The problem of the death of the human soul. "Dead Souls" - ontological issues

The problem of the death of the human soul. "Dead Souls" - ontological issues

8.Kova plot-composite role of this episode in the poem N.V.Gogol?

The role of this episode in the work of N.V.Gogol is very important, it refers to the development of the plot. For Chichikova, a box of the second person, whom he bumps dead souls.

In this episode, we see the conversation of Chichikov and the boxes. Also, the image of the box is revealed. We learn that, "she is one of those mother-in-law, small landlords who are crying for disadvantages, losses, and meanwhile, dial the money maker in the motley bags stirred in the drawers of the chest.

She is inhabiting, incredulum, "dumped one-headed" and stubborn. All of her interests are concentrated on the farm. Even when Chichikov offers to buy away her dead souls, she is afraid to "be used."

Thus, it can be said that this episode plays a big role. In it, we get acquainted with one of the types of landowners.

9. In what other works of Russian literature depicts the process of "death of the soul" and what, at one, will they relate to the "dead souls"?

The problem of "donation of the souls affected many writers, such as Gogol, Chekhov, Goncharov.

So, in the work of Chekhov "Ionch", we observe the spiritual degradation of a person. At the beginning of the story of an older-young educated person. He works a lot in the hospital, walks on foot, condemns those people who simply exist without a goal in life. But after some time, Startieva stopped fighting his heart. " It descends to the level of those people he condemned. He obesomed, became irritable, in the screw played every evening with pleasure "and" loved to remove paper from pockets mined by practice. " So in the poem Gogol "Dead Souls", we are observing the degradation of landowners. In an example, you can bring a box, an incredulous, greedy, noise woman. She, like Ionchi, care only money.

Also, in the work of I.A. Bonyovov "Oblomov", the main hero of obglomov appears before us, who lives aimlessly. It is broken by life, any attempts to resurrect it fall. Oblomov himself does not want to change. He is something similar to the hero of the work of Gogol, Plushkin. Even the items surrounding Plushin are imprinting decline, decomposition.

Thus, the problem of "death of the soul" was affected by many writers.

Updated: 2018-10-10

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  • What is the plot-composite role of this episode in the poem N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls"? In what other works of Russian literature depicts the process of "death of the soul" and what, in your opinion, they relate to "dead souls & ra

Many Russian writers painfully experienced the fact that the current reality has generated "new" people who were very far from the ideal, which seems to be them. At different times, N. V. Gogol, E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, A. P. Chekhov expressed an open charge of life. In his ingenious works, they with great sharpness exposed a detrimental, corrupting the impact of ownership of human character, showed the inevitability of the moral and physical destruction of a person's personality, which neglects morality by the laws. The vertex of Creativity N. V. Gogol is the poem "Dead Souls" - one of the prominent works of world literature, by defining Belinsky, "Education, grated from the cache of a folk life."

In the poem, Gogol turns again to one of its main topics - to the topic of Russian estate. The picture of the wild, rough-ignorant, stupid-meaningless landlord kingdom, a picture of a deep decomposition of the Nikolaev Russia is drawn by Gogol with an amazing vital truth, with a huge fullness and strength of a artistic and realistic embodiment. Gallery of characters created by Gogol, brightly demonstrates gradual and increasingly deep death. From Manilov to Plushina in front of us reveals a frightening picture of the gradual fooling of the whole human breel.

The provincial city of Nn is not better. Which Hogol himself called "the world, that Nerushaє,". But a special place among the characters works is occupied by chikchiki. It is quite peculiar, one-sided, in its negative sides, new trends in the development of Russian life have been manifested in a specific bourgeois adventurium. No wonder than this new hero of the Russian reality N. V. Gogol not only calls the "owner", "acquirer." The writer was tightened by his name "Round", in Chikchiki, a new character of the predator-acquirer was finely drawn, which developed in itself the ability to adapt to people and circumstances that he learned to subjugate the moral principles of material interest.

Angrily condemned the feudal nobility, N. V. Gogol in the image of Chichikova denounced bourgeois predation. It was he who again the image of a romantic robber, Napoleon, a knight, because he becomes a "kopeck knight." The most terrible evil Gogol calls people such a type

From the chapter, he paints M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin of tyranny paintings, moral injections, the Wild, arising one after the other deaths, an increasing immersion of the twilight reservoir. And on the last page: night, in the house is not the slightest Shoroha, on the street Martov Wet blizzard, the roads - the Chernoby borne, the corpse of the Golovutsky Vladyka Judushka, the "last representative of the frauduum". Porfiry Rublov, nicknamed in the family since childhood Judushka, is the protagonist of the novel. The features of non-delicious brains developed in Judushka to the ultimate expression

His moral appreciation was so great that he was without the slightest shuddered by death in turns of each of his sons - Vladimir, Peter and an extramarital son Volodley. In the category of predator people, Judushka represents the most disgusting appearance, being a predator-hypocrite. His predatory aspirations are always deeply hidden, disguised as sweet tribal and an expression of external devotion and respect for those whom he has planned as his next victim. This complete impersonation of insignificance keeps in the fear of others, owes them on them, wins them and carries the immigralation.

The insignificant acquires the importance of a terrible, pressure force, and this happens because it relies on a serfdom of morality, law and religion. Pouring the Jewish of all the norms of humanity carried him the retribution inevitably led to an increasing destruction of the person. In its degradation, he passed three stages of moral decay: filing trunk, filming of marnation and drunk stop, which completed the shameful existence of "blood flow".

The image of Jewish Golovyev is a symbol of the social and moral decay of the nobility. Novella A. P. Chekhov "Ionch" continues and deepens the topic of internal rebirth, the prostrate of the intellectual in the semi-Russian environment, which sues that the man is ruined. Chekhov proves that the smart, educated person can wipe out, moralize not only if there is no case in his life, labor, goal, but in the event that this work, the case aimed at achieving the lowest goal - personal enrichment. Czechs shows how the atmosphere of Russian life dries all the moral and nice and healthy in man. The trouble and at the same time Wine Startieva, the future of Ionchul, was that he stopped internally resist, turned out to be too receptive and supplied to the surrounding

Together with the depletion of the Soul Startiev disappear all sorts of ties with beauty, music, nature. His beloved occupation becomes a listing of money in the evenings. He is indifferent to all others and to himself. At the end of the novels, we are real Lychimetse, whom "greed has overcome." We have a doctor that lost its main quality - humanity

Ultimately, life revolves the merciless side for the ion itself. Yes, he is rich, he has "there is a two houses in the city", but he is alone, "it lives boring, nothing All So ch. RU 2001 2005 does not interest him. " And most importantly - he loses the memory of the past, forgets his love that "was his only joy and probably the last." Jones renounced their culture, intelligence, from their business and their love. Before us a mercilessly strict story about a person who stopped resisting the environment and ceased to be a man

So the best writers of critical realism, whose work became a classic of Russian literature, acutely and mercilessly exposed not only the "dead souls" of the heroes, but also the society that gives rise to chikchiki, Judushki, Ionchi.

Save - "The problem of the death of the human soul in the works of Russian writers of the XIX century. The work has appeared.

The problem of the death of the human soul in the works of Russian writers of the XIX century

Shamova Olga Yuryevna,

russian language and literature teacher

MBOU SOSH No. 53 of Kirov.

Gogol was looking for answers to questions more important than the problems of artistic creativity, even if they were even very sophisticated, - even though they could not unapt his imagination: after all, he was an artist. He was an artist of the highest level, but he possessed and aggravated with religious adarability, and she prevailed in it over a purely artistic thirst for creativity. Gogol was aware of: art, no matter how high it, it remains to remain among the treasures on Earth. For Gogol, the treasures in the sky were always more consumed.

This with irritation felt more Belinsky. This later spoke and wrote and wrote about this and many who tried to comprehend the fate of Gogol - in different ways, of course, evaluating. Gogol's religious wanderer did not cost without wandering and falls. One thing is only: it was Gogol who sent Russian literature to the conscious ministry of the Orthodox Truth. It seems that the first was clearly formulated by K. Mochulsky: "In the moral region, Gogol was genuinely gifted; He was destined to turn the whole Russian literature from aesthetics to religion, move it from Pushkin's path to Dostoevsky's path. All features characterizing the "Great Russian Literature", which has become the world, were outlined by Gogol: its religious-moral system, its citizenship and the public, its combat and practical nature, its prophetic pathos and messianism. From Gogol begins a wide road, world expanses. " Here is the main treasure, bent by Gogol, to inherit which could and can each - with internal needs. This internal need to give is the true compassion of values \u200b\u200bnot imaginary. One of the great fathers of the church, Maxim Confessor, said this as: "My only is what I gave."

We will try to consider the most difficult question about the meaning of life from the point of view of Christian faith on the example of the heroes of the most famous work N.V. Gogol, a significant work for all Russian literature, his great poem "Dead Souls"

The name of the poem is multifaceted, the plot and spiritual work plans are combined in it. It should also be said that the combination of "Dead Souls" was "invented by Gogol. The language was a combination of "declining souls". From the letter, Gogita is pushing on May 6, 1847: "dead souls" in Russian is not. There are souls of auditive, attributed, silent, arrogant. " Gogol wanted to give these words a special meaning not only by the Chichikov's Afer, but also the whole work. The fact that in the title Gogol indicates landlords and officials, Chichikov himself, was obviously already for the first readers of Gogol. A.I. Herzen recorded in the diary in 1842: "... not audit - dead souls, and all these nostrils, manilov and all others are the dead souls and we meet them at every step." Everyone is clear to the lexical meaning of the word "dead" - deprived of life, deceased. But it is also clear that in the poem "Dead Souls" - these are quite living people who even, for example, are preaching, first of all, according to their own opinion. So why are they "dead", although they are alive. Obviously, the answer to this question is that their life does not have the highest meaning, which should have.

Gogol invests in the mouth of the old man Murazov (in the second volume of "dead shower") one of the most sincere thoughts: "It is a pity that you have become blamed before others, but it is a pity that before you became guilty - before rich forces and gifts, Which went to the lot you. Your appointment is to be a great man, and you have come off and destroyed. " These words addressed to Chichiku, without a doubt, was aware of the author facing every person. The heroes of the poems passing in front of the reader exactly in the order in which there was a brilliant Gogol, they stand on the steps of the stairs, but the ladder leading is not up and down. Not to God, but completely in the other way. Manilov, Box, Nozdrov, Sobekhevich, Plushkin. In my own experience I can say that the guys very attracts and causes the greatest response to the image of Plushkina. Therefore, I want to stop at this hero, standing at the very end of the Gogol landsel drivers gallery.

As the writer and literary critic Igor Volgorov said, "Gogol landowners are cast in bronze types." Great Talent Gogol paints them with scrupulous accuracy and brightness. Gogol describes the estate, house, appearance of heroes, expressive speech of heroes. All of them react differently to the Offer Chichikov to sell them the dead peasants. But the narrative of Plushkin is significantly different from the chapters about other landowners. The sixth chapter of the poem opens a lyrical retreat, in which the writer remembers youth. In this lyrical digression, we see a very important word - vulgarity. Vulgarity is a keyword when it comes to the work of Gogol. For the first time, he uttered his Pushkin, and Gogol learned and approved this concept towards the reflected life: "I interpreted a lot about me, sieving some of my parties, but my main being was not determined. He was heard only Pushkin. He always told me that even one writer had this gift to exhibit so bright vividness of life, be able to outset in such a power of vulgarity of a vulgar person, so that the whole one was a little thing that would slip away from her eyes, would smell into the eyes of everyone. Here is my main property, one belonging to me and which, for sure, there is no other writers. It subsequently deepened in me even more ... "- so testified Gogol later (in the" selected places ... "). O. Vasily Zenkovsky, who devoted the topic of vulgarity, the best, perhaps, the pages of his research about Gogol, wrote: "The topic of vulgarity is, therefore, the topic of the destruction and perversion of the soul, about the insignificance and the emptiness of its movements in cash, which can raise a person. Everywhere where the case is about vulgarity, the author's sleeve is heard, "if you are not real" tears through laughter, "then the sorrowful feeling of tragicity of everything, which actually reduces the life of a person, from which it is actually hardened. Vulgarity is a significant part of the reality that Gogol describes ... "

Pay attention to the last words from the statement about. Vasily Zenkovsky: "... The sorrowful sense of tragicity of everything, which is actually reduced by the life of a person, from which it is actually hardened." The head of Plushkin, like no other, is imbued with this sense of tragicity.

Garden, once wonderful and alive, incurred. It suggests an analogy with a human soul garden. The village, in which everything: and the roads and the houses of the peasants - resemble the semi-cubed bodies (comparing the brica and disassembled roofs with sticking ribs), rotting bread in huge bedding. Two! Rural churches, empty, specified and stuck. The house, almost already dead, with closed windows - eyes (one and a half just looked at this world). The cold, coming from the house of Plushkin. Plushkin himself in a scary salted bathrobe. The story about his constant collecting of any unnecessary things. And most importantly is the history of the life of Plushkin, the story of his rebirth from the mastic clearer owner and the good husband and the Father in the "Spread on Humanity", in "Besa", according to the purchasrators who stopped and ride it. The reader sees the grief of Gogol on the fact that "to which insignificance, petty things, the man can condense." "Quickly everything turns into a person; You do not have time to look back, as the terrible worm has already grown inside, self-adding all life juices. And more than once, not only a broad passion, but the insignificant passion to something cramped into the best feats, forced him to forget the great and holy duties and to see the great and sacred in insignificant striking, "Gogol writes. (You can relate these words with the detail: the chandelier as a cocoon with a worm sitting inside it under the ceiling in Plushina's room).

Why? Why did this happen to a man? Because the hero of Gogol (all his heroes - landowners, and chikchiki) lives in a horizontal direction, he loses his connection with the sky and ceases to be a man. His forces he spends not at that. "What is the benefit of a person if he acquires the whole world, and his soul will hurt?" - We read in the Gospel of Mark. What is the sense of all these wealth, which was rotten and did not bring happiness and joy to anyone. "Do not collect a treasure on Earth, where mole and rhine exterminate and where the thieves are dug and steal; But collecting a treasure in the sky, where neither mole nor a ripple exterminates and where the thieves do not dug and do not steal, because where is your treasure, there will be your heart, "- the gospel of Matthew. Plushkin does not see that his heart is where everything has rotted, everything is empty and cold. It is terrible that he also condemns other people for Srebrolubie (orders who ask for fees for their work). Spiritually deceased, really dead soul, Plushkin mentions God several times, but these are only words. His faith is dead, since it is not the meaning of life for him, does not lead to the life of spiritual, does not give fruit.

Metropolitan Anthony Surozhsky said: "Whether our well-being will close our eyes to the fact that life has a depth and meaning, and the goal, and that we are fixed to the meeting with God, and that this meeting will be the last and truly terrible court, if we do not There will be love - clean, genuine love? " "Spiritual progress certifies ultimately and well only one: our ability to love. Love - in the sense of pure respect, ministry, disinterested attachment that does not require a response; In the sense of "sympathy", or "empathy", which prompted us to forget about themselves, to "co-feel", "feel in the other", - wrote Olivier Clemander, French Theologian, historian, professor of St. Sergiyevsky Orthodox Institute in Paris, author Many books. There is no love in the life of Plushkin, mercy: children will send curses to their children, the peasants for him only thieves and scammers, he suspects and condemns, he is completely alone. The first step towards God is to see their passions and sins, to realize them, repent. But there is no this in the life of Plushin. And therefore, "he himself turned, finally, in some kind of bandaged in humanity." And his life itself becomes a selection of death among a rash and rotting. How scary. But even more terrible that Gogol, the perfectly knowledgeable hearts of people, in which, according to Dostoevsky, the devil struggles with God, trying to reach each reader, especially young. Everyone knows the words of the writer: "And to what insignificance, petty things, the man could convex! Could change so much! And it looks like the truth? Everything is like the truth, everything can be done with a person. The current slamming young man would bounce with horror if his portrait in old age have shown him. Take the same way in the path, leaving my soft youthful years in the harsh foul-ending courage, take all human movements with them, do not leave them on the road, do not fit later! "

Gogol loved to repeat that his images will not be alive if each reader does not feel that they are taken from the same body from which we ". This property of Gogol's images is some kind of recognition, the proximity of the soul of each of us - already contemporaries of the writer. "Are we not after youth, anyway, we are conducting one of the lives of Gogol Heroes? - recorded in his diary Herzen in July 1842. - One stays with Manilovsky dull dreaminess, the other - Buffet A Lanosdreff, the third - Plushkin ... "" Each of us, said Belinsky, - Whatever he was a good person, if you are in myself with the impartiality, which is deliberate In others, it will certainly find in themselves, to a greater or lesser extent, many of the elements of many heroes of Gogol. " Great Book of Gogol, written in the middle of the 19th century, addressed to us. There is a deep spiritual meaning in the book. It is revealed by Gogol in a suicide record: "Be not dead, and live souls. There is no other door, except as indicated by Jesus Christ, and anything, preside, otherwise, there is a robber. " According to Gogol, the soul of his heroes did not die at all. In them, as in every person, a genuine life is lifted - the image of God, and at the same time hope for rebirth. Jesus said: I am a way and truth and life; No one comes to his father as soon as through me (in. 14: 6). The writer walked in a poem from the Gospel tradition, to which the understanding of the "dead" soul rises as spiritually deceased. Gogol's idea was consistent with the Christian moral law formulated by the Holy Apostle Paul: "As in Adam everyone die, so in Christ everyone will come to life" (1 Cor. 15, 22). The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe Dead Souls is connected with this - the idea of \u200b\u200bspiritual resurrection of the fallen person. She was supposed primarily in the first hero of the poem. "And maybe, in the same chichotich itself, the fact that he will turn into dust and knees the man before the wisdom of heaven," predicts the author of the coming revival of his hero, that is, the revival of his soul. The soul was to be revived, not only chischiki, but also other heroes, - even Plushkin, maybe the most "dead" of all. To the question of Archimandrite Feodor, whether other characters will be raised by the first volume, Gogol answered with a smile: "If they want". Spiritual revival is one of the highest abilities given to man, and, by Gogol, this path is open to everyone. And this revival should have been made on the basis of the "indigenous nature of ours, forgotten by us," and serve as an example not only for compatriots, but for all mankind. This consisted of Gogol's "dead souls" of Gogol's "superfracks".

And in conclusion, I want to give the statement of Yuri Mann: "According to the publisher of the poem, the" Dead Souls "is a great book, but it is understandable only to a Russian person, foreigners will not understand it." But in England, a collection was published, called "1001 work that you should read before you die." There are two books N.V. Gogol. The first name of the poem "Dead Souls".

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Reply to Ticket №12

Souls dead and alive in the poem N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls".

1. The main conflict of the poems N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls".

2. Characteristics of various types of landowners. Souls are dead:



3. The image of Chichikov.

4. Souls are alive - the incarnation of the talent of the people.

5. The moral degradation of the people is the result of the moral devastation of society.

1. Top of creativity N.V. Gogol became the poem "Dead Souls". Getting Started by the creation of his grandiose work, he wrote Zhukovsky that "all Russia will appear in it!" The basis of the conflict of the poem Gogol laid the main contradiction of the modern reality to him between the giganic spiritual forces of the people and his chalk care. Realizing this conflict, he turned to the most pressing problems of the period: the state of the landlord, the moral appearance of the local and official nobility, the relationship between the peasantry with the authorities, the fate of the people in Russia. In the poem Gogol "Dead Souls" withdrawn a whole gallery of moral freaks, types that have become nominated names. Gogol consistently depicts officials, landowners and the main character of Chichikov's poem. The Poem plot is built as the story of Chichikov - an official, buying "dead souls".

2. Almost half of the first volume of the poem is devoted to the characteristics of various types of Russian landlords. Gogol creates five characters, five portraits who are so unlike each other, and at the same time in each of them are typical features of the Russian landowner. Images of landowners who attended chikchiki are presented in the poem contrasting, since they carry various vices. One by one, each spiritually insignificant preceding, follow in the work of the owners of the estates: Manilan, box, Nozdrev, Sobekhevich, Plushkin. If Manilaov is sentimental and tallest to the gentialness, then Sobesevich is straightforward and rude. Polars their views on life: For Manilov, everyone surrounding is beautiful, for a companion - robbers and fraudsters. Manilov does not show real concerns about the well-being of peasants, about the well-being of the family; He was all the control of Plutuchka's plut, who ruins and the peasants and landowner. But the companion is a strong owner, ready for profit for any scam. Manilov - Careless Fantasy, Sobesevich - Zinic fist-burning. The delicious boxes are manifested in small scope; The only thing that worries her is the prices of hemp, honey; "Not to negotiate" and when selling dead souls. A box is reminiscent of a companion of boring, passion for profit, although the stupidity of the "Dubinholan" brings these qualities to a comic limit. "Drives", a companion and box, confront "Distributors" - Nozdrev and Plushkin. Nozdrev is a desperate ILO and Kutila, a devastator and a ruler of the economy. Its energy turned into a scandalous bustle, aimless and destructive.

If the nozzles put all his state in the wind, then Plushkin turned his one visibility. That last line to which the man's death can lead, Gogol shows the example of Plushkin, whose image completes the gallery of the landowners. This hero is no longer so much funny as terrible and pity, since, as opposed to previous characters, he loses not only spirituality, but also human appearance. Chichikov, having seen him, for a long time, man or a woman, and finally decides that the key to him. Meanwhile, this is a landowner, the owner of more than a thousand shower and huge pantry. True, in these storerooms, the bread rotes, flour turns into a stone, cloth and canvas - in dust. No less terrible picture appears a look and in a balm house, where everything is covered with dust and web, and in the corner of the room "a bunch of guene is in the corner of the room, and which is unworthy of lying on the tables. What exactly was in this heap, it was difficult to decide ", just as it was difficult to" get it, from which it was compressed ... the owner's bathrobe. How did it happen that a rich, educated person, the nobleman turned into "rush in humanity"? To answer this question. Gogol appeals to the past of the hero. (About the rest of the landowners, he writes as about the already formed types.) The writer very accurately traces the degradation of a person, and the reader understands that a person is not born a monster, but becomes them. So this soul could live! But Gogol notes that over time, a person submits himself to the laws dominant in society and betrayed the ideals of youth.

All Gogol landowners are vivid, individual, memorable. But with all their external diversity, the essence remains unchanged: Owning living souls, they themselves have long turned into the souls of the dead. We do not see the true movements of the living soul, either in an empty dreamer, nor in the troops of the hostess, nor in the "Cheerful Hama", nor in the Bear of the Kulak landowner. All this is only visibility with the complete absence of spiritual content, because these heroes are funny. Using the reader that his landowners are not exceptional, but typical, the writer calls other nobles, characterizing them even by last names: Svignin, Trepakin, Blokhin, kisses, careless, etc.

3. The cause of the death of the human soul Gogol shows the example of the formation of the nature of the church-chichikov. Joyless childhood, deprived of parental love and affection, service and an example of bribe officials - these factors have formed a scoundrel, which is as all his environment. But he turned out to be more hedied in the desire for acquisition than a box, a stratum of the Soberevich and the impudence of the nostroid in the means of enrichment. In the final chapter, which fills the biography of Chichikov, there is a final exposition as a deft predator, the acquirer and entrepreneur of the bourgeois warehouse, civilized scoundrel, the owner of life. But chikimi, differing from landowners enterprise, also "dead" soul. He is unavailable "the glittering joy" of life. The happiness of the "decent man" Chichikova is based on money. The calculation pushed out of him all human feelings and made it a "dead" soul. Gogol shows the appearance of a new person in the Russian life, who does not have a good kind, nor the title, nor the estate, but which is at the cost of one's own effort, thanks to his mind and dodgy is trying to be a state. His ideal is a penny; Marriage thinks to them as a profitable deal. His addiction and tastes are purely material. Quickly solving a person, he knows how to go specially to everyone, having sacrificed her moves finely. Internal multipleness, elusiveness is emphasized by its appearance described by Gogol in undefined features: "Mr. Lord was sitting in a bricchka, nor too thick, nor too thin, it is impossible to say old, however, so that too young." Gogol managed to see in the modern society's separate features of the nascent type and gathered them together in the image of Chichikov. NN officials are even more impersonal than landowners. Their deadly is shown in the Bala scene: people are not visible, everywhere of muslin, atlases, kisa, hats, phraki, uniforms, shoulders, necks, ribbons. All the interest of life is concentrated on gossip, peres, shallow vanity, envy. They differ from each other only the size of a bribe; All loafers, they have no interests, it is also the "dead" souls.

4. But for the "dead" souls of Chichikov, officials and landowners Gogol saw the living souls of peasants, the power of a national character. According to A. I. Herzen, in Gogol's poem, they appear "behind the dead souls - the souls of living". The talency of the people opens in the snarling of Karetnik Mikheev, the shoemaker Trulyatnikov, Milushkin's brick, carpenter Stepan Cork. The strength and acuteness of the people's mind affected the boyhood and the accuracy of the Russian word, the depth and integrity of the Russian feeling - in the inventivity of the Russian song, the latitude and generosity of the soul - in brightness and unrestrained the fun of national holidays. The limitless dependence on the usurper power of the landowners who are obverse of peasants to the subyqual, exhausting work, for hopeless ignorance, generates stupid Mityaev and Minyaev, scored past and pelagy, not knowing, "where the right where the left", submissive, lazy, corrupted parsley and Selifanov. Gogol sees how high and good qualities are distorted in the kingdom of the "dead" shower, as the peasants are dying, brought to despair, rushing into any risky affair, just to get out of the fortress dependence.

Without finding truth at the Supreme Power, Captain Kopeikin, helping himself, becomes an ataman robbers. "The Tale of Captain Kopekin" reminds the authorities about the threat of revolutionary rebellion in Russia.

5. The serfdom destroys good deposits in man, ruins the people. Against the background of majestic, endless expanses of Russia, real paintings of Russian life seem especially bitter. Observing in the poem of Russia "from one side" in its negative essence, in the "amazing paintings of the triumphant evil and the suffering hate", Gogol once again convinces that at his time "it is impossible to strive as a society or even all generation to the beautiful until you show all The depth of its real abomination. "

"My son was dead" (Luke 15, 22), "said in the gospel about the prodigal son. Donation of this kind is invisible, but undoubted spiritual death. It is a coldness to faith and the perfect indifference to their postal fate.

As in the paralyzed hand, pain is no longer felt, and in such a soul there is no sympathy for anything spiritual. Such a state is a consequence of long careless life. Bind-free, however, about her one spiritual side: about the soul, about eternity, about God, but at the same time an unusually caring about its material part.

Therefore, at a young age, as a rule, the surning soul does not happen. It is characteristic of people an elderly and even old. It is perfectly combined with the softness of character and with imperfect to the outside of life, put up with all sorts, and even spiritual. The sample is already learned by soul coldness, the constant quality of the soul.

For example, a person is convinced, they advise, prove the benefit of faith in God, urge to pray, confess, commitory; He listens, but as if nothing understands, does not contradict and not even angry, but just no matter how hears. A similar person, finding the most emptiness in himself, is entirely living outside himself, in things of external, created.

All the strength of his soul is addressed only to sinful, earthly or, at least to a fume. The mind is busy with multi-consciousness, a nectery, curiosity; The emptiness of the heart is filled with worldly and secular entertainment, troubles about the material and other objects, delivering his feelings. The emptiness of the will is filled with polyplate and aspiration to a fume.

But most of all worthy of regret that such a person does not see the death of his spiritual state, does not feel any danger, does not worry about responsibility for his sins. He does not even come about the need to change his life. Often it happens that dead in spirit, but not clearly vicious and honor themselves from others like them, they reveal sinless.

To get out of this, an extremely dangerous state, a person often needs a strong shock, frightening and losing heart. It means to sink my heart to sore yourself because of the terrible postal fate waiting for an unskilled sinner.

Also, the cold heart will warm if the person will often read the gospel, to pray diligently, reflect on diplomas. But the solar diseases are not soon and are not easy to cure. So and from the insensitory of the soul to the whole Divine can only be heard after a considerable time.

The vertex of creativity N. V. Gogol became the poem "Dead Souls". Getting Started by the creation of his grandiose the work of the work, he wrote Zhukovsky that "all Russia will appear in it!" The basis of the conflict of the poem Gogol laid the main contradiction of the modern reality to him between the giganic spiritual forces of the people and his chalk care. Realizing this conflict, he turned to the most pressing problems of the period: the state of the landlord, the moral appearance of the local and official nobility, the relationship between the peasantry with the authorities, the fate of the people in Russia. In Gogol's poem, "Dead Souls" withdrawn a whole gallery of moral freaks, types, by becoming nominal names. Gogol consistently depicts officials, landowners and the main character of Chichikov's poem. Plot's poem built as the story of Chichikov - an official who is buying

"dead Souls".

The characteristic of various types of Russian landowners is devoted by almost half of the first volume of the poem. Gogol creates five characters, five portraits who are so unlike each other, and at the same time in each of them are typical features of the Russian landowner. Images of landowners who attended chikchiki are presented in the poem contrasting, since they carry various vices. One by one, each spiritually insignificant preceding, follow in the work of the owners of the estates: Manilan, box, Nozdrev, Sobekhevich, Plushkin. If Manilan is sentimental and tallest to illness, then

Sobekevich is straightforward and rude. Polars their views on life: For Manilov, everyone surrounding is beautiful, for a companion - robbers and fraudsters. Manilov does not show real concerns about the well-being of peasants, about the well-being of the family; He was all the control of Plutuchka's plut, who ruins and the peasants and landowner. But the companion is a strong owner, ready for profit for any scam. Manilov - Cupid Duman, Sobesevich - Zinic fist-burning. The delicious boxes are manifested in small scope; The only thing that worries her is the prices of hemp, honey; "Not to be done" and when selling dead souls. The box is reminiscent of the Sobevich,

passion for profit, although the stupidity of the "Dubinnogolova" brings these qualities to a comic limit. "Drives", a companion and box, confront "Datver" - Nozdrev and Plushkin. Nozdrev is a desperate ILO and Kutila, a devastator and a ruler of the economy. Its energy turned into scandalous

fuss, aimless and destructive.

If the nozzles put all his state in the wind, then Plushkin turned his one visibility. That last line to which the man's death can lead, Gogol shows the example of Plushkin, whose image completes the gallery of the landowners. This hero is no longer so much funny as terrible and pity, since, as opposed to previous characters, he loses not only spirituality, but also human appearance. Chichikov, having seen him, for a long time, man or a woman, and finally decides that the key to him. Meanwhile, this is a landowner, the owner of more than a thousand shower and huge pantry.

True, in these storerooms, the bread rotes, flour turns into a stone, cloth and canvas - in dust. No less terrible picture appears to a gaze and a balm house, where everything is covered with dust and web, and in the corner of the room "the bunch of the fact that Belubee and which is unworthy of lying on the tables. What exactly was in this

it was difficult to solve the pile, "just as it was difficult to" get it, from which it was compressed by ... a bathrobe "owner. How did it happen that a rich, educated person, the nobleman turned into "rush in humanity"? To answer this question. Gogol appeals to the past of the hero. (About the rest of the landowners, he writes as about the already formed types.) The writer very accurately traces the degradation of a person, and the reader understands that a person is not born a monster, but becomes them. So this soul could live! But Gogol notes that over time, a person submits himself to the laws dominant in society and betrayed the ideals of youth.

All Gogol landowners are vivid, individual, memorable. But with all their external diversity, the essence remains unchanged: Owning living souls, they themselves have long turned into the souls of the dead. We do not see the true movements of the living soul, either in an empty dreamer, nor in the leisure of the hostess, nor in the "Cheerful Hama", nor in the Bear of the Kulak landowner. All this is only visibility with the complete absence of spiritual content, because these heroes are funny. Using the reader that his landowners are not exceptional, but typical, the writer calls other nobles, characterizing them even by last names: Svignin, Trepakin, Blokhin, kisses, careless, etc.

The cause of the death of man's soul Gogol shows the example of the formation of the character of the main character - Chichikov. Joyless childhood, deprived of parental love and affection, service and an example of bribe officials - these factors have formed a scoundrel, which is as all his environment.

But he turned out to be more hedied in the desire for acquisition than a box, a stratum of the Soberevich and the impudence of the nostroid in the means of enrichment. In the final chapter, which fills the biography of Chichikov, there is a final exposition as a deft predator, the acquirer and entrepreneur of the bourgeois warehouse, civilized scoundrel, the owner of life. But chikhikov, differing from landowners enterprise, also "dead" soul. He is unavailable "the glittering joy" of life. The happiness of the "decent man" Chichikova is based on money. The calculation pushed out of it all human

feelings and made it a "dead" soul. Gogol shows the appearance of a new person in the Russian life, who does not have a good kind, nor the title, nor the estate, but which is at the cost of one's own effort, thanks to his mind and dodgy is trying to be a state. His ideal is a penny; Marriage thinks to them as a profitable deal. His addiction and tastes are purely material. Quickly solving a person, he knows how to go specially to everyone, having sacrificed her moves finely. Internal multiple, elusiveness

he is emphasized by his appearance described by Gogol in an indefinite feature: "A gentleman was sitting in the Briton, nor too thick, nor too thin, it is impossible to say old, however, and not so that too young." Gogol managed to see in the modern society's separate features of the nascent type and gathered them together in the image of Chichikov. NN officials are even more impersonal than landowners. Their deadly is shown in the Bala scene: people are not visible, everywhere of muslin, atlases, kisa, hats, phraki, uniforms, shoulders, necks, ribbons. All the interest of life is concentrated on gossip, peres, shallow vanity, envy. They differ from each other only the size of a bribe; All loafers, they have no interests, it is also the "dead" souls.

But for the "dead" souls Chichikov, officials and landowners Gogol saw the living souls of peasants, the power of a national character. According to A. I. Herzen, in Gogol's poem, "behind the dead souls - the souls are alive". The talency of the people opens in the core of Karetnik Mikheev,

supozhnika Trulytnikov, Milushkina's brick, stepan tube carpenter. The strength and acuteness of the people's mind affected the boyhood and the accuracy of the Russian word, the depth and integrity of the Russian feeling - in the inventivity of the Russian song, the latitude and generosity of the soul - in brightness and unrestrained the fun of national holidays. The limitless dependence on the usurper power of the landowners who are observing the peasants to the under-million, exhausting work, for hopeless ignorance, generates stupid Mityaev and Minyaev, scored past and pelagy, not knowing, "Where the right, where left", submissive, lazy, corrupted parsley and

Selifanov. Gogol sees how high and good qualities are distorted in the kingdom of the "dead" shower, as the peasants delivered to despair, rushing to any risky affair, just to get out of the fortress dependence.

Without finding truth at the Supreme Power, Captain Kopeikin, helping himself, becomes an ataman robbers. "The Tale of Captain Kopekin" reminds the authorities about the threat of revolutionary rebellion in Russia.

The serfdom destroys good deposits in a person, ruins the people. Against the background of majestic, endless expanses of Russia, real paintings of Russian life seem especially bitter. Observing in the poem Russia "from one side" in its negative essence, in "Stunning paintings

the triumphant evil and the suffering hate ", Gogol once again convinces that at his time" it is impossible to rush society or even all generation to the beautiful, until you show the whole depth of his real abomination. "

V. G. Belinsky called the poem N. V. Gogol "Dead Souls" "" Creation, grated from the cache of a folk life, creation of deep on thought, social, social and historical. It was necessary to be a poet to write such a poem in prose ... Russian national poet in everything

space of this word. " Neither in the story, nor in the story, nor in the novel, the author can not so fluently invade his "I" into the course of the narration. The retreats that organically entered into the text help the author touch the various problems and aspects of life, make a more complete description of the heroes of the poem.

The theme of patriotism and writing debt is further developed at the end of the poem, where Gogol explains why he considers it necessary to show evil and expose the flavors. In the proof, the author leads a story about Khyfe Mokayevich and Mokia Kifovic, exposing those writers who do not want to draw a harsh reality that "turned into a horse of a virtuous person, and there is no writer who would not have traveled on it, puppy and whip, and everything Hit. "

With the theme of writing debt, patriotism is closely associated with the author's lyrical retreats about Russia and the people. With a stunning depth, Gogol depicts gray, the vulgar reality, its poverty and backwardness. The tragic fate of the people is especially reliably high in the images of serfs, innocent servants.

Drawing a fighter peasant peasant Abakum Fyrov, who loved freestyle life. Gogol shows a free-live and wide nature that does not put up with the oppression and humiliation of the fortress capture, preferring to her difficult, but the free life of burlaka. Gogol created a truly heroic image of a Russian hero, having a symbolic character. Russia "dead souls", forever snacking, playing cards, gossiping and building their well-being on abuse. Gogol opposes the lyrical image of people's Russia. Throughout the poem, the approval of simplicity as a positive her hero merges with the glorification of the Motherland, with the expression of patriotic judgments. The writer is famous for the "live and wagon Russian mind", his extraordinary ability to verbal expressiveness, delete, resilight, love for freedom. When the author appeals to the images and themes of the people's life, to the dream of the future of Russia, sad notes appear in the author's speech, soft joke, a genuine lyrical animation. The writer expressed deep hope that Russia would rise to greatness and glory. In the poem, Gogol performed as a patriot in which the belief lives in the future of Russia, where there will be no companion, nozzides, chikchiki, manile ... depicting in the poem

in parallel, two Ruses: a bureaucratic and folk. Gogol in the latter chapter "encountered" them and thus showed their hostility once again. Flame-lyrical retreat of love and homeland, about the recognition of her great future: "Rus! Rus! .. But what kind of incomprehensible, the secret force attaches to you? .. What does this immense expanse prophesate? .. Rus! .. " - It is interrupted by the coarse Feld-Steeger, which gave advantage of the Chichikov's bicker: "Here I am a Palash! .." So the beautiful dream of Gogol met and the ugly authentic reality surrounding it. An important role in B.

the poem plays the image of the road. At first it is a symbol of human life. Gogol perceives life as a difficult path, full of deprivation, at the end of which it is waiting for cold, uncompretable loneliness. However, the writer does not consider it aimlessly, he is full of consciousness of his debt to his homeland. The road is a composite rod of the narrative. Brica Chichikova is a symbol of monotonous circle of a rigorous human human soul. And country roads for which this bridge wheel is wheeling, not only,

realistic picture of Russian off-road, but also a symbol of the curve of national development. "Troika" and her rapid years are opposed to Briton Chichikov and her monotonous circle on off-road from one landowner to another. "Troika Bird" - a symbol of the national element

russian life, symbol of the Great Way of Russia on a global scale.

But this road is no longer the life of one person, but the fate of the whole Russian state. The Rus itself is embodied in the image of the bird-triple flying into the future: "Eh, Troika! Bird Troika, who invented you? To know, you could only be born in the mortar people, in that land that he does not like to joke, and even smoothly accommodated half a hundred.

Are you so and you, Russia, that the brisk rude triple rush? .. And the whole inspired by God rushes! .. Rus, where are you rushing? Give an answer. Does not answer ... It flies past everything that neither is on earth ... and give her other nations and states to her. "


Reply to Ticket №12

Souls dead and alive in the poem N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls".

1. The main conflict of the poems N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls".

2. Characteristics of various types of landowners. Souls are dead:



3. The image of Chichikov.

4. Souls are alive - the incarnation of the talent of the people.

5. The moral degradation of the people is the result of the moral devastation of society.

1. Top of creativity N.V. Gogol became the poem "Dead Souls". Getting Started by the creation of his grandiose work, he wrote Zhukovsky that "all Russia will appear in it!" The basis of the conflict of the poem Gogol laid the main contradiction of the modern reality to him between the giganic spiritual forces of the people and his chalk care. Realizing this conflict, he turned to the most pressing problems of the period: the state of the landlord, the moral appearance of the local and official nobility, the relationship between the peasantry with the authorities, the fate of the people in Russia. In the poem Gogol "Dead Souls" withdrawn a whole gallery of moral freaks, types that have become nominated names. Gogol consistently depicts officials, landowners and the main character of Chichikov's poem. The Poem plot is built as the story of Chichikov - an official, buying "dead souls".

2. Almost half of the first volume of the poem is devoted to the characteristics of various types of Russian landlords. Gogol creates five characters, five portraits who are so unlike each other, and at the same time in each of them are typical features of the Russian landowner. Images of landowners who attended chikchiki are presented in the poem contrasting, since they carry various vices. One by one, each spiritually insignificant preceding, follow in the work of the owners of the estates: Manilan, box, Nozdrev, Sobekhevich, Plushkin. If Manilaov is sentimental and tallest to the gentialness, then Sobesevich is straightforward and rude. Polars their views on life: For Manilov, everyone surrounding is beautiful, for a companion - robbers and fraudsters. Manilov does not show real concerns about the well-being of peasants, about the well-being of the family; He was all the control of Plutuchka's plut, who ruins and the peasants and landowner. But the companion is a strong owner, ready for profit for any scam. Manilov - Careless Fantasy, Sobesevich - Zinic fist-burning. The delicious boxes are manifested in small scope; The only thing that worries her is the prices of hemp, honey; "Not to negotiate" and when selling dead souls. A box is reminiscent of a companion of boring, passion for profit, although the stupidity of the "Dubinholan" brings these qualities to a comic limit. "Drives", a companion and box, confront "Distributors" - Nozdrev and Plushkin. Nozdrev is a desperate ILO and Kutila, a devastator and a ruler of the economy. Its energy turned into a scandalous bustle, aimless and destructive.

If the nozzles put all his state in the wind, then Plushkin turned his one visibility. That last line to which the man's death can lead, Gogol shows the example of Plushkin, whose image completes the gallery of the landowners. This hero is no longer so much funny as terrible and pity, since, as opposed to previous characters, he loses not only spirituality, but also human appearance. Chichikov, having seen him, for a long time, man or a woman, and finally decides that the key to him. Meanwhile, this is a landowner, the owner of more than a thousand shower and huge pantry. True, in these storerooms, the bread rotes, flour turns into a stone, cloth and canvas - in dust. No less terrible picture appears a look and in a balm house, where everything is covered with dust and web, and in the corner of the room "a bunch of guene is in the corner of the room, and which is unworthy of lying on the tables. What exactly was in this heap, it was difficult to decide ", just as it was difficult to" get it, from which it was compressed ... the owner's bathrobe. How did it happen that a rich, educated person, the nobleman turned into "rush in humanity"? To answer this question. Gogol appeals to the past of the hero. (About the rest of the landowners, he writes as about the already formed types.) The writer very accurately traces the degradation of a person, and the reader understands that a person is not born a monster, but becomes them. So this soul could live! But Gogol notes that over time, a person submits himself to the laws dominant in society and betrayed the ideals of youth.

All Gogol landowners are vivid, individual, memorable. But with all their external diversity, the essence remains unchanged: Owning living souls, they themselves have long turned into the souls of the dead. We do not see the true movements of the living soul, either in an empty dreamer, nor in the troops of the hostess, nor in the "Cheerful Hama", nor in the Bear of the Kulak landowner. All this is only visibility with the complete absence of spiritual content, because these heroes are funny. Using the reader that his landowners are not exceptional, but typical, the writer calls other nobles, characterizing them even by last names: Svignin, Trepakin, Blokhin, kisses, careless, etc.

3. The cause of the death of the human soul Gogol shows the example of the formation of the nature of the church-chichikov. Joyless childhood, deprived of parental love and affection, service and an example of bribe officials - these factors have formed a scoundrel, which is as all his environment. But he turned out to be more hedied in the desire for acquisition than a box, a stratum of the Soberevich and the impudence of the nostroid in the means of enrichment. In the final chapter, which fills the biography of Chichikov, there is a final exposition as a deft predator, the acquirer and entrepreneur of the bourgeois warehouse, civilized scoundrel, the owner of life. But chikimi, differing from landowners enterprise, also "dead" soul. He is unavailable "the glittering joy" of life. The happiness of the "decent man" Chichikova is based on money. The calculation pushed out of him all human feelings and made it a "dead" soul. Gogol shows the appearance of a new person in the Russian life, who does not have a good kind, nor the title, nor the estate, but which is at the cost of one's own effort, thanks to his mind and dodgy is trying to be a state. His ideal is a penny; Marriage thinks to them as a profitable deal. His addiction and tastes are purely material. Quickly solving a person, he knows how to go specially to everyone, having sacrificed her moves finely. Internal multipleness, elusiveness is emphasized by its appearance described by Gogol in undefined features: "Mr. Lord was sitting in a bricchka, nor too thick, nor too thin, it is impossible to say old, however, so that too young." Gogol managed to see in the modern society's separate features of the nascent type and gathered them together in the image of Chichikov. NN officials are even more impersonal than landowners. Their deadly is shown in the Bala scene: people are not visible, everywhere of muslin, atlases, kisa, hats, phraki, uniforms, shoulders, necks, ribbons. All the interest of life is concentrated on gossip, peres, shallow vanity, envy. They differ from each other only the size of a bribe; All loafers, they have no interests, it is also the "dead" souls.

4. But for the "dead" souls of Chichikov, officials and landowners Gogol saw the living souls of peasants, the power of a national character. According to A. I. Herzen, in Gogol's poem, they appear "behind the dead souls - the souls of living". The talency of the people opens in the snarling of Karetnik Mikheev, the shoemaker Trulyatnikov, Milushkin's brick, carpenter Stepan Cork. The strength and acuteness of the people's mind affected the boyhood and the accuracy of the Russian word, the depth and integrity of the Russian feeling - in the inventivity of the Russian song, the latitude and generosity of the soul - in brightness and unrestrained the fun of national holidays. The limitless dependence on the usurper power of the landowners who are obverse of peasants to the subyqual, exhausting work, for hopeless ignorance, generates stupid Mityaev and Minyaev, scored past and pelagy, not knowing, "where the right where the left", submissive, lazy, corrupted parsley and Selifanov. Gogol sees how high and good qualities are distorted in the kingdom of the "dead" shower, as the peasants are dying, brought to despair, rushing into any risky affair, just to get out of the fortress dependence.

Without finding truth at the Supreme Power, Captain Kopeikin, helping himself, becomes an ataman robbers. "The Tale of Captain Kopekin" reminds the authorities about the threat of revolutionary rebellion in Russia.

5. The serfdom destroys good deposits in man, ruins the people. Against the background of majestic, endless expanses of Russia, real paintings of Russian life seem especially bitter. Observing in the poem of Russia "from one side" in its negative essence, in the "amazing paintings of the triumphant evil and the suffering hate", Gogol once again convinces that at his time "it is impossible to strive as a society or even all generation to the beautiful until you show all The depth of its real abomination. "

"My son was dead" (Luke 15, 22), "said in the gospel about the prodigal son. Donation of this kind is invisible, but undoubted spiritual death. It is a coldness to faith and the perfect indifference to their postal fate.

As in the paralyzed hand, pain is no longer felt, and in such a soul there is no sympathy for anything spiritual. Such a state is a consequence of long careless life. Bind-free, however, about her one spiritual side: about the soul, about eternity, about God, but at the same time an unusually caring about its material part.

Therefore, at a young age, as a rule, the surning soul does not happen. It is characteristic of people an elderly and even old. It is perfectly combined with the softness of character and with imperfect to the outside of life, put up with all sorts, and even spiritual. The sample is already learned by soul coldness, the constant quality of the soul.

For example, a person is convinced, they advise, prove the benefit of faith in God, urge to pray, confess, commitory; He listens, but as if nothing understands, does not contradict and not even angry, but just no matter how hears. A similar person, finding the most emptiness in himself, is entirely living outside himself, in things of external, created.

All the strength of his soul is addressed only to sinful, earthly or, at least to a fume. The mind is busy with multi-consciousness, a nectery, curiosity; The emptiness of the heart is filled with worldly and secular entertainment, troubles about the material and other objects, delivering his feelings. The emptiness of the will is filled with polyplate and aspiration to a fume.

But most of all worthy of regret that such a person does not see the death of his spiritual state, does not feel any danger, does not worry about responsibility for his sins. He does not even come about the need to change his life. Often it happens that dead in spirit, but not clearly vicious and honor themselves from others like them, they reveal sinless.

To get out of this, an extremely dangerous state, a person often needs a strong shock, frightening and losing heart. It means to sink my heart to sore yourself because of the terrible postal fate waiting for an unskilled sinner.

Also, the cold heart will warm if the person will often read the gospel, to pray diligently, reflect on diplomas. But the solar diseases are not soon and are not easy to cure. So and from the insensitory of the soul to the whole Divine can only be heard after a considerable time.

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12. Do all the souls acquire immortality or only the soul of believers, and true? Question: Does your souls find immortality or only the soul of believers, and the true? Replies the priest Alexander Mary: I am afraid that it would be very narrowing the field of immortality. By nature, man's soul

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Chapter Six. As the life of the soul, which is in the body, finds out the movement of members, so the life of the soul on the death of the saint's body is known from Miracles Peter. But the life of the soul, staying in the body, I can learn from the very movements of the body, because if it were not in the body of the soul, the members of the body could not

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On the topic "The problem of the death of the human soul in the works of Russian writers of the 19th century" on the example of the poem N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls", Roman M. Sealtykova-Shchedrin, stories A.P.hehhova, among which this topic is most fully revealed in the story "Ionch". We offer you a detailed statement on the "dead souls" N.V.Gogol, which can be based on its essay.

Souls dead and alive in the poem N.V.Gogol "Dead Souls"

Gogol himself determined his art world as follows: "And for a long time, it was still a wonderful power to go hand in hand with my strange heroes, to look around the whole huge life, to look at her through the prominent world of laughter and invisible, unknown tears."

Indeed, strange heroes in the poem. If N.V. Gogol points out the title to the existence of the "dead souls", it means that there is in the work and lively ...

Who is who? Who can be called truly dead, and who are truly alive? The question is not idle. Especially if you take into account that the poem "Dead Souls" is perceived by Gogol not just as an artistic work, but as a book of life, almost a new Gospel, which should change Russia, and humanity, and his own!

The phrase "dead souls" is multi-valued (there is a darkness of readership guesses, scientific disputes and research).

The origins of the name see the gospel - in the thought of the Apostle Paul about eternal life in Christ. (And this is true).

The researchers found the phrases "Dead Soul" and on the pages of modern Gogol literature in the meanings: "The soul of a great sinner, the soul is devastated, not capable of love, deprived of hope ...". It is difficult to disagree with such a definition.

There is a direct and obvious meaning arising from the history of the work itself. From Petrovsky, in Russia, a revision of the number of fortress peasants (checks) of the number of fortress peasants was carried out every 12-18 years old, because for the male peasants, the landowner was obliged to pay the Government of the "pillow" to file (for each men's soul - "soul" of the family's breadwinner). As a result, revision "fairy tales" (lists) was compiled. If, in the period from revision to revision, the peasant died, in the lists he was still listed and for him the landowner paid to file - before the listings of the lists.

These are these dead, but those who loving the lobsmen of Chichiki, who lily live and conceived to buy a cheaper.

What was the benefit here?

It turns out that the peasants could be laid in the guardianship (in the bank), i.e. Get for each dead soul money.

So, it is obvious that the "dead soul" is a deceased, but an existing peasant in paper, bureaucratic "appearance", which has become the subject of speculation.

But everything is not so easy to plot the poems! In fact, the dead come to life in our eyes and look more like other actors. Interesting observation? Sure! Drawn more or less fully on the pages of the poem landowners, officials, their wives, innovatives?! What are they souls? By sight, on extraordinary mobility - quite alive. And in essence?

One by one, each spiritually insignificant preceding, follow in the work of the owners of the estates: Manilan, box, Nozdrov, Sobekhevich, Plushkin. Typical Russian landowners.

Manilov - "Knight of emptiness", a free-free dreamer, torn away from real life. Sentimental to illness. For Manilov, everyone surrounding is beautiful. He does not show concerns about his fortress, handed over all the crate who ruins the peasants and the landowner himself. He does not know how many peasants died. There are many flaws in the estate. Everywhere only claim for sophistication. What is only worth the inscription on the gazebo - "the temple of a secluded reflection." In the office, two years is a book opened on 14 page. On the windowsill, beautiful rows - ash from a smoking tube. Chichikov quickly succeeds in convincing Manilov in the legitimacy of the "Firework" (transactions). "Law ... I am not a law before the law." To make a pleasant "unexpected dear friend", Chichiku, he not only gives the dead souls, but also takes on the design of the bug. And in the city solemnly presents the "future Kherson landowner" of paper, coarsed in the tube and tied with a pink ribbon.

A box, which was completely accidental, - another landowner. Surname "Talking". She has "good villages" and "abundant farm." In addition to the benefit, nothing interests it. During the bid, I brought Chichikova to exhaustion: I was afraid to extend. After all, she never sold such goods. And fear did not feel before sin! Chichikov calls "Dubinnogol". Sucking was the landowner.

After leaving an unexpected guest, she went to the city to find out at what price the "product" walks. Neither a flashing mind, soul, hearts! .. in a word - Skopidomka.

Nozdrov - "Knight Scandal", lover of beans, card games. At 35 years, the same as in 18. The lack of development is a sign of non-living. He is "a historical person": "Wherever he is, he did not happen everywhere without history." Kutyl, changed, liar, the jam. Lovers of dogs. Gogol leads a murderous detail, characterizing the landowner. "Nozdrov was among the whole father among the family" ... he had one passion - to nourge the neighbor. After the offer to sell the dead souls, Chichikova began to blackmail. Saved His randomness: Captain - Farder came to arrest Nozzides. Cheerful Packet Council once again "suffered" for robbery.

The landowner of the Sobevich had a giant size: a house, peasant huts, furniture. Yes, and he himself was like the middle size of the bear: he wore a brown coat and an inconspicuously occurred on other people's legs. And called him Mikhail Semenovich. All officials and landowners, he calls fraudsters. Makes his "feats" only at the dinner table. "I have when pork - let's come on the table, lamb - all the ram, goose - all goose!" Chichikov's request for the sale of dead souls did not cause him any surprise or fear. He instantly appreciated the situation and said: "By stu a piece!" And for a long time he traded with chikchikov. He paid at the highest price of the Schemevich - two with half. And in the guardian council, he could get 200 rubles for each "soul", i.e. 80 times more. I squeezed out of Chichikov money for the dead, as for the living. "Kulak" and "Bestia" calls the landlord of chikchiki.

In the dictionary of V.I. Dahl Word "Kulak" - Skury, deceiver, Fucking dealers. " Gogol emphasizes his "non-living", "wooden" entity. "... It seemed that there was no soul in this topic, or she had it, but not at all where he should." The meaning of the life of the Sobehevich - on.

In the gospel there is a commandment that Jesus called the main one. It is simple: love for God is alive only in love for man. The word "love" is not applicable in relation to the Schemevich.

Ends the gallery of landowners in the pryushkin. The owner of a huge estate. He has more than 1000 fortress shower. The estate is "extinct place", Tlen, dust. About life here reminds only a garden that does not give up the will of the Knight of Pokutivities. Deligious detail: on the table at Plushina "The clock with a pendulum who stopped, in which the spider entered ... Web." (Time stopped here). Plushkin does not eat, does not drink, in constant worries: is it easy - it is easy to make a bodger of goodness from year to year. Holds the injignment of his fortress, so they are mruh with him, like flies (on the joy of chikchiku!). And many hit the run. It should be said that in his youth he was only a leaning owner. After the death of his wife, gradually turned into a hole, broke with his own children, did not show mercy, did not give anything from the inheritance! This is the limit of the human fall! A hot warning sounds in this chapter a lyric retreat: "And to such insignificance, the man could decoup the petty! Could change so much ... "Take the same way to go from soft youthful years in the harsh faster courage, take all human movements with us, do not leave them on the road, do not fit later. "

In all definitions, "not audit - dead souls, and all these nozzles, manilov and them like - here are the dead souls, and we meet them at every step. I fully agree with A.I. Herzen.

Dead souls and mercenary officials led by the governor, an amateur to embroider in a taulior, his subordinates, bribery and casnocradds. Sarcasm writes Gogol about the prosecutor, who without looking signed the paper "the right people."

And only the code he died (and death came from the fright caused by the sense of Chichikov), people found out that he had exactly the soul. Before that, the souls did not notice in it.

"Hersony landowner himself, bought dead shower found. (Why not buy dead, when selling and alive.) - Dead soul, "Knight a penny". His life is the desire for the Golden Mirage. He became a worthy Son of his father, who won to appreciate a penny above friendship, love.

In the poem, not only the negation of Russia of the Sobekyevichi and Plushkina, but also the statement of Russia of the Russian people. " Behind the terrible world of landowners and officials, Gogol looked at the live Rus. Not without flaws and vices.

And the most interesting, dead auda souls are truly alive.

"Here's the Mikheev Karenik! After all, no more crews did not do as soon as expensive. And not how Moscow work happens, which is one hour, - the strength is so, and will generalize, and the lacquer will cover. "

"And Stepan tube, carpenter? After all, what kind of silica was! By serving he in the guard, God knows what Dali, three Arshin with a touchpoint! "

"Milushkin, brick! Could put the oven in any house. "

"Maxim veal, shoemaker: that shell rolling, then the boots that boots, then and thanks" ...

The image of the Russian people, his suffering soul passes through the whole poem. The latitude of the soul, sincere kindness, the Bogatyr delete, sensitivity to the splitting of the word, a wide part of the song - the true soul of the Russian man is manifested. The People's Soul is a Troika Bird, who does not know any obstacles.

But that's not all.

N.V. Gogol believed that anyone, descended and sinned, could and should be reborn to a decent life, realizing her spiritual fall. It was not by chance he wrote in a note related to the last days of his life: Be not dead souls, but lively ... "

A.L.Murzina, Honored Teacher Kaz. SSR, Methodist Methodist NP SOSH "Lyceum" Metropolitan "

On the topic "The problem of the death of the human soul in the works of Russian writers of the 19th century" on the example of the poem N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls", Roman M. Sealtykova-Shchedrin, stories A.P.hehhova, among which this topic is most fully revealed in the story "Ionch". We offer you a detailed statement on the "dead souls" N.V.Gogol, which can be based on its essay.

Souls dead and alive in the poem N.V.Gogol "Dead Souls"

Gogol himself determined his art world as follows: "And for a long time, it was still a wonderful power to go hand in hand with my strange heroes, to look around the whole huge life, to look at her through the prominent world of laughter and invisible, unknown tears."

Indeed, strange heroes in the poem. If N.V. Gogol points out the title to the existence of the "dead souls", it means that there is in the work and lively ...

Who is who? Who can be called truly dead, and who are truly alive? The question is not idle. Especially if you take into account that the poem "Dead Souls" is perceived by Gogol not just as an artistic work, but as a book of life, almost a new Gospel, which should change Russia, and humanity, and his own!

The phrase "dead souls" is multi-valued (there is a darkness of readership guesses, scientific disputes and research).

The origins of the name see the gospel - in the thought of the Apostle Paul about eternal life in Christ. (And this is true).

The researchers found the phrases "Dead Soul" and on the pages of modern Gogol literature in the meanings: "The soul of a great sinner, the soul is devastated, not capable of love, deprived of hope ...". It is difficult to disagree with such a definition.

There is a direct and obvious meaning arising from the history of the work itself. From Petrovsky, in Russia, a revision of the number of fortress peasants (checks) of the number of fortress peasants was carried out every 12-18 years old, because for the male peasants, the landowner was obliged to pay the Government of the "pillow" to file (for each men's soul - "soul" of the family's breadwinner). As a result, revision "fairy tales" (lists) was compiled. If, in the period from revision to revision, the peasant died, in the lists he was still listed and for him the landowner paid to file - before the listings of the lists.

These are these dead, but those who loving the lobsmen of Chichiki, who lily live and conceived to buy a cheaper.

What was the benefit here?

It turns out that the peasants could be laid in the guardianship (in the bank), i.e. Get for each dead soul money.

So, it is obvious that the "dead soul" is a deceased, but an existing peasant in paper, bureaucratic "appearance", which has become the subject of speculation.

But everything is not so easy to plot the poems! In fact, the dead come to life in our eyes and look more like other actors. Interesting observation? Sure! Drawn more or less fully on the pages of the poem landowners, officials, their wives, innovatives?! What are they souls? By sight, on extraordinary mobility - quite alive. And in essence?

One by one, each spiritually insignificant preceding, follow in the work of the owners of the estates: Manilan, box, Nozdrov, Sobekhevich, Plushkin. Typical Russian landowners.

Manilov - "Knight of emptiness", a free-free dreamer, torn away from real life. Sentimental to illness. For Manilov, everyone surrounding is beautiful. He does not show concerns about his fortress, handed over all the crate who ruins the peasants and the landowner himself. He does not know how many peasants died. There are many flaws in the estate. Everywhere only claim for sophistication. What is only worth the inscription on the gazebo - "the temple of a secluded reflection." In the office, two years is a book opened on 14 page. On the windowsill, beautiful rows - ash from a smoking tube. Chichikov quickly succeeds in convincing Manilov in the legitimacy of the "Firework" (transactions). "Law ... I am not a law before the law." To make a pleasant "unexpected dear friend", Chichiku, he not only gives the dead souls, but also takes on the design of the bug. And in the city solemnly presents the "future Kherson landowner" of paper, coarsed in the tube and tied with a pink ribbon.

A box, which was completely accidental, - another landowner. Surname "Talking". She has "good villages" and "abundant farm." In addition to the benefit, nothing interests it. During the bid, I brought Chichikova to exhaustion: I was afraid to extend. After all, she never sold such goods. And fear did not feel before sin! Chichikov calls "Dubinnogol". Sucking was the landowner.

After leaving an unexpected guest, she went to the city to find out at what price the "product" walks. Neither a flashing mind, soul, hearts! .. in a word - Skopidomka.

Nozdrov - "Knight Scandal", lover of beans, card games. At 35 years, the same as in 18. The lack of development is a sign of non-living. He is "a historical person": "Wherever he is, he did not happen everywhere without history." Kutyl, changed, liar, the jam. Lovers of dogs. Gogol leads a murderous detail, characterizing the landowner. "Nozdrov was among<собак> Absolutely as a father among the family "... he had one passion - to nourge the neighbor. After the offer to sell the dead souls, Chichikova began to blackmail. Saved His randomness: Captain - Farder came to arrest Nozzides. Cheerful Packet Council once again "suffered" for robbery.

The landowner of the Sobevich had a giant size: a house, peasant huts, furniture. Yes, and he himself was like the middle size of the bear: he wore a brown coat and an inconspicuously occurred on other people's legs. And called him Mikhail Semenovich. All officials and landowners, he calls fraudsters. Makes his "feats" only at the dinner table. "I have when pork - let's come on the table, lamb - all the ram, goose - all goose!" Chichikov's request for the sale of dead souls did not cause him any surprise or fear. He instantly appreciated the situation and said: "By stu a piece!" And for a long time he traded with chikchikov. He paid at the highest price of the Schemevich - two with half. And in the guardian council, he could get 200 rubles for each "soul", i.e. 80 times more. I squeezed out of Chichikov money for the dead, as for the living. "Kulak" and "Bestia" calls the landlord of chikchiki.

In the dictionary of V.I. Dahl Word "Kulak" - Skury, deceiver, Fucking dealers. " Gogol emphasizes his "non-living", "wooden" entity. "... It seemed that there was no soul in this topic, or she had it, but not at all where he should." The meaning of the life of the Sobehevich - on.

In the gospel there is a commandment that Jesus called the main one. It is simple: love for God is alive only in love for man. The word "love" is not applicable in relation to the Schemevich.

Ends the gallery of landowners in the pryushkin. The owner of a huge estate. He has more than 1000 fortress shower. The estate is "extinct place", Tlen, dust. About life here reminds only a garden that does not give up the will of the Knight of Pokutivities. Deligious detail: on the table at Plushina "The clock with a pendulum who stopped, in which the spider entered ... Web." (Time stopped here). Plushkin does not eat, does not drink, in constant worries: is it easy - it is easy to make a bodger of goodness from year to year. Holds the injignment of his fortress, so they are mruh with him, like flies (on the joy of chikchiku!). And many hit the run. It should be said that in his youth he was only a leaning owner. After the death of his wife, gradually turned into a hole, broke with his own children, did not show mercy, did not give anything from the inheritance! This is the limit of the human fall! A hot warning sounds in this chapter a lyric retreat: "And to such insignificance, the man could decoup the petty! Could change so much ... "Take the same way to go from soft youthful years in the harsh faster courage, take all human movements with us, do not leave them on the road, do not fit later. "

In all definitions, "not audit - dead souls, and all these nozzles, manilov and them like - here are the dead souls, and we meet them at every step. I fully agree with A.I. Herzen.

Dead souls and mercenary officials led by the governor, an amateur to embroider in a taulior, his subordinates, bribery and casnocradds. Sarcasm writes Gogol about the prosecutor, who without looking signed the paper "the right people."

And only the code he died (and death came from the fright caused by the sense of Chichikov), people found out that he had exactly the soul. Before that, the souls did not notice in it.

"Hersony landowner himself, bought dead shower found. (Why not buy dead, when selling and alive.) - Dead soul, "Knight a penny". His life is the desire for the Golden Mirage. He became a worthy Son of his father, who won to appreciate a penny above friendship, love.

In the poem, not only the negation of Russia of the Sobekyevichi and Plushkina, but also the statement of Russia of the Russian people. " Behind the terrible world of landowners and officials, Gogol looked at the live Rus. Not without flaws and vices.

And the most interesting, dead auda souls are truly alive.

"Here's the Mikheev Karenik! After all, no more crews did not do as soon as expensive. And not how Moscow work happens, which is one hour, - the strength is so, and will generalize, and the lacquer will cover. "

"And Stepan tube, carpenter? After all, what kind of silica was! By serving he in the guard, God knows what Dali, three Arshin with a touchpoint! "

"Milushkin, brick! Could put the oven in any house. "

"Maxim veal, shoemaker: that shell rolling, then the boots that boots, then and thanks" ...

The image of the Russian people, his suffering soul passes through the whole poem. The latitude of the soul, sincere kindness, the Bogatyr delete, sensitivity to the splitting of the word, a wide part of the song - the true soul of the Russian man is manifested. The People's Soul is a Troika Bird, who does not know any obstacles.

But that's not all.

N.V. Gogol believed that anyone, descended and sinned, could and should be reborn to a decent life, realizing her spiritual fall. It was not by chance he wrote in a note related to the last days of his life: Be not dead souls, but lively ... "

A.L.Murzina, Honored Teacher Kaz. SSR, Methodist Methodist NP SOSH "Lyceum" Metropolitan "