Rosselkhozbank mortgage interest rate. Terms of mortgage loans from the Russian Agricultural Bank for secondary housing

Rosselkhozbank mortgage interest rate.  Terms of mortgage loans from the Russian Agricultural Bank for secondary housing
Rosselkhozbank mortgage interest rate. Terms of mortgage loans from the Russian Agricultural Bank for secondary housing

Mortgage calculator Rosselkhozbank allows you to calculate the amount of mortgages for individuals according to the data for 2019. If you want to choose the most advantageous mortgage offer, buy an apartment in a new building or other residential property with a minimum overpayment, then be sure to use the calculator.

Rosselkhozbank is a well-developed bank that occupies a leading position in the financial sector of the Russian Federation. Key areas of activity are consumer lending, servicing corporate accounts, mortgage lending, and attracting deposits from individuals. Low interest rates on mortgage loans make this bank popular among borrowers who want to buy their own home.

Today Rosselkhozbank offers 5 mortgage lending programs.

Acquisition of a mortgage property is a very serious step for every family, since it is necessary to take on obligations to pay off the debt on a monthly basis. The amount of these payments will depend on how competently you calculate the mortgage and how to choose the right mortgage program (at what interest, for how many years).

Our online mortgage calculator Rosselkhozbank will automatically help you determine:

  • Maximum mortgage loan
  • Amount of monthly payments
  • The amount of accrued interest on the mortgage for each month
  • The amount of the total overpayment in monetary terms
  • The amount of the total overpayment in percent
  • The total amount of mortgage payments for the entire period
  • Possibility of early repayment

Using this information, you can get a complete picture of the chosen mortgage program, assess your ability to repay the loan and pay debt payments, and decide on the appropriateness of applying for a mortgage.

Rosselkhozbank provides potential borrowers (including public sector employees and military personnel) with the following options for obtaining a mortgage loan:

  • With down payment
  • With a guarantor
  • With proof of income
  • No down payment (0% down payment)
  • Without guarantors
  • No proof of income from work
  • Personal conditions (young professionals or young families)

When applying for a loan, the bank can offer two options for repaying the debt: through annuity payments or differentiated payments. The mortgage calculator of Rosselkhozbank calculates exactly annuity payments, since they are in the greatest demand among the population.

The calculator is a really convenient and modern way to calculate all mortgage parameters online. For an accurate calculation, finally decide on the type of property.

Mortgage loan in Rosselkhozbank can be obtained:

  • On a plot of land for individual development
  • For secondary housing
  • For a new building
  • For the construction of a private house

Already at the bank branch, be sure to ask a bank employee if it is possible to apply for a mortgage with early repayment at the Agricultural Bank, with state support or maternity capital. We also recall that if the borrower has a salary card in the bank, this will significantly improve lending conditions.

The Russian Agricultural Bank is one of the most significant financial institutions in the Russian Federation. Its peculiarity is that absolutely all shares of the enterprise belong to the state. This means that the bank's activities are mainly aimed at implementing key areas of the state's financial policy.

What conditions does Rosselkhozbank offer for issuing mortgages to individuals?

General features of mortgages in Rosselkhozbank

The main feature of the issuance of mortgage loans in this bank has become more loyal and affordable conditions, which made it possible for ordinary citizens to obtain a loan for the purchase of housing. Back in 2015, the Russian Agricultural Bank began issuing mortgages not only for apartments, but also for private houses and even summer cottages. This year, the bank's customers can also use these credit products.

In 2019, Rosselkhozbank will continue its loyalty line with respect to certain conditions. So, the simplification affected one of the points regarding the continuous experience of the borrower. The only unchanged requirement was the age of the potential borrower: from 21 to 65 years (at the time of repayment of the mortgage debt).

Interest rates at Rosselkhozbank vary between 7.5% and 13%. Their size depends on the mortgage program and the amount of the down payment. A minimum rate of 7.5% is offered for the purchase of real estate in the Tsaritsyno Residential Complex in Moscow for a period of up to 180 months. If the term is 30 years, then the loan amount is calculated at a rate of 8.5%. The bank requires the borrower to obtain life and health insurance, otherwise the rate increases to 11.5%.

This financial institution also works on programs of finished and under construction housing, within the framework of state support and with maternity capital. Interest rates range from 11.5 to 13.5%.

The traditional package of documents for a mortgage loan at the Russian Agricultural Bank includes:

  1. Application form;
  2. Copies of all pages of the passport;
  3. Military ID;
  4. Documents confirming permanent income;
  5. Title documents for the pledge object.

The borrower can get a mortgage without making a down payment only at the expense of maternity capital.

Mortgage programs in 2019

This year, Rosselkhozbank JSC offers citizens of the Russian Federation the following programs:

  • standard housing loan for completed or under construction housing;
  • housing mortgage with state support;
  • mortgage loan "Young family";
  • housing loan on two documents.

Standard home loan

With a home loan, you can purchase a home directly from the developer or buy it on the secondary market. Mortgage payments for a piece of land or the construction of a private house are also allowed.

A mortgage for the construction of a private house is presented in the Russian Agricultural Bank with several options for obtaining a loan. The bank traditionally offers benefits to payroll card holders. It is also possible to apply for a mortgage without proof of income or choose unfinished housing as an object purchased with a mortgage.

Rosselkhozbank offers assistance to citizens who own personal subsidiary plots to build a house in the village. It only takes at least a year to successfully manage the farm.

An application for a mortgage can be accepted by a bank if the borrower owns a plot of land with communications, as well as collateral in the form of quality property (movable or immovable).

Special conditions for a mortgage for construction in the Russian Agricultural Bank:

  • The maximum loan amount is: 8 million rubles for Muscovites and half as much for residents of the regions.
  • The loan amount cannot exceed 50% of the cost of the entire project.
  • The maximum repayment period is 25 years.
  • Interest rate: from 14% - to 16.5%(depending on the loan term and the amount of the down payment).
  • There is no withdrawal fee.
  • Attracting no more than 3 co-borrowers.
  • Home insurance is mandatory, borrower life insurance is optional.

A mandatory condition also includes drawing up an estimate for the construction of a house.

Mortgage with state support

Mortgages within the framework of state support will cost 11.8% per annum. Rosselkhozbank will issue a loan for no more than 30 years. The minimum amount for the down payment should be 20%.

You can get a loan with state support in the amount of up to 8 million rubles (Moscow or St. Petersburg) and up to 3 million for the purchase of housing in another place. The bank allows you to purchase real estate both in the primary and secondary markets (unlike Sberbank).

Mortgage conditions "Young family"

The program "Young Family" has become very attractive for the clients of Rosselkhozbank. Many can take part in it, but the bank provides preferential loans only to young families. The prerequisites for obtaining this loan product include the following items:

  • The age limit for spouses is 35 years.
  • The area of ​​housing for each of the spouses should not exceed 14 square meters. m.
  • A mortgage loan can be issued in dollars, euros or rubles.
  • The maximum loan amount should not exceed 85% of the value of the acquired object and is limited to: 20,000,000 rubles, $600,000 or €500,000.
  • loan repayment period - no more than 25 years.
  • The interest rate today varies depending on the chosen currency and the size of the down payment (10.5%-14.5% in rubles, 9%-10.5% in foreign currency).

Mortgage program "Young Family" in Rosselkhozbank has a number of advantages such as:

  • the absence of any commissions;
  • the ability to choose one of the forms of loan repayment;
  • possibility of early repayment.

Mortgage on two documents

Rosselkhozbank offers its clients to take out a mortgage with only two documents, and without proof of income. But still, in order to increase your chances of approval of the application, it is better to provide at least indirect evidence of your creditworthiness.

Today, the interest rate on this product will be 14-16,5% . The requirements for the size of the down payment are high - about 50%. Under these conditions, you can get credit funds in the amount of up to 8,000,000 (Moscow, St. Petersburg), and up to 4,000,000 in other regions.

The intended purpose of a mortgage loan according to two documents is the purchase of an apartment or townhouse.

Mortgage in Rosselkhozbank and maternity capital

In 2019, Rosselkhozbank customers can use maternity capital to pay off their mortgages in one of the following ways:

  • deposit these funds as an advance;
  • repay part of the debt on an existing loan.

In order to pay the down payment with the mother capital, it is necessary to provide the bank with a traditional package of documents, a certificate for maternity capital, as well as confirmation from the Pension Fund that there is a balance of the mother capital.

The loan is issued according to the following scheme:

  1. Rosselkhozbank issues a loan equal to the mother's capital at the rate of the Central Bank.
  2. After the conclusion of the mortgage agreement, the client applies to the Pension Fund, where he writes an application with a request to transfer funds to pay the down payment.
  3. Upon receipt of funds to the account, the advance debt is written off, and the borrower remains to repay the remaining part of the debt.

How is the procedure for repaying part of the debt with the funds of mother capital on an existing loan?

  1. The borrower writes an application with a request for early repayment of part of the debt.
  2. The bank gives him a document on the balance of the debt on the mortgage.
  3. The client submits a certificate to the Pension Fund and writes an application for the transfer of funds to a credit account in a bank.
  4. The money is credited to the client's account, the debt is reduced.

Rosselkhozbank: plans and prospects

In 2019, mortgage loans from Rosselkhozbank remain in demand on the Russian market due to the unique opportunity to receive a small amount or not confirm their income.

Such loans are especially convenient for those who are able to pay 80-90% of the property value. The prospects for mortgage products from Rosselkhozbank are quite attractive: this year, mortgage rates will be equal to the market average.

In 2019, the bank plans to implement lending programs for the purchase of housing from affiliated developers. Keep an eye on these promotions: they can be a real opportunity to get a cheap mortgage loan.

The mortgage program from Rosselkhozbank is your chance to buy an apartment in a house under construction or already built. With this loan, you can buy a building plot.

Only adult citizens can receive a mortgage loan, provided that the loan expiration date does not come later than the date when the person turns 65 years old. The bank allows several borrowers to take a loan at the same time, and only close relatives of the borrower can act as co-borrowers.

The maximum loan term for this type of loan is 25 years. You can use this loan for various purposes: to purchase an apartment, a house with a plot, to purchase an unfinished construction project.

The term for issuing a loan depends on specific conditions and can vary from 5 to 25 years, the initial payment is from 15 to 20 percent of the loan amount, and the annual interest rate is from 14 percent.

For the construction period, the borrower will need to obtain a guarantee from at least 2 individuals or one legal entity. In addition, a pledge of the unfinished object itself and (or) the land plot on which it is located is required.

The interest rate depends on the term of the loan and the size of the down payment.

Surcharges and discounts to interest rates (cumulative, if applicable):

  • + 3.50% in case of refusal by the borrower and/or solidary borrowers, whose income was taken into account when calculating the loan amount, to carry out life and health insurance or their non-compliance with their obligation to provide continuous life and health insurance during the entire term of the loan agreement ;
  • + 0.50% during the construction of the collateral object (new building), until the submission of documents on registration of the mortgage object of the collateral in favor of the Bank;
  • + 0.50% in case of obtaining a mortgage loan within the framework of the loan product “Mortgage under two documents”;
  • - 0.50% for payroll clients / for "reliable" clients.

To start the calculation, fill in the fields of the form below and click the "Calculate" button.

Rosselkhozbank mortgage loan calculator

One-time expenses upon obtaining a loan (rent of a bank cell, payment for the services of realtors, etc.) must be paid separately and are not included in this amount

Rosselkhozbank is second only to Sberbank in terms of the number of branches in Russian cities. Today, the number of representative offices of this financial institution has reached 1,598. This means that in almost any city with a population of more than 30 thousand people, you can find a branch of the Russian Agricultural Bank. This is important because mortgage lending is much more serious than a small consumer loan. And in order to purchase a home on credit, it is recommended to personally come to the bank's office, and not just fill out an online application on the organization's website.

Rosselkhozbank Mortgage is a completely state initiative. Therefore, it supports all relevant programs, meaning preferential mortgage lending. There are many options for mortgages, each has its own set of interconnected conditions. The financial institution mentioned above issues loans for any real estate (but only residential is meant in this article):

  • buying an apartment in the primary or secondary market;
  • or without;
  • incomplete payment of shared construction;
  • construction of a private house;
  • purchase of a plot of land for the purpose of building a private house on it or without it;
  • acquisition of "frozen" construction projects at any stage of construction.

Important points regarding mortgage loans in this bank

In Rosselkhozbank, the following set of main criteria can be identified that are directly related to the mortgage down payment. These conditions determine the core of the housing lending system. All major mortgage loan programs are built on them (according to November 2017 data).

  1. The mortgage loan ranges from 100 thousand rubles to 20 million rubles.
  2. The size of the loan is affected by: mortgage term, interest rate, down payment, type of residential property, mortgage program option, and even currency.
  3. From Rosselkhozbank
    a mortgage loan is given in three currencies - rubles, dollars and euros.
  4. Under a standard mortgage, the loan cannot exceed 85% of the market value of the property being purchased.
  5. Financial resources for real estate can be obtained by the borrower in three ways: 1) the entire amount or in large parts in a short time period when a finished property is purchased; 2) uniform payments-tranches when it comes to construction; 3) uneven payments with a floating schedule according to an open credit line (as you apply to the bank) - also construction.
  6. IMPORTANT! The client has the right to choose between the type of payments to repay the loan - annuity (fixed payments) or differentiated (the amount of payments decreases as the repayment is made).

  7. Full freedom of early repayment of the debt without commission and hidden interest is supported.
  8. Confirmation of income in a bank form.

Interest rate features

The interest rate on a mortgage is not without reason considered the main condition. After all, it is she who determines the level of overpayment in excess of the market value of housing. Rosselkhozbank is trying to maintain such a percentage in order to keep up with Sberbank in terms of profitability. It is known that the mortgage rate in Rosselkhozbank is determined by the size of the down payment and the period for which the loan is taken. Of course, there are other factors that affect annual interest, but these are the two main determinants. The higher the down payment, the lower the rate. And vice versa. That is an inversely proportional relationship. The longer the loan term, the higher the rate. And the faster you learn how to get a short-term mortgage from Rosselkhozbank, the lower the annual interest will be. That is a directly proportional relationship. Rosselkhozbank offers the following conditions for rates.

You need to know a few more important points that can increase or decrease the rate.

Rate growth

  1. 3.5% if the borrower refuses to take out health and life insurance.
  2. By 0.5% if the property is still under construction. The increase is valid until the end of construction. Likewise, the rate increases until the borrower takes out a mortgage (or full insurance).

Rate reduction

The rate is reduced by one percent if:

  • the client has a bank card to which his salary is transferred. That is, he is a participant in the “salary project”. It is even easier to get a mortgage from Rosselkhozbank for those people who work directly in this bank. But this condition does not work if the borrower wants to take a housing loan in dollars / euros;
  • the client submitted all the necessary documents for a mortgage to the Agricultural Bank ahead of schedule;
  • the client must insure the mortgage without fail (only land plots are not subject to compulsory insurance);
  • the client as a co-borrower attracts a wife / husband or another individual (not a relative). There can be up to 3 co-borrowers.

Borrower's identity and required documents

In this regard, Rosselkhozbank is not much different from most other competitors who have given you documents for registration and also ask for other documentation. The main list of documents is described below (these items mainly apply to individuals). The age of the client must be in the range of 21-65 years. Moreover, the upper age bar is the age at which the hypothetical mortgage will already be repaid, and not taken. The client's work experience for the last 5 years is at least 1 year. And at the last place of work - at least 6 months (a copy of the work book, certified by the employer). Separately, it should be said that persons who have a garden, farm, fields, etc., may not confirm their work experience, since this bank adheres to a policy of supporting agriculture. What documents are needed also depends on what type of mortgage lending the borrower chooses. But in general, this is a standard list:

  1. Original passport and its full copy.
  2. A completed application form (fill in online or when visiting the bank in person).
  3. Certificate confirming the level of income (2-NDFL or in the form of a bank).
  4. Men under 27 years old - a certified copy of the military ID and the original.
  5. A separate package of documents for a mortgage characterizing residential real estate (cadastral and technical passports, report of a specialist appraiser, etc.).
  6. A document proving the ownership of housing, which will be pledged to the bank as a guarantor. If this is a credit property itself, then the seller must present the document. If the borrower already owns some kind of living space, then he presents the papers of ownership.
  7. Insurance sheet for the acquired property.
  8. Other documents that the bank may request on an individual basis.

After reading the list, you can understand that as a guarantee of the return of funds, the RSHB accepts as collateral:

  1. Real estate, the purchase of which is carried out on credit to the bank (the most common option).
  2. Property that the borrower already owns.
  3. Or the bank will be satisfied with the help of financial guarantees of co-borrowers / guarantors, if they have proved their material status.

Benefits and special programs

This financial organization supports social programs: military mortgage, mortgage for a young family, housing loan for low-income families. They have their own special mortgage conditions, which are more profitable and sparing than those offered under the regular market mortgage. Below is a table of examples of military mortgages. To become a member of the program, a serviceman needs to register with the NIS (accumulative mortgage system).

For a young family, they give a housing loan at the Russian Agricultural Bank, where the down payment cannot exceed 10%. But to participate in the program, one of the spouses must be under 35 years old. In the event of the birth of a child, maternity capital can be used to pay the down payment. Moreover, after the birth of a child, the bank is ready to issue a three-year deferral of payments (refinancing). A young family can receive the same deferral for the waiting period while their future housing is being built, but for now they must collect all documents for a mortgage.

Finally, Rosselkhozbank offers to issue a mortgage on an apartment / house, but through foreign currency. The institution is ready to provide up to 600 thousand dollars or up to 500 thousand euros for the purchase of housing for 25 years with a down payment of 15% and a ten percent rate.

Features of a mortgage for construction at Rosselkhozbank

As already mentioned, many today prefer to build their own, private house, and not to buy an apartment. In order for this institution to issue a loan for construction, it is necessary to comply with all the basic conditions that were listed above. It is good when the borrower already owns the land. Since this will also reduce the size of the mortgage down payment of the Russian Agricultural Bank, and will become an additional guarantee to the bank about the return of the issued funds. If the client does not own land, then he will have to take out a loan that covers both the cost of the land and the construction of the house. Moreover, these are two completely different loan programs. When taking a mortgage for construction in a bank, a number of additional requirements are observed:

  1. The interest rate will be half a percentage point higher than the agreed one, until the construction is completed and the ownership of the object is transferred to the borrower.
  2. The size of such a mortgage is calculated not only with an eye on the financial capabilities of the client, but also on the estimated cost of construction. A detailed, step-by-step estimate is needed.
  3. The loan is not issued in one go. A credit line is opened, which the client uses as the construction progresses.
  4. If the borrower does not build himself, but construction contractors are involved, then the cost of their services is taken into account in the estimate.
    In general, the bank cannot issue an amount greater than 80% of the estimated cost of construction.
  5. The minimum down payment is 15%.
  6. The borrower receives financial resources exclusively in non-cash form, and repayment is available in several options.

The land plot owned by the borrower must immediately be pledged (mandatory condition). If the client is not the owner of the site, but rents it, then the lessor must be exclusively local governments. In this case, the lease term must exceed the term of the loan. All these things the borrower will have to prove with relevant documentation. This article is intended for all potential customers of Rosselkhozbank. And since there are a lot of such clients, the information offered here will be in demand.

In 2019, Rosselkhozbank offers to buy housing on the primary or secondary market with the help of a mortgage loan secured by real estate acquired or owned. in Moscow, borrowed funds can be used to purchase an apartment, apartment, townhouse, individual residential building, land plot for subsequent construction.

Benefits of mortgage lending in Rosselkhozbank.

  • The use of an annuity or differentiated system for calculating monthly payments at the choice of the client.
  • The possibility of obtaining a mortgage without presenting documents confirming solvency and employment.
  • Preferential conditions for young families with the ability to defer the payment of the principal debt from the moment the child is born until the child is 3 years old.
  • Opportunity to pay the first installment at the expense of family capital.
  • The procedure for obtaining a housing loan in Moscow

    To get a mortgage at Rosselkhozbank, the borrower must meet the following criteria.

    • Russian citizenship.
    • Age - from 21 years old at the time of application and up to 65 years old at the date of completion of the loan agreement.
    • The presence of permanent or temporary registration on the territory of the Russian Federation.
    • Employment at the current place - 6 months or more (from 3 months - for participants in the Bank's salary projects).
    • Total work experience - from 1 year for the previous 5 years (from 6 months - for payroll clients of the Bank). The requirement does not apply to borrowers receiving pension payments to an account opened with the Bank.

    Owners of personal subsidiary plots must confirm the existence of entries in the house book within a calendar year before applying for a loan.

    The package of necessary papers includes the following items.

    • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
    • SNILS (insurance number is allowed).
    • Military ID for men under 27.
    • Documents that can be used to judge the family status of the borrower, the presence of dependents.
    • A copy of the work book certified by the employing company.
    • Statement of income 2-NDFL or in the form of the Bank for the previous 4 months.

    A loan under two documents is issued upon presentation of a passport and a driver's license, an international passport or a certificate of an employee of state authorities to choose from. In addition, a military ID, marriage certificate, spouse's passport may be required.

    You can submit an application by filling out a form on the website or by contacting a convenient branch of Moscow with a set of necessary papers. The bank will make a decision within 5-10 working days after the submission of a complete package of documents (the time for consideration depends on the chosen mortgage program).