Greeting team KVN on computer science. KVN "Merry Informatics" (extracurricular information on computer science)

Greeting team KVN on computer science. KVN
Greeting team KVN on computer science. KVN "Merry Informatics" (extracurricular information on computer science)

Non-standard lesson - KVN on computer science

for studying 4th grades.

Type of lesson : Summarizing.


    Check ZUN learning class 4 on computer science.

    Develop attention, logical thinking, memory and imagination.

    Rail interest in the subject, work in a team, friendliness.

Equipment: Computer, interactive board.

There is a class at the lesson, the teams of 6 people are selected from the class, each team presents its name and motto. The course of the lesson is followed by the jury, in the amount of 3 people and evaluate team responses. Upon completion of the lesson, summarize, and detect the winner.

Competition 1. ."What is it?"

Teams, in turn will be offered quatrain-riddles, for each correct response to 1 point.

    Will not leave without answers
    Smart TV,
    Ask a question faster
    And watch on ... (display)

    Like a fireing erudite
    It is easy to manage
    Computing process
    Mind of Computer - ... (Processor)

    To make the thought not to lose,
    Need to record everything in the file,
    And then without any
    In the folder, save on ... (flash drive)

    I will answer the questions
    Our assistant is the Internet.
    Letters quickly get
    Connect to the phone
    The thing is not known to everyone!
    Called ... (modem)

    He solves all the problems
    And contains microcircuits.
    For a computer - like God,
    Best friend - ... (System Block)

    Suddenly on a white leaves
    Point steel appear,
    Rows rose from words.
    Here the text is ready.
    Very fast as sprinter
    Print displays ... (printer)

Competition 2. . "Work with computer"

Two people are chosen from both commands, which should dial text on the speed and correctness.

"Informatization steps around the country:

And in a major megalopolis, and in a small village.

Computerization has penetrated each house:

We see laptops, computers around

This task is estimated in 2 stages, the first correctness, the second-speed. It is estimated to be estimated in 5 points, but for every 2 errors, one score is removed, 1 point is assigned for speed.

Competition 3. . "Replace the letter."

Participants are provided with words from which by replacing one letter you can get a word associated with computer science and computers. The teams for performing this task is given 5 - 6 minutes, meanwhile the fans respond to questions, earn additional points. Sheets with team responses are given to the jury, each correct answer, 1 point. Each proper response of fans, brings the team of its class 1 point.

Task Team :

Bow (byte), bologun (column), boarding (the Internet), tile (cable), count (the code), onshany (rolling), professor (CPU), salt (zero), essence (net), trunk (robot).

Questions for fans:

    Universal information for processing information(a computer) .

    Information entry device(keyboard) .

    How otherwise you can call news, knowledge, messages(information) .

    The longest key. (Space)

    Device for displaying information on the screen. (Display)

    Monitor, keyboard, system block, mouse - all together it is called ... (computer)

    Device to output text to print? (Printer)

Competition 4. The task "Encoded Word".

Write six times the figure, 2. Replace each second digit of the letter O.

The first digit 2 is replaced by the 14th letter of the alphabet, the second digit 2 replace the previous letter of the alphabet (13th). Think and replace the last remaining digit to the letter so that the famous word turned out. (Milk)

For the right solid word 3 points.

Competition 5. "Infant's mouth."

Teams in turn ask the question, if the word guess from the first definition - 15 points, from the second - 10 points, from the third - 5 points, did not guessed - 0 points.

1. Processor - 1. Part of the computer

2. Located in the system unit

3. It produces all calculations

2. Mouse - 1. Manipulator

2. To enter information

3. She has a rug

3. Monitor - 1. Part of the computer

2. There are buttons on the case

3. There is a screen

4. floppy disk (flash drive) - 1. Small thing

2. Need for each user

3. Serves for storing and transferring information.

After the end of the competitions, the jury is given for several minutes to summarize and identify the winners.


    1. Textbook "Informatics and ICT", edited by N.V. Makarova. 2nd edition, ed. Peter, 2007, 160 s.

      Informatics at school: Annex to Informatics and Education magazine. No. 8 - 2006. - M.: Education and Informatics, 2006. - 112 C.: IL.

This presentation serves as accompanied by an informatics lesson who spent in the form of KVN.

So the control of the master's absorption is varied and the consolidation of knowledge is improved.

And even children are interested in the spirit of competition and pleasant memories of such a lesson stay for a long time.

Together with the presentation, I post the material for the teacher with the answers and the font file so that the presentation is displayed correctly.




on computer science for grade 8

Equipment: 2 computers, laptop, projector, screen;

cards for workout, Task for captains, Questions for the contest "Who", drawing for a creative contest, questions for fans.

Stroke Game

1 greeting 2 teams (5 people) represent the name of the team, motto and emblem. (4 points)

2 warm-up You probably know that in the electronic correspondence (and now, sometimes in paper editions), funny faces are often used - the so-calledsmiley . I suggest you think and call the designations of some of them. Discussion is given 30 seconds. The originality and approximate value is estimated. (6 points).

What denotes these emoticons:

8-) man in glasses

: -R show language

3 :-) deer

*: O) Clown

a heart

:)))) laugh

]: -\u003e Cooked smile

:-? man smoking

[: |||:] Bayan

O :-) Angel

Express emotions with emoticons:

Kiss: - *

Strong surprise=-

(chick jaw)

Discontent, puzziness:-\

or insult: - /

Neutrality: - |

Strong surprise (open mouth,8-O. Extended eyes)\u003d -O.

Cry: '- (

Sadness, sadness :-(

Surprise (open mouth): -O.

Strong laugh, laughter to tears:’-)

: '- D

Wink ;-)

3. "Who is someone." Answer questions for discussion 1 minute.

The correct answer is 2 points.

  1. What types of computer mice exist?(Ball, optical and laser)
  2. The status in which the computer enabled does not respond to user actions.(hang)
  3. What is the name of the program to facilitate the communication of the user with the computer?(operating shell)
  4. The smallest unit of information?(bit)
  5. Name the type of applied computer programs in schoolchildren(the game)
  6. What is the name of the tape of the wires?(plume)
  7. What is clear to the computer and is called "machine code"? (binary)
  8. Name the main characteristic of the processor and in which units it is measured.(clock frequency ... in Hertz, Gigahertz)
  9. What is the biggest board in the computer?(maternal)
  10. What is a laptop?(notebook)
  11. What are the names for data compression and what are they needed for?(archivers .... To reduce the volume of files)
  12. What form saves all data in the computer?(in files)
  13. How many bits in one pate?(eight)
  14. What is the wrong entry in the program?(error)
  15. What do you think it means the word "screw" on a jargon computer?(HDD)
  16. Why did the operating shell named Windows?(Windows - English window ... ... because all the folders and files open in the windows)
  17. What is the connection between the city in England, a gun and one of the elements of the computer?(name - Winchester)
  18. When the "Mouse" manipulator appeared, then for him in Russian for some time the name was used by the name of the character of a famous Russian fairy tale. Name the name of this character.(Kolobok).
  19. What is the name of a computer program with which passwords are kidden?(Trojan horse)
  20. List devices to display information.(Monitor, Printer, Plotter, Sound Speakers, Headphones, Projector)

4. Captain competition.Captains Listen carefully a poem and correct errors in it. (5 points)

She was 1100 years old

She went to 101 class,

In the portfolio of 100 books wearing -

All this is true, not nonsense.

When dust tenth legs

She walked along the road,

Puppy always ran after her

With one tail but 100-legs.

She caught every sound

His 10 ears,

And 10 tanned hands

Portfolio and leash were keen.

And 10 dark blue eyes

Considered the world habitual ...

But it will become quite ordinary

When you understand our story.

5. Creative competition . Draw a drawing in a graphic editor. (6 points)


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Signatures for slides:

KVN in computer science state general education institution Secondary school №201 Frunzensky district of St. Petersburg St. Petersburg 2011 presents

Game Stroy: 1. Greeting 2. Warming 3. "Who Who" 4. Captain Competition 5. Creative Competition

Composition of the jury: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

The first competition greeting both teams represent the name, motto and emblem. Maximum score - 4

The second contest workout in the electronic correspondence is often used by funny faces - emoticons. Name the designations of each of the proposed. You will have 15 seconds for discussion. Maximum score - 6

What denotes these emoticons: 8-) 1.

What denotes these emoticons: s :-) 2.

What denotes these emoticons:

What denotes these emoticons:]: -\u003e 4.

What denotes these emoticons: [: |||:] 5.

What denotes these emoticons ::-p 6.

What denotes these emoticons: *: O) 7.

What denotes these emoticons: :))) 8.

What denotes these emoticons:: -? nine .

What denotes these emoticons: O: -) 1 0.

Express emotions with emoticons: Kiss 1.

Express emotions with the help of emoticons: discontent, puzzing or resentment 2.

Express emotions with emoticons: strong surprise (open mouth, extended eyes) 3.

Express emotions with emoticons: sadness, sadness 4.

Express emotions with emoticons: strong laughter, laughter to tears 5.

Express emotions with emoticons: strong surprise (chucking jaw) 6.

Express emotions with emoticons: neutrality 7.

Express emotions using emoticons: tears 8.

Express emotions with the help of emoticons: surprise (open mouth) 9.

Express emotions with emoticons: wink 10.

The third contest "Who whom" both teams are in turn answers questions. Time for discussion - 30 seconds. For each correct answer - 2 points

What types of computer mice exist? one .

The status in which the computer enabled does not respond to user actions. 2.

What is the name of the program to facilitate the communication of the user with the computer? 3.

The minimum unit of information is called ... 4.

Name the popular type of application computer programs among schoolchildren. five .

What is the name of the tape of the wires? 6.

What is clear to the computer and is called "machine code"? 7.

Name the main characteristic of the processor. What units is it measured? eight .

What is the biggest board in the computer? nine .

What is a laptop? 10 .

What are the names for data compression and what are they needed for? eleven .

What form saves all data in the computer? 12 .

How many bits in one pate? 13 .

What is the wrong entry in the program? fourteen .

What does the word "screw" mean on a global computer? fifteen .

Why did the operating shell named Windows? sixteen .

What is the name of a computer program with which passwords are kidnapped? 17.

List devices to display information. eighteen .

When the "Mouse" manipulator appeared, then for him in Russian for some time the name was used by the name of the character of a famous Russian fairy tale. Name the name of this character. nineteen .

What is the connection between the city in England, a gun and one of the elements of the computer? twenty .

Fourth competition Captain Captain Competition, please get poem, listen and correct errors in it. Competition time - 7 minutes. Maximum score - 5.

She was 1100 years old, she went to the 101 class, in the portfolio of 100 books wearing - all this is true, and not nonsense. When dusting with a tenth legs, she walked along the road, the puppy with one tail was always fled behind her with 100-legs. She caught every sound with its 10 ears, and 10 tanned hands portfolio and leash keen. And 10 dark blue eyes considered the world habitual ... But it becomes very common when you understand our story.

Fifth Competition Creative Draw in a graphic editor proposed drawing, using graphic primitives, fill, inscription. Maximum score - 6.

Summing up the final word members jury

Congratulations to the winners !!!

GOU SOSH 201 KVN in computer science developed teacher of informatics and ICT Popova Elena Petrovna St. Petersburg 2011

Municipal budgetary educational institution
Svetachnikovskaya secondary school.

KVN in computer science

Methodical development

Developed: Kaltedina A.V.

informatics and ICT teacher


P. Sevech


1. A plan

2. Script

3. Conclusion

4. Literature



One of the effective ways of upbringing in adolescents interest in the subject is the organization of their gaming activities. One of the ancient means of upbringing and learning is the game.

From the first years of life, the child has a prerequisites for mastering various forms of activity. The first, and the most significant of them is the game, accompanying a person all his further life.

The game for a child is not only a form of activity, but also a means of implementing its activity, not only entertainment, as they suggest uninitiated, but also creativity, labor, method of mastering the surrounding world. Psychologists and teachers have been established that if the child does not play, then he has a delay in mental or physical development.

The game for children is a way to learn what no one teaches them. The game matters and for the formation of a friendly team, and for the formation of independence, a positive attitude towards work, to correct some deviations in the behavior of individual children and much more. All these raising effects are based on the influence that the game has a child on the mental development of his personality.

Despite the fact that with age, the game loses its position, but also in adolescence, it can preserve its influence as a means of stimulating interest in learning.

Gaming component - the combination of techniques and methods for submitting educational material extended to an entertaining shape. In this process, an indisputable impact on the student is intended when knowledge and skills are instilled in unconventional methods.

The game component has its own specifics, which is primarily expressed in the fact that its elements can be applied both in the urgent and after school hours, its leading can be both a teacher and a student, the didactic material can be prepared as a teacher and the student.

1. Event Plan

Subject: "KVN on computer science"

Methodical goal: generalization and consolidation of knowledge, skills and skills obtained in computer science classes; Development of abilities, creative potential and individuality of students in the process of personality-oriented interaction of the teacher and disciples.


    development of sustainable interest in computer science, creative activity;

    development of algorithmic thinking, memory, care;

    education of respect for the opponent, the ability to dispover, resistance, will to victory, resourcefulness;

    repetition and fixing the main material presented in extraordinary situations;

    the formation of a system and information approach to the analysis of the surrounding world;

    the formation of skills and skills that are in modern conditions are general scientific, general-purpose character;

    the use of knowledge obtained, as a result of studying other disciplines in the process of solving tasks on computer science.

Form of holding: Game - Competition "KVN on computer science"

Methods: verbal, visual, practical

Design and equipment: Collection of tables for teams and jury, computers, projector, screen, tables, balls, darts, tags.

Event flow

1. Organizational moment (greeting, message themes of events and tasks,

which will be solved in the process of collaboration)

2. Opening KVN-A

3. Competitions commands

4. Summing up and rewarding

3. Script

Opening KVNA

Leading:(1 slide)

Good afternoon dear guys, jury and guests! Today we have gathered with you to meet the club of funny informatics. Topics of today's meeting "Information", "Coding", "Algorithms and Programs". And I want to start it from the words taken as an epigraph: "who owns information, he owns the world!" Information for a person is, above all, knowledge. A variety of human knowledge can be divided into two groups: declarative (I know that ...) and procedural (I know how ...). Today we will define what you know on these topics and how you can apply this knowledge.

Allow me to introduce you to jury members ( pursuing).

And now let's get acquainted with our teams ( there is a presentation of the team).

So teams are ready? Fans are ready? Jury are ready? Then begin.

Competition teams(2 slide)

Competition 1. Workout "Tags over the abyss" (a link by the name of the competition is pressed, after the competition, you must click on the arrow in the lower right corner to return to the second slide)

The selection of the team is carried out using the lot.
One team member, (the team makes the choice) coming to each trace, should answer the question. If the participant finds it difficult or incorrectly answered the question, then the right goes receive the second team.
The team wins the team that all traces passed faster.
Questions to the competition:

    Minimum information measurement unit (bit)

    Is the amount of information measured in? (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes ...)

    Is it true that the capacity of the floppy disk is measured in Santimers? (not)

    Is it true that in the PC alphabet exactly 33 characters? (not)

    What formula helps determine the amount of information using the meaningful approach? (N \u003d 2 i)

    Is the statement falsely, 1bit \u003d 8 bytes? (Yes)

    Is the statement false, 1 byte \u003d 8 bits? (not)

    All information in the computer is encoded with ....? (0 and 1)

    Which number system does the number 1a relate to? (to hexadecimal ss)

    Which number system is the number 10011010? (to binary ss)

    Name any information process (storage, transmission, collection, processing).

    A combination of well-defined rules for solving the problem for a certain number of steps (algorithm).

    Linear algorithm.

    Algorithm with condition.

    The program cycle is ... (Sequence of commands (series, cycle body), which can be performed multiple times (for new source data) to satisfy some condition).

Competition 2. "Synonyms"(Slide 2)(a link by the name of the competition is pressed, the correct answer appears opposite each word after clicking the mouse, after the contest, you must click on the arrow in the lower right corner to return to the second slide)

1 word-synonym - 1 point

Source word

Word - Synonym

8 bits












Laser disk




Personal Computer



Distribute cards with tables, after 3 minutes cards are collected and summarized the results

(Attachment 1)

Competition 3.Soupc. Captains - the game "Words on Informatics"(Slide 2)

Any initial word is given, the captain of the team must name the following word from the informatics object, which begins on the last letter of the original word, etc.

For example:
Monitor - Rambler - Robot - Text - Traffic - Computer - Raster - ...

Bring 1 point with your team that captain who called the last word.

Competition 4. "Snake"(Slide 2)(

Encrypted words are given in rectangles, they must be decrypted.
For the speed who guess faster, he raises his hand and for the correct answer is given to the team 1 point.

Competition 5. "Programming"(Slide 2)(a link by the name of the competition is pressed, a click on the screen appears tasks and answers, after the contest, you must click on the arrow in the lower right corner to return to the second slide)

Two programs are given with the condition, but the order of strings is broken, it is necessary to properly place the rows in the programs.

CLS IF X\u003e \u003d 1 THEN Y \u003d 1 ELSE Y \u003d X ^ 2

Print Y Print Y


IF X\u003e 0 THEN Y \u003d X ^ 2 ELSE Y \u003d X END

End Input X.

Competition 6. ( slide 2)

Competition « Caution viruses » ( press link by the name of the competition, after the contest, it is necessary to click on the arrow in the lower right corner to return to the first slide)

It is necessary to destroy the evil virus Archers Kaspersky, bursting the ball, and by following the task in the ball. The ball needs to get answering questions on programming. For each correct answer you get a ball. On the task of 4-5 minutes.


    Name the input operator.

    Conditional operator.

    Cycle operator with parameter.

    Print output operator.

    Screen cleaning operator.

    How the mathematical function is recorded square from among the program.

    How the number module is written in the program.

    How to record expression B to degree 2 in the program.

Exercise 1.

Dana table with a coded word and a decoding algorithm.

Encoded word

Fooded word

Decipher the word according to the algorithm shown in the figure in the form of a block diagram and write it to the corresponding table cells.

The resulting word means:

1) information storage device;

2) symbolic information presentation;

3) programming language;

4) Data transfer protocol.

Answer: Sign - 2)

Task 2.

IN The spreadsheet in the A1: E6 range symbols are entered. Write down the characters at the specified addresses in the cells of the letter. The word that happened means:

1) a simplified representation of a real object;

2) a sequence of actions leading to the result;

3) information output devices in electronic form;

4) Information output device in print form.

Answer: Model - 1)

Task 3.

D. ana table filled with symbols of the Russian alphabet randomly. It is necessary to collect the word, starting the movement from the cell (4.4), and then the arrows.

The resulting word means:

1) method of transmitting information;

2) a means of mobile communication;

3) information storage device;

4) information data.

Answer: Information - 4)

Z. addition 4.

Petit has many friends and they live in different ends of the city.

What fragment will restore the road connecting friends in Petit?

Answer: 3)

Task 5.. Fragment of the program:

s: \u003d 0

for x \u003d 1 to 5

s: \u003d S + x



as a result of the execution of the program S is:

1) 63;

2) 32;

3) 31;

4) 10.

Answer: 4)

Task 6.Determine the value of the variable S after performing the next algorithm.

Answer: 18.

(Appendix 2)

Competition 6. "Compliment" (1 slide remains until the end of the event)

The team for the allotted time (5 minutes) should come up with a speech consisting of the most exquisite compliments to the jury from young informatics lovers.
For example:
Your eyes glow like the most expensive liquid crystal monitors

For one compliment - 1 point.
If the jury considers that the compliment is very good, you can put 2 points.

Summing up and rewarding


So, our lesson comes to an end, it remains only to calculate points and award winners. In the meantime, the jury is engaged in mathematical actions - a musical pause.

Evaluation paper (Application)


1. We have computer science
Learn the first class
For the whole year driven by them
What is algorithm

2. We love computer science
Informatics Live
With arguments lay down,
We get up with the results.

3. Programmer go ahead
Informatics names
There are color computers
And flashing disks

4. Informatics Science
Reliable "Higher Class"
Informatics are not bored
There is a caspea with us

After the musical pause, the results are announced and teams are being held.


It's time to say goodbye
I was wondering
And if you - we will meet more often
It will only be useful for us.

4. Conclusion

In the process of preparing and conducting this extracurricular activities, it became clear that such gaming forms of working with students in a complex with other modern educational technologies allow us to achieve the most effective learning outcome.

5. Literature

    Zublin A.A. Gaming component in teaching computer science // Informatics in primary education. 2001. No. 3.

    Phileev S.V., entertaining Basic: Stratic. benefit. - M.: Ekom, 1997. - 192 p.

    Z.N. Gatilova., Personal-centered aspect of the didactic model of the school., Scientific and practical magazine "Zapada", No. 2, 2001, founder and publisher - Center "Pedagogical Search".

    Extracurricular work on computer science. D.M. Zlatopolsky // Informatics. The first of September. № 23 2004

    Computer science. The first of September. № 8 2000

    Well done V.A., Ryzhikova N.B. Modern open computer science lessons. 8-11 classes. - Rostov N / D: Publishing House "Phoenix", 2002. - 352 p.

Sergey Ermakov

Goals and objectives:

Develop attention, logical thinking, memory and imagination.

Educate interest in the subject, work in a team, friendliness

repetition and fixing the main material;

formation of system- information approach to the analysis of the surrounding world;

expansion of connections with other objects.

Equipment: Computer, Interactive Board, Projector.

KVN P. informatics.

(Musical Screensaver "We start KVN ..."

Hello, dear guests, fans and team members!

Today we spend KVN on informatics.

By participating in contests, you must show an entrance, your mental abilities, as well as the responsibility of everyone for the team.


To arouse the right thing

To fail to know failure in life,

You go to the campaign

In the world of mysteries and complex tasks.

Today in the fight scratch their swords team "Wi-Fi", "CPU" and team "the tablet".

Our first competition - "Greeting". The task of commands is to justify the name of the team and submit participants. Maximum evaluation for the contest - 5 points. The first greeting of the audience, fans and the jury represents the team "1,2,3".

Greetings of the team

The captains of the teams represent the names of their teams, their participants. Commands exchange greetings, and also welcome the jury and fans.

Maximum rating 5 points

Leading. Competition "Homework".

Teams stage a fairy tale.

Tale of advanced users and

schustar system unit.

There were grandfather and baba lived and they decided to buy a computer says to themselves once grandfather:

Dream, grandmother, in pockets, go through the neighbors, are going to make money, let's go to the store at the computer.

Screamed grandmother, scored money, and they bought a system unit, no more money for what was missing.

Brought the grandfather system home and put on the window - so that he will warm up in the sun.

idit Socializer and thinks it's time for me however, from these advanced old people to run away until they downloaded. Jump outside the window and ran away on the road, and to meet him keyboard:

I have a keyboard - very thin nature,

If you take me,

Today I will send everyone a seagull all!

Well, let's go with me, suddenly you come in handy.

Guy strong me and dozen

Although he is not great

Without work in the outlet

The monitor will not know!

Answer the system unit and keyboard:

Let's go with us, you see, an advanced user and, though we find somewhere!

There is a whole company, and towards them mouse:

Who are you? - Ask,

I mouse gray is not angry and

Rostic is completely small

When I'm angry, running,

Pulling the neck

But I can't fly

And I can't sing!

I liked the mouse, and the whole company invited her to himself.

And now, finally, he has come that happy hour for our PC blocks!

Went on the road and found their student school number 10 of the city of Angarsk Irkutsk region, this particular boy wanted to have a computer (And he studied well, in all subjects). All blocks were delighted and the student himself is such a great meeting that they immediately began to work.

Put the student monitor on the table, connected it to the system unit, mouse, keyboard. Is sitting satisfied: By claus knocking, the mouse strokes, the dust is erased from the monitor. I liked such an appeal to all parts of the computer and they began to be friends with the boy, to teach him, but he has to learn.

That's fairy tales, and who listened - well done!

Variations for the fairy tale fairy tale provided, it all depends on the energy and desire not only the teacher, but also students, so I will be sincerely glad if my development will help in further work.

Competition 2. "What is it?"

Teams, in turn will be offered quatrain-riddles, for each correct response to 1 point.

1. will not leave without answers

Smart TV,

Ask a question faster

And watch on (display)

2. How the Riberian Eruit

It is easy to manage

Computing process

Mind computer -. (CPU)

3. To make the thought not to lose,

Need to record everything in the file,

And then without any

4. The questions will be answered

Our assistant is the Internet.

Letters quickly get

Connect to the phone

The thing is not known to everyone!

Called. (modem)

5. He solves all the problems

And contains microcircuits.

For a computer - like God,

Best friend -. (system unit)

6. Suddenly on a white leaves

Point steel appear,

Rows rose from words.

Here the text is ready.

Very fast as sprinter

Print displays ... (Printer)

Competition "In the world of logic"

I. "Decoding information»

1) RPGOARMMA - Yvosaka Opzayiai, EHCRAKHTA EE AROTIT RBUAA RPZOA. ( "The program is high poetry, the results of its work is rough prose", rearranged and odd letters in words)

2) Yay Zhgnpnbn, TsSN BRD LA SHADRA RDVNGMU RNAPACZRA ( "How cool that we all have gathered here today", every letter is replaced by the previous one)

3) Repaisbgmoun TBNTs Gotzmtsy Circiers ( "Congratulations to the most fun and resourceful", every letter is replaced by the following)

Maximum rating 2 points

Competition 4. "Work with computer"

Task 1. One person is selected on both commands. Blindfolded it should draw in the Paint Life (Picture 1). Programs are open in advance on computers.

The jury estimates drawings on a 5-point scale.

Picture 1.

Task 2. On both commands, two people are selected, which should be on the speed and correctness to dial text.

« Informatization steps around the country:

And in a major megalopolis, and in a small village.

Computerization has penetrated each house:

We see laptops, computers around

This task is estimated in 2 stages, the first correctness, the second-speed. It is estimated to be estimated in 5 points, but for every 2 errors, one score is removed, 1 point is assigned for speed.

Task 3. From the commands are selected by 1 person who must draw the specified drawing (Figure 2). The correctness of the selected tools is estimated, start drawing from the square, then conduct direct lines. The jury estimates the drawing of the 5-point system.

Figure 2.

Leading. Competition "BROADCAST Information»

Remember the anecdot: "Two deaf met. One holds in his hand fishing rod. Other asks: "Are you going for fishing?" - "No, I'm fishing" - "And I thought you're fishing ..."

Information was transferred, but I did not reach the addressee. With any exchange information We must exist its receiver and source, otherwise this exchange will not make any sense.

Now teams in turn will act as a receiver and source information. A transmit information They will be a non-verbal way, i.e., with the help of facial expressions and gestures. One of the team representatives should depict the subject that is written in his sheet. Other teams must guess what he depicts.

I ask the captains to get my tasks. For training teams is given 3 min.

Pictulate Mimicia I. gestures:

for team 1.: scanner

for team 2.: Printer

Competition 5. "One hundred to one"

The commands are wondering if the command opens the first line. They are given the opportunity to respond to the second porce, if the second and subsequent, then the number of points for the answer is recorded, and go to another team.

Number of points is written in front of each answer.

1. What is the most difficult thing in mathematics?

1. All - 30

2. Tasks - 25

3. Think - 20

4. Theorems - 15

2. What can I do on your computer?

1. Play - 30

2. Pick up the text - 25


6. Draw - 5

3. What prevents from doing lessons?

1. TV - 30

2. Music - 25

3. Noise - 20

4. Linen - 15

5. Parents - 10

6. Love - 5

4. What is the system unit?

1. Processor - 30

2. Mat. Board - 25.

3. Memory - 20

4. Winchester - 15

5. Sider - 10

6. Video payment - 5

5. What object of classes is the most interesting?

1. Computer - 30

2. Walk - 25

3. TV - 20

4. Music - 15

5. Animals - 10

6. Lessons - 5

6. What is MS Word?

1. Component MS Office - 30

2. Printing program - 25

3. Text editor - 20

4. The program installed on the computer - 10

5. I do not know. -five

Leading: We go to the next competition "Identify the proverb"

The task is given 3 min. For each correct answer 1 point.

Before you, programmer versions of famous Russian proverbs and sayings. Try to remember how they sound in the original.

Computer is the best friend.

(The book is the best friend.)

Tell me, what is your computer, and I will tell who you are.

(Tell me which friend you have, and I will tell you who you are.)

Without a computer to live, just smoke the sky.

(Without living, just smoke the sky.)

On the display of Necha Peny, if the video card is a curve.

(On the mirror Necha Peny, if Ryzh Kriva.)

Without hard drive - rapidness, and without motherboard - and all the orphans.

(Without a father - ravage, and without mother - and all the orphans.)

A computer without a program is that the lantern without a candle.

(Head is crazy - that the lantern without a candle.)

The computer does not belong to a person, and a person belongs to the computer.

(Gold does not belong to the meager, and a storm belongs to gold.)

Do not last over old computers, and your old will be yours.

(Do not last over old, and you will be old.)

The computer memory will not spoil.

(Do not spoil porridge.)

The computer on the table is not for only games.

(Head on the shoulders is not for only the caps.)

They meet the laptop, the mind escape.

(For dressing, they meet, in the mind they escort.)

On IBM PC. "Apples" Do not grow.

(Pine apples do not grow.)


It's time to summarize our tournament. The word jury.

Summing up the tournament.

Thank you all for your attention.

For zador and ringing laughter

For fire competition,

Provided success.

That is the moment of the train,

There will be a brief our speech -

We say: "Goodbye,

Before happy new meetings! "