Guitar game learning programs. Rubric: Guitar Programs

Guitar game learning programs. Rubric: Guitar Programs

An independent study of the game on the guitar is not always a good idea. Fix learned as a result of lack of experience and knowledge of the error much more difficult than learn from scratch. Fortunately, gadgets and the worldwide network can offer several tools at once for proper and fast learning to music art.



Convenient application for a beginner who wants to learn to play a guitar. Includes Lessons Games, Tuner, Hearing Simulator, Metronome, Chord Directory. Especially useful to the amateurs will be a tuner who will help to quickly configure the guitar (there are several types of tool) through the microphone.


For training, the application constantly listens to your game and compares with a given LADA. Lessons are available to gradually improve skills, but you can also learn certain songs from the library. The process itself looks like Guitar Hero, only here on the screen is not multicolored circles, and numbers that indicate the paw on a particular string.


Guitar Pro.

This is the editor of notes, with whom many familiar learned the guitar on tabulatures. In the program, you can record the tracks of various tools, save them in MIDI, as well as display. Here are also available for the settings of the guitar grip, the display options for the metal, metronome and the function of writing articulation parts. The program you can download the tabulatures of most popular songs (looking for a network), and add different effects to tracks.

Web services

Internet tutorials

Most of these self-tutorials are scanned paper "tutorials". Not that this is bad - all the necessary information for the newbie in them is still there, but not everyone is comfortable. If you look a little more, you can find several video tutorials and even online tuners to configure.

One of the most popular tutorials is GuitarProfy. Here you can find the necessary theoretical information for training, examples of well-known guitar works and the table of conformity of notes on a ton mill and guitar freaks.


Probably, youtube tutorials more than anywhere. It is best to view the lessons of famous musicians or training channels with a large number of subscribers like these:

  1. Pima Live.

Popular channel Guys from St. Petersburg, who:

  • first, open their secrets on the guitar game for subscribers;
  • secondly, shoot video with experts who give unique master classes.

There are videos for both newcomers and professional guitarists.

2. Gitaristtv

On the channel This experienced guitarist can be found parsing popular songs on an acoustic guitar. The repertoire of the video block is wide: from pop hits to soundtracks from movies and games.

Finally, you can talk about the program of learning the program on the electric guitar.

During my teaching activity, I managed to form a fairly interesting, diverse and main efficient program for learning to play the electric guitar. Below is a list of program elements in the appropriate implementation order. In brackets, the overall task of each element (riff, solo, legato, staccato, etc.) is decrypted.


The sequence and content of the program elements is calculated on the principles of increasing complexity and minimizing the intersections of common tasks. In addition, it is important that the fact that the testing of each subsequent element helps better put in the hands of the previous one. It should also be noted a fairly large number of real works in the program. Such a ratio of their exercises allows to work out technical elements, as well as their combinations in the context of these guitar parties, which significantly increases the literacy and versatility of the guitarist, increasing its vocabulary.

Coach Guitar is ideal for those who never kept the guitar in their hands, at least correctly. The first lessons are devoted to this: the correct position of the instrument and the mediator, the position of the wrists and ordinary chords. After the basis is mastered, you go to the arrangement of compositions, each of which is divided into segments and is accompanied by video.

The application has a lot of material that is interesting to study, but most of it is open only by subscription.

Download Coach Guitar for iPhone and iPad in the App Store:


If you are a supporter of a classic approach to learning music, install Fretello. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe application is to learn notes. At the same time, you do not just fulfill the instructions, but also get feedback: the application listens as you played a certain note, and prompts if there were errors. When playing, it helps the built-in metronome and music score on the screen.

Fretello is great for continuing guitar game.

Download Fretello for iPhone and iPad in the App Store: [Free, there are built-in purchases]

Guitar Chords.

This application is as clear from the name - a collection of guitar chords.
Conveniently, when you learn a new song and meet an unfamiliar chord: the main screen depicts the rig guitar, which shows the location of the fingers for the correct reproduction of multipitus. Here you can listen to the reference sound.

The application base contains 2,444 chord, but about half of them are available for free. Using built-in purchases, you can unlock all chords and different types of guitars.

Load Guitar Chords for iPhone and iPad in the App Store: [Free, there are built-in purchases]


After you have mastered the basics, learning best goes on real songs. In TabPro, according to developers, more than 200,000 tabs. In the top 100, for example, there are popular Metallica songs, Eagles, Muse, Pink Floyd, and this is just a small part.

Training Method is the simplest: on the screen score, you turn on the track, see how the composition is arranged, and then repeat.

The application has several interesting options: you can choose a segment from the song and loosen it on the grief, bringing to perfection your own game when repetition. And if it is tired of playing the guitar - choose a bass or drums and improve the game on a new tool.

Download TabPro for iPhone and iPad in the App Store: [Free, there are built-in purchases]

Master Class.

Master Class is a collection of video tutorials that help learn popular tracks. On the roller you can see which chords to clamp and how to sort strings, but the main feature of the application is in the player. In parallel, in video mode, you can enable a virtual guitar margin: it will be more accurately shown the location of the fingers for chords. If the speed of the game is too high, reduce the tempo: in the player for this special button. Here there is a built-in tuner to set up a guitar. Several songs are available for free, and the rest can be purchased using built-in purchases.

How to learn to play guitar? This question is asked almost every person who decided to devote part of his lives of music. And it is quite natural - because some people say that it is possible to do it yourself, and others immediately send to the music school, for private teacher lessons. Of course, with due skill and zealous learning to play guitar by any methods, and this article is just devoted to the entire list of possible ways.

Tutorial on the guitar, selection of articles for beginners

This section contains a list of articles and lessons that will allow learning to play on their own. All the material is written by an understandable language, and for particularly problematic moments, special rollers have been removed, which visually explain the handling of the hand, the performance of execution and other important technical things.

It is also worth saying that theselessons "How to learn to play on the guitar yourself"can be useful not only to very novice, but also experienced musicians who decided to pull out some gaps in their knowledge. All articles mentioned below are relevant for both new people and for already advanced guitar.

This section presents the lessons dedicated to the most Azame games of the guitar - standard "thieves chords", how to put them, change, and which songs can be played on them. In general, these lessons are perfect for a person who took the guitar in general for the first time, and wants to start his way of studying. Be sure to pay attention to this section, if you are going to learn yourself.

Types of disagree

The next section is fully dedicated to types of combustion. This includes both classic chord drawings and foundation of fingerstyle patterns, and various beautiful intelligence. If you are fascinated by an acoustic guitar and play with your fingers - pay attention to these lessons.

Types of Foy

This section is mostly devoted to the development of various rhythmic drawings, again, starting with the elementary "four" and "six" and ending with complex battles that will require coordination and a serious sense of rhythm.

This section is worth the fourth on the list, but in fact it is the most important for each musician, regardless of his game skills. All lessons are dedicated to the most important thing - the technique of the game and arms. Articles and lessons explain how to keep the guitar correctly, in which position should be fingers and other nuances of this issue.

Exercises on the guitar

This section is also recommended to pay close attention. It has disseminals of various guitar exercises, as well as advice on the development of the equipment of the game, the speed of the fingers, the clarity of the stroke. Basically, they consist of rollers, but also there are text variants of articles with detailed explanations and disclaimers.

Guitar tuning

The section is devoted to what guitarians are, what notes they contain and what they differ from each other. Here a new information will be able to draw a lot of information, which has no idea how to configure the guitar correctly.

Improvisation and equipment game

In this class of lessons, the foundations and depths of such a thing as improvisation are described in detail. For the most part, the various blocks of the hammist, the pentathonic, the basics of musical and theory, and genre standards and phrases, on which any improvisation is built are collected. This complex of lessons will be useful not only to beginners, but also experienced guitarists who have problems with the composition of songs and guitar solo.

BesidesBelow you will find a block of articles dedicated to the general guitar moments that each should know - for example, the replacement of strings, as well as the development of your equipment of the game.

In this section, a list of compositions with the analysis, for which you can start your training - they are all played in different ways, but they are well suited for beginners and already laid guitarists.

Three ways of learning playing guitar

Speaking honestly is the most difficult and long way. The reason is one - you will comprehend everything yourself, the method of long trials and errors, and this process can really stretch out for many years. This is especially true of technical moments - which are very desirable to explain the teacher. However, for those who want to do everything themselves, a large complex of articles for training, as well as.

2. With paid online courses

This is a simpler version, since, as a rule, such work makes experienced guitarists and teachers, and with a good choice of the course you will completely pass through all the stages of training as if you have learned from this person personally.

3. With the help of teachers of music schools in your city

The most efficient option is to contact the teacher personally. It is this way that you can learn faster than everything - since you will have a person who will show how it is necessary and not to do.

Cons and advantages of independent learning


- No one is a program, you are fully granted yourself. You can teach what you want, learning what you want - and generally provided themselves;

- Often video tutorials give the same information as teachers in music schools, but for free. On your own learning, you will not literally spend a penny;

- Many teachers will not be able to explain how one or another music genre works - and this will in any case you have to explore yourself.


- With all its free, this process will take much more time to study. The reason is simple - no one will show you how it is necessary and not to do, you will depend on everything yourself. Especially if you do not use various online lessons and video courses in the learning process;

- As a rule, the program selected by the teacher will be designed for your level of the game, and it will be most comfortable for you. What you can not say about independent learning when you choose what to learn yourself;

- In addition to technical moments, you will gradually give a different musical theory - which is also very important for the competent development of the skill of the game.

How to succeed in the guitar?

  1. Exercise regularly. Constantly allocate at least a couple of hours to work out - to work out the exercises, remember boxers, gamma and phrases. Regularity is one of the main criteria for success;
  2. Constantly learn new songs. And it is not only about the composition on acoustics - forgive various songs in electricity, solo, and more - and constantly complicate the disassembled material.
  3. Do not hurry. Always start with a slow tempo - and do not chase at speeds. Remember that the main thing in this issue is the most important criterion. Watch for your hands formulation for the cleanliness of the song and the correctness of the game. Learn to play slowly - and speed extension will not be a problem.
  4. Learn a musical theory. This is important in order not to be lost in improvisation and writing its own songs. In addition, it significantly increases your internal library of musical phrases. You will not only be able to listen to songs - but also understand how they work.
  5. Collect different game techniques. Bruel, fight, if we are talking about the electric guitar - then Tepping, Svipe, turntables. Constantly learn something new, do not get stuck on the same thing.
  6. Remember and learn chords and their applicature. Do not stuck in the first three freaks - go further, because you can put the right positions, changing the sound and harmony of your compositions. It will help in writing songs and improvisation in writing.

What to do after the development of all the azes?

The answer is very simple - learn further. Continue to watch lessons, complicate all exercises and move. Ideally, if you started training yourself - find yourself a teacher in order to hone your skills and withdraw them to a qualitatively new level. Constantly go out something new - because in the area of \u200b\u200bthe guitar it is impossible to reach vertices when there is no place to move.

If you are a beginner guitarist or do not at all have game skills, you will definitely help you to achieve good results and in the short term proposed below e-learning aids.

Of course, on the Internet now there are many sites - schools, where they also teach this skill. But as always, there are those who want to have all the benefits on their personal PC and not waste time for walking through the World Wide Web.
I am pleased to suggest you download data Tutorials:

1. Tutorial playing guitar.
Guidance guide and electric guitar for beginners.

3. Tutorial Guitar Game "Guitar Game School" - Edition in 126 pages, perfectly digestible material from the Russian author Alexander Leonidovich Shumiduba.

(DJVU file type) Size: 11.8 MB. File downloaded 22241 times

4. Guitar tutorial "Accompanator tutorial on a six-string guitar" - Electronic textbook of an unknown author, at least I did not find the name of the wrong name.
Here is a screen of multiple content:

(File-HTML) Size 70 KB. Downloaded 8723 times

5. Tutorial "Guitar Book" (2006 St. Petersburg) from Alexey Kofanov.

122 Scanned pages of a very useful training material from the author who explains everything perfectly. He himself personally listened to several lessons from Alexey. In general, I advise you to gain his initials in the search engine and find video lessons from this author.

The guitar tutorial consists of three parts:

1. Basics
2. Mastery
3. Thoughts about music