An example of society as a dynamic system. Society as a complex dynamic system

An example of society as a dynamic system. Society as a complex dynamic system

"Society as a dynamic system."

Option 1.

BUT.1.Delieving the main elements of society, their relationship and interaction, scientists characterize society as

1) System

2) part of nature

3) Material World

4) Civilization

2. Community in the understanding of scientists is:

2) ways of interaction and union of people

3) part of the wildlife subject to its laws

4) the material world as a whole

3. Will the following judgments about society?

A. The Company is a system consisting of interrelated and interacting elements.

B. Society is a dynamic system in which new elements and links between them are constantly abolished.

1) is true only

2) true only b

3) Both judgments are true

4) both judgments are incorrect

4. Unlike Nature, society

1) is a system 3) acts as a culture creator

2) is in development 4) develops according to its own laws

5. The appearance of private ownership of the means of production led to the strengthening of the system's bundle. What parties to the life of society manifested itself in this phenomenon?

1) production, distribution, consumption and spiritual sphere

2) Economics and Politics

3) Economics and Social Relations

4) Economics and Culture

6. Which of the above refers to the global problems of modernity?

1) the formation of a socio-oriented economy

2) revival of cultural and moral values

3) Gap in the level of development between the regions of the planet

4) Development of international cooperation

7. Will the following judgments about society?

A. To the number of subsystems and elements of society include social institutions.

B. Not all elements of public life are subject to change.

1) is true only

2) true only b

3) Both judgments are true

4) both judgments are incorrect

8. Which of the mentioned signs is characterized by an industrial society?

1) the leading role of agriculture 3) a weak level of labor separation

2) the predominance of industry 4) decisive importance of services in the economy

9. Which of the signs are inherent in traditional society?

1) intensive infrastructure development 3) predominance of the patriarchal family type

2) computerization industry 4) secular culture character

10. The transition to the post-industrial society is characterized

1) the formation of a market economy 3) the development of mass communication

2) restriction of social mobility 4) organization of factory production

11. A characteristic feature of Western civilization is:

1) Low Social Mobility

2) long-term preservation of traditional legal norms

3) active introduction of new technologies

4) weakness and underdevelopment of democratic values

12. Are the following judgments about the process of globalization?

A. All global processes are a consequence of strengthening international contacts.

B. The development of mass communication makes the modern world holistic.

1) It is true only a 2) is true only b 3) both judgments 4) both judgments are incorrect

13. Country A. With a population of 25 million people located in the northern hemisphere. What additional information will allow to judge affiliates A. To post-industrial type societies?

1) The country has a multi-confessional composition of the population.

2) The country has an extensive railway network.

3) Society management is carried out through computer networks.

4) Traditional family values \u200b\u200bare promoted in the media.

14. The characteristic feature of evolution as a form of social development is:

1) revolutionary character of change 3) violent methods

2) jumpsuit 4) graduality

V. 1 Read the following text in which a number of words are missed.

Western civilization is called ____ (1). The production in the European Region _____ (2) the production required the utmost voltage of the physical and intellectual forces of society, the continuous improvement of labor instruments and ways of impact on nature. In this regard, a new system of values \u200b\u200bwas formed: active creative, ______ (3) activity of man is applied to the fore.

Unconditional value acquired _______ (4) knowledge, expanding the intellectual forces of a person, his inventive opportunities. Western civilization nominated as the most important values \u200b\u200b_____ (5) of the personality and ______ (6) property. The main regulator of social relations are _____ (7).

Select the words from the proposed list that you want to insert spaces.

a) private

b) collective

c) legal norms

d) industrial

e) adaptable

g) scientific

h) transformative

and) freedom

k) religious

2. Find the list of society as a dynamic system in the list and circle the numbers under which they are specified.

1) Nature Seal

2) lack of interconnection subsystems and public institutions

3) the ability to self-organization and self-development

4) allocation from the material world

5) constant changes

6) the possibility of degradation of individual elements

C1. What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of "civilization"? Attracting the knowledge of the social science course, make up two sentences containing information about civilization.

C2. Expand on three examples of the dignity of the formation approach.

C3. Read the text and perform tasks to it.

By gaining all new and new forces, civilization often found a clear tendency to impose ideas with missionary activities or direct violence coming from religious, in particular Christian, traditions ... So civilization was steadily distributed on the planet, using all possible ways and means for this - Migration, colonization, conquest, trade, industrial development, financial control and cultural influence. Little, I will face all countries and peoples to live according to its laws or created them on the sample established by it ...

The development of civilization, however, was accompanied by the flourishing of rainbow hopes and illusions that could not be implemented ... The basis of its philosophy and its actions was always lying elitarism. And the Earth, no matter how generous is, is still unable to place a continuously growing population and satisfy all new and new needs, desires and whims. That is why there is now a new, deeper split - between super-crucial and underdeveloped countries. But even this riot of the world proletariat, who seeks to join the wealth of their more prosperous fellows, proceeds in the framework of all the same dominant civilization ... It is unlikely that it will be able to withstand and this new test, especially now, when her own organism is torn by numerous ailments. The HTR also becomes more suspension, and it is harder and more difficult to pacify it. Having endured us with an unprecedented dotol strength and instilling the taste for such a level of life, which we did not even have thought about, the HTR does not give us so much wisdom to keep our capabilities and requests under control. And our generation is time, finally, to understand that only us now ... the fate is not individual countries and regions, but in total humanity as a whole.

A. Pechesti

1) What global problems of modern society stands out the author? Specify two or three problems.

2) What does the author mean, claiming: "When you putting us with an unprecedented dotol strength and instilling the taste for this level of life that we didn't even think about, the HTR does not give us so much wisdom to keep our capabilities and requests under control? Make two assumptions.

3) Illustrate on the examples (at least three) approval of the author: "The development of civilization ... was accompanied by a flourishing of rainbow hopes and illusions that could not be implemented."

4) Is it possible, in your opinion, in the foreseeable future to overcome the contrast between rich and poor countries. Justify the answer.

C4 * Society - a set of stones that would have collapsed if one did not support the other "(Seneca)

News and Society

What characterizes society as a dynamic system? Fundamentals of the question

June 26, 2014.

Sociology is becoming increasingly popular science, as well as the Social Studies section studied at school. What's the secret? Of course, the fact that society becomes more and more modern and develops the science relating to the social sphere. Information technologies went far ahead, but it does not cancel the values \u200b\u200bof humanitarian disciplines.


What do we mean when we say the word "society"? There are so many values \u200b\u200bthat you can write a whole dictionary. Most often we call the society a set of people who surround us. However, there are also narrower meanings of this concept. For example, speaking about the stages of the development of all mankind, we call a slave-owner society, emphasizing that type of building that existed at that time. National affiliation is also expressed in this concept. Therefore, they speak English society, noting his sophistication and reference. In addition, the class belonging can be expressed. So, the noble society in the past century was considered the most prestigious. The objectives of the group of people are expressed through this concept very clear. Animal protection society displays a set of like-minded people.

What characterizes society as a dynamic system? And what is society? If we speak more widely, then all humanity can be called society. In this case, it should be emphasized that this concept must unite the aspect of communication with nature and people with each other.

Signs of society

What characterizes society as a dynamic system? This issue is natural. And he arises because it is due to the following aspect in the study of social studies. To begin with, it is worth understanding that indicates the term "system". This is something complicated, denoting the set of elements. They are simultaneously united and interact with each other.

Society is a very complex system. Why? The whole thing is in the number of parts and connections between them. Structural units here play a primary role. The system in society is open, as it interacts with what surrounds it, without any visible interference. Society is financially because there is in reality. And finally, the society is dynamic. Society as a dynamic system characterizes the presence of change.

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As mentioned above, the society is complicated and consists of various elements. The latter can be combined into the subsystem. In the life of the society, they can be distinguished not alone, and four. If society, as a dynamic system, features a sign of variability, then the subsystem is equivalent to the areas of life. The economic side reflects primarily the distribution, production and consumption of goods. The political sphere is responsible for the relationship between citizens and the state, the organization of parties and their interaction. The spiritual is associated with religious and cultural changes, the creation of new art objects. And the social is responsible for the relationship between classes, nations and classes, as well as citizens of different ages and professions.

Social Institute

Society as a dynamic system characterizes its development. Moreover, important role Institutes play in this. Social institutions exist in all spheres of life, characterizing one or another side. For example, the very first "item" of the socialization of the child is a family, a cell that converts his deposits and helps to live in society. Then the school is allocated, where the child learns not only understanding of science and develops skills, but also involves the process of interaction with other people. The highest level in the hierarchy of institutions will occupy the state as a guarantor of the rights of citizens and the largest system.


What characterizes society as a dynamic system? If this is change, then what? First of all, high-quality. If society becomes harder in nature, it means that its development occurs. It can be in different cases. The factors that affect this are also two species. Natural reflects the changes that have occurred due to climate change, geographic location, the catastrophe of the appropriate character and scale. The social factor emphasizes that changes occurred due to people and societies in which they consist. Changes do not necessarily bear positive.

Development ways

Answering the question that characterizes society as a dynamic system, we pointed to its development. And how exactly does it happen? There are two ways. The first is called evolutionary. It means that changes do not occur immediately, but over time, sometimes very long. Gradually society changes. This path is natural, since the process is due to a number of reasons. Another way is revolutionary. It is considered to be subjective, because it takes suddenly. Not always the knowledge used for the action of revolutionary development is correct. But the speed is clearly exceeded by evolution.

Society as a complex dynamic system. Public relations

Being people in society is characterized by various forms of vital activity and communication. All that was created in society is the result of the cumulative joint activities of many generations of people. Actually, the society itself is a product of people's interaction, it exists only there and where people are connected with each other in common interests.

In philosophical science, many definitions of the concept of "society" are offered. In a narrow sense the society can be understood as a certain group of people who united to communicate and jointly implement any activity and a specific stage in the historical development of any people or the country.

In a broad sense societythis is the part of the material world closely associated with it, which consists of individuals with will and consciousness, and includes ways of interaction. of people and the forms of their association.

In philosophical science, the Company is characterized as a dynamic self-developing system, i.e., such a system that is capable of seriously changing, preserve its essence and qualitative certainty at the same time. At the same time, the system is understood as a complex of interacting elements. In turn, the element is called some further indecomposable component of the system that is directly involved in its creation.

For the analysis of complex-organized systems similar to the one that society is, scientists have developed the concept of "subsystem". Subsystems are called "intermediate" complexes, more complex than elements, but less complicated than the system itself.

1) economic, the elements of which are material production and relationships arising between people in the process of producing material goods, their exchange and distribution;

2) social, consisting of such structural formations, as classes, social layers, nations, taken in their relationship and interaction with each other;

3) political, including policies, state, law, their ratio and functioning;

4) Spiritual, covering various forms and levels of public consciousness, which, being embodied in the real process of life of society, form what is customary to be called spiritual culture.

Each of these areas, being an element of the system called "Society", in turn, turns out to be a system with respect to elements, its components. All four spheres of social life are not only interconnected, but also mutually determine each other. The separation of society on spheres is somewhat conventionally, but it helps to extend and explore the individual areas of a really holistic society, a diverse and complex social life.

Sociologists offer several classifications of society. Societies are:

a) complementary and written;

b) simple and complex (as a criterion in this typology there is a number of levels of management of society, as well as its degree of differentiation: there are no managers and subordinate, rich and poor, and there are several levels of management and several social segments in complex societies, from top to bottom as income decreases);

c) Society of primitive hunters and collectors, traditional (agricultural) society, industrial society and post-industrial society;

d) Primitive Society, Rabellastic Society, Feudal Society, Capitalist Society and Communist Society.

In Western scientific literature in the 1960s. It turned out the distribution of all societies to traditional and industrial (at the same time, capitalism and socialism were considered as two types of industrial society).

German sociologist F. Tennis, French Sociologist R. Aron, American economist W. Rosto, made great contributions to the formation of this concept.

The traditional (agricultural) society represented the pre-industrial stage of the civilization time-dity. Traditional were all the society and the Middle Ages. Their economy was characterized by the domination of rural natural economy and primitive craft. Extensive technology and hand tools of labor prevailed, initially ensuring economic progress. In his production activity, a person sought to adapt to the environment as much as possible, obeyed the rhythms of nature. Property relations were characterized by the domination of community, corporate, conditional, state forms of ownership. Private property was neither sacred nor an inviolable. The distribution of material benefits produced by the product depended on the position of a person in the social hierarchy. The social structure of a traditional society is classically corporate, stable and stationary. Social mobility was actually absent: a person was born and dyed, remaining in the same social group. The main social cells were community and family. The behavior of a person in society was regulated by corporate norms and principles, customs, beliefs, unwritten laws. Public consciousness dominated providencylism: social reality, human life was perceived as the implementation of divine fishery.

The spiritual world of a traditional society, his value orientation system, the image of thinking is special and noticeably different from modern. Individuality, independence was not encouraged: the social group dictated the identity of the norm of behavior. You can even talk about the "group person", which did not analyze its position in the world, and indeed rarely exposed the analysis of the phenomenon of surrounding reality. He rather moralizes, evaluates life situations from the standpoint of his social group. The number of educated people was extremely limited ("grades for a few") oral information dominated the written in the political sphere of traditional society dominates the church and army. Man is completely alienated from politics. Power seems to be greater value than law and law. In general, this society is extremely conservative, stable, immune to innovations and impulses from the outside, which is a "self-sustaining self-regulating immutability." Changes in it occur spontaneously, slowly, without the conscious intervention of people. The spiritual sphere of human existence priority before economic.

Traditional societies have been preserved to this day mainly in the countries of the so-called "third world" (Asia, Africa) (therefore, the concept of "non-voted civilizations" is also synonymous with the synonym for "traditional society", also claiming well-known sociological generalizations). From the Euro-centrist point of view, traditional societies are backward, primitive, closed, non-free social organisms, which Western sociology opposes industrial and post-industrial civilizations.

As a result of modernization, understood as a complex, controversial, comprehensive process of the transition from a traditional society to the industrial, in Western European countries, the foundations of the new civilization were laid. It is called industrial technogenic, scientific and technical or economic. The economic base of industrial society is an industry based on machinery. The volume of fixed capital increases, the long-term average costs per unit of products are reduced. In agriculture, labor productivity increases sharply, natural closure is destroyed. Extensive economy is replaced by intense, and simple reproduction is expanded. All these processes occur through the implementation of the principles and structures of the market economy, based on scientific and technological progress. A person is exempt from a direct dependence on nature, partly subordinates it to himself. Stable economic growth is accompanied by an increase in real income per capita. If the pre-fined period is filled with fear of hunger and disease, then for industrial society, an increase in the welfare of the population is characterized. In the social sphere of industrial society, traditional structures, social partitions are also crumbling. Social mobility is significant. As a result of the development of agriculture and industry, the share of the peasantry in the population is sharply reduced, urbanization occurs. New classes appear - industrial proletariat and bourgeoisie, medium layers are strengthened. Aristocracy comes in decline.

In the spiritual sphere there is a significant transformation of the value system. The man of the new society autonomy inside the social group is guided by his personal interests. Individualism, rationalism (a person analyzes the world around us and makes decisions on this basis) and utilitarianism (a person does not act in the name of some global goals, but for a certain benefit) - new personality coordinates. The secularization of consciousness occurs (exemption from direct dependence on religion). A person in the industrial society is committed to self-development, self-improvement. Global changes occur in the political sphere. The role of the state increases sharply, the democratic regime is gradually. The law is dominated in society, and a person is involved in power relations as an active subject.

A number of sociologists somewhat specify the above scheme. From their point of view, the main content of the modernization process is in the change of model (stereotype) of behavior, in the transition from an irrational (characteristic of a traditional society) to a rational (characteristic industrial society) behavior. The economic aspects of rational behavior include the development of commodity-money relations, which defines the role of money as a general equivalent of values, displacing barter transactions, wide range of market operations, etc. The most important social consequence of modernization is the change in the principle of distribution of roles. Earlier, society imposed sanctions on a social choice, limiting the possibility of classes of certain social positions by a person depending on his belonging to a specific group (origin, birdlikeness, nationality). After modernization, the rational principle of the distribution of roles is approved, in which the main and only criterion for the classes of one or another position is the preparedness of the candidate to perform these functions.

Thus, industrial civilization opposes traditional society in all directions. Industrial societies include most modern industrialized countries (including Russia).

But modernization gave rise to many new contradictions, which over time turned into global problems (environmental, energy, etc. crises). Allowing them, progressively developing, some modern societies are approaching the stage of post-industrial society, the theoretical parameters of which were developed in the 1970s. American sociologists D. Bella, E. Toffler and others. For this society, it is characterized by nomination to the forefront of services, individualization of production and consumption, an increase in the specific gravity of small-scale production in the lord of dominant positions by mass, the leading role of science, knowledge and information in society. In the social structure of post-industrial society, there is an erase of class differences, and the approach of the size of the income of various groups of the population leads to the elimination of social polarization and the growth of the share of the middle class. New civilization can be characterized as anthropogenic, in the center of it - a person, his individuality. Sometimes it is also called information, reflecting an increasingly affecting dependence of the daily life of society from information. The transition to the post-industrial society for most countries of the modern world is a very distant prospect.

In the process of its activities, a person comes with other people in a variety of relationships. Similar diverse forms of people's interaction, as well as connections arising between different social groups (or inside them), is customary to be called public relations.

All social relations can be conditionally divided into two large groups - the relationship of material and spiritual relationship (or ideal). The fundamental difference of them from each other is that material relations arise and add up directly during the practical activity of a person, outside the consciousness of man and independently of it, and spiritual relations are formed, pre-"passing through the consciousness" of people, determined by their spiritual values. In turn, material relations are divided into industrial, environmental and business relations; Spiritual on moral, political, legal, artistic, philosophical and religious public relations.

A special type of social relations are interpersonal relationships. Under interpersonal relationships understand relations between individual individuals. For This individuals, as a rule, belong to different social strata, have an unequal cultural and educational level, but they are united by the general needs and interests lying in leisure or life. Famous Sociologist Pitirim Sorokin highlighted the following types Interpersonal interaction:

a) between two individuals (husband and wife, teacher and student, two comrades);

b) between three individuals (father, mother, child);

c) between four, five and more people (singer and his listeners);

d) between many and many people (members of an unorganized crowd).

Interpersonal relationships arise and are implemented in society and are public relations even if they are the nature of purely individual communication. They act as a personified form of social relations.


Dynamic called a system that is constantly in a state of movement. It develops, changing their own features and signs. One of these systems is society. Changing the state of society can be caused by the influence of the outside. But it sometimes lies the inner need of the system itself. The dynamic system is characterized by a complex structure. Its constitutes many sublevels and elements. On a global scale, human society includes many other societies in the form of states. States constitute public groups. The unit of the public group is a person.

Society constantly interacts with other systems. For example, with nature. It uses its resources, potential, etc. Throughout the history of mankind, the natural environment and natural cataclysms not only helped people. Sometimes they slowed down the development of society. And even became the cause of his death. The nature of interaction with other systems is formed due to the human factor. Under it usually understands a combination of such phenomena as the will, interest and conscious activities of individuals or social groups.

Characteristic signs of society as a dynamic system:
- dynamism (change in the entire society or its elements);
- complex of interacting elements (subsystems, social institutions, etc.);
- self-sufficiency (the system itself creates conditions for existence);
- (interrelation of all components of the system);
- self-profit (the ability to react to events outside the system).

Society as a dynamic system consists of elements. They can be material (buildings, technical systems, institutions, etc.). And intangible or ideal (actually ideas, values, traditions, customs, etc.). So, the economic subsystem makes banks, transport, goods, services, laws, etc. Special system-forming element -. It has the ability to choose, has a free will. As a result of human activity or group of people, large-scale changes in society or individual groups can occur. This makes the social system more mobile.

The pace and quality of changes occurring in society can be different. Sometimes the established orders exist several hundred years, and then the changes occur quite quickly. Their scope and quality may be different. Society is constantly in development. It is an ordered integrity in which all elements are in a certain relationship. This property is sometimes called the inadecity of the system. Another feature of society as a dynamic system is municipality.

In philosophy, society is determined as a "dynamic system". The word "system" is translated from the Greek as "an integer consisting of parts. Society as a dynamic system includes parts, elements, subsystems that interact with each other, as well as communications and relations between them. It changes, develops, new and the old parts or subsystems disappear and disappear, they are modified, acquire new forms and qualities.

Society as a dynamic system has a complex multi-level structure and includes a large number of levels, sublevels, elements. For example, human society on a global scale includes many societies in the form of different states, which in turn consist of various public groups, and people are included in them.

It consists of four subsystems that are the main human - political, economic, social and spiritual. Each sphere has its own structure and itself is also a complex system. So, for example, is a system that includes a huge number of components - batch, government, parliament, public organizations and other. But the government can also be considered as a system with a multitude of components.

Each is in relation to the whole society of the subsystem, but at the same time itself - a rather complex system. Thus, we have already a hierarchy of the systems themselves and subsystems, that is, in other words, society is a complex system of systems, a certain supersystem or, as they say, the metacisystem.

Society as a complex dynamic system is characterized by the presence of various elements in its composition, both material (buildings, technical systems, institutions, organizations) and ideal (ideas, values, customs, traditions, mentality). For example, the economic subsystem includes organizations, banks, transport, manufactured goods and services and, at the same time, economic knowledge, laws, values, and more.

Society as a dynamic system contains a special element, which is its main, system-forming element. This is a person who has the freedom of will, the ability to set a goal and choose means of achieving this goal, which makes social systems more movable, dynamic than, let's say, natural.

Society's life is constantly in a state of movement. The pace, scope and quality of these changes may be different; In the history of human development, there was a time when the established order of things was not changing at its basis for centuries, however, over time, the pace of changes began to grow. Compared to natural systems in human society, high-quality and quantitative changes occur much faster, which indicates that society is constantly changing and is in development.

Society, as, however, any system is an ordered integrity. This means that the elements of the system are inside it in a certain position and to one degree or another are associated with other elements. Consequently, society as a holistic dynamic system has some kind of quality, which characterizes it as a single integer, which has a property that does not have any of its elements. This property is sometimes called the inadecity of the system.

The societyAkdynamical system is characterized by another feature, which lies in the fact that it relates to the number of self-governing and self-organizing systems. This function belongs to the political subsystem, which gives consistency and the harmonious relationship with all elements that form a social holistic system.