Hairstyle samboursk. Nastasya Sambursk rushed

Hairstyle samboursk. Nastasya Sambursk rushed
Hairstyle samboursk. Nastasya Sambursk rushed

Nastasya Samburskaya

Nastasya Samburskaya decided to radically change his life. She recently announced their care from the series "Univer", in which she filmed about 5 years. She explained his act quite simply: "You were familiar with my character Christina for 5 years. Worked faith and truth, while I don't know my love for this character. It is always difficult to leave the space in the unknown. But no money will save if you are going to work, like a cautious, with a sour muzzle, a port of your own kind of mood to others "(hereinafter, the spelling and punctuation of the authors are preserved, - approx. Site).

As you know at Instagram, the Samboursk signed record number of subscribers - 7.4 million. For several hours of Selfie with the new success, about 300 thousand people looked, 4 thousand of whom left their comments. Mostly very evil, offensive and Khamsky. Some counted that Nastasya was crazy, because in a couple of months I changed some hairstyles, and the hair from the "long" cut off to the "short". For some reason, others counted that the actress seriously fell ill and therefore so briefly triggered. Moreover, Folloviers were not afraid to write that the star allegedly makes chemotherapy here and forced to get rid of the hair. Third began to draw on the allegedly lost femininity of Sambursk and advise trimmed.

Probably, the artist from the soul laughed at comments and ridiculous assumptions of subscribers. She decided to answer everyone immediately: "There are now breathing around, I laugh with you))) Someone writes that I went crazy, someone that in depression ... Even cancer suggested. I just made a haircut because I did not like the car. And, before you write a "Next haircut", read how many people have already written to you. You are not original "(here and then the spelling and punctuation of the authors are preserved, - approx. Site).

Interestingly, some readers decided that all its departures from successful projects and the cardinal change of image are associated with the search for themselves and inner peace. "Now you are a real betman !!! Sambursk, you have a direct domestic protest of the public! What is it connected? .. It is clear, it's called in search of yourself! .. And I really like your new image) It's interesting when a person is not afraid of new images) I think and your life with a new hairstyle will acquire the cocoa of something new page Such said sooo Interesting and crazy happy) ... ".

Nastasya Samburskaya does not like to live according to the generally accepted rules and boldly comes against the system. So in the musical work of the actress and - now - the singer went his dear. If the first track is Nastasya just sowed, then with the second composition showed that she wants to convey his work. Clip, write the name of which we cannot for ethical considerations, turned out to be brave and topical. In an interview, our Portal Sambursk told how she herself characterizes his creativity, and answered the question that made her get rid of long hair.

Recently, the producer center of Victor Drobysh began to Nastasya, the Sesbursk second home - it was there that we agreed to talk about her musical career and work as a whole. Tired after training, the actress met us with a restrained greeting. Our heroine, dressed in a sports jumper, a denim skirt and heavy leather boots, looked in hooligan, but very stylish. In the same hooligan manner and all our conversation passed.

site: Nastasya, the other day your new video came out. Are you yourself satisfied with the result of the work and the reaction of the audience?

Unfortunately, it turned out not exactly what I wanted. Clip We were filmed in America: on the first day in dry cleaning, and in the second - on the street. And so I hoped that the second shooting day would be held in the desert among cacti, and in the end we were filmed in the downtown (city center, - approx. site) on a hill.

"Also for me it became a surprise, how the audience took the clip - I still do not understand why he liked so everyone. In no case want to say that it is a bad job, but I represented it differently. If I got a directorial chair, I would have done everything differently. "

website: This is the second of your clip. Which of the two works do you like more?

N. S.: I can not answer this question, because we are talking about two absolutely different works. Video on the song "Bad Boys" Initially, it was not a clip - we shot a video for the concert "Victor Drobysh - 50 years old. There will be all. " This video was very beautiful, and we glued the clip from it, that is, we did not have a task to take pictures, but rather I wanted to show that I could sing.

website: Do you already have ideas for new clips?

N. S.: Yes, the next video we are going to shoot in Moscow. I think I can reveal a small secret - it is possible that real people will be involved in the frame without a certain place of residence. My songs will not suit the usual video sequence with sparkles and beautiful artist playing on the piano. We shoot a small film to convey the meaning of the text.

website: How will the song be called on which they are preparing to remove the clip?

N. S.: The working name "the whole bomb" will be gathered "or" it was not fallen in love. " The song is practically ready, but only a demo version is recorded. I'm waiting when Viktor Yakovlevich will come back with the shooting (Drobysh, Producer Nastasya Sambursk, - Approx. Site)So that we can complete this work.

website: Can I say that you are reading rap?

N. S.: I do not know. I once blurted out: "I'm not guilty that we have some kind of rap?". What I was told: "Why is it rap?". Others, on the contrary, ask how long I will still read.

"In general, I do not consider myself a rapper. Just my songs are impossible to sing. I intentionally did not choose the genre, because it does not matter me. The main thing is what I sing about. "

site: Maybe you are born your style?

N. S.: Maybe. We have a lot of material, and it is absolutely different. But our songs are nonberbal type "Socks-snot, dying and still without you, loved and suffer, oh-Liu, la-la-la." You see, I just composed a song and another Million I can throw such poems. I can even write music, even if I don't quite understand the styles - my soul sings.

website: Do you play on some musical instrument?

N. S.: Now I'm learning to play guitar. For me it is difficult, because classes need to devote much time I do not have. I come home, and there is no strength on the guitar.

"As a result, I decided that I would ride in the car in the rear seat and learn to play. This is perhaps the only moment when I can take a tool into hand. While I only know a couple of chords, and my dream to go out on the stage and scream: "Olympic, I do not see your hands!". And to wake the guitar. "

site: Do you want to devote yourself to a musical career completely?

N. S.: Previously, I calmly combined work in the cinema and in the theater. I think that now I can make my schedule so that I don't have to make a choice between acting career and music.

site: yours external transfiguration Are you related to the fact that you seriously engaged in music, or is it just a change in the image?

N. S.: These changes are not connected with anything. I just have friends - hairdressers: one will hold up, the other will paint ...

Perhaps I'm just tired of walking with a long chapel. I am expensive my time - I often visit the gym, and after classes for a very long time every time was washed and dried. Today, after training soap head gel for the shower, because there was no shampoo. And be it now with the former Copper, my hair would stick out in different directions or would fall off at all. Through long hair it is difficult to care.

website: Your fans believe that with the help of a short haircut you want to become less feminine ...

N. S.: Believe after the haircut, my character did not change at all Just he became noticeable. Previously, people paid attention to my feminine appearance and closed their eyes on a difficult character, and with a short haircut in me everything became harmonious.

"I feel comfortable with such a hairstyle. The only thing - tired of comments and requests that I again reflect the hair. But I can't do it momentary. With my head, I myself will deal and I will wear that hairstyle that I like, and not to someone else. "

site: But, nevertheless, how do you care like the support of fans?

N. S.: Of course, I want fans to be well perceived me, and did not attribute to tomatoes on speeches.

N. S.: I can send and send, but more recently, under a contract with one company, I have forbidden to publicly send people. So you have to do this condition.

N. S.: Now I am involved in three performances. We also rehearse another formulation, which is called "Salem Witches" - its premiere is scheduled for April. Shots are scheduled for spring and summer, so while watching my musical creativity.

The plans are also a tour to Germany and America, in September we are touring theater in Yekaterinburg. You can also reconsider movies and serials with my participation. (smiles). I can not only send everyone to Instagram - I also do creativity.

Actress, Star of the series "University. New dorm" Nastasya Samburskaya does not cease to surprise fans with their experiments with appearance. True, all of her previous beauty interventions are fascinated compared to today. The actress was laughed at a gland and hurried to tell subscribers in Instagram, why did she do it.

A couple of years ago, when I had an instagram, I argued with a friend that if I would collect 8 million subscribers, I wanted to sleep. Strange dispute. And I shaved. Thank you, my subscribers! Now wait for the 9 million! There I have a new loss scheduled

Scribed sambouric.

Samburskaya is an absolute record holder in the number of folloviers in the Russian Instagram. Olga Buzova is breathing in the "back", for which 7.9 million people follow today. Whether the TV host will somehow mark the coming "anniversary" - soon see.

New haircut Nastasya Samboursk

To part with long dark hair, to which the fans of the series "University" are accustomed, Nastasya decided a few months ago. At first she made a square, and then even stronger shorter hair, painting them in blue. However, the experiments did not end this - in the shooting of Hello! In December last year, she already appeared with a blonde.

A new image corresponds to my temperament. Everyone got used to classic beauty, long curls and puppet, but this is not me. Short boyish haircut - this is what reflects my character and my inner state,

An actress was told in an interview.

So looked Nastasya at the end of last year

Nastasya Samburskaya with long dark hair

Actress, Star of the series "University. New dorm" Nastasya Samburskaya does not cease to surprise fans with their experiments with appearance. True, all of her previous beauty interventions are fascinated compared to today. The actress was laughed at a gland and hurried to tell subscribers in Instagram, why did she do it.

"A couple of years ago, when I had an instagram, I argued with a friend that if I would collect 8 million subscribers, then I wanted a strange dispute. And I shaved. Thank you, my subscribers! Now wait for my 9 million! There I have The new loss is scheduled, "said Samburskaya.

Samburskaya is an absolute record holder in the number of folloviers in the Russian Instagram. Olga Buzova is breathing in the "back", for which 7.9 million people follow today. Whether the TV host will somehow mark the coming "anniversary" - soon see.

To part with long dark hair, to which the fans of the series "University" are accustomed, Nastasya decided a few months ago. At first she made a square, and then even stronger shorter hair, painting them in blue. However, the experiments did not end this - in the shooting of Hello! In December last year, she already appeared with a blonde.

"A new image corresponds to my temperament. Everyone got used to classic beauty, long curls and dolls, but this is not me. A short boyish haircut - this is what reflects my character and my inner state," the actress told in an interview.

aMBERSKA - Absolute recordsman in the number of folloviers in the Russian Instagram. In the "back", Olga Buzova breathe, for which 7.9 million people follow today. Will TV presenter somehow celebrate the upcoming "anniversary" - I'll see soon.

Recall, recently Samburskaya received a special process from Neforum Awards (National Blog's Blogger Prize) in the "Most Popular Instagram of Russia" category. Applicants for the first national award for bloggers determined the national vote, and the winners called the authoritative jury.

To date, the star "Univers" has 8 million subscribers.

It is worth noting that the scandalous actress Nastasya Sambursk is adopted for more than 6 years ago in the theater troupe on a small armor. She successfully plays on a large scene, and one of the last performances in which Nastasya takes part, "Rabbit Nora."

Before entering the scene, Samburskaya took a photo of the dressing room and surprised fans with a new twinge. Nastasya commented: "On full body kit, I am preparing for exit" (spelling and punctuation here and then the author. - Approx. Ed.). Samburscom's subscribers are perfectly aware of the love of the actresses to the shocking outfits and the bright color of the hair, but this frame struck fans.

The photo shows that Samboursk again experimented with the color of the hair. This time the dark blue prompted the fans to recognize the artist in love: "cool! The image is super, you really go! "," Rock beauty "," You are in any shiny "," Lord, how I like your style. "



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