How to check credit history. Credit history

How to check credit history.  Credit history
How to check credit history. Credit history


In this section, select the item "Request for information about credit bureaus" on the left in the menu;
Select the sub-item "Subject" (this is the information you are looking for);

A response from the CCCH (Central Catalog of Credit Histories) will be sent to the specified email address. If the answer comes that the desired credit history is not stored in any BKI, this means that it simply does not exist.

If the code of the subject of the credit history is unknown or forgotten, then you must do the following:
Apply with a passport to any bank. By federal law, the bank is required to provide a list of credit institutions, state and commercial, where the necessary credit history can be stored.

Next, write an application to the bank with a request to provide a list of BKI. Banks cannot refuse on the basis that the applied code of the subject does not have a credit history, because banks can request such information without a code

After the bank issues a list of BKI, it remains only to contact there and get a credit history for free. If the BKI is located in another city, you can send a free-form application to the director of the bureau, but it must be certified by a notary. The application is sent by regular mail, and the BKI will send the credit history to the address you specified, within 10 days, as prescribed by law.

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The credit history contains information about the lender, that is, information about when, in what volumes and which banks an individual or organization received credit resources, as well as how carefully the borrower then fulfilled his obligations to the bank to repay the loan.

The bank can check your credit history at any time

Banks work closely with credit bureaus, periodically asking them for information about borrowers. However, in accordance with the current legal acts, the credit history of a particular borrower can only be obtained by a bank with his consent. If agreement is reached, the required information is passed directly to the credit department.

It is noteworthy that several credit bureaus can have the credit history of one person at the same time. This situation arises if the borrower issued in different banks.

Finding your credit history is not so difficult

To get access to a specific credit history, you first need to find out which credit bureau it is stored in. This matter is complicated by the fact that the credit bureaus themselves do not exchange data with each other. Therefore, in order to check your credit history, you must first contact the central committee of credit bureaus. This can be done through the official website of this organization or by e-mail. This service is provided free of charge for the first time, however, for each subsequent application during the year you will have to pay approximately 450 rubles.

As soon as you become aware of the bureau in which your credit history is stored, you can safely contact it. You can find out your credit history quite quickly, within a few days. After submitting the relevant request, the employees of the bureau will contact you and provide you with all the necessary information.

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Sometimes it happens that a person with a seemingly impeccable reputation decides to get a loan and is refused. The reason may be in some minor flaw that he made in the past. Therefore, before submitting an appropriate application, it would be a good idea to check your own credit history.

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A person's credit history is a defining indicator that affects a person's ability to get a loan. You need to monitor your credit history and avoid late payments.

You will need

  • The passport.


If you applied for loans in different companies, then information about you may be stored in several bureaus, depending on which one the bank has concluded an agreement with. The title part of the credit history is transferred to the Central Credit History (CCCH), which is a division of the Central Bank.

Not only credit organizations, but also the borrowers themselves have access to the information stored in the BKI. Usually, this is resorted to in case of refusal to issue a loan, if the borrower has a good income and impeccable documents. As a rule, in this case, people check their credit history to make sure that there are no errors in the past. Sometimes there are erroneous information in the BCI. They can be eliminated by writing an appropriate application.

Since credit bureaus do not exchange information with each other, the necessary information about yourself can be obtained through the CCCH. This can be done on the website of the Central Bank or by e-mail of the catalog, while you need to know the code of the subject of the credit history. After applying, you will receive a list of bureaus where your credit history is stored. If it is empty, then you either did not take loans at all, or did not agree to provide information to the CBI. This procedure is free only once a year. If you need to use the information more often, you will have to pay about 500 rubles. for each subsequent call.

Remember that information from the bureau can be provided to you only if you apply to it personally or have a notarized power of attorney from the person for whom the credit history will be requested.

Credit history - information about the timeliness of payment of loan payments by the borrower. Credit history is an important factor on the basis of which the bank evaluates the risk of issuing a loan to a consumer.

You will need

  • Passport, email


The borrower's credit history in the form of records in one or several credit bureaus at once. The Bureau is a commercial organization that collects, stores and provides reports on loan obligations and their performance by loan recipients. Several credit bureaus can be located in the territory of one federal district.

The bank provides information about the issued loan only to one of the bureaus with which it constantly cooperates. In order not to contact each bureau and determine which of them has records of a particular borrower, there is a central catalog of credit histories. Therefore, in order to find out your credit history, you first need to make a request to the central catalog and get the corresponding bureau list.

For a request to the central catalog through the post office, send a telegram to the address: "Moscow TsKKI". In the telegram, you must specify: last name, first name, patronymic, passport data (series, number, date of issue) and the e-mail address to which the response should be sent by the central catalog. The e-mail address must be specified in Latin, it must contain all available punctuation marks, and @ must be replaced with the combination - (a).

Make a reassuring inscription on your telegram. The certification inscription is a confirmation to the central directory that the request was made by you. To do this, indicate the need for a certifying inscription to the postal worker. After checking your documents, he will add the appropriate line to the telegram, for example: “I certify my own signature, the passport data of Ivan Ivanovich Petrov.”

Check the email address you specified in the telegram. After receiving the telegram, the central directory will send a response to your e-mail, which will indicate which bureau or several credit bureaus store information about the loans you received.

Upon receipt of the letter, make a request to each credit bureau listed in the central directory response. To do this, send a telegram to each of them, which must be executed in the same way as a telegram to the central catalog of credit histories. After that, records of your credit history will be sent to the e-mail address indicated in them.

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All people, one way or another, monitor their credit history, but credit bureaus, abbreviated as BKI, monitor this much more carefully. It depends on them what you will receive from the bank: money or refusal to issue a loan. And if you are being harassed one by one, it's time to request a credit report.


Find out in which BCI your credit history is located. To do this, you need to send a request to the Central Catalog of Credit Histories, where you will be provided with all the information. It is possible that data about you is stored in several bureaus at once. Please note that you can find out your credit history only through official sources. All offers that promise to provide a loan history of any citizen for a fee are nothing more than tricks of scammers. In order to obtain complete credit information for each person, fraudsters would have to steal data from all credit institutions (there are more than 30 in Russia today) and gain access to database updates, which is almost impossible.

Contact the BKI office where your story is located. From the documents you need to have only a passport. If there is no representative office of the organization in your locality, you can send a request by registered mail to the address of the bureau you need. The letter must contain passport data, all information is notarized. The credit bureau should give you an answer within two weeks. Once a year, you can request information on your credit history completely. The cost of repeated treatment is 200-500 rubles.

You can also find your credit history via the Internet, on the official website of the Central Bank - Here you will be prompted to enter your details along with a digital code, which is usually issued along with the loan agreement. If for some reason you do not have this code, you can get it at the bank, but on a paid basis.

Useful advice

Sometimes there are errors in the credit history that can be the reason for refusing to issue subsequent loans. You have the right to dispute the data. To do this, submit an application to the BCI. The application must be reviewed within a month, after which the credit bureau will either update your history or leave it unchanged. If that doesn't work, go to court.

According to Russian law, the bank, with your consent, has the right to examine your credit history before providing you with finance. You, too, have the right to look at your credit history to find out if a mistake has crept into it.


Remember the details that accompany your credit history: how much, when and from which bank you received, and whether you made payments on time. This will help you in analyzing the text of your credit history.

Find out which credit reference bureaus (CHBs) hold information about you. To do this, contact the bank that issued you the loan. If for some reason you cannot do this, for example, if the bank no longer exists, make a request to the Central Catalog of Credit Histories organized by the Bank of Russia. This can be done by mail or via the Internet using a special application form posted on the official website of the CKKI - This feature is only available if you know your credit history. If you do not have such information, then you can get a report from the CCCH through any Russian bank.

Examine the information received from the CCCH. It will not contain your credit history, but will only be a list of credit institutions that store such information. You will need to make a request to each bureau. This is done by sending a message to the address of a specific BKI in the form of a letter. Once a year, you can get an extract from the credit, if you apply again - for a moderate fee.

Combine all materials obtained from different BCIs. This will be your credit history. If any data is recorded in error, you can contact the credit bureaus and inform them of the misunderstanding. If necessary, you will need to present documents confirming your correctness.

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Consumer loans are very common nowadays. It often turns out that the client is denied the issuance of funds, referring to an unfavorable credit history. To figure out if the bank is right or wrong, you can check your credit history online. You can do this for free.


You can find out your credit history with the help of one of the credit reference bureaus (BKI). The two largest of these are Equifax and the National Bureau of Credit Histories (NBCH). A client of any bureau has to make a request for free only once a year. As a rule, changes can occur in a person's credit history over time, which will affect further relations with banks. If you want to receive information about your credit history more often, each subsequent request will cost about 500 rubles.

Order a letter from the agency containing an account activation code. It will be possible to receive it at the Russian Post upon presentation of a passport. This procedure will allow the client not only to view the history through the Internet account, but also to find out how attractive the borrower is at the moment for organizations, and how likely a positive decision to issue a loan will be. Also, in the personal account, the borrower is provided with such functions as obtaining a certificate from the Central Catalogue, SMS notifications, transactions with various property, contesting history data, etc.

Bureau Equifax has a special service "Online Credit History", which is also available only after registration on the site. Identify yourself by visiting the bureau in person or by sending a certified telegram through a post office that provides telegraph services. The fastest way to find out your credit history is by visiting the office in person. When using the Internet, you will have to expect a response within 10 days or more.


  • Equifax

The credit history of each person is formed, changed and supplemented on a regular basis. It can be checked not only by banks or other organizations that have the right to do so, but also by the citizen himself. To clarify the data, you need to contact special services.


The easiest and at the same time reliable way to get your credit history is to make a special request on the official website of the Bank of Russia. Among the many sections, you must select the link "Request about credit bureaus." Next, the system will prompt you to fill out a short questionnaire consisting of several questions. You will need to enter personal and passport data, as well as an email address. The response that will be sent to your email address will contain information about the bureaus that have your credit history. The last stage of verification is a formal request for information from these organizations. You can check the methods of obtaining your credit history with specialists by phone or come to the company's office in person.

You can check your credit history in a more complicated way. To do this, you just need to contact any branch of any bank or credit bureau and write a request for the information you need. This method has one major drawback. Information will be provided to you, but please note that it may reflect inaccurate information. Credit history in different bureaus may differ, so to be sure, it is better to write requests to several organizations. If the answer indicates that you do not have a credit history, then this means either that you have not taken loans and have no delinquency, or your data is stored in another bureau.

Most banks, before issuing a loan to a person, must send requests to credit bureaus. Based on the data received, a decision is made to issue funds or to refuse. Some organizations provide a paid service that allows you to check your credit score at any time. You can check such data for free once a year on the official website of the Bank of Russia. The paid service can be used an unlimited number of times.

Please note that when requesting information on your own, for example, on the website of the Bank of Russia, you will need your “subject code”. This code consists, as a rule, of fifteen digits, and is indicated in your application to the bank when obtaining a loan. If you do not remember or you do not have the opportunity to restore such data, then you can find out the necessary information at the bank where you took the loan. It is better to contact the credit institution in which you took credit obligations for the first time.

There are many websites that offer their visitors to check their credit history. You should not trust such sources. Information may be distorted or inaccurate. In addition, for the service, as a rule, you will have to pay a certain amount or send a paid SMS message from your mobile phone. If you need accurate and reliable data, it is better to turn to official sources. You can study the information, for example, on the websites of the BKI or the CCCH (Central Catalog of Credit Histories of the Bank of Russia).

Since 2005, credit history bureaus (CHBs) have been actively appearing in our country. These organizations were created in order to collect information about borrowers who use the services of banks. How can I get information about my own?


Information about your credit file can be obtained free of charge once a year. When you apply again, you will need to pay for the service in the amount of 250-500 rubles. If you know the individual code, then information about the credit history can be obtained on the official website of the Central Bank of Russia. To obtain information, you will need to enter personal data (full name), passport data and indicate a digital access code. The digital code is assigned when applying for a loan and is written in the loan agreement. If you have several loans, then the codes will be different. This is the easiest way to get a credit report.

If the digital code is unknown, it is necessary to send an application certified by a notary to the Central Bank. An application form can be downloaded from the bank's website. Within 10 days you will receive a response from the Central Bank and you will find out your personal code and the address of the bureau where your file is stored.

The next step is to contact the bureau at the specified address, having a personal passport with you. To request a credit history, you will need to fill out an application. Based on the completed application, you will receive a response within 10-14 days. The answer can be received in person or asked to be sent by mail.

In order to quickly and easily get a credit history, you need to contact any bank and apply for a loan. At the time of filling out the application, write an application in which you ask for a credit history for review. The lender has no right to refuse you. When the decision is made, you need to contact a loan officer and get a copy of your credit file. It should also be noted that if the bank makes a positive decision, it is not necessary to issue a loan.

If during the year you need to re-acquaint yourself with your credit history, you can get it for a fee at any convenient bank branch.

To obtain a dossier, you will need to contact a loan officer, fill out an application in which you indicate personal data for obtaining a credit history, pay the cost of the service and receive a copy of the credit history in your hands. This option takes no more than one hour.

What is a credit history

A credit history is a dossier on a borrower containing information about the fulfillment by him of his credit obligations. In particular, about when and for what amount he took loans, whether there were delays. Also in the dossier there is data on the current credit debt.

Credit history is kept for at least 15 years. Contrary to popular belief, it cannot be changed. Only if you can't prove that it contains erroneous data. Thanks to it, banks reduce the time to search for information on borrowers and increase the accuracy of forecasts for their reliability. Largely based on the credit history, the bank decides on the approval of the loan, as well as the conditions for its issuance (amount, interest rate).

All credit histories, with the consent of the borrowers, are transferred to the Bureau of Credit Histories (BKI), and some of them - to the Central Catalog of Credit Histories (CCCH). They contain information on more than 95.5 million subjects.

A citizen of the Russian Federation can find out his credit history once a year for free. The procedure for obtaining it can be divided into two parts. The first thing to do for this is to find out exactly where the credit history is stored. This can be done on the website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in the section "Request for the provision of information about the CBI". After going to the site, you must select the subject option. Next, you need to enter your full name, passport data, as well as an email address. To make a request, you need to know your credit history subject code, which is attached to the loan agreement. After the request, you will receive a list of credit bureaus in which your credit history is stored on your email address. If you took loans from different banks, information about loans may be contained in several BKIs. If there is no credit history in any BCI, then a message will come up that there is no credit history.

If you do not know the code of the subject of the credit history, or did not form it at all, contact any bank with an application to provide you with a list of CBIs that store your credit file. Banks may request this information without a code. This service is chargeable in most organizations.

After the list of BKIs becomes known to you, you can apply to them with an application for a credit history. This can be done during a personal visit with a passport - this option is available only if the BKI is located in the same city as the borrower's place of residence. Otherwise, you must send an application in free form by mail. But then it must be certified by a notary. After 10 days, you should receive a credit report to the return address indicated in the application.


Tip 17: How to check your credit history online for free

Having applied for a loan, the borrower may hear from bank representatives a refusal to issue funds. Quite often, this is due to the fact that a person has a faulty credit history, and financial institutions consider the risks of loan default to be very high. To avoid such unexpected troubles, you need to find out your credit history in advance, and if it is positive, then go to the bank with peace of mind.

Credit history and its structure

A database for a specific borrower containing detailed information about obligations and their performance under existing loan agreements is called a credit history. It is legally established that every borrower has the right to find out his credit after going through a series of procedures in advance.

The credit history, with the consent of the borrower, is transferred to the credit bureau and stored there for up to 15 years from the moment the last entry was made in it.

A credit history is a document that includes the following sections:

1. personal data - identification information about the recipient of the loan. For an individual, this is a surname with a first and middle name, passport details, marital status, place of work, education. For organizations, the main data are the name of the legal entity, its USRN, TIN, types of activities, etc.

2. The main part includes information about the type of loan, amount, calculation of interest, timely or late payments, as well as the presence of an open loan and current debt.

3. The additional part contains confidential information about all creditors with whom the borrower had a contractual relationship.

The credit history does not contain data on the borrower's property, his acquisitions, as well as personal additional information.

To find out your credit history for free, you may need a credit history subject code.

How to check your credit history online

To find out your credit history, you need to go to the official Internet resource of the Bank of Russia and go to the "Credit History" tab. On the page that opens, fill out the proposed form, indicating in it your code of the subject of the credit history and the email address to which the Central Catalog of Credit Histories will send the answer.

How to find out your credit history at a credit bureau

You can find out about your credit at the Credit Bureau. It is worth noting that the borrower can make a request for free only once a year. The following unlimited requests are serviced for a set fee.

Information about credit history can be provided electronically or in writing in several ways, for which it is necessary:

  • send a notarized application for obtaining information on credit history to the address of the credit bureau;

  • send a telegram with the attached application to the bureau;

  • register on the bureau's website, leave an application, and then contact the bureau's office for identification, or send a telegram (in this case, the applicant's signature is certified by a post office employee);

  • personally visit the office of the Credit Bureau and pick up a credit report.

How to send a request through the post office for a credit report

Another way to find out about your credit history for free is to send a request to the Credit Bureau through the Russian Post. To do this, at the local post office that provides telegraph services, fill out an application indicating personal identification data and e-mail, to which a response from the catalog of credit histories should come.

If the data in the credit history is not true, then this information can be challenged. The credit bureau may update the story if it agrees with the borrower's arguments, or leave everything as it is, which entails filing a lawsuit.

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Tip 18: How to find out a credit history for free by last name via the Internet

From time to time, citizens of the Russian Federation feel the need to find out their credit history for free by last name via the Internet and thereby assess their chances of obtaining a new loan. Obtaining data online takes much less time than contacting government authorities.


You can find out your credit history for free via the Internet at the appropriate credit bureau. You can find out in which bureau your history is stored in a special section on the official website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Go to this portal using the link below to immediately be in the section for inquiring about the credit history of citizens. Select "User" as the entity requesting the data.

Select the appropriate item in the menu for confirming the presence of an additional code of the subject of the credit history. This code is required to continue the operation. If you don't have it, get the combination by following the given instructions. You can create a code yourself when applying with a passport to any credit bureau or credit institution. Also, citizens have the opportunity to use the documented consent of the subject of credit history to obtain the necessary report for certain purposes. In this case, the completed document must be submitted to one of the credit history bureaus, any credit organization, credit cooperative, microfinance organization or notary, after which information on loans will be provided without an additional subject code.

Go to the final section of the site to find out your credit history for free by last name via the Internet in the future. Fill in the fields provided with information about yourself. In addition to the last name, first name and patronymic, you will need passport data. Also enter an additional code of the credit history subject and an email address to which representatives of the Central Bank will send a response in the future. Pay attention to the recommendations at the bottom of the page regarding the correct data entry. Then click "Submit Data". Information about the credit bureau will be sent to you by e-mail within a few business days.

Contact the credit bureau that was indicated in the email. Contact information can be found on the organization's website. Usually a personal visit by a citizen of the specified facility is required, however, some companies may send a credit report by e-mail or regular mail. This requires sending your personal information, certified by a notary, to the address of the bureau.

What information is included in a credit history

1. Personal information (last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, passport details, TIN, SNILS).

2. Data on loans, not only current ones, but also closed ones. Delays in loan payments, delays in payments for utilities, etc. are also indicated. (if their recovery was in court).

3. Data on organizations that issued loans, as well as all transfers of rights on debt claims, if any.

4. Data on all requests for loans, indicating the organizations to which you applied for it. Also in this part of your credit file there is information about refusals (and reasons for refusals) in a loan. Also here you can find marks about small delays in payments on loans.

Where are credit records located?

All credit histories of citizens are stored in credit bureaus, of which there are 17 today. Their addresses can be found on the website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation ( The credit history of a particular individual can be in any of them or even in several at the same time.

How information is sent to credit bureaus

Information is transmitted in accordance with the Federal Law (Federal Law) "On Credit Histories" by creditors, and with the written consent of the credited. If such consent is obtained, the lender, within ten days after the occurrence of the conditioned event, transfers the data needed to create a credit history to the credit history bureau.

Credit history is stored in the bureau for 10 years after the last change in the "dossier".

Once a year, the borrower has the right to request his credit history (CI) free of charge. However, if you study the existing methods for obtaining a report, it turns out that it is difficult to do this without money, but still it is possible and will tell you how.

Experts advise checking your credit history 1-2 times a year. Firstly, the approval of loans in the future and the interest rate on them depend on its quality. If the bank messed up something, then this can become an obstacle to obtaining a new loan when it is needed.

When a borrower applies for a loan, the bank sends a request to the credit bureau. This is necessary to find out if the client has made any delinquencies on past loans, as well as to assess his current debt load.

Secondly, it allows you to track if any fraudster has issued a loan in your name, and this happens.

Before applying for a CI, you need to find out in which credit bureaus (CHIs) it is stored. The fact is that today in Russia there are 21 BCIs. And the bank could send it to any of them or even to several at once. And if the question arose of checking your history, then you need to check the information in all bureaus (it may vary, since different banks cooperate with different CBIs).

How can a borrower find out where his CI is stored?

You can find out in which bureaus the information on the borrower is collected only through the Central Catalog of Credit Histories (CCCH). If the borrower knows his code of the subject of the credit history, then he can do this of the Bank of Russia.

The code of the subject of credit history is a set of alphabetic and numeric characters invented by the borrower at the time of applying for a loan. It serves as a PIN code for online access to the CCCH database.

If the code has not been generated or the borrower has forgotten it, then it will no longer be possible to obtain the necessary information via the Internet. You will have to personally go with a passport to a bank, any credit bureau, post office, microfinance organization, credit cooperative or a notary and send a request to the Central Bank through them.

The Central Bank does not provide borrowers with a credit history itself, it only provides a list of credit institutions in which it is stored.

By the way, when contacting a bank or credit bureau, the borrower can create a new credit history subject code for their future requests. But institutions can provide this service both free of charge and on a paid basis.

What are the ways to get CI?

Once a year, the borrower has the right to receive his credit history free of charge. The question immediately arises, what if the information is stored in several bureaus? “Each bureau will provide one credit report free of charge,” Equifax BCI commented to

You can get your report in each bureau in several ways:

  • send a request by mail, but the application must be certified by a notary;
  • send a request by telegram;
  • through the online services of the partners of the bureau;
  • contact the office of the organization that cooperates with the bureau (a list of them can be found on the website of the bureau);
  • personally apply to the office of the BKI with a passport.

But most of these methods can be called free only conditionally. Certification of a signature by a notary in Moscow costs 900 rubles, you will also have to pay for sending a telegram (281 rubles for the inscription “certified by a telecom operator” and 2.8 rubles for each word).

Partners of the bureau will charge a fee for intermediary services - about 400 rubles. It remains only to go to the bureau in person. The downside of this approach is that BCIs work only on weekdays from 9:00-10:00 to 17:00-18:00, so you have to take time off from work.

Why is it so difficult to get your credit history for free?

As noted in Equifax, the current methods of obtaining a credit report really act as a barrier, especially for citizens who do not live in Moscow and the Moscow region. “We had appeals from citizens who also considered the transport costs for trips to the bureau,” the bureau says. - Even if you wish, it is unrealistic to go around all the BCIs, because. many of them are located in different cities. The largest BCIs are concentrated in Moscow, and for the regions, the way to apply to the BCI is also difficult to access.”

But from a security point of view, the difficulty of obtaining a CI is justified. As experts explain, information from a credit history should be available only to its subject, therefore, when requesting a credit report, identification of the subject of the credit history is required. “Otherwise, anyone could have access to the information of the subject of the credit history: spouse, matchmaker, brother, parents, scammers - everyone who has personal data of the subject of the credit history,” the BKI emphasizes.

Getting a credit history in practice

Step 1. We find out in which bureaus the credit report is stored. I did not have a credit history subject code. So the first thing I did was call the bank that issued my credit card ( the only loan product I have ever applied for), where I was informed that such a request to the CCCH, as well as the creation of a code, would cost 350 rubles. Since my goal was to find out my credit history absolutely free of charge, I had to go look for another bank to send a request.

First of all, I decided to go to Promsvyazbank - the choice fell on him only because he was the closest to me - his office is located on the territory of the business center where I work. And I was immediately lucky - it was possible to send a request for free. The only thing was that I had to wait about 15 minutes until the department employee found the application form itself - they are rarely contacted for this service.

A bank employee made a copy of my passport and asked me to fill out a form that combined both the request to the Central Control Commission and an application for creating a credit history subject code (in addition to the passport data, it was also necessary to indicate SNILS and TIN).

The next time I want to receive information from the CCCH, it will be easier for me to do this, since now I have a credit history subject code, the main thing is not to forget it.

The bank accepted my application at about 15:00, the next day at the same time (that is, no more than a day passed) they called me from the bank and asked me to come for an answer (there was a slight hitch - the answer should have been sent to the e-mail that I indicated in the application, but for some reason he entered the bank office, to go close - so it's not so scary).

From the response to my request, I learned that my bank sends information about my credit “well-being” to three credit bureaus - the National Bureau of Credit Histories (NBKI), Equifax Credit Services and the United Credit Bureau (UCB).

In principle, you could try to find out information about the bureau in your bank. But, firstly, the bank can, but is not obliged to provide information about this. And, secondly, if the purpose of checking the CI is to find out if any fraudster has issued a loan for you, then this method will not work, the attacker could have received borrowed money from another credit institution. So the best thing is to get an official answer from the CCCH.

Step 2. We go to the BKI website. And once again we study information about services for private clients.

The site should describe in detail all the ways to obtain a CI. Perhaps there will be another free option on this list, besides a personal visit. In my case, this pleased Equifax. He has a special online service, but to use it, you need to identify yourself again. The process is not the easiest, but saves time on the road.

How to get a report for free through the Equifax online service?

To access my CI online, I had to register on the resource. To do this, I indicated my full name, passport details and email. Next is the process of my identification. There are 4 ways to get through it:

  1. send a telegram (again, for a fee, so I didn’t consider this option);
  2. personally come to the office of the bureau (but then you can personally immediately receive a report, so I didn’t consider this option either);
  3. confirm the identity at the office of the Contact payment system (the service is paid - 180 rubles, so this option was not considered);
  4. use the free eID service (it generates questions for the borrower based on his credit history).

eID turned out to be the only suitable option for me. I chose it and the service generated five questions. Among them:

  • Which of the suggested values ​​is closest to the approved credit limit for your card?
  • which range is more in line with your current card debt?
  • what date is closest to the full repayment date of the car loan in bank N (a trick question, since there was no car loan in bank N)?

Each question was accompanied by several answers, but none of them indicated the exact numbers - only an approximate range. The user has only three attempts to correctly answer all questions. If you do not pass the test successfully, you will have to personally go to the office. I succeeded just for the third time (the fact is that the bank does not send information to the bureau immediately, but with some delay, so if today the debt on the card, for example, is 10 thousand rubles, and a few weeks ago it was 15 thousand rubles, then in the answers you need to choose a range closer to 15 thousand rubles, I got burned on such “mistakes”).

Time for answers is limited to 10 minutes. After a successful attempt, it was required to print out the consent to the processing of personal data, sign it and make a scan, as well as send a scanned copy of the passport (it is possible to attach files in the personal account). Further, the service announced the need for verification, which may take several days. But in fact, I got access to ordering my first free credit report an hour later.

The report was sent to your email as a link to a PDF file.

Step 3. If there are still no other ways to get a report for free, then we look for contacts and a schedule for receiving citizens on the BKI website. The central office of the BKI and the office where an individual can get a credit history is not always the same place. So you have to be careful. For example, the main one is located in the center of Moscow - st. Bolshaya Nikitskaya, house 24/1, building 5, entrance 3, and the office for accepting borrowers is already located near the Vladykino metro station at the address: Novovladykinsky pr., 8, building 4, entrance 1.

Step 4. We go to the office of the bureau, not forgetting to take our passport with us. The road from work to the NBKI office took me about an hour. The process itself is less than five minutes. It was enough to show your passport and fill out an application. While I was filling out the required fields in the form, the bureau employee found me in the database and printed out a credit report.

That's actually all. It remains to visit the next bureau in the same way. You can get a credit history absolutely free of charge at the address: Moscow, 2nd Kazachiy lane, 11, building 1.

In total, the process of obtaining a list of all the bureaus where my credit history is stored, and the requests themselves, took three days. Interestingly, if I had chosen more convenient ways to obtain CI, the duration of the process would still not have been reduced. When contacting the BKI in person, the report is provided to the borrower immediately, and if through other channels, then within three days. It's all about convenience and travel time.

After receiving your credit report, you need to carefully study it - whether any mistake, typo or extra credit has crept in. If an error is found, you can consult with the BKI employee on the spot about how to correct incorrect information. There are two options: write an application to the bureau, then the BCI will contact the source of incorrect information and ask to double-check it, or the borrower can directly contact the bank or MFI that sent the erroneous information. If the error is confirmed, then the story will be corrected. Most likely, you will need to attach documents confirming the inaccuracy to the application, for example, receipts for paying the loan on time. Therefore, it is very important to keep such papers.

Loans have firmly entered the life of a modern person. However, in some cases, when applying for a loan to a financial institution, a citizen receives a negative answer. In this case, the bank has the right to refuse to explain the reasons for the refusal. Three of the most common are:

  • the potential borrower has an insufficiently high level of income;
  • a citizen has a bad credit history;
  • the bank itself has temporary restrictions on work on the selected loan program.

Whatever the reason, the problem can always be solved. However, in order to avoid possible misunderstanding between a potential borrower and financial institutions, it is better to first familiarize yourself with the data contained in the citizen's credit history.

Why you need to check your credit history

As a rule, if a person does not encounter any problems when applying for a loan at a bank, then checking his credit history does not interest him. Pay close attention to the information contained in it, even if you receive a single refusal to provide a loan.

There is a possibility that the citizen is simply not aware of the existence of facts of late repayment of loans or fraudulent activities. It may happen that as a result of erroneous actions of bank employees or a software failure, negative information has appeared in the credit history of a citizen (in this case, it may not correspond to reality).

In order to identify the presence of such facts in time, to try to correct them, you should periodically check your credit history. It should be borne in mind that once a year, any citizen can get a credit report absolutely free of charge.

At the moment, the list of the largest credit histories in Russia, which store more than 80% of all credit histories of Russians, is as follows:

  • National Bureau of Credit Histories (NBKI). Most Russian banks transmit information to this bureau.
  • Equifax. As well as the NBKI is the most popular bureau in the country.
  • United Credit Bureau (UCB). This is a subsidiary of Sberbank, and therefore if you need to check your credit history specifically for Sberbank loans, then it is better to contact this bureau first of all.
  • BCI "Russian Standard". Subsidiary bureau of Russian Standard Bank. All information on Russian Standard loans is guaranteed to be checked in this BCI. For loans from some other banks, information may not be available.

TOP 5 ways to find out your credit history

There are different ways to get a credit report. When choosing the best option, you should take into account the fact that information about the same citizen can be stored in several credit bureaus at the same time. However, the data in each of them may be different.

Therefore, it is advisable for a citizen who has previously taken loans to find out in which bureau information about him is stored. To do this, you will need to go to the central catalog of credit bureaus, which can be done through the website of the Central Bank. Here, in addition to passport data, it is necessary to indicate the code of the subject of the credit history, which was assigned when you first applied for a loan. In the event that such a code is unknown to a citizen, you can update the code or install it again by writing an application to the bank where you have a loan now or where you had it before.

There are 5 best ways to check your credit history. Let's dwell on each of them in more detail.

1. Contact the Credit Bureau directly

If you know where the information is stored, it is best to contact the relevant bureau directly. You can do this in several ways:

  • personal visit to the office;
  • sending a telegram to the address of the bureau;
  • online, if the BKI provides such an opportunity. Equifax, one of the world's largest financial institutions, provides an opportunity register a personal account on the website. After that, you can check your credit history online for the first time for free.

The credit bureau collects, stores and processes information about borrowers. It also generates and provides credit reports at the request of individuals or financial institutions.

BKI can offer citizens the following range of services:

  1. reporting on the client's credit history. According to statistics, this is the most popular service, which is applied for by both citizens who want to get acquainted with their credit report, and legal entities in order to find out the reliability and reputation of a potential borrower;
  2. if inaccuracies or erroneous information is found in the credit history, the credit rating can be challenged;
  3. preparation of a certificate with detailed information about all bureaus that have data on the client's credit history. It may be required if it turns out that there is information about a citizen's credit history in several databases at the same time. At the same time, one of them may contain negative information, which does not guarantee the availability of relevant data in all the others;
  4. bureau employees can also assign or change a credit history number (when making such a request, you will need to provide passport data and their confirmation).

2. In the offices of banks-agents of the CBI

You can also get acquainted with the credit report through one of the banks - agents of the Bureau of Credit History. These include, in particular, such large banks as Post Bank, Renaissance Credit Bank, Binbank, VTB Bank of Moscow, and some regional banks. It is better to ask about the availability of such a service directly at the bank's offices.

In order to obtain your data on credit history, you must contact the office of the agent bank and submit an appropriate application. Usually the preparation of the document does not take more than a quarter of an hour. Unlike BKI, representatives of agents charge for preparing stories - as a rule, it is about 800-1300 rubles. In this case, you do not need to notarize the request.

3. In Internet banks

How to check your credit history online without leaving home? Many people think that it is difficult, and they are wrong. For an online check, it is enough to use the service of ordering a credit report through the Internet banks of well-known credit institutions.

Among the agent banks that provide the opportunity to order a credit report directly in the Internet bank are Sberbank and Binbank. For example, to check your credit history in Sberbank-Online, you just need to log in to the system and in the "Other" section, select the "Credit History" item, click the "Check Credit History" button. The cost of the service is 580 rubles and will be debited from your Sberbank card account.

In the personal account of Binbank, as in other banks, the procedure for ordering a credit report is approximately the same.

It is important to know that banks cooperate with different financial institutions. So, in Sberbank you can get information from the OKB bureau, and in Binbank from the NBKI.

4. Order a credit report in Euroset stores

Recently, you can check your credit history on your passport at the Euroset company. To receive such a service, a citizen needs to come to any of the salons and contact the seller. From documents in addition to the passport, nothing is required. The provision of this service is paid - the cost is 990 rubles.

In addition to providing a credit history, the company also offers a service called "Ideal Borrower". With its help, you can determine an action plan that will help improve your credit history (if it turned out to be negative). Recommendations can be generated based on the time frame for which the client needs to improve his rating, and the score indicated in the credit report. For such a service you will have to pay 490 rubles.

5. ACRIN service (credit report from NBCH)

Where to check your credit history online? You can also order the required information through a special service of the Credit Information Agency, which is the largest official representative of the NBKI.

The following services can be obtained through a credit information agency:

  • Get a certificate from the Central Catalog of Credit History.
  • Set the code of the subject of the credit history.
  • Generate an express statement of the NBCH.
  • Order a credit report from NBKI
  • Order a credit report from the bureau of credit histories "Russian Standard" (BRS).
  • Find out your credit and borrower's scoring.
  • Challenge your credit history with the NBCH.
  • Connect SMS-informing for each change in your credit history.
  • Find out information about mortgage cars.

The credit history that is presented in the personal account is available only to the account owner. If necessary, you can seek advice from the specialists of the Credit Information Agency either via e-mail or by phone.

The ACRIN service is ideal for those who regularly update the data contained in their credit history. Here you can subscribe to several reports at a significant discount, as well as order a short extract from the NBKI, which costs only 60 rubles.

To use the services of the service, you will need to go through the stage of registration and identity verification once. You can pay for services in various ways, including electronic money (Webmoney, Yandex.Money) and from a bank card online.

6. Credit history assessment services

Recently, services for assessing the credit history of individuals are gaining particular popularity. These services literally in a matter of minutes will help you get a kind of mini-statement on your credit history. It contains your rating of the borrower and important information from the credit history (For example, are there any delays, in what period it was, etc.). But you won’t be able to see more detailed information, for example, in which bank you have a loan or where there were delays.

The advantage of this service is its ease of obtaining and the cost, which is 2-3 times lower than the cost of ordering a full-fledged credit report from the CBI (about 300 rubles).

The most popular services are MoneyMan, My Rating, 3BKI.


Many also ask and search on the Internet how you can check your credit history by last name. The answer here is simple - it is impossible to check a credit history only by last name. Access to the borrower's information about the credit history is possible only with passport data and with identity confirmation.

Experts recommend periodically checking your credit at least once a year. In this case, if discrepancies are found, it is possible to correct the data in a timely manner. If you need a loan for a significant amount, but there is simply no credit history, it is advisable to first create a positive history, and only after that apply to a financial institution for a loan.

Credit history is information about the use of credit funds for each citizen who applied to the bank. Thanks to this dossier, you can find out how the loan was repaid, whether there is a debt to the bank, if so, in what amount. Before granting a new loan, financial institutions need a potential borrower.

When do banks ask for credit history?

In most cases, it is completely impossible to get a loan without going through the verification process, especially when it comes to large loans such as mortgages. Therefore, it is necessary to approach credit obligations responsibly and pay on time. Thanks to timely payment, you rid yourself of a “bad” credit history.

When applying for a loan, you must consent to the request for a personal file. A bank specialist will definitely study it and only after that will make a decision on the application left. If you would like to review your history before applying, there is a way to learn how to check your credit history for free. To do this, at the time of application, you must write a written application to the head of the bank, in which you ask to familiarize yourself with your personal credit file. The bank has no right to refuse you, as it made a request to the credit bureau to make a decision. However, some banks do not check credit history and set a high interest rate.

How to check your credit history yourself?

Today, anyone can check a credit file for free. To do this, you need to visit the website of any bank or loan broker. If during the year it still becomes necessary to check your history, you will need to pay about 500 rubles. For a fee, you can check at least every day. Each request is charged separately.

Where can I check my credit history if it is not possible to request through a broker?

Before you get your file details, you need to find out exactly where your credit history is stored. Details can be obtained from the bank where the loan was issued. You can study the loan agreement, some lenders indicate the address of the BKI and a personal code to obtain the necessary information.

If you know the address, you must first find out the time of admission and go there with your passport at the indicated time. To check your credit history, you must write an application in which you state your own request. You should not expect that the data will be provided to you within a few minutes, you will have to wait a few days.

In the event that your office is located in another city, you must fill out an application and send it by mail with a notification. Within a month you will receive an answer. Please note that if you have several loans, the information may be stored in different bureaus. Therefore, if you want to check your credit history in each of them, you have the right to do it once a year for free.

You can check your credit history online for free. Further on this page there is a detailed instruction on how to do this. However, the number of free applications for obtaining a credit history is limited by law. He also established certain deadlines and procedures for the preparation by employees of the bureau of credit histories of a response to a specific request. And this means that in order to receive such a report as quickly as possible or more often than indicated in the Law of the Russian Federation No. 218-FZ, you still have to spend both time and money (on average from 300 rubles to 1200 rubles). To minimize your material and time costs, in particular, you can use the following offer:

What is a credit history

The CI contains the following information:

  • information about the borrower(in particular, the details of an identity document);
  • credit data(amounts, maturity dates, etc.);
  • information about the organizations (creditors) that issued the loan and institutions that have access to the CI (users).

You can check your credit history for free or for money through a request with the help of several organizations:

You can get information about your credit history for free only at the BKI and only once a year.

Why and who needs to know your credit history

Every person who cares about his future should have a clear idea of ​​his CI. There are several reasons for this (including for those who have never taken a loan):



  • Errors in bank procedures

There is a human factor in the work of financial institutions. Therefore, employees of such institutions may, due to their own inattention or software failure, transmit erroneous information about the repayment of a loan to the CBI and thereby worsen the credit history of a particular borrower.

  • Increasing cases of fraud with a loan on someone else's passport

Due to the large number of simplified lending programs (especially consumer loans), the risk of issuing funds under false documents has increased. First of all, this concerns lost passports.

  • Determining the probability of obtaining credit funds the next time you apply for a loan from a bank

Before signing a loan agreement for a large amount, financial institutions usually check the credit history of a potential borrower. In the case of a bad CI, banks may refuse to issue a loan.

  • Free travel outside the country

Systematic failure to fulfill obligations under the loan can lead to a ban on traveling abroad.

  • No risk of an unpleasant meeting with bank services that work with overdue debts, or

The presence of a bank with delinquent loans worsens both its financial condition and reputation. Accordingly, banks are actively working with unscrupulous borrowers with all the means available to them, including turning to services specializing in debt recovery.

Why you need to know your credit history subject code and where to get it

At the time of the formation of the CI, the client receiving the loan is assigned the code of the subject of the CI. The site offers the following definition of this concept:

The CI subject code performs several important tasks:

  • helps to remotely find out the contacts of your BKI;
  • protects information about CI from strangers;
  • allows you to change the old one or get an additional new code through the Central Bank website.

In case of loss or absence of the CI subject code, a new code can be generated. To do this, you must contact the bank or any BKI with an application to change the code. The cost of this service is approximately 300 rubles.

How to find out your credit history for free

A simplified process for checking your credit history is presented in the diagram.

The detailed algorithm for obtaining your own CI is as follows:

When filling out the form, you should consider the following rules:

  • for citizens of the Russian Federation, full name should be written in Russian letters;
  • specify the date in the format "DD.MM.YYYY" (day, month and year);
  • do not put a space between the series and the passport number;
  • do not put a space between the word and the quotes adjacent to it;
  • do not allow more than one space between words.

With a correctly formed request, the following information should be displayed on the screen:

  • Receive an answer about your BKI to the specified email address:
    • In case of an error in filling out or the absence of a CI for a specific person, a notification of this type will be sent to the e-mail: “Relevant information was not found at the request. Specify the details of the request.
    • If all the data in the request is filled in correctly, an email will be sent to the email with a list of credit bureaus that store a specific credit history.
  • Find out directly your credit history for free and without registering on any sites.
  • There are several options for getting a response. without using the internet.

    The easiest way is to personally apply with identity documents and their photocopies to your BKI, for which you need to do the following:

    • Submit documents and photocopies.
    • Fill out an application on the spot.
    • Get your CI.

    In this case, it is not necessary to certify the documents with a notary, and the answer will be given on the day of the appeal. Such a service is provided free of charge only once a year, and all subsequent calls will be paid according to the tariffs established by the institution.

    In addition, there are other options for applying for clinical trials offline. The NCBI website indicates, for example, the following methods:

    1. Sending a mail request involves the following tasks:

    All subsequent reports, except for the first one, cost 450 rubles during the year. for each request. However, if the previous request was less than 12 months old, a copy of the payment receipt must be attached with the new request. The NBKI forms a response within 3 days from the date of receipt of the documents and sends it by mail to the address specified in the request.

  • Sending a telegram with a request provides for the following algorithm of actions:
    • Prepare a telegram indicating the full name, information about the place and date of birth, phone number with the address, as well as the data of the identity document.
    • Verify the signature of the postal worker.
    • Send a telegram to the NKBI.
  • If the request is not the first one in a year, you must additionally send a receipt by fax for payment for the provision of clinical trials. The terms for receiving the report (as well as the cost of a repeated request) are similar to the conditions for sending a request by mail.

    How to check your credit history online for free

    Forming a request online is much more convenient than visiting a post office, a notary or your BKI. To receive your CI via the Internet, you can use one of three main methods:




    Request through an NBKI partner"Credit Information Agency"

    • Possibility of remote access.
    • Intuitive website interface.
    • Availability of bonus promo codes.
    • Declared efficiency in generating a certificate (up to half an hour).
    • An additional service in the form of an assessment of the probability of obtaining a loan.
    • Passing identification with the need to visit the post office or agency office.
    • The lack of clearly indicated on the site information about the cost of the service, although it is paid.
    • Mandatory registration in a personal account.
    • The need to pay for the service in a specific way (Sberbank, electronic payment, Elksnet terminal).

    Obtaining a CI through the Internet banking of your bank

    • The usual look of the site.
    • Remote generation of a request.
    • No need to pass identification or additional registration in some account.
    • A convenient form of payment in the form of a debit from the account.
    • Mandatory connection to Internet banking.
    • Individuality of tariffs for the service, as well as the timing of the response to the request.
    • The need to select a bank according to certain criteria (a financial institution must have an agreement with the NBCH, an Internet banking service, as well as a well-established procedure for providing a CI at the request of a client online).

    Forming a request through intermediaries (on the example of

    • A clear indication of the cost of the service in the amount of 299 rubles.
    • Ease of submitting a request.
    • Cooperation with more than 700 banks.
    • Prompt processing of the request within 5 minutes.
    • Loyal attitude towards customers (in particular, if due to technical reasons in the operation of the payment system the payment for the service was made late, the company is ready to provide a discount at the next request).
    • The obligation to fill out a form with personal data (in case of contacting unverified companies, such data can be used by fraudsters).