Signs of romanticism in the Cathedral of the Parisian Our Lady. Abstract Romanticism in the work of the "Cathedral of the Parisian Our Lady"

Signs of romanticism in the Cathedral of the Parisian Our Lady. Abstract Romanticism in the work of the "Cathedral of the Parisian Our Lady"

Work on literature. A.T.Tvardovsky "Vasily Torkin".

1 What tells the reader of the poem "Vasily Terkin"?

A.T. Tvardovsky during the Great Patriotic War becomes an expressant of the spirit of soldiers, simple people. His poem "Vasily Terkin" helps people experience terrible time, believe in their strength, because the poem was created by the head for the head. "Vasily Terkin" - "Book about the Fighter." The poem was written about the war, but the main thing for Alexander Tvardovsky was to show the reader how to live in the years of severe tests. Therefore, the main character, Vasya Terkin, dancing, plays on a musical instrument, prepares lunch, joking. The hero lives in war, and for the writer it is precisely very important for the writer, because in order to survive, anyone needs to love life very much.

2. What is the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe head of "crossing"?

In the chapter "Cross" describes how Terkin made a feat when, being on the right bank, the climb on the left to ask for support. Crossing is also dangerous for the comrades of Vasily Terkina, and for himself:

People warm, alive
Went to the bottom, on the bottom, on the bottom ...

Vasily Terkin bravely agrees to twist through the ice river, and when it turns out on the opposite shore, frozen and tired, immediately begins to report, showing its responsibility and a sense of debt:

Allow me to report ...
The platoon on the right bank is alive

Named the enemy!

The title of the head "On award" reflects the described event.

About the modesty of Torkin, the poet says in this chapter:

- No, guys, I'm not proud.
Not peering into the distance
So I say: why should I order?
I agree to the medal.

In the chapter "On award-winning", Trkin talks comic about how he would lead himself, returning from the war to his native village; He says that for the representativeness, he absolutely needed a medal. Dream Terkina about award ("I agree to the medal") - this is not a vain desire to become famous or stand out. In fact, this desire to see the native edges and their relatives are free.

4. In the chapter "At the Privala", the poet tells about Sabanta. What it is?

Torkin himself answers this question:

And who is known from you

What is Sabantuy?

- Sabantuy - some holiday?

Or what's there - Sabantuy?

- Sabantuy is different,

And do not know - do not push

Here under the first bombing

Lie with hunting inlets,

Already stayed - do not burn:

- This is a small Sabantuy.

Having dried up tightly,

Local and in the mustache do not blow.

Worse, brother, as mortar

Suddenly, Sabantuy will begin.

That will be deepened, -

Earth-mother kiss.

But keep in mind, dove

This is the average Sabantuy.

Sabantui - you science,

The enemy flomets - Lutuy himself.

But a very different thing

This is the main Sabantuy.

5. It is known that Vasily Turkina, many soldiers considered their fellow soldiers and never parted with the book. How can this be explained?

The poem "Vasily Terkin" was written by Alexander Triomponovich Tvardovsky during the Great Patriotic War and was published in various newspapers on chapters. This work supported the martial spirit of the soldiers, gave them hope, inspired and, most importantly, it could be started to read from any chapter. This is due to the fact that each chapter in the poem is a separate history that is full of deep patriotism, optimism, faith in the future.

The image of the Soviet soldier Vasily Terkina thought as a feuillery image, designed to mix soldiers at the front, raise their martial spirit.

During the Great Patriotic War, the image of Vasi Terkina remained the most beloved in the fighters. This phenomenon can be explained by the fact that this hero captivated the hearts of readers with their reality and reliability.

6. Characteristics of Vasily Turkin.

The image of the main character of Vasily Terkina, a simple Russian soldier, is a model of human dignity, courage, love for homeland, honesty and selflessness. All these qualities of the hero are revealed in each chapter of the work.

Since the work is written during the war, it goes without saying that the main qualities of the hero, which focuses the attention of the author, is selfless courage, heroism, a sense of duty and responsibility.

He is a symbolic image, a people-people collective Russian type. It is not by chance that his personal biography does not say anything. He is "a big hunter live years before the ninety," a peaceful person, civilian, soldier, if necessary. The usual life in the collective farm is interrupted by war. War for him is a natural disaster, hot work. The whole poem is permeated with the dream of a peaceful life.

Already at the first mention, the surname Terkin outlines the boundaries of character: Terkin means a used, grated man, "grated Kalach", or, as stated in the poem, "Life are grated man."

The world heard through the Terrible Thunder,

Repeated Vasily Terkin:

- We will overcome. Fresh ...

Terkin - Who is he?

Let's say frankly:

Just a guy itself

He is ordinary.

The image of terkina is a generalized image, with all its realism and usability. Tvardovsky gives his hero "communional" appearance, avoid portrait will accept.

("Beauty is endowed / was not excellent. / Not high, not so much, / but hero hero.") Terkin - and bright, unique person, and at the same time it includes the features of many people, he is like It would be repeated repeated in others.

The belonging of Terkina to the most massive family of troops - infantry is important. Hero - Infantryman. "In it - pathos infantry, troops, closest to Earth, to the cold, to fire and death," wrote Tvardovsky at the very beginning of his plan. Terkin - from among the blue-workers of the war, on which the country is held, which took the severity of war on their shoulders.

7. What comes closer to Vasily Turkina with the heroes of folk fairy tales, Russian heroes Ilya, Muromers, Alesh Popovich and others?

The image of Terkina has folk roots, it is "Bogatyr, a sage in the shoulders", "Veschak", "Man's" man. " For the illusion of rusticity, balarage, mischiefs, moral sensitivity and the organically inherent sense of sown debt in front of the birthplace, ability without phrase and posture to make a feat at any time.

In the form of Terkina, Tvardovsky depicts the best qualities of Russian character - courage, perseverance, resourcefulness, optimism and a huge devotion to their native land.

Mother-earth native your
In the days of trouble and in the days of victory
There are no bright and more paints,
And there is no welcome heart ...

It is in the protection of the Motherland, life on Earth is the justice of the People's Patriotic War ("The fight goes, the saint and right, the death fight is not for the sake of glory, for the sake of life on earth ...").

Terkin lives as it were in two dimensions: on the one hand, this is a completely real soldier, the resistant fighter of the Soviet army. On the other hand, this is a Russian fabulous warrior soldier, which in the fire does not burn and does not sink in water.

Bogatyr is not the one in a fairy tale -
Carefree giant
And in the marching queen.
Man's simple break ...
Flour is hard and in Mount Gord
Terkin alive and cheerful, damn!

Terkin comes into martial arts with a strong, physically superior to his opponent. On the one hand, the author enlarges this episode:

As in the ancient battlefield, Chest on the chest that shield on the shield, - Instead of thousands beat two, As if the fight will decide everything.

Twardovsky writes at the junction of pathos and irony, epic scope and sober reality.

Terkin in the book is not only the epic, nationwide type, but also the person. Folklore characters in the eponymies remain among the same from the beginning to the end of the narration. The image of Terkina is given in evolution: the closer to the end of the work, the more sad thinking appears in the poem. In the first chapters, the hero is a bauble, cheerful, but not an careless, not lost in any circumstances, and it was very important in difficult days of war. In the final of the head "On the Dnieper", Terkin silently smokes away from rejoicing comrades, and the last lines of chapter show it from an unexpected side:

- Well, Brother, Vasily Terkin, Cry like? .. - to blame ...

The problems raised by the writer in this work also help to reveal the poem's military topics: attitude to death, the ability to stand up for themselves and others, a sense of responsibility and debt to the birthplace, the relationship between people in critical moments of life. Tvardovsky talks with the reader about the sore, uses a special artistic character, - the image of the author. The poem appears the chapters "about themselves." So the writer brings to his main character to his own worldview. Together with his character, the author compets, sympathizes, experiences satisfaction or indignant:

From the first days of Godina Gorky,

In the grave hour of the land of the native,

Not joking, Vasily Terkin,

We are friends with you ...

The war is depicted by Tvardovsky in the blood, work and deprivation. Infinite night, frost. But a bit of soldier's sleep, not even a dream, but a heavy oblivion, bizarrely mixed with the Jaw. In the consciousness of those who stayed on this, left bank, there are paintings by the death of comrades. Their possible death is drawn in ordinary - but the more terrible - details. Meditsa about the soldiers who died on the crossing, and not only about these soldiers, the poet completes the pathetic lines.

The dead are immortal, and the earth, where forever "froze their traces", becomes the monument of soldiers' glory.

The war described by Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky in the poem does not seem to the reader of an universal catastrophe, inexpressible horror. Since the main character of the work - Vasya Terkin - is always able to survive in difficult conditions, laugh at himself, to support the comrade, and this is especially important for the reader - it means that there will be another life, people will start laughing from the heart, sing lying loudly, to joke - the peaceful time will come . Poem "Vasily Terkin" is full of optimism, faith in the best future.

In addition to terkina and secondary characters, in the book it is an important role played author-poet. This is not necessarily in all the Tvardovsky himself, it is more correct to talk about the art specially created according to the laws of art, the artistic generalized image of the author-narrator. The character of the author-narrator, the personality is evaporated from the work, even foreign-libulated information that coincides with the real biography of Tvardovsky reported. The author - the mediator between the hero and the reader, leads a free conversation with the reader, the presence of which is also felt in the poem. In addition to the "epic" chapters in the book there are four "lyrical" chapters "from the author". In them, the author represents his hero to the reader, it reflects on the plot of the book itself. The feelings and thoughts of Terkina are at the same time the feelings and thoughts of the author himself and the entire people. This explains that it is difficult to catch the line between what the author says about himself and that directly refers to his hero.

However, the distance between the author and the hero during the book is not the same. Initially, the hero is revealed mostly in action, there is little about his inner world, and this "shortage" psychologist reimburses the author. The author reflects and emotionally "highlights" the plot. For example, in the chapter "Cross" at first there is no terkina, and the overall tone of the author's narration is distinguished by restrained sorrow:

And I saw for the first time, it would not be forgotten: People are warm, living walked on the bottom, on the bottom, on the bottom ...

The appearance of Terkina with his humorial request pour the second stack translates the chapter to another plan, makes an emotional discharge.

As the plot develops the border between the hero and the author is erased. In the chapter "About yourself" the author speaks of his proximity to the hero:

And I will tell you, I will not hide, - in this book, whether, Syah, what would be the hero that I say personally myself. I am for everything around in response, and notice, I did not notice that the Terkin, my hero, is sometimes reading for me.

However, the full merger of the author and the hero does not occur. The author sees the prospect of events, its horizons is wider than the horizon of his hero, he considers events from the point of view of all the people. The author, like his hero, grew during the war, became wiser, his voice and a look at the war became sad.

The author and hero ... But the reader is also present in the book - the author with which the author is being conversation. "The book of the Twardovsky L. L. Ozerov successfully determined as not only the book about the fighter, but also as a book for a fighter, helping in life, the soldier's Bible," which you will open in any place, you pierce your finger and read "" 1. It is largely true. And nevertheless, the reader audience of the book of the Tvardovsky is much wider: it includes the author's appeals to the wives of the fighters, and the hidden appeal to the brother-writer - criticism of his poems:

And say, thinking sensible: what is your future glory! What she critic, clever, he reads without a smile, looking for whether there are no mistakes, - grief, if he does not find.

The reader's audience of the poem of Tvardovsky is devoid of professional, age, geographical, social borders. Although, perhaps, the borders still exist: the borders of the aesthetic (deafness to the living Russian word) and national-language, since adequate (congenial) transfer of the poem to other languages \u200b\u200bis unlikely perhaps. But this is the problem of translation.

Read also other articles about the poem of Alexander Twardovsky "Vasily Terkin".

Answer from Galina [Guru]

I tremble from acute pain
Evil bitter and saint.
Mother, Father, Native Sisters
I have for that feature

And I will tell you, I will not hide, -
In this book, there, Syam,
What should be praying
I say I personally myself.
I'm all around in response,
And notice, he did not notice
That and terkin, my hero,
For me it says sometimes.

You can live without food.
Can be more but sometimes
In war of one minute
Do not live without booms
Jokes of the Noemudo itself.

A source:

Answer from Arthur Gazizov[newcomer]
The hero of "books about the fighter", as the author of his work genre determined, becomes Vasily Terkin, which is a collective image of the Russian soldier. But in the book there is another hero is the author. It is difficult to argue that this is always the Tvardovsky himself. Rather, we are talking about the generalized image of the author-narrator. Although some facts from the poem coincide with the real biography of A. T. Tvardovsky, the author is clearly endowed with many features of Terkina, they constantly together
("Terkin is further. Author-trace").
This suggests that the author in the poem is also a Russian soldier who differs from Terkina, in essence, only the fact that "the course has passed in the capital."
A. T. Teddovsky makes terkina with his countryman. And because words
I tremble from acute pain
Evil bitter and saint.
Mother, Father, Native Sisters
I have for that feature
become the words and the author, and his hero.
Amazing Lorism stains those lines of the poems, which speak of a "small homeland" that was each of the soldiers who participated in the war. The author loves his hero, admires his actions. They are always unanimous:
And I will tell you, I will not hide, -
In this book, there, Syam,
What should be praying
I say I personally myself.
I'm all around in response,
And notice, he did not notice
That and terkin, my hero,
For me it says sometimes.
The author in the poem is an intermediary between the hero and the reader. A confidential conversation with the reader is constantly being carried out, the author respects the "friend reader", and therefore seeks to convey to him "the truth is sorting" about the war. The author feels his responsibility to readers, he understands how important it was not only to tell about the war, but also to instill faith in the readers in the disadvantage of the spirit of the Russian soldier, optimism. Sometimes the author as it would invite readers to check the truth of its judgments and observations. Such direct contact with the reader quite contributes to the fact that the poem becomes a clear large circle of people.
The poem constantly serves a subtle author humor. At the very beginning of the poem, the author calls a joke as the most necessary thing in the soldier's house:
You can live without food.
Can be more but sometimes
In war of one minute
Do not live without booms
Jokes of the Noemudo itself.
The poem's text is filled with additives, promscripts, sayings, and determine who is their author: the author of the poem, the hero of the Poem Terkin or the people at all is impossible.
The author is striking the observation of the author, the dormant of his view and the skill of the transfer of details of the front life. The book becomes a kind of "encyclopedia" of war written by "from nature", in a marching atmosphere.
The author is faithful not only to detail. He felt the psychology of a person in war, felt the same fear, hunger, cold, was also happy and burned ...
And the main thing is "the book about the fighter" was written not by order, there is nothing ostentatious, deliberate, it was an organic expression of the author's needs to tell contemporaries and descendants about that war in which the fight is holy and right. The death fight is not for the sake of glory, for the sake of life on earth. "