The problem of the moral beauty of man. Sukhomlinsky's letter to V

The problem of the moral beauty of man.  Sukhomlinsky's letter to V
The problem of the moral beauty of man. Sukhomlinsky's letter to V

Our ideas about the ideal of beauty are embodied in external human beauty. External beauty is not only the anthropological perfection of all elements of the body, not only health. This is inner spirituality - a rich world of thoughts and feelings, moral dignity, respect for people and for oneself ... The higher the moral development and the general level of a person’s spiritual culture, the brighter the inner spiritual world is reflected in external features. This glow of the soul, according to Hegel, is increasingly manifested, understood and felt by modern man. Inner beauty reflects on the outside

The unity of inner and outer beauty is an aesthetic expression of the moral dignity of a person. There is nothing shameful in the fact that a person strives to be beautiful, wants to look beautiful. But, it seems to me, it is necessary to have a moral right to this desire. The morality of this aspiration is determined by the extent to which this beauty expresses the creative, active essence of man. The beauty of a person manifests itself most clearly when he is engaged in his favorite activity, which, by its nature, emphasizes something good in him, inherent in his personality. At the same time, his external appearance is illuminated by internal inspiration. It is no coincidence that Miron embodied the beauty of the discus thrower at a moment when the tension of internal spiritual forces is combined with the tension of physical forces, in this combination - the apotheosis of beauty ...

External beauty has its own internal moral origins. Favorite creativity makes a person beautiful, transforms facial features - makes them subtle, expressive.

Beauty is also created by anxiety, care - what is usually called the "throes of creativity." Just as grief leaves indelible wrinkles on the face, so creative cares are the most subtle, most skillful sculptor that makes the face beautiful. And, on the contrary, the inner emptiness gives the outer features of the face an expression of dull indifference.

If inner spiritual wealth creates human beauty, then inactivity and even more immoral activity destroy this beauty.

Immoral activity disfigures. The habit of lying, hypocrisy, idle talk creates a wandering look: a person avoids looking into the eyes of other people; it is difficult to see the thought in his eyes, he hides it... Envy, selfishness, suspicion, fear that "I am not appreciated" - all these feelings gradually coarsen facial features, make him sullen, unsociable. Being yourself, cherishing your dignity is living blood
true human beauty.

The ideal of human beauty is also the ideal of morality. The unity of physical, moral, aesthetic perfection - this is the harmony about which so much is said.
(According to V.A. Sukhomlinsky)

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In the text offered to us by V.A. Sukhomlinsky raises the problem of human beauty.

When commenting on the text, you should pay attention that the author brings us to the idea that every person wants to look beautiful and in this"There is nothing shameful." In the same time it seems to the writer that people should have a “moral right” to this desire, determined by their attitude to their favorite business.

In the second part of the text V. Sukhomlinsky discusses the origins of human beauty. He notes "creative concerns" and morality are "the most skillful skillful sculptors" that create the appearance of a person.

I fully share the point of view


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ideal of human beauty.

Man has always had a desire for beauty. Living in incredibly difficult conditions, the people created genuine masterpieces, trying to decorate simple household items with painting, embroidery, carving. However, the concept of beauty, which is very complex, including a whole complex of external and internal qualities of a person, has changed over time. Each historical era gave birth to its own idea of ​​beauty. It took shape in accordance with certain climatic conditions, political, economic and other features of social life. Many great minds of mankind have pondered the secrets and laws of beauty, the nature of beauty. The indispensable conditions of "eternal and unchanging" beauty were and remain symmetry; harmony - unity in diversity; mutual correspondence of all features and proportions; complete holistic image; feeling of real life.

Man not only created images of ideal beauty that have come down to us in the works of great poets and writers, masters of painting and sculpture, but in real life he tried to imitate this ideal in all this. Each generation defined its own ideal of beauty, and this primarily concerned women, since less attention has always been paid to the beauty of men.

At all times, connoisseurs of female beauty were men, and the first of them (according to Greek mythology) was the son of the Trojan king Paris, Zeus instructed him to judge Hera, Athena and Aphrodite, arguing among themselves about beauty. "Apple of discord" with the inscription: "To the most beautiful" - Paris handed over to Aphrodite, who was later convicted of using powder and lipstick.

So, almost simultaneously with the appearance of a person, cosmetics appear, preserving beauty, emphasizing the merits and masking the flaws. Now modern women have everything: cosmetics, salon procedures, master classes from professionals. But it was more difficult for women who lived much earlier than you and me to fight for beauty. There are some facts from history about what women were capable of for the sake of their beauty, it is really scary to look at it, but despite all the absurdity, this happened in reality. Here are some of them:


In the 19th century, it was fashionable to eat arsenic to "give a blooming appearance to the face, a sparkle to the eyes, and an attractive roundness to the body." The intake of arsenic, of course, was regulated by a whole set of rules - the moon must be waxing, the first dose - only one grain (until resistance develops), and if you already started, you must continue to eat this muck all your life - otherwise death.

True, there were side effects - arsenic accumulates in the thyroid gland and causes goiter. And sometimes death. But when it comes to beauty, who can stop it.


For more than a millennium, the beauty of women in China has been judged by her foot. In order to please Chinese men and increase the chance of marriage, the women of the Middle Empire had to mutilate their legs. A woman with a normal foot had no hope of getting married. At the first bandaging of the foot at the age of two years, four fingers were bandaged to the sole with meter-long ribbons so tightly that the bones broke. In the end, the foot was supposed to become like a crescent moon. During this procedure, most girls passed out from pain or screamed so much that their mothers gagged them in their mouths. Every day the bandages tightened tighter and tighter. This eventually led to the fact that the skin on the legs began to rot, the nails grew in or completely died off and exfoliated. The rotting skin was cut every day and the fragments of bones were taken out. Sometimes mothers contributed to the speedy process of tissue decomposition and poured china chips, dirt or worms under the bandages. A terrible smell emanated from his feet. The deformation lasted for about three years, after which the feet were actually dead. The ideal size was 7.5 cm!

The most difficult period of corset fashion was experienced by Spanish women of the Renaissance. An iron cover on hinges with holes for ventilation, which served as a corset, was not without reason called an instrument of torture. The waist was reduced to 20–30 cm in girth. As a result, the corset squeezed and displaced the liver, stomach, kidneys, genitals, and disrupted blood circulation. As a result, young women suffered from chronic diseases of the internal organs, dying prematurely from them. Nevertheless, such tight corsets were popular until the 18th century.


Plastic surgery, what is it? Is it an extreme remedy that people resort to to correct certain defects in their appearance, or is it a real addiction, similar to a drug or alcohol addiction?

In pursuit of the perfect face and shape, celebrities give millions, and in the end they become like horror movie characters. Some are so addicted to the surgeon's scalpel that their appearance makes them shudder.


Anorexia is already rightfully called the disease of the XXI century. According to some data, up to 30% of the population of developed countries suffer from eating disorders, 9% of them are anorexia. Every year, anorexia claims many lives of young women and girls, some remain disabled for life.

The beauty of the human body has been raised by our age to incredible heights. The cult of youth and beauty is so absolute that it engenders in people not so much the desire to reach this unreal height as suffering that the ideal is not achievable. All thoughts of modern man are absorbed by external beauty. Behind tons of powder and blush, we hide our self-doubt, our imperfections. Humanity has become too addicted to the game of perfection. And it's not so terrible that the ideal of beauty is so high, but that any inconsistency with this artificial ideal is equated almost to ugliness. It is more important than ever for our age that the ideal of beauty should become more spiritualized. Kindness and tenderness, sincerity and generosity, purity and benevolence should come to the fore in the assessment of human beauty. Perhaps it is in vain that we so stubbornly strive to achieve some illusory ideal. Maybe it's time to accept ourselves as we are!?

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

Higher professional education

"Omsk State Technical University"

Nefteyugansk branch

Department of Economics and Management


On the topic "Ideal of human beauty"

By discipline "Culturology"


Correspondence student

1st course group ZMN-114-NYU

Spirihina Veronika Vitalievna

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The little prince uttered very wise words that not every adult will understand: "Only the heart is vigilant. You cannot see the most important thing with your eyes." He meant that appearance says nothing about a person. The main thing is what is in his soul. A beautiful person can turn out to be absolutely immoral, and an unattractive person can be a person with high moral principles.

F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"

Svidrigailov looks pleasant. Appearance does not betray his terrible inner world: the hero is ready to do everything for the sake of his slightest whim. At first glance, it is impossible to see a tyrant and a rapist in Svidrigailov.

Quite differently it can be said about Sonya Marmeladova. Because of her lifestyle, she is pale, thin, intimidated. But behind this appearance lies a truly beautiful inner world.

Oscar Wilde "Portrait of Dorian Gray"

As a young man, Dorian makes a wish: he asks that a portrait painted by Basil Hallward grow old instead of him. The wish comes true. Beauty becomes the main source of the youth's power. Dorian Gray does not change over the years. His appearance is not spoiled by immoral acts. Behind the beautiful appearance of a young man lies an immoral being, for whom nothing is sacred. People who do not know what this person is capable of do not see anything wrong with him. Beauty only outwardly hides moral ugliness. Turns out, appearances are deceiving.

L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

Helen Kuragina is beautiful, but that doesn't make her a good person. This woman is immoral, selfish, selfish, stupid. Attractive appearance has nothing to do with the moral qualities of the heroine.

The appearance of Marya Bolkonskaya cannot be called attractive. The true beauty of this person is manifested in high moral principles and moral deeds. Heroes, able to see real beauty, did not attach importance to the appearance of Princess Marya.

Our ideas about the ideal of beauty are embodied in external human beauty. External beauty is not only the anthropological perfection of all elements of the body, not only health. This is inner spirituality - a rich world of thoughts and feelings, moral dignity, respect for people and for oneself ...


Each of us throughout our lives develops our own concept of the norm, the concept of morality, the concept of beauty, and, as you know, how many people - so many opinions. What is the true beauty of a person? V.A. invites us to think about this question in his text. Sukhomlinsky.

Analyzing this problem, the author brings to our attention a story from the life of the sculptor Myron, whose "Disco Thrower" became a classic of ancient art and at the same time the most "popular" work of the creator, and someone even calls this statue the pinnacle, "apotheosis" of all the creative activity of the sculptor . The writer draws our attention to the fact that this work of art personifies true human beauty, since this sculpture of a man with a disk in his hand is an image of a person depicted in the process of activity, completely harmonious with her. The author leads us to the idea that the features of this figure are so beautiful because the appearance of this character is “illuminated by inner inspiration” and is depicted through the tension of internal spiritual and physical forces. In other words, V.A. Sukhomlinsky emphasizes that the extraordinary beauty of this figure was a combination of anthropological perfection and inner harmony, spirituality.

A truly beautiful person is the one whose inner and outer beauty acts in a strong tandem and forms a harmonious image. The writer believes that the true beauty of a person is formed primarily from the depth of his inner world - morality, activity, spirituality, creative and aesthetic principles. Of course, anthropological perfection and human health also matter - and only both of these factors, external beauty, purity of thoughts, unity of actions and feelings in a compartment form an integral, harmonious image, which is, in fact, “beauty” in its general understanding. .

One cannot but agree with the idea of ​​V.A. Sukhomlinsky. Indeed, a person is beautiful in the harmony of feelings, actions, thoughts and, of course, appearance. In the event that a person is engaged in what gives him sincere pleasure, takes care not only of external, but also of internal beauty, develops his spiritual world, does not waste time on immoral activities, cherishes his dignity and remains himself - only in this case it can be called truly beautiful.

M. Gorky in the story "Old Woman Izergil" introduces the reader to the "beautiful" hero in all respects. Danko, being a romantic image, is initially presented as a strong, beautiful, independent person, but all his inner beauty is revealed in his actions. Saving a miserable, evil, hypocritical crowd of people from death, he did not think about his own salvation - all his actions were aimed at helping people. Realizing that it was impossible to get out of the forest in total darkness, Danko pulled his flaming heart out of his chest and lit the way for people, giving them the opportunity to live and taking this opportunity from himself. This hero was beautiful not only externally, but also internally, and his altruism and a burning heart were proof of this.

The protagonist of D. London's novel "Martin Eden" is also truly handsome. The writer reveals his image against the background of several layers of the population at once - Martin grew up among the working class, and his formation took place at a time when he had close contact with an educated, bourgeois family. However, he was not truly “his own” with anyone - the lower class was disgusted with drunkenness and debauchery, however, those who at first seemed to him an example, in the end turned out to be hypocrites and were smart and deep only at first glance. The hero himself was always morally pure and radiated inner strength and harmony, which was how he was able to win the heart of Ruth, and having discovered a huge world of books for himself, he began, moreover, to develop mentally, thereby nourishing and nurturing his innate potential. Martin's outward beauty, coupled with confidence, morality and writing, created a harmonious, truly beautiful image that attracts and fascinates the reader from the very first lines.

In conclusion, I would like to say once again that beauty is not only external, it is not only internal - it is the totality of everything that is in a person, framed by the harmony of thoughts, actions and feelings.