About bis group (). SFW - jokes, humor, girls, accidents, cars, celebrity photos and more

About bis group (). SFW - jokes, humor, girls, accidents, cars, celebrity photos and more
About bis group (). SFW - jokes, humor, girls, accidents, cars, celebrity photos and more

"Alo! He listed me!", "Click on the pause of De Jay, I'm yours or anything", "Crazy Man", "Katya, Take the phone! This is he, he is calling!" ... what is it? ! Well, of course, it is clear, the factory of the stars as always in everything with its repertoire. But you can still come up with something better, more interesting, original. After all, as I noticed that the FZ has recently become different songs and melodies, and in a good direction. But still, melody, is a melody, and the text is the text. And bad text with a bad meaning may be for a good, excellent melody to a spoonful in the honey barrel (as the opposite) and, accordingly, the whole song will be spoiled, as in this case, with "Katya" and "yours or any". It turned out simply some kind of Abra-Kodabra ... Well, in general, he remains to be desired ...

When the first time he listened to a little from the chair, I did not fall (click on the pause of DJ, I'm yours or anything) Blue? (Hello, brought?) Mutants - the men get pregnant!

Fuka with a ban, 04/10/08
Katya Fosims Phone Eto Josko (((listened, I can not move. Sex symbols of our devices. Kill them anyone, make a good deed.

Zazel., 04/10/08
The wise degenerates are not quite understandable! Horror! What their mordes are nasty, already play hunting. They look like as if to get to the plant's factory they were saddles in some not quite anxious gay club. And the songs are full of primitive and idiocy. I do not understand these ten-year girls who drool on them, stupidly glue the walls of their rooms by their posters and kiss a dusty screen when their stupid clips show on TV. What do they find in these durable creatures that are digging in their snot?

Colby Taylor, 06/10/08
songs are disgusting and tangible (((although the voice seems to eat .. but I kill my other: I somehow turned on the TV, there was a cosmopolitan program .. there is a group of bis .. there is such a complacent, but at the same time, tercoly Uncertain in themselves .. and behave like women .. too, too .. at the show-business, I got .. Idy ..

Guitarist, 06/10/08
"Vladik Sokolovsky wears in the cosmetics" Zinyrit "from pimples, and Dima bikbaev-tonal cream ..." People! World turned upside down! Pop with fashionable space and dripping snot - these are our idols !!! It seems that there are voices in the boys, but this pop immunity is just a soul turns out! Dances, ohh-ahi ... is music? This is the foliation and planning of beggar stereotypes.

Goddog., 07/10/08
In my opinion, an excellent move - to immediately compose the composition in the format of the rington. I think for such ideas the future. Ideally, it is necessary to record a whole album of songs with chivari "Came SCSSK, maybe it's from Olski?", "Tolik, answer, otherwise you are a bear", "the phone is frowning in your pocket, I got sms from Ani", etc. And all the images of performers are replicated exclusively in vectors, for the convenience of applying for souvenirs. And clips are mounted immediately in 3GP.

Goddog., 07/10/08
By the way, an excellent song about Katya. Only it should be further modified. "For example," Katya, take the phone, it is an elephant, it is an elephant call. "Or" this is a clone. "So even more interesting. Or" Elephant Clone ". Psychedelic. Katya, turn on the bag, this is a clone, elephant clone: \u200b\u200bhe wants To pick up your soul and devour your insides, and only the sound of the patefone is able to neutralize it. Katya, grab the plafof, it is Mormon. Pei hormone, join the UN.

Lincoln Park., 08/10/08
Not expensive, this is not a group .... ha ... Already it was ridiculous .... And it is not even music ... This is a typical representative of such a fucking "organization" as the stars factory .... And worse than the Russian pancake Type of pop .... Such one-day all the music industry is sisite .... Eh ... I'm already tired of waiting when something normal will appear in Russian ... I can't get anything ... I think I think hopelessly to wait

Fuka with a ban, 08/10/08
I listened to)) "In my eyes it was read black on white - Become if you want my boyfriend," ... as I did not try in front of the mirror, I could not depict such a first eye :(

life is not death, 11/10/08
pop is horror! Okay about bis, so about bis ... how can you love them? These freaks that have lips, ass and many plastic operations are made! Horror !!! Freaks! I am in school in school ... a trip is held two 12 year old girls: -naesh, I love rock !!! Listening to the Ranetki and Bass !!! I almost rushed !!! Rock !!! Hmm ...

zelegagna, 29/10/08
two disgusting homosexes, which goes crazy a big crowd of silly girls. It is scary. It seems that normal courageous men (sorry for tvtvatabyia) and are not needed by anyone. About texts I am better in a modest in the corner will spin. Girls, let them love each other, and you do not interfere, but? .. Or want to find out the secrets of makeup or seduction of men from these cute boys? ..

Muser., 29/10/08
this is a poverty, like other pubisy groups. Another artificial project.

Romi, 20/01/09
Some creatures in pink thaws, with rims in blond hair, they are generally girls or boys? Looks like themselves have not yet decided. About the vocal data and the repertark is better silent.

Mikrula, 04/03/09
i do not understand how can you love this uncertain floor? Are these boys or all the same girls? Pay attention to these hair, makeup, pink T-shirts in tightness .. and such hemofraditis hybrids are accepted by our society ... terrible ..

Ameli18., 04/04/09
In my opinion, everyone is clear that they are fagots ... When I "Katya Take the phone" on TV saw, I didn't rumbled a little fainting ... Nightmare. D A G E N E R A T S T in O and Deprovers.

gothica696., 10/04/09
I agree with everyone who wrote an advanced! And especially with the "Fuka with Banana", you know presented as in my eyes it was read black on white immediately for the idea: "Eyes with a running line is cool." It sounds dumber nowhere! I personally, I will not Listening to the bis Even if I am offered 100,000,000 rubles! By the way I will not hide, you want to think me with a malyavka, but I am now learning in the 7th grade and all my classmates simply missed these homosexes! Also, I dictate the conditions Type I do not call Bisikov (FE.MNU Strip) gays and homosexes and we will not be called Ramstein as freaks! (I painted the Zzard in the whole school in front of this! Girls do not love horses and the like!) And the Ranetki, and worse! Rock! By the way, I also saw a similar case. Like someone old one: there are 2 youngsters and they say: "I listen to rock ranetocks and bis" so I wanted to say that I didn't grow to understand what kind of stroke! Our people entangle the brain of all Herney! Love bis, ranets and Do not glare Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

sAIX, 22/04/09
I have already spoken about my attitude to a similar pop, I will say again. I think the thinking (that is, normal in my understanding) in life will not listen to a similar torment. When I hear them (exactly how and when I hear Timati, Lazarev and a similar nonsense) turns me out on the wrong one.

Le La., 21/08/09
I wonder what might like bisovtsy? I do not understand .... They did not open anything, they sing some kind of permanent and confusing (I will say frankly) snot, you can't tell a big other word)))) Hmm, maybe there is something like that, but only the gay appearance and typics of the songs are visible ... who do not hurt a drop ...... in the clip "Katya" they were dressed in women's T-shirts, well, Mlyn, they are definitely an indefinite orientation! Because the normal masculine would not put a female shirt with rhinestones and hearts ..... Bonal clips, songs, after a couple of years they will forget about them and do not even remember. As it usually happens, they will beat on the screens and then, they do not develop at all! As Sitated one place, they are sitting ... I do not understand who can they like?

A Face in the Mist, 28/08/09
Another pop project aimed at moving money with the masses. Their songs are not interesting, they do not make any point in them. The theme of creativity, like any pop, is love - the feelings that performers do not feel fulfilling their songs. Saw without emotions. Do not even sing, but simply stretch words to music. Yes, and vocal data are very ordinary. They did not raise anything new and original. I do not understand people who listen to such one-day songs and at the same time try to find any meaning in them. I would not listen to their songs even just for noise background. As I wrote, this music gives a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhat musical art should not be.

Death Is Only The Beginning, 28/08/09
The usual guys of metrosexuals with cute persons, and the "music" of the radiant on young girls who, seeing them on TV, will not listen to that halize they sing, and will be pi ...... hot geyser from their appearance.

Blast., 12/01/10
I will not write anything better, but it pulls everything on the mat. (I realized that in the country it is not fashionable to be courageous)

StreetRunner., 12/01/10
how does it infuriate me a homosyatin bis - from the word Bisekexuals

Caramel with Vanilla, 27/03/10
Ugly on rarity guys, no less ugly in their stupidity texts, a herd of youngsters with a notch * xome as a fan mass .. Is everything clear? Pops stupid!

Evalina Avonavi., 27/03/10
Fu! These are the sugary boys. This popsople is designed for stupid juvenile girls who will be madness from these nasty saunks (sorry for the expression, but I can not pick up a more suitable word). Talking, it is not music, but not all that!

Ne44to., 04/04/10
Because they are horror as like girls! Especially tormenting me from Bikbayev, feminine is a well-kept lyrco, painted sponges, hairstyle - hairs to the hairs! Who said it is a man?! Yes, Baba is the most natural. And the lyrics in general Pops are Golima, the lowest stage Popes! "Katya, take the phone" - killed, barely heard. And is this removable listening to my levels ?? !!

Canzonetta., 04/04/10
The wrong clip was removed on the song "Katya". In theory, the name Katya must be replaced by Vasi or Petit or I don't know how they are called there, in general, addressed to one of these combi. And show how it sits away in his pink shirt and masturbates on Enrique Iglesias, and here the other Gomik and Oret calls: "Petya, take the phone, it is he who calls ... Petya, take the phone because it happens When for the first time in love ... ". And then a happy happy end-end - the homies are placed and go to Holland to marry. This is the right text, apparently because of censorship and replaced Petya to Katya. Our country is not yet ready for groups of this kind, we are too left, and thank God. Watch the semi-millenchikov semi-cells is a pure perversion. Let fly from here and there with each other they are advised, who is what kind of hair paint uses. The minds are unhappy, watch disgusting!

Axxel., 05/09/10
Very stupid and meaningless songs without the slightest hint of the semantic load. Yes, this image of blue handsome boys ... in a word, the best music for students of junior classes and (not) latent homosexuals.

Aylar Lie., 08/11/10
they assholes, in the factory picked out of themselves inseparable and devoted friends, as well as the business went as money big and glory fell on them collapsed and broke up, stupid bastards, and the appearance did not shine, Sokolovsky in general, it is possible to look at Bikaev!

Pantyurkist., 15/11/10
judging by their name of the group it is clear that they are bisexuals

The correct tag of this artist is not bis and bis. Please, Iz.

"BIS" ("Bikbaev and Sokolovsky") is the Russian popp group that existed from 2005 to 2010. The project participants were Dmitry Bikbaev and Vlad Sokolovsky. Producer and author of most songs group - Konstantin Meladze

Dima Bikbaev and Vlad Sokolovsky first met at the beginning of June at the casting of the new project of the Meladze brothers "Star Factory - 7". The guys quickly found a common language and during all tours of the casting, which pulled out for almost 3 months, was very sfed.

They constantly performed together at the Mennicon Concerts ("Theoretically", "Dreams", "I Was Made for Loving You") and at the reporting concerts in Ostankino ("Shalands", Duets with Victoria Daineko, the hope of Babkina, Banderos group). The idea of \u200b\u200bfurther joint creativity has repeatedly visited the guys.

But in mid-October, the project management was a very complex and intense nomination: the most rating participants in the project - Dima, Vlad and Mark Tishman, were nominated in one trip, and on October 21, Dima, to the great regret of the fans, left the "Star Factory".

November 18, 2007 At the "Star Factory" at the concert in "Ostankino" there was a triumphal return of Dima to the project, and Konstantin Meladze presented a new boyz bend - the BIS group (the name of the group was chosen according to the first letters of the names of musicians - Dmitry Bikbaev and Vlad Sokolovsky ). Soon the team presented her first song "Your or Note" (author of the music and words: Konstantin Meladze), who fell into the music charts and was detained for a long time. The following three singles - "Katya" (Muz. Sl.: K.meladze), "Ships" (MUZ. SER: K.MELADZE) and "Emptiness" (Muz. And.: K. Meladze and V. Sokolovsky) - also became hits and winners of charts.

Developing the initial success, the guys promptly record the debut album "Double People", issued by Mystery Sound (Mystery +), which was sold in the amount of more than 100 thousand copies and fantastically held a long time in the Russian album-chart.

In his interview, Dmitry and Vsevolod say: it doesn't matter whether they are perceived as "colebritis", it is important if people are perceived by our music.

For two years of active work, the Group entered many hit parades and received many awards: "Golden Gramophone", "Song of the Year", M Muztvi in \u200b\u200bthe nominations "Best Pop Group", the "World Fashion" nomination in the nominations "Best Pop Group " and many others. On June 5, 2009, the Nomination - the "Best Group" won on the seventh premium - the "Best Group", bypassing such eminent competitors as Via Gra, Serebro and A-Studio.

In April 2010, there was information that a new soloist appears as part of the Bis Group - a nineteen-year-old Alex Grishin, who has significant external similarities with Dima Bikbaev and Vlad Sokolovsky. It was planned that the new member of the group will begin work in July, however, on May 27, 2010 Vlad Sokolovsky denied this information.

In June-July 2010, according to Dima and Vlad, all fans, and not even fans, expected a "bomb" from the Bis group. On June 1, 2010, Vlad Sokolovsky performed sololy at a charity concert, as part of the action of the first channel "Be the first", in the Nizhny Novgorod there is a new song "Night Neon". On June 4, 2010, Vlad officially announced the decay of the Bis Group and the beginning of his own solo career.

On June 7, it was officially finalized by the decay of the group. Now Sokolovsky is preparing a solo album, and Bikbaev continues to the musical career in the 4POST group created by him, which was presented on September 27, 2010. The band shot six video clips and works on a concert program. Dmitry Bikbaev also released his own performance "Dorian Gray", in which he performed the insignment author, director and performer to the main role. Do not

The BIS group is among the teams that brightly started a musical career with shine, and then suddenly disappeared from the stage. The article will tell about the history of the group, as well as why its participants in Bikbaev and Sokolovsky stopped acting.

First steps to success

The fateful meeting of the future members of the team took place in 2007 during the casting in the sensational project "Star Factory". He justified his name, because he managed to light a lot of stars of the Russian pop. The group "BIS" did not exception. And Vlad Sokolovsky managed to become good friends and always kept together. They sang a duet at the reporting concerts of the participants. The guys so harmoniously performed shoulder to shoulder, that they became one of the most rating "manufacturers". However, suddenly Dmitry was among the nominees for care and left the show. It seemed that the bright plans of friends on a joint musical career were not destined to be implemented.

Unexpected takeoff after falling

The devotees of the guys were in despair. But on November 18, an incredible thing happened on the Grand Concert. Dmitry Bikbaev was returned to the project. Konstantin Meladze announced that Dima and Vlad will enter the group "bis", which he will take under his caring producer wing. This name was not taken accidental. It is composed of the first letters of the names of soloists.

Meladze, who always managed to fruitfully organize the activities of his wards, closely took up the promotion of a novice duet. An excellent foundation for the coming popularity was the "factory". The case remained for small - to write quality songs for children. This for Meladze Labor did not make up.

Hit for hit

Very soon the composition of the group "BIS" presented his first hit called "Your or Nights". The composition quickly flew to the tops of musical charts and firmly strengthened there. Fans were literally preserved on two charming blondes. The following superhitis were songs "Katya" and "Ships". The director is known for working with Meladze, in 2008 and 2009, spent spectacular clips on these compositions.

Konstantin carefully worked the concept of the team, focusing on the teenage segment of the audience. The composition of the group "BIS" personified by no means brutality, but a brave style of youth in the spirit of Justin Bieber. Dmitry and Vlad adhered to the metrosexual image, wearing jewelry and long hair, and before the show did light makeup. For that, some laughed at the guys, but the duet was hardly interesting. Girls across the country knew the words of their hits by heart and pasted the rooms with numerous posters with Bikbaev and Sokolovsky. These pretty blue-eyed blonds became the object of maidy dreams.

Scandalous decay

In 2010, the Bis Group, whose songs were at all hearing, announced decay. It shocked everyone. After all, quite a bit of time has passed since the formation of the team, who had all the prospects for world glory. What was the reason for such a disappointing solution?

Most likely, the whole thing in a quarrel behind which the father of one of the soloists is - Andrei Sokolovsky. It is the opinion that it was Vlad Sokolovsky who actively began to oppose the joint work. "Bis", as his parents convinced, is just a springboard for a solo career.

Indeed, on June 7, the media detected the news of the decay of the group, and in September Vlad presented his own project VS. Literally a week later, the debut single "curious" came out. The most recent track of the singer - "Target". In the clip on this song, an actress Natalia Bardo was starred. Personal life of Vlad is also associated with the "Star Factory". In 2015, he married Rita Dakota, who was also a participant of the show.

Dmitry Bikbaev, the second vocalist, which was part of the Bis group, was similarly focused on another project. He became the frontman of the 4POST group. One of the English-speaking compositions of 4POST even became a soundtrack for the American picture "Keeping Life." Nevertheless, in 2016, the team ceased to exist. At the moment, Bikbaev is the owner of the Gitis diploma - plays the "Theater of the Moon" and even puts his own performances. In addition, he writes prose and poems, film and television shows, and also engaged in charity. Dmitry prefers his personal life under the cover of secrets.

The group "BIS", whose songs won various awards, remained only with the memory, but the fans still follow the solo career of their favorites.

Dmitry Bikbaev (19 years old)

Dmitry Bikbaev is a very independent young man from Ussuriysk. The mind and ambitiousness, talent and the readiness are amazingly combined in this participant "Factory".

From early childhood, Dima was engaged in a variety of creativity, he studied at an art school, participated in self-conceiving and even was the captain of the KVN city team.

At the age of 15 came to conquer the capital. Initially, he wanted to learn on a journalist, but then he changed the decision and devoted himself to acting skills. At the current moment, Dmitry Bikbaev study on the 4th year of not expellent guitis.

For the first 4 years in Moscow, Dmitry worked as a waiter, but eventually engaged in a more apparent business for the actor - now he plays in the theater. In addition, the young man was trying to try himself and as a film actor, he played a major role in one of the serials.

A young man loves to read Russian classics, as well as a silver century poetry. "Portrait of Dorian Gray", according to Dima, his desk book. In the theater of the Moon (it works there by an actor, involved in the 4th performances) Dmitry, most likely like playing the play on Oscar Wilde.

The writer or director is the directions that Dmitry chose if he had not become an actor. Moreover, the soil has been prepared for this - Dima has already written several plays.

Professional vocal education in a young man, unfortunately, no, but there is a confidence that the singer of pop must be primarily an artist. Most of all he likes to sing songs from the repertoire of Elton John and Edith Piaf.

Vsevolod Sokolovsky (17 years)

Vsevolod Sokolovsky Muscovite. His father at his time headed the popular group of "X-Mission", Seva and today remains a fan of his work. Mother - former circus artist. Vsevolod grew up without any grandmothers and nannies, he toured all his childhood along with her mother.

In three years, he had already managed to glorify "working" with Philip Kirkorov, he went to the scene with the singer, and he fed to him the famous hit those years "My Boy".

Sings and takes the lessons of vocal a young man of 1.5 years from his 15.

But with 5 years old, Seva is engaged in dancing, he graduated from the classic school of dances, and now performs as part of the children's group of the famous ballet team "Todes".

Continues to study at school, in the 10th grade. True, due to the permanent tour, Vsevolod studies at the correspondence department.

The guys won second place on the "factory", but rank first in our hearts!