next, inspect the barn. We find a secret entrance to Padwal, we go through the tunnel and rest in the door with the code lock. Rotate the stone discs in the following positions: Ruby - Bird - Flower. Next to find a camp with marauders, wait until everyone falls to bed, and kidnap their commander. He has to know that with children, then either kill the remaining robbers (+1 to tyranny), or transfer the guards (+1 to righteousness).

    How to get the quest sir borsa With missing children?
    - We meet the hunter. Next, either pay him 7,000 for the services of the conductor and notice the camp of the robbers, or we go to the bridge on our own and fight with wolves. Next we defeat in the duel of Sir Borsa. We continue the path to the children after which we will block the path of Sili, the witch of the Side. Actually, several options for actions: Either we deal with its army in the field, or we defeat it in a duel, if the characteristics allow you to leave the army to the hostage and we have losses after the quest, or choose the child yourself. You need to choose a fire of fire.

    Where smiling prince And how to go through his knowledge check?
    - First you need to execute the quest "on the heels of Druids." At the end of the quest, you either ask them calmly (+1 to the old faith), or order to tell, where there are missing children with the name of the church (+1 to Christianity), after which the location of a smiling prince appears on the map. Go to it. If you conclude with him the Union, then get +1 to the old faith and +2 to tyranny. If not, then one of his warriors will offer you a test - knowledge check. We will have to answer questions to return the children. The first question will be: "What kind of stone is hidden in the sleeve?". The correct answer is diamond. In the second question you will be asked how the cide house is called. Answer - Tir-foot. The third question will be about whom good worship as the creator, the answer is the Goddess of Danu.

    How to close the seal of the circle ?
    - You go on the way and meet the warrior of good. She offers you a bauble in exchange for you to give up your venture. By the way, the bauble you will not get, so they answer the refusal. You can pretend that you agree, she will turn back and get a blow to the back (+1 to tyranny), but you will also have to fight with its griffon. You can fight face to face. If you have enough battle, then you will defeat it. Spelling her life (+1 to righteousness) or not (+1 to tyranny) - decide for yourself. Next you get to the lake. If you go around, you frown your hand (-1 to strength), if you go on the bottom, then meet the fire horse. If you spare Miriel Sineglase, they will fly to help you on your griffin, if not, you will have to either scare it with magic, or swim to the shore of all my might, or just fought. Send from the lake, you will meet Lady Nimaana, brought up with Sides. You can kill it (+1 to tyranny), but you can convince her that it was kidnapped by the sake of their own benefits. If your hero has enough Christianity or old faith, depending on the path chosen, it will join the court ladies.

    How to close the seal of the forest ?
    - You meet the unfavorable warrior. He offers you a deal: deal with the Romans or solve your problems yourself. You go to the commander of the Romans, find a situation with him, find out that he also wants to close the Troop of Cids. Next, you are going to guard with him that guarding the passage and attack him together, after which you continue your way and close the seal.

    How to close the seal of the tower ?
    - You go to the bridge on which there is no skid warrior. You can fight him, but you can answer his question: "In what pocket diamond?". The correct answer is in the first. If you have a good battle skill, then he will miss you, if not, you have to fight - most likely you will lose, so take a warrior with a good battle parameter (I had 12). Next, you will reach the abyss and the giant eagle will appear in front of you, which gives you a riddle funny in your secureness. The correct answer is "none". Next, it will take you to the goal with the code lock. The gate will open at the next combination of iron disks: "Dysfunction" - "Crystal" - "Winter".

    How to defeat the army of Samayn ?
    - The surest way is to regularly fight them. It gives the experience of heroes and 5,000 gold after the fight. If they annoy you strongly and you dream of getting rid of them, I can upset you: then the army will go much more than Samayin and if you do not fight here, then things can be completely bad. In addition, after patch 1.03, their number becomes limited. Nevertheless, Samayn's army disappear after the consistent decision of the following quests (for a Christian): "The Adventure of Sir Galahada" - "Last Sold Merlin" - "Magic Knight" - "Guardian Tyne". After completing the last quest, you can study the "Spell Restore" skill.

    How to increase the dedication of the hero ?
    - Together to him provinces, marry, put on things that increase devotion. There are also ladies and heroes that increase devotion to all heroes at once. There is also research ("Hall of Fame") and decrees ("Lord Privileges", "Rights to Mining").

    How to increase the provincial devotion ?
    - Through the heroes that give bonuses to the devotion of the provinces, when you complain them. Through the worldview ("feeling of the elbow"), research ("stray comedians") and decrees ("right to trafficking" and others). Through tax reducing. You can also hold a knightly tournament (+6 to devotion).

    How to deal with uprisings ?
    - either by dialogas dissatisfied, by the way, in this case you have a chance to get new troops and units of the worldview, or fighting them. If you do not remove the army of the rebels from the province of the province of the army, then the province will completely pass under the inspection of the rebels.

    What is the difference path The righteous Christian from Christian-Tirana?
    "In addition to the bonuses from the worldview, you get Sir Lancelota, if the righteous (10 of righteousness) or Sir Mordreda (10 tyranny), if tyrant.

    Is there a difference in various characteristics and parameters from the original game?
    - Yes. Leadership now reduces the cost of the army content by 2% and only. The unit of magic adds 5% mana. Improving "reinforcements" now reduces the cost of the armies of the armies by 5% instead of 25%. The skill of the "Weapon Wizard Weapons" adds 15% to the damage instead of 20%, some other changes also take place.

FAQ King Arthur - The Druids

FAQ. can be supplemented.

You are on the page of the game King Arthur, created in the Strategy genre, where you can find a lot of useful information. The game is released Neocore Games studio. Found we have the passage of the game King Arthur will help to solve the in-game problems faster and get tips for complex moments. Also to the game King Arthur codes and cheats are simply necessary for everyone who loves to receive free bonuses.

The game King Arthur in Russia localized GFI / Russobit-M, but it does not cancel the need for a crack, because sometimes the errors show themselves along the game, and the original version is always better converted. Yes, and the passage in the native language is more pleasant. You can also play this game on the network with friends.

Reviews and reviews readers will help you understand whether the game is worth your time. Considering that the game came out 2009-11-24, it can be said that she may look little interesting.

In addition to general information, you may need a variety of files. Use additions when tired of the main plot - they will significantly expand the standard features. Fashion and patches will help to diversify and correct the gameplay. You can download them in our file store.