Celebration program on September 1. Where to go with the child in the last weekend in front of the school

Celebration program on September 1. Where to go with the child in the last weekend in front of the school

Yu Bileu Park Gorky and III Biennale Art Mosmmosphere Street Wave Art, Exhibition of Japanese Artist Tadasi Kavamata and Festival "Alley of Soaring Umbrellas", Exposition of the Korean Photography and Concert of Classical Music. Plan your weekend in Moscow and St. Petersburg together with the cultural digest of the portal "Culture.rf".

Moscow: Exhibition "Tadasi Kavamata. On bird rights "

Moscow: Exhibition "Finding My Street"

Moscow: Festival "90 years Gorky Park"

MOSCOW: III Biennale of the art of street wave "Art Mosmosphere"

In the big wine storage center of modern arts "Vinzavod" opened the main project III Biennale of the street wave art. The exposition includes picturesque graffiti and calligraphic compositions, installations and artists of artists from Russia and abroad. The works will be presented in three sections: "Online" - about the influence of digital technologies on human life, "postintenet" - about art in the post-course era and "offline", where the works of artists who do not use in their works of Didjital technology will be presented. Guests can visit the exhibition "Street art in Russia from the 1980s to 2010" with video recordings from personal archives of street artists, sketches and rare photographs. And in the Cinema Center "October" will show documentaries about the graffiti masters.

Moscow: Exhibition "Landscapes of old Moscow. Watercolor"

See how the capital looked in the XVIII-XIX centuries, you can at the watercolor school Sergey Andriyaki. Here we posted a collection of drawings of the old Moscow from the funds of the historical museum. The exposition included watercolors, created in the last centuries: "The view in the Kremlin at the Spassky Gate" and the "Triumphal Gate on the Passion Square" of Fyodor Alekseeva, "The view of the Educational House by Moscow-River" Illarion Moshkov and "The View of the Kremlin because of Moscow - as Moskvoretskaya Tower, Fedor Yasnovsky and others.

St. Petersburg: Exhibition "Fabulous Country of Striting"

St. Petersburg: Alley of Soaping Umbrellas - 2018

This Saturday, the festival "Alley of soaring umbrellas - 2018" is completed in the salt alley. Under installation of multi-colored umbrellas, the festival guests are waiting for creative workshops, dance flashms, photo shoots and theatrical performances. In the afternoon, the string quartet Fumo Rosso will perform - the musicians will perform the compositions in the tango rhythm.

St. Petersburg: Exhibition "Cho In Jin. Riddles Island Jeju "

The exposition of photos of Cho In Zhyn in the center of Rosphoto is dedicated to the Island of Jeju, the UNESCO World Heritage Site. Black and white landscape snapshots are made in the style of traditional Korean graphics: clear lines of stones and trees are combined with a blurred background. Photos are printed on the material similar to paper, which artists of East Asia usually used.

Listen to electronic music in Gorky Park and Children's Rock on the "Red Presnya", watch the Brazilian Cinema about the school, to arrange a picnic with celebrities in Sokolniki and find out what new cultural centers prepared, - the site collected the best family events of recent weekends before school.

These weekends are the last before the start of the school year. So, it's time for a family holiday. In this selection, the best events that need to go with children.

Festival to the 90th anniversary of Gorky Park

Time: 10:00

Location: Gorky Park

Age limit: 0+

Festival "Music of our hearts" in the Museum-Reserve "Kolomenskoye"

Time: 18:00

Location: Museum-Reserve "Kolomenskoye"

Age limit: 6+

Top Russian musicians will perform in front of the audience - Noise. NC., Nike Borzov, "Masha and Bears", "Adventures of Electronics", "Mr. Twister",Easy. DIZZY., Vanyn., "Voronov Attraction", As well as children's rock bands" Young Swam "," steep rockers "and Stop Time Band.

Everyone will be able to to participate in Jem And show what they are capable. Also in the park there will be many photosone, master classes, games, dance classes and meetings with famous rockers. And healthy and delicious food can be reinforced at the Festival Food Corte.

Large family picnic in Sokolniki Park

Time: 12:00

Location: Park "Sokolniki"

Age limit: 0+

Park "Sokolniki" turns to school. September 2, art objects will appear with parties and a board for wishes. A student can become every child, and an adult. And teachers will be well-known actors, TV presenters and singers.

Literature lesson will hold librarians, as well as poets and musicians - Vladislav Malenko, Larisa Rubalskaya and Anton Lavrentiev. In the lesson of music, students sing with Anna Semenovich, Julia at the beginning and Alexey Goman. At the lesson, the social studies will perform a TV journalist Andrei Malakhov, blogger Victoria Lockarev and actress Ekaterina Varnava. In the lessons of physics and mathematics, technology and labor will be held master classes and scientific shows for children and adults, and at the lesson of physical education, guests can play games in the fresh air.

Will be in this school and mugs. Egor Druzhinin, Elena Platonova, Ilshat Shabaev will teach the park visitors to dance. Full Anton Chagin and director Konstantin Bogomolov will hold dance master classes.

From 15:00 to 19:00 in Sokolnikia concert will be held, which will perform Polina Gagarin, Dmitry Malikov, Elena Temnikov, Irina Dubtsova and the group "Degrees".

Festival "Smart family" in the Central Library No. 197 named after A.A. Ahmatova.

Time: 12:00

Location: Central Library No. 197 named after A.A. Ahmatova.

Age limit: 6+

Central Library No. 197 named after A.A. Akhmatova invites students to the festival . Children are waiting for the lessons of English, master classes on robotics, business design, acting, DJing and yoga. The guys will meet with the comic artists, they will take part in the dance flash mob, rap-buttle, robofutball, desktop and VR-games.

For parents also prepared the program. They will be able to listen to lectures on art, neurothechnologists and the skills of the future.

Interactive performance "Magic key to the country of Knowledge" in the gallery "Printers"

Time: 18:00

Location: Gallery "Printers"

Age limit: 6+

In the evening on Sunday, the Gallery "Printers" invites schoolchildren on an interactive performance. The guys are waiting for contests, games, lotteries, aquagrim, master classes, photowons and a good mood before the start of the school year. Also in front of the audience will be the participant of the project "Voice" Daria Vinokurova and famous illusionists Safronov brothers.

The holiday will be held in the Amphitheater Gallery "Printers" on the Embankment of the Moscow River. Free admission.

Days of open doors in the cultural centers of the capital

Time: 10:00

Location: Cultural centers "Meridian", "Zelenograd" and Zil

Age limit: 0+

Before the beginning of the school year, days of open doors will be held in metropolitan cultural centers. Schoolchildren and parents will be able to meet With circles, studios, classes and plans for the year.

In the cultural centerguests are waiting for master classes on drawing and dancing, as well as creative classes. The guys will be taught to create paintings in the technique of queening and flowers from felt. In the Small Hall of Meridian, the theater of the Eastern Dance Al-Jana will perform.

Open Day in the cultural center Start right in the lobby. Here will work the exhibition of achievements of pupils. Visitors will see an impressive collection of cups, letters and medals. Will show your work photo artist Denis Goncharenko, painters Dmitry Loktev and Svetlana Petrov. And the leadership of Moscow organizes the historical and documentary exhibition "Youth of the XX century. Hot hearts.

IN A promenade concert will be held. At 16:00, visitors will tell about new courses and studios for chess, singing, fencing and Indian dance. On the open day, everyone will be able to sign up for free classes and purchase subscriptions for the first month of lessons at a discount.

We have already written that the Moscow schools themselves determine when they start school year - 1 or 3 September. But no one canceled the holiday - September 1, the day of knowledge. On this day, each mother and dad want to please their schoolchildren and arrange him an interesting festive program. Portal NNMAMA.Ru gathered events in Moscow on September 1, where you can go with the child.

Excursion to the Museum of Man "Living Systems"

Where: Museum of man, ul. Butyrskaya, d. 46

Entrance: free

The Interactive Museum "Living Systems" is a unique platform where you can literally touch the most difficult objects in nature, to the device of living systems.

130 Interactive exhibits will give you to understand and feel how everything is arranged. Moreover, you will become the main object of study.

Performance "Tsarevna Frog"

Where: Moscow children's fabulous theater, ul. Taganskaya, D.15 A

It often happens that in life, and even more so in a fairy tale, everything can not be at all what it seems at first glance: a regular frog can turn out beautiful princess, and, on the contrary, a noble boyfriend will be worse than the snake.

About what tests to have fabulous heroes to find true love, and how they will cope with them, look at the play "Tsarevna Frog".

Performance "Famous Moydodyr"


Staging the work of K.I. Chukovsky "Moydodyr". Spectators are waiting for fun and instructive adventures of a little boy. On this performance, the kids will learn many interesting and necessary things, and adults will feel their children.

The formulation is filled with sparkling humor, spectacular pursuit, funny dats, funny songs and soap bubbles!

Performance for viewers from 5 years

Performance "Chipollino"

Where:Moscow Puppet Theater, Spartakovskaya st. 26/30

Performance for spectators from 5 years. The fairy tale of the cheerful and fearless boy-Lukovka was based on the basis of cartoon and art films, inspired Karen Khachaturian to create a famous ballet.

And now, a member of the club of funny men, kind and brave defender of weak invites the premiere into the Moscow theater of dolls. Chipollino promises to tell the story, full of exciting adventures, brightly, ignorant, Boyko.

International Forum "City of Education" 2018

Where:75-FI Pavilion VDNH, ul. Prospect Mira, 119

Entrance: free

For four days, the 75th pavilion will turn into one large class. The forum guests will be able to spend a school day at VDNH, familiarize themselves with the most modern technologies used in Moscow schools, experience the latest equipment, as well as visit more than two hundred business program events.

  • Together with graffiti professionals, a large-scale canvas can be created;
  • surgent in the football discipline "Panna";
  • participate in dance flash mob;
  • tense on the role of a pilot, becoming a participant in the competition "Racing Dronov";
  • collect the lego tower;
  • get acquainted with the newest samples of business and interactive games from the company "Mosigra";
  • contribute to the improvement of ecology;
  • find out in the space supplemented and virtual reality.

International Military Music Festival "Spasskaya Tower"

Where:Kremlin, Red Square

Each year at the end of August early September in Moscow, the International Military Music Festival "Spasskaya Tower" is held on Red Square - a parade of the Honorary Guard of Heads of State and the Best Russian and Foreign Military Orchestra Collectives of the World.

Within the framework of the festival, the project "Spasskaya Tower Children" is provided. This year, seven children's thematic sites will work at the event:

The dream of each boy is real officer uniforms, loyal horses and combat weapons. Professional military will tell and clearly demonstrate the traditions of the Russian Army and Fleet.

For girls - classes on batche, origami, painting, music.

In late August and early September, a children's town will work on Red Square.

In the afternoon from 11:00 to 15:00, he will be able to visit everyone, and in the evening - from 18:00 to 20:00, designed for the spectators of the festival (in the tickets).

Festive program "First call to MUZ TV. Knowledge Day with Stars »

Where: in the State Kremlin Palace

This day, groups such as Banderos and MBand, as well as Christina Orbakaite, Glucoza, Alsu, Jasmine, Art Force show ballet and many others will perform on the main scene of the country.

And before the concert itself, the guys will be well enough to have fun in the lobby. There they are waiting for animation programs, master classes, communication with the heroes of cartoons, fun games and photowons.

In Moscow, there are many entertainment for every taste and wallet, and in this article I prepared a list of the 10 best places where to go with a child in Moscow.

In recent years, hundreds of places have appeared where you can go with a child in Moscow. However, among this diversity it is very difficult to choose the best and decide where it is better to spend time with the whole family.

For those who are limited in the budget, a great choice will be numerous fleets of Moscow, where you can perfectly spend the whole day with a child without much costs. The capital of our Motherland is full of contrasts, and there are such entertainment, for which half a monthly salary will have to lay out. In my personal rating of places where to go with a child in Moscow they did not get.

So, where can I go with a child in the capital and enjoy the time spent with your family?

Give 10 best places where to go with a child in Moscow.

№10. Moscow Theater of Children's Books Magic Lamp

A small and cozy puppet theater with a spiritual atmosphere in the center of Moscow offers performances for the smallest kids, just 3 years old. The theater is located in the center and has a flexible booking system: if suddenly the child fell ill, you can cancel directly on the day of the performance. I recommend to go with a child in Moscow to the play "Kitten named Gav".

Price:900-1200 rubles

№9. Sokolniki park

One of the largest parks of Moscow Sokolniki is a great place to go with a child of any age. There is an amusement park, a lot of bicycle riding tracks, rollers and skiing in the winter season. Also in winter there is a rink. Unlike the other popular Gorky Moscow Park, in Sokolniki absolutely everywhere you can drive on the stroller and here is not so crowded. Here you can look at the ducks and swans on the Golden Pond, see the proteins (just do not feed them, please), play on one of the many playgrounds, ride the train (as in the photo). And if you are looking for where to go with a child with disabilities in Moscow, Sokolniki will become an excellent option: here is friendly to the strollers, and on the territory there is a playground of an Emerald city, which takes into account the needs of kids with features.

Price:is free

№8. Moscow planetarium

The oldest planetarium of Russia and one of the largest in the world, the Moscow planetarium can please the astronomy lovers of any age, although I recommend coming here with children from 6 years, because fewer kids can be bored and incomprehensible. Immediately I will say that it is necessary for the planetarium all day or break a visit for two days: a lot of activities and information. It is necessary to visit the Great Star Hall and the Uranian Museum, as well as the Lunarium Interactive Museum (Children under 6 for free). I do not recommend going to the theater of exciting science - boring and definitely not worth an additional 600 rubles. Tickets can be bought in advance, but discounts do not apply on the site.

Price:from 550 rubles, many benefits

№7. Moskovsky circus on color boulevard.

Circus Nikulina is one of the oldest and well-known circuses of Russia, where you can go with a child of any age. If you live in Moscow or turned out to travel here, this is a mandatory place to visit. An extraordinary atmosphere of childhood, an interesting program, which looks at one breath of children from 2 to 100 years, the ability to take pictures with circus animals (alas, expensive). I highly recommend going to the program "Circus Magic", regardless of your children: adults come out with the presentation almost happier than younger generation.

Price:from 500 rubles

№6. Lenin "Leninierier"

One of the best free places to go with a child in Moscow. Although, from a technical point of view, the park is located in the Moscow region, it is just two bus stops from the Domodedovskaya metro station. The park is designed for the most different age category, and it's better to come here for a whole day, to opening at 9 am. At noon, you can already get in a long queue, and the wait will take from half an hour to one and a half: the number of people on the territory is limited to avoid repairs. The atmosphere of fairy tales and fun reigns in the park: you can see a mini-performance, jump on a trampoline, climb in a rope town, see your favorite fabulous characters, "swim" in the pool with balls and make aquagrima (for additional pay).

Price:is free

№5. Indoor skating

One of my most favorite entertainment is ice skating. And even though I love open skating rinks very much, their indoor fellows greatly exceed the first quality of ice: for this reason, it is much more pleasant to ride children on them, and the people are much smaller. The covered rollers in Moscow great many, and I advise you to choose the one that is closer to your home so as not to carry far heavy skates and warm clothes. I am at the location of the rink "Grad" in the TC "City-Lefortovo": Skania session lasts one hour, the schedule is published on the site. There is a rental service and sharpening skates.

Price:up to 12 years old - 250 rubles, adult ticket - 350 rubles

№4. Oceanarium on Dmitrovskoye Highway

The largest oceanarium of Russia is located in the Rio Shopping Center at Dmitrovskoye Highway. Compared to the oceanarium, Moscow is much more modest in size and diversity, but, nevertheless, there is something to see: bloodthirsty piranhas, sharks, fish "Dori", penguins, jellyfish and rods, as well as many other inhabitants of sea depths. You can come with the smallest.

Price:on weekdays: Children under 5 years old - free, from 5 to 14 - 250 rubles, an adult - 500 rubles. On weekends 50 rubles more expensive

Number 3. Aquapark Kwa-Kwa Park

Great place where you can go to the whole family with children in Moscow. In the photos he is huge, in life - a little smaller. But, despite the dimensions, here you can find a lot of interesting hills, fountains, attractions. Carefully examine the age limitations: on interesting slings there is a restriction by age from 10 years, and for children for 3-8 years there is a children's town. I recommend to go to the water park in the warm season, since with deep minus temperatures there is a draft: it is easy to hire.

Price: Children up to 4 years old - free of charge, from 120 to 150 cm - from 540 rubles, adults - from 940 rubles

№2. Kidzania

One of those places that I look and terribly envy modern children: in childhood I would swallow the hat to go here. Kidzania opened in Moscow quite recently, but thousands of fans have already gained, including in my face. This is a game of game learning, built in the form of a city where kids can try themselves in hundreds of different professions: cook, dentist, policeman, firefighter. The child will have their own passport and even the salary he can spend on entertainment or in the store. If your child is older than 7 years old and quite independent, then you can save at the cost of a ticket for yourself and wait for it outside the park. The duration of stay in Kidzania is 4 hours, but in the summer holidays the restriction does not work, and here you can spend a whole day.

Price: Children - from 390 rubles, adults - from 500 rubles

And here is my personal favorite in the list of places, where to go with a child in Moscow:

№1. Museum of Experimentarium

If you are looking for where to go with a child in Moscow, I strongly recommend the experimentarium museum. I was already in the museum several times, and always came out with positive emotions. It is interesting here both adults and children: everything you can touch with your own hands, carry out experiments, learn a lot about physics, chemistry, space, solve puzzles, jump and run. In addition to the most interesting permanent exposition in the museum, classes, lectures and shows are held every day: there is a schedule on the site. In my opinion, this is the best ratio of "price-quality" among all places where you can go with a child in Moscow.

Price: Children up to 3 years old - free of charge, from 4 to 16 - from 450 rubles, adults - from 550 rubles

But, in fact, despite this list of the best places where to go with a child in Moscow, no matter where you will go; The main thing - do not forget to take a good mood with you, and then even the usual walk in the park will bring you and your child joy! :)

Where else to go in Moscow?

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